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Foreword Victor A. Efimov CONCEPT POWER Just about the complex mechanisms ruin Russia Saint Petersburg 2003 Foreword From the standpoint of system knowledge of Holy Russia priesthood given an idea of the existing schemes of global supranational control Russia implemented a

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Viktor Yefimov

ForewordVictor A. EfimovCONCEPTPOWERJust about the complex mechanismsruin RussiaSaint Petersburg2003ForewordFrom the standpoint of system knowledge of Holy Russia priesthood given an idea of the existing schemes of global supranational control Russia implemented a conceptual power of the latter over thousands of years.The reader will find an explanation of the causes of inoperability of these schemes at the turn of the millennium, between us is, see the logic of social behavior.This period, called the Apocalypse in the Bible, does not mean the collapse of chelov echestva it means the collapse of the global control algorithms that have dominated the globe for more than three thousand years.Revealing the essence of these algorithms, the priorities of foreign conceptual power, which allowed the biblical "beekeepers" over the last thousands of years for the benefit of Western civilization is stable to support the regime miserable existence in our country, is rich in natural and intel lectual potential.This was no conspiracy behind this is not meaningful n Arod Russian external control circuit to complete the function to bend Chiyah our statehood.So hardworking bees lifetime without protest and aggression fed beekeepers working with them. Pchelov of dy "beekeepers" - different.It's time the Bible "beekeepers" in Russia s When you have completed.Understanding the materials of the book, especially the second and fifth sections, can drastically improve on your personal life, family life, all of our people. This information is particularly significant ting women, became acutely aware of the threat to their own ancestral line of genetics.It is important not only OVL adet information these sections, but also to understand that God does not change what happens to us, until we change ourselves, our behavior patterns until they give up the customs and habits that are imposed on us by global maliciously Biblical "beekeepers".The book is useful for anyone who wants to climb over the web artificially imposed a false pluralism demo patriotic opinions and take direct part in the upcoming transformation of Russia.VA EfimovPublisher "Social Initiative"190121 St. Petersburg, ul. Decembrists d.35ISBN 5-94901-010-8 Viktor YefimovTABLE OF CONTENTSForewordPreface to the Third EditionIntroduction1. Legally established and implemented in practice the system of government. Mystery conceptual power and its management periphery. The Law of Time2. Chronological control priority. God and his messengers. Biblical distortions Single Testament gospel, revealed Christ. Idealistic atheism church hierarchy.3. A single mechanism of opposing ideologies, politicians and the media as a tool of conceptual power. Features of this mechanism in the biblical concept of control4. Credit and financial system and supranational control through interest on loans5. Alcohol, tobacco and other means of influencing the genetics and the human psyche, as a global management tool6. Military conflicts, as the scenario of development of a third party. Conceptual view of the crimeClosingAPPLICATIONS

Message from the President and methodology of external convertibility of the rubleDecision VII All-Russian scientific and technical conference on the topic: "Basic research in technical universities"Introduction to Conceptual Party "Unity"Literature1ForewordForewordExactly 10 years ago in the journal "The Young Guard" (2, 1990) published an article "Concept lectual power: myth or reality?"It marked the beginning of open bringing to the peoples of Rho SMAI sealed (hidden) knowledge of the truth, but not declared control circuits social development is smiling only a fragment of the full concept of management functions.Methodology, conceptual control algorithms have their origins in ancient Egyptian zhrech ETS and have not changed significantly over the past three thousand years.Priesthood previously discovered standing over the Pharaohs, and preferred to work secretly, putting to the fore the interests of his clan, has degenerated into a hereditary voodoo structure. These n asledstvennye voodoo structure of the development of civilization moved its headquarters to the places most com Fortney residence (Egypt about.Crete, Spain, Switzerland). Passing secret information about the basic methods of management on the principle of "from father to son," these clans operates tourists to this day, they carry real, no one declared by the conceptual management with the times "Pharaohs" Euro-American conglomerate and controlled countries.The entire constellation of current P resident and perfectly amicably should neoglashaemym provisions of this nadg osudarstvennoy conceptual power in any, even the most absurd from the standpoint of common sense, si tuations.Suffice it to recall "of humanitarian with this very" in Yugoslavia, or the protection of notorious international banditry in Chechnya.Puppets are not aware of the prescribed authority to ntseptualnoy script or does not play by the rules, leave the stage, others simply are not allowed to it.Involved general planetary algorithms enslavement controlled countries in each of them disguised as a type of state functioning. For example, in a global economymatic priority enslavement controlled by means of a specially constructed for this global credit and financial system to the provision of money at interest, and on that basis, obtaining financial ones benefits outside the scope of creation.The peripheral part of this global supranational system of robbery are the so-called yvaemye central banks, foreign inherently education system wisely organized public authori ties.However, in our country, as in many other countries, this global international system c abezha disguised as a type of business called "banks cal business."For reliability of camouflage in this activity included public benefit pounds ktsii such, for example, as a function of the calculated system of the country, the issue of means of payment, but they do not change the original purpose of the base of the Central Bank.However, any heroic efforts of the compulsory labor productivity nullified by the inevitable transfer of wealth in the international corporation creditors.As is known, n Key Recent years, our foreign debt is about 2 times higher than the volume of your country of venous budget.We also have large amounts of interest and Borrowing tions at the level of the federation and individual corporations.This leads to huge interest payments IU Well tional moneylenders.For comparison, during the Mongol-Tatar yoke country used yla imposed a tribute to just 10% of the manufactured productSimilarly, economic priorities, the global managing of masked and in other areas of public life.Supranational ideological repression, moral dec dix people carried out through the peripheral system that at the state level are presented as impartial and independently operating media, no more than the informa- tion of the population.Alcohol, as the gene gun as a means of biological disorganization pop ulyatsy from insects and wildlife to humans, transformed into public consciousness in not inevitably attribute customs, traditions, rules of etiquette.At a deeper understanding lic life commonly it becomes clear that the essence of it is determined not only pharaohs and priests as the dominant social matrix that forms the image of being in each of the new sub-races melting generations.To help get rid of delusions from zlon and measurements imposed lifestyle alien to Russian genetics and is the aim of this publication.Reviving the image of Ms. situ, which is stored in the collective unconscious of our nation, bringing it to the lexical forms in the level of consciousness, we are expanding personnel base coming global transformation of Russia from the narrow GOVERNMENTAL clans devoted to the borders of the entire nation.This is a struggle for true democracy, instead of imposed authority of the crowd now, is not allowed to shut tight Known iyam.For many centuries the implementation of global management scenarios in relation to our country was difficult recognizable as the duration of these scenarios were significantly superior to the lifetime of one generation. M.E.Saltykov-Shchedrin described the condition of the society is: "How do you not pester man, all he will think that it is not the internal politics, and degree of allowance divine ... something like floods, famine, pestilence." In XX century, humanity has entered a prince ipialno new phase of development, when a constant during the change of generations (25 years) for the first time in history was longer than the period of renovation of the ruling in the world of technology, and, consequently, the period and changes in the superstructure.The processes of global governance, implemented earlier table e sfi is now being accomplished in decades.This led to what is now the algorithms enslavement of our country have become discernible during the lifetime of a generation, and if they have not comprehended in detail, at the subconscious level, "own skin" felt almost every sensible thinking about the man.It is time to translate these feelings in the lexical form, to understand them at the level of the collective conscious, which inevitably will lead Russia from the end of centuries of slavery and ptualnogo come true prediction of the Saltykov-Shchedrin: "They ask whether a man understand what internal politics?I'll just say, "Ber e gites, Lord!Once a man realizes that such internal policies - all of this end of the floor ITIC. "20001ForewordPreface to the Third EditionThe year 2002 was a year of transition Russian public initiative, based on the concept of public security "dead water" from a predominantly besstruk-temperature structural practices.Their important element is formed in 2002 By Mr. conceptually Party "Unity".The series of television and radio reception conceptual grams of "Enlightenment" in St. Petersburg.Expanding the human resource base of public initiatives willow, a demand the party including a brief coverage of the entire system interac mouvyazannyh key problems.Their in-depth analysis, in-depth coverage can be found in the literature referred to in the attached list.The third edition of the social initiative implemented at the request of a number of Russian regions and at the lack of circulation of the two previous editions.01.07.20021IntroductionIntroductionFor many, the thought about the future of Russia are unacceptable, as the previous psevdokommunistichesky regime and those cataclysmic changes that were imposed from the top of our people over the last 15 years have.The brochure give an idea of the ancient system of knowledge of Holy Russia priesthood, RA opens up behind the scenes as the Marxist dogma, and new pseudo development.The first time in a long history that knowledge presented pu lic, embodied in the concept of public security (BER) "Dead Water" held in 1995. Parliamentary hearings.The origins of this knowledge is stored wise men, who themselves determine the terms of their general, they are not bound by time and never collected dirt on someone else.In Length enii centuries they and their ancestors consciously excluded any possibility at least once eating of tobacco or alcohol.These principles, its own security system, greatly surpassing the methodology achieved all intelligence agencies of the world, we have allowed them to safeguard and develop the system-wide knowledge, not only centuries, but thousands ades.From the following material it will become clear why this knowledge is not made public earlier.There is a need in the explanation of these issues for the widest possible range of readers extremely simple lan com.Each of the Russians should be clear what is at stake at the turn of the millennium. The problem is not lack of knowledge, and the complexity of their supply in Le ksicheskih form acceptable to the uninitiated reader, for all the well-intentioned sensible part of our society.This material does not claim originality of the author, because to date the knowledge described in numerous books authored "Internal Predictor of the USSR" and presented on the Internet ( The purpose of this brochure - to attract attention of the general audit Rhee to the concept of public security "dead water" and to conjugate with her literature.And zlagaemye presentation may be morally unacceptable to all those who are behind the screen, "the struggle for the happiness of the people" solves the problem entirely personal well-being, to discredit the idea of community, kindness and justice.This work is intended primarily for those who do not know about the existence of materials of BER, or has not yet walked on the motivation or time to seriously look into them.This brochure helps to form a holistic view of all the diverse material BER understand its Practical eskuyu importance in distinguishing characteristics of distortions of history and current events, assessments of politicians both past and present.But behind this beneficial ability to timely adjust their own destiny. The lives of many families to read the manuscript of this servant of you, has improved beyond recognition.This knowledge is invaluable for those who have still not figured in the top leadership positions Gapon pseudopatriots - Zyuganovites blagon Intentionally and helps them to hide the root of all the troubles of the Russian people by whipping up emotions and empty language edition of People's steam whistle has ment.The brochure can be useful to anyone who is not guided by the Prince Ipomoea "After us the deluge."The underlying idea is the idea expounded knowledge common to all living on the Earth God - the Creator and the Almighty. Without an understanding of this idea all written, and were themselves the target district and scripture reading will be for a little interesting and attractive.I understand that at this point many of the relsyaschie themselves as materialists would be willing to postpone the proposed brochure.Do not do it, someone else's claim to believe the experience.Knowledge based system BER consider themselves truly faithful, but do not go to church, not connected with the rites, moreover, convinced that faith in God is not a principle with Compatibility of belonging to a particular religious denomination.The core of the system of knowledge is a representation of the BER of the impossibility of real governance, if you do not own all six management priorities and implement their own conceptual power, which is typical for VChE Rashnu Russia.Coverage of these six priorities, their actual influence on the interleaved mu on everything happening in the country and the present study.All the troubles in Russia are St. Oei based on a specific reason: the loss (since the Baptism of Russia, and especially since 1917) management of its own concept of development and the consequent closure of circumstances alien to our conceptual power.This was not necessary to look for conspiracies behind this basic misunderstanding of the real alphabet of governance at the level of senior management of the country, on the level formed on the principle of "elite", including academic, at the level of those who represented the people of TV. All of them "want the best way", but their ignorance in matters of global geopolitical control is, of making them put together a suitable mechanism in the hands of a real supranational level of governance.That is why the conceptual illiterate incompetent would-be leaders get results "as always" planned opposite: the collapse of the industry, instead of accelerating socio-economic development, alcohol genocide, as a result of the fight against drunkenness, wild capitalism instead of socialism with a human face, instead of domestic war ukre n tion friendship among peoples, etc.Conceptually, the tip is illiterate outer periphery management conceptual power, based on it is built a global pyramid in which everyone is working to the best understanding of themselves, and to the extent of not understanding the one who knows more. On this state of public administration Pushkin spoke directly nezakodir ovannoy form:Pasites peaceful people!You will not wake up the cry of honor.Why herds gifts of freedom?They must be cut or cut;The legacy of their kind in childbirth - Jarmo with gremushkami Yes Beach.Fortunately, the Russian geneticist is - not just a single on the mission, ably rassre dotochenny front of Chubais and Gaidar to Zyuganov and Zhirinovsky, and the like.They all laugh at one sodasupranational feeders, and differ only those roles that are reserved To each of them in the global anti-Russian scenario.At present, Russia is already positioning as a powerful conceptual competent human resources in all of its regions.And these people - the future of Roe with these, they have not disappeared in life due to the fact that they are not represented in the virtual reality of television.This is great about them olepnye poetic lines:There is in our own country the prophets.And the most recent periods,When the children of Russian stand.The process of development is a multi-step nature of the BER. In the first stage you will know her department s fragments, not fully understanding their relationship, and the very purpose of each of them.In s question arises: "Why should I?"; "And how it relates to life?" The questions and reflections on the prospectcomes self-development, self-improvement philosophy.At the repeated reference to these materials you will have to read them with different eyes, gradually forming the interleaved and integrity of all information. This brochure will help as soon as possible to form in your mind, and then in the heart information matrix, which are organically way yvatsya all newly acquired knowledge of the BER. However, the perception of this as a holistic system of knowledge as your personal convictions arises only at the stage of serious changes in own cos naniya and lifestyle.As a simple test case for a true assimilation of the BER Venue upaet as it may seem strange, the attitude to alcohol and tobacco, which are in accordance with this knowledge a serious tool for councils tion both individuals and entire countries and continents.The man, who missed the presentation by the BER to the b-governmental soul, in principle, can not consume alcohol or tobacco.For him exposed the viciousness of the idea of cultural drinking, alcohol becomes unacceptable for consumption on the world outlook is uro.One last tip. Take the time to develop the Concept. It will save up to you a lot about it with

multiple returns.You will discover a lot of previously unknown value, get rid of the oppressive genetics habits. Everything that happens, for all his malice, will appear before you tselos t nym and logical.In a few words and phrases you will learn to understand the truth, not falsely proclaimed purpose of their author. You will no longer worship intentioned idiots and spend time whipping up emotions and fighting windmills. This information will drastically improve not only your spiritual and physical well-being but, for most of our e Fiz's issues - a direct consequence of ideological imbalance.Immortal Pushkin become your own condition d ears:Not expensive, I appreciate loud rightsFrom whom no one dizzy.I do not complain that the gods refusedI was in a sweet fate to dispute taxes Or interfere with the kings to fight with each other.And a little grief to me freely whether printingFools fools, Or sensitive censorshipThe magazine designs restrict jokerEverything is to see Mademoiselle words, words, words ...1First Priority1.Legally established and implemented in practice the system of government. Mystery conceptual power and its management periphery. The Law of TimeMany things we do not understand, not becausethat our concepts are weak; but becausethese things do not belong to the circle of our conceptsPrutkovOrdinary consciousness formed by acting conceptually unsound pedagogy, media perceives state power, as the highest form of government, while distinguishing the ideological power of the Executive, legislative and judicial.Similar pre d representation of the system of government and legal documents contain, although they do not fix the Institute of ideological power.Understand and believe that these levels abs olyutno helpless in obtaining SRI final social outcome for ordinary consciousness is almost impossible.Convince others in the reliability of the new knowledge does not meet the centuries-old tradition and onnym views, it is extremely difficult.Difficulties are not associated with limitations and not itsey with differentmental abilities, but only with the dominant stereotypes with psychology and characteristics of the process of thinking.Changing stereotypes can be seen as a process of Insight humanity, interfaced with the transition to the new layer you to new lexical forms.So, in the days before Copernicus it was extremely difficult to communicate to people pre d representation that the earth is round, not the sun revolves around the Earth.False stereotypes dominate mechanics overcome through MR HICLES friendly unit "Globe", "the solar system."In the field of views of the Universe, to the principles of governance we are waiting for Insight, no less important than those through which the e chelovhonors went in mechanics.But for this we also have to learn new terms and sform Rowan and concepts such as "Conceptual power ',' supranational control ',' Full Control function", etc.This notion appears only as the unity of word and image of the phenomena of which lies behind that word.Because of the word "bow" concept will be followed only after you collab Stith his way with a bow for shooting, onions or other.Unfortunately, to this day, many located on the second level of public administration, conceptual power referred to the category of myth rather than reality.That's what allowed them to seemingly UNL imperious management."You're right, but you govern," - pointedly methyl substitution of Plutarch.Fortunately, the Russian people are always present on the wali knowledge holders outside the official authorities understood.There is no doubt that reading this brochure will not allow itself to continue to use a preinstalled Cho in the performances, set the scenario of the conceptual power, whether the elections, parliamentary or other show, at least large-scale theater-localized representation.These performances will soon have to put in an empty room.Concept - a Latin word meaning a way of understanding, discrimination and treatment of any events generating in the utter only this method, considerations and conclusions.That is, one and the same event, a phenomenon, the fact of different concepts (as applied to the life of human obsches t wa) will have different estimates, up to the opposite.So the child's question: "What is good and what is bad?" - A question osnovopola ac- tion of human civilization.This ability to self-discrimination. Because of this distinction deprived of power for their own selfish inter esah crowd forms living on Umysh ately trumped loyalty and reason as they "told to" bribed authorities.That encouraged and supported in the same concept of m Jet regarded as the gravest crime in another concept.Development Goals, the concept as you progress with meat are different.Imagine for a prospect and a measure, laws, customs, manners in the state, living on the principle of "after us the deluge."And then match them with a conceptual state udarstvennostyu: "Let's save everything for the children to Shih."And you will understand that any law is only sleds tviem of certain moral foundations of society.The very meaning of life and the purpose of being at a different outlook, with different concepts, state nant society at the level of morality, are perceived differently.The so-called "Western civilization" is purely technocratic. In the pace of development and the amount of profit it overlooked one "little" - the people themselves. The functioning technological monsters became independent value, and all the people were only attached to them and they are made to the service. Instead, the development of human capabilities, there is a passion for the development of all sorts of "prosthesis", and blocking the possibility of substituting the natural development of the human species - P azumny.XXI century will be the century of the movement in the direction of the biological civilization, when humanity is aware that many of the processes that are taking Sun earlier as progress was actually traffic to a standstill, destructive, and therefore unacceptable for the future.It is time of the conquest of nature ne pass to realize her greatness, as the supreme value of the Universe.Man n Never attempt to create anything better than what is already cos given from above, from butterflies and dragonflies.So is it worth it all trampled into the earth in the name of the mythical "civilization." Technology will develop, but they are secondary, they are not an end in itself, they are only a serious ground for emerging Hovhan new man, a new society, and polygons Mr. created exclusively on the principles of the biosphere-acceptable development.So it will be, because this is one alternative - the disappearance of species on the age Max reasonable in Earth's biosphere.We are waiting for the process of maturation of humanity with the formation of the G lobal public mind, is completely absent in our reality.Power hierarchy can achieve the end result, if it repeats the ideological hierarchy of understanding of the meaning of Being, otherwise we will be faced with a conceptually vague control, aimless riding on a vicious circle.Conceptual authority is the highest level of comprehensive social management, based on a certain understanding of the overall course of Mr. civilizational development.This level of service is closed and all other kinds of power. At the same time for the conceptual power unem zlichno work on it if certain structures, public figures consciously or closed to it to bypass consciousness, because stupidity ("We wanted the best ..."); Whether created for the implementation of the basic ideas of the concept of new structures or adjust previously POPs data.Much has thus decided on the basis of unstructured control methods. If the active power jet Keturah not notice the conceptual center of omnipotence, it is not the beginning of the lake, there is not one at all.It forms development trends and implements uet powers to a supranational level through a closed him directly or to bypass consciousness governed cal periphery.So what is realized in the life of power is far from officially proclaimed marked Tabley chkami at the offices.The phenomenon of conceptual power is that it auto kratichna by nature, it chooses no one.The observer, having no concept of unstructured control method, SW iditol only fragments of a complete management system, to the extent where this system is represented by concrete structures.Conceptual power can be seen in two ways: as an authority and a specific set of ideas adopted to implement this (the power of the concept), and as the power of people comprehended Shih and implement these ideas.The concept, which sense and deliberately concealing

from the public consciousness is called sealed.At the same time l eople implementing conceptual power may be unrelated structurally, but united by one measure of understanding and morality (or immorality).We give one more imaginative idea of the function, which is realized in society through the state nant in it concept.We all know how in the printing industry, with machined erialov mat

that is produced or other products in dependence on the matrix used, that it forms an image, the structural organization of the future product.Concept - is the same as the matrix, but is used with respect to the human material. The emerging generation is not always CCA acknowledging it is placed in the information matrix - concept and 15-20 years POMI mo his will becomes the qualities that are necessary masters of the concept.Neither Reb e nok has no need for alcohol from birth.However, noting the high school graduation in n Asha reality, only a few are kept from drinking alcohol on this occasion GOVERNMENTAL drinks, triggered actively imposed stereotypes.This is the case in any other Issues of MAR in shaping the world as a whole.Thus, if we restrict Consider ix earthly social forces, then at the top of the management hierarchy is a conceptual power as height shy comprehensive level of social management.The hosts now Gospa dstvuyuschey Euro-American Biblical concept of implementing management in all its controlled countries (many of them are labeled white, blue and red of the national flag) with the help of the six priorities in the generalized weapons.When drawn enii such control is not a stranger to the country, and to their own administrative hierarchy of the priorities called generalized controls.It is important to understand that subordination of conceptual power is not direct policy characterized RA.In this scheme, only the conditions, when everyone is working to the best understanding of the, and the extent of misunderstanding on someone who understands more. Increased understanding of the members of the administrative steps of the process - perhaps the only way to counter the conceptual power.Priorities generalized weapons in descending order of their strength, but increases performance, as follows.Priority 1 - Methodological.It characterizes mirop of understanding, methodology.At this level of development are generated, bases management usually secular scale. Such mirop onimanie can be described in the lexical form (the Bible, the Koran), but may be present in the subconscious and conscious living and be reflected only in the national epic, in fairy tales, poslovi Zach, proverbs, folk songs, in customs, traditions, social morality."Mr tvaya Water" summarizes the information stored in the collective unconscious enforcement of the Russian people, and displays it on the level of consciousness.Russia, thus says the world about the presence of her own concept of development in the third millennium, as set out in clear lexical forms.Priority 2 - Chronological.Information eskogo chronological

order of the facts and phenomena. Roughly speaking, implements conceptual management, allowed the formation of info r mation chronicle nature, the history of development.Most aptly the importance of this priority hara kterizuet George. Orwell ("Year 1984"): "Who controls the past controls the future, and who controls the present, he is sovereign over the past."Here is the algorithm and the origins of perestroika rewriting of history and the history of past psevdokommunisticheskogo that began EXCLUSIVE no 1917.Priority 3 - Fact.In relation to society - is an ideological priority from the point at which the concept of the group formed, including "I resist ing" each other, parties, ideologies, religions, a line of conduct planned "opposing" each other media.For conceptual power - a united front composed of n e O, right and center.Many of the well-intentioned work of this front as they ayut believing

in Russia's interest, they are controlled by bypassing consciousness.Priority 4 - Economic.Information about the means of payment, national and world money. Forming Fina n cial schemes to permit the seizure of credit through the financial system, with the loan interest generated in the sphere of material production of wealth in favor of the golden billion.Part of the loot fall to those who directly implements the SALT eschnny biblical law robbery by "cultural cooperation".Priority 5 - Weapons of genocide.Undermining of the gene pool, the weakening and destruction of the future of dormancy

tions.These include tools such as alcohol, smoking, drugs, genetic engineering. Drugs ization of the population is carried out, as a rule, bypassing consciousness through gentle prodding on this way being introduced into the public consciousness customs, traditions, proverbs and talk kami.In this embodiment, in soft focus, almost all news channels, all kinds of art, and even the medical itsina the church.Priority 6 - Military weapons.The fact of participation of the application of this priority svid etelstvuet about some conceptual helplessness of the West and the problems with more subtle methods of conducting it of aggression "cultural cooperation".Russia does not need to use the army in the XXI century if it mastered the concept iey and ideological weapon.

Suffice general management theory states that for a real public management is necessary to hold all six priorities of his generalized means.In the control theory possible staging of two problems:The first challenge: we want to manage the object during its functioning A direct themselves tively.This is a task control eniya.The second problem: we do not want "illuminated" and manipulate the object (country) directly, but we want to without our direct intervention, the object (country) in the framework of the self-governing-treated us developers scenario.This is a task samoupra Panel.For the management of the country must be informed of all three sets of data.1. Vector control purposes as an ordered list of partial differential purposes where the first place is the most important goal, and the last - the most insignificant.Forced abandonment of the objectives of the management process begins only at the end of the list.2. The vector control parameters of the current state of the control system, describing the current state of each of the specific objectives.3. Vector control error, which is a difference, the difference between the target vector and state vector characterizing the degree of dissatisfaction in terms of one or another specific purpose.If the purpose of the development of sets and monitors Predictor (Predukazatel) and the problem of minimizing the error vector decides corrector (Popravschik), then we have a system of management of the "Predictor - Corrector."Such tasks on the shoulder only team of professional managers, to their dec eniyu inadmissible to involve the party, movement, work is completed on the most important stage - the stage of the target vector as a set of socially important controlled parameters and their numerical value.Power - this is not a sign on the office and implemented at practical ke ability to drive.Full function control human community provides only those who have a concept through

cial authority coordinates the efforts of all the other kinds of power.In this scheme of their interaction in bi Blejsko management concept as follows.Ideological power vests sold in the concept attractive for people form.This neoglashnnaya goal of the concept known only conceptual power, can be arbitrarily far from give it an ideological coloring. For example, the "perestroika" began with the ideas of economic acceleration of socialism with a human face, the fight against alcoholism, transforming ovavshis for each volume in the opposite of his.The meaning of the ideology - to hide the true purpose of control: one is announced, and the default is realized protivop olozhnoe.The executive branch carries the concept into practice structural and unstructured method of.This result will always be the one that provides the concept and was not even tive power, if it is not privy to the contents of concepts.Even if the government wants to make a sincere "how best", she, however, will "as always".Legislative power is subsumed under the concept of the rule of law required it.It is the second ANT and puppet; only very limited people can rely on abstract ideas of lawful state.Moonshine, speculation about sexualism by God until recently been criminalized.With a different conceptual goal-setting the same action in every way encouraging yayutsya authorities.The Judiciary enforces the "lawfulness" in society, and in fact sometimes guards malicious thieves' law of moral tyranny against them.Thus, the real managerial hierarchy of any country, including Russia, can be represented by the following scheme:

If this or that party ignores the question of the conceptual power, it means that it claims not to participate in the management of the real, but only on the performance of the mission of the mediator knows recognize and accept its global scenario of governance.All registered parties now, except for the Concept of the Party "Unity", th e fight

waiting for him the right to receive long-term fee income for the fulfillment of these mediation.The difference between them is only in the fact that some of them do it w minds ately and consciously, while others - for the misunderstanding.Material Concepts "Dead Water" directed almost all the parties, and is stnye structure of the country.Some of the leaders, etc. to Immer, GA Zyuganov, Lebed AI, not only given a letter ing materials, were conducted with serious conversation face to face.Links to misunderstanding here do not work in these cases, the words about the good that Russia is directly before atelstvo its interests and reliance on commission for assistance in the implementation of scenarios conceptual tion power.Such pseudo immaculately perform the role allotted to them, then itelno more dangerous public accomplices to the West, because of their well-meaning people believe gossip, talking behind them hoping for the best.The entire constellation of current political leaders consciously or unconsciously have turned televis ted in a puppet theater, a single meaningless farce.As if they were not united and not intelligible unifying with each other, they are already in the public consciousness merged into a single command through exceedingly distant from the problems of the people.Meanwhile, at the level of public initiative goes fo rmirovanie new human resource base capable of a nyatsya from the political level to the methodological.For in de ystvitelnosti in Russia instead of the 140 parties should have the only national movement that realizes the conceptual power based on its own concept of development, nesovmes reversible with crowd- "elitism" is now the dominant Biblical concept of management.Measure appreciated Iman our new human resource base is sufficient to capture control from the now dominant foreign Bible conceptual power (Global Predictor) as soon as possible.Imposed on our society leaders known alternatives and debate (capitalism - socialism, private property - public, etc.) basically infertile, because in the absence of a unifying concept will not help neither the one nor Drew Goa.Foreign conceptual power makes no difference whether you build capitalism by Gaidar and Yavlinsky or socialism on Zyugan of Wu.Important another - to prevent autocracy in Russia, the development of self-concept, and Mr. Teresa people.Conversely, conceptually competent management works well to note Yeru, and private and public property.The basic question, allowing the current conceptual uncertainty management Russia at the level of the fourth economic priorities, could be summarized as follows. Russia - our common European house, or Gazprom? On this score can have different opinions, but Mr. and childbirth Russia must know where we are going.If Russia - our house, we did not make it into the trash, we create the conditions for life, study, rest and so on. N. This requires some laws. Mr. Proto in case all necessary we plan outside of Russia, children are taught in English, in the rest of Greece.At the moment, Russia is absolutely shameless blatant way turned into a pan-European gratuitous Gazprom. Let us think of only one fact. Daily democratic Ukraine applying for NATO membership, from pipelines passing through its territory, stealing gas in an amount not less than 20 million. Dollars. And so from year to year. Is Chernomyrdin and Campania was not obvious that Europe simply has to buy gas at the border with Russia and problems of its transport irovki through Ukraine should not touch our country?For most of the concepts of "good" and "bad", "useful" and "harmful" are different concepts are opposite in meaning, because the new law will not work, and life in spite of it goes according to the scenario of the concept, which today dominates the society at the level of ideological power.Not only laws, but even the terminology database is different from the concepts of polar gripping evaluation.For the concept of the "Russia - our home," the term "autocracy" is characterized uet normal society, which itself generates development course and keep yourself Samoa sufficiency.For the concept to Mr. "Russia - Pan-European Gazprom" the same term describes unacceptable to perform the main objective regime which must be combated.On discredited and tatsiyu autocracy should aim ideology and propaganda machine.Instead he odostatochnosti necessary values of a different order.When democracy and the presence of its own conceptual power, only knowledge and expertise are a pass in the power structures and the whole society is a social countable base managers.If the principles of the conceptual power known only posvyasch nnym, their narrow circle and is degenerating social base managers, and society is a smiling puppet in the hands of conceptual control center.A clear indication of this is the current "democratic procedures" Russia, and almost all of its history since the baptized eniya and malicious imposing Byzantinism when own conceptual power went to a secluded underground.We have already noted that the conceptual power is realized in two ways, as the power of ideas and how the power of Liu dei owning these ideas.Let's look at this problem through the human fa tors.If you do not treat the epics, as baseless tales, the highest conceptual power in the ancient society that belonged to a little-known social group that epic IME nuyut "Calico turn, the wise men."Their names and s is known only by their clans and epics are not named in contrast to the names of heroes.But they called heroes and directed their activities, they may teach the princes, drugged vision of the power of his subordinate military force. They are taught to live in harmony with the environment and God's providence. The essence of this group of people and their activities Neg azheny in "Song of Wise Oleg":The wise men are not afraid of the mighty rulersAnd the princely gift they do not need.Truth and freedom of their prophetic languageAnd with the will of heaven friendly.This supreme administrative activity, though not always understood by the public, but always was assessed as socially significant.("Tell me a magician, a favorite of the gods, which will come true in your life with me"). They are also warned the rulers ("You take you from the death of his horse"). The horse was a symbol of old people, the things which has been entrusted to manage the ruler. Top managers are not vyd elyalis wealth of society, and the promotion of the system of higher power did not go on the basis of elective procedures, but only through the development of real knowledge about the methods of social control, BME hundred officially recognized study of legends about him.One of the clan system, dating back to the time of paganism is, we Slavs, he says AS Pushkin and his "fairy tale" about the life of the system belong to their dedication.In his works, AS Pushkin in coded form gives information about when Mr. ciples control human society, on the conceptual power.Through a series of more meaningful in Pushkin's high-level acting, not only reveals his tight time management principles, but also to predict the future, to submit to the current 200th anniversary of Russian as a true prophet.We are not surprised about the second argument in the semantic number, etc. of reading fables.The child understands them directly, but we know for each character to a human toinstva and vices.Let us not children on reading Pushkin. He is a "fabulist" MR howling era, the era of a new logic of social behavior.Through people, their features and characters he gives information about certain social phenomena and managerial hierarchies. From hours of dirtied, appeal and even some mysticism of many of his immortal creations.The most by the system of coding it shows that real change in a person's life can only be achieved through action on the social phenomenon rather than on individuals, who are often held hostage to the circumstances appear, either conceptually flawed concept of indefinite power solutions.If you take the analysis of the content of such works of Pushkin as "The Bronze Horseman", "House in Kolomna", then there will not find anything interesting, twisted plot. All used and tional and fits into a single paragraph of text.However, a half-century, researchers like a magnet attracts them mystery, they are looking for hidden meaning. The search is fruitless at first meaningful series on the level of so-called plot. Completely different picture will appear to your eyes if you enter a number in the second sense. Let us give an example of a system of symbols for

the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila" in the presentation of the Internal Predictor of the USSR.The above transcript makes the work of Pushkin in these symbols orderly and logical from start to finish. This does not mean that when writing the poem, Pushkin had exactly the same pre d representation at the level of his own consciousness.The idea is that through his subconscious, through images and figures underlying the text, he was given global information Over that he Neg and stings in their works.The above decoding logic and captivates his degree from FIT

t hat Tech Dental, but does not claim to exclusivity.If someone will offer readers a different, equally attuned to the plot B with the theme of characters, it would certainly be no less valuable and interesting.Such decryption come to their authors by the information channels integrated with the analyte to have worked at one time at the Pushkin Pushkin with egregor.CHARACTERS -SymbolsCONTENTS OF SYMBOLS

RuslanSlavic Center, forming the strategy and tactics of original Peoples of Russia (Internal Predictor).

LyudmilaLovely people - Slavic peoples.

FinnHoly Russia (Vedic) priesthood, located underground.

VladimirWell-meaning government agencies.

ChernomorInternational Center for mind control peoples of the world for Bible Concept.(GLOBAL predictors).

HeadGovernment of Russia under the heel of Chernomor from Vladimir to the present day.

NainaRabbinate and higher structures Masonry, through which manages Chernomor nations.

FarlafThe lower strata of Freemasonry.

RatmirElite series Slavic tribes accepted Judaism and left out of history (Khazar Khanate).

RogdaiPagan military elite.

PechenegiNational "elitist" structure.

HorseThe crowd nevyzrevshie to the people.

Twelve virginsTwelve Apostles Christianity.

So, what is the Pushkin Charles with a long beard, symbolizing the credit and financial system, hiding in the mountains polnoschnyh country (Switzerland).High priests of ancient Egypt consisted of dozens of higher-dedicated to the North and the South, devoted to higher scores.Each of the ten headed eleventh priest, it pervoiera p hamster and head.All of them were selected on the basis of heredity from father to son. When Mr. zryve genealogical line to solve them in the team included nenasledst Gov. priest.They had no idea about the benefits of the tandem principle of management with respect to the One to start.If their voice commands and First Hierarchs divided equally, the latter had that ndemom find a third solution.This, for centuries stood over Pharaoh and the state machine, the conceptual power in the time of Moses, together with the ministers of the hierarchy of Amun left Egypt and entered the nadgosudarst Gov. management level.It goes with the priesthood degenerated into quackery, adapting their conceptual knowledge and skills to implement a conceptual power for their own clan interests, instead of concern for the public good and building a Lada with the environment.Since then, little has changed, and at the top of the pyramid upravlench eskoy we have the same 22 hereditary clan artificially divided into two teams: the left and right, which for the crowd through controlled media portrayed the confrontation with each other.The membership of this hereditary clan teams represented in the literature and in the parliamentary hearings in 1995. The structure of the Global Predictor among the leading hereditary clan includes the following: Rothschild, Warburg, Montefiore, Mendel, DuPont, Oppenheimer Blyayhrode, Morgan, Mellon, Vallennberg, Krupp, Flip, Cohen, Sassoon, Ford, Gol e Schmidt, Heine, Rockefeller.This management tip of the Euro-American conglomerate exercises control real controlled countries across the globe through Mr. asledstvennuyu financial corporation clan families, con-controlling international organizations, parties, funds, multinational corporations and banks.This mission generously rewarded in s.According to the agency "Reuters" (15.06.96g.) 358 billionaires family clans have income exceeding the total DOX ode 45% of the population.People in any country controlled by "right to choose" power between right and left, which periodically change the signs. Thus the choice of either option one hundred proce Mr. Comrade satisfied implementing the conceptual power.As for the confusion in names (zyugano vtsy steel left from right), so it depends on where to watch - the presidium of the great high, and if the hall, then the left.Change position posted on e tion headquarters Global Predictor with Egypt on about.Crete, Spain, and later in Switzerland due to the increase in living comfort as the isolator Itijah energy technologies and life support systems in the winter.The stability control system in Egypt provides special effects on podkon-controlling flock Egyptian pyramids.The nature of these impacts installed physicists in 90 g odes last century, when in addition to electrical, magnetic, gravitational and nuclear fields, torsion fields have become recognized as a special type of field information interaction.Our intellectual activity with the formation ccompanied torsion radiation, and in this sense our thoughts as material, as, say, light lam kidneys.Torsion radiation, as well as an electricity discharges are Mr. or gravitational field, can lead to specific changes in the material world.Special torsion field accompanies and material objects, geometry cat oryh contains mystical number (3,14), known from the geometry.The arch over the number of associated length and diameter of the semicircle.These structures were widely used ancient Egyptian zhreches t tion to influence the mind and management tasks.When the output control nadgos udarstvenny international level, instead of expensive unrealistic construction of the pyramids around the globe (the radius of their influence is limited), was used different algorithms of control, it has been designed and carried out the most global social experiment for us all UNKNOWN tion history of mankind.The project was implemented through a well-intentioned nenasleds Twain priest Moses, uninitiated in its ultimate goals.What is the true purpose and comprised the essence of this project, codenamed "Exodus", tion is described in the Bible, but the view is a good thing to get out of slavery.Watching different OS obyami wildlife, including fireflies, bees, horses, voodoo-priestly structure of Egypt came to the conclusion that for all communities characterized by the so-called auto sync mode.This is reflected in the fact that if 5-10% of individuals who NE communities begin to do something at the same time, in this mode is automatically the entire community.So, words uchaynoe synchronized flashing of fireflies 5-10% led to the fact that the whole fragment of the Nile Valley began flashing in this Regis IU to 30-40 seconds.The same principle leaves a swarm of bees. Similar experiments have been conducted with human soobsches t tion placed at the stadium.The picture was similar: the whole stadium was living under the program implemented 10% rassazhennyh "on dsadnyh ducks" (get up, shouting, applauding) and not the fact that at this time there on the playing field.On this basis, it became clear that effective public administration nadgo not need the pyramids and do not need to drive each arm.Suffice it to each country to have a 5-10% unconditionally controlled individuals who can issue commands through the iconic figure.Gave neyshie events in the country will develop in the right direction by operation of the Auto Sync mode.On the agenda was a question on the preparation of the gene pool and its further scattering.The human brain consists of the right hemisphere, responsible for the subject-creative thinking (dec and chenie) and left hemisphere - abstract-logical thinking.The first was at the time effectively developed among growers who have to compare and differentiate between mass parameters influencing th ing on productivity.Left - herdsmen, monotonously performing a narrow range of issues. Now, the left hemisphere otvets Twain for such areas as chess, mathematics, about ming, music, etc.That's why were selected young boys and girls from pastoralist families, and with the use aniem exemption from military service, they were put Moses in the 42 years of hiking in the wilderness."Mann", which they ate, there can be a natural phenomenon, because otherwise it would fix at least occasionally in the future. Its source - the breadbasket of Egyptian temples, a cat from a ryh it is delivered at a pre-prescribed route priests.Unity Goes, which were supposed to do this experiment, participants and their three subsequent generations, born and raised in this campaign, unconditionally fulfill all the requirements of the host, otherwise, they found themselves without food or water on the oche anterior placement which knew only lead.Anyone who went into the desert and had an idea of the life of human

society, was not to get out of it alive, including Moses himself.42 years of the desert tribe came to Palestine with the right hemisphere undeveloped, lacking the ability to distinguish, do not understand the difference between good and evil,

are inherently manageable tribe people, not with the potential for life without a shepherd.These people and their scattered around the globe offspring of the Persian tional not to blame for what is happening through them, as a hostage to the system.By and large they were even more miserable than those of a cat

eq run through them.By their mission, they are programmable management per iferiey social GOVERNMENTAL divination structures.It's about their pain Pushkin wrote:So he had his accident centuryVlacil nor beast nor man, Neither one nor the other, nor the inhabitants of the world,Not a ghost of a dead ...Since then, the control circuit by and large not was changed.On the example of our country anyone can see firsthand the effectiveness of its actions to this day. Notwithstanding that the author's e you throw the cry: "Long live Communism!"5-10% of the inhabitants of this hereditary supranational Mafia 3 days become Communists. Further, the Auto Sync mode

country is embarking on an alien global scenario of building a brighter future, to complete the drama of which is programmed for another start.The script is complete, a new cry is heard: "Beat Co m communists!"The same 5-10% of their grandchildren in 3 days rip and burn membership cards, and then - again the Auto Sync mode. Once again I would like to pull the Podcherye that the only criterion for the unity of "the yeast of society" is the type of mentality and nothing more.And so for the W o Leah three thousand years.So is the situation hopeless? BER have confirms that this dramatic period in the life of mankind has practically ended.Further control of the dominant biblical conception is impossible, it is completely exhausted by virtue of the Law of Time. The onset of this period PRE to hischalos more ancient Egyptian, and signified their quackery, as the Apocalypse.They understood the time limits of the use of the biblical concept. But this is not the collapse of humanity, and the collapse of the prevailing management system before, "elitist" management hierarchies, moving from the CAR-OPERATION beast in the kingdom of man.Crowd- "elitist" management methods and drew ourselves, we are entering the era of the collapse of pyramid schemes and are living in a difficult, but the most interesting time in human history.The onset of this moment, the moment of "stars", anticipates and Russian jets priestly Keturah, reflected in poetry: "You will be my only weapon a long time for the fog to hide Russian star ..." (FI Tiutchev), "Freedom sower deserted, I left early, before Stars "(AS Pushkin")But his understanding of the Law of Time and helplessness in relation to it in the Global Predictor brilliant poem "Ruslan and Ludmila" Pushkin said openly:He brings the stars from the sky, He whistles - the moon tremble;But against the Provisional LawHis science is not strong.The essence of the Law of Time is to ensure that the history of mankind in the twentieth century for the first time reached a point where a constant generation times (an average of 25 years from the birth mother before birth) equaled the length of the period of continuously declining gentlemen sponding change in the world of technology.If in ancient times the basic technological tools (ie stone pillars) were a period of life Goals, the following technologies have lived for centuries, it is today, according to the Japanese, due to the successful development of a full upgrade of the prevailing technologies every 5-10 years, ie several times during the life of ML tion generation.This results in a fundamentally different way of information society is changing as we speak, the logic of social behavior.These changes are due to the fact that t EPER, unlike all the previous period, during the lifetime of one generation occur multiple upgrades and technologies, and all the superstructure relations, public modes of the Criminal Code, the dominant ideological and economic dogmas and everything else.In the period before the change of the logic of social behavior a person is born, I got some info r mation (which is God's King's Church), and she was unshakable until his death.Anyone who early in life was getting initiated into something that could due to the monopoly on the knowledge to live comfortably for the rest of life. Anyone who has not received such initiations, plowed land. Now it's time to initiations ended, they lost any meaning it was their lack of not more than 5 years. That claim oetomu, two generations after the end stage, when the period of generational change was equal to the period of technological change (1910-1950), promulgated the concept of human life in a new logic of socio-eco- behavior.Prior to that, she could not find a practical embodiment of the concept of capacity etc. oshloy, when the period of the "stars", or the Apocalypse is not yet come.Then a man develops new knowledge, review and change their stereotypes or is the dustbin of history. One genotype, who used to rest on our laurels, etc. and is not

sposoblennym to effective, including administrative work.They are accustomed to it levostoro Mr. movement appeared woke up in a country with right-hand traffic.Time edyduschey etc., so-called "elite" is over, but it's time mately carefree and did not even notice it.But it is understood the loss of controllability Global Predictor - Concept Center nadg of public administration, it will pass and already rents the elite in one fell swoop.Those who lived on the principle of "X apai while give" has got to the line, where for everything you need to be answered.XXI century will be the century of transformation undeniably Russia. If the trinity of matter - Information - Measure, broke into the sphere of social life, we see that the Euro-American civilization represents a conglomerate of matter, the East - the civilization of information (spirit), Russia - civilization of measures to preserve and develop civilization for centuries a strong gene pool, which was formed to overcome difficulties and vzgod.Many people mistakenly perceive Russia as one of the countries, it is a serious mistake. Russia itself is a Regions tion s civilization, although its level of government for a long time was under the heel of Euro-American conglomerate.The peculiarity of Russia only in the fact that the boundaries of civilization coincide with state governmental district boundaries.Nadgosudarstve nnye civilizational management levels in our huge (not Europe report) area, with its once-disparate fiefdoms, long ago quietly decided, for example, the tasks to solve which Europe just is risen: a common language, common money , uniform standards.Every day, across all channels of media scenarios Global Predictor our people collapsing devastating barrage seamy side, listen carefully and get a grasp of using the term ogy.It's long been known and exhaust television reception divination, linguistic programming despair in the hope of complete paralysis of the will and consciousness of people.These attempts are futile scenarios

surfers, they do not understand the hidden roots of Russian supranational structures that stumbled not only dogs-knights, Napoleon, Hitler, and many Dru Gia.They are waiting for the effect of "monkey's paw" when something bad that is conceived against someone made regarding who conceived evil.Let terrible reminder of the modern Farley afam sound Pushkin's lines:So send us Well, opment,His embittered sons:There is a place named in the fields of Russia, Among them nechuzhdyh coffins.In the soul of the Russian people, as opposed to the sound and will sound even at an unconscious level Pushkin's prophecy about Russia's withdrawal from a thousand-year rule and the transition from crisis management to sustainable development on the basis of tyranny:Find out Ruslan: your offenderThe wizard terrible Chernomor,Beauties longtime thief,Polnoschnyh owner of the mountains.More nobody in his abodeNot until now penetrated the eye;But you're the evil machinations of a fighterIn it you enter, and the villainDie by your hand.The fate of your future daysMy son is now in your will1The second priority2.Chronological control priority. God and his messengers. Biblical distortions Single Testament gospel, revealed Christ. Idealistic atheism church hierarchy.He is merciful, he MahometHe opened the shining Quran.Yes, and we pritechem to lightAnd let fall from the eyes of the fogAS PushkinFrom the above material shows that the second most important power and influence on prois Catching a chronological priority.Really manage one who has OPPORTUNITIES Well of write and rewrite history.Any e isthe prospect of the development of more accurate than on the deeper penetration into the prehistory they are based.Especially clearly Demons t riruet us the whole period since 1917.The collapse of the idea of building a "bright future" was eln predetermines the removal of all the historical roots of our society, fixing '17 as well, in terms of the left frame."Dead Water" t rely on the representation of smiling, at least about the last three or four thousand years of global history.By Al and lytic accepted for consideration at the same time very primary sources, including papyri, but not the subsequent interpretation.We cq itaem absolutely futile attempts to understand the current story, really control the country's future on the basis of the study period, from the Baptism of Russia and even more so from 1917.The assertion that history - is what historians agree, is only a half-truth, for hiding the role of custom Chica.Any historical conclusions and assessment carried out on the basis of, including factual and reliable, have a subjective beginning and in accordance nravs bility and miroponima to the authors, the circumstances in which they live.The greater cash circulation may be issued only those views that with all their diversity not Exit beyond mainstream society concept.As noted more K.Prutkovym, currently there is always a consequence of the past. Cleverly manipulation iruya ideas about the past, voodoo structure achieved sustainable programs ing the future of entire countries and peoples.Fresh illustration of this algorithm is the concept of maneuver in cial power in Russia under the name of "perestroika".Training began with her on req

sary in these cases, rewriting the past.In the midst of these transformations is not the personality of Stalin happened to be the only leader of our country, to climb into after a village of a couple of centuries the level of conceptual power.In respect of other historical figures today as common representation programming launch mechanisms ruin with these Po.In finance authority proclaimed neo sporimym Witte that started at the time of the financial mechanism for the enslavement of Russia, despite zdra vomu sense and analytical developments of his contemporaries, such, for example, as an analyst of the General Staff of the tsarist army, General Nechvolodov.But work Nechvolodov "From ruin to prosperity," lain since 1906 in special depositories, not mornings and Tila its relevance today.For the formation of destructive tendencies need to Upland elichivat role of Peter I, justifiably IS rooting number absurdities of his time, but at the same time to impose more worst option worship Westernism.He is the godfather of Mr. yneshney thoughtless "elite" pre neglect the welfare of their own people.For all the sweeping criticism of the communist past of the country is no accident there is a tacit ban on criticism of Marxism, and indeed Marx himself, perfectly fulfilled the roles that had been prescribed to him Bible conceptual power.Lenin, a lifetime to train in Switzerland, and managed from there to bypass consciousness, received the first warning shot, as understood at last, in what turned out to be anti-Russian scenario inscribed his good intentions and speechless once wanted to convey meaningful their surroundings. Currently, the entire western and the domestic worried analyst one question: "Who is Mr. Putin?" Judging by the press, both Russian and Western attitude to Vladimir Putin about mately I setup negative.On this occasion, perhaps for the first time in a single choir harmoniously blended voice and pro-Western democratic media and candidly about position n the previous regime.In our opinion, this is what e and container unanimity is evidence that this time the majority of the common people voted for Vladimir Putin, was not mistaken in their choice.Ex Jicin same aversion Putin "elitist" extras, state "intellectuals" - co-false nitsinymi, is based on not fully meaningful by themselves the roots, which will be discussed in the next chapter.Without tiring the reader a long series of transfers, we can only say that if we want to get closer to an understanding of history, in the very rough approximation to begin with the fact that all change now imposed assessment of historical figures with a plus sign in the evaluation with a minus sign, and vice versa.Only then can you move on to the details.Well-meaning patriotic public will firmly uphold the "age-old tradition" that a deeper historical analysis will in fact alien to Russian genetics adscititious in the past confronting us ing conceptual power.And so for a meaningful analysis of the modern era should be clear about the event, starting as min imum, from the collision of two Egyptian hierarchy, Aten and Amun, during the religious reforms of Akhenaten (1375-1358 BC.).It is to this period asc odyat Euro-American origins (Bible), the concept of governance, as well as fundamentally different ideological representations of Holy Russia priesthood has been in contact with the Egyptian hierarchy of RA in the earlier period, when it was not yet under the control of the hierarchy of Amun.The Bible, as the concept of public administration, is a historical legacy drevneegi petskoy hierarchy of Amun."Dead Water" is associated with fundamentally different visions of the world Creating and global historical process inherent in the hierarchy of the Aten.The fundamental discrepancy between the knowledge associated with the postulate of the structure of the universe. Chetyrhedinstvo Universe assumed hierarchy of Amun: matter, energy, space, time.Trinity - the hierarchy of Aton: matter, the information measure.In accordance with the BER of the universe, with no beginning and no end represents a process - a trinity: matter - information - a measure.Genesis - a never-ending, with no temporal characteristics of the interleaved set of processes that occur with periods from a fraction of a second to millions and billions of years.Physical vacuum - this is not an abstract space of the receptacle, and a species of matter.As for time, it is not an attribute of being, but is defined as a subjective parameter representation which arises solely from the man himself, when he compares the two periods together raznochas-frequency processes Genesis.For some, these differences in the perception of the Universe seem insignificant. But this is the cl uchay, which K.Prutkov said: "From small reasons are very important implications."No less significant divergence of the two ancient Egyptian knowledge hierarchies associated with the concept of God.Hierarchy of Aton, unlike Amon recognized monotheism. Pre dstavlenie of the One God - the Creator and the Almighty for all Ms-lived on the earth, and given the concept of "dead water".To convey this idea to the reader's mind - one of the most difficult tasks. The proposed model should help make some figurative representations and to advance in the understanding of this prospect oblemy, but may be in the other's own views.Representations of God (the higher mind) is most clearly shown in terms of the level and the hierarchy of intelligence in the universe. For Being characterized tiered integral l link set.This higher level is unknowable to lower. Let's start from scratch. To it, except with artificially intelligence refers to at least the entire inorganic matter.Stone can not claim to obtain information from the outside and spend on the basis of it, or that their own modifications.If we take the garden grows Kachan cabbage, it is a fundamentally different level. He n oluchaet lot of information from the outside of lit, temperature, humidity, soil nutrients, etc.On the basis of this information changes LOCATION ix leaf thickness and length of the roots, and more.However, the animal world, for example, a goat, do not fall within the scope "of representations" Push cabbage on its environ- mental universe.For him, the level of organization of the universe "unknowable" in principle. And when the goat pinch off his piece of paper, then it is - the equivalent of the intervention of forces unknown to him, im eshatelstva Over.But apart from the animal world is represented in the Universe, and a higher level of intelligence - Che Lovek reasonable.An understanding of its essence is not available for the animal world, though it is fixed at the level of a material object. The assumption that the person in the designated contact iera rhii intelligence is the vertex of the Universe, looks primitive and unnatural.Such representations can be compared with the pre-Copernican views on the financial arrangement instill Mr. Noah.Earth in the center - everything revolves around it. So it is here Homo Sapiens - and the whole global, it is not clear to him the universe at his feet. Over l ogichnym seems look at the man, as one of the Global Ecumenical hearth match for intelligence, over which there is a higher level.It is not clear, and not knowable by us, and this is not seen nothing strange if we bear in mind, though primitive, the analogy with Push cabbage. This higher level of intelligence and Universal is God or a supreme intelligence. Leo Tolstoy in June 1908 on this item Gadfly said: "And the earth, and the material world should have a mind, but it is not available to our understanding of how the gnat man."Ideological concepts of God are extremely important for the formation of ideas about bodily being and the human soul.The primitive materialism reduces existence to a purely physiological e skomu material phenomena.In this view of life a person can take for himself the idea of obtaining worldly goods at any price. And in this case it really is possible to postpone the offering e brochure directly.It has other problems. If ext imatelno careful reading of the Koran in the other sources of the One covenant, then you will develop different ideas about the meaning of life.Genesis - a way of self-development of the human soul.The most common model of evolution - pl e GUSTs individual soul development in multiple incarnations in different bodies.Our PLAYBACK Inanna of past lives in the consciousness of the majority are blocked, so as to encourage Mouse tion and creativity and show the true state of mind, not the environment.For people thinking about the absurdity of the century Darwinism obvious, they can be proved mathematically.The new physical form with uschestvovaniya Soul created over when the previous exhausted when a certain number of souls in the process of evolution has reached such a level that their further development in this form becomes impossible.Further note circumstantial evidence the existence of God. In the meantime, confine ourselves to the classification and tion of our affairs, thoughts and actions agreed with God's Providence.They can vyd elit by two criteria.Do something that does not inhibit your genetics, genetics of your children and grandchildren, do not hurt others, unless it is related to the suppression of a greater evil.But where are the criteria? Only Dr. Usha, based on this information and your sense of proportion.Indirect evidence for the existence of God is to preserve the idea of God in the centuries of exceptional in all countries and all peoples.Representations about anything is possible, but they can not with ccompanied all ancient history of mankind.More significant evidence of the existence of God is a prophet or messenger of God, among which can be attributed in particular, Moses, Buddha, Christ, Muhammad.After a thorough acquaintance with the primary sources On the knowledge that they are, each in its time, denounced the Earth from Above, you make sure sure that all of this information has a common basis and comes from a single center.All these teachings, if guided by reason and Exclude from their explicit texts malicious distortion of later periods, is a single covenant, a single harmonious system of knowledge about the Universe and how the organization of the human being in accordance with God's providence.There is one God, and faith are different.Faith - is nothing more than an element of culture, peculiar to a particular nation. Believe God should directly and instead worship and prayer rugs mr Twomey Scripture, not church and rituals characterize your faith.True Believer vnekonfessialen, it is equally true interests and guided by divine revelation, contained in Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism.This line is far from ecumenism, p ytayuschegosya reconcile different religion rather than cleanse them from all the malicious and superficial.Supporters of "dead water" often try to blame attachment to Islam, and almost in opposition to Christianity. It is a complete nonsense associated with conceptual bezgr amotnostyu criticism.For starters, let's see what kind of Christianity there is a speech and talk about the relationship of the Bible and Christianity. We draw the line at least four different exercises, each of which, wrongly, to the extent of misunderstanding, many names as Christianity.True Christianity preached by Jesus Christ during his life and himself.We are completely separated yaem his position and believe Christ the only one who was sent down to the Gospel or Over gospel translated into ENGLISH.Neither John nor Luke, nor the other Evangelists did not receive the Gospel itself, and already this is methodical inconsistency of the Bible. Second mutated doctrine that was preached by the apostles, disciples of Christ after his departure to the other world, when life itself, ie, from 33 to 100 years.The third characteristic of the teaching period, from 100 to 325 a year.And nak onets, the fourth of the earth has specific origins - Ecumenical Council of Nicaea, in which to develop the conceptual power was adopted the Nicene Creed, very far from the truth of Christianity, distorting the teachings of Christ.It is with this psevdohristianstvom, not in the service of God, while conceptual power, we are dealing with today.Text King James Version of the Bible contains prophecies of Solomon, and Isaiah's prophecy that characterize God with diametrically opposite points of view.Thus, the Bible gives the idea of the two very different gods, indicating that it al about gichnosti.Here you will find instead of monotheism and the doctrine of the Trinity and the deification of Christ, one of the yavlyavsh

egosya Sent nicknames God, and many other absurdities, especially in the economic sphere.In the economic sphere the Bible is a doctrine of Nin sat and direct robbery and enslavement of other nations, as it goes on.By the way the question of the deification of Christ, to which he has performed during his lifetime, was resolved only at the Council of Nicaea the majority of votes (218 - for 2 - WHO HOLD).For the sake of brevity, is not given here documentary argument, she soda rzhitsya BER in materials, but in fact distorting the teachings of Christ, I would like to refer to this fact reflected in "Master and Margarita" by Mikhail Bulgakov.Under questioning from Pontius Pilate Yeshua evidence about the tax collector Levi Matthew: "... one goes with goat parchment and writes incessantly.But once I s and looked at this parchment and was horrified.Absolutely nothing of the m th, there is written, I did not say. "In 988 to Russia invaded the Byzantine hierarchy and the support of local compromisers held ideological coup called "The Baptism of Russia."Our ancestors were thrown forth the legend of the facts that took place in a foreign land a thousand years ago and have become a hopeless liar completely this time.Social mechanism baptism was methodologically equivalent mechanism n s External Expansion of "perestroika".The local "elite" wanted sweet life similar to that which led Vai K and anti-Christianity of Byzantium.All past declared vicious and vile e zhaschim forgotten as a nightmare.Russia was plunged into an era of atheism. That atheism because it raznolikogo. The most primitive - materialistic atheism will confess blow those who believe that there is no God or God's messengers.The e FLS they themselves according to the principle set out Dostoyevsky: "If there is no God, then everything is permitted."There is another, more izoschr nny - idealistic atheism.The essence of atheism is that it recognizes the existence of God and the demands of people of strict Observed th Denia specific to a particular denomination precepts, dogmas and creeds.For example, in practice Christiansen Twa illogically faith to the One God - the Almighty Creator, and was replaced by the worship ritual, the dogma of the Trinity, and the absolution of the deification of one of their messengers Bozh.And each considers his teaching more correct and all others who hold other ugoy symbolism declares BPA Gami God and ready to fight with them as long as they either have faith or be destroyed.Their solidarity in this matter and is used for the conceptual power of RGANIZATION military conflicts.On the basis of idealistic atheism can develop lush culture, secular and religious, which, as we see by the example of historical Orthodoxy, will continually insufficient Vat frets between people in society and frets between humans and nature.Any church hierarchy organizes Ana, so that the closer people to the church, the farther it is from God.Well here is not to recall key itsiyu Leo Tolstoy, who accused the church has no formal hierarchy of Russia's magic and concealing the true teachings of Christ.It stated in its reply to the Synod on the act of ex teachings of the church: "The fact that I renounce the church, call themselves Orthodox, is rightly ...And I K edilsya that the doctrine of the Church is in theory a cunning and harmful deceit, and in practice a collection of the grossest superstitions and sorcery, hiding the whole meaning of the Christian doctrine. "By the present time Russia has overcome yaschemu both idealistic and materialistic atheism and irreversibility mo go to Bogoderzhaviyu course.Malicious attempts to bring Russia into the fold ide alisticheskogo atheism will be stopped not only the earth common sense, but God's Providence.Rough and obvious distortion of Christ's teachings were the reason that the development team "dead water" in the search for truth appealed to later revelations contained in the Qur'an.As you know, he revealed with 610 of 632 by Muhammad. Muhammad was illiterate Th rights, who could not read or write.He voiced his thoughts arose, and their prizhizne n tion record was done by many of his contemporaries.The generalization of these recordings, the stories of contemporaries were the basis of the Koran, rewritten scribe Zeid in four e zemplyarah to 20 years after Muhammad's departure to another world.Certainly, the Koran is not free from delusions and distortions about the morality of conditionality in Muhammad and editors formed the canonical text of the Koran.What is surprising is the fact that the order following suras in the Quran and Prince Pial different with respect to the order of their announcement of Muhammad.I agree that this is not an easy opera tion as well, to understand, for example, in the content of you unfamiliar book, all chapters which are rearranged in a manner different from copyright seriously.A positive feature of the Qur'an is that it, unlike the Bible, is not subject to the later distortion. Suras and verses numbered ka w dy of the verses written in the form of blank verse in a certain rhythm.Throw the word does not even seem possible pre d.The Koran contains such profound ideas that they believe in a purely earthly prospect oiskhozhdenie impossible, especially because they voiced an illiterate man.Sura 2 gives an idea of the root of evil in the economy, which today you will not tell no one of the many financiers with degrees and diplomas.Sura 5 gives full insight into monotheism, God's messenger, distorted vision, malicious people.From the total lic consciousness concealed that the Koran does not even attempt to build some special line of religious tion.He did not evolve, but recognizes absolutes tonnes but equal, and Moses and Jesus, and Muhammad.However, the main reception block of universal knowledge to Russian-speaking readers, I realized through interpreters.Do not accidentally Pushkin called them "dummy horses Pros e tion."If conscience translate the Quran from Arabic, the word Allah should translate the word of God.But that translated immediately make clear that for Islamists, and for Christians there is one God, and dec chayutsya only rites.But in this case, to conduct organized bleeding peoples motivated by religious differences about the second.And in today's world, you almost never find nnyh howling conflict of a different kind (Chechnya, Karabakh, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia).Now let us turn to the Koran itself. "After Months And this, Jesus son of Mary - the Messenger of Allah and his word ... - spirit, the created them.So believe in Allah and his message, and Cove.And do not say, "God - is the Trinity." Hold these words - it would be better for you.Voist Inu Allah - only God, Exalted He is, and can not be his child "(Sura 4: 171)" We have revealed unto thee, Muhammad , this writing (ie,Qur'an) as truth in order to confirm that it was said first in the scriptures, to protect them from distortion . (Sura 5: 48). "And every time when they were messengers calling to the fact that they did not like serd tsam they alone, declared liars, and others were killed" (Sura 5: 70)."Do not believe those who say:" Truly Allah - the third of the Trinity '- there is no god except One God "(C Ra 5: 73)."The Messiah, son of Mary, - just the messenger. Many messengers before him came and went "(Sura 5: 75)."If you doubt what We have revealed unto thee, then ask those who read the previous scripture. After all, to you it was the truth from your Go rd, so do not be the same doubters "(Qur'an 10: 94).After the reading of the Qur'an know that inventions about a "Islamic fundamentalism" could think only those who have never picked up the Quran, with its respect for the To each of the scientists sent from above.Or those who are ill-intentioned and disinterested Mr. creates misconceptions about the nature of the Qur'an.A different sort of historical absurdities of Islam with a connected Ana wastes are permitted Muslim church hierarchy of Koranic revelations.Thus, if a clear Christianity from his malicious distortion of biblical and carefully get a grasp of the Koran, your eyes gaze at their absolute identity, and you will realize that you are dealing with the one Testament, sent from above.He teaches us how in the world to announce the call of organic and fair human society and build lifetime earthly paradise.However, justice and happiness for all the world does not fit into the worldview is eniya present owners of the biblical concept.Mankind, as we know, has entered a period of a new logic of social behavior.Ant s Egyptian quackery understand this perspective and called this period the Apocalypse.Yes, this collapse, but the collapse is not humanity, and the biblical concept of control is, of systems crowd- "elitist" to build a society, it collapsed, due to the ideological bankruptcy, the current "elite."Days it's Preben tion as "elite" are numbered in accordance with the Law of Time.More precisely and vividly the essence of proi descending better today FI Tiutchev probably can not be said:There was a day when the Lord's truth HammerThunder, fractions Old Testament TempleAnd his own sword stabbedIt gave up the ghost priest himself.1The third priority3.A single mechanism of opposing ideologies, politicians and the media as a tool of conceptual power. Features of this mechanism in the biblical concept of controlYou Knights Parnassian mountainsTry not to laugh peopleImmodest noise of your quarrels;Bran - only carefullyAS PushkinOnce the concept of the subordination of other nations built, developed suitable plausible scheme required to supply the company's previous history, there is a very specific job for the third priority of generalized tools of supranational control for power cal ideologues.Currently, this work is done so openly and defiantly, that spilled out on the beliefsited same question about some odd vrtoy power.Earlier this was not allowed, it has always been a perfectly clear mirror, reflecting nothing more than a ton and dis sional and unrelated to power.As zvestna, Apollo and the Muses have chosen their place of habitation mountain Parnassus, but it seems that it did not consider the current Knights warnings Pushkin made in epi graph.What kind of fourth power, is now so obvious to all of its supranational level, it d ominirovanie of all legally declared levels of government.How looks the implementation of the scheme of powers is globally Predictor at the third priority?Methodological scheme to surprisingly simple: divide and conquer. As pr Awilo, the people of the country controlled by the propaganda machine offers a choice of two equally false versions between them and swinging the pendulum of public consciousness.We reflect this methodology schematically and give some examples of its factual content. In the future, the reader himself m ozhet distinguish these methods worked for centuries.

Let us explain how this scheme. At the level of methodology, for example, devoted to know about real s tion alternative in the view of the Universe: chetyrhedinstvo or trinity.For the crowd of the false promise of chetyrhedinstve identified as a fundamental question of philosophy

the question of the primacy of matter (materialism), or information, the spirit (idealism).In the centuries of misunderstanding comes swinging pendulum from idealism to materialism and vice versa.It is important that people do not realize that such a question in a direct way, and does not exist.Matter and information are one and inseparable. There is no matter at all, she always has a concrete and specific nature of the information and sticks.Information characteristics are given in turn to nkretnoy least, that is, all matter has its own array of possible states, and can be transformed and trans formed only within the framework of the inherent matrix.Information and consciousness in all cases have a specific source material. Thus, by the art nnogo break in the integrity of the Universe formed two "research schools" (materialists and idealists), who in their centuries-old disputes skillfully stoked elementary truth.At the level of the third priority dedicated to the alternative is to recognize or not with the knowledge of the One for all living on the Earth God - the Creator and the Almighty.For the crowd and offers small

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