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Concentration Memory

May 30, 2018



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  • 8/9/2019 Concentration Memory


    Academic Resource Center

    Study Skills:Concentration/Memory


    Angie S. Pickens, MA

    University of North Alabama

    Coordinator, AcademicResource Center

    [email protected]

  • 8/9/2019 Concentration Memory



    When you are trying to memorize facts or


    Study the most important information firstMake sure you understand WHAT you are

    trying to memorize. If you do not understand

    the materialSTOP and clarify or define

    what you need to know. If you do not

    understand it, chances are it will be more

    difficult for you to memorize it.

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    You may be unable to concentrate

    due to distractions:External

    noise, radio, TV, phone calls, improper or

    uncomfortable study environment,unforeseen events

    Internalstress, worrying about grades, not focused,

    anxiety, too many other things to do, did not

    get enough rest

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    Not studying in the right environment:

    o Try a distraction free environment ( examples: no TV,

    no radio, no music, no cell phone, no noisy people)

    o Be comfortable. Uncomfortable furniture may reduce

    concentration. (It is not a good idea to study in bed

    it is easier to nod off there)

    o Reduce possible stress. It is not a good idea to study

    around other people that are stressing out about their

    own studies.

    Lack of Concentration could be due to:

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    Make a commitment


    ake the task at hand personalTake the task seriously

    Make a detailed plan to finish it

    Dont procrastinate

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    Tips for improved concentration:

    Get plenty of rest and eat well.

    (concentration is more difficult if you are

    tired or hungry)Be a good manager of your time

    Free your mind of preoccupied thoughts.

    When trying to concentrate, it is best to doso with a free and clear mind.

    Focus strictly on the task that needs to be


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    Tips for improved concentration,

    (continued)If you feel your attention drifting away from

    the task, just simply say to yourself STOP!

    This helps to bring your focus back to where itneeds to be.

    Stay positive! Concentration loss tends to lead

    to negative thinking.

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    Students with better study methods and

    strategies score higher on their exams.

    Every student is different. What works best

    for you, may not work well for someone else.

    The following memory methods/strategiesare suggestions. We hope you can improve

    your study habits, concentration and


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    Memorization Strategies:





    Rhymes & Songs

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    According to Merriam-Webster online, an

    acronym is a word (as NATO, radar, or laser)

    formed from the initial letter or letters of each

    of the successive parts or major parts of acompound term; also : an abbreviation as FBI

    Example: SCUBA is an acronym which stands


    (Acronyms work well when you need to memorize


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    Can you remember this list of words?

    (you have 1 minute)

    boy lemon under egg

    behind over analyze timid

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    This time---try using the acronymBLUE BOAT.

    boy lemon under egg

    behind over analyze timid

    (you have 1 minute)

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    Acronym examples: NFL = National Football League

    LSAT = Law School Admission Test

    FBI = Federal Bureau ofInvestigation

    IRS = Internal Revenue Service

    PA = Environmental Protection Agency

    FDA= Food & Drug Administration

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  • 8/9/2019 Concentration Memory


    Acrostic example

    You may heave learned this sentence to solve

    mathematical equations:

    Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally

    This acrostic tells you to do the followingfunctions in this order:

    Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication,

    Divide, Add, Subtract

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    Chunking is one of the more commonly used

    mnemonic techniques especially when memorizing

    numbers. It is based on the idea that short term

    memory is limited in the number of things that canbe contained. A common rule is that the average

    person can remember 7 (plus or minus 2) items in

    short term memory. When you use chunking to

    remember numbers, you decrease the number ofitems you are holding in memory by increasing the

    size of each item.

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    Chunking (continued)

    Can you remember this 16 digit number?


    Now---try to break it down in groups of 4 numbers:

    2009 1776 1812 5678

    (this is called chunking!)

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    xample: An ice breaker game that has

    everyone in the circle go round and say My

    name is Sally and I like seashells. Then, the

    next person would say Her name is Sally &

    she likes seashells. My name is John and I like

    jelly. Then the next person would have to

    repeat all the people & items before he sayshis name & what he likes. This is an example

    of the memorization strategy called repeating.

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    Repeating (continued)

    Once you are able to repeat about 5-6 items

    in a row, then try adding an additional item

    and so on. This strategy seems to work well

    with all subjects.

    Repeating can also be accomplished, when

    you can teach the material to another person.

    This makes you repeat the material in order to

    tell them.

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    Rhymes & Songs

    xample: When you were young, you probably

    memorized the Alphabet song to the tune of

    Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

    According to One type of

    learning strategy that works well for many

    students is creating songs or rhymes for

    memorizing multiplication facts. Look at the

    popular Schoolhouse Rock series. Many students

    have learned their multiplication tables with

    these catchy tunes.

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    While you are studying and trying to

    memorize information----Remember to

    practice relaxation techniques which can be

    reviewed in the Power Point presentation

    titled Test Anxiety.