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Complete Streets Funding Program Appendix A. Program Response to Transportation Bond Bill Requirements B. Eligible Project Types C. Ineligible Project Types D. Prioritization Plan Instructions E. Complete Streets Resources F. Online Portal Instructions G. District State Aid Contact List H. Local Aid Program Forms

Complete Streets Funding Program Appendix - · another policy element, Jurisdiction, allows a municipality to focus their policy on certain areas of the . town, such as a

Apr 30, 2019



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Page 1: Complete Streets Funding Program Appendix - · another policy element, Jurisdiction, allows a municipality to focus their policy on certain areas of the . town, such as a

Complete Streets Funding Program


A. Program Response to Transportation Bond Bill Requirements

B. Eligible Project Types

C. Ineligible Project Types

D. Prioritization Plan Instructions

E. Complete Streets Resources

F. Online Portal Instructions

G. District State Aid Contact List

H. Local Aid Program Forms

Page 2: Complete Streets Funding Program Appendix - · another policy element, Jurisdiction, allows a municipality to focus their policy on certain areas of the . town, such as a

Appendix A

Program Response to Transportation Bond Bill Requirements

Transportation Bond Bill Requirements

On April 18, 2014 the Governor of Massachusetts signed the Transportation Bond Bill, which contained

therein Chapter 79 of the Acts of 2014, Section 2A, and authorized $50 million dollars for the creation of

“Complete Streets (CS) Certification Program.” Pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 90I,

funds are to be disbursed in the form of grants to cities and towns for infrastructure and planning.

“Certification” is predicated on adherence to seven criteria established in Chapter 90I as follows:

1. MGL Chapter 90-1, Section 1 (c)(i): File an application with the department in a form and manner

prescribed by the department.

2. MGL Chapter 90-1, Section 1 (c)(ii): Adopt a complete streets by-law, ordinance or administrative

policy in a manner which shall be approved by the department and which shall include at least

one (1) public hearing; provided, however, that the by-law, ordinance or administrative policy

shall identify the body, individual or entity responsible for carrying out the complete streets


3. MGL Chapter 90-1, Section 1 (c)(iii): Coordinate with the department to confirm the accuracy of

the baseline inventory of pedestrian and bicycle accommodations in order to identify priority


4. MGL Chapter 90-1, Section 1 (c)(iv): Develop procedures to follow when conducting municipal

road repairs, upgrades or expansion projects on public right-of-way in order to incorporate

complete street elements.

5. MGL Chapter 90-1, Section 1 (c)(v): Establish a review for all private development proposals in

order to ensure complete streets components are incorporated into new construction.

6. MGL Chapter 90-1, Section 1 (c)(vi): Set a municipal goal for an increased mode share for walking,

cycling and public transportation, where applicable, to be met within 5 years and develop a

program to reach that goal.

7. MGL Chapter 90-1, Section 1 (c)(vii): Submit and annual progress report to the department.

Additionally, not less than 33 per cent of the grants awarded shall be issued to cities and towns with a

median household income below the average of the Commonwealth. (Equity)

Program Response

MassDOT utilized the seven criteria and requirements as specified in the Transportation Bond Bill above to

further develop the Complete Streets Funding Program described in this document. MassDOT led an

extensive stakeholder engagement effort for over a year to develop the Complete Streets Funding

Program requirements. This included presentations and meetings with nineteen municipal public works

and planning officials, the Massachusetts Healthy Transportation Compact Advisory Group, the

Massachusetts Bicycle and Pedestrian Board, the Massachusetts Partnership for Health Promotion and

Page 3: Complete Streets Funding Program Appendix - · another policy element, Jurisdiction, allows a municipality to focus their policy on certain areas of the . town, such as a

Chronic Disease Prevention’s Built Environment Community of Practice, the Transportation Managers

Group, and Regional Planning Agencies.

MassDOT has sought to strike a balance between providing attractive incentives to encourage widespread

municipal participation in the program and meeting the spirit and intention of the law. MassDOT sought

to address many requirements through municipal commitments made in the Complete Streets Policy.

MassDOT recommended ten policy elements and provides a range of commitment levels that are scored


First, MassDOT has structured the program as an “Eligibility” rather than a “Certification” program. The

rationale here is that certification is often associated with completion of a requirement; for instance a

building that is built to green standards is certified as such. A certified Complete Streets municipality

could be perceived as a city or town that has developed its full roadway network to accommodate all

users; automobiles, freight, transit bicyclists, pedestrians, and so forth. With this program, a municipality is

making commitments to embed Complete Streets in policy and practice moving forward. The work is not

completed or certifiable. Therefore, the focus is on actions that will deem a municipality eligible to receive

Complete Streets funding.

MassDOT has developed eligibility requirements that seek to achieve a commitment best practice in both

Complete Streets policy and implementation.

Program Response - Equity – As stated in the Transportation Bond Bill, 33% of the funds will go to

municipalities that are at or below the median household income. To assist in achieving equitable

distribution of funding, MassDOT is emphasizing the availability of technical assistance funds to assist any

municipality in developing a Complete Streets Prioritization Plan, as described in this Guidance document.

MassDOT does not anticipate difficulty in meeting this requirement, however MassDOT will pay particular

attention as monies are awarded for technical assistance and project construction each year that this

criteria is met.

1. MGL Ch 90-I, Section 1 (c) (i): File an application with the department in a form and manner prescribed by

the department.

Program Response – Online Application Portal –– MassDOT has developed an online portal that serves

as the application process.

2. MGL Ch 90-I, Section 1 (c) (ii): Adopt a complete streets by-law, ordinance or administrative policy in a

manner which shall be approved by the department and which shall include at least 1 public hearing;

provided, however, that the by-law, ordinance or administrative policy shall identify the body, individual or

entity responsible for carrying out the complete streets program.

Program Response - Adopt a Complete Streets Policy –– MassDOT has maintained this criteria almost

in its original form. Municipalities must adopt a Complete Streets policy, bylaw, ordinance or

administrative policy by the highest elected Board or Official, however due to fears expressed that the

timing of public hearings may impede eligibility, the criteria was changed to require a public meeting, not

a hearing. As part of ten policy elements that are scored, 4 points are awarded to the Complete Streets

Policy score for municipalities that identify a party responsible for policy implementation or for reporting.

This is under the Implementation policy element.

Page 4: Complete Streets Funding Program Appendix - · another policy element, Jurisdiction, allows a municipality to focus their policy on certain areas of the . town, such as a

The MassDOT Complete Streets Policy Guidance allows for flexibility in policy language and scores

policies based on the level of commitment. A greater commitment and specificity equates to a greater

score. A policy must score 80 points or above for the municipality to be eligible for the Complete Streets


3. Section 1 (c) (iii): Coordinate with the department to confirm the accuracy of the baseline inventory of

pedestrian and bicycle accommodations in order to identify priority projects.

Program Response - Complete Streets Prioritization Plan –– MassDOT maintains an inventory of state-

owned roads and is working to develop its own bicycle and pedestrian asset management inventories.

Local bicycle and pedestrian inventories have not been part of this system, however MassDOT is piloting a

new effort to obtain bicycle and pedestrian inventories for local roads from municipalities, where they

exist. This is separate from the Complete Streets Funding Program and coordinated with other local

roadway inventory data collection efforts.

The intent of this requirement is to have the municipalities identify and address gaps in their

transportation networks. Through its stakeholder outreach efforts MassDOT learned that not only do

many municipalities not have these inventories, but collection of such data would prove too onerous due

to lack of resources.

To meet the intention of this criteria and not cause an undue burden, MassDOT has required the

development of a Complete Streets Prioritization Plan and is providing technical assistance funding to

support this requirement. The intent of the Complete Streets Prioritization Plan is to have municipalities

conduct the necessary needs analysis (network gap analysis, safety or access audits) or coordination with

existing master or maintenance plans to develop an investment strategy for Complete Street

infrastructure. This helps municipalities move away from a project-by-project approach and have a long-

term vision and plan for a more multi-modal town or city.

4. MGL Ch. 90-I, Section 1 (c) (iv): Develop procedures to follow when conducting municipal road repairs,

upgrades or expansion projects on public rights-of-way in order to incorporate complete streets elements.

Program Response - Complete Streets Policy and Prioritization Plan –– More than any other criteria,

this requirement had the potential to be a significant disincentive for participation in the program. In

stakeholder sessions across the state, concerns were cited about having to commit to doing Complete

Streets on all local roadwork without sufficient funding. Many felt that this requirement outweighed the

benefit of participation in the program and were not interested in participating. While many municipalities

are trying very hard to leverage their Chapter 90 and other funds to accommodate all roadway users, it

was clear that those funds were stretched and many municipalities did not have sufficient funds for paving

and basic maintenance. It was also cited that there was not a funding source for the many small

improvements that could greatly improve safety.

To strike a balance and assure interest and participation in the program, MassDOT addressed the intent of

this criteria on several fronts. First, the level of commitment to addressing Complete Streets in All Projects

and Phases is one of ten elements scored for the Complete Streets Policy. Municipalities receive 10 points

toward their policy score if their policy clearly applies to municipal road repairs, upgrades or expansion

projects on public rights-of-way, and an additional 5 points if their policy requires the development of

procedures to incorporate complete street elements when conducting municipal road repairs, upgrades or

expansion projects on public rights-of-way. MassDOT allows flexibility by encouraging the municipality to

determine their level of commitment to embedding Complete Streets at all project phases. Additionally,

Page 5: Complete Streets Funding Program Appendix - · another policy element, Jurisdiction, allows a municipality to focus their policy on certain areas of the . town, such as a

another policy element, Jurisdiction, allows a municipality to focus their policy on certain areas of the

town, such as a business district or priority development area.

Moreover, MassDOT encourages the Complete Streets Prioritization Plan be tied to the Department of

Public Works masterplan for roadway maintenance, or other local or regional plan to improve the

transportation network. Having a targeted investment strategy will assure that funding is spent where the

municipality determines there is a priority for improved accommodation.

5. MGL Chapter 90-I, Section 1 (c) (v): establish a review process for all private development proposals in

order to ensure complete streets components are incorporated into new construction.

Program Response - Complete Streets Policy –– As part of the municipality’s Complete Streets

program, municipalities can require private development to contribute to and integrate with the

Complete Streets network. Municipalities can opt to integrate this requirement through revising local

zoning or subdivision regulations to support Complete Streets principles in private development projects.

Similar to the response in Criteria 4, this requirement is embedded in the level of commitment stated in

the municipal Complete Streets Policy. There is an opportunity to address private development review in

two of the ten policy elements, Jurisdiction (3 points), and Implementation (2 – 6 points). The municipality

can state that the policy applies to private development in Jurisdiction, and/or can commit to addressing

private development through its Implementation steps, such as updating its subdivision regulations.

6. MGL Chapter 90-1, Section 1 (c)(vi): Set a municipal goal for an increased mode share for walking, cycling

and public transportation, where applicable, to be met within 5 years and develop a program to reach that


Program Response ––- Based on the feedback from municipal representatives provided during the

development of this program, this requirement was deemed unachievable and also may have served as a

disincentive for widespread participation. Quantifying mode shift changes from small-scale investments

would be especially challenging. Additionally, municipalities expressed that having a policy is a de facto a

mode shift goal. They indicated they would be amenable to a project level goal and measurement, but

not a community-wide goal without further funding and technical assistance.

Municipalities can include a mode shift goal in the vision or performance measures of their policy, but

municipal level measurement will not be required at this point. Further the technical assistance funding is

targeted at developing Complete Streets Prioritization Plans.

7. MGL Chapter 90-1, Section 1 (c)(vii): Submit an annual progress report to the department.

Program Response: As part of ten policy elements that are scored, 4 points are awarded to the

Complete Streets Policy score for municipalities that identify a party responsible for policy

implementation or for reporting. This is under the Implementation policy element.

Throughout the stakeholder engagement process with municipalities it was requested that MassDOT keep

the reporting simple and where possible utilize the Chapter 90 process that is well-known. Municipalities

will submit a report on spending with their reimbursement request at the conclusion of construction or

technical assistance, similar to the Chapter 90 reimbursement process. Additionally, each time a

municipality seeks project funding it will submit a request through Tier 3 on the online portal and identify

projects that are on its Complete Streets Prioritization Plan.

Page 6: Complete Streets Funding Program Appendix - · another policy element, Jurisdiction, allows a municipality to focus their policy on certain areas of the . town, such as a

MassDOT’s program progress measures will include the number of Complete Streets Policies passed,

number of Complete Streets Prioritizations Plans developed, and number of projects funded.

Page 7: Complete Streets Funding Program Appendix - · another policy element, Jurisdiction, allows a municipality to focus their policy on certain areas of the . town, such as a

Appendix B

Eligible Project Types

Many projects are candidates to incorporate Complete Streets elements and may be eligible for

Complete Streets construction funding, including:

New construction

• Reconstruction

• Some types of rehabilitation

• Resurfacing and changes in the allocation of pavement width on an existing roadway (e.g.,

removal of on-street parking or reduction in the number of travel lanes)1

1 While MassDOT Complete Streets construction funding could be available for roadway width reallocation measures identified above, funding shall not be awarded for roadway resurfacings costs.

Roadways While implementation of Complete Streets elements is appropriate on many public and private

roadways open to public travel, the following exceptions should be noted:

Corridors where non-motorized use is prohibited, such as freeways;

• When the cost of accommodation will be excessively disproportionate to the need or probable

use2; or

• When minimal population or other factors indicate an absence of need.

2 The FHWA defined “excessively disproportionate” as exceeding 20 percent of the cost of the larger transportation project.

Project Types Projects may incorporate one or more Complete Street elements to improve safety and/or pedestrian,

bicycle, transit, vehicular, or freight mobility. Table 1 includes specific project types that are eligible for

Complete Streets construction funding.

Project Costs To facilitate the development of the Prioritization Plan, Table 1 of CS eligible project types i lists the

eligible projects in increasing order of cost and complexity (level of design, permitting, right-of-way

actions and construction). For example, installation of shared lane markings or bicycle route signs

generally is less expensive than and requires less design, permitting and construction efforts than the

construction of a new shared-use path. Please note that the levels of cost and complexity are relative to

each other and should be used only as a guide for planning/comparative purposes. Costs estimates

should be developed using the resources listed in this document or through appropriate local sources.

MassDOT’s construction project estimator can be found at

Page 8: Complete Streets Funding Program Appendix - · another policy element, Jurisdiction, allows a municipality to focus their policy on certain areas of the . town, such as a

Table 1

Eligible Project Types

Traffic & Safety Ref. Bicycle Facilities Ref.• Pavement markings or signage that provides a new

separate accommodation for bicycle, pedestrian ortransit modes

$ • Improvement of shared use paths (non‐safetyrelated)


• Removal of protruding objects (pedestrian path oftravel, bicycle, vehicular or transit facility)

$ • Designated bicycle lanes $

• Pedestrian signal & timing (minor updates) $

• Bicycle parking fixtures and/or shelters at transitand other locations


• Changing pedestrian signal timing (i.e., lead pedestrian interval)

$ • On‐street bicycle parking $

• Radar speed feedback (“Your Speed”) signs $

• Provide bicycle‐safe drain grates and otherhardware


• Reducing corner radii to lower vehicle speeds and/ordecrease pedestrian crossing distances

$ • Bicycle boulevards $

• Additional regulatory signing (for existing regulations) $

• Bicycle wayfinding signs $

• Speed humps/speed tables $$

• Shared lane markings (sharrows) $

• Street lighting $$

• Bike route signs $

• Road diets $$

• Elimination of hazardous conditions on shared use paths


• Speed attenuation devices $$ • Designated Separated Bicycle Lane $$

• Roadway resurfacing or micro surfacing if restriping fornew bicycle lanes

$$ • New shared use paths $$$

• Traffic calming measures $$

• Intersection treatments (bicycle signals, bicycle detection, bike lane extensions, turn boxes)


• New Curbing on uncurbed streets. $$ • Addition of or widening of shoulders $$$ • $$$ Roundabouts• $$$ Intersection reconstruction – reducing complexity and

crossing distance• Intersection signalization (major updates/upgrades &

new Installation)$SS

Transit Facilities Ref. Pedestrian Facilities Ref.• Improving transit connections for pedestrians,

including: ramps, providing and/or moving crosswalks,signing

$ • Sidewalk repairs (tree roots, uplifted panels, etc.) $

• Improving transit connections for bicyclists, including:providing secure bicycle parking, signing


• Providing ADA/AAB compliant curb ramps $

• Transit shelter $

• Detectable warning surfaces $

• Transit signal prioritization $$

• Pedestrian wayfinding signs $

• Bus pull‐out areas $$

• Providing new sidewalks $$

• Railroad grade crossings improvements (signs, flange way fill, etc.)


• Providing pedestrian buffer zones $$

• Transit contra‐flow lanes $$

• Pedestrian Refuge Islands $$

• Park-n-ride facilities $$

• Curb extensions at pedestrian crossings $$

• Transit‐only lanes $$$

• Crosswalks $$ • Widening existing sidewalks $$ • Accessible pedestrian signals $$ • New or improved crossing treatments at

intersections, midblock, etc. including RRFB’s and HAWK signals


• New pedestrian accommodations at existing trafficsignals


• Interim public plazas$$

• Traffic re‐routing to create pedestrian zones$$

• Providing medians with ADA/AAB‐compliant design $$$

$ $3-$25 per linear foot or $100 to $1000 per each. Minimal work, no right-of-way actions, environmental checklist only

(i.e. signing and striping projects)

$$ $25 to $75 per linear foot; $1000 to $10,000 per each.

$$$ $100 to $250 per linear foot; $10,000 to $50,000 each.

$$$$ $250 to $1000 per linear foot; $50,000 to $100,000 each. Full reconstruction, right-of-way actions, environmental

permits required (i.e. full depth reconstruction, new shared-use path)

Page 9: Complete Streets Funding Program Appendix - · another policy element, Jurisdiction, allows a municipality to focus their policy on certain areas of the . town, such as a

If a project or element does not appear in the list in Table 1, it may still be eligible for funding. The

applicant should provide justification for the decision based upon the classification of comparable



Complete Streets Local Policy Workbook; Smart Growth America and National Complete Streets Coalition, August 2012,

updated Spring 2013.

Accommodating Bicycle and Pedestrian Travel: A Recommended Approach; United States Department of Transportation

Federal Highway Administration, May 7, 2012.

Page 10: Complete Streets Funding Program Appendix - · another policy element, Jurisdiction, allows a municipality to focus their policy on certain areas of the . town, such as a

Appendix C

Ineligible Project Types3

3 Adopted from VTrans CS Program

The following project types are not eligible for Complete Streets funding:

All projects on facilities where bicyclists and pedestrians are prohibited, such as freeways posted

to exclude non-motorized transportation

• Projects done under Minor Vehicle Access Permit or Non-Vehicle Access Permits

• Routine roadway maintenance projects (e.g. pothole patching, crack sealing, joint repair, micro

surfacing, chip seals, etc.) Micro surfacing eligible if restriping for bicycle lanes

• Non-roadway maintenance projects (e.g. catch basin cleaning, street sweeping, grass mowing,


• Bridge maintenance projects (e.g. joint repair, deck repair, superstructure repair, substructure

repair, etc.)

• Emergency repairs

• Drainage only projects

• Guardrail only projects

• Landscape only projects

• Signage only projects. Bike wayfinding/bike route signing eligible

• Noise barrier only projects

Shim/leveling projects

Vertical construction. Covered bicycle parking shelters and covered bus shelters eligible

Page 11: Complete Streets Funding Program Appendix - · another policy element, Jurisdiction, allows a municipality to focus their policy on certain areas of the . town, such as a

Appendix D

Prioritization Plan Instructions

Page 12: Complete Streets Funding Program Appendix - · another policy element, Jurisdiction, allows a municipality to focus their policy on certain areas of the . town, such as a

MassDOT Complete Streets (CS) Funding Program

Project Prioritization Plan Instructions

General Information Description

Additional Resources

(if applicable)

Municipality City or Town name.

MassDOT District Select which MassDOT district the municipality belongs to. MassDOT Districts

Date Date form is completed.

Name Name of person filling out the form.

Title Title of person filling out the form.

Project Information Description

Additional Resources

(if applicable)

Rank Municipalities should enter ranked projects based on the results of their local prioritization process.

Project Name Name of the project.

Project Description Brief description of the project components.

Environmental Justice Population?Using the MassGIS Mapping Tool, determine if the project is within or serves a designated

Environmental Justice population cluster. Select Yes or No from the drop down list.MassGIS Online Mapping Tool

Project Limits The general physical extents of the project (i.e. intersection, roadway limits, etc.)

Project Location: X Coordinate

Using the MassGIS Mapping Tool, hover over the project site and report the X coordinate from the

bottom right corner of the map. Ensure that "Show Coordinates" is toggled ON and that MA State

Plane meters units are selected by using the toolbar below the map.

MassGIS Online Mapping Tool

Project Location: Y Coordinate

Using the MassGIS Mapping Tool, hover over the project site and report the Y coordinate from the

bottom right corner of the map. Ensure that "Show Coordinates" is toggled ON and that MA State

Plane meters units are selected by using the toolbar below the map.

MassGIS Online Mapping Tool

CS Project Type/Origin Select the type/origin of the CS project from the drop-down list:

Capital Improvement Program (CIP)

CS Needs Assessment

Roadway Rehabilitation/Maintenance

ADA Transition Plan/Assessment

Safety Audit

Bicycle/Pedestrian Audit

Master Plan

Scheduled Utility Work

CS Needs Addressed? Indicate which of the following CS needs will be addressed by the project by checking "X" with the

drop down function (select all that apply):

Safety: Addresses high crash location, reduces vehicular speeds, etc.

ADA accessibility: Wheelchair ramps added, etc.

Pedestrian mobility: New/improved crosswalks, sidewalks/paths, pedestrian signals, etc.

Bicycle mobility: New bike lanes, wider shoulders, signal accommodation, bicycle parking, etc.

Transit operations and access: Enhanced stop amenities, queue jump lanes, stop consolidation, etc.

Vehicular operations

Freight operations

In Coordination with Other CS Eligible


Indicate if the project is in coordination with another, adjacent CS eligible community or


List Coordinating Communities

(if applicable)

If the project is in coordination with another, adjacent CS eligible community or communities, list

the community or communities.

Total Project Cost Total cost estimate for the project, including as applicable, ROW, utilities, design, construction.Note: ROW, utilities, design not

included in CS funding.

CS Funding RequestedConstruction funding requested from CS program (up to 100% of total construction cost). Funding

can range up to $400,000 (with no minimum) for each municipality.

Other Funding Source(s)

(if applicable)List anticipated funding sources, outside of the MassDOT Complete Streets Funding Program.

Anticipated Construction Duration

(in number of months)Enter anticipated construction duration in number of months.

Desired Construction Start Date Enter desired start date of construction - month and calendar year (e.g. August 2016).

Page 13: Complete Streets Funding Program Appendix - · another policy element, Jurisdiction, allows a municipality to focus their policy on certain areas of the . town, such as a

Appendix E

Complete Streets Resources

521 CMR: Architectural Access Board (State Guidance)

Accommodating Bicycle and Pedestrian Travel: A Recommended Approach; United States Department of

Transportation Federal Highway Administration, May 7, 2012.

American’s with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) (Federal Guidance)


Complete Streets: Best Policy and Implementation Practices; American Planning Association Planning

Advisory Service Report Number 559, March 2010.

Complete Streets Gap Analysis and Prioritization Strategy; Lincoln/Lancaster County Planning Department,

January 2015.

Complete Streets Local Policy Workbook; Smart Growth America and National Complete Streets Coalition,

August 2012, updated Spring 2013.

Complete Streets Resource List, American Planning Association.

Engineering Directive E-14-006; Massachusetts Department of Transportation, September 2014.

Healthy Transportation Policy Directive; Massachusetts Department of Transportation, September 2013.

Massachusetts Community Compact Cabinet

MassWorks Infrastructure Program

The National Complete Streets Coalition

North Central Pennsylvania Project Prioritization Process & Scoring Methodology; North Central

Pennsylvania Regional Planning and Development Commission, January 2010.

Page 14: Complete Streets Funding Program Appendix - · another policy element, Jurisdiction, allows a municipality to focus their policy on certain areas of the . town, such as a

Norwalk Transportation Management Plan; VHB, November 2012.

Public Rights of Way Accessibility Guidelines – Draft (PROWAG) (Federal Guidance)

Project Development & Design Guide; Massachusetts Highway Department, January 2006.


Regional Bicycle Network Gap Analysis; Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada, May


Separated Bike Lane Planning and Design Guide, Massachusetts Department of Transportation


Smart Growth America

Statewide Pedestrian and Bicycle Planning Handbook; U.S. Department of Transportation John A Volpe

National Transportation Systems Center, September 2014.

Transportation Project Prioritization Technical Report; City of Oakland Public Works Agency Department

of Engineering & Construction, Transportation Planning and Funding Division, October 2012.


Page 15: Complete Streets Funding Program Appendix - · another policy element, Jurisdiction, allows a municipality to focus their policy on certain areas of the . town, such as a

Appendix F

Online Portal Instructions

Page 16: Complete Streets Funding Program Appendix - · another policy element, Jurisdiction, allows a municipality to focus their policy on certain areas of the . town, such as a

Mass Complete Streets Program Portal User Guide

January 29, 2016

Page 17: Complete Streets Funding Program Appendix - · another policy element, Jurisdiction, allows a municipality to focus their policy on certain areas of the . town, such as a | Mass Complete Streets Program Portal User Guide

i | P a g e

Table of Contents Table of Contents ........................................................................................................................................... i

Table of Figures ............................................................................................................................................. ii

Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 1

About this User Guide ................................................................................................................................... 2

Contact for Additional Assistance ............................................................................................................. 2

User Guide Conventions ........................................................................................................................... 2

Portal Layout ................................................................................................................................................. 3

Header Section .......................................................................................................................................... 3

Information Tabs Section .......................................................................................................................... 4

Resources .................................................................................................................................................. 4

Usage Guidance Section............................................................................................................................ 4

Document Grids Section ........................................................................................................................... 5

Core Portal Tasks for Establishing Program Eligibility ................................................................................... 6

Municipality Registration and Profile Management ................................................................................. 6

Tier 1 Document Submittal including Representative Information .......................................................... 6

Tier 2 Document Submittal ....................................................................................................................... 7

Tier 3 Document Submittal ....................................................................................................................... 7

Municipality Registration and Profile Management ..................................................................................... 8

Account Request and Approval ................................................................................................................ 8

Account Activation .................................................................................................................................. 10

Forgot Password ..................................................................................................................................... 10

Profile Management ............................................................................................................................... 10

Tier 1 Document Submittal including Representative Information ............................................................ 11

Representative Information .................................................................................................................... 11

Trained Representative ....................................................................................................................... 11

Municipal Contact Administrator, Manager, or Highest Elected Official ........................................... 12

Tier 1 Document Submittal ..................................................................................................................... 12

Tier 2 Document Submittal ......................................................................................................................... 14

Tier 3 Document Submittal ......................................................................................................................... 17

Page 18: Complete Streets Funding Program Appendix - · another policy element, Jurisdiction, allows a municipality to focus their policy on certain areas of the . town, such as a | Mass Complete Streets Program Portal User Guide

ii | P a g e

Table of Figures Figure 1 - Portal Layout ................................................................................................................................. 3

Figure 2 - Header Section .............................................................................................................................. 4

Figure 3 - Information Tabs Section .............................................................................................................. 4

Figure 4 - Resources Section ......................................................................................................................... 4

Figure 5 - Tier 3 Usage Guidance Section ..................................................................................................... 5

Figure 6 - Document Grids Section ............................................................................................................... 5

Figure 7 - Municipality Profile Tab ................................................................................................................ 6

Figure 8 - Representative Information and Tier 1 Tabs ................................................................................ 6

Figure 9 - Tier 2 Tab ...................................................................................................................................... 7

Figure 10 - Tier 3 Tab .................................................................................................................................... 7

Figure 11 - Register Your Municipality Link .................................................................................................. 8

Figure 12 - Account Activation Captcha Screen .......................................................................................... 10

Figure 13 - Account Activation and Password Reset Screen ....................................................................... 10

Figure 14 - Account Activation and Password Reset Screen ....................................................................... 10

Figure 15 - Information Saved Confirmation .............................................................................................. 11

Figure 16 - Information Saved Confirmation .............................................................................................. 12

Figure 17 - Tier 1 Document Upload Button ............................................................................................... 12

Figure 18 - Tier 1 Document Upload Dialog ................................................................................................ 13

Figure 19 - Tier 1 Document Submit and Delete Buttons ........................................................................... 13

Figure 20 - Submit Document Confirmation Dialog .................................................................................... 13

Figure 21 - Delete Document Confirmation Dialog ..................................................................................... 13

Figure 22 - View Feedback Document Grid Link ......................................................................................... 14

Figure 23 - Feedback Review Window ........................................................................................................ 14

Figure 24 - Upload Document Button ......................................................................................................... 15

Figure 25 - Tier 2 Document Upload Dialog ................................................................................................ 16

Figure 26 - Tier 2 Document Submit and Delete Buttons ........................................................................... 16

Figure 27 - Submit Document Confirmation Dialog .................................................................................... 16

Figure 28 - Delete Document Confirmation Dialog ..................................................................................... 16

Figure 29 - View Feedback Document Grid Link ......................................................................................... 17

Figure 30 - Feedback Review Window ........................................................................................................ 17

Figure 31 - Upload Document Button ......................................................................................................... 18

Figure 32 - Tier 3 Document Upload Dialog ................................................................................................ 19

Figure 33 - Tier 3 Document Submit and Delete Buttons ........................................................................... 19

Figure 34 - Submit Document Confirmation Dialog .................................................................................... 19

Figure 35 - Delete Document Confirmation Dialog ..................................................................................... 19

Figure 36 - View Feedback Document Grid Link ......................................................................................... 20

Figure 37 - Feedback Review Window ........................................................................................................ 20

Page 19: Complete Streets Funding Program Appendix - · another policy element, Jurisdiction, allows a municipality to focus their policy on certain areas of the . town, such as a | Mass Complete Streets Program Portal User Guide

1 | P a g e

Introduction The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) Complete Streets Funding Program was

created by legislative authorization through the Transportation Bond Bill with the intent of rewarding

municipalities that demonstrate a commitment to embedding Complete Streets in policy and practice.

The Mass Complete Streets Portal ( is an on-line web

application designed to facilitate municipalities becoming eligible and applying for Complete Streets

project funding. To become eligible for Complete Streets Program Funding a municipality must navigate

through three tiers.

1. In Tier 1 the municipality demonstrates its commitment to Complete Streets principles through

the passing of a Complete Streets bylaw, ordinance or administrative policy by its highest

elected official or board with one public meeting. In addition, one municipal employee must

attend a Complete Streets Training session.

2. In Tier 2 a municipality looks holistically at their Complete Street needs, safety or network gaps,

and develops a Complete Streets Prioritization Plan that aligns with local and regional planning

efforts. When a municipality completes Tier 1 and Tier 2 requirements, they are deemed a

Complete Streets Eligible Municipality.

3. Tier 3 is where municipalities identify projects from its Complete Streets Prioritization Plan for

funding, MassDOT determines which projects are to be funded and then the municipality and

MassDOT enter into a contract.

The Portal facilitates these processes by providing access to relevant documentation templates, a means

to upload required documentation for review, and an iterative solution for document review and

approval. A full Complete Streets Funding Program Guidance document that explains the program

requirements is available on the Portal.

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About this User Guide The Mass Complete Streets Program Portal User Guide provides guidance for users of the Mass

Complete Streets Program Portal ( specific to account

management and navigation through the tiers. This guide does not address the particulars of the

Complete Streets Funding Program itself including topics such as objectives, eligibility, best practices,

and prioritization plan development.

The Mass Complete Streets Program Portal User Guide and the Complete Streets Funding Program

Guidance document should be used in tandem to best navigate the process of becoming eligible and

applying for funding from the Complete Streets Program.

Contact for Additional Assistance General questions about Mass Complete Streets Program Portal as well as the status of a municipality’s

eligibility should be directed to the Complete Streets Portal administrator at:

[email protected]

User Guide Conventions The conventions use in the Complete Streets Program Portal are as follows:

Text in bold font represents a button or hyperlink on the screen that can be activated by clicking it. For

example on the login page:

Click Sign in (a button) to log into the Portal.

Click register your Municipality (a hyperlink) to reach the Municipality registration page

Text in italicized font represents a form field label on the screen where information needs to be entered,

selected, or defined. For example on the registration page:

Municipality is a drop down list from which you must choose your Municipality.

Contact First Name is a text entry field that you must supply a value for.

Is a Gateway City? is a checkbox that can be left unchecked or checked accordingly.

Text in bold and italics refer to layout elements of the overall user interface. Please refer to the General

Layout and Navigation section of this document for more details.

Form fields with a red asterisk after them indicate fields that require a value be entered or selected.

Question mark icons can be found throughout the Portal and provide additional information on the

element they are adjacent to. The additional information is provided by clicking on them to open a new

browser tab or window with that information presented.

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Portal Layout The Portal is designed to provide a dashboard of information specific to navigating the Program tiers.

After successfully registering, a Municipality will be able to log into the portal and will arrive at their

dashboard. The dashboard is arranged with a header and information tabs to facilitate the effective use

of space in the browser window. Within the information tabs are additional elements including

resources, usage guidance, and document grids. The following is an overview of the main layout sections

and the terms used to refer to those elements throughout this guide.

Figure 1 - Portal Layout

Header Section The Header comprises the top section of the dashboard. It includes the main title, branding, a link bar,

and dashboard title. The main title is a link that will return the user the default view of their dashboard.

If the user is not logged in, or their log in has expired after a given time, they will be returned to the

login page. Branding elements in the Header include the MassDOT logo and the Complete Streets logo.

The link bar included in the Header includes the following:

Contact Us: Clicking this link will open the native email program for the user with the contact

email for the Program.

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FAQ: Clicking this link will open a Portable Document File (*.pdf) of the Program Frequently

Asked Questions in a new browser tab or window.

Complete Streets Guidance Document: Clicking this link will open a Portable Document File

(*.pdf) of the Complete Streets Guidance Document in a new browser tab or window.

Logout: Clicking this link will log the user out and return them to the login page.

The dashboard title includes Municipality specific verbiage including a tier status badge and the name of

the currently logged in Municipality. The tier status badge indicates the Municipalities’ current tier

status (1-3).

Figure 2 - Header Section

Information Tabs Section User supplied information is arranged into tabs in the user interface. Tabs include Municipality Profile,

Representative Information, Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3. Clicking on a tab brings the relevant content to

the fore for interaction by the user. Refer to the specific tab outline sections in this document for more


Figure 3 - Information Tabs Section

Resources Within the Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 tabs the user interface is arranged in a common format. This includes

a Resources column to the left. This section contains links specific to the Tier including templates for

download, links to supporting information, and guidance.

Figure 4 - Resources Section

Usage Guidance Section As noted, within the Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 tabs the user interface is arranged in a common format.

This includes a Usage Guidance column to the right. This section contains information specific to the

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Municipalities’ requirements for eligibility at the given Tier. In addition it provides guidance on how to

use the Portal to provide the requested information to the Program for review.

Figure 5 - Tier 3 Usage Guidance Section

Document Grids Section As noted, within the Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 tabs the user interface is arranged in a common format.

This includes Document Grid(s) along the bottom. Tier 1 has two grids specific to different document

types uploaded to the Portal. Tier 2 and Tier 3 have one grid specific to documents uploaded for those

tiers. The document grids provide a dynamic listing of the documents uploaded for review and their

status. Refer to the specific tab outline sections below for more information.

Figure 6 - Document Grids Section

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Core Portal Tasks for Establishing Program Eligibility As noted in the Introduction a Municipality wishing to qualify for Complete Streets Funding must

provide information at various tiers to become eligible. The Portal is designed to facilitate this process

by providing a user interface for provision of required documentation, cataloging of feedback, and

profile management. At a high level the core Portal tasks for establishing program eligibility include:

Municipality Registration and Profile Management A Municipality must first register with the portal and then be authorized by the Complete Streets

Administrator prior to being able to begin the process of becoming eligible for funding. This includes

completing a registration form, being authorized by the Complete Streets Administrator, confirming

contact email, and setting a password. Once registered and authorized a municipality is required to

maintain the contact information throughout the term of use of the portal. Profile information is easily

accessible from the dashboard in the Municipality Profile tab.

Figure 7 - Municipality Profile Tab

Tier 1 Document Submittal including Representative Information A Tier 1 Municipality must provide representative information and indicate a commitment to Complete

Streets principles. To do so the user must provide Trained Representative and Municipal Contact

Administrator, Manager, or Highest Elected Official information in the Representative Information tab.

Once done the user can submit relevant documentation in the Tier 1 tab. This documentation will be

reviewed and if approved the Municipality will be Tier 2 eligible.

Figure 8 - Representative Information and Tier 1 Tabs

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Tier 2 Document Submittal A Tier 2 Municipality must provide prioritization plan documentation. The user can submit relevant

documentation in the Tier 2 tab. This documentation will be reviewed and if approved the Municipality

will be Tier 3 eligible.

Figure 9 - Tier 2 Tab

Tier 3 Document Submittal A Tier 3 Municipality must provide project application documentation. The user can submit relevant

documentation in the Tier 3 tab. This documentation will be reviewed for approval.

Figure 10 - Tier 3 Tab

These core Portal tasks serve as the framework for the remainder of this user guidance document.

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Municipality Registration and Profile Management Registration information is used to aid in eligibility determination and communication as required

documentation is uploaded, reviewed, and ultimately approved. The contact person must be the

municipal official who will serve as the program coordinator for all activities related to the Complete

Streets Funding Program. Contact information is a critical piece to this process and must be current and


To register your Municipality select the register your Municipality link from the login page.

Figure 11 - Register Your Municipality Link

Access the login page by clicking the Click here to continue to the Portal link from the landing page

found at:

It is important to note registration is a two-step process.

1. Account Request and Approval: The user must first provide the required information to request

the account. That account request will then be reviewed authorized by the Complete Streets


2. Account Activation: When authorized the user will then need to set a password and the account

will be activated.

Account Request and Approval Complete the Register a new Municipality form by providing the requested information. This includes:

Municipality: Select the Municipality that wishes to request a Portal account. It is important to

note that the listing of Municipalities includes only those that do not yet have a registration. If

the municipality is not listed then it is already registered with the Portal.

Contact First Name: The first name of the municipal official who will serve as the program

coordinator for all activities related to the Complete Streets Funding Program.

Contact Last Name: The last name of the municipal official who will serve as the program

coordinator for all activities related to the Complete Streets Funding Program.

Email: The email address of the municipal official who will serve as the program coordinator for

all activities related to the Complete Streets Funding Program. It is important to double check

this email address as it will be required for completing the registration process.

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Phone: The phone number of the municipal official who will serve as the program coordinator

for all activities related to the Complete Streets Funding Program.

Contact Title: The title of the municipal official who will serve as the program coordinator for all

activities related to the Complete Streets Funding Program.

Department: The title of the municipal official who will serve as the program coordinator for all

activities related to the Complete Streets Funding Program.

Is a Gateway City?: Check the box if the Municipality is a Gateway City. Click the question mark

icon to determine the Municipality status.

Is below the Massachusetts Median Household Income?: Check the box if the below the

Massachusetts Median Household Income. Click the question mark icon to determine the

Municipality status.

Is a signatory to the Community Compact Cabinet?: Check the box if the Municipality is a

signatory to the Community Compact Cabinet. Click the question mark icon to determine the

Municipality status.

Compact Member Date: Select or enter with a valid format (mm/dd/yyyy) the data the

Municipality became a signatory to the Community Compact Cabinet.

Compact Signatory: Enter the name of the signatory to the Community Compact Cabinet.

Has chosen Complete Streets as its Community Compact Best Practice?: Check the box if the

Municipality has chosen Complete Streets as its Community Compact Best Practice.

Has a Complete Streets Policy (Ordinance, By-law or Administrative Policy) been passed by the

highest elected Board with one public meeting?: Check the box if the Municipality has a

Complete Streets Policy (Ordinance, By-law or Administrative Policy) been passed by the highest

elected Board with one public meeting.

Has a Complete Streets Policy (Ordinance, By-law or Administrative Policy) been passed by the

highest elected Board with one public meeting?: Check the box if the Municipality has a

Complete Streets Policy (Ordinance, By-law or Administrative Policy) been passed by the highest

elected Board with one public meeting.

Check this box to agree to the Client Conduct terms: Check the box to indicate agreement with

the Client Conduct terms.

Finally the Captcha text will need to be entered into the text box to verify the registrant is in fact not a

robot. When complete click Submit.

Registering an account is the first step in the process. A Complete Streets Administrator must still verify

and authorize the account before the Municipality may engage in the process of submitting documents

for review. On submittal of the registration information a verification email will be sent to the listed

contact as well as the Complete Streets Administrator. The Administrator will authorize the account for

activation and a follow up email will be sent to the listed contact. Included in the email will be a link to

follow to activate the account.

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Account Activation To activate the account click the link in the email noted above. A browser window will open and prompt

the user to enter the Captcha text into the text box to verify in fact that the registrant is not a robot.

The User then clicks the Submit button.

Figure 12 - Account Activation Captcha Screen

The user will then be prompted to set a password. To do so the user will need to provide a password of

at least 6 characters. Enter the same password in both fields and click Submit.

Figure 13 - Account Activation and Password Reset Screen

Forgot Password If a user has lost or forgotten their password, they may enter their registered email address to have

instructions on resetting their password emailed to them. To do so the user need to click on the Forgot

Password? Link on the log in page. Enter the email originally associated with the account in the Email


Figure 14 - Account Activation and Password Reset Screen

Profile Management Once a Municipality has an active account they can login to the Portal to view their dashboard. The first

tab in the user interface is the Municipality Profile tab. The information originally registered is

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presented on this tab’s page. To update any of the information the user updates the form fields

accordingly and clicks the Update button. When the update is complete a message saying “Saved” will

appear next to the Update button to confirm the information was saved.

Figure 15 - Information Saved Confirmation

Tier 1 Document Submittal including Representative Information Tier 1 is designed to assist municipalities in receiving training and submitting a Complete Streets Policy.

Municipalities that complete all of the Tier 1 requirements can move to Tier 2. To become a Tier 1

Municipality you must enter information specific to your Trained Representative and Municipal Contact

Administrator, Manager, or Highest Elected Official and upload a Complete Streets Policy for scoring.

Alternatively, your municipality may move to Tier 2 and qualify for technical assistance funding by

committing to passing a Complete Streets Policy and attend training within a year. To do so use the

template provided to submit an Intent to Become a Complete Streets Municipality letter for review. The

letter of intent to complete Tier 1 requirements must use the provided template.

The process of submitting Tier 1 documents for review is as follows:

1. Identify Complete Streets 101 or 201 trained municipal employee on Representative

Information page.

2. Upload your municipal Complete Streets Policy (Include Complete Streets Policy Support

Template if necessary). Once submitted for review the document can no longer be removed

from your profile. However, new documents can be uploaded at later dates as the review

process, or your own update process, warrants.

3. Alternatively, download the Intent to Become a Complete Streets Eligible Municipality template

(that commits your municipality to completing a Complete Streets Policy and Prioritization Plan

within a year), fill it in, and upload it to Tier 1 of the Portal using the Upload Document button.

Representative Information Before the Portal will allow a Municipality to submit a Tier 1 document for review the user must provide

comprehensive Representative Information on the Representative Information tab. Representative

Information includes contact information specific to the Complete Streets Trained representative who

has attended 101 or 201 training. In addition it includes contact information specific to the Municipal

Contact Administrator, Manager, or Highest Elected Official who has authority to sign MassDOT contract

forms. To provide this information complete the form by providing the following information.

Trained Representative

First Name: Enter the first name of the trained representative in the text box.

Last Name: Enter the last name of the trained representative in the text box.

Title: Enter the title of the trained representative in the text box.

Department: Enter the department of the trained representative in the text box.

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Training Date: Enter the date of the representative training workshop in valid date format

(mm/dd/yyyy) or select it from the drop-down calendar.

Municipal Contact Administrator, Manager, or Highest Elected Official

First Name: Enter the first name of the Municipal Contact Administrator, Manager, or Highest

Elected Official in the text box.

Last Name: Enter the last name of the Municipal Contact Administrator, Manager, or Highest

Elected Official in the text box.

Title: Enter the title of the Municipal Contact Administrator, Manager, or Highest Elected Official

in the text box.

Date of policy approval by local official or board: Enter the date of the policy approval in valid

date format (mm/dd/yyyy) or select it from the drop-down calendar.

When complete the user clicks the Update button. When the update is complete a message saying

“Saved” will appear next to the Update button to confirm the information was saved. The user can now

upload Tier 1 documentation.

Figure 16 - Information Saved Confirmation

Tier 1 Document Submittal Documents submitted via the portal become part of the historical record of progress through the tiers.

It is important to be sure the document you are uploading is ready for review by the Complete Street

Review Committee. To that end the upload process is twofold. First the user must upload the document

to the relevant grid. When ready the user can submit the document for review. Once submitted the

user will receive an email confirmation and the Review Committee will be notified that the document is

ready for review.

To upload a document for review select the document type to upload and click the Upload Document


Figure 17 - Tier 1 Document Upload Button

A dialog will appear asking the user to select the document from their local disk.

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Figure 18 - Tier 1 Document Upload Dialog

To do so click the Select Document button and browse to your selected document. Only certain

document types of a limited size are allowed. Only one document can be reviewed at a time. If the user

has comments they wish to accompany the submittal they can enter it the Comment field in the

document upload window. The user then clicks on the Submit button. The document is uploaded to

the document grid.

The user can select the Submit button to submit the document for review or remove the document by

clicking the Delete button on the document row in the document grid.

Figure 19 - Tier 1 Document Submit and Delete Buttons

In either case a confirmation dialog will follow.

Figure 20 - Submit Document Confirmation Dialog

Figure 21 - Delete Document Confirmation Dialog

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Once submitted the document is no longer removable from the grid and becomes part of the document

submission record.

After submission certain fields in the grid will read N/A until the Review Committee has reviewed the

document. Once reviewed (and if it is a Complete Streets Policy Document, scored), the user will

receive an email that the Review Committee has completed its review. The user can then log back into

the Portal, navigate to the Tier 1 tab and review the updated values such as Status, Policy Score, Total

Score, etc. In addition the user can review feedback from the Review Committee.

To view the feedback from the Review Committee the user will click on the View Feedback link in the

Feedback column of the grid row specific to the document.

Figure 22 - View Feedback Document Grid Link

This will open a window showing the Comments, if any, provided for the specific document as well as a

more comprehensive feedback document from the Review Committee. To review the more

comprehensive feedback document the user need only click on it.

Figure 23 - Feedback Review Window

Once a Municipality has an “Approved” document in either grid they become Tier 2 eligible.

Tier 2 Document Submittal Tier 2 looks to the municipality to determine its Complete Streets needs and prioritize its Complete

Streets infrastructure projects through the development of a Complete Streets Prioritization Plan. To

become a Tier 2 Municipality you must develop and upload a Complete Streets Prioritization Plan based

on the template provided. MassDOT is offering up to $50,000 in Technical Assistance for the

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development of a Complete Streets Prioritization Plan. This funding can support activities such as

network gap analysis or safety audit to determine a municipality’s needs for Complete Streets. Each

municipality will be required to enter into a contract in order to provide reimbursement (must use form


The process of submitting Tier 2 documents for review is as follows:


Download the Complete Streets Prioritization Plan document template to your computer to


2. Upload the finished Complete Streets Prioritization Plan to Tier 2 of the Portal using the Upload

Document button. Once submitted for review the document can no longer be removed from

your profile. However new documents can be uploaded at later dates as the review process, or

your own update process, warrants.

3. Request Technical Assistance by downloading the Technical Assistance Contract Form Template,

fill in, and proceed to coordinate with the District Local Aid Office on the contractual process.

The contracting process will be managed outside of the Portal.

Documents submitted via the portal become part of the historical record of progress through the tiers.

It is important to be sure the document you are uploading is ready for review by the Complete Street

Administrator. To that end the upload process is twofold. First the user must upload the document to

the Prioritization Plan Documents grid. When ready the user can submit the document for review.

Once submitted the user will receive an email confirmation and the Complete Streets Administrator will

be notified that the document is ready for review.

To upload a document for review click the Upload Document button associated with the Prioritization

Plan Documents document grid.

Figure 24 - Upload Document Button

A dialog will appear asking the user to select the document from their local disk.

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Figure 25 - Tier 2 Document Upload Dialog

To do so click the Select Document button and browse to your selected document. Only certain

document types of a limited size are allowed. Only one document can be reviewed at a time. If the user

has comments they wish to accompany the submittal they can enter it the Comment field in the

document upload window. The user then clicks on the Submit button. The document is uploaded to

the document grid.

The user can select the Submit button to submit the document for review or remove the document by

clicking the Delete button on the document row in the document grid.

Figure 26 - Tier 2 Document Submit and Delete Buttons

In either case a confirmation dialog will follow.

Figure 27 - Submit Document Confirmation Dialog

Figure 28 - Delete Document Confirmation Dialog

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Once submitted the document is no longer removable from the grid and becomes part of the document

submission record.

Certain fields in the grid will read N/A until the Complete Streets Administrator has reviewed the

document. Once reviewed the user will receive an email that the Review Committee has completed its

review. The user can then log back into the Portal, navigate to the tier 2 tab and review the updated

values such as Status and Reviewed On date. In addition the user can review feedback from the

Complete Streets Administrator.

To view the feedback from the Complete Streets Administrator the user will click on the View Feedback

link in the Feedback column of the grid row specific to the document.

Figure 29 - View Feedback Document Grid Link

This will open a window showing the Comments, if any, provided for the specific document as well as a

more comprehensive feedback document from the Complete Streets Administrator. To review the more

comprehensive feedback document the user need only click on it.

Figure 30 - Feedback Review Window

Once a Municipality has an “Approved” document they become Tier 3 eligible.

Tier 3 Document Submittal Tier 3 of the program presents municipalities with the opportunity to receive funding for Complete

Streets infrastructure projects listed in their Complete Streets Prioritization Plan. Municipalities can only

enter Tier 3 after the successful completion of Tier 1 and Tier 2. MassDOT is offering up to $400,000 in

Project Funding. Once projects have been selected from the Prioritization Plan for funding, each

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municipality will be required to enter into a contract in order to provide reimbursement (must use form


The process of submitting the Tier 3 documents for review is as follows:

1. Download the Project Application Template to your computer and fill in the projects from your

Complete Streets Prioritization Plan that you are requesting funding for in the fiscal year.

2. Upload the completed Project Application document from your computer to Tier 3 of the Portal

using the Upload Document button. Once submitted for review the Project Application can no

longer be removed from your profile. However new documents can be uploaded at later dates

as the review process, or your own update process, warrants.

3. Upon approval of the Project Application by MassDOT, the municipality will download the

Project Contract Form and proceed to coordinate with the District Local Aid Office on the

contractual process. The contracting process will be managed outside of the Portal.

Documents submitted via the portal become part of the historical record of progress through the tiers.

It is important to be sure the document you are uploading is ready for review by the Complete Street

Administrator. To that end the upload process is twofold. First the user must upload the document to

the Project Application Documents grid. When ready the user can submit the document for review.

Once submitted the user will receive an email confirmation and the Complete Streets Administrator will

be notified that the document is ready for review.

To upload a document for review click the Upload Document button associated with the Project

Application Documents document grid.

Figure 31 - Upload Document Button

A window will appear asking the user to select the document from their local disk.

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Figure 32 - Tier 3 Document Upload Dialog

To do so click the Select Document button and browse to your selected document. Only certain

document types of a limited size are allowed. Only one document can be reviewed at a time. If the user

has comments they wish to accompany the submittal they can enter it the Comment field in the

document upload window. The user then clicks on the Submit button. The document is uploaded to

the document grid.

The user can select the Submit button to submit the document for review or remove the document by

clicking the Delete button on the document row in the document grid.

Figure 33 - Tier 3 Document Submit and Delete Buttons

In either case a confirmation dialog will follow.

Figure 34 - Submit Document Confirmation Dialog

Figure 35 - Delete Document Confirmation Dialog

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Once submitted the document is no longer removable from the grid and becomes part of the document

submission record.

Certain fields in the grid will read N/A until the Complete Streets Administrator has reviewed the

document. Once reviewed the user will receive an email that the Review Committee has completed its

review. The user can then log back into the Portal, navigate to the Tier 3 tab and review the updated

values such as Status and Reviewed On date. In addition the user can review feedback from the

Complete Streets Administrator.

To view the feedback from the Complete Streets Administrator the user will click on the View Feedback

link in the Feedback column of the grid row specific to the document.

Figure 36 - View Feedback Document Grid Link

This will open a window showing the Comments, if any, provided for the specific document as well as a

more comprehensive feedback document from the Complete Streets Administrator. To review the more

comprehensive feedback document the user need only click on it.

Figure 37 - Feedback Review Window

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Appendix G

District State Aid Contact List

Boston Local Aid Section Contacts 10 Park Plaza RM 5562

Boston, Ma 02116

Maria Conti, Local Aid Supervisor

Tel: 857-368-9144/Fax 857-368-0661

Local Aid District Contacts


270 Main Street

Lenox, MA 01240

Kathy Stevens, Manager - Tel. (413) 637-5765/ Fax (413) 637-0309

Mark J. Moore, Acting District Highway Director


811 North King Street

Northampton, MA 01060

Daryl J. Amaral, District State Aid Engineer - Tel. (413) 582-0560/ Fax (413) 582-0596

Richard J. Masse, P.E., Acting District Highway Director


403 Belmont Street

Worcester, MA 01604

Michael O'Hara, State Aid Engineer - Tel: (508) 929-3944/ Fax (508) 799 9763

James Marine, Assistant Administrator - Tel: (508)929-3946


519 Appleton Street

Arlington, MA 02476

Walter Kubik, Administrator - Tel. (781) 862-1640/ Fax (781) 862-1673

Paul Stedman, District Highway Director


1000 County Street

Taunton, MA 02780

Sean M. Sullivan, Acting State Aid Manager - Tel: (508) 884-4221/ Fax (508) 880-6102

Mary-Joe Perry, District Highway Director


185 Kneeland Street, 9th Floor

Boston, MA 02111

Thom Keeley, Administrator - Tel: (857) 368-6153/ Fax: 857-368-0109

Elie Roditi, Asst. Administrator - Tel: (857) 368-6162

Walter Heller, PE, District Highway Director

Page 40: Complete Streets Funding Program Appendix - · another policy element, Jurisdiction, allows a municipality to focus their policy on certain areas of the . town, such as a

Appendix H

Local Aid Program Forms

Page 41: Complete Streets Funding Program Appendix - · another policy element, Jurisdiction, allows a municipality to focus their policy on certain areas of the . town, such as a

Complete Streets Environmental Checklist

Page 42: Complete Streets Funding Program Appendix - · another policy element, Jurisdiction, allows a municipality to focus their policy on certain areas of the . town, such as a


City/Town MassDOT Highway District #

Proposed Work: Construction Resurfacing Improvement Engineering Other



1. Will the pavement width increase 4 ft. or more for an aggregate length of 1000 ft. or more? Yes No 2. Will the bank or terrain (other than alteration required for installation of equipment or

structures) be altered at a distance exceeding 10 ft. from the pavement? Yes No 3. Will the removal of 5 or more trees with diameters of 14 inches or more be required? Yes No 4. Will more than 300 ft. of stone wall be removed or altered? Yes No 5. Will the project involve construction of a parking lot with capacity of 50 cars or more? Yes No 6. Are any other MEPA review thresholds exceeded (see 301 CMR 11.00)?

If your answer is YES to any of questions 1-6, you must file an EnvironmentalNotification Form (ENF).* Yes No

7. Will the project be on a “Scenic Road” (Acts of 1973, C. 67)?If your answer is YES, your Planning Board or Selectmen / City Council must give writtenconsent for cutting / removal of trees or changes to stone walls. Yes No

8. Have all necessary takings, easements, rights of entry, etc. been completed?If a county Hearing is required, it must be held prior to starting work Yes No

9. Are archaeological, anthropological, historical, etc. problems / impacts anticipated?* Yes No 10. Is any work proposed in or within 100 ft. of a wetland (stream, pond, swamp, etc.)?*

If your answer is YES, you must file the project with your local Conservation Commissionprior to starting work. Yes No

11. If work is proposed in a wetland or water resource, a permit may be required from theDepartment of Environmental Protection, Corps of Engineers, etc.. Verify with agencies.* Yes No * See Appendix K for a List of Environmental Agencies.

Validation It is recognized that the purpose of this information is to assist the MassDOT Highway Division in approving the Chapter 90 Project Request Form (of which this is a part). Accordingly, the information provided here is intended to be complete and correct with no intentional errors or material omissions. Any action taken by MassDOT Highway Division on the basis of this information shall not legally or financially obligate MassDOT Highway Division to support or defend the municipality, and the municipality shall save harmless MassDOT Highway Division for any action.

Duly Authorized Municipal Officials

Signatures Date

Reviewed and Approved for Transmittal by:

Highway or Conservation Officer's Title

Signatures Date

This form should be submitted in duplicate with original signatures to the MassDOT Highway District Office.

This form should accompany the Project Request Form.

Page 43: Complete Streets Funding Program Appendix - · another policy element, Jurisdiction, allows a municipality to focus their policy on certain areas of the . town, such as a

Post-Construction Final Report

Page 44: Complete Streets Funding Program Appendix - · another policy element, Jurisdiction, allows a municipality to focus their policy on certain areas of the . town, such as a

S u b m i t t h i s F o r m t o D i s t r i c t H i g h w a y D i r e c t o r



updated 8/2012

C O N T R A C T #

C i t y / T o w n P r o j e c t L o c a t i o n ( s ) L e n g t h F e e t W i d t h F e e t W o r k w a s S t a r t e d / /

/ / a n d C o m p l e t e d / /

/ / W o r k w a s S u s p e n d e d a n d R e s u m e d D o n e b y : F o r c e A c c o u n t A d v e r t i s e d C o n t r a c t O t h e r

* R E M A R K S :

E X P E N D I T U R E S : S t a t e F u n d s @ 1 0 0 % $ M u n i c i p a l F u n d s $ O t h e r F u n d s $ T O T A L P R O J E C T E X P E N D I T U R E S $


C E R T I F I C A T I O N T h e u n d e r s i g n e d h e r e b y c e r t i f y u n d e r p e n a l t i e s o f p e r j u r y t h a t d o c u m e n t a t i o n t o s u b s t a n t i a t e

t h e a b o v e e x p e n d i t u r e s i s a v a i l a b l e f o r e x a m i n a t i o n i n a c c o r d a n c e w i t h E x e c u t i v e O r d e r N o . 1 9 5 ( A p r i l 2 7 , 1 9 8 1 ) a n d C h a p t e r 1 1 , S e c t i o n 1 2 .

W e f u r t h e r c e r t i f y t h a t a l l e q u i p m e n t r e n t a l c o s t s a r e w i t h i n t h e a p p r o v e d l i m i t s e s t a b l i s h e d b y t h e M a s s D O T H i g h w a y D i v i s i o n , t h a t t h e M u n i c i p a l i t y h a s c o m p l i e d w i t h a l l a p p l i c a b l e s t a t u t e s a n dr e g u l a t i o n s , t h a t t h e r e q u e s t s f o r r e i m b u r s e m e n t s f o r a l l o w a b l e p r o j e c t e x p e n s e s a c t u a l l y i n c u r r e d a r e i n c o n f o r m a n c e w i t h t h e “ C h a p t e r 9 0 ” P r o j e c t R e q u e s t , a n d t h a t t h e M u n i c i p a l i t y w i l l b e r e s p o n s i b l e f o r t h e f u t u r e m a i n t e n a n c e o f t h i s p r o j e c t i n c l u d i n g t h e c o s t t h e r e o f .

C o p i e s o f t h e n o t i f i c a t i o n p u b l i s h e d i n t h e C e n t r a l R e g i s t e r a n d n o t i c e i n a n e w s p a p e r o f l o c a l c i r c u l a t i o n r e q u i r e d b y C h a p t e r 1 4 9 , S e c t i o n 4 4 J , a n d t h e p r e v a i l i n g w a g e s a s d e t e r m i n e d b y t h e D e p a r t m e n t o f L a b o r a n d I n d u s t r i e s o b t a i n e d i n c o m p l i a n c e w i t h C h a p t e r 1 4 9 , S e c t i o n 2 7 F , o f t h e G e n e r a l L a w s , a s a p p l i c a b l e , m u s t b e a t t a c h e d .

P R E P A R E D & R E V I E W E D B Y

H i g h w a y O f f i c e r ’ s T i t l e D a t e

A c c o u n t i n g O f f i c e r ’ s T i t l e D a t e

S i g n e d :

D u l y A u t h o r i z e d M u n i c i p a l O f f i c i a l s D a t e

I n c l u d e a d d i t i o n a l C o n t r a c t N o s . i f o t h e r C h a p t e r 9 0 F u n d s w e r e a l s o u s e d . L i s t s t r e e t n a m e s , t o t a la m o u n t s c h a r g e d t o e a c h l o c a t i o n , e x t r a w o r k o r d e r s , e t c . U s e b a c k i f n e c e s s a r y , o r a t t a c h s u p p o r t i n gp a p e r s .

Page 45: Complete Streets Funding Program Appendix - · another policy element, Jurisdiction, allows a municipality to focus their policy on certain areas of the . town, such as a

Complete Streets Summary of Bids

Page 46: Complete Streets Funding Program Appendix - · another policy element, Jurisdiction, allows a municipality to focus their policy on certain areas of the . town, such as a


City/Town: Date: Material to be used for:


Name Address

Material Approx





At Plant Delivered

Plant Location or

Source of Supply Contract Awarded To

Prepared by:__________________________________________________________________

Highway Official/Title Date

Page 47: Complete Streets Funding Program Appendix - · another policy element, Jurisdiction, allows a municipality to focus their policy on certain areas of the . town, such as a

Complete Streets Reimbursement Request

Page 48: Complete Streets Funding Program Appendix - · another policy element, Jurisdiction, allows a municipality to focus their policy on certain areas of the . town, such as a


City/Town: Project:

Project was approved on for $

at 100% Reimbursement Rate = $ .

1) Attached are forms which document payment of approved expenditures totaling $for which we are requesting $ at the approved reimbursement rate of 100%.

2) The amount expended to date on this project is $ .

3) Is this request for a FINAL payment on this project? Yes No

4) Remarks:


A. I hereby certify under penalties of perjury that the charges for labor, materials, equipment, and services

itemized and summarized on the attached forms are true and correct, and were incurred on this project

in conformance with the MassDOT Highway Division Policies and established Municipal Standards that

were approved for this project.

(Signed) (Municipal Highway Official Title) (Date)

B. I/we certify under penalties of perjury that the items as listed or summarized on the attached forms were

examined; that they are in conformity with our existing wage schedule, equipment rates, and all

applicable statutes and regulations; that they are properly chargeable to the appropriation(s) designated

for this work; and that Executive Order No. 195, dated April 27, 1981 and Chapter 11, Section 12 is

acknowledged as applicable.



(Accounting Officer’s Title)


(Duly Authorized)