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Complaint against Soha Ali Khan and others by Naresh Kadian

Jun 01, 2018



Naresh Kadyan
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  • 8/9/2019 Complaint against Soha Ali Khan and others by Naresh Kadian



    SHO, Police Station,

    Pataudi (Gurgaon).

    Subject: FIR against Soha li !han and others.


    !indl" re#er to the orders $assed b" the Hon%ble S$ecial &n'ironent ourt at

    Faridabad, in FIR *o. ++, -hich -as lodged -ith hajjar Police and all / accused

    -ere con'icted #or three "ears -ith 0ne, -here as -ea$on -as isused, in said

    crie -as on the nae o# Soha li !han, sae -as trans#erred b" her brother Sai#

    li !han, -here as her ars license -as $ro'ed to be illegal.

    1ansur li !han Pataudi -as claied to be a *a-ab o# Pataudi and 2ho$al but he

    -as 'er" #ound o# hunting, there -ere an" -ea$ons -ith this #ail", a .33 bore

    ri4e *o. +56+ -as belongs to Saleha Sultan, this ri4e -as trans#erred to Sai# li

    !han and then to Soha li !han, this ri4e -as con0scated b" the hajjar Police in FIR

    *o. ++ dated une 5, 3665 #or hunting #eale blac7 buc7 along -ith t-o hares b"

    the tea o# Pataudi. *aresh !adian o'ed a $etition under RTI ct, 3665 to 7no-the actual age o# Soha li !han, at the tie o# issuance o# rs license *o.

    +8918G8*o'eber8+/, $ro$er o$$ortunit" -ere gi'en to her and at last 9istrict

    1agistrate, Gurgaon #ound that she -as not eligible to get ars license under rs

    ct being an inor belo- 3+ o# age, she a$$lied to rene-al her rs license again

    a#ter hajjar Police con0scation o# her ri4e on dated ;;3665 but -ith out

    con0ration, $h"sical 'eri0cation o# ri4e, her license -as rene-ed, -here as she

    concealed the #acts and concerned S91 along -ith Police o

  • 8/9/2019 Complaint against Soha Ali Khan and others by Naresh Kadian


    an" FIR lodged b" the Gurgaon Police, it is #urther intiated that neither an"

    uthorit" hold guilt" #or isusing $o-er, criinal cons$irac", isre$resentation and

    concealing #acts during her issuance o# rs license -ith out eligibilit", $assing

    order as retainer and then rene-al, li7e -ise not in'ol'ing her in FIR *o. ++, -here

    as both hajjar and Gurgaon Police $assing buc7s, *aresh !adian co$laints here

    and there but no legal action has been ta7en so #ar, -hich sees to be doublestandards #or high $ro0le $ersons. Hence >nited *ation a

  • 8/9/2019 Complaint against Soha Ali Khan and others by Naresh Kadian


    1aster Trainer, nial Del#are 2oard o# India, 1eber o# &R* o# DTI, ;@=, Rose


    Sector;+A, Prashant Eihar, Rohini, 9elhi ++66=5.

  • 8/9/2019 Complaint against Soha Ali Khan and others by Naresh Kadian


  • 8/9/2019 Complaint against Soha Ali Khan and others by Naresh Kadian


  • 8/9/2019 Complaint against Soha Ali Khan and others by Naresh Kadian


  • 8/9/2019 Complaint against Soha Ali Khan and others by Naresh Kadian


  • 8/9/2019 Complaint against Soha Ali Khan and others by Naresh Kadian


  • 8/9/2019 Complaint against Soha Ali Khan and others by Naresh Kadian


  • 8/9/2019 Complaint against Soha Ali Khan and others by Naresh Kadian


  • 8/9/2019 Complaint against Soha Ali Khan and others by Naresh Kadian


  • 8/9/2019 Complaint against Soha Ali Khan and others by Naresh Kadian


  • 8/9/2019 Complaint against Soha Ali Khan and others by Naresh Kadian


  • 8/9/2019 Complaint against Soha Ali Khan and others by Naresh Kadian
