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Compelling information shows the existence of two separate paths of progression in the spirit realm. Read on! It is advisable that you download and view this PDF from your computer in order to open the included links in a separate window.

Compelling information shows the existence of two … · The celestial concepts presented in this story are based on the messages

Apr 10, 2018



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Page 1: Compelling information shows the existence of two … · The celestial concepts presented in this story are based on the messages

Compelling information shows the existence of two separate

paths of progression in the spirit realm.

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Page 2: Compelling information shows the existence of two … · The celestial concepts presented in this story are based on the messages

An exposition By

Dennis L. Bangerter

Part One



Do you know your destiny?

A new-age story for kids and adults alike

The celestial concepts presented in this story are based on the messages found at Where possible I reference the individual message that corresponds to the concept being presented. The remaining concepts that bring the whole story together are my imaginings and beliefs. [Intro to celestial msg’s] The story was written to introduce briefly and simply to kids and adults the basic concepts of the new-age messages and to inspire and provoke individual thought concerning God’s truths and the New Birth as revealed anew from Jesus and his band of Celestial Angels through the automatic writings of James E. Padgett.


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Before the beginning of man

Imagine the vast black emptiness of space, totally devoid of anything readily noticeable: stars, planets, galaxies... everythingeverythingeverythingeverything!!!! [Ref. LinkRef. LinkRef. LinkRef. Link] Now imagine an invisible loving omniscient consciousness with its own personality, devoid of obvious form, floating around without companionship of any kind. This invisible consciousness is called a soul. In fact this particular consciousness is known by many names but we will call it God. God has no beginning and no end, he has always existed. This is pretty much impossible for the human mind to understand but it is true. [Ref. LinkRef. LinkRef. LinkRef. Link] God is genderless, neither man nor woman but for simplicity and because Jesus teaches us to refer to God as Father, we will refer to Him in the masculine, i.e. He / Him. [Ref. LinkRef. LinkRef. LinkRef. Link] As we said earlier God is soul, an invisible consciousness. Think of the air that you breathe. You can’t see it but you know it’s there; you can feel it in your lungs and on your skin as you move through it. Now think of this air as having a consciousness or being able to think. This idea gives you a possible simplified visualization of the concept of God’s image. God is invisible, like the air, but he does have a form and a place of habitation or residence. His home is far up above the Celestial Heavens where the Celestial Spirits (Divine Angels) live. [Ref. LinkRef. LinkRef. LinkRef. Link] God is love – Divine LoveDivine LoveDivine LoveDivine Love. Other Other Other Other Reference Reference Reference Reference MessagMessagMessagMessageseseses: Who or What is God?Who or What is God?Who or What is God?Who or What is God? Mankind’s birth

Many, many thousands of years ago God hatched a plan to create mankind. I think he did it for companionship. He created man in his image, that being soul, an invisible being of consciousness each with its own personality. This soul was created with a duplex personality – male and female. [Ref. LinkRef. LinkRef. LinkRef. Link] He also gave man a perfect love, although not his Divine Love which is God’s actual essence, and another very important gift – FREE WILL. Man, as soul, continued to live this way for many years enjoying God’s ethereal universe and communing with, praying to and honoring God. Since soul is invisible it can not be seen by anyone, not even other souls. However, souls can be perceived and felt when they are present. This is how man, as soul, interacted with and enjoyed the company of other souls and God. He

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was able to feel and perceive the presence of other souls around him and could communicate telepathically. As part of God’s plan for man’s individuality (the separating of the male and female personalities), continued existence and a more personal interaction between each personality, he developed a two part plan. The first was a temporary existence in physical form in order for man to gain this individuality and also, using freewill, to experience the challenges of what we call life - to learn how to live with and love our neighbors in order to peacefully coexist in the second part: the spirit realm, the afterlife - Paradise or Heaven. (More on this later.) Man’s experiences and actions on earth create a soul condition within him which determines his starting point in the spirit realm of progression when he crosses over. If he is an evil soul at death he will find himself starting the spirit life in the darkness of the lower hells. (More on this later.) As a method for continued interaction in the spirit realm God created a spirit body, for the invisible soul, which is accessible only by being incarnated in human form, even if this incarnation is only for an instant. This incarnation of the soul actually happens while the fetus is still in the mother’s womb. Reference MessagesReference MessagesReference MessagesReference Messages on on on on: : : : TTTThe Soulhe Soulhe Soulhe Soul The two worlds were created, one visible (the physical universe) and the other invisible (the spirit realm – Paradise and Heaven). One scientific speculation concerning the origin of the physical universe is that it was created by the Big Bang TheoryBig Bang TheoryBig Bang TheoryBig Bang Theory. This theory is conceivable as long as one understands that it was God who set it into action. So, the universe is created and our planet begins evolving through the ages. While the Earth spends many years developing God works on the spirit realm, possibly with input from the souls waiting incarnation. At the creation of our first parents, Adam and Eve (actually AmAmAmAmaaaannnn and AmonAmonAmonAmon), God created both with a perfect Natural Love and with the potentiality of receiving the Divine Love, God’s true essence, if they desired to seek, pray and ask for it. [Ref. LinkRef. LinkRef. LinkRef. Link] This potentiality was meant to be offered to all men (and women) that followed as children of our first parents. In God’s wisdom he figured that not all people throughout time would seek his Divine Love so he created a Paradise (Spiritual Heavens) for those who remained possessed of the Natural Love and Celestial Heavens for those who received a sufficient amount of the Divine Love.

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Unfortunately our first parents failed to follow all of God’s decrees and lost the possibility of receiving his Divine Love. Not only did they loose the opportunity of receiving this love but so did all mankind from then on, until Jesus’ coming. (See Part Two: “Jesus’ Life and Mission Revealed Anew” for this story.) More Messages on: More Messages on: More Messages on: More Messages on: GenesisGenesisGenesisGenesis –––– the creation the creation the creation the creation (and fall) (and fall) (and fall) (and fall) of mankind.of mankind.of mankind.of mankind. Man’s return to perfection

Upon man’s fall and degeneration (or possibly from the git-go considering God’s omniscient foresight) God devised a way for man to return to his perfected natural love state after dieing and arriving in the spirit world. This was through the six spheres of progression. After man’s fall and before Jesus’ coming to earth the only path available to a spirit after death was towards Sphere Six the Spiritual Heavens (Paradise). 2000+ years ago

Many years after man’s fall God once again offered the potentiality of receiving his Divine Love – the New Birth [Ref. LinkRef. LinkRef. LinkRef. Link]. He made this offer known to mankind through Jesus. (See Part Two) After Jesus’ announcement of the re-bestowal of God’s Divine Love, the Celestial Heavens were finally opened up to all who would seek and receive this love. Once Jesus announced to mankind that the re-bestowal of God’s Divine Love was available, the same offer was then made to all existing inhabitants of the spirit realm. Jesus’ main mission was to spread the message that God had re-bestowed the potentiality of receiving his Divine Love to all who desired to sincerely seek for it. The possession of this love is the ultimate gift to mankind. With it comes the promise of immortality and residence in the true kingdom of God – the Celestial Heavens. These heavens are located above the spiritual heavens (Paradise) and begin at sphere seven. [Ref. LinkRef. LinkRef. LinkRef. Link] A secondary part of Jesus’ mission was to instruct mankind on living a good moral and loving life, at the very least, in order to achieve a high state of soul condition, that being of the Natural Love. This would ensure that man would be able to start life in the higher spiritual spheres. Spirits residing in Paradise know not the promise of immortality. [Ref. LinkRef. LinkRef. LinkRef. Link] Jesus taught that

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if man continued living an immoral or evil life his starting point in the spirit realm would be in the lower spheres and possibly in the lowest darkest hells. Jesus continued his teachings through the messages of James E. Padgett in approximately 1915 via a process known as automatic writing and continues his messages today through present day mediums. [Ref. LinkRef. LinkRef. LinkRef. Link]

The Spheres of Progression

There are six spheres leading to Paradise (the Spiritual Heavens) and many sub-spheres and levels within each of these. These spheres allow for the progression and cleansing of each spirits soul condition until they finally reach the top. The highest of these spheres is of course sphere six, where all of the souls finally end up with their natural love perfected once again. The spiritual spheres are numbered one through six. Spirits who seek for God’s Divine Love are on a path towards the Celestial Heavens and spend most of their journey in the odd numbered spheres. These spheres are more suited to a soul that is on a spiritual path. Sphere six is considered more of an intellectual sphere and all who deny the Divine Love path end up here and spend most of their journey traveling through the even numbered spheres – which is more suited to their interests. The Earth plane is located within level one, as are the lower hells. For a nicely detailed journey through the spheres of Paradise click here: What happens after you die?What happens after you die?What happens after you die?What happens after you die? – A great 17 page PDF file that explains the path of progression in the spirit realm. More messages on the spheres of ParadiseMore messages on the spheres of ParadiseMore messages on the spheres of ParadiseMore messages on the spheres of Paradise: [Ref. LinkRef. LinkRef. LinkRef. Link]

So, what will it be for you – an unknown destiny in Paradise or the promise of immortality in the Celestial Heavens? If you choose Heaven, click herehereherehere if you would like to begin your journey now.

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PartPartPartPart Two Two Two Two The NewThe NewThe NewThe New----BirthBirthBirthBirth

Jesus’ Life and Mission revealed anew

Click here for a wonderful Portrait of Jesus

A little over 2000 years ago... Joseph and Mary Joseph, Jesus' real father [Ref. LinkRef. LinkRef. LinkRef. Link], was not a Galilean, but was born in Judea, in Bethlehem. After becoming a man Joseph left Judea and headed north. He did this for two reasons. First: to search for a more fertile region and secondly: to escape the great warring going on in his area. He finally arrived in Galilee and settled down in a small village named Nazareth. Joseph began working and became fairly prosperous and eventually fell in love with a girl named Mary, whom also fell madly in love with him. They married but shortly thereafter problems arose in Galilee. Due to the warring in the country disorder returned once again to this area. Joseph wanted to sell all of their belonging and move out of the area in search of a safer environment but Mary being bound to her homeland flatly refused. Things grew worse and Mary now many months pregnant finally gave in. It was winter and very cold. [Ref. LinkRef. LinkRef. LinkRef. Link] Jesus’ birth In the month of December of the year 8 BC...

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Jesus’ parents, JosephJosephJosephJoseph and Mary (pregnant with Jesus) made a tiresome journey to Bethlehem, through the Jordan valley and over the mountains of Judea. Arriving at night they stopped at one of Joseph’s relatives’ house asking for shelter from the cold weather. Not wanting to burden his family this late they requested and accepted shelter in a stable. Bethlehem was a village where the people were poor and lived and worked as farmers, peasants and shepherds. Due to the stressful journey that Joseph and Mary had just finished, Jesus (Yeshua / Jeshua or Yeshu / Jeshu was his real birth name) was born a little prematurely, somewhere around Jan. 7th, 7 BC. He was born in the stable and placed in a manger filled with straw. This is where Jesus slept for the first night, as his parents slept on straw near him in the stable. The next day Joseph accepted a room in his relative’s house and moved his family there. He then arranged a small feast and invited all the village residents to participate. 3 wise men About six weeks later [Ref. LinkRef. LinkRef. LinkRef. Link] 3 wise astrologers known as the 3 wise men (or magi) came from Babylonia. They came to pay homage to the baby Jesus and present their gifts of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh. They had actually started on their journey 2 years earlier when they witnessed a great light in the sky. This light turned out to be a supernova, which is a star that explodes and causes great illumination in the sky. Based on their beliefs that a great event was about to happen due to this great light in the sky, and based on their familiarities with Hebrew beliefs that predicted that a Messiah of the Hebrews and for all mankind was to be born, they set out on their long journey to seek out this Messiah. During their long journey and search for the Messiah (baby Jesus) they discovered that Herod the Roman King was afraid of the idea of a Messiah, or King of the Jews. This Messiah might become a threat to his power. He ordered all babies in Bethlehem under the age of 2 killed. This amounted to less than 20 babies since Bethlehem was a small village. King Herod did not

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want people to know it was by his order, so he had his elite soldiers’ disguise themselves as bandits and plunder the village. The 3 wise men alerted Joseph and Mary to the king’s intentions. So a few days after their arrival Joseph, Mary and Jesus left Bethlehem for Egypt in order to avoid Herod’s soldiers. [Ref. LinkRef. LinkRef. LinkRef. Link] & [Ref. LinkRef. LinkRef. LinkRef. Link]

The flight to Egypt There were over a million Jews living in Egypt at that time. Joseph had another relative who was a Jew and lived in Egypt in the outskirts of a city named Heliopolis. [Ref. LinkRef. LinkRef. LinkRef. Link]

Ancient Egyptian & Israel MapAncient Egyptian & Israel MapAncient Egyptian & Israel MapAncient Egyptian & Israel Map

After arriving in Heliopolis they moved in and lived with this relative for a long time. Joseph worked as a tekton, some just call him a carpenter, and supported his family by this trade. Jesus had five brothers [James (Ya’qov), Simon (Shim’on), Judah (Yehudah), Joses (Yosef) and Thomas (Toma’)] and two sisters [Rachel (Rakhel) and Lea (Le’ah)] who were all born here in Egypt, and this is where they all went to school. Here Jesus was taught the religion of the Jews, whose text book was the Old Testament. He was also taught other non religious topics. [Ref. LinkRef. LinkRef. LinkRef. Link] & [Ref. LinkRef. LinkRef. LinkRef. Link]

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The journey home Mary remained homesick, so after 10 years they returned to Nazareth. Due to the journey being long and the children being young, Joseph decided to take a boat back instead of trekking across land. [Ref. LinkRef. LinkRef. LinkRef. Link] & [Ref. LinkRef. LinkRef. LinkRef. Link] Back in Nazareth Jesus lived at home with his parents and from the age of 12 to his becoming a young adult he helped his father in his business of carpentry. [Ref. LinkRef. LinkRef. LinkRef. Link] Joseph, Jesus’ father would often go to the temple in Jerusalem, taking his family with him, and while in Jerusalem would visit friends and relatives. This is how Jesus became acquainted with his cousin John, who was six months older than Jesus and later became known as John the Baptist. John and his family lived in a small village called Ain Karim near Jerusalem. His father, Zacharias was a priest who worked in the splendid Temple of Jerusalem. His mother, Elisabeth was a relative of Mary, Jesus’ mother. John was a somewhat strange boy, a dreamer, or people perceived it this way, because he had so many strange dreams or visions. Jesus was never a sinful boy and did not know what sin was in his heart. Jesus and John became friends immediately and played together often. [Ref. LinkRef. LinkRef. LinkRef. Link] The re-bestowal of God’s greatest gift After becoming a man and during his continuous communions with God and after receiving a significant amount of God’s true essence, his Divine Love, Jesus finally learned of his mission here on earth. Through his soul perceptions and through God’s angels Jesus understood that he was sent here to inform and teach mankind of God’s re-bestowal of this love and how we may obtain it. [Ref. LinkRef. LinkRef. LinkRef. Link] Jesus’ mission was to preach about the great gift from God. This gift is Divine Love and Immortality, and the way for anyone that desires it to receive it. This divine love is different from the natural love that all people possess. It is God’s true essence. If a person has a significant portion of this love in his soul he will become a divine celestial angel and live forever in God’s kingdom. [Ref. LinkRef. LinkRef. LinkRef. Link] & [Ref. LinkRef. LinkRef. LinkRef. Link] People who do not receive this divine love will not be promised immortality, and will not live in God’s great Celestial Heavens. These people will progress through the spirit spheres until they reach the 6th sphere. Here they will live very happily and for a long time, perhaps forever. We do not know if they will live forever or not, only God knows. [Ref. LinkRef. LinkRef. LinkRef. Link]

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The people who receive God’s divine love will truly be transformed into a Celestial Angel with the promisewith the promisewith the promisewith the promise of living forever in the Great Celestial Heavens. These heavens contain much more love and happiness. Also there is no end to the amount of progress you can make or how high you can climb in the celestial spheres. There is no limit to the spheres in these heavens. [Ref. Ref. Ref. Ref. LinkLinkLinkLink] Jesus begins his mission On a Saturday in the month of September in the year 25 Jesus began his public ministry. [Ref. LinkRef. LinkRef. LinkRef. Link] He taught that the way to receive this divine love is to pray to God with much sincerity and longing for the inflowing of this love into one’s soul. If the prayers are continuous and sincere God will send his Holy Spirit through which the divine love flows, to those who seek it. The more a person prays for this love the more a person will receive until the soul is finally transformed into the essence of God’s love. Once this happens the person then has the promise from God, through his soul perceptions, to live forever in his Great Kingdom. This transformation may happen on earth or it may not happen until the person crosses over into the spirit world. It all depends on the individual and his relationship with God. John became a great psychic and saw in his visions who Jesus was and what his mission on earth was, and hence, when the time came he made the announcement of Jesus’ coming. He realized the difference in their missions, yet he did not fully understand Jesus’ mission and the great truth of the bestowal of immortality upon man by God. [Ref. LinkRef. LinkRef. LinkRef. Link] & [Ref. LinkRef. LinkRef. LinkRef. Link] John went off into the desert preaching to visitors and disciples but staying away from civilization. He lived somewhat like a hermit. His preaching was of remorse, punishment, and sobriety.

The Baptism Jesus was eventually baptized by his cousin John, who was known as John the Baptist. During this baptism, because Jesus had a lot of the divine love in his soul, God blessed him and completed the transformation of his soul. Now with his soul truly transformed and filled with this divine love, Jesus was promised immortality and residence in God’s kingdom. He was also now able to be called the Christ, which means that the Divine Love of the Father is in his soul. [Ref. LinkRef. LinkRef. LinkRef. Link] & [Ref. LinkRef. LinkRef. LinkRef. Link]

Jesus spent years teaching people of God’s great gift. During his ministry he would travel all around the land showing people the way to God’s divine love

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and performing healing miracles to the sick. Jesus lived among the people eating and drinking, without rejecting any opportunity of having a good time with friends, enjoying life and radiating happiness, sharing this deep deep deep deep message of Lovemessage of Lovemessage of Lovemessage of Love until his arrest and crucifixion. [Ref. LinksRef. LinksRef. LinksRef. Links]

Bonus Section

The Unveiling Would you like to read (free) a story of inspiration? The Unveiling is my first (and maybe only) attempt at fiction. It is written in the format of a screen play. Logline: A young engineer invents glasses that allow one to literally see heaven, and the world will never be the same again.

Test your Knowledge Also, keep an eye out for our expanding line of free word games, quizzes and puzzles. Our first series will be entitled “Know Your Stuff” and each book will be chocked full of information testing your knowledge of your favorite sport, hobby or interest. [Website here]

For you! Below are a few word games for your enjoyment. Simply Print and Play!

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Word Games ~ Just for fun ~

Know your destiny – Crossword Puzzle




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Know your destiny – Crossword Puzzle Questions

Across 4. A soul made with male and female personalities is said to be made in ___________. 5. Worshiping God with words of homage. 8. Our planet. 10. ___________ Zone - The most populated place in the spirit world. 13. Characterized by lightness and insubstantiality. 15. Another word for "all-knowing". 18. He brought the message of the re-bestowal. 20. God's love is _________. 21. The companion soul to our own is known as a soul ________. 22. Real name of the first man. 26. To live within God's laws is to live in __________. 28. The last name of the medium who delivered the celestial messages through automatic

writings. 29. Sphere seven and above.

Down 1. An invisible consciousness. 2. Man's love is _________. 3. The refusal of our first parents to follow all of God's decrees is known as man's ______. 6. The area directly above the twilight zone where many children reside. 7. The spirit realm is a path or journey of _________. 9. A dark, dank place in sphere one. 11. Communication by thought. 12. The levels in the spirit world are referred to as _________. 14. Our creator. 16. Possession of the Divine Love brings with it residence in the Celestial Heavens and the

promise of _______. 17. To partake of part of God's essence is to partake of his _______. 19. Real name of the first woman. 23. The spiritual spheres are known as _____________. 24. The attribute of God that brings forth the Divine Love - The _____ spirit. 25. Symbolic name of the first woman. 27. Symbolic name of the first man.

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Know your destiny – Word Search

Find these words

Omniscient Ethereal Divine Transcendent Glory

Praise Divinity Soul Spirit Heaven

Celestial Spiritual Angel Telepathic Paradise

Duality Incarnation Aman Amon Adam

Eve Love Potentiality Jesus God

Genesis Creation Padgett Spheres

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Automatic Writing – A process whereby a thought is transmitted from the mind of a

spirit to the brain of a human causing his hand to write the thought being sent.

Frankincense - An aromatic gum resin obtained from various Arabian or East African

trees; formerly valued for worship and for embalming and fumigation.

Free Will - The power of making free choices unconstrained by external agencies

Myrrh - Aromatic resin that is burned as incense and used in perfume.

Omniscient - Infinitely wise; all-knowing.

Tekton - A tekton was a builder, fabricator, or constructor, that means he worked with

everything, with wood, metals, stones, he built houses, doors, plows, yokes for the oxen,

he was the universal artisan.

Soul - The immaterial part of a person; the actuating cause of an individual life.

Telepathy - Apparent communication from one mind to another without using sensory


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Game Keys

Word Search

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Crossword Puzzle




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