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Jou rnal of Research of the National Bur eou of Sta ndards Vol. 46, No. 4, April 1951 Rese ar ch Paper 21 96 Comparison of Viscosities of Rubbers from the McKee Worker-Consistometer and from the Mooney Viscometer A. B. Bestul, G. E. Decker, and H. S. White Viscosities of t hr ee Gll-S rubb ers a nd t hr ee Gll-I rubbers were m eas ured at 100 0 C wi th the McKee work er-consistometer, a pis to n- ty pe capillary viscomete r, and with the sta nd ar d Moon ey viscomete r, a rotat ing disk instr ument. Rate s of sh ea r fr om several te nt hs to several hundred sec- I were covered with the co nsistom et er a nd fr om 0.1 sec- I to s everal sec- I with the Moo ney viscom ete r. The proced ur e for preparing the sa mpl es a nd taking the m eas ur ements with the Moon ey vis co m eter was selected as giving the best possible simul ation of the conditions of the sta nd a rd Moon ey m eas ur ement, consis te nt wit h a valid indi cat ion of the te mp erat ur e of the sample a nd as nea rl y as poss ibl e a lik e state of deg rad at ion at all r ates of shear. The viscosities fr om the consisto mete r were calcula ted, using the Weissenberg-llabinowitsch di fferent iat ion meth od for redu cing observed fl ow data to fund amen tal quantities. The ag reeme nt of the res ult s from the two ins trume nt s in their common ra nge varies for the di ff ere nt rubb ers, being b etter for the Gll- S' s. Th e best agreeme nt is wit hin abo ut 2 percent, the uncer taint y of t he meas ureme nt s, and the worst is wit hin abo u t 20 pe rcent . The result fr om bot h instruments fo r X- 51S GR- S ag ree with results ob ta in ed by T reloar for a " Stan d ar d Gll- S" wit h a Pip er and Scott bicon ical r otor mod ifi cat ion of the Mooney viscometer. As t he dis ag reements sho wn are n ot the same for a ll t he rubbers th ey ca n not be t he resu lt of co ns ta nt inst rum en ta l differences, but must i nvolve f acto rs such as hy dr o t at ic press ur e, elastici ty , and slip page at inst rum ent s urf aces. I. Introduction Th e McKee worker-consistometer [1], 2 which was recently adapted to meas ur ements of the viscosities of raw rubb ers [2, 3], is a piston- type capillary vis- cometer. Probably the mo st co mmonly used instr u- ment fo r measuring such viscositi es is the standar d Mooney viscometer [4], which is based on a r otating disk. Th e resul ts ob tained wi th the two ins tru- ments for a given rubber should agr ee if, for b oth instrument s, the method used for in terpr et ing the observed d ata a nd for redu cing them to fundamen tal quantities is t ruly applicable to the situ at ion co n- cer·ned. In order to ch eck the a pplicabili ty of the m ethods used it is necessary to compare r es ults from the two instruments. Such co mp ari so n has been made with the r esults for thr ee GR- S a nd t hr ee GR-I rubb ers at lOO o C. II. Materials and Apparatus Th e six rubb ers for which viscositi es were meas- ur ed are listed, wi th descriptive da ta, in ta ble l. Th e worker -consist ometer used and its opemt ion ar e described in r efer en ce [2 , 3]. Rates of shear lower than those mentioned in reference [2 , 3] wer e obt ained by increasing th e numb er of gears b etween th e driving motor and worm ge ar . Th e stand a rd Mooney viscometer and its opera- tion are described in reference [4] . However speeds other than the stand ard 2 rpm ar e repor ted here. In unre po rte d measur em ents on the GR-S rubb ers with t hi s a pp ar at us a nd with a bi conical rotor Mooney viscometer [6], these two in st ruments gave identical viscosities fo r a given rubb er if the sampl es wer e treated similarly in the two instruments. I 'rh e work reported here was s pon sored by the Recon st ruction Finance 0orporation, Offi ce or Ru bber Rese r ve. 2 F igures in brackct s indi cate the literat ur e references at th e end of t hi s paper. R ll bber TA BLl<; 1. Ru bb er s investigated Ori g in Poly meri- zat ion tem- perature Standard M ooney reading a -- -- - ---1--- - - ---- - --- ---- X - 518 OR-S _________ Standard reference 1 0L __ X- 558 OR-S _________ . _____ do __________________ _ X-4 78 OR-S __________ Production sample _____ _ Y- 105 OR-I- 17 _______ Standard reference 1 0L __ G R - I - 18 B - 13 ________ Production sample _____ _ GR-I-18 D __ ______________ do _ ______________ __ __ °C 50 5 5 - 90 - 90 - 90 49 59 64 61 78 81 _ 100 0 C, 2 rpm, large ro tor, 4-min readin gs , GR-S sa mples prepared according to T aylor 1 5). G R- l 's tested as received. For t hi s reason it was felt th at the stand ard Mo oney viscometer was satisfactory for th e pr esent co m- parisons, and th at it was not necessary to use the biconical inst rument , which h as a more nearl y uniform r ate of sh ear throughou t the flow fi eld. III. Measurements and Treatment of Data 1. Worker-Consistometer M easur ements were made in the worker-con- sistomet er with a 50-hole shearing elem en t at reciprocal rates of p ist on travel from about 13.6 hr jin. to 1 min/in. Th ese rates corr es pond to ra tes of . sh ear from about 0 .3 to 500 sec- I. Th e pro- ce dur e in th ese meaS Qr ements is as follows: A fr esh sampl e of rubb er (n ot mill-m a.s sed) is placed in the in st rument and forced through the shea ring element 10 times at a nom in al rate of sh ear of 100 sec- I. During th ese passes the a pp aren t viscosi ty of the rubb er increases. Pr evious measurements [2 ] show th at th e viscosi ty of the rubb er at a given r ate of sh ear r emains nearly constant for the second lo passes. The da ta at all r ates repor ted ar e ob tained between the tenth and the twenti eth passes on one 283

Comparison of viscosities of rubbers from the Mckee … · Comparison of Viscosities of Rubbers from the McKee Worker-Consistometer

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Page 1: Comparison of viscosities of rubbers from the Mckee … · Comparison of Viscosities of Rubbers from the McKee Worker-Consistometer

Journal of Research of the National Bureou of Standards Vol. 46, No. 4, April 1951 Research Paper 2196

Comparison of Viscosities of Rubbers from the McKee Worker-Consistometer and from the Mooney Viscometer

A. B. Bestul, G. E. Decker, and H. S. White

Viscosit ies of three Gll- S rubbers a nd t hree Gll- I rubbers were measured at 100 0 C wi th t h e McKee worker-consistometer, a piston-type capilla ry viscometer , a nd with t he standard Mooney viscometer, a rotatin g disk instrument. Rates of shear from severa l tent hs to several hundred sec- I were covered wi th t he co nsis tometer and from 0.1 sec- I to several sec- I with t h e Mooney viscom eter. The procedure for preparin g the samples and takin g t he m easurements wit h t he Mooney viscometer was selected as giving t he bes t possible simulation of t he co ndi t ions of t he standard Mooney m easurement, cons istent with a valid indication of t he temperature of t h e sample and as nea rly as possible a like state of degradation a t a ll rates of shear . The viscositi es from t he consistomete r were calcula ted, using t he Weissenberg-llabinowit sch differentiation met hod for reducing observed fl ow data to fundament al quant ities. The agreement of t he results from the two instruments in t heir common ra nge varies for t he di fferent r ubbers, bein g bette r for t he Gll- S's. The bes t agreement is within abo ut 2 percent, t he uncer tainty of t he measurements, a nd t h e wo rst is within abou t 20 percent . T he result from both ins t rum ents fo r X- 51S GR- S agree with resu lts obtained by T reloar for a " Standard Gll- S" wit h a Piper a nd Scott bicon ical rotor modifi cation of t he Moo ney viscometer . As t he d isagree ments sh own a re not the same fo r a ll t he rubbers t hey cannot be t he resu lt of co nsta nt in s trumental diffe rences, but m us t involve factors such as hydro tatic press ure, elas ticity, and slippage at i ns trum ent s urfaces.

I. Introduction

The M cK ee worker-consistometer [1],2 which was recen tly adap ted to measuremen ts of th e viscosit ies of raw rubbers [2, 3], is a piston-type capillary vis­cometer . Probably th e most commonly used instru­ment for measuring such viscosities is th e standard Mooney viscometer [4], which is based on a rotating disk . The results ob tained wi th th e two instru­ments for a given rubber should agree if, for both instruments, the method used for interpreting th e observed data and for reducing them to fundamen tal quan tities is truly applicable to the situation con­cer·ned. In order to check th e applicabili ty of th e methods used it is necessary to compare resul ts from the two instruments . Such comparison has been made with th e r esul ts for three GR- S and three GR- I rubbers at lOOo C.

II. Materials and Apparatus

The six rubbers for which viscosities were meas­ured are listed, wi th descrip tive data, in table l.

The worker-consistometer used and its opemtion are described in reference [2 , 3]. R ates of sh ear lower than those mentioned in reference [2 , 3] wer e obtained by increasing the number of gears between the driving motor and worm gear.

The standard Mooney viscometer and its opera­tion are described in reference [4] . However speeds other than th e standard 2 rpm are repor ted here. In unreported measurements on th e GR- S rubbers with this apparatus and with a biconical ro tor Mooney viscometer [6], these two instrumen ts gave iden tical viscosit ies for a given rubber if the samples were treated similarly in th e two instrumen ts.

I 'rhe work reported here was sponsored by the Reconstruction F inance 0 orporation, Offi ce or R ubber Reserve.

2 F igures in brackcts indicate the li terature references at the end of this paper.

R ll bber

T ABLl<; 1. Ru bbers investigated

Orig in Poly meri­

zation tem­perature

Standard M ooney reading a

----- ---1--- - ----- - -------

X - 518 OR- S _________ Standard reference 10L __ X -558 OR- S _________ . _____ do __________________ _ X-478 OR- S __________ P roduction sam ple _____ _ Y- 105 OR- I- 17 _______ Stan dard reference 10L __ G R- I-18 B-13 ________ P rod uction sample _____ _ GR- I- 18 D __ ______________ do _______________ __ _ _

°C 50

5 5

- 90 - 90 - 90

49 59 64 61 78 81

_ 1000 C, 2 rpm, large ro tor, 4-min readings, GR-S samples prepared according to T aylor 15). G R- l 's tested as received.

F or this reason it was fel t that the standard Mooney viscometer was satisfactory for the present com­parisons, and that it was no t necessary to use the biconical instrument, which has a mor e nearly uniform rate of shear throughout the flow field.

III. Measurements and Treatment of Data

1. Worker-Consistomete r

M easurements were made in the worker-con­sistometer with a 50-hole shearing elemen t at reciprocal r ates of piston t ravel from about 13.6 hrjin. to 1 min/in. These rates correspond to rates of . shear from abou t 0.3 to 500 sec- I. The pro­cedure in th ese meaS Qremen ts is as follows : A fresh sample of rubber (not mill-m a.ssed) is placed in the instrument and forced thro ugh th e sh earing element 10 times at a nomin al rate of shear of 100 sec- I. During these passes the apparen t viscosity of the rubber increases. Previous measuremen ts [2] show that the viscosity of the rubber a t a given rate of sh ear r emains nearly constan t for th e second lo passes. The data at all rates repor ted are ob tained between the ten th and the twentieth passes on one


Page 2: Comparison of viscosities of rubbers from the Mckee … · Comparison of Viscosities of Rubbers from the McKee Worker-Consistometer

filling of the instrument. In this instrument the differences between results for GR- S samples mill­massed for 25 passes and samples that have not been mill-massed are small enough to be ignored.

The observed pressure drop across the capillary (P) and volume rate of flow (Q) are converted to shearing stress at the capillary wall (sw) and nominal rate of shear (D) by the usual relations


where Rand L are the radius (0.0188 em) and length (0.635 em), respectively, of the capillary. The actual rate of shear at the capillary wall (Yw) is obtained from the relation

Yw= (D/4) (3+d log D id log sw). (2)

This relation is the result of the differentiation method for reducing observed data to fundamental quantities. This method is described by Mooney [7] and others. The term d log D/d log Sw is obtained for a given value of D by plotting log D against log Sw over the range available and measuring the tangential slope at the point concerned. In this paper viscosity (1/) is defined as the ra tio of shearing stress to rate of shear, regardless of whether the flow is Newtonian. According to this usage the quantities called viscosities are not material con­stants for non-Newtonian substances, but are merely helpful ratios, the numerical values of which vary with the rate of shear or the shearing stress. This usage has been adopted by Burgers and Scott­Blair [8] and by Reiner [9], and has been used by numerous other authors. The ratio swhw is thus the viscosity corresponding to the rate of shear -Yw.

2. Mooney Viscometer

'When a fresh sample of any of the GR-S rubbers used (mill-massed according to Taylor [5]) is placed in a Mooney viscometer and the instrument started, the viscosity first rises to a maximum and then decreases continually with further shearing. This decrease results from molecular degradation. Vis­cosity results varying by as much as a factor of 2 can be obtained, depending on the procedure used in taking the measurements [10, 11]. The data reported here for the GR-S rubbers in the Mooney viscometer were obtained by a procedure that meets the following three requu'ements: (1) the rubber should be allowed to come to the temperature of the instrument before data are taken; (2) the data at all rates of shear should b e taken on material in as n early as possible a uniform state of degradation; and (3) conditions should simulate as nearly as pos­sible those of the standard Mooney measurement. The procedure selected is as follows. A fresh, mill­massed sample is placed in the instrument, which has previously been heated to 100° C. Ten minutes is allowed for the rubber to reach the temperature of the instrument. The viscometer is then started at 2 rpm. At the end of 4 min the gage reading is recorded, and the speed is reduced to 1.5 rpm. As

soon as the gage reading becomes steady at the new speed (less than 1 min) it is recorded and th e speed reduced again. F'urther readings are made at suc­cessive speeds of 1.0, 0.5, and 0.2 rpm. The speeds used correspond to rates of shear from 0.103 to 1.03 sec-I. As GR-I rubbers do not show the above molecular degradation [5, 12], this procedure is not followed so exactly with them, and measurements are made at higher rates of shear.

For the Mooney viscometer the observed gage reading (G) and rate of revolution (W) are converted to a volume average viscosity (1/) and rate of shear (.y) by the approximate method given by Mooney [4]. Mooney found that a purely theoretical anal­ysis had to be empu'ically corrected to give agree­ment with results from the "rubber rheometer" [13], a viscometer of more nearly uniform' rate of shear developed by him. This correction is used here. The numerical relations used here are

1/ =34,00PG/W, and -Y = 0.516W (3)

IV. Results

R esults on the six rubbers with the worker-consis­tometer and with the Mooney viscometer, used according to the procedures described above, are given in figures 1 through 6 as logarithmic plots of viscosity at 100° C versus rate of shear. These figures also show the viscosities calculated from the standard Mooney readings.

V> w V>

i? z o ::; ...J


For X- 518 GR-S (fig. 1) the two curves agree



. O.II-----t------t---"-..,-----t------j


O.OIL.-____ "--____ ...l-____ -'-___ U-J

0.1 1.0 10 100 500 'f. SEC-I

FIG U R E 1. Viscosity of X-51B GR-S versus mte of shear.

. , TTeloar; X, standard Mooney value; 0, worker-consistorneter values; e, Mooney values.

within 10 percent over their common range. The standard Mooney value indicated by the x agrees with the Mooney curve within 3 percent. The two curves have slightly different slopes in their common region. However, an extension of the Mooney curve to slightly higher rates of shear appears to show better agreement with the worker­consistometer curve.


Page 3: Comparison of viscosities of rubbers from the Mckee … · Comparison of Viscosities of Rubbers from the McKee Worker-Consistometer

For X-558 GR- S (fig. 2) all comparable data agree within the uncertainty of the measurements.

For X- 478 GR- S (fig. 3) the only Mooney obser­vation is the standard Mooney value. This value agrees with the ,vorker-consistometer curve with­in the uncer tainty of the measurements.

'" w

'" ~ z o :::; ..J


5. 0


. o. I ;c,

0 .0 I

bJ -


~ ~


over their common region in every case. However , from figure 5 it appears that an extension of the Mooney curve to higher rates of shear may COillcide with the worker-consistometer curve.

10 ' I

'" 1.0 w

'" 6 "­z o ::::; ..J

:E 0 .1

I 0 .0


~ ~K


~ ~


0.1 1.0 10 100 500 i, SEC '

FIGUl~E 4 . Viscosity of Y- 105 GR-I-17 ve1'SUS Tate of shear.

X, Standard Mooney value; 0 , worker-consistometer values; e, Mooney 0.1 1.0 100 500 values.

FIGURE 2. Viscosity of X -558 G R-S versus Tate of shem·.

X, Standard Mooney value; 0 , worker-consistometer valucs; e, Mooney values.

The results for the three GR- I rubbers (fi gs. 4, 5, and 6) are sufficien tly similar so that they may be men tioned collectively . For these rubbers the sta.ndard M ooney values are in complete agreement with the presen t Mooney curves. This result would be expected since no degrada tion occurs under the conditions of the experiments [5, 12], and it is pre­sumably degradation that causes discrepancies here for the GR- S rubbers. In the region around 1 sec- 1 the Mooney values are all about 20 percen t higher than the corresponding worker-consistometer values. A Mooney curve and a corresponding work­er-consistometel' curve do not have Id en tical slopes

'" w

'" 6 "­z o :::; ..J



1.0 ~x

~ . o. ~


~ ""

0 .0 I 0.1


1,0 10 i, SEC-I

~ 100 500

Viscosity of X -478 GR-S versus Tate of shear.

x, Standard Moouey value; 0, worker-consistometer values.

10 ' I

'" 1.0 w

~ .. '" 6 "­z o :3 :E o. I

I 0.0

0 .00 5

~ ~

~ ~ ~

0.1 1.0 10 100 500 t, SEC- I

F I GUHE 5. Viscosity of GR-I-1 8 B-13 versus Tate of shear. x, Standard Mooney value; 0 , worker-consistometCl: valucs; e, Mooney



~ 1,0

'" 6 "­z o :::; ..J

~ o.

"" I

I 0.0


~. ~


~ ~

'" 0.1 1,0 10 100 500

t , SEC-I

FIGUHE 6. V i scosity of GR-I-18 D verS1tS rate of sheaT.

x, Standard Mooney value: 0 , worker-COllsistometer values; e, Mooney valnes .


Page 4: Comparison of viscosities of rubbers from the Mckee … · Comparison of Viscosities of Rubbers from the McKee Worker-Consistometer

, I

Ul w Ul

~ Z o :J ~

5.0 ,---------,---------,-------.--,----,

1 .01----~ ~:-----+_-----+--____1

. O.I I------+-----_j-"""-"'~-+---___l


0 .0 1'-____ --'-____ ----' _____ ....1-___ "' ...

0.1 1.0 10 100 500 'f. SEC"

FIGURE 7. TV01'ke1'-consistomete1' data faT GR-S rubbc1's.

X . Standard Mooney valnes; O. X -558 GR- S; • . X-478 GR- S; CD . X - 518 GR- S.


~ I.0t----~~,_;:_---_j-----+_--____j Ul

~ Z o ::; ...J

:E 0 .1 t------+------if---'~;::__--+--____j

O.OIt-- ----+------i-----+_--"1n..,--j

0.005~----_;_';;_----~::___----~----.J 0.1 1.0 10 100 500

!!l (/)

~ z o ::; :! ::0

'f . SEC-'

FIGURE 8. W01'ker-consistometer data for GR-! rubbe1's .

CD. D GR- I; • • B- 13 GR- I; O. Y- 105 GR- I.


.0.1 t------+-----+-~r""'--+---_I


0.01~----_:_'=-------:l:------L---..:i 0.1 1.0 10 100

'f . SEC - ' 500

FIGURE 9. Flow CU1'ves faT GR-S and GR-! rubbers.

O. X-558 GR- S; • . Y-105 GR- I ; ___ • Mooney values; - . worker-consis-t ometer values; x. standard Mooney values.

Figure 7 is a composite plot of the worker-con­sistometer data for the GR- S rubbers. It is included as a demonstration of the differences in the flow curves for GR- S rubbers. The plots for X- 5I8 GR- S and for X- 478 GR- S have approximately the same shapes, but different locations. The plots for X- 558 GR- S and for X- 478 GR- S have roughly the same locations, but different shapes.

Figure 8 is a similar composite plot for the GR- I rubbers. It is interesting that although the flow curves for these three rubbers arE' separated at lower rates of shear they are nearly coincidental at higher rates of shear.

In order to give a direct comparison of the data for a GR-S rubber with that for a GR- I, the results for X- 558 GR- S and for Y- I05 GR- I are plotted to­gether in figure 9. The viscosity of the GR- I rubber shows the most rapid decrease at lower rates of shear than does that of the GR- S.

V. Discussion

Since the differences shown in figures 1 to 6 be­tween the results from the two instruments for identical rubbers are not the same for all the rubbers, there is no constant instrumental difference between the instruments.

In the case of the GR- S rubbers the variation of the differences may represent varied degrees of deg­raduation produced in different rubbers by the same procedure. Treloar [10] shows what large variations may be produced in the location of a flow curve by procedural differences. Unreported data of our own confirm this fact and also show that large differences in the slopes may be thus produced.

The differences between the results from the two instruments for the GR- I rubbers show a large scale similarity within the group. In all three cases the Mooney values are about 20 percent higher than the worker-consistometer values. Degradation cannot be a factor in these differences. However, since the differences do not show, sufficient uniformity to be attributed completely to constant instrumental dif­ferences , they are apparently also contributed to by properties of the rubbers other than viscosity, such as elasticity, and adhesion to the viscometer surfaces. These properties may vary for the different rubbers and thus produce varied discrepancies. Known differences and variations in the hydrostatic pres­sures, and possible ones in the temperatures in the two instruments, would also result in differences that would not be related to the flow mechanics and that would vary for different rubbers having unlike pressure and temperature coefficients of viscosity. Another possible source of difference is the flow analysis for the Mooney viscometer, which is only approximate and may not take adequate account of the change of viscosity with rate of shear. Therefore the Mooney results on two rubbers having different flow curves may well compare differently with worker-consistometer results for the same two rubbers.


Page 5: Comparison of viscosities of rubbers from the Mckee … · Comparison of Viscosities of Rubbers from the McKee Worker-Consistometer


In the case of figure I, a tentative comparison with literature can be made. Treloar [10] gives flow data obtained with a biconical rotor Mooney viscometer [6] for a rubb er described as a "standard GR- S". Although this rubber is not described further, and the preparation of the sample is de­scribed only as "a preliminary light milling", the results probably represent a material similar to that treated in figure 1. Treloar's data have b een ex­pressed in the form of figure 1 and are plotted on that figure ( . ). Good agreement with the present results is shown, but it may be entirely fortuitou s in view of the extreme dependence of results on the preparation of the sample.

VI. Conclusion

It can be concluded that in the worst cases th ere is agreement within about 20 percent between results from th e worker-consistometer and those from the standard Mooney viscometer used according to the procedure described here. For two of th e rubbers investigated the differences are within the limits of uncertainty of Lhe measurements. The procedure used was selected as giving the best possible simula­tion of the conditions of the standard ;'![ooney measurement, consistent with a valid indication of the temperature of the sample. The degree of agree­ment shown is within reasonable expectations in view of the confusing factors mentioned above.

It has also been demonstrated that the flow curves

for different rubbers of a given type can be of notice­ably different character .

Many of the calculations and all of Lhe drawings for this paper were made by Miss H. V. Belcher.

VII. References [1] S. A. McKee and H. S. White, ASTM Bull. No. 153,

90 (1948) . [2] H. S. White, Technical Report to Reconstruction Finance

Corporat ion , Office of Rubber Reserve (Feb . 2, 1950) . [3] S. A. McKee and H. S. White, J . Research NBS 46, 18

(195 1) RP2170. [4] M. Mooney, Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed. 6, 147 (1934);

Rubber Chem. Tech. 7,564 (1934). [5] R. H. Taylor, NBS Circula r C45 1 (1945); India Rubber

World 112, 582 (1945) ; Rubber Chem. T ech. 19, 808 (1946).

[6] G. H. Piper and J. R. Scott, J. Sci. Instr. 22, 206 (1945); Rubber Chem. Tech. 19, 822 (1946).

[7] M. Mooney, J. Rh eo!. 2, 210 (1931) . [8] J. M. Burgers and G. W. Scott-Blair, Proc. Int. Congo

Rheo!. , Holland, 1948, p. V- 28 (North-Holland Pub li shing Co., Amsterdam, 1949).

[9] M. Reiner, Deformation and flow, p. 54 (H. K. Lewis and Co., Ltd., London , 1949).

[10] L. R. G. Treloar, Tran . Inst. Rubber Ind . 25, 167 (1949). lll] R. H. Taylor, J. H. F ielding, and M. Mooney, Symposium

on rubber testing, ASTM Publication 74 (1947); Rubber Age (N. Y. ) 61, 567 and 705 (1947).

[12] R. L. Zapp and F. P. Baldwin, R ubber Chern. Tech. 20,84 (1947) .

[1 3] M . Mooney, Phys. 7,413 (1936); Rubber Chem. T ech. 10, 214 (1937).

WASHINGTON, July 7, ] 950.