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COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

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Page 1: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator




Page 2: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator



Earl. E. Houseman

Ecmomics, Statistics, and Cooperatives ServiceU.S. Department of Agriculture

Septerrber 1978

Page 3: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator


This publication is regarded by the author as supple-mentary training material for students who are familiarwith, or are studying, elementary theory of sampling includ-ing stratification, cluster sampling, ratio and regressionestimation, sampling with probability proportional to size,and multiple-stage sampling. After studying sampling methodsone at a time, it is important to get a unified view of theseveral methods and the conditions under which they haveabout the same or different variances.

In sampling various populations we quite often find twoor more techniques that are roughly equal in efficiency andreduce sampling variance about as much as possible. Admin-istrative feasibility, costs, and freedom from potentialbias are important criteria for selecting a sampling planand become primary criteria when the choice ~s among planshaving small differences in sampling variance.

Ability to prejudge accurately the efficiency of alter-native sample designs with reference to various surveyobjectives and populations is important. Such ability comesfrom experience and detailed study of alternative techniquesof sampling a population and of making estimates. Quiteoften only two or three alternatives are compared in ananalysis because of limitations of data or only a few alter-natives are of interest. In this publication many alternative


Page 4: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

sampling and estimation plans are applied to a small popula-tion of apple trees and the results are recorded in tablesfor comparative purposes. The focus of attention is on themagnitude of the differences in efficiency in relation tothe patterns of variation that exist.

For some readers, parts of the presentation are probablytoo detailed. However, it is important to understand fullythe alternatives and to put mathematical expressions forestimators and their variances in forms that are most meaning-ful for comparative purposes. Exercises are distributedthrough the text.

Chapter I makes use of graphical, or geometrical, inter-pretations in the comparison of four alternative ways of usingan auxiliary variable. There is a brief presentation of therelevant theory for each plan which is followed by a dis-cussion of the plans including a numerical example. Samplingwith probability proportional to size in comparison to othermethods is of special interest. For comparison, a part ofeach variance formula is written as the sum of squares ofdeviations from a line.

Chapter II expands the comparisons made in Chapter I toinclude interactions in efficiency. For example, the compar-ative efficiency of sampling units of various size is relatedto the method of estimation and to stratification. Chapter IIIprovides some further comparisons, but the emphasis is on how


Page 5: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

theory and ingenuity solved an important problem in the samp-ling of fruit trees. Some comparisons involving two-stagesampling using apple trees as an example are included inChapter IV.

This volume was written because it was a pleasure andbecause I always learn something from making comparisonslike those contained herein.

Earl E. HousemanStatistician


Page 6: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator



1.1.1 Equal Probabilities of Selection1.1.2 Unequal Probabilities of Selection

1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator1.2.4 Discussion of Plans 1, 2, and 31.2.5 Plan 4 - Sampling with PPS1.2.6 Plan 5 - Stratified Sampling1.2.7 Sunrnary

1.3 Numerical Example


2.1 Introduction2.2 Comparison of Primary and Tenninal Branches

as Sampling Units2.3 Stratification by Trees

2.3.1 Plan 6--Mean Estimator2.3.2 Plan 7--Ratio Estimators by Strata2.3.3 Plan 8--Regression Estimators by Strata















Page 7: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

2.3.4 Discussion of Plans 6, 7, and 82.3.5 Plan 9--Cambined Ratio Estimator2.3.6 Plan 10--Combined Regression

Estimator2.3.7 Plan 11--Sampling With PPS Within

Strata2.3.8 Summary and Discussion

2.4 Further Comparison of Sampling With PPS ToStratified Sampling With Opt~ Allocation

CHAPTER III RAN!X}4-PAlliSAMPLING OF FRUIT TREES3.1 Introduction3.2 Four Methods of Sampling a Tree3.3 Branch Identification and Description of Data3.4 Probability of Selection and Estimation3.5 Variances of the Estimators3.6 Discussion of the Methods

aIAPTER IV 'lID-STAGESAMPLING4.1 Introduction4.2 Primary Sampling Units Equal in Size4.3 Primary Sampling Units Unequal in Size4.4 Selection of PSU's with PPS4.5 Unequal Probability of Selection at Both













Page 8: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator


1.1 INTRODUCTIONProficiency in the use of auxiliary information to reduce

sampling variance is an important goal in the formulation ofa sampling plan. In this chapter we will compare four alterna-tive methods of using an auxiliary variable in the design of asample or in the estimator and one without using an auxiliaryvariable, giving a total of five alternative methods. Themethods discussed are commonly found in textbooks on sampling.It is important to know whether an auxiliary variable is worthusing and how to use it most effectively. Achievement ofgreater efficiency in the use of an auxiliary variable isusually inexpensive compared to increasing sample size, butincorrect use could cause an increase rather than a decreasein sampling error.

For each of the five alternatives there is an estimatorand the variance of each estimator can be expressed in a formthat is suitable for interpretation of the sampling varianceas a function of deviations of points from a line. The emphasisin this chapter is on simple dot charts as a useful aid tounderstanding or judging the comparative effectiveness of alter-native methods in different situations. Special attention willbe given to sampling with probability proportional to size andhow it compares with other ways of using an auxiliary variable

Page 9: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

including stratification and optimum allocation. After areview of notation, definitions, and theory, a numericalexample will be presented which makes use of some data col-lected in a research project to develop techniques forestimating apple production.

Consider a population of N sampling units and let Yl, ...,YN represent the unknown values of Y and let Xl' ...' XN repre-sent the known values of an auxiliary variable X. A sampleis to be selected and the values of Y for the n suls (samplingunits) in the sample, namely Yl' ...' Yn' are to be obtained.The corresponding values of X for the suls in the sample arexl ' ... , x .n We assume that the objective is to estimate the

population mean,Nr.Y.

1Y = rr Also, in the interest of keepingthe notation as simple as possible, let Y and X represent the

N Npopulation totals. That is, Y = r.Y. and X = r.x .. This gives

1 1

"Y", for example, a dual meaning as in "the characteristic Y"or as the total for the population. However, the meaningshould be clear from the context.

A resume of the theory for each of the five alternatives,which will be called plans, is presented after a brief reviewof sampling with equal and unequal probabilities of selection.1.1.1 EQUAL PROBABILITIES OF SELECTION

A sample obtained by selecting one su at a time, atrandom with equal probability and without replacement, iscalled a simple random sample. When the variance of Y in the


Page 10: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

population is defined as

(1. 1)-the variance of the mean, y, of a simple random sample of n

is given byN-n 2

VCr) (J= N=T -nIf the variance of Y is defined as

NS2 1: (Y . - Y)

1= N-land the variance of - isY

V(y) N-n s2= rr -n

(1. 2)

(1. 3)


In the discussion that follows, S2 will be used as thedefinition of the variance of y.

The mean, y, of a simple random sample is an unbiasedn1: (Yi _y)2

estimate of Y and the variance, s2 = -------- , among su's inn-lthe sample is an unbiased estimate of S2. Incidentally, thewriter from a practical point of view advises use of the word"unbiased" with some caution. In the mathematical theory, themeaning of "unbiased" is usually clear, but in practice "un-biased estimate" is often misleading to persons who areinterested in estimates from a survey and are unaware of therestricted meaning of the term.!/

!/ See sections 4.4 and 4.5 of Expected Value of a Sample Esti-mate, Statistical Reporting Service, USDA, September 1974.


Page 11: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

Ezercise 1.1 Show that either definition of the variance

among the N values of Y leads to the same answer for the vari-

ance of y. That is, show that equations 1.2 and 1.4 are the


1.1.2 UNEQUAL PROBABILITIES OF SELECTIONSome sampling plans specify that sampling units be

selected with pps (probability proportional to size). Forsimplicity, sampling with replacement is assumed.

It is often very important to make a clear distinctionbetween the probability of selecting the ith su of a popula-tion when a particular random draw is made and the probabilityof the ith su being included in a sample. To help make thedistinction clear, the letter "P" or "p" will be used to repre-sent selection probability and "f" will represent inclusionprobability, that is, the probability of any given su being inthe sample. When simple random sampling is applied, each suhas a probability equal to ~ of being in the sample. That is,the inclusion probability, f, is equal to ~ for simple randomsampling.

With regard to sampling with pps and replacement, let Pi'P2, ...,PN be the set of selection probabilities for the N su's

Nin the population. It is specified that rP.-1. Thus, "se1ect-


ing a sample with probabilities proportional to Xi" means thatX. N

Pi • ~ where x=rxi. Since the sampling is with replacement,the selection probabilities remain constant from one randomdraw to another.


Page 12: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

The unbiased estimator of Y for a sample of n is


In the estimator, i is an index of the n random draws becausethe same su might be selected more than once. To illustrate,if on the 4th draw su number 15 in the population is selected,Y4 and P4 are equal to YlS and PIS. And if the 15th su isselected again on the 12th draw, Y12 and P12 are equal to YlSand PIS. In practice, techniques for avoiding the selectionof the su more than once are usually introduced but such tech-niques are for later consideration.

y.Each of the n values of p~ in Eq. 1.5 is an unbiased esti-


1 n y.mate of the population total. Thus,(-)E ~ is a simplen Piaverage of n independent, unbiased estimates of Y, and (~)appears in Eq. 1.5 so Y will be an estimator of Y instead ofthe population total.

-The variance of y, Eq.


1. 5, is2

=~n (1. 6)



2 1 N Yi 2 1 2a • (N!) EPi (15i -Y) = (N!")at

NY .• EY.1

(1. 7)

Is Eq. 1.6 reasonable? Study the estimator. For anyy.

given value of i, p~ in repeated sampling is a random variable1

which has an expected value equal to the population total, Y.


Page 13: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

y.By definitiont the variance of 1 isPi

2 NY. 2at = I:P. ( 1 - Y)1r


where i is the index to the N su's in the population. In the

is the average of n independent estimates;2atthereforet the variance of this average is n

1 n y.estimatort - L 1n p.1

Andt since we

are interested in estimating Y rather than Yt o~ must be dividedby N2 as shown in Eq. RESUME OF THEORY FOR FIVE PLANS ~/

As discussed abovet we will use S2t Eq. 1.3t as the defini-tion of the population variance for simple random sampling with

2replacement and a t Eq. 1.7t is the definition of populationvariance for sampling with pps and replacement. Notice thattwhen the P. all equal 1 2 defined in 1.7 becomes 1.1.Nt a


For convenient referencet the estimators and their variancesfor the five plans to be discussed are listed in Table 1.It page29. The variances are expressed as population values (parameters)rather than as sample estimates of variance. Each varianceformula is written in a form which shows a sum of squares ofdeviations of points from a line (or lines). Alsot an alternative

~/ A good reference is: Cochran, W.G., Samplin~ Techniques:Stratified Random Samplingt Chapter 5; Ratio EstimatestChapter 6; Regression Estimatest Chapter 7; and for samplingwith probability proportional to size see Sections 9.9t 9.l0t9.llt and 9.12 of Chapter 9.


Page 14: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

expression for the variance of the estimator for each plan isshown. For simplicity, an assumption is made that the samplingfractions are small when the sampling is without replacement.Thus, the fpc (finite population correction) factor has been

N-nomitted from the variance formulas. The fpc, namely ~, canalways be included if needed. Notice in Table 1.1 that, fora constant size of sample, it is only the sums of squares thatdiffer among the plans.

A dot chart that shows one point for each pair of valuesof X. and Y. provides simple, graphical interpretations of the

1. 1.

sums of squares in the variance formulas for the five plans.Each variance formula for the first four plans involves thedeviations of Y. from a line through the point (X,Y). The


fifth plan involves line segments. How do the lines for thefive plans differ and how can one judge the sampling variancefor one plan compared to another by looking at a dot chart?1.2.1 PLAN 1 - MEAN ESTIMATOR

In the first three plans, simple random sampling isassumed. These three plans differ only with regard to themethod of estimating Y. The first plan is to use the sample


1. -average y = n as an estimator of Y. As a symbol for an~

estimator we will use y, and a subscript will be used todistinguish the different estimators. Thus, the first esti-mator and its variance are n

- ry.l.Yl = Y = --n (1. 8)


Page 15: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator


The formula for the variance of Yl contains the expres-

sion As shown in Figure 1.1, the vertical distancebetween a point (X.,Y.) and a horizontal line through (X,V) is

1 1

N _ 2equal to (Y.-V). Hence E(Y.-Y) may be interpreted as the sum

1 1

of squares of the deviations of Y from a horizontal line through(X,V). The closer the points are to this horizontal line, the

Asmaller the variance of Yl'In the general context of regression estimation, Plan 1 is

a special case. Cochran, in Chapter 7, Sampling Techniques,A

discusses regression estimation where y in the following equationis the regression estimator:

Y c Y + b(X-x) (1.10)The value of the regression coefficient, b, might be preassignedor it might be computed from the sample data. It it is pre-assigned, b is a constant when one considers the expectedvalue of y. If b is constant, it is clear from the theory of


expected values that E(y) = V because the expected value of yis V and the expected value of the second term, b(X-x) is zero~/.Thus, the expected value of y is V regardless of the value thatis preassigned to b. There are cases where a preassigned valueof b equal to 1 is of interest but that is not pertinent to the

~/ E[b(X-x)] = E(bX) - E(bx) = bX - bE(x) = 0 because E(x) • X


Page 16: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

present discussion. The point of interest is that Plan 1 maybe regarded as a special case of regression estimation whereb is given a preassigned value equal to zero. In Plans 2 and3, the value of b is computed from the sample.1.2.2 PLAN 2 - RATIO ESTI~~TOR

-When we let b equal ~ , the right side of Eq. 1.10

x-becomes X ~ which is the estimator for Plan 2.x -= X ~Y2 -x



This estimator is called a ratio estimator since it is the ratioof two random variables y and x. For simple random sampling the


variance of Y2 is often written as follows:




(!)[s2 + R2s2V (Y2) = ..1.= - 2RSXY]n n Y XN

S2L (Y._Y) 2

1= N-lY

NS2 L (X.-X) 2= 1X N-l

NL (X.-X) (Y.-Y)

SXY= 1 1N-l



Page 17: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

The variance formula for Plan 2, Table 1.1, shows thatthe deviations, (Y.-RX.), are squared and summed.

1 1A

Exeraise 1.2 With referenae to the varianae of Y2' Eq. 1.12,

sho~ that2r(Y.-RX.)

1 1


Consider a line through the origin and the point (X,Y),Ysee Figure 1.1. The slope of this line is R = The verticalX

distance between this line and a point (X.,Y.) is (Y.-RX.).1 1 1 1

Therefore, the sum of squares, r(Y.-RX.)Z, in the variance1 1


formula for YZ is the sum of squares of the deviations of thepoints (Xi,Yi) from the line through the origin and (X,Y). The

A Aonly difference between the variances of Yl and Y2 is the dif-ference between rcy.-y)2 and r(Y.-RX.)2. The points for the


assumed population in Figure 1.1 are somewhat closer to theline through the origin and (X,Y) than to a horizontal line

Athrough (X,Y). Therefore, one would expect YZ to have asmaller sampling variance than Yl'

Exeraise 1.3 Verify that Y.-RX. is the vertiaal distanae1 1

bet~een a point (X.,Y.) and a straight line that passes through1 1

the origin and (X,Y).


The estimator, Y3' in Plan 3 is called a regression esti-mator. It makes use of a line that is derived by applying theleast squares method in fitting a line to the sample values ofx and y. The equation for the least squares line (fitted to


Page 18: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

the samp1e data) may be written as follows:- b (x.-x)y. = y +

1 1

E (x.-i:) (y.-y)where b = 1 1 i = 1, ... , n- 2 ,

E (Xi-x)


and y. is the point on the line where x is equal to x .• The1 1

estimator of Y is obtained by substituting X for x. in 1.131

which givesY 3 = Y + b (X - i:) (1.14 )

To understand the variance formula for Y3' suppose aleast squares line is determined for the population of pointsshown in Figure 1.1. It is

'"Y. = Y + B(X.-X)1 1

(1. 1.5)

where B = E (X. -X) (Y. -V)1 1

E(Xi-x)2 i = 1, ••• , N.

,.and Yi is the point on the line where X is equal to Xi. Thisline has been determined so the sum of the squares of the

N ,. 2deviations of y. from it is a minimum. That is, E(Y.-Y.)111

is less than the sum of the squares of the deviations from anyother straight line. The sum of squares of the deviations of Yifrom the least-squares regression line can be written asfollows:

N '" 2E (Y . - Y . )

1 1

N= E{Y.-[Y+B(X.-X)]12

1 1


(1.16 )

Page 19: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

The expression on the right side of 1.16 appears in the varianceA

formula for Y3 in Table 1.1 which isNS2 E{Y.-[Y+B(X.-X)]}2

3 = (1:.) 1. 1.n n N-l (1.17)

Exercise 1.4 Show that the right side of 1.16 reduces to

(1_r2)E(y._y)2 where r is the coefficient of correlation between1.

X and Y.1.2.4 DISCUSSION OF PLANS 1, 2, and 3


The variances of Yl' Y2' and Y3 have been related to thesums of squares of deviations from three lines respectively:(1) a horizontal 1ine through (X,Y), (2) a ratio 1ine (that is,a line through the origin and (X,Y), and (3) a regression line(which is a line determined by the method of least squares).Since the sum of squares of deviations from the regression line

Ais least, the variance of Y3 will generally be less than theA A

variances for Yl and Y2. The comparative variances can bejudged from visual examination of how close the points are toeach of the three lines.

AThe variance of Y2 is not always less than the varianceAof Yl. Moreover, the correlation coefficient is not a reliable


measure of how the variances of Yl and Y2 compare. According to2 2Eq. 1.12, 2RSXY must be larger than R Sx or the variance of YZ

will be larger than the variance of Yl. In other words, useof an auxiliary variable in a ratio estimator could result inan increase rather than a decrease in variance.


Page 20: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

The variance formulas discussed above are populationvariances (parameters) which must be estimated from the sample.For all three plans, formula for estimating the sampling vari-ances are of the same format as the population variance formula.The only difference is that the sum of squares is computed fromsample data instead of data for the entire population. Thevariance formulas for Plans Z and 3 are large sample approxi-mations, which are commonly used in practice. (See Cochran'sbook sections 6.4 and 7.4.)

In a survey involving many variables and tabulations byvarious classifications, the first two estimators (plans) are

,..commonly used. Although the variance of Y3 is, to some degree,

,.. ,..generally less than the variance of YI or yZ' its use is gen-erally limited to special situations where low error is very

,..important and the variance of Y3 is appreciably less than the

,..variance of YI or YZ. For example, it might be used to esti-mate the production of a particular commodity or when it isvery important to make estimates with a high degree of accuracyfor a few selected characteristics.

All three of the estimators may be used with samplingplans other than simple random sampling; for example, ratioestimators and stratified random sampling are quite common.

Exeraise 1.5 For the speaial aase where the regression

line is the same as the ratio line, show that the varianae,.. A "-

of Y3 is equal to the varianae of YZ. Can V(Y3) ever be,..

larger than V(yZ)?


Page 21: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

Exepcise 1.6 Compape Plans 1, 2, and J with pegapd to

the following thpee dot chapts peppesenting thpee diffepent

pelations between X and Y.

..••• I .•••••••

f •• , ••••••••... , ." •••••• t •.• " ••••

, • t .' ,.' .• , ' :.. . . ,' .....

. " ' ... "


..Case 1

. .


, ... ~. : '. .II " • " •••••

.. .' ... ,"" .I •• " •••

Case 2 X


.. ... " .. . .

.. . .. ..

• II • " •... . . .Case 3 X

Fop each of the thpee cases pank the thpee plans fpom lapgest

to smaZlest sampling vapiance.

1.2.5 PLAN 4 - SAMPLING WITH PPSPlans 2 and 3 used the auxiliary variable in estimation

and not in the design or selection of a sample. Plan 4 is toselect a sample of n elements with replacement and to useprobabilities of selection proportional to X .. By substituting


x. X.~ for Pi in Eq. 1.5 and ~ for Pi in 1.7, the following ex-pressions are obtained for the estimator and its variance:


and (1.19)

The formula for the variance of Y4 shows that (Y.-RX.)1 1

are the deviations which are squared. Thus, the line involved


Page 22: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

in Plan 4 is the same as the line for the ratio estimator.Notice that the squares of the deviations, (Y.-RX.)2, are

1 1

weighted by ~ owing to the unequal probability of selection.1

For the ratio estimator, the squares of the deviations wereweighted equally. Incidentally, the appropriate formula for

"estimating the variance of Y4 from sample data is not of thesame form (and will not reduce to the same form) as Eq. 1.19.

In practice one often finds that the variance of thedeviations, (Y.-RX.), increases as X increases. That is, the

1 1

values of Yare usually more widely scattered for large valuesof X than for small values of X. If the relation between X andY is like the dot chart in Figure 1.2, Plan 4 will have a lowersampling variance than the first three plans. A line through(X,Y) and the origin fits the data about as well as any line.

"But, Y4 would have the least sampling variance because, as shownin the formula for its variance, the largest values of (Y._RX.)2

1 1

receive the smallest weights in the sum of squares. Judging theeffectiveness of Plan 4 is more than a matter of observing howwell the data fit a line through (X,Y) and the origin. In fact,it is easy to misjudge the effectiveness of sampling with pps.We will return to this point after presentation of PIan 5.

Exeraise 1.7 Start with 2 defined in 1.7 and show(J as1 N X 2 X. Ythat it reduaes when P. 1to (N) L r (Y.-RX. ) =r and R = X'.11 1


1.2.6 PLAN 5 - STRATIFIED SAMPLINGThis plan makes use of the variable X as a basis for

stratification. Suppose the sampling units in the population


Page 23: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

have been listed in order from smallest to largest values of X.The list is then divided into L strata. Let

Nh • the population number of su's in stratum h,nh • the sample number of su's,

nhfh • Nh = the sampling fraction,

Yhi and Xhi • the values of Y and X for the ith

su in stratum h,S2 • the variance of Y within stratum h,YhVh = the average value of Y in stratum h, andXh = the average value of X in stratum h.

We are primarily interested in proportional allocation of thesample to strata for comparison with Plans 1, 2, and 3, and inoptimum allocation for comparison with Plan 4.

With proportional allocation the sampling fractions, fh'are all equal and it is appropriate to use the unweighted samplemean as an estimator of Y. Hence,

ys = Y (1.20)

Assuming simple random sampling within strata and that thefpc's are negligible,



(1. 21)


Page 24: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

With reference to a dot chart for showing deviations thatare squared in the variance formulas, instead of one line, wenow ~ave a series of line segments, one for each stratum, asshown in Figure 1.3. Each line segment is a horizontal linethrough the stratum mean. The sampling variance, S~, is anaverage of the squares of deviations from these horizontal linesegments. If the points are close to the line segments, thesampling variance will be small for stratified random sampling.

Consider what happens to the sum of squares for stratifiedrandom sampling as the number of strata increases, that is,as the difference between the largest and smallest value ofX for each stratum decreases. If the relation between X and Yover the whole population is approximately linear, the sum ofsquares of the deviations from the line segments will becomeapproximately equal to the sum of squares of the deviation froma regression line as in Plan 3. Under those conditions Plans 3and 5 would have approximately the same sampling variance. Ifthe relation between X and Y is not linear, the sampling variancefor Plan 5 might be less than the sampling variance for Plan 3,depending on the width of the stratum intervals, the degree ofnonlinearity, and how close the points are to a curved line.

Suppose the ratio line (that is, a straight line through(X,Y) and the origin) fits the points about as well as any line.In this case, the sampling variances for Plans 2, 3 and 5(assuming the stratum intervals are small) would be approximatelyequal.


Page 25: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

I I!

to X to have a Zo~ep sampZing vapianae than sampZing ~ith

stpatifiaation by X and optimum alloaation? When?

Exepaise 1.9 (a) Refep to Figupe 1.1 and rank PZans 1,

2, 3~ and 5 from least vapianae to highest. Ans. 3~ 5~ 2~ 1

~ith 3 and 5 being alose depending on the number of strata.

(b) It appeaps that the varianae for Plan 4 ~ouZd be

muah Zarger than the varianae for stratified random sampZing

~ith optimum aZZoaation. Why? Look at the aonditionaZ

standapd deviation of Y.(a) Sinae the range in the optimum sampZing fraations

for stratified random sampling is smaZZ~ ~ouZd you agree that

Plan 4 ~ould have a muah Zarger varianae than Plan 17

(d) Consider the simple tpansformation X: = X. + C ~here1 1

C is a aonstant. Is there a vaZue of C suah that X~ ~ouZd be

an effeative measure of size.

Exeraise 1.10 Refer to Exeraise 1.6 and for eaah aase

rank aZl five pZans ~ith regapd to sampZing varianae.

Exeraise 1.11 Prepare a dot ahart sho~ing a reZation

bet~een X and Y suah that stpatified random sampling ~ith

alloaation proportional to Nh, Plan 5~ ~ilZ have a smaller

sampling varianae than the regression estimator~ PZan 3.

Exeraise 1.12 Prepare a dot ahart suah that the varianae

for Plan 5 ~ith proportional alloaation ~ill be apppoximateZy

equal to the varianae for Plan 1 and (at the same time) the

vapianae for Plan 5, ~ith optimum aZZoaation ~ill be muah


Page 26: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

less than the variance for Plan 1. This would be a case where

gain from stratification would be entirely attributable to

varying sampling fractions rather than stratification to remove

variation associated with differences among stratum means.

1.2.7 SUMMARYIf there is no relation between X and Y, including a

relation between X and the conditional standard deviation ofY, information about X offers no possibilities for reducingsampling variance; in fact, the sampling variance could be in-creased by using X. If there is a relation, some alternativeways to take advantage? of it have been shown. Clearly, themost effective way of using an auxiliary variable depends onwhat the relation is like.

In the sampling and estimation specifications for aparticular survey, an auxiliary variable would generally beused in only one way. For example, attempting to use a relation-ship between X and Y as a basis for stratification and also inestimation is generally not advisable. Try to fully utilizethe potential contribution of an auxiliary variable in oneway. Whether an auxiliary variable is used in stratificationor in estimation might depend on the nature of other auxiliaryvariables that are available. For example, some kinds ofauxiliary variables are readily useful in stratification butnot estimation. Consider using quantitative measures in esti-mation or in sampling with pps and using nonquantitative measuresin stratification. This point will receive further attention.


Page 27: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

1.3 NUMERICAL EXAMPLEAlthough our interest is in the practical application of

sampling theory, a major objective in the presentation ofnumerical illustrations in this and later chapters is toimprove one's comprehension of patterns of variation thatexist and to develop one's skill at judging the effectivenessof alternative sampling and estimation methods in specificsituations. It is informative to apply several alternativesto the same population even though some of the alternativesare not practically feasible.

The data for the following example were taken from aresearch project to develop techniques for sampling apple treesto forecast and estimate apple production. The primary purposewas to make an intensive investigation of ways of sampling atree rather than how to select a sample of trees. As a partof this project, the branches on six apple trees were mapped.Included among the measurements that were taken are the cross-sectional area of each branch and the number of apples on eachbranch. There was a total of 28 primary branches on the sixtrees. A primary branch, which is a branch from the tree trunk,probably would not be used as a sampling unit in practice. How-ever, data for these 28 primary branches are useful as anumerical example of alternative ways of using an auxiliaryvariable. Also the results will be useful in later discussionsand comparisons of methods of sampling within trees.


Page 28: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

For purposes of this numerical example, the 28 primarybranches is the population of sampling units. We assume thepurpose of sampling is to estimate the total number of appleson the six trees. The auxiliary variable X is the csa (cross-sectional area) of a branch. The fruit counts, Y, and thecsa's, X, for the 28 limbs are presented in Table 1.2. Letus compare the five plans outlined above by referring to a dotchart. Figure 1.4 shows the points (X.,Y.) and three lines:~ ~

(1) the horizontal line for Plan 1, (2) a ratio line throughthe origin and (X,Y) which pertains to Plans 2 and 4, and(3) the least squares regression line for Plan 3. To orderthe sampling variances from smallest to largest, one wouldundoubtedly rank the first three plans in the order 3, 2, and1, with 1 having a much larger variance than the other two.Since the scatter of the points increases as the csa increases,one might expect Plan 4 to be better than Plan 2, but Plan 4is somewhat difficult to judge. In Chapter II, similar com-parisons of the plans will be made using terminal branches(and hence more points) as sampling units.

The total number of sampling units, 28, is too small toprovide a good example of stratified random sampling in com-parison to the other four plans. However, for purposes ofillustration, a comparison will be made. Since 28 is divisibleby 4, it is convenient to divide the branches, after beingordered by csa, into four strata of 7 branches each as presentedin Table 1.2.


Page 29: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

The stratum boundaries are indicated by vertical dottedlines in Figure 1.4. It is evident that line segments, forthe stratified random sampling as specified in the precedingparagraph, do not fit the data as well as the regression line,Plan 3. Although the sampling variance for Plan 5 is clearlymuch less than the variance for Plan 1, it is undoubtedly greaterthan the variance for Plan 3. Its rank compared to Plans 2 and4 is uncertain.

We will now compare the judgments formed from looking atFigure 1.4 with numerical results. The relative variances ofthe five estimators, assuming n = 1 (that is, a sample of onebranch), are presented in Table 1.3. Relative variances are thevariances divided by y2. Although it is not possible to selecta stratified random sample of one branch, it is appropriate tolet n = 1 for purposes of comparing Plan 5 with the other plans.

In this example, the relationship between X and Y is suchthat all four Plans 2, 3, 4, and 5 provide large reductions insampling variance. Stratification, as applied, reduced thesampling variance by more than 80 percent compared to Plan 1but not as much as Plans 2, 3, and 4 because it did not utilizeas fully the information provided by X. If it were feasible todivide the population into more strata, perhaps 8 or 10 insteadof 4, the relative variance for Plan 5 would have been less than0.307 and perhaps nearly as low as the variance for the regressionestimator, Plan 3. However, from the results that we have seen,it appears that the auxiliary variable X can be used to reduce


Page 30: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

the sampling variance from 1.117 to about 0.200. Some of thepractical considerations in the choice of a plan will be dis-cussed later. In the next section our understanding of samplingwith pps will be extended by comparing it to stratification withoptimum allocation.1.3.1 VARYING THE SAMPLING FRACTION WITH SIZE OF Sfu~PLING UNIT

From Figure 1.4 it is clear that the variance of thenumber of apples increases with the size of branch. The stan-dard deviation within strata and the average csa per branch arepresented in Table 1.4.

Since the largest SYh is about 10 times larger than thesmallest, the largest sampling fraction (with stratifiedsampling and optimum allocation) would be about 10 timeslarger than the smallest. This range of variation in samplingfractions is large enough to expect optimum allocation, comparedto proportional, to give a substantial reduction in variance.The relative variance for optimum is 0.211 compared to 0.301for proportional.

With reference to sampling with pps, notice that theconditional standard deviation of Y is roughly in proportionto X. This is indicated by the fact that the ratio of SYh toXh, Table 1.4, is nearly constant. Also, the points in Figure 1.4follow, approximately, a line through the origin and (X,Y). There-fore, it is reasonable to find that 0.211, the variance forstratified sampling with optimum allocation, is close to 0.194,the variance for sampling with pps.


Page 31: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

Since SYh is approximately 1n proportion to Xh, csa is agood measure of size. However, it is informative to comparethe five plans when circumference is used or a measure of sizeof branch. To examine the relation between number of applesand circumference, see Figure 1.5. Notice that the least squaresline (Plan 3) departs farther from the origin than did the leastsquares line £or csa, Figure 1.4. This is reflected in thevariances which are presented in Table 1.5. The relative vari-ance, 0.256, for Plan 3 is considerably less than the relativevariances for Plans 2 and 4. Also notice that circumference1S less effective than csa for all three Plans 2, 3, and 4.

Exercise 1.13 Refer to Table 1.2 and compute the four

values of Xh taking the circumference as the auxiliary variable.

Compare these values of Xh with the values of SYh given in

Table 1.4. What does this comparison indicate regarding the

use of circumference as a measure of size in pps sampling?

Notice that csa is a mathematical transformation of circum-ference. The question might be asked, "Is there a bettertransformation?" This question will be given further attentionin the next chapter. For the research study, a csa measurementwas made by wrapping a tape around the base of a branch. Thetapes had been calibrated to give a direct reading of the csaassuming the branch is circular. Figure 1.4 suggests that csais a good measure of size for sampling with pps, but broaderexperience is needed. In a later illustration it will becomeevident that sampling with pps is a good practical method ofselecting a sample of branches.


Page 32: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

Exercise 1.14 By careful planning one can compute sub-

Y?totals and totals of EY., EX., EY~, EX.Y., and EX1 that1 1 111 .


provide intermediate results from ~hich the variances for

several alternative plans are easily obtained. For purposes

of computation sho~ that the values of S2 for the five plans

may be written as follows:

C EY • ) 2S2 = C 1 )[EY? - N1 ]1 R"=T 1

C 1 ) [EY?N=T 1

2 2 EY.2REX.Y. + R EX.] where R s ~1 1 1 ~A.1

s; = SiC1-r2) where r is the correlation coefficient

Since there are 7 branches in each stratum the expression

in Table 1.1 for S2 reduces to5

S2 = C 1 ) [EY?5 w:4 1

stratum h.

Ey2~] where Yh is the total of Y for

From Table 1.2 the following intermediate results are


'Ly. =1

2'Ey. =1

EX.Y. =1 1







Y~E 1r1







Page 33: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

The stratum totals, Yh, are

Y1 = 202, Y2 = 923, Y3 = 1,594, and Y4 = 4,480

22222Compute the values of 51' 52' 53' 04' and 55 .

Answer: 52 = 73,828152 = 16,339252 = 12,2923

2 = 12,826°452 = 20,2745


Page 34: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

Table l.l--Estimators and Their Relative Variances 1/

i(Yhi-Yh)2S 25 = -NI L Nh ----'"----h Nh-l

lower case to sanple values.LY.

Y = N1

S2 or 02 expressed as an An alternativeaverage of squared deviations :expression for S2 or 02

Yhi = value of Y for the ithunit in stratum h.

Plan Estimator Varianceof estimator

I - (1)s2Y1= Y n 1

- (1)s22 Y2 = X~- n 2x

3 Y3 = Y + b(X-x) (.!)S2n 3

I y. (.!)024 Y X(-)L2.4 n x. n 4


N 5LNhYh - (.!)S2y = y

\0 5 N n 5

1/ Upper case letters refer to population values,N = total nmi>er of units in population.n = total mmiler of units in sanple.L = ntmber of strata.1\ = nunber of units in the population in stratum h.

LN = LNh~ = nunt>erof units in sanple fran stratum h.

Ln = L~

NY = LY.


L(y._y)2S2 1

1 N-I

S2 =L(Yi-RXi)2

2 N-IL{Y.- [Y + B(X.-X)]}2

S2 = 1 1

3 N-IN -L(~)(Y -RX.)2X. i 1

02 = 1

1+ N

S2 = S21 Y

S2 = S2 + R2S2 - 2RS2 Y X XY

S2 = S2 (l-r2)3 Y

N Y02 = LLP. (2- _ y)2

1+ N2 1 Pi

S2 I S25 'NLNh h

r= ~(Sy)(~)

B= ~


sb = .25Z

s2x- 2~(Yhi-Yh)

S2 = 1

h Nh-l

Page 35: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

Table 1.2--Data for Primary Branches on Six Apple Trees(Arrayed by csa)

· .... · ....· ctJ:./" csa~r . ~ ·No. of' · . .JJ' Y' ~'No fStrattID:Bran : :C1r. :ap les: :StrattID:Branc :csa :Cir. : '10

· ., . p . · .... app es

1 1-4 .87 3.3 5 3 6-3 4.84 7.8 1831-5 1.03 3.6 34 1-2 5.09 8.0 405-6 1.34 4.1 4 2-4 5.75 8.5 3961-3 1.83 4.8 59 6-2 5.89 8.6 2505-4 1.83 4.8 18 2-3 6.16 8.8 1575-5 1.83 4.8 17 5-1 6.16 8.8 1796-4 1.99 5.0 65 4-2 7.18 9.5 389

2 2-5 2.68 5.8 89 4 2-2 8.94 10.6 3334-4 2.86 6.0 238 4-1 9.28 10.8 6964-5 2.86 6.0 81 2-1 9.63 11.0 4734-3 3.57 6.7 254 3-1 11.60 12.1 7621-1 3.68 6.8 76 3-3 12.84 12.7 5175-3 4.48 7.5 97 3-2 13.45 13.0 6225-2 4.72 7.7 88 6-1 15.38 13.9 1,077

'IUI'AL 157.76 221.0 7,199

Y Tree (first digit) and branch within a tree (seconddigit).Y Cross-sectionalarea of branch in square inches.2J Circumferenceof branch in inches.

Table 1.3--Relative Variances of Estimators

"-Plan :Relative variance of y

1 1.1172 0.2473 0.1864 0.1945 0.307


Page 36: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

Table 1.4--Mean csa and Standard Deviation of Y by Strata

Mean csa, SYhStratum Xh SYh 5th1 1.53 24.8 16.22 3.55 78.4 22.13 5.87 129 22.04 11.59 240 20.7

Table 1.5--Relative Variances When the Auxiliary Vari-able is Circumference






Relative variance of y



Page 37: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator





Figure l.l--Deviations in Variance Formulas forPlans 1, 2, and 3


// .•.


Ian 2






/ ./.



----- -- - - - -. -


Plans 2 and 4

Figure 1.2--Deviations in Variance Formulas forPlans 2 and 4


Page 38: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

, .


• I

I• I


I •. :1' :,] .• •,.. 0'(Y3i'X3i) :


•• I·

• •

Stratum I Stratum 2 Stratum 3 Stratum 4 Stratum 5 x

Figure 1.3--Deviations in Variance Formulafor Plan 5, Stratified Random Sampling


Page 39: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator








~ 500v.l.;;:.. "tl•....

rol1) 400 •




2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11Cross-sectional area in square inches

12 13 14 15

Figure 1.4--Relation between Number of Apples and CSA

Page 40: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator




700 •zc~ 600~11

0..." •(A

~ 500V1

"C•....~CIl 400


200 • ••

100 • •

1 2 3 4 5 6 789Circumference in inches

10 11 12 13

Figure 1.5--Re1ation between Number of Apples and Circumference

Page 41: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator


2.1 INTRODUCTIONThe effects on sampling variance of various factors in

sample design and estimation are not independent. For example,the difference in the sampling variance between a mean esti-mator and a ratio estimator might vary with the definition ofthe sampling unit or with the criteria used for stratification.In this chapter some numerical examples that display such inter-actions will be glven. The objective is to further develop aperception of patterns (or components) of variation and abilityto judge how alternative methods rank with regard to samplingvariance. As you study and acquire experience in sampling tryto visualize the pattern of variation in a population to besampled and test your skill at prejudging the effectiveness ofalternative sampling plans.

The data for the examples in this chapter are taken fromthe research project on methods of estimating apple productionwhich was referred to in Chapter I. The sampling alternativesthat are considered require a map of each tree that is sampled.That is, a map of a tree which defines the sampling units(branches) is the sampling frame. Methods of probabilitysampling are available which do not require preparing a com-plete map of a tree. This will be discussed in Chapter III.


Page 42: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

As background, refer to Figure 2.1 which is a map of oneof the six apple trees used for the numerical example presentedin Chapter I. The map shows the scheme that was used for iden-tifying branches. For example, 3-1-4 refers to third-stagebranch number 4 from second-stage branch number 1 and first-stage branch number 3. Branches from the tree trunk weremapped until "terminal" branches were reached. "Terminalbranch" refers to the last stage of branching where the mappingof branches was terminated. The csa's (cross sectional areas)of the terminal branches ranged from about 3/4 to 2 square incheswhich seemed to be about the smallest practical size of branchto consider as a sampling unit. There were 28 primary branchesand 135 terminal branches on the six trees. The average numberof apples on a terminal branch was about 50.

lfuen following a tree trunk to primary branches, to second-stage branches, etc., small branches are sometimes found whichare not large enough to be classified as terminal branches.For example, six apples were found on small branches on primarybranch number 2 before the 4 second-stage branches 2-1, 2-2, 2-3,and 2-4 were reached. Apples on such branches have been called"path" fruit, meaning fruit on the path of a terminal branch.Path fruit present some special problems which will be discussedin Chapter III. The amount of path fruit is relatively smalland will be ignored in this chapter.

For each of the first four plans that were discussed inChapter I primary and terminal branches will be compared as


Page 43: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

sampling units. Then, using terminal branches, the first fourplans will then be applied within strata (trees) for comparisonwith each of the four plans when there is no stratification.2.2 COMPARISON OF PRIMARY AND TERMINAL BRANCHES AS SAMPLING

UNITSThe number of applies on each of the 28 primary branches

and the csa of each branch were presented in Table 1.2. Datafor the 135 terminal branches are presented in Table 2.1. Thenumber of apples on primary branches included path fruit whereasthe numbers on terminal branches do not. The difference 1S pre-sumed to be negligible for purposes of an exercise in variancecomparisons. Figures 1.4 and 2.2 are the dot charts for primaryand terminal limbs respectively.

Table 2.2 presents relative variances for terminal andprimary branches. The relative variances for primary branchesare taken from Table 1.3 in Chapter I, and relative variancesfor terminal branches were computed using the same varianceformulas.

When interpreting variances it is essential that thedimensions of the variances be clear. What variation doesa particular variance measure and in what units is the varianceexpressed? Are the relative variances in Table 2.2 comparable?Let us examine the formula for the relative variance (RV) ofY1' which is



Page 44: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

A quantity like si is sometimes called "lIDit variance" as itis a measure of variation among individual sampling units. The


~Yl '


quantity may be called "uni t-relative variance" which is

the square of the coefficient of variation among individualA

units. In Eq. 2.1, when n = 1 the relative variance of Yl'is the unit-relative variance. A similar interpretation ofthe variance formula for the other estimators holds. Thus,s~ is the unit variance that pertains to the ratio estimator,

The variances presented in Table 2.2 are unit-relativevariances which may be regarded as sampling variances forsamples of one branch. Usually sampling variances for alterna-tive plans are compared under one of two conditions: equalsampling fractions or equal costs. In this chapter the com-parisons will be under an assumption of equal sampling fractions.

1 1The sampling fractions are ~ and I!r' respectively, for oneprimary branch and one terminal branch.

To achieve comparability, the variances for primary brancheswill be converted to the equivalent of one terminal branch. Thatis, we want to find the variances for primary branches thatcorrespond to a sampling fraction Of~. There is an averageof *--4.82 . 1 b h . b h~o term1na ranc es per prlmary ranc.


Page 45: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

Ignoring the fpc (finite population correction), therelative variance of the first estimator, Yl' is 1~:7for a

0.660sample of n' primary branches and is ----- for a sample of nnterminal branches. (The numbers, 1.17 and 0.660, are fromTable 2.2.) Since the sampling fractions are the same forterminal and primary branches when n = 4.82 n', we will sub-

. n f ' Thst1tute ~ or n. us,

1.17--nr- = (4.82)(1.17) =n


Therefore, 5.639 compares with .660 when the sampling fractionsare equal. The variance, 5.639, might be described as therelative variance among primary branches expressed on the basisof one terminal branch.

The conversion factor, 4.82, also applies to the otherestimators. Thus, all of the unit variances for primary branchesmust be multiplied by 4.82 to convert them to the equivalent ofone terminal branch. This leads to Table 2.3, which reflectsdifferences in sampling efficiency under the condition that thesampling fraction is the same for primary and terminal branchesand for all four plans.

The variances in Table 2.3 are also meaningful in terms ofsampling fractions that would be required when all four esti-mators have the same variance. Such sampling fractions would beproportional to the variances in Table 2.3, assuming the fpc'sare negligible. As an example, using primary branches assampling units, the variance of Y2 will be the same as the


Page 46: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

variance of YI when the sampling fraction of Plan 2 is 21 per-1.191cent, 5.639 = .21, of the sampling fraction for Plan 1. As

Aanother example, for the sampling variance of Y3 using primaryAbranches to be the same as the sampling variance of Y4 using

terminal branches, the sampling fraction would need to be 2.8,0.897 t' 1o. 319' 1mes arger.

Exercise 2.1 (aJ Find the relative variance of Y4 for a

random sample of five terminal branches. Plan 4 is sampling

with pps and replacement. Ans. 0.064.

(bJ Assume simple random sampling of primary branches and

find the number of primary branches so that the relative vari-A

ance of (Yl) = 0.064. The answer, ignoring the fpc, is 18.3.

There were only 28 primary branches in the population so theN-nfpc should be taken into account. Include the fpc, ~, in the


variance formula for Y1 and recompute the sample size that is

needed. Ans. 11 primary branches.A A

(cJ With reference to (aJ and (bJ, 135y 4 and 2aYl are

estimators of the population total number of apples. Will the

relative variances of these two estimators of the total be

equal when the sample sizes are 5 terminal branches with

Plan 4 and 11 primary branches with Plan 17

(dJ It was stated above that, when the fpc is negligible,

the variances in Table 2.3 are proportional to the sampling

fractions needed to have the same relative variances of the

estimates for all of the alternatives. The answers to (aJ5 18.3and (bJ were ~ and ~ when the fpc was ignored. Verify


Page 47: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

that these sampZing fraations are proportionaZ to the aorres-

ponding varianaes presented in Table 2.3.

Table 2.3 shows two major differences 1n efficiency:(1) Plan 1 vs the other three plans and (2) primary vs terminalbranches as sampling units. Table 2.4 presents the relativevariances ·for Plans 2, 3 and 4 as a proportion of the variancesfor Plan 1. Notice that the proportions of the variation amongprimary branches which was accounted for by variation in thesize (csa) of branches was much higher than the proportions forterminal branches. Variation in the size of terminal brancheswas partially controlled by the specifications and process fordetermining a terminal branch. For primary branches the corre-lation between X and Y was .91. It was .69 for terminal branches.

In Table 2.5 the variances for terminal branches are ex-pressed as a proportion of the variances for primary branches.Here we see that the largest reduction in variance is underPlan 1. However, even after variance associated with variationin the csa has been taken into account in the estimator or pro-cess of selection (Plans 2, 3 and 4), the sampling variancesfor terminal branches are about one third of the sampling vari-ances for primary branches. This is a manifestation of intra-class correlation--the general tendency for things that areclose together in time or space to be alike. If there was nointra-class correlation, the sampling variances for Plans 2, 3and 4 would have been about the same for primary and terminalbranches. With Plan 1 the difference in variance between pri-mary and terminal branches is attributable to the difference


Page 48: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

in correlation between csa and number of apples as well asintra-class correlation.

The interaction shown in Table 2.3 between the variancesfor the four plans and the two kinds of sampling units seemstypical. The situation might be viewed in this way. Whenthe sampling units are large and auxiliary information is notused in the sample design or in estimation, the sampling vari-ance is large and there is a large potential for reducingsampling variance. An auxiliary variable that is effectivein reducing sampling variance will probably be relativelymore effective when the sampling units are large. This wasdisplayed in Table 2.4. Or, when an effective auxiliary vari-able is used, the relative difference in sampling variancebetween large and small sampling units will probably be lessas displayed in Table 2.5.

The same phenomenon has been observed in various othersituations. In area sampling, for example, if geographicstratification is effective, it will tend to be relativelymore effective when the area sampling units are large thanwhen they are small. This is not a justification for largesampling units. The implication is that matters of sampledesign and estimation are more critical when the samplingunits are large and vary widely in size.

There is a limit to the reduction in variance that canbe achieved through sample design and estimation techniques.That is, assuming a fixed sampling fraction, one might imagine


Page 49: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

a practical minimum variance as a goal to be achieved by design.There might be a number of alternatives which will approach thatgoal. Table 2.3 shows three alternatives with relative vari-ances between 0.3 and 0.4.

Exeraise 2.2 Table 2.6, whiah will be disaussed later,

shows the number of apples on eaah of the six trees in the

E(y._y)21N-l ' isaolumn headed Yh. The varianaes among trees,

464,295, where Yi is the number of apples on the ith tree and

N is the number of trees. Verify that the relative varianaeA

of Yi is 0.344. This is the relative varianae of Yl when a

tree is the sampling unit and the size of the sample is one

tree. Convert this varianae, 0.344, to the equivalent of one

terminal branah. Ans. 7.74. Compare the answer with the

varianaes in Table 2.3 for Plan 1.

Exeraise 2.3 Assume that a simple random sample of

terminal branahes on the six trees is to be seleated and that

Ny is the estimator of the total number of apples on the six

trees. Ignoring the fpa, how many terminal branahes need to

be seleated so the varianae of Ny is equal to the varianae of

an estimate based on a random seleation of one tree and a aount

of all apples on the tree? Assume that 6y is the estimator for

the sample of one tree where y is the number of apples on the

sample tree. Refer to exeraise 2.2 for the varianae among trees

and to Table 2.2 for the varianae among terminal branahes.

Ans. The varianae of an estimate from a sample of 2 terminal

branahes is equal to the varianae of an estimate from a sample


Page 50: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

of one tree. There were 22.5 terminal branches per tree so

2 terminal branches is less than one-tenth of one tree. This

result is typical of the low sampling efficiency of a large

sampling unit. Moreover, it is very difficult to make an

accurate count of all apples on a tree.

2.3 STRATIFICATION BY TREESTable' 2.6 presents variances, covariances, and other

information for each of the six trees. These data pertain toterminal branches. They will be used to determine the vari-ances for five different estimators based on stratified randomsampling with trees as strata and a constant sampling fraction.Stratified sampling with pps within trees will also be con-sidered which gives a total of six alternatives. For thesesix alternatives, designated as plans 6 through 11, we wantto find sampling variances that are comparable with the vari-ances presented in Table 2.2 for nonstratified sampling ofterminal branches.

It is advantageous to become sufficiently familiar withsampling theory to avoid searching textbooks for a formulaand checking it to be sure it is applicable. A formula asfound in a textbook might be appropriate but need adaptation.By recalling a few things from the theory of random variables,correct variance formulas can be readily derived for findingthe sampling variances for the sampling and estimation plansthat follow.


Page 51: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

For comparative purposes, relative variances are recordedin Table 2.7 for four plans that have been discussed and forsix additional plans that will be discussed in the next section.2.3.1 PLAN 6--MEAN ESTIMATOR

In Plan 6 the sample is allocated to trees (strata) inproportion to the number of terminal branches on the trees.You may notice that Plan 6 is the same as Plan 5 except thatthe strata are trees instead of size-of-branch classes. Theestimator of the population mean, Y, is

+ ••• + (2.2)

wherel:Yh"" 1- 1Yh = nh

is the sample average for stratum h(i.e., the average number of apples perterminal branch on tree h),

h 1S the index for strata (trees),i 1S the index for sampling units within stratum h

(branches on tree),Nh is the total number of sampling units (terminal

branches) in stratum h,

N = l:Nh is the total number of sampling units inthe population, and

nh is the number of sampling units in the sample fromstratum h (number of branches in the sample fromtree h).


Page 52: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

Exercise 2.4 Since the sample is stratified and allo-

cated to strata in proportion to Nh, the estimator is a simple

average of all values of Yhi in the sample. Show that this istrue.

The estimator, Y6' was written as shown in Eq. (2.2)because, to find its variance, we need to consider it as a

Nhfunction of the stratum means. The weights ~, are constant.~

Therefore, the variance of Y6 depends on the variance of thestratum means. The sample from one stratum is independent ofthe sample from another stratum. Therefore, the stratum.means,- Nh _ .Yh' are independent random variables, and the terms, ~ Yh' ~nY6 are independent random variables. We know from the theoryof random variables that the variance of the sum of independentrandom variables is the sum of the variances of the random vari-

~abIes. This gives the basis for writing the variance of Y6 asfollows:

+ ... +

We also know that the variance of a constant times a variableequals the square of the constant times the variance of thevariable. Hence,


-Next, we need an expression for the variance of Yh. Since thesample within each stratum is a simple random sample, the vari-ance of Yh is as follows:


Page 53: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

where =


nhfractions, fh = ~ ' are small so theh

2The subscript Y in SYh is included to show that the variancerefers to the variable Y. Later we will need to take thevariance of X into account and will 2 to represent theuse SXhvariance of X within stratum h and SXYh to represent the co-variance of X and Y within stratum h.

For simplicity and convenience assume that the samplingN -n

fpc's h h, may be, Nhignored. Thus, dropping the fpc and substituting the variance


V (y6 )

Eq. (2.3) gives:N 2 N 2

= r(J.) 2 SYh = (J.)2 SYl+ ••• +--nh nl

(2. 5)

is constant from stratum to stratum which meansSince thefraction,



specifications called for a constant sampling

nl =nL n

N:'"'= Nt = N1

where rnh = n and rNh = N

Substituting N fornh in Eq. (2.5) and simplifying the ex-Nh

pression we obtainA N 1 NI 2 NL 2V (y6) = 1. r h S2 = n[W- SYI + ••• + fr SYL] (2.6)n fr Yh


Page 54: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

Exercise 2.5 Perform the atgebra that is necessary to

go from Eq. (2. 5) to Eq. (2. 6) •

For Plan 6, letS~ .• rwhsih • wlsil + ••• + (2.7)


Since s~ will be replaced by corresponding variances that are2 2involved later in Plans 7 and 8, let S6h = SYh so the notation

will reflect the number of the plan or estimator. Then Eq. (2.7)becomes

and Eq. (2.6) simplifies to the following form- 1 2V(Y6) .• (n)S6



where s~ is a weighted average of the within stratum variances.2The values of S6h are recorded in Table 2.6 in the column

2 2headed S6h and the value of 56 is 1367 which is recorded inthe line labeled "Separate." The reason for calling this line"Separate" will be explained later.

For purposes of comparing variances for alternative plansthe choice of a sample size is arbitrary. Previously, thesampling variances for alternative plans were compared assumingn = 1. Even though it is impossible to select a stratifiedrandom sample of only one unit, it is possible to let n = 1


in Eq. 2.9 and regard the variance of Y6 as the sampling


Page 55: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

variance for a hypothetical sample of one unit. As with simplerandom sampling, a stratified random sample of n units wouldhave a sampling variance equal to ~ times the sampling vari-nance for a hypothetical stratified random sample of one unit--provided n is large enough so the nh, which must be integers,are approximately in proportion to Nh. Remember, these numer-ical examples are being worked as though the sampling fraction,fh, is constant and small.


Exercise 2.6 Calculate the variance of Y6 assuming

n = 1. In other words, find the value of S~. Also, calculate~

the relative variance of Y6 when n = 1. Your answer shouldA

agree with the relative variance of Y6 which is recorded in

Tab l e 2.?

Exercise 2.? Since Y6 is an

estimate of the population total.

NY6 for n = 1. Ans. 4991.

estimate of Y, NY6 is an

Find the standard error of

2.3.2 PLAN 7--RATIO ESTIMATORS BY STRATA -Plan 7 is the PIan 6 that (Xh

Yhsame as except -)- ,xhinstead of - is used in Eq. 2.2 an estimator of theYh' asstratum mean, Yh· Thus ,

- Nl- NL -Nh _ Yh (Xl Y1 (XL YL (2.10)Y7 = L N(Xh -- ) = N :--) + ••• + N -- )xh Xl XL

The derivation of the relative variance of Y7 follows thederivation in Plan 6. Simply replace the variance of Yh in


Page 56: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

-- YhEq. (2.3) with the variance of (Xh ~). The variance of

xh-- Yh(Xh ~), ignoring the fpc, isxh


2 2Notice that S7h is the same as S2 in Table 1.1 except thatS~h is a variance within stratum h rather than a variance overthe whole population. Substituting S~h for S~ in Eqs. (2.5),(2.6), and (2.7) leads to the following results:


(2.11 )

The values of 2 2 in Table 2.6 .S7h and S7 are presented

Exer>aise 2.8 The estimator> Y 7' Eq. (2.10) lJas expr>essed,in a for>m to sholJ its similarity to Y6. Is ther>e a modifiaa-

tion of Eq. (2.10) that lJould be better> fOr> aomputing the value~ ~

of Y7 fr>om sample data? HOlJ lJould you aompute the value of Y7fr>om a sample?

Exer>aise 2.9 Fr>om the data pr>esented in Table 2.6, find~

the r>elative var>ianae of Y7 fOr> n = 1. The anSlJer, 0.279, is

in Table 2.7. HOlJ lJould you explain lJhy the sampling var>ianae~ ~

for Y7 is less than the sampling varianae fOr> Y6?


Page 57: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

The sampling variance for Plan 2 (no stratification andthe ratio estimator) was 0.382 compared with 0.279 for Plan 7(stratification and separate ratio estimators by strata). Thegeometrical interpretation of the sum of squares for Plan 7compared with Plan 6 is analogous to Plan 2 compared withPlan 1. Horizontal lines for Plan 6 (one for each tree) arereplaced by lines through the origin and the stratum means of

•..X and Y. With the ratio estimator, Y7' the effect of strati-fication depends on how much the ratio lines differ amongstrata. More will be said later about stratification andratio estimators.

Exercise 2. 10 Notice with reference to Eq. (2. 10) that

NhXh is the population total of X for stratum h. Let

Xh = NhXh and substitute Xh in Eq. (2.10) which gives

- -= 1 I:Xh

Yh 1 [XlYl + ...+ XL ~L]Y7 N = N- -xh xl xL

With Y7 in this form, write a formula for the varianae of Yr

2.3.3 PLAN 8--REGRESSION ESTIMATORS BY STRATAPlan 8 is like Plans 6 and 7 except that the regression

estimator (see Plan 3, Chapter I) is used stratum by stratum.Thus, instead of Eq. (2.2) or (2.10) we have


_Y8 = I:{~ [Yh + bh(Xh - xh)]}

Nl NL= ~ [Yl + bl(Xl-xl)] + ...+ ~ [YL+bL(XL-xL)]



Page 58: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

"-In the derivation of the variance of YS' the variance ofYh+bh(Xh-xh) replaces the variance of Yh in Eq. (2.3).


This leads to an equation for the variance of Ys which isA A

similar to the variances of Y6 and Y7• Thus,




where rh is the correlation between X and Y within stratum h.A

Exercise 2.11 Find the relative variance of Ys for n = 1.A

Compare your result with the relative variance for YS that is

recorded in Table 2.7.

2.3.4 DISCUSSION OF PLANS 6, 7, and SCompare the estimators, Y6' Y7' and YS' and their vari-


ances with Y1' Y2' and Y3' and their variances, Table 2.7. Inessence each stratum in Plans 6, 7, and 8 is treated as aseparate population and the estimators and their variances with-in each of the strata are combined using appropriate weights.Geometric interpretations of the sampling variances with refer-ence to sums of squares is analogous to the interpretations givenin Chapter I for Plans 1, 2, and 3. There is one line for each

A'" A

stratum and each of the estimators, Y6' Y7' and YS.


Page 59: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

Figure 2.3 presents a dot chart for each of the six trees.For each tree, the solid line is the ratio line involved in Y7

Aand the broken line is the ratio line for Y2' no stratification.A A

As recorded in Table 2.7, the relative variances of Y7 and Y2are 0.279 and 0.382 respectively. This indicates the degree towhich the 6 ratio lines fit the data better than the single

Aline. Figures analogous to Fig. 2.3 could be prepared for Y6A A ~ A

compared with Yl' for Y8 compared with Y3' for Y8 compared withY7' etc.

"Separate stratum estimators like Y7 and Yg are seldom usedin practice. However, Plans 7 and 8 were included for compara-tive purposes and further understanding of possible alternatives.There will be additional discussion of these plans after Plans9, 10, and 11 have been presented.2.3.5 PLAN 9--COMBINED RATIO ESTIMATOR

Instead of making a ratio estimate for each stratum andcombining the separate stratum estimates, the data from thestrata are combined before computing a ratio. Likewise, inPlan 10, results for individual strata are combined and used todetermine a "combined regression estimator." This explains thetwo titles "Separate" and "Combined" in Table 2.6. The "Separate"line contains averages of within stratum variances for Plans 7,8, and 11 which use separate stratum estimators. The entriesin the "Combined" line pertain to the combined stratum estima-tors in Plans 9 and 10. The distinction between separate andcombined is not applicable to the mean estimator, Plan 6.


Page 60: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

S2 is shown in both lines of the table.6The "combined ratio estimator" is

-= X

YsYg -Xs

where - Nh _Ys = Er Yh

Nh -Xs = !;- xhN

(2.14 )

The letter "s" in ys and xs is used to indicate that ys and xsare means that pertain to a stratified random sample.


To find the variance of Yg' it is convenient to rememberthat the large sample approximation of the relative variance(RelVar) of the ratio of any two random variables u and v is

RelVar(u) = RelVar(u) + RelVar(v) - 2RelCov(u,v)v

Therefore, since y and x are random variables we haves s

RelVar(Ys)=RelVar(y )+RelVar(x )-2RelCov(ys'x) (2.15)- s s sXs


Exeraise 2.12 Verify that the relative varianae of Yg

-Ysis equal to the relative varianae of the ratio, _Xs

-With reference to Eq. 2.15, notice that Ys is the same asA

Y6' We found for Plan 6, Exercise 2.6, that the RelVar of Y6'and therefore of y , was 0.512 for n = 1. The RelVar of x iss sdetermined in the same way. According to Table 2.6, the average


Page 61: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

within stratum varianceRelVar(x ) for n = 1 iss

-2of X is 0.2566 and X = 2.0240.0.25662.0240 = 0.127.


Ezercise 2.13 Find the average within stratum covariance

of X and Y in Table 2.6. Then find the value of RelCov(ys'xs)for n = 1. Ans. 0.166.

-YsAccording to Eq. (2.15) the RelVar of _ isXs

0.512 + 0.127 - 2(0.166) = 0.307A

Therefore, the RelVar of Yg is 0.307. This answer is recordedin Table 2.7.

Ezercise 2.14 Start with Eq. 2.15 and show that theA

variance of Yg is given by

V(Yg) = V(Ys) + R2V(Xs) - 2R[Cov(ys'xs)]

then multiply the right hand side of Eq. (2.15)

the value of V(Ys)' vex ), Cov(y ,x ) and R are given in thes 5 S"Combined" line of Table 2.6. Using these values compute the


R =X

Suggestion:A _ 2 A

Notice that V(Yg)=Y [Re1Var(Yg)],-2by Y. For n = 1


value of V(Yg)' The answer is 817, which is also in the "Com-

bined" line.A

Ezercise 2.15 Beginning with the variance of Yg as ezpressed

algebraically in Ezercise 2.14, show that

V (A) = 1 52Yg n 9


Page 62: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator



S~ = ~WhS~h

S~h = S~ + R2Sih - 2RSXYh

Suggestion: Since Ys and Y6 al'e the same you may l'efel'to

Eq. (2.9) to obtain the appl'opl'iate fOl'muZa fol' V (y ).S

FOl'muZas for vex ) and Cov(x ,y ) al'e anaZogous. Compal'es s s2 2Sgh with S7h·


Exel'cise 2.16 Continuing fl'om the fOl'muZa fol' V(Yg)which is given in Exel'cise 2.15, show that

"V(Yg)2r (Yh· - RXh. )

1 .11= n [rWh1 N -1 ]h h

The formula for the variance of Yg' which is given inExercise 2.16, shows that the deviations which are squaredare deviations from a line through the origin and (X,Y) whereX and Yare the overall means of X and Y. This line for the


combined ratio estimator, Yg' is the same as the line pertainingto Y 2' the ratio estimator without stratification. Thus, if


Yg has a lower variance than y 2 it is attributable to the effectof stratification which assures proportional representation inthe sample by strata. That is, there is proportional repre-sentation by strata of the deviations of Y. from the combined


ratio line. In Plan 7 there was proportional representationA

and separate ratio lines by strata. RelVar of Yg was 0.307A A

compared to 0.382 for Y2 and 0.279 for Y7 (see Table 2.7).


Page 63: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

2.3.6 PLAN lD--COMBINED REGRESSION ESTIMATORAs in the case of the combined ratio estimator, data

for strata may be combined and a single (or combined) regres-A

sion used instead of separate regressions. The estimator, YlD'A

for the combined regression looks like Y3 but it is an averagewithin stratum regression that is determined from combinedwithin stratum variances and covariances. Since the samplingfraction is constant, the appropriate weights for combining the

Nl NLwithin stratum variances and covariances are ~, ..., ~ whichare the same weights used previously for combining variances.The combined within stratum variances of Y and X, 1367 and.2566, and the combined within stratum covariance, 12.23, areshown in the "Combined" line of Table 2.6. These numbers areneeded for computing the "Combined" regression coefficient,the "Combined" correlation coefficient, and the variance ofYlD for n = 1, which are also shown in the "Combined" line ofTable 2.6. The corresponding numbers for sampling withoutstratification are shown in the last line of Table 2.6.

Algebraically- + b (X - x ) (2.16)YlD = Ys s s

where bsSXY= ;:rSx

SXY = EWhSXYhh-2 2 andSx = EWhSXhh

Wh =Nh~


Page 64: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

Notice that lower case letters, x and y, are used in thedefinition of b to indicate that it is computed from samplesvalues. In Table 2.6, the value of Bs is shown which is thepopulation value that bs is an estimate of. The bar in the

- -2 --2expression SXY and Sx indicates that SXY and Sx are averagesof within stratum covariances and variances. (Previously,

2 2we had used Sy' SX' and SXy to represent the overall variancesand covariances without stratification.) The subscript "s"is used as a code indicating that stratified random samplingand combined-stratum estimation are involved. To recapitulate,bh is a least squares estimate of the regression coefficientwithin stratum h, b is an estimate of the combined regressionscoefficient in the combined regression estimator, and b is theleast-squares regression coefficient computed from a simplerandom sample without stratification.

The variance of YlO is



" 1 2V (Y10) = (N")SlO (2.17)

2 -2 2SIO = S (1-r )y s-2 2Sy = I:WhSYhh

SXYrs =

Vsi s~"The variance of YlO involves squares of the deviations of Yi

from a line with a slope equal to Bs that passes through (X,Y).


Page 65: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

Remember the assumptions and that the variance formula is alarge sample approximation. Further discussion of the basis


for the formula for the variance of YlO will be omitted. Formore detail the reader is referred to Cochran.!/

Exercise 2.17 Verify that the regression coefficient for

the combined within stratum regression is 47.7 and that the

combined within stratum correZation coefficient is 0.653. Then

verify that the reZative variance of YlO is 0.294 for n = 1.

2.3.7 PLAN ll--SAMPLING WITH PPS WITHIN STRATAAs in Plan 4, sampling with replacement is assumed for

simplicity. That is, in stratum h the probability of the ith

sampling unit being selected on any given draw is proportionalto Xhi.


The estimator isN A

Yll = L (~) Yllh (2.18)h

Xh YhoYllh = (_) E_1

nh ixhiA

Notice that Yllh is like Y4' the difference being that Yllh isan estimate of the stratum mean Yh whereas Y4 is an estimateof the population mean Y. Also, notice that the estimator,A A

Yll' can be obtained by substituting Yllh for Yh in Eq. 2.2.

i/ Cochran, W. G., Sampling Techniques, Second Edition,Chapter 7. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1963.


Page 66: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

,.It follows that the variance of Y11 can be obtained by substi-

,. ,.tuting the variance of Y11h for the variance of Yh in Eq. (2.3).

,. ,.Owing to the similarity of Y11h and Y4 the formula for

,.the variance of Y4 is applicable. Simply add a subscript h

, the formula for the variance of Y4' which gives

V(Y11h) = (1-)(1 )EP "(Yhi _ Y )2nh Nr i hl Phi h


EYh". 11


,..Substitution of V(Y11h) in Eq. (2.3) gives


As in the derivation of 2.6, assume that nh is propor-tional to Nh, which means that nh = (~)Nh. Substituting(N)Nh for nh in Eq. (2.19) leads to the fOllowing which ex-

,..presses the variance of Y11 in a form like that used for theother estimators:



,.. 1 2V (Y11) = (n)Sll

2 2Sll = ~WhS11h1

1 Yhi 2= ~ EPh" (w-- - Yh)Nh i 1 Yhi



Page 67: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

2Like the variances for the other estimators, Sll is a weightedaverage of the appropriate within stratum variances. The

2within stratum variances, Sllh' are presented in Table 2.6 and2 "Sll' the variance of Yll for n = 1, is recorded in the "separate"


Exercise 2.18 Using the data in Table 2.1, find the value2of Sllh for h = 1. Check your ans~er ~ith the value recorded

in Table 2.6. Is there a better expression than the one given

above for finding the values of Silh?Exercise 2.19 From the data by individual trees that are

"presented in Table 2.6, find the RelVar of Yll for n = 1 and

check your answer with the value of Sil that is recorded in

Table 2.7.

A geometrical interpretation of the variance of Yll is amatter of making an interpretation for each stratum and judgingthe average situation over all strata. For this purpose

"reference is made to the discussion of Y4 in Chapter I.

2.3.8 SUMMARY AND DISCUSSIONSampling variancffifor 10 out of 11 plans are presented

In Table 2.7 for terminal branches as sampling units. Plan 5was not applied to terminal branches. All of the plans havean important practical shortcoming. It is necessary to define,label, and list all terminal branches on a tree before it issampled. Some ways of avoiding this will be discussed inChapter III. However, Chapter II was intended as an exercise


Page 68: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

in the use of theory to find the variances for alternativesampling and estimation plans and as a study of the differ-ences in the variances for several alternatives.

As you gain experience through evaluations of samplingplans you will become increasingly aware of prevailing patternsof variation. You will observe manifestations of the generaltendency for things to be stratified in space or time, or thetendency for things that are close together in space or timeto be alike. There are exceptions. For example, in a fieldwhere the plant population is very dense there might be anegative intra-plot correlation among plants within very smallplots owing to competition between adjacent plants.

From the results in Table 2.7 we find that the two planswith the largest variance are Plans I and 6. Neither planmakes use of size of branch as an auxiliary variable. Thereductions in variance from use of csa as an auxiliary variableare substantial. This strongly suggests exploration of practi-cal ways of using csa as a measure of branch size unless it ispossible and feasible, when determining terminal branches, torestrict the sizes within narrow limits.

The variances for "separate" ratio and regression esti-mators are moderately less than the corresponding variancesfor the "combined" ratio and regression estimators. A smalldifference in favor of "separate" estimators is indicated bygeneral experience and mathematical considerations. However,"combined" ratio or regression estimators are generally used


Page 69: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

in practice because: (1) they are more convenient; (2) in somesituations, bias in the "separate" estimators is appreciablerelative to the standard error; and (3) the variance formulas,which are large sample approximations, are better approxima-tions for the "combined" estimators. Separate ratio orregression estimators might be preferable to combined esti-mators when the number of strata is very small and the ratiosor regressions differ widely among the strata.if

With stratified random sampling, sampling variance is afunction of variation within strata. It is generally betterto judge the impact of stratification by considering withinstratum variation than by the differences among strata. Makinga choice between two alternative methods of stratificationsolely on the basis of differences among strata could In somecases be misleading. For example, the variance among the meansof four strata could be much larger than the variance among themeans of 30 strata. That does not necessarily mean that thesampling variance for the four strata will be the least. Also,the effect of stratification and of optimum allocation amongstrata are not independent of the method of estimation.

In the preceding discussion, stratification was consideredas a matter of reducing sampling varIance. In the design ofa sample for a survey, attention needs to be given to thedomains (subpopulations) for which estimates are important.

~f See Cochran, Sampling Techniques, for a discussion of theproperties of the separate and combined estimators.


Page 70: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

This might be a primary determiner of the stratification andallocation of the sample. The sampling variances of domainestimates depend, among other things, on how close the bound-aries of strata for sampling purposes correspond to the domainsfor which estimates are required.2.4 FURTHER COMPARISON OF SAMPLING WITH PPS TO STRATIFIED

SAMPLING WITH OPTIMUM ALLOCATIONIn Chapter 1, sampling with PPS was compared to stratified

random sampling with optimum allocation to strata. The datafor terminal branches provide a better set of data for studyof sampling with pps including the possibility of a transfor-mation of X or Y to reduce sampling variance. For this purpose,five size-of-branch strata based on csa will be used. Table 2.8shows the definition of these strata and presents key informa-tion about the five strata. (Reference is made to Sections 1.2.5,1.2.6, and 1.3.1 on sampling with pps and stratified randomsampling with optimum allocation.) For stratified randomsampling using the mean estimator, Eq. 2.2, the optimum samplingfraction for stratum h is given by

In previous comparisons we assumed n = 1. Hence, we are inter-ested in the values of



Page 71: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

which are presented in Table 2.9. The values of fh are thesampling fractions within strata for a hypothetical sample of

X.1one branch and are comparable to the probabilities Pi = X- for

selecting one branch with pps, where X. is the csa of the ithN 1

branch and X = EX .. Let Ph equal the average value of P. for1 1

the branches in stratum h. The values of Ph are presented inTable 2.9 for comparison with values of fh.

Exepaise 2.20 Vepify the values of fh and Ph in Table 2.9

fop one op two of the stpata. The data ppesented in Table 2.8

ape suffiaient fop this puppose.

The values of fh and Ph agree quite well, which means theprobability of a branch being in a sample is roughly the samefor both methods, except for variation of P. within a stratum.


The next question is how well do the lines that are involvedfit the data. Turn to Figure 2.4. The points appear to fithorizontal lines (which are not shown) for stratified randomsampling approximately as well as the line through the originand (X,Y) for pps.

The variance for sampling with pps, Plan 4, has alreadybeen obtained. According to Table 2.2 it is 0.319. For thestratified sampling with optimum allocation, which will becalled Plan 12, the estimator of Y is



Page 72: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

and the variance of Y12 is given by

" = 1:.(S2)V(Y12) (2.23)n 12

where 2 rNh SYh 2S12 = ( N )

Exercise 2.21 Using the data in Table 2.8, find the"

Be l Val' of Y12 for n = 1. Ans. 0.273.

Exercise 2.22 From Eqs. (2.5) and (2.21) derive alge-A

b1'aically the variance of Y12 which is given by 2.23.

In this example, the Re1Var for stratified random sam-pIing with optimum allocation was 0.273 compared with 0.319for sampling with pps. The difference in variance is attrib-utable to the difference in probabilities of selection and tohow well the lines that are implicitly involved fit the data.

A question posed earlier was whether some transformationof X might provide a better measure of size for pps sampling.A simple transformation would be X: = X. + C, where C is a

1 1

constant and X: is the transformed variable. The least squares1

regression line, see Figure 2.4, crosses the horizontal axisat 0.46. Since the least squares line fits the data "better"than any other straight line the transformation Xi - 0.46 issuggested. With this transformation the least squares andpps lines become the same. But, with the transformationX. - 0.46 the maximum values of y. do not approach zero as1 1

X: = X. - 0.46 approaches zero which indicates that the trans-1 1

formation is not a good one. However, it is informative to


Page 73: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

make the transformation.X~1Instead of Pi = X- ' we now have

X~ - 0.461Pi = r(X.-0.46) .

1The average values of P: within strata,



which are labeled Ph' are presented in Table 2.9 for compari-son with the values of Ph and the optimum sampling fractions,~.

When X. is used as the auxiliary variable, the relative1

variance is 1.403 compared to 0.319 when Xi is the auxiliaryvariable. The relative variance for Plan 1 was only 0.660.Thus, the transformed variable x: results in an increase in


variance compared to simple random sampling with equal proba-bilities of selection. Before transformation, the selectionprobabilities for sampling with pps were .0032 and .0140 forthe smallest and largest branches and were .0012 and .0171after transformation. Thus, the range in the selection proba-bilities were greatly increased by the transformation from a

.0140 t f t f 14 2 - .0171factor of 4.3 = .0032 0 a ac or 0 . - .0012

transformation does not effect the optimum sampling fractions,

Exercise 2.23 Verify t~o of the vatues of Ph that are

presented in Tabte 2.9.

Exercise 2.24 Verify that ~hen the transformation

X~ ~ X. - 0.46 is made the pps tine and the teast squares1 1

regression tine become the same.


Page 74: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

With reference to Figure 2.4, consider two lines throughthe origin that represent maximum and minimum values of Y.(See Figure 1.2 in Chapter I which was portrayed as a goodcase for pps). As an approximation, theory suggests that agood measure of size is one that is proportional to the differ-ence between two lines representing the maximum and minimumvalues of Y. A look at Figure 2.4 with this in mind suggeststhat a transformation such as X~ = X.

1 1

possibility for reducing variance.0.46 is not a good

Exercise 2.25 Refer to Table 2.8 and for each stratum

divide SYh by Xh and examine SYh as a proportion of Xh. Does

this indicate that a transformation of X would be advisable?

Ans. No. A transformation of X is not indicated and one should

accept csa as a measure of size unless there is evidence to the

contrary from other sources.

Table 2.10 provides a comparison of variances for fourplans when X and X'= X - 0.46 are the auxiliary variables.

Exercise 2.26 Explain why the transformation of X to X'

has no effect on the variances for Plans 3 and 12.

Exercise 2.27 From the data presented in the last line of

Table 2.6, compute the RelVar of the ratio estimator (Plan 2)

after the transformation, that is, when X~ = X. - 0.46 is used1 1

as an auxiliary variable instead of X .• Notice that a trans-1

formation of this kind does not affect the variance or covariance,

but the value of R is changed.


Page 75: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

We have established that the csa of a branch is a goodmeasure of size with regard to probabilities of selection.Judging from Figure 2.4, the least squares line and the ratioline differ enough to raise a question of transforming Y in-stead of X. It would be possible to add a constant to Y sothe least squares regression line for X and Y' (where Y'= Y+C)would pass through the origin and be the same as the ratio lineinvolving X and Y'. Such a transformation would not change theselection probabilities and it appears that an appreciablereduction in variance might be obtained.

Exercise 2.28 Find the vatue of C in Y'= Y+C such that

the regression tine for X and Y' witt pass through the origin.

Ans. C = 24.

Consider the result from Exercise 2.28 and the transfor-mation Y'= Y + 24. The estimator of Y, without stratification,would be

n y.+24y = .!.. (X) (E 1 ) - 24n x·

1 1

The RelVar of y is 0.294 which is about 8 percent less than0.319, the Re1Var for Plan 4. If it is necessary to estimateC from the sample, the variance of C must be taken into accountand there is no gain from the transformation. However, ifthere is good prior information about the value of C, thepossibility of the transformation Y+C might be worth considering.

When considering sampling with pps, look for a measure ofsize that is close to being proportional to Y .. If Y. is

1 1


Page 76: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

y.exactly proportional to X., the ratio Xl is constant and the

1 .1

sampling variance lS zero. Also, the situation is a good onefor sampling with pps when the standard deviation of Y for afixed value of X is proportional to the value of X.

In stratified random sampling some statisticians, in theabsence of a better basis, allocate a sample to strata accord-ing to estimates of the proportion of the total that eachstratum accounts for. For example, stratum 5 accounts for23 percent, 1634 of the apples so 23 percent of the sample6973 'would be allocated to stratum S. Only 8 percent of the samplewould be allocated to stratum 1 even though it contains 21percent of the branches. In practice, prior data often pro-vide an estimate of the proportion of the population total that

"each stratum accounts for. Thus, the size of sample, nh, forstratum h would be

" "nh = Ph n (2.24)

"where Ph is the proportion that stratum h accounts for and nlS the total size of the sample. The sampling fraction forstratum h is

" "" n P

fh = ( -1!.) = ( -1!.) nNh Nhand for n = 1

"" Phfh = Nh


Page 77: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

"" PhThus, fh = ~ compares with the sampling fractions (or selec-h

tion probabilities) for the methods discussed previously."Values of fh for the numerical example on apples are in

Table 2.9."Exercise 2.29 Verify two of the values of fh.

Allocating a sample to strata in proportion to priorestimates of the amounts that the strata account for is agood plan where the coefficients of variations of Yare nearlyconstant among strata. In Table 2.8 notice that the coeffi-cient of variations tend to decrease as the branch sizeincreases. This phenomena appears very frequently. The factthat the first stratum has the highest coefficient of variationmeans that the sample for the first stratum should be larger

"than nh, given by Eq. 2.24. This is also indicated by the"comparison of fh and fh. As a "rule of thumb," some statis-

ticians have adopted a practice of allocating a sample accordingto (2.24) and then doubling the size of the sample for the firststratum and increasing the sample for the second stratum bySO percent. Small departures from an optimum allocation havea negligible impact on variance. Moreover, in practice anexact optimum allocation cannot be achieved because exactvalues of within stratum variances are unknown.


Page 78: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

Tree No. 1 Tree No. 2 Tree No. 3 Tree No. 4 Tree No. 5 Tree No. 6CSA. No. of CSA No. of CSA. No. of CSA No. of CSA No. of CSA.No. of

Apples Apples Apples Apples Apples !APplesX Y X Y X Y X Y X Y X Y

.62 2 1.83 67 2.68 206 1.93 97 1.20 30 1.09 42

.97 15 1.99 45 .97 32 2.41 165 2.15 41 .87 251.27 12 1.12 51 1.48 73 2.24 124 .97 10 1.47 56

.72 32 1.93 54 2.32 138 2.41 143 1.15 8 1.91 116

.62 14 3.26 116 1.83 133 2.07 58 1.27 40 1.09 27

.97 5 1.14 51 . .97 32 1.54 75 1.15 14 1.15 46

.87 8 1.34 80 1.03 30 1.47 59 1.15 36 .62 2

.72 9 .87 0 1.43 27 1.43 92 .87 0 2.24 1121.01 11 .92 58 2.24 88 1.47 82 .72 15 1.76 83

.97 7 1.76 19 .92 42 1.29 58 .92 2 .87 361.83 59 1.15 45 1.99 109 1.09 30 .67 13 .67 35

.87 5 1.17 33 1.47 74 1.21 36 1.54 57 1.03 591.03 34 1.03 41 1.64 56 .76 24 1.21 31 1.22 29

.62 42 1.54 116 2.41 230 1.61 8 1.00 25N1 = 13 1.14 12 1.99 124 .72 35 1.54 32 1.09 61

1.27 25 1.83 79 1.03 75 1.54 26 1.09 27~ 2.41 54 1.47 30 1.91 128 1.83 18 1.54 59VI 1.27 14 1.21 31 1.18 0 1.83 17 1.34 25

1.35 35 1.91 41 1.16 47 1.34 4 1.68 771.07 39 1.47 16 1.15 34 2.68 1201.03 30 1.15 23 N = 19 1.40 591.91 28 1.40 35 N = 20 5 2.07 642.07 129 1.42 61 4 1.47 831.67 108 1.76 116 1.21 191.61 123 3.26 88 1.83 161.61 63 2.59 50 1.03 261.27 26 .97 50

N = 26 .62 36N - 27 3 1.27 48t(Y .-Y ) 2 2 - N = 135S2 1 = 1762 1.99 65= E X.-X Y. ~Y 6973Y N-1 tY =

E(X. -X)21N-1 .2890

Table 2.1--Number of Apples and Cross Section Areas(Terminal Branches)

= 15.46 EX 192.06 N - 30= 6 -R 36.31r = .6850

B = 53.49

Page 79: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

Table 2.2--Relative Variances of Numbers of Apples AmongPrimary and Terminal Branches

Relative Variances AmongPlan Estimator Primary Branches Terminal Branches

1 Yl 1.17 0.6602 Y2 0.247 0.3823 Y3 0.186 0.3504 Y4 0.194 0.319

Table 2.3--Relative Variances of Numbers of Apples Expressedin Terms of One Terminal Branch

Relative Variances AmongPlan Estimator Primary Branches Terminal Branches

1 Yl 5.639 0.6602 Y2 1.191 0.3823 Y3 0.897 0.3504 Y4 0.935 0.319


Page 80: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

Table 2.4--Relative Variances Expressed as a Proportion ofthe Variances for Plan 1





Primary Branches1. 00

Terminal Branches1. 00


Table 2.5--Re1ative Variances for Terminal Branches as aProportion of the Variances for Primary Branches





Primary Branches1. 00

1. 00

1. 00

1. 00


Terminal Branches0.120.320.39


Page 81: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

Table 2.6--Data for Six Trees y

<::2 2 2 2 Bh2

Tree Nh Yh Xh v6h SXh SXYh Rh S7h rh S8h S11h

(Also 2SYh)r..n 1 13 213 12.47 259 0.1019 3.50 17.08 169 0.681 139 34.3 139....•

2 27 1388 39.81 1147 0.3089 10.10 34.88 818 0.537 816 32.7 772Xl 3 26 1850 43.97 2184 0.3301 16.64 42.07 1368 0.620 1344 50.4 1120~ 4 20 1592 30.88 3106 0.2996 25.67 51.55 1256 0.842 904 85.7 1038

5 19 402 24.66 241 0.1563 2.66 16.30 196 0.433 196 17.0 1826 30 1528 40.27 892 0.2479 11.22 37.95 397 0.755 384 45.3 364

Separate2/ N S2 52 S2 26 7 8 S11

135 xxxx xxxxx 1367 xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx 745 xxxxx 682 xxxx 644

CombinedH Y X S2 -2SXY R S2 R 2 BN Sx S106 9 s s

135 6973 192.06 1367 0.2566 12.33 36.31 817 0.653 784 47.7 xxxx

Overall4/ N Y X 52 S2 5XY R 52 r S2 B S21 X 2 3 4

135 6973 192.06 1762 0.2890 15.46 36.31 1020 0.685 935 53.49 852

1/ See text for explanation of symbols.

Jj Results in this line pertain to separate stratum estimators. 2 2 2S6' S7' S8' are averagesNof the corresponding within stratum variances using Nh as weights. See Equations 2.6 and 2.7and Exercise 2.13.


3/ Results in this line pertain to combined stratum estimators, Y9 and Y10·!/ No stratification. Results pertain to the first four plans.


Page 82: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

Table 2.7--Summary of Sampling Plans--Estimators and Their RelativeVariances for a Sample of One Terminal Branch

Plan Method of 1/ 2/Sampling - E_s_t_i_ma_to_r_- _RelativeVariancefor n = 1


























separate ratios

separate regressions

combined ratio

combined regression


-y = Xl2 -x


Y3 = Y + b (X - x)

A-I Y-Y = X(-) E2.4 n x.


-- YsY9 = X -xs

AY - Y + b (X - X )10 s s sNh Xh y.

Yll = hE-N (-) E~nh Xi











1/ A Simple random sampling without stratificationB Sampling with replacement and p.p.s without stratificationC Simple random sampling within strata (trees)D Sampling with p.p.s within strata (trees)

2/ h is the index to stratas as in Ys :efers to stratification. Thus ys is the mean of asample and y is the mean of a simple random sample.


stratified random

Page 83: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

Table 2.8--ftata fcrr She-of-Branch Strata

SYhNo. of No. of -

Stratum Branch Size Branches Xh Apples Yh SYh Yh--I .60-1.00 28 0.816 586 20.93 16.79 0.802 1.01-1.40 45 1.161 1500 33.33 17.22 0.523 1.41 -I"80 28 1. 543 1765 63.04 31.42 0.504 1.81-2.20 21 1.935 1488 70.86 39.53 0.565 2.21+ 13 2.550 1634 125.69 52.72 0.42--Total or Average 135 1.423 6973 51.65

Table 2.9- -Sampling Fractions.• .. "

Stratum fh Ph Ph fh1 .0046 .0042 .0027 .00302 .0047 .0060 .0054 .00483 .0086 .0080 .0083 .00904 .0109 .0101 .0113 .01025 .0145 .0133 .0161 .0180

Table 2.10--Effect of Transformation

Relative Sampling Variance

EstimatorRatio(no stratification)Regression(no stratification)PPS (no stratification)Mean (stratification by size)








Page 84: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

Nwnb~r of apples ontermInal branch 3-2-4

Path section 3-1

Apples on path;:::?, 11(


- 41..

F"Igure 2.1--Map of apple t"d ree no 3 sh .1 entification and ~ OWIng branchn er of apples


Page 85: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator





140 •z~

•• •120 •

~'1 •

00 00 I-tl 100

l»"d •"d • •~ 80 • • •~ •• •VI ••

• •60 • .• " • •• • • •••· ." • •40 • • • • • •"•• · •• . •••• · ." •• .. • • •" • .. 020 • • 0

" ·•• ·• •

Figure 2.2--Number of apples by csa---termina1 branches

Page 86: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator

Tree #1

20VlQ) 16r-l0.-g.

~ 120 ,/"0l-< ,/"/'Q)


~80 ,./


/"" .

Tree #3200

Tree #2




/... ...::.e.:~ .. .

• I

Tree #4

I •



Vl 160Q)r-l

~l.H 1200l-<Q)



Tree #5




/./"~/' .

/"" ..",/ ...

/" .....-::

0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 csa

Tree #6

0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 csaFigure 2.3--Dot charts and ratio lines by trees


Page 87: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator



180Stratum 1 Stratum 2 Stratum 3 Stratum 4 Stratyrn 5

I I I I160 I I I J

I , J II I I I, I I I



ro..,00 0 100N I-+.






Figure 2.4--Size-of-branch strata, least squares regressionline, and line for pps.

3.0 3.2 csa

Page 88: COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF SAMPLING PLANS ......1.2 Resume of Theory for Five Plans 1.2.1 Plan 1 - Mean Estimator 1.2.2 Plan 2 - Ratio Estimator 1.2.3 Plan 3 - Regression Estimator


3.1 INTRODUCTIONThe methods discussed In Chapter II required a map of

each tree to be sampled. A map of a tree provides a goodsampling frame, but drawing a map and measuring the csa's ofall branches is too time consuming. In the research for prac-tical ways of probability sampling, photographs of trees takenwhen the trees had no leaves have been studied for possibleuse as sampling frames, including the estimation of branchsizes for sampling with pps. Photography has also been con-sidered, in the context of double sampling, as a means ofcounting and estimating the number of fruit on the tree.

In this chapter the random-path method proposed by Jessen~/for sampling fruit on a tree will be illustrated using one ofthe six apple trees in the analysis in Chapter II. Two random-path methods will be compared with two methods that were dis-cussed in Chapter II. The comparisons will be made as thoughonly one terminal branch from a tree is to be selected andused to estimate the total number of fruit on the tree.

6/ Jessen, Raymond J., Determining the Fruit Count on a Treeby Randomized Branch Sampling, Biometrics, March 1955.


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3.2 FOUR METHODS OF SAMPLING A TREEThe four sampling methods and estimators, as described in

this section, include only apples that are on terminal branches.A small proportion of the apples are not on terminal branches.Methods of including these apples will be discussed later.

(1) The first method is included primarily as a base forcomparIson. It is the same as Plan 1 discussed in Chapter II.After all terminal branches on a tree have been identified andnumbered, one branch is selected at random with equal probability.Apples on the sample branch are then counted. The estimator isNy. where N is the number of branches on the tree and y. is the


number of apples on the sample branch. Since y. refers to a1

sample value, one would expect i to be the index for branchesin a sample. But, we are considering a sample of only one branchand it is convenient to let i be the index to branches in thepopulation. Thus, if the 5th branch in the population, Yl, Y2,..., YN, happens to be selected, Yi = YS. The first method willbe referred to as DS-EP, which means direct selection from a listof all branches with equal probabilities.

(2) The second method is a random.path technique. Beginningfrom the bottom of the tree, the primary branches are all identifiedand one of the primary branches is selected at random with equalprobabilities. The selected primary branch IS then examined toidentify all second-stage branches from it. Then, one second-stagebranch is selected at random with equal probabilities. The process


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is discontinued when a terminal branch has been selected. They.

estimator is p~ where Pi is the probability of selecting the1

particular terminal branch that happens to be selected. As ashort title for this method RP-EP will be used where RP representsrandom path and EP means equal probability of selection at eachstage of branching.

(3) Like the first method, the third requires a completeidentification of all terminal branches prior to selection. Thecsa (cross sectional area) of each terminal branch is measured andone branch is selected with pps, probability proportional. to csa.

y.The estimator is X-! where x. is the csa of the selected branchx. ' 1


and X is the sum of the csa's of all terminal branches on the tree.DS-PPS is the short title for this method, which is the same asplan 2 in Chapter II.

(4) The fourth method is a random-path method which differsfrom method two in the probability of selection. At each stageof branching the csa's of the branches at that stage are measured

and one branch is selected with pps.y.

The estimator, -! is likep. '1

the estimator for the second method but the values of P. are1


Data for tree No.3, which was represented in Figure 2.1,are presented in Table 3.1 in a way that shows the stage ofbranching. There were only three primary branches. Their csa's


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11.60, 13.45, and 12.84, are presented in the column titled csaunder 1st stage. The sum of these csa1s is 37.89. Thus, if aprimarj branch is selected with pps, thewould have a selection probability equal

first primary branch11. 60to 37.89. For further

illustration of the recording system, notice that the second digitof the identification number shows four second-stage branches fromthe second primary branch. The csa's of these four branches andtheir sum are recorded under 2nd stage. This scheme of branchidentification and recording is continued until a terminal branchis reached. When this occurs, the number of apples on a terminalbranch is recorded to the right of its csa. Thus, Table 3.1 shows,for example, that branch 2-,3was a terminal branch with a csa equalto 1.99 square inches and that it had 124 apples on it. The numbersIn parenthesis are numbers of "path" apples which will be discussedlater.

Terminal branches were defined as branches having a csabetween 3/4 and 2 square inches. Adherence to exact size is notpossible. For example, the first terminal branch 1-1-1 has a csaequal to 2.68 and is large enough so an additional stage of branch-ing was probably considered. If from 1-1-1 there were two branches.of about equal size, those two branches would have been terminalbranches. Probably 1-1-1 divided into several branches that weretoo small to be considered as terminal branches. As another case,suppose at the last stage of branching there is a branch with acsa of 1.5 square inches which is dying and clearly has no fruit.This branch could be shown on the map but marked for exclusion andnot counted as a branch for sampling purposes.


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Along a path from the base of a tree to a terminal branchthere are some branches which are much too small to qualify asterminal branches. Fruit on small branches along a path to aterminal branch have been called path fruit and must be ac-counted for in some way. For example, on the path from thebase of 1-2 to the bases of 1-2-1 and 1-2-2 there were threeapples. These three apples are recorded in Figure 2.1 and inTable 3.1 next to the csa of branch 1-2. The counts of applesalong the paths are shown In parenthesis in Table 3.1 to dis-tinguish such apples from apples on the terminal branches.There are various ways of dealing with the path fruit; but,first let us examine the probability of selecting any giventerminal branch with regard to each of the four methods.

3.4 PROBABILITY OF SELECTION AND ESTIMATIONWith the DS-EP method each one of the 26 terminal branches

has a selection probability equal to~. With DS-PPS the ithX.

terminal branch has a probability of selection equal to Xl whereX. is its csa and X=EX .. Calculating the probabilities for theI I

random-path methods is more involved. For example, considerterminal branch 1-2-1-2 and RP-EP. In Table 3.1 notice thatthe numbers of branches at each stage on the path to terminalbranch 1-2-1-2 are 3, 5, 2 , and 2. Thus, the probability ofselecting branch 1-2-1-2 is c}) c~ c~ c~ 1 which is= ~,5 2 2the product of the probabilities of selection at the fourstages. With RP-PPS the product of corresponding probabilities


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at the four stages is (11.60) ( 5.61) (4.13) (2.32) = 0486237.90 14.94 s:96 3.80 .An estimator for each of the four methods was presented

above. However, all of the four estimators can be written inthe same form,

Y .. =1





where y. IS the estimator and 1 = 1, 2, ... , N is the index1

to terminal branches on the tree. If the ith branch happensYito be selected, then is the estimate of the total numberPi

of apples on the tree (except that path apples are not in-cluded) where y. is the number of apples on the ith terminal


branch and Pi IS the probability of selecting it. The valueof Pi depends on the method of sampling. In fact there arefour sets of probabilities, one for each method. These foursets of values are presented in Table 3.2 in the columns headed

~ ~ A A

PI' P2, P3, and P4· The columns headed Y1' Y2, Y3, and Y4 con-tain estimates of the total number of apples on the treedepending upon the terminal branch that happens to be selected.A discussion of these estimates follows.

Exercise 3.1 Refer to Table 3.1 and for each of the four

sampling methods compute the selection probabilities for termi-

nal branches 2-3 and 3-2-4. Compare your answers with the

probabilities presented in Table 3.2.

To include the path apples there are at least two possi-bilities that might be considered with regard to the DS-EP and


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DS-PPS methods: (1) Count all path apples and add the count tothe estimate of the total number of apples on terminal branchesthat is obtained from a sample of terminal branches; (2) Definesampling units that are sections of path between the base ofthe tree and the terminal branches. Then select a sample ofsuch sections to estimate the path fruit.

With the random-path methods, it is necessary to count theapples on each section of the path along the path to a terminalbranch. Also, it 1S necessary to determine the probabilitythat each section of the path had of being in the sample.

Since the RP-PPS method is of pr1mary interest, it willbe used to illustrate how the path fruit can be accounted forin the estimation process. Consider the three apples (seeTable 3.1) on the path section 1-2 which is the section betweenthe base of 1-2 and the third stage branches. To find theprobability of these three being in the sample, consider re-peated application of a random-path sampling method. Thesethree apples will be in the sample whenever this path sectionis traversed. Therefore, under the RP-PPS method, the proba-bility of this path section being in the sample is(11.60) (5.61) 1150 h" h" 3 26 lIt37.89 14.94 =. w IC gIves .1150 = . app es 0

be included in the estimate whenever this path section istraversed.

It is important to observe that a random path always endswith one and only one terminal branch. There are three termi-na1 branches, 1-2-1-1, 1-2-1-2, and 1-2-2 that are connected


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to the path section 1-2, and 26.1 would be included in theestimate that is made from the selected terminal branch thatfollows path section 1-2. There are no path apples other thanthe three that have been mentioned between the base of the treeand the three terminal branches that follow path section 1-2.Therefore, the estimated total number of apples in the eventanyone of the three terminal branches is selected would be:

Terminal Branch Estimate

1-2-1-1 3 + 73 2379.1150 .03103 =

1-2-1-2 3 + 138 = 2863.1150 .04864

1-2-2 3 + 133 3794.1150 .03530 =

With the application of either random-path method, andassuming path fruit are recorded for each path section thatis traversed, an estimator that includes path fruit can bewritten in generalized form. It appears to be complicated,but an illustration follows that should help clarify it. Theestimator is:

..•Y. =1

+ ••• +Yki

(P .) ... (Pk . )01 1+ ••• +

Yti(Poi)'" (Pti) (3.2)

where 1 = 1, 2, ... , N is an index of the terminal branches

k = 0, 1, ... , t is an index of the path sections ofthe path to the ith terminal branch (t is notconstant, it depends on i),


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Yki = the number of path fruit on the kth path sectionof the path from the base of the tree to the ith

terminal branch,

Pki = the conditional probability of selecting thekth path section of the path to the ith terminalbranch, given that the preceding path section hasbeen selected.

When k = 0, the path section referred to is the part ofthe tree between ground level and the bases of the pr~mary orfirst stage branches. Given that the tree is in the sample,

P - 1 which means that this path section is a part of theoi -path to every terminal branch. Generally, Yoi' the number offruit on this section of the tree, will be zero. When k = t,the kth path section becomes a terminal branch, thus Yti isthe number of apples on the .th . 1 branch, and is1 termlna Ptithe conditional probability of selecting the .th terminal1

branch given that the path section that it is connected tohas already been selected.


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Suppose application of the RP-PPS method leads to terminalbranch 1-2-1-1. In this case, k = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and the values

of Yki and Pki are:

No. of apples ConditionalPath section on path section, Yki probability, Pki

0 0 1

1 0 11.60 . 306137.89 =

2 3 5.61 = .375514.94

3 0 4.13 = .69305.96

4 73 1. 48 = .38953.80

Substituting these values of Yki and Pki in the estimator,(3 .2), give s :

(0) (O~ (3)lIT + (1) (. 061) + (1) ( . 3061) ( • 3755) +

+ (1)(.3061)(.3~~~j(.6930)(.3895) = 2379

(0)(1) (.3061) (.3755) (.6930)

Exercise 13.2 For the RP-EP and RP-PPS methods use the

estimator (3.2) to obtain estimates corresponding to terminal

branches 3-1-2, 3-1-4-1, and 3-3. Your results should agree

with the estimates presented in Table 3.2.


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There is an alternative view of the above method of in-eluding the path fruit which leads to the same answers. Theidea is to prorate the path fruit to the terminal branches thatfollow the sections of the path where the path fruit are found.The prorating is done according to the probabilities of selection.Under the RP-EP method the three apples on the path section 1-2would be prorated as follows:

Terminal branch Prorated amount1-2-1-1 (}) (}) (3) = .75

1-2-1-2 (}) (}) (3) = .75

1-2-2 (}) (3) = 1. 50--Total = 3.00

Notice that (})(}), (})(}), and (}) are the conditional

probabilities of selecting one of the three terminal branches,given that the path section 1-2 has already been selected. Theconditional probabilities add to 1 which verifies that the methodof prorating accounts for all of the path fruit.

If 1-2-1-1, for example, is the selected terminal branch,.75 IS added to 73, the number of apples on 1-2-1-1. The estimateof the total number of apples on the tree is then obtained bydividing 73.75 by the probability of selecting 1-2-1-1 which is

111 1 1(3")(5)(2)(2)=60. Thus, (60)(73.75) = 4425. The branch total,

73.75, (including the prorated amount) appears in Table 3.1 Inthe column titled EP, and the expanded total, 4425, appears in

~Table 3.2 in the column titled Y2.


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Under the RP-PPS method, the system of prorating IS thesame but the probabilities are different. Thus,

Terminal branch Prorated amount

1-2-1-1 (4.13) (1.48) (3) = .81"5":96 3:80

1-2-1-2 (4.13) (2.32) (3) = 1. 275.96 m1-2-2 (1.83) (3) = .925.96

Total = 3.00The estimator Y., Eq. (3.2), can be written In a form


that corresponds to the idea of prorating path fruit to terminalbranches. Let p. = (p 0) ... (p 0)' which is the probability of1 01 tl

1 0 h .th 0se ectlng t e 1 termInal branch. It follows that

y. =1




where y. = [(Plo) ... (PtO)y .]+ ...+[(P(k+·)·)···(Pt·)Yko]+ ...+[YtO]1 1 1 01 1 1 1 1 1

Thus, Yo IS the number of fruit "on" the ith terminal branch in-1

eluding prorated amounts of path fruit. Assuming the RP-PPS method

and terminal branch 1-2-1-1 as an example. the value of y. is1

(~:~~) (~:~~) (3) + 73 = 73.81 and Yi IS ~~3~63 = 2379 which gives

the same result that was obtained when Eq. (3.2) was used.

Table 3.2, columns headed Y2 and Y4' present estimates of

the total number of apples on the tree for the RP-EP and RP-PPSmethods and each of the possible random paths. These estimateswere obtained by using the technique of prorating path fruit,


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Eq. (3.3). That is, estimates of the total number of appleswere obtained by dividing the values of Y. (last two columns of


Table 3.1) by the appropriate probabilities which are presentedin Table 3.2, columns P2 and P4.

For comparison of the four methods we now need to decidehow to include the path fruit for the DS-EP and DS-PPS methods.If the amount of path fruit is small, the best method might beto count all path fruit at the time the tree is mapped to deter-mine terminal branches. In this case, assuming a sample of oneterminal branch, the estimator, would be




= Y +y.




where Y IS the number of path fruit, y. IS the number of fruit1

on the ith terminal branch and P. IS the probability of selecting1

the ith terminal branch. Alternatives are not considered in thisillustration because, from a practical viewpoint, interest is inthe random path methods. Thus, as a matter of expediency, the

~ ~estimator (3.4) was used to obtain the estimates, Yl and Y3, that

are presented in Table 3.2 for the DS-EP and DS-PPS methods.Since only Sl apples out of 1901 were on path sections, the methodof accounting for the apples on path sections probably has avery small impact on the sampling variance.
