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COMP201 Java Programming Topic 8: Basics of GUI Programming Reading: Chapter 7

COMP201 Java Programming Topic 8: Basics of GUI Programming Reading: Chapter 7.

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Page 1: COMP201 Java Programming Topic 8: Basics of GUI Programming Reading: Chapter 7.

COMP201 Java Programming

Topic 8: Basics of GUI Programming

Reading: Chapter 7

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Objectives and Outline Objectives:

Understanding general structure of GUI Creating frames and displaying information


Introduction: Ingredients of Swing GUI

Creating a frame (window)

Displaying information in a panel– Displaying texts– 2D shapes– Colors and fonts– Images

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Introduction: Ingredients of Swing GUI Build GUI with javax.Swing, available since JDK1.2

Better than java.awt, JDK1.1. Part of awt still in use.

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Introduction: Ingredients of Swing GUI

Top-level container: JFrame (Window) in this case

Menu bar (optional)

contentPane: contains all visible components Intermediate containers to organize

various GUI components: JPanels in this case

Atomic components.



Containment hierarchy of Swing components in GUI

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Introduction: Ingredients of Swing GUI

Top-level containers: Provide a place for other Swing components to paint themselves. Other top-level containers: Jdialog, JApplet

Every top-level container contains an intermediate container known as a content pane. The content pane contains all of the visible components in the window's GUI. Exception to rule: menu bar

JPanel is an intermediate container. Can be used to simplify the positioning of the button and label. Other intermediate containers: JScrollPane, JTabbedPane

– Play a more visible, interactive role in a program's GUI.

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Introduction: Ingredients of Swing GUI

JComponent: The base class for all Swing components (everything except

JFrame). Knows how to paint itself

– protected void paintComponent(Graphics g)

Atomic components such as JLabel, JButton are JComponents JPanels

– can contain atomic components such as JButtons and Jlabels. Or JPanels themselves (Topic 10)

– Are JComponents themselves. Can override the paintComponent method to display text, shapes, and image.

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To create a swing GUI1. Create a top-level container: JFrame

2. Get contentPane of the top-level container

3. Create JPanels

4. Layout the JPanels onto the contentPane.

5. Add components to JPanels or draw on them.

6. Create menu bar (Topic 10).

7. Handle events (Topic 9).

Introduction: Ingredients of Swing GUI

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Introduction: Ingredients of Swing GUI

Creating a frame (window)

Displaying information in a panel Displaying texts 2D shapes Colors and fonts Images

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Creating a Frame Frame: top-level window, not contained inside another


Use JFrame class in javax.swing package.

What can you do with JFrame:- Create a new one- get/setSize- get/setLocation- get/setTitle- show/hide

- toFront/toBack- is/setResizable- dispose- setIconImage

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Creating a Frame Most methods for working with JFrame inherited from









Ancestor of all GUI objects

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Creating a Frame

java.awt.Component: getLocation, setBounds, setLocation, getSize, setSize, setBackground, setForeground, repaint, ……

java.awt.Window:toFront, toBack, show, hide, ……

java.awt.Frame: dispose, setResizable, setTitle, setIcomImage, ……

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Creating a Frame Example:

class SimpleFrame extends JFrame{ public SimpleFrame() { setSize(WIDTH, HEIGHT); }

public static final int WIDTH = 300; public static final int HEIGHT = 200;}

Default constructor of JFrame is called.

Default size of a JFrame: 0x0

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Creating a Frame Things to know about coordinates

– Units are expressed pixels (depends on resolution)– Coordinate system is vertically-flipped from Cartesian– (0,0) is upper left corner of screen– Frame defaults to location (0,0) and size (0,0)

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Creating a Frame

import javax.swing.*;public class SimpleFrameTest{ public static void main(String[] args) { SimpleFrame frame = new SimpleFrame(); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);; }} //

Create a SimpleFrame. Show it. JDK1.3 feature

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Creating a Frame

Frame Positioning: Want a frame that Is centered in the middle of the screen Covers ¼ of the screen (Run Shows java cup (image) when minimized

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Creating a Frame

Need dimension of screen, which is platform dependent

Get system-dependent info using java.awt.Toolkit class:

getDefaultToolkit --- static method for creating a Toolkit objectDimension getScreenSize --- get size of screenImage getImage --- load image

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class CenteredFrame extends JFrame{ public CenteredFrame() { // get screen dimensions Toolkit kit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Dimension screenSize = kit.getScreenSize(); int screenHeight = screenSize.height; int screenWidth = screenSize.width;

// center frame in screen setSize(screenWidth / 2, screenHeight / 2); setLocation(screenWidth / 4, screenHeight / 4);

// set frame icon and title Image img = kit.getImage("icon.gif"); setIconImage(img); setTitle("CenteredFrame"); }} //

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Introduction: Ingredients of Swing GUI

Creating a frame (window)

Displaying information in a panel Displaying texts 2D shapes Colors and fonts Images

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An Example:

Displaying Information in a Frame

To create a GUI1. Create a top-level container: JFrame

2. Get contentPane of the top-level container

3. Create JPanels and

4. Add the JPanels onto the contentPane.

5. Add GUI components to the JPanels or draw on them

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Displaying Information in a Frame

How to do 2, 3, 4?

JFrame frame;2. Container cPane = frame.getContentPane();3. JPanel p = new JPanel();

4. cPane.add(p);

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5. How to draw custom graphics, in this case a text string, to JPanel? A JPanel is a JComponent

– Has method paintComponent to draw itself.

We can:– Define a new class that extends JPanel– Override the paintComponent method to draw what we want.

Class MyPanel extends JPanel{ public paintComponent(Graphics g){ super.paintComponent(g); // draw background

// code for drawing }}

Displaying Information in a Frame

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Displaying Information in a Frame

Method paintComponent(Graphics g) is called automatically when opening, resizing, and moving window. Graphics object automatically created.

Never call it explicitly.

Use the repaint method of Component to force repainting.

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Note about paintComponent()

Main Thread Event Dispatch Thread

Single thread rule: Modify GUI components only in the event dispatch thread to avoid corruption.

repaint() creates an paintEvent and sends it to the event dispatch thread for handling.

calling paintComponent() directly violates the single thread rule.

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How to tell paintComponent(Graphics g) what and how to draw?

The method takes a java.awt.Graphics object as input.– Graphics: class for graphics context

We encapsulate information about what/how to draw in the Graphics object.

Next:– Displaying texts– Colors and fonts– 2D shapes– Images

Displaying Information in a Frame

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Introduction: Ingredients of Swing GUI

Creating a frame (window)

Displaying information in a panel Displaying texts 2D shapes Colors and fonts Images

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Example: NotHelloWorld Step1. Derive a new class NotHelloWorldPanel by extending JPanel and

specify what we want to draw on the panel and how.

class NotHelloWorldPanel extends JPanel{ public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { // Draw background


g.drawString("Not a Hello, World program", MESSAGE_X, MESSAGE_Y); } public static final int MESSAGE_X = 75; public static final int MESSAGE_Y = 100;} //

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Step2 : Derive a new class NotHelloWorldFrame by extending JFrame, create a NotHelloWorldPanel and add it to the contentPane of the frame.

class NotHelloWorldFrame extends JFrame{ public NotHelloWorldFrame() { setTitle("NotHelloWorld"); setSize(WIDTH, HEIGHT); // add panel to frame NotHelloWorldPanel panel = new NotHelloWorldPanel(); Container contentPane = getContentPane(); contentPane.add(panel); } public static final int WIDTH = 300; public static final int HEIGHT = 200;} //

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• Step3 : Create a NotHelloWorldFrame and show it.

import javax.swing.*;import java.awt.*;

public class NotHelloWorld{ public static void main(String[] args) { NotHelloWorldFrame frame = new NotHelloWorldFrame(); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);; }}

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Introduction: Ingredients of Swing GUI

Creating a frame (window)

Displaying information in a panel Displaying texts 2D shapes Colors and fonts Images

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Using Text Fonts

Class java.awt.Font Create Font objects:

Font f1 = new Font(“Serif”, Font.PLAIN, 20);Font f2 = new Font(“Serif”, Font.PLAIN +

Font.ITALIC, 16);

Using fonts:Graphics g;g.setFont(f1);

g.drawString("Not a Hello, World program",

75, 100);

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Using Text Fonts

Only 5 font families guaranteed to exist

– SansSerif, Serif, Monospaced, Dialog, DialogInput

– Can ask for others by name(“Arial”) but may not get what you want

– Find out all available fonts on a machine using the getAvailableFontFamilyNames method of the GraphicsEnvironment class.

Style limited to PLAIN, BOLD, ITALIC

Default using plain 12pt SansSerif

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Using Colors

Class java.awt.Color Create new color objects: Color c = new Color(100, 25, 200);

• Red-green-blue (RGB) color model• Each component can have in range 0 to 255

13 predefined color,,, etc.

Using Colors: Graphics2D g; g.setColor(; g.drawString(“Hi”, 55, 55); g.setColor(c); g.drawString(“there”, 80, 55);

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Using Text Fonts

Class java.awt.FontMetrics

Methods for getting information about fonts:Graphics g;

Font f = new Font("SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 14);

FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics(f);

int w = fm.stringWidth(“Not Hello”);

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public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(g); setFonts(g); String s1 = "Not a "; String s2 = "Hello, World"; String s3 = " Program"; int w1 = fm.stringWidth(s1); int w2 = fim.stringWidth(s2); int w3 = fm.stringWidth(s3); Dimension d = getSize(); int cx = (d.width - w1 - w2 - w3) / 2; int cy = (d.height - fm.getHeight()) / 2 +fm.getAscent(); g.setFont(f); g.drawString(s1, cx, cy); cx += w1; g.setFont(fi); g.setColor(; g.drawString(s2, cx, cy); cx += w2; g.setFont(f); g.drawString(s3, cx, cy); }

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Introduction: Ingredients of Swing GUI

Creating a frame (window)

Displaying information in a panel Displaying texts 2D shapes Colors and fonts Images

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2D Shapes

You can draw lines, rectangles, ellipses, etc, using class

java.awt.Graphics drawLine, drawArc, drawPolygon drawPolyline, drawRect, drawRoundRect, draw3DRect, fillRect,

The subclass java.awt.Graphics2D is better

Need cast:public void paintComponent(Graphics g)

{ Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g; …

} The cast is legal because paintComponent automatically receives a Graphics2D object if SDK is Java 2D enabled

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2D Shapes You can draw by using the methods shown on the previous slides.

It’s better to use the geometric shape classes: java.awt.geom.*Line2D, Rectangle2D, Ellipse2D, Point2D, …

All those classes implement the Shape interface and Graphics2D has method draw(Shape s)

All are abstract classes with two concrete static inner classes. E.g.Rectangle2D.Double, Rectangle2D.Float

Usually use the Double version. The Float version saves space but is troublesome

float f = 1.2; //illegal. Need cast: float f = (float) 1.2;


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2D Shapes: draw rectangles

public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(g); Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g; // draw a rectangle double leftX = 100; double topY = 100; double width = 200; double height = 150; Rectangle2D rect = new Rectangle2D.Double(leftX, topY,width, height); g2.draw(rect);

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2D Shapes:draw line and circle // draw the enclosed ellipse Ellipse2D ellipse = new Ellipse2D.Double(); ellipse.setFrame(rect); g2.draw(ellipse);

// draw a diagonal line g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(leftX, topY, leftX + width, topY + height)); // draw a circle with the same center double centerX = rect.getCenterX(); double centerY = rect.getCenterY(); double radius = 150;

Ellipse2D circle = new Ellipse2D.Double(); circle.setFrameFromCenter(centerX, centerY, centerX + radius, centerY + radius); g2.draw(circle);}}

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Drawing Lines and Shapes

Paint Mode

Default: last drawn shape covers earlier one. XOR mode:

If you draw one shape twice in XOR mode, the second one erases the first one.

Graphics: public abstract void setXORMode(Color c1)

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Introduction: Ingredients of Swing GUI

Creating a frame (window)

Displaying information in a panel Displaying texts 2D shapes Colors and fonts Images

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Displaying Images Java Toolkit object can read GIF and JPEG files. Get image from file Image image =


Get image from the Net: URL u = new URL(http://www.somehwere/ImageFile); Image image = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(u);

Display image: g.drawImage(image, x, y, null);

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Displaying Images

Java spawns a separate thread to load image, which run in parallel with the main thread.

Use MediaTracker class to wait until image is completely loaded before drawing

public ImagePanel() { image = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage ("Cat.gif"); MediaTracker tracker = new MediaTracker(this); tracker.addImage(image, 0); try { tracker.waitForID(0); } catch (InterruptedException e) {} } Example:

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To create a Swing GUI Create JPanels and add GUI components to the JPanels

– Custom graphics: Override the paintComponent(Graphics g) method Encapsulate what and how to draw in the graphics object

– Predefined GUI components: simply add to the panel (Topic 10)

– Hierarchical: Panels can contain other panels

Create a top-level container: JFrame and layout the JPanels onto the contentPane of the container