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Profile of the City of Leskovac Profile of the City of Leskovac November, 2013

Community Profile Leskovac

Dec 16, 2015



Leskovac valley is part of a mountain-basin-valley macro-region of Serbia.
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  • Profile of the

    City of Leskovac

    Profile of the City of Leskovac

    November, 2013

  • 2


    1. Introduction ............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. 2. Basic characteristics ............................................................................................................ 5

    2.1 Geographical position (location) ..................................................................................................... 5 2.2 General information ....................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 2.3 Climate ........................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 2.4 Local government ......................................................................................................................... 15 2.5 History, tradition and cultural heritage .......................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

    3. Natural resources ..................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 4. Human resources ...................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.1 Population (number of inhabitants and population growth) ........................................ 22

    4.2 Population by type of settlement ................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.3 Important events ........................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.4 Population by marital status .......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.5 Age structure of population ........................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.6 Gender structure of population ..................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.7 Ethnic structure of population ...................................................................................................... 28 4.8 Religious structure of population ................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.9 Mother tongue structure of population .......................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.10 Population by work-ability ............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

    4.10.1 Population structure by work-activity ................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.11 Educational structure of population ............................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.12 Disability ........................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.13 Households and families ................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

    4.13.1 Households ......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.14 Migration of population ................................................................................................................. 35

    4.14.1 Immigrants ......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.14.2 Daily commuting ................................................................................................................ 35

    5 Housing resources .................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 5.1 Housing statistics ........................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 5.2 Housing construction ..................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

    6 Economy ................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 6.1 Economic structure by sectors ....................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 6.2 Industry ........................................................................................................................................ 48 6.3 Agriculture ..................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 6.4 Forestry .......................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 6.5 Macroeconomic indicators ............................................................................................................ 55 Public finance .......................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 6.6 Revenues of the municipal budget ................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. 6.7 Expenditures of the municipal budget ........................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 6.8 Institutions ..................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 6.9 Public-utility companies ................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. 6.10 Brownfield investment locations ................................................................................................... 69

    7 Labor force ................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. 7.1 Number and structure of the employed ...................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 7.2 Employment by sectors ............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. 7.3 Average earnings ...................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 7.4 Earnings per sectors .................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. 7.5 Unemployment ......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 7.6 Unemployment and employment rate ......................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 7.7 Unemployment by the level of education .................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 7.8 Unemployment by job-waiting time ............................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. 7.9 Unemployment by age structure ................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. 8 Public resources ....................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

    8.1.1 Road infrastructure ............................................................................................................ 90 8.1.2 Rail transport and infrastructure ........................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. 8.2.1 Water infrastructure .......................................................................................................... 92 8.2.2 Water infrastructure ........................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

  • 3

    8.2.3 Remote heating system ...................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 8.2.4 Electric power infrastructure ............................................................................................. 94 8.2.5 Telecommunication systems ............................................................................................. 94 8.3.1 Social and child care .......................................................................................................... 96

    9 Environmental resources .......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 10 Tourist resources ......................................................................................................... 100

    10.1 Number of visitors ......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 11 Life quality ................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

    11.1 Public contents and recreational programs ................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 11.2 Churches and monasteries ......................................................................................................... 107 11.3 Local gathering centres .............................................................................................................. 109

    11.3.1 Libraries .............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. 11.3.2 Cultural centres .................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. 11.3.3 Theatres ............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. 11.3.4 Museums ......................................................................................................................... 111

    11.4 Cultural activities (cultural events, celebrations, festivals, parades, festivities, concerts) ......... 111 11.4.1 Events calender .................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

    11.5 Entertainment and services ........................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 11.5.1 Playrooms for children ........................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. 11.5.2 Shopping zones and retail centres ..................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 11.5.3 Candy shops ....................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 11.5.4 Restaurants ..................................................................................................................... 116

    12 Local development in relation to the regional and national strategic documents ...... 118

  • 4

    1. Introduction

    Leskovac valley is part of a mountain-basin-valley macro-region of Serbia. In a narrow sense,

    Leskovac valley itself is a microregion within Southern Serbia.

    It spreads within the Rhodope system (Serbo-Macedonian mass), in the central part of the

    South Morava River, between Vranje in the south and Nis basin in the north. Leskovac valley is about

    430 NGW, in the central part of the Balkan Peninsula. It is one of the major basins in Serbia. Altitude

    of the valley bottom ranges from 210 m to 240 m. Length in the north-south is about 50 km, and

    maximum width in the east-west (Vlasotince - Radan) is about 45 km and covers an area of 1928,6

    km2. It is slightly tilted to the north.

    The main watercourse in the valley is the South Morava which has four major rivers flowing

    into it: the Veternica River, Pusta River Jablanica and Vlasina (Leskovac five-river system), as well as a

    number of smaller tributaries. Therefore, the valley is not a unified whole but these flows divide it into

    smaller parts: Leskovac field (central part of the valley), Porecje (the central part of the Veternica

    basin), Jablanica, Pusta River and others.1

    To the south, Leskovac valley is limited by the slopes of Goljak, Kukavica and Ostrozub. The

    eastern boundary is defined by the following mountains: Krusevica, Babicka Gora and Selicevica. In

    the west, boundary is made of the slopes of Pasjaca, Vidojevica, Arbanaska mountain and Radan. The

    boundary in the southwestern edge of the valley is not defined, because there are no major

    outstanding mountains.

    In terms of administrative - territorial affiliation, Leskovac valley covers most of the Jablanica Region

    as follows: Lebane, Leskovac, Vlasotince, Medvedja and Bojnik. Part of the valley belongs to the

    district of Nis in terms of administration.2 The biggest municipality in size is the City of Leskovac, and

    not only in the region but also in Serbia.

    1 Ivanovic, R. And others. 2007. 2 Susic, V. 2000

  • 5

    Table 1. General information about municipality/city and region (size and population), 2013.



    Share in total size (%)

    Number of inhabitants


    Share in total number

    of inhabitants (%)


    on density

    (no. of inhab./








    Urban zone 449 43,80 16,21 0,51 65.289 45,27 30,18 0,91 145,4

    Rural zone 576 56,20 20,79 0,65 78.917 54,73 36,48 1,10 137,0

    Municipality 1.025 100 37,00 1,16 144.206 100 66,67 2,01 140,7

    Region 2.770 / 100 3,13 216.304 / 100 3,01 78,1

    Serbia 88.509 / / 100 7.186.862 / / 100 92,6

    Source RIS, List 2012

    2. Basic characteristics

    In the heart of the vast and fertile Leskovac valley, 50 km long and 45 km wide, is the town

    of Leskovac which is full of diverse geographic and tourist attractions and sites that will attract the

    attention of the most demanding visitors.

    City of Leskovac has 144 settlements out of which three, Leskovac, Grdelica and Vucje, are of

    an urban type. As the economic, social, political, cultural, educational and administrative center, it is

    known as the city with developed textile, chemical, wood processing and food industry, as the city of

    grill and cuisine specialties.

    The area of the city of Leskovac itself is at an altitude of 210 to 240 meters and is situated in

    a fertile valley bordered by Babicka Gora (1098m), Selicevica (903m) and Suva mountain to the east,

    Radan (1409m) and Pasjaca to the west and Kukavica (1442m ) and Cemernik (1638m) to the south.

    To the north, it is open to Nis, and in the south, via Grdelica gorge, to the Vranje-Bujanovac valley.

    2.1 Geographical position (location)

    Northern geographical latitude of the city is 4252',

    and eastern geographical longitude is 2157'.

    Geographic and traffic position of Leskovac valley

    has a transit character. Important international

    roads go through it, as well as the roads of lower

    rank. The main traffic route connects Western and

    Central Europe with Macedonia, Greece and Asia.

    In the west part of the Jablanica valley, there is a

    traffic route connecting Leskovac with Kosovo (road


    It is also connected with the Pirot valley by the

    valleys of Vlasina and Luznica, and the valley of

    Vlasina connects it to Vlasina and Krajiste, i.e.


    Picture 1. Jablanica Region

    Picture 2.Geographical position of Leskovac

  • 6

    2.2 General information

    Table 2. General informatio about settlements and cadaster municipalities, 2013.

    Municipality Region

    Number of settlements 144 336

    Number of city settlements 3 7

    Number of other settlements 141 329

    Number of cadaster municipalities 140 318

    Average size of cadaster minicipalities (km2) 7,32 8,71 Source RIS, Census List 2011.

    Table 3. Information about settlements (type of settlement, number of inhabitants and

    size), 2013.


    al numb




    type (urban/


    Number of inhabitants

    Share of the total number of municipality

    inhabitants (%)

    1 Leskovac urban 60.288 41,81

    2 Babicko other 357 0,25

    3 Badince other 530 0,37

    4 Barje other 247 0,17

    5 Belanovce other 505 0,35

    6 Beli potok other 568 0,39

    7 Bistrica other 50 0,03

    8 Bobiste other 2.635 1,83

    9 Bogojevce other 1.376 0,95

    10 Bojisina other 185 0,13

    11 Bocevica other 118 0,08

    12 Bratmilovce other 3.482 2,41

    13 Brejanovce other 303 0,21

    14 Brestovac other 2.027 1,41

    15 Brza other 1.106 0,77

    16 Bricevlje other 196 0,14

    17 Bukova glava other 277 0,19

    18 Bunuski cifluk other 479 0,33

    19 Velika Biljanica other 472 0,33

    20 Velika Grabovnica other 1.279 0,89

    21 Velika Kopasnica other 653 0,45

    22 Velika Sejanica other 696 0,48

    23 Veliko Trnjane other 916 0,64

    Picture 3. Leskovac view

  • 7

    24 Vilje Kolo other 4 0,00

    25 Vina other 193 0,13

    26 Vinarce other 2.730 1,89

    27 Vlase other 503 0,35

    28 Vucje urban 2.865 1,99

    29 Gagince other 87 0,06

    30 Golema Njiva other 67 0,05

    31 Gorina other 652 0,45

    32 Gornja Bunusa other 541 0,38

    33 Gornja Jajina other 528 0,37

    34 Gornja Kupinovica other 141 0,10

    35 Gornja Lokosnica other 105 0,07

    36 Gornja Slatina other 181 0,13

    37 Gornje Krajince other 738 0,51

    38 Gornje Sinkovce other 445 0,31

    39 Gornje Stopanje other 1.829 1,27

    40 Gornje Trnjane other 215 0,15

    41 Gornji Bunibrod other 710 0,49

    42 Gradasnica other 380 0,26

    43 Grajevce other 374 0,26

    44 Graovo other 215 0,15

    45 Grdanica other 525 0,36

    46 Grdelica urban 2.136 1,48

    47 Grdelica selo other 1.058 0,73

    48 Guberevac other 1.766 1,22

    49 Dedina Bara other 794 0,55

    50 Dobrotin other 320 0,22

    51 Donja Bunusa other 261 0,18

    52 Donja Jajina other 1.277 0,89

    53 Donja Kupinovica other 46 0,03

    54 Donja Lokosnica other 879 0,61

    55 Donja Slatina other 225 0,16

    56 Donje Brijanje other 1.283 0,89

    57 Donje Krajince other 733 0,51

    58 Donje Sinkovce other 1.556 1,08

    59 Donje Stopanje other 1.105 0,77

    60 Donje Trnjane other 255 0,18

    61 Donji Bunibrod other 553 0,38

    62 Draskovac other 652 0,45

    63 Drvodelja other 216 0,15

    64 Drcevac other 294 0,20

    65 Dusanovo other 170 0,12

    66 Zabljane other 572 0,40

    67 Zivkovo other 620 0,43

    68 Zizavica other 168 0,12

    69 Zaguzane other 310 0,21

    70 Zaluznje other 422 0,29

    71 Zlokucane other 192 0,13

    72 Zlocudovo other 252 0,17

    73 Zoljevo other 225 0,16

    74 Igriste other 258 0,18

    75 Jarsenovo other 338 0,23

    76 Jasunja other 400 0,28

    77 Jelasnica other 242 0,17

    78 Kaludjerce other 167 0,12

    79 Karadjordjevac other 374 0,26

    80 Kastavar other 50 0,03

    81 Kovaceva Bara other 131 0,09

  • 8

    82 Kozare other 318 0,22

    83 Koracevac other 172 0,12

    84 Krpejce other 17 0,01

    85 Kukulovce other 290 0,20

    86 Kumarevo other 799 0,55

    87 Kutles other 560 0,39

    88 Lipovica other 1.165 0,81

    89 Licin Dol other 97 0,07

    90 Mala Biljanica other 187 0,13

    91 Mala Grabovnica other 254 0,18

    92 Mala Kopasnica other 213 0,15

    93 Manojlovce other 775 0,54

    94 Medja other 821 0,57

    95 Melovo other 44 0,03

    96 Milanovo other 516 0,36

    97 Mirosevce other 903 0,63

    98 Mrkovica other 1 0,00

    99 Mrstane other 1.332 0,92

    100 Navalin other 826 0,57

    101 Nakrivanj other 1.159 0,80

    102 Nesvrta other 48 0,03

    103 Novo Selo other 38 0,03

    104 Nomanica other 287 0,20

    105 Oraovica (near Grdelica) other 1.944 1,35

    106 Oraovica (near Crkovnica) other 89 0,06

    107 Orasac other 525 0,36

    108 Oruglica other 111 0,08

    109 Padez other 25 0,02

    110 Palikuca other 387 0,27

    111 Palojce other 453 0,31

    112 Petrovac other 146 0,10

    113 Pecenjevce other 1.500 1,04

    114 Piskupovo other 161 0,11

    115 Podrimce other 208 0,14

    116 Predejane (settlement) other 1.088 0,75

    117 Predejane (village) other 405 0,28

    118 Presecina other 364 0,25

    119 Priboj other 548 0,38

    120 Ravni Del other 73 0,05

    121 Radonjica other 803 0,56

    122 Razgojna other 764 0,53

    123 Rajno polje other 689 0,48

    124 Rudare other 510 0,35

    125 Svirce other 422 0,29

    126 Slavujevce other 394 0,27

    127 Slatina other 479 0,33

    128 Smrdan other 120 0,08

    129 Strojkovce other 1.233 0,86

    130 Stupnica other 265 0,18

    131 Susevlje other 136 0,09

    132 Todorovce other 477 0,33

    133 Tulovo other 697 0,48

    134 Tupalovce other 321 0,22

    135 Turekovac other 1.493 1,04

    136 Crveni Breg other 13 0,01

    137 Crkovnica other 78 0,05

    138 Crcavac other 99 0,07

    139 Cekmin other 820 0,57

  • 9

    140 Cifluk Razgojnski other 312 0,22

    141 Cukljenik other 566 0,39

    142 Sainovac other 210 0,15

    143 Sarlince other 774 0,54 Source RIS, Census List 2011

    Table 4. List of settlements and belonging cadastral municipalities, 2013.

    Ordinal number

    Settlement Cadastral municipality Size (km2)

    1 Leskovac Leskovac 229.293,02

    2 Babicko Babicko 188.442,81

    3 Badince Badince 25.322,42

    4 Barje Barje 160.871,03

    5 Belanovce Belanovce 77.213,25

    6 Beli potok Beli potok 29.699,24

    7 Bistrica Bistrica 76.662,59

    8 Bobiste Bobiste 43.418,21

    9 Bogojevce Bogojevce 73.447,84

    10 Bojisina Bojisina 48.143,04

    11 Bocevica Bocevica 27.751,86

    12 Bratmilovce Bratmilovce 35.713,11

    13 Brejanovce Brejanovce 20.443,36

    14 Brestovac Brestovac 96.079,89

    15 Brza Brza 11.844,09

    16 Bricevlje Bricevlje 53.900,54

    17 Bukova glava Bukova glava 101.209,75

    18 Bunuski cifluk, G.Bunusa,

    D.Bunusa Bunusa 89.767,11

    19 Velika Biljanica Velika Biljanica 42.660,74

    20 Velika Grabovnica Velika Grabovnica 106.626,88

    21 Velika Kopasnica Velika Kopasnica 66.401,87

    22 Sejanica Sejanica 82.808,52

    23 Veliko Trnjane Veliko Trnjane 94.028,98

    24 Vilje Kolo Vilje Kolo 10.736,01

    25 Vina Vina 70.606,77

    26 Vinarce Vinarce 132.382,92

    27 Vlase Vlase 40.055,02

    28 Vucje Vucje 378.856,18

    29 Gagince Gagince 120.802,48

    30 Gorina Gorina 113.951,54

    31 Gornja Jajina Gornja Jajina 38.578,10

    32 Gornja Kupinovica Gornja Kupinovica 69.377,04

    33 Gornja Lokosnica Gornja Lokosnica 41.814,57

    34 Gornja Slatina Gornja Slatina 17.745,24

    35 Gornje Krajince Gornje Krajince 45.179,39

    36 Gornje Sinkovce Gornje Sinkovce 25.587,08

    37 Gornje Stopanje Gornje Stopanje 68.613,45

    38 Gornje Trnjane Gornje Trnjane 19.549,10

    39 Gornji Bunibrod Gornji Bunibrod 50.859,64

    40 Gradasnica Gradasnica 92.198,60

    41 Grajevce Grajevce 55.367,33

    42 Graovo Graovo 106.768,25

    43 Grdanica Grdanica 68.953,72

    44 Grdelica varos Grdelica varos 6.222,45

    45 Grdelica selo Grdelica selo 56.610,27

    46 Guberevac Guberevac 123.036,87

    47 Dedina Bara Dedina Bara 66.213,23

  • 10

    48 Dobrotin Dobrotin 34.812,30

    49 Donja Jajina Donja Jajina 68.905,61

    50 Donja Kupinovica Donja Kupinovica 20.554,90

    51 Donja Lokosnica Donja Lokosnica 80.080,43

    52 Donja Slatina Donja Slatina 14.764,66

    53 Donje Brijanje Donje Brijanje 157.992,29

    54 Donje Krajince Donje Krajince 45.863,85

    55 Donje Sinkovce Donje Sinkovce 25.267,67

    56 Donje Stopanje Donje Stopanje 92.447,89

    57 Donje Trnjane Donje Trnjane 18.803,41

    58 Donji Bunibrod Donji Bunibrod 38.455,69

    59 Draskovac Draskovac 62.430,34

    60 Drvodelja Drvodelja 40.567,12

    61 Drcevac Drcevac 67.647,86

    62 Dusanovo Dusanovo 41.664,32

    63 Zabljane Zabljane 45.156,90

    64 Zivkovo Zivkovo 63.322,21

    65 Zizavica Zizavica 10.381,67

    66 Zaguzane Zaguzane 33.201,43

    67 Zaluznje Zaluznje 63.219,59

    68 Zlokucane Zlokucane 20.052,79

    69 Zlocudovo Zlocudovo 14.402,61

    70 Zoljevo Zoljevo 47.741,60

    71 Igriste Igriste 62.892,48

    72 Jarsenovo Jarsenovo 140.036,25

    73 Jasunja Jasunja 123.860,85

    74 Jelasnica Jelasnica 45.775,36

    75 Kaludjerce Kaludjerce 59.261,48

    76 Karadjordjevac Karadjordjevac 78.869,35

    77 Kastavar Kastavar 49.516,10

    78 Kovaceva Bara Kovaceva Bara 51.481,41

    79 Kozare Kozare 50.881,95

    80 Koracevac Koracevac 43.950,16

    81 Krpejce Krpejce 33.375,71

    82 Kukulovce Kukulovce 33.322.09

    83 Kumarevo Kumarevo 30.476,88

    84 Kutles Kutles 50.442,71

    85 Lipovica Lipovica 77.083,07

    86 Licin Dol Licin Dol 42.057,63

    87 Mala Biljanica Mala Biljanica 12.178,72

    88 Mala Grabovnica Mala Grabovnica 27.639,29

    89 Mala Kopasnica Mala Kopasnica 17.481,67

    90 Manojlovce Manojlovce 43.005,08

    91 Medja Medja 74.504,04

    92 Melovo Melovo 66.994,66

    93 Milanovo Milanovo 55.749,80

    94 Mirosevce Mirosevce 105.782,69

    95 Mrkovica Mrkovica 49.285,11

    96 Mrstane Mrstane 69.105,05

    97 Navalin Navalin 51.624,28

    98 Nakrivanj Nakrivanj 292.718,36

    99 Nesvrta Nesvrta 28.155,97

    100 Novo Selo Novo Selo 217.948,89

    101 Nomanica Nomanica 10.474,53

    102 Oraovica (near Grdelica) Oraovica (near Grdelica) 208.057,09

    103 Orasac Orasac 86.876,18

    104 Oruglica Oruglica 295.832,35

    105 Padez Padez 94.433,78

  • 11

    106 Palikuca Palikuca 38.072,28

    107 Palojce Palojce 75.672,27

    108 Petrovac Petrovac 28.957,25

    109 Pecenjevce Pecenjevce 136.964,09

    110 Piskupovo Piskupovo 35.951,40

    111 Podrimce Podrimce 57.566,44

    112 Predejane (town) Predejane (town) 5.167,44

    113 Predejane (village) Predejane (village) 92.829,44

    114 Presecina Presecina 36.800,03

    115 Priboj Priboj 66.361,62

    116 Ravni Del Ravni Del 91.241,01

    117 Radonjica Radonjica 63.593,97

    118 Razgojna Razgojna 94.492,43

    119 Rajno polje Rajno polje 80.634,69

    120 Rudare Rudare 60.555,15

    121 Svirce Svirce 58.020,50

    122 Slavujevce Slavujevce 59.650,80

    123 Slatina Slatina 159.664,02

    124 Smrdan Smrdan 23.752,27

    125 Strojkovce Strojkovce 96.171,70

    126 Stupnica Stupnica 132.159,12

    127 Susevlje Susevlje 54.656,92

    128 Todorovce Todorovce 50.110,99

    129 Tulovo Tulovo 114.821,14

    130 Tupalovce Tupalovce 31.455,21

    131 Turekovac Turekovac 131.885,00

    132 Crveni Breg Crveni Breg 104.568,66

    133 Crkovnica Crkovnica 224.740,12

    134 Crcavac Crcavac 72.098,52

    135 Cekmin Cekmin 121.276,69

    136 Cifluk Razgojnski Cifluk Razgojnski 32.492,16

    137 Cukljenik Cukljenik 73.232,71

    138 Sainovac Sainovac 24.448,82

    139 Sarlince Sarlince 65.532,59

    140 Sisince Sisince 60.336,17

    Source Cadaster Leskovac

    Table 5. List of local communities, 2013.

    Ordinal number

    Local community Neighbourhood of the LC Number of inhabitants

    Share in the

    total number of inhabitants (%)

    1 Babicko Babicko 357 0,25

    2 Badince Badince 530 0,37

    3 Barje Barje, Kaludjerce, Crcavac 513 0,36

    4 Belanovce Belanovce 505 0,35

    5 Beli Potok Beli Potok 568 0,39

    6 Bogojevce Bogojevce 1.376 0,95

    7 Bojisina Bojisina 185 0,13

    8 Brejanovce Brejanovce 303 0,21

    9 Brestovac Brestovac 2.027 1,41

    10 Brza Brza 1.106 0,77

    11 Bricevlje Bricevlje 196 0,14

    12 Bukova Glava Bukova Glava 277 0,19

    13 Bunuski Cifluk Bunuski Cifluk 479 0,33

    14 Veliko Trnjane Veliko Trnjane 916 0,64

    15 Velika Biljanica Velika Biljanica 472 0,33

    16 Velika Grabovnica Velika Grabovnica 1.279 0,89

  • 12

    17 Velika Kopasnica Velika Kopasnica 653 0,45

    18 Velika Sejanica Velika Sejanica 696 0,48

    19 Vina Vina 193 0,13

    20 Vinarce Vinarce 2.730 1,89

    21 Vlase Vlase 503 0,35

    22 Vucje Vucje 2.865 1,99

    23 Golema Njiva Golema Njiva 67 0,05

    24 Gorina Gorina 652 0,45

    25 Gornja Bunusa Gornja Bunusa 541 0,38

    26 Gornja Jajina Gornja Jajina 528 0,37

    27 Gornja Kupinovica Gornja Kupinovica 141 0,10

    28 Gornja Lokosnica Gornja Lokosnica 105 0,07

    29 Gornja Slatina Gornja Slatina 181 0,13

    30 Gornje Trnjane Gornje Trnjane 215 0,15

    31 Gornje Krajince Gornje Krajince 738 0,51

    32 Gornje Sinkovce Gornje Sinkovce 445 0,31

    33 Gornji Bunibrod Gornji Bunibrod 710 0,49

    34 Gradasnica Gradasnica 380 0,26

    35 Grajevce Grajevce 374 0,26

    36 Graovo Graovo 215 0,15

    37 Grdanica Grdanica 525 0,36

    38 Grdelica Grdelica town 2.136 1,48

    39 Grdelica village Grdelica village 1.058 0,73

    40 Guberevac Guberevac 1.766 1,22

    41 Dedina Bara Dedina Bara 794 0,55

    42 Dobrotin Dobrotin 320 0,22

    43 Donja Bunusa Donja Bunusa 261 0,18

    44 Donja Jajina Donja Jajina 1.277 0,89

    45 Donja Kupinovica Donja Kupinovica 46 0,03

    46 Donja Lokosnica Donja Lokosnica 879 0,61

    47 Donja Slatina Donja Slatina 225 0,16

    48 Donje Trnjane Donje Trnjane 255 0,18

    49 Donje Brijanje Donje Brijanje 1.283 0,89

    50 Donje Krajince Donje Krajince 733 0,51

    51 Donje Stopanje Donje Stopanje 1.105 0,77

    52 Donji Bunibrod Donji Bunibrod, Zizavica 721 0,50

    53 Draskovac Draskovac 652 0,45

    54 Drvodelja Drvodelja 216 0,15

    55 Drcevac Drcevac 294 0,20

    56 Dusanovo Dusanovo 170 0,12

    57 Zabljane Zabljane 572 0,40

    58 Zivkovo Zivkovo 620 0,43

    59 Zaguzane Zaguzane 310 0,21

    60 Zaluznje Zaluznje 422 0,29

    61 Zlokucane Zlokucane 192 0,13

    62 Zlocudovo Zlocudovo 252 0,17

    63 Zoljevo Zoljevo 225 0,16

    64 Igriste Igriste 258 0,18

    65 Jarsenovo Jarsenovo 338 0,23

    66 Jasunja Jasunja 400 0,28

    67 Jelasnica Jelasnica 242 0,17

    68 Karadjordjevac Karadjordjevac 374 0,26

    69 Kozare Kozare 318 0,22

    70 Kutles Kutles 560 0,39

    71 Kukulovce Kukulovce 290 0,20

    72 Kumarevo Kumarevo 799 0,55

    73 Lipovica Lipovica 1.165 0,81

    74 Mala Biljanica Mala Biljanica 187 0,13

  • 13

    75 Mala Grabovnica Mala Grabovnica 254 0,18

    76 Mala Kopasnica Mala Kopasnica 213 0,15

    77 Manojlovce Manojlovce 775 0,54

    78 Medja Medja 821 0,57

    79 Milanovo Milanovo 516 0,36

    80 Mirosevce Mirosevce 903 0,63

    81 Mrstane Mrstane 1.332 0,92

    82 Navalin Navalin 826 0,57

    83 Nakrivanj Nakrivanj 1.159 0,80

    84 Novo Selo Novo Selo 38 0,03

    85 Nomanica Nomanica 287 0,20

    86 Oraovica Grdelicka Oraovica Grdelicka, Nesvrta, Bistrica 2.042 1,42

    87 Oraovica Crkovnicka

    Oraovica Crkovnicka 89 0,06

    88 Orasac Orasac 525 0,36

    89 Oruglica Oruglica, Gagince, Melovo, Ravni

    del 315 0,22

    90 Palikuca Palikuca 387 0,27

    91 Palojce Palojce, Licin Dol, Krpejce, Bocevica 685 0,48

    92 Petrovac Petrovac 146 0,10

    93 Pecenjevce Pecenjevce, Kastavar 1.550 1,07

    94 Piskupovo Piskupovo 161 0,11

    95 Podrimce Podrimce 208 0,14

    96 Predejane Predejane town, Koracevac, Crveni Breg, Mrkovica

    1.274 0,88

    97 Predejane - village Predejane village 405 0,28 98 Presecina Presecina 364 0,25

    99 Priboj Priboj 548 0,38

    100 Radonjica Radonjica 803 0,56

    101 Razgojna Razgojna 764 0,53

    102 Rajno Polje Rajno polje 689 0,48

    103 Rudare Rudare 510 0,35

    104 Strojkovce Strojkovce 1.233 0,86

    105 Stupnica Stupnica 265 0,18

    106 Svirce Svirce 422 0,29

    107 Slatina Slatina 479 0,33

    108 Slavujevce Slavujevce 394 0,27

    109 Smrdan Smrdan 120 0,08

    110 Susevlje Susevlje 136 0,09

    111 Todorovce Todorovce 477 0,33

    112 Tulovo Tulovo 697 0,48

    113 Tupalovce Tupalovce 321 0,22

    114 Turekovac Turekovac 1.493 1,04

    115 Crkovnica Crkovnica 78 0,05

    116 Cekmin Cekmin 820 0,57

    117 Cifluk razgojnski Cifluk razgojnski 312 0,22

    118 Cukljenik Cukljenik 566 0,39

    119 Sainovac Sainovac 210 0,15

    120 Sarlince Sarlince 774 0,54

    In the territory of the city of Leskovac, local communities are formed: Anciki, Bobiste, Bratmilovce, Veljko Vlahovic, Veternica, Gornje Stopanje, Donje Sinkovce, Dubocica, Rade Zunic, Stojan Ljubic, Morava, Mosa Pijade, Milentije Popovic, Prva juznomoravska brigada, Kosta Stamenkovic, Hisar, Centar and Marko Crni.3

    3 Assembly decision on establishment of local communities 2013

  • 14

    2.3 Climate

    Mild moderate continental climate with the average annual temperature if 11.40oC, precipitation

    of 628mm and moderate sea level (210 240) m, exceptionally favorable for living and economy.

    Moderate continental climate determined by the geographical width (430 average width), sea

    level (210 240 m) and relief (favourable arrangement of hilly and plain areas), has contributed to

    the regions favourable conditions for living and basic economy activities.

    Maximum temperature: 43.7 oC

    Date of the maximum temperature:

    July 24, 2007

    Minimum temperature: -30.3 oC

    Date of the minimum temperature:

    January 13, 1985

    Maximum precipitation: 92.0 mm

    Date of the maximum precipitation:

    June 26, 1954

    Maximum snow: 124 cm

    Date of the maximum snow: January

    31, 1963 Picture 4. Winter in Leskovac

    4 NHMSS

    Table 6. Climate indicators.4



    Average air temperature January (C) 0 Average air temperature July (C) 21.6 Average air temperature annual (C) 11.10 Average number of frosty days annual 93 Average number of tropical days annual 42 AIR HUMIDITY

    Average air humidity annual (%) 73.0 DURATION OF SUNSHINE

    Average number of bright days annual 79 Average number of cloudy days annual 112 PRECIPITATION

    Average amount of precipitation annual (mm) 625.40 OCCURRENCE

    Average number of snowy days annual 35 Average number of days with snow cover annual 49 Average number of foggy days annual 26 Average number of hail days annual 1

  • 15

    2.4 Local government

    The highest legal act of the City is the Statute which specifies detailed conditions and forms of the

    enforcement of rights and duties within the jurisdiction of the City. Statute is authorised by the City

    Assembly with the majority of the total number of councilors. In the implementation of its jurisdiction,

    the City adopts its own regulations itself, in accordance with its rights and duties stipulated by the

    Constitution, law, other regulations and the Statute.

    City authorities are: City Assembly, the Mayor, City Council and City Administrations.

    City Assembly is the highest authority of the City which performs basic functions of the local

    government established by the Constitution, law and the Statute. City Assembly consists of 75

    councilors, elected by the citizens in direct elections, by secret ballot, in accordance with the law and

    this Statute. The City Assembly has its President.

    City Assembly President organizes the work of the City Assembly, convenes and presides

    over its sessions. President of the City Assembly represents the City Assembly before any international

    and domestic entities, organizations and bodies. President of the City Assembly has a deputy to

    replace him in case of his absence or inability to perform his duties. Deputy President of the City

    Assembly is elected and dismissed in the same manner as the President of the City Assembly. The City

    Assembly has the Secretary who is responsible for performing technical tasks related to the convening

    and holding of sessions of the City Assembly.

    Executive authorities of the City are the Mayor and the City Council.

    The Mayor is elected by the City Assembly from among the members of the Assembly for a

    term of four years by secret ballot, by a majority of votes of the total number of the City Assembly

    members. The Mayor has a deputy to replace him in case of his absence or inability to perform his

    duties. President of the City Assembly proposes candidates for the position of mayor. Mayor candidate

    proposes a candidate for Deputy Mayor from among the members of the Assembly who is elected in

    the same manner as the Mayor.

    Mayors Assistants undertake initiatives, propose projects and give opinions on matters that

    are important for the development of areas they are set for and perform other duties stipulated by the

    Act on the organization of the City Administration. Mayors Assistants are appointed and dismissed by

    the Mayor. The City Administration can have up to five Assistants of the Mayor.

    City Council is made of the Mayor, Deputy Mayor, as well as the 11 members of the City

    Council elected by the City Assembly for the period of four years, by secret ballot, with the majority of

    the total number of members. Mayor is the President of the City Council.

    City Administration is organized into several city administrations. Number, name, and areas

    that city administration deal with are determined by the Act on the organization of the city

  • 16

    administrations. Operation of the City Administration is managed by the Head of the City

    Administration. Head of the City Administration is appointed by the City Council, following a public call

    in the period of five years.

    1. City Administration for Urban Planning and Housing-Communal Affairs 2. City Administration for Inspection Affairs

    3. City Administration for Finance 4. City Administration for Property and Property-Legal Affairs

    5. City Administration for Economy and Agriculture 6. City Administration for Social Services

    7. City Administration for Environmental Protection

    8. City Administration for General Affairs 9. City Administration for City Assembly and City Council Affairs

    10. City Administration for Citizen Service City Service Center 11. City Administration for Public Procurement

    Agency for Local Economic Development is responsible for the economic development of the City of Leskovac and was created as an expression of the need to form a strong, developmental

    institution that directly works on building economic competitiveness of the local community in order to improve its economic and social future. The Agency is formally created by merging professional,

    financial, material and human resources: Fund for the City Development, Guarantee Fund for the City of Leskovac, Fund for the Improvement of Agriculture and Fund for Scholarships and Awards in the

    territory of the City of Leskovac. The Agency's mission is to promote entrepreneurship and dynamic

    entrepreneurial culture, to support the development of SMEs, encourage the establishment and development of cooperatives and other forms of business associations, create the conditions for new

    working positions, and improve economic environment and quality of life for all people in the local community. Basic tasks of the Agency include: development of medium and long-term strategies

    and plans for the development of the city, making specific development projects, project

    management, networking of business entities and the establishment of partnerships between the private and public sectors, organizing various forms of counseling, organization of professional

    seminars, making of promotional materials, organized appearance in presentations, exhibitions and fairs, professional support for start-up entrepreneurs (training for running business individually,

    support in development of business plans, etc), support to the establishment of business and professional associations, service to investors through the Info-Centre. Regional institutions:

    Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Centre for the Development of Jablanica and Pcinja

    Region, Regional Centre for Support and Promotion of Export. NGOs: Education Centre, National Parliament, Resource Centre, Women for Peace,

    Committee for Human Rights, Centre for Independent Living of Persons with Disabilities,

    Muscular Dystrophy Association of Jablanica Region, Society for the Help to the Mentally Challenged Leskovac, Association of Disabled Persons with Amputated Limbs, Association of

    Civil War Invalids, Association of the Deaf, Association of Renal Patients, Association of the

    Blind, Paraplegic Association, Society for Cerebral and Children paralysis, Society for the Multiple Sclerosis Patients in Jablanica Region, Roma Center of Southern Serbia.

  • 17

    Table 7. Structure of the municipal assembly members, 2013.

    Municipality (number of

    assembly members) Share in the total number of

    inhabitants (%)

    Total number of members

    Total 75 100

    Male 49 65.33

    Female 26 34.67


    Total 20 26.67

    Male 12 16.00

    Female 8 10.67


    Total 19 25.33

    Male 13 17.33

    Female 6 8.00


    Total 9 12.00

    Male 5 6.67

    Female 4 5.33


    Total 7 9.33

    Male 6 8.00

    Female 1 1.33


    Total 3 4.00

    Male 2 2.67

    Female 1 1.33


    Total 4 5.33

    Male 2 2.67

    Female 2 2.67


    Total 3 4.00

    Male 2 2.67

    Female 1 1.33


    Total 3 4.00

    Male 2 2.67

    Female 1 1.33


    Total 4 5.33

    Male 2 2.67

    Female 2 2.67

    Independent member LDP

    Total 1 1.33

    Male 1 1.33

    Female 0 0.00


    member Ref. Party

    Total 1 1.33

    Male 1 1.33

    Female 0 0.00

    Independent member

    Total 1 1.33

    Male 1 1.33

    Female 0 0.00


    Total 20 26.67

    Male 12 16.00

    Female 8 10.67


    Total 19 25.33

    Male 13 17.33

    Female 6 8.00


    Total 9 12.00

    Male 5 6.67

    Female 4 5.33

  • 18


    Total 7 9.33

    Male 6 8.00

    Female 1 1.33

    Source: City Administration for City Assembly and City Council Affairs

    2.5 History, tradition and cultural heritage

    In the 5th century BA, Greek historian Herodot mentioned that in a place or in the vicinity of

    todays Leskovac was an Ilyrian (dardan) settlement, surrounded by the fields of hemp. In the 2nd

    century, after defeating the Ilyrians, the Romans came to this area. They found a settlement on the

    left bank of the Veternica River and built a fortress on the Hill of Hisar, which dominated the town and

    nearby roads.

    There are no data about the first centuries of life of our predecessors in this area until the 12th

    century. The area around Leskovac, named Glubocica (Dubocica), was given as a present from Greek

    emperor Manojlo to Nemanja in the 12th century, as the area of Glubocica, where Leskovac

    settlement was situated. During the times of Emperor Dusan and immediately after him, some villages

    in Dubocica, as well as Leskovac, were given to monasteries as presents. Emperor Stefan Dusan gave

    the village of Leskovac to Hilendar Monastery in 1348. In 1395, Efimija (Duchess Milica) and her sons

    Vuk and Stefan gave a house in Leskovac and two men to Svetogorski Monastery St Pantelejmon. At

    that time, Leskovac was mentioned for the first time as a town.

    By the end of the 18th century, Leskovac was

    already the center of big Leskovac pashalik that covered

    the territory of former Alaxi - Hisar (Krusevac) and

    Paracin. French geographer Ami Bue wrote in 1837 that

    Leskovac had 3,000 houses, 2,400 Christian and 500

    Turkish, 30 Roma and 10 Jewish, and total of 15,000


    Occupation of Leskovac area by Austro Hungary,

    Germany and Bulgaria (from 1915 - 1918), did great damage to citizens, economy and it stopped the

    development of the town. Leskovac achieved the maximum in economic development by the beginning of World War II. On April 6 and 8 in 1941, Leskovac was bombed for the first time. Bombs

    fell around railway station, main street towards Hisar, foundry "Sava" was destroyed as well as

    transport company "Begovic and Djokic". Germans entered Leskovac on April 12, 1941 and occupied it.

    During World War II, Leskovac submitted great

    human and material losses, and when freedom was

    already in sight, it suffered a catastrophe that no other

    city in Serbia did. Anglo-American bombers like "Libertas"

    accompanied by "hunters" dumped 69 tons of bombs on

    the city by the system of carpet bombing on 6

    September, 1944. That killed a large number of people,

    and some estimates range as high as 6,000 (although so

    far the confirmed list - first and last names is 819 killed)

    and destroyed entire neighborhoods, as well as the 84

    largest and most beautiful city objects, which forever ruined the architectural appearance of the city

    at the crossroads of craft and industrial center.

    In World War II, Leskovac was released on 11 October, 1944, but that did not stop the

    dissolution of its powerful industry created in the 1920s and 1930s.

    Already in June 1945, the factory "Gligorije Petrovic and co." was nationalized, and since then

    it operated in public ownership under the name of T. I. "Kosta Stamenkovic". During the period

    Picture 6. Leskovac after bombing

    Picture 5. Hisar bridge,1889.

  • 19

    between 1945 and 1952, a large number of textile and other factory machinery was moved from

    Leskovac to other cities of Yugoslavia (Pirot, Titograd, Uzice, Prokuplje, Visegrad, Pozarevac,

    Belgrade, Tetovo, Zemun ...), which was certainly a decisive factor in the interrupted development of

    Leskovac as an industrial center.

    Legend says that Leskovac was named after the plant leska that grew on the site of the former

    drained lake that was located below the foot of the Hisar hill and near the present City of Leskovac.

    Settlement Leskovac was named after it more than 600 years ago.

    Sop-Djokic House is 120 years old. This is a one-

    storey building with a porch above the entrance.

    The ground floor of the building is almost without

    openings and half of it is cellar space. Floor of the

    house was well furnished with a carved ceiling in

    the largest room. The building was restored and

    rebuilt in the same style in 1980.

    House of Bora Dimitrijevic Piksla, the old

    building of the National Museum, was built in the

    nineteenth century. It is a single storey building,

    made in the Balkan style. Today, this building

    represents a permanent ethnological exhibition

    of the National Museum, which depicts the

    interior of houses in Leskovac during the nineteenth century.

    Odzaklija Church was built in 1803 on the foundations of an already existing temple. Its

    appearance is different from other churches. It is wide and low, which is why the outside looks more

    like a house than a church. That was the intention of the ancient builders. In fact, it was built during

    the Turkish rule, when the the invaders did not look benevolently on Orthodox churches. At that time

    there were no churches in the city, so Leskovac people went to temples that were located in the

    surrounding villages. In the first years of the the 19th century, they were able to obtain a firman from

    the Sultan, i.e. the permission to build a church in the city. However, the local Turkish population was

    not very pleased. Leskovac people, as the story goes and is recorded by a number of authors, came

    up with the idea to build a fireplace and chimney to the object, saying that they were not building the

    church, but the priest's house. And after the completion of construction, and the Turkish rule, the

    temple was exposed to danger. It was damaged in both bombings of Leskovac, German and Allied,

    and during World War II. The floods hit the city in 1948, and the water that entered the temple was

    one meter high. Chimney existed until 1963 when it collapsed, while a fireplace remained in the

    Picture 7. Postcard of Leskovac Picture 8. Main street

    Picture 9. Sop-Djokic House

    Picture 10. House of Bora Dimitrijevic Piksla

  • 20

    church. That same year, the roof fell under the strong pressure of snow and renovation was started in

    1970 and completed in 1992. Within the churchyard, there is one rarity in the Orthodox world, the

    unique example of the construction venture, which is an old church dedicated to the Nativity of the

    Virgin Mary or Mala Gospojina.

    3. Natural resources

    Table 8. Structure of land, 2013.



    Share in

    the total

    size of the municiity



    share in the size of the

    same type in the

    district (%)




    share in the size of

    the same type in

    Serbia (%)



    Total size 1,025 100 37.02 2,769 0.08 3,293,577

    Agricultural land 572 55.85 38.39 1,491 2.93 50,963

    Arable land 381 37.18 51.63 738 2.24 32,949

    Forests 278 27.09 27.04 1,027 5.23 19,624 Source: Municipalities and districts in the Republic of Serbia, 2012

    Since it has a moderate continental climate with very mild winters and moderately warm

    summers, Leskovac abounds in natural beauty which is very rare by its diversity and beauty. Numerous mountains, lakes, rivers, canyons, gorges ... are characteristic of this region.


    The largest river in the region of Leskovac is the South

    Morava River, flowing from the south to the north, and along with the West Morava River, it makes the Great

    Morava. The following rivers flow into the South Morava: the Vlasina River, which affects water from Vlasina Lake and

    flows through Crna Trava and Vlasotince; the Veternica,

    which flows through Leskovac, Jablanica, which rises at the foot of Goljak and flows through Medvedja and Lebane, the

    Pusta River, which flows from mountain Radan, fills Brestovacko Lake and flows through Bojnik. The Vucjanka

    River, starting from mountain Kukavica, flows through Vucje

    Picture 11. The South Morava River

  • 21

    and flows into the Veternica. Leskovac area is also famous for the Kozaracka, Predejanska,

    Kopasnicka and Susica River.

    Flora and Fauna

    Natural resources of Leskovac area are favourable for a great variety of

    plants and animals. Most common wild animals are: deer, wild boar, rabbit, partridge and pheasant. A great variety of herbs and other useful

    plants grow here. The first flora research in this area was conducted by the founder of Serbian botany, Josif Pancic at the end of the 19th


    He found a very rare plant on Ostrozub, endemorelict bay-cherry (Prunus Laurocerasus). For more than hundred years this plant has attracted

    attention of botanists from all over the world, since it was found only here, in Bulgaria and on 2-3 other locations. That is why Ostrozub is

    protected as a natural reserve. There are around 50 rare, mainly healthy

    plants in Leskovac area.

    Grdelica gorge

    A wide Leskovac valley became full of hills

    covered with forests only ten kilometers south of the town. That is where a vivid Grdelica

    gorge begins. The south part is called Momina gorge. The South Morava River flows through

    it. Only 25 km away from Leskovac, there is a

    nice mountain picnic resort Predejane surrounded by forests, hills, protected from

    winds and with no fog- an ideal place for rest.

    Babicka gora hillsides This mountain beauty is rich with different wild animals. It is special because the sight from the hills

    towards Suva mountain is exquisite, so it can be a good starting point for walking tours through mountainous area.

    Canyon of the Vucjanka River

    The Vucjanka River flows through the rocky riverbed through the mountain Kukavica. It makes beautiful

    channels, waterfalls and miniature lakes. Canyon is several kilometers long and has many attractive bathing

    locations. In the middle of the Vucjanka canyon there is

    one of the oldest hydroelectric power plants on the Balkans. It was built in 1903 and it is still functioning.

    Slika 12. Slopes of Babicka gora

    Picture 13. Grdelica gorge

    Picture 14. The Vucjanka River

  • 22

    Kukavica Potential for tourism development of Leskovac is mountain Kukavica, which is situated among Vranje

    valley in the south, Leskovac in the north and Grdelica gorge in the east, as well as the valley of Veternica. Peak is called Vlajna and is

    1441 meters high. It covers the area of 587 m2. This mountain is only 16 km away from Leskovac. Local bus lines connect the town to it often

    enough and roads are also good. Mountain Kukavica has good natural

    conditions for development of mountain and hunting tourism, since there are many wild animals such as wild boar and deer. There are also

    many other birds and animals, as well as predators. PC "Srbija sume" is responsible for it. One of the registered hunting areas is "Kukavica"

    which is at 1360 meters above sea level. Beneath the peak there is a

    ski path which is 600 m long and 100 m wide, with the average slope of 22 %. ukavica is an ideal place for sports preparations, mounteneering and walking, rural tourism and exploitation of medical herbs.

    4. Human resources

    4.1 Population (number of inhabitants and population growth)

    When comparing the data from the last two censuses, it must be taken

    into account that the same concept of total population was not applied, and that the Albanians from Southern Serbia boycotted the 2011 census.5 In the absence of official census data that could be used

    for the methodologically correct calculation of the population growth, as well as the official estimate of the population who boycotted the 2011 Census, calculations of authors were made which were the

    basis for the net emigration at the time between censuses 2002 - 2011, estimated at 65 thousand,

    with the decrease of total population at 363 thousand (which is about 50 thousand more than the official data). Negative natural increase amounted to 297 thousand. Reduction of population is much higher in the south than in the north. Between the two censuses in Leskovac, there has been a depopulation, which is a warning. According to official data of

    the last census in 2011, in the territory of our city there are 144,206 inhabitants, which is 12,046 less

    than the census in 2002. The main reasons for depopulation lie in extremely low fertility and high mortality rates. Negative population growth is -6.7 per 1000 inhabitants. Migration or highly expressed

    emigration in the region (especially of the young) is a major problem of the city, although it has been a continuous, decades-long trend present in the whole Serbia: migration from village to city.

    Aging of the overall population (observed from the mid-20th century) is a process that has lasted in Leskovac and Serbia for more than 40 years, from the late 1960s when the population was

    demographically the youngest. With an average age of 41.52 years (41.57 years, Serbia), an aging

    index of 111.71 in Leskovac and 114.32 in Serbia, the country was one of the demographically oldest ones in the world in 2011. According to the preliminary data of the agricultural census, 14% of the total population is agricultural population. The level of education of the population in the city, as well as the structure of

    professional offer is less favorable than in the Republic of Serbia, and is far behind the developmental

    needs of the City.

    5 (Penev, Marinkovic, 2012).

    Picture 15. Kukavica

  • 23

    Table 9. Comparative population statistics, Census data 2011.

    1961 1971 1981 1991 2002 2011

    Number of inhabitants in the municipality* 134,250 147,487 159,001 161,986 161,086 144,206

    Change of the number of

    inhabitants in the municipality / 13,237 11,514 2,985 -900 -16,880

    Population growth in the

    municipality / 9.86 7.81 1.88 -0.56 -10.48

    Number of inhabitants in

    the region* 254,855 260,982 262,531 255,011 247,834 216,304

    Population growth in the

    region / 2.40 0.59 -2.86 -2.81 -12.72

    Source RIS * Number of inhabitants by the previous methodology (earlier censuses before 1991)

    Table 10. Estimated population in the period 2005-2011.

    2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

    Number of inhabitants in

    the municipality 154,113 153,084 151,964 150,653 149,279 147,959 146,640

    Total change of the

    number of inhabitants in

    the municipality -4,864 -1,029 -1,120 -1,311 -1,374 -1,320 -1,319

    Population growth rate in

    the municipality (%) -3.06 -0.67 -0.73 -0.86 -0.91 -0.88 -0.89

    Population growth rate in the municipality (%) 236,062 234,018 231,793 229,430 227,116 224,776 222,394

    Population growth rate in Serbia (%) -5.63 -0.87 -0.95 -1.02 -1.01 -1.03 -1.06

    Source RIS, Census List 2011

    4.2 Population by the type of settlement

    Table 11. Structure of population by the type of settlement, 2011.

    Municipality Region Serbia

    Number Share (%) Number Share (%) Number Share (%)

    Urban population 65,289 45.27 93,679 43.31 4,271,872 59.44

    The rest of the population 78,917 54.73 122,625 56.69 2,914,990 40.56

    Total population 144,206 100 216,304 100 7,186,862 100 Source RIS, Census List 2011

    4.3 Important events

  • 24

    Table 12. Vital events, 2011.

    Municipality Region Serbia

    Live births 1194 1751 65598

    Live births per 1000 inhabitants 8,1 7,9 9

    Deceased 2178 3483 102935

    Deceased per 1000 inhabitants 14,9 15,7 14,2

    Natural population growth -984 -1732 -37337

    Natural population growth per 1000

    inhabitants -6,7 -7,8 -5,2 Source RIS, Census List 2011

    Table 13. Structure of the female population aged 15 and over by the number of live

    births, 2011.

    Region of the Southern and

    Eastern Serbia

    Share in the total number of

    women aged 15 and more in the municipality (%)

    Total 686.072 100

    Did not give birth 152.094 22,17

    Gave birth

    1 child 135.928 19,81

    2 318.377 46,41

    3 60.426 8,81

    4 13.028 1,90

    5 and more

    children 6.219 0,91

    Average number of children 1.95 /

    Source RIS, Census List 2011

    4.4 Population by marital status

    Table 14. Structure of the population aged 15 and more by marital status and gender, 2011.

    Male Female Municipality

    Share in the total

    number of inhabitants in the municipality (%)

    Total 60.809 62.392 123.201 100

    Single 17.362 11.602 28.964 23,51

    Married 37.675 38.089 75.764 61,50

    Divorced 1.672 2.464 4.136 3,36

  • 25

    Widowers/widows 3.962 10.097 14.059 11,41

    Unknown 138 140 278 0,23

    Source RIS, Census List 2011 Table 15. Popultion aged 15 and more who live in an extramarital union, by age and

    gender, 2011.

    Municipality Share in the total number of

    inhabitants in the municipality


    Total population

    Total 3.287 100

    male 1.639 1,14

    female 1.648 1,14


    Total 215 0,15

    male 47 0,03

    female 168 0,12


    Total 490 0,34

    male 200 0,14

    female 290 0,20


    Total 513 0,36

    male 257 0,18

    female 256 0,18


    Total 852 0,59

    male 459 0,32

    female 393 0,27


    Total 545 0,38

    male 294 0,20

    female 251 0,17


    Total 404 0,28

    male 227 0,16

    female 177 0,12

    60 and more

    Total 268 0,19

    male 155 0,11

    female 113 0,08 Source RIS, Census List 2011

    4.5 Age structure of population

    Table 16. Structure of population by age and gender, 2011.


    Share in the total number of

    inhabitants in the municipality


    Total population

    Total 144.206 100

    Male 71.632 49,67

    Female 72.574 50,33


    Total 6.124 4,25

    Male 3.127 2,17

    Female 2.997 2,08


    Total 7.387 5,12

    Male 3.770 2,61

    Female 3.617 2,51


    Total 7.494 5,20

    Male 3.926 2,72

    Female 3.568 2,47


    Total 8.690 6,03

    Male 4.539 3,15

    Female 4.151 2,88


    Total 9.064 6,29

    Male 4.659 3,23

    Female 4.405 3,05

    25-29 Total 9.043 6,27

  • 26

    Male 4.636 3,21

    Female 4.407 3,06


    Total 9.169 6,36

    Male 4.652 3,23

    Female 4.517 3,13


    Total 9.993 6,93

    Male 5.093 3,53

    Female 4.900 3,40


    Total 9.500 6,59

    Male 4.748 3,29

    Female 4.752 3,30


    Total 10.171 7,05

    Male 5.131 3,56

    Female 5.040 3,50


    Total 10.104 7,01

    Male 5.116 3,55

    Female 4.988 3,46


    Total 11.559 8,02

    Male 5.821 4,04

    Female 5.738 3,98


    Total 10.513 7,29

    Male 5.160 3,58

    Female 5.353 3,71


    Total 6.861 4,76

    Male 3.308 2,29

    Female 3.553 2,46


    Total 7.572 5,25

    Male 3.376 2,34

    Female 4.196 2,91


    Total 6.377 4,42

    Male 2.718 1,88

    Female 3.659 2,54


    Total 3.312 2,30

    Male 1.355 0,94

    Female 1.957 1,36

    85 and more

    Total 1.273 0,88

    Male 497 0,34

    Female 776 0,54

    Adult population

    Total 118.027 81,85

    Male 58.130 40,31

    Female 59.897 41,54

    Source RIS, Census List 2011

  • 27

    Table 17. Structure of population by basic categories, 2011.

    Municipality, 2002 Municipality, 2011

    Number of


    Share in the

    total number of inhabitants (%)

    Number of


    Share in the total

    number of inhabitants (%)

    Preschool age 0-6 10.892 6,97 9.576 6,64

    School age 7-14 14.806 9,48 12.913 8,95

    Working category 15-64 104.241 66,71 99.163 68,76

    Population aged 65 and more 25.441 16,28 43.929 30,46

    Adults aged 18 and more / / 118.934 82,48

    Women in the fertile period 15-

    49 36.790 23,55 32.960 22,86

    Total 156.252 100 144.206 100 Source RIS, Census List 2011

    Table 18. Age indicators of the population, 2011.

    Municipality Region Serbia

    Average age (years) 41.52 44.81 41.57

    Life expectancy - men (years) 71.12 70.89 71.64

    Life expectancy - women (years) 76.07 76.14 76.83

  • 28

    Age index* 111.71 114.97 114.32

    Source RIS * Age index represents the relation of old (aged 60 and more) to the young (0-19) population

    4.6 Gender structure of population

    Table 19. Gender structure of population, 2011.

    Number of

    inhabitants in the minicipality

    Structure of

    population in the municipality (%)

    Structure of

    population in the region (%)

    Structure of

    population in Serbia (%)

    Male 71.632 49,67 49,92 48,69

    Female 72.574 50,33 50,08 51,31

    Total 144.206 100 100 100

    Source RIS, Census List 2011

    4.7 Ethnic structure of population Table 20. Structure of population by ethnic or national affiliation, 2011.

    Municipality Region Serbia


    Share in the total number

    of inhabitants



    Share in the total number

    of inhabitants



    Share in the total



    Serbs 133.623 92,66 199.901 92,53 5.988.150 83,32

    Montenegrins 192 0,13 386 0,18 38.527 0,54

    Yugoslavs 88 0,06 96 0,04 23.303 0,32

    Albanians 20 0,01 548 0,25 5.809 0,08

    Bosniaks 5 0,00 6 0,00 145.278 2,02

    Bulgarians 91 0,06 107 0,05 18.543 0,26

    Bunjevci 0 0,00 0 0,00 16.706 0,23

    Vlasi 2 0,00 4 0,00 35.330 0,49

    Goranci 4 0,00 27 0,01 7.767 0,11

    Hungarians 15 0,01 23 0,01 253.899 3,53

    Macedonians 291 0,20 354 0,16 22.755 0,32

    Muslims 19 0,01 28 0,01 22.301 0,31

    Germans 19 0,01 20 0,01 4.054 0,06

    Roma people 7.700 5,34 11.436 5,29 147.604 2,05

    Romanians 4 0,00 15 0,01 29.332 0,41

    Russians 13 0,01 25 0,01 3.247 0,05

    Rusins 2 0,00 3 0,00 14.246 0,20

    Slovaks 9 0,01 14 0,01 52.750 0,73

    Slovenians 19 0,01 22 0,01 4.033 0,06

    Ukrainians 8 0,01 10 0,00 4.903 0,07

    Croats 55 0,04 78 0,04 57.900 0,81

    Czechs 0 0,00 0 0,00 0 0,00

    Others 96 0,07 124 0,06 17.568 0,24

    Undecided 965 0,67 1.573 0,73 160.346 2,23

    Regional affiliation

    16 0,01 16 0,01 30.771 0,43

    Unknown 950 0,66 1.488 0,69 81.740 1,14

    Total 144.206 100 216.034 100 7.186.862 100 Source RIS, Census List 2011

    4.8 Religious structure of population

    Table 21. Religious structure of population, 2011.

    Municipality Region Serbia

    Number (%) Number (%) Number (%)

  • 29

    Islam 189 0,13 815 0,38 222.828 3,10

    Judaism 0 0,00 0 0,00 578 0,01

    Catholic 122 0,08 164 0,08 356.957 4,97

    Orthodox 133.893 92,85 201.969 93,37 6.079.396 84,59

    Protestant 2.493 1,73 2.575 1,19 71.284 0,99

    Other Christian 135 0,09 143 0,07 3.211 0,04

    Eastern religions 7 0,00 11 0,01 1.237 0,02

    Other religions 9 0,01 14 0,01 1.776 0,02

    Agnostics 25 0,02 30 0,01 4.010 0,06

    Undeclared 3.264 2,26 4.824 2,23 220.735 3,07

    Atheist 508 0,35 575 0,27 80.053 1,11

    Unknown 1.471 1,02 2.842 1,31 99.714 1,39 Source RIS, Census List 2011

    4.9 Mother tongue structure of population

    Table 22. Mother tongue structure of population, 2011.

    Municipality Region Serbia

    Number (%) Number (%) Number (%)

    Serbian 135.820 94,18 203.703 94,17 6.330.919 88,09

    Albanian 16 0,01 544 0,25 10.040 0,14

    Bosnian 7 0,00 9 0,00 138.871 1,93

    Bulgarian 56 0,04 64 0,03 13.337 0,19

    Vlach 2 0,00 4 0,00 43.095 0,60

    Hungarian 15 0,01 20 0,01 243.146 3,38

    Macedonian 221 0,15 271 0,13 12.706 0,18

    Roma 6.576 4,56 9.278 4,29 100.668 1,40

    Romanian 3 0,00 18 0,01 29.075 0,40

    Slovak 4 0,00 7 0,00 49.796 0,69

    Croatian 38 0,03 51 0,02 19.223 0,27

    Other languages 207 0,14 319 0,15 67.795 0,94

    Unknown 1.241 0,86 2.016 0,93 128.191 1,78

    Total 144.206 100 216.304 100 7.186.862 100 Source RIS, Census List 2011

    4.10 Population by work-ability Out of the total population in the city of Leskovac, economically active population accounts for

    41.24%, of which 26.53% are working, and 14.71% are unemployed. The percentage of economically inactive population compared to the total population is much higher than the economically active

    population and is 84,730 inhabitants or 58.76%. The largest percentage are retirees with 21.57%,

    and after them are children younger than 15, with 14.57%.

    4.10.1 Population structure by economic activity

    Table 23. Population structure by economic activity and gender, 2011.

    Municipality Share in the total population in the

    municipality (%)

    Share in the total economically

    active population (%)

    Total population 144.206 100 /


    active population

    Total 59.476 41.24 100

    Male 35.150 24.37 59,10

    Female 24.326 16.87 40,90

    Economically active population

    performing an occupation

    Total 38.260 26.53 64,33

    Male 23.600 16.37 39,68

    Female 14.660 10.17 24,65

    Unemployed Total 21.216 14.71 35,67

  • 30

    Male 11.550 8.01 19,42

    Female 9.666 6.70 16,25

    Used to work

    Total 11.955 8.29 20,10

    Male 6.951 4.82 11,69

    Female 5.004 3.47 8,41

    Looking for the

    first job

    Total 9.261 6.42 15,57

    Male 4.599 3.19 7,73

    Female 4.662 3.23 7,84

    Source RIS, Census List 2011

    Table 24. Population structure by economic inactivity and gender, 2011.

    Municipality Share in the total population in the

    municipality (%)

    Share in the total


    inactive population (%)

    Total population 144.206 100 /

    Economically inactive

    Total 84.730 58.76 100

    Male 36.482 25.30 43.06

    Female 48.248 33.46 56.94

    Children under 15

    Total 21.005 14.57 24.79

    Male 10.823 7.51 12.77

    Female 10.182 7.06 12.02


    Total 31.108 21.57 36.71

    Male 13.490 3.35 15.92

    Female 17.618 12.22 20.79

    Persons with income from


    Total 551 0.38 0.65

    Male 443 0.31 0.52

    Female 108 0.07 0.13


    (aged 15+ )

    Total 11.205 7.77 13.22

    Male 5.452 3.78 6.43

    Female 5.753 3.99 6.79

    Persons performing


    Total 13.522 9.38 15.96

    Male 1.832 1.27 2.16

    Female 11.690 8.11 13.80


    Total 7.339 5.09 8.66

    Male 4.442 3.08 5.24

    Female 2.897 2.01 3.42 Source RIS, Census List 2011

    4.11 Educational structure of population

    Tabela 25. Population structure aged 15 + by the level of education and literacy, 2011.

    Municipality (number) Municipality (%) Serbia (%)

  • 31

    Total male Female total male femal

    e total male



    Total population (>15)

    123.201 60.809 62.392 100 100 100 100 100 100

    Without school

    education 6.095 955 5.140 4,95 1,57 4,17 2,68 0,50 2,18

    Incomplete primary

    education 17.320 6.912 10.408 14,06 11,37 8,45 11,00 3,91 7,08

    Primary education 22.696 11.449 11.247 18,42 18,83 9,13 20,76 9,63 11,1


    education total 49,61 54,35 22,79 48,93 26,18 22,7 49,61 54,3 22,8


    School 4.042 1.677 2.365 3,28 2,76 1,92

    5,06 1,92 3,14

    Secondary vocational

    schools lasting less than 4


    27.201 16.694 10.507 22,08 27,45 8,53 19,26 12,08 7,18

    Secondary vocational

    schools lasting 4 years

    29.308 14.148 15.160 23,79 23,27 12,3 23,78 11,46 12,3

    Specialization after

    secondary education

    569 529 40 0,46 0,87 0,03 0,84 0,73 0,11

    Higher education 6.621 3.559 3.062 5,37 5,85 2,49 5,65 2,81 2,84

    University education 8.616 4.558 4.058 6,99 7,50

    3,29 10,59 5,01 5,57

    Unknown 733 328 405 0,59 0,54 0,33 0,40 0,18 0,21 Source RIS, Census List 2011

    Table 26. Population aged 10 + by gender, and illiterate by age, 2011.

    Municipality (number) Municipality






    Total Male Female Total Male Female

    Total population 130.695 64.735 65.960 100 100 100

  • 32


    The illiterate - total 5.398 763 4.635 4,13 1,18 7,03

    Aged 10 - 14 50 23 27 0,04 0,04 0,04

    Aged 15 - 19 78 40 38 0,06 0,06 0,06

    Aged 20 - 34 312 114 198 0,24 0,18 0,30

    Aged 35 - 49 301 88 213 0,23 0,14 0,32

    Aged 50 - 64 449 113 336 0,34 0,17 0,51

    65 + 4.208 385 3.823 3,22 0,59 5,80

    Source RIS, Census List 2011

    Table 27. Population aged 15 + by computer literacy, 2011.

    Municipality (broj)

    Share in the total number of inhabitants in the

    municipality (%)

    Total 123201 100

    Male 60809 49,36

    Female 62392 50,64

    Persons with computer literacy

    Total 31060 25,21

    Male 16348 13,27

    Female 14712 11,94

    Persons who partially

    understand computer work

    Total 17166 13,93

    Male 9134 7,41

    Female 8032 6,52

    Persons with computer


    Total 74975 60.86

    Male 35327 28.67

    Female 39648 32.18

    Source RIS, Census List 2011

    4.12 Disability

    Table 28. Population structure by disability, age, gender and type of settlement 2011.



    with disability

    Share of the people with

    disability in the total number of inhabitants %

    Total population 144,206 12,729 8.83

    Urban population 65,289 4,666 3.24

    Male 31,616 1,925 1.33

    Female 33,673 2,741 1.90

    Children under


    Total 10,020 50 0.03

    Male 5,133 19 0.01

    Female 4,887 31 0.02


    Total 3,882 27 0.02

    Male 2,047 22 0.02

    Female 1,835 5 0.00


    Total 8,892 101 0.07

    Male 4,501 58 0.04

    Female 4,391 43 0.03


    Total 18,186 430 0.30

    Male 8,859 227 0.16

    Female 9,327 203 0.14

    50-59 Total 10,009 867 0.60

    Male 4,744 397 0.28

  • 33

    Female 5,265 470 0.33


    Total 4,798 620 0.43

    Male 2,239 296 0.21

    Female 2,559 324 0.22

    65 +

    Total 15,893 2,571 1.78

    Male 7,161 906 0.63

    Female 8,732 1,665 1.15

    The rest of the population 78,917 8,063 5.59

    Male 40,016 3,518 2.44

    Female 38,901 4,545 3.15

    Children under


    Total 10,985 66 0.05

    Male 5,690 40 0.03

    Female 5,295 26 0.02


    Total 4,808 48 0.03

    Male 2,492 31 0.02

    Female 2,316 17 0.01


    Total 9,215 97 0.07

    Male 4,794 30 0.02

    Female 4,421 37 0.03


    Total 20,647 572 0.40

    Male 10,765 267 0.19

    Female 9,882 305 0.21


    Total 11,654 1,282 0.89

    Male 6,193 637 0.44

    Female 5,461 645 0.45


    Total 5,715 910 0.63

    Male 2,921 446 0.31

    Female 2,794 464 0.32

    65 +

    Total 15,893 5,088 3.53

    Male 7,161 2,037 1.41

    Female 8,732 3,051 2.12

    Source RIS, Census List 2011.

    Table 29.People with disability by the type of problem, age and gender, 2011.

    Problems with






    mbing the stairs


    concentration independence communication

    Total 5602 3554 7525 2527 1995 1366

    Male 2330 1775 2902 1036 794 600

    Female 3272 1839 4623 1491 1201 766


    under 15

    Total 43 16 45 27 36 42

    Male 23 6 19 14 18 22

    Female 20 10 26 13 18 20


    Total 24 16 29 22 23 23

    Male 16 10 23 16 18 18

    Female 8 6 6 6 5 5


    Total 73 33 78 57 51 67

    Male 40 20 44 28 25 36

    Female 33 13 34 29 26 31

    30-49 Total 344 166 470 215 157 168

    Male 167 75 230 102 76 84

  • 34

    Female 177 91 240 113 81 84


    Total 993 423 1152 320 196 143

    Male 486 246 511 166 100 83

    Female 507 177 641 154 96 60


    Total 664 329 908 194 143 108

    Male 295 189 434 98 85 62

    Female 369 140 474 96 58 46

    65 +

    Total 3461 2571 4843 1692 1389 815

    Male 1303 1169 1641 612 472 295

    Female 2158 1402 3202 1080 917 520

    Source: RIS, Census List 2011

    4.13 Households and families

    4.13.1 Households

    Table 30. Structure of households by the number of members, 2011.

    Number Share in the total

    number of

  • 35

    households in the

    municipality (%)

    Households in the


    Total 43.603 100

    with 1 member 7.074 16,22

    2 10.182 23,35

    3 7.791 17,87

    4 8.232 18,88

    5 4.796 11,00

    6 and more 5.528 12,68

    Average number of members in a


    Municipality 3,30 /

    Region 3,24 /

    Serbia 2,88 / Source RIS, Census List 2011

    4.14 Migration of population

    4.14.1 Immigrants

    Table 31. Number of immigrants by time periods.

    Number of

    immigrants in the municipality

    Share in the

    total number of

    immigrants in the municipality


    Share in the total number of

    inhabitants in the

    municipality (%)

    Total population 144.206 / 100

    Living in the same place from

    birth 92.612 / 64,22


    Total 51594 100 35,78

    1980 and earlier 24.688 47.85 17,12

    1981-1985 3.787 7.34 2,63

    1986-1990 3.590 6.96 2,49

    1991-1995 3.648 7.07 2,53

    1996-2000 4.355 8.44 3,02

    2001-2005 3.105 6.02 2,15

    2006 and later 4.220 8.18 2,93

    Unknown 4.201 8.14 2,91 Source RIS, Census List 2011

    Table 32. Structure of immigrants by the area they came from, 1948-2011.


    Share in the total number of

    immigrants in the

    municipality (%)

    Immigrants total 51.594 100

    Immigrants from Serbia

    From Serbia total 48.405 93,82

    From other town in the same


    24.743 47,96

    From other municipality in the same region

    10.677 20,69

    From other region 12.985 25,17

    Immigrants from abroad

    From abroad total 3.166 6,14

    From Ex-YU republics 2.390 4,63

    From other countries 776 1,50

    Unknown 23 0,04

    Source RIS, Census List 2011

    4.14.2 Daily commuting

    Table 33. Daily commuting by the type of commuters, 2011.

  • 36



    Share in the total number of

    commuters (%)

    Daily commuters total 19.567 100

    Daily commuters performing

    an occupation

    Total 10.961 56.02

    In other settlement in the

    same municipality 8.226 42,04

    In other municipality of the

    same region 645 3,30

    In other region 2.074 10,60

    In other country 16 0,08

    Daily commuters in the schooling process

    Total 8.606 43,98

    In other settlement in the same municipality 6.672 34,10

    In other municipality of the same region 217 1,11

    In other region 1.704 8,71

    In other country 13 0,07 Source RIS, Census List 2011

    5 Housing resources Housing fund of Leskovac consists of more than 50,000 apartments with an average area of

    69.54m2. The largest number of apartments is owned by private individuals, even 95.21%, of which the greatest number are three-room and four-room apartments. A dynamic residential construction

    was in the 1960s, but after 2000, it was drastically reduced.

    5.1 Housing statistics

    Table 34. Structure of apartments for permanent housing by the number of rooms, 2011.


    Share in the total number

    of apartments in the



    Average size of apartment (m2)

    Municipality Region Serbia

    Apartments - total 49,915 100 69.54 69.13 72.30

    Type of


    1-room 1,225 2.45 22.72 22.32 25.45

    2-room 6,137 12.29 37.21 37.03 38.03

    3-room 15,809 31.67 0.06 56.20 57.78

    4-room 15,030 30.11 72.94 71.86 76.44

    5 and more

    rooms 11,714 23.47 104.56 104.69 118.40

    Source RIS, Census List 2011

    Table 35. Structure of occupied apartments by the ownership of apartment, 2011.


    Share in the total

    number of

    apartments in the

    municipality (%)


    p Lease Rent





    Leskovac 42,549 100.00 39,310 304 806 2,117 12

    Private property

    of 1 person 40511 95.21 37,762 68 704 1,977 /

  • 37

    Private property of 2 or more


    1694 3.98 1,548 1 28 117 /

    Public (State) 214 0.50 / 176 38 / /

    Other forms 118 0.28 / 59 36 23 /

    Source RIS, Census List 2011

    Table 36 . Structure of occupied apartments by the number of households and persons, 2011.


    Share in the total number

    of apartments in the municipality (%)

    Occupied apartments total 42549 100

    Apartments occupied by

    1 household 41754 98.13

    2 households 736 1.73

    3 and more households 59 0.14

    1 person 6737 15.83

    2 9682 22.75

    3 7447 17.50

    4 7904 18.58

    5 4876 11.46

    6 3819 8.98

    7 and more people 2084 4.90

    Source RIS, Census List 2011

    5.2 Housing construction

    Table 37. Housing construction, 2011.

    Municipality Region Serbia

    Number of apartments total 151 197 38,519

    Number of finished apartments 120 163 18,449

    Number of unfinished apartments 31 34 20,070

    Average size of finished apartments (m2) 9,505 13,677 1,184,689

    Number of constructed apartments per 1000

    inhabitants 79.21 83.91 64.21

    Source RIS, Census List 2011

    Table 38. Value of performed construction works, 2011.


    ()* Share in the value of all construction works (%)

    Value of performed construction works - total 28,183,570 100

    Apartment construction total 1,514,743 5.37 Apartment construction in private property 834,360 2.96

    Apartment construction in other forms of property 680,383 2.41

    Source: RIS Municipalities and regions 2012 * by average exchange rate of NBS for 2011

    Tabela 39. Prices of new apartments, 2011

    Municipality Belgrade Serbia


    Average size of apartments (m2) 56 67 58

    Price of apartment (/m2) 686 1,795 1,327 Price of construction land (/m2) 12 537 337

  • 38

    Price of construction (/m2) 513 1,068 811 Other expenses (/m2) 161 189 180

    Source: RIS Municipalities and regions 2012

    6 Economy

    6.1 Economic structure by sectors

    Tabela 40. Number of enterprises by sectors and size, 2012.

    Name of the sector

    Number of enterprises Share in the total number of enterprises of the same

    sector (%)

    Share in the total

    number of

    enterprises (%)

    Small Medium Large Total Small Medium Large

    SECTOR A Agriculture, forestry and fishing (Areas: 01,02,03)

    22 1 0 23 95,65 4,35 0,00 2,82

    SECTOR B - Mining (Oblasti: 05,06,07,08,09)

    0 0 0 0 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00

    SECTOR C Processing industry (Areas: 0,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33)

    196 20 2 218 89,91 9,17 0,92 26,68

    SECTOR D - Electric energy, gas and steam supply (Area: 35)

    1 1 0 2 50,00 50,00 0,00 0,24

    SECTOR E Water supply and waste water management, controlling of the process of waste removal and similar activities

    (Areas: 36,37,38,39)

    5 2 1 8 62,50 25,00 12,50 0,98

    SECTOR F - Construction (Areas:41,42,43)

    65 4

    69 94,20 5,80 0,00 8,45

    SECTOR G Wholesale and retail and fixing of motor vehicles (Area: 45,46,47)

    279 7 1 287 97,21 2,44 0,35 35,13

    SECTOR H - Traffic and storaging (Area: 49,50,51,52,53)

    70 2 0 72 97,22 2,78 0,00 8,81

    SECTOR I Accommodation and food services (Area: 55,56)

    8 1 0 9 88,89 11,11 0,00 1,10

    SECTOR J - Information and communication (Area: 58,59,60,61,62,63)

    15 0 0 15 100,00 0,00 0,00 1,84

    SECTOR K Financial and insurance activities (Area: 64,65,66)

    4 0 0 4 100,00 0,00 0,00 0,49

    SECTOR L Real estate business (Area: 68)

    1 0 0 1 100,00 0,00 0,00 0,12

    SECTOR M - Professional, scientific, innovation and technical activities (Area: 69,70,71,72,73,74,75)

    51 0 0 51 100,00 0,00 0,00 6,24

    SECTOR N - Administrative and assistance services (Area: 77,78,79,80,81,82)

    26 0 0 26 100,00 0,00 0,00 3,18

  • 39

    SECTOR O State administration and mandatory social insurance (Area: 84) No information

    0 0 0 0 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00

    SECTOR P Education (Area: 85)

    21 0 0 21 100,00 0,00 0,00 2,57

    SECTOR Q Health and social care (Area: 86,87,88)

    1 0 0 1 100,00 0,00 0,00 0,12

    SECTOR R - Art, entertainment and recreation (Area: 90,91,92,93)

    2 1 0 3 66,67 33,33 0,00 0,37

    SECTOR S Other assistance activities (Oblast: 94,95,96)

    7 0 0 7 100,00 0,00 0,00 0,86

    SECTOR T Activities of households as employers, Activities of households which produce goods and services for their own needs (Area: 97,98) No information

    0 0 0 0 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00

    SECTOR U Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies (Area: 99) No information

    0 0 0 0 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00

    TOTAL: 774 39 4 817 94,74 4,77 0,49 100,00

    Source: ABR

    Table 41. Number of employees in enterprises by sector and size of enterprise, 2012.

    Name of the sector

    Number of employees in enterprises Share in the total number of employees of the same sector (%)

    Share in the total number of employees (%)

    Small Medium Large

    Total number

    of employ


    Small Medium Large

    SECTOR A - Agriculture, forestry and fishing (Area: 01,02,03)

    35 232 0 267 13,11 86,89 0,00 3,27

    SECTOR B - Rudarstvo (Area: 05,06,07,08,09) No information

    0 0 0 0 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00

    SECTOR C Processing industry total (Area: 10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33)

    1005 1873 536 3414 29,44 54,86 15,70 41,75

    SECTOR D Electric energy, gas, steam and air-conditioning supply (Area: 35)

    0 67 0 67 0,00 100,00 0,00 0,82

    SECTOR E Water supply and waste water management, controlling of the process of waste removal and similar activities (Area: 36,37,38,39)

    114 388 397 899 12,68 43,16 44,16 10,99

    SECTOR F Construction (Area:41,42,43)

    324 212 0 536 60,45 39,55 0,00 6,55

    SECTOR G Wholesale and retail and fixing of motor vehicles (Area: 45,46,47)

    799 424 293 1516 52,70 27,97 19,33 18,54

    SECTOR H Traffic and storaging (Area: 49,50,51,52,53)

    426 197 0 623 68,38 31,62 0,00 7,62

  • 40

    SECTOR I Accommodation and food services (Area: 55,56)

    23 115 0 138 16,67 83,33 0,00 1,69

    SECTOR J Information and communication (Area: 58,59,60,61,62,63)

    95 0 0 95 100,00 0,00 0,00 1,16

    SECTOR K - Financial and insurance activities (Area: 64,65,66)

    9 0 0 9 100,00 0,00 0,00 0,11

    SECTOR L Real estate business (Area: 68)

    0 0 0 0 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00

    SECTOR M - Professional, scientific, innovation and technical activities (Area: 69,70,71,72,73,74,75)

    159 0 0 159 100,00 0,00 0,00 1,94

    SECTOR N - Administrative and assistance services (Area: 77,78,79,80,81,82)

    69 0 0 69 100,00 0,00 0,00 0,84

    SECTOR O - State administration and mandatory social insurance

    (Area: 84) No information

    0 0 0 0 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00

    SECTOR P Education (Area: 85)

    72 0 0 72 100,00 0,00 0,00 0,88