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Community Living By the White Brethren Extracts from talks given by the White Brethren about living in community. Channelled through Jabeen.

Community living

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Page 1: Community living

Community LivingBy the White Brethren

Extracts from talks given by the White Brethren about living in community.

Channelled through Jabeen.

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Community dynamic and purpose4th November 2011

The interplay of energies between people in a community has a two-fold purpose. The first is to create, allow to unfold, a harmonious energy field that enhances your individual efforts on the earth plane at creating a bridge between the cosmic rays of heavenly energies and the current pervading situation here on earth. The second purpose of the interplay of these energies is to create an enhanced energy field in your orbit that is mutually beneficial to all of you. It governs more than your individual purposes here on earth; it enables a higher purpose than even this to be fulfilled through this cohesive unit. The energies that you each contribute to this unit enhance its power to impact the earth plane.

You are each holding a unique ray of light within you that is unique to only you and each member that comes into the group brings yet another contributing ray of light. All these rays then take form on the earth plane to create some type of change that not one of you could have envisaged individually.

Community living is this two-fold process of allowing each individual’s purpose to be enhanced by the group energy and also allowing the group energy itself to play its own role without interference from individual members, without trying to monitor its impact with the mind body. You must be willing to see what happens, see what part your community group has to play in the larger scheme of things on the earth plane. Even we, the Brotherhood, cannot predict what will happen. It will create positive results but we do not know what will actually happen through your combined efforts here on the earth plane. We are pleased to announce that the earth’s energies are changing for the betterment of the whole human race. These changes have been brought about by your own effort to raise your consciousness in these times of upheaval, chaos.

Finally there is one matter we wish to discuss which is of the upmost importance here, right now, today. We are concerned that there is not currently a bridge between

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heavenly energies and the earth plane regarding low impact community living.You see there are many who hold great ideals when it comes to low impact living but there are not many who hold both this ideal and also spiritual consciousness of higher truth, of oneness, grace, unity between all living beings. Actually it is very rare to see the two come together in this fashion. In fact we have not seen it before, not to the extent that you wish to implement it here on earth. There are certain protocols that need to be followed in community life with regards to low impact living. We are concerned that because there is currently no bridge between heavenly energies and low impact living that there is a lot for you to learn. You see communities that are low impact do not just happen; they take a wide range of expertise, far wider than you even know about currently. It is not simply a case of building a few cob houses, straw bale buildings, it is a case of carefully researching options so that you can create an optimally efficient lifestyle where you are not consuming resources that are unavailable to you in the future.

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A talk on Community Living13th October 2012

There are two aspects to community life that you must further your understanding of in order to function harmoniously as a collective unit, not individualized in your former self. You must be prepared to take a step into the unknown whenever you enter a partnership with another group of beings. You must learn to diversify your way thinking to include each and every group member and their thoughts; their opinions count when it comes to community meetings. Every single person is included in decision-making but it does not operate in former that you have been living. It is no longer a matter of arguing your case, it must not be like this, it is quite a different approach to what you are used to collectively. You must be willing to broaden your outlook to include every individual’s opinion on a subject matter, but that is not to exclude your own, it is not to feel small in the presence of others who have differing opinions to you. You must learn to include, not dismiss others’ points of view.

There is a fine line between this, between highlighting to others what they have missed out in their way of thinking. When you are debating with others who are not like minded to yourself, you must learn to do this, you must learn to assist them to broaden their outlook further, however, this does not mean that their viewpoint is not included.

There is another aspect of community life that must be well considered and that is what persons you are living with. In order for there to be a harmonious understanding between a group of people you must first and foremost differentiate between people who are not included in the vision you are holding between you. There are some people who simply do not fit into certain groups of people. You must learn to carefully identify who it is that fits into the vision you are holding collectively. You must learn to differentiate between different types of people for you are each holding a vision within that is unique, special in it’s own ways and it does not necessarily include each aspect of creation within it. Some people must

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go their merry way and start up there own projects, independent of yours, so you must learn to do this from the onset. Once you have the right people around you and once you have learnt to include each and every member in group discussions, once you have diversified your own limited perspective to include others around you, you become more far reaching in the impact you may have.

There are certain members of community groups who are not always able to include everyone else in their way of thinking and this leads to confusion by others who too have ideas that would fit in very well into what is currently being done by the group itself. It leads to a heightened tension within the group that normally reaches a climax at some point or another where certain members start to leave and set up their own projects independent of the core group because they do not feel that their perspective is included in the main framework of the community itself. This is commonplace in your society to do this, it happens over and over again and it is the very reason why most communities fall apart within decades, which is still a very long time to function as a community unit. It is important to remember that each aspect of creation is equally capable of attuning to the Oneness consciousness and you must recognize this in each other first and foremost.

When you are first meeting with another human being you must recognize that they too are enlightened in some aspect of the self. They may not currently show it to you, they may only express a fragment of who they really are to you but that does not mean that there are not aspects of them that are already enlightened, which are already attuning to the Oneness consciousness Itself and it is these aspects that you must draw out of each and every individual you are around. It is in this way that your community group will flourish because when each individual aspect is displaying their Divine Self in the core group, you are then creating an abundance of cosmic information that you may draw upon to move forwards with. It is this type of community that you must co-create between yourselves. When you learn to include different types of people, your project grows even bigger because you have expanded your viewpoint about the world itself. You automatically include a more diverse range of people in your vision when you expand your perspective to include all members of the community group.

You must differentiate carefully between what you are including also and not diversify too much that you actually move away from the original blueprint of what you are trying to create together. Broaden your outlook; do not move away from what is close to your hearts in the first place.

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The second subject area I would like to touch upon in community living is what aspect of life to focus on. Whatever aspect of life that you are concentrating your efforts upon as a community group must be well thought out. There is the plant and animal kingdom to focus upon in your ways of thinking, in your idea forming about what to do next. There are other communities that focus more on health and healing and the welfare of their fellow human beings. There are different types of communities you can join based on your way of thinking about the planet. Some people like to focus more upon the human species, others the plant and natural kingdom at large, it is all a different focus, you must not jumble everything up together in your approach because it simply will not work that way. I believe that each community group has a specialism. It is for you to individually attune to what you are particularly interested in, in this current moment. I would not like you all to diversify so much that you mix everything up together in one.

When you are focusing upon the natural world, you are automatically including the human species within this, but you are coming from a different viewpoint to others who are focusing primarily on other human beings. All of these approaches lead to the same place ultimately. There is no separation in the goals you are trying to attain, but you are not coming from the same places so you must learn to work with other individuals who are coming from the same place because then you may grow together, you may create together. There is no point mixing too much up together because it simply will not work and we actually encourage individuals to sometimes group themselves off according to areas of interest. In fact we are doing the same on higher plains also and we work with other individuals who are interested in the same areas as we are, individually speaking that is. There are certain members of the cosmic community whose area of interest lies more in nature, in Mother Earth Itself and there are other members of us who are more interested in people and their needs and there attunement is to this.

There are two more things I would like to say to you all about this subject matter. It is far reaching to consider this now; it is not something that everyone thinks about when they are trying to set up a community group that works. Some people are too focused on trying to bridge the gap between everyone to start with. They are trying to build up a core group but they are not making the necessary assessment in the first place about where each group member is coming from. I believe it is not something you have all considered in depth, however it may be an automatic feeling that you have when you meet a certain person, someone you feel in harmony with in some way or another.

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Another aspect to this is to include people who are coming from a different viewpoint, but keep them at a distance. Do not necessarily allow them into the core group meetings, but consult them as experts on certain areas of life and living so that you may learn about these different aspects, but you do not need to alter your overall approach to such an extent that you can no longer relate to what you are doing. The project you are working on must feel like an extension of yourself in some way. It must feel like a part of each and every member of the community group. It must include every single perspective about life that is relevant but it must always feel like it is a part of you. What you are in danger of doing if you invite in too many third parties, people who are not actually involved in the day to day life of the community, but whom you consult on a regular basis, is that the community no longer feels like home to you, that it starts to feel like a disparate place to be in, something that you no longer relate to on a personal level.

It is important to always keep within your comfort zone in one way or another when it comes to your day-to-day life. You may keep expanding your remit about community life, about different areas of life that you wish to expand into but you must always feel comfortable on a day to day level because it is this that keeps community life going, it keeps you feeling safe and warm and comfortable as well as expanding at the right pace and you must strike a balance between these two things in order for community life to work and feel harmonious and balanced. I do not encourage expansion at a rate that is to fast for you to keep up with on a day-to-day level.

I understand that there are certain discrepancies in ways of thinking about community life, about what it should involve, however I see that this formula that I am sharing with you actually works. It has worked before for other people. There is a vast array of different causations of why community life has fallen apart in the past. The number one factor that determines whether a community will last a lifetime or not is whether the people are able to get along together over a long period of time. All the other earthly factors will change as time goes by. There is no other constraint on how long a community will last other than this; it is how well the group members get along in the first place. I would encourage you to go through a careful selection process for everyone who comes along and shows interest in your community once it is set up. I would advise you to consult with us, to consult with the angelic realm for advice on this matter, it is no easy process to found out who will fit in and who will not, but you may consult with higher realms and gain access to information not readily accessible to you in your earthly self.

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The long-term vision of a project is important for it to succeed also. It is important to clarify in the first place what you are trying to achieve together. Whether your project has long-term potential or not is determined by how far reaching the impact of your work together will be. If for example your project is concerned with healthcare needs of people, you must diversify what you are offering to include as many different types of people as possible, it must not be based solely on one healing method for example, because this will not work in the future, your community will be short-lived because once the impact of what you are doing has subsided, people will no longer be interested in what you are offering as a group. It is important to be as broad in your remit as possible when you first decide what your community is to be about. It is by broadening your perspective in the first place that you will attract new community members, people who will feel included in the vision that you are holding.

The locations that you are individually attuning to now about possible living places are quite relevant in this discussion also because according to the type of place that you choose to settle in, you will have differing needs. Your environment plays a large part in deciding how you would like to live. What kind of structure you will be living in is determined by the climate of the place. It is important to recognize that in the U.K. the climate is not sufficiently warm to be living in benders, tipi’s. You must accommodate the climatic factors for long-term living. Simple living is simple because you have accounted for all the earthly factors involved in living outside close to the earth. It is important to remember that tipi’s where not invented in this climate, that they come from a different region altogether. It is important to remember that this is also true of other structures. You must not become so naïve that you forget that you will be living in these type of structures day in and day out, it will become a part of your everyday life to have to do necessary tasks in order to live in a certain way that you would like to and you must remember that your area of interests will grow rapidly as you live in this way and there may come a time when you are no longer interested in having to do these day to day tasks so frequently. You must remember this now because the day and age you are living in you must learn to be more expansive, you must learn to reach out to more and more people as time goes by and so you must live as efficiently as possible. I tell you it is no longer necessary to expend a large amount of energy in day to day living, in doing mundane tasks. You must make your lives more efficient when you live together. Yes you must live simply, because this is important for the planet, but you must also live efficiently and I am saying to you now that it does not work to live long term in certain structures and you must look into this now.

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You must look into heating your structure well and efficiently. You must look into modern age buildings, sustainable ones that have been invented for this time, for this type of climate. You may search the internet for new ideas about how to do this. It is important to remember that sometimes in your naivety you are forgetting the practicalities of living on the land. It is vital to your survival to be warm and comfortable in your day to day life and so you will expend any amount of energy to make this happen and if you are expending large amounts of energy day in day out for this to happen you will not have a lot of energy left for greater work outside of the community, the work that you are here to be doing. Community life must assist you to grow more rapidly; it must assist you to reach out to more and more people, to be doing more and more good work on the planet. It must not hamper your freedom in any way to be expansive, to be creative.

Furthermore I would like to enhance on this subject matter by actually making suggestions into how you can be living on the land. I see that there are many ways that you can actually combine what is currently being used and include it into one structure. It is important to be cost effective also when creating new types of structures on your community. You may utilize what you have in front of you to create new types of structures. You may use materials found in the earth in order to create your homes. I believe that when you are located on certain types of land you will find that you may use the surrounding matter in your homes. I do not suggest that you look to far for building materials. I primitive ages this is how building was done; you used what was in front of you to construct your homes.

Do not be afraid to experiment when you are on the land with new types of building materials; do not be afraid to be inventive also. I believe you can use a consensus of information already available to create the type of homes you would like to be living in. Furthermore I believe you may also give suggestions to others as time goes by about how they may be creating their own homes in the future. It is this type of work that very much needs doing in this moment of time. You will be building communities of light, all of you here, in some way or another and it is important to remember that you are like the forefathers of this. You precede the rest and so you must learn to share knowledge, information and expertise with others as you are learning yourself. There is a diverse range of skills that will be required in community life; you must not forget this when you are making plans with others. It is important to be able to call in the support and help you require, as you need it as a group. I believe you may practice amongst yourselves how to do this rapidly. It is important to call in for the right support, not to ask anyone willy nillly. It is important to

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remember that you are all capable of attuning inwardly first to the right type of support you would like before it actually arrives. It is this type of manifestation that is needed in this day and age in order for communities to prosper. You must practice manifesting between yourselves. Start now, if there is anything you would really like, it is important to attune inwardly so that your vibration matches what will arrive at the right time. It is no longer required for you to live life with trial and error. It is no longer required for you to experiment with life to such an extent that you make mistakes that are not conducive for the purpose you are trying to achieve as a community. It is important to remember that everything starts from attuning inwardly first. It is important to remember the old manifestation practices that you have learnt in previous incarnations. It is important to accustom yourselves now to doing this and to rapidly manifest your needs, what serves your needs in the present moment.

Finally I will speak on one subject matter that is close to your hearts. In order to construct a community from scratch it is required that an individual needs back up in the first place. It is very difficult to start something from scratch without adequate back up and support, a support network that really works for you, so the first thing I would like you to practice manifesting between yourselves is this. If you place yourselves in a room full of individuals and not one person is supportive of what you are doing, it is very hard to know where to start, which place to start from and in the same way when you are placing yourselves in this kind of situation in life where you are completely alone and you are not backed up by anyone else it is very difficult to make a start, to know who to turn to so this is the place you must start. You must get yourself adequate back up in life. I am not saying that these will all be members of your community group but they will be people who resonate with who you are, what you are trying to achieve in some way or another. These will be people who appreciate your diverse qualities from who you are individually, to whom you are trying to become to what you are trying to create outwardly, to what you are manifesting outwardly. It is these types of people you must try to attract between yourselves. Work on manifestation rituals to do this because in this way you will feel much more grounded in practical reality because you will have the earthly support you need to make your dreams come true more effortlessly. When you are supported by many individual members of the community at large, the collective community, your dreams manifest more rapidly because you may reach out to others to ask them for support, ask them for appreciation and this will enable you to go forwards much faster.

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Your understanding about community life and living is now complete, more so than before. We have heightened your understanding of certain aspects of community living, not only through the words that have just been spoken, but also through our attunement to you in this present moment in time. You are receiving information from other levels of consciousness in this moment of time and attune to it now.

Without community life there is no hope for the rest of creation to prosper. You must resurrect ancient knowledge within yourselves in order to prosper as a race collectively. Community life is essential for you all now in order to grow collectively, in order to make your planet sustainable. Your way of life has sent the resources of the planet, such as crude oil, to the tipping point. You will no longer have access to crude oil in the near future. Your future life depends on you finding suitable alternative ways of living. Using up the resources that the earth provides for all of you is not the way forward. Your way of life will eventually run dry, that is you will not be able to live they way you have been for much longer. You must look within yourselves now because there is no other place to go to than this and find new ways of living. The ancient cultures that you attune to inwardly are a good place to start from, they contain the seeds that you may plant into the earth now and you may tailor what grows according to your needs in this moment of time. The seeds have already sprouted for some. There are some people currently residing on the planet who have already started growing their own communities of light. These are good role models for others to follow but there are imperfections in all of these currently. We are heightening your understanding about community life so that you may overcome obstacles that others have found have got in the way of their communities feeling harmonious all the time.

The earth’s resources do replenish themselves but you must know how to do this effectively. You must learn about how to rejuvenate the sow after you have sown seeds and eaten the plants that you have grown. You must learn how to give back to the earth after you have taken from it in some way or another. You must learn to conserve what is given to you. The earth itself is not unlimited in what it is able to continuously provide, you must learn to be more careful when dealing with Mother Earth Itself. Do not become arrogant and try to take from it and believe that you are master of all that is under your feet because if you do not give back to her in some way or another, she will eventually show her rage in one way or another. There are feelings that you put inside Mother Earth as you take from her that eventually come back to you. When She is feeling angry to you under your feet, it is an energy you have put inside Her by taking over and over again. She is a living being just like you

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are and there are certain energies that she picks up on from you that she cannot deal with by herself because she is depleted in Her resources at present. When you are giving back to her, she may use this to transmute the negative energies that are fed into her. There are certain practices of giving back to Mother Nature that involve sacred sound ceremonies involving dance and music and other ritualistic practices. It is in this type of work that you should all be well versed in the new age that is coming. When you are giving back to the earth through sound practices, and other ritualistic practices, you are increasing the potency of her. The vibrational frequency that you are putting into her will then come back to you in numerous ways. You are implanting into her a positive energy so that she may transmute the negativity that is put inside of her by others who are also walking on the planet.

You have taken from her time after time, both materially and psychically also. You have taken in energies from her and you have given her negative energies in its place over and over again and so now you must learn to give back to her, feed her a positive light energy again and then she will sing to you again, you will literally hear her sound vibrating within you when she is feeling more harmonious herself. Sometimes you are not feeling this, even in natural places because the land there is depleted. It is no longer vibrating at the frequency that it once did.

Every bit of land has a certain frequency of light. Sacred sights are well known of, you have all heard the term ‘sacred site’, but you have not all heard about the way land differs according to the vibrational frequencies that have been put inside her by others who have walked previously to yourself. You must learn to attune to the land, how to feel what is going on inside of her and how to give back to her abundantly through sacred sound and music and movement in particular. That is all we wish to say on this subject matter. We know that you are all well versed in some way or another about this subject matter. You are not ignorant to the fact that the earth is feeling, that she has emotions too, just like you do.

Finally a word of warning about trying to reach out to far to soon, before the time is ripe. I know you have prepared inwardly for a long time now to live on the land, to live as naturally as possible, to be close to the earth and to stay as attuned as possible to the Divine influences, not the material ones, but I would like to say that you still have far to go in some ways. You have not yet reached a point where you have full understanding about what it involves to live day by day on the land. You must learn more about the type of structure you want to be living in collectively as a community group. You must put more research in to this now and you must also

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learn about different types of building materials that can be accessed locally. You must learn to put to good use what you find around yourselves from this moment on. It is important to remember that sooner or later you will no longer be ale to visit far away countries so readily because there will be a shortage in crude oil so that it will no longer be as easy to fly as it once was. I am speaking about future days and therefore it will no longer be viable to import substances that you are using currently. You must learn to make use of what you have around you first and foremost and only when you are desperate for more material look further afield. I know I am speaking to the converted, but I would like to inform you that you must do further research into this matter in order to improve your current idea about how you would like to be living on the land itself.

I will open up the discussion now so that people may ask questions.

Question: Do they have any suggestions about planning issues?

Answer: None whatsoever. It is not our area of expertise. We have nothing to say about planning apart from all planning regulations will be relaxed sooner or later, but we cannot say more than this. It is something that governs the earth that you are living on. It is not something that is implemented by us therefore I would like you to seek out individuals to consult with who know more about this matter. Planning will not be as much of an issue as it is now currently because planning laws will be relaxed.

Question: Is there going to be many weather changes.

Answer: Not now. The weather has already changed, not only in this country, but in other countries also. There is a marked difference in what you are experiencing nowadays compared to what you have experienced in the past. Your seasons are shifting around. You are no longer experiencing summer like before and the autumn months are also changing rapidly. What you are experiencing now is more like what you can expect to come in the future. There is heavier rainfall in the summer months than in the past and the autumn is becoming sunnier and you will find around October time the weather brightening up somewhat so this is what you must learn to expect from now on.

Question: So what is positive about that, what is the benefit of having rain throughout the summer?

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Answer: None whatsoever. We are not saying that it is of benefit; it is simply the way it is. You are asking us about the changing of the seasons, about how the climate will change and I tell you it has already happened. You must come to expect that the summer months will be wet and rainy from now on, it will not get any better than this, for the time being. The autumn will be sunnier than it has been previously and the winters will also be different, they will be milder to start with then get heavier as time goes by, as the months progress, so you will find towards January time you will get cold spells but then it will brighten up sooner than before and your spring months will be splendid but your summer months will be wet and rainy and autumn will brighten up again somewhat.

Question: Is that climate change?

Answer: Yes, it is climatic change that would have happened anyway, regardless of anything you are doing on earth. The seasons always change around eventually.

Question: You mentioned about the difficulty with air travel, how will that affect things like cars.

Answer: There are many inventions that may come into operation. A solar powered car is currently being tested, but there are many other types of inventions also that may come into the market place, but not now, not until we are in a dire crisis, more than we are in now, will these type of cars come into operation. The transport will not be affected on an everyday level because alternatives will come into operation quite quickly, quite smoothly. It is more the larger types of vehicles that will be affected such as planes, hovercrafts, and ships even. They will be wind powered in the future; they will no longer rely on crude oil like before so they will not be so affected, as other types of larger transport will. The wind may be utilised more effectively than in the past. In the past the ships set sail and this they will again but it will be a more affective method than in the past and they will function more rapidly so do not be afraid, you will still be able to get around quite rapidly because people will invent new modes of transport, new ways of doing things.

Question: Can you comment on over population, on the fact that there are people who do not have access to the resources they need to survive and if there are indeed enough resources for everyone and what could be done in terms of population control?

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Answer: This is a complex subject; it is not easy for us to answer this because population control requires a belief in limited resources for all. It is not our way of understanding the world at large. You have created a situation where there are limited resources because you have not adequately catered for the regrowth of substances, of minerals, of what comes from the earth. What you are able to provide collectively, far out ways the number of people who currently inhabit this planet.

It is required that each person needs certain substances in order to function nutritionally and in order to create structures to live in. Everything that is required is already there for people but some take far too much of what is required and waste it and because of this other people do not have enough to eat, enough to stay warm with either, so our understanding is quite different because we see that although the earth’s resources are not unlimited, they are also adequate and you can keep regenerating the earth’s resources with the right level of care for the land itself. Your understanding is correct at the moment that certain principles need to be utilised so that people can have enough to eat year after year. It is important to remember that the collective understanding at the moment is that population control is needed for each and every member to have enough of what they need, but this is not the fundamental truth of the matter because the resources are already there but they are not being adequately distributed or used fairly by people.

Question: Is it possible that the effects caused by these green house gases can be reversed?

Answer: We can confirm that all of this can be reversed. Green house gases do contribute to negative pollution that has an affect on the overall health of the population and they lead to certain conditions on the earth plane. It is important to remember that everything you put into the atmosphere that is created artificially will increase the potency of pathogens.

For there to be climatic renewal you must learn to use what you have around you, the natural substances only, and no longer produce materials that are synthetic, that cannot be broken down naturally. Certain processes consume other gases, which can be found in abundance in the earth’s atmosphere and therefore they reduce the effect of green house gases. If we can utilize these natural processes that will use up the excess of other substances that have been produced, you will restore balance to the eco-system at large.

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Extracts from a 2012 Talk27th November 2011

“There is a distinct lack of integrity when it comes to the services that are provided by governmental institutions. I believe it is necessary, at these times to come together in a community spirit and provide for yourselves adequately so that you are no longer reliant upon governmental institutions to provide for the needs of people at large. I believe an important aspect of the coming age is that you will become more creative beings who will come together to cover the needs of others instead of relying on larger initiatives to do this job. I believe the time has come for you to take control of your own lives, collectively, to no longer rely on anyone else to do the job that you would like to be doing yourselves, that you are quite able to do, more than adequately.”

“To establish harmonious relationships on the earth plane is not an easy task. It requires concerted effort on your part to be true in each and every moment, to also be open to others, to receive suggestions, higher ways of thinking in each moment of time, to not be constrained by dogmatic viewpoints about the world at large, to no longer believe yourselves to be the only ones here to bring harmony and wellness. To co-create with others takes an immense amount of will power to restrain parts of yourselves which are not always open to new energies. In each moment you must extend yourself further so that you may reach out to different types of people and incorporate their viewpoints in your way of thinking. It does not come easily and those parts of you that protest often need help in raising themselves higher so that they may clearly see the bigger picture and this is why meditation is a key aspect of community living.

You must understand that it is through going inward that you understand more fully what is going on outwardly. If you stay confined in your earthly lives without spending adequate time going inwards, you no longer have an accurate attunement to what is going on around you. People come in many shapes and forms and you

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must learn to discern between them in light of your Divine purpose here. You must learn to recognise those you are in harmony with and those with whom there is some discrepancy on the earth plane. I am trying to heighten your intuitive powers. I wish to help you go inwards further so that you may learn to recognise what is right for you and what is not, so that you may recognise what is worth continuing with and what is not, so that you may learn to rise up even higher within yourselves and be more astute, discerning, but also more compassionate towards others, so that you may have greater understanding about each person whom you meet and what they are trying to do here on the earth plane. It is these sorts of powers you must develop for the new age because it requires you to work in greater unison with others. These are no longer times of isolation, retreating inwardly and not focussing on the outward aspect of life. It is time to go out, but with your inner life intact, without compromising anything at all.

You may be on cloud nine when you go inward and meditate but this does not necessarily translate in your earthly life well when you are at odds with others. In order to retain this feeling you must check that everything you create on the earth plane is in harmony with this. Your relationships must take on the same quality you feel inside when you meditate. You must develop heavenly relationships with others.

First you must learn to translate this feeling into your actions towards others, you must learn how you may impart this feeling to others through touch, through the way that you speak, through the way that you conduct yourself on the earth plane in your earthly lives. Secondly you must be open to receiving this type of energy from others. You must learn to be receptive to higher energies that come through others that enable you to feel elevated and create elevated relationships with others. It is only in this way that there will be a congruency between your inner life and your outer life. There is no other way that this is done on the earth plane.”

“You must learn to come together with others and meditate with them and then exchange physical touch so that you are creating on the earth plane a Divine presence that you are all feeding off and then you must also learn the use of sacred sound so that you may create heightened energy fields for people to bath in and receive the light of God Itself that you attune to and bring down when you are playing the instrument. You see it is these sorts of techniques that you should learn at these times so that you may learn to master energy - spiritual energy, so that you

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may understand what creates what and you may be able to feed off these nourishing energies on the earth plane, no longer feel that you have to go off to a quite space and meditate in order to keep filling yourselves up. Your life-style should be self sustaining energetically and yes there should be periods of meditation alone, but you should also be able to generate energy with others that can sustain you to an even greater degree than before.

It is this type of work that is crucial for community living because if you find that you are becoming drained by other life forms you will quickly start to isolate yourselves again and feel that your function is not being served by coming together with others. If you can find new ways of relating with one another, if you can learn to meditate together in group meetings and feed off this heightened energy field first and foremost before commencing any other business, if you can learn to exchange tantric touch in your everyday lives, you will no longer feel reluctant to engage with others energetically and you will feel actually sustained by your relationships rather than the other way round, rather than feeling that it is your spiritual practice alone that sustains you.

This is quite crucial information for all of you as I see that you all have tendencies to isolate yourselves because you feel drained by the presence of others around you. When you are sitting in an energy field with others and you are merely responding to where they are at and where you are at in this present moment there is often a depletion of energy that results because you are merely responding to what is already there. You are not creating anything new, anything that can be fed off, anything that can provide greater light. When you both come together, two people that is, and you attune to something much higher, you are then feeding off a different light source than simply each other and then you are able to create a heightened energy field amongst you that can feed both of you even greater light. This is a crucial piece of information for you all to receive.”

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Harmonious Community Living14th September 2013

Archangel Gabriel

I will speak on numerous subject areas here. The subject matter need not be contained to only this because I see that there is a need amongst you all to hear about numerous subject areas that are close to your mind and heart, that resonate to your way of thinking right now. I am not confined to this locality, I am here, present within each one of you here. I am attuning to each one here individually. I am not necessarily one being of light, I am made up of individualised parts that make up the whole of me and I attune to each one of you in this way. I am not speaking here in a way that is audible to your senses in other ways. I speak primarily to give information in a conscious way to you through this channel that I am ever-present in you and I am speaking to you from other realms. I am beside you now. I would like you to focus on your internal state of mind right now so that you may feel the energetic impact of my presence here.

I would like to further clarify why I am speaking in this manner, it is to make the information readily available to you in a format you will understand intellectually as well as energetically receive through transmission alone. I am not necessarily conveying to you all the information you need to know about community life. It is dissected based on what you need to know in this moment of time. I know there is much to share on this subject matter and let us begin by clarifying what it is to live in a community setting. You may or may not be accustomed to community life and living, you may have received information from us previously about this topic, you may be accustomed to receiving internally already information that we are conveying through word of mouth now. I am an archetypal presence amongst you, I have been present for a very long time on planet earth and I speak in this manner now to make my presence audible so you can hear my words.

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To create harmony and balance on planet earth at this moment in time requires a concerted effort from all of you to come together as comrades of light, of conscious itself. To live in harmony and balance with each other requires this in everyday life, it require that you create a concrete example to others of what it is to live this way in your everyday life. It does not necessarily require that you all live together in one community setting, although it will eventually. At this moment in time it requires you to attune to each other sufficiently so as to acknowledge the Divinity in each one you are around. To do this takes a concerted effort to be aware of the Divinity, the Divine Presence in yourself, first and foremost. This information I am sharing is not new information to any of you here, however it needs to be shared first and foremost before you can even come together as comrades who are here to assist one another.

I would like to further clarify why it is you are seeking to come together now rather than live in isolation. This time we are now in requires you to live more in harmony with each other than ever before. There is great substance in this statement. The Cosmic collective are recognising that each one of you needs to be assisted in your life work sufficiently in order to amplify its affects on others wellbeing, state of mind. Your life purposes require that, in this incarnation it has not necessarily been a requirement before this time to the same extent as it is now. Each one of you here is destined to make a difference in the lives of others in enormous ways. I am not speaking arbitrarily to any one of you. I am speaking truthfully about what I know, based on what I see before me in this group. Each one of you will make a tremendous difference in the live of others. It is absolutely necessary to be supported in this. You are not able to accomplish your life purpose alone in this incarnation, therefore it require you to transcend certain personal differences with others and move together as a unit collectively, in harmony with one another. It is not necessary to agree with each other completely in order to do this. You may set aside personal differences and come together in harmony by attuning your cosmic mind to a higher vision of what each one of you requires on the planet right now. You are all destined to do this in this incarnation in some way or another. You must move towards this state of mind where you can recognise where each other is coming from and not necessarily agree in all facets of the personality expression of what it is you are trying to achieve. You may settle disputes harmoniously in this way, by agreeing to differ with one another about the way this is attained however you must attune your cosmic mind with each other about the ultimate outcome you are each trying to achieve in this lifetime through the varies projects that you set up.

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It is important to rectify differences that have occurred between individuals in this lifetime, where there have been hard feeling between people, where people have felt misheard by one another, misunderstood about what they are seeking to bring in, in this lifetime. It is important to resolve differences now with one another rather than later because time is speeding up. Everything is happening at a quicker rate than ever before and you will start to see changes happen on the earth plane more frequently that will require you to come together in a group setting. If you are at odds with one another it is important to sit down with one another and resolve differences. The best way you can do this is by taking time and space to consciously attune yourself to the ones that you have had differences with and send them a ray of cosmic light from your third eye to theirs so there is a spiritual understanding between you. This light will contain information that helps to resolve differences between people. You will receive a reciprocal amount of light from their third eye automatically and you will reach a harmonious understanding in Spirit first and this will then translate directly on the earth plane. I wish to mention one more thing about using this method. It is not always easy to attune to others where there has been disharmony between you. You are sometimes feeling an antagonism towards those who you have felt rejected by, upset by in some way or another, however this method does work and if you utilise it fully and completely, without any form of prejudice arising as you do it towards the person you are directing this cosmic ray of light towards there will be no misunderstanding left between you. Believe me, it actually works if you are able to utilise this method. I wish to speak to you directly about this subject matter internally. I wish to attune each one of you and mention a few things about what you can be clearing up right now in your own lives. I would like to make some time to do this now. Perhaps you may sit in silence for a few minutes and I will commune with each one of you. You will feel my presence.

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It is not necessary to always agree with others, however you may understand their viewpoint better and this will ultimately bring greater harmony between you. Stay attuning to my presence, do not leave your inner state of being to attune to my words. Stay present within yourself and then you will better be able to appreciate what I am saying here. My words are meant to convey an energetic transmission. I would like to direct my words to you personally, each one of you, and I will speak according to who is here now. The best way to appreciate one another is to put aside differences and use your cosmic awareness to attune to their Spirit, their spiritual self. It is from this place of inner knowing that you will be able to express to them the truth about your relationship to them. Sometimes it is not possible to be with another person on the earth plane, it is not always appropriate to be with everybody, however you may understand why it is you are not in harmony with some beings when you are comprehending the spiritual differences in function in this lifetime. Each spirit has its own task to perform over a course of a lifetime. It changes also from place to place, however the ultimate function for each being is always the same for that being. The ultimate function does not change so sometimes it is necessary to move away from certain individuals because their function does not correlate with your own. However if you are to understand this from a cosmic level it produces no hard feelings. You are not left feeling betrayed or vulnerable in any way because they have left you, or vice versa. You are able to accept the changes that happen. I believe that this is one way of resolving differences, of creating more harmony between people. It is not the only way, it is one way only.

Another function of community living is to come together to support one another in daily life activities that leave you feeling drained normally if left to one person alone to perform. It is not necessary in a community setting to do everything yourself. You may support one another when it comes to day to day activities. You may make communal meals, for example, you may share the washing up, you may make a rota when it come to the cleaning, for example. These are very mundane tasks, I know, but it is quite relevant to speak of because all of these mundane tasks are made much easier when you come together in a unit of people. Furthermore I would like to clarify why it is so important, crucial in fact, to live in a community setup ultimately, not necessarily now, but as time goes on. It is required because times are changing. The world you are living in now will shift rapidly and it will not be possible to live separately anymore. Your daily lives will depend on coming together in a unit, you will not have enough of what you need if you continue to live separately. I am telling you this to pre-warn you of what is to come later on. It is not necessarily now, it is still some years down the line when this will happen however

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you must be co-creating now with other individuals a framework that you can use in the future when it is absolutely required of each one of you to live together in a community setup. It is necessary for each one of you here to be part of a community setup sooner or later. I would like each one of you to consider this now, to start seeding ideas that may grow when they are ready to into something concrete and grounded on the earth plane.

There is one more piece of information I would like to share with all of you before I open up the space to questions from you. I would like to mention the cosmic shift that occurred at the later part of last year. It is absolutely true that this did in fact happen. Some people question this, they believe life is just the same as before, however I absolutely would like to clarify that something shifted at the latter part of last year. Something has dramatically shifted energetically and you will start noticing the difference in people later on. It did not all happen as soon as we predicted. We believed that you would notice differences much sooner than now, but you will notice the differences very soon in your own personal lives, in your own collective lives. I would like to mention this because this makes a dramatic difference in your lives and it will affect anything that you have been doing up until now in dramatic ways. You will see this happen later on, it has not happened yet, but this cosmic shift has already occurred. I am pleased to announce this to all of you. It has been predicted for a long time now that his was to happen and it has happened. You are not all aware of this but you will soon realise what we mean.

I would like you now to share with us any questions you have about your own lives, about community living, about any visions and projects that you have. It is a good opportunity for us to share more information with you that is directly relevant to your lives now.

Question: How much must I endeavour to find my purpose in life and how much must I wait for guidance.

Answer: I believe you must do both to succeed. You must acknowledge that you already have a purpose that you can find yourself by looking within. You will feel clearly what it is you are here to do when you look within. You will feel it as a pulsating within you. You will feel the rhythm of your own soul so to speak. You will feel it yourself. I would like to add that it is important to also clarify where you are receiving guidance from. It is important to attune yourself to the cosmic mind

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to receive Divine guidance at the same time as doing this because this will make your work more fruitful. So you will feel your purpose yourself and then you must attune yourself to the cosmic mind so that you can feel where this purpose takes you.

I will articulate a few more words now about community life and living because this is the subject matter I am meant to be speaking of so I will say some more so you have some material of substance to take away with you from this talk/conversation with us. I believe that the location of any community setup is most important, not only to you, but also to us because where you are located determines the function the community plays in the community around you. When you are located in a conservative district you must be careful what you put out to people. It must be in a format that they can readily attune to, understand, feel comfortable with. It is not appropriate to create a community that is radical in its approach to life in a conservative area so you must carefully consider the location of your community setup, because this creates greater harmony with the wholeness around you on the physical plane.

It is also not appropriate to set up a radically minded community when you are living with people who are not so open to this. If you are a radical person in your approach to life, you must meet up with others who are on a similar wave length, not try to include others just because they are wishing to be a part of what you are doing. There are some people who will be drawn to you because they wish to sample the fruits of what you are doing. These people are there to come and go but they are not supposed to live with you. There are others who are entirely engrossed in the vision that you are carrying within yourself and these are the people to set up a community vision with. It is sometimes confusing to some people when it happens this way that you come together as a unit and then certain members of the community start opposing decisions that others of you would like to make and it is because there was not harmony in the first place with your way of thinking. Some people are more alternative minded than others, some people like to go with the flow in life and not challenge society to much, the current beliefs. Others of you, most of you here, are not of that mindset. You would like to create ripples that can make changes for others. You are more alternative minded and your decisions about life and living will be more radical in its approaches to certain situations.

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Furthermore I would like to clarify why it is that you are here listening to us so there is no discrepancy between your mind and ours. It is important to recognise that what we say is one version of the truth. We are conveying to you information that we know of so that you may take it in and use it, add it to your life experience so to speak. What I am saying is not a substitute for what you already know, I am here as a messenger from the Divine, I am here to speak to you about community living to give you additional information, but it is not a substitute for what you already know within yourself, what you have learnt directly through experience so you must put everything we say in the right context. You must listen to us in this capacity and not let go of anything you already know in order to hear us. It is a point of view we are expressing, a very high one, but it is still a point of view. You must allow us to be as we are in this way for we are here to share information, however we are not meant to be a substitute for you in any way whatsoever. You are each grounded in your own reality based on life experience, self knowledge, and you must stay within this when you hear us. Our relationship with each one of you will grow in this way, if you are hearing us and at the same time holding on to what you already know, allowing us to expand on what you are not clear about, what you wish to know more about. You must form a relationship with us in this manner, not as a substitute for your own Divine Self. I know it is difficult when times are tough and sometimes we come in and bring you messages of hope and healing so that you feel uplifted by our presence in your lives and at these times it is especially important to remember the right relationship between us and you, that we are here to assist you, not be a substitute for you.

You are each here to fulfil a function that only you yourselves can fulfil. We can assist you to do this. We can bring you healing, both on the physical plane and on the etheric. We can heal on may levels. We are able to provide spectacular healing results if you call us in when you are in need. There is a lot we are able to do, both physically and on the etheric. We would like you to know this so you know you are not alone, that you are being assisted by us even when you do not know it. When you call us in, there are numerous ways of doing this. One of the ways to invoke our presence is by directly communing with the spirit plane itself. It is through prayer, meditation. It is also important to recognise that when you come together with groups of people you are creating an energy that is able to bring our presence when the energy is positive and harmonious. Equally when you are communing with another being in this manner, where there is a flow of love between you, you will invoke our presence. Where there is sacred music playing, it will invoke our presence directly. These are the methods of invoking us.

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I will finalise this conversation by saying one more thing to all of you. I would like you to remember that you will succeed in everything that you plan to accomplish in this lifetime. Just because it has not happened yet, it does not mean it will not. You have all been through the mill, so to speak, all of you in some way or another, none of you are excluded from this. You have all been through extremely dark times in one way or another and I would like to reiterate that sometimes you are not able to see beyond this in your lives presently. This will all change dramatically and you will find that you are able to achieve everything that you desire internally in this lifetime. I cannot even tell you how it will change, exactly what will happen step by step, however I do see that it will change because the energy has shifted so rapidly now that it is made possible. You will all feel rejuvenated as time goes on, from this point onwards in fact. You have all been through a thorough cleansing recently and this is coming to an end now. You will start to feel much lighter from this point onwards and I will feed you more energy to make this possible even sooner rather than later.

That is all I wish to convey to you. I hope that my words have been inspiring in some way, may have ignited something in you that can grow and flourish more from this point onwards. I am Gabriel.

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