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COMMUNITY HEALTH NEWSLETTER 社區健康季刊 2011 WINTER 冬季刊 健康之道在於運動 人人都知道運動對健康的好處,並知道需要多做運 動。 研究証明經常運動的人不但會減少患心臟病、 癌症、高血壓及其他多種慢性病的機會,而且較能 應付壓力及較少失眠。簡而言之,經常保持運動能 使您精力充沛,健康長壽。 目前的運動準則提倡根據自己的身體作適量強度 的運動 (如快步走等),並建議最好每天運動約半小 時。日常少量的運動加起來約半小時也可以達到同 樣的運動效果。在定下運動計劃之前,應諮詢您的 醫生。 立下每天做運動並持之以恆的決心。 採納以下的建 議可有助於您達到您的目標: 開始時應循序漸進,逐漸增加運動量及運動時間。 運動前必需進行約5-10分鐘熱身運動,運動之後 亦要做5-10分鐘放鬆運動以便緩舒神經及肌肉, 避免因運動而受傷。 最好固定每日或每週的運動安排時間。 選擇多種您喜歡而又有趣以及方便自己的運動方 式。 留意自巳的運動進度, 看看是否可以比剛開始 時加快一些? 最好找一個運動伙伴或參加有計劃的團體運動。 定下切合實際的運動目標,當達到預期目標時, 應自我獎勵。 健康是寶,請積極參與運動。勿再躊躇,今天便 開始! 以上資料由華人社區健康資源中心提供 (415) 677-2473 445 Grant Ave., Ste 700, San Francisco, CA 94108 Chinese hospital & CliniCs

Community HealtH newsletter 健康之道在於運動 › public_v1 › sites › default › files › pdfs › 2… · 健康之道在於運動 健康節日的8個簡單提示 ...

Jun 29, 2020



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Page 1: Community HealtH newsletter 健康之道在於運動 › public_v1 › sites › default › files › pdfs › 2… · 健康之道在於運動 健康節日的8個簡單提示 ...

Community HealtH newsletter 社區健康季刊 2011 winter 冬季刊

青光眼 ─ 是美國病患者失明的第二主因,此疾病會導致視神經受損,並引致視力慢慢喪失。青光眼的成因是眼內液體的壓力慢慢上升。雖然青光眼不能痊癒,但是如果及早發現患有青光眼,大多數病患者都不會失去他們的視力。因此及早治療,是可以保護您的眼睛,避免視力嚴重減退。

早期的青光眼往往是沒有症狀,故此及早的診斷是非常重要,這就是為什麼眼睛護理專業人員(如眼科醫生,驗光師)會通過預防性檢查保護您的視力,預防青光眼造成視力的損害。我們建議 40-65歲的人士應該每兩年做一次全面眼科檢查,65歲以上者應每年一次做檢查。而一些高風險的人士,在35歲便應每一或兩年檢查眼睛。



擴張瞳孔檢查:是檢查視覺神經的形狀和顏色。先用眼藥水滴進眼睛以擴大或擴張瞳孔。然後眼睛護 理專家使用一種特殊的放大鏡;檢查您的視網膜和視神經損傷的跡象及眼部問題等。測試完畢後,您的視力會有數小時感到模糊。







人人都知道運動對健康的好處,並知道需要多做運動。 研究証明經常運動的人不但會減少患心臟病、癌症、高血壓及其他多種慢性病的機會,而且較能應付壓力及較少失眠。簡而言之,經常保持運動能使您精力充沛,健康長壽。

目前的運動準則提倡根據自己的身體作適量強度的運動 (如快步走等),並建議最好每天運動約半小時。日常少量的運動加起來約半小時也可以達到同樣的運動效果。在定下運動計劃之前,應諮詢您的醫生。

立下每天做運動並持之以恆的決心。 採納以下的建議可有助於您達到您的目標:

• 開始時應循序漸進,逐漸增加運動量及運動時間。

• 運動前必需進行約5-10分鐘熱身運動,運動之後亦要做5-10分鐘放鬆運動以便緩舒神經及肌肉,避免因運動而受傷。

• 最好固定每日或每週的運動安排時間。

• 選擇多種您喜歡而又有趣以及方便自己的運動方式。

• 留意自巳的運動進度, 看看是否可以比剛開始時加快一些?

• 最好找一個運動伙伴或參加有計劃的團體運動。

• 定下切合實際的運動目標,當達到預期目標時,應自我獎勵。


以上資料由華人社區健康資源中心提供(415) 677-2473



撥時間做運動,運動可幫助舒緩節日帶來的壓力及防止增加體重,例如步行, 並可與您喜愛的人共同享受步行帶來的樂趣。





如果您在這一餐吃得過飽,下一餐便需要減少份量。 每天攝取超出 500卡路里正常飲食的熱量 (一星期共3500卡路里),會使您體重增加一磅。



445 Grant Ave., Ste 700, San Francisco, CA 94108

Chinese hospital & CliniCs

社區健康季刊簡介以促進社區健康為一致的使命,東華醫院及其診所, 華美醫師協會, 華人社區健康資源中心及華人保健計劃聯合推出這健康季刊。這季刊會注重每季度健康的主題和活動,對您,您的家人及親友都很有益。健康寶貴,分享無價。請您仔細閱讀及積極參與這些活動的同時,將這季刊在您的親友之間傳閱。如果您想索取更多副本或剔除您的郵寄地址,請致電 415-955-8800 x 3313 或電郵 [email protected]. 上網瀏覽 and

東華醫院,華人保健計劃和華埠青年會精誠合作,為您提供保健課程。從2011年開始,我們共同在位於三藩市 Sacramento 街,新建成的華埠青年會大樓裡舉辦一系列的健身課程,免費提供給所有華人保健計劃的會員。


更多健身講座,更方便的授課地點 讓內心的平和為您帶來幸福安康

您是否因為來自於工作,人際交往,或責任的壓力而不堪重負?或者說壓力正消極地影響您的人際交往,工作,健康或內心平靜呢?請將學習 “正念減壓療法”作為您在新一年裡掌控並減小壓力的有效途徑吧!正念減壓療法是一項肯定生命意義的實用課程,並已成功幫助成千上萬的人應對生活中的各種壓力,包括疾病和慢性疼痛,人際交往,經濟和工作壓力,睡眠障礙,以及出現在日常生活中的各種挑戰和需求。這項有益的八週課程有春季班和秋季班。下次開課時間為2012年三月。欲知更多關於本課程詳情,包括上課日期及時間等,請在每季度的時間表“健身班時間表”中查詢。


Page 2: Community HealtH newsletter 健康之道在於運動 › public_v1 › sites › default › files › pdfs › 2… · 健康之道在於運動 健康節日的8個簡單提示 ...

Community HealtH newsletter 社區健康季刊 2011 winter 冬季刊

青光眼 ─ 是美國病患者失明的第二主因,此疾病會導致視神經受損,並引致視力慢慢喪失。青光眼的成因是眼內液體的壓力慢慢上升。雖然青光眼不能痊癒,但是如果及早發現患有青光眼,大多數病患者都不會失去他們的視力。因此及早治療,是可以保護您的眼睛,避免視力嚴重減退。

早期的青光眼往往是沒有症狀,故此及早的診斷是非常重要,這就是為什麼眼睛護理專業人員(如眼科醫生,驗光師)會通過預防性檢查保護您的視力,預防青光眼造成視力的損害。我們建議 40-65歲的人士應該每兩年做一次全面眼科檢查,65歲以上者應每年一次做檢查。而一些高風險的人士,在35歲便應每一或兩年檢查眼睛。



擴張瞳孔檢查:是檢查視覺神經的形狀和顏色。先用眼藥水滴進眼睛以擴大或擴張瞳孔。然後眼睛護 理專家使用一種特殊的放大鏡;檢查您的視網膜和視神經損傷的跡象及眼部問題等。測試完畢後,您的視力會有數小時感到模糊。







人人都知道運動對健康的好處,並知道需要多做運動。 研究証明經常運動的人不但會減少患心臟病、癌症、高血壓及其他多種慢性病的機會,而且較能應付壓力及較少失眠。簡而言之,經常保持運動能使您精力充沛,健康長壽。

目前的運動準則提倡根據自己的身體作適量強度的運動 (如快步走等),並建議最好每天運動約半小時。日常少量的運動加起來約半小時也可以達到同樣的運動效果。在定下運動計劃之前,應諮詢您的醫生。

立下每天做運動並持之以恆的決心。 採納以下的建議可有助於您達到您的目標:

• 開始時應循序漸進,逐漸增加運動量及運動時間。

• 運動前必需進行約5-10分鐘熱身運動,運動之後亦要做5-10分鐘放鬆運動以便緩舒神經及肌肉,避免因運動而受傷。

• 最好固定每日或每週的運動安排時間。

• 選擇多種您喜歡而又有趣以及方便自己的運動方式。

• 留意自巳的運動進度, 看看是否可以比剛開始時加快一些?

• 最好找一個運動伙伴或參加有計劃的團體運動。

• 定下切合實際的運動目標,當達到預期目標時,應自我獎勵。


以上資料由華人社區健康資源中心提供(415) 677-2473



撥時間做運動,運動可幫助舒緩節日帶來的壓力及防止增加體重,例如步行, 並可與您喜愛的人共同享受步行帶來的樂趣。





如果您在這一餐吃得過飽,下一餐便需要減少份量。 每天攝取超出 500卡路里正常飲食的熱量 (一星期共3500卡路里),會使您體重增加一磅。



445 Grant Ave., Ste 700, San Francisco, CA 94108

Chinese hospital & CliniCs

社區健康季刊簡介以促進社區健康為一致的使命,東華醫院及其診所, 華美醫師協會, 華人社區健康資源中心及華人保健計劃聯合推出這健康季刊。這季刊會注重每季度健康的主題和活動,對您,您的家人及親友都很有益。健康寶貴,分享無價。請您仔細閱讀及積極參與這些活動的同時,將這季刊在您的親友之間傳閱。如果您想索取更多副本或剔除您的郵寄地址,請致電 415-955-8800 x 3313 或電郵 [email protected]. 上網瀏覽 and

東華醫院,華人保健計劃和華埠青年會精誠合作,為您提供保健課程。從2011年開始,我們共同在位於三藩市 Sacramento 街,新建成的華埠青年會大樓裡舉辦一系列的健身課程,免費提供給所有華人保健計劃的會員。


更多健身講座,更方便的授課地點 讓內心的平和為您帶來幸福安康

您是否因為來自於工作,人際交往,或責任的壓力而不堪重負?或者說壓力正消極地影響您的人際交往,工作,健康或內心平靜呢?請將學習 “正念減壓療法”作為您在新一年裡掌控並減小壓力的有效途徑吧!正念減壓療法是一項肯定生命意義的實用課程,並已成功幫助成千上萬的人應對生活中的各種壓力,包括疾病和慢性疼痛,人際交往,經濟和工作壓力,睡眠障礙,以及出現在日常生活中的各種挑戰和需求。這項有益的八週課程有春季班和秋季班。下次開課時間為2012年三月。欲知更多關於本課程詳情,包括上課日期及時間等,請在每季度的時間表“健身班時間表”中查詢。


Page 3: Community HealtH newsletter 健康之道在於運動 › public_v1 › sites › default › files › pdfs › 2… · 健康之道在於運動 健康節日的8個簡單提示 ...

Community HealtH newsletter 社區健康季刊 2011 winter 冬季刊

青光眼 ─ 是美國病患者失明的第二主因,此疾病會導致視神經受損,並引致視力慢慢喪失。青光眼的成因是眼內液體的壓力慢慢上升。雖然青光眼不能痊癒,但是如果及早發現患有青光眼,大多數病患者都不會失去他們的視力。因此及早治療,是可以保護您的眼睛,避免視力嚴重減退。

早期的青光眼往往是沒有症狀,故此及早的診斷是非常重要,這就是為什麼眼睛護理專業人員(如眼科醫生,驗光師)會通過預防性檢查保護您的視力,預防青光眼造成視力的損害。我們建議 40-65歲的人士應該每兩年做一次全面眼科檢查,65歲以上者應每年一次做檢查。而一些高風險的人士,在35歲便應每一或兩年檢查眼睛。



擴張瞳孔檢查:是檢查視覺神經的形狀和顏色。先用眼藥水滴進眼睛以擴大或擴張瞳孔。然後眼睛護 理專家使用一種特殊的放大鏡;檢查您的視網膜和視神經損傷的跡象及眼部問題等。測試完畢後,您的視力會有數小時感到模糊。







人人都知道運動對健康的好處,並知道需要多做運動。 研究証明經常運動的人不但會減少患心臟病、癌症、高血壓及其他多種慢性病的機會,而且較能應付壓力及較少失眠。簡而言之,經常保持運動能使您精力充沛,健康長壽。

目前的運動準則提倡根據自己的身體作適量強度的運動 (如快步走等),並建議最好每天運動約半小時。日常少量的運動加起來約半小時也可以達到同樣的運動效果。在定下運動計劃之前,應諮詢您的醫生。

立下每天做運動並持之以恆的決心。 採納以下的建議可有助於您達到您的目標:

• 開始時應循序漸進,逐漸增加運動量及運動時間。

• 運動前必需進行約5-10分鐘熱身運動,運動之後亦要做5-10分鐘放鬆運動以便緩舒神經及肌肉,避免因運動而受傷。

• 最好固定每日或每週的運動安排時間。

• 選擇多種您喜歡而又有趣以及方便自己的運動方式。

• 留意自巳的運動進度, 看看是否可以比剛開始時加快一些?

• 最好找一個運動伙伴或參加有計劃的團體運動。

• 定下切合實際的運動目標,當達到預期目標時,應自我獎勵。


以上資料由華人社區健康資源中心提供(415) 677-2473



撥時間做運動,運動可幫助舒緩節日帶來的壓力及防止增加體重,例如步行, 並可與您喜愛的人共同享受步行帶來的樂趣。





如果您在這一餐吃得過飽,下一餐便需要減少份量。 每天攝取超出 500卡路里正常飲食的熱量 (一星期共3500卡路里),會使您體重增加一磅。



445 Grant Ave., Ste 700, San Francisco, CA 94108

Chinese hospital & CliniCs

社區健康季刊簡介以促進社區健康為一致的使命,東華醫院及其診所, 華美醫師協會, 華人社區健康資源中心及華人保健計劃聯合推出這健康季刊。這季刊會注重每季度健康的主題和活動,對您,您的家人及親友都很有益。健康寶貴,分享無價。請您仔細閱讀及積極參與這些活動的同時,將這季刊在您的親友之間傳閱。如果您想索取更多副本或剔除您的郵寄地址,請致電 415-955-8800 x 3313 或電郵 [email protected]. 上網瀏覽 and

東華醫院,華人保健計劃和華埠青年會精誠合作,為您提供保健課程。從2011年開始,我們共同在位於三藩市 Sacramento 街,新建成的華埠青年會大樓裡舉辦一系列的健身課程,免費提供給所有華人保健計劃的會員。


更多健身講座,更方便的授課地點 讓內心的平和為您帶來幸福安康

您是否因為來自於工作,人際交往,或責任的壓力而不堪重負?或者說壓力正消極地影響您的人際交往,工作,健康或內心平靜呢?請將學習 “正念減壓療法”作為您在新一年裡掌控並減小壓力的有效途徑吧!正念減壓療法是一項肯定生命意義的實用課程,並已成功幫助成千上萬的人應對生活中的各種壓力,包括疾病和慢性疼痛,人際交往,經濟和工作壓力,睡眠障礙,以及出現在日常生活中的各種挑戰和需求。這項有益的八週課程有春季班和秋季班。下次開課時間為2012年三月。欲知更多關於本課程詳情,包括上課日期及時間等,請在每季度的時間表“健身班時間表”中查詢。


Page 4: Community HealtH newsletter 健康之道在於運動 › public_v1 › sites › default › files › pdfs › 2… · 健康之道在於運動 健康節日的8個簡單提示 ...

We are united in the mission to promote the health and wellness of the communities served by Chinese Hospital and clinics, Chinese Community Health Care Association, Chinese Community Health Resource Center and Chinese Community Health Plan. This quarterly newsletter highlights health topics and programs that may be important to you, your family or someone you care about. Your health is not static and this newsletter shouldn’t be either. Please read, enjoy, participate in our programs and pass it along when done. If you would like additional copies or to be removed from our mailings, please call 415-955-8800 x 3313 or email [email protected]. Available online at: and

About this Community Health Newsletter

Glaucoma, the second leading cause of blindness in the United States, is a group of eye diseases that can cause damage to the optic nerve leading to progressive, irreversible vision loss. Glaucoma occurs when fluid pressure inside the eyes slowly rises. While there is no cure, the good news is that glaucoma can be managed if detected early and that most people with glaucoma will not lose their sight. With early treatment, you can often protect your eyes against serious vision loss.

In the early stages of glaucoma, there are often no symptoms; that is why early diagnosis is very important. Preventive screening with an eye care professional (i.e. ophthalmologist, optometrist) is the key to protecting your vision from damage caused by glaucoma. It is recommended that everyone age 40-65 should get a comprehensive eye exam every two years. For those age 65+ this exam should be done annually. Those who are at high risk should be tested every one or two years after age 35.

Glaucoma is detected through different types of eye exams that can include any of the following:

• Visual acuity test: this eye chart test measures how well you see at various distances.

• Visual field test: this test measures your side vision. During this test, you will be asked to look straight ahead and then indicate when a moving light passes your side vision. It helps your eye care professional determine if you have lost side vision, a sign of glaucoma.

• Dilated eye exam: examines the shape and color of the optic nerve. Eye drops are placed in your eyes to widen, or dilate, the pupils. Your eye care professional uses a special magnifying lens to examine your retina and optic nerve for signs of damage and other eye problems. After the exam, your vision may remain blurred for several hours.

• Tonometry: measures the inner eye pressure. Eye drops are used to numb the eye and a tool called a tonometer is used to measure the inner pressure of the eye.

• Pachymetry: is a simple, painless test to measure the thickness of your cornea. Your eye care professional applies a numbing drop to your eye and uses an instrument to measure the thickness of your cornea. Corneal thickness can influence eye pressure readings.

If you have not had a glaucoma eye exam in the past 2 years, simply make an appointment with your primary care physician for a referral to see an eye care professional for glaucoma screening.

Chinese hospital & CliniCs

Why Glaucoma Screening Tests Are Important For You Chinese Hospital, CCHP and the Chinatown YMCA are proud to team up as your partner in health and wellness. This year, we are co-sponsoring a number of health and fitness classes, which are free to all CCHP members. Classes are offered at the beautiful new Chinatown YMCA building on Sacramento Street in San Francisco.

Join us and together we’ll take strides towards a long and healthy future.

Exercise Your Way to Health

You probably know that exercise is good for you and that you need to do more of it. Studies show that people who exercise regularly have a lower chance of heart attack, cancer, high blood pressure, and many other chronic diseases. They also handle stress better and have less trouble sleeping. In short, exercise can help you look and feel better and live longer.

Before beginning any exercise program, be sure to check with your doctor first to see if the exercise program is appropriate for you. The current exercise guidelines recommend that you choose a moderate-intensity activity (e.g. brisk walking) and do it for a total of 30 minutes, preferably every day. It is the total amount of activity that counts, so you can accumulate your activities throughout the day.

To help you get started, stay motivated, and committed to exercising, consider these suggestions:

• Start slow and gradually lengthen the time of your workouts.

• Always do 5-10 minutes of warm-up and cool-down exercises (i.e. stretching, walking) before and after exercising to prevent injuries.

• Stick to a regular time every day/week.

• Choose a variety of exercises that are enjoyable, as well as convenient and fun to do.

• Check your progress. Can you do it faster than when you first started?

• Find an exercise partner or join a structured group program.

• Set realistic goals and reward yourself when you reach your goal.

Make exercise a part of your life and you will reap the long-term health benefits. Don’t delay, start today!

Article contributed by the Chinese Community Health Resource Center (415) 677-2473

Give Yourself Peace of Mind for Greater Health & HappinessAre you overwhelmed by stress from work, relationships, or obligations? Or is stress negatively affecting your relationships, work, health or peace of mind? Make it your new year’s resolution to develop a better way to manage and minimize stress. Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is a practical course in conscious living that has helped tens of thousands of people to deal with stresses of life, including illness, chronic pain,

job stress, relationship stress, sleep disturbances, as well as the challenges and demands of daily life. This powerful eight-week course will be offered twice a year in the Spring and Fall. The next class starts in March 2012. See the quarterly class schedule under “Fitness and Wellness Classes” for more information, including class dates and times.

More Convenient Exercise Options Available to You If you’ve been getting this newsletter, you’ll know that we continue to improve and enhance our schedule of health related classes. Many of our exercise classes are booked full every quarter. In order to make room for many of you and your friends who would like to try out our classes, we have expanded the number of classes, size of classes and number of locations. In fact, we continue to expand our relationship with the Chinatown YMCA to make more options available to you. Please see our enclosed schedule for more details.

The holiday season is just around the corner! It is the time to spend with friends and family, enjoy festive meals, and celebrate the joy of the New Year. With all the delicious treats gracing the table, it is difficult to keep your diet healthy and weight balanced over the holidays; but healthy holiday eating is possible! With a little planning and a few minor changes, you can stay healthy and still savor the delicious meals. Here are a few tips:

Be realistic. Do not try to lose pounds during the holiday season, instead try to maintain your current weight.

Plan time for exercise. Exercise helps relieve holiday stress and prevent weight gain. Take nice energetic walks with your loved ones and enjoy their company in the holiday season.

Eat a light snack. Before leaving for a party, have a small snack like raw vegetables or a piece of fruit to curb your appetite. You will be less tempted to over-indulge.

Choose only the foods you really want to eat. Do not waste calories on foods you do not like or foods you can have anytime.

Eat until you are satisfied, not stuffed. Savor your favorite holiday treats while eating small portions. Sit down, get comfortable, eat slowly and enjoy each mouthful.

Do not skip meals. You may go to the next meal over hungry and eat more than intended.

If you overeat at one meal, go light on the next. It takes about 500 calories per day (3,500 per week) above your maintenance consumption to gain one pound. It is impossible to gain weight from one piece of pie!

Practice healthy holiday cooking. Preparing favorite dishes that are lower in fat and calories will help promote healthy holiday eating.

Healthy holiday eating is all about being responsible. With these suggestions, a dash of discipline and a pinch of planning, you will have a recipe for holiday fun without the bulge of regret.

8 Simple Healthy Holiday Tips

Page 5: Community HealtH newsletter 健康之道在於運動 › public_v1 › sites › default › files › pdfs › 2… · 健康之道在於運動 健康節日的8個簡單提示 ...

We are united in the mission to promote the health and wellness of the communities served by Chinese Hospital and clinics, Chinese Community Health Care Association, Chinese Community Health Resource Center and Chinese Community Health Plan. This quarterly newsletter highlights health topics and programs that may be important to you, your family or someone you care about. Your health is not static and this newsletter shouldn’t be either. Please read, enjoy, participate in our programs and pass it along when done. If you would like additional copies or to be removed from our mailings, please call 415-955-8800 x 3313 or email [email protected]. Available online at: and

About this Community Health Newsletter

Glaucoma, the second leading cause of blindness in the United States, is a group of eye diseases that can cause damage to the optic nerve leading to progressive, irreversible vision loss. Glaucoma occurs when fluid pressure inside the eyes slowly rises. While there is no cure, the good news is that glaucoma can be managed if detected early and that most people with glaucoma will not lose their sight. With early treatment, you can often protect your eyes against serious vision loss.

In the early stages of glaucoma, there are often no symptoms; that is why early diagnosis is very important. Preventive screening with an eye care professional (i.e. ophthalmologist, optometrist) is the key to protecting your vision from damage caused by glaucoma. It is recommended that everyone age 40-65 should get a comprehensive eye exam every two years. For those age 65+ this exam should be done annually. Those who are at high risk should be tested every one or two years after age 35.

Glaucoma is detected through different types of eye exams that can include any of the following:

• Visual acuity test: this eye chart test measures how well you see at various distances.

• Visual field test: this test measures your side vision. During this test, you will be asked to look straight ahead and then indicate when a moving light passes your side vision. It helps your eye care professional determine if you have lost side vision, a sign of glaucoma.

• Dilated eye exam: examines the shape and color of the optic nerve. Eye drops are placed in your eyes to widen, or dilate, the pupils. Your eye care professional uses a special magnifying lens to examine your retina and optic nerve for signs of damage and other eye problems. After the exam, your vision may remain blurred for several hours.

• Tonometry: measures the inner eye pressure. Eye drops are used to numb the eye and a tool called a tonometer is used to measure the inner pressure of the eye.

• Pachymetry: is a simple, painless test to measure the thickness of your cornea. Your eye care professional applies a numbing drop to your eye and uses an instrument to measure the thickness of your cornea. Corneal thickness can influence eye pressure readings.

If you have not had a glaucoma eye exam in the past 2 years, simply make an appointment with your primary care physician for a referral to see an eye care professional for glaucoma screening.

Chinese hospital & CliniCs

Why Glaucoma Screening Tests Are Important For You Chinese Hospital, CCHP and the Chinatown YMCA are proud to team up as your partner in health and wellness. This year, we are co-sponsoring a number of health and fitness classes, which are free to all CCHP members. Classes are offered at the beautiful new Chinatown YMCA building on Sacramento Street in San Francisco.

Join us and together we’ll take strides towards a long and healthy future.

Exercise Your Way to Health

You probably know that exercise is good for you and that you need to do more of it. Studies show that people who exercise regularly have a lower chance of heart attack, cancer, high blood pressure, and many other chronic diseases. They also handle stress better and have less trouble sleeping. In short, exercise can help you look and feel better and live longer.

Before beginning any exercise program, be sure to check with your doctor first to see if the exercise program is appropriate for you. The current exercise guidelines recommend that you choose a moderate-intensity activity (e.g. brisk walking) and do it for a total of 30 minutes, preferably every day. It is the total amount of activity that counts, so you can accumulate your activities throughout the day.

To help you get started, stay motivated, and committed to exercising, consider these suggestions:

• Start slow and gradually lengthen the time of your workouts.

• Always do 5-10 minutes of warm-up and cool-down exercises (i.e. stretching, walking) before and after exercising to prevent injuries.

• Stick to a regular time every day/week.

• Choose a variety of exercises that are enjoyable, as well as convenient and fun to do.

• Check your progress. Can you do it faster than when you first started?

• Find an exercise partner or join a structured group program.

• Set realistic goals and reward yourself when you reach your goal.

Make exercise a part of your life and you will reap the long-term health benefits. Don’t delay, start today!

Article contributed by the Chinese Community Health Resource Center (415) 677-2473

Give Yourself Peace of Mind for Greater Health & HappinessAre you overwhelmed by stress from work, relationships, or obligations? Or is stress negatively affecting your relationships, work, health or peace of mind? Make it your new year’s resolution to develop a better way to manage and minimize stress. Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is a practical course in conscious living that has helped tens of thousands of people to deal with stresses of life, including illness, chronic pain,

job stress, relationship stress, sleep disturbances, as well as the challenges and demands of daily life. This powerful eight-week course will be offered twice a year in the Spring and Fall. The next class starts in March 2012. See the quarterly class schedule under “Fitness and Wellness Classes” for more information, including class dates and times.

More Convenient Exercise Options Available to You If you’ve been getting this newsletter, you’ll know that we continue to improve and enhance our schedule of health related classes. Many of our exercise classes are booked full every quarter. In order to make room for many of you and your friends who would like to try out our classes, we have expanded the number of classes, size of classes and number of locations. In fact, we continue to expand our relationship with the Chinatown YMCA to make more options available to you. Please see our enclosed schedule for more details.

The holiday season is just around the corner! It is the time to spend with friends and family, enjoy festive meals, and celebrate the joy of the New Year. With all the delicious treats gracing the table, it is difficult to keep your diet healthy and weight balanced over the holidays; but healthy holiday eating is possible! With a little planning and a few minor changes, you can stay healthy and still savor the delicious meals. Here are a few tips:

Be realistic. Do not try to lose pounds during the holiday season, instead try to maintain your current weight.

Plan time for exercise. Exercise helps relieve holiday stress and prevent weight gain. Take nice energetic walks with your loved ones and enjoy their company in the holiday season.

Eat a light snack. Before leaving for a party, have a small snack like raw vegetables or a piece of fruit to curb your appetite. You will be less tempted to over-indulge.

Choose only the foods you really want to eat. Do not waste calories on foods you do not like or foods you can have anytime.

Eat until you are satisfied, not stuffed. Savor your favorite holiday treats while eating small portions. Sit down, get comfortable, eat slowly and enjoy each mouthful.

Do not skip meals. You may go to the next meal over hungry and eat more than intended.

If you overeat at one meal, go light on the next. It takes about 500 calories per day (3,500 per week) above your maintenance consumption to gain one pound. It is impossible to gain weight from one piece of pie!

Practice healthy holiday cooking. Preparing favorite dishes that are lower in fat and calories will help promote healthy holiday eating.

Healthy holiday eating is all about being responsible. With these suggestions, a dash of discipline and a pinch of planning, you will have a recipe for holiday fun without the bulge of regret.

8 Simple Healthy Holiday Tips

Page 6: Community HealtH newsletter 健康之道在於運動 › public_v1 › sites › default › files › pdfs › 2… · 健康之道在於運動 健康節日的8個簡單提示 ...

We are united in the mission to promote the health and wellness of the communities served by Chinese Hospital and clinics, Chinese Community Health Care Association, Chinese Community Health Resource Center and Chinese Community Health Plan. This quarterly newsletter highlights health topics and programs that may be important to you, your family or someone you care about. Your health is not static and this newsletter shouldn’t be either. Please read, enjoy, participate in our programs and pass it along when done. If you would like additional copies or to be removed from our mailings, please call 415-955-8800 x 3313 or email [email protected]. Available online at: and

About this Community Health Newsletter

Glaucoma, the second leading cause of blindness in the United States, is a group of eye diseases that can cause damage to the optic nerve leading to progressive, irreversible vision loss. Glaucoma occurs when fluid pressure inside the eyes slowly rises. While there is no cure, the good news is that glaucoma can be managed if detected early and that most people with glaucoma will not lose their sight. With early treatment, you can often protect your eyes against serious vision loss.

In the early stages of glaucoma, there are often no symptoms; that is why early diagnosis is very important. Preventive screening with an eye care professional (i.e. ophthalmologist, optometrist) is the key to protecting your vision from damage caused by glaucoma. It is recommended that everyone age 40-65 should get a comprehensive eye exam every two years. For those age 65+ this exam should be done annually. Those who are at high risk should be tested every one or two years after age 35.

Glaucoma is detected through different types of eye exams that can include any of the following:

• Visual acuity test: this eye chart test measures how well you see at various distances.

• Visual field test: this test measures your side vision. During this test, you will be asked to look straight ahead and then indicate when a moving light passes your side vision. It helps your eye care professional determine if you have lost side vision, a sign of glaucoma.

• Dilated eye exam: examines the shape and color of the optic nerve. Eye drops are placed in your eyes to widen, or dilate, the pupils. Your eye care professional uses a special magnifying lens to examine your retina and optic nerve for signs of damage and other eye problems. After the exam, your vision may remain blurred for several hours.

• Tonometry: measures the inner eye pressure. Eye drops are used to numb the eye and a tool called a tonometer is used to measure the inner pressure of the eye.

• Pachymetry: is a simple, painless test to measure the thickness of your cornea. Your eye care professional applies a numbing drop to your eye and uses an instrument to measure the thickness of your cornea. Corneal thickness can influence eye pressure readings.

If you have not had a glaucoma eye exam in the past 2 years, simply make an appointment with your primary care physician for a referral to see an eye care professional for glaucoma screening.

Chinese hospital & CliniCs

Why Glaucoma Screening Tests Are Important For You Chinese Hospital, CCHP and the Chinatown YMCA are proud to team up as your partner in health and wellness. This year, we are co-sponsoring a number of health and fitness classes, which are free to all CCHP members. Classes are offered at the beautiful new Chinatown YMCA building on Sacramento Street in San Francisco.

Join us and together we’ll take strides towards a long and healthy future.

Exercise Your Way to Health

You probably know that exercise is good for you and that you need to do more of it. Studies show that people who exercise regularly have a lower chance of heart attack, cancer, high blood pressure, and many other chronic diseases. They also handle stress better and have less trouble sleeping. In short, exercise can help you look and feel better and live longer.

Before beginning any exercise program, be sure to check with your doctor first to see if the exercise program is appropriate for you. The current exercise guidelines recommend that you choose a moderate-intensity activity (e.g. brisk walking) and do it for a total of 30 minutes, preferably every day. It is the total amount of activity that counts, so you can accumulate your activities throughout the day.

To help you get started, stay motivated, and committed to exercising, consider these suggestions:

• Start slow and gradually lengthen the time of your workouts.

• Always do 5-10 minutes of warm-up and cool-down exercises (i.e. stretching, walking) before and after exercising to prevent injuries.

• Stick to a regular time every day/week.

• Choose a variety of exercises that are enjoyable, as well as convenient and fun to do.

• Check your progress. Can you do it faster than when you first started?

• Find an exercise partner or join a structured group program.

• Set realistic goals and reward yourself when you reach your goal.

Make exercise a part of your life and you will reap the long-term health benefits. Don’t delay, start today!

Article contributed by the Chinese Community Health Resource Center (415) 677-2473

Give Yourself Peace of Mind for Greater Health & HappinessAre you overwhelmed by stress from work, relationships, or obligations? Or is stress negatively affecting your relationships, work, health or peace of mind? Make it your new year’s resolution to develop a better way to manage and minimize stress. Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is a practical course in conscious living that has helped tens of thousands of people to deal with stresses of life, including illness, chronic pain,

job stress, relationship stress, sleep disturbances, as well as the challenges and demands of daily life. This powerful eight-week course will be offered twice a year in the Spring and Fall. The next class starts in March 2012. See the quarterly class schedule under “Fitness and Wellness Classes” for more information, including class dates and times.

More Convenient Exercise Options Available to You If you’ve been getting this newsletter, you’ll know that we continue to improve and enhance our schedule of health related classes. Many of our exercise classes are booked full every quarter. In order to make room for many of you and your friends who would like to try out our classes, we have expanded the number of classes, size of classes and number of locations. In fact, we continue to expand our relationship with the Chinatown YMCA to make more options available to you. Please see our enclosed schedule for more details.

The holiday season is just around the corner! It is the time to spend with friends and family, enjoy festive meals, and celebrate the joy of the New Year. With all the delicious treats gracing the table, it is difficult to keep your diet healthy and weight balanced over the holidays; but healthy holiday eating is possible! With a little planning and a few minor changes, you can stay healthy and still savor the delicious meals. Here are a few tips:

Be realistic. Do not try to lose pounds during the holiday season, instead try to maintain your current weight.

Plan time for exercise. Exercise helps relieve holiday stress and prevent weight gain. Take nice energetic walks with your loved ones and enjoy their company in the holiday season.

Eat a light snack. Before leaving for a party, have a small snack like raw vegetables or a piece of fruit to curb your appetite. You will be less tempted to over-indulge.

Choose only the foods you really want to eat. Do not waste calories on foods you do not like or foods you can have anytime.

Eat until you are satisfied, not stuffed. Savor your favorite holiday treats while eating small portions. Sit down, get comfortable, eat slowly and enjoy each mouthful.

Do not skip meals. You may go to the next meal over hungry and eat more than intended.

If you overeat at one meal, go light on the next. It takes about 500 calories per day (3,500 per week) above your maintenance consumption to gain one pound. It is impossible to gain weight from one piece of pie!

Practice healthy holiday cooking. Preparing favorite dishes that are lower in fat and calories will help promote healthy holiday eating.

Healthy holiday eating is all about being responsible. With these suggestions, a dash of discipline and a pinch of planning, you will have a recipe for holiday fun without the bulge of regret.

8 Simple Healthy Holiday Tips