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社區文化大使計劃 Community Cultural Ambassador Scheme 免費入場(不設門票) Free admission (Tickets not required) 節目如有更改,恕不另行通知。 Programme is subject to change without prior notice. 「糊塗戲班無障礙劇團《單色彩虹》」 巡迴演出 Hand in Hand Capable Theatre I M Perfect Rainbow Touring Performances 3pm 青衣海濱公園露天劇場 Amphitheatre, Tsing Yi Promenade 3pm 荃灣公園露天劇場 Amphitheatre, Tsuen Wan Park 糊塗戲班主辦 Presented by Nonsensemakers 節目查詢 Programme Enquiries: 2351 6588 「折翼蝴蝶 ─ 走出壓力飛過城與郊」 展覽及巡迴演出 Fallen Butterfly – Stress Relief and Soar Above City and Suburb Exhibition and Touring Performances 荃灣大會堂展覽館 Exhibition Gallery, Tsuen Wan Town Hall 18-22 三至日 Wed - Sun 10am - 10pm 展覽 Exhibition 21 Sat 1pm, 5pm 巡迴演出 Touring Performances 小龍鳳舞蹈劇場主辦 Presented by Siu Lung Fung Dance Theater 節目查詢 Programme Enquiries: 9606 4828 22 s u n 7 s a t 22 s u n 18 w e d Venue Partnership Scheme 場地伙伴計劃 荃灣大會堂 Tsuen Wan Town Hall SOS 無伴奏合唱公開講解及示範 SOS A CAPPELLA Lecture Demonstration 升樂人聲樂團創辦人彭祖容 (Jo Jo Pang) 將以互動形式,為大家講解 無伴奏合唱背後的原理及技巧。當日觀眾將會欣賞青年團隊 Y. YOU 的現場演唱,更可即場體驗人聲合唱的樂趣! Hosted by Jo Jo Pang, founder of Sound of Singers Group, this Lecture Demonstration is an interactive introduction to a cappella for all! Audience will enjoy an a cappella performance by the group Y. YOU and even have the chance to experience a cappella singing! 展覽館 Exhibition Gallery 28/9 (六 Sat) 2:15pm 免費入場(不設門票)Free admission (Tickets not required) SOS 無伴奏合唱體驗工作坊 – 大師班 SOS A CAPPELLA Workshop – Masterclass Jo Jo Pang 將親自指導參加者,分享演出經驗及技巧。歡迎已有經 驗的無伴奏合唱愛好者以隊制形式參加。 Jo Jo Pang will share her stage experience and techniques on giving an a cappella performance in the Masterclass. Experienced a cappella teams are welcomed to join! 展覽館 Exhibition Gallery 28/9 (六 Sat) 4:30pm $250/隊Team (4-8人以隊制形式報名,最多4隊,額滿即止。Enrol as a team of 4-8 participants. Maximum 4 teams. Enrolment on a first come, first served basis. 報名詳情請聯絡主辦單位 Please contact the organiser for enrolment details. 查詢 Enquiries : 9458 7452 香港兒童音樂劇團、新世紀青年管弦樂團及升樂人聲樂團為荃灣大會堂場地伙伴 Hong Kong Children’s Musical Theatre, Millennium Youth Orchestra and Sound of Singers Group are Venue Partners of Tsuen Wan Town Hall 贊助 Sponsored by : 主辦 Presented by : Available on the Web Read the just-published event calendar of Kwai Tsing Theatre and Tsuen Wan Town Hall earlier and in a more convenient way on the web eventcalendar.html 網上閱覽更快更方便 歡迎瀏覽及向好友推介 eventcalendar.html 葵青劇院及荃灣大會堂 每月節目表 Kwai Tsing Theatre and Tsuen Wan Town Hall Monthly Event Calendar 免費欣賞,不設門票。節目如有更改,恕不另行通知。節目可能因惡劣天氣而 取消,請留意康樂及文化事務署於節目當日的宣布。 Free admission, tickets not required. Programmes are subject to change without prior notice. Programmes may be cancelled in case of inclement weather, please pay attention to the public announcement issued by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department on the event day. 查詢 Enquiries: 2591 1340 (社區節目辦事處 Community Programmes Office) 網址 Website: 康樂及文化事務署主辦 Presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department 荃灣區議會贊助 Sponsored by Tsuen Wan District Council 荃灣區 Tsuen Wan District 康樂及文化事務署主辦 Presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department 葵青區 Kwai Tsing District 葵青區議會贊助 Sponsored by Kwai Tsing District Council 康樂及文化事務署主辦 Presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department 離島區 Islands District 離島區議會贊助 Sponsored by Islands District Council District Free Entertainment Programmes 免費文娛節目 9 Sept 合唱團演唱會 Choral Concert 5pm 美景花園平台 Mayfair Garden Podium 香港城市青年合唱團 Hong Kong City Youth Choir 中樂演奏會 Chinese Instrumental Concert 4pm 青怡花園青怡廣場 Tsing Yi Garden Tsing Yi Square 美星音樂藝術團 Mei Sing Art and Music Group 兒童綜合表演 Children's Variety Show 4:30pm 荔景邨休憩用地 (近仰景樓) Open Space opposite to Yeung King House, Lai King Estate 比斯嘉年華服務公司 P C Carnival Services Company 綜合表演 Variety Show 7:30pm 荃灣西約海濱長廊 Tsuen Wan West Promenade 香港藝海娛樂製作公司 Hong Kong Ngai Hoi Make Amusement Company 京劇欣賞 Beijing Opera 3pm 東涌文東路體育館主場 Tung Chung Man Tung Road Sports Centre 香港青年京劇實驗團 The Hong Kong Youth of Chinese Opera 29 s u n 29 s u n 22 s u n 1 s u n 21 s a t 第二十八屆荃灣藝術節響應節目 The 28 th Tsuen Wan Arts Festival Celebration Programmes 2019 Event Calendar 節目表 9 葵青劇院 Kwai Tsing Theatre 荃灣大會堂 Tsuen Wan Town Hall 香港新界葵涌興寧路十二號葵青劇院文化事務辦事處(新界南) Cultural Services Office (NT South), Kwai Tsing Theatre, 12 Hing Ning Road, Kwai Chung, New Territories, Hong Kong 電話 Tel 2408 0128 傳真 Fax 2944 8743 網址 Website 電郵 e-mail [email protected] 開放時間 Opening Hours 每日上午九時至晚上十一時 9am - 11pm daily 葵青劇院 Kwai Tsing Theatre 荃灣大會堂 Tsuen Wan Town Hall 荃灣大會堂的場地伙伴為香港兒童音樂劇團、新世紀青年管弦樂團、升樂人聲樂團和明日藝術教育機構 Hong Kong Children’s Musical Theatre, Millennium Youth Orchestra, Sound of Singers Group and Ming Ri Institute For Arts Education are Venue Partners of Tsuen Wan Town Hall 葵青劇院的場地伙伴為中英劇團和風車草劇團 Chung Ying Theatre Company and Wind Mill Grass Theatre are Venue Partners of Kwai Tsing Theatre Venue Partners 場地伙伴 印刷品 Printed Matter • Printed by Sun Fung Printing Ltd

Community Cultural Ambassador Scheme Venue ... › ... › doc › cal › nts_0919_cal_1.pdfProducer : Chan Hei-hing, MH 總導演:羅耀威 Director : Law Yiu-wei 副總導演:陳俊

Jun 28, 2020



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Page 1: Community Cultural Ambassador Scheme Venue ... › ... › doc › cal › nts_0919_cal_1.pdfProducer : Chan Hei-hing, MH 總導演:羅耀威 Director : Law Yiu-wei 副總導演:陳俊

社區文化大使計劃Community Cultural Ambassador Scheme

免費入場(不設門票)Free admission (Tickets not required)

節目如有更改,恕不另行通知。Programme is subject to change without prior notice.


巡迴演出Hand in Hand Capable Theatre – I M Perfect Rainbow Touring Performances


青衣海濱公園露天劇場Amphitheatre, Tsing Yi Promenade


荃灣公園露天劇場Amphitheatre, Tsuen Wan Park

糊塗戲班主辦Presented by Nonsensemakers

節目查詢 Programme Enquiries: 2351 6588


展覽及巡迴演出Fallen Butterfly – Stress Relief and Soar Above City and Suburb Exhibition and Touring Performances

荃灣大會堂展覽館Exhibition Gallery, Tsuen Wan Town Hall

18-22 三至日 Wed - Sun 10am -10pm


21 六 Sat 1pm, 5pm

巡迴演出Touring Performances

小龍鳳舞蹈劇場主辦Presented by Siu Lung Fung Dance Theater

節目查詢 Programme Enquiries: 9606 4828

22su n


22su n

18w e d

Venue Partnership Scheme


荃灣大會堂 Tsuen Wan Town Hall

SOS無伴奏合唱公開講解及示範SOS A CAPPELLA Lecture Demonstration

升樂人聲樂團創辦人彭祖容 (Jo Jo Pang)將以互動形式,為大家講解無伴奏合唱背後的原理及技巧。當日觀眾將會欣賞青年團隊 Y. YOU 的現場演唱,更可即場體驗人聲合唱的樂趣!Hosted by Jo Jo Pang, founder of Sound of Singers Group, this Lecture Demonstration is an interactive introduction to a cappella for all! Audience will enjoy an a cappella performance by the group Y. YOU and even have the chance to experience a cappella singing!

展覽館 Exhibition Gallery

28/9 (六 Sat) 2:15pm免費入場(不設門票)Free admission (Tickets not required)

SOS無伴奏合唱體驗工作坊–大師班SOS A CAPPELLA Workshop – Masterclass

Jo Jo Pang 將親自指導參加者,分享演出經驗及技巧。歡迎已有經驗的無伴奏合唱愛好者以隊制形式參加。

Jo Jo Pang will share her stage experience and techniques on giving an a cappella performance in the Masterclass. Experienced a cappella teams are welcomed to join!

展覽館 Exhibition Gallery

28/9 (六 Sat) 4:30pm$250/隊Team(4-8人以隊制形式報名,最多4隊,額滿即止。Enrol as a team of 4-8 participants. Maximum 4 teams. Enrolment on a first come, first served basis.)

報名詳情請聯絡主辦單位 Please contact the organiser for enrolment details.查詢 Enquiries : 9458 7452

香港兒童音樂劇團、新世紀青年管弦樂團及升樂人聲樂團為荃灣大會堂場地伙伴Hong Kong Children’s Musical Theatre, Millennium Youth Orchestra and Sound of Singers Group are Venue Partners of Tsuen Wan Town Hall

贊助 Sponsored by :主辦 Presented by :

Available on the Web

Read the just-published event calendar of Kwai Tsing Theatre and Tsuen Wan Town Hall

earlier and in a more convenient way on the web




Kwai Tsing Theatre and Tsuen Wan Town HallMonthly Event Calendar

免費欣賞,不設門票。節目如有更改,恕不另行通知。節目可能因惡劣天氣而取消,請留意康樂及文化事務署於節目當日的宣布。Free admission, tickets not required. Programmes are subject to change without prior notice. Programmes may be cancelled in case of inclement weather, please pay attention to the public announcement issued by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department on the event day.查詢 Enquiries: 2591 1340 (社區節目辦事處 Community Programmes Office)網址 Website:

康樂及文化事務署主辦Presented by the Leisure andCultural Services Department

荃灣區議會贊助Sponsored byTsuen Wan District Council

荃灣區Tsuen Wan District

康樂及文化事務署主辦Presented by the Leisure andCultural Services Department

葵青區Kwai Tsing District

葵青區議會贊助Sponsored byKwai Tsing District Council

康樂及文化事務署主辦Presented by the Leisure andCultural Services Department

離島區Islands District

離島區議會贊助Sponsored byIslands District Council

District Free EntertainmentProgrammes


合唱團演唱會 Choral Concert

5pm美景花園平台 Mayfair Garden Podium

香港城市青年合唱團 Hong Kong City Youth Choir

中樂演奏會 Chinese Instrumental Concert

4pm青怡花園青怡廣場 Tsing Yi Garden Tsing Yi Square

美星音樂藝術團 Mei Sing Art and Music Group

兒童綜合表演 Children's Variety Show

4:30pm荔景邨休憩用地 (近仰景樓) Open Space opposite to Yeung King House, Lai King Estate

比斯嘉年華服務公司 P C Carnival Services Company

綜合表演 Variety Show

7:30pm荃灣西約海濱長廊 Tsuen Wan West Promenade

香港藝海娛樂製作公司 Hong Kong Ngai Hoi Make Amusement Company

京劇欣賞 Beijing Opera

3pm東涌文東路體育館主場 Tung Chung Man Tung Road Sports Centre

香港青年京劇實驗團 The Hong Kong Youth of Chinese Opera

29su n

29su n

22su n

1su n


第二十八屆荃灣藝術節響應節目The 28th Tsuen Wan Arts Festival Celebration Programmes

2019 Event Calendar節目表9 葵青劇院 Kwai Tsing Theatre荃灣大會堂 Tsuen Wan Town Hall

香港新界葵涌興寧路十二號葵青劇院文化事務辦事處(新界南)Cultural Services O�ce (NT South), Kwai Tsing Theatre, 12 Hing Ning Road, Kwai Chung, New Territories, Hong Kong電話 Tel 2408 0128 傳真 Fax 2944 8743 網址 Website 電郵 e-mail [email protected] 開放時間 Opening Hours 每日上午九時至晚上十一時 9am - 11pm daily

葵青劇院Kwai Tsing Theatre

荃灣大會堂Tsuen Wan Town Hall

荃灣大會堂的場地伙伴為香港兒童音樂劇團、新世紀青年管弦樂團、升樂人聲樂團和明日藝術教育機構Hong Kong Children’s Musical Theatre, Millennium Youth Orchestra, Sound of Singers Group and

Ming Ri Institute For Arts Education are Venue Partners of Tsuen Wan Town Hall

葵青劇院的場地伙伴為中英劇團和風車草劇團Chung Ying Theatre Company and Wind Mill Grass Theatre are Venue Partners of Kwai Tsing Theatre

Venue Partners場地伙伴

印刷品 P


d M


r • P


d by



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Page 2: Community Cultural Ambassador Scheme Venue ... › ... › doc › cal › nts_0919_cal_1.pdfProducer : Chan Hei-hing, MH 總導演:羅耀威 Director : Law Yiu-wei 副總導演:陳俊

7 六 Sat 8pm

8 日 Sun 3pm

大型舞蹈詩《絲路‧海魂》Dance Poem : The Soul of Maritime Silk Road

香港舞蹈聯會主辦康樂及文化事務署贊助Presented by Association of Hong Kong Dance OrganizationsSponsored by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department

策劃:陳起馨, MHProducer : Chan Hei-hing, MH

總導演:羅耀威Director : Law Yiu-wei

副總導演:陳俊Deputy Director : Chen Jun

作曲:陳能濟Composer : Chen Ning-chi

編劇:羅耀威、施揚平Playwrights : Law Yiu-wei, Sze Yeung-ping

主演:陳俊、王㼆瑜Main Cast : Chen Jun, Yappy Wang

$200, 180, 140

$100, 90, 70

2492 7533


13-14 五至六 Fri - Sat 8pm

15 日 Sun 3pm

《三生三世愛情餘味》Love, Death, and Everything In-between

一舖清唱有限公司主辦Presented by Yat Po Singers Limited

導演/編劇:黃詠詩音樂總監:伍卓賢演出:陳康、葉麗嘉、一舖清唱藝術家Director / Playwright : Wong Wing-szeMusic Director : Ng Cheuk-yinPerformers : Johnny Tan, Yip Lai-ka, Yat Po Associate Artists

$350, 250, 200

$228, 163

2154 4233


20-21 五至六 Fri - Sat 8pm

22 日 Sun 3pm

「形 x無限」系列:高谷史郎《靜/止》(日本)‘Beyond Multi-arts’ Series : ST/LL by Shiro Takatani (Japan)

$450, 380, 280, 200*

$225, 190, 140, 100** 部份座位視線局部受阻 Some seats may have partly restricted view

2268 7323


葵青區慶祝國慶七十周年文藝節目Kwai Tsing District Cultural and Art Performances in Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China

29/9 日 Sun 7:15pm

粵劇表演Cantonese Opera Performance

30/9 一 Mon 7:15pm

金曲演唱會Oldies Concert

1/10 二 Tue 7:15pm

綜合表演Variety Show

葵青區議會慶祝國慶工作小組與葵青發展義工團合辦Jointly presented by Kwai Tsing District Council Celebration of the National Day Working Group and Kwai Tsing Development of Volunteer Group

憑票免費入場 Free admission by tickets

3956 3781

2 一 Mon 7:30pm


A Showcase of Cantonese Operas by Tong Tik-sang All Because of a Smile

主演:龍貫天、南鳳、陳鴻進、呂洪廣、陳嘉鳴、 新劍郎Main Cast : Loong Koon-tin, Nam Fung, Chan Hung-chun, Lui Hung-kwong, Chan ka-ming, Sun Kim-long

$280, 220, 160, 140

$140, 110, 80, 70

2268 7325


5 四 Thu 2pm, 7pm

長者懷舊金曲Oldies Concert

荃灣區議會社會服務及社區宣傳委員會長者友善社區及復康工作小組與荃灣文藝康樂協進會有限公司合辦Jointly presented by TWDC SS&CIC Working Group on Age-friendly Community and Rehabilitation and Tsuen Wan Culture & Recreation Co-ordinating Association Limited

憑票免費入場 Free admission by tickets

5604 9929


7 六 Sat 8pm

《君王與先知》The King and the Prophet

香港聖樂團主辦康樂及文化事務署贊助Presented by Hong Kong Oratorio SocietySponsored by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department

音樂總監:陳永華客席指揮:林屴汧演出團體:香港聖樂團、香港弦樂團Music Director : Chan Wing-wahGuest Conductor : Stephen LamPerforming groups : Hong Kong Oratorio Society, Hong Kong Strings

$160, 140, 100

$80, 70, 50

9421 1204


8 日 Sun 2:30pm, 7:15pm

第七屆「荃灣最強音」歌唱比賽The 7th Tsuen Wan Singing Contest

(2:30pm) 總決賽 Final

(7:15pm) 歷屆得獎者金曲演唱會 Oldies Concert

荃灣區議會文娛康樂及體育委員會文藝康體發展小組與荃灣海濱海灣居民協會合辦Jointly presented by TWDC CRSC Culture, Arts, Recreation and Sports Development Group and The Residents Association of Tsuen Wan Hoi Bun District

憑票免費入場 Free admission by tickets

2406 0078


15 日 Sun 2:30pm

第55回秋の音樂會The 55th Autumn Music Festival

香港日本人合唱團主辦Presented by The Hong Kong Japanese Chorus Club

憑票免費入場 Free admission by tickets

Email: [email protected]/autumnmusicfestival

18 三 Wed 8pm

和興白花油呈獻:Joe Junior演唱會Timeless Memories Joe Junior In Concert

文化舞台創意中心主辦Presented by Cultural Stage Creation Centre

$480, 380, 280 $384, 304

8111 8111


22 日 Sun 8pm

24-25 二至三 Tue - Wed 8pm

倫敦交響樂團─現場轉播London Symphony Orchestra – Live Relays

音樂總監/指揮:西蒙‧歷圖爵士鋼琴:李嘉齡 (22/9)、沈靖韜 (24/9)、 艾瑪紐‧艾斯 (25/9)Music Director / Conductor : Sir Simon RattlePiano : Colleen Lee (22/9), Aristo Sham (24/9), Emanuel Ax (25/9)

免費入場 (網上登記) Free admission (by online registration)

2268 7321


26 四 Thu 2:15pm

離島區議會呈獻:與你共鳴懷舊金曲欣賞會Islands District Council Presents : Golden Oldies Concert

離島民政事務處與離島區議會合辦Jointly presented by Islands District Office and Islands District Council

憑票免費入場 Free admission by tickets

2852 3649


27 五 Fri 7:30pm

徐小明+樂樂:劍膽琴心演唱會Siuming TSUI + YYCMA : Sword Spirit Tender Heart

樂樂國樂團有限公司主辦Presented by Yao Yueh Chinese Music Association Limited

$480, 380, 280, 180

$240, 190, 140, 90

3956 2143

1 日 Sun 7:30pm

妮歌舞蹈之夜2019Nicole and Dance 2019

眾樂樂主辦Presented by Tutti


3482 8205


2 一 Mon 2:45pm, 7:30pm

仲夏夜文娛晚會Variety Show


憑票免費入場 Free admission by tickets

5626 2856


3 二 Tue 7pm

我是歌手勁Band演唱會Oldies Concert


$60 $30

9091 9055

4 三 Wed 7:15pm

三星拱照迎中秋Oldies Concert


$300, 220, 160

9585 0268


7 六 Sat 7:30pm

8 日 Sun 2:30pm

戲劇馬拉松XVIII─《玩寸「佬」朋友》Drama Marathon XVIII

無限傳說主辦Presented by Legend Infinity

$180 $150

3749 9941


10 二 Tue 7:15pm

齊歡歌社會和諧Oldies Concert


憑票免費入場 Free admission by tickets

9783 1464


11 三 Wed 7:45pm

孖寶群星金曲夜Oldies Concert


憑票免費入場 Free admission by tickets

9357 4660


14 六 Sat 7:30pm

月亮說Talking to the Moon

Resonance Ringers主辦Presented by Resonance Ringers

$150 $80

6800 8325


15 日 Sun 3pm, 7pm

太陽花夏季音樂會HKSMA Summer Concert

太陽花音樂藝術樂團主辦Presented by Sunflower Music and Art

$160 $100購票請聯絡主辦單位 Please contact the organiser for ticketing service

2699 0682


18 三 Wed 7pm

百鳥千聲萬里揚7周年金曲演唱會Oldies Concert

百靈鳥金曲同學會主辦Presented by Lark Music Club

$40 $20

9675 3575


19 四 Thu 7pm

開心騷一ShowSinging Concert

鬼馬雙星之友社主辦Presented by Funny Couple Fans Club

演出者:鬼馬雙星Performers : John & Joyce

$20 購票請聯絡主辦單位 Please contact the organiser for ticketing service

9091 3696

20 五 Fri 7:45pm

好歌獻給你Oldies Concert


$30 購票請聯絡主辦單位 Please contact the organiser for ticketing service

9488 7892


21 六 Sat 8pm

Forte!一齊玩音樂會Forte! Play with HKPW Concert

香港演奏家管樂團主辦Presented by Hong Kong Performers Winds

$150 $75

3488 1550


23 一 Mon 2pm, 7pm

波比大騷甜華妹之郎情俊朗噹啷啷喜上眉梢演唱會Oldies Concert

朗豪波比舞蹈團主辦Presented by Long Ho Bobby Dance Group

憑票免費入場 Free admission by tickets

9055 0666


24 二 Tue 2:45pm, 7pm

真的好友金曲演唱會Oldies Concert

真的好友歌舞研藝社主辦Presented by The Real Good Friend Sing & Dance Group

憑票免費入場 Free admission by tickets

9228 3229


28 六 Sat 7:30pm

29 日 Sun 2:30pm

兒童音樂劇《出貓同學會》Children Drama Silly Genius

3歲定八十主辦Presented by Kids Performance

$140 $110

3576 0443


30 一 Mon 2:45pm, 7:30pm

金曲樂逍遙Oldies Concert

九龍荔枝角海麗邨海暉樓互助委員會主辦Presented by Mutual Aid Committee of Hoi Fai House of Lai Chi Kok Hoi Lai Estate

憑票免費入場 Free admission by tickets

9341 1934

1 日 Sun 3pm

《絲弦雅韻》室內中樂演奏會Classical Oriental Music Chinese Orchestral Concert憑票免費入場 Free admission by tickets


6 五 Fri 7:30pm

藝之飛躍2019Variety Show by School Group 2019憑票免費入場 Free admission by tickets


14 六 Sat 7:30pm


舞劇《絲路‧海魂》The 28th Tsuen Wan Arts Festival Closing Ceremony cum Dance Drama The Soul of Maritime Silk Road憑票免費入場 Free admission by tickets

26/8 一 Mon 3pm - 7pm

27/8-31/8 二至六 Tue – Sat 10am - 7pm

1/9 日 Sun 10am - 6pm

書畫展覽及工作坊Exhibition and Workshop on Calligraphy and Paintings免費入場 (不設門票) Free admission (Tickets not required)


2 一 Mon 3pm - 8pm

3-7 二至六 Tue - Sat 11am - 8pm

8 日 Sun 11am - 6pm

環保藝術及內畫匯展暨工作坊及表演Exhibition cum Workshop and Performance on Green Arts and Inner Painting免費入場 (不設門票) Free admission (Tickets not required)

9 二零一九年九月Sept 2019


Information updated as of 1.8.2019. For the most updated programme information and information of programmes not open for the general public, please refer to

individual programme publicity materials or contact the respective organisers.葵青劇院 Kwai Tsing Theatre | 荃灣大會堂 Tsuen Wan Town Hall

葵青劇院 Kwai Tsing Theatre 荃灣大會堂 Tsuen Wan Town Hall

13-14 五至六 Fri - Sat 8pm

14-15 六至日 Sat - Sun 3pm


李偉能《出竅》、曾景輝《無眼睇》、曾詠暉《合十》‘New Force in Motion’ Series : Drifting by Joseph Lee, Mo Ngaan Tai by Terry Tsang, Infiltrated by Tsang Wing Fai

$180 $90

2268 7323


21 六 Sat 4pm, 8pm

22 日 Sun 4pm

布偶劇場─巴赫遊學團 Puppet Theatre – Walking Bach to School

聲蜚合唱節有限公司主辦Presented by SingFest Limited

$220 $110

5514 6327


28-29 六至日 Sat - Sun 3pm, 8pm

《葵青小事》Drama Performance

葵涌及青衣區文藝協進會有限公司主辦Presented by Kwai Chung & Tsing Yi District Culture & Arts Co-ordinating Association Limited


2427 7271

荃灣藝術節統籌委員會主辦Presented by Tsuen Wan Arts Festival Co-ordinating Committee

3515 5811

演藝廳 Auditorium 演奏廳 Auditorium

展覽館 Exhibition Gallery

演奏廳 Auditorium

文娛廳 Cultural Activities Hall

黑盒劇場 Black Box Theatre

第二十八屆荃灣藝術節響應節目The 28th Tsuen Wan Arts Festival Celebration Programme

售票處購票 Counter Booking





Tickets are usually available one month prior to the dates of the performances at URBTIX outlets. Tickets for a performance to start within one hour can only be bought at the Box Office of the performing venue. Opening hours of the Box Offices at Kwai Tsing Theatre and Tsuen Wan Town Hall : 10am - 9:30pm daily

網上購票 Internet Booking :

信用咭電話購票 Credit Card Telephone Booking :

2111 5999 (10am - 8pm)

票務查詢 Ticketing Enquiries : 3761 6661 (10am - 8pm)

流動購票應用程式 My URBTIX

Mobile App Booking My URBTIX

購票須知 Ticketing Information

葵青劇院 Kwai Tsing Theatre新界葵涌興寧路12號12 Hing Ning Road, Kwai Chung, New Territories 2408 0128 每日上午九時至晚上十一時 9am-11pm daily [email protected]

荃灣大會堂 Tsuen Wan Town Hall新界荃灣大河道72號72 Tai Ho Road, Tsuen Wan, New Territories 2414 0144 每日上午九時至晚上十一時 9am-11pm daily [email protected]

28 六 Sat

(2:15pm) SOS 無伴奏合唱公開講解及示範 SOS A CAPPELLA Lecture Demonstration免費入場(不設門票) Free admission (Tickets not required)

(4:30pm) SOS 無伴奏合唱體驗工作坊─大師班 SOS A CAPPELLA Workshop – Masterclass

$250/隊 team報名詳情請聯絡主辦單位 Please contact the organiser for enrolment details

升樂人聲樂團主辦Presented by Sound of Singers Group

9458 7452 康樂及文化事務署贊助Sponsored by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department

展覽館 Exhibition Gallery

高齡人士Senior citizens

殘疾人士及看護人People with disabilities and the minder

綜援受惠人士CSSA recipients

全日制學生Full-time students

城市售票網發售Available at URBTIXU 查詢

Enquiries葵青劇院場地伙伴Venue Partner of Kwai Tsing Theatre

康樂及文化事務署主辦Presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department