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Community As an Asset by Evgeny Morozov May 10th, 2008

Community as an Asset

Jan 22, 2015




Community as an Asset presentation given by Evgeny Morozov at a Transitions Online Training in Prague, May 10, 2008
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  • 1. Community As an Asset by Evgeny Morozov May 10th, 2008

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. New Media and Old Media 9. MSM to New Media 10. 11. Result: Tipping of Media Scales 12. Old vs New 13. Old+New=Social Media 14. From Public Sphere to Networked Public Sphere 15. 16. Networked Reflection 17. Blogsourcing 18. Sharing ideas in Flat vs Round Worlds 19. 20. The Bored at Work Network Hundreds of millions of bored office workers sit in front of computers forwarding emails, blogging, IMing, and playing on social network sites. These distracted corporate employees have accidentally created the Bored at Work Network (BWN) -- a huge people-powered network with greater even reach than traditional networks like CNN, ABC, or the BBC.-Jonah Peretti 21. How many man hours are being spent on playing Solitaire every year? 22. 9 billion 23. How many man hours were spent to build Empire State Building? 24. 7 million 25. Is there a better way to spend one's office time than Solitaire? 26. Google Image Labeler 27. Evolution of Captcha 28. 29. Soylent Green the Soylent Grid team estimates that Digg users could identify an image approximately every 17 seconds. That's far from fast enough for someone hurrying through their shopping. Belongie estimates that five seconds would be an acceptable turnaround time, so GroZi would need 25 times the CAPTCHA-producing power of Digg University of California at San Diego 30. Is human interaction becoming more important as technology gets smarter? 31. Human-based computation It's a technique when a computational process performs its function via outsourcing certain steps to humans (Kosorukoff, 2001) 32. Human-based ComputationIn traditional computation, a human employs a computer to solve a problem: a human provides a formalized problem description to a computer, and receives a solution to interpret.In human-based computation, the roles are often reversed: the computer asks a person or a large number of people to solve a problem, then collects, interprets, and integrates their solutions . 33. What motivates participants in human-based motivation programs? * Receiving a fair share of the result * Direct monetary compensation (e.g. in Amazon's Mechanical turk, ChaCha Search guide) * Desire to diversify their activity (e.g. "people aren't asked in their daily lives to be creative" [1]) * Aesthetic satisfaction * Curiosity, desire to test if it works * Volunteerism, desire to support a cause of the project * Reciprocity, exchange, mutual help * Competitive spirit of a game * Desire to communicate and share knowledge * Desire to share a user innovation to see if someone else can improve on it * Desire to game the system and influence the final result 34. Individual actions are fine; but what about community actions and on a larger scale? 35. 36. 37. Crowdsourcing 38. What is crowdsourcing? ...the act of taking a task traditionally performed by an employee or contractor, and outsourcing it to an undefined, generally large group of people, in the form of an open call 39. ...but why do we need it? 40. Too much data 41. Too much bad data unstructured/poorly formatted 42. Relevance+Structure Wikipedia=Google, crowdsourced 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. The Old Model 51. No one knows everything, everyone knows something, all knowledge resides in humanity (i.e. networks/communities Pierre Levy, 1997 52. Take Away=Build Networks 53. FLIRT model of Crowdsourcing

  • F ocus
  • L anguage
  • I ncentives
  • R ules
  • T ools
  • C reators
  • C ritics
  • C onnectors
  • C rowds

54. 55. FLIRT model of Crowdsourcing 56. Focus

  • Issue Area
  • Scale of collaboration
  • Depth of user control


  • Authenticity
  • Transparency
  • Understand & respect
  • context
  • customer
  • Know social objects & emphasize social verbs
  • Show them youre affected


  • Intrinsic
      • Better life
      • Challenge
      • Creativity
      • Satisfying curiosity
      • Learning
      • Fun & Enjoyment
  • Extrinsic
    • Immaterial
      • Fame
      • Recognition (peer & company)
      • Access to channels & resources
      • Reciprocity / community
    • Material
      • Own products and services
      • 3rd party offerings
      • Other non-monetary rewards
      • Cash rewards


  • Communicate: shared focus and objectives
  • Rules of initiation
  • Rules of interaction
  • Rules of intellectual exchange
  • Manufacturing constraints
  • Arbitrary rules
  • spur creativity


  • Platform
    • own / 3rd party / hybrid
  • Tools for creation
    • web service / SW / physical devices / ideas
  • Encourage unexpected use
  • Skills & knowledge
    • required education
  • Company tools
    • harvesting & measuring contribution
    • converting it into action


  • Generate original ideas/content
  • Compete for the best solution
  • In it for
    • the challenge
    • learning
    • fame
    • recognition
    • explicit rewards
  • Key issues
    • feed intrinsic motivation
    • offer relevant extrinsic motivation
    • ensure sufficient level of creative freedom


  • Involved in the conversation
  • Spread the word
  • Aim to influence a large # of people
  • Critics
    • emphasize opinions
    • seek authority among their audience
  • Connectors
    • emphasize sharing
    • seek to connect with a large audience
  • Key issues
    • Be transparent & authentic
    • Enable effective conversation
    • Interact


  • Low-level participation
  • Activate in key events
  • The group formerly known as consumers
  • Communicate mostly with friends
  • Decide what truly has value and what is useless
  • Key issues
    • eliminate barriers to participation
    • show influence in real time
    • draw into deeper levels of participation

64. 65. You can't have a successful community project, if you don't understand your community 66. Ladder of Engagement 67. 68. 69. 3 levels of collaboration 1. Lightweight Social Processes 2. Collaborative Information Structures 3. High End Collaboration 70. Lightweight Social Processes Low-barrier social involvement like voting or the recording of personal information 71. 72. 73. 74. Collaborative Information Structures Core product enhanced by a social component, deeper participation to interact 75. Flickr 76. YouTube 77. Threadless 78. High-end collaborationGroups utilizing systems to make sense and share complex materials and data 79. Wikipedia 80. How do you build a community that works? 81. sense of community1. feelings of membership 2. feelings of influence 3. integration and fulfillment of needs 4. shared emotional connection (McMillan and Chavis, 1986) 82. feelings of membership #arise from the creation of community boundaries #perception of emotinal safety sense of belonging to and #identification withuse of common symbols, language, etc 83. Feelings of membership includes: personal profile pages, "friending" definign groups witin the lagarger group, invitations to groups allow for lots of personal and groups expressiongreet new members and introduce them to others with similar interests 84. feelings of influence #being able to influence group (voice heard) #being able to be influenced by gropup (learning)#feedback responsiveness#rule enforecement and creation by members #maintenance of norms within the group 85. feelings of influence includes: forums, chat, comments, blogging, personalized amilcreate many ways in which members can connect and platforms for expression 86. Integration and fulfillment of needs # feeling of being supported by others # rewards of being a member, such as status, expertise # shared values #feeling of competence within group 87. 88.