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Draft Communication Strategy The main objective of this document is to provide the Pathways to Prosperity in the Americas Initiative with a communications work plan that will permit the dissemination of its image, values, and main achievements in a clear and systematic way. The implementation of this strategy will contribute to increasing the motivation and cohesion amongst participating institutions and their employees, in addition to facilitating the exchange of best practices between stakeholders. September 2013
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Draft  Communication  Strategy  

08  Fall  



The  main  objective  of  this  document  is  to  provide  the  Pathways  to  Prosperity  in  the  Americas  Initiative  with  a  communications  work  plan  that  will  permit  the  dissemination  of  its  image,  values,  and  main  achievements  in  a  clear  and  systematic  way.  The  implementation  of  this  strategy  will  contribute  to  increasing  the  motivation  and  cohesion  amongst  participating  institutions  and  their  employees,  in  addition  to  facilitating  the  exchange  of  best  practices  between  stakeholders.  

 September  2013      


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CONTEXT ……………………………………………………………………...……………………………..……. 3

STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION PLAN ………………..…………….……………....………..……………… 5

CHANNELS ………………………....………………………………….……………………………………….…. 8

AUDIENCES …………………….…………………………….…………………………………………………. 15

OBJECTIVES .…………………………………….………………………………………………………………. 19

MESSAGES ………………………………………………………………………………………….………….... 26

BUDGET ………………………………………………….……………………………………………..………... 27

TEMPLATES ………………………………..…………………………………………………………………….. 28




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 he Pathways to Prosperity in the Americas Initiative was conceived on the 24th of

September of 2008 in New York City and was formalized at the first Ministerial Meeting

of the Pathways to Prosperity in the Americas Initiative that was held in Panama City,

Panama on December 10, 2008. In its five years of existence, the Initiative has not carried out a

defined communcations strategy. Until now, Pathways has employed two principal channels of

communication external in nature. The first being the Pathways website, and the other being

the Department of State website as well as other websites belonging to American Embassies in

Pathways member states that have published progress carried out under the Initiative.

Pathways has also been mentioned in other external communication channels constituted

mainly by websites belonging to projects linked to the Initiative, online press, and various blog


 The Pathways website has historically been and will remain the principal communication

channel of the Initiative. In the framework of the new communication strategy, this website has

recently been modified in order to fulfill the following purposes:    

• Increased visibility  

• Synchronization with social media platforms  

• Change in the corporate image of the initiative  

• Adapting to accommodate mobile devices  

Other formal communication channels that Pathways has been utilizing during the past 5 years


▪ Ministerial meetings, Washington Working Group meetings, Tripartite Committee meetings, etc.  

▪ Informative Sessions    



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An important factor to keep in mind is the lack of the Initiative’s presence in social media

networks. The key concept of social media is that it provides a forum for people to

communicate and connect with each other. Social media engagement will thus connect our

target audience and permit the establishment of a direct line of communication with this group

of individuals. For this reason, the strategy seeks to establish the creation of official profiles in

the principal social media networks with the purpose of improving our communication, both

external and internal, and ensuring that our message reaches our audience.


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he design and implementation of this communication strategy complies with two fundamental missions:    

• Serve as a tool to generate an organizational culture within the Initiative. It is key that this culture be created so that those participating in Pathways develop a collective identity that permits us to reach our objectives more effectively.    

• Raise awareness about the mission and activities of the Initiative amongst our target audience with the aim of increasing and strengthening the critical mass necessary for the Initiative to generate a network of individuals that collaborate with each other.      



The Initiative is comprised of many distinct local and social contexts. The sixteen member

states and two observer states have a myriad of different social and cultural conditions,

customs, laws, languages, political and economic systems that will influence and must be

considered when decisions are made about the channel and tone that wil be utilized in order

to capture the attention of our target audience.

Some of the most important questions that must be addressed are:

How technologically advanced is each country?  

What are the main issues that each country deems important to address?  

What knowledge do the citizens of each country have about Pathways?  

What does the media in each country say about Pathways?    

In answering these questions we will be provided with a snapshot of the landscape in which

Pathways operates, which will in turn affect the management and planning of all future






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Evaluating our online presence both at the website level and at the level of social media is

extremely important in order to find out whether there are weaknesses in Pathways’

communication. It is important to put ourselves in the shoes of the target audience and ask

ourselves exactly what we see when we access these platforms and communities. Our online

presence must be coherent and our platforms relevant in order to effectively reach our target


Some important facts    

• In its five years of existence, Pathways has not had an official profile in any social

network. This has without a doubt made the dissemination of the Initiative’s

achievements and the promotion of its activities more difficult.    

• Hardly any audiovisual content on the Initiative exists on the internet.    

• Using the most popular search engine, this is how we are positioned when a search is

carried out using the following words:

 o “Pathways” 7th page  

o “Caminos” 3rd page  

o “Caminos a la Prosperidad” 1st page / 1st result  

o “Pathways to Prosperity” 1st page / 2nd result  

o “Pathways-Caminos” 1st page / 1st result    

 Appearing in any page of a search other than the first makes the Initiative almost invisible

online. Through Search Engine Optimization techniques, explained in detail below, we

will try to make it so that Pathways is situated in the first page, if not the first result, when

“Pathways” or “Caminos” is searched.

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This analysis consists of a methodology that considers internal characteristics (Strengths and

Weaknesses) and the external environment (Opportunities and Threats) of the Initiative with the

aim of finding out how Pathways is currently situated and planning a more effective

communication strategy.  

The SWOT matrix will help us to identify the actions that must be carried out in order to take

advantage of the opportunities and eliminate or prepare ourselves for the threats, all the while

taking into consideration our strengths and weaknesses.




  Absence of organizational flexibility   Poorly defined operating procedures   Bureaucracy   Limited capacity to respond    

  Deteriorated online image   Absence of media attention   Reduced digital presence   Existence of another initiative that

pursues similar objectives (i.e. UNASUR,RIAL)  



Existing and powerful network of contacts  

Successful projects already identified   Experience of the Tripartite Committee    

  Wide range of potential partners   Relevant actors involved   Technology can work in our favor   Meeting the needs of a new target

audience (pro-citizen institutional communication model)    


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ew communication channels offer us an opportunity to manage a closer

communication with our target audience. What we want to achieve is that these

channels help to generate a positive image of the Initiative through the

establishment of dialogue and participation. In the following section we will identify the

communication channels that will be utilized in order to disseminate our central message as

well as define an action plan to ensure that each of these channels is effectively used.


Pathways’ website is intended to be the center point of the communication system, serving as

the face and principal link to the other communication channels that will be developed.

The Initiative’s website has recently been modified with the purpose of improving its

navigability, increasing Pathways’ online presence, adopting the new corporate image, and

satisfying user demands.




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These are some of the actions that will be carried out with regards to the website:  

Update the website with timely and up to date information  

Develop a new coding for our website in order to make it more attractive, transparent

and navigable  

All of the communication channels will be connected through the website  

Develop a format for the exchange of best practices in the themes of the four pillars  

Optimization techniques will be utilized with the aim of increasing our web presence:    

• Seek other relevant pages that will link to ours (ie. Governments, universities,

and other partners) through added value of our postings. Paying close attention

to content is essential.  

• Establish a link between text and code, text and images, text and video  

• Use words with the purpose of being indexed by search engines  

• Make more accessible our highlighted content using links  

• Minimize errors on the website and maximize the speed at which pages load.

Search engines want quality results and penalize connection errors, breaks in

service, and long loading times.  

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Today social networks constitute one of the main communication platforms worldwide. For this

reason it is absolutely essential that they be included in our communication strategy.














 • Connect and communicate with potential partners as well as retain

existing ones • Establish the focal point of the strategy, off of which the other social

networks will be based • Communicate the mission of the Initiative and disseminate its

objectives, news, and achievements with the purpose of incentivizing the participation of the private sector and other stakeholders

• Increase the impact and relevance of the Initiative at the regional and global level

• Increase the web traffic and number of visits to the web page • Manage the Initiative’s online reputation • Transmit the new corporate image • Carry out market research at zero cost (demographic and geographic

information participation rate within each publication etc.)  

 • Promote Pathways activities in real-time. Our followers will also be

able to re-publish this information, helping to share it with a wider audience

• Propagate our message so that it is heard by our target audience • Find new partners that will get involved with and benefit from

Pathways • Increase traffic on our website • Find out what our partners, existing and prospective, are doing and

discover attractive content for our tweets by following accounts that might be interesting for Pathways

• Incentivize people related to the Initiative to use Twitter to make Pathways a more personalized and approachable initiative

• Share all of the multimedia productions that are being developed with our followers  

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• Connect with a network of professionals from different areas • Establish direct contact with said professionals • Create an opportunity for obtaining traffic on our website • Promote publications and events • Connect with our other social networks

 • Create a library of images that partners and stakeholders have

access to and can share their own content on • Index our images in every search engine • Start conversations about pictures shared on Flickr • Use Flickr as a free place to store images • Attract traffic from the Flickr community by regularly posting quality


• Post multimedia of interest to our target audience • Share links to these videos in as many of the other channels as

possible. A greater emphasis will be placed on sharing videos than on written content

• Video content will help us to highlight the Initiative • Serve as a SEO tool that will position our website through the

establishment of keywords corresponding to uploaded videos, as well as by using appropriate titles  

• Permit the sharing of more extensive content and information relative

to Pathways’ activities and achievements • Generate trust within our audience • Create a network of contacts amongst bloggers that we can in turn

ask to write about our Initiative • Serve as a promotion tool for our website and facebook page

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Webinars are the latest trend in online conferences. A webinar is a virtual event that is managed with software that involves a presenter or lecturer that delivers a seminar to a wide audience that can be connected through their computer from anywhere in the world.








Using this technology to organize online seminars will help us achieve one of the principal objectives of the Initiative: that citizens of member states can benefit from best practices.

Below are some of the benefits that webinars could contribute to the Initiative:

• Building relationships of trust with our target audience

• Obtain knowledge about the needs and issues that interest our target audience

• Connecting with a large number of stakeholders

• Lower the cost of travel, rental of conference rooms, videoconferences, etc.

• Redirect traffic towards the Pathways website

• Filming of sessions so that they may then be reproduced and disseminated

• Generating interest by creating an event out of an idea

• Establishing strategic alliances with experts in different subjects by inviting them to

participate in webinars

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In the framework of this communication strategy two email accounts have been created. The

first will be managed by the Chair pro témpore of the Initiative and the second by the

Clearinghouse Mechanism team. Both accounts will be sending out periodical communiqués

and informative bulletins with the purpose of keeping the stakeholders of the Initiative


[email protected] / [email protected]


Mass media possesses a fundamental role in today’s world due to its ability to disseminate

information that then shapes public opinion. Through the creation of press releases,

informative bulletins, interviews and articles, we will seek to augment public knowledge and

position ourselves within public opinion.


One of the main communication channels that the Initiative has employed up until now has

been holding events of various kinds.

• Washington Working Group meetings  

• Vice-Ministerial Meetings  

• Ministerial Meetings  

• Workshops and dialogues of exchange of experiences  

In organizing these events, the Initiative attempts to:  

• Distribute facts and ideas surrounding Pathways activities so that they become general

knowledge to members of the Washington Working Group

• Socialize Pathways Ministerial Declarations, Action Plans and Reports to Ministers in

order to reach a consensus for their approval

• Share best practices

During the next year, it is expected that one to two events will be held in the framework of

each pillar (the dates of which are to be determined).

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n this section we will identify and analyze the sets of audiences that we are attempting to reach in implementing this communications strategy. The communication channels and the messages to be disseminated will vary depending on the concrete characteristics of each

of these groups. For this reason, this process of identification and analysis is extremely important.




The following organizations make up the Tripartite Committee and are strategic partners

of Pathways, participating actively in the Washington Working Group.

• Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)

• Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)

• Organization of American States (OAS)




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The mission of the Tripartite Committee is to collectively support the organization of

events and provide spaces for dialogue, and the sharing of best practices while providing

technical assistance and discussing possible sources of funding for the implementation of

innovative policies that promote sustainable growth.


In the V Ministerial Meeting of the Initiative celebrated in 2012 in Colombia a Clearing House Mechanism was established in the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States in close coordination with the IDB, ECLAC, and the Co-Chairs of the

established Initiative as a tool for participating countries.



The Washington Working Group is comprised of representatives from the Embassies of

each of the 16 participating countries, from the two observer countries, and from the

Tripartite Committee. Washington Working Group meetings are held regularly so that, in

coordination with capitals, the representatives collaborate on the implementation of the

Initiative’s Clearinghouse Mechanism and on the coordination of the activities and follow

up to the Action Plan resulting from each Ministerial Meeting.


• Have a space and opportunity for ongoing dialogue.

• Identify and exchange best practices and innovative policies.

• Create a Framework for identifying key challenges, attracting

stakeholders to identify promising sources of information that

could serve to respond to these challenges

• Provide continuity to the efforts that support the Initiative’s Plans

of Actions

• Provide input for development policy.


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Civil society can be understood as the group of individuals that are made up by the citizens of a certain society and that act in a collective manner outside of governmental structures with the aim of public decision-making. The existence of this civil society is indispensable for the existence and maintenance of democracy in the countries linked to this Initiative.

Activities belonging to the communication strategy are directed mainly towards the following

civil society institutions:

• Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO)  • Nonprofit Organizations • Citizen Associations • Professional associations and foundations  • Think tanks  • Community Groups  


This is a very broad concept, but could be defined as groups or associations that operate

beyond the borders of a given State and that adopt an organic, permanent structure.

International organizations can be grouped more precisely in two basic categories:

• Intergovernmental Organizations (IO), made up of representatives of national

governments. (    

• Nongovernmental Organizations (NGO), made up of people, groups or entities non-

governmental in nature.      

Given how broad these classifications are, it is extremely important to define in consultation

with the Washington Working Group, a set of organizations, both governmental and

nongovernmental, to which we wish to direct our message, adapting the message and

employing the appropriate channels of communication in each case.

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The private sector includes any and all businesses that are neither operated by nor are the

property of the State.

In this context, it would also be useful to specify in consultation with the Washington Working

Group a list comprised of potential businesses that we would like to reach out to and with

which we would like to establish cooperation or collaboration with the purpose of reaching

Pathways’ goals and objectives.


Pathways to Prosperity in the Americas includes various projects in which universities of the

region are collaborating with the public and private sectors. For this reason it will be useful to

direct some of our communication activities towards this sector in order to develop the

Initiative and attain its goals.









Governments represent another important audience as Pathways to Prosperity functions as a

political level dialogue in which member states learn from mutual experiences through the

sharing of best practices.

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he five objectives that we intend to achieve through the implementation of this communication strategy are quantifiable and measurable over time and are partially defined by the aforementioned SWOT analysis. The proposed objectives will be

reviewed periodically, resulting in the achievement of longer-term goals that include the incorporation of new countries to in the Initiative as well as ensuring its success and continuity.


We will achieve this objective by implementing the following activities:  

Make the Pathways website a powerful and competitive communication tool.    • Create and update communication materials published on the website  

• Adapt the website to the new corporate image  

• Adapt the website for mobile device navigation  













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Utilize SEO techniques to improve our position in search engine results.    • Attracting traffic from social networks (creating content that will subsequently be


• Generate and share through all possible channels quality multimedia content  

• Launching a blog or a series of blogs in order to gain notoriety (by multiplying the

number of indexed pages and keywords)  

• Redesign the website in an intelligent and organic fashion (by reacting to the

behavior of visitors on the website), maintaining the organization and style of the

website by configuration in a way that information is accessible and captivating.    

Develop and share content of interest that generates trust. This content should be both

believable and original.    

Concentrating on a way of capturing our message with images so that our target

audience pays attention to it and differentiates it from other similar information.  


By using Google Analytics we have obtained the following information, which reflects the number of single visits (1936) that our website has received since the activation of the Google Analytics profile in June 2013.

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Internal communication includes both official communication – procedures, norms, policies etc. – and non official communication, in other words, the communication that occurs between any and all of the members of the Initiative - the exchange of ideas and opinions, development of relationships, personal conversations, etc.

This type of communication permits the introduction, dissemination, acceptance and

internalization of the values and management guidelines that make up the culture of the

Initiative. It serves as a way to share the vision and strategy amongst Pathways members.

Increasing opportunities for participation will foster the generation of creative ideas and the

emergrence of integration, motivation and institutional development, reducing possible

sources of conflict or lack of information by strengthening cohesion amongst member states.

We intend to achieve this objective by establishing a mechanism for the management of

internal communication as well as by carrying out the following actions:

Generating periodic electronic bulletins and creating list serves

Creating a communications inbox

([email protected] / [email protected])

Designing and producing pamphlets, posters, signs, merchandising, business cards etc.

Establishing a corporate communication channel (forum, blog and or wiki)

Creating surveys for evaluation purposes

Convening regular meetings with the various Working Groups

Celebrating Internal events: Anniversary of the Initiative, Christmas party, etc.


Level of involvement of members of the Initiative in communication platforms

Number of materials designed and produced

Frequency and rate of participation of meetings  

Consistency of the message conveyed by each member of the Initiative

Responsiveness of members



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IVO 3 - Captar y comunicarse con los participantes de la Plataforma de Desafíos  

One of the opportunities highlighted in the SWOT analysis was to respond to the needs of a new target audience. Thus, with the implementation of the new communication strategy we will have the opportunity to establish a new pro-citizen model of institutional communication. In other words we will use the interactive character of the new model for the development of our agenda with an active and effective public participation.

One of the main characteristics that defines our Initiative has to do with the commitment of member countries to democracy. It is therefore necessary to make use of the communication strategy to build bridges with citizens that go beyond a simple informational message and that act as a precursor to the establishment of a true, inclusive democracy. Generating credibility, trust and transparency is paramount in order to achieve this objective.

Through the following detailed actions in the framework of the communication strategy we intend to achieve this objective:  

Creating profiles in social media networks in order to maintain our target audience informed, ensuring that the audience can communicate with us and feels as though they have a voice

Establishing and incorporating the Challenge Platform to our website. With the Challenge Platform it is intended to encourage dialogue (physical and virtual) and promote the exchange of information and successful experiences within participants.

Adapting the content of our website for mobile device navigation. Our target audience spends a lot of time connecting to the internet using mobile devices and won’t always discover Pathways through a desktop or laptop. This change is increasingly important given this trend.


Number of followers in social networks Index of participation in the Platform Challenge and analysis of chosen answers Gather statistics regarding the number of visits to each communication channel from

mobile devices  



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5: Tra la imagen y en la Iniciativa en sí mism  

Taking advantage of the modification of the logo and the corporate image and with the purpose of transmitting a new image, we should use this change to highlight that which we wish to enhance, and that which we think should change: encouraging collaboration between institutions, improving evaluation systems, simplifying procedures and simplifying our message by using more approachable language, and most importantly, reaching out to our target audience.


   Below is the color palette and typography currently being used on our website.


Pathways’ corporate image must be unified. It is intended that both the webpage and all

communications are generated using the same identity, colors and typography. For this reason,

some templates adapted to our corporate image are attached at the end of this document.




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This is the set of actions that we will carry out for the achievement of our fifth objective:    

Design and production of promotional materials.    

• Printed corporate pamphlet  

• Creation of templates (agendas, announcements, emails, etc)  

• Design of brochures and leaflets  

• Corporate folders  • Promotional materials (pens, agenda, bookmarks, notepads, …)  

  Development of a style guide with the aim of facilitating organization, a manual that will

ensure the standardization of our communication: messages disseminated in public

events, presentations, printed materials and corporate identity.    


Increase the visibility of the Initiative quantified through the generation of quarterly

statistical reports.  

Increase in the number of visits to the website  

Expanding our presence in conferences, workshops, websites belonging to other

Initiatives or companies that are pursuing similar objectives to ours.  

Number of materials designed and produced.  

Increase in the number of followers in our social networks  








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n this part of the strategic communication plan we will identify the messages that we would like our audience to hear. It is important given this objective that we develop messages and phrases or taglines that are clear and concise. These messages must be used

constantly and consistently during the implementation of this strategic plan.

Pathways to Prosperity in the Americas Initiative:







• …  links Western Hemisphere countries committed to democracy and open markets

• …highlights best practices to provide greater economic opportunities and encourages their effective implementation

• …promotes inclusive growth, prosperity and sustainable development

• …functions as a political level dialogue so that countries can learn from shared experiences

• …seeks to spread the benefits of economic growth more broadly among all citizens


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Newsletter #1

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Lismodipis niam delisi tismod tem quat inci tet augait quat utem volenusdiate commy nostio ero dolore wisl magna.Lorem Ipsum, Month 0000

November 2013

Page 28: Communication Strategy - Pathways to Prosperity in the Americas

Pathways  to  Prosperity  in  the  Americas  –  Communication  Strategy      








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voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit




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Page 29: Communication Strategy - Pathways to Prosperity in the Americas

Pathways  to  Prosperity  in  the  Americas  –  Communication  Strategy      



























































Page 30: Communication Strategy - Pathways to Prosperity in the Americas

Pathways  to  Prosperity  in  the  Americas  –  Communication  Strategy      




Page 31: Communication Strategy - Pathways to Prosperity in the Americas

Pathways  to  Prosperity  in  the  Americas  –  Communication  Strategy      





Page 32: Communication Strategy - Pathways to Prosperity in the Americas

Pathways  to  Prosperity  in  the  Americas  –  Communication  Strategy      











 September  2013      

This Communications and Outreach Strategy has been developed thanks to the financial contribution of the Department of State of the

United States of America. The contents are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not reflect the opinions of the Department of State

nor the U.S. Government.