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Commercial Project Management Office 2000 - 2001 Focus “Excellence Without Excuses”
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Page 1: Commercial Project Management Office 2000 - 2001 Focus “Excellence Without Excuses”

CommercialProject Management Office

2000 - 2001 Focus

“Excellence Without Excuses”

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AIS Vision/Mission

AIS will become a premier technology services company, with both internal and external customers, generating new revenue for The Associates. We

will be a company where the best professional people thrive.

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Our Principles

People, People, PeopleSimplify

Use Proven TechnologiesLeverage Success

Provide UtilityCommunicate, Communicate,


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Commercial Project Office Strategic Fit

The Project Management Office Mission:The Commercial Project Management Office will become a premier project management services group for the Commercial organization at The Associates. By partnering with the Project Management Process Group and other AIS divisional Project Offices, improvements to project management processes will facilitate state of the practice techniques. These will enable the business to perform more efficiently and with a higher level of quality. We will be champions of process improvement and change agents to enable Commercial AIS in becoming a more process mature and process capable organization. We will be stewards of the Commercial Knowledge Base Repository while facilitating the systems simplification strategy.

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Commercial Project Office Strategic Fit

Key Objectives Establish and implement a project monitoring process

which provides the Business and AIS management with informative decision based reporting and gives a feedback mechanism to the Account Teams for process improvement; establish selected metrics, baseline and begin tracking; facilitate obtaining SEI/CMM Level 2

Provide expertise, guidance, mentoring and/or assistance with respect to project management, software development methodologies, project reporting and metrics etc. in addition to supporting a Project Management curriculum and assist individuals in fulfilling their training needs

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Commercial Project Office Strategic Fit

Key Objectives cont’d Propagate “best of breed” development

processes, standards and procedures throughout the Account Teams while striving to be a premier service organization.

Provide quality assurance practices and techniques for key project deliverables

Initiate and/or coordinate research and development in order to allow the Account Teams to conduct development in a manner where “best in class” and “reuse” are significant objectives

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GoalsReduce Cost

Improve Cycle Time

Improve Quality

Increase Productivity

Increase Customer Satisfaction

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Techniques Applied

“A goal-problem approach for scoping an improvement program” by Neil Potter/ Mary Sakry

“The Journey” by George YamamuraOther training

Project Experts Theta Systems The Process Group

Past experiences and seminars

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The Process Group

A Goal-Problem Approach For Scoping An Improvement Program

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10"Excellence Without Excuses" George Yamamura 12/9/98

The Journey

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Our JourneyMap/Approach:

Through facts and data, identify problems hindering goal achievement

Select CMM Key Process Areas (KPAs) and activities to assist in overcoming the problems

Establish metrics to baseline and measure improvements

Implement improvements (Right Things, Small Steps, Simple, Timing)

Assess progress - MEASURE!Repeat the cycle

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Facts and Data7. Which one to three phases would you say are the most challenging for your team?




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Initial Key Process Areas

Project Planning emphasize documented project plan and estimating

support activities include the work request/prioritization process

Requirements Management emphasize training and enhance process/templates

Tracking and Oversight continue status reporting and emphasize project plan

review Quality Assurance

conduct process assessments

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Initial Key Process Areas

Sub-contract Management leverage existing processes

Configuration Management leverage existing processes

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Supporting Activities Quality Control

conduct project reviews (PASS® checklist) conduct inspections/walkthroughs

Quality of Service Review conduct customer satisfaction questionnaire

Knowledge Base Repository Stewardship project, application, technology, process, data

Metrics initially use the few simple correct measures with minimum

disruption to project teams! provide effective information to improve organizational processes in

order to produce higher quality solutions in less time with less effort

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With clearly defined goals and established process, people are more likely to work on enjoyable projects with less side-effects of poor planning

Projects are more likely to consistently achieve the expected results of cost, schedule, quality/functionality and...


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2000 - 2001 Focus

Managem ent C om m itm ent

A IS P ro jec t L ife C yc leP lanning R qm ents Mgm t Trac king & O vers ight P M Q uality A s s ur. S ub-C ontrac t C onfig.Mgm t


A c tivities es tim ating rqm ents definition s ta tus rept., pro j. p lan review process as sessm ents leverage on exis ting processespro ject p lan process

S upportA c tivities

work reques t/prio ritiza tion process

S upportFunc tions /Too ls E duc ation C om m unic ation K nowledge B as e R epos itory

P M curricu lum , R M workshop bulle tin boards , W eb page, a rtic les pro ject, applica tion, techno logy, process , data

M E T R I C SP lanned Vs A c tuals (S chedule , C o s t, E ffo rt) In -proc ess Defec ts (Ins pections /w a lkthrus /P A S S (r))

P roduc tion Defec ts Q uality o f S ervic e R eviewsP roc es s A ss es sm ents (P as s /N o P as s )

D E F I N E & I M P L E M E N T I M P R O V E M E N T A C T I O N SR ight T hings , S m a ll S teps , S im ple , T im ing

Feedbac k

2000 - 2001 Foc usR evis ion date: 10/06/2000

Im prove Q ua lityR educe C os ts

Im prove C yc le T im eIncrease

P roductivity

IncreaseC us tom er

S atis faction!!

C om m erc ial P ro jec t Managem ent O ffi c e











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Lessons Learned

Management supportTrainingProject Management CouncilProject Life CycleNetworking Customer Involvement Methodologies