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Comments on the Alarming Issue of the Warming Earth

Nov 02, 2015



this is the alarming issues today
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Comments on the ALARMING ISSUE OF THE WARMING EARTH: (HUBPAGES)1. (As of July 13, 2015)

2. Janna Baloy4 days agoEarth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs but not every man's greed. We are having a lot of issues in our environment. We should be alarmed on what is happening because we are causing it. Nature gave us a lot that we need so we should take care of it. Be concern not just to our environment but also to our next generation that will need an environment, a food to eat and a plant to breathe.3. Jessica Ocampo4 days agoGlobal warming is a major atmospheric issue all over the world. Our earths surface becoming hot day by day by trapping the suns heat and rise in the level of atmospheric carbon dioxide. It has become one of the subjects of big social issues which need social awareness to a great level. People should know its meaning, causes, effects and solutions to solve it immediately. People should come forth together and try to solve it in order to save life on the earth.4. Aiesley Joy Taruc Laxamana4 days agoGlobal warming has the capability to wipe humanity off the face of the Earth. Our planet is warming up, but its been warmer in the ancient past Mother Earth can handle herself. It will go on revolving around the sun, but without us. We will not survive.5. Ellanour Tabula4 days agoGlobal warming is real. It is happening today. It is being charted by our satellites. It is being charted by our scientists. It is being charted by those of us in this body, and I think the real key is if we are ready to admit that fact and take the action to make the necessary conversion. The most important thing about global warming is this. Whether humans are responsible for the bulk of climate change is going to be left to the scientists, but it's all of our responsibility to leave this planet in better shape for the future generations than we found it.6. Chen esmeria4 days agothe recent increase in the world's temperature that is believed to be caused by the increase of certain gases (such as carbon dioxide) in the atmosphere. It will take all of us make a significant change from the individual to the biggest companies.

7. Rina Euson4 days ago from PlaridelGlobal Warming is the increase of Earth's average surface temperature due to effect of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels or from deforestation, which trap heat that would otherwise escape from Earth. This is a type of greenhouse effect.8. Janel M. Brasileno4 days agoGlobal warming describe a gradual increase in the average temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and its oceans, a change that is believed to be permanently changing the Earth's climate.In order to effectively address global warming, we must significantly reduce the amount of heat-trapping emissions we are putting into the atmosphere.As individuals, we can help by taking action to reduce our personal carbon emissions. But to fully address the threat of global warming, we must demand action from our elected leaders to support and implement a comprehensive set of climate solutions.9. Julius Nolasco4 days agoGlobal warming is a very serious case. It can affect the whole humanity and ofcourse the entire world. As a human who suffers a lot because of the effect of global warming we need more attention and focus to know what is the efficient prevention to the global warming. Discipline and Responsibility this is what we need to show. Let the next generation experience how beautiful the Mother Earth is.10. jefferson neil4 days agoGlobal warming is term used to describe a gradual increase in average temperature of the earth atmosphere and its ocean a change that is believe to PERMANENTLY changing the earth climate11. Leandro Copino4 days agoGlobal warming causes by greenhouse effect. Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere (see above) act like a mirror and reflect back to the Earth a part of the heat radiation, which would otherwise be lost to space.

12. Angelica Salinas4 days agoThe most important thing about global warming is that every human should have this responsibility to leave this planet in better shape for the future generations. This is a challenge we should do. We must learn how to use our resources wisely. Global warming and climate change is not a prediction. it is happening.13. reibelyn alabado4 days agoalmost everybody and the whole entire humanity are now faced with the alarming issues on climate change and global warmin because of our recklessness we are now facing some issues in earth. 'We made by god to love and care our nature not to destroy it' so we must do some actions to protect mother earth.14. Aia karen Punzalan4 days agoGlobal warming is such a very serious problem that we encounter today. This is a phenomenon which really to solve global warming is where we expirience the quick changing of temperature for being hot. The solution for this s problem is we have to something about it that can help our mother earth for the sake of having a good environment. How? By making use such thing that can help through natural usage, planting trees, use bicycle twice a week when you are going to work or school to lessen the polution. So when it come to climate change this is more serious thing. Now we experience very heavy rains tornado's and other environmental calamities. Too many lives are gone in this situation the solution is we have to know how to concerve our nature cleaning our places do such things that can help to maintain the nature's own beauty and we can do all of these if we work as one and always have faith with God because nothing is imposible if we have God on each in everyones heart15. Hidee Ellaine Cruz Hizon4 days agoGlobal warming is the rise in temperature of the earth's atmosphere primarily due to the so called "greenhouse effect". as explained by Hadley Center for Climate Prediction and research in the United-Kingdom, when there is a change in the world's ocean temperature, typhoons and cyclones will become more frequent and more severe.Global warming started since 19th century. It affects are countries in the tropics, subtropics, and the developing countries.Greenhouse effect allows sunlight to enter and traps the heat energy that keeps the inslide of the greenhouse.16. MArk Steven Taruc4 days agoGlobal Warming is the increase of Earth's average surface temperature due to effect of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels or from deforestation, which trap heat that would otherwise escape from Earth. This is a type of greenhouse effect.17. Rgboy Bautista4 days agoWell global warming has already gone more than humans can handle, Yes, humans are the cause of it, i mean, hairspray, Axe/tag, CARS, factories, greenhouses, smokestacks, no carpooling but people capable of rational thought know that mankind has insufficient impact on the atmosphere to warrant the kind of hysteria being generated by the press. My solution is to stop the politicians from polluting the atmosphere with their hot air, and allow nature to take her course.

18. Maryrose Cruz4 days agoWe should take the issue of global warming very seriously and try our best to reduce the effects of it on the environment. We should follow all the rules and regulations planned and implemented by the government to reach to the aim and continue the possibility of healthy life on the earth. We should try to live very simple life in order to keep the atmospheric temperature up to normal so that all the natural cycles may go as usual without any negative effects.19. Sharine Kate Maghinay3 days agoGlobal warming is the increase of earths average surface temperature due to the effect of greenhouse gases. These greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane absorb heat that would otherwise escape from earth. Global warming has emerged has one of the most biggest environmental issue in the two decades.20. Alyssa Nicole M. De Lara3 days agoGlobal warming is the term used to describe a gradual increase in the average temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and its oceans, a change that is believed to be permanently changing the Earths climate. There is great debate among many people, and sometimes in the news, on whether global warming is real (some call it a hoax). But climate scientists looking at the data and facts agree the planet is warming. While many view the effects of global warming to be more substantial and more rapidly occurring than others do, the scientific consensus on climatic changes related to global warming is that the average temperature of the Earth has risen between 0.4 and 0.8 C over the past 100 years.

21. john guevara3 days agoExample of global warming is sea levels rising due to polar ice caps melting. sea level have significantly increased by as much a four to eight inches by the year 2100, the rise in sea level is predicated to be approximately 10.2 inches and an additional 27 feet would be added from the melting of land ice. the city of new york and any others low level areas of the entire east coast would be subjected to disastrous flooding. Global warming will effect people's supplies of foods and water. when the heat and light from the sun can enter the atmosphere but cannot escape from it, causing the temperature to rise.22. Guia Mananghaya3 days agoGlobal warming is relatively connected to mankind. It is a general and scientific assumption that the temperature of our earth is constantly increasing and will later cause great climate changes in the whole world. As I searched, ecological scientists believe that it is all because of mans unfriendly environmental activities. As a result of global warming, ice is melting all over the world, less fresh water will be available in future, etc. This brings us to conclude that both environment and living organisms are threatened by damaging effects of global warming.23. Paulo Lozasa3 days agoGlobal warming is primarly a problem of too much carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmospherewhich acts as blanket,trapping heat and warming the planet. As we burn fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural gas for energy or cut down and burn forests to create pastures and plantions, carbon accumulates and overloads our atmosphere. Certain waste management and agricultural practices aggravate the problem by releasing other potent global warming gases, such as methane and nitrous oxide.24. Monique Rogero3 days agoIt is a fact that the world is experiencing a significant climate change, as is evident in unpredictable weather patterns. This has led to an international discussion of global warming and its threat to future existence of life on earth. For example, it is difficult to predict each year what geographic locations will experience rainfall and to what extent. Additionally, ice caps are melting, resulting in the rise of the sea level in some low-laying land areas, many of these highly populated with people. Furthermore, for the past couple of years, world media has aired news of huge wildfires in a number of locations world-wide. Moreover, deadly heat waves are occurring more frequently. Severe storms have also been witnessed in various parts of the world, causing loss of human lives and destruction of property. In addition, severe droughts that had hitherto never been experienced are becoming commonplace in many countries. These are concrete examples that global warming is a real threat.25. Joshua Morete3 days agoGlobal warming. It is the main problem of earth. The cause of destructions, climate change, melting of ice in poles, global catastrophe like water pollution and landslides. All of these are problems made by humans by destroying the earth. Global warming is caused by greenhouse gasses trapped into our atmosphere. Greenhouse gasses is composed of many gasses like CO2. Carbon dioxide is a gas that we humans exhale. It can be found in smoke emitting object like cars, factories and others. Technology is making our life easier but many of us doesn't know that it is causing a major part in global warming. This can't be happened if we did not cut trees from forest. Many of us dont know that trees absorbs carbon dioxide but trees are destroyed by multiple events like kaingin and illegal logging. Shall we stop to progress for us to stop abusing our nature. We nees to know the answer before the time that we realize that we cannot eat money.26. Via Joy Galang3 days agoGlobal warming is an increase in the earth's average atmospheric temperature that causes corresponding changes in climate and that may result from the greenhouse effect.Global warming is a sensitive topic and the only way we are going to solve it is to become more realistic with our lifestyles and take action towards saving the planet before our destruction of our natural resources has gone so far that there is no return. 27. Yves Loza3 days agothe greenhouse effect and global warming are issues that are talked about by geologists all the time. The greenhouse effect is a natural process that keeps the earth at temperatures that are livable. Energy from the sun warms the earth when its heat rays are absorbed by greenhouse gasses and become trapped in the atmosphere. Some of the most common greenhouse gasses are water vapor, carbon dioxide, and methane. If there were no greenhouse gasses, very few rays would be absorbed and the earth would be extremely cold. When too many rays are absorbed, the earth's atmosphere starts to warm, which leads to global warming. Global warming can lead to many problems that affects the environment in which we live.All living organism here in Earth is affected by Global Warming. Global Warming can also be the Trigger to Climate Change. Global Warming and Climate Change is a big hindrance for us Living Organism. This can cause illness, poverty , Destruction of Our Natural Resources, Destruction of our shelter and can even cause DEATH. We are living here in our Planet with the 4 elements (water,soil,air and fire) and global warming can change the moods of these elements. Global Warming can change the patterns of the circulation of the sea. Global Warming can move Tectonic Plates. Global Warming can cause Air Pollution. And Global Warming can burn our way of living into ashes.Let us think on how can we survive. Let's take care of ourselves. But let us lend our mother earth our helping hand.-Yves Loza28. Diseree Olyssa Salas3 days agoGlobal warming is among the most alarming environmental issues that the world faces today. This phenomenon does not simply involve the significant rise in the earths temperature but a lot more. The adverse effects of global warming have become more and more apparent since the dawn of the 20th century, with more hurricanes and tropical storms causing massive destruction in different areas around the world, more animal species losing their habitats and becoming extinct, and more people dying because of too much heat. Here are 25 alarming global warming statistics.29. Diseree Olyssa Salas3 days agoGlobal warming is among the most alarming environmental issues that the world faces today. This phenomenon does not simply involve the significant rise in the earths temperature but a lot more. The adverse effects of global warming have become more and more apparent since the dawn of the 20th century, with more hurricanes and tropical storms causing massive destruction in different areas around the world, more animal species losing their habitats and becoming extinct, and more people dying because of too much heat.30. Alyssa Sales3 days agoAs a student I am so worried about the climate change that people is experiencing as of the present time. It gets the Earth hotter and hotter and change the weather due to its uncertainty. Global warming and Greenhouse effect have the most and dangerous yet quite effect to earth especially to our ecosystem. They loosening the atmosphere that covers our planet earth. as a citizen and a part of the earth I used and provoked to help each other to clean and be one of the way to change the Alarming Global Warming because it is for our safety and for our family and for the upcoming babies that will give birth. We can first do things like throwing our garbage not on the rivers and avoiding throwing non-biodegradable in our resources especially to oceans and rivers. In effect our do's will make our planet earth safe and quite for danger typhoon and earthquakes. If people want to live a healthy living we should help and love our environment because it is a gift from our almighty God. 31. Nikko Boyy3 days agoBase on tha article I red, all of them are true. The effect of climate change in our country is increasing and it is the sign that Earth is nearly destroy. As of now we can stop or maybe lessen the chance of the Earth's breakdown, if we follow the right ways to protect the Eart. Stop cutting trees, The Kaingin, And use our Nature properly and with the sense. Global warming will have catastrophic effects such as accelerating sea level rise, droughts, floods, storms and heat waves. These will impact some of the world's poorest and most vulnerable people, disrupting food production, and threatening vitally important species, habitats and ecosystems. Despite compelling scientific evidence, governments and businesses have responded very slowly. It's nearly impossible to overstate the threat of climate change. Greenhouse gas emissions are rising more rapidly than predicted and consequently the world is warming more quickly. God gave us home. All that we need just to survive in our daily life is all here. So us a human we need to protect it and avoid it to the things that may harmful on it. Like what we do in our important things like cellphone, we always keep it to the safe place and take away from the thing that make cause some damage. So think wisely, Earth is more important than you cellphones, make a move and help to stop the climte change.32. Bryan Carlo V. Melencio3 days agoThere is a way on this situationWe either stay as we are and end the world as we know it, up to and including the risk of ending the human species.or we start panicking right now and get our affairs in order.The problem is the public isn't keen to change , they like their foreign holidays, they like their garden lights, they like their cars and their meat and their warm beds.Now a lot in the environmental movement blame lobbying and brainwashing of one kind or another, but the way it looks to me, people just don't want to pay more for a worse life. It's not that they don't know, it's that they just don't care.

33. Mian Yambao3 days agoGlobal warming, it will never do anything good for us but because of human negligence it happens. Instead of taking care of the Mother Earth, we are doing the opposite. We should act right now to save mother earth because it's the only planet that we can live and it is the only planet that can sustain our needs. We need to save mother earth right now so that we won't be having regrets in the end. In that way, we could reciprocate what it has given to us and also by giving thanks to God.34. Martin james generale3 days agoGlobal warming is primarily a problem of too much carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmospherewhich acts as a blanket, trapping heat and warming the planet. As we burn fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural gas for energy or cut down and burn forests to create pastures and plantations, carbon accumulates and overloads our atmosphere. Certain waste management and agricultural practices aggravate the problem by releasing other potent global warming gases, such as methane and nitrous oxide. See the pie chart for a breakdown of heat-trapping global warming emissions by economic sector. 35. Patpat De Vera3 days agoWe definitely feel it now and we're nearing to see its full effect. Have we wondered why the weather is so hot but it's raining season? Or suddenly it is raining when you see awhile ago that the sky is clear? It's not normal, well it's the aftermath of what the humankind did to this very planet. The world is warming, and that is the main reason why the glaciers in The Polar regions are melting. Animals and plants are in the brink of decreasing in numbers---why? because some of the species find it difficult to adapt in this changing environment. The ozone is depleting, biodiversity is loss. And we got no response to this big dilemma.Global warming and other environmental issues are not just a simple occurrence. As I said, it wasn't normal, and it doesn't just pop out of nowhere. We, are destroying this planet, and we, should take charge of protecting and reviving it. It isn't just a need to protect the planet, it IS our responsibility.36. Rachelle Marie Dalusong.3 days agoClimate change is changing our economy, health and communities in diverse ways. Scientists warn that if we do not aggressively curb climate change now, the results will likely be disastrous.The current and future consequences of global change is the potential future effects of global climate change include more frequent wildfires, longer periods of drought in some regions and an increase in the number, duration and intensity of tropical storms.Global climate change has already had observable effects on the environment. Glaciers have shrunk, ice on rivers and lakes is breaking up earlier, plant and animal ranges have shifted and trees are flowering sooner.Effects that scientists had predicted in the past would result from global climate change are now occurring: loss of sea ice, accelerated sea level rise and longer, more intense heat waves.37. patricia mendoza3 days agoglobal warming is an increase in the earths temperature due to fossils fuels, industry, and agricultural caused by humans. many people believe that humans contribute to the main cause of global warming, but others says that the increase is a part of the natural climate change on earth.38. Agnes Mateo3 days agoGlobal warming has the capability to wipe humanity off the face of the Earth. Our planet is warming up, but its been warmer in the ancient past Mother Earth can handle herself. It will go on revolving around the sun, but without us. We will not survive. Global warming is among the most alarming environmental issues that the world faces today. This phenomenon does not simply involve the significant rise in the earths temperature but a lot more. The adverse effects of global warming have become more and more apparent since the dawn of the 20th century, with more hurricanes and tropical storms causing massive destruction in different areas around the world, more animal species losing their habitats and becoming extinct, and more people dying because of too much heat. Here are 25 alarming global warming statistics.39. Rovy Kim Taruc3 days agoGlobal warming is a phenomenal dilemma in our environment. It deals with inappropriate condition as well as atmosphere. It also encloses the ozone layer which was being destroyed nowadays that causes the heat to come over and causes the atmosphere being damaged. Global warming might as well defy the increase of the temperatures due to different pollution nowadays. The destruction of forest and trees are also a factor why Global Warming arise. Deforestation result downgrading of our environment which precisely causes global warming. The changes in climate we experience recently are the end products of Global Warming. And the outgoing radiation that warms the earth of green house effect are also causes in Global Warming.40. Ayman Bantual3 days agoGlobal warming is the main problem of the world right now. Because of it, our ozone layer was broken. And because of it greenhouse gases makes our planet earth hotter causing damage with north poles ice. Making animals die. And causing lots of problem in the earth. Humans must find a way and be educated about the the problem we are having right now. We shouldn't just learn what is happening but we must also make a move. If we all do things that can help the mother earth then we can succeed on a goal that can help the earth gets back it's previous state. It will take time but who know what might happen. Let's not make our mother earth die. Thus let's all unite and make a move. Pollution must be stopped. I, myself still don't know how to prevent the pollution, but i know there are some people who are finding ways how to solve this problem. As what i have stated. We all must unite for the safety of the humanity of future. Because if we don't make a move then it'll be too late for the humanity of future. 41. Lgail Galvez3 days agoGlobal warming has been a very alarming issue, it is because of the continues abuse of the human all over the world to our one and only mother earth. Along with the progress and development of the way we live, the way we interact with each other and the way we invent new things for our easy living, we contribute to the more and more destruction of our planet. What's done has been done, we cannot undo those things, but we surely can minimized the continues destruction of it even in little things that we do. It would not be easy but if we will really put our combines efforts and what the most develop countries have been researching and studying maybe there will still be Earth for the many generations to come. 42. EdgardoCayanan283 days agoGlobal warming is caused by the humans that pollute the mother earth by the use of distructive equipments in a factory or what ever that produce a large amount of pollution in the air and the chemical waste that dirrectly pollute the water. And the only way to stop the global warming or lessen it is by stop the continous polluting the mother earth. And stop doing what is bad for our world and also for us. The climate change is a sign that the pollution is very high in this world so stop it before its late.43. carlo yu3 days agoGlobal warming is already having significant and harmful effects on our communities, our health, and our climate. We are the cause.We are overloading our atmosphere with carbon dioxide, which traps heat and steadily drives up the planets temperature. Where does all this carbon come from? The fossil fuels we burn for energycoal, natural gas, and oilplus the loss of forests due to deforestation, especially in the tropics 44. Rianne Lacsamana3 days agoOne of the biggest problems facing the world today is global warming. Many scientists believe that our production of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases is having a heating effect on the atmosphere, and this could be very dangerous for human life. There are so many problems that global warming can bring. I will give at least 2 examples: 1st one is changes in weather patterns, this Many areas of the world are experiencing increased hurricanes, floods, and other unusual weather, the best example of this is in Hilton, usually in Hilton, the people there they didn't experience snow but now they experiencing it because the pattern of weather changed. The 2nd one is it cause flood, the most common problem. Here in the Philippines we usually experience flood because we have lack of trees that can sip the water . That's only 2 common causes of global warming. But we have a solution there, we make small changes now in the way we live, we can avoid huge changes in the future, like planting trees, use less energy and to recycle more products. but changing the world, comes by ourselves first, be a role model to others ."THE PEOPLE WHO ARE CRAZY ENOUGH TO THINK THEY CAN CHANGE THE WORLD, ARE THE ONES WHO DO. - Steve Jobs-HerianneLynneLacsamana45. Shairha Pawhay3 days agoGlobal warming is really alarming. As you can see when the summer season comes, sometimes it rains hard and when the BER-months come which we usually know that this is the time of the cold weather it is usually hot. Human activities causes these changes, the abusive use of resources around us and taking for granted about these changes. We must be responsible of our own action as well as to our only habitat. In our own simple way we can help to reduce its effect, by recycling materials, seggregating wastes, making compost pits and plant seedlings in our backyards. We should make our move before its too late for us and also for the next generations who will inhabit to our environment. Mother Earth is in grief and we humans should help her to be beautiful and alive again.

46. melaaii-bsba3 days ago from Baliuag,BulacanGlobal warming is increasing rapidly caused by the non-stop effect of carbon dioxide, green house gases and other human activities. Slowly, it destroys the earth through the harmful rays of the sun. Climate change is the most evident product of global warming, because as we all know disasters that cause destruction to human lives are part of it. Lastly, we must all remember that this is already a warning that we should start to care and do some actions to fight pollution and save mother earth.47. Daisy3 days agoGlobal warming is the term used to describe a gradual increase in the average temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and its oceans, a change that is believed to be permanently changing the Earths climate. There is great debate among many people, and sometimes in the news, on whether global warming is real (some call it a hoax). But climate scientists looking at the data and facts agree the planet is warming.48. Maricar Sanchez3 days agoGlobal warming is among the most alarming environmental issues that the world faces today. This phenomenon does not simply involve the significant rise in the earths temperature but a lot more. The adverse effects of global warming have become more and more apparent since the dawn of the 20th century, with more hurricanes and tropical storms causing massive destruction in different areas around the world, more animal species losing their habitats and becoming extinct, and more people dying because of too much heat.49. Jhoy castro3 days agoGlobal warming and climate change are terms for the observed century-scale rise in the average temperature of the Earth's climate system and its related effects.Multiple lines of scientific evidence show that the climate system is warming.[2][3] Although the increase of near-surface atmospheric temperature is the measure of global warming often reported in the popular press, most of the additional energy stored in the climate system since 1970 has gone into ocean warming. The remainder has melted ice, and warmed the continents and atmosphere.[4][a] Many of the observed changes since the 1950s are unprecedented over decades to millennia.[5]

50. Nicole Valmocena3 days agoNowadays climate change is the biggest problem of the human being. It is already happening and represents one of the greatest environmental, social and economic threats facing the planet. We all know very well that air is something we cant live without. When we breathe the polluted air, we can get seriously ill. Ground-level ozone can damage lung tissue, and is especially harmful for those with asthma and other chronic lung diseases. Sunlight and high temperatures, combined with other pollutants such as nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds, can cause the ground-level ozone to increase.We cannot escape from the polluted air-its everywhere, even in our homes and we are breathing it non-stop. This can cause cancer and other serious diseases.The climate is a very important thing and if we dont stop the changes soon, more and more plants and trees are going to die, we wont have enough food and then not only will the third world countries suffer from hunger but so will the whole world. I think it is better to first stop the changes in climate and then gradually reduce the hunger in the poor countries. Because if we stop the changes, we are going to be healthier and everything around us will be cleaner and it will be how it actually should be. I believe harmony between nature and human beings will return.51. ronnel felipe3 days agoGlobal warming is a global phenomenon nowadays..It occurse because of the green house gases.The temperature of the planet Earth is very's hard to predict what happends next..Yes we are the one who responsible in doing this bad habbits..and we are also the one to make a move to stop it..this is for the new generation and for our children, and for the children of our children.52. Angeliqueen Perez3 days agoWe must be aware in Global Warming and Climate Change. We are responsible on it. Because we live in our mother Earth, this is for our sake too. Global Warming is all about abnormal atmosphere, earthquakes, tsunami, typhoons, we are very affected on it. Warm continents and atmosphere. We must protect the ozone layer because it protects us on the sun rays. Lets think better idea to stop abusing mother Earth and to have a better environment and better life for the future and next generations. God gives natural environment we must treasure it.53. PAOLO EVANGELISTA3 days agoGlobal warming is already having significant and harmful effects on our communities, our health, and our climate. We are the cause. We are overloading our atmosphere with carbon dioxide, which traps heat and steadily drives up the planets temperature. Where does all this carbon come from? The fossil fuels we burn for energycoal, natural gas, and oilplus the loss of forests due to deforestation, especially in the tropics

54. lovely jane2 days agoNowadays one of the biggest problem in our environment or society is global warming or climate change. One example of global warming is the change of weather, here in the Philippines we experience floods, extremely heat, etc. because of the global warming that we are experienceing nowadays we are prone to deseases like skin desease, infections, leptospyrosis, etc. In short global warming can affect our life. Some scientists believe that carbon dioxide and the greenhouse gases has an effect on the atmosphere that cause global warming.55. Julie Ann Dela Cruz2 days agoGlobal warming is a major issue today on the earth which cause continuous rise in the surface temperature of the earth. It is a big environmental and social issue all over the world because our earth's surface becoming hot day by day by trapping the sun's heat and rise in the level of atmospheric carbon dioxide.There are potential ways or steps to solve global warming that governments and individual can take to reduce it effects. If we are to save our planet, it is important that this is treated as a priority for all concerned.

56. ClarenceTolentino2 days agoGlobal warming is the biggest threat being faced by mankind today. It refers to the observed and projected increase in the earths average temperature due to natural or anthropogenic climate change.-Clarence Tolentino

57. Clarissa Espino2 days ago from baliuag bulacanthe alarming issue of global warming and climate change is it affect the weather and manipulate it in to storm or typhoon. Nowadays we experiencing different kinds of typhoons and it is very different in the few year because of us climate change and global warming raises up the intensity of our weather and the out come of it we are now experiencing the uncontrollable weather we cannot know when it is exactly come and fall.Global warming as we already know it's about the effect of our wrong way of taking care in our environment that effect the atmosphere that called global warming. Ma. Clarissa Espino58. Jenalene A. Detecio2 days agoGlobal warming is really alarming because of different calamities causes by this phenomenon. This event is not just a local issue. This is an issue talked arround the world. That every nation was alarmed by this event that mostly happened beacuse of people negligence.Nowadays, development is all arround but it also resulted in different polutants that contributed to global warming. Like many factories who are not disposing their waste materials properly some are burning those wastes that creat polutants in the air. Another example is the businesses where raw materials are logs untill our forest were lack of trees already. Trees basically help to filter the polutants in the air ang helps lessen global warming. 59. Kate Nicole2 days agoOne of the biggest problems facing the world today is global warming. It affects us and the entire world. It increase the Earth's temperature because of the effect of burning fossil fuels or deforestation. So we should do some actions to protect our nature or world.60. Alvin Manlapaz2 days agoGlobal warming is the warming near the earth's surface that results when the earth's atmosphere traps the sun's heat. The earth is getting warmer. The changes are small, so far, but they are expected to grow and speed up. Within the next fifty to one hundred years, the earth may be hotter than it has been in the past million years. As oceans warm and glaciers melt, land and cities along coasts may be flooded. Heat and drought may cause forests to die and food crops to fail. Global warming will affect weather everywhere, plants and animals everywhere, people everywhere; humans are warming the earth's atmosphere by burning fuels, cutting down forest, and by taking part in other activities that release certain heat trapping gases into the air.61. Rachel Joy C. Caudal2 days agoGlobal warming is the current increase in temperature of the Earth's surface (both land and water) as well as it's atmosphere. Average temperatures around the world have risen by 0.75C (1.4F) over the last 100 years about two thirds of this increase has occurred since 1975.1 2 In the past, when the Earth experienced increases in temperature it was the result of natural causes but today it is being caused by the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere produced by human activities.62. Nicole Gee Marie Cruz2 days agoGlobal warming, is the major issue in our environment today. An issue that confront the entire humanity. No doubts, on the effect on climate change and global warming because of that we experience the el nino phenomenon the unsual warm weather which can cause heat waves, ocean warming, devastating typhoon and other calamity, this are some of the environmental surprise that we encounter. 63. bernadettez2 days agoGlobal warming is the current increase in temperature of the Earth's surface (both land and water) as well as it's atmosphere. For me, it is the most dreaded to happen. Because all of us are included through this crisis. It can kill lives. Global warming is affecting many places around the world. The earth is not dying, it is being killed. And the people who are killing it have names and addresses. So while there is time, please let us take good care of the earth. Like Mr. Al Gore says, The warnings about Global Warming have been extremely for a long time. We are facing a global climate crisis. It is deepening. We are entering a period of consequences.64. Hanna Cruz2 days agoGlobal warming is the common cause of the climate change . In that we are now facing different kinds of environmental tragedy. In that we need to protect our Mother Earth especially the environment because although were not the one who will suffer to that ,but for the next generation we need to protect them.65. Jace Delaxcruz2 days agoGlobal warming is the warming near the earth's surface that results when the earth's atmosphere traps the sun's heat. The earth is getting warmer. The changes are small, so far, but they are expected to grow and speed up. Within the next fifty to one hundred years, the earth may be hotter than it has been in the past million years. As oceans warm and glaciers melt, land and cities along coasts may be flooded. Heat and drought may cause forests to die and food crops to fail. Global warming will affect weather everywhere, plants and animals everywhere, people everywhere; humans are warming the earth's atmosphere by burning fuels, cutting down forest, and by taking part in other activities that release certain heat trapping gases into the air.One major cause of global warming is the use of fossil fuels. Fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas that were formed from the remains of plant material deposited during the earth's carboniferous period. We have known for only a few thousand years that coal, oil, and natural gas can be burned to provide energy. It was not until the mid-1800s, however, that we began to burn very large quantities of these fossil fuels. The worldwide consumption of fossil fuel has increased dramatically. The world now burns at least five billion tons of fossil fuel each year. As this carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels enters the atmosphere, some of it is taken up by photosynthesizing plants, and the oceans absorb some. But because we are burning so much fossil fuel at such a rapid rate, we are putting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere much faster than these natural processes are taking it out. There is no longer a balance between the amount of carbon dioxide being added to the air and the amount of carbon dioxide being removed. As a result, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air is steadily increasing.Unfortunately, burning fossil fuels is not the only thing that we humans are?66. Criztelle Guillermo2 days agoGlobal warming and climate change are terms for the observed century-scale rise in the average temperature of the Earth's climate system and its related effects. Multiple lines of scientific evidence show that the climate system is warming. Although the increase of near-surface atmospheric temperature is the measure of global warming often reported in the popular press 67. Kcharm David2 days agoClimate change is the single biggest environment and humanitarian crisis of our time. This earth's atmosphere is overloaded with threatens large-scale description is climate with disastrous consequence. We must act now to spur the adaption of cleaner energy sources at home and abroad...there are some ways to prevent the earth from disappearing like, reduce using the electricity at home by turning off the light and TV at night when it is time for bedtime. Another one, do not throw the any garbage either cups and papers into the river that will be contaminate the river. Be aware to use too much gasoline if the store is only three or four blocks away from your house. Recycles any items that can be recycles or drop if off at any recycling area.krischarm david (BSBA block1)68. Maxine Leah Mangulabnan2 days agoOne of the biggest problems facing the world today is global warming. Many scientists believe that our production of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases is having a heating effect on the atmosphere and this could be very dangerous for human life.There are several things we can do to solve the problem of global warming. One solution is to stop producing CO2. We can do this by switching from oil,coal ang gas to renewable energy. Another solution is to plant more trees. Trees absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen which is not a greenhouse gas. So do our share to stop this global warming to save the earth. So the next generation will feel how earth is wonderful.69. Bren Sicat46 hours agoGlobal warming and climate change aren't called an alarming issue for nothing. It is a big issue because we are the one who will be affected by it. An imbalance ecosystem is something that people should worry for, everyone of us should be aware of what is happening and what we can do to save the Earth. In the first place, it is us also who will benefit from the little sacrifice that we can do to save the Earth. When are we going to make an action, an effort? When it is too late? I think the answer is now. It is not too late to care, and if all of us would make an action, we CAN save the Earth.70. Antonette Paderagao43 hours agoThe climate is changing. The earth is warming up, and there is now overwhelming scientific consensus that it is happening, and human-induced. With global warming on the increase and species and their habitats on the decrease, chances for ecosystems to adapt naturally are diminishing.Many are agreed that climate change may be one of the greatest threats facing the planet. Recent years show increasing temperatures in various regions, and/or increasing extremities in weather patterns.Global warming doesnt mean well all just have warmer weather in future.As the planet heats, climate patterns change. Itll mean more extreme and unpredictable weather across the world many places will be hotter, some wetter, others drier.We know the planet has warmed by an average of nearly 1C in the past century. That might not sound much, but on a global scale its a huge increase and its creating big problems for people and wildlife. 71. Ila Lane De Jesus43 hours agoGlobal Warming is a movement that aims to stop global warming: its participants are aware of the social, political and economic consequences that climate change may have on huge parts of the mankind.There are many implications on the economic side, but we will take one example for all of the macro-economics issues that climate change involves. 72. Gillian Alejandro43 hours agoGlobal warming is primarily a problem of too much carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmospherewhich acts as a blanket, trapping heat and warming the planet. As we burn fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural gas for energy or cut down and burn forests to create pastures and plantations, carbon accumulates and overloads our atmosphere. Certain waste management and agricultural practices aggravate the problem by releasing other potent global warming gases, such as methane and nitrous oxide.73. Jona Mae Arceo42 hours agoThe climate is changing. The earth is warming up, and there is now overwhelming scientific consensus that it is happening, and human-induced. With global warming on the increase and species and their habitats on the decrease, chances for ecosystems to adapt naturally are diminishing74. alonica salaysay40 hours agoGlobal warming is caused by a variety of gases and materials in our atmosphere; including huge amounts of carbon dioxide from human activities such as the extraction and burning of fossil fuels and the clearing of forests. Researchers across the country, world, and in Ohio have determined human-induced global warming is happening, is dangerous to human health, plants, and animals, and must be stopped.

75. Alonica Salaysay40 hours agoGlobal warming is caused by a variety of gases and materials in our atmosphere; including huge amounts of carbon dioxide from human activities such as the extraction and burning of fossil fuels and the clearing of forests. Researchers across the country, world, and in Ohio have determined human-induced global warming is happening, is dangerous to human health, plants, and animals, and must be stopped.76. Donna Taruc39 hours agoGlobal Warming, is already having significant and harmful eFfects on our c0mmunities and our health. This is n0w the main problem on earth, which is because of the human activities.Humans are the oNe who resp0nsible thr0ugh it.Be a resp0nsible one to save our earth, not oNly for our sake but also to m0ther earth.77. Sheena Lopez38 hours agoGlobal warming is Steady increase in the Earth's average lower atmosphere (near surface) temperature due to emissions and build up of greenhouse gases.78. Roman Mendoza28 hours agoa gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth's atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and other pollutants. Global warming is primarily a problem of too much carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmospherewhich acts as a blanket, trapping heat and warming the planet. As we burn fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural gas for energy or cut down and burn forests to create pastures and plantations, carbon accumulates and overloads our atmosphere. Certain waste management and agricultural practices aggravate the problem by releasing other potent global warming gases, such as methane and nitrous oxide. Global warming is expected to have far-reaching, long-lasting and, in many cases, devastating consequences for planet Earth. The biggest cause of global warming is the carbon dioxide released when fossil fuels -- such as oil and coal -- are burned for energy. So when you save energy, you fight global warming and save money, too.

79. Francesca Tiquia26 hours ago from baliuag, bulacanGlobal Warming, which is a gradual rising of Earth's temperature, is different from all these representing a scale of threat greater than anything humans have faced in recent history. Unless we tackle the problem soon, it could transform the planet wwe life on, making the climate (Earth's weather patterns) much more erratic forcing many species into extinction, and making life much harder. Especially for people in developing countries.-Francesca Coleen TiquiaBSBA1-3 80. romeorodriguez2126 hours agoGlobal Warming is a phenomenon that can affect our daily living because of the pollution that cause by the human and their destructive invention. the climate change is cause by the pollution in the air by the smoke that comes out in factory or anything that produces smoke.81. Denes Jewel Hongyongco23 hours agoGlobal warming is a major atmospheric issue all over the world. Our earths surface becoming hot day by day by trapping the suns heat and rise in the level of atmospheric carbon dioxide. The bad effects of it increasing day by day and causing major problems to the living of human being. It has become one of the subjects of big social issues which need social awareness to a great level. People should know its meaning, causes, effects and solutions to solve it immediately. People should come forth together and try to solve it in order to save life on the earth.