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COMME PARTOUT DANS LE MONDE… ECLAIRONS LA FRANCE EN BLEU ! À l’occasion de la Journée Mondiale de l’Autisme le 2 avril prochain En partenariat avec

Comme partout dans le monde… eClairons la FranCe en Bleu !

Jan 05, 2017



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Page 1: Comme partout dans le monde… eClairons la FranCe en Bleu !

Comme partout dans le monde…eClairons la FranCe en Bleu !

À l’occasion de la Journée Mondiale de l’Autisme le 2 avril prochain

En partenariat avec

Page 2: Comme partout dans le monde… eClairons la FranCe en Bleu !

67 millions d’autistes dans le monde…

Près de 600 000 en France…le monde entier se mobilise et éclaire ses

monuments en bleu :48 pays, 250 monuments et des centaines

de bâtiments se sont mis aux couleurs de l’autisme par solidarité pour les familles en 2011

monuments, bâtiments publics et privés, parcs …en France, rejoignez le mouvement :

éclairez-les en bleu dans la nuit du 1er au 2 avril 2012 !

3la France en bleu

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le 18 décembre 2007, l’assemblée Générale des nations unies adoptait la résolution 62/139, instituant le 2 avril Journée mondiale de sensibilisation à l’autisme (acronyme anglais : Waad).

en adoptant cette résolution, les nations unies ont voulu mettre en lumière la nécessité d’améliorer la vie des enfants et des adultes atteints d’autisme, et ce afin qu’ils puissent mener une vie remplie et épanouie. a cette occasion, de nombreux événements sont organisés partout dans le monde en vue d’améliorer et de développer la connaissance de l’autisme mais aussi de disséminer des informations sur l’importance du diagnostic et de l’intervention précoces de même que la nécessité de soutenir la recherche dans le domaine de l’autisme.

afin de célébrer cette journée historique, autism speaks, l’association internationale de référence en matière d’autisme, a lancé une campagne intitulée « light it up Blue », demandant à ce que les monuments, les bâtiments publics mais aussi les bâtiments privés, les restaurants, magasins, musées, et autres soient éclairés en bleu afin d’«éclairer» l’autisme.

C’est aujourd’hui devenu un événement mondial, et bon nombre de pays européens ont également rejoint le mouvement : espagne, angleterre, irlande, portugal, république tchèque, Hongrie, roumanie…

Rallier la France à un événement mondial

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PRoClamation du PResident BaRaCK oBamaPour la Journée mondiale de l’autisme 2011

Extraits :“... nous avons accru les investissements dans la recherche sur l’autisme, la veille épidémiologique en santé publique, le dépistage précoce et l’accompagnement, tant dans l’intervention précoce chez l’enfant que dans le soutien à long terme des programmes pour adultes. Mon administration réitère son engagement ferme à faire avancer la recherche sur l’autisme et son traitement, ainsi qu’à promouvoir l’éducation, l’emploi et l’égalité pour tous les individus atteints d’autisme, depuis la petite enfance, à travers la vie communautaire...”

“...Moi, BARACK OBAMA, Président des Etats-Unis d’Amérique, en vertu de l’autorité que me confèrent la Constitution et les lois des États-Unis, proclame par la présente le 2 avril de chaque année comme Journée mondiale de sensibilisation à l’autisme. J’invite le peuple des Etats-Unis à apprendre davantage sur l’autisme et sur ce qu’il peut faire pour soutenir les personnes avec autisme et leurs familles.”

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en 2011, plus de 250 monuments à travers le monde se sont éclairés en bleu

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1. tour de miami, etats-unis 2. eastside Cannery, las Vegas, etats-unis 3. tour agbar, Barcelone, espagne 4. opéra de sydney, australie

5. Chutes du niagara, Canada6. statue du Christ rédempteur, rio de Janeiro, Brésil7. tour du Kingdom Center, riyad, arabie saoudite8. empire state Building, new-York, etats-unis

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1. tour Cn, toronto, Canada2. al Faisaliah Center, riyad, arabie saoudite3. rockefeller Center, new York, etats-unis4. tour du Caire, egypte 5. statue du Christ roi, lisbonne, portugal

6. Bahrain World trade Center, manama, Barhain7. palais du parlement, Budapest, Hongrie8. Grand Bouddha de Hyogo, Kobe, Japon9. tour spinnaker, portsouth, angleterre10. the national Concert Hall, dublin, irlande

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8la France en bleu

Apparente indifférence aux personnes, semble ignorer les

autres, défaut de contact

Manque de contact visuel

Ne joue pas avec les autres enfants Absence d’intérêt

pour les autres enfants

Utilise le langage de façon écholalique (l’enfant répète mot

pour mot une question qu’on lui pose)

Ne pointe pas du doigt, ne montre pas les objets

A du mal à comprendre et à se faire comprendre

Troubles des interactions sociales

Troubles de la communication verbale et non verbale

Mouvements inhabituels du corps (battements rapides des mains

en ailes de papillons)

Intolérance face au changement d’éléments même insignifiants se manifestant par de la colère

(l’enfant s’automutile, se mord, s’arrache les cheveux)

« Main outil » : utilise la main de l’autre pour attraper des choses (traiter les autres comme des objets)

Comportements stéréotypés et répétitifs

l’autisme désigne un ou des troubles envahissants du développement (ted) affectant la personne dans trois domaines principaux :

anomalies de la CommuniCation VerBale et/ou non VerBale

anomalies des interaCtions soCiales

Centres d’intérêt restreints et stéréotYpies.

la prévalence de l’autisme ne cesse d’augmenter sur l’ensemble de la planète et chez tous types de populations. on est passé d’1 naissance sur 2000 en 1960 à 1 sur 150 de nos jours. soit plus que la somme des enfants atteints par le sida, le diabète et le cancer réunis !

on dénombre entre 430 000 et 600 000 autistes en France, soit l’équivalent de 3 fois la ville de Bordeaux (chiffre CCne - Comité Consultatif national d’ethique) et 67 millions dans le monde.

mais qu’est-ce que l’autisme ?




Ce PRoBlème maJeuR de santé PuBlique doit moBiliseR enCoRe Plus les médias ainsi que les PouvoiRs PuBliCs.

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9la France en bleu

le « RetaRd FRançais » s’oBseRve à tous les niveaux :

Ignorance de l’ampleur du phénomène. 90 % des français ne connaissent pas la prévalence de

1/150 (43% estiment qu’elle est de 1/1500, 47% de 1/15000)

Incompréhension du handicap / développement de fantasmes divers au sein de la population.

« Ce n’est pas un handicap mais un atout » (autisme = intelligence hors norme) !

« Un autiste est un psychotique »

« L’autisme, c’est quoi en fait ? ça semble compliqué cette maladie !… »

Manque de dépistage précoce : alors que l’on peut repérer les premiers signes dès 18 mois et

poser un diagnostic entre 2 et 3 ans, le dépistage intervient en moyenne à 6 ans !

Méconnaissance de la pathologie chez les professionnels :

1 médecin sur 3 ne sait pas ce qu’est l’autisme (sondage OpinionWay avril 2010)

Archaïsme des prises en charge

Ignorance de l’existence de méthodes efficaces

Faiblesse des aides financières allouées pour promouvoir des programmes adaptés

80% des enfants non scolarisés (soit 70 000 enfants) alors que beaucoup pourraient trouver leur

place à l’école ordinaire.

la FRanCe doit et va RattRaPeR Ce RetaRd à l’oCCasion :

Du troisième Plan Autisme du Ministère de la Santé

De la nouvelle mobilisation associative qui se structure

De l’intérêt grandissant des medias

mais qu’est-ce que l’autisme ?

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10la France en bleu

en 2011, une première expérience a vu le jour en France

Patrimoine de l’unesco, l’eglise notre-dame de la Charité-sur-loire s’est éclairée en bleu

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le 2 avril 2012… eclairons la FRanCe en Bleu !

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… et soutenons ensemble la cause de l’autisme.

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12la France en bleu

nos 6 fédérations se sont rassemblées pour mieux faire avancer la cause de l’autisme. regroupant près de 200 associations de parents (soit environ 80% du secteur) et représentant plus de 30 000 familles, le Collectif autisme dispose d’un véritable poids institutionnel.

Ce collectif milite pour que cette pathologie bénéficie d’une attention globale qui permettra la mise en place d’un vrai projet de vie pour les personnes autistes. il vise une plus forte mobilisation de tous les services de l’etat (éducation, santé publique, politiques sociales...), des professionnels de santé, des médias, ainsi que de l’opinion publique.

le Collectif autisme s’attache à renforcer la dynamique du plan autisme du gouvernement pour rattraper le retard français en matière de dépistage, d’accompagnement, d’accueil en milieu ordinaire et de recherche.

Cette union a en outre permis la mise en place d’une plateforme de communication commune ayant pour objectif de sensibiliser et mobiliser beaucoup plus fortement sur l’autisme.

un projet porté par le Collectif autisme

le Collectif autisme a le soutien d’autisme europe

Autisme-Europe assure une coordination entre plus de 80 associations membres de parents de personnes atteintes d’autisme dans 30 pays européens, y compris les 20 États membres de l’Union européenne, les gouvernements et les institutions européennes et internationales.

Pour mettre en œuvre ses objectifs et maximiser son impact sur les politiques de l’UE, Autisme-Europe a construit des alliances stratégiques avec les partenaires sociaux européens. Autisme-Europe assure la vice-présidence du Forum européen des personnes handicapées (FEPH), l’organisation est également membre de la Coalition européenne pour l’intégration communautaire (ECCL) et la Plate-forme des ONG sociales européennes.

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13la France en bleu

Parce que des milliers de familles et d’enfants à l’abandon (prévalence de l’autisme : 1 enfant sur

150) attendent de la part des pouvoirs publics et de la nation tout entière un signal fort :

la reconnaissance de l’autisme comme problème de santé publique majeur.

Parce que s’engager contre l’autisme, vraie cause nationale, est vecteur de visibilité : notre dernière

campagne a généré plus de 400 retombées presse, radio, TV…

Parce que cet événement permettra de renforcer encore la mobilisation des médias à l’occasion

du 2 avril, et maximisera l’impact de notre campagne.

Pourquoi participer à l’opération « la FRanCe en Bleu » ?

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une technique d’éclairage très simple, un budget dérisoire

il suffit de de poser des gélatines bleues sur les lampes existantes, c’est donc extrêmement facile à mettre en œuvre.

le coût est modique, compter 15 € / lampe en moyenne

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annexes 1

PouR en savoiR Plus suR les aCtionsdu ColleCtiF autisme

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notre dernière campagne - avril 2011 (Journée mondiale de l’autisme) :

la scolarisation des enfants autistes

le spot tv Annonce presse

Brochure établissements scolaires / enseignants site internet

www.collectif-autisme.orgrubrique scolarisation

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la publicité a été largement diffusée par les partenaires

(477 passages gracieux)

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Près de 600 retombées dans les medias

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notre prochaine action en janvier 2012

L’organisation des 1ères rencontres parlementaires sur l’autisme le 12 janvier

2012 à l’Assemblée nationale

Le programme




en c


rs d

e va



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annexes 2

PouR en savoiR Plus suR l’oPéRation inteRnationale

« light it uP Blue » et autism sPeaKs

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April 1 & 2, 2011 Highlights from

Autism Speaks’ Second Annual Light It Up Blue Initiative and the Fourth Annual World Autism Awareness Day

On April 1 and 2, 2011, Autism Speaks celebrated the fourth World Autism Awareness Day with its second annual Light It Up Blue campaign. Over 2,000 iconic landmarks and buildings in more than 180 cities and 48 countries on six continents were lit in blue to kick off Autism Awareness month. Iconic buildings included the Empire State Building, Niagara Falls, CN Tower in Toronto, Staples Center in Los Angeles, Sydney Opera House in Aus t ra l i a , Chr i s t t he Redeemer Statue in Rio de Janeiro and the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum in New York City.

In preparation for World Autism Awareness Day, Autism Speaks launched a new public service announcement featuring school children singing about lighting the whole world blue. Home Depot helped by partnering with Autism Speaks and created a Blue Lantern and a Blue Light Bulb, making it easier for supporters from around the country to light their homes.

On the morning of April 1, Suzanne and Bob Wright, co-founders of Autism Speaks, and Toni Braxton, six-time Grammy Award-winner and Autism Speaks spokesperson, along with other supporters, were on hand to ring the Opening Bell at the New York Stock Exchange for the fourth consecutive year.

The next stop was the Empire State Building to flip the ceremonial switch to turn the building’s lights blue for the second year in a row. Emil Jensen Perez, a young man with autism, joined Toni Braxton to flip the switch.

Autism Speaks would like to thank the Empire State Building for the special lighting on the evening of April 1, 2011 in celebration of the fourth annual United Nations World Autism Awareness Day on April 2. Learn more about the Empire State Building at The Empire State Building design is a trademark of ESBC and is used with permission.

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On Friday April 1, the set of the popular CBS daytime talk show “The Talk” provided a unique and special venue to Light It Up Blue for World Autism Awareness Day to kick off the show’s four segments on autism during April.

On April 2 - World Autism Awareness Day, Bob and Suzanne Wright were guests of anchors Russ Mitchell and Rebecca Jarvis on their Early Coffee segment on the CBS Saturday Early Show.

Later, a special event was held at the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum in New York City where New Jersey Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ), spoke about every child's innate ability to realize their full potential, and Aut ism Speaks debuted the new “Learn the Signs” interactive billboard.

On April 6, Autism Speaks joined the Permanent Mission of Bangladesh to the U.N. and the U.N. Department of Public Information at the United Nations to present “Solving the Autism Public Health Puzzle: Regional and International Collaboration,” a panel discussion on autism. The United States Mission to the U.N. also co-sponsored the event, which was streamed live on the U.N. website. The U.N. Secretary-General, Mr. Ban Ki-moon opened the event talking about the U.N.’s commitment to raising autism awareness and creating greater acceptance. “This day is a call to action for all of us who want a more compassionate and inclusive world. We have to raise funds to turn workable solutions into practical actions.”

The worldwide autism community came together in countless ways in commemoration of World Autism Awareness Day. Notably, Autism Speaks supporters gathered on Pennsylvania Avenue in front of the White House to Light It Up Blue with their presence.

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Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School

of Public Health Baltimore, MD

Lydian Bank & Trust Palm Beach, FL

Madison Square Garden New York, NY

Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum New York, NY

Sarah Lawrence College Bronxville, NY

Discovery Communications Silver Spring, MD

UMASS Medical School Worcester, MA

NBC Experience Store New York, NY

The Sea Grill New York, NY

Colgate University Hamilton, NY

Elizabeth Arden New York, NY

Peter B. Lewis Building Cleveland, OH

Gateway Geyser East St. Louis, IL

Rockefeller Center and Top of the RockTM

Observation DeckNew York, NY

Radio City Music Hall New York, NY

New York-Presbyterian Hospital New York, NY

The Mar-a-Lago Club Palm Beach, FL

RooseveltHouse at Hunter

CollegeNew York, NY

Tomkins Arch at Elmira College

Elmira, NY

The River Café Brooklyn, NY

Lord & Taylor New York, NY

Ralph Lauren New York, NY

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Napleton's West Palm Beach Hyundai - West Palm Beach, FL News Channel 5 - West Palm Beach, FL Palm Beach Atlantic University - West Palm Beach, FL Palm Beach Convention Center - West Palm Beach, FL Ragtops Antique Museum - West Palm Beach, FL Sloans Ice Cream - West Palm Beach, FL Taverna Opa - West Palm Beach, FLAlpha Xi Delta at University of Delaware - Wilton Manors, FL Costa d' Este Beach Resort - Vero Beach, FL GEORGIAAlpha Xi Delta at Georgia State University - Atlanta, GA Alpha Xi Delta at Georgia Tech - Atlanta, GA Atlanta Marriott Marquis Hotel - Atlanta, GA Fernbank Museum of Natural History (Largest Dinosaur Exhibit in the World will light blue) - Atlanta, GA Fox Theatre Marquee - Atlanta, GAGeorgia State University - Atlanta, GAKennedy Krieger Institute - Atlanta, GA Marcus Autism Center - Atlanta, GAMetropolis Condominium - Atlanta, GA Sweet Auburn Bread - Atlanta, GA Viewpoint Condominium - Atlanta, GAYEAH! Burger - Atlanta, GA Alpha Xi Delta at University of West Georgia - Carrollton, GA City of Douglasville, GA - Douglasville, GADouglasville Public Safety and Municipal Court Building - Douglasville, GAFreedom Island Gateway - Douglasville, GAO'Neall Plaza Fountain - Douglasville, GAAlpha Xi Delta at Southern Polytechnic State University - Marietta, GA Band Shell, Forsyth Park -

Savannah, GA HAWAIIHyatt Regency Maui Resort and Spa - Lahaina, HI IOWAAlpha Xi Delta at University of Northern Iowa - Cedar Falls, IA Davenport Skybridge - Davenport, IAWalgreens Store Readerboards (15 stores in the Quad Cities) - Davenport, IA Casey's General Stores (1600 stores will frost cookies blue for month of April) - Des Moines, IA Alpha Xi Delta at University of Iowa - Iowa City, IA City of Storm Lake, IA - Storm Lake, IA IDAHOAlpha Xi Delta at Idaho State University - Pocatello, ID ILLINOISAlpha Xi Delta at University of Illinois - Champaign, IL 181 West Madison - MB Real Estate - Chicago, IL 227 W. Monroe - Chicago, IL 444 N Wells - Chicago, IL 525 W. Monroe - Chicago, IL 676 Restaurant - Chicago, IL 900 N. Michigan Ave. - Chicago, ILChicago Children’s Museum at Navy Pier - Chicago, IL City Hall of Chicago, IL - Chicago, ILCoco Pazzo Restaurant - Chicago, IL Des Plaines Casino - Chicago, IL Discovery Center - Chicago, IL Heller International Building - Chicago, IL Hilton Chicago - Chicago, IL House of Blues - Chicago, IL Lasalle Wacker - Chicago, IL Lone Star Steakhouse - Chicago, ILMerchandise Mart - Chicago, ILNibbles Play Café - Chicago, IL Northwestern University - Chicago, IL One Financial Place - Chicago, IL

One North Wacker Drive - Chicago, IL One South Dearborn - Chicago, IL Palmer House Hotel - Chicago, IL Piccolo Sogno - Chicago, IL Reid Murdoch - Chicago, IL Ruth’s Chris Steak House (Chicago, Barrington & Northbrook Locations) - Chicago, ILSmurfit-Stone Building - Chicago, ILTrump International Hotel & Tower Chicago - Chicago, ILUnderground Night Club - Chicago, IL Union Tower - Chicago, IL Water Tower - Chicago, IL Wrigley Building - Chicago, IL Kohl’s Children’s Museum - Glenview, IL Longwood Elementary School - Glenwood, IL Kane County - Kane County, IL Wonder Works - Oak Park, IL Village of Rosemont Fountain - Rosemont, IL Village of South Elgin, IL - South Elgin, IL Governor Pat Quinn (Sec. of St. Howlett Building) - Springfield , IL Millennium Elementary School - Tinley Park, IL INDIANAAlpha Xi Delta at Indiana University - Indiana University, IN Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity Headquarters - Indianapolis, IN Saint Mary's College - Notre Dame, IN Indiana State University - Terre Haute, IN Vigo County Courthouse - Terre Haute, IN Alpha Xi Delta at Purdue University - West Lafayette, IN KANSAST-REX Café - Kansas City, KS Alpha Xi Delta at Kansas State University - Manhattan, KS Johnson County Community College - Overland Park, KS University of Kansas Edwards Campus - Overland Park, KS Class LTD - Parsons, KS

2011 Light It Up Blue Participating Buildings include:

ALABAMAAlpha Xi Delta at Auburn University - Auburn, AL RSA Battle House Tower - Mobile, ALARKANSASBig Dam Bridge - Little Rock, AR University of Arkansas and Arkansas Children's Hospital - Little Rock, AR ARIZONABrookline University - Phoenix, AZ Scottsdale Fashion Square - Scottsdale, AZ CALIFORNIAAlliant International University - LA Campus - Alhambra, CA University of California, Berkeley - Berkeley, CA Doubletree Suites by Hilton - Doheny Beach - Dana Point, CA Universal Studios Hollywood - Hollywood, CA Corner Store (Cherry/Broadway) - Long Beach, CA Edible Arrangements - Long Beach, CA Hot Java - Long Beach, CA LB Skate - Long Beach, CA Park Pantry - Long Beach, CA Rite Aid (211 Cherry Ave.) - Long Beach, CA The Den Salon (300 w. Ocean) - Long Beach, CA Tincher Elementary School - Long Beach, CA UPS Store (3350 E.7th St.) - Long Beach, CA CBS Television City - Los Angeles, CA Los Angeles International Airport - Los Angeles, CA Nokia Plaza L.A. LIVE - Los Angeles, CA Nokia Theatre L.A. LIVE - Los Angeles, CA STAPLES Center - Los Angeles, CAUniversity of California - Los Angeles - Los Angeles, CA Alpha Xi Delta at California State University - Northridge, CA Chapman University - Orange, CA Villa Esperanza Services - Pasadena, CA

Hard Rock Hotel San Diego - San Diego, CA City Hall of San Francisco - San Francisco, CAAlpha Xi Delta at San Jose State University - San Jose, CA Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes (All 41 locations throughout the U.S) - San Luis Obispo, CA Trusela’s Restaurant - San Pedro, CACBS Studio Center - Studio City, CACOLORADODenver City & County Building - Denver, CO University of Colorado Denver, School of Medicine and The Children's Hospital - Denver, CO CONNECTICUTSaint Vincent’s Medical Center - Bridgeport, CTFairfield College Preparatory School - Fairfield, CTFairfield Country Day School - Fairfield, CTFairfield University - Fairfield, CT Sacred Heart University - Fairfield, CTHilton Hartford - Hartford, CT Milford Financial Center - Milford, CTSouthern Connecticut State University - New Haven, CT Town of Simsbury, CT - Simsbury, CTJP Morgan Chase Bank - Southport, CT University of Connecticut - Storrs, CTWASHINGTON D.C.Madame Tusseaud's - Washington, DCFLORIDARitz-Carlton, Amelia Island - Amelia Island, FL Mass Mutual/LINQ Financial Group - Coral Gables, FLAlpha Xi Delta at Stetson University - DeLand, FLBahia Mar Beach Resort & Yachting Center - Fort Lauderdale, FLNationwide Laboratory Services -

Fort Lauderdale, FLOceanLED - Fort Lauderdale, FL Telemundo Headquarters - Hialeah, FL Kempf's Jewelers – Indiatlantic, FLGaylord Palms Resort & Convention Center - Kissimmee, FLMetropolitan Hospital - Miami , FL Miami Tower - Miami , FL The Port of Miami - Miami , FLWest Gables Hospital - Miami , FL Alpha Xi Delta at University of Central Florida - Orlando, FLAmway Center - Orlando, FL City Hall of Orlando, FL - Orlando, FLUniversal Studios Orlando - Orlando, FLCity Hall of Palm Beach, FL - Palm Beach, FL Colony Hotel - Palm Beach, FL Lydian Bank & Trust - Palm Beach, FL The Mar-A-Lago Club - Palm Beach, FL Saint Leo University - Saint Leo, FLSun Trust Building – Tampa, FL B.B. Kings Restaurant & Blues Club - West Palm Beach, FL Blue Martini - West Palm Beach, FLBrewzzi's - West Palm Beach, FL Centennial Square - West Palm Beach, FL City Cellar Wine Bar & Grill - West Palm Beach, FL City Place Fountains - West Palm Beach, FL City Place South Tower - West Palm Beach, FL Il Bellagio CityPlace - West Palm Beach, FL Kravis Center for the Performing Arts Fountain - West Palm Beach, FLMorseLife - The Premier Provider of Senior Care - West Palm Beach, FL Muvico Parisian - West Palm Beach, FL

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Hofstra University – Bellmore, NY Rockland County PBA - Blauvelt, NYBronx Lebanon Hospital - Bronx, NYSarah Lawrence College - Bronxville, NY CUNY Kingsborough Community College - Brooklyn, NY Peace Bridge Authority - Buffalo, NYAlpha Xi Delta at Cornell University - Cornell, NY Oasis Westchester - Dobbs Ferry, NYMets Citi Field - Flushing Meadows, NYColgate University - Hamilton, NY Zumtobel Lighting Inc. - Highland, NYGraphitek Inc. - Hoosick Falls , NY Men On The Move Moving & Self-Storage Companies - Huntington Station, NY Delta Airlines at John F. Kennedy International Airport - Jamaica, NY St. John's University - Jamaica, NYTheodore Roosevelt Executive and Legislative Building - Mineola, NY30 Rockefeller Center and Top of the Rock™ Observation Deck - New York, NY 37 Apartments Corporation - New York, NY 50 West 67th Street, Inc - New York, NY 7 World Trade Center - New York, NY9 Restaurant - New York, NY Abe & Arthur's Restaurant - New York, NY Air Pegasus - New York, NY Autism Speaks NYC Headquarters - 1 E. 33rd St. - New York, NY Barclays Capital - New York, NY Bergdorf Goodman - New York, NYBloomingdale's - New York, NY Bobo - New York, NY Brooklyn Borough Hall - New York, NY Chelsea Piers - New York, NY

Coldwater Creek - New York, NY Cucina & Co. at Rockefeller Center - New York, NY Douglas Elliman Property Management - New York, NY Elizabeth Arden - New York, NY Empire State Building - New York, NYFUSE Networks - New York, NY Gabriel’s Bar & Restaurant - New York, NY Google New York - New York, NY Hard Rock Café - New York, NY Hunter College - New York, NY Lord & Taylor (47 Nationwide Stores) - New York, NY Madison Square Garden - New York, NY Magnolia Bakery (All 4 NYC Locations) - New York, NY McCarton School - New York, NY NBC Experience Store - New York, NY Neiman Marcus - New York, NY New York Stock Exchange - New York, NY NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital and its Institute for Brain Development (Opening 2012) - New York, NY and Westchester, NYNum Pang - New York, NY NYU Langone Medical Center - New York, NY Oasis Day Spa at the Affinia Dumont Hotel - New York, NY Oasis on Park - New York, NY Otto - New York, NY Radio City Music Hall - New York, NYRalph Lauren Men’s - New York, NYRalph Lauren Women’s & Home - New York, NY Rock Center Café - New York, NY Salumeria Rosi Parmacotto - New York, NY SL Green Realty, 1515 Broadway - New York, NY The Centurion - New York, NY The Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum - New York, NY The Sea Grill at Rockefeller Center - New York, NY

Thomson Reuters Building - New York, NY Trump Soho New York - New York, NY Walgreens Jumbotron - New York, NYGrand Hyatt New York Hotel - New York , NY Ben's Jewelers - Pearl River, NY D&D Interior Design - Pearl River, NYDanu Gallery - Pearl River, NY Defiant Brewing Company - Pearl River, NY Hair Performance - Pearl River, NYHappy Nail Salon - Pearl River, NYJoe and Joe Restaurant - Pearl River, NY Kwan Thai Restaurant - Pearl River, NY Louie's on the Avenue - Pearl River, NY Luigi O'Grady's Deli & Catering - Pearl River, NY Madelynrose - Pearl River, NY Mel's Army and Navy - Pearl River, NY Munnos Deli & Catering - Pearl River, NY Peckman's Wine & Liquors - Pearl River, NY Pete's Barber Shop - Pearl River, NYPizza City - Pearl River, NY Quality Graphics - Pearl River, NY River Café - Brooklyn, NY Shop Rite of Pearl River - Pearl River, NY Steve's Dart Lounge - Pearl River, NYThe Toy Box - Pearl River, NY Greystone Programs Inc. - Poughkeepsie , NY Marist College - Poughkeepsie , NYJohn F. Kennedy International Airport - Queens, NY University of Rochester - Rochester, NY Alpha Xi Delta at Syracuse University - Syracuse, NY Shop Rite of White Plains - White Plains, NYMr. Carmelo Custom Tailoring -

MASSACHUSETTSAssociation of Professional Behavior Analysts First Annual National Convention - Boston, MA Boston Marriott Copley Place - Boston, MA Bunker Hill Community College - Boston, MA Champions Boston - Boston, MA Cheers Boston - Boston, MA Fairmont Battery Wharf - Boston, MAMassachusetts General Hospital/Lurie Family Autism Center/LADDERS - Boston, MA Prudential Tower - Boston, MA State Capitol of Massachusetts - Boston, MA TD Garden - Boston, MA The Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Greenway Conservancy - Boston, MANantucket Cottage Hospital - Nantucket, MA Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame - Springfield , MA West Springfield Town Common - West Springfield, MA Alpha Xi Delta at Worcester Polytechnic Institute - Worcester, MAUMASS Medical School - Worcester, MA MARYLANDCity Hall of Baltimore, MD - Baltimore, MD Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health - Baltimore, MDArchdiocese of Washington Department of Special Needs Ministries - Landover Hills, MD Gaylord National Hotel - National Harbor, MDDiscovery Communications - Silver Spring, MD MICHIGANAlpha Xi Delta at Alma College - Alma, MI University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, MIAlpha Xi Delta at Western Michigan University - Kalamazoo, MIAlpha Xi Delta at Marquette University - Marquette, MI St. Clair County Community

Mental Health - Port Huron, MI MINNESOTALaSalle Tower - Minneapolis, MN MISSOURIMetro Lighting Brentwood Promenade - Brentwood, MO Alpha Xi Delta at Southeast Missouri State University - Cape Girardeau, MOCarthage Courthouse - Carthage, MOUniversity of Missouri at Columbia - Columbia, MOCommunity Christian Church - Kansas City, MO Kansas City Downtown Marriott - Kansas City, MO Kansas City Midland Theatre - Kansas City, MO New Horizon Dental Care - Saint Peters, MO Green County Courthouse - Springfield, MO Randy Bacon Photography Studio + Gallery - Springfield, MOBig Brothers Big Sisters Building in Grand Center - St. Louis, MO City Garden Fountain - St. Louis, MOGovernment Hill Fountain - St. Louis, MO Lewis, Rice & Fingersh, L.C. - St. Louis, MO Lighting Associates - St. Louis, MOLumen Event Space - St. Louis, MOMaryland Park West - St. Louis, MOMissouri History Museum - St. Louis, MO Soldiers' Memorial Military Museum - St. Louis, MO St. Louis - Lambert International Airport - St. Louis, MO The Chase Park Plaza - St. Louis, MOThe Civil Courts Building - St. Louis, MO Tower Grove Park Ruins - St. Louis, MO Washington University in St. Louis - St. Louis, MO MONTANAMontana State Capitol Building - Helena, MTMissoula International Airport - Missoula, MT

NEBRASKANebraska State Capitol Building - Lincoln, NE NEW HAMPSHIREAlpha Xi Delta at University of New Hampshire - Durham, NH NEW JERSEYAtlantic City Outlets, The Walk - Atlantic City, NJ Hilton Casino Resort - Atlantic City, NJ Willie the Woodsman & Wife - Audubon, NJ Vine Restaurant - Basking Ridge, NJNewmark School - Bernardsville, NJPenguin Ice Cream - Bernardsville, NJ The Bernard's Inn - Bernardsville, NJCaldwell College - Caldwell, NJ Cooper University Hospital - Camden, NJ New Meadowlands Stadium - East Rutherford, NJFar Hills Country Day School - Far Hills, NJ REED Academy - Garfield, NJEdberg Marketing - Hoboken, NJ Alpha Xi Delta at Rider University - Lawrenceville, NJ Porterhouse Restaurant - Montvale, NJ Official Residence of the Governor of New Jersey - Drumthwacket - Princeton, NJ Sun National Bank Center - Trenton, NJUproot Restaurant - Warren, NJ New Jersey Turnpike Authority - Woodbridge, NJ NEVADAEastside Cannery Casino & Hotel - Las Vegas, NV Miracle Mile Shops at Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino - Las Vegas, NV New York-New York Hotel & Casino - Las Vegas, NV NEW YORKBen & Jerry’s on Lark Street - Albany, NY University at Albany - SUNY - Albany, NY Albertus Magnus High School - Bardonia, New York

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Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh - Pittsburgh, PACarnegie Science Center - Pittsburgh, PADavid L. Lawrence Convention Center - Pittsburgh, PA Duquesne Incline - Pittsburgh, PA Duquesne University - Pittsburgh, PAFifth Avenue Place/Highmark Building - Pittsburgh, PA Grant Street Transportation Center - Pittsburgh, PA KDKA Radio Station - Pittsburgh, PAPanera Bread (30 locations in Pittsburgh) - Pittsburgh, PA PITT OHIO Trucking Company Headquarters - Pittsburgh, PA Pittsburgh City Council - Pittsburgh, PAPittsburgh Penguins and CONSOL Energy Center - Pittsburgh, PAPNC Park - Pittsburgh, PA Port Authority - Mon Incline - Pittsburgh, PAThe Andy Warhol Museum - Pittsburgh, PAThe Day School at the Children's Institute of Pittsburgh - Pittsburgh, PAUniversity of Pittsburgh - Pittsburgh, PASouthwood Psychiatric Hospital - Pittsburgh , PA Pennsylvania State University - University Park, PA The Bachman Company Headquarters - Wyomissing, PA SOUTH CAROLINAFurman University - Greenville, SCHubbell Lighting Headquarters - Greenville, SC NEXT Innovation Center Building - Greenville, SC Riverplace Office Building - Greenville, SC The Westin Poinsett - Greenville - Greenville, SC BMW Zentrum Museum - Greer, SCWest Columbia City Hall - West Columbia, SC SOUTH DAKOTAAlpha Xi Delta at University of South Dakota - Vermillion, SD

Sioux Falls – Sioux Falls, SD TENNESSEEWarren County Courthouse/ Downtown - McMinnville, TN Christian Brothers University - Memphis, TNRutherford County Courthouse - Murfreesboro, TNGaylord Opryland Hotel - Nashville, TN State Capitol of Tennessee - Nashville, TN The Parthenon - Nashville, TN Vanderbilt University Medical School - Vanderbilt, TN TEXASAlpha Xi Delta at University of Texas - Austin, TX American Airlines Center - Dallas, TX Centennial Storage Center - Dallas, TX Alpha Xi Delta at Texas Wesleyan University - Fort Worth, TXThe Comfort Suites North Fossil Creek - Fort Worth, TX Gaylord Texan Hotel - Grapevine, TX City Hall of Houston, TX - Houston, TX First Choice Emergency Rooms (12 Locations throughout Texas) - Houston, TX JP Morgan Chase Tower - Houston, TX PM Realty Group - 1000 Main - Houston, TX Richardson High School - Richardson, TX San Antonio Airport Hilton - San Antonio, TX Tower of the Americas - San Antonio, TX Alpha Xi Delta at Texas State University - San Marcos, TX VIRGINIALindsay Lexus of Alexandria - Alexandria, VA Total Wine & More (8 Locations throughout VA) - Alexandria, VA Alpha Xi Delta at Old Dominion University - Norfolk, VA Mary Baldwin College - Staunton, VALindsay Volkswagon of Dulles - Sterling, VA TMA Resources Inc. - Vienna, VA

WASHINGTONAlpha Xi Delta at Eastern Washington University - Cheney, WAWashington Governor's Mansion - Olympia, WA Alpha Xi Delta at University of Washington - Seattle, WA Pacific Science Center - Seattle, WAQwest Field - Seattle, WA The Children's Museum, Seattle - Seattle, WA University of Washington - Seattle, WA Whitman College - Walla Walla, WAWEST VIRGINIAAlpha Xi Delta at Bethany College - Bethany, WVAlpha Xi Delta at Marshall University - Huntington, WVAlpha Xi Delta at University of West Virginia - Morgantown, WV WISCONSINLevi Leonard Elementary School - Evansville, WI Alpha Xi Delta at University of Wisconsin, La Crosse - La Crosse, WI Alpha Xi Delta at University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire - Madison, WIMitchell Park Conservatory - Milwaukee, WI Oak Creek East Middle School – Oak Creek, WI Alpha Xi Delta at Carroll University - Waukesha, WI

International Buildings Participating:

ANTIGUA ISLANDSt. John's Cathedral - St. John's, Antigua Island ARGENTINANational Institute Against Discrimination, Xenophobia and Racism - Buenos Aires, Argentina Obelisk of Buenos Aires - Buenos Aires, Argentina Tristán Suárez Polo Club - Buenos Aires, Argentina San Miguel de Tucumán - Tucumán, Argentina ARUBAMon Plaisir Elementary School -

Pearl River, NY Prudential Joyce Realty - Pearl River, NY St. John's University - Staten Island, NY NORTH CAROLINAAppalachian University - Boone, NCUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and UNC Hospitals - Chapel Hill, NCBank of America Plaza - Charlotte, NC Duke Energy - Charlotte, NC Melting Pot Restaurant - Charlotte, NC NASCAR Hall of Fame - Charlotte, NC Piedmont Natural Gas - Charlotte, NCThe Melting Pot of Charlotte - Charlotte, NC TIAA Cref - Charlotte, NC University of North Carolina at Charlotte - Charlotte, NC Zoe's Kitchen - Charlotte, NC Earnheardt Ganassi Racing with Felix Sabates - Concord, NC Alpha Xi Delta at Western Carolina University - Cullowhee, NCElon University - Elon, NC Frankie and Louie's - Harrisburg, NCPorter Ridge High School - Indian Trail, NCChili's Grill & Bar Restaurant - Monroe, NCCrossroads Community Church - Stokesdale, NC NORTH DAKOTAEssentia Health - 32nd Avenue Campus - Fargo, ND OHIOAlpha Xi Delta at Ohio Northern University - Ada, OH Alpha Xi Delta at University of Mount Union - Alliance , OH Avon Lake City Hall – Avon Lake, OHAlpha Xi Delta at Bowling Green State University - Bowling Green, OHFountain Square - Cincinnati, OH Rowe Building - Cincinnati, OH

200 Public Square (BP Building) - Cleveland, OH City Hall of Cleveland, OH - Cleveland, OH Cleveland Browns Stadium - Cleveland, OH Peter B. Lewis Building at Case Western Reserve University - Cleveland, OH Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame - Cleveland, OH Terminal Tower - Cleveland, OH Nationwide Children's Hospital - Columbus, OH Alpha Xi Delta at Defiance College - Defiance, OH Alpha Xi Delta at Kent State University - Kent, OH Alpha Xi Delta at Marietta College - Marietta , OH20 Brix Restaurant & Wine Bar - Milford, OH Ally Beads - Milford, OH American Cornhole - Milford, OH By Golly's - Milford, OHEnchanted Moments - Milford, OH Henehan Animal Hospital - Milford, OH Kirk and Company Jewelers - Milford, OH LTD Landscapes - Milford, OH Michaelson Homes - Milford, OHMilford Miami Township Chamber of Commerce - Milford, OHMilford Printers - Milford, OHMs. Cheri's Donuts & More - Milford, OH Primitive Gatherings - Milford, OH Roads Rivers and Trails - Milford, OHRow House Gallery - Milford, OH Skyline Chili - Milford, OH Stylin on Main - Milford, OH Switzer Arms - Milford, OH That Shop in Milford - Milford, OH The Main Solution - Milford, OH The Tea Room - Milford, OHToomey Natural Foods - Milford, OHMiami University - Oxford - Oxford, OH Palate Restaurant - Strongsville, OH

Alpha Xi Delta at University of Toledo - Toledo, OH John Carroll University - University Heights, OH Wickliffe City Hall- Coulby Mansion - Wickliffe, OH Alpha Xi Delta at Youngstown State University - Youngstown, OHOKLAHOMAAlpha Xi Delta at University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond, OK OREGONOregon Health & Science University - Portland, OR Portland Aerial Tram - Portland, ORPENNSYLVANIAAir Products & Chemicals Inc. - Allentown, PA Muhlenberg College - Allentown, PABartram House Bakery - Canonsburg, PACanon McMillan High School - Canonsburg, PACanonsburg Borough - Perry Como Statue - Canonsburg, PA Pennsylvania State University Lehigh Valley - Center Valley, PA Darby Fire Company - Darby, PA Foundations Behavioral Health - Doylestown, PA Bicentennial Tower - Erie, PA Gateway High School - Monroeville, PA Barber National Institute - Erie, PA New Story School - Monroeville, PASpinola's Bake Shop - Murrysville, PABenjamin Franklin Bridge - Philadelphia, PA Children's Hospital of Philadelphia - Philadelphia, PA Cira Tower - Philadelphia, PA One Liberty Place - Philadelphia, PAPECO Energy Building - Philadelphia, PA The Ritz Carlton Philadelphia - Philadelphia, PA Allegheny County Executive Office & Courthouse - Pittsburgh, PACanon McMillan High School - Pittsburgh, PA

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Czech Republic EGYPTCairo Tower - Cairo, Egypt ENGLANDLindamood-Bell Learning Processes - London, England FRANCENYSE Euronext Paris - Paris, FranceHUNGARYJókai Theatre - Békéscsaba, HungaryBudapest Palace of Arts - Budapest, Hungary Hungarian Parliament Building - Budapest, Hungary INDIASPI Cinemas PVT. LTD - Chennai, India Ernst and Young Corporate Offices - Delhi, India Hyatt Hotel - Delhi, India India Habitat Centre - Delhi, India India International Centre - Delhi, IndiaClock Tower - Jalandhar, India Guru Nanak Mission Charitable Hospital - SOCHU - Jalandhar, IndiaGuru Nanak Mission Hospital - Jalandhar, India Niku Park - Jalandhar, India Prithvi's Planet - Jalandhar, India The Radisson Hotel Jalandhar - Jalandhar, India Victoria Memorial - Kolkata, India IRELANDDublin City Hall - Dublin, Ireland Grand Canal Theatre - Dublin, IrelandThe Convention Centre - Dublin, IrelandThe National Concert Hall - Dublin, Ireland The O2 - Dublin, IrelandJames Adams & Sons Ltd. – Dublin, Ireland JAMAICAUniversity of West Indies - Kingston, Jamaica JAPANKobe Port Tower - Kobe, Japan Nofukuji Temple (Hyogo Daibutsu) - Kobe, Japan Okura Hotel - Kobe, Japan KENYAKenyatta International Conference

Center - Nairobi, Kenya LEBANONBeirut Municipality - Beirut, LebanonHabtoor Grand Hotel Convention Center & Spa, Beirut - Beirut, LebanonMEXICOCastillo de Chapultepec (Chapultepec Castle) - Mexico City, Mexico Palacio de Bellas Artes (Palace of Fine Arts) - Mexico City, Mexico Capsi Centro Educativo – Mexico Aqueduct of Querétaro, México NEW ZEALANDMichael Fowler Centre - Wellington, New Zealand PHILIPPINESSM Mall of Asia - Manila, Philippines POLANDVistula River Bridge - Krakow, Poland Palace of Culture and Science - Warsaw, Poland PORTUGALCristo Rei - Alamada, Portugal Monumento do Cristo Rei em Almada - Portugal - Lisbon, PortugalClerigos Tower - Oporto, Portugal City Council - Viseu, Portugal City Council and Square in Lamego - Viseu, Portugal City Council Nelas - Viseu, PortugalCity Council Resende - Viseu, PortugalCity Hall of Viseu - Viseu, Portugal Main Roundabout Mangualde - Viseu, Portugal Nossa Senhora do Castelo in Vouzela - Viseu, Portugal World War Monument Tondela - Viseu, Portugal QATARFour Seasons Hotel - Doha - Doha, Qatar ROMANIAArcul de Triumf - Bucharest, Romania National Theatre Bucharest (Teatrul Na ional "Ion Luca Caragiale" Bucure ti ) - Bucharest, Romania Palace of the Parliament - Bucharest, Romania

The Gate of the Kiss - Târgu Jiu, Romania City Hall of Sibiu - Transylvania, Romania

SAUDI ARABIAAl Anoud Tower - Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Alfaisaliah Tower - Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Kingdom Tower - Riyadh, Saudi Arabia SERBIAAlbania Palace - Belgrade, Serbia Military Museum - Belgrade, Serbia New Railroad Bridge - Belgrade, Serbia Republic Square - Belgrade, Serbia Slavija Square - Belgrade, Serbia Victor Statue - Belgrade, Serbia SINGAPORESingapore Flyer, Singapore SLOVAKIABratislava Castle - Bratislava, Slovakia SPAINTorre Agbar - Barcelona, Spain A Naiciña de Asorey - Cambados, Spain El Palacio de la Música de Valencia - Valencia, Spain SRI LANKAGalle Face Hotel - Colombo, Sri LankaSUDANCorinthia Burj Al-Fateh Hotel Khartoum - Khartoum, Sudan TRINIDAD AND TOBAGOCity Hall of Port of Spain - Trinidad and Tobago UNITED KINGDOMGuildford Cathedral - Guildford, Surrey, United Kingdom Spinnaker Tower - Portsmouth, United Kingdom UNITED ARAB EMIRATESInterContinental and Crowne Plaza Dubai Festival City - Dubai, United Arab Emirates VENEZUELAObelisk in Plaza de Altamira - Caracas, Venezuela

Oranjestad, Aruba AUSTRALIAElder Park Fountain - Adelaide, Australia Pinky Flat Fountain - Adelaide, Australia Rundle Mall Canopy - Adelaide, Australia Brisbane City Hall - Brisbane, Australia King George Square - Brisbane, Australia Federation Square - Melbourne, Australia Narrabri Public School - Narrabri, New South Wales, Australia Swan Bell Tower - Perth, Australia Mackay City Precinct Fountain - Queensland, Australia Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes - Sydney, Australia Sydney Opera House - Sydney, Australia Civic Park Fountain - Newcastle, AustraliaNewcastle City Hall - Newcastle, AustraliaThe Obelisk - Newcastle, Australia Wollongong Headland Light House - Wollongong, Australia BAHRAINBahrain World Trade Center - Manama, Bahrain BANGLADESHChittagong Medical College and Hospital - Chittagong, Bangladesh Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University - Dhaka, Bangladesh Care Hospital - Mohammadpur - Dhaka, Bangladesh Dhaka Medical College and Hospital Neuroscience Department and Paediatric Department - Dhaka, Bangladesh District Administration Offices (465 Buildings throughout Bangladesh) - Dhaka, Bangladesh District Hospitals (465 hospitals throughout Bangladesh) - Dhaka, Bangladesh Gano Bhabon - Official Residence of the Prime Minister - Dhaka, Bangladesh Institute of Neuro Science - Dhaka, Bangladesh BARBADOSTom Adams Financial Centre -

Bridgetown, Barbados BELGIUMNYSE Euronext Belgium - Brussels, Belgium BERMUDACity Hall of Hamilton, Bermuda - Hamilton, Bermuda BRAZILCity of Atibaia - Atibaia, Brazil Senado Federal do Brasil (Federal Senate of Brazil) - Brasilia, Brazil Teatro Amazonas - Manaus, Brazil Central Square - Montenegro, Brazil Chaminé da Usina do Gasômetro - Porto Alegre, Brazil Palácio Rio Branco - Rio Branco, Brazil Cristo Redemptor of Corcovado (Christ the Redeemer) - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Drogaria Real de Higienópolis - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Grêmio Recreativo Esportivo dos Industriários da Penha - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Penha Church - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Monumento às Bandeiras - São Paulo, Brazil Ponte Estaiada - Estaiada Bridge - São Paulo, Brazil Vale de Anhangabaú Square - São Paulo, Brazil Palácio de Karnak - Teresina, Brazil Câmara Municipal de Vereadores - Volta Redonda, Brazil CAPS II- Dr. Sérgio Fritsch - Volta Redonda, Brazil Chafariz da Praça Brasil - Volta Redonda, Brazil Chafariz perto da rodoviária - Volta Redonda, Brazil Escola Municipal Especializada Professora Dayse Mansur - Volta Redonda, Brazil HC Visual - Volta Redonda, Brazil Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio de Janeiro/ Campus Nilo Peçanha - Volta Redonda, Brazil Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil (OAB/VR) - Volta Redonda, Brazil Prefeitura Municipal - Volta Redonda, Brazil Secretaria Municipal de Ação

Comunitária - Volta Redonda, Brazil Secretaria Municipal de Educação - Volta Redonda, Brazil Secretaria Municipal de Saúde - Volta Redonda, Brazil Sitio Escola Municipal Espaço de Integração do Autista - Volta Redonda, Brazil Universidade Federal Fluminense - Campus Aterrado - Volta Redonda, Brazil CANADACity of Burlington, Canada - Burlington, Canada City Hall of Edmonton, Canada - Edmonton, Canada University of Alberta and Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital - Edmonton, Canada City Hall of Hamilton, Canada - Hamilton, Canada Place d'Armes Hotel - Montreal, Canada Niagara Falls - Niagara Falls, Canada The White House of Rock, HTZ FM (97.7) - St. Catharines, Canada Holland Bloorview Kids Rehab, Surrey Place Centre and The Hospital for Sick Children - Toronto, Canada MaRS Building - Toronto, Canada CN Tower - Toronto, Canada Canada Place - Vancouver, Canada CHINAMercedes-Benz Arena - Shanghai, China COLOMBIAColpatria Tower (Torre Colpatria) - Bogotá, Colombia Lievano’s Palace - Bogotá, Colombia Bancolombia Building - Medellín, Colombia Edificio Empresas Publicas de Medellín - Medellín, Colombia Escultura de Monumento a la vida del Maestro Rodrigo Arenas (The Sculpture of Life by Rodrigo Arenas - Suramericana de Seguros) - Medellín, Colombia ISAGEN Headquarters - Medellín, Colombia CZECH REPUBLICLBBW Bank Building - Prague,

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Collectif autisme92, avenue niel

75017 paris

29la France en bleu