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1 Columbus Journal y COLUMBUS JOURNAL Ce. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. Indian Zdnaction That Carats. The Indian school at Chilocco has just graduated the largest class in its' history, and some of its graduates and many of its other classes will'helptfBer sugar beet raisers in the vicinity of Rocky Ford, Co!., during 'the'vacaYkm. Over 130 of the young Indians are now engaged in this work in that district, and wilt remain there until the crop is all gathered. They will be back in the school in the fall, ready to resume their studies. At 'Chilocco and many of the other government schools the young Indians get the right sort of education to fit them for their new role in life. The education is equally divided between the books and the workshops. The boys and girls are taught all that is imparted in 'the ordinary grammar schools of the country, and a little more, in some cases. In addition the boys" are taught to make and repair harness, to shoe horses, to build houses, to do farm work of various torts, to raise and care for cattle, and. some of the rest of the things that need to be done in the average com munity in the west or east. The girls are instructed, by actual practice, in cooking, baking, laundering, nursing, sewing and other work suitable to their sex. This is the education that counts, says the St. Louis Globe-Democr- at The Chilocco school was in practical operation at the St Louis world's fair, and was one of its most attractive fea- tures. It was visited by hundreds of thousands of people during the seven months of the fair. Admiration for its system and for the intelligence and good behavior of its pupils was ex- pressed on every hand. Superintendent S. M. McCowan, the head of the school, was here with it, and won uigh praise for the thoroughness and practical character of the work of his pupils. The United States government made many mistakes in its dealings with the IndUns in the old days, but for the past quarter of a century it has been on the right track. Chilocco, Carlisle. Haskell and the rest of the great gov- ernment schools are doing a good work in training the young Indians of both exes to help to intelligently bear so- ciety's burdens. Chinese Students' Uniforms. The establishment of government schools in China, and the equipment of students in uniforms is furnishing a market for military clothing. Ac- cording to the British consul at Wu-cho- w CO of these schools have been ojiened in that prefectorate alone. The uniform consists of a coat and trousers of foreign cut, with brass buttons and peak caps, and shoes of foreign pat- tern. The material used is either serge, union cloth or cotton tweed for winter uniforms, and for summer wear any light cotton cloth. In the strictly military schools khaki is worn. All the uniforms seen appear to be of British cloth, but there is a rule, which is evidently ignored, that only native material be used. Caps, buttons and braid all come from Ja- pan. The shoes are said to be of Hongkong manufacture, but a very in- ferior kind is made locally of native leather. The cost of a uniform of cot- ton tweed, the cheapest, is only 3.C0 Mexican (91-8- 0 American currency) made tc order; a set of buttons, live in a set, costs 20 cents, and cap from 40 cents to $2.20; shoes from 91.10 to $2;2j)v Quality in every case Is ex- tremely poor. This uniform, the con-Fu- ll adds,' is becoming fashionable among the younger male generation in thai part of China, and every child whose parents can afford the expense is now decked out as a miniature stu- dent. If "Mary, Mary, quite contrary," be fan Algerian, perhaps her garden grows with silver bells and cockle shells and sponges all in a row. The cultivation of vegetable sponges is making progress in Algeria. About ten species of the plant are known and they are cultivated in Asia and Africa, being extensive in the regions of Algiers and Oran. Prior to ma- turity the fruit is edible; when the Mage of ripeness, however, has been ' passed the pulp becomes separated from the fibrous matter which then forms the spongy mass entitled the vegetable sponge. Fine specimens when bleached in a weak lime bath are sold at about a nickel apiece. Paris is at present the chief market for most of the vegetable sponges grown in Algiers. They are suitable not only for toilet and bathroom, but also for domestic purposes. This- - selling tot song birds for hats is a pitiful business. There ought to te no necessity for going to law to Mop it, and there would not be, it all women were as tender and merci- ful as they like to be thought A dead bird 3n a hat does not advertise pleas- ant qualities. It must not be supposed that the manufacturers of black pepper are confined to the use of lampblack and tapioca. They can make an excellent article out of ground cocoanut shells. Now doth the little busy mosquito improve each darkening hour. Coin-c- i dentally the weeds are sprouting on the vacant lots and there be many signs that it is time for the first gun in the annual summer war of ex- termination against the pestiferous in- sect that hungers and thirsts for hu- man gore. . Count Boni de Castellan has planned a terrible revenge on the Gould family. He contemplates going en the vaudeville stage. fi' 2." THE FAJtMEB'S CREED! The followfhgls "suggested by Prof. Irbyirol the North Carolina State col- lege, as the sort of creed to which til progressive farmers should sub- scribe and religiously adhere: We believe in small, well-tille- d farms; that the soil must be fed as well as the owner, so that the crops shall make the farm and the farmer rich: We tielieve in thorough drainage, in deep plowing, and in labor saving im- plements. We believe in good fences, barns conveniently arranged, good orchards and gardens, and plenty of home-raise- d hog and hominy. We believe in raising pure-bre- d stock or in grading up the best to be gotten; they equal the thoroughbreds. We believe in growing the best rarietieic of farm crops and saving the choicest for teed. We believe in fertilizing the brain with phosphorus as well as applying it to the soil. We believe In the proper care and application of barn-yar- d manure. We believe that the best fertilizers are of little value unless accompanied oy industry, enterprise and intelli- gence. We believe in rotation, diversifica- tion and thorough cultivation of crops. We believe that every farm should own a good farmer and every good farmer will eventually own a good farm. RABBIT TRAPS. One of the incidents and expenses of orcharding on a large scale not likely to be thought of by the casual observer Is the constant warfare which it is nec- - sssary to wage on the rabbits so likely to work great destruction to young ap- ple trees. This is illustrated by the pperations of Wellhouse & Son, of To-ek- a, Kan., who are recognized as the Apple Kings, as reported by E. D. Coburn. For their orchard in Osage county they used a carload of lumber tn the construction of 1,700 rabbit traps; for their three orchards in Leavenworth county they have 1,600 Xraps, and in a Miami county orchard 400 traps. These consist of a box 22 inches long, made 'of ordinary six-inc- h lumber, one inch thick, closed at one 2nd, and with an inward-swingin- g wire gate in the other end, which is shut by contact of the rabbit with a trigger after he has fairly entered. About four feet of lumber aud four feet of No. 12 galvanized iron wire are consumed in he making of eacn trap, which "costs, complete, about 12A to 15 cents. This tiap, as now constructed, is considered well nigh perfect, cost and efficiency considered, and is the result of 20 years of experimenting in making traps, and studying the nature and habits of 'the rabbits. In this connec- tion the word rabbit applies only to the ordinary cotton-ta- il and not to the larger jack-rabb- it, which the Messrs. Wellhouse say is not especially troublesome to the apple trees. RILL THE WEEDS. The best time to root out a trouble- some weed is the first time you notice one growing on your land. It will take but a minute then, as it is just one plant, or one little patch of plants. Some of the meanest weeds that ever pestered the farmer could be gotten rid of if every farmer would do thus. But the farms are large and the farm- ers are hurried and the weeds are left gtowing until there is more time, and then the seeds have ripened and been scattered to the four winds to seed all the farm and all the farms joining, and weeds, bad weeds, are increasing all the time. Such weeds as bull thistles, cockleburs, ragweeds and burdock should be rooted out as soon as possi- ble. They are bad, bad weeds, and when they get a foothold are very hard to get rid of. The burdock is the only one that the root lives through the winter, but the seed crop is so large and not being destroyed before the .seeds are ripened is the cause of spreading the above-mention- ed weeds. The average farmer does not allow these to grow through carelessness al- together. The main reason is he un- dertakes too much and has his hands more than full of work saving his hay, wheat and oats, and these weeds ripen and shed "their seeds while he is so very busy. How nice it would be if every farm could be clear of all the obnoxious weeds. There are new weeds being brought into our country by getting new seeds from other states. THE BARBERRY AS A HEDGING PLANT. Among the many bright spots in childhood's memory there is none which gave mere pleasure than that of the 'barberry hedge which grew near the old schoolhouse; that hedge which fur- nished us shade during the hot noon- time play hour. The bushes with their deep green foliage, racemes of yel- low flowers and hidden thorns that prevented their destruction, and later, the bright scarlet berries hanging un- til late in winter, perhaps the glasses of barberry jelly that graced our mother's pantry shelves and gave relish to the bread and butter eaten at school intensify that memory. This was over 30 years ago, but the barberry hedge still stands, furnishing shade for other children now, putting out leaves and flowers, and maturing its berries as then. At a time when there is so much call for hedging plants for our subur- ban homes why would it not be well to plant more barberries? Hardy, hand- some, easily cared for and protected by sharp thorns from the depredations of stock it seems to me to be one of ihe most desirable plants for the purpose, while its fruit finds a ready market wherever known. The best man in the business must have the right kind of a cow to make a success of dairying. - t- - ' --""r srvwy. flSy IJTTn, & V, PWlOMBAlIKftVfiDEN KBB a aMHElflBS "WITH THE FLOWERS. Stir "the soil often among estab- lished" plants and keep them free of weeds. " ' Stake holly-hock- s, dahlias and gladi-ol- is before the wind blows them over. Liquid cow manure is an excellent fertilizer to make bloom in the flower garden, when soil is poor. Do not get liquid on foliage. Never allow grass or weeds to go to seed. on the lawn; keep the mower go- ing. Hellebore dusted oh rose bushes will kill the second crop of worms and slugs. Don't let the pansies go to seed; it will stop their blooming. The same rule applies to nearly all summer flow- ering plants. I During warm rains, put the palms, ferns r.nd all house plants, in fact, out of doors. The drenching rain will 'do them :03d. An application of kerosene emulsion each week to the rose bushes willkeep them free from aphis. " ' - Summer pruning of shrubs may be made this month. It is 'easy' to kee'p back a too luxuriant growth by pinching off the shoots. ' If you want carnations for -- winter blooming, nip off the buds now and set The first blooms on asters, verbenas, stocks, drummond phlox, etc.1, 'should be cut so as to encourage branching and more blooms. BULK IN SWINE FOOD. Swine are by nature omnivorous feeders. They eat flesh, herbage, ce- reals, roots and fruits. Their food In their natural state has a good deal of bulk. The bad results sometimes ob- tained by feeders is due to forgetful-nes- s of this fact. The salvation of pigs kept in confinement has been the general impression that swill was pre- eminently a hog feed. This has given bulk to an otherwise condensed ration. The pig has to a large extent been the victim of a wrong system of feeding. He has been too often confined in a small space and fed a condensed ra tion. As a result disease and death have cut shortthe profits of the big raisers. The feeding of a ration of cereals is not in keeping with the natural requirements of the porcine money maker. It is not a difficult mat- ter for the swine feeder to increase greatly the bulk of food fed. Silage, loots and vegetables can be led in the winter. If the fanner have not these he can feed clover hay. This should be cut in a feed cutter and soaked by water over it. To this may be added the meal or other concen- trate that is to be fed. THE STUDY OF BEES. Nothing on the farm, or anywhere else for that matter, is more interest- ing than our honey bee. One can watch them lor hours and never tire in the least. Nothing is busier, nothing is .more exact in its work, no mechanic could possibly be more exact in his measurements than is the honey bee. The l'fe of the bee, though short, is a busy one. They simply wear out their wings in flight seeking honey, and then give out by the wayside and die. Knowing all this they are con- tinually rearing more young to take the place of the ones that die. Thus it is one continual workday in one way or another for the little honey bee. Every move counts for something. Every bit of pollen has its place. You will seldom one piece of work un- dertaken until the last one is finished. Each cell is brought to completion and then it is all over the section one after another. From these little work ers one can learn many valuable les- sons that will be of great worth if we only rut into practice what we learn from them. MEDICINES AND POULTRY. We are convinced that doctoring poultry is of little avail. Probably birds could be cured if they would have their diseases diagnosed as hu do be a f water course oi treatment Involving the giv- ing of medicine several times a day. But that is not possible to most of those that keep poultry. Therefore, the onlj system that is practical is to kill all very sick fowls, especially if they have a contagious Then keep aud feed the ethers rightly, go- ing through the flock every month or so and carefully inspecting every one of the birds to see if they have roup or other contagious disease. The roup can be told by looking into the mouth. If the roup le process of spreading the little slit in the roof of the mouth will Le clogged with a colorless, thick, stringy fluid, or there may be little blisters, called canker, in the mouth. PEANUT BUTTER. The manufacture of peanut butter Is on the increase and is becoming an im- portant commercial product. "Peanut butter is made by grinding peanuts very fine," said a gentleman the other day, "and reducing the mass to a pasty substance, a portion, at least, of the large amount of oil contained being removed. Some salt is added for flavoring , and the result is a cheap and nourishing 'spread' for crackers and bread, the nutritious value of which is now recognized by many physicians. Nuts have always been known contain fat and strength-givin- g elements, and its absolute pur- ity makes it an excellent product for the poor, as it can be manufactured at a of the expense of cream but- ter. The industry is growing rapidly and peanut butter is extensively used in the large cities of to-da- Don't get your breeding geese, ducks or torkeys too fat, as eggs from such stock seldom hatch well. Don't feed to much corn at this time of the year. Plant most of the garden in rows, and cultivate it with a horse. You can do more in one hour than you can in a day with a hoe, and so much easier. POULTRY NOTES. Yon need not expect your heas to lay regularly if you confine them to a diet of corn. Vary their food as much as possible. There is simply no excuse oa any farm for not furnishing shade and plenty of pure fresh water for the poul- try. Millet seed is the finest food for chickens as well as older fowls. Scat- tered among dry leaves it will make a drove of chickens busy and happy for hours. Not only is it a healthful food, but it requires healthful exercise to get it. ' Lime is cheap, is a good disinfectant, is easily secured, and is one" of the best purifiers, and should be used often as a wash for coops, perches, nest boxes and the sides or the house. Don't fail to sprinkle it liberally and often on the fioors of the chicken house and the coops. Go out to the hen house and look at the pan you have been giving the fowls their water in and see how full of straw and other litter it is. Then take an old cheese box, split it half way round the side, put the dish of water on top of that and note the dif- ference there will be in cleanliness. The water pan ought never to be placed so that the hens can dig stuff over the edge into it. If the poultry house is in such con dition as to allow rats to run under the floor, the farmer may as well give up the poultry business. They are worse than any disease the fowls may have. When the house is built it is very easy to put wire netting such as is used for the small chicks under the floors. If you have not done this, an- other easy way to keep out rats is to put in a cement floor. It may cost lit- tle more than fixing up the wooden floor, but it is safe against rats and a wooden floor is not. If wire mesh Is put in with the cement when the floor is laid it will be all the better; MAKING A GOOD MILKER. The real good milker is made the first year. But this is not meant that breeding is a matter of no importance, but she must be made to do good serv- ice the first season if she is to keep it up. Letting the calf suck the first sea- son or permitting it to run with the dam is a very bad way to make a good milker. DILAPIDATED FARMHOUSES. In driving about the country one cannot help noticing manv nlnres where the owner's lack of thrift is evi- dent in the dilapidated condition of much about the house, barn or farm, lue fences may need repairing. The sheds may show signs of weakness. Gates may have lost a hinge and be- come useless. The evidence of habit- ual neglect may be seen in many ways about the place, and the aggregation ot these little things which result from carelessness or thoughtlessness goes to give the farm a run down ap- pearance which it does not deserve, and which it would not have if care was taken to keep things in a condi- tion of good order. Go over the potato patch with a harrow when the young plants are be- ginning to come up, and you will de- stroy all the weeds and leave the patch in such fine condition that but little hoeing will be needed thereafter. The potatoes will get the start of the weeds, and the weeds may then be kept down with the horse cultivator. Axles run dry with surprising quick- ness in rainy, muddy weather. Look after them daily, and never apply two kinds of grease to a wagon. The watc washes it out faster in some cases, anti in others I have known the two com- bine in a paste which quickly wears oul aud powders, setting the wheel by heating. My neighbor is a good farmer in most ways, but as I passed his horse-bar- n this morning, I noticed a large pile of manure out in the weather. It was a cool morning, but I could smell the ammonia arising fiom the manure pile for a long distance. He will lose one-ha- lf to two-thir- ds the value of the manure. If the small green plant-lous- e, the-aph- is, infests the trees to any extent, make a solution by dissolving one pound of whale-oi- l soap in ten gallons of water, and spray with this. First mans and then put on regular dissolve the soap in a little hot disease. in to fraction and then dilute to the desired htrength. Givj soft food, such as boiled oats or potatoes, mixed with equal parts ot bran, .shorts and ground corn twice a week for breakfast, but not a full feed of soft feed, as they will eat toe fast and then sit around with a stuffed crop. They say that the cow's olfactor'es are about ten times as acute as th se. of man. If this is true, the necessity of keeping the feeding trough, the drinking vessel and all the surround- ings of the cow clean becomes very apparent. The eggs of geese, ducks, turkeys, guinea'-- - and chickens that are shipped a gr?at distance will hatch well if thej are turned upside down in the basket and left for 24 hours and then put un- der a good hen or In an incubator. Some farmers sow clover seed twice, half early and half late, to insure a stand; but it is a question whether it is not wiser to sow it all very early. In this way the writer has not failed of a good stand in many years. Geese and ducks should have water to swim in during breeding season, as they mate better in water than on land. Scoop out a place with team and scraper and fill with water, if In orchards badly infested with cankerworm late spraying with some form of arsenic, which is most safe- ly used in bordeaux mixture, may do good if the worm is still feeding. Mate one diake with five ducks, one gander with three geese, one gobbler with tcur to twenty turkeys, one male guinea with tour to eight guinea hens. Give your laying hens milk and' meat' scraps every four or five days. It means more eggs. COUNCIL HOUSEOFCREEK INDIANS HISTORIC STRUCTURE KAY BE- COME COU&T BUILDING. Citizens Likely to Bay Hall of Justice at Okmulgee, I. T., Where Indian Crimes Were Judged and Criminals Executed. Okmulgee, Ind. T. In the event that Okmulgee becomes a county seat under statehood the citizens of the county are more than likely to buy the old Creek council house for a court building. . The council house is one of the his- toric buildings in the Indian terri- tory. - It is made of a very fine grade of sandstone called cotton rock and is situated in a yard shaded by ma- ple trees three-quarte- rs of a century old. The building itself is two stor- ies high, square in form, with the conventional ball tower on its top. A small marble tablet near the north front door bears the inscription: 'Muskogee National Capitol. Erected A. D. 1878. Building Committee-Ja- mes McHenry, W. F. Brown and John Mcintosh." The council house was not only the seat of the Creek legislature, but it served the Indians as a hall of jus- tice for the trial of their prisoners. Beneath the cluster of trees on the shady side of the walk many a pris- oner has been executed within the past 28 years. These executions were always solemn affairs. The prisoner. after a dignified farewell to his fam- ily and friends, took his stand with his back to the tree and calmly awaited the shot from the lighthorse-man- 's pistoi, which was to put out his life. Sometimes, however, the executions took place in the small cemetery on the hill beyond the present Frisco tracks. The last Creek execution oc- curred there in July. 1898. The vic- tim was a young Uitche who had com- mitted his third horsetheft. There was a large crowd in Okmulgee that day. The young Indian was taken to the cemetery on horseback. When the prisoner with his escort arrived themen bad just finished digging the grave. A few songs were sung, a prayer was offered up in which the victim joined and the Indian sheriff. Berryhill, stepped from the crowd, Colts revolver in hand, to do his duty. When the fatal shot was fired the young Uitche's eyes were sweeping the lovely Creek hills and uplands. He fell with a smile on his face. His Lcrd Joicey Had Disadvantage of Starting in Life Rich Knows Business Thoroughly. it It is of is of Is of of in he to lie as a to He is to He to of of was He to to or he of of is law' the the the the the inter-- . there was esting the danger infected has snobbery, where onetcy and has taken title Baron Joicey Ches-- ! Latin There studied hard, prizes, which has when was devoted himself another which tering details. was longer which and about work- - ries with seat among the heredi tary legislators the realm. that the "Coal King." for the largest producer coal LOUD JOICEY. (Coal Karon One Interesting Char- acters ftritisli Parliament.) the world. The output the Lamb-to- n and the Joicey Colliery compa- nies, which practically amounts 5,000.000 tons year, and has besides large interests sev- eral other coal companies. Joicey cannot described self-ma-de man according the pop- ular definition much-abuse- d phrase. start life with what Andrew Carnegie has repeatedly the most valuable success poverty. belongs the rarer type who acquire vast fortunes without early stimulus dire struggle for the necessities life. His father fairly pros- perous coal mine owner. could well afforded send his boy Eton, Rugby some other famous public school, where might have made the several fu- ture dukes and earls, and aristocratic Ecions lower degree, and ob- tained sort education which to and Without Much Formality. With many cuss words and startling spelling, but with picturesque ex oression. old veteran applied to Warner, commissioner of for inc-ieat-- e in his pen- -j sion. writes: "Now, Mr. Commissioner, about this matter of my pension, you ma do just you dam If you think lusin one laig at the Wilderness 1S64 bloted out the record bullit thro the body Antitum IS62 and if you think pension I've been is full pay for busted insides that haint been good runnin order for more en twenty year, will be this side of new al But I'm to tell you be- tween us that when minie ball Vent through me at Antitum, it hell sum important part of my inards, and it plaid keeps. It something alto flinders, don't know grave is well kept the cemetery, a to the stern and justice of people. The legal authority the Creek Indians expired in 1S9S. and on March ' 7, 1907, the Indian governors will step down and out and the Indians will be- come actual citizens of the United States instead of remaining wards the government. The last of the In- dian governors William C. Rogers, of Skiatook, chief of Cherokees; J. F. Brown, of Wewoka. chief Seminoles; p. B. Johnston, of Tish- omingo, chief of the Choctaws; B. McCurtain. of South McAIester. chief of the Chickasaws. and Pleasant Porter, of Muskogee, chief of the Creeks. Gov. Porter, all all. Is best known and perhaps most extraor- dinary Indian now alive. Few men cggglrif F'MMr nfTJsa-a-a- -i SMSSWJ-KwjayMS- JI JMBKt " ijFrJifT JHT 1L" OLD CREEK COUNCIL. OK.MULUEE. I. HOUSE T. AT have received so much newspaper no- tice as Gov. Porter, for he has been subject many fables. He has been written about as an Indian mil- lionaire, when fact is that, though fixed, be ranks lowest the Indian governors in point of wealth. He would have been a wealthy if he had been less hon- est and less charitable. He has given away large fortune in the his lifetime. Gov. Porter was in Indian territory near Clarksville. September 26. He entered confederate army as private and left the service as lieuten- ant, after an honorable career in many battles Wilson Creek until the last shot was fired Texas. Gov. Porter is profoundly versed Indian history and lore and will write history his people. He believes that the southern Indians are of Aztec and Toltcc origin and was even in advance ethnologists in maintain- ing his views. BRITISH KING IN PARLIAMENT. job going through life without working for living. But young Joicey's father was level-heade- d man. He sent his son to cood mid- - London. Decidedly most die school, where no of new peers is Lord Joicey, ( his being with who been raised from bar- - and thorough to a barony, grounding in science took the place of the of of anil Greek. Joicey ' terle-Stre- et in the county Durham. carried off a lot a district he represented joined his father's business he in parliament for ten years. But he , 19, and to mas-ha- s won title will stick all its He con- - to him than that car-- , stantly in the pits the a of he individual of owns, a he in Lord of that did not in declared aid men the a of a have acquaintance have a of Said So a an ' an He as of a at gettin' a set of in and never gemsalem, the with for cut I in his of of are of in the of the of man a course of born 1840. the a a from In In a of of of a a a class of a a of of in in ings so much so that an old work- man one day said to him as he passed with dirty overalls on: "Why. young maister. soon know as much about the pit as we do." That's just what I want to do." answered Joicey. Woman President of Law SckaaL Washington. A woman at the head of a college of law is an unusual even in this land of progressive women. Mrs. Ellen Spencer Mussey. of this city, ranks not only as but also as founder of the Washington Law College, which she established in order that legal-mind- ed women might have a law college instituted for them, specially. Nearly half of its student body in the last year was composed of women. Born in Geneva. O., in 1S30, Mrs. is the daughter of Piatt K. Spencer, author of the Sitcncerian sys- tem of penmanship. After a thorough training, she, at the sige of 21, entered into matrimonial and business part nership with Gen. K. D. Mussey, who died a year later. Mrs. Mussey's legal career covers a period of 35 years. She is a member of the bar of the supreme court of the United States, attorney for several foreign legations and counsel for a number of national, patriotic and labor She was one of the founders as well as attorney for the American Red Cross society, and has served as president of the Legion of Loyal Women. She has always been Legisla- tion for the betterment of woman's conditions in the District of Columbia has constantly received her sup port. Among the laws which she has helped to obtain are the bills giving mothers the same right to their chil- dren as fathers; and married women the right to transact business and to supposed best equip a man for the control their own earnings. icooooootaoootaoooooooooooooooooDOooooooooeocoooocccoooB HAD AN INCREASE COMING. Veteran Thought His Pension Insuf- - whether it was my liver, my lungs. ficient Vespasian pensions, pleas. the right. going plaid monument in- corruptible Green comfortably second you'll young fea- ture chief, Mus- sey famous organizations. busy. ardent or what, and your net dokters don't seem to know as much about it as I do. The plane facts is that it broke t and busted me from heel to whiskers. I and I got busted at Antitum before my laig was lost, and the record says so. No, I don't want to be I ain't bilt that way. But rar. warner. if you expect to blossom out as vice president of these United States bi bucking against the honest klaim of an old veteran with one foot in the grave and the other dam near it. you're get- tin' more hay than you'll have time to stack up. Youl make about as much at that game as the doktor general will by vetoeing wooden Iaigs. "Respectfully your with a dam good memory." Imporia Gazette. Selected by Kaiser. The emperor of Germany has ap- pointed Privy Councillor Goldberger to be a member of the expert commis- sion which will make an American col- lection for the Royal Museum of BAD COMPLEXIONS Cansea PkMtcs a' . Willi wf Pink Pill. Mate New Bleed Ma-Cu- r Fotews. I abused my stosaaca, aay blood go oat of order and then ray face broke out with pimples and boils," says T. E. Rob- ertson, of 197 Addison street, Washing- ton, Pa. "This was over two years ago. My stomach was iu bad shape. After eating I would- - have to rest awhile or I would suffer the most severe pains in) my stomach. Oa arising I would of tea be so dizzy that I could hardly stand up. The slightest exertioa would start my back aching so that I eftea had to sit down aud rest awhile. At times I ex- perienced a paia aroaad the heart Which alarmed me hut which I sappose came from my stomach troable. 'I begauto break out on the face with pimples and titer with boils which con- - lined me to the house a wedk or more at c a time. Ono day I saw Dr. Williams Pink PillsforPale People advertised in a pamphlet which was left at the door aud I thought I would givo them a trial. l took several boxes of the pills before all the pimples and boils left me, but I am now glad to say that my blood is good. I do not have any eruptions ami f nn longer have the head and stomach troubles I have described. I am very grateful for what Dr. WilliamsTiuk Pills nave done lor me aud I havo them aud always will aihi-- o thoso who are suffering from bad blood or stomach trouble to try them." If you want good health you must have good blood. Bud blood is tho root of iuo-- t common diseases like nuamiia, rhetnna-tis- m, scmtiai, uonralgia. St.Yi ti: ' riuti.e, nervousness, indigestion, debility, p. ial paralysis and locomotor ataxia. Dr. Williams' Pink Pilk are mM I y all druggists or sent, postpaid, on rece fc of price, 50c. per box,. six Ixrces for$!.. J, by the Dr. Williams Mtdiciirj C'ouipai: v, Schenectady, N.T. Even an electric button won't accom- plish much unless it is pushed. Mm. VThMtow'n Konthtotr yrsp. For children teetalnir. Mitten? the kiipi. reduce i lajrunathm .allaja pala. curaa wind colic ZJcabctUe.... There's no need to hunt for trouble; it will find you just as quick. . Lewis Single ISinder the famous ftrnight 5e cigar, alw.ijs best" uuihiy. Your dealer or Lcvis Factory, Peoria, III. The parson was talking to little El- -. mer about his habits, and eskeri him what time he was usually called for breakfast. "They don't have to" call me." answered Elmer. "I'm always Johnny-on-the-spot- ." Attractive Colorado Booklet. One of the most attractive of the-- summer vacation booklets that have -- . been issued is "A Colorado SummfjiV ' put out by the passcuger department of the Santa Fe railroad. Thi" pic- turesque mountain scenery and thede- - scriptions of it which the booklet gives impress the- - reader with a new. idea of the grandeur of the mountain crags of Colorado, and will start one day- - dreaming of the time when he can view for himself the magnificence" which the booklet describes. After . reading the booklet one must certainly be convinced that Colorado offers- - both " pleasure and health for every summer . tourist. "A Colorado Summer" may bo secured from Mr. W. J. Black. Pass. Traffic Manager, Santa Fe Railway, , " Chicago. ." WISDOM'S WHISPERS. Force of circumstances "Is a poor excuse for the taking of a wrong path. The bearer of unpleasant tidings rarely appreciates, bow hard he strikes. Hold fast to a truth without re- gard to what others may think of you. The value of wealth cannot be es- timated by those who do not possess it. It does one no harm to call atten- tion to the good that may De seen in others. An assumption of humility does not always carry with it the appearance of honesty. Because others may ovc'restimati your value is no reason for your do- ing likewise. Jumping at conclusions wirhout facts shows a ready .mind, if not. a well-balanc- ed one. Words can be used so as to increase their importance even in telling an ordinary story. The ravages of time come crepinq along no matter how effectively they may be concealed. hm;cati9Xaz. The Greatest feariing CoKcgc in the WerM University of . Notre Dame NOTRE DAME, INDIANA Wt guarantee tav fcin.- - Our ztudentt study anU our ituJtais trku-.- t tkthiitktt lSBaiaafs 75rnlcMars Mt Stufe. Connes la Ancient and Slmlern fonicnaffr.. Koj;. JJjb. MJntory, and Economics. Cheintntry. Bioloirir, rkarmmcjr, civil. KIn-trlra- l, nnl Xrrhmntem Architecture. Law.ahoi UanJ.Bok-k-- . Type-wrlUnj- SPECIAL DEPARTMr.'ST FOR BOYS 01Klt THII.TKK.V TElrt Si BmH. Tuition, and UeaaVy. SIM. Saatf lea ccats ! ifce lefiurar fer Catalog e Wkeat, 'kaafaela) peracre. Catalogue ana samples n:su. lUianS CMMir.a- - lafaai i.Wla. U, S. NAVY enlists for four years yonnir asea of good character and sooml physical condition 17 to v? 5" apprentice seamca. and men " quaiiuea ior special ratines. 21 to 35 years. I""" eood. expenses moderate, food wholesome and sufficient, and life beneficial physically and otherwise. Yoanemenwho are skilled mechanics, pos-essi- soma knowledge of electricity, or Mudents of electricity, who show achtude for the saral service, may be enlisted as landsmen for electricians an& ejven the train-tn- e at the Navy Electrical ScluxJ. All such sen mnct have a coed erfnraiinn. Bub-oSce- ac Ijneolu and llajtings. Ke UOeeawin bo opened turn fall at Wea anasieancity. Iowa. Addi tT j&L tM- - & . jt , - i-- iP ., - &iS Rhi Zitr W jitj.3s3Sc- - ,jJawSiSate r,rim1&2B)kL2&fafc-iilii- - r - JKi&i&hi. - ?ia " Tlria-iir- r r ftiaar iti . iwn . T3ik2i . ftS. a r' - fe frnnij'fti V ij-- wfrnawi TatXa,, 'V .W 1

Columbus Journal HOUSEOFCREEK flSy

Nov 26, 2021



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Page 1: Columbus Journal HOUSEOFCREEK flSy


Columbus Journaly COLUMBUS JOURNAL Ce.


Indian Zdnaction That Carats.The Indian school at Chilocco has

just graduated the largest class in its'history, and some of its graduates andmany of its other classes will'helptfBersugar beet raisers in the vicinity ofRocky Ford, Co!., during 'the'vacaYkm.Over 130 of the young Indians are nowengaged in this work in that district,and wilt remain there until the crop isall gathered. They will be back in theschool in the fall, ready to resume theirstudies.

At 'Chilocco and many of the othergovernment schools the young Indiansget the right sort of education to fitthem for their new role in life. Theeducation is equally divided betweenthe books and the workshops. Theboys and girls are taught all that isimparted in 'the ordinary grammarschools of the country, and a littlemore, in some cases. In addition theboys" are taught to make and repairharness, to shoe horses, to buildhouses, to do farm work of varioustorts, to raise and care for cattle, and.some of the rest of the things thatneed to be done in the average community in the west or east. The girlsare instructed, by actual practice, incooking, baking, laundering, nursing,sewing and other work suitable totheir sex.

This is the education that counts,says the St. Louis Globe-Democr- at

The Chilocco school was in practicaloperation at the St Louis world's fair,and was one of its most attractive fea-

tures. It was visited by hundreds ofthousands of people during the sevenmonths of the fair. Admiration for itssystem and for the intelligence andgood behavior of its pupils was ex-

pressed on every hand. SuperintendentS. M. McCowan, the head of the school,was here with it, and won uigh praisefor the thoroughness and practicalcharacter of the work of his pupils.The United States government mademany mistakes in its dealings with theIndUns in the old days, but for thepast quarter of a century it has beenon the right track. Chilocco, Carlisle.Haskell and the rest of the great gov-

ernment schools are doing a good workin training the young Indians of bothexes to help to intelligently bear so-

ciety's burdens.

Chinese Students' Uniforms.The establishment of government

schools in China, and the equipmentof students in uniforms is furnishinga market for military clothing. Ac-

cording to the British consul at Wu-cho- w

CO of these schools have beenojiened in that prefectorate alone. Theuniform consists of a coat and trousersof foreign cut, with brass buttons andpeak caps, and shoes of foreign pat-

tern. The material used is eitherserge, union cloth or cotton tweed forwinter uniforms, and for summerwear any light cotton cloth. In thestrictly military schools khaki isworn. All the uniforms seen appearto be of British cloth, but there is arule, which is evidently ignored, thatonly native material be used. Caps,buttons and braid all come from Ja-pan. The shoes are said to be ofHongkong manufacture, but a very in-

ferior kind is made locally of nativeleather. The cost of a uniform of cot-

ton tweed, the cheapest, is only 3.C0

Mexican (91-8- 0 American currency)made tc order; a set of buttons, livein a set, costs 20 cents, and cap from40 cents to $2.20; shoes from 91.10 to$2;2j)v Quality in every case Is ex-

tremely poor. This uniform, the con-Fu- ll

adds,' is becoming fashionableamong the younger male generation inthai part of China, and every childwhose parents can afford the expenseis now decked out as a miniature stu-dent.

If "Mary, Mary, quite contrary,"be fan Algerian, perhaps her gardengrows with silver bells and cockleshells and sponges all in a row. Thecultivation of vegetable sponges ismaking progress in Algeria. Aboutten species of the plant are knownand they are cultivated in Asia andAfrica, being extensive in the regionsof Algiers and Oran. Prior to ma-

turity the fruit is edible; when theMage of ripeness, however, has been

' passed the pulp becomes separatedfrom the fibrous matter which thenforms the spongy mass entitled thevegetable sponge. Fine specimenswhen bleached in a weak lime bathare sold at about a nickel apiece.Paris is at present the chief marketfor most of the vegetable spongesgrown in Algiers. They are suitablenot only for toilet and bathroom, butalso for domestic purposes.

This-- selling tot song birds for hatsis a pitiful business. There ought tote no necessity for going to law toMop it, and there would not be, itall women were as tender and merci-ful as they like to be thought A deadbird 3n a hat does not advertise pleas-

ant qualities.

It must not be supposed that themanufacturers of black pepper areconfined to the use of lampblack andtapioca. They can make an excellentarticle out of ground cocoanut shells.

Now doth the little busy mosquitoimprove each darkening hour. Coin-c- i

dentally the weeds are sprouting onthe vacant lots and there be manysigns that it is time for the first gunin the annual summer war of ex-

termination against the pestiferous in-

sect that hungers and thirsts for hu-

man gore.

. Count Boni de Castellan hasplanned a terrible revenge on theGould family. He contemplates goingen the vaudeville stage.

fi' 2."


The followfhgls "suggested by Prof.Irbyirol the North Carolina State col-

lege, as the sort of creed to whichtil progressive farmers should sub-

scribe and religiously adhere:We believe in small, well-tille- d

farms; that the soil must be fed aswell as the owner, so that the cropsshall make the farm and the farmerrich:

We tielieve in thorough drainage, indeep plowing, and in labor saving im-

plements.We believe in good fences, barns

conveniently arranged, good orchardsand gardens, and plenty of home-raise- d

hog and hominy.We believe in raising pure-bre- d

stock or in grading up the best to begotten; they equal the thoroughbreds.

We believe in growing the bestrarietieic of farm crops and saving thechoicest for teed.

We believe in fertilizing the brainwith phosphorus as well as applyingit to the soil.

We believe In the proper care andapplication of barn-yar- d manure.

We believe that the best fertilizersare of little value unless accompaniedoy industry, enterprise and intelli-gence.

We believe in rotation, diversifica-tion and thorough cultivation ofcrops.

We believe that every farm shouldown a good farmer and every goodfarmer will eventually own a goodfarm.


One of the incidents and expenses oforcharding on a large scale not likelyto be thought of by the casual observerIs the constant warfare which it is nec--sssary to wage on the rabbits so likelyto work great destruction to young ap-

ple trees. This is illustrated by thepperations of Wellhouse & Son, of To-ek- a,

Kan., who are recognized as theApple Kings, as reported by E. D.Coburn. For their orchard in Osagecounty they used a carload of lumbertn the construction of 1,700 rabbittraps; for their three orchards inLeavenworth county they have 1,600Xraps, and in a Miami county orchard400 traps. These consist of a box 22inches long, made 'of ordinary six-inc- h

lumber, one inch thick, closed at one2nd, and with an inward-swingin- g wiregate in the other end, which is shutby contact of the rabbit with a triggerafter he has fairly entered. About fourfeet of lumber aud four feet of No. 12galvanized iron wire are consumed inhe making of eacn trap, which "costs,

complete, about 12A to 15 cents. Thistiap, as now constructed, is consideredwell nigh perfect, cost and efficiencyconsidered, and is the result of 20years of experimenting in makingtraps, and studying the nature andhabits of 'the rabbits. In this connec-tion the word rabbit applies only tothe ordinary cotton-ta- il and not to thelarger jack-rabb- it, which the Messrs.Wellhouse say is not especiallytroublesome to the apple trees.


The best time to root out a trouble-some weed is the first time you noticeone growing on your land. It will takebut a minute then, as it is just oneplant, or one little patch of plants.Some of the meanest weeds that everpestered the farmer could be gottenrid of if every farmer would do thus.But the farms are large and the farm-ers are hurried and the weeds are leftgtowing until there is more time, andthen the seeds have ripened and beenscattered to the four winds to seed allthe farm and all the farms joining, andweeds, bad weeds, are increasing allthe time. Such weeds as bull thistles,cockleburs, ragweeds and burdockshould be rooted out as soon as possi-ble. They are bad, bad weeds, andwhen they get a foothold are very hardto get rid of. The burdock is the onlyone that the root lives through thewinter, but the seed crop is so largeand not being destroyed before the.seeds are ripened is the cause ofspreading the above-mention- ed weeds.The average farmer does not allowthese to grow through carelessness al-

together. The main reason is he un-dertakes too much and has his handsmore than full of work saving his hay,wheat and oats, and these weeds ripenand shed "their seeds while he is sovery busy. How nice it would be ifevery farm could be clear of all theobnoxious weeds. There are newweeds being brought into our countryby getting new seeds from other states.


Among the many bright spots inchildhood's memory there is none whichgave mere pleasure than that of the'barberry hedge which grew near theold schoolhouse; that hedge which fur-nished us shade during the hot noon-time play hour. The bushes with theirdeep green foliage, racemes of yel-low flowers and hidden thorns thatprevented their destruction, and later,the bright scarlet berries hanging un-til late in winter, perhaps the glassesof barberry jelly that graced ourmother's pantry shelves and gaverelish to the bread and butter eatenat school intensify that memory.

This was over 30 years ago, but thebarberry hedge still stands, furnishingshade for other children now, puttingout leaves and flowers, and maturingits berries as then.

At a time when there is so muchcall for hedging plants for our subur-ban homes why would it not be well toplant more barberries? Hardy, hand-some, easily cared for and protected bysharp thorns from the depredations ofstock it seems to me to be one of ihemost desirable plants for the purpose,while its fruit finds a ready marketwherever known.

The best man in the business musthave the right kind of a cow to makea success of dairying.


t- - ' --""r srvwy. flSy IJTTn, & V,



Stir "the soil often among estab-lished" plants and keep them free ofweeds. " '

Stake holly-hock- s, dahlias and gladi-ol- is

before the wind blows them over.Liquid cow manure is an excellent

fertilizer to make bloom in the flowergarden, when soil is poor. Do not getliquid on foliage.

Never allow grass or weeds to go toseed. on the lawn; keep the mower go-

ing.Hellebore dusted oh rose bushes will

kill the second crop of worms andslugs.

Don't let the pansies go to seed; itwill stop their blooming. The samerule applies to nearly all summer flow-

ering plants. IDuring warm rains, put the palms,

ferns r.nd all house plants, in fact, outof doors. The drenching rain will 'dothem :03d.

An application of kerosene emulsioneach week to the rose bushes willkeepthem free from aphis. " ' -

Summer pruning of shrubs may bemade this month. It is 'easy' to kee'pback a too luxuriant growth by pinching

off the shoots. '

If you want carnations for --winterblooming, nip off the buds now and set

The first blooms on asters, verbenas,stocks, drummond phlox, etc.1, 'shouldbe cut so as to encourage branchingand more blooms.


Swine are by nature omnivorousfeeders. They eat flesh, herbage, ce-

reals, roots and fruits. Their food Intheir natural state has a good deal ofbulk. The bad results sometimes ob-tained by feeders is due to forgetful-nes- s

of this fact. The salvation ofpigs kept in confinement has been thegeneral impression that swill was pre-eminently a hog feed. This has givenbulk to an otherwise condensed ration.The pig has to a large extent been thevictim of a wrong system of feeding.He has been too often confined in asmall space and fed a condensed ration. As a result disease and deathhave cut shortthe profits of the bigraisers. The feeding of a ration ofcereals is not in keeping with thenatural requirements of the porcinemoney maker. It is not a difficult mat-ter for the swine feeder to increasegreatly the bulk of food fed. Silage,loots and vegetables can be led in thewinter. If the fanner have not thesehe can feed clover hay. This should becut in a feed cutter and soaked by

water over it. To this maybe added the meal or other concen-trate that is to be fed.


Nothing on the farm, or anywhereelse for that matter, is more interest-ing than our honey bee. One can watchthem lor hours and never tire in theleast. Nothing is busier, nothing is.more exact in its work, no mechaniccould possibly be more exact in hismeasurements than is the honey bee.The l'fe of the bee, though short, isa busy one. They simply wear outtheir wings in flight seeking honey,and then give out by the wayside anddie. Knowing all this they are con-tinually rearing more young to takethe place of the ones that die. Thusit is one continual workday in oneway or another for the little honey bee.Every move counts for something.Every bit of pollen has its place. Youwill seldom one piece of work un-dertaken until the last one is finished.Each cell is brought to completion andthen it is all over the section oneafter another. From these little workers one can learn many valuable les-sons that will be of great worth if weonly rut into practice what we learnfrom them.


We are convinced that doctoringpoultry is of little avail. Probablybirds could be cured if they wouldhave their diseases diagnosed as hu

do be a f watercourse oi treatment Involving the giv-ing of medicine several times a day.But that is not possible to most ofthose that keep poultry. Therefore,the onlj system that is practical is tokill all very sick fowls, especially ifthey have a contagious Thenkeep aud feed the ethers rightly, go-ing through the flock every month orso and carefully inspecting every oneof the birds to see if they have roupor other contagious disease. The roupcan be told by looking into the mouth.If the roup le process of spreadingthe little slit in the roof of the mouthwill Le clogged with a colorless, thick,stringy fluid, or there may be littleblisters, called canker, in the mouth.


The manufacture of peanut butter Ison the increase and is becoming an im-portant commercial product. "Peanutbutter is made by grinding peanutsvery fine," said a gentleman the otherday, "and reducing the mass to a pastysubstance, a portion, at least, of thelarge amount of oil contained beingremoved. Some salt is added forflavoring , and the result is a cheapand nourishing 'spread' for crackersand bread, the nutritious value ofwhich is now recognized by manyphysicians. Nuts have always beenknown contain fat and strength-givin- g

elements, and its absolute pur-ity makes it an excellent product forthe poor, as it can be manufactured ata of the expense of cream but-ter. The industry is growing rapidlyand peanut butter is extensively usedin the large cities of to-da-

Don't get your breeding geese, ducksor torkeys too fat, as eggs from suchstock seldom hatch well. Don't feedto much corn at this time of the year.

Plant most of the garden in rows,and cultivate it with a horse. You cando more in one hour than you can in aday with a hoe, and so much easier.


Yon need not expect your heas tolay regularly if you confine them to adiet of corn. Vary their food as muchas possible.

There is simply no excuse oa anyfarm for not furnishing shade andplenty of pure fresh water for the poul-try.

Millet seed is the finest food forchickens as well as older fowls. Scat-tered among dry leaves it will make adrove of chickens busy and happy forhours. Not only is it a healthful food,but it requires healthful exercise toget it. '

Lime is cheap, is a good disinfectant,is easily secured, and is one" of the bestpurifiers, and should be used often asa wash for coops, perches, nest boxesand the sides or the house. Don't failto sprinkle it liberally and often on thefioors of the chicken house and thecoops.

Go out to the hen house and lookat the pan you have been giving thefowls their water in and see how fullof straw and other litter it is. Thentake an old cheese box, split it halfway round the side, put the dish ofwater on top of that and note the dif-ference there will be in cleanliness.The water pan ought never to beplaced so that the hens can dig stuffover the edge into it.

If the poultry house is in such condition as to allow rats to run underthe floor, the farmer may as well giveup the poultry business. They areworse than any disease the fowls mayhave. When the house is built it isvery easy to put wire netting such asis used for the small chicks under thefloors. If you have not done this, an-other easy way to keep out rats is toput in a cement floor. It may cost lit-tle more than fixing up the woodenfloor, but it is safe against rats anda wooden floor is not. If wire meshIs put in with the cement when thefloor is laid it will be all the better;


The real good milker is made thefirst year. But this is not meant thatbreeding is a matter of no importance,but she must be made to do good serv-ice the first season if she is to keep itup. Letting the calf suck the first sea-son or permitting it to run with thedam is a very bad way to make a goodmilker.


In driving about the country onecannot help noticing manv nlnreswhere the owner's lack of thrift is evi-dent in the dilapidated condition ofmuch about the house, barn or farm,lue fences may need repairing. Thesheds may show signs of weakness.Gates may have lost a hinge and be-

come useless. The evidence of habit-ual neglect may be seen in many waysabout the place, and the aggregationot these little things which resultfrom carelessness or thoughtlessnessgoes to give the farm a run down ap-pearance which it does not deserve,and which it would not have if carewas taken to keep things in a condi-tion of good order.

Go over the potato patch with aharrow when the young plants are be-

ginning to come up, and you will de-

stroy all the weeds and leave the patchin such fine condition that but littlehoeing will be needed thereafter. Thepotatoes will get the start of theweeds, and the weeds may then bekept down with the horse cultivator.

Axles run dry with surprising quick-ness in rainy, muddy weather. Lookafter them daily, and never apply twokinds of grease to a wagon. The watcwashes it out faster in some cases, antiin others I have known the two com-bine in a paste which quickly wearsoul aud powders, setting the wheelby heating.

My neighbor is a good farmer inmost ways, but as I passed his horse-bar-n

this morning, I noticed a largepile of manure out in the weather. Itwas a cool morning, but I could smellthe ammonia arising fiom the manurepile for a long distance. He will loseone-ha- lf to two-thir- ds the value of themanure.

If the small green plant-lous- e, the-aph- is,

infests the trees to any extent,make a solution by dissolving onepound of whale-oi-l soap in ten gallonsof water, and spray with this. First

mans and then put on regular dissolve the soap in a little hot





and then dilute to the desired htrength.

Givj soft food, such as boiled oatsor potatoes, mixed with equal parts otbran, .shorts and ground corn twice aweek for breakfast, but not a fullfeed of soft feed, as they will eat toefast and then sit around with a stuffedcrop.

They say that the cow's olfactor'esare about ten times as acute as th se.of man. If this is true, the necessityof keeping the feeding trough, thedrinking vessel and all the surround-ings of the cow clean becomes veryapparent.

The eggs of geese, ducks, turkeys,guinea'-- - and chickens that are shippeda gr?at distance will hatch well if thejare turned upside down in the basketand left for 24 hours and then put un-der a good hen or In an incubator.

Some farmers sow clover seed twice,half early and half late, to insure astand; but it is a question whether itis not wiser to sow it all very early.In this way the writer has not failedof a good stand in many years.

Geese and ducks should have waterto swim in during breeding season, asthey mate better in water than onland. Scoop out a place with team andscraper and fill with water, if

In orchards badly infested withcankerworm late spraying with someform of arsenic, which is most safe-ly used in bordeaux mixture, may dogood if the worm is still feeding.

Mate one diake with five ducks, onegander with three geese, one gobblerwith tcur to twenty turkeys, one maleguinea with tour to eight guinea hens.

Give your laying hens milk and'meat' scraps every four or five days.It means more eggs.




Citizens Likely to Bay Hall of Justiceat Okmulgee, I. T., Where Indian

Crimes Were Judged andCriminals Executed.

Okmulgee, Ind. T. In the eventthat Okmulgee becomes a county seatunder statehood the citizens of thecounty are more than likely to buythe old Creek council house for a courtbuilding.

. The council house is one of the his-toric buildings in the Indian terri-tory. - It is made of a very fine gradeof sandstone called cotton rock andis situated in a yard shaded by ma-ple trees three-quarte- rs of a centuryold. The building itself is two stor-ies high, square in form, with theconventional ball tower on its top. Asmall marble tablet near the northfront door bears the inscription:'Muskogee National Capitol. ErectedA. D. 1878. Building Committee-Ja- mes

McHenry, W. F. Brown andJohn Mcintosh."

The council house was not only theseat of the Creek legislature, but itserved the Indians as a hall of jus-tice for the trial of their prisoners.Beneath the cluster of trees on theshady side of the walk many a pris-oner has been executed within thepast 28 years. These executions werealways solemn affairs. The prisoner.after a dignified farewell to his fam-ily and friends, took his stand withhis back to the tree and calmlyawaited the shot from the lighthorse-man- 's

pistoi, which was to put out hislife.

Sometimes, however, the executionstook place in the small cemetery onthe hill beyond the present Friscotracks. The last Creek execution oc-

curred there in July. 1898. The vic-tim was a young Uitche who had com-mitted his third horsetheft. Therewas a large crowd in Okmulgee thatday. The young Indian was takento the cemetery on horseback. Whenthe prisoner with his escort arrivedthemen bad just finished digging thegrave. A few songs were sung, aprayer was offered up in which thevictim joined and the Indian sheriff.Berryhill, stepped from the crowd,Colts revolver in hand, to do his duty.When the fatal shot was fired theyoung Uitche's eyes were sweepingthe lovely Creek hills and uplands.He fell with a smile on his face. His

Lcrd Joicey Had Disadvantage ofStarting in Life Rich Knows

Business Thoroughly.

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the inter--. there wasesting the danger infected

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title Baron Joicey Ches--! Latin Therestudied hard, prizes,

which has whenwas devoted himself

another which tering details. waslonger which and about work- -

ries with seat among the hereditary legislators the realm.that the "Coal King." forthe largest producer coal

LOUD JOICEY.(Coal Karon One Interesting Char-

acters ftritisli Parliament.)the world. The output the Lamb-to- n

and the Joicey Colliery compa-nies, which practicallyamounts 5,000.000 tons year, and

has besides large interests sev-

eral other coal companies.Joicey cannot described

self-ma-de man according the pop-

ular definition much-abuse- d

phrase. start life withwhat Andrew Carnegie has repeatedly

the most valuablesuccess poverty. belongs therarer type who acquire vastfortunes without early stimulus

dire struggle for the necessitieslife. His father fairly pros-

perous coal mine owner. couldwell afforded send his boy

Eton, Rugby some other famouspublic school, where might havemade the several fu-

ture dukes and earls, and aristocraticEcions lower degree, and ob-

tained sort education whichto

and WithoutMuch Formality.

With many cuss words and startlingspelling, but with picturesque exoression. old veteran applied to

Warner, commissioner offor inc-ieat-- e in his pen--j

sion. writes:"Now, Mr. Commissioner, about this

matter of my pension, you ma do justyou dam If you think lusin

one laig at the Wilderness 1S64bloted out the record bullit throthe body Antitum IS62 and if youthink pension I've been isfull pay for busted insidesthat haint been good runnin orderfor more en twenty year,will be this side of new al

But I'm to tell you be-

tween us that when minie ballVent through me at Antitum, ithell sum important part of myinards, and it plaid keeps. Itsomething alto flinders, don't know

grave is well kept the cemetery, ato the stern andjustice of people.

The legal authority the CreekIndians expired in 1S9S. and on March '

7, 1907, the Indian governors will stepdown and out and the Indians will be-come actual citizens of the UnitedStates instead of remaining wardsthe government. The last of the In-dian governors William C. Rogers,of Skiatook, chief of Cherokees;J. F. Brown, of Wewoka. chiefSeminoles; p. B. Johnston, of Tish-omingo, chief of the Choctaws;B. McCurtain. of South McAIester.chief of the Chickasaws. and PleasantPorter, of Muskogee, chief of theCreeks.

Gov. Porter, all all. Is bestknown and perhaps most extraor-dinary Indian now alive. Few men

cggglrif F'MMr nfTJsa-a-a- -i


JMBKt " ijFrJifT JHT 1L"




have received so much newspaper no-tice as Gov. Porter, for he has been

subject many fables. He hasbeen written about as an Indian mil-lionaire, when fact is that, though

fixed, be ranks lowestthe Indian governors in point ofwealth. He would have been awealthy if he had been less hon-est and less charitable. He has givenaway large fortune in the

his lifetime. Gov. Porter wasin Indian territory near Clarksville.September 26. He enteredconfederate army as private andleft the service as lieuten-ant, after an honorable career in manybattles Wilson Creek until thelast shot was fired Texas.

Gov. Porter is profoundly versedIndian history and lore and will write

history his people. He believesthat the southern Indians are of Aztecand Toltcc origin and was even inadvance ethnologists in maintain-ing his views.


job going through life withoutworking for living. But youngJoicey's father was level-heade- d

man. He sent his son to cood mid--London. Decidedly most die school, where no

of new peers is Lord Joicey,(

his being withwho been raised from bar-- and thorough

to a barony, grounding in science took the place ofthe of of anil Greek. Joicey

'terle-Stre- et in the county Durham. carried off a lota district he represented joined his father's business hein parliament for ten years. But he , 19, and to mas-ha- s

won title will stick all its He con- -to him than that car-- , stantly in the pits the





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Said So





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gettin'a set of

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a courseof born

1840. thea




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a a

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ings so much so that an old work-man one day said to him as he passedwith dirty overalls on:

"Why. young maister. soonknow as much about the pit as we do."

That's just what I want to do."answered Joicey.

Woman President of Law SckaaL

Washington. A woman at the headof a college of law is an unusual

even in this land of progressivewomen. Mrs. Ellen Spencer Mussey.of this city, ranks not only asbut also as founder of the WashingtonLaw College, which she established inorder that legal-mind- ed women mighthave a law college instituted for them,specially. Nearly half of its studentbody in the last year was composed ofwomen.

Born in Geneva. O., in 1S30, the daughter of Piatt K. Spencer,

author of the Sitcncerian sys-

tem of penmanship. After a thoroughtraining, she, at the sige of 21, enteredinto matrimonial and business partnership with Gen. K. D. Mussey, whodied a year later. Mrs. Mussey's legalcareer covers a period of 35 years. Sheis a member of the bar of the supremecourt of the United States, attorney forseveral foreign legations and counselfor a number of national, patriotic andlabor She was one ofthe founders as well as attorney forthe American Red Cross society, andhas served as president of the Legionof Loyal Women.

She has always been Legisla-tion for the betterment of woman'sconditions in the District of Columbiahas constantly received her support. Among the laws which she hashelped to obtain are the bills givingmothers the same right to their chil-dren as fathers; and married womenthe right to transact business and to

supposed best equip a man for the control their own earnings.


HAD AN INCREASE COMING.Veteran Thought His Pension Insuf-- whether it was my liver, my lungs.





right. going


monument in-corruptible













or what, and your net dokters don'tseem to know as much about it as Ido. The plane facts is that it broke

t and busted me from heel to whiskers.I and I got busted at Antitum before mylaig was lost, and the record says so.No, I don't want to be I ain'tbilt that way. But rar. warner. if youexpect to blossom out as vice presidentof these United States bi buckingagainst the honest klaim of an oldveteran with one foot in the graveand the other dam near it. you're get-

tin' more hay than you'll have timeto stack up. Youl make about as muchat that game as the doktor generalwill by vetoeing wooden Iaigs.

"Respectfully your with a dam goodmemory." Imporia Gazette.

Selected by Kaiser.The emperor of Germany has ap-

pointed Privy Councillor Goldbergerto be a member of the expert commis-sion which will make an American col-

lection for the Royal Museum of


Cansea PkMtcs a'. Willi wf Pink Pill.Mate New Bleed Ma-Cu-


Fotews.I abused my stosaaca, aay blood go

oat of order and then ray face broke outwith pimples and boils," says T. E. Rob-ertson, of 197 Addison street, Washing-ton, Pa. "This was over two years ago.My stomach was iu bad shape. Aftereating I would- - have to rest awhile or Iwould suffer the most severe pains in)my stomach. Oa arising I would of teabe so dizzy that I could hardly stand up.The slightest exertioa would start myback aching so that I eftea had to sitdown aud rest awhile. At times I ex-perienced a paia aroaad the heart Whichalarmed me hut which I sappose camefrom my stomach troable.

'I begauto break out on the face withpimples and titer with boils which con- -lined me to the house a wedk or more at c

a time. Ono day I saw Dr. WilliamsPink PillsforPale People advertised in apamphlet which was left at the door audI thought I would givo them a trial. ltook several boxes of the pills before allthe pimples and boils left me, but I amnow glad to say that my blood is good.I do not have any eruptions ami f nnlonger have the head and stomachtroubles I have described. I am verygrateful for what Dr. WilliamsTiuk Pillsnave done lor me aud I havo

them aud always will aihi-- o

thoso who are suffering from bad bloodor stomach trouble to try them."

If you want good health you must havegood blood. Bud blood is tho root of iuo-- t

common diseases like nuamiia, rhetnna-tis- m,

scmtiai, uonralgia. St.Yi ti: ' riuti.e,nervousness, indigestion, debility, p. ial

paralysis and locomotor ataxia.Dr. Williams' Pink Pilk are mM I y

all druggists or sent, postpaid, on rece fc

of price, 50c. per box,.six Ixrces for$!.. J,by the Dr. Williams Mtdiciirj C'ouipai: v,Schenectady, N.T.

Even an electric button won't accom-plish much unless it is pushed.

Mm. VThMtow'n Konthtotr yrsp.For children teetalnir. Mitten? the kiipi. reduce ilajrunathm .allaja pala. curaa wind colic ZJcabctUe....

There's no need to hunt for trouble;it will find you just as quick. .

Lewis Single ISinder the famousftrnight 5e cigar, alw.ijs best" uuihiy.Your dealer or Lcvis Factory, Peoria, III.

The parson was talking to little El- -.

mer about his habits, and eskeri himwhat time he was usually called forbreakfast. "They don't have to" callme." answered Elmer. "I'm alwaysJohnny-on-the-spot- ."

Attractive Colorado Booklet.One of the most attractive of the--

summer vacation booklets that have -- .

been issued is "A Colorado SummfjiV'put out by the passcuger department

of the Santa Fe railroad. Thi" pic-

turesque mountain scenery and thede- -scriptions of it which the booklet givesimpress the- - reader with a new. ideaof the grandeur of the mountain cragsof Colorado, and will start one day- -

dreaming of the time when he canview for himself the magnificence"which the booklet describes. After .reading the booklet one must certainlybe convinced that Colorado offers- - both "

pleasure and health for every summer .tourist. "A Colorado Summer" may bosecured from Mr. W. J. Black. Pass.Traffic Manager, Santa Fe Railway, ,

"Chicago. ."


Force of circumstances "Is a poorexcuse for the taking of a wrong path.

The bearer of unpleasant tidingsrarely appreciates, bow hard he strikes.

Hold fast to a truth without re-

gard to what others may think of you.The value of wealth cannot be es-

timated by those who do not possess it.It does one no harm to call atten-

tion to the good that may De seen inothers.

An assumption of humility does notalways carry with it the appearanceof honesty.

Because others may ovc'restimatiyour value is no reason for your do-

ing likewise.Jumping at conclusions wirhout

facts shows a ready .mind, if not. awell-balanc- ed one.

Words can be used so as to increasetheir importance even in telling anordinary story.

The ravages of time come crepinqalong no matter how effectively theymay be concealed.


The Greatest feariing CoKcgc in the WerM

University of .


Wt guarantee tav fcin.- - Our ztudenttstudy anU our ituJtais trku-.- t tkthiitktt

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TElrtSi BmH. Tuition, and UeaaVy. SIM.Saatf lea ccats ! ifce lefiurar fer Catalog e

Wkeat, 'kaafaela) peracre.Catalogue ana samples n:su.lUianS CMMir.a-- lafaai i.Wla.

U, S. NAVYenlists for four years yonnir asea of goodcharacter and sooml physical condition 17 to

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Yoanemenwho are skilled mechanics, pos-essi-

soma knowledge of electricity, orMudents of electricity, who show achtudefor the saral service, may be enlisted aslandsmen for electricians an& ejven the train-tn-e

at the Navy Electrical ScluxJ. All suchsen mnct have a coed erfnraiinn.Bub-oSce- ac Ijneolu and llajtings. Ke

UOeeawin bo opened turn fall at Weaanasieancity. Iowa. Addi

tTj&L tM- - &. jt , - i--iP ., -

&iSRhi Zitr W jitj.3s3Sc- - ,jJawSiSate r,rim1&2B)kL2&fafc-iilii- - r - JKi&i&hi. - ?ia " Tlria-iir- r r ftiaar iti . iwn . T3ik2i . ftS. a r' - fe frnnij'fti V ij-- wfrnawi TatXa,,

