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Colonization 2 New England Colonies

Colonization 2 New England Colonies Pilgrims Shoes, Plymouth Colony.

Dec 25, 2015



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Page 1: Colonization 2 New England Colonies Pilgrims Shoes, Plymouth Colony.

Colonization 2

New England Colonies

Page 2: Colonization 2 New England Colonies Pilgrims Shoes, Plymouth Colony.


Shoes, Plymouth Colony

Page 3: Colonization 2 New England Colonies Pilgrims Shoes, Plymouth Colony.

Chapter 3.2• Main Idea:

– Settlers began to come to New England.

• Big Questions: Write these on a sheet of paper and leave room to write an answer.– Why did they come?– How did each colony begin?

• Key Terms: Write and leave room for definitions to come.– Dissent– Persecute– Puritan– Separatist– Pilgrim – Mayflower Compact– toleration

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• You need to take pay close attention to information about the following :– Names of New England Colonies

• Their Physical Characteristics • Their Economic Characteristics• Their Political Characteristics • Their Social Characteristics • Their Religious Characteristics

• You will use this information later on to create a foldable which compares the three colonial regions.

Page 5: Colonization 2 New England Colonies Pilgrims Shoes, Plymouth Colony.

Religious Freedom

• Settlers came to Jamestown to find wealth and to make a better life for themselves.

• Settlers came to New England for religious freedom.• England had been a Protestant nation since 1534.• Not everyone was happy with the new state church

(Church of England or Anglican Church). – Catholics were persecuted (treated harshly because of their

beliefs), and so were those who dissented (i.e., disagreed with the church).

– Those who wished to purify or reform the church were called Puritans.

• Those who wanted to break ties entirely with the church and set up their own churches were called Separatists. Many had to flee to the Netherlands.

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• Separatists in the Netherlands couldn’t find work and worried that they would lose their English heritage.

• These Separatists made an arrangements with the Virginia Company to travel to Virginia to find religious freedom in the New World.

• These Separatists considered themselves Pilgrims because they were making a religious journey.

• They boarded the Mayflower in September of 1620.

• Only 35 of the 102 passengers were Separatists. The others were called “Strangers.”

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Plymouth Colony

• The Pilgrims landed in Cape Cod Bay at a place they named Plymouth. It was FAR north of Virginia.

• They went ashore in December, 1620.

• William Bradford was their leader and historian.

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• Plymouth was not part of the Virginia Company territory and its laws did not apply.

• So the Pilgrims drew up the Mayflower Compact to provide laws to live by.

• It was the beginning of a representative government in America.

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The Mayflower Compact• In the name of God, Amen. We, whose names are underwritten,

the loyal subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord King James, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, defender of the Faith, etc.

• Having undertaken, for the Glory of God, and advancements of the Christian faith and honor of our King and Country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the Northern parts of Virginia, do by these presents, solemnly and mutually, in the presence of God, and one another, covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil body politic; for our better ordering, and preservation and furtherance of the ends aforesaid; and by virtue hereof to enact, constitute, and frame, such just and equal laws, ordinances, acts, constitutions, and offices, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the general good of the colony; unto which we promise all due submission and obedience.

• In witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names at Cape Cod the 11th of November, in the year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord King James, of England, France, and Ireland, the eighteenth, and of Scotland the fifty-fourth, 1620.[

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• The Pilgrims received help from the Native Americans in learning to plant crops and in hunting and fishing.

• Without them the Pilgrims may not have survived.• Squanto and Samoset were the names of two

Native Americans who were helpful to the Pilgrims. They helped the pilgrims sign a peace treaty with Massasoit, a Wampanoag leader.

• In the fall of 1621, the Pilgrims invited the Native Americans to celebrate the peace between them and to thank God for their survival during that harsh first year.

• We base our celebration of Thanksgiving on this celebration.

Page 11: Colonization 2 New England Colonies Pilgrims Shoes, Plymouth Colony.

Massachusetts Bay Colony

• More hard times beset the Puritans in England.• In 1629 a group received a royal charter and

formed the Massachusetts Bay Colony located north of Plymouth.

• They wanted to create a society where they could worship freely, a society based on the Bible.

• The group settled in Boston with John Winthrop as their governor.

• During the Great Migration in the 1630s, more than 15,000 Puritans came to Massachusetts to escape religious persecution and economic difficulties in England.

Page 12: Colonization 2 New England Colonies Pilgrims Shoes, Plymouth Colony.

Representative Government

• An elected group called the General Court ran the colony.

• The Massachusetts Bay Colony created a colonial legislature when settlers wanted a larger role in government.

• All adult male church members who also owned property could vote for their representatives to the General Court.

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• Although the Puritans left England for religious freedom in America, they criticized, or persecuted, people who held religious beliefs other than theirs.

• This lack of toleration (acceptance of different beliefs) led to the formation of new colonies in America.

• Colonists began to settle along the fertile Connecticut River valley in the 1630s.

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• In 1636 Thomas Hooker, a minister who became dissatisfied with Massachusetts, led his congregation through the wilderness to Connecticut and founded Hartford.

• Three years later, Hartford and two neighboring towns adopted the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut. – This was the first written constitution in

America.– It described the representative government in


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Rhode Island

• Roger Williams, a minister who was banished from Massachusetts for his beliefs, established Rhode Island, where religious toleration existed.

• People of all faiths could worship as they pleased.

• He also felt it was wrong to take land from Native Americans.

• He received a charter in 1644 and founded Rhode Island and Providence Plantations.

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New Hampshire

• In 1638 John Wheelwright founded the colony of New Hampshire. It became independent of Massachusetts in 1679.

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Page 19: Colonization 2 New England Colonies Pilgrims Shoes, Plymouth Colony.

Geographic and Climate Characteristics

• Many forests--timber• Rocky Coastline—fishing, trade,

shipbuilding• Many streams—water powered mills• Rocky soil– subsistence farming• Colder climate—harsher winters,

short growing season.

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• Farms were smaller in New England than the rest of the colonies. Subsistence farming---growing just enough for personal needs.

• Many small businesses. Some were water powered by streams.

• Larger towns, like Boston, attracted craftsmen which made many products.

• Shipbuilding was an important industry.• New England ships would sail up and down the coast and

trade with the other colonies with the West Indies, and even with European nations across the Atlantic.

• New England ships and traders were also involved in the African Slave trade.

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Why were the Puritans so intolerant of religious views other than their own?Possible answer: Once in North America, they expected everyone to think and believe as they did and did not want to deal with differing views.

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Checking for Understanding

Reviewing Facts Identify the reasons why the Separatists left Europe for the Americas.

The Separatists had difficulty finding work in the Netherlands, and they were concerned that their children would not follow the English way of life.

Page 23: Colonization 2 New England Colonies Pilgrims Shoes, Plymouth Colony.

Reviewing Themes

Civic Rights and Responsibilities What freedom did Rhode Island offer that other colonies did not?

Rhode Island offered religious freedom.

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Critical Thinking

Comparing What did the Mayflower Compact and the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut have in common?

Both documents provided for the organization of a government.

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Page 27: Colonization 2 New England Colonies Pilgrims Shoes, Plymouth Colony.

Practicing the Skill1. Which colony had the largest total population in

1700? The smallest?Virginia had the largest total population in 1700. Pennsylvania had the smallest.

2. Did Virginia or Maryland have a larger African American population?Virginia had a larger African American population than Maryland.

Page 28: Colonization 2 New England Colonies Pilgrims Shoes, Plymouth Colony.

The type of farming practiced in New England was…

A. subsistenceB. TidewaterC. organicD. Cash crop

Page 29: Colonization 2 New England Colonies Pilgrims Shoes, Plymouth Colony.

What theory holds that a nation’s power depended on expanding its trade?

A. tradeB. mercantilismC. Gold reserveD. expansion

Page 30: Colonization 2 New England Colonies Pilgrims Shoes, Plymouth Colony.

Protestants who wanted to reform the Anglican church were called….

A. SeparatistsB. PuritansC. CatholicsD. Protestant reformers

Page 31: Colonization 2 New England Colonies Pilgrims Shoes, Plymouth Colony.

The first written constitution in America was

A. Mayflower CompactB. Virginia CompactC. Plymouth PledgeD. Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

Page 32: Colonization 2 New England Colonies Pilgrims Shoes, Plymouth Colony.

Where is the first place in America where religious tolerance was practiced?

A. PlymouthB. Rhode IslandC. Cape CodD. Boston

Page 33: Colonization 2 New England Colonies Pilgrims Shoes, Plymouth Colony.

Why did the Puritans and Pilgrims settle the New England colonies?

A. They were criminals who were avoiding jail in England.

B. They wanted to be able to practice their religion freely.

C. They wanted to get rich quick.D. They were given land in the New

World by a king.

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Page 34: Colonization 2 New England Colonies Pilgrims Shoes, Plymouth Colony.

How did colonists adapt to their environment?

A. They settled east of the Appalachian Mountains because it was difficult to travel across mountains.

B. They grew crops which best suited their climate.

C. They settled along rivers because it was easier to travel along waterways.

D. All of the above.

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Page 35: Colonization 2 New England Colonies Pilgrims Shoes, Plymouth Colony.

Unlike the Virginia colony, the Plymouth colony was established primarily by settlers who wanted

to…A. Expand the influence of the British

government in the American colonies

B. Provide a port to serve the transatlantic slave trade

C. Practice their religion without interference from the Church of England

D. Cultivate tobacco to sell to Great Britain

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Page 36: Colonization 2 New England Colonies Pilgrims Shoes, Plymouth Colony.

Why is the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut important to the

development of democracy in the English colonies?

A. It set the precedent for the idea of judicial review for laws from Congress

B. It established the first legislature in the colonies, the House of Burgesses.

C. It was a social contract requiring settlers to sign a loyalty oath to Britain.

D. It was a written constitution and is considered the first in the colonies.

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