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College Guide Fall 2013

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    Its out thereheres help fnding it

    NASFAA.orgThe website the Natina Assciatin Stdent Financia AidAdministats pvides ins t a ist ants and schaships avaiabeby state. F instance, Missi awads p t 12 ants a yea t chiden

    spses Vietnam veteans wh died m txic chemica expsedin the wa. It as tes titin discnts eed t stdentswh attend cee in cetain the states in the same ein. FAFSA iseneay nt eqied the discnts.


    The excitement y ee when y chid yseis

    admitted t the cee chice cd be nthin cmpaed tthe ea chnin in the pit y stmach. Hw ae y int pay this csty edcatin, especiay i thee ae me amiymembes t w?

    Thee ae sevea websites that can hep y nd schashipsy cee-bnd stdent miht qaiy , incdin smeathe nsa nes. Chec these t.

    BIgSToCk IlluSTrATIoNS

    Moneyor college

    FastWeb.comIt says it can hep nd y deam schand a way t pay it and ws thhwith sested schaships a typesand ins t appy them. It asmatches y bacnd with

    a database awads. Even ithe cee-bnd stdentdidnt adate at the tp his he cass, thee ae seveaschaships isted whichthey miht qaiy, incdin theeated gPA Isnt Eveythin $1,000schaship. Thee is a ist miitayschaships, thse eed pepe a cetain ethnicity and thse avaiabe niqe sitatins, incdin beinadpted, havin a sine paent bein m a twn with appatin 25,000 ess.

    CollegeScholarships.orgThis site has an extensive ist cpate schaships inadditin t ppa atheticschaships and thseeed by stdent type.Stdent type incdesthse wh weehme-sched,beaty paeantcntestants, nn-taditina stdentsand me. It ashas ins t tthe acta appicatin.Sme cpate

    schaships, schas thse eed byWamat, ae avaiabe jst tempyees thei chiden,whie thes, sch as ges, aededicated t a specic ed stdy.

    Scholarships.comView detais and appy schaships n the site, bt yneed t be a membe t appy. Thissite as pvides a istin nsa

    schaships, incdin thse avaiabet the st membe the amiy t t cee eed by schs ieunivesity Iwa and Texas A&M. It astes $2,000 avaiabe t the winne a dccain cntest, p t $1,000 ta stdents,and mney thse medicay diansed witha m dwasm eed by the litte Pepe Ameica.

    Finding-college-scholarships.comFi t a m n this website and et p t schaship matches. Ps, schs wi ca y t tai

    a pam and nancia aid ptins that wi w y. It pvides advice n hw a specic

    schaship is desined and steps yneed t tae t qaiy. D y need

    cmmnity sevice, a cetain adepint aveae?

    admissions essays

    The sty youTips a memabe admissins essay

    Witht the essay, a seectin cmmittee wd have t abitaiychse between tw ( 200) neay identica candidates. unie eveythe means evaatin, the cee admissin essay is nt mtipechice, it is nt timed, and it des nt eqie aditins tyts. Ycan e-wite it hndeds times and as eveyne y nw t ead it.Theee, thee is n excse sbmittin a cee admissin essaythat is nt y best pssibe et.

    Many stdents pt witin this a-imptant statement se.They wy abt bain, they ty exta had t snd inteient.Cnseqenty, they thei essay with statements thei achievements,wisdm and the pnd essns they have eaned. In tyin t ceatethis exaeated imae, many stdents d nt eaize that evey theappicant is attemptin the same thin.

    Instead payin an with the cwd, a sccess essay stands apat.It tes a niqe sty te t the wite; ne that maes the admissinsce ie and emembe the appicant.

    F sme stdents, the pspect witin the cee

    admissin essay is s ihtenin that they wait nti the

    niht bee deadine. othes ae s cndent in thei

    appicatin that they cnside the cee admissin essay

    exta cedit. The admissins pcess eveas that bth sides

    ae missin the pint.

    Topic selection

    Many stdents bsess ve thei chice tpic. Y chice tpic des nt matte asmch as y appach. Amst any tpic can w i its taced in the iht way.

    In mst cases, an admissins ce is especiay cis hw y thin and ee abt aContinued on Page 5...

    By nExtStEPU.COM

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    Clashes over collegesand coursesBee y nw it, y be p t y

    eas in cee pannin mateias.

    The cee admissin pcess is a-

    cnsmin amiies, says Jdy

    Andesn, a patne with Cee t

    Caee, a cnstin m in sbban


    Y may sn discve that y and y paents have

    vey dieent ideas abt which cee y shd

    attend and what y shd stdy. Its imptant t

    discss y dieences.

    Y paents miht be abe t hep y see the acts

    in a cee chice, y miht cnvince them

    anthe schs wthiness.Whee y t cee des nt aantee sccess,

    eminds Andesn. Its what y d with y edcatin

    that mattes mst.

    Parent tip: Thee ae ts teic nivesities. Hepy stdent expe the pssibiities. remembe, ettin

    int cee is the easy pat, bt ettin t with a deee

    is what mattes.

    I y stdent is excited abt his csew and

    camps, thees a eate chance he wi scceed.

    Misunderstandingsabout moneyIts aiy cmmn that a amiy cant

    wnt be abe t pay an entie

    cee edcatin, says Heen Nnn,

    diect nancia aid at Ssqehanna

    univesity in Seinsve, Pa.

    Ta t y paents abt mney

    nw, bee y et t deep in cee

    pannin. Dnt wait nti the st bi is de t discve

    they cant pay as mch as y hped. The eaie y can

    stat y seach ndin, the bette.

    Bee y decide t cve y titin with cee

    ans and cedit cads, cnside ettin a jb. Nnn

    says stdents wh w din cee tend t be me

    anized and ean bette ades. I y w n camps,y bss wi pbaby et y w and y cass


    A jb n camps can be ie a hme away m hme,

    says Nnn. Its nice t nw that smene n camps

    nws y and is in t y.

    Parent tip: Discss mney nw. Hep y stdent nda jb and pen a banin accnt. Teach him hw t

    se cedit wisey s it desnt aect his he abiity t

    et ans ate n.

    Diculties withdetails and deadlinesMichae Aexande, chaiman Stdent

    Financia Aid Sevices in Davis, Cai.,

    says, one e n the FAFSA cd

    eep y m attendin y cee


    Dnt et that e be missin y

    schs nancia aid deadines. Chec

    t see i additina nancia aid ms ae eqied by

    the cees ye cnsidein, and eep a caenda

    deadines in a pminent pace.

    I y need y paents t cmpete cetain papew,

    et them nw immediatey. Dnt wait nti the ast

    minte t as hep.

    Parent tip: Y teenae has a tn w t d ihtnw. l ways t ihten the ad.

    Din simpe thins ie main cpies, nnin t the

    pst ce pin inmatin m a ew websites

    can demnstate y sppt.

    Dnt admnish them i they tae a day nw and then.

    Ate a, theye hman.

    By nExtStEPU.COM

    Whe he coudow o college begis,he pressure ad deadlies ca sraieve he bes famil relaioships. youad our pares should wach ou forhese poeial coic areas:

    A amiy

    Paents, stdentsshd ta eayabt cee pans


    By nExtStEPU.COM

    Y shdnt pic a cee jst becase y ie the dms. Bt,i yve decided nt t ive in -camps hsin, a schsesidence has shd be ne the thins y cnside whenmain y chice. Ate a, y spend a t time in ynew hme.

    As y visit schs y see a vaiety esidence has. Smewi be in the same bidin as a caeteia, cassm amem. Sme have ne bathm a ew dzen stdents andsme have sites whee jst a ew pepe shae a bathm.

    I y nd a cee thats iht y, y as nd campshsin thats a eat match what y want t ycee expeience. As n as the esidence has ae ceanand we-maintained, it a cmes dwn t y pesnaity andpeeences.

    Theye nt jst paces whee y seep and stdy, says

    Chistina Speaman, inteim diect stdent ie at lyaunivesity Mayand.

    When ye thinin abt whee t ive at cee, whethe ina dm in -camps hsin, she sests thinin abthw y envisin y ie at cee: Hw many pepe wiy shae space with? D y imaine yse bein cseiends with eveyne n the f y bidin? Wi yhave a mmate whs a cse iend smene wh eepsa schede ie ys?

    Types o housing

    Y may have head abt cees bidin stdent apatmentsand -camps hsin with extas ie epaces, fat-sceenTVs and tannin beds. Y miht be abe t ive in ne thesepaces at sme pintbt pbaby nt in y st yea.

    Emiy genn, cpate ibaian the Assciatin Cee andunivesity Hsin oces Intenatina, says ppecassmensay et st dibs n the esidences with the mst xies.Cees ten eseve thse bidins de stdents. Ps,stdents wh aeady ive n camps pbaby et t decide inthe spin whee they ive the next yea. Theye me iey tpic a pace whee they shae a bathm, ivin m evena itchen with a ew mmates.

    In y st yea at cee, chances ae y ive in a taditinadmthat is, a m and the size y bedm at hmewith a bathm dwn the ha. Thee miht even be andyaciities and a itchen n y f.

    Cees dnt pt new stdents in taditina dms t be mean.When y have t shae a itchen and bathm with ts

    the stdents, its easie t meet cassmates wh wi becmecse iends.

    Feshmen need t meet new pepe, and its hade tmeet pepe i y have y wn itte space, genn says.When ye an ppecassman y aeady nw a bnch pepe.

    Y have at east ne mmate when y et t cee, btmst cees dnt assin eshmen me than tw. Speamansays that i ye ie a t st-yea stdents, cee wi bethe st time yve shaed a m. It can be vewhemin t m havin y wn space at hme t havin ve newmmates.

    Themed housing

    genn says many cees ae desinin thei camps hsinptins s eshmen have an easie time meetin the stdents.Sme schs ae din this by settin aside whe fs in a

    Considern Hw des the cee eep its

    esidence has sece?

    n D y need a dm with

    qiet stdy ms?

    n I y attend a ae

    nivesity, can y ive in a

    esidence ha nea the academic

    bidin y maj?

    n D any specia pams taepace in the dms?

    n D y ie t c? D y

    have dietay needs that wi

    mean y have t mae sme

    y wn meas?


    The best dmsdnt have t be ancy

    esidence ha stdents wh shae the sameinteest. Y cee miht et y eqest t iven the same f as the eshmen wh shaey passin cmmnity sevice heathyivin.

    Sme cees have desinated ivin-eanincmmnities that cmbine academics andesidentia ie. genn says this miht mean achance t ive with the stdents in y maj.Sme ivin-eanin cmmnities e speciaseminas activities stdents t tae pat in.othe ivin-eanin cmmnities ae csed nein anaes, pitics a cees hnspam.

    Few stdents miht nt be the ny pepe ivin

    in y dm. At lya, a Cathic cee, Jesitpiests ive in sme the esidence has. Even

    acty membes at sme schs ive in the samebidins as thei stdents.

    The right ft

    S whats the bttm ine when ye checint cee hsin? l a pace y eecmtabe at, genn says. Y dm isnt jstthe pace whee y seep. Its a pace whee ymae a t ien memies.

    And dnt wy i empty ms dab n at, Speaman says. Y m wi pbabycme with a ew pieces nite, bt the estis p t y. Jst a ew pictes and nic-nacs y wn can mae the m ee ie y wn

    space.Thin abt this as y new hme, she says.

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    Continued from Page 3...

    tpic and what this says abt y ceativity, sphisticatin and pesnaity.

    Hweve, sme essay tpics neve w. Hpeess essays ae nes that betaya stdents ac pespective. Nbdy ies a 17-yea-d wh cannt imainethe wd beynd hih sch.

    on the fip side, nbdy appeciates 17-yea-ds wh thin they nweveythin. A 700-wd essay was nt meant t sve ban pvety discssthe eat themes ie and ve. liewise, y shd stee cea sndinpeachy, instance when cndemnin the evis ach, eatin meat eatin the sae eams. An essay shd neve is endin the eades

    sensibiities beies.That said, many pssibe tpics emain, athh sme ae sed me tenthan thes. It is cmmn t ead a stdents immiatin t Ameica, biss in the scce pays admiatin he athe.

    Chsin ne these essay mainstays means win exta had t mae itspecia. It means cncentatin n the detais a sty, the acts that petainny t y, t mae the sty niqe and eveain. This es even themst nsa sbjects.

    readess hw iina the tpic, the essay needs t pesent athentic, vividdetais y ie in de t impant itse in the eades mind and cnveysmethin memabe abt yse.

    Tell a story

    Y essay wi scceed i it tes a d sty. T ten, an essay wi zzeint a seies statements that te athe than shw the ieabe taits

    the wite. Sme stdents wny assme that the eade wi nt et it ithey d nt spe t thei main aments.

    As a est, the essay sccmbs t the sa cichs: the vae had w andpeseveance, eanin t mae a dieence, nt tain ved nes anted,deams cmin te eanin m mistaes. These statements ae ne ised minimay, bt the best essays d nt se them at a. The wst essays aecmpsed entiey sch statements.

    Use details

    Y shd aw the detais the sty t mae the statement y. Anexampe heps ecidate the dieence. A medice essay miht say: I devepeda new cmpassin thse with disabiities. A bette essay says: Wheneve Ihad the chance t hep a disabed pesn, I did s happiy. Hweve, an exceentessay says: The next time Ms. Cpe ased me t hep he acss the steet,I smied and immediatey t he am. The st exampe pvides n detai,the secnd exampe is sti ny hypthetica, bt the na exampe eves a

    vivid imae smethin that actay happened, ths pacin the eade inthe expeience the appicant. o cse, this techniqe ws ny insa asit hihihts the qaities the wite. These ae pints shd aways in the bac y mind. once a d sty is witten, any detais that distacty veachin qaities shd be emved.

    Revise, revise, revise

    In de t bin these pints t the sace, eedbac pays a ccia e.Y shd ive dats t a vaiety eades: eatives, iends, teachesand, i pssibe, t an expeienced edit. Test eades shd ive thei st,nadteated pinin the piece, answein qestins sch as: What is thisessay abt? What des it say abt the appicant? Is the essay memabe?Since thee is n pedictin wh amn the admissins sta wi ead the essay,any eay eedbac heps. The eat vae a secnd pinin 12th, as thecase may bemeans the essay has many chances at impvement. Mae yessay efect y pesnaity and cicmstances in as fattein and detaied

    a way as pssibe.

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