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College English Vol. 3 Jonathan Hart Lorin Yochim.

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Page 1: College English Vol. 3 Jonathan Hart Lorin Yochim.

College English

Vol. 3

主编 刘新慧指导顾问 Jonathan Hart

审定 Lorin Yochim

Page 2: College English Vol. 3 Jonathan Hart Lorin Yochim.

Unit 1

• Text: Difficulties in Noise Control

• Language Points

• Exercises

• Vocabulary / Structure / Translation

• Enjoy English

• Grammar

• Numeral — Cardinal Numbers —数词 基数词• Writing Skill

• Types of Paragraphs (1) 段落类型 (1)

Page 3: College English Vol. 3 Jonathan Hart Lorin Yochim.

Unit 1 Difficulties in Noise ControlText (Para.1)

The 1roar of 2traffic, the screech of 3brakes, the click of typewriters, the 4howl of transistor radios, the chug-chug of machinery! It is noise, noise everywhere and all the time. How often we hear someone say, “I wish I could get away from all this noise.” But he cannot get away. He has to live with noise day after day and hour after hour. Noise has become the 5curse of modern times.

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Unit 1 Difficulties in Noise ControlLanguage Points (Para.1)

1. roar [rɔ:]n.&v.

1) n. loud burst of sound 咆哮• The roar of his laughter could be heard from 10 blocks away.

• 他的笑声 10个街区以外都能听到。• John’s roar of anger scared away all his friends.

• 约翰的怒喊吓跑了他所有的朋友。 2) vi. to make a loud noise咆哮;喧闹• A lion cannot roar until it is at least two years old.

• 狮子只有在长到两岁之后才能吼叫。• The old machine roared into action.

• 这台机器轰鸣着开始运转。

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Unit 1 Difficulties in Noise ControlLanguage Points (Para.1)

2. traffic ['træfik]n.交通

1) n. movement of vehicles or persons

• The noise of traffic grows louder during rush hour.

• 交通高峰期时噪音音量往往会升高。• The newly built bridge will be open to traffic this Monday.

• 这座新建成的大桥周一通行。 2) n.&vt. illegal trade or to deal illegally 非法贩运• Many devices were invented to traffic drugs.

• 很多装置被发明仅仅是为了贩毒。• They deny conspiring together to traffic drugs.

• 他们否认同谋贩毒。

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Unit 1 Difficulties in Noise ControlLanguage Points (Para.1)

3. brake [breik]n.&vi.

1) n. a restraint used to slow or stop a vehicle 刹车• It is dangerious to ride a bike without brakes.

• 没有刹车的自行车骑着很危险。• Where is your emergency brake?

• 你的紧急刹车在哪里? 2) vt. to stop a vehicle, slow down a vehicle 刹车• We had to brake suddenly when a dog crossed the road.

• 当一条狗穿过街道时我们不得不紧急刹车。• Don't brake the car when it has a sudden flat tire.

• 轮胎突然爆破时不要刹车。

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Unit 1 Difficulties in Noise ControlLanguage Points (Para.1)

4. howl [haul]n.&v.

• 1) n. cry out长嚎,高声叫喊,啸鸣• I can hear the howl of the wolves in the forest.

• 我能听到那片森林里的狼嚎。 

• A sudden howl pierced the silence.

• 突然一声嗥叫划破了寂静• 2) v. to cry out 长嚎,高声叫喊,啸鸣• The howl of the wind made him restless during the night.

• 整个晚上风的吼叫声让他不安。• The speaker was howled down by the angry audience.

• 发言人被愤怒的听众轰下台。

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Unit 1 Difficulties in Noise ControlLanguage Points (Para.1)

5. curse [kə:s]n.&v.诅咒• 1) n. swear word• This car seemed to be under a curse because every owner of it had

bad accidents.• 这辆车似乎受到了诅咒,所有车主都出过车祸。• Stop using those curse words.• 别再说那些咒人的话。• 2) v. to wish evil on someone or something • Daddy seems to curse a lot these days.• 这些天老爸经常骂人。• It’s better to light a candle than curse the darkness.• 怨天尤人不如脚踏实地。

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Unit 1 Difficulties in Noise ControlText (Para.2)

Who 6is responsible for all this noise? Nobody 7in particular. Man has been busy 8inventing things for hundreds of years now, such as the train, the car and the aeroplane, besides machines of various kinds. Each of these inventions added its share of noise when it came. Thus the noise of modern times has come to us gradually over a long period of time. It is, therefore, difficult to put the 9blame on anyone in particular.

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Unit 1 Difficulties in Noise ControlLanguage Points (Para.2)

6. be responsible for 为…负责• Who should be responsible for this traffic accident?

• 谁应该为这场事故负责?• The shipping company will be responsible for the damage.

• 船运公司为货物的损伤负责。7. in particular [in pə'tikjulə]ad.尤其• I would like to mention in particular the contribution made by the


• 我想特别提及志愿者作出的贡献。• The whole meal was good but the wine in particular was excellent.

• 所有的菜都好,红酒尤其好。

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Unit 1 Difficulties in Noise ControlLanguage Points (Para.2)

8. invent [in'vent]vt. 发明;

• 1) vt. to creat, to design发明• Not only did American invent skyscrapers but also the telephone.

• 美国人不但发明了摩天大楼,也同样发明的电话。• China was the first country to invent paper.

• 中国是发明纸的最早国家。• 2) vt. to concoct; to fabricate捏造• Who invented the story that I was married?

• 谁造谣说我结婚了?• He has to invent an excuse for his absence.

• 他不得不为自己的缺席编造理由。

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Unit 1 Difficulties in Noise ControlLanguage Points (Para.2)

9. blame [bleim]n.&vt.责备• 1) n. an accusation or approach责备• He tried to dump the blame on me.• 他把所有的责备都推在我身上。• We were ready to take the blame if the suggestion was refused by

the expert.• 如果专家拒绝了建议,责任是我们的。• 2) vt. to put or pin the blame on• Why do you blame their quarrel on me?• 你为什么要我为他们的争吵负责?• I was blamed for making such a stupid mistake.• 我因为犯了如此愚蠢的错误而受到责备

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Unit 1 Difficulties in Noise ControlText (Para.3)

But how are we to control noise? It is not easy. There are difficulties in finding ways to control noise. 10In the first place, 11though noise makes people deaf or partly deaf, deafness is not the same as, say, blindness. You can easily see that a man is blind, but you cannot 12find out that a man is deaf until you talk to him. Besides, a man can continue to work after he has gone deaf. Blindness, 13on the contrary, forces a man to stop working and everybody feels sorry for him. Nobody feels sorry for the deaf man in the same way.

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Unit 1 Difficulties in Noise ControlLanguage Points (Para.3)

10. in the first place 首先• In the first place, career can give us an aim to live on; secondly, it

gives us money.

• 首先,职业让我们有赖以生存的目标;其次,它能使我们有钱。• In the first place, we should continue the experiment and pay no

attention to blames.

• 我们应该继续实验,对责难置之不理。

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Unit 1 Difficulties in Noise ControlLanguage Points (Para.3)

11. though [ðəu]conj.&ad.

• 1) conj. despite, in spite of虽然;尽管• Though she knew the answer, she did not respond.

• 尽管她知道答案,她并不作答。• Though we tried our best, we lost the game.

• 尽管我们尽了最大努力,还是输掉了比赛。• 2) ad. anyway(常防在句末 )不管怎样;尽管• I have to tell you the truth. It might be unpleasant, though.

• 我还是得告诉你真相,尽管那听起来不好听。• I cannot stay. I will have a coffee though.

• 我不能逗留,但还是可以先来杯咖啡。

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Unit 1 Difficulties in Noise ControlLanguage Points (Para.3)

12. find out [faind aut]v. to discover, learn about搞明白• Go and find out what is needed most in the market.

• 去搞清楚市场上最需要什么。• Jack has spent two hours trying to find out how this dishwasher works.

• 杰克花了两小时想搞明白这台洗碗机怎么用。13. on the contrary ['kɔntrəri]prep. opposite of what has been stated相反• Others, on the contrary, are strongly against it.

• 恰恰相反,其他人都强烈反对。• He didn’t stay home; on the contrary, he went out with his friends.

• 他不在家;相反,他和朋友出去了。

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Unit 1 Difficulties in Noise ControlText (Para.4)

Secondly, people feel differently about the same noise. My neighbor’s radio set heard through the wall is noise to me, but it can be a 14delight to my neighbor. The ding-dong of the ice-cream wallah is a joy to children but not to people who do not like ice-cream. There are plenty of young men who enjoy the roar of a motor-cycle, but it drives others mad. One man’s noise is another man’s music.

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Unit 1 Difficulties in Noise ControlLanguage Points (Para.3)

14. delight [di'lait]n.&v.

• 1) n. a feeling of extreme pleasure or satisfaction高兴• His delight to see her was obvious to all.

• 他见到你时的兴奋是显而易见的。• Her eyes were lit up with delight and surprise.

• 她的眼睛因为快乐和吃惊而熠熠生辉。• 2) give pleasure to or be pleasing to 乐意做…

• I am delighted to have been able to do you this service.

• 我很高兴能为你服务。• He delighted everyone with his flattering words.

• 他的奉承话让每个人都开心。

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Unit 1 Difficulties in Noise ControlText (Para.5)

Finally, limiting or 15reducing noise is 16costly. 17Take_the case of the jet aircraft flying into Santa Cruz airport. These aircrafts make a lot of unpleasant noise. One way of limiting the noise is to move the airport to a place far away from Bombay. This would cause inconvenience to air travelers coming to Bombay and it would cost them more money. Another way of limiting the noise is to make smaller and lighter aircraft. This would mean carrying fewer passengers, or less fuel, or both. The price of air tickets would then go up and the flight would take more time.

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Unit 1 Difficulties in Noise ControlLanguage Points (Para.5)

16. reduce [ri'dju:s]v.

• 1) vt. cut down on减少;降低;减轻• The only way to get rid of the present difficulties is to reduce


• 摆脱困境的唯一方法就是减少开支。• The teacher asks the student to reduce the passage to half the number

of the words.

• 老师让学生把文章压缩到原来字数的一半。

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Unit 1 Difficulties in Noise ControlLanguage Points (Para.5)

16. 2) vt. bring to humbler or weaker state or condition  使落魄;身份降低

• That tyrant had reduced the population to slavery.

• 那个暴君使得整个民族被奴役。• They were reduced to begging or starving.

• 他们落魄到行乞或挨饿。• 3) vi. to become less fat 设法减轻体重,减肥• No sugar, thank you — I am trying to reduce my body fat.

• 不加糖— 我在减肥。• She is determined to reduce for that beautiful dress.

• 她下决心减肥以便能穿那件漂亮的衣服。

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Unit 1 Difficulties in Noise ControlLanguage Points (Para.5)

• A car is costly to buy and even more costly to maintain.

• 买车很贵,养车更贵。• Love is romantic but costly in modern times.

• 在现代社会爱情岁浪漫但却代价昂贵。• take the case of 以…为例• Take the case of television — it has a very bad influence on people.

• 以电视为例— 它有很多糟糕的影响。• Take the case of the Black Death in European history; it killed

millions of people.

• 以欧洲史上的黑死病为例;它使上百万的人死亡。

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Unit 1 Difficulties in Noise ControlText (Para.6)

These are some of the difficulties in the way of controlling noise, and because of these, we have not been able to do much to make our streets less noisy. But we 18are now aware of the dangers of noise and we are trying to do something to control it. That in itself is a good thing.

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Unit 1 Difficulties in Noise ControlLanguage Points (Para.6) aware of 意识到• Many people are not aware of how serious noise

pollution has become.• 很多人并没有意识到噪音污染已经变得如此严重。• He is aware of the issue reported last week.• 他了解上个星期汇报的那个问题。

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Unit 1 Difficulties in Noise ControlExercises

II. Structure

• 2.1 Use “despite / in spite of” to replace “although” or “though” in the following sentences.

• 1) Though noise makes people deaf, deafness is not the same as blindness.

• 2) Although safety is given great consideration, the death rate on inter-state highways is still high.


1) In spite of the fact that noise makes people deaf, deafness is not the same as

• blindness.

2) In spite of safety considerations, the death rate on inter-state highways is still high.

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Unit 1 Difficulties in Noise ControlExercises

2.1 Use “despite / in spite of” to replace “although” or “though” in the following sentences.

3) Although the weather is bad, we still go fishing.

• 4) College education is rewarding though the starting costs are very high.


3) In spite of the bad weather, we went fishing.

4) College education is rewarding in spite of the starting costs.

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Unit 1 Difficulties in Noise ControlExercises

2.2 Use “not …until” (直到…才;不…除非… ) to translate the following sentence into English

• 1) 直到你和某个人谈话才能发现他是否聋了。• 2) 直到最近人们才意识到声音污染的对健康造成的危害。Answers:• 1) You can’t find out that a man is deaf until you talk to him.• 2) People didn’t realize the harm of noise pollution to their

health until recently. • (It was not until recently that people began to realize the

harm of noise pollution to their health)

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Unit 1 Difficulties in Noise ControlExercises

2.2 Use “not …until” (直到…才;不…除非… ) to translate the following sentence into English.

3) 在见到你之前我没办法决定是否录用你。• 4) 在他到达火车站之前,他没有发现自己的钱包丢了。

Answers:3) I can’t make any decision whether I hire you until I see you.4) He didn’t find his wallet lost until he arrived at the railway


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Unit 1 Difficulties in Noise ControlExercises

2.3 In English copulas / linking verbs (系动词 ) could generally be divided into two groups: static and dynamic. The former defines or describe the nature or characteristics of something while the latter express a process of change. Please use the dynamic copulas to finish the following sentences.

• come true / prove difficult / fall broken / run dry / turn yellow / become aware of / grow old

• 1) Leaves ______ in autumn.

• 2) He ______ his shortcomings and is trying to overcome them.

• 3) The old man ______ after a thunder storm.Answers:11) turn yellow 2) became aware of 3) went deaf

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Unit 1 Difficulties in Noise ControlExercises

II. Please use the dynamic copulas to finish the following sentences.

come true / prove difficult / fall broken / run dry / turn yellow / become aware of / grow old• 4) The river ______ during that serious draught.• 5) A person does not necessarily ______ as his age progresses.• 6) The vase ______ onto the ground.• 7) Noise reduction _______.• 8) The pop singer’s dream ______ in the end.Answers:

4) ran dry 5) grow old 6) fell broken 7) proved difficult 8) came true•  

The river ______ during that serious draught.• 5) A person does not necessarily ______ as his age progresses.• 6) The vase ______ onto the ground.• 7) Noise reduction _______.• 8) The pop singer’s dream ______ in the end.

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Unit 1 Difficulties in Noise ControlExercises

III. Translation

• 1) She was found out when she tried to cash the stolen checks.

• 2) Their criticism did not discourage me. On the contrary, I worked even harder.

• 3) To everyone’s delight, Ashley Fisher has given his best performance.

Answers:1) 当她把偷来的支票兑现时被抓住了。2) 他们的批评并没有使我感到气馁;相反,我比以前更努力工作。3) 使每个人感到高兴的是,艾什莉 ·费歇尔表现出了他的最好才华。

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Unit 1 Difficulties in Noise ControlExercises

III. Translation

4) The general's decision to invade was a costly mistake.

5) We need to make ourselves aware of [the fact] that if we don't make any changes to our way of living we will kill ourselves.

6) In spite of the progress made in science and technology, problems remain as to how to solve pollution.


4)将军的入侵决定是个代价惨重的错误。5) 我们要让自己意识到,如果不再改变生活方式的话,我们是在谋杀自己。6) 尽管科学技术在进步,如何解决污染仍然是个严峻问题。

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Unit 1 Difficulties in Noise ControlGrammar: Numeral — Cardinal Number

— 语法:数词 基数词

1. 定义和特征• 1) 表示“多少”和“第几”的词,叫做数词。• 2) 数词与不定代词相似,其用法或相当于形容词,或相当于名词。2. 种类• 1) 基数词:表示“多少”的词叫基数词 (cardinal numeral) 。如:

one, twenty• 2) 序数词:表示“第几”的词叫序数词 (ordinal numeral) 。如:

first, twentieth

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Unit 1 Difficulties in Noise ControlGrammar: Numeral — Cardinal Number

— 语法:数词 基数词

说明:1) 13 ~ 19皆以后缀 -teen [`ti:n] 结尾,都有两个重音。如: thirteen


2) 20 ~ 90等十位数的整数均以后缀 -ty [ti] 结尾。3) “十位数与各位数之间须用连字符 - ”,如: twenty-one

4) 100以上的基数词• 100 /hundred [`hQndrid]

• 1, 000 / thousand [`Wauz[nd]

• 1,000,000 / million [`milj[n] 百万• 1,00,000,000 / hundred million 一亿• 1,000 million / (= billion) 十亿

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Unit 1 Difficulties in Noise ControlGrammar: Numeral — Cardinal Number

— 语法:数词 基数词

5) 100以上的基数词的读法

• 499 / four hundred and ninety-nine

• 2,876 / two thousand eight hundred and seventy-six

• 37,453 / thirty-seven thousand four hundred and fifty-three

• 788,921 /seven hundred eighty-eight thousand nine hundred and twenty-one

• 8,641,457 / eight million six hundred forty-one thousand four hundred and fifty-seven

• 50,000,000 / fifty million

• 500,000,000 / five hundred million

• 5,000,000,000 / five billion

• 50,000,000,000 / fifty billion

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Unit 1 Difficulties in Noise ControlGrammar: Numeral — Cardinal Number

— 语法:数词 基数词3.基数词的用法:可作下列成分• 主语•  Two plus three is five.

•  Four of them joined the army this year.

• 宾语• There are so many apples. Give me two.

• I don’t like to hear the number 13.

• 表语• My sister is just thirteen.

•  Marx was already fifty when he began to study Russian.

• 定语•  There are sixty students in our class.

•  The teenager bought two packs of cigarettes

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Besides the developmental paragraphs found in the body of essays, there are other types of paragraphs that are important for the smooth development of any essay. These are the introductory, transitional, and concluding paragraphs.

The introductory paragraph: this paragraph prepares readers for the body of the essay. It arouses their interest and curiosity. It may also project your attitude toward your subject and thus set the tone for the rest of the essay. In short, it places readers in a proper frame of mind to accept what you have to say. 

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Here are a few examples of introductory paragraphs:

1. Man still has a lot to learn about the most powerful and the complex part of his body — the brain.

2. I would like to propose that for sixty to ninety minutes each evening, right after the early evening news, all television broadcasting in our country be prohibited.

3. Why do you teach? My friend asked the question when I told him that I didn’t want to be considered for an administrative position. He was puzzled that I didn’t want what was obviously a step up toward what all Americans are taught to want when they grow up: money and power.

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Exercise: Now answer the following questions.

• Do these introductory paragraphs tell us what the writer is going to dwell upon in other paragraphs? Which one is a direct introduction and which ones are not?

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The transitional paragraph: This type of paragraph allows the readers to move from one section of material to another in an essay and achieve a smooth progression. It functions as a signpost that reminds the readers where they have been and where they will go next. These paragraphs are usually brief — sometimes no more than a sentence or

two — and are often highlighted by transitional words and phrases.

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• Here are some examples of transitional paragraphs:

1. I have left out, however, the most important reason why I teach.

2. So far I have spoken from my own experiences as a teacher in high school.

3. You may think it too personal to prove the failure of American education.

4. There are many other witnesses who can be called to the stand.

Note: Not all essays include transitional paragraphs. Transitions between paragraphs are done at the end or the beginning of paragraphs



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Unit Two  

• Text: Animals of the Desert• Language Points

• Exercises about the text

• Vocabulary

• Structure / Translation / Enjoy English

• Grammar

• Numeral—Ordinal Numbers —数词 序数词• Writing Skill

• Types of Paragraphs (2) 段落类型 (2)

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Unit 2 Animals of the Desert  Text (Para.1)

Some desert animals can 1survive the very strong summer heat and dryness because they have very unusual characteristics. 2The camel, for example, can bear an increase in the temperature of its body and its blood of 9℃. 3In addition, 4it can drink an enormous amount of water at one time, then store sufficient water in its red blood cells and other parts of its body to supply its needs for two weeks or more.

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Unit 2 Animals of the Desert  Language Points (Para.1)

1. survive [sə'vaiv]v.

• 1) vt. to continue in existence after …艰难度过…

• Many desert plants have survived this extremely dry season.

• 很多沙漠植物从这场严重的干旱季节中存活下来。• She was the only one to survive the crash.

• 她是这次飞机失事的唯一幸存者• 2) vt. to live longer than … 比…活得长• Marie survived her husband and went on to marry three other


• 玛丽在丈夫死后又嫁了三个贵族。• The company survived its founder but only by one month.

• 这个公司在其创始人去世后一个月也倒闭了。

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Unit 2 Animals of the Desert  Language Points (Para.1)

1. 3) vi. to continue to live, endure or last活着,继续存在• Perhaps the most difficult challenge is how to survive without


• 或许最大的挑战就是如何在没钱的情况下生存下去。• The space for wildlife to survive is becoming less and less.

• 野生动物生存的空间越来越小。

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Unit 2 Animals of the Desert  Language Points (Para.1)

2. The camel, for example, can bear an increase in the temperature of its body and its blood of 9℃.: 例如,骆驼能够忍受体温和血液温度上升 9摄氏度。在这个句子里“ in the temperature of its body and its blood”可以看成是插在 The camel can bear an increase of 9℃. 的句子中间的;这个介词短语也可以放在这个句子的最后,

变成 The camel can bear an increase of 9 ℃ in the temperature of its body and its blood.

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Unit 2 Animals of the Desert  Language Points (Para.1)

• “bear”

• 1) vt. endure 忍受 (后面可以带名词、动词不定式、动名词、各种形式的宾补 )

• There is no limit to what anyone can bear.

• 人的忍耐是没有极限的。• I can’t bear to see you crying like this.

• 你这样哭我受不了。• I can’t bear to be laughed at.

• 人们这样嘲笑我我受不了。• Most people can’t bear to see animals treated cruelly.

• 大部分人都无法眼睁睁地看着动物受虐。

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Unit 2 Animals of the Desert  Language Points (Para.1)

• I can’t bear to see my daughter unhappy.

• 我无法容忍女儿不开心。• The husband couldn’t bear his wife’s betrayal.

• 丈夫无法忍受妻子背叛他。 2) vt. have …, wear … 上面有…;怀有…

• Her face still wore signs of tears.

• 她的脸上还有泪痕。• Because of the love we bear for peace, we try our best to avoid


• 由于热爱和平,我们努力避免战争。

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Unit 2 Animals of the Desert  Language Points (Para.1)

• 3) vt. produce生;结(果)• This land bears no crops.

• 这片土地长不出庄稼。• I was born in 1962 in Shanghai.

• 我 1962年出生在上海。

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Unit 2 Animals of the Desert  Language Points (Para.1)

3. in addition 此外;还…

• Animals can be mankind’s friends. In addition, they can be made to work for man.

• 动物可以是人类的朋友;除此之外,他们还可以为人类工作。• In addition, there was a crop failure in many provinces.

• 除此之外许多省粮食歉收。• 作为连接副词,从词义和语法功能上和 “ in addition” 相似的词还有: furthermore, similarly, moreover, besides, as well, also等。

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Unit 2 Animals of the Desert  Language Points (Para.1)

4. …it can drink an enormous amount of water at one time, then store sufficient water in its red blood cells and other parts of its body to supply its needs for two weeks or more.: 它一次能饮入大量的水,把充足的水分存入红血细胞和身体的其它部位,以保证两个甚至更多星期内的需要。在这个句子里“ to supply its needs for two weeks or more”表示的是主句里的动词 “… drink…, then store…” 的目的,可以看成是 “ in order to”的缩略形式。

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Unit 2 Animals of the Desert  Language Points (Para.1)

• “amount”

• 1) n. 数量(多和不可数名词连用)• She displayed a great amount of tenderness that touched him.

• 她展示的温柔深深打动了他。• A large amount of damage was done during the earthquake.

• 地震造成了大量损失。• 2) vi. to add up to 达到…(常与 to 连用)• The net profit amounts to 600 pounds per ton.

• 纯利润达到了每吨 600英镑。• I don’t think whatever they say will amount to much.

• 我并不认为他们的话有什么意义。• Keeping what belongs to another amounts to stealing.

• 持有属于另一个人的东西意味着偷窃。

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Unit 2 Animals of the Desert  Text (Para.1-2)

…The kangaroo rat, 5on the other hand, obtains all the water it needs from water that it produces during respiration. However, most animals need to 6maintain a 7fairly 8constant body temperature, and will die if it rises more than 5℃. Therefore, they need to find some way to 9avoid the sun’s strong rays. 10Not many animals either store or produce water in their bodies, as the camel and kangaroo rat can. So they must find ways to reduce water loss from their bodies to the lowest degree.

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Unit 2 Animals of the Desert   Language Points (Para.1-2)

5. The kangaroo rat, on the other hand, obtains all the water it needs from water that it produces during respiration.: 然而,长鼻袋鼠在呼吸时却产生了它所需要的水。

• “on the other hand” 可是;另一方面• My brother is diligent, but on the other hand he progresses slowly.

• 我哥哥很勤奋,但进步很小。• I hope you will succeed, but on the other hand I do not want to see you

burnt out.

• 我希望你成功,但另一方面我又不希望你耗尽了自己的精力。• On the one hand I admire her talents, but on the other I disagree with her

in many aspects.

• 一方面我羡慕她的才华,但另一方面我又在许多方面和她持不同观点。

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Unit 2 Animals of the Desert   Language Points (Para.1-2)

6. maintain [mein'tein]v.

• 1) vt. keep in good condition 维持;维修• To maintain a family with eight children is not easy.

• 要维持一个有 8个孩子的家庭并非易事。• Part of my job is to maintain good relationships with our


• 我工作的一部分是同我们的供应商保持良好的关系。• 2) vt.&vi. to insite ; to state or to assert 坚持;强调• He maintained that such things should never be done again.

• 他一再强调这样的事情再别发生。• The defendant maintained her innocence.

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Unit 2 Animals of the Desert   Language Points (Para.1-2)

7. fairly ['fɛəli]ad.

• 1) moderately相当地 (常修饰形容词或副词 )

• The two children are getting along fairly well.

• 这两个孩子相处得很好。• He is fairly rich, while his sister is fairly poor.

• 他相当富有,而他的妹妹却很穷。• 2) quite简直;完全地• When I speak before a large audience, I am fairly beside myself

with shyness.

• 在公众面前讲话我会害羞、浑身不自在。• His suggestion fairly took my breath away.

• 他的建议简直让我惊呆了。•

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Unit 2 Animals of the Desert   Language Points (Para.1-2)

7. 3) justly公道地;老实地• I hope the case will be decided fairly.

• 我希望这个案子能得到公正的裁决。• The boss didn’t treat us fairly.

• 老板对我们不公正。

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Unit 2 Animals of the Desert   Language Points (Para.1-2)

8. constant ['kɔnstənt] a.

• 1) a. continuous 经常的,不断的• Her constant complaints bored me.

• 她不断的抱怨烦死我了。• The scholar is a constant customer of the bookshop.

• 这个学者经常光顾这个书店。• 2) a. firm, steadfast稳定的,不变的• He drove at a constant speed.

• 他均速驾驶。• Keep the birth rate constant.

• 要保持出生率的平稳。

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Unit 2 Animals of the Desert   Language Points (Para.1-2)

9. avoid ['kɔnstənt] vt. 避免,避开(后面可跟代词、名词或动名词)• I avoided him as much as possible.

• 我尽量避开他。• She tried to avoid this awkward question.

• 她尽量回避这个尴尬的问题。• All the students study hard to avoid being left behind.

• 所有的学生都努力学习以免被拉在后面。• I can see she is trying her best to avoid losing her temper.

• 我能看出来,他在尽量避免发火。

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Unit 2 Animals of the Desert   Language Points (Para.1-2)

10. Nor can many animals either store or produce water in their bodies, as the camel and kangaroo rat can.: 很多动物不能像骆驼或长鼻袋鼠那样在体内存水或造水。这是一个部分倒装句,原因是含有否定意义的词 “ nor” 放在了句首,因此原本正常陈述句里的助动词提到主语之前,实意动词仍在主语之后。见课后句式练习。

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Unit 2 Animals of the Desert  Text (Para. 2)

Because very few desert animals can survive the sun’s strong rays, the temperature, and the evaporation rate of a 11typical summer’s day, most of them are active during the night. 12Only after the sun has set does the desert come fully to life. The night is 13relatively cool, and 14the darkness provides protection, not only from the sun, but also from other animals and birds. So the coming of darkness is the signal for the large majority of animals and insects to continue their search for water and food. When morning comes, most of them 15seek shelter again: many go 16underground; nearly all find somewhere shady and they can avoid the sun’s rays there.

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Unit 2 Animals of the Desert  Language Points (Para. 2)

11. typical ['tipikəl] a. 典型的• Shanghai is a typical manufacturing city.

• 上海是个典型的生产城市。• This is his typical concluding remark.

• 这是他典型的结束语。•   be typical of

• It was typical of him to say that.

• 那样说话是他的典型风格。• This meal is typical of Mexican.

• 这是典型的墨西哥餐。

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Unit 2 Animals of the Desert  Language Points (Para. 2)

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Unit 2 Animals of the Desert  Text (Para. 3)

For many kinds of insects, living in the desert is easier than for animals. Like many desert plants, they have a waterproof skin which prevents water loss by evaporation. In addition, some insects spend all or most of their life below ground. Here, for most of the year at least, there is some wetness, and it is generally cooler than 17on the surface