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College Diaries

May 30, 2018



Jasleen Kaur
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  • 8/9/2019 College Diaries


  • 8/9/2019 College Diaries



    First 11 chapters.

    You may contact me at [email protected]

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    All I would say is that this is from my friends to you all..Thanks for being there and makingmy life worth living..Without you this would never havebeen possible.

    With all my love


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    Pretty strange I told myself as I looked at myself in the mirror.

    Yes I was looking at a stranger at the mirror. I barely recognizedher. She resembled me a lot but that certainly could not be me.

    Silly me I laughed in my own head. If I was looking like a strangerto me I wonder what my friends would say.

    Yes I was different today very different. I had always been anormal girl with simple T-shirt and faded jeans. Studs were the only

    jewellery I ever possessed. Looks were never important to me. Buttoday was different. It was my 25th birthday and I guess four yearsof living with Tracy and Pat in the college and then sharing anapartment with Ashley was finally showing some result. I was lookingmore girly than ever. I looked at my dress. It was beautiful -purplesilk evening dress. I had always worn loose fit clothes. Showing mybends and curves was never a good idea to me. The silk sticking tomy body was therefore making me uneasy. I opened the drawer of

    my dressing table and opened my jewellery box and took out the redbox from it. It was still wrapped in the wrapping paper in which Iwas given. I simply throw any part of it. This gift was the reminderof one of the best nights of my life. I opened the box and donnedthe amethyst jewellery inside it. It was a perfect night to wear it astoday I was going to unveil the greatest secret of my life and this

    jewellery was also a part of it. Well not exactly the secret butcertainly a part of it. It was the night that I got them prompted meto reveal the other part of my life to my friends. It was now timethat they should know everything now. No more hiding, no morehiding just truth. I dont know how much will it shake them but Ihave to tell them.

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    Chapter 1

    (November 12, 2016)

    BuzzzzComing said I.Welcome I said welcoming my guests.Happy Birthday Jessica said a chorus.Thank you Bella and Aaron and please come insideMmmm nice smell Aaron remarked.

    Aaron! Bella snapped.Bella!! Its ok its my place and I think Aaron should be allowed to eatnon-vegetarian outside the house. Plus its everybodys favorite Iremarked.And a person should be allowed to eat non vegetarian once in a year,right Jessica?Absolutely right I remarked.All right, al right but I wont eat in your plate today said Bellarolling her eyes.

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    Awwww thats not fair. I love to eat in your plate with your hands,replied Aaron.Uhuh! Uhuh! I am still in the room, so please dont flirt with her in

    my presence I said smiling cattily.Jessica dont be a boo boo, shes my wifeOh sorry I forgot that. Actually it is an eight year old habit, it wontgo easilyYeah you are right. Some things take time to change and especiallyif it is related to Jessica Wayne said Aaron.There you go again. My best friend and my husband never leave achance snapped Bella.

    We are not fighting. Are we Jessica?No absolutely not saying this I started arranging my favouritecrockery and cutlery on the dining table.May I help u dear? asked Bella.No dear you guys carry on. I am almost done. And by the way Ididnt see anything. Neither did I see Aaron tickling you nor did Isee u guysOh! Come on! You should be a detective or a police officer. You havegot X-rays in your eyes, such a sharp vision! interrupted Aaron.I smiled and gave a nodHey jess why are these cushions in front of the T.V.? said Bellatrying to change the topic.I have ordered some DVDs of the latest movies. Theyll bedelivering it any moment. I thought it would be nice watching a moviewith you all, I replied

    Nice, replied Aaron.BuzzWhat was that? asked an alerted Bella.Relax its my new bellOh gosh! I think u need to change it.Hehehe I smiled as I went to open the door.Happy birthday Jess. Three voices chorused together.Thank you everyone, please come inside. I said welcoming them.

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    Who said we need your permission to enter your house said Tracy inher usual loving tone.Yes who the hell are you to give us permission? said Patricia.

    Oh! I am really sorry said I with a big grinHow do you take this from them? I mean its your house and theyare scolding you in your house on your birthday said mike.My dear Mickey mouse you are new to our gang. We love teasingeach other. Its the way we express our love for each other. So Idont mind I replied with a grin.Stop calling me that. It irritates me. Mike said.MICKEY MOUSE MICKEY MOUSE Patricia and I chorused.

    Welcome to the gang said TracyAre we the first ones to break into your party? asked MikeNo Romeo and Juliet are already there. They are in the living roomwatching the memory lane. Come Ill guide you.What is the memory lane? asked mikeYoull know, just follow me saying this I took them into the livingroom. Memory lane was actually that wall of my living room which Ihad covered entirely with photos of my friends.By the way wheres Edward? I asked PatriciaHe is busy Patricia repliedImpressive this certainly is a memory lane said mike watching thewallSo the newly weds are here with pat said AaronIts Patricia AaronPatricia snapped.

    Mike please dont mind my husband he has habit of making otherslaugh all the time. And please have a glance at our memory lane. Jessupdated with photos of your wedding and Tracy you are looking like adoll in the photos. Bella said.No Bella I am not. Dont you remember that day that stupid girlfrom beauty par lour had put a lot of make up on my face, I didntlike it? I didnt like myself on the wedding neither would be thephotos nice. Snarled Tracy.

    Oh ho Tracy you were the bride. said Patricia

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    Darling you are looking like a princess, an angel please come have alook requested mike.OH DARLING TRACY HMMMMMMMM all the girls except Tracy

    chorusedTracy blushed and Mike smiled.Now Stop blushing and try these starters I have preparedpureveg for you.Buzzzzzzzz; Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzz; Buzzzzzzzz;Whos making that noise? Its so irritating. Driving me nutsremarked patIts our great Jesss great door bell Aaron mocked

    Hehe but whos making so much noise? asked Bella.Who else? But our not so docile electrical engineer. I replied andwent to open the door.Happppppppppppppppppppy Birthday said a chorusThank you and welcome to the party I said thanking Adrian one ofmy closest and best friends; Ashley my room mate who had gone toreceive him from the airport; and a pretty blonde girl with oceanblue eyes.This is Holly I said before he couldnt complete.Come holly Ill show you around said AshleySo madam did you like her? Isnt she fabulous inquired AdrianYes dear she is fab she is hot she is beautiful she is cute.Happy?Yes by the way why are you looking so beautiful today? askedAdrian

    What? Its my birthday. A girl deserves to look beautiful on herbirthday. I replied.No but wheres Jessica Wayne Adrian askedAdrian!!!!!No seriously purple evening gown; stilettos; hair neatly done. If Ihad not met Holly I would have proposed you. Now tell me whathappened to you? Adrian asked.As if I would have said yes? I asked.

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    Why? What is the problem with me? I am smart I am handsome Iam an engineer; have a good job. He asked annoyingly.The problem is you are Adrian I replied calmly.

    Whats the problem in being Adrian?Then suddenly I dont know how Aaron jumped to a conclusion, Nowait have u decided toYes and shut up no more word. Lets go outside. I said interruptinghim mid way.Well I am glad the day finally arrived. It has already been delayedtoo much. So how did you make up your mind? Let me guess. Thenews is bigger. Right? replied Adrian with a big grin on his face.

    Yes, now lets go outside and please suppress the grin I repliedYes maam. By the way, congrats.I smiled and then we went outside in the lawn where everyone wassitting.Hi! Guys our not so docile engineer is here. I announced as Ientered the living room with Adrian.Hi buddies how are you? Aaron asked.I am rocking as always. Hey this is my girl friend Holly said Adriantaking holly in his arms.Adrian had always been so cool. Subtlety missing or say lost long ago.And holly this is my mate Adrian and this is wife Bella; the Romeoand Juliet of our group; and these are Mike and Tracy the newlyweds and this is Pat. Oh my god pat you are fat. Fatness does notsuit you. said Adrian.Oh my god that means history is soon to be created. said Adrian

    mocking pat.Shut up! I am not pregnant and you know that already. said anirritated Pat.Everybody started laughing.Shut up Adrian stop irritating her and you guys stop laughing. I toldeveryone.What do you mean honey? I didnt get you. And why are you guyslaughing? And what is history to be created you are talking about?

    asked a confused Holly.

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    Easy down dear one question at a time said Ashley.Actually it is our way of teasing Pat. said Tracy.I still didnt get you guys. said Holly.

    Ill explain said Aaron. The story dates back to our college days.Whenever we went for outing or market or anywhere else and a wehappen to cross a baby. All the girls would say awwwwww!!!! So sweetwish I could hold it. I want to kiss the baby. I want to pull its softcheeks.Aaron honey you are telling the story or are making fun of us girls?interrupted Bella.I am not making fun of anyone I am just telling the truth. said

    Aaron.Then honey let me tell it. It was like all the girls loved babies; foundthem cute but not our dear pat. She didnt find babies cute at all.Instead puppies were cute to her. said Bella.And not only puppies; horses; grown up dogs; squirrelsetc. saidTracy.So we used to say pat will create History. She will not give birth tobabies but to puppies. First human to give birth to a puppy. Adriancompleted.Awww thats so unfair of u guys. You should not tease her like this.Everyone has his own choices. said Holly.Dear you are right. But all I can say is welcome to our group. Youllfind more instances like this. Adrian said.Really? asked Holly.Well our history says so. replied Adrian.

    Well I want to know everything then. How did you guys met? Howdid you become friends? demanded holly.I, Adrian, Aaron, Bella, and Ashley went to same high school and wemet Pat and Tracy in college. I replied instantly.No jess not like this I want to know the entire thing as if I amreading pages from your diaries. replied Holly.Ok Ill start from the college days. High school stories some otherday. Cool? I asked.

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    Cool replied holly and I began from the day I first entered mycollege.

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    Chapter 2

    September 2009

    Name?Jessica Wayne I told my name to the warden of my college hostel.Room number 204. You are sharing room with two more girls from

    your class only. Good luck and welcome to college.Thanks maam. After thanking the warden I took my luggage and

    started moving towards my room. As I moved along the hallwayvarious thoughts struck my mind. I moved towards my room with aheavy luggage of mixed feelings and my things. Feeling of happinessto be in the profession I wanted to be in; anxiety about the newplace and new people; new roommates. I had always shared my roomwith my awesome twin sister Melissa who went to a medical schoolaiming to be a doctor. But as I wanted to be an engineer we had toseparate and our rooms too. Luckily her medical school was 2 blocks

    away. She was only 2 blocks away from me but still I was missing her.

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    Dont worry I told myself entering my room everything will be fine.Adrian and Aaron are there for you While I was struggling with mythoughts I heard a knock at the door.

    Please come in I said.Hi I am your new roomie Tracy Dank.Jessica Wayne. Nice to meet you.Same here dear.So nervous?A little bit but my elder brother is also here. Second year. So I amnot that nervous. And you?Well my sister Melissa is 2 blocks away in the medical school. But I

    have 2 friends Adrian and Aaron over here. Adrian is in Electricengineering and Aaron is in Electronics. So I am also not thatnervous.Its good you have friends already. You dont have to hunt for newones.True but you dont worry those two are very friendly and awesomebunch of boys. Ill introduce you to them. No tension.Thats great. That would be helpful. But I am must say all the boyswhom I befriended were flirts. You are lucky if your friends are not.I really hate flirts.Same here even I hate flirts. Regarding Adrian and Aaron; Aaron iscommitted to my childhood best friend Bella. And Adrian.well hehas high standards. Thats why he does not have a girl friend. Hesays I want the most beautiful girl by my side.Hehehehehe. Sounds like you guys are pretty close.

    Oh! Definitely. Me, Bella, Ashley, Adrian, Melissa and Aaron wereinseparable in high school. Best friends all of us.Ok what are Ashley and Bella doing these days?Bella is studying psychology and Ashley is studying accountancy.Knock-knock.That must be our third roomie. I saidPlease come in Tracy said.Hi guys I am Patricia Simmons.

    Jessica Wayne

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    Tracy dankGuys what a dirty room and so messed up. Pat commented.Lets clean it then. this was the sentence I regretted for next 2

    hours.Pat made us clean every corner of the room. She helped us arrangeour things in our cupboard. And when we were finished, I wasshocked to see my own cupboard. It was never as organized as it wasnow. I thought finally there is someone wholl teach me somediscipline.I am tired I announced.Lets go grab some fresh air. My brother told me theres a very

    beautiful beach nearby. suggested Tracy.I am in.Me too replied Patricia.We locked are room went to the beach. As we were walking towardsthe beach I realized that we three had mixed up already. The threegirls walking were not strangers but friends who became bestfriends in the future.I am having a very strange feeling. I told them.What? they asked me.Its been only 2-3 hours we have met and I feel I know you for

    years. It seems so strange.Well I am having the same feeling. I also feel we are tailor made foreach other. said Tracy.True. Insanely true; but true. replied Pat.We moved on laughing, cracking jokes on each other; checking out

    smart boys. We were having a great time until a speeding car came.It was just about to hit a pat when I dived forward and saved herand got a little hurt.The car stopped immediately and out came a very charming guy.Are you hurt maam? he askedI am not but my friend is and I could have died if my friend had notstepped forward. Are you a killing machine or something? Dont youhave driving sense? yelled our dear Pat.

    Maam I am really sorry but I didnt see you. He replied.

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    Then get your eyes checked. You-killing machine. Replied PatMaam firstly I was getting very late thats why I was speeding. I amenrolled in the Jesus and Mary medical school nearby. I have to

    report before 6 and its already 5:30. Secondly I am not a life taker.I am going to be a doctor-the life giver.Hey thats cool my sister Melissa is also in the same school. Hi I amJessica from the engineering college.Hi Jessica nice to meet you. Sorry to hurt you. He repliedAre you not getting late now? fumed Pat.Oh! Yes I am. Bye see you later. He replied and went back to hiscar.

    Oh yes well meet in hell. Pat replied.Then we went back to the hostel; had dinner and slept. A new bondhad emanate from the eventful day that accentuated with time.

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    Chapter 3It is said good times take flight even before they make theirpresence felt and bad times stay and make you feel every moment of

    them. Similar was our case. We were having staggeringly awesometime together. Before we could realize; it was weekend already.Three of us had decided to rise up late in the morning and lazyaround on our day of off. All of us were sleeping soundly when therewas a knock at the door.Who the hell it is disturbing us on a Saturday morning? I said tomyself cursing the person behind the door.It was an attendant.

    Room 204? she asked.Yes I replied.Miss Patricia has a post. She can collect it from the reception deskshe informed.Thanks. I said.Hey Pat wake up you have a post. Get up. I told her.What is it? came the answer.I dunno. Go to the reception desk and check it for yourself. I toldher.She went downstairs and came back after five minutes fuming. Herface was red with anger. She was holding an extremely beautifulbouquet of white lilies along with an envelope.Tracy get up quickly. I told herWhat is it? Why are you making so much noise? she squinting insleep.

    Tracy you gotta see this. Its beautiful. I told Tracy.Will you please stop Jessica? I dont even know who sent them tome said Pat.OH MY GOD THIS IS REALLY BEAUTIFUL. Wheres my phone? Letme take a picture. Saying this she took out her phone and clicked apicture of it.Go on make fun of me. I dont care. said Patricia.We are not making fun of you. We are just admiring the bouquet.Thats it. Right Jessica? said Tracy.

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    Absolutely right. By the way see who send them. Let us also knowwho your secret admirer is? I said.Very funny said pat. She opened the envelope and it contained a

    very cute sorry card with dogs made on the front page.The cards so cute. Look at this dog so sweet. Said Patricia.I and Tracy exchanged smiling looks. Over the week we had very wellseen her colossal love for dogs. I wondered who else knew and how.The moment she opened the card the expression of her faceswerved.Jessica throw the card and the bouquet out of the window. NOW.She commanded.

    But what happened? I asked.Its from that killing machine. How dare he send me flowers? Patfumed.Thats so sweet of him. He sent you flowers to ask for forgiveness.And by the way he is so handsome and charming. You should be oncloud 11. Tracy said.Very funny! I dont care. Go Jessica throw these things out of thewindow now!!!!!! Replied pat.Although I scorned the idea in my mind but I knew this thing was notnegotiable so I picked up the things and went towards the window. Iwas about to throw when I saw someone.Pat its him. Hes standing downstairs outside the hostel. I informedpat.The angry pat came snatched the things from my hand and threwthe bouquet down. Then she tore the card into many pieces and

    threw them down. Poor boy was watching all this. I pitied him.Then Pat grabbed her over coat and went out.Where are you going? Tracy asked.I am going to give that killing machine some piece of my mind.replied pat.Poor boy I commented.I agree Tracy replied.Hey Tracy come over here. Pat has reached down. Now shes scolding

    him. Come quickly. I told Tracy.

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    Tring-TringThats my phone I said.Hi Mel how are you sissy? I said answering my phone.

    I am good. How are you? Mel answered.I am good too I answered.Did the flowers reach your roomie? asked Mel.How do you know about them? I asked surprised.Its because I gave Edward your room no. silly. That means theyreached her. Did she like them? she asked.Shes fuming and just went out to give Edward piece for her mind.Hes in a great trouble. One thing I didnt get. Why is he so

    desperate for her forgiveness? I asked her.Well you are smart and grown up. You can understand. Leave them.Lets meet sissy its been so long we guys met. replied Mel.Meet you at the beach in an hour. I replied.See you there. Bye sissy.What was she saying? Tracy asked.She said she wants to meet me. And Pats killing machine is one ofher admirers. I replied.Ohhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! was Tracys reaction.I guess we had our first encounter with love. I replied.Hehe hehe right replied Tracy.Get ready we are going to the beach. Ill call the boys. I saidLook whos back with a big smile on her face. said Tracy as pat re-entered the room.Hes not that bad. Actually hes good. I think well be great friends.

    We have so much in common. said Pat.Thats good. Your misunderstandings got cleared. I said.Now start getting ready we are going to the beach to meet Mel.

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    Chapter 4

    (At the beach)There you are! I have been waiting for the past 15 minutes. said Melas she saw me coming towards her.Sorry sis. And by the way this is Tracy and this is Pat. And thisfriends is my dear sis; best friend; and my secret keeper Mel.I said doing introductions.Hi

    HiWell where are Adrian and Aaron? She inquired.Before I could reply they were already in sight.Oh hello jokers how are you? she said as they approached us.

    We are fine. How are you Clown? said Adrian.Well this Clown got a surprise for you, especially for you Aaron.announced Mel.

    What is it? Aaron asked.Just turn your back; youll know. she replied.

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    And we all turned our backs. And there standing in front of us wereBella and Ashley.Oh my god! This is a very nice surprise. said I. Tracy Pat this is

    Bella and Ashley my friends.So honey did you like the surprise? Bella asked Aaron.The word honey had rung bells in the ears of Tracy and Pat. Theystarted scrutinizing Bella. Apparently they had forgotten that theywere a couple. They looked at me in anticipation and I nodded andthey understood. A big smile now embellished their faces.Yes princess I loved it. Said Aaron hugging Bella.This was the longest week of my life. We have never been apart for

    so many days since senior high school. Thank god you made a plan tocome over. He continued.The romantic exchange of words and hugs was a very frequent eventand now everybody seemed to be used to it. Aaron and Bella werebetter known as the Romeo-Juliet. Their tacit love didnt need anyaffirmation.I knew honey thats why I came. Now I have come what about agame of beach ball? Guys what do you say about it? said Bella.All of us agreed. One of Mels friends also joined us. But once westarted dividing the team we realized we were one player short.Ill relax you guys carry on. I suggested.No need of that Jessica Ill play. Came a voice from behind.When I turned back I realized it was Edward.Hi Edward said Mel.Guys this is my friend Edward. She said.

    We know him dear. Hes our friend too. said Pat.Oh I didnt know. Why didnt you tell me? said Mel.I laughed in my head and from Tracys face I judged she was also.We played whole day; relaxed on the beach and most importantly mynew friends came closer to my older ones. I had a feeling ofhappiness and contentment that day. I realized the next four yearsof my college were going to be the most wonderful and memorablepart of my life and I was not wrong.

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    Chapter 5(November 2016)

    So this is how you guys met for the first time. asked Holly.Yeah our first weekend together was something out of the world forme specially. I had met my Edward that week. replied Pat.I know. You know what Edward had gone flat the first day he saw

    you. He desperately wanted you. First he frantically searched forMelissa. There were about 10 Melissas in our school. He went to all

    of them personally. And asked them are you Jessicas sister? andthen he would tell them his story and how madly he was in love with agirl who he nearly killed. Finally he met our Mel. She told him Patsname, room no. and all the information. We three became bestfriends. It was I who selected the card and bouquet for you. AndEdward was not on the beach by coincidence it was all Mels plan.First she called you guys to the beach and she had already told hisfriend to play so that you guys may have one player short so thatEdward could play. told Holly.

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    You are the same Holly. Such a small world it is! Edward told meabout his friend Holly but we never had a chance to meet repliedPat.

    Yes I am the same. It was Mel who introduced me and Adrian. Ithink she can be rightly crowned the Cupid. She brought so manycouples together. Even in college she helped so many of them.But when it came to her own sister, she failed. Our Jess has turned25 today and she is still single.Everyone had a great laugh after that.What about the movies Jessica? Why havent been they delivered

    yet? asked Bella.

    Adrian faked a coughAdrian dear do you need water? I asked sarcastically. And Belladear they are on their way. Wait Ill call him. I repliedHey wait jess let them be late said holly.But why dear? I asked her.I want to hear more of the story. I was enjoying it thoroughly. Butbefore that I want to know about the story of Romeo and Juliet.replied Holly.Hehehehe as you wish dear. Why dont we collectively tell about thishistoric story I asked smiling.Everyone nodded.And I begun, The story started on 17th February, 2009- The springdance party of our final year at school

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    Chapter 6

    (Wayne residence)Come on Jess. Get ready for the party.Bella I told you I am not comingYou never listen to us. Its so frustrating. Every time theres a partywe request you to come along and you never heed to our wishes. Aperson should not be that cold that he cant see through their

    friends wishes. Thats not fair.Bella I am not cold. Its that what the hell I will do there. I am anawful dancer. I dont want to make a fool of myself.Whos telling you to dance? Just come along us.Well I certainly dont want to spend my evening sitting on the barstool watching you guys dance. Ok now stop pressurising me I am notgoing.Leave it Bella. She wont budge. I have been having this argument

    for the past whole week. said Melissa.

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    Jessica Wayne. Thank you for spoiling my mood said Bella.I am so sorry dear. I replied.You are not forgiven and shall never be!

    Oh! I am shivering from fear. Please someone save me from herfury.Bella gave me a scornful look and went to the party cursing me.


    Somewhere else in the same city a guy revved his car engine. He wason his way to the same party with his best friend.Hi! Ashley. Ready to rock the party? asked the guy.Definitely came the reply.You wanna bet all the girls will faint when Ill hit the dance floor.Ahun! Someone is having misconceptions about himself.People like me never have misconceptions. They give others a chanceto have them.You know what Aaron why you dont get any girl? Thats because youare a narcisstic. So busy in admiring and loving yourself that yourbuttoned eyes cant see the people around you.Well what can one do if he is the best. One of a kind.There you go againYou know why you dont get a guy. Why your cookie guy does notcome forward?

    Why?Because everyone thinks we are a couple.Ashley burst out a laugh.Really Aaron? My god people are so narrow minded. I bet wheneither of us gets committed our partners are going to give us atough time. Burn with jealousy and all. Not many people canunderstand the sanctity of our friendship.Oh my god my friend going spiritual.

    Stop it Aaron and park the car. I am dying to check out the hotties.

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    Yeah me too. Lets separate for the evening. That ways we have abetter chance of hitting on someone.Deal. We will now meet only after the party here in the parking lot.

    Saying this they entered the hallway oblivion of the fact that thehallway was leading them to their destinies. Destiny had a specialplan for them tonight. And when destiny will play its game everythingwill change. Their lives, priorities and even the centre of theiruniverse- All was going to change. At least the ignition was going totake place today.


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    Mel parked the car and came out and started walking towards the

    hall. As she made to steps she realized Bella had not left the car.She seemed to be in some deep thoughts.Whats the matter Bells?Its my sixth sense. Its giving me some indication that I cantdecipher.Melissa scowled. Its all because of my stupid sister. The spoil sport.Now drop the baggage of your worries, thoughts and stupid sixthsense feeling and specially that of my lousy sister. Come on the

    dance floor is waiting for us. Lets go.Mel winced and Bella smiled and off they went to the party.Destiny, destiny, just to fly away...

    A lonely boy and two lonely girlsSet sail today in search of gold and pearls,To carry on with happiness in worlds apart,Destiny with broken hearts,

    Fly away...

    Love and hate crossing in the wayTo somewhere new, somewhere far away...To carry on with happiness in worlds apart,Destiny with broken heartsFly away...

    What an unusual song for a school dance party!!. said Bella.

    Yeah I agree. But who cares? Lets smustle baby.Oh yeah! saying this they went to the dance floor.In her excitement while dancing Bella hit a guy on the dance floor.She turned back and said sorry and then went back to dance withMel.What happened? You seem confused.No I am not confused. Just feeling a little awkward. I just hit a guyon the dance floor

    Who was he?

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    Dont know never saw him before. He was in black tux. Theconversation ended their and the rest of the evening went normallyactually for them only. For some it was extraordinary.


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    Somewhere else on the dance floor the world had stopped and timeseemed to have frozen for Aaron. Billions of thoughts were dancingin his mind at present. Was I day dreaming? If yes I would love too

    see this dream again and again. If not who was the angel in green hejust saw? What the hell did he just call a girl an angel? What waswrong with him? But the rosy cheeks, pink lips, faircomplexionGod what is the problem with me? Man shes beautiful.Where was she till now? I have never seen her before in my life.How could by eyes have missed such a wonderful creation of god?Maybe Ashley is right I am self-absorbed. Ashley where is she?Maybe she knows her. Where does she vanish when I need her? But

    even his eyes had also frozen. Instead of searching for Ashley theywere fixed on the beauty in green. Nothing had stunned him like thatbefore. Bamboozled would be the correct word. The beauty in greennow went to her friend- her friend Melissa Dank, his classmate.Thank you, God. Melissa was known to help couples coming together.But the big question is would she help me?In between all these thoughts suddenly the music stopped. And theirwas an announcement.The next song is dedicated to Miss Ashley from Mr. Brian. I wouldnow request all of you to clear the dancing area. And Miss Ashleyand Mr Brian to kindly stayWhat the hell Brian and Ashley? This certainly is a freaking night.said AaronAnd then the song started.And I love you soThe people ask me howHow I've lived 'til nowI tell them I don't know

    I guess they understandHow lonely life has beenBut life began againThe day you took my hand

    And yes I know, how lonely life can beThe shadows follow me

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    And the night won't set me freeBut I don't let the evening get me downNow that you're around me

    And you love me tooYour thoughts are just for meYou set my spirit freeI'm happy that you do

    The book of life is briefAnd once a page is readAll but life is dead

    That is my belief

    And yes I know, how lonely life can beThe shadows follow me

    And the night won't set me freeBut I don't let the evening get me downNow that you're around me

    Thank you Mr. Dj. Now the lady. Ashley I have been in love with yousince the first day I saw you in senior high school. I could never tell

    you but today I could not resist. It was I who sent you brownies andvanilla ice cream. It was I who sent you flowers every valentine. Isent you chocolates on every birthday of yours. Please may I havethe honour of being your life partner? I promise Ill never hurt you.I promise nobody will love you more than me. Please be mine. Sayingthis Brian bent on his knees and took out a rose from his pocket and

    offered it to her.The whole crowd stared at her face. It was red. For a moment shefroze, but the next moment she took the rose and they kissed.Everybody clapped. Aaron was shocked. Then they went to the dancefloor and the other couples joined them. A beautiful night ended in abeautiful start of a beautiful relationship.

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    Chapter -7Wow! Even I didnt know about this. Trace even you never mentionedit. said Mike.

    Simple dear because you never asked replied Tracy.You are right. These two people are the most unusual ones. Theirlove gets fresher day by day. Who wants to know about the firstmeet when their everyday meetings fill an aura of love around them.said Mike.Bella and Aaron looked at each other and smiled.Now these are the words of the Mike I worked for. Nice to see theeditor in you after a long time. I said.

    Thanks Jessica.I have a question to ask. said Holly.Ya sure said Ashley.Bella and Brian never had any problem with your friendship. I mean

    you guys are very close and it shows.No Holly; never. Specially Bellas understanding of our friendship iseccentric. Aaron used be like get jealous sometimes, please or eitherpretend to be. It freaks me out.The room burst out with laughter.And even Brian never questioned. completed Ashley.Yes my Bells has been very understanding. I am lucky to have her.said Aaron.Awwwwwwww chorused the girls and Bella blushed. Her cheeks gotpinker than the dress she was wearing.Oh! I was missing this blush. Had not seen it in the past hour. Aaron

    said.Shut up Aaron, please.Hold on. What do you mean? Does she still blush in front of you?asked Tracy.Yes every time I hold her hand, kiss her or hug her. Her cheeks getpink.Bella got even pinker than before.What happened next? I mean after the party? asked Holly.

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    Things just clicked. One thing lead to another. Aaron who never gotenough of himself; the one who had never loved anyone more thanhimself was now madly in love with a girl in green with dimple on her

    cheek and who was Melissa Waynes friend. said Ashley.Haha.So how did you approach her? How did you propose her?asked Holly.Holly dear, its a long story. Jessica will get five years older and stillit wont finish. said Adrian.I laughed out loudly, True lets keep this story for some other day.


    My heart started racing. Oh my god its time now. Finally after sixyears of wait, the moment has finally arrived.Ashley will you get the door?Yeah sureWhy are you blushing Jess? asked Aaron.No I am not. I am just going to check the turkey. Saying this I ranto the kitchen. I looked at myself in the kitchen mirror. Hair-perfect. Earrings- in place. Mascara- smudged. I adjusted my makeup. I should look perfect today.I turned back and saw standing in front of me was Bella.Hi bells need something?Yes. What are you hiding?Menothing.Oh yes you areNo dear. Nothing. Hmm lemme check the turkey.

    Since when was Jessica conscious of her looks?Bells come on. I just made diminutive changes in myself.Diminutive? You call this diminutive? Now come on I have beenwatching you and Adrian. I know something is going on. What that Idont know?Its nothing.Sure?Yes

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    Jess. Jess where are you sissy? It was Mel. I had a sigh of relief.My secret was safe for another few minutes.Happy birthday sissy. Happy twenty-fifth. said I.

    Happy birthday to you too. saying this I gave her a warm hug.Oh my god sissy you are looking stunning. Whats with this newchange?Today is a big day. I am unveiling the secret I whispered in her ear.Really???Its time. I have to. It cant wait now. I told her.Means you are taking it to next level.As a matter of fact we already did.

    Congrats saying this she hugged me tighter.Now what are you twins whispering to each other? Let us know too.asked Aaron.I am just congratulating her on her new look. replied Mel.Yes thats what I told her too said Adrian.Ash, Brian sent some brownies for you. He has a late night duty. Iam afraid hell miss the fun. said Mel.Ashley took the brownies and kept them on the dining table.Thats so smart of him. Sending brownies so as to make up for hisabsence.No actually whenever he comes to meet me he makes it a point tobring flowers, chocolates, brownies or cookies.Awww came the voice from all the girls.Mike learn something from him. Have you ever brought me

    anything? All you bring home is your laptop, your work and your

    tensions.Trace dear we are married. They are dating. Thats the difference.I agree. said Aaron.You dont interfere. But still dear you can bring me once a week orso. You have never brought me anything not even before ourmarriage said Tracy.Now Tracy thats your fault. When I wanted to date you were afraidof a relationship. When you finally agreed our parents got us


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    Tracy scowled and all the girls giggled.Now what is your story guys? asked Holly.

    I smiled and then I began

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    Chapter -8

    (October2009)The first month at college passed away soon and before we all knew

    it was October. In just one month the strings of my friendship withTracy and Pat had strengthened. From three roomies we had becomethree best friends. On the same hand they had came closer to myother friends too. Now they were a part of our group and notoutsiders anymore. Then came the big day of my life.GGGGGuuuuuuuuyyyyyyyyyyyyssssssssssguess what? I shouted.Easy dear all the other girls must be studying. Now tell what

    happened. said Tracy.Dont tell me you got proposed by some smart guy. said Pat.Oh Pat shut up. You are now looking at the assistant sub editor ofthe weekly College newsletter. said I.Oh! Wow congrats. said Tracy.No Tracy I am not finished yet. The seniors were so happy thatthey gave me and another guy membership in the cultural club. Can

    you imagine? I said excitedly.

    Oh wow thats great but you know have more pressure and work loadon you. It is not an easy job. said Pat.Yeah I know. I have to stay back in college for Wednesday,Thursday and Friday. But I dont care. I am very happy. I told them.And indeed I was. Writing had always been my passion and thenewspaper was sure to explore more out of me. The cultural club waseven more exciting. There was an event every Friday, and now I waspart of the organizing committee.But we have even greater news for you. said Pat.Its nothing Jess. Shes just making a mole out of the hill. saidTracy.No I am not. Today in the parking lot we saw an extremely handsomeguy. He was wearing a white shirt and black jacket. He was standingbesides his beetle with his friends. Tracy was talking to her mom onthe phone. And the moment their eyes came in contact she was like

    MMMooommm MMMooommm Ill call you later. She was stunned. He

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    was equally frozen. God man what an eye contact. The sweetest Ihave ever seen. replied Pat.Really wow man. Who was he? I asked.

    We dont know but we have named him Mickey Mouse. said Pat.Hahahah but why? I inquired.Because he was cute. Just like Mickey mouse. Tracy said.Oh ho why was I not there? Bad luck!! Guys I have hell lot of thingsto study. And Tracy congrats. said I.Tracy threw a pillow at me and we started studying.Wait a minute did you say white shirt black jacket and a beetle?I asked

    Yes but why?Spikes? I asked.Now Tracy was out of her bed now and came to mine.Hell yes she replied.Was he holding a black folder in his hands?Yes. replied Tracy. I could sense her increasing heart beats.Easy down Trace. said Pat.I am 90% sure who he is.Jessica dont tell riddles. Tell me who he is.My editor of The clatJess I want the name. Tell me the name. said an excited Pat.Easy down you seem more interested in her. I replied.Tell na, please. she replied.Mike LemmingsMike. So thats his name. said Tracy slowly.

    Yes thats his name. saying this I and Pat exchanged smiling looks.And our Trace was lost in the world of dreams.

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    Chapter -9

    What an eye contact!! The best I have ever seen such an eyecontact till date. remarked Pat.Shut up Pat. Tracy said angrily.No shes right. I fell in love with her at first sight. Mike said.Awwww the voice filled the room once again.Jess do you have any copies of The clat?asked Mike.Yes I do have. They are upstairs. Ill get them. said I.Saying this I went upstairs to fetch a few copies. When I wasdescending the stairs I saw a bouquet of purple daisies lying on the

    table. This could mean only one thing that he was here. Who elseknew I was wearing purple today? As I descended down I saw all theeyes fixed on me.I descended down and there he was standing in front of me lookinglike a prince from the fairy land.Oh god you are looking beautiful today. Marvellous.Thank you Richard. You are looking like a prince too. I replied.Happy Birthday, dear. May you live long and continue to dazzle me

    like this. saying this he hugged me and we kissed oblivion of the eyessurrounding us. I heard grasps ahs and ohs.The loudest was Aaron who said, What the hell!.Then we let go each other and now we were facing my friends.Guys what happened. Why are your eye balls coming out? Traceclose your mouth. I said.This is unbelievable!! This is certainly a dream. I dont trust my eyesanymore. said Aaron.What is unbelievable Aaron? This is Richard. You know him.Yes we all know him but we didnt know you guys were...... said Pat.Oh come on people. Show some manners, say hi after all he is herfianc. said Mel.Oh you knew about it? asked Bella.Yes me and Adrian knew from the beginning. said Mel.And did you say fianc? Jessica how many shocks do you have in

    store for us today?

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    Oh Bella please and guys please sit down and listen to me.Everyone sat down.Guys first I must introduce you guys.

    We all know him dear. Remember it was I who made your team in thecultural club. You both were the best writers the clat ever had.Now what we wanna know is how long has this been going on and whydid you hide it from us? said Mike.Almost seven years. We started dating in mid of first year. repliedRichard.First year?? I feel so deceived. How did you manage anyways? Wewere your room mates and your best friends. You didnt tell us even.

    said Tracy.Adrian had abetted me in this. He upheld my relation. You are freeto mete out any punishment you want. My fudged history will givecorroboration to what I have done.Dont tell us riddles said an angry Pat.Easy down guys. Dont hover. You guys are behaving like she justcommitted a murder. said Richard.But Richard we have a right to know why were we kept in darkness?Why such an illusion was created? We would have been happy for heronly. Nobody would have stopped you. said Aaron.I told you dear this was going to be difficult. I told Richard.Dont worry dear. They have a right to know. replied Richard.We are waiting Jess. Why was this kept a secret? Why did you nottell us? asked Ashley.Yes why did you not make us a part of your happiness? Not even me.

    I am your childhood friend? asked BellaBella telling you was telling Aaron. And you guys would have never letme go into this relationship. You would have talked me out of it. Ireplied.Will you tell us the reason?The reason is I am Jake Andersons step brother. replied Richard.Everyone was silent.Whos Jake now? asked Holly.

    October 27th 2009 said Tracy and once again we went to the past.

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    Chapter 10Oh come on Tracy get ready now. Stop throwing tantrums. I toldTracy.

    Its Adrians birthday and we have to go to the party. Now come onget ready. Pat continued.Guys you know I want to go there. I wanna be at the party but still Idont want to go. replied Tracy.You are confusing me; you want to go or you dont want to? I asked.I mean I want to go to the party. But then I think boys will also bethere and thats why I dont want to go. She replied.I am not listening to anything you are coming and thats final. And by

    the way why do you care about the boys? We are going there forAdrian our friend. Pat said sternly.You know guys I have had 5 proposals in past month and the thoughtof going in a party full of guys kind of freaks me out. replied Tracy.No body will say anything today and Adrian has invited only decentguys and anyways Mel, Bella and Ashley are also coming so cmon getready. I said.Ok Ill go. I guess I cant always run from the problem; have to faceit sometimes. replied Tracy.Thats the spirit now come on get ready. I said.


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    (At the party)

    Happy birthday Adrian. Many many happy returns of the day and

    May you find your princess of your dreams here today it self. I saidwishing him.Thank you so much dear. And if I find her Ill give you a bigger partythan this. Promise. He replied.Ill be waiting for the party. My sixth sense tells me youll definitelyfind her today. Best of luck. said I.Thanks. By the way where are the other too lovely ladies. saidAdrian.

    They met someone at the door. They are coming. I replied.Happy birthday Adrian said Tracy and Pat.Thank you ladies. Hope you guys enjoy the party. replied Adrian.Where are the others? I asked.Mel has not arrived yet. Romeo and Juliet are on the dance floor.Ashley is talking to Brian. He replied.Ok lets all go and hit the dance floor. suggested Pat.You guys go. I hate dancing. I replied.Come on Jess dont be a boo boo. Come with us. Well have fun. saidTracy.Girls theres no point convincing her she wont dance. Bella gave uptrying years ago. You guys go on. Ill stay here with her. said Adrian.Ok as you wish. said Pat.So still afraid of dancing? asked Adrian.No I just dont like dancing and you know that. I replied.

    Happy birthday dear. Mel said.Thank you. he said.Happy birthday bro. said another voice and that was of Edward.Thanks man and by the way Pat is there. replied Adrian.Umm.thanks. said Edward.We all laughed.Many many heartiest congratulations to you, Assistant sub editor.said Mel hugging me.

    Thank you I replied.

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    So when is the party? asked Adrian.Next month on my birthday Ill give you a combined party of boththe events. said I.

    Will I be invited Miss Wayne? came a voice from behind.I turned back and that very moment I felt I was going to choke. Myface was white. I couldnt feel my feet. For a moment I thought Iwas dreaming but then I realized my worst nightmare was standingin front of me. I gathered all my strength and put my pieces backtogether I replied Yeah sure why not, Jake?You guys know each other? asked a guy standing next to him.Yes Richard. We were together in high school. replied Jake.

    Oh! Anyways if you guys not celebrating your selection in clat; whatare you celebrating? asked Richard.Its Adrians birthday and Mel, Adrian this is Richard my co-subeditor and Richard this is my Twin sister Melissa and this is myfriend Adrian. I replied.Hi Richard congrats. said Mel.Thanks. Anyways Jake and I are brothers too. Richard told us.Real brothers? Twins? Adrian asked.No step actually. He replied.Richard the others maybe waiting. We should go now said Jake.Bye guys. Richard said and left.As they left tears rained my cheeks and I shivered very badly. Whydid it happen to me? Whenever I thought everything was in controldestiny ruined it for me. Old memories flashed in my mind. Everymoment replayed in my mind. I almost fell on ground but Adrian and

    Mel saved me.Should I take you back? Adrian asked.No I am fine. I replied.Jess control yourself. Hes not worth it. Mel said.I know that. I replied slowly.And guys please dont tell others any thing please. I prayed.But dear your face is telling everything. Adrian said.I know Ill go to ladies room and freshen myself. I told him.

    Yeah go ahead Ill accompany you. Mel said.

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    No sissy stay here. And guys no-one should know Jake and Richardare brothers. You both know how much Aaron hates Jake. I dontwant Richard being affected by Aarons hatred towards his brother.

    OK Jess as you say. said Mel.Now both of you go on the dance floor or others will get suspicious.I told them and left for the ladies room. There I cried my heart out.Once again the old wounds had opened up. I was cursing myself forspoiling Adrians mood on his birthday. I gathered myself and lookedat myself in the mirror. I was looking horrible. I washed my face re-did my make up and went out. I sat on a couch and ordered juice formyself.

    Hey were you crying? asked a voice. It was Richard.No actually its my contact lens. They are irritating me. I am notvery used to them especially with make up. I lied.OK I thought you were crying. Because your eyes are swollen andplus you are not dancing on your friends birthday party. He replied.Actually I am not fond of dancing I told him.You are not fond of dancing or you afraid of it he asked me.I am not fond of it I told him.Actually both mean the same. You are not fond of it because youthink you are a terrible dancer. You have a fear of making a fun of

    yourself by doing it. He said.Now that was interesting somebody had said something that wasvery true. My dislike of dancing was because I was terrible at it.Wow. Nice thought. I replied.Well actually my mom is a psychologist. When you live with one you

    learn a lot about people. He replied.Ok I didnt know. I replied. Jake had never told me about this andhe was never into philosophy.You know what Ill give you the same advice my mom gives me. Fearthe fear itself not the cause of it. Face it with a smile nothing

    shakes it more than it. Those who can master their fears can master

    their minds. A trained mind is a never ending wealth. Tear the pages

    of your life that try to scare you or weaken you. Their place is in

    garbage not your diaries.

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    I listened to him very carefully. His words touched my heart. I gotup and thanked him. Then I joined my friends on the floor. I dancedwhole night. A funny thought came to my mind. A guy destroys me

    shatters me to pieces and his brother comes and tells me how to putmyself back because Jake and is memories were something thatweakened me the most. What an irony of life!!!

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    Chapter 11

    Adrians birthday party had changed everything. I had decided tomake something better out of my life. Richards words had given menew direction and I was determined to follow it. The very next daywhen Tracy and Pat were asleep I opened up my old diaries and toreevery page that had anything to do with Jake. I even tore the poemsI had written for him and threw everything in the dustbin. I gotready and grabbed a notebook and pen and went outside to write. Iwas in a habit of writing in company of Mother Nature. I went to thefavourite bench in the college park and started writing my

    newspaper article. I had prepared my whole portfolio sitting on thevery same bench. So I considered it lucky. It was surrounded byflowers, bushes and trees. It was a very quiet place to write.Meanwhile Tracy and Pat had woken up.Wheres Jess? Pat asked Tracy.Where do you expect to find her? Tracy replied.In the park. Pat replied.Very correct, dear. You are getting smarter in my company. Tracy

    replied.What do we do know? We have a day off and shes away. She alwaysruns away to the park and we end up getting bored. said Pat.I have a plan. We can enjoy without her also. Tracy replied.What is it asked Pat.This said Tracy holding a big folder.What is it? Pat asked.

    Its Jesss portfolio that she gave for the interview. It must bevery good. Otherwise she would not have been selected. Tracyreplied.Thats a very good idea. Bring it here and be careful it must beheavy. Pat replied.But unfortunately Tracy slipped and the contents of the folderscattered on the floor.What have you done Tracy? You have spilled the dustbin also. said

    Pat angrily.

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    Dont shout at me. Just come and help me. Trace told her.As they were collecting the papers, a paper came into Tracys hand.Pat look at this. This looks like a torn page from Jesss diaries. It

    has a date on it. she said.But why would she tear pages from her diaries? asked Pat.Maybe I know she replied and hand-overed the page to Pat.What is it? she asked.Two poems about something she never told us. Read it aloud. Tracysaid.Tears Came But U Didn't Come;Tears Came But U Didn't Come;Tears Came But U Didn't Come;Tears Came But U Didn't Come;Wait, Wait And All I Did Was Wait;Wait, Wait And All I Did Was Wait;Wait, Wait And All I Did Was Wait;Wait, Wait And All I Did Was Wait;

    Don't U Think I AmDon't U Think I AmDon't U Think I AmDon't U Think I Am DumbDumbDumbDumbI Know All U Have For Me Is HateI Know All U Have For Me Is HateI Know All U Have For Me Is HateI Know All U Have For Me Is HateUr Frndship Made Me StrongUr Frndship Made Me StrongUr Frndship Made Me StrongUr Frndship Made Me StrongBut Everything Has Undergone A ChangeBut Everything Has Undergone A ChangeBut Everything Has Undergone A ChangeBut Everything Has Undergone A ChangeEverything Is Now Going WrongEverything Is Now Going WrongEverything Is Now Going WrongEverything Is Now Going WrongUr Frndship Is Now Out Of RangeUr Frndship Is Now Out Of RangeUr Frndship Is Now Out Of RangeUr Frndship Is Now Out Of RangeMy Day Goes In Ur WaitMy Day Goes In Ur WaitMy Day Goes In Ur WaitMy Day Goes In Ur WaitMy Nite In Ur DreamsMy Nite In Ur DreamsMy Nite In Ur DreamsMy Nite In Ur DreamsSometimes I Laugh On My Own FateSometimes I Laugh On My Own FateSometimes I Laugh On My Own FateSometimes I Laugh On My Own FateMy Smile NowMy Smile NowMy Smile NowMy Smile Now Reflects ScreamsReflects ScreamsReflects ScreamsReflects ScreamsNow I Wont Disturb U In Ur Life BusyNow I Wont Disturb U In Ur Life BusyNow I Wont Disturb U In Ur Life BusyNow I Wont Disturb U In Ur Life BusyAnd Wont Make Anything For U DizzyAnd Wont Make Anything For U DizzyAnd Wont Make Anything For U DizzyAnd Wont Make Anything For U DizzyAll I'll Do Is WaitAll I'll Do Is WaitAll I'll Do Is WaitAll I'll Do Is WaitTo Melt Ur HateTo Melt Ur HateTo Melt Ur HateTo Melt Ur Hate

    Read the next one too.There is a hole in the heart;There is a hole in the heart;There is a hole in the heart;There is a hole in the heart;Given to me by a poisoned dart;Given to me by a poisoned dart;Given to me by a poisoned dart;Given to me by a poisoned dart;

    it is the only bane;it is the only bane;it is the only bane;it is the only bane;The only thing givinThe only thing givinThe only thing givinThe only thing giving me pain:g me pain:g me pain:g me pain:The poison I called love:The poison I called love:The poison I called love:The poison I called love:From the person I thought was dove:From the person I thought was dove:From the person I thought was dove:From the person I thought was dove:Oh baby u know him tooOh baby u know him tooOh baby u know him tooOh baby u know him tooCoz baby its youCoz baby its youCoz baby its youCoz baby its youYou knew that I loved u from startYou knew that I loved u from startYou knew that I loved u from startYou knew that I loved u from startThen why did u give me hole in my heartThen why did u give me hole in my heartThen why did u give me hole in my heartThen why did u give me hole in my heartThe emotion your memory createThe emotion your memory createThe emotion your memory createThe emotion your memory createMakes me laugh at my own fateMakes me laugh at my own fateMakes me laugh at my own fateMakes me laugh at my own fate

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    Now theNow theNow theNow theres a feeling newres a feeling newres a feeling newres a feeling newThats jealousy from youThats jealousy from youThats jealousy from youThats jealousy from youSomeone loved you madlySomeone loved you madlySomeone loved you madlySomeone loved you madlyTo Whom Ill refer to sadlyTo Whom Ill refer to sadlyTo Whom Ill refer to sadlyTo Whom Ill refer to sadly

    Coz u let her goCoz u let her goCoz u let her goCoz u let her goShe loves you till dateShe loves you till dateShe loves you till dateShe loves you till dateAnd all she does is waitAnd all she does is waitAnd all she does is waitAnd all she does is waitOh baby u know her tooOh baby u know her tooOh baby u know her tooOh baby u know her tooYes baby you doYes baby you doYes baby you doYes baby you doIts me who you deceivedIts me who you deceivedIts me who you deceivedIts me who you deceivedUnfortunately Love who never rUnfortunately Love who never rUnfortunately Love who never rUnfortunately Love who never receivedeceivedeceivedeceivedAll you wanted was a girl friendAll you wanted was a girl friendAll you wanted was a girl friendAll you wanted was a girl friend

    To be a part of the trendTo be a part of the trendTo be a part of the trendTo be a part of the trendI gave you myI gave you myI gave you myI gave you my heartheartheartheart and my souland my souland my souland my soulThat you returned with a holeThat you returned with a holeThat you returned with a holeThat you returned with a hole

    How touching! Pat exclaimed.How real! replied Tracy.What do you mean? Pat asked.Tracy gave Pat all the other pages too. They had found the lacunaeof my diaries and the part of my life I had hid from them. They both

    cried after reading my sad story and had understood why I had itfrom them. But they needed to know the whole story so they calledAdrian and Aaron. The two guys that could tell them what happenedhow and when?