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Marcello del Bono Except where otherwise noted, content on this presentation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License 1 Social Media 2008 -Betting on the innumerable futures – Milan BarCamp May 10, 2008 Marcello del Bono El tiempo se bifurca perpetuamente hacia innumerables futuros. J.L Borges

Collaborative Web, Italy. Next five years scenarios

May 06, 2015



My presentation given at Iwordcamp in Milan, Italy 10 may 2008
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Page 1: Collaborative Web, Italy. Next five years scenarios

Marcello del BonoExcept where otherwise noted, content on this presentation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License 1

Social Media 2008-Betting on the innumerable

futures –

Milan BarCampMay 10, 2008

Marcello del Bono

El tiempo se bifurca perpetuamente hacia innumerables futuros.

J.L Borges

Page 2: Collaborative Web, Italy. Next five years scenarios

Marcello del BonoExcept where otherwise noted, content on this presentation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License 2

Main question

What’s the role of Social media in the Italian Economy in the next five


Page 5: Collaborative Web, Italy. Next five years scenarios

Marcello del BonoExcept where otherwise noted, content on this presentation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License 5

… and Italian Economic Growth almost cancelled

Source: Eurostat

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Marcello del BonoExcept where otherwise noted, content on this presentation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License 6

but interactive marketers in USA plan increasing investments despite recession forecast


Page 7: Collaborative Web, Italy. Next five years scenarios

Marcello del BonoExcept where otherwise noted, content on this presentation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License 7

A new political environment(Italy, may 2008)

CAMERA SENATO 46,8% Il Popolo della Libertà, Lega Nord and Movimento per l'autonomia (340 seats)

47,3% Il Popolo della Libertà, Lega Nord and Movimento per l'autonomia (168 seats)

37,5% Partito Democratico and Italia dei Valori (239 seats)

38,0% Partito Democratico and Italia dei Valori (130 seats)

5,6% Unione di Centro (36 seats) 5,7% Unione di Centro (3 seats)

Source: Ministero dell’interno

Page 8: Collaborative Web, Italy. Next five years scenarios

Marcello del BonoExcept where otherwise noted, content on this presentation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License 8

Two speed Italy Vital and active minorities versus a vast, change-

adversed majority not considering any call to action (mucillaggine sociale)

Active minorities Change-adversed majorities Biotech and biogenetic research Fears of genetic research Developing international relations, studying abroad, erasmus, international start-ups

Focus only on the national or local area

Immigration is seen as an opportunity to growth

Stop the barbarians

Looking for new social cohesion in organizations, groups, associations,


Source: our elaboration on Censis, “Rapporto Annuale 2007”

Page 9: Collaborative Web, Italy. Next five years scenarios

Marcello del BonoExcept where otherwise noted, content on this presentation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License 9

Italy’s Innovation attitude

Source: Innovation scoreboard 2007 – European commission

SII- Innovation Index Rank


2003 2004 2005 2006 2007


• Overall innovation performance below EU average • High efficiency in transforming innovation inputs into Intellectual Property outputs, but a • Lower efficiency in transforming such inputs into Applications outputs

Page 10: Collaborative Web, Italy. Next five years scenarios

Marcello del BonoExcept where otherwise noted, content on this presentation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License 10

Internet and Broadband penetration

Online users (>1 during last 7 days), Italy.000

• Broadband penetration 10,1M users, 17,1% of Broadband penetration 10,1M users, 17,1% of population (EU27 average 20%)population (EU27 average 20%)

• Largest mobile market in EULargest mobile market in EU• Online public services above average (11° Online public services above average (11°

position)position)• 34% regular internet user 34% regular internet user • 58% of population have no Internet skills58% of population have no Internet skills

Source: Eurostat, European Commission, Eurisko (via

Page 11: Collaborative Web, Italy. Next five years scenarios

Marcello del BonoExcept where otherwise noted, content on this presentation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License 11

Advertising Investments and Media Usage, Italy

Classical Advertising value /GNPpercentages


1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Source:Nielsen Media research, IAB; FCP; FIEG

Minutes /day Days/YearTelevision 239 61Internet 58 15

Average usage, year 2006

ADVertising, Italy2006 2007

Adv expenses, .OOO Euros Jan/Dec Jan/Dec Var.%

TOTAL ADV 8.522.611 8.783.486 3,1TV 4.598.777 4.653.482 1,2

Press 3.012.439 3.101.542 3,0RADIO 440.665 476.090 8,0

INTERNET 197.577 281.934 42,7Street 196.963 200.649 1,9

CINEMA (**) 76.190 69.789 -8,4



Page 12: Collaborative Web, Italy. Next five years scenarios

Marcello del BonoExcept where otherwise noted, content on this presentation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License 12

Social Networks Market size in Italy- still an underdeveloped market -

Data Source: Datamonitor, eMarketer. Estimates for Italy: our elaboration

World Region %Multiple accounts 2007 230.000.000 ASIA Pacific 35%Single Users 54.000.000 EMEA 28%Revenues 2007, US$ 965.000.000 North America 25%Revenues 2012, U$S Caribbean Latin America 12%

Total 100%SN %Myspace 47,4% North America SNs revenuesFacebook 18,2% North America, 2007 241.250.000 Youtube 5,5% North America, 2012 500.000.000 Orkut 2,1% North America Online AD (US$, 2007) 20.800.000.000 Flickr 7,1% SNs/Internet Ratio 1,16%Daily Motion 2,0%Others 17,6% Estimates for ItalyTotal 100% Online Advertising Revenues 2007, US$ 482.785.000

Soc. Networks Revenues 2007, US$ 5.599.610

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Marcello del BonoExcept where otherwise noted, content on this presentation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License 15

Main drivers

Collaborative tools usage


ksThe w

hole population





es m



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Marcello del BonoExcept where otherwise noted, content on this presentation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License 16

Scenario Logic




ksThe w

hole population

Il GattopardoDrowning in the past

Two-speed tango 2.0 Future



es m



Collaborative tools usageX Today

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About me- Marcello del Bono -

He has worked as a Consultant since 1990 in Big 4 consultancies, Media and Television companies and as a free lance.

He has an MBA-Master of Business Administration awarded by the SDA Bocconi's School of Management in Milan, a Master in International Marketing and Trade, a Political Science-Economics Degree from the University of Milan. He is also internationally qualified as a Programme Manager and Project Manager.

He is looking for digital companies willing to be helped on Marketing and Business Development processes in Italy or across the world.

Web Linkedin Twitter marcello_delbono @