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Coffea - Genus, species, varieties

Mar 08, 2015



Raimond Feil
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Page 2: Coffea - Genus, species, varieties

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© Raimond Feil, 2011

All rights reserved.

Written: February - May 2010

First Published: May 2010

Updated: November - December 2010

Republished: March 2011

Translated by Kadri Koitsaar

Cover photo by Raimond Feil

Cover Designe by Nele Aunap

Given version is ment to copy and share.

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My biggest thanks go to Katriin Kütt who supported me throughout the whole project and withstood

all these endless hours I spent behind my computer, writing this piece. I also wish to thank her for

starting a sharp discussion when I presented her my freshly completed work instead of praising me

for getting it done finally – results of this discussion took the potential of this paper to a whole new

and much greater level.

Also, great thanks to my good friend, Jan Metus, who kindly agreed to overlook my finished piece and

correct found grammatical and syntactic mistakes. Of course I am sincerely thankful to all those who

showed their support and faith in me by a few kind and inspiring said or written words.

Thank you all.

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Contents PAGE

Forword 4

About 5

Part I

1. Introduction 6

2. Historical background 6

3. Botanical classification of coffee 7

4. Botanical introduction of Coffea 9

5. General distinctions between C. arabica and

C. canephora 10

Part II

6. List of species of coffee or Coffea 11

7. List and descriptions of varieties of C. arabica 14

8. List and descriptions of varieties of C. canephora 25

9. Appendixes 36

10. Glossary and references 31

11. Sources 32

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The current piece was born from a wish to find a source, listing all species of Coffea and all varieties

of C. arabica and C. canephora. Of course my desire was also not to find just long lists but also

illustrative texts informing me of different characteristics of Coffea, from their origin and discovery to

growth conditions, specifications and taste qualities. All I found was the knowledge that there is no

such thing, so I decided to use all written and virtual sources available to an average person and

create one myself.

I started my work by browsing through the Internet and my modest coffee book collection. First I

managed to create the long lists of species and varieties. At the same time I tried to make a record of

all the information about the listed species and varieties I could find, including a short history of the

topic and botany. It all resulted in a concoction of information waiting to be arranged and organized.

During my research I couldn’t stop marveling at the volume of information available. Of course there

were also many information gaps that needed to be filled. The closer I got to finishing my work, the

further the end seemed to be, as my mind just kept repeating „There is so much information and

thoughts to be written down and there will be more piling up soon!“.

When I started the present work, I didn’t think much about making it public, translating it, not to

mention publishing it in my blog – my goal was to create as thorough illustrated list of species and

varieties of coffee as possible and all of it for my private use. The further I got, the longer and more

detailed the article became and at one moment I came to an idea, soon to become almost an

obsession, that this article should take more academical form, therefore acquiring some stature and

credibility, whereupon I would be able to publish it in my personal blog space.

The next arising idea was to ask coffee experts and enthusiasts I knew personally if they would like to

see this article translated to English (original work is written in Estonian). The feedback was more

positive than I could expect, being therefore invigorating and inspiring. It filled me with satisfaction I

needed to continue my work on the current article. My final goal was to upgrade and finish the

writing, get it translated and make it available to all interested parties.

„The biggest joy is the joy of sharing!“

Raimond Feil,

Tallinn, September 20, 2010

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Given work is meant for all those interested in coffee, from professionals to pure coffee enthusiasts.

Therefore I have tried to use more simple style and avoid just listing all known facts, though it is not

completely avoidable in such cases, especially when describing the botanical side of things.

The work is divided into two parts. The first part deals with general information about species and

varieties, their historical background and botany. The second part includes a list of species of Coffea

and verieties of C. arabica and C. canephora. The list is illustrated with the information about species

and varieties available to me. At the end of the work I included all the appendixes and a list of sources

used. The appendixes embody some lists of coffee varieties, designed to help the enthusiasts to

orientate in the field of the varieties of C. arabica in a bit easier manner. Also I added a glossary with

explanations of words marked with tiny numbers throughout the work.

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1. Introduction

In connection with coffee varieties people have usually heard only of Arabica and Robusta. Actually

these are just two of the most grown coffee species, not varieties (except Robusta), in the world. In

fact there is more than 70 species and it is known that Coffea (hereafter: C.) arabica includes more

than 150 species and subspecies. The plant we consider as „Robusta“ is not Robusta at all botanically,

but a species of C. canephora, Robusta being just one of the most common variety of the mentioned


C. arabica forms about 65% of world’s coffee production and C. canephora correspondingly about

35%. Less known species like C. liberica and C. excelsa grow only in Western Africa and Asia and form

1-2% of world’s gross production. C. liberica and C. excelsa are grown for local use. Rest of the species

of Coffea have lower taste qualities, overall quality and caffeine concentration, making them

economically less important, less known and less used.

The goal of this work is to examine the origins of coffee, which groups, family and tribe it belongs to;

how does it divide into species and varieties; which are the major differences between C. arabica and

C. canephora; also to present a list of all possible species of Coffea; list as many varieties and sub-

varieties of C. arabica and C. canephora and put together descriptions of different varieties of C.


Considering species, this article concentrates mainly on C. arabica and C. canephora, as these two

species form the majority or ca 98-99% of the gross production of coffee in the world.

2. Historical background

Coffea arabica originates from Ethiopia or Empire of Ethiopia or Abyssinia¹ as it was called at the time

of discovery of coffee. According to one source, coffee originates from the highlands of Harrar in the

eastern part of Ethiopia, whereas other sources claim it to have descended from the highlands of

Kaffa Province, which was also known as Kingdom of Kaffa² during 1390 – 1897, in the southern parts

of modern Ethiopia. The exact story of discovery remains unfortunately unknown, but there exists a

myth3, telling the mythical story of its discovery (it exists in different versions) and which the coffee

historians have tried to use to filter out adequate information about the series of events.

Nevertheless it is a certain fact that the people in Middle Yemen drank coffee already in the middle of

15th century.

C. arabica plant was first described and classified by a Swede named Carl Linnaeus⁴ (Carl von Linné) in

1753. However, before Linné there was already a Latin description of the plant, though consisting only

of one sentence: „Jasminum arabicum, lauri folio, cujus femen apudnos coffee deciur.“ (Jussieu,

1713). (Translation: “Arab jasmine, with laurel type leaves, the beans of which we call coffee”.) C. von

Linné founded modern taxonomy and systematics of living organisms, therefore acting an important

role as a botanist in the current area. In his descriptions and classifications C. von Linné called the

coffee plant Coffea arabica – Arabian coffee. At the time, Europeans didn’t know that the coffee plant

had been brought in to Arabia, believing Arabia to be its place of origin. This belief was also

supported by C. von Linné.

In the modern world of coffee, the oldest varieties of C. arabica are considered to be Typica and

Bourbon. In this work I treat Typica as the oldest variety, as Bourbon seems to be the natural

mutation of Typica (though it must be recognized that all modern coffee varieties originate mainly

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from one or another). The mutation of Typica into Bourbon⁵ occurred on a tiny island called Bourbon

(modern Réunion⁶). Hence the name of the mutation – Bourbon.

So, the oldest known coffee sort might be considered to be Typica. Typica was taken from Ethiopia to

Yemen and from there to India, Indonesia, to the botanic gardens of Europe, where it moved on to

Central and Southern America. Typica and Bourbon are the ascendants of most modern coffee


Robusta, one of the sorts of C. Canephora, Robusta, was first discovered by two British explorers,

Richard Burton and John Speake, in 1862 (1857), during their expedition in Uganda, where they were

originally searching for the sources of river Nile. At the time the plant was used by Buganda

tribesmen in the rite of brotherhood⁷. C. canephora was rediscovered in Congo (modern name:

Democratic Republic of the Congo) in 1898 by Emil Laurent⁸. Around year 1900 many different

varieties of C. canephora were brought to island of Java to test and see the nature of the plant.

Robusta became the main variety of C. canephora in Indonesia. The specie as a whole was taken into

global use for economical purposes around year 1905 and in 1910 the plants replaced most of C.

liberica and C. arabica species, which used to be the main cultures grown in Indonesia. Robusta got

its name later, when a Belgian company started to market it under the name „Robusta“. Some started

to call it „C. robusta“, though it already had been named C. laurentii after its discoverer (Emil

Laurent). Robusta was so successful that other countries began to plant it either side by side with C.

arabica or in place of those species destroyed by Coffee Leaf Rust (Hemileia vastatrix) since 1886⁹.

3. Botanical classification of coffee

C. arabica and C. canephora are species that are part of the Coffea genus including more than 70

species. Coffea genus ranks under the Rubiaceae family with more than 500 species, which is part of

the Rubiales order. Next I will point out the whole botanic order from Plantae to Coffea. At the same

time I try to explain what every family, tribe, subfamily, order etc. means.

The reader must consider that modern classing system for coffee (or other plants) is not final but is

still being altered and updated by botanists and other scientists.

i. Botanical classification (affiliation) of Coffea:

Plantae → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Spermatophyta → Angiospermae → Tricolpate (Eudicots)

→ Core Tricolpate (Core Eudicots) → Asterids (Sympetales) → Core Asterids → Euasterids I →

Gentianales → Rubiaceae → Coffea

ii. Botanical classification (affiliation) of Coffea, with explanations:

Plantae – a kingdom of plants. Includes all plants.

Embryophytes – (green) plants growing on mainland.

Tracheophytes – (known as vascular plants) is the biggest group of plants with ca 260 000 species.

They have well developed tissues for transporting fluids: xylem – for transporting water and phloem –

for transporting sugars created during the process of photosynthesis. („Vascular“ means a vessel, like

a blood vessel, through which the fluids flow.

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Spermatophyta – (also Phanerogams [in Greek "Σπερματόφυτα"]) are seed plants. It is the phylum of

vascular plants, including plants reproducing by the use of seeds, opposed to spore bearing plants

which use spores for reproduction.

Angiospermae - (Magnoliophyta). Angiosperms or flowering plants (Anthophyta) form the biggest

phylum of plants using photosynthesis to produce much needed nutrients. Major part of the

Tracheopyte phylum is formed by flowering plants or Angiospermae. There are circa 12000 known

species of flowering plants.

Tricolpates, (Eudicots) – (Eudicotyledons/dicotyledons). Dicotyledons, also known as dicots (di-

standing for „two“), is a group of flowering plants whose seed typically has two embryonic leaves or

cotyledons. This major group is also considered to be monophyletic (the plant originates from the

one common ancestor and from all of its successors). Corresponding specification is based on the

pollen of the plant under the subclassification of tricolpate (at least this type of pollen has had its

effect on it) and also on the nucleotide sequencing of rbcL, atpB and 18S rDNA . Dicotyledons or

eudicots are also known under the name tricolpate. This designation refers to the structure of pollen.

The number of grooves/pores on the pollen is of help when classifying flowering plants. Plants of this

current group have pollen of tricolpate type or forms of pollen derived from that. This means that

these grooves (which are called colpi) on pollen grains have three or more pores (tricolpate: tri- kolpi

[three colpis, singular - colpus]). Eudicots have three pores (tricolpate).

Core Tricolpates, (Core Eudicots) –

Asterideae, (Sympetalae) – is a group characterized by petals adjoining into a tubular form. This

major group also includes plants whose ova have only one protective layer (usually the plants

belonging to a group of Angiospermae have two protective layers). Most of the ova of the plants in

that group have a megasporangium (sporangium or sporangia is a plant structure containing or

producing spores) with a thin wall. (A germ or spore is a special reproductive cell specialized on the

spread of some system or keeping it alive throughout some period of time in case of adverse

environmental conditions). Sympetalae (in Greek – sympetaleia) means „ together“.

Core Asterids –

Euasterids I – subgroup of Core Asterids.

Gentianales – is a phylum of flowering plants from the class of dicotyledones. Gentianales are easily

distinguishable by two stipules (in Latin - stipulae) anchoring reciprocally on the petiole. Stipules are a

small excrescence resembling to leaves.

Rubiaceae – is a family of Madder. This family includes many bushes but also some trees, lianas and

herbs. Leaves are located reciprocally in pairs. The usually bisexual blooms have 4-5 sepals (calyx), 4-5

petals (corolla), 4-5 stamens and two carpels.

Coffea – coffee plants.

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4. Botanical introduction of Coffea

In botany the coffee tree classifies as a bush. The plant can grow up to 6m in height and it will give

crop on its 3-5th year. The leaves are sinewy, oblong, sturdy, leathery and dark green. Young leaves

can also be green or bronzed¹º. The blooms are white and grow in clusters, their shape and smell

resembles to the one of jasmine blooms. For C. arabica it takes 6-9 months for the blooms to turn

into berries and for C. canephora 9-11 months (for comparison: it takes 11-12 months for C. excelsa

and 12-14 months for C. liberica). Of course the exact time depends on variety, climate, growing

height, type of the shadowing and many other conditions. From the botanic point of view the coffee

tree produces drupes¹¹ not berries. Nevertheless, coffee berries are called coffee cherries due to their

resemblance to cherries¹². Each coffee cherry has two, sometimes only one, seed or peaberry¹³.

Processed coffee seeds are usually called coffee beans. One hectare can hold approximately 2500-

3300 C. arabica coffee trees, but only 1250-2220 C. canephora plants. By the way, one C. arabica tree

produces approximately 1,4-2,5kg of coffee berries in a year. Real output depends on the variety,

condition of the plantation, its type and the denity of plants. On an average, the plantations of C.

arabica give approximately 600kg of coffee berries per hectare and from 100kg of coffee berries it is

possible to get only 19kg of green coffee beans.

C. arabica originates from the Ethiopian highlands, from areas between 1300-2200m in height, which

means that such heights are a natural habitat for C. arabica and the fruits of the plant cultivated on

suitable heights taste better. C. canephora, on the other hand, originates from tropical central and

maritime parts of West Africa, from heights below 1000m above sea level. So generally C. canephora

is grown on heights between 0 to 600m above sea level, as the plant prefers a warmer environment

compared to C. arabica.

C. arabica grows in two climate zones: in subtropics and tropics. Between the latitudes of 16-24° in

subtropics exists a clearly distinguishable rainy and dry season, growing heights are rather moderate,

circa 600-1200m above sea level. Such climate allows blooming on a rainy season and ripening and

harvesting on a dry and cool fall-winter season. Best coffee verieties in subtropical zone grow far from

vast water bodies. Dry season, allowing drying the coffee on the fields without rushing, gives coffee of

greater fullness and of lower or medium acidity. In tropical zone (lower than 10°), the growing heights

stay between 1200-2100 (2500)m above sea level. This results in major temperature variations,

especially in higher areas and also sunlight of greater intenseness. Frequent rain causes almost

constant blooming, therefore giving two harvesting seasons. Main harvesting period will be

determined on the basis of heavier monsoon, the other according to a period of lesser rain, both last

approximately 4-5 months. Great growing heights give coffee of good quality and high acidity. In

colder areas the ripening of the berries will be late and irregular. If the temperature drops under 4°C,

the plant might suffer injuries or die. In hot and moist conditions blooms die massively, therefore

resulting in low crop capacity with inferior quality.

C. canephora is a coffee plant grown on tropical lowlands (below latitude 10°) up to heigh of 1000m

above sea level. C. canephora plants bear high temperatures and greater moisture better than the

ones of C. arabica. However, they are more sensitive towards cold.

All species of Coffea are diploids, meaning they have 11 pairs of chromosomes¹⁴ in one cell, except for

C. arabica, which uniquely has 11 quadruple sets of chromosomes, making it a tetraploid. The main

difference between di- and tetraploid lies in the fact that the cells of a tetraploidal plant are bigger as

they contain more compounds and more solid matter. Therefore the water content of tetraploidal

cells is also larger. The bigger number of chromosomes in tetraploidal cells also means that these

plants contain two times more genetical information than usual, therefore giving the breeders more

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opportunities for experimentation and breeding compared to diploids. The mutation and breeding of

the plant are also affected by the fact if the plant is self pollinating or cross pollinating. Cross

pollinating plant, like C. canephora, becomes impregnated only by the plant next to it, whereas the

self-pollinating plant, like C. arabica, does not need other plant for that. In case of cross pollination

the other plant may also be of other species or varieties, creating greater opportunities for creating

mutations and breeding.

Seeds of C. canephora are usually small, round, with slightly sharp tips and tawny in color. Seeds of C.

arabica are usually bigger than those of C. canephora (it might be caused by the number of

chromosomes in the cell) and oval, with one side completely flat or concave and green or glaucous in

color. Color depth (darkness and blueness) depends of the growing height. The higher ground the

bluer the seed. Color of the seed is also dependent of air density – the higher the ground, the thinner

the air and the darker and bluer the seeds. Thus the tawny color of the seeds of C. canephora is a

result of low growing heights, where the air is denser and seed lighter. The deeper the color, the

heavier the structure and vice versa.

5. General distinctions between C. arabica and C. canephora

Below I have drawn a table featuring main differences between C. arabica and C. canephora: (I also

added two similar tables, drawn up by Illy and ICO, in the appendixes.)

Title C. arabica C. canephora

Chromosomes (2n) 44 22

Pollination of plant self pollinating cross pollinating

Time from blooming to ripening 9 months 10 - 11 months

Blooming after rain irregularly

Trees per 1ha (on an average) 2500-3300 trees 1250-2500 trees

Productivity (ha) 1500 - 3000kg 2300 - 4000kg

Root system deep low

Average temperature 18 - 22°C 22 - 28°C

Rainfall in a year 1400 - 2000mm 2000 - 2500mm

Altitude 800 - 2500m 0 - 700m

Caffeine content 0,8 - 1,4% 1,7 - 4,0%

Taste qualities sweet, berryish woody, bitter, plump

Seeds big, oval, green tiny, stubby, yellowish

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6. List of species of coffee or Coffea

1) C. abeokutae

2) C. affinis – a hybrid of C. stenophylla and C. liberica.

3) C. ambongensis

4) C. anthonyi – was discovered from the periphery of Southeast Cameroon and North Congo.

The plant has tiny leaves. Its caffeine content is 0,62% and content of chlorogenic acid is


5) C. arabica – Arabic coffee. (read part one of given paper)

6) C. arabusta – C. arabica+C. canephora – sometimes considered to be simply a variety.

Arabustas are type F1 hybrids cultivated on the coast of Cote d’Ivoire and it can mainly be

found in Africa.

7) C. arnoldiana

8) C. aruwimiensis

9) C. augagneuri – allegedly caffeine-free species containing a substance called cafemarin, which

makes its seeds unfit for consumption. The species originates from the Comoro Islands or


10) C. bengalensis – a Bengalian coffee.

11) C. bertrandi

12) C. bissetiae

13) C. boinensis

14) C. bonnieri - allegedly caffeine-free species containing a substance called cafemarin, which

makes its seeds unfit for consumption. The species originates from the Comoro Islands or


15) C. brevipes

16) C. canephora – a „Robusta“ coffee. (read part one of given paper)

17) C. charrieriana – caffeine-free coffee originating from Cameroon and discovered in year 1983.

This is the first known naturally caffeine-free coffee. It originates from the territory of Bakoss

Forest Reserve in the Southwest region of Cameroon. The plant got its name after Professor

A. Charrier, who led the coffee breeding research in IRD for the last 30 years of the 20th


18) C. congensis – a Congo coffee. Was discovered in the watershed of the Congo River during


19) C. costatifructa

20) C. dewevrei – Excelsa coffee.

21) C. dolichopylla

22) C. dybowskii

23) C. eketensis

24) C. eugenioides var. kivuensis

25) C. excelsea – a Liberian coffee. Discovered in 1905 by A. Chevalier in West Africa, in the region

of Char River, near Lake Chad. The plant has dark green leaves; its blossoms are big and white,

berries short and wide and seeds smaller than those of C. canephora. The caffeine content of

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C. excelsa is high. C. excelsa is closely related to C. liberica. It originates from the wooded

country of Central and West Africa. According to Ukers it is one of the varieties of C. liberica.

26) C. farafanganensis

27) C. fedanii

28) C. gallienii – allegedly caffeine-free species containing a substance called cafemarin, which

makes its seeds unfit for consumption. The species originates from the Comoro Islands or


29) C. heterocalyx

30) C. humblotiana

31) C. humilis

32) C. kapakata

33) C. khasiana

34) C. labatii

35) C. lamboray

36) C. laurentii

37) C. laurentii gillet

38) C. liberica - var’s. Liberica, Dewevrei, Excelsa, Dybowskii – a Liberian coffee. C. liberica was

discovered in Sierra Leone in 1792 and Liberia in 1841. Approximately in 1875 the Dutch took

C. liberica to Indonesia. Generally, C. liberica originates from the lowlands of the coast of

West Africa. C. liberica is a very high plant, which grows up to 5-10m in height and which can

be found mostly in Malaysia, Vietnam, Philippines and West Africa. The plant gives big berries

and seeds. The beans are oblong, sharp on the ends, and tawny in color. Its flesh is thick,

making it hard to process. Leaves are big, the size of about 4 palms, and resinous. Kape

Baraco originates from the Philippines and is one of the varieties of C. liberica. The taste is

considered to be poorer than the one of C. canephora’s.

39) C. liberica „Koto“

40) C. ligustroides

41) C. macrocarpa

42) C. madagascarensis

43) C. madurensis

44) C. magnistipula

45) C. mascarenes

46) C. mauritiana – originates from Bourbon Island. The first one to describe it was Lamarck in


47) C. millotii

48) C. mogeneti – allegedly caffeine-free species containing a substance called cafemarin, which

makes its seeds unfit for consumption. The species originates from the Comoro Islands or


49) C. mufindiensis

50) C. namorokensis

51) C. pervilleana

52) C. perrieri

53) C. pocsii

54) C. pseudozanguebariae – was discovered in the borderlands of Kenya and Tanzania. The plant

has thin leaves; its berries are purplish black. It is a caffeine-free species.

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55) C. pterocarpa

56) C. racemosa – someone called de Loureiro picked it up in 1790 in Mozambique. According to

Illy the berries ripen within 3 months.

57) C. resinosa (Coffea swynertonii)

58) C. sakarahae

59) C. salvatrix

60) C. schumanniana

61) C. sessiliflora

62) C. sp. „Mayombe“

63) C. sp. „Moloundou“

64) C. sp. „Ngongo 2“

65) C. sp. „Ngongo“

66) C. sp. Heterocalyx

67) C. sp.“ Nkoumbala“

68) C. stenophylla – was discovered in 1840s in Sierra Leone. Its berries are purple, leaves narrow

and sharp on the end. As to its taste qualities and productivity it resembles C. arabica. The

main weakness of C. stenophylla is the time it needs for the crop to ripen, which is much

longer than the one of C. arabica.

69) C. tetrandra

70) C. zanguebariae

71) C. wanni rukula

72) C. wightiana

73) P. (Psilanhtus¹⁵) mannii

74) P. ebracteolatus

75) P. travancorensis

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7. List and descriptions of varieties of C. arabica

1) Acaiá – a hybrid of Mundo Novo from Brazil. The plant has big leaves and berries. Its main

shortages are sensibility towards various coffee diseases and bug attacks. Acaiá is a rather

rare variety.

2) Agaro – a coffee variety originating from Ethiopia.

3) Alghe – a coffee variety originating from Ethiopia.

4) Amarella/Amarello – its berries are yellow as the variety name also refers. Amarella is not a

common plant.

5) Amarello de Botocatu – a sub-variety of Typica with yellow berries. Might be identical to


6) Angustifolia – originates from the plantation of P. J. S. Cramer¹⁶. The plant has narrow leaves,

oblong berries and its productivity is quite low.

7) Apoatà -

8) Arabigo – a natural mutation of Typica, which can be found in South- and Latin America.

9) Arla – is an Indonesian hybrid of C. canephora and C. arabica.

10) Arusha – a sub-variety of Bourbon originating from Papua New Guinea.

11) Barbuk Sudan – was discovered in 1940s in Boma plateau in Sudan (Ethiopia).

12) Bedesa -

13) Bergendal – a sub-variety of Typica. One of the few that managed to survive the Leaf Rust

epidemic in Indonesia in 1880s.

14) Blawan Paumah – a sub-variety of Typica originating from Sumatra, also grown in the eastern

parts of Java.

15) Blue Mountain (Jamaica Blue Mountain) – is claimed to be a mix of Typica and various other

varieties. Originally was grown in Jamaican Blue Mountains. Over time people started to call it

after its place of origin or Blue Mountain. Now it is being cultivated too on Kona Island in

Hawaii, where it is known under the name Guatemala. Genetically these two are

undistinguishable. Beginning from 1913 it is being cultivated also in West Kenya (in other

parts of Kenya the variety didn’t begin to grow). Blue Mountain is resistant to coffee berry

disease and capable of growing on great heights. Nevertheless, it is not capable of

acclimatizing in all climate conditions and keeps the high taste qualities irrespective of


16) Bogor Prada – a hybrid of C. arabica and C. canephora. Originates from Indonesia.

17) Bourbon (French Mission) – a natural mutation of Typica, originates from Bourbon island

(nowadays called Réunion, since 1848), where the Frenchmen planted it in 1708. The plant

was brought in from Yemen (according to some sources it was acquired from the Dutch.

There is also a possibility that this plant originates from Yemen and was passed on by the

Dutch). Bourbon is also known under the name French Mission after the French missionaries

who brought the coffee variety from the island to the East African mainland in 1897.

Bourbon’s productivity is 20-30% higher compared to Typica, but it is nevertheless considered

to be a variety with small productivity compared to other common coffee plants. Bourbon is

less conical of shape than Typica but has more secondary branches. The angle of secondary

branches towards the trunk is smaller and the arrangement of branches is side by side or

close. Leaves are wide and fluctuant on the edges. Berries are rather small and thick and

stand in clusters in intervals of one knob. They ripen quickly and will drop easily in the

periods of strong wind and rain. The berries can also be: red, yellow or pink, according to the

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sub-variety. Red, yellow and pink Bourbon are varieties with natural mutations of one

recessive gene. Color of the berry is affected by the mentioned gene. The best coffee quality

is achieved when the plant’s growing ground stays in the range of 1050-2000m above sea

level. Bourbon is known for its complex acidity and wonderful balance. Fullness is low.

According to Willem boot, the acidity of Bourbon is intense and aftertaste winy and sweet.

Bourbon grown in highlands is said to include always some floral aroma.

1. Red Bourbon (red) -

2. Yellow Bourbon – is it thought to have arisen as a result of crossing of Amarello de

Botocatu and red Bourbon. Yellow Bourbon originates from Brazil.

3. Pink Bourbon -

4. Bourbon Pointu -

18) Bugishu – common in Uganda.

19) Bullata – originates from the plantation of P. J. S. Cramer. Has wide leaves with wavy edges.

Branches are thick, stiff and fragile. Berries are rich in flesh and often with empty seeds.

20) C387 -

21) Castillo (F10) – considered to be high quality Colombia (sub-variety of Colombia) and it has

become the most grown coffee variety in Columbia.

22) Catimor – hybrid of Hibrido de Timor and Caturra that was bred in 1959 in Portugal. Breeding

gave a plant with high productivity and resistance towards coffee berry disease and leaf rust,

which was the main goal of the scientists. Berries ripen early but in order to guarantee high

productivity the plant needs correct fertilizing and shading. In low growth heights there is

little or no sensory difference between Catimor and other C. arabica varieties. Distinction in

taste comes to the fore when the plants are planted higher than 1200m above sea level. In

such case Caturra, Bourbon and CatuaÍ have better taste qualities than Catimor. The plant

was introduced in Brazil in 1970. Some years later it was widely spread in Latin America by

„experts“. Later it appeared that this variety lacks the quality needed for wider marketing,

leaving many farmers growing Catimor in great difficulties. In Indonesia, Catimor has a short

life span – around 10 years. Its branch is ramified similarly to C. canephora plants. Acidity

features often some bitterness, astringency and somewhat salty aftertaste.

1. Catimor T-8667 – is a rather short plant with very big berries and seeds.

2. Catimor T-5269 – a strong plant that adapts well on growing heights between

600-900m above sea level with rainfall more than 3000mm per annum.

3. Catimor T-5175 – is a productive and robust plant that doesn’t tolerate very low

and very high growing conditions.

23) Catisic – „variety“ of Catimor in El Salvador.

24) Catrenic – „variety“ of Catimor in Nicaragua. Growing begin from 1980s.

25) CatuaÍ – a hybrid of Mundo Novo and yellow Caturra originating from Brazil from late 1940s.

Forms ca 50% of all the coffee varieties grown in the country. The plant is low in height,

wherefore it is considered to be a dwarf. It is very resistant towards elemental forces like

strong wind and rain as its berries will not drop easily. Other branches form an acute angle in

relation to the stem. CatuaÍ is a plant of high productivity and it can be planted very closely.

For best results it needs sufficient and correct fertilization and care. It is widely spread in Latin

America. Berries can be red or yellow. It is a common opinion that there is no difference in

taste of the seeds from yellow and red berries, but some sources¹⁷ claim the taste qualities of

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yellow CatuaÍ to be lower, as the coffee cools down, the aftertaste acquires unclean

mouthfeel reminding petroleum, as red CatuaÍ preserves the purity of its taste.

The most stable taste quality is its sweetness, which is mainly dependent on fertilization.

Right fertilization gives greater sweetness. Natural compost also intensifies the sweetness

and improves the overall taste.

1. CatuaÍ Amarelo (yellow) -

2. CatuaÍ Vermelho (red) -

3. CatuaÍ 8 -

4. CatuaÍ 10 -

26) CatucaÍ -

27) Caturra – a mutation of Bourbon discovered in Brazil, near town called Caturra in 1937.

Originally it was grown in Minas Gerais region in Brazil, later Caturra was spread all over the

Latin America. Caturra has high productivity (it tops the productivity of Bourbon by 200kg /ha

and in good conditions even by more than two tons per hectare) and good quality but it

needs constant care, trimming and fertilizing. It can be planted very closely, up to 10 000

trees per 1 ha (usually 6000 trees per ha). The plant is short, with stout trunk and has many

secondary branches. Due to its small growth it is considered to be a dwarf. Caturra has big

leaves with wavy edges. It acclimatizes well with various surroundings but best results are

achieved at 800m, with average rainfall of 2500-3500mm. Greater heights raise the taste

quality but reduce its productivity. Today, Caturra is most common in Columbia, Costa Rica

and Nicaragua, but not in Brazil, its country of origin. Caturra is a coffee with rich acidity, with

top notes of citrus fruits and orange, low to medium fullness and with less purity and

sweetness compared to Bourbon. Acidity increases with greater heights.

1. Caturra Amarelo – berries of yellow Caturra might ripen faster than those of red

Caturra, also its ripe berries drop down earlier that those of red Caturra. Yellow color

is caused by recessive gene. Its taste quality is considered to be a bit weaker

compared to red Caturra.

2. Caturra Velmelho -

3. Caturra „Lerdo“ – A mutation discovered recently in Costa Rica. Taste quality is low.

28) Cauvery – claimed to be a sub-variety of Catimor in India. Locals started to grow it from the

late 1980s.

29) Cepac 1 – is a local bred hybrid in Bolivia that is suitable for low growing conditions of about

400/500m above sea level. Cepac varieties were created in 2005 by the CEPAC institution,

being one branch of the Brazilian National Botanics Development Centre. These varieties

were created for distribution amongst poor locals and indigenious so they could start their

own coffee plantations and improve their economic situation.

30) Cepac 2 –

31) Cepac 3 –

32) Cera – originates from Brazil.

33) Chickumalgu – is a natural Indian mutation of Typica.

34) Colombia (Variedad Colombia) – is a variety bred from Catimor in Columbia in 1985. The

variety was bred to fight different diseases and to increase productivity. During the last

twenty years, Colombia has been the breeding base for different sub-varietie - F1-F10. The

sort gives both red and yellow berries. Despite the high acidity they usually lack of strong

sweetness and purity in taste.

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35) Columnaris – originates from the plantation of P. J. S. Cramer and is a very robust plant. It can

grow up to 7,5m in height. Leaves are round. Productivity is low and it grows in a very dry


36) Costa Rica 95 – originates from Costa Rica.

37) Creole – a Latin American mutation of Typica.

38) Criollo/Criolla – a natural mutation of Typica common in Peru, Bolivia and Columbia.

Allegedly in some South and Latin American states Typica is called Criollo.

39) Coorg – was grown in India in 1870s.

40) Dalle – is a variety considered by Wintgens to be a „spontaneous accession“. The variety

originates from Ethiopia and it was spread in Tanzania, Kenya, Kivu and India during 1930-

1955. Here we are talking about seeds gathered from individual trees whose descendants go

through changes on genetical level and form a separate so called variety.

41) Deiga/Dega – is a variety of Ethiopian origin.

42) Devamachy – is an Indian hybrid of C. canephora and C. arabica discovered in 1930s.

43) Di-haploid -

44) Dilla – is a variety considered by Wintgens to be a „spontaneous accession“. The variety

originates from Ethiopia and it was spread in Tanzania, Kenya, Kivu and India during 1930-

1955. Here we are talking about seeds gathered from individual trees whose descendants go

through changes on genetical level and form a separate so called variety.

45) Ennarea - is a variety considered by Wintgens to be a „spontaneous accession“. The variety

originates from Ethiopia and it was spread in Tanzania, Kenya, Kivu and India during 1930-

1955. Here we are talking about seeds gathered from individual trees whose descendants go

through changes on genetical level and form a separate so called variety.

46) Erecta – originates from the plantation of P. J. S. Cramer and nowadays is common in

Indonesia and Kenya. Erecta is stronger than other variety of C. arabica, but similar in terms

of productivity. Suitable for areas with strong winds.

47) Essaii -

48) E-238 -

49) E-536 -

50) ET-5 -

51) ET-6 -

52) ET-12 -

53) ET-18 -

54) ET-32B -

55) ET-52 -

56) ET-59 -

57) Garica -

58) Garnica – a variety similar to CatuaÍ in Mexico, a hybrid of Mundo Novo and yellow Caturra.

59) Garundang – a natural mutation of Typica in Sumatra.

60) Geisha/Gesha – a very rare variety that was rediscovered in Panama in 2005. In 1931, a

British ambassador of that time picked (probably from different coffee trees) a bunch of

coffee berries in the southwest part of Ethiopia, near a town called Geisha¹⁸ to use them in

his research. In 1932, the seeds were exported to Kenya to Kitale centre under the name of

Abyssinia or Geisha. In 1936, the sprouts from Geisha seeds were sent to Kwanda station in

Uganda and Lyamungu station in Tanzania. In 1953 (1956), the Geisha seeds were sent from

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Tanzania to Costa Rica CATIE centre¹⁹ where the attempts to grow Geisha began. In 1963, first

Geisha seeds were brought from Costa Rica to Panama by a man called Don Pachi Serracin.

Original attempts to grow Geisha in Panama and Costa Rica were aborted as the plant gave

poor taste qualities. Later it appeared that the bad taste quality was caused by too low

growing altitude.

Geisha is considered to be a coffee with „the most brilliantly complex and intense flavor

profile of all“²º. Nowadays, Geisha is mainly grown in Panama and Costa Rica. Best quality is

achieved when the growing height goes above 1500m, but for the perfect taste, the height

has to be quite punctual. Trees are high and rarefied. Leaves are oblong and narrow. Oblong

are also berries and seeds. Geisha is considered to be a plant of low productivity. It is

resistant towards leaf rust and also a fungus called Ojo de Gallo. During roasting, Geisha is

claimed to act similar to Harrar coffee of Ethiopian origin. After the first crack it tends to roast

quickly, therefore it is recommended to roast it on medium heat in the first phase of roasting.

Geisha has rich and sweet, extremely pure taste and intensive aroma of berries, citrus fruits,

mango, papaya or peach. Stumptown describes Geisha as following: „To date, it is the

champion of coffee varietals“²º.

61) Gimma – is a variety considered by Wintgens to be a „spontaneous accession“. The variety

originates from Ethiopia and it was spread in Tanzania, Kenya, Kivu and India during 1930-

1955. Here we are talking about seeds gathered from individual trees whose descendants go

through changes on genetical level and form a separate so called variety.

62) Goiaba -

63) Guatemala -

64) Harrar -

65) Hibrido de Timor (HdT) – a natural hybrid of C. arabica and C. canephora, discovered in 1920s

in Timor. The name Hibrido de Timor is used in South and Latin America. In Indonesia, the

variety is known as Tim Tim or Bor Bor. The variety is cultivated mainly for its good resistance

towards leaf rust. Hibrido de Timor has found extensive use in different breeding projects

with the purpose to breed sorts with higher resistance towards leaf rust. For example:

Catimor, Sarchimor in Brazil, Ruiru 11 in Kenya, Colombia in Columbia and Costa Rica 95 in

Costa Rica. They all lack of good taste qualities due to their C. canephora genes. In 1950s, it

was planned to replace all other varieties of C. arabica in Timor with Hibrido de Timor.

66) IAPAR 95 – is a sub-variety of Sarchimor in Brazil, released in 1993 by IAPAR.

67) ICAFE 95 – is a sub-variety of Catimor in Costa Rica. Growing of this sub-variety began in


68) Icatú – is a hybrid bred in Brazil. During the breeding a hybrid of Bourbon and Robusta was

crossed with different varieties of C.arabica, like Caturra and Mundo Novo. It is known that

the plant existed already in 1985, but its official vintage year is 1993. Icatú is a high tree with

big berries. Favorable growing height begins on 800m above sea level. It is highly resistant

towards the leaf rust disease. Its crop is 30-50% larger compared to Mundo Novo. Icatú is

considered to be a capable variety as in 2008 it figured in Cup of Excellence. Typical taste

qualities are: low acidity, medium to high body and sweetness resembling to dark chocolate.

69) IHCAFE 90 – is a variety of Catimor in Honduras. Growing began in the early 1980s.

70) Jackson – is a sub-variety of Bourbon, grown in Rwanda and Burundi.

71) Jamaique -

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72) Java – has gotten its name after Java Island. P. J. S. Cramer brought a selection of varieties of

C. arabica in 1928 from Ethiopia to Java Island. Later the descendants of those varieties were

taken to Cameroon. The seeds and berries of Java are oblong. Young leaves are bronzed. In

Cameroon conditions it gives 1,5-2 tons of coffee per 1 ha, whereas Caturra and Mundo Novo

give only 1 ton of coffee per 1 ha in same conditions.

73) Javanica -

74) Jember (S795) – look S795.

75) K 7 – is a coffee variety bred in Kenya similar to SL²¹ varieties. K 7 was bred of two French

Mission coffee trees from Muhoron Legetet plantation. The plant has narrow leaves with

coppery tips. During its first years the plant displayed strong resistance towards the leaf rust

disease. Second and third generations were resistant towards any diseases. The taste quality

puts K 7 rather in Ruiru 11 class.

76) K 20 – was bred in Kenya from high growing French Mission trees in Kiambu Kentmere

plantations. The purpose of breeding was to raise the taste qualities but the plant was highly

receptive to coffee berry disease.

77) Kaffa - is a variety considered by Wintgens to be a „spontaneous accession“. The variety

originates from Ethiopia and it was spread in Tanzania, Kenya, Kivu and India during 1930-

1955. Here we are talking about seeds gathered from individual trees whose descendants go

through changes on genetical level and form a separate so called variety.

78) Kalimas – is a hybrid of C. arabica and C. liberica, created after the great orange leaf rust

epidemic that ravaged in the second half of 19th century in Indonesia.

79) Kartika – grows in Indonesia.

80) Kawisari – is another hybrid of C. arabica and C. liberica, created after the great orange leaf

rust epidemic in the second half of 19th century in Indonesia.

81) Kent – according to one source, Kent is a natural mutation of Typica discovered in India.

According to others it was bred in Kenya in 1911. During the breeding different varieties of

Tanganyika were used from Mysore, India. From 1920 Kent was planted widely in India. In

1934, Kent was planted to Meru in Kenya. Sort has high productivity and partial resistance

towards the leaf rust disease.

82) Kenya Selected (K.S.) – in the middle of 1920s, A.D. Trench used French Mission (Bourbon)

coffee to breed a variety called Kenya Selected. A.D. Trench was a coffee officer of the

colonial government. Later he introduced in addition to Trench Kenya Selected also varieties

called „Series A“ and „Series B“.

83) K.S. Series A – resistant to cold and hot climate conditions.

84) K.S. Series B – resistance qualities resemble to Harrar of Ethiopian origin.

85) Kona – a hybrid of Typica, grows on the islands of Hawaii.

86) Kubure -

87) Kurumè/Kurumia -

88) Laurina – according to P. J. S. Cramer it is a hybrid of C. arabica and C. mauritiana. Originates

from the plantation of P.J.S. Cramer in Bagelan from the early 1900s. The plant has small and

narrow leaves and berries and seeds are also narrow and oblong. According to Wintgens

Laurina or Bourbon Pointu originates from Réunion. Laurina is a sub-variety of Bourbon with

recessive gene mutation, which gives this variety very low caffeine concentration (0,6%).

Laurina is a plant with low productivity.

89) Lempira – considered being a sub-variety of Catimor in Honduras.

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90) Machacamarca – a hybrid of Typica or a Bolivian name for Typica.

91) Maracatu(ra) – a Brazilian hybrid of Maragogype and Caturra. It can mainly be found in Brazil,

El Salvador and Nicaragua. It has big leaves and berries. In terms of taste Maracatura has

strong and with diverse mature fruity acidity.

92) Maragogype/Maragogipe – a mutation of Typica, which was discovered in Brazil in

Maragojipe region of Bahia state. Maragogype is a big and high plant with very big leaves. Its

berries and seeds are at least twice the size of a normal coffee berries/seeds. Despite its size,

the plant has a low productivity. Maragogype acclimatizes the best in heights of 600-750m

above sea level. The plant is spread all over Latin America, but it is most common in Brazil,

Guatemala and Mexico. Maragogype can have a havy body in mouthfeel and citrusy and

flowery in taste. Taste qualities of Maragogype are often unstable.

93) Mayaguez – a sub-variety of Bourbon, grown in Rwanda and Burundi. Also known under the

name of Bourbon Mayaguez.

94) Menosperma – originating from the plantation of P. J. S. Cramer. A plant with narrow leaves

with downwards bent branches. Berries usually don’t have above one seed.

95) Mibirizi – a sub-variety of Bourbon, grown in Rwanda and Burundi.

96) Mocha – (some sources have mentioned it as a separate variety) originates from Yemen and

is one of the oldest coffee varieties known. It’s a short tree with small berries and leaves;

same can be said of its productivity.

97) Mokka (Moka/Mocha) – a mutation of Typica. Grown in Brazil and Hawaii. At some time it

was considered to be a species, but actually it is just another C. arabica variety, as the plant

has four pairs of chromosomes (as common to C. arabica plants).

98) Mundo Novo – is a natural hybrid of sub-variety of Typica – Sumatra and Bourbon, which was

originally discovered in 1940s in Brazil by Instituto Agronômico de Campinase. The plant is

strong and resistant to diseases. Productivity of Mundo Novo is high (about 30% higher

compared to Bourbon) but the berries ripen a bit later than other varieties´ average. Its best

growing heights are between 1050-1670m, with rainfall of 1200-1800mm per annum. Mundo

Novo is common amidst Brazilian coffee cultivators, forming ca 40% of all grown coffee

varieties. Its taste often lacks sweetness and there might be some sense of bitterness. Rich

fertilization and adding nutrients might improve the taste qualities. However, Stephen

Leighton describes its taste qualities as sweet, with intense fullness and low acidity.

99) Murta/Mirta – originates from the plantation of P. J. S. Cramer. Plant has small leaves and is

resistant towards fierce cold.

100) N 39 – a sub-variety of Bourbon in Tanzania.

101) Nemaya -

102) Obata – was released in 2000 by IAC.

103) „Old Chiks“ – a variety grown in India in 1800s.

104) Oro Azteca – considered being a subspecies of Catimor in Mexico.

105) Ouro Verde – another hybrid of Mundo Novo and red CatuaÍ, released in 2000 in Brazil.

106) Pacaiá – originates from Guatemala.

107) Pacamara – a hybrid of Pacas and Maragogype, which was bred in 1958 in El Salvadoris. Size

of the bean comes from Maragogype meaning it is very big. The taste qualities of Pacamara

improve in greater growing heights. Its taste profile can be outstandingly good with

dominating sweet citrus flavor and well balanced taste, sometimes revealing some flowery


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108) Pacas – a mutation of Bourbon or a hybrid of Caturra and Bourbon. It was discovered in El

Salvador in 1949 by a man called Pacas. The productivity of Pacas is rather good in higher

growing grounds and it resists diseases better than Bourbon. The taste profile of Pacas shows

usually elevated acidity and medium body.

109) Pache Colis – was discovered in Mataquescuintla in a farm of Guatemala where Caturra and

Pache Comum were cultivated. Coffee berries are very big and leaves with a robust texture.

The plant has a partial resistance towards phoma (common soil fungus). It usually grows up

to 0.8-1.25m in height and has second and third grade branches. Pache Colis acclimatizes well

on growing heights between 900-1830m above sea level within temperature range of 20-


110) Pache Comum – a natural mutation of Typica, which was originally discovered in Guatemala

in farms of El Brito, Santa Cruz Naranjo and Santa Rosa. Pache Comum acclimatizes well on

growing heights between 1050-1680m. Its taste is usually described as mild or plain.

111) Pache Enano – is an especially small plant originating from Guatemala.

112) PDRY-7 -

113) PDRY-14 -

114) PDRY-15 -

115) PDRY-22 -

116) Pluma Hidalgo – is a natural mutation of Typica, originates from Sumatra.

117) Pointu – is a mutant of Bourbon, which produces coffee with low caffeine content. It was

thought to be extinct for a long period of time but was recently rediscovered in an island of


118) Polysperma (Medano coffee) – is a variety with berries usually with six to eight seeds

(polysperma – polyspermous).

119) Purpurescens – originates from the plantation of P. J. S. Cramer and is a variety with red

leaves and lower productivity compared to other varieties of C. arabica. According to

Wintgens the plant has purple leaves.

120) Rasuna – a hybrid of Catimor and Typica, originates from Indonesia. It is a new variety and it

is being planted to Takengon region in Sumatra. Tree itself is tall with small and oblong leaves.

The best quality is guaranteed when Rasuna is planted on growing heights between 1100-

1300m above sea level.

121) Ruiru 11 (R 11) – This Kenyan dwarf variety was created in 1985, in Coffee Research Station,

which was established in 1949, in Ruiru city. Ruiru 11 was meant to be a variety resistant

towards the leaf rust and coffee berry disease but to also give good quality and productivity.

Ruiru 11 is a gene mix of different sorts: Rume Sudan, HdT, K7, Caimor, SL28. Later the result

was combined with SL 28 and SL 34-ga in order to improve the taste qualities. Unfortunately

the experiment did not give any results due to dominant Robusta genes from Hibrido de

Timor. In 1986, Ruiru 11 was made available to coffee growers.

122) Rume Sudan – is a sub-variety of Typica originating from Boma plateau in the southeastern

part of Sudan (Ethiopia) and which was discovered in 1940s. In Africa, Rume Sudan is known

as being resistant towards coffee berry disease. It has leaves with coppery tips.

123) S.4 – a variety from Ethiopia.

124) S.12 – a variety from Ethiopia.

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125) S26 – is a hybrid of C. arabica and C. liberica created in Doobla region in India. This hybrid was

created after the great leaf rust epidemic that ravaged in the second half of 19th century in


126) S228 – is a spontaneous hybrid of C. arabica and C. liberica.

127) S795 (Jember) – was bred by Indian botanists from Kent and S228 in 1946. S795 has a SH3

gene which probably originates from C. liberica. This variety is called Jember by Indonesian

farmers as it was first introduced to them by the members of Jember Coffee Research Center.

The center was located in the second biggest city, Surabaya, in Indonesia, in eastern part of

Java. S795 is being widely grown in India and Indonesia. Tasters attribute the Jember the

taste of maple syrup, caramel and brown sugar.

128) San Ramón – a natural mutation of Typica from Brazil.

129) São Bernando – a natural mutation of Typica from Brazil.

130) Sarchimor – a hybrid of Villasarchi and Hibrido de Timori. Grows in India and Costa Rica.

Thanks to its ascendant, Hibrido de Timor, the plant is resistant towards leaf rust disease and

berry borer.

131) Semperflorens – was discovered in Brazil in 1934. The variety has a genetic background of

Bourbon, which blooms all year round.

132) Sinde -

133) SL 1 – was created from the first variety of Kenya Selected generation. This variety is

hypersensitive towards hostile environment.

134) SL 2 – a sort originating from a tree in Wispers plantation near Nairobi. Similarly to Harrar the

variety has leaves with coppery tips but smaller berries.

135) SL 3 – was bred from a plant of French Mission from Ona plantation in Solai region. SL3 is

rather alike to SL2. Both varieties have low productivity and are hypersensitive towards leaf

rust disease. SL3 has lower taste qualities as its ascendant French Mission.

136) SL 6 – a variety bred from one Kent tree, which has medium wide leaves with coppery tips.

Due to its high productivity, SL6 was a big favorite of Scot Laboratory while they were testing

the plantations.

137) SL 9 – origin unknown. Coppery leaves indicate that the variety has been influenced by

Columnaris, which was brought in from Puerto Rico in 1920s. The productivity of the variety

is good on medium growing heights but the plant is highly sensitive towards coffee berry


138) SL 10 – originates from Harrar. Has higher productivity than its ascendants but it didn’t give

the quality it was supposed to.

139) SL 14 – originates from D.R. II. Seemingly this variety is resistant towards dry conditions and

with high productivity on low heights. SL14 gave round seeds similar to Bourbon and also

preferred. On low growing heights SL14 became extremely receptive towards coffee berry


140) SL 17 -

141) SL 18 -

142) SL 19 -

143) SL 20 -

144) SL 26 – is a cross of the sprouts of the first generation of SL3. SL26 has small leaves with

green tips, referring to some influence by Bourbon. SL26 was good on low growing heights.

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145) SL 28 – was bred in 1931 from Tanganyika D.R (look variety No. 137) and it has become a

variety with uniquely high quality. It has wide leaves with coppery tips. Beans are wide and

productivity relatively low. The plant shows some influence from Ethiopian and Sudan coffee

vaireties. Some sources say that the botanists of Scot Laboratory examined the mutations of

French Mission, Mocha and Yemen Typica and bred them into SL 28. Originally their goal was

to create a plant with high quality, high productivity and great resistance towards diseases. By

taste qualities SL28 is the best of all SL cultivars. SL 28 taste is described to be intensively

citrusy, sweet, with balanced taste and multi-layered aroma.

146) SL 34 – is a mutation of French Mission, originating from the plantation of Loresho in Kabete.

It has wide leaves with bronzy tips. As to its looks it resembles the variety of Kenya Selected.

SL 34 is valued for its high productivity in different climate conditions and great height ranges.

It is also claimed to be resistant towards draught and strong rainfall. SL34 taste is defined by

complex acidity, heavy body and sweet and clear aftertaste. Unfortunately its taste quality is

lower than the one of SL28. Both SL28 and SL34 are considered to be the best cultivars in SL


147) SL 59 -

148) Sumatra -

149) Tabi -

150) Tafari-Kela – is a variety considered by Wintgens to be a „spontaneous accession“. The

variety originates from Ethiopia and it was spread in Tanzania, Kenya, Kivu and India during

1930-1955. Here we are talking about seeds gathered from individual trees whose

descendants go through changes on genetical level and form a separate so called variety.

151) Tanganyika Drought Resistant (D.R.) – A.D. Trench examined coffee trees with leaves with

bronzy tips during his trip through the Mondul region in North Tanganyika. These plants were

more resistant towards dry conditions and various diseases than other varieties of C. arabica

growing in the area. Its productivity was lower than the one of Bourbon. Tanganyika D.R. was

taken as a basis of two bred varieties of Tanganyika - „D.R. I“ and D.R. II“. Tanganyika was

named after the county where it was discovered. Tanganyika D.R. I and II was used later by

Scot Laboratory for breeding further cultivars.

152) Tanganyika D.R I -

153) Tanganyika D.R II -

154) Tekisik/Tekisic – is a dwarf mutation of Bourbon from El Salvador. Its branches are placed

similarly to Bourbon, under an angle of 45° from the trunk and its berries and seeds are also

small. The plants have a low productivity but very high quality. Farmers in Guatemala and

Honduras have planted this tree in their gardens to increase their coffee quality. The taste

quality of the mentioned variety is extremely high: multi-layered acidity, strong body and

intensive sweetness similar to caramel and brown sugar.

155) Tico – originates from Central America.

156) Tupi – was released in 2000 by IAC.

157) Typica (Típica-[in Spanish]) – the oldest variety of C. arabica and also the ascendant of many

modern varietites like: Jamaican Blue Mountain, San Ramon, Pache, Villalobos, Java, Jember

etc. Typica is a plant of conical shape with vertical trunk and slightly inclined primary

branches. Its secondary branches are at a slant of 50-70° in respect to trunk. The plant is high

and can grow up to 3,5-4,6m in height. Typica has low productivity with thin coppery leaves

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and oblong oval berries. It prefers higher growing conditions. Its taste is usually sweet, full

and clear. Typica’s acidity is clear and it becomes more intensive on greater heights.

158) Variegata -

159) Villalobos – a mutation of Typica from Costa Rica. Secondary branches are located at a slant

of 60° in respect to trunk. The productivity of Villalobos is very high in higher areas. It is

extremely resistant towards winds and has high productivity even in areas poor of nutrients.

The best result is achieved in an areas with good shadowing. By its taste, Villalobos is notably

sweet and with good acidity.

160) Villasarchi/Vila Sarchi – is a hybrid of Bourbon varieties, bred in Costa Rica in a town called

Sarchi. Its branches are located at a slant of 45° in respect to trunk. Leaves are bronzy. In

greater heights the productivity of the plant is good, especially if planted under shadowing

trees and with small chemical fertilizing. Villasarchi has an elegant acidity, intensive berryish

notes and great sweetness.

161) Wolisho -

162) Yawan -

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8. List and descriptions of varieties of C. canephora

1) Budongo – originates from and is being grown in Uganda.

2) Bukobensis (Ugandae) -

3) Congusta (Congua) – Ugandae+ C. congensis. Grown in India.

4) Elite – this variety is a clone of very high productivity - 1500kg of coffee per one hectare,

whereas an average productivity of a coffee plant is 600kg per hectare.

5) Erect – secondary branches are at a slant of 45° in respect to primary branches.

6) Gamé -

7) H865 -

8) HA -

9) HB -

10) Kibale – grown in Uganda.

11) Kouillou/Quillou (Conillon) – knowingly one of the oldest varieties of C. canephora. It is still

being grown in Cote d’Ivoire, Congo and Gabon. The plant can grow up to 5m in height. It was

imported to Brazil in 1900 from Africa where it is known under the name of Conillon (a

translation mistake of that time).

12) Laurentii -

13) Maclaudi – being grown in Guinea and Cote d’Ivoire.

14) Madagascar -

15) Nana – originates from Central African Republic. The plants are hypersensitive towards

diseases and parasites. Nana is a short plant with short branches and it can be planted quite


16) Ng’anda – forms 60% of Ugandan coffee. Its secondary branches are parallel to its primary


17) Niaouli – produces very few berries but these berries stay on branches all year round.

18) Robusta -

19) Ugandae -

20) Quillouensis -

Hybrids of the Guinea genotype of C. canephora:

1) Baflingdala -

2) Bossematie -

3) Fourougbankoro -

4) Gbapleu -

5) IRA 1 -

6) IRA 2 -

7) Kouin -

8) Logbounou -

9) Maraoue -

Hybrids of the Congo genotype of C. canephora:

1) Cameroon -

2) Doungba -

3) Ebobo -

4) Ircc -

5) Libengue -

6) Ndongue -

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9. Appendixes

Appendix I

Classed list of varieties of C. arabica.

All varieties of C. arabica are divided into four categories: the most known varieties; varieties that

have Typica amongst their ascendants; varieties which have Bourbon amongst their ascendants and

varieties which have C. canephora amongst their ascendants.

Such classification helps the coffee lovers to orientate in the maze of the varieties of C. arabica. Also it

makes it easy to find out if a specific sort includes the genes and/or influence of Typica, Bourbon or C.


Most known varieties of C. arabica:

Bourbon, Catimor, CatuaÍ, CatucaÍ, Caturra, Colombia (Variedad Colombia), Geisha, Hibrido de Timor,

Icatú, Maragogype/Maragogipe, Maracatu(ra), Mundo Novo, SL 28, SL 34, Typica/TÍpica.

Varieties of Typica:

Varieties originating from Typica or have Typica among their ascendants.

Acaiá (Mundo Novo hybrid), Amarello de Botocatu(Typica sub-varietal), Arabigo (Typica natural

mutation), Bergendal (Typica sub-varietal), Blawan Paumah (Typica sub-varietal), Blue Mountain

(Jamaica Blue Mountain) (Typica + mixture of other C. arabica varieties), Bourbon (French Mission)

(Typica natural mutation), CatuaÍ (Mundo Novo + yellow Caturra, a hybrid), Chickumalgu (Typica

natural mutation), Creole (Typica mutation), Criollo/Criolla (Typica natural mutation), Garnica

(Mundo Novo + yellow Caturra, a cultivar), Garundang (Typica natural mutation), Jember (S795) (Kent

+ S228, a cross), Kent (Typica natural mutation), Kona (Typica hybrid), Machacamarca (Typica hybrid),

Maracatu(ra) (Maragogype + Caturra hybrid), Maragoype/Maragogipe (Typica mutation), Mokka

(Typica mutation), Mundo Novo (Sumatra + Bourbon hybrid), Ouro Verde (Mundo Novo + red CatuaÍ,

a cross), Pacamara (Pacas + Maragogype, a cross), Pache Colis (Caturra + Pache Comum mutation),

Pache Comum (Typica natural mutation), Pluma Hidalgo (Typica natural mutation), Rasuna (Catimor

+ Typica hybrid), Rume Sudan (Typica sub-variety), San Ramón (Typica natural mutation), São

Bernando (Typica natural mutation), SL 28 (French Mission + Mocha + Typica), Sumatra (Typica sub-

variety), Villalobos (Typica mutation).

Varieties of Bourbon:

Varieties originating from Bourbon or have Bourbon among their ascendants.

Acaiá (Mundo Novo hybrid), Arusha (Bourboni sub-variety), Catimor (Hibrido de Timor + Caturra, a

cross), Catisic (Catimor, cultivar), Catrenic (Catimor, cultivar), CatuaÍ (Mundo Novo + yellow Caturra

hybrid), Caturra (Burbon mutation), Colombia (Catimor, cultivar), Garnica, IAPAR 95 (Sarchimor sub-

variety), ICAFE 95 (Catimor sub-variety), Icatú ([Bourbon+Robusta] + Caturra + Mundo Novo +...),

IHCAFE 90 (Catimor, cultivar), Jackson (Bourbon sub-variety), K 7 (French Mission, cultivar), K 20

(French Mission, cultivar), Kenya Selekted (K.S.) (French Mission, cultivar), Maracatu(ra)

(Maragogype + Caturra hybrid), Mayaguez (Bourbon sub-variety), Mibirizi (Bourbon sub-variety),

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Mundo Novo (Sumatra [Typica sub-variety] + Bourbon hybrid), N39 (Bourbon sub-variety), Oro

Azteca (Catimor sub-variety), Ouro Verde (Mundo Novo + red CatuaÍ, a cross), Pacamara (Pacas +

Maragogype, a cross), Pacas (Bourbon mutation /or/ Caturra + Bourbon, a cross), Pache Colis (Caturra

+ Pache Comum), Pointu (Bourbon mutation), Rasuna (Catimor + Typica hybrid), Ruiru 11 (is kross of

many varieties [Rume Sudan + Hibrido de Timor + K7 + Catimor + SL28]+ SL28 + SL34), Sarchimor

(Villasarchi + Hibrido de Timor, a cross), Semperflorens (Bourbon mutation), SL 28 (French Mission +

Mocha + Typica), SL 34 (French Missioon mutation), Tekisik/Tekisic (Bourbon mutation), Villasarchi

(kross of Bourbon varieties).

Varieties of C. canephora:

Varieties of C. arabica, having C. canephora and/or C. liberica among their ascendants.

Arla (C. canephora + C. arabica hybrid), Bogor Prada (C. canephora + C. arabica hybrid), Catimor

(Hibrido de Timor + Caturra, a cross), Catisic (Catimor, cultivar), Catrenic (Catimor, cultivar), Colombia

(Catimor, cultivar), Devamachy (C. canephora + C. arabica hybrid), Hibrido de Timor (C. arabica + C.

canephora, natural cross), IAPAR 95 (Sarchimor sub-variety), ICAFE 95 (Catimor Sub-varietal), Icatú

([Bourbon+Robusta] + Caturra + Mundo Novo +...), IHCAFE 90 (Catimor, cultivar), Kalimas (C. arabica

+ C. liberica), Kawisari (C. arabica + C. liberica), Lempira (Catimor sub-varietal), Oro Azteca (Catimor

sub-varietal), Rasuna (Catimor + Typica hybrid), Ruiru 11 (is cross of many varieties [Rume Sudan +

Hibrido de Timor + K7 + Catimor + SL28]+ SL28 + SL34), S 26 (C. arabica + C. liberica), S 228 (C. arabica

+ C. liberica), Sarchimor (Villasarchi + Hibrido de Timor, a cross).

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Appendix II

In the second appendix I will present two botanical classification systems of a coffee plant created by

the authors in Wikipedia and William H. Ukers. The succession goes from higher to lower.

Scientific classification of coffee (Wikipedia)

Plantae – kingdom: this botanical group includes all plants.

Angiospermae – division: this botanical group includes flowering plants that produce seeds.

Eudicot – indefinite: this botanical group includes all flowering plants whose sprouts have two seed

leafs or cotyledons. Originally this group was called dicodyledoneae.

Asterid(ae)– clade – ([kreeka k. klados] - „branch“): this group is a subgroup of flowering plants.

Gentianales– order: Gentianales is an order of flowering plants from the class of dicotyledones.

Rubiaceae – family: this group includes flowering plants that are mostly trees and bushes.

Coffea – genus: this botanical group includes all coffee plants.

Complete classing (W.H. Ukers):

Vegetabilis (vegetables) – kingdom:

Angiospermae – sub-kingdom: this botanical group includes all flowering plants that produce seeds.

Dicotyledoneae – class: the same as modern Eudicot.

Sympetalae or Metachlamydeae – sub-class: the same as modern Asteridae.

Rubiales – order:

Rubiaceae – family: this group includes flowering plants that are mostly trees and bushes.

Coffea – genus: this botanical group includes all coffee plants.

Eucoffea – sub-genus:

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Appendix III

In a third appendix I will present two tables created by Illy and ICO. These tables bring out the main

differences between C. arabica and C. canephora:

Parameter C. Arabica C. Canephora

Main sort Typica Robusta

Average climate moderate warm and moist

Altitude 600 - 2200m 0 - 800m

Temperature (°C) 15 - 24 18 - 36

Rainfall (per annum) 1200 - 2200mm 2200 - 3000mm

Plant self pollinating cross pollinating

Chromosomes (2n) 44 22

Leaf small and oval big and wide

Blossom small big

Fruit in clusters in clusters

Shape of the fruit oblong, elliptical elliptical, straight when dry

Length of the fruit 15mm 12mm

Ripening 7 - 9 months 9 - 11 months

Shape of the seed oval, flat oval, round

Length of the seed 5 - 13mm 4 - 8mm

Caffeine concentration 0,9 - 1,4%; 1,2% 1,8 - 4,0%; 2,2% Andrea Illy & Rinantonio Viani, Espresso Coffee (Academic Press Limited, London, 1998)

Arabica Robusta

First mentioned 1753 1895

Chromosomes (2n) 44 22

Time from blooming to ripening 9 months 10 - 11 months

Blooming after rain irregularly

Ripe berries drop doqn stay on the branches

Productivity (ha) 1500 - 3000kg 2300 - 4000kg

Root system deep low

Average temp. 15 - 24°C 24 - 30°C

Average rainfall 1500 - 2000mm 2000 - 3000mm

Altitude 1000 - 2000m 0 - 700m

Hemileia vastatrix receptive resistant

Koleroga receptive tolerant

Nematodes receptive resistant

Tracheomycosis resistant receptive

Coffee berry disease receptive resistant

Caffeine concentration 0,8 - 1,4% 1,7 - 4,0%

Bean shape flat oval

Typical taste acidity full, bitter Clifford M.N. and Willson K.C. (toim.) Coffee: Botany, Biochemistry and

Production of Beans and Beverage (Croom Helm, London, 1985); Wrigley G. Coffee ( Longman,

London, 1988)

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Appendix IV

* Coffee breeding was taken into use as a scientific method in 1900 by the Dutch government in

Bangelan in Belgian Congo. An experimental plantation was established there.

** Cultivar is a combination of two words: cultivated and variety (cultivated+variety=cultivar). It is a

term in English used to name sub-varietie born due to human interference. The word was coined by

Liberty Hyde Bailey.

***According to recent cytogenetic research C. arabica originates from the crossing of C. canephora

and C. eugenioides 500 years ago. Cytogenetics is a part of genetics dealing with cell functioning and

structure and chromosomes. This proposition is being opposed by the fact that the pecie of C.

arabica, at least those that got to Yemen, date from a time beyond 1500 ad.

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10. Glossary and references ¹: (Abyssinia ca 1137 – 1974) Page 6

²: Page 6

³: Known as Kaldi myth. Page 6

⁴: Carl von Linné (1707 - 1778) was a Swedish natural scientist and a doctor, also the founder of the systematics

of living organisms and taxonomy. Page 6

⁵: The mutation of Typica in Bourbon Island took place during 1717-1877. In 1717 Typica was brought to the

islands from Yemen and in 1877 Bourbon, not Typica, was taken from the island to Tanzanya. Page 7

⁶: Page 7

⁷: Anthony Wild, Black Gold (Harper Perennial, London, 2005). Page 7

⁸: Emil Laurent (1861-1904) was a professor in the Agricultural Institute of Gemloux and one of the first who

examined the Central African flora more extensively. Page 7

⁹: In 1886, a massive epidemic of leaf rust disease ravaged Indonesia, destroying its coffee plantations. It moved

on towards Africa and reached it in 1940s. In 1970s it reached Brazil, from where it spread to Latin America. It

was hardest on Indonesia, as almost all Indonesian plantations were destroyed. In Africa and especially in South

and Latin America its effect was rather mild. The same incident was also one of the main reasons why C.

canephora was taken into use and massive growing of Robusta began. Page 7

¹º: This is one way for distinguishing if the coffee variety originates from Typica or Bourbon. Bourbon has yound

green leaves/leaf tips, Typica has coppery (bronzed) leaves/leaf tips. The color might appear every which way in

the plants of later generations. Page 9

¹¹: Drupe is a fruit with a hard shell (stone) in it, like cherry, peach or olive. Page 9

¹²: It is quite fascinating that on closer look coffee berries look more like a sea-buckthorn than a cherry. Page 9

¹³: Peaberry or Caracoli is a seed from the berries from the top parts of the branches. It forms ca 10-30% (-50%)

of the whole crop. Page 9

¹⁴: Difference in chromosomes generally determines usually the characteristics of plants that evolve due to

environmental influences and that affect the taste, body and acidity of coffee. Page 9

¹⁵: The difference of Psilanthus and Coffea in various botanic classifications lies in the shape of the blossom.

Coffea has a short blossom tube, while Psilantus has a long tube. Page 13

¹⁶: P. J. S. Cramer is the head of plant breeding in Netherlands and in the Ministry of Agriculture in India. Page 14

¹⁷: Page 15

¹⁸: Modern scientist struggle the fact that in Southwest Ethiopia there is three different towns called Geisha: a)

Geisha in Kaffa Province in Kefa district, b) Geisha in Kaffa Province in Maji district and c) Geisha in Illubabor

Province in Mocha district. The exact origin of Panama Geisha is therefore unknown. Page 17

¹⁹: CATIE – Costa Rica´s Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center. Page 18

²º: Page 18

²¹: SL is an abbreviation of Scot Laboratory, which was a coffee breeding centre in Kenya during 1934-1963.

Coffees bred in that centre carried an abbreviation „SL“ in their names, which was followed by a combination of

two numbers. Page 19

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11. Sources Andrea Illy & Rinantonio Viani, Espresso Coffee (Academic Press Limited, London, 1998)

Fulvio Eccardi & Vincenzo Sandalj, Coffee A Celebration of Diversity (Redacta, S.A. de C.V. 2002)

Jeremy Block & Rand Pearson, Kahawa Kenya’s Black Gold (Dorman Ltd, Nairobi, 2005)

William H. Ukers, All About Coffee (Martino Publishing Mansfield Centre, CT, 2007)

Jean Nicolas Wintgens, Coffee: Growing, Processing, Sustainable Production (Wiley-Vch Verlag GmbH Co. 2009)

Judd, Campbell, Kellogg, Stevens, Plant Systematics, A Phylogenetic Approach (Sinauter Associates, inc. 1999)

David Roche & Dr. Robert Osgood, article: A Family Album (Roast Magazine Nov./Dec. 2007)

Willem Boot, article: Variety is the Spice of Coffee (Roast Magazine May/June 2006)

Shanna Germain, article: Ready for Robustas? (Roast Magazine March/April 2006) Clifford M.N. and Willson K.C. (toim.) Coffee: Botany, Biochemistry and Production of Beans and Beverage

(Croom Helm, London, 1985); Wrigley G. Coffee (Longman, London, 1988)