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Coarse Textured Soils

Apr 06, 2018



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  • 8/3/2019 Coarse Textured Soils


    Understanding Soils

    Physical Problems

    Of Coarse-Textured Soils

    Awareness of the problems inherent in a

    particular type of soil is an important stepin the development of a sound management program.

    Sandy or coarse-textured soils,

    whether they are natural or con-

    structed, are used on many high

    traffic sites because they exhibit better soil

    physical properties than do soils with

    appreciable silt or clay (or both).Of course, one would expect a root

    zone medium developed to USGA Green

    R.N. Carrow is a professor of turfscience in the department of agronomy.


    Section specifications for golf greens to

    resist compaction and have ample mac-

    ropores for water movement, gas

    exchange and root penetration.

    Robert N. Carrow, Ph.D.University of Georgia

    However, sandy soils vary considerably

    in their physical properties, so certain soil

    physical problems can occur on them.

    Many physical problems on sandy soils

    are caused by one or more of several fac-

    tors that will be discussed in this


    Awareness of specific problems on a

    site is prerequisite to development of

    sound management programs.

    Although this discussion will focus on

    soil physical properties, problems due to

    adverse chemical or biological soil

    properties also can occur. Adverse chem-

    ical and biological problems will not be

    Continued on p. 32

    Calf Course Management / February 1992

  • 8/3/2019 Coarse Textured Soils


    Understanding Soils

    Continued on p. 34

    A common approach to improving

    water holding capacity in coarse-textured

    soils is to add 5 to 15 percent by volume

    of well-decomposed organic matter.

    Excessive moisture retention and low aer-

    ation can occur if too much organicmatter is used.

    Many different organic sources can be

    used if they are well-decomposed, have

    a good particle size for mixing and do not

    contain excessive fines. Common organic

    sources used on turf sites are various

    peats, decomposed rice hulls and com-

    posted sewage sludge.

    Addition of silt or clay or both will

    enhance water retention. However, too

    much can easily seal the macropore

    channels. In high sand content media -

    more than 80 percent sand - particlesare in direct contact with other sand par-

    ticles. This produces a rigid matrix that

    resists compaction. Relatively small quan-

    tities of silt and clay can accumulate at

    points of sand particle contact and begin

    to seal off pore channels necessary for

    water movement.

    Silts are especially effective in sealing

    and decreasing pore continuity. For this

    reason, the USGA Green Section specifi-

    cations limit silt to less than 5 percent and

    clay to less than 3 percent by weight.

    Soils with sand content between 65

    and 85 percent are especially prone to

    poor water movement. These sandy soils

    have considerable silt and clay to seal

    many pores but too much sand to allow

    good structure formation. Structure

    develops when clay, silt, organic matter

    and sand particles start to aggregate into

    structural units that open up new macro-

    pores. High sand content inhibits forma-

    tion of strong aggregates.

    Due to the presence of smaller pores,

    very fine sands retain more water than do

    coarser sands. However, adding very fine

    sand to a medium-to-coarse sand is not

    recommended. Although it would help

    increase water retention, infiltration and

    percolation rates would decline as the

    smaller particles filled the macropores.

    Inorganic amendments - calcined

    clays, expanded shale, processed vermic-

    ulite mica and porous ceramics - are

    sometimes used to enhance water reten-

    tion. To be effective these amendments


    Retain water in pores within the par-

    ticles that are large enough to then

    Surface Area per

    1 Grama
















    Common Physical Problems

    Concrete sand - usually contains a

    wide particle size range of sands and fine


    Mason's (mortar) sand - similar to

    a concrete sand but without the fine

    gravel. Dune sand - obtained from a wind

    or water deposited sand dune. Often has

    a fairly narrow particle size range.

    River sand - can vary from very uni-

    form sand to sand with considerable fines,

    derived from rivers.

    Thus, general sands are not named by

    well-defined particle ranges but by source

    or construction use. They mayor may not

    be good for root zone mixes.

    from p. 28




    2.00 - 1.00

    1.00 - 0.50

    0.50 - 0.25

    0.25 - 0.10

    0.10 - 0.05

    0.05 - 0.002

    Below 0.002

    Low Water Holding Capacity

    The most common problem with

    coarse-textured soils is low water holding

    capacity. Available water for plants in

    sands may range from 0.4 to 1.5 inches

    of water per 12 inches of depth when

    organic matter content is less than 1 per-

    cent (by weight) and there is no perched

    water table. As a result, drought stress

    occurs unless frequent irrigation is


    Sand, silt and clay contents of sandy soils


    {Percent by Weight}

    Sand Silt Clay

    85-100 0-15 0-15

    70-90 0-30 10-30

    45-85 0-50 15-55

    Sand separate classes compared to silt and clay

    Number ofParticles

    Per Gram

    Soil Classification


    Loamy sand

    Sandy loam

    Texture Class



    Very coarse sand

    Coarse sand

    Medium sand

    Fine sand

    Very fine sand



    a 1 lb. soil = 454 grams.

    Soil scientists classify soils in 12 differ-

    ent texture classes based on their percent

    sand, silt and clay. The three texture

    classes with the highest quantity of sand

    are sand, loamy sand and sandy loam.

    Obviously, a soil can be called "sandy"

    but still contain considerable silt and clay.

    Physical properties can vary dramatically

    - even between two soils within the

    same texture class.

    The classification of sand separates isbased on the diameter of the particles.

    Sand particles range from 0.05 to 2.00

    mm in diameter - a 40-fold range.

    Therefore, a very coarse sand will not

    have the same properties as a very fine


    General names are often used instead

    of the official separate classification

    (USDA system) to identify a sand.

    Because these names have no legal

    meaning, the terms are general. Some

    common general names for sand types


    discussed but are listed for reference in

    an accompanying table.


    32 Golf Course Management / February 1992

  • 8/3/2019 Coarse Textured Soils


    Understanding Soils

    Soil Biological Problems

    1. All soils, fine-textured or coarse-textured, can contain weed seeds, dis-

    ease organisms, and harmful insects, small animals, and worms.

    2. Low microorganism population. Sands are likely to contain fewer

    microorganisms than fine-textured soil.

    3. Less diversity of microorganisms than fine-textured soils. This creates

    the potential for microorganism population balances to be easily shifted

    from beneficial to pathogenic.

    4. Nematodes. Many nematodes prefer sandier soils.

    Primary chemical and biological problems on sandy soils

    Soil Chemical Problems

    1. Nutrient deficiencies and imbalances.

    2. Low CEC (cation exchange capacity), which contributes to low nutrient

    retention, low buffering capacity and high leaching potential.

    3. Improper soil pH affecting nutrient availability.

    4. Salt-affected.

    Saline - most serious on sands.


    Saline / sodic.

    5. Presence of free CaC03 that acts as a buffer system in alkaline sands

    and contributes to nutritional problems.

    6. Toxic compounds from heavy metals, allopathic substances, herbicides,

    etc., are potential problems due to low buffering capacity of mostsands.

    release the water to the turf plant.

    Not accumulate salts in internal


    Retain their physical structure and

    not deteriorate.

    Be cost competitive with various

    organic amendments at application rates

    sufficient to achieve comparable water


    Barriers that inhibit drainage increase

    water retention in sands. In the USGA

    Green Section specifications for golf

    greens, a distinct interface is formed

    between the coarse sand (1-2 mm dia.)

    and pea gravel (6-10 mm dia.) layers.

    This interface impedes drainage, thereby

    increasing water content in the root zone.

    Water is retained around the coarse sand

    by adhesion-cohesion, while few inter-

    connecting water films exist between the

    coarse sand and gravel because of the dis-

    tinct differences in particle sizes.

    Only after water "ponds" a few inches

    Water is retained around the

    coarse sand by adhesion-

    cohesion, while few water

    films exist between the

    coarse and gravel layer ..

    Effective application rates.

    Total and plant-available water


    Longevity of the materials.

    Influence of soil solutes on actual

    versus potential water absorption.

    The potential for salt accumulation.

    Other procedures can be utilized to

    influence root zone water content or

    availability .

    Careful overhead irrigation that does

    not increase the ability of the sand toretain water but does allow for frequent

    addition can be used.

    Sub-surface irrigation has been

    attempted but is especially difficult on a

    sandy medium. This is because capillary

    rise in sands is less than in a soil with

    appreciable amounts of silt or clay. As a

    result, very careful placement of water

    emitters is required.

    Sands have slow, unsaturated water

    flow through water films around sand par-

    ticles. This may limit water availability

    during high demand periods, although

    sands do have very high saturated flow

    rates. As a result, if output is increased

    Continued on p. 38

    are not new types of compounds,

    although particular chemicals are continu-ally being developed because polymers

    can be formulated in many different

    lengths, co-linked, and be formulated in

    conjunction with other substances. In

    fact, several PAMs and one PVA were

    evaluated in a USGA supported project

    for influence on moisture retention of

    sands in 1978 (Agron. Journal

    70:p.317-321) and no influence was


    Limited additional research with poly-

    mers has been conducted until recently.

    As more results are published, the poten-

    tial for these materials may become

    clearer. However, important questions

    stillmust be answered. They concern the


    of water table control. Other procedures

    to adjust water table level to allow capil-

    lary rise of water to the roots have been

    used in flat sod fields but not on golf


    In recent years, water absorbing poly-

    mers have been promoted to enhance

    water holding capacity in turfgrass soils.

    Polymers are formed by combining two

    or more smaller molecules into a larger

    chain-like molecular structure. Examples

    include natural polymers such as starches,

    and synthetic polymers such as poly-

    acrylamides (PAM), polyvinyl alcohols

    (PVA) and polyacrylates.

    Contrary to popular belief, polymers

    above the interface will drainage occur.

    Once drainage starts, it is rapid throughthe large pores.Thus, this unique type of

    barrier enhances water retention while

    maintaining good drainage.

    The Purr-Wick construction system

    uses an enclosed ceil method system to

    prevent drainage until water reaches a

    certain level. This level can be adjusted

    as needed. This is essentially a method

    from p. 32COARSE SOILS

    34 Golf Course Management / February 1992

  • 8/3/2019 Coarse Textured Soils


    Understanding Soils

    The different layers of a USGA specifi-cation green result in the development ofa perched water table at the coarse sand-pea gravel interface.

    sand content sites, where the surface area

    of the sands is limited. Organic coatings

    form on sand particles that become highly

    water repellent. Typically, the hydropobic

    zone is 1 to 4 inches in depth and errati-

    cally situated on a site with affected and

    unaffected areas side by side.

    Wetting agents are used to rewet

    High salt content

    in sandy soils dramaticallyinfluences plant water


    hydrophobic sands. Core aeration for cre-

    ation of areas for water to collect and

    rewet adjacent soil is frequently used in

    conjunction with wetting agents. Nor-

    mally, wetting agent treatment must be

    repeated because the organic coatings

    are not eliminated. Keith Karnok of the

    University of Georgia has been refining

    some treatments that may allow for dis-

    solution of the coatings for a more per-

    manent solution.

    As in any soil, a high water table can

    be present in a sand and result in exces-

    sive moisture. Each site should be evalu-

    ated to determine whether the water table

    is naturally high or whether a perched

    water table has occurred due to a layer

    impeding drainage.

    Improper contouring that channels

    water to low spots can lead to two

    problems on sand: a wet area on which

    water stands and a dry site from which

    water came. Many times improper con-

    touring enhances other problems such as

    layering or a high water table.

    One common example of poor con-

    touring is golf greens with "pockets" that

    have no surface drainage. These pockets

    often collect fines over time and become

    susceptible to scald and intracellular


    Proper contouring is best achieved

    prior to turf establishment.

    "Hard" sands are a frequent complaint

    of turf managers for the first 1 to 3 years

    after turf establishment. The problem alsoContinued on p. 40

    Managing Sandy Soils

    Hydrophobic (water repellent) sandscan be a major problem on very high

    ing salt build-up. When leaching, the

    quantity of water required depends upon

    the water quality, existing level of salts

    present in the soil, salt tolerance of the

    turf and the amount of water that goes

    toward evapotranspiration versus leach-

    ing (Le. arid climates require more total



    Presence of fine-textured layers within

    the sand root zone is another common

    soil physical problem. As previously men-

    tioned, even small quantities of silt or clay

    can seal a zone within a sand if the parti-

    cles accumulate at a microsite.

    Layers can result from many sources

    but common ones are from installation of

    sod, use of a topdressing medium with

    fines, and wind and water deposition.

    Sometimes a clay lens (an area of silt or

    clay deposition) is present deeper in the

    sand soil profile because it formed as the

    soil developed.

    Calcite formation at the soil surface

    due to irrigation water with high calcite

    (calcium carbonate) content is another

    type of layer. This can seal the surface

    and reduce infiltration.

    Acidification of the irrigation water to

    dissolve the calcite layer is effective, but

    the soil should be observed so that the

    layer doesn't form at the bottom of rou-

    tine irrigation water penetration depth.

    Salts of various types can accumulate

    on the surface of soils in arid regions

    when sufficient capillary rise occurs. As

    the water moves to the soil surface it car-

    ries solutes that are precipitated out as thewater evaporates, forming a layer.

    Management of layers is accomplished

    primarily through prevention of layer for-

    mation and routine cultivation. Other

    methods such as leaching of solutes or

    acidification of irrigation water may be

    appropriate in certain situations.

    from p. 34COARSE SOILS

    High Salt Content

    High salt content in sandy soils dra-

    matically influences plant water availabil-

    ity. Solutes reduce plant water availabil-

    ity by attracting water films by adhesion

    forces - primarily hydrogen bonding.

    by emitters to create saturated conditions,

    the water rapidly drains downward out of

    the root zone.

    Finally, any management practice per-

    formed to enhance rooting depth pro-

    vides more water to the plant, even

    though soil water content is not altered.

    This can occur even though total soil

    water content remains unaffected.

    High sodium content is detrimental insands primarily because it adds to the

    total salinity. Although few structural

    aggregates are present in sands, high

    sodium causes dispersion of any silt and

    clay present. This material may then

    migrate to the depth of routine irrigation

    and re-form as a mini-layer. By contrast,

    the major effect of high sodium in a fine-

    textured soil is the destruction of struc-

    ture. Reduction of water availability is a

    secondary consideration.

    Leaching with excess water and the

    use of better quality irrigation water arethe primary cultural methods of alleviat-

    38 Golf Course Management / February 1992

  • 8/3/2019 Coarse Textured Soils


    Understanding Soils

    ... A surprising variety of soil physi-cal problems can still occur on what

    we classify as sandy soils or sandy

    root zone media.

    The wide range of particle sizes classi-


    sands contributes toa

    number ofphysical problems.

    can occur on older sites. These sands donot have much resiliency, exhibit high ball

    bounce, and when on an athletic field

    they have little "give."

    Hard sands occur for several reasons.

    On new greens, organic matter added

    does not provide the same degree of res-

    liency that occurs after turfgrass roots

    have grown. Bentgrasses especially

    develop a high mass of roots in the sur-

    face inch. Also, new greens do not have

    thatch, which contributes to resiliency.

    Sands that are more angular than

    rounded in shape tend to fit together toform a rigid matrix. This matrix has less

    pore space than one formed with

    rounded sands. As a result, water move-

    ment is not as good.

    Construction specifications for high

    sand root zone mixes normally indicate

    the use of sands with a narrow particle

    size distribution. For example, sands with

    75 percent of the particles in two adja-

    cent particle size ranges are preferred.

    This ensures good pore space distribution

    as long as very fine sands are avoided.

    on golf greens and athletic fields that have

    high sand content root zone mixes. Sands

    that are round and in a narrow particlesize range - such as one with 70-80 per-

    cent of particles in one size range - feel

    soft and do not provide good traction.

    These sands do not have enough fine par-

    ticles to limit particles shifting.

    Other problems can contribute to soft

    soils, but they occur primarily on fine-

    textured soils. These include waterlogged

    conditions and slippage zones. Obviously,

    high traffic and sharp tuming create more

    surface stability problems on any soil

    regardless of texture.

    Solutions to working with soft sandsinclude:

    Avoiding sands that are too


    Adding organic matter to aid in


    Promoting good root development.

    In special situations, using root zone

    stabilization materials such as VHAF (ver-

    tical, horizontal and angular fibers) or

    Netlon mesh.

    Maintaining good moisture during

    times of high traffic. Moist but not satu-

    rated sands have appreciably more rigid-ity than do dry sands.

    In conclusion, we often think of sandy

    soils as possessing good soil physical

    properties. They do in comparison to

    fine-textured soils subjected to traffic.

    However, a surprising variety of soil phys-

    ical problems can still occur on what we

    classify as sandy soils or sandy root zone


    Management of sandy soils has its

    challenges. Turf managers will continue

    to find that sands and sandy soils can beextremely variable growing media. 0

    Water holding capacity of sandy soils canbe increased with the addition of organicmaterials. On-site mixing, however, may

    result in incomplete integration ofmaterials.

    They plug many of the macropores

    formed by a medium-to-coarse sand.

    Sands with wide particle size distribu-

    tions are harder because the particles fit

    together into a more dense media. This

    occurs whether the fine particles are very

    fine sand, silt, clay or a combination.

    Many concrete and mortar sands are hard

    if they are used for growing turf because

    of their wide particle size ranges.

    Organic content, whether it is

    achieved by the addition of organic

    matter or by roots helps soften hard sands

    to some extent. Thatch development of

    % to Y 2 inch also will create resiliency.

    However, hard sands that are the result

    of a wide particle size distribution or the

    presence of excessive fines continue to

    exhibit poor water movement and remain

    hard when dry. Topdressing with a

    rounded sand in the medium-to-coarse

    range improves conditions over time if

    performed in conjunction with core


    "Soft" sands that have a tendency toshift create another problem, especially

    from p. 38COARSE SOILS

    40 Golf Course Management / February 1992