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March 2011 Commanding Officer 2 Sergeant Major 3 Headquarters & Service 4, 5 General Support Motor Transport 6, 7 Maintenance 8, 9 Security 10, 11 Supply 12, 13 Awards 14 Promotions 15 Flight Windows / Flight Tracking 16 Homecoming Guide 17 Schedule of Events 18 Getting on Base / Directions 19 Family Readiness Officers 20 Reenlistments 20 Good Information Numbers 20

CLR-15 Mar Newsletter

Mar 28, 2015



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Page 1: CLR-15 Mar Newsletter

March 2011

Commanding Officer 2

Sergeant Major 3

Headquarters & Service 4, 5

General Support Motor Transport 6, 7

Maintenance 8, 9

Security 10, 11

Supply 12, 13

Awards 14

Promotions 15

Flight Windows / Flight Tracking 16

Homecoming Guide 17

Schedule of Events 18

Getting on Base / Directions 19

Family Readiness Officers 20

Reenlistments 20

Good Information Numbers 20

Page 2: CLR-15 Mar Newsletter

Commanding Officer

Families and Friends of CLR-15(FWD),

Well … here it is – our last and final Newsletter.

One word sums it all up – UNBELIEVEABLE !!!

It has been both an honor and privilege to serve with your Marine or Sailor. Their accomplishments cannot be put

into words. Numbers don‟t even do them justice. It just won‟t tell the whole story. Simply remarking about a 14-

day fuel mission … or an “up and back” trip to Nolay … just doesn‟t capture all of the complexities and layers be-

hind those words and experiences – such is life in Afghanistan.

We‟ve gone through A LOT of changes out here. From the day we took over and surveyed the maintenance lot

when I asked, “Seriously – you can fix this ???” … to my wanderings around the “not so nice neighborhoods” in

Storage – places nicknamed: The Zone, The Mash Pit, Thunderdome and-- my personal favorite --“UP” … we had to

take a long hard look inside and ask ourselves – “Are you scared ?”.

And that was before we even left the wire !

Traveling the “roads” around Helmand Province, where pavement is at a premium (except at Camp Leatherneck, of

course) reminded me much of “going downtown”. I grew up in Detriot – „nuff said. However, climbing in a vehicle

with RedSox and our beloved – yet often underappreciated – Boondocks Saints always made me feel that much

safer. Thank you all for what you did – both your courage and professionalism is unmatched. You truly lived up to,

and have written the next chapter in, the long, proud heritage of our Corps.

Bravo Zulu to our Sailors and medical providers – who took care of so many. You joined the Navy, expecting to

make port calls in far off lands and smell the salty sea air. Instead, they sent you to a land-locked country with

pervasive moon dust. At least we issued you FROG suits so that you could feel “amphibious” in nature. It‟s truly

been a blessing having you out here with us.

Thank you to all the mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, spouses, sons, daughters and friends who “put up” with

our absence. We couldn‟t have done it with you. Your thoughts, prayers and generosity have been tremendous.

Bear with us as we “transition” back to society. Driving on roads, taking hot showers…even, watching commercials –

are all things we haven‟t done in quite a while. If you wonder why we drive directly behind the car in front of us –

we‟re simply trying to maintain track discipline!

Life in Afghanistan is not easy. It‟s been the best of times – and the worst of times. We‟ve become an incredibly

close “family” over the past few months – while missing you all back home … more than you‟ll ever know or realize.

The price of freedom isn‟t free – it requires some sacrifices. We paid for it with our blood, sweat and tears – and

even some laughter. But when it‟s all said and done, your Marine or Sailor will never have to ask if they made a dif-

ference in the world; they did each and every day over here.

In the immortal words of Jerry Reed (yes – I know. Most of the “kids” have NO idea who I‟m talkin‟ about ...)

East bound and down, loaded up and truckin‟

We‟re gonna do what some say can‟t be done

We got a long way to go and short time to get there. (Note – it was actually the complete opposite short way – LONG time !)

I‟m east bound. Just watch ol‟ Bandit run

Semper Fidelis,

Michael Murchison

Bandit 6 – Out.

Page 3: CLR-15 Mar Newsletter

Sergeant Major

Friends & Family of CLR-15 (FWD),

On the 30th of March, CLR-15 (FWD) will turn over responsibilities to 2D Maintenance

Battalion (FWD). Shortly thereafter we will begin our journey home. As I walk around and

speak with the warriors of this great regiment, they are still very focused on working and put-

ting the finishing touches on their areas of responsibility. They all have gained a great pride in

their accomplishments and are also very excited and anxious to return to the United States.

Before we depart Afghanistan, I would like to thank our civilian friends that help us

make things happen. Our interpreters, the Field Service Representatives (FSR‟s) and our sis-

ter services have all helped us achieve our goals. Thanks!!!

To our Family Readiness Officers, thank you for maintaining communication and ex-

change of information to our families. The service you provide is priceless!!! Can‟t wait to see

you all on the parade deck!

To our loved ones, it may take a few days for your service member to adjust to life as

we once knew it. Thank you for your sacrifices as well as your patience as our warriors return


Never in my career have I seen such teamwork, dedication and commitment. I am ex-

tremely proud of the collective accomplishments of CLR-15 (FWD). It has been an incredible


Semper Fidelis,

Sergeant Major C. S. Belle

Page 4: CLR-15 Mar Newsletter

Headquarters & Service Company

Company Commander Company First Sergeant

1stLt Jeff Wunder GySgt Bruce Thompson

Family and friends of H&S Company,

The day is almost here, we will be on the parade deck in a few days!! 2D Maintenance

Battalion arrived and we are turning over the reigns and preparing to return home. All

the Marines and Sailors are exited and cannot wait to return home to their loved ones.

During the last seven months we have grown as Marines/Sailors and a company. The

young Marines/Sailors now have sea stories of their own. The experienced deployers'

passed on their knowledge to the next generation. As we wrap things up, I hope the

Marines/Sailors take with them the experiences gained and the professional and per-

sonal bonds they forged.

H&S Company has finished strong and everything that has been accomplished during

the past seven months is amazing!! They have done an extraordinary job and you should

be proud of their accomplishments and service. We, their company leadership, are

proud of all that they have accomplished and the reputation they have earned CLR-15!

They are all a true group of professionals!!

This month we were able to award a few deserving personnel who stood out from the

rest. Two Marines were promoted this past month, Cpl Ninnemann and Cpl Timm. Cpl

Timm was a combat meritorious promotion. It is always a good day in the Marine Corps

when you are able to award and promote the personnel under your charge.

As my first command , Headquarters and Service Company will always have a special

place in my heart. It has been a pleasure serving with all the Marines/Sailors on this

deployment. I will treasure these memories always.

1stLt Jeff Wunder

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Headquarters & Service Company

Page 6: CLR-15 Mar Newsletter

Families and Friends,

As we approach the completion of our mission, I want the Marines and Sailors of General Support Motor Transport (GSMT) Company to know

I greatly appreciate the exemplary level of honor, courage, and commitment they have displayed. Their hard work and dedication has played a

critical role in enabling our military forces to be successful in the global war on terrorism. Freedom is not free, and the Marines and Sailors

of this unit have proudly made great personal sacrifices to serve and protect our great Nation and its patriotic citizens. I commend the Ma-

rines and Sailors for outstanding perseverance, dedication, and know they will continue to follow through on their operational commitments.

The Marines and Sailors, continue to hit the ball out of the park on a daily basis. I am extremely proud of them and have been truly amazed

by their accomplishments. There are an enormous amount of Service members throughout Afghanistan that relied on this company for sup-

port and GSMT was able to accomplish the mission every time. The Marines and Sailors are eagerly awaiting the arrival of our replacements.

I know they will stay focused on the mission at hand and maintain their professionalism and dedication until we formally turn over with our


I recognize the Marines and Sailors homecoming will be an emotional and joyful time for everyone. We greatly appreciate the support of our

families, loved ones and friends in their efforts and in keeping the home front prepared and sound.

Again, I ask for all of your continued support, not only to the Marines and Sailors returning home, but

for all our Armed Services and their families in their continued efforts of dedicated service. I ask that

you support and work with your loved ones to ensure they continue to take care of themselves, their

fellow Marines and Sailors, and their loved ones. Please be patient and know that the command is here to

support and help with the transitions that encompass re-deployment. Thank you all, for your prayers and

support throughout this deployment, they were echoed and well received. I know you are all proud of

your loved ones; as our Nation is proud of them as well, please commend them on a job well done!

SEMPER FI! Maj CollinsSEMPER FI! Maj Collins



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G S M T C o m p a n y Fe b r u a r y 2 0 1 1

Families, Veterans, Friends, and Supporters of GSMT Company–

Greetings, this command and I are extremely proud of every member of our exceptional team and their accomplishments.

We are in the home stretch of this historic deployment, but rest assure that GSMT Company remains vigilant and totally committed

to working seamlessly with our Marine, Sailor, and Coalition Force brethren in maintaining a secure environment and mission accom-

plishment here in Afghanistan.

I know that you are all patiently awaiting your Warrior‟s triumphant return to the United States. I would like to provide a

little more granularity regarding our re-deployment. GSMT Company is tentatively scheduled for an early April window of return. I

ask all family members to keep in contact with our Family Readiness Officer (FRO), Mrs. Lynda Schubert, she can be reached via e-

mail at [email protected] or by phone at 760-725-6750. She will provide updated e-mails with the status of movements, re-

turn, and more detailed homecoming information for GSMT Company as time progresses and when it is known to her. Please be un-

derstanding and patient during this re-deployment period, as it is important to maintain a secured posture when relaying movement

dates and times. To all, your generosity and support in the form of mail and care packages has been well received and commended.

If your loved one is a Marine or Sailor who is with the Selective Marine Corps/Naval Reserves I would highly suggest that you do not

attend the homecoming- if traveling from a long distance away. Within 96 hours after their arrival to Camp Pendleton your Reserve

Marine or Sailor will commence his or her travels back to their Home Training Center (HTC). They will be extremely busy, and the

period of 3 to 4 days aboard Camp Pendleton will not allow them much free time. They will be fully engaged in gear turn-ins, Warrior

Transition Training, and Administrative/Medical Audits- leaving them very little free time while at Camp Pendleton.

Continuously, the Marines and Sailors of GSMT Company have distinguished themselves exceptionally well on the battlefield.

While we to look forward to our stateside re-deployment, coming home presents a new set of challenges. The adjustment from oper-

ating tactical vehicles to driving automobiles or motorcycles at dangerously high speeds and alcohol consumption all too often results

in preventable post-deployment fatalities. We have been blessed thus far with no casualties or serious injuries throughout this de-

ployment. This Command and I want to keep it that way. I respectfully request that you assist all during this adjustment period for

your Marines and Sailors and slow them down- when it‟s needed. Our desire is for this reunion to be a joyous time to be remembered

by every GSMT Family member for years to come.

To our FRO, Mrs. Lynda Schubert and Supporters of GSMT Company, my utmost appreciation is extended for your dedi-

cated service throughout this entire deployment. We are eternally grateful for your superior efforts in helping us stay “wel l con-

nected.” Your unselfish service proved instrumental to our mission accomplishment and success. Keep

up the outstanding work….we‟re almost done. Finally, I thank each and every GSMT Company family

member for your patience, dedication and extraordinary support for the past six months. We remain

ever vigilant and pledge our unwavering commitment to America and the citizens of this great nation.

Remain Semper Fidelis, 1stSgt Adam E. Fraser


Page 8: CLR-15 Mar Newsletter


On 1 March, the company was able to reward several Marines for their hard work and dedication to the Marine Corps during our

fifth awards and promotion ceremony in country. These Marines have certainly earned this and we hope we will be able to rec-

ognize all the Marines for their outstanding character and work.

Maintenance Company C o m p a n y C o m m a n d e r F i r s t S e r g e a n t


Friends and family of Maintenance Company,

I am very proud to inform you that this is the

Company’s last newsletter edition. The Ma-

rines are eagerly looking forward to starting

the return trip home. Know that we as a com-

pany will not “drop our packs” and we will

continue to perform and stay focused until we arrive home

to our loved ones in order to spend some quality time with

them during our well deserved leave period. I just wanted to thank everyone again for showing their continued sup-

port and generosity throughout the entire deployment. The

many care packages, letters, and gifts really made a large

difference to the Marines during the past few months.

I could not have asked for a better performance from our

Marines during our time in Afghanistan. Everyone did an

outstanding job maintaining and supporting the warfighter.

I’m very proud to serve with every single one of them. Thank you again for all that you do and the continued sup-

port. We look forward to seeing you all very soon.

Semper Fidelis,

1stSgt E. J. Robles


Maintenance Company loved ones.

As our last month here in Afghani-

stan comes to an end we are all

looking forward to finishing strong

and providing a top notch turnover

with our replacements. Over the past seven months

your Marines have simply done an incredible job at

everything they have encountered. They have far ex-

ceeded my expectations and it has been a true honor to

work with such a group of professional warriors. They

have continued on with the great Marine Corps legacy and their accomplishments will be talked about for

years to come. You too should all be proud of all their

hard work and accomplishments.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for

your support over the past seven months. You all were

definitely a huge part in keeping the morale high for

the Marines within the company.

We will be home soon and look forward to reuniting

with you all.

Semper Fidelis,

Major Jim Towney

Pictured (Top Row, left to right): Newly Promoted Cpl Cooke, Cpl Hofreiter, Cpl Kim, and Cpl Lara. (Bottom Row, left to right): Newly

Promoted Cpl Spillers. Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal recipient, Cpl May. Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal recipients

Cpl Troxell and Cpl Villafuerte. Selected Marine Corps Reserve Medal recipients LCpl Cano and LCpl Harmon.

Page 9: CLR-15 Mar Newsletter

Maintenance Company

Company Photo :

Dwyer Detachment Photos :

Page 10: CLR-15 Mar Newsletter

Security Company C o m p a n y

C o m m a n d e r

F i r s t

S e r g e a n t

Families and Friends of Security Company,

I can truthfully say that for all of the anticipated joy of getting back to our

“normal” lives back in the United States with you all, our families and friends, that

I will be sad to say goodbye to the family that we have here now in Security Com-

pany OEF 10.2. As with any family you have, you will inevitably have your ups and

downs, you might also have the uncle in your family that might make the weird

jokes, or the younger cousin or sibling that might annoy you sometimes, but in the

end you would do anything in the world for them, to include defending any of their

peculiarities if mentioned by anyone outside of your family.

Well that is the bond that we have here, the guy/gal next to them in their vehicle,

in their room, or squad might be their best friend and worst enemy, and reversed

again, all in a day, hour or less. These Marines and Sailors have been on a challeng-

ing combat tour, they will share memories and experiences from their totaled 109

combat missions for the rest of their lives.

We have true warriors in this company who have met the enemy in their backyard,

and have not backed down and who have engaged the enemy to ensure the safety of

all others in their vehicles, or others in the convoy to include unarmed Local Nation-

als in unarmored vehicles transporting fuel to our bases. These Marines and Sailors

are all in the truest sense to me are heroes, who without them and the actions that

they have done, the safety of Afghanistan‟s people, would not be upheld. I hope

that you share the pride that I have in being associated with each and everyone of

them. Completing my 3rd combat tour, 5th deployment, I have seen a certain de-

ployment cycle a few times, they might seem a little different at first readjusting

to their “normal” lives back in the States. So I ask that you be patient and under-

standing, and recognize that there is somewhat of a normal adjustment period to be

anticipated leaving a relatively stressful environment where adrenaline can run on

multiple highs and lows. But know in the end that they are overall the same person

that you have known for all of those years, just with new memories and experi-

ences. Remember the Marine Corps and Navy are a forged band of brothers and

sisters in arms, who strive to be there for each other through the good and bad,

with also resources available such as

I want to say thank you to each and every Marine and Sailor in our company, that

have all lived up to every challenge that we have been presented. I want to say

thank you to my staff who have worked long hours since day one, even while back in

sunny Cali. MSgt Starzy thank you for your senior enlisted guidance and for being

my dependable sounding board and for your loyalty. Lt Quinn you have excelled as

the XO, and I foresee you doing great things in the future as well. Again for all

those that I have not been able to mention directly in this writing or in others past,

thank you for your hard word, dedication and commitment to the mission and to

each other. Semper Fi.

I want to personally thank LtCol Murchison, SgtMaj Belle and their entire staff,

who have gone above and beyond for us, especially when times were tough, who with

their leadership, guidance and unfaltering support Security Company would not have

been able to be as successful as it was, thank you from the entire company.

Families and friends thank you again for being there for them as we progressed on

our journey of this deployment, with the highs and lows as well.

If you need anything I can be reached at [email protected] (back in the


Semper Fidelis,

Major Kathy Jensen

We are down to our last missions and it is hard to believe that we have been here

almost 7 months! Looking back from the days we first formed together as Security

Company to the final days here in Afghanistan, we have grown and turned into a fine

fighting force. Our Marines and Sailors have given their heart and soul to this

Company and Unit. When I look a around and I see their faces, I see tired and war

worn Marines and Sailors ready to come home and take a break. They have more

than earned it. If they were extended and asked to stay longer, though they want

to go home, they would stay. That is the type of Company we have become. You can

read the books and see the movies but to be there fighting, it is something to be

understood only in the experience itself. The Marines and Sailors of Security Com-

pany don‟t need to read it or watch it, they have been there and done that in this

war. Some of us have even been in Iraq and other regions of the world, where our

country has called us to duty. No war is the same. But the one thing you can rely on

is one another and that is what we as a company and unit have done! We have a

strong sense of pride and our motivation is at a level that is carrying us to the finish

line. We will be on our way home soon and you can feel it in the air. All I can really

say is that it has been an honor to serve with your Marines and Sailors. Often I

can‟t find the right words to say to my Marines and Sailors about how much I appre-

ciate them doing such an awesome job. I tell them I am proud of them and that I

have Mad Love for them and that they make me proud to be their 1stSgt. But it

seems to me not enough, because I truly can‟t put into word or define how much

they mean to me. They have accomplished all missions with style and grace. Harden

and True Warrior‟s! It has been an honor and a pleasure to serve with these fine

Marines and Sailors.

I would like to say that our Company could not have done what we have accom-

plished, if it weren‟t for having such sound leadership from our Regimental Com-

manding Officer (LtCol Murchison) and our Regimental Sergeant Major (SgtMaj

Belle). It is a great feeling to know at all times your CO and SgtMaj have your back,

through thick and thin. They have given CLR-15 (FWD) the leadership we needed to

stand strong in hours of darkness! Take it how you want, but it is the damn truth!

One thing that also assisted us in accomplishing so much is the brotherhood support

we received from the other Company‟s. From Supply Company (getting us the neces-

sary tools we need it), to Maintenance Company (pulling us out at times in need), to

GS Motor T (providing us vehicles in time of need), to Alpha Surgical Company

(Always there when we needed you the most), to our hard working HQ‟s Company

and their many roles, such as Supply, all the S shop‟s, Medical (truly life savior‟s),

our Operation Section (who I know spent long hours supporting us) and our COC (who

had over watch on us). I forgot to mention our animated Chaplain, as he would

say..You Rock! I thank you all.

I would also like to thank all the 1stSgt‟s that have helped me help my Marines! If

it were not for your guidance at times, I would have had a harder time taking care

of my Marines and Sailors! Semper Fi, Brothers!

I would also like to thank all the hard working Marines and Sailors within CLR-15

(FWD) for you dedication and solid work ethic!

Most of all I would like to thank the friends and family of Security Company for the

support and love that you gave the Marines and Sailors from a far!

Mad Love Marines and Sailors of CLR-15 (FWD)

Master Sergeant Starzy

Page 11: CLR-15 Mar Newsletter

Security Company

Page 12: CLR-15 Mar Newsletter

Supply Company Welcome Family and Friends of Supply Company!

Your Marines and Sailors are doing great and are very excited

when I talk to them about going home. Afghanistan takes a lot

out of you and your loved ones have given a lot of sweat and some

tears over the last 6 months. I am very proud of what our team

has accomplished. Whether it is the joint shipping area, the preventative flood

measures at the FASP, the building up of the SDD‟s in Noley or Edi, the battlefield

circulation of our medical technicians throughout the battlefield, the establishment

of the MRAP section and SharePoint site by Storage, or the execution of the tri-

annual review within fiscal, the issue of gear to the Danish, the establishing of an

integrated RUC line that is integrated with the management of containers at MMDC,

or the multiple carpentry projects P3 gets on a daily basis and the medical supplies

that are distributed throughout the battlefield to docs who really need the

gear. Through all of that, and there was so much more, we accomplished the mission

with class and stayed together through it all.

Thank you for your support of the Marines and Sailors of Supply Company. We can-

not wait to see you!

Maj Luke T. Holian


Supply Company Family,

By the time you read this we will be less than one month

away from one of the best days of our lives. The day we get

back to the United States and reunite with you will be one to

remember for a lifetime. It has been a long haul, not easy to

say the least. But we did it, we did it well and we did it to-

gether. I am proud to say that I served with your Marines and

Sailors in Operation Enduring Freedom 10.2. I look forward to

meeting each and every one of you at our luau on the 28th. God

bless and thank you.

1stSgt M. Garcia


Page 13: CLR-15 Mar Newsletter
Page 14: CLR-15 Mar Newsletter


Navy/Marine Corps Commendation Medal

CDR Shane Vath (Surg), LCDR Karla Slater (Surg),

SSgt Stephen Sturgell (H&S), Sgt Chad Jurcich (GSMT)

Navy/Marine Corps Achievement Medal

LT Amber Scott (Surg), 1stLt Raymond Singson (H&S), HM1 Scott Collet (H&S),

SSgt Robert Comer (Maint), SSgt Rex Cotter (Maint), SSgt Jorge Espinoza (Sup),

SSgt Misty Gatlin (Sup), HM1 Christopher Harris (H&S), SSgt Jayson Quintas (Maint),

SSgt Adam Romnek (Maint), SSgt James Schenkenfelder (Maint), SSgt Horace Schmuck (H&S),

Sgt Derwin Bowie (Sup), Sgt Tristan Brown (Sec), Sgt Matthew Burks (Maint),

Sgt Michael Demo (Sec), Sgt Eric Flores (H&S), Sgt Jessica Franceschini (Sup),

Sgt Erasmo Galaviz (Sup), Sgt Fermin Gonzalezsevilla (Maint), Sgt Brandon Hancock (Maint),

Sgt Justin Hardy (Maint), Sgt Donaciano Hernandez (Maint), Sgt Jason Hettmansperger (Sec),

Sgt Perry Hunt (Sec), Sgt Kenyon Johnson (Sec), Sgt Michael Keeton (Sec),

Sgt Zhenya Kileen (Maint), Sgt Juan Leyva (Sup), Sgt Danielle Lutz (Sup),

Sgt Kevin McClain (H&S), Sgt James Medley (Sec), Sgt Deshaun Michael (Maint),

Sgt Hazzell Ramos (Sup), Sgt Michael Sherer (Sec), Sgt Alex Sinnett (Maint),

Sgt Sean Smithe (Maint), Sgt Travis Tate (Maint), Sgt Carlos Valderas (Maint),

Sgt Andrew Vanhoogmoed (Maint), Sgt Eric Verbeke (Sup), Sgt Matthew Walker (Maint),

Sgt Jessica Wingenroth (H&S), Cpl Jose Abarca (GSMT), Cpl Natalie Avina (Maint),

Cpl Jorge Carillo (Maint), Cpl Skyler Cartwright (GSMT), Cpl Juila Collins (Sup),

Cpl Jacob Covey (Maint), PO3 Thomas Curran (Sec), Cpl Thomas Donavant (Maint),

HM3 Brittini Grigg (Surg), Cpl Thomas Donavant (Maint), Cpl Lawrence Jones (Sec),

Cpl Christopher Lepowski (Maint), Cpl Logan Pinkston (Maint), Cpl Matthew Stancil (Maint),

Cpl Ihys Tumaliuan (Maint), LCpl Arvin Bachtiar (Maint), LCpl Shad Barr (Maint),

LCpl Byran Decarlo (Maint), LCpl John Jehle (Maint), LCpl Luke Muns (Maint),

LCpl Matthew Scott (Maint)

Certificate of Commendation

HM2 Abraham Akinbowale (Supply), Sgt Aaron Doss (Maint), Sgt Andrew Easonmcgill (Sec),

Sgt Eric Leader (Sec), Sgt Jorge Orduna (Maint), Sgt Jared Pfister (Sec),

HM2 Jose Ponce (Supply), Sgt Randall Valdez (Maint), Cpl Nicholas Adcock (Sec),

HM3 Kingsley Agbitor (Surg), Cpl Robert Becker (Maint), Cpl Jose Benitez (Maint),

Cpl Kyle Brown (Maint), Cpl Fransisco Garcia (Maint), Cpl Shawn Irwin (Sec),

Cpl Christopher Luko (Maint), Cpl Matthew Olson (Maint), Cpl Jose Osuna (GSMT),

Cpl Phuong Tsan (Maint), Cpl Yosty Villafuerte (Maint), Cpl Kevin Vrtiska (Maint),

LCpl Liza Cabanillas (H&S), LCpl Ryan Docherty (Sec), LCpl Christopher Leach (H&S),

LCpl Kenneth Paksi (Maint), LCpl Donald Phillips (Sec), LCpl Eriklani Santos (H&S),

LCpl Christopher Schwab (GSMT), LCpl William Tanner (H&S), HN Pierre Celestin (Surg),

Page 15: CLR-15 Mar Newsletter

March Promotions

Master Gunnery Sergeant

Gilberto Rivera (Maint)


William Schooler (GSMT),

Carolyn Shaw (Supply),

Thomas Washington (Supply)


Rick Albillo (Supply),

Daniel Cloyd (Maint),

Glenn Cooke (Maint),

Bettzy Hernandez (Supply),

Ian Hofreiter (Maint),

Min Kim (Maint),

Joseph Lara (Maint),

Steven Lewis (GSMT),

Blaine Lunsford (Supply),

Jose Negrete (Supply),

Peter Ninnemann (H&S),

Victor Peralta (Surg),

Miguel Perez (Supply),

Phillip Powell (Sec),

Anthony Rivera (GSMT),

Joshua Spillers (Maint),

Sean Timm (H&S),

Nicholas Walezak (Sec),

Martin Vasquez (Supply)

Page 16: CLR-15 Mar Newsletter


ADVON: 25 Mar - 28 Mar

H&S COMPANY: 30 Mar - 6 Apr

GSMT COMPANY: 2 Apr - 9 Apr



SUPPLY COMPANY: 9 Apr - 16 Apr










Page 17: CLR-15 Mar Newsletter


*Transition Takes Time: Like jet-lag, culture shock takes time to recover. Your loved one just returned from

a war-torn country to a country that is a First-World nation has an abundance of many things. Don’t be sur-

prised or shocked at a wide range of emotions due to the change.

*Transition is Different For Everybody: Don’t judge your loved one’s transition by another’s. Everyone is a

different individual. Let them adjust how they need to. Your loved one may need some “alone” time; also a

family needs time together; TOGETHER, decide how to share time as a family upon the return.

*Children may respond in unexpected ways to a Parent’s Return: A parent’s return may seem sudden and

dramatic. Many children are happy to see Mom or Dad home again, but many can also become upset or and

confused at the change in routine (again).

*Don’t Rush – Relax! Don’t forget to stop and take a breath; there are no “deadlines” for getting back into

“home” routines again.

*Alcohol: Limit the use of alcohol. Remember alcohol was restricted during the deployment and tolerances

will be lowered.

*Be careful driving: Unless you drove a tactical vehicle, most of us didn’t drive during the deployment, so

driving again regularly will be an adjustment.

*Don’t overspend: It’s tempting to go shopping again, but keep back a part of the saving accumulated during

deployment for the future – you never know what the future may bring!

*Finish and remain strong: Let this deployment experience make your family stronger, let it make your mar-

riage stronger. Interpret this experience as a POSITIVE one. Be PROUD of what was accomplished during the


Where to Get Assistance

Need assistance in coping with post-deployment stresses?


Medical Treatment Facilities (Hospitals and Clinics)

Marine and Family Services Counselors

Military OneSource (

Veterans Centers (

Combat Operational Stress Control (

Marine Leaders Guide ( leadersguide)

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Directions to the 22 Area Parade Deck

From the Maingate at Interstate 5

Follow Vandegrift (the road that you are on when you enter the Main Gate) to the

22 Area. This is the camp across from the Air Station and is approximately 10

miles from the Maingate. Turn right onto 11th Street (at the Firestation). Follow 11th Street to the next right and locate parking. The parade deck will be in the

center of the barracks buildings to the left.

From the San Luis Rey Gate

You will enter onto Vandegrift. Proceed to 16th Street and turn left (Firestation is on the left). At the bottom of the hill, turn left onto Vandegrift. Follow to the 22

Area. Turn left at 11th Street (at the Firestation). Follow 11th Street to the next

right and locate parking. The parade deck will be in the center of the barracks

buildings to the left.

From Fallbrook Naval Weapons Station Gate

Enter Camp Pendleton and follow Ammunition Road to the Stop sign. Turn right

onto Vandegrift Blvd. Follow Vandegrift to the 22 Area. This will be the first major camp that you encounter and is located across from the Air Station. Turn left at

11th Street (at the Firestation) (5th light once on Vandegrift). Follow 11th Street to

the next right and locate parking. The parade deck will be in the center of the

barracks buildings to the left.

Page 20: CLR-15 Mar Newsletter

D Stress Hotline Information:

A confidential, 24/7 Marine friendly counseling service 1-877-476-7734 or was started 15 August,


Open to all Marines, past and present, along with family members and loved ones. The hotline is staffed by personnel

with previous military experience, counselors and clinicians trained in Marine Corps culture.

Combat Logistics Regiment-15 (Forward) is on Facebook. Search: CLR-15 FWD

C O M B A T L O G I S T I C S R E G I M E N T - 1 5

( F O R W A R D )

Good Information

American Red Cross

National Toll Free


Camp Pendleton Office


Duty Number

CLR-15 Duty


Family Readiness Officer’s

[email protected] H&S Company

[email protected] Surgical Company

[email protected] Supply & Security Companies / 4th MLG

[email protected] General Support Motor Transport Company

[email protected] Maintenance Company


MGySgt Lumabao, Rex (Maint)

GySgt Matthews, Jessica (Maint)

SSgt Anderson, Jeremy (GSMT)

SSgt Miracle, Alan (Maint)

Sgt Brown, Preston (Supply)

Sgt Dees, Katrina (Sec)

Sgt Gonzalez, Marcos (Maint)

Sgt Harris, Troy (Sec)

Cpl Donavant Jr, Thomas (Maint)

Cpl Meseck, Justin (Maint)