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Cloud Busting

Apr 07, 2018



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  • 8/4/2019 Cloud Busting


    Panacea-BOCAF On-Line University

    The e duc a tiona l series cove ring c lea n ene rgy te c hnology tow ards building our

    c hild ren a future. Panacea-BOCAF is a registered non- profit orga nization, ded ica ted

    to educa tional study and research. All cop yrights belong to their ow ners and a reacknow ledged . All ma terial presented on this we b site is either news rep orting o r

    informa tion p resented for non-profit study a nd resea rch, or has p rev iously bee n

    public ly d isc losed or has implic itly or explic itly been p ut into the public dom a in. Fair

    Use ap plies. Contact us.


    Desc rip tion

    Replica tion

    Fac ulty info rma tion.........

    Tec hnic a l sup port fo rum.


    Cred its..

    Our Source Is One of Love , Not Cond em nat ion... When you pa y attention to the wa y

    you fee l, and deliberate ly cho ose mo re thoughts tha t feel goo d w hile you think

    them, you will beg in to rec og nize the na ture of yo ur Broa der Non-Physic a l desires.The ma jority of neg a tive emo tions tha t you fee l a re no t bec ause the sub jec t of your

    thought is wrong, but instea d, b ec ause you are c ondemning some thing that youre

    Source does not c ond emn. Your Source is one o f love , not one o f cond emnat ion. ---


    Ded ica ted to a ll tho se w ho have rema ined loyal to Wilhelm s Reich s Vision, LOVE

    and teachings.- Panacea-BOCAF

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    Cloud b uster technolog y.

    We live in a community of people not so that we can suppress and dominate each other or

    make each other miserable but so that we can better and more reliably satisfy all life's

    healthy needs." Wilhelm Reich, "Children of the Future", page 221

    Panac ea wishes to ac knowled ge the valued contributions of the Wilhelm Reic h

    museum the Galac tic Orgonom y Exchang e (GOE), Free Energy Researcher Dr.

    Peter Lindemann , Trevo r Constable, Jamie, James Demeo , Ken , ESA and va rious

    other individuals involved in Orgonom y (you all know who you a re) who wish toremain nameless.

    Wilhelm Reic h (1897 - 1957) disc ove red a form o f ene rgy tha t he ca lled Orgone "

    and dem onstrated tha t this ene rgy c ould b e found within a ll living things and

    throughout the c osmo s. The Ga lac tic Orgo nom y Exc ha nge lists Orgone a s:"ORGONE

    ENERGY. Is a Primord ial Cosmic Energy; universa lly p resent and dem onstrab le

    visua lly, thermic a lly, elec trosc op ica lly and by means of Geige r-Mueller co unte rs. In

    the living o rganism: Bio-energy, Life Energy -Disc overed by Wilhelm Reich b etwe en

    1936 and 1940."

    A rec ent introd uc tory film made Jame s DeMeo.

    Wilhelm Reich a nd the Orgone Energy: A Brief Introduc tion

    The term Orgone wa s c oined by Wilhelm Reich in the early 1940s to desc ribe a

    form of universal ba c kground rad iation or e nergy that he had disc overed. Over

    the next 14 yea rs he m ade many signific ant d isc ove ries of how it func tioned in

    na ture a nd the hum an b od y. One of these, in 1952, was his invention of a device he

    c a lled a "c loud buster". This device w as ab le to d ra in off sta le toxic forms of O rgone

    (Ca lled dea d ly Orgo ne energy or DOR) from the a tmo sphere and restore no rmal
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    me teorologica l behavior to areas afflic ted with droughts and other atmospheric


    Cloud busting is the use o f an instrume nt originally invented by Wilhelm Reic h whic h

    utilizes Orgone energy to fac ilitate these d etec table changes in the we ather.

    Desp ite the term Orgo ne b eing c oined by Reich for a life fo rc e energy, Prior to t his in

    the w estern ed uc a tiona l system Baron Reiche nbac h co ined the Odic force Franz

    Anton Mesmer had knowledg e o f the a nima l mag netism. Also you had Rudolf

    Ste iner and his associate Guenthe r Wac hsmuth who e stab lished the c hem ic a l ethe r

    (com pared to Orgone by Trevo r Jame s Co nsta b le) in the ir wo rks The Ethe ric

    Forma tive Force s . The c hem ica l ether is und erstood b y Trevo r to b e w ha t ac c esses

    by his (Trevors) instrum ents.

    Trevo r and his late friend Dr Walter sta rk (Swiss ion expe rt) is a well known p hysic ist

    and c harac terized the e ther as identica l to w ha t the Hindus c a lled Prana which inVed antic philosop hy, it is the not ion o f a vital, life-susta ining force of living beings

    and vital energy.Plus to Mana the c onc ep t of a n impersona l forc e o r qua lity that

    resides in p eop le, anima ls, and inanima te o b jec ts. The M ana c onc ep t is c om mo n to

    ma ny Oc ea nic langua ge s, inc luding Melane sian, Polynesian, and Micronesian.

    Add itiona lly co mp arab le to wha t the Chinese c all Chi the "life-fo rc e" in Chinese

    culture and fina lly to the Lorentz force in electrical theory.

    There is a va st sc ientific and philosop hica l rec ord o f this field d a ting b ac k to a nc ient

    Greec e a nd the Am erican Ind ian shama ns but this forc e ha s never fully be en

    unde rstoo d or co vered b y orthod oxy. The func tion of a Cloud buster whic h by itsop erating p rinc ip les cannot b e explained using o rthod oxy c lea rly and une quivoc a lly

    p rove s tha t this field exists. The c loud buster is the m issing link for orthod oxy and is

    certainly a tangible p hysica l devic e for attrac ting a nd d irec ting this force .

    If c loud b usting is to be d one properly and as originally intended , it must be done

    only to rep air a d am ag ed atmo spheric ene rgy field, not to simply indep ende ntly

    "make rain". It is not wrong to simp ly restore the c limate to no rmal (d ue to

    counterproduc tive hum an a c tivity) and then let nature take its natural c ourse.Tha t is

    the way c loud b usting is intende d to be done. Reich wrote about this c onc ep t,

    calling it "atm osphe ric self-regulation".

    Cloud busting c anno t a nd SHOULD NOT be used to "make rain"; it CAN and SHOULD

    be used to hea l a sic k and d am ag ed atmosphere and restore a stagna ted

    atmosphe ric energy field to norma l pulsa tion. If tha t is done , ra in w ill hap pen o n its'

    ow n. Nob od y has to "make" it. -Anon

    The intent of c loud busting is to RESTORE NORMAL WEATHER CONDITIONS, not to

    brea k rain records. The und erstand ing is that c lima te deterioration is caused b y a

    build -up of DOR (mo re information on DOR can b e found in the fac ulty sec tion

    be low). The p roper wa y to d o c loud b usting is to remove DOR and let theatm osphe re return to its norma l behav ior.
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    The goa l of any we ll done c loud b uster op eration is the re-estab lishme nt of

    atmospheric SELF-REGULATION which ha s bee n obstruc ted by DOR. Any other use o f

    c loud b usting is ma lpractice and only ad ds to the problem of the d isruption of

    normal weather patterns.

    One time or indep end ent rain is not the intent o f c loud busting. To b e w orth

    anything, it is nec essa ry to solve the p rob lem o n a long-term b asis. Tha t m ea ns

    rem ova l of the DOR-bloc kage tha t is c ausing the p rob lem and restoration of the

    normal pulsat ion o f the a tmo sphere so it will continue to p rod uce rain at reg ula r

    interva ls by itself without furthe r intervention. It would a lso b e ne c essa ry to g o a bout

    it g radua lly so you d o no t cause e rosion. Just dumping water on sand is not g oing to

    help . You must first g radua lly humidify the a rea so p lant life sta rts to revive a nd c an

    ho ld the soil. Then, afte r mo nths of inc rea sing humidity and p lant g row th, you c an try

    for ra in without just w ashing awa y soil.

    Therefore there is a p ossibility tha t by the (m iss) use o f suc h an instrument that one

    can c rea te a slopp y c loud buster oversaturation . One c an ea sily and

    unintentiona lly a llow storm a fter sto rm d ama ge in his/ hers ow n area . Cloud busting

    inevitab ly covers a la rge area . Any write up s and d a ta c ollec ted from c loud busting

    expe riments must not b e rec orde d as po or sc ienc e . An ac ce pta ble stand ard c an

    be referenc ed in Reich s rec ording o f his c loud busting w ork tha t was pub lished in his

    boo k co ntact with spa ce .

    Cloud b usting c anno t be done in a free lanc e wa y, its be nefits will be hindered if

    wo rk is be ing d one b y one op erator without his/ her know led ge of a nothe r

    performing a n op eration nearby. One must also b e a b le to d ete c t if som eo ne is

    c loud busting and where they are op erating from .

    This spe c ific informa tion on c loud busting wo rk must be unive rsally mainta ined and

    mod erated if any operations are to com menc e and be effec tive.

    This information will be ne eded som eday to help protec t the world ag ainst peop le

    miss using c loud busters. For mo re informa tion on how an op eration should be

    conducted and what fac tors must be considered p lease c onsult the desc ription

    sec tion of this do cument.

    Wilhelm Reich first b uilt a nd expe rimented with seve ra l c loud busters in the

    1950's.Most ha ve b ee n since bee n c ustom m ade b y various CB op erators. However

    c loud busting is not for the inexp erienced individual. Again this c an result in a

    da ngerous wea ther mo dific ation proc ess and is not a toy so to speak . It is nether

    ethical o r safe for the unqua lified individua l who do es not understand the original

    intent o f Wilhelm Reic hto perform c loud b uster work.

    Cloud busting w ork is know n to b e d ange rous to the hea lth of the o perator if prope r

    pre ca utions are not a dhe red to d uring the o pe ration of the d evic e. The In

    exp erienced and in proper use o f this instrume nt ca n result in cata strop hic e ffec ts

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    including violent weather, bodily harm, loss of life, and e nvironmental da ma ge . Do

    not operate a c loud b uster without, authorization and prope r knowledge.

    For this very reason a lone , one must first fa miliarize oneself w ith the follow ing

    informa tion written by Wilhelm Reich which desc ribes ma ny of the va ried op erations

    and the ir effec ts on the we a ther during his resea rc h into this field of w ork. Som e

    desc riptions of this a re c onta ined in the stud ent d iscussion with Reic h's c loud buste r

    stud ent o pera to rs Eva Reic h a nd Bill Moise. Essential information on the dangers of

    op erations and prec autions c an b e found in the following writings by Wilhelm Reic h.

    The pub lic a tions "CO RE July 1954 Vol. VI Nos. 1-4" and "Co nta c t w ith Spac e-1956" by

    Wilhelm Reich a re boo ks ava ilab le from the Wilhelm Reich Museum Boo kstore a t PO

    Box 687 Rangeley, Maine 04970 or check the archives of a university library. "Contact

    with Spac e" has a lso b ee n p ub lished in Germa ny in 1996.

    Books that were p urc hased by Panac ea for resea rc h

    Sta rt with for the ca talogue of

    wha t is ava ilab le from the Wilhelm Reich Museum Boo kstore - (most c loud busting

    a rticles by Reich a re inc luded in the "ra re Journals" tha t a re a va ilab le o n microfilm).

    It is a lso c onside red essentia l to rea d p lus Cosmic Sup erimp osition , 1951.

    If c loud b usting is go ing to b e used by pe op le with nationalistic or other politica l

    ag enda s it will be nothing but another form of pollution. Cloud busting op erations

    must only operated under the a pp rop ria te g uidelines, this wa y the c loud buster be

    effectively prevented from be ing the worst thing tha t c an hap pe n to the

    environm ent . There is a lrea dy alarming evidenc e to suggest tha t other harmful and

    dangerous me thods of wea the r mo d ifica tion proc esses is oc curring. These methods

    are know n to be c ounterproduc tive to hea lth a nd the e nvironme nt. These m ethod s

    inc lude The HAARP Program.
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    Informa tion on the HAARP p rojec t

    Established in 1992, HAARP, based in Gokona, Alaska, is an array of high-poweredantenna s tha t t ransmit, throug h high-freq uenc y rad io wa ves, ma ssive a mo unts of

    energy into the ionosphere (the upp er layer of the atmo sphere). Their c onstruction

    wa s fund ed by the US Air Force, the US Navy and the Defense Ad vanc ed Resea rc h

    Projec ts Ag enc y (DARPA). Op erated jointly by the Air Force Resea rch Laborato ry

    and the Offic e of Nava l Resea rc h, HAARP c onstitutes a system of powerful antenna s

    c ap ab le of c rea ting c ontrolled loc al mod ific at ions of the ionosphe re . Acc ording to

    its official web site , http:/ / ww w.haarp , HAARP will be used to induc e a

    sma ll, loc a lized c hang e in ionospheric tem perature so p hysic a l rea c tions c an be

    stud ied b y other instruments loc ated either a t o r c lose to the HAARP site .

    Of further c onc ern is the a lleg ed use o f chemtrials to fac ilitate the c oordination of

    this HAARP system . More deta il on HAARP and this p rob lem ha s bee n inc luded in the

    fac ulty sec tion below.

    As of 2009 - There rema ins yea rs of documented evidenc e in the Wilhelm Reic h

    institute files, nume rous bo oks, not to mention evide nce c onta ined in the rep lica ted

    experime nts pe rforme d by Trevor c onstable and Jam es DeMeo (just to name a few)

    to validate the sc ience of cloud b usting and of Orgonomy as a whole.
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    Trevo r Co nsta b le s wo rk

    Ge orge K. C. Wuu, and Trevo r Jame s Co nsta b le a re b oth found ers of ETHERIC RAIN

    ENG INEERING PTE LTD Singapore. Trevor has had p roof of his CLEAN non c hem ical

    weather mo difica tion proc ess for ove r 10 years. This tec hnolog y c an a lso b e used to

    contain hurrica nes and help contain bush fires. In Southe rn Ca lifornia b ac k in 1987

    around 200 sc ientists from oversea s c ountries we re b roug ht in b y the Ca lifornia a ir

    resources b oa rd . All were o rganized into som e 50 teams. These teams we re

    strate gic a lly sited throughout Ca lifornia for the m ost a mb itious smog stud y projec t in

    history. Trevor's op eration "vic tor" started a t the sam e time and by the end of the third

    week in July the a ir in southern Ca lifornia wa s so c lean that it dep rived the visiting

    sc ientist of the statistica l op po rtunity to g athe r valid samp les- As a result they were

    sent home without da ta.

    The we ather mod ific ation op eration "Vic tor" wa s done without m alefic intent, Trevo r

    has sta ted on rec ord tha t it was unintentional and done without m a lefic intent. His

    p rojec t with a 5 thousand dolla r budg et ha d p ut out of a c tion the sta te a ir resources

    boa rd project w hich finished up c osting the Ca lifornia ta x payer mo re tha n ten

    million dollars. After the project "victor" phase was finished in August, suddenly they

    we re ge tting the c lea nest a ir in thirty yea rs - howe ver the wa y it w ent into the

    rec ords wa s as a me trolog ica l "fluke". So in essenc e, rega rdless bo th a study and a

    result were bo th ac hieved d ue to the c loud b usting o pe rations.

    In 1989 the o pe rat ion "b rea kthroug h" c om me nc ed ag a in, during the 1989 smo g

    sea son. And aga in the smo g wa s d issipa ted the sta tistica l rec ords sta te :
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    Clea nest air in 40 yea rs -Quote d a s the be st yea r yet .

    There ha ve bee n o thers Below is the offic ial fed eral filing of a n operation Trevo r

    c alled op eration Clincher. This make s THREE co rela tions of Trevors ac tivities using

    this we ather modification proc ess p lus shows the state s BEST EVER smog results. Now

    its time to show FOUR co- relations. Here for the rec ord is the o ffic ial fed eral filling for

    ope ration c lincher .

    Op eration clinc her federal filling d oc ument
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    Note that the purpo se or ac tivity of the projec t stated on this go vernment form is

    labe led a s by "weather modification a rec ord seasonal reduc tion of smog

    CALIFORNIA 1990. Here are the d a tes, me ntioned on the fed eral form:

    Offic ial sta rt Ma y one 1990 termina tion sta ted 31 Oc tober 1990- (The fu ll Smog


    Filled in ad va nc ed as req uired by Fed eral law a nd signed b y Trevo r Co nsta b le.

    Com prehensive records includ ing fac ts and figures of these op erations me ntioned

    can b e obtained on video reco rds; Pana cea has a c opy of the DVD entitled "prima ry

    weather enginee ring By Trevo r c onstab le". The nonprofit org c an m ake it ava ilab le to

    any fac ulty, grant g roup or government who wishes to see m ore hard d ata . Please

    contact us for this info. Further do c umented p roo f of suc cessful op erations c an b efound in Trevors OPERATION PINCER II 1986 report
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    Trevo r s wo rk like DeMeo's is based on the p rove n we a ther mod ifica tion metho ds of

    Reichand c an STOP d roug hts. In 1990, Free Energy Researcher Dr. Peter Linde mann

    tea me d up with Trevo r Constab le to b rea k the d roug ht in Santa Barba ra , Ca lifornia

    using Trevo r's ra in eng ineering tec hno log y. It to ok Peter ab out three mo nths of stud y

    and expe riments to understand wha t the eq uipm ent w as ac tually do ing.

    Free Energy Resea rche r Dr. Peter Linde ma nn

    At that p oint, orienting the eq uipm ent for maximum effect be c am e e asy. In a series

    of eng ineered rains between Feb ruary 2nd and March 6th, 1991, the Santa Barba ra

    drought wa s effec tively b roken, including a spe c tac ular event that filled Gibraltar

    Reservoir from b one dry to over-flowing in one night. La te r tha t sum mer, Trevo r asked

    Peter to join him in Op eration Pione er to b rea k a d roug ht in Melaka , Malaysia. There,

    they eng ineered 57 mea surab le ra ins in 10 weeks of the d ry sea son. Som e of his

    c ont ributions to Trevo r Consta b le's Ethe ric Wea the r Eng ineering tec hno logy a redoc umented on the website.

    The next ind ividua l Chen I-wa n co ntacted Pana ce a and repo rted to us that he

    c ond uc ted an interview which wa s pub lished on Feb . 12, 2009 by the Northern

    Weekend : China Disaste r Prevention Expert Introd uc es the "Ra in Eng inee ring" New

    Tec hno logy.

    Chen I-wa n

    In the d ra ft he subm itted to Northern Wee kend, the nam e o f both Mr.Trevo r JCo nsta b le a nd Mr. Ge orge K. C. Wuu w as sta ted , as we ll as the ir we bsite. But the
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    ed itors de c ide d to keep such nam es out o f the final pa pe r. Extrac t o f the interview .

    Othe r Modern resea rc hers who have d oc ume nted rec ords of suc c essful we a ther

    engineering ha ve b een resea rc hed by Pana ce a.

    Weathe r eng ineering rec ords purc hased by Panac ea - The following a re b y Tervor Constab le

    "Loo m of the fu ture" and Dr. Cha rles Kelley -A new m etho d o f wea ther co ntrol.

    Ab ove a re d oc ume nted succ essful we a ther eng inee ring reco rds by Trevor

    Constable show n in the boo k "Loo m o f the future" and a lso show n by The RADIX

    Institute's Dr. Cha rles Kelley in his boo k entitled " A ne w method of we a the r


    Panac ea s 6th resea rch boo k show ing James Deme o s rec ords of c loud b usting

    A pa rticu la r Mo dern Ame rica n sc ient ist Jame s DeMeo , Ph.D., ha s a lrea dy rep lica ted

    and p erformed p roven ra in ma king m etho ds which a re b ased on the o riginal work

    of Wilhelm Reich. Over the last d ec a de, Ja me s wa s rep ea ted ly co ntac ting various

    persons and offic ials in Australia , trying to orga nize a p rojec t in NSW, or to g ree n up

    the outb ac k. No replies we re fo rthc om ing, unfortuna tely. Jame s had see n the
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    Forbes a rtic le in ea rly August, and tried to conta c t them ac tua lly, but nothing the re


    Jame s is willing to help Australia / others with p a rticipa tion only so long as it ge ts

    approva l from offic ial sources, and c ove rs a ll the e xpenses either from offic ialdo m o r

    p rivate parties, which a re c onsiderab le for launching suc h a project from here to

    there. Referenc e to Jame s wo rk.

    This tec hno logy a lso has hurric ane c ontrol ap plica tions and ca n a lso b e used to

    he lp c onta in bush fires p lus the WATER economy. It is obvious tha t g iven the

    tec hnic al c apac ity this tec hnology has, those w ho ha ve vested interested in

    c ont rac ts tha t trea t the d roug ht/ fires in other wa ys, wo uld lose financ ially from this

    method IIn Wilhelm Reic h s Journa ls, Reic h lists p roven rec ords of w ea the r

    engineering in Ap pe ndix. Pana c ea c an rep rod uce these for go vernment and

    faculties upon request.

    Panac ea has a lrea dy made the Austra lian Minister go on rec ord to a c knowledge

    the a lrea dy p roven c loud busting te c hnolog y. Pana c ea c ontac ted the Australian

    Quee nsland go vernme nt's Minister for Mines and Energy. Panac ea had a ttem pted

    to a rrang e a n a pp ointment to present the a vailab le a lternative e nergy

    tec hno log y which c an rep lac e fossil fuels and solve the d roug ht p rob lem in Australia

    and ove rsea s!.

    Here is a lette r you c an do wn load tha t Panacea sent t o the M inister in o rder to g o

    on rec ord and ac knowledg e tha t he ha d rec eived . The a bo ve letter was sent a nd

    ha s bee n rec eived by the M inisters office. The fo llow ing is a quote from the ema ilreturned to Ashtweth Pa lise, a Trustee of the nonprofit o rganiza tion.

    Your em ail of 18 June 2007to the Brisbane Central elec torate o ffic e o f the Hon Pete r

    Bea ttie MP, Premier reg arding a lternative e nergy and a d roug ht solution ha s been

    forwa rded to the Hon Geo ff Wilson, Ministe r for Mines and Energy.Your email wa s

    forwarded to the Susta inab le Energy sec tion of the Department o f Mines and Energy

    and they ha ve a dvised you may w ish to c onta c t Ms And rea Harvey on 07 3234 2710

    so tha t they c an g et a be tter unde rstanding of the tec hnolog ies and req uireme nts

    and where they ma y be ab le to d irec t you to the most ap propriate area.

    Yours sincerely Julie Walkington

    Dep artmenta l Liaison Officer (Energy)

    Office o f the Ministe r for Mines and Energy

    Phone: 322 51781

    Fax:322 51828

    e-mail:[email protected]

    Days la ter a fter send ing the lette r to the Ministe rs sec reta ry via e-ma il we rec eived :
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    Thanks Ashtweth, I will forwa rd this onto my m anage r and the relevant tec hnic a l sta ff

    and ge t b ac k to you if there is any interest. Chee rs And rea .

    Andrea Harvey

    Polic y Officer, Energy Polic y Imp lem entation

    Depa rtment o f Mines and Energy

    Leve l 7, 61 Ma ry Street Brisbane

    PO Box 15216, City East Queensland 4002

    Phone 07 3224 2710 Fax 07 3224 2526

    Ema il and rea [email protected] e.qld.go End

    The no nprofit orga nization has heard nothing ba c k from the Minister's office since

    sending the letter in 2007. All Sc ientific c irc les, not to mention g ove rnments who

    have no p revious exp erienc e in Orgonom y now have no significa nt reason to ignore

    these findings. The p ublic must be informe d. Rec ords show that:

    1. The e xpe rime nta l evidenc e w as ga thered, not by one, b ut b y seve ra l well-

    qua lified sc ientists of unq uestiona b le integ rity.

    2. The results showed a fully co nsistent p icture of sub jec tive e ffec ts, ob jec tive

    b iolog ica l effec ts, and me asurem ents em ploying seve ra l physica l instruments.

    3. Ob servations of ea c h kind w ere ma ny and repea ted .

    4. The results a re c omp lete ly inexplic ab le in te rms of t rad itiona l physics.

    5. All of these e ffec ts c an b e reproduc ed TODAY.

    The suppressed sc ienc e o f Orgonom y has ma ny bene fic ia l app lic at ions for

    humanity. These include Orgone b iophysics, therap y, child raising, soc ial and

    politica l theories. Simp ly put; Orgo nom y nee ds a pub lic fac e.

    TODAY there is no justifica tion for ANY institution to d eny the se find ing s. There is no

    justifica tion to c ontinue to refuse to investiga te these findings for both a n a llianc e

    and the therap eutic ap plica tion of Orgo nomy to benefit the public .

    Wilhelm Reic h ha s suffe red enoug h sup pression a nd ha rd ship. Here Wilhe lm Reich is

    spea king ab out b eing a lone in his wo rk ab out a yea r a fter the Oranur (more info

    below in the fa c ulty sec tion) expe rime nt. Fee ling a lone as even goo d friend s do no t

    und ersta nd wha t he ha s lived or disc ove red . Wilhelm spea ks about the "NO" in

    humans and how they do not unde rstand the Oranur experiment a nd the go od it

    ma y rea lize.
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    Wilhelm Reic h Spea ks

    Cloud buster tec hnolog y ca n also erad ica te the new threa tening w ate r ec onom y.

    Flow (2008) Trailer

    Flow (2008)- Irena Sa lina's award -winning doc umenta ry investiga tion into w ha t

    expe rts lab el the mo st imp ortant p olitica l and environm enta l issue o f the 21st

    Ce ntury -- The World Water Crisis. Salina builds a c ase a gainst the g rowing

    privatization o f the world's dw indling fresh wa ter supp ly with an unflinching focus on

    po litic s, pollution, huma n rights, and the e me rge nce of a d om ineering world wa ter


    Blue Go ld : World Wate r Wars

    International awa rd -winning d oc ume nta ry na rra ted by Ma lc olm Mc Dowe ll, based

    on the b oo k Blue G old, ha iled the 'Rea l Quantum of Solac e'. Glob a l Warming is an

    issue of 'how ' we live , the w a ter crisis is an issue of 'if' we live . See www.bluegold - for details.

    The Next New Globa l Ec ono mic and Financ ia l Meltdown - Water The New Oil

    Orgono my is muc h more tha n cloud busting a lone . It can be c onsid ered to b e mo re

    rela ted to a pa rt of b iolog y than o f physics. The und ersta nd ing of how life func tions is

    c ent ra l to Orgonomic theory in a ll sub -disc iplines, inc luding c loud busting. Without it,

    there wo uld be no c hanc e o f proper cloud busting, or of rea l p rog ress in the field.

    Pana cea is not provid ing the following informa tion for ANY individua l to simp ly

    conduct his/ hers own rain making de monstrations.

    Pana cea is not ma king this information availab le for people to p rofit by a rtific ially

    c reating rain from doing rain mak ing free lanc e work. For this sec urity the

    information wil only be ava ilable unde r controlled c ond itions. Pana c ea pe rforme d

    our tests in order to validate the sc ienc e a nd he lp the origina l works and vision of

    Wilhelm Reic h to rea ch the pub lic. Mainstrea m fac ulties and go vernments not to

    me ntion the g eneral pub lic must be aware of Reichs findings and we all must

    benefit from them.

    Current ly in this und erground field there a re individua ls invo lved in the Reichian

    groups who have forme d bo rder line persona lity cults and w ho a ll have their ow n

    interpreta tion a nd applic a tion o f Reich s tea c hings. Som e p eo p le a t times try to a c t

    in an authoritarian character structure and promote themselves as suit-and-tie

    Reic hian or Orgo nomy professiona ls". There are a lso p ersona l feud s involved . Reic h

    wrote a whole boo k about this fac tor. It is c a lled , Listen , Little Ma n. There is a mo st

    unhap py history of Orgo nom y sinc e the dea th of Reich. This is not wha t Wilhelm

    Reich (or Orgone sc ience ) need s, or would have wanted.

    Therefore, unfo rtuna te ly for the una ware p ersons or sc ientist, when ever first

    c onta c ting a Reichian and me ntioning other pa rticular Reichians - Until you know
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    wha t their spe c ific relationship is, a mutua l c om munica tion m ay be c onflic ting or a

    little slow.

    The whole m ove me nt ha s bee n is ridd led with feud s, pe rsona lity c lashes,

    fac tiona lism, po lic y d isagree me nts, egot ism, a nd mutua l hostility. Furthe r when

    peo ple w ho a re e asily influenc ed by other pe op le s op inions first find out a bout

    Orgone ene rgy, they tend to a sk a round amo ng the rep resenta tives of o ffic ia l

    sc ienc e to find out wha t the "expe rts" think of it.

    When they find out it is c onsidered a c rac kpo t sc ienc e b y them , they lose interest in

    it. The only ones who rem a in interested and who eventua lly go on to bec om e

    experts in Orgonom y a re those who do not c a re wha t the offic ial experts think. This

    much change.

    And suc h pe op le are not likely to yield to the o p inions of o ther Reichian s either. It

    is a persona lity tra it tha t m ost serious Reic hians sha re - To go one s own wa yregardless of anyone elses opinions. That does not ma ke for the best harmony o r c o-

    operation o r help Orgonomy progress. If Reich ha d of b een a b le to p red ic t this, he

    ma y have w ritten mo re a bo ut the p sychology of it to help p revent it.

    The m od ern Orgo nom y student ha s had to be the kind o f pe rson w ho c an igno re

    the w eight of authority a nd the b uilt-in c ond itione d assump tions of the c ulture tha t

    one w as ra ised in. Plus be fa irly independ ent -minde d , individua listic a nd non-

    c onformist. This sort o f stud ent d oes no t g ive in quickly and ea sily to p ee r-pressure.

    This is the non-co nformist ide olog y ca lled Orgonomy.

    One m ust de al w ith this current situation as ob jec tively a s po ssible in order to he lp

    the scienc e of Orgonom y reac h the p ublic to ca pa c ity . At this time there is no t muc h

    of a c hanc e tha t a ny peo ple in Orgo nomy w ho a re a c ting a s individua listic

    eg otist will CURRENTLY work tog ether. If the y were the kind of persona lity tha t would

    wo rk tog ethe r right a wa y then they wo uld not b e the kind o f pe rsona lity tha t wo uld

    eve r ge t into Orgono my in the first p lac e.

    HENCE.-The entire field o f Orgo nom y m ust not be ridd led with in-fighting, feud s,

    pe rsonal vendettas, and factionalism to a degree of beyond b elief. The whole

    mo vem ent ha s stagnated ENOUGH due to this. TODAY that d oes not m ea n that wecanno t bring e ac h individuals co ntribution toge ther to BENEFIT the sc ienc e and

    awareness of Reichs teac hings, peo ple must now com e tog ether and see pa st

    pe rsona l differenc es.

    These inc lude all individua ls involved in Orgo nom y : If they ca nnot get along now

    and today than a t the very least fighting must stop . Furthe r due w ha t som e c onsider

    a liab ility risk, som e individuals do not wa nt a nything to do with a ny go vernme nt

    supp ort of c loud busting o pe rations and have op ted to a c c ep t private sec tor

    funding only.

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    Plus mo st ind ividua ls involved in c loud busting o perations a t th is sta ge do not wish to

    be involved in anything tha t is pub lic ly known. The rea son b eing they fea r the liab ility

    risks wo uld be fa r too g rea t. For examp le fea r of b eing sued for any ina dvertent

    floo d d ama ge s tha t might oc c ur, c rimina l c ha rge s of ma nslaughte r if som eone wa s

    injured from we a ther-related fac tors and unde r existing we a ther mod ific at ion laws.

    However the ma in reason why c loud busting is currently not supp orted , well known

    or even in wid e spread use is due to a LACK OF FUNDING. Both James DeMeo and

    Trevor Constab le for exa mp le have be en unable to p erform wo rk in Australia a nd

    other countries to ca pa c ity due to a lac k of funding or government and faculty


    Neither co uld Charles Kelley, who w as a stud ent of Reich, had p rofe ssiona l

    experienc e a s a me teo rolog ist, had be en a sc ienc e c onsultant for NASA, had a

    PH.D and still never ma na ged to get a grant in nea rly 50 yea rs of trying .

    Kelley w rote the first b oo k on c loud busting, which is still the b est b oo k in the field .

    Kelley, C. R. A New Metho d of Wea the r Co ntrol. Jerom e Eden a lso w rote a very

    go od instruct ion m anual, b ut ha rd ly anyone e ver rea d it. He o ffered a c ourse in

    c loud busting fo r ove r 10 yea rs. Only 5 pe op le signed up for it in all tha t time . Ra lph

    Ma rkson is a top a tm ospheric p hysicist a t MIT. He d id c loud busting for 5 yea rs as a

    grad stud ent in the ea rly 60s. He w ill no t eve n ta lk about it now. He ha s a ca ree r to

    think of.

    In Australia yo u ha ve Paul Ritter, who was the first British Reic hian, pub lished an

    Orgonom ic journal in Eng land for 10 yea rs befo re imm igra ting to Australia , and isc ertainly as knowledg ea b le o n the sub jec t a s anyone a live. If there wa s any

    potent ial for fund ing in d roug ht stricken Austra lia, this ind ividua l should b e c onsulted

    for loc a l ad vic e, thoug h he is now in his 80s and might no t c a re to ge t d irec tly


    In Ge rma ny, bo th John Trettin (Translated p age) and Jurgen Fisc her a re

    expe rienc ed and knowled gea b le in c loud b usting. Tret tin does not spea k Eng lish;

    neither of them ha s eve r ma nag ed to g et a ny funding for it, even tho ugh Trettin is an

    old friend of high-level Ge rma n g ove rnme nt o ffic ia ls.

    Ge tting funding ha s so fa r not b een a p rob lem for anything besides Cloud buster

    wo rk, as with this as a t least p eo p le can g rasp wha t it is you a re t rying to do. But

    hea ling a sick atmo sphere? Resto ring na tural pulsa tion to the a tmosphere?

    Rem oving DOR? Mob ilizing stuc k ene rgy? Peo p le won't even know wha t you a re

    ta lking a bo ut without a lot of tuto ring.

    Desp ite this Cloud busting is not foreign to Australia ; one ind ividua l known to us

    c ond uc ted the first c loud busting p rojec t in Australia , in 1971. This wa s performed

    from a site just north of Too wo om ba, Queensland (do cume nta tion ca n be found in

    Que ensland new spapers for June and July of 1971.). If you look up the Brisbane and
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    Too woo mb a new spapers for those mo nths, you w ill find seve ra l rep orts on it. One of

    them w as on the front pa ge and included a p hoto of the c loud buster.

    Current ly this individua l s budget doe s not p ermit him to return Austra lia . Most o f the

    individua ls involved in this wo rk are o nly current ly a va ilab le a s c onsultants if priva te-

    sec tor funds should bec om e a vailab le. There are to the best of Panac ea s

    knowledge no o thers then those mentioned performing ra in ma king c loud busting

    work. For technical discussion of REAL cloud busters Panacea recommends:

    Rea l-c loud buste rs The O rigina l Orgo ne C loud buste rs

    Othe rs who c an help w ith d roug ht b y using CLEAN method s of w ea ther mod ific a tion

    include Hugh Love l. Hugh is an Am erican living in North Quee nsland Australia who

    has his ow n me thod of w orking on the a tmo sphe re w hic h is not rela ted to the Reich

    cloud b uster. He c an b e c ontac ted a t l9@bigp ond .com . When Hugh g oe s

    looking for ra in with his rad ionic p rog ram he a lways d oe s it with the w rittenintention to If it b e Thy will, let the p ow ers of na ture conve rge , to b ring in b ene fic ial

    ene rg ies and to transform any de trimenta l ene rg ies into bene fic ial ones within the

    designated a rea in dee p g ra titude. Hugh sta tes - No doub t I do nt ha ve to tell you

    the impo rtance of c rea ting b ounda ries for c rea ting syntrop ic [as c omp ared to

    entropic] effects.

    Panac ea has c rea ted a p age which show s the neg lec t of Orgo ne sc ientific studies

    and also offers to indep end ently valida te the SCIENCE of O rgo nom y and help w ith

    the d rought.

    If you are a fa c ulty oir go vernment o r individual/ group tha t c an help stop the

    d roug ht a nd offe r resources to these ind ividua ls p lease Conta ct us. The Nonprofit

    orga niza tion Pana cea -BOC AF intend s to support this effo rt a nd other sup pressed

    /neglec ted and misunderstoo d c lea n e nergy tec hnologies. These eng inee rs req uire

    grants, resources, fac ulty rec og nition a nd sec urity. All this c an b e c rea ted in

    Pana c ea s proposed granted resea rch a nd d evelopm ent ce nter. For tho se ab le to

    he lp th is effort, plea se Contact us.

    Description[email protected]://[email protected]://
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    Quote-Unlike the be tte r-know n metho d o f "c loud -seed ing" whe re c hemica lstimulants a re d ispersed into the atmo sphere to a ffec t a sma ll reg ion, c loud busting

    uses no chemicals whatsoever, and has both long-distance and persisting effects. It

    func tions by exc ita tion and trigg ering m otion w ithin the large energy continuum

    surround ing the Earth, and in whic h loca lized energy pote ntia ls are observed to

    c rea te c loud s and w ea ther fronts. "We do n't try to 'milk' one o r anothe r c loud for

    rains, like the cloud-seeders do, but rather undertake to restore natural energetic

    pulsa tion, which as Reich d iscove red is a fund ament for good c loud growth and

    deve lop me nt. In this sense, c loud busting ta kes more of its theo retical b ac kground

    from the biologica l sc ienc es tha n from ma instream physic s, which only spe aks of a

    de ad atmosphe re a nd 'empty spa c e'. From the Reic hian pe rspe c tive, we view the

    atm osphere, Earth, and c osmos as being filled with a living p ulsa to ry energy,

    som ewhat in keep ing with the 'living Earth / Ga ia Hypo thesis' of Love loc k, exc ep t

    tha t Reich's orgone is an ob jec tively demonstrab le e nergy, and not merely a

    theoretical speculation.

    Reich d esc ribe d the hea lthy a tmosphe re a s c harac te rized by cyc les of rain-d ry-ra in-

    d ry, whic h we re c aused by natura l energe tic p ulsat ion a nd self-regulatory prop erties

    of the o rgone ene rgy itself. Hard deserts and d roug ht reg ions had lost this pulsa to ry

    capacity, as Reich described it, becoming energetically stagnant and immobilized.

    With the c loud buster we ha ve a me ans to re-invigo ra te a nd m ob ilize the

    atmospheric energy, a nd thereby resto re energe tic pulsat ion. Once this is done , like

    restoring a hea rt-beat to someone whose heart has stop pe d, natural ra infall c yc les

    resume a nd w e put awa y our eq uipment and do no a dd itional work. It is only used

    for brief p eriod s." In this c ontext, DeMe o explained , the c loud busting m ethod is like

    a fo rm of a tmosphe ric ac upunc ture, where the "ac upunc ture need le" or

    "c loud buste r" is used for brief p eriod s to stimulate a nd resto re a flow o r mo veme nt o f

    ene rgy, afte r which the "symp toms" of a tmospheric b locking and "illness" -- droug ht --

    is eliminated . DeMeo noted that, w ith b oth ac upunc ture and c loudbusting, c lassical

    sc ienc e has a ha rd time to understa nd them, as the b ac kground energy of Chinese
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    med ic ine a nd o f c loudbusting, is not generally known o r ac c ep ted by those who

    haven 't stud ied the m. "Neverthe less" DeMe o sa id, "they bo th work."Source

    The Term C loud busting is desc ribed by Reich a s one tha t sha ll deno te a ll

    eng inee ring tec hniques which dea l with the d estruc tion as we ll as the fo rma tion o f

    c loud s of w ate r vap or in the a tmo sphere a nd of orgone e nergy c onc entration of a ll

    kinds inc luding gravity; briefly with a ll phenom ena which a re relate d to or de rive

    from a tmospheric or energy cha nges of a ll kind s, the o rigin of deserts as we ll as

    a rea s of green veg eta tion, and a ll simila r functions which d ep end on the p resenc e

    or the a bsenc e, on the sca rc ity or plenty fullness of OR ene rgy, oxyge n , wa ter va por

    , ra in ,sun a nd wind and their inte rac tion. P 33 "CO RE July 1954 Vo l. VI Nos. 1-4".

    DOR in the a tmo sphere kee ps the m oveme nt of the normal flow of Orgone Energy,

    we st to e ast, from hap pening so no c loud s c an form b ec ause o f the lac k of moisture

    and pote ntial. In c onta c t in spac e, Reich d rew from aga inst the OR ene rgy flow to

    start more g oo d OR energy flow ing into the a rea . Dep end ing on how ba d the DOR

    is entrenche d , draw ing from d ifferent reg ions, like ove rhea d and from the ea st he lp

    to b rea k up the DOR so tha t no rma l ope ra tions c an b e succ essful.

    The c loud buster is used to remove DOR b y a d ec rea se in OR potent ial (the b rea kup

    of a c loud ), an increase in OR pote ntial (crea tion of rain cloud s) or by the

    d isturbanc e o f the OR eq uilibrium in the a tmosphere (the rem ova l of fo g). This is

    basic a lly ac hieved by the DRAW of the OR pote ntia l or trigg ering to flow in c ertain

    d irec tions. Pages 36 -42 CORE July 1954 Vol. VI Nos. 1-4".

    Its purpose is to d raw O R ene rgy cha rges out of the a tmosphere a nd c louds. Thec loud buster d raws the c ha rges slowly, in sma ll amo unts a t a time. These m ethods of

    op erat ion a re d isc ussed in the c onstruction m anua l (informa tion b elow ). The system

    of remova l is based on the orgono mic potentia l which d eno tes a ll func tions in

    na ture w hic h dep end on the flow of c osmic e nergy, or po tential from LOW to HIGH

    or WEAKER to STRONGER SYSTEMS. The orgo no mic pote nt ia l is c ontrary to the

    mec hanica l po tential of heat, electroma gnetic energy, me c hanica l po tential of

    position etc .

    There c ertain p roc ed ures for certa in op erations, this is best d esc ribed in the

    pub lica tion CORE July 1954 Vol. VI Nos. 1-4".


    Pub lished by Orgone Institute in "GO R" July 1954 Vol. VI Nos. 1-4; ap pend ix A"

    * 1. Shed a ll amb ition to impress anyone .

    * 2. Never p lay around with ra in ma king o r c loud b usting. The OR envelop e which

    you ta c kle w hile "d rawing" energy from the a tmo sphere is an ene rge tic c ontinuum

    of high p ow er. You ma y c ause tw isters. You ma y stir a forest fire into the wrong

    direc tion. You m a y do other da ma ge without intending to d o so. Never do anythingunless you m ust.
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    * 3. If experime nting: it is imp ortant to ob serve a nd know w hy you a re doing w ha t,

    tha t you c an achieve imm ed iate results. Slow ly grow ing c om prehe nsion will sec ure

    later results sa fe ly.

    * 4. In c loud eng inee ring you d o no t c rea te rain," - you d o no t destroy c loud s," -

    b riefly, you a re no t p laying Go d . Wha t you d o is solely helping na ture on its na tural


    * 5. Have your equipm ent, truck, etc . espec ia lly a ll meta l pa rts we ll ground ed into

    wa ter, p refe rab ly flow ing wa ter. Lac k of g round ing imperils your orga nism.

    * 6. Do no t let w orkers d raw OR ene rgy a ny long er if they b ec om e b lue o r purp le in

    the ir fac es or fee l dizzy. Excha nge the wo rkers; let them rest fa r eno ugh way, and

    have their fac es and a rms a lwa ys we tted dow n with fresh wa ter.

    * 7. Do no t ho ld on to p ipes or othe r me ta l pa rts wh ile you d raw OR. Alwa ys use a

    sep arate p lastic or wood en ha ndle to m ove e quipme nt while d raw ing. Have your

    hands a lwa ys we ll insula ted with rubb er or heavy c otto n g loves.

    * 8. Have signs put up in suc h a manner tha t no one is hurt b y OR c harges. Do not let

    pe op le stand c lose b y. Amo ng them ma y be m en or wome n who a re ill and would

    run som e d ange r to their hea lth.

    * 9. Never d rill a hole into the sky right a bove you unless you a im for a long d rawn


    * 10. When you feel a b ree ze o r wind sett ing in due to your operation , stop d rawing ifthe wind d irec tion b ec ome s too strong or even if it a c quire the ap pe aranc e o f a


    * 11. If you w ish to rem ove DOR c louds, draw in direc tion o f run o f OR enve lop e.

    * 12. If you w ish to DESTROY cloud s or to stop ra in, aim a t c enter of he aviest c loud s.

    * 13. If you w ish to m ake c louds g row hea vier, draw from the vicinity of the sma ller

    c loud s, and have the large o r hea vy cloud s undisturbed .

    * 14. If there a re no c louds in the sky and c louds shou ld b e c rea ted , disturb thestillness or eve nness of the OR enve lope a ll around you by b rief, swee p ing d raws and

    draw ma inly ag a inst the run o f the O R enve lop e. To c rea te c loud s you m ust c rea te

    d ifferenc es of OR ene rgy po tentials.

    * 15. (By GOR) Unde r no co nditions should you ha ve a ny elec trical wires, elec trical

    instruments of any kind, or any rad ioac tive m aterial nea r a c loud b uster during any

    op eration. Seve re hea lth problem s may result.


    General app rova l data for wea ther mo dific ation ope rations

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    Note- The intent of c loud busting is to RESTORE NORMAL WEATHER CONDITIONS, no t

    to b rea k ra in rec ords. Clima te deteriorat ion is c aused by bu ild -up o f DOR. The

    prop er way to d o c loud busting is to remo ve DOR and let the a tmo sphe re return to

    normal b eha vior. The go al of a ny we ll-done c loud buster op eration is the re-

    esta b lishment of a tmospheric SELF-REGULATION which ha s been ob struc ted by DOR.

    Any o ther use o f cloud busting is ma lpractice a nd o nly ad ds to the p rob lem of the

    disruption o f normal wea ther pa tterns.

    After c hec king o n Austra lian weather mo dific a tion law s we have found (to the b est

    of o ur know ledg e) tha t the re is no t a ny spec ific leg isla tion AG AINST we a the r

    mod ific a tion, but the re a re severa l law s AUTHORIZING it for spec ific p rograms a t

    spec ific time s and p lac es. It see ms tha t in Australia , unlike in Am erica , wea the r

    mo d ific a tion is req uired to ob ta in a spec ific leg isla tive ac t a uthorizing it a nd is

    otherwise c onsidered to fa ll unde r the Nat iona l Pa rks and Wildlife Ac t o f 1974, the

    Wilde rness Ac t o f 1987, the Fisheries Ma na gement Ac t of 1994, Threa tened Spec ies

    Ac t, 1995, Loc a l Go vernment Ac t, 1993, Protec tion of the Environme nt Op erat ions

    Ac t, 1997, and Environmenta l Plann ing a nd Assessment Ac t, 1979.

    Any wea ther mod ific ation d one without a leg islative ac t exemp ting it from these

    Ac ts is a viola tion o f them . In the follow ing - Wea ther Mod ific ation Law do c ument

    Under 2 Definitions, Ra in Ma king " refe rs spec ifica lly to "cloud see d ing" and nothing

    else. It do es not a pp ly to cloud b usting Orgone eng inee ring o r ethe ric w ea ther


    How ever we advise to instruc t the authorities due to possib le d ama ge and not

    wa rning o thers of o perations. If this sort of c od e o f conduc t is not sort p rosec ution

    ma y be po ssib le. There is also a go od c hanc e tha t whe n the g ove rnme nt is

    c onvinced the proc ess is effec tive tha t a ny public ly-known c loud busting will

    auto ma tica lly bec om e illeg al.

    Demonstration criteria

    This is c ertainly da ta tha t nee ds to b e p resented as a sta nd ard fo r an inte rna tiona l

    ac c ep ted d oc trine of CB op eration . As muc h SPECIFIC S wo uld he lp make this into a

    c od e o f co nduc t that is effectively usab le. For exam ple whe re a nd how muc h DOR

    is there a nd wha t sort of o peration wo uld b e used to d isperse it. Examp le: Timedurat ion, op era tion a nd assessment for the SCIENCE pa rt. Warnings and a rea

    prep ared fo r op erations etc .

    The bulk of these are dep end ent on sub jec tive c rite ria, one must FIRST learn e nough

    about o rgo ne energy and how it loo ks, fee ls, and ac ts in a multitude of d ifferent

    situa tions to b e a b le to reco gnize wha t you are see ing a nd the n know wha t to do.

    Note - In a c loud buster op eration the situation is neve r sta tic. These kind s of deta ils

    c annot b e rec orded by m ec hanistic thinking a s that just doe s not w ork in de aling

    with orgo ne energy or Orgone w ea ther eng inee ring.
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    If a dem onstra tion is performed for examp le, on a farm, wha t must b e c onsidered is

    the time-frame tha t is involved in the p roc ess. A prop er solution to the und erlying

    d roug ht tend enc y would ta ke seve ra l yea rs, but to convince a c lient , som ething

    wo uld ob viously have to be d one fairly rapidly.

    Even in c onventional c loud seeding work, nobod y even talks about a single rainfall;

    the emp hasis is on the am ount o f rain tha t falls ove r the c ourse o f a season.

    As me ntioned ea rlier, if c loud busting is to be d one p rop erly, it m ust b e d one to

    rep a ir a dama ge d a tmo spheric ene rgy field, not to inde pend ently "ma ke ra in". It is

    neve r wrong to simp ly restore the c lima te to norma l and then let na ture ta ke its

    c ourse. Tha t is the wa y c loud busting should be done . Reich wrote about this

    concept, calling it "atmospheric self-regulation".

    But tha t ta kes time. To d o a rea lly prop er job for examp le in the c urrent situation fo r

    exam p le in Austra lia it wo uld ta ke seve ra l yea rs. And no bod y will wa it tha t long ifthey a re paying for it. The c ustome r will quite na turally want q uick results.

    It is inde ed possible to g et quick results with a c loud b uste r, but tho se results w ill not

    be p ermanent. It w ill rain, then g o right back to d roug ht c ond itions afte r you stop

    wo rking. You e nd up with an a rtific ial c lima te regime d ep end ent o n c ontinual

    intervention by humans.

    There is no w a y to c onvince anybody excep t b y sta tistic s, and tha t ta kes a t least

    several mo nths. How ever it is still po ssible to b ring a t lea st some ra in almost a nywhere

    in a wee k or two, but the a rgum ent wo uld alwa ys c om e up that it might ha ve rained

    anywa y. The only wa y to be convincing is to sta y there a nd d o it aga in and a ga in

    unt il it is obvious you a re d oing it.

    Expla ining this is usually d iffic ult, so it must be mad e c lea r to the c lient right from

    the start that a single rain p rove s nothing a nd a full sea son o f work is go ing to b e

    needed . So what we need to c all it is a pilot projec t, not a demo nstration.

    The sec ond fac tor is that to do it responsib ly and avoid a s muc h risk of d ama ge as

    possib le, there should be a n ec olog ist a s pa rt o f the tea m right from the planning

    sta ges. Professiona l ecolog ists must no t only be c onsulted but a lso MUST HAVE


    There a lso ne ed s to be som e thinking a bout wha t c onstitutes suc c ess. The a mount o f

    ra in that fa lls is only one possible c riterion. A more relevant one m ight b e the a c tua l

    effects on veg eta tion on the ground, whic h might vary grea tly dep end ing o n wha t

    time of year it wa s. So w e w ould need to a gree in ad vanc e e xac tly what the go als

    we re a nd how we wo uld know if we were suc c essful or not. To d o a true sc ientific

    stud y, the thing to do w ould b e to ta ke a bo tanica l census of seve ra l rep resenta tive

    ac res in the ta rge t area , then d o the c loud busting projec t ove r a set time p eriod ,

    then ta ke a bo tanica l c ensus ag ain and c om pa re them . If there a re m ore type s of

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    p lants the sec ond time, you d id som ething right; if there are few er types of p lants,

    you have screwed up .

    This c riterion , which m easures b iod iversity, is the rea l me asure o f suc c ess, no t just the

    amo unt o f rain tha t fa lls. How ma ny centimete rs of rain in a ra in g auge is not a

    me asure o f wha t e ffec t you a re ha ving. The b iologica l effec t is mo re imp ortant. Ra in

    at the w rong sea son c an d o mo re harm than go od . From this you c an see what

    some o f the p otential p rob lems (if not ad dressed ) are a nd how m uch thinking there

    need s to be done p rior to the ac tual work beg ins.

    To va lida te the sc ience of a c loud b uster

    A simp le demonstrat ion is possible in o rder to show tha t SOM ETHING is ha ppen ing a s

    a DIRECT result of the c loud buster a ppara tus. The c loud buster operator doe s not

    nee d to ma ke ra in in order to perform this simp le d em onstra tion, so a ll sa fety

    guide lines are in plac e.

    A c loud buster op erator is ab le to simp ly break up a la rge r cloud into a sma ller one.

    The fa stest a nd ea siest way is to b rea k up sma ll c umulus c louds d irec tly ahead of the

    c loud b uster while o ther sma ll c louds, off to e ithe r side , a re una ffec ted .

    This c an be show n very d ram at ic a lly by fixing a mo tion picture c ame ra with a w ide-

    angle lens to the c loud buster, a ime d d irec tly ahea d . When the film is spe ed ed up

    the ta rgeted c loud s will see m to lite ra lly EXPLODE, while the c loud s to the side s will

    rem a in untouc hed . It ma kes a ve ry goo d film. With the c loud buster and the c loud s

    both in the same frame, the re is no roo m fo r any other inte rp reta tion. Plus this c an b e

    repea ted on dema nd. The c louds aim ed at will then break up ; the others do not,

    c lear and simple .

    Note -Trevo r consta b le has a goo d set of vide os in his DVDs a lrea d y show ing c louds

    b rea king up in a c loud b uster. Both in reg ular and spee ded up ve rsions. One m ust

    do this as a one off as to do this often c an take m oisture out of the a ir and eve n

    ca use a drought.

    An individua l ca lled Christophe Keller made a simila r film although he c rea ted rain in

    his work. This p resenta tion large ly shows the ARTISTIC o r aesthetic va lue o f the c loud

    buster as he is p rima rily an a rtist a nd does this kind of work. To his c red it he lab eled

    the experime nt a s som ething to p rove the sc ienc e of Wilhelm Reich.

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    Taken from C hristoph Kellers sc ientific e xperime nt -Source

    Pana c ea wishes to a dvise a ny ind ividua l in the future who intends to d o a similar

    p rojec t o r for anyone who intend s on presenting the wo rks of Reich a s a pub lic fac e

    to c onside r the fo llowing . Orgonomy is no t just ART. You c an still present a ll the

    THEMES when d oing ART work, for exa mp le someone selling HEMP, pa intings (ma de

    from HEMP etc ) is still ab le to g ive out or disp lay an ed uc a tiona l pamp hlet

    ac c om panying it. This c an d eta il the e duc a tion, sc ienc e, industrial espiona ge and

    AC TIVISM regarding the SUBJECT matter. This c an help the issue imm ensely.

    ART is one of the ways to express the SUBJECT. But a SUBJECT still needs the observer

    (espec ia lly when Orgone is involved) to c og ita te o ver it. Whenever som eo ne ha s

    anything a ssoc ia ted with Orgo ne this req uires be ing more ob jec tive then the

    exp ression o f art alone . The nonp rofit organiza tion is involved in this synergism,

    ed uc a tion a nd ac tivism of Reichian SCIENCE.

    Ano the r individua l na med Charles Kelley ma de films of this. Som e o f the stills from

    the mo vies we re rep rod uced in his boo k, A New Method of Wea ther Control, 1961.

    Despite thishe wa s still not ab le to get funding from any g overnment ag enc y or

    university for further resea rch a nd ed uc ation .

    The Don Croft Cloud Buster
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    The Don Croft Cloud buster

    This de vice is unde rstood by the Reic h c om munities NOT to b e the sam e as the Reic h

    c loud buster or have the sam e func tion. It is also thought to be da nge rous. This has

    only been mentioned here for referenc e. This dev ice is desc ribe d as:

    Build ing on the resea rc h o f Wilhelm Reich, and assisted by his partne r Carol, Don

    c rea ted a c heap , portable and ea sy to build d evic e tha t c onsistently c lea rs

    c hem trails and helps hea l the a tmosphere. The basic , orig inal Croft "che mb uste r" is a

    de vic e which converts the de ad ly orgone produc ed by c hemtrails and other

    noxious ene rg ies to positive o rgone energy, and so (un like the Reich c loudbuste r)does NOT need to be d isc harged , nor does it require spec ia l hand ling to a void

    dange r to its op erato r or its environment.

    Further like the Don Croft devic e, ORGONITE has not been c rea ted direc tly by

    Reic h or understood to be related . The na me orgo nite w as first c oined by Karl Welz

    to desc ribe a mixture of no n-organic (meta l shavings) and orga nic (fibe rg lass resin)

    ma terials, the c om bination o f whic h is alleg ed to p rod uce orgo ne ene rgy a nd ea t


    Don & Ca rol Croft invented 'tac tica l' orgonite de vices they called orgonege nerators (as we ll as add ing c rysta ls to enha nce their effec t) name d the Holy Hand

    Grenade (HHG), Tow er buste r (TB) and C loud buste r (CB) to d ea l with Che mt ra ils,

    HAARP, among ma ny othe r app lic a tions. Also the y have invented an orgonite

    zapper. The b est introd uc tion is Don's boo k: The Life Ethe ric w ith Ca rol Croft . There

    are groups now distribute o rgo nite (ca lled gifting). Pana c ea c annot c om ment o n

    these devices and ha s not te sted the ir effec ts. Tec hnica l disc ussion o f this device

    c an be found in the follow ing d isc ussion group s:
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    Cloud Buster Construc tion

    This instructiona l PDF is not a va ilab le to the pub lic If you are a sc ientific faculty,

    press or governme nt body who wish to e valuate this technology plea se Contact us.

    Pana c ea s c onstruc ted C loud buster
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    Panac ea s 2nd c onstruc ted Cloud b uster

    Pana c ea is c urrent ly performing NON RAIN MAKING (DOR rem ova l) c loud busting

    tests in o rder to g a ther da ta for faculties, gove rnme nts and the public . Panac ea c an

    also p rovide a SAFE dem onstration where we do no t need to do DOR removal a nd

    cause rain. Pana c ea uses renew ab le energy and ad vanc ed R and D.

    Panac ea s Cloud busting unit using the Roto verter tec hnology

    Fac ulty Information

    New York Time s, June 23,2003

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    DOR (Dea d ly Orgo ne) is unde rstoo d to be c aused b y air po llution, putrefa c tion,

    rad ioac tivity, high-energy e lec tric a l d isc ha rge. It is a lso d isc ove red by Reich to b e

    absorbed and "held" by wa ter, which is Reich rea soned wa ter c an bec om e

    sta gna nt. DOR is not just a short-fall of orgo ne in the bod y. It is sta gnant o rgone ,

    orgo ne tha t ha s bee n stuc k. It ha s stopped mo ving. It no longer pulsa tes. This is wha t

    it is in the a tmosphere a lso. The DOR c louds are a rea s of sta gna tion a nd slow er

    pulsa tion, not just a rea s of w ea ker c ha rge o r excess c ha rge.

    ORANUR- Sta nd s for Orgone a ga inst Nuc lea r Rad iat ion (Orgo nomy, Wilhelm Reic h).

    Oranur c ond itions a re o vercha rge cond itions, and a fter a while, when the orgone

    gets tired of figh ting a ga inst DOR, it lap ses into DOR, losing energy a nd bec om ing

    sta gna nt. DOR is no t overc ha rge. With his Oranur expe riment, Wilhelm Reic h

    a ttem pted to find wa ys of using o rgo ne a ga inst the effec ts of nuc lea r rad ia tion.

    The e ffec ts of this expe riment p rove d to b e d eva sta ting on the surround ings of the

    experime nt, and Reich rea lized the em ergenc e of a fo rm o f life forc e tha t ap pea red

    to b e rigidified , sta le. Reich labeled this ene rgy DOR, or Dea d ly Orgo ne energy.

    DOR had extrem ely nega tive e ffec ts upon the hum an o rga nism and life forms in

    ge neral, and in an a tmo sphere of DOR.

    The a mount o f DOR/ oranur has bee n increa sing since the 50s. While DOR is a na tura l

    pa rt of the orgo nomic c ycle, the am ount that now exists, due to human tec hnology,

    is far mo re than would exist naturally and mo re than c an b e m etab olized by the

    normal ene rgy processes. The g loba l energy field rea c ts to the excess by strong

    c irc ulating mo tion, suc h a s to rnados and hurrica nes, to c leanse itself. Tha t is one

    rea son fo r an increa se in bo th the strength and freq uency of suc h storms. There

    wo uld also b e num erous b iologica l effects, none o f them go od . In huma ns these

    might inc lude p sycho log ic a l/ c ultura l effec ts as we ll.

    A loc a l build -up in your reg ion might g ive the impressions you reported without

    nec essa rily being g loba l in extent. But if the build -up rea lly is of g loba l extent, there

    a re seve ra l possible rea sons. One is som e nuc lear ac c ident suc h a s a rea c tor

    me ltdow n. Another is a nuc lea r bom b explosion. Anothe r possib le c ause m ight be

    the b urn-up in the a tmosphe re o f a plutonium-pow ered pa yloa d from a failed

    spa c e launc h.

    The p lac ing o f a la rge numb er of nuc lea r wa rhea ds on c om ba t-rea dy alert sta tus

    c ould a lso c ause a wo rld -wide inc rea se in oranur. When a bo mb is ma de read y for

    launc h, the initiato r or trigger assem b ly is p lac ed in the center of it. This trigger

    c onsists of p olonium, which is 4,000 time s mo re rad ioac tive tha n the p lutonium or

    enric hed uranium in the outer pa rts of the b om b.

    Since the bom b is constructe d in a series of c oncent ric shells of d ifferent m aterials

    like a n orgone ac c umulato r, p lac ing the polonium in the c ente r is like plac ing it

    inside an orgo ne a c c umulato r. An oranur rea c tion is triggered . This is why an a tomic

    bo mb test ca n be d etec ted ho urs be fore the b omb ac tually goes off.

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    That m ay b e w hy the Ame ric an stoc kpile o f co mb at-rea dy b om bs at the Navy ba se

    on Diego Garc ia Island in the Indian O cea n is causing the d roug ht in Australia b y

    b rea king up and d eflect ing onc om ing w ea ther fronts be fore they get to Austra lia .

    Reg ardless of c ause, the effec ts a re the same . More oranur and DOR added to the

    a lrea dy too-great b urden o f this plane t. And tha t wo rks out a s mo re wea ther

    c onvulsions and mo re b iolog ic al b rea kdow ns.

    Oranur Links

    THE ORANUR EXPERIMENT First Report (1947-1951)

    Oranur by Peter (Lindema nn)

    Wea ther Experiments by Cha rles R. Kelley

    Ad d itiona l evidenc e for orgone energy is the effec t of the Reich we a ther c ontrol

    appara tus, the "c loud buster" as he c a lled it. This appara tus is a kind of a ntenna ,

    which, upo n be ing g rounde d into wa ter, is said to be ca pa ble of w ithdraw ing

    orgo ne e nergy from the sky in the d irec tion it, is pointed . It was c laimed by Reich

    tha t it co uld d issipa te c loud s by withdraw ing energy from the m. It w as a lso c la ime d

    that the d evic e c ould be used to trigg er rainfall when no ne wa s expe c ted and even

    to b rea k droug hts.

    If the se c laims a re true, Reich's appara tus is surely one of the rem arkab le inventions

    of a ll time . Are they true? I believe that I am in a n espec ia lly go od position to

    eva lua te these c laims, bec ause I was for nea rly three yea rs a we a the r forec aster in

    the Air Force and bec ause I have w orked experime nta lly with the Reich a ppara tus

    for ma ny yea rs.

    The results of m y experiments are p erfec tly clea r; the Reich wea ther c ont rol

    appa ra tus does exac tly wha t Reich c la ims it d oe s. Cloud s a t whic h the a ntenna is

    pointed shrink and d isappe ar from the sky, while c om pa rab le c loud s selec ted as

    c ont rols do no t. Figures 1 & 2 are representa tive of results tha t I have o b ta ined aga inand a gain.
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    Figure 1.

    Effec ts of the Reich we athe r c ont rol ap para tus on a sma ll c umulus c loud . Time

    betw een frame s: one minute. The b lack "X" designates the d irec tion of the antenna

    a t the b eg inning o f the a ppara tus I use, (From a mo tion p icture seq uenc e)

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    Figure 2.

    A "before and a fter" p ic ture o f ano ther experime nta l c loud destruc tion operation.

    The "X" show s the ta rget of the c loud buster a t the outset . The lowe r picture is the

    same sc ene 10 minutes late .

    Mo re d ifficult tha n c loud destruc tion a re rainma king expe riments. These req uire

    c areful prep ara tion, observation o f co nd itions, and skilled use o f the 1 ante nna . Let

    me quote the results of my experime nta l ra in-ma king o perations:

    In the five experime nta l ra in-ma king op erations I ca rried out, unp red ic ted

    p rec ipitat ion occ urred within 36 hours in every case. These a re m y only ra in-ma king

    op erations, so the results cannot be a ttributed to the o mission of nega tive insta nc es.

    The o perations we re eac h timed to b eg in whe n ra in wa s unexpec ted and unlikely. A

    c onservat ive e stima te o f the a verag e p rob ab ility of rain within 36 hours in the five

    c ases is .25. This is to say tha t w ith the cond itions tha t p reva iled a t the sta rt o f the se

    op erat ions, the c ha nc es aga inst ra in w ithin 36 hours a re estima ted to b e, on the

    ave rag e, three to one, had these op erations not taken plac e or had the a pp aratus

    been ineffec tive. From this estima te it c an be further ca lc ula ted tha t if theappara tus we re ineffec tive, the o dds aga inst ra in oc c urring within 36 hours on a ll of

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    the five op erations a re m ore than a thousand to o ne. (p = .255 < . 001) It is extremely

    unlikely that unpred ic ted ra in would ha ve o c c urred on these five oc c asions unless

    the a pp aratus did work.

    There are a dd itional effec ts b roug ht ab out b y the wea ther c ontrol appa ra tus of

    eq ua l value a s evidenc e b ut more d ifficult to desc ribe b riefly. The sum tota l of the

    results is fa irly desc ribe d, I believe , as a pow erful co nfirmation o f Reic h's desc ript ion

    of the effec ts of the appa ra tus, and its explana tion in terms of o rgo ne e nergy

    c onc ep ts. The we a ther co ntrol results a re utte rly inco mp rehe nsible in te rms of

    orthodox sc ienc e.

    Visua l Ob servations. Reich desc ribed many cond itions und er which o rgone ene rgy

    phenome na c ould b e d irec tly ob served. Darkroo m ob servations are espec ia lly

    imp ortant, bo th of the ene rgy field o f the bo dy (the "aura ") and of the e ffec ts of

    orgo ne e nergy d evices. These ta ke on spec ial signific anc e in the light o f the

    extensive c losely rela ted da rkroo m o bservations rep orted mo re tha n 100 yea rs ago

    by Baron Cha rles von Reiche nbac h, which formed muc h o f the basis for his

    d isc overy of the "odyle" or "od ic fo rc e." The "od yle" is identic a l in ma jor respec ts to

    orgo ne energy, of course. These observat ions of Reichenbach and of Reich have

    never been e xp lained in orthodox sc ientific te rms. Kelley, C. R. A New Method of

    Wea the r Co ntrol. Inte rsc ienc e Resea rc h Institute , 1961.

    Cloud busting op eration rep ort given to Pana cea b y Anon .

    In 1971 I we nt to Quee nsland with a hom e-ma de c loud buster. I set it up at a farm

    nea r Too wo om ba, ab out 80 miles inland from Brisbane. From expe rienc e in ea stern

    North Am eric a , I expec ted ra in in two days, so I told the new s me d ia four da ys to

    g ive me two shots a t it. It end ed up ta king me six we eks to get rain. The c ond itions in

    Austra lia during a ma jor long -term d roug ht w ere not the same as in New England .

    The a tmo spheric ene rgy field ove r the w hole c ontinent was very muc h mo re

    sta gnant. There was a DOR barrier nea r Dubb o, on the borde r of Quee nsland and

    New South Wales tha t was b locking the norma l pa th o f the ra ins. I tried to d rill

    through tha t b a rrier. I c ould c lea rly see the c ha nges in co lor of the sky where I

    pointed the c loud buster pipe s, but it wo uld fill in b lac k ag ain a s soo n a s I mo ved to

    d raw from som ew here else. I nee ded mo re tha n one c loud b uster. I kept d rawingfrom the ba rrier to the south o f me . For da ys nothing ha ppene d . Then things sta rted

    to m ove fa r to the south.

    Way down a round Me lbourne the atm osphe re sta rted northward . Melbo urne had

    its' co ldest d ay on rec ord. The next d ay Sydney ha d its' co ldest d ay eve r. The

    follow ing d ay, Brisbane ha d the c olde st d ay it had eve r had . The next d ay the c old

    a ir ma ss collided with the wa rm mo ist trop ica l air ove r Tow nsville a nd the heaviest

    ra ins on rec ord resulted , destroying ha lf the sugar c ane ha rvest. I then turned the

    c loud buster around and d rew from the North. For three d ays nothing ha ppened .

    Then a wa rm t rop ica l a ir ma ss sta rted to mo ve south. The next day Brisbane had thewa rme st day on rec ord. The d a y after that Sydney had the w arme st day it had eve r

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    had . The ne xt d ay Melbo urne ha d the w arme st d ay ever. It ta kes muc h longer in

    Austra lia to ge t things sta rted , but w hen they d o sta rt, the w hole c ontinent is

    a ffec ted , muc h more so tha n in North.

    Trevors Cloud busting op eration

    It is assume d tha t Rob ert McCulloug h, the forme r em p loyee of Reich ma y be one of

    the ind ividua ls tha t Co nsta b le lea rned from . The c orpo ra tion AEREO o f Singa pore

    op erate d as a go vernment a ge nt in Ma laysia and wa s therefore g rante d

    go vernmenta l imm unity. Ma laysia had been suffering d roug ht for ma ny mo nths

    from the El Nino p heno me non in the m id 1990's and the situa tion had grow n d ire.

    AEREO w as invited by officials in the Ma laysian gove rnme nt to end the d roug ht.

    AEREO d id b rea k the drought to the g ra titude of the p eo p le a nd they d id not "skip "

    out o f the c ountry.

    The reg iona l gove rnmenta l officia ls ha d p rom ised One Million dolla rs on to p o freg ular pay, if AEREO c ould fill up the Selangor Dam. What the y governme nta l

    offic ials d id no t te ll Trevo r and Mr. Wuu, wa s the Selangor Dam a t tha t time had a

    p ressure leak and could no t be filled up , as any wa ter ab ove a certain level would

    imm ed iate ly drain out! Although more than enoug h wate r entered the d rainage

    system, the y never go t tho se m illion dolla rs due to this fraud . La te r Ma laysian

    go vernments ad mitted to the fraud a nd d isc ip lined the o ffic ia ls.

    Orgone Ac cum ulator

    Experime nts dem onstra ted tha t o rga nic or non m eta llic ma teria ls such a s cotto n

    wo ol or plastic attract ab sorb and hold the e nergy.

    Where Meta llic ma teria ls like stea l or iron a ttrac t the ene rgy and quickly reflec t it in

    bo th d irec tions

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    On the basis of these expe riments Reich c onstruc ted sma ll bo xes with a lterna ting

    layers of o rga nic and me ta llic ma terials.

    With the inner wa lls lined w ith meta l the o rganic layers a ttrac t the a tmospheric

    orgone ene rgy is then d irec ted inwa rds by the m eta l layers any ene rgy reflec ted

    back from the m eta l layers is re a bsorbe d by the o uter orga nic laye rs wh ich is then

    attrac ted b ac k to the metal and attrac ted b ac k to the metal and directed to the

    inside of the b ox or orgone a c c umulato r.

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    An Orgone ac cumulator

    The result w as a highe r c onc entration of o rgo ne e nergy in the box, the m ore layers

    the higher the c onc entration this ac c umulation of energy ca n be ve rified in a

    va riety o f wa ys, for examp le a c onstant tem perature d ifferenc e exists betw een the

    a ir [inside] a bove the b ox and in the surround ing a ir c ontrad ic ting the sec ond law o f

    thermo dynam ic s.

    The red symb olizes the ho tter tem perature d ifferenc e.

    The fo llow ing c om es from Dr Pete r Lindem ann. One o f the b est d oc ume nted

    exam p les of this is the spontaneo us temp erature rise o bserved in the "orgone

    ac c umula tor", invented by Dr. Wilhelm Reich in 1940. Here, a simp le enc losure ma de

    of a lternating layers of o rga nic and inorganic ma teria l, allow s the a mb ient d ensity of

    the Etheric Energy Field to bec om e more co ncentrated in the loc a l a rea , without

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    the applica tion of w ork. This new and highe r ene rgy c onc entration is then reflec ted

    as a spontaneo us rise in tem perature. This situation doe s not b rea k the "Sec ond Law"

    in the na rrow c ase, bec ause w e a dmit tha t new energy is ente ring the system . It

    doe s b rea k the "Sec ond Law" in the g ene ra l case b ec ause th is ene rgy is entering

    without the app lica tion o f externa l work. Reich's ac c umulato r wa s designe d as an

    a ttemp t to shield and isola te this ene rgy from its p resenc e in the environme nt. His

    da ta c lea rly show ed , how ever, tha t he wa s not a b le to isolate the ene rgy effec ts

    inside the acc umulato r bec ause the Ethe ric Energy Field e asily penet ra ted the wa lls

    of the enc losure. He e ventua lly rea lized tha t w ith reg a rd to Etheric Energy Fields, it

    was imp ossible to "c lose the system" in the loc a l sense. This is imp orta nt to und ersta nd

    bec ause it d irec tly refute s the assumption tha t the universe consists only of c losed

    systems a t a ll leve ls of a c tivity.

    The sc ientific ap proa ch to life energy: Karl von Reic henb ac h, Korschelt

    Baron Karl von Reiche nba c h explored the func tions of life ene rgy a c oup le o f

    dec ades a fter Mesme r. He d id no t de velop a c c umulato rs of life ene rgy and , in

    fac t, he rejec ted Mesme r s invention without eve r testing it. Von Reiche nbac h, who

    c rea ted the na me od for life energy, had it ob served in d oub le-blind expe rimenta l

    a rrange me nts. Co nseq uently he w as c apab le o f de sc rib ing m any func tions of life

    energy. Von Reiche nbach bec ame q uite fam ous as a result of inventing new

    me thod s of stee l manufa c turing. In a dd ition to tha t, his c hem ica l inventions such a s

    c reosote a nd formalde hyde w ere widely ac c ep ted . Naturally he wa s not this luc ky

    with his innova tive app roa c h to life energy, even thoug h he used mo dern me thod s

    of e xperime nta tion a nd ob servat ion when w orking w ith his we ll ove r 120 test p ersons.

    An interesting a c c umulato r of life energy was built by Korsc helt about 100 yea rs

    late r, in 1897. He c a lled it a Solar ether rad iation a ppara tus. Its effec ts we re simila r

    to o rgo ne a c c umulato rs. These d evices have a very low p resenc e o f organic

    ma teria ls and they a re ra ther la rge , which a pp arently is ma king up for this lac k of

    orga nic ma terials. Co nsidering their typ ica l p ipe -like sha pe, these devices

    apparently as an ante nna o f life ene rgy, from which a person c an pull the ene rgy

    from the surround ings.

    Boo k dow n loa d - Ka rl von Reiche nba c h and Od Energy

    Wilhe lm Reic h & the UFO Phenomena: "Desert Orp Ea

    The DVD Wilhelm Reic h & the UFO Pheno mena : "Desert Orp Ea" c onta ins further

    witness and evidenc e te stimony on c loud buster tec hno logy By Eva Reich.

    Description reads -Eva wa s the daughte r of Dr. Wilhelm Reich and one o f his orig inal

    stud ents deep ly enga ge d in the field of o rgo nomy. She worked with her father on a

    variety of e xperimenta l works, inc lud ing to be a participa nt-observer in his orgone

    ac c umulato r clinic a l work, the o rgo ne m otor experiments, Oranur Experime nt, and

    she was a c loudbuste r op erator in the Tuc son, Arizona "Contac t With Spac e"experiments. Indep end ently she trave lled the w orld , spread ing know led ge of the
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    orgone ac c umulato r and b lanket , as we ll as a spec ia l "butte rfly touc h" ma ssage

    therap y for healing trauma in the newb orn, knowledg e w hic h wa s pa ssed on to

    numerous midw ives and groups devo ted to child ren. At hom e in rura l Ma ine, with

    muc h d ifficulty a nd strugg le, she found ed an indep endent b irth c ontrol and

    women's c linic . In this film, shes d isc usses ab out Wilhelm Reic h's histo ry wo rks which is

    not extensively know n on p ub lic dom ain..

    Observing wea ther ope rations

    One wa y is to wa tc h the we a ther sa tellite p ic tures (with IR) to see how effec tive a n

    opera tion is working . You c an use (C RWS Jet Strea m M ap Me nu) site. A p assive

    ob server has notice d tha t the re is a round a seven d ay osc illation c ycle w ith the jet

    stream in the northe rn hem ispheres. So turning the system on and off to ma tc h the

    planeta ry jet strea m wa ve c an a dd great effect to the w ea ther mo dific ation.

    Here is a pub lic USA Na vy wea the r site

    Ma in Pag e- http :/ / ww sa t_p rod uc ts.html

    Globa l ima ge ry and a nima tions -

    http :/ / ww trop ics-bin/tropics.c gi

    Queensland Australia sites

    Faculty links

    Wilhelm Reic h-CORE (Co smic Orgone Eng inee ring) OROP Desert Rep ort

    Christophe Keller c loud buster p rojec t

    THE DISCOVERY OF THE ORGONE ENERGY 1919-1939 Peter Na sselstein

    Reflec tions of a we a ther eng ineer by Trevo r Jame s Co nsta b le

    The Ac oustic Func tion o f a Reich C loud buster By Chuc k Hend erson

    Cloud busting and desert greening - Joa c him Tret tin

    Orgo ne energy motor pa tent

    2Nd Orgo ne ene rgy m otor pa tent referenc e

    Germa n Orgo ne Devic es

    Orgone b oo ks from a ethe rom