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CLOCK OF DESTINY, VOLUME I YOUR Master Key of Civilization WHY Continue To Be A Economic And Social Slave, Owing To Lack Of Knowledge Of Your History And Science? "Valuable Stones Come In Small Packages" There Is Not Enough Money In The World To Pay For Necessary Knowledge. So let Us Not Waste Our Mental Encrgy Arguing Over The Price Of This Book.
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Page 1: Clock of Destiny Part 1 & 2



Master Key of Civilization

WHY Continue To Be A Economic And Social Slave, Owing To Lack Of Knowledge Of Your History And Science?

"Valuable Stones Come In Small Packages"

There Is Not Enough Money In The World To Pay For Necessary Knowledge. So let Us Not Waste Our Mental

Encrgy Arguing Over The Price Of This Book.

Page 2: Clock of Destiny Part 1 & 2


'l'hcre is not enough mystical "wine" or Christian religious doctrine in. "Rome" to make, u s drunk.

The Author and Associates.


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C,M. Bey Ph. D., L,L.D, 3rd 33rd 360 Degree Master Mason, Free Moorish Master Astrologer And Moorish Oonstitut ion Law Giver.


I ( p h o t o g r a p h Oopyrighted 1973)

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Rome and Khan in t h e Land of t h e Moors ............ Page 8

The Effort of t h e Jehovah Witness, also the Code ............. of t h e Republican Par ty of Rome Page 14

The Alphabet of t h e Cultured Moors ................. Page 17

The K. K. K. Obligation, also t h e Secrets of .................. the Number 9 Page 19

The Sun in the 12 Signs ..................................... Page 22

The Five Sons of Destiney .................................. Page 28

The Christian Celebrative Dates, and World .. ,. . . Conflict I11 ................. Pages 31 and 32

A Digram of the Zodiac .................................... Page: 36

The Scientific Symbols of the Zodiac, and tho ........................ Dollar System .; Page 3 9

Diseases which Medicine cannot Cure, also the Scientific ~nirnayistiie Experimentation

........ of the Asiatic Scientist, Yaqub. Pages 43 and 44

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CLOCK OF DESTINY Knowledge of truth is mankind's highest attainment. "You

:hall know the trcth and the truth will make you free." All evi- dence points toward the fact, that had the', t ruth been $aught, there would have been no need for that great statement to be recorded in literature,,-especially the Bible.

I a m aware of t h e fact tha t the category of Astrology, Glob- al Georaphu, and the history of t'he Moorish Nation, will con- flict with nine out of eve]? ten persons of the United States of A m e r i c a ; especially those often referred to as Negroes, ranging hetween 20 and 50 years of age, owing to Christian education. Therefore, I concede that the categorfy of science mentioneld will appeal to the youth of tomorrow, those who will approach the ages of 18 to 21 by 19.54. The, restoration of civilization relies upon the ability of th is group during the next swen years of global, economic a n d social revolut ion.

The majority of those now ranging between 20 and 50 Years of age have been too deeply instilled with emotional religious doctrine3 and distorted history which has been written by pre- judiced (European-American) educators during the past 93, years. This group emotionally rely upon t h a t which tihey hay*e - -%

been t.aught to believerfacts and twtimony are not the founda- tion of their faith-except in very rare cases. These people a&- cept, without question, the beliefs of those among whom they are born and reared; and will disbelieve, even the evidences of i:llcir senses, rather than disband with the impractical emotional religious beliefs which have grown in them.

Persons who possess the applied knowledge of the science oi Astrology always employ the terms such as : science, t ruth or facts: rather than t h e mystic magic terms employed in religious niystery ; namely: ."Allah" "God" "Jehovah" "Jesus?' and "Christ." These five magic religious terms .breed only false fea'r, mental confusion, conflicting opinions and secrek haterd. As- trologers are aware of the fact that thd fore-mentioned mystic magic phrases of emotional fear, employed in religious mystery, are laden with confusion, mental slavery, human hatred, jeal-

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ousy, discrimination, human caste, economic and social degra- dation, human warfare, bloodshed, destruction! and starvation.

Today reIigious worshipers have proven Qo the entire world that they had rather resort to emotional human haked , and fight, suffer and die over t h e name of t he mystical "God" and religion, than reasonably agree with simplified and applied truth-facts o r science involving their economic and social'stride a 3 shown in t h e twelve signs of the ever-present Zodiac.


In order that you might readily understand; the contents of this book, you are advised to momentarly lay aside a11 tha t which you have been taught to believe, except mathematics, And as a I-csuIt; you will t~c. R L I ~ C I C C I by common reason rnthct. t h n n I J ~ traditional emotional belief. I am awarer of t h e fact that both (Moslem and Christ) teachem have a moncrply on mystic re1- Iigious superstition, but not on mathematics,-the science of Geometry envolving the 12 signs of the Zodiac,-the Universal Law,-Islam.


The difference between Astrology and Astrononry is t ha t Astrology treats of h u w n characteristics, talerot, action and rer action, sociology, economics and global geography or space and time.

Astronlonv is the Priest, Pope, Bishop, Rabbi, Preach'er, Duke, Dutchess, Queens, King and AngIo-Saxon Lord's code of the Christian World, of whom propagates t h e myth culture ovf heaven in the sky, and hell beIuw, aftor death.

The Christian Astronomers are the star-gazerg who go to "heaven" by way of an expeasivs telescope and promulgah t h a t 1 which they imagine live on the planets: Mars, Saturn, Pluto, Japiter, Moon and Venus. Such philosophy definitely help solve our economic and social problems. The real Sun are under our feet, namely: (Earth). The pawe Maon and Sun dweIl in woman. Row yon can draw your concIusion as to why AstroIogy and A s t r o n o m ~ conflfct- Astrol- ogy erases a11 nions of superstition, confusion, religioils mystery, false fear, and idol or image worship. AS^ trofogy has always involved this universa~ simple fact; namely :

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Therefore, woman and s a w n sons comprise the supreme manifestat.ion of the whole of c r e a t i o n r a a c e and time -...-\ vhich need no doctrine o stition, t o influence them to e - .

the sciencs of Astrology-woman, Sons, Earth, water, air, Ee%t a ~ d food constitute the great force of creation; often1 referred to in science as: electro-magnet, current, and voltage or Atomic energy.

Remember, the human body and mind and earth contain r~11 elements of nature. W e are what we eat, drink, inhale and ,. exhale. Theref ore, all energy generates from our stomach, mind and earth. We the human family, are the only supreme ~lloving plailets or heavenly bodies. Objects do not come to us; we go to all objecb by way of walking, riding flying, sailing, observation, mathematics, vibration of sound and signal.

Our code of fact.., pearfcction, and the guidance of practical nlisdom comprise (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0)-(3, 6, 9, 12)---the universal standard rule of measurement and the letters of the alphabet.

known-The civflization in which we now live.

(0 .1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0)-(3, 6, 9, and 12 the.60 seconds of the minute, 60 minutes of the hour, and also the letters of the Arabic alphabet, all of which comprise the culture of the Moors)--our forefathers of t.he Moslem World who are often ref erred t o in Christian literature as Mohammedans o r heathens.

THE CODE OF THE ROMAN CROSS ORDER (I, 11, XTT, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, a, X) and the Latin o r Span*

iuh language comprise the Christian code of which was horn out of our: (Moorish) forefathers's code, in South America (Pat~gonia)-known today a s Argentina, the origin a1 region of the new masses of humanity who possesses ruddy or red, pale skin with greenish-blue eyes and long blond hair.

Argentina, Brazil, Peru, Columbia and Venezula;' all of i ~ h i c h comprise tho spring-board of the Roman Nation of many

- 7 -

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different races, cas t evand color guided by domas. Dogmas is a Latin phrase, which defines as: false doctrine.


T h e term Rome, implies t h e people d & o conq,uer by intrigue, force and violence and enslave thq' human mind through false- doctrine of religious mystery and image, o r idol, w o e h i p of va- rious mysticaI God phrases, mpst common of which ar I ~ o v a h God, Chn'srt o r Buddha." Lkt ~ r 9 remember, t h a t they(* United States of North America, comprise avery so-called race 1.f t h e "lily white" family.

The term Khan, implies the people who control the B!oard of Real Estate , Commerce, Production and Distribution of t,he Order of Roman coIonization, which manifmted with-(Wall Street) in Amsterdam or Ne.w York, U. S. A., and J a v a , Dast In- dia. Both of which a r e the headquarters of t h e Nobles, Duke$, Lords and t h e Dutchesscs of Rome and Kharl-the j u ry over tile w e d t h and cuIture of f h e (Moorish or Asiatic) Nation--our forefathers who were defeated by t h e Roman conquerers, af ter having undergone some 364 years in tenni t to l t conflict f rom 13ataponia to Alaska. Canada an

y- t h e Rosa-n-tr ibes of So e&h. - R p m a n ~ ~ ~ - f ? , ~ L A

Q~&&ian, calendar year, ,whichd c&ndxx~a_t.. 1 4 5 3 - 1492 Chr lent t o 873 - 912 ~b-irish cnlendnr ycnr.

T h e Roman conquerers acldad 580 years t o t h e Moorish czlendar. 1795 Christian ca lendar y e a r is equivalent to 1215> Moorish ca lender year : 1865 Christian c a l e i d a r year is equiva- lent to 1286 Moorish calendar year: 1946 (Ccy) is equivalent to 1366 (Mcy). (1946 and 1366 have cleared up t h e mystery of the (666). New York is the Empire &ate of the' O r d e r of Rome and Khan,-the "lily white" peop le of t h e world. Have you ever stop to th ink that among the AsiaXics of : the 0. S. A., refemed t o as Negroes, t h e r e cad be had a sirnilariw of every so-called race of the entire world?


pen^, Mexico, ( l r sabe l l~ or Cuba) , U. S. A., Canada and Alaska, all of which comprise t h e land of t h e cukured Meow

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th*e descendants from the ancient Moabite Nation,-the fathers of civilization who inhabited this Hemisphere. Thus, the U. S% A., Aflaska and Canada lie in t he geographical region, ofi~the: (Crest of Asia) often referred t o as: The "Temple of! the Moon and Sun," of which scientifically imply the greatest inclination

of the Earth's axis t o t he Sun, during the months' of June, Ju ly and August, in the Northern Hemisphere. W h a t our fo rda tR- '

ers were before this land of ours namely: (Amexem) was named Xorth, Central and South America, we are t h a t today; without a doubt of contradiction, namely: (Moor). The name (Moor)

- 1s derived from the name (Moabite) . The "Crest of Asia" symbolizes the great pyramid, as

~ h o w n on tk.e reverse, side of a United States One DolIar Bill, of 1928. .

Names, such as : Negroes, black, colored, Indian, red, Afri- can, J e w and white-ve &&&j of the $gmSln Cross O r d ! ~ cf serreaation. hatred. slaverv and e x u l o i ~ i o n . -

The reconstruction period of 1863 and 1865 resulted in the United Order of the Christian: "lily white" world oft organize labor, agricultural, industrial and commerical unionism and mil- i tary procedure which made t h e Roman Nations the Mistress of t he seven seas.

THE MANIFESTATION O F THE K. C. O F K. K. K. The Union of 1863-65 was the manifestation of the* (K. of C.

and K. K. K.) of which involve some Five Hundred Million peo- ple of red o r ruddy pale skin, with long hair; which: comprise one-fourth of the world's population of two billion one hundred and sixty million.

he Asiatic Nation comprise three-fourths of the' world's population and the European N of "Christ and Mary" comprise



The celebrative . (Magna Char ta ) is the document which granted economic, social and commeric,al freedom and equality t o all people of ruddy pale skin with long hair o r flaxm, reg less to race label and religiousism o r politicalism faith, The

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cess is .

Bilbo of ! I

i ~ ; 1946. I

T h e celebrative story of Abraham Lincoln, involving t h e freedom of the(Moorish descendants) referred to as: "Negroes," is played up falsely.

The insignia on the

out-side looking in, universally, during the past 93 years o f Roman economic, social and commerical stride-"Father A'bbrad ham,"-the God of the Roman Union, involving the North and the South pole--JuIy 4th and J anua ry lst, "Lincoln."

M Y O U a re skeptical, you might denounce the names such as Kegro, colored, black and African, go to the library ask fo r t h e history of the Moorish Empire,-your history, and carefully ob- serve the "white servants" reactions. This is t h e h idory .the European American has thought you would never know. Never- theless you have fhe fundamentals in this book, namely: Clock of Destiny.


During the past 1367 years there have been only two World I

Empires, namely: the Moorish Empire of the Order of Islam and I

the Roman Empire of the Orde r of "Christ and Mary.'' The I

Order of "Christ" is 173 years old, calculated from 1774, the e r a j

which resulted in t h e birth of t h e United States Marine force in 1 colonial North America-the cream of the (German, Francisco I o r French) legions, referred to as "pirates." I

During the Moorish world domination there was no Europe, I


England, France, Greece, Rome, Egypt, Africa, China, J apan or Russia across the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans.

Therefore, United States history of the Chrbtia might be compared with that of the cdebrative story I I t o as "Santa C1aus"-rnflhofagy. Did yau ever stop tb t h h k I that on the most sacred day of the Christian Order, nameIxTs: De- cember 26th, t he Chrigtian Nations promulgate the world's greatest false-the (myth) of "Santa Claus"? , Rennember, December 26th is the foundation of the philosophy of "CSlrist i

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fcrred to as : "white people." Therefore, t he history of t h e hloorish Empire is n o t news to them for they have, been guided by the history of the Moors; under potent influence, of fear and hatred during the past 93 years, caIcuIated from 1865.


I t is impossibIe for the people of heavy olive, and live olivtb, hue of skin, commonIy known as dark-brown and light-brown, t o ever become a Christian, because of this fact. The Christians worship a "White Son o f God" a n d his "FVhita Mother Mary,"- thc very image of themselves. The Christian "Cod" is dclinitcly (white or ruddy) pale, because, His onIr begotten Son is tangi- able evidence.

You might ask yourself this question: what chance do I have to entar t h e gates of the Christian Heaven dominated by a "White God, His Son, and His Son's Mother Mary?" The very image of the woman who falsely cries "Rape," followed by Son's cross burning and lynching. Such is t h e Christian Nations (Hea- ven) dominated by the "white womanw-the God of hatred, fear , crime and corruption.

On the contrary, there was a specific reason for the, new masses of humanity, referred t o as: "white people," to establish thechurch and false doctrine of "Christ and Mary;" so Iet us ob- serve the reason, in ordm tha t wa might take a broad Yi!e)v _ tybich will enable .#,. < us to I'W erase ,% thie hatred against them whicH is now dominating our nature.

It haa already been stated elsewhere in this book that during the past 1367 years there has been only two World Empires, namely: t h e Moorish Empire of t he Order of Islam and t h e Christian Empire of the Order of Christ. During t h e world domi- nation of t h e Moorish Nation. The blond women of Patagonis* South America,'had manifested their cultured height in t h e ~oc ie ty of Islam; which qualified them to establish t h e society of the Cross laden with mystery and emotional false doctrinw,

, -as a positive weapon of liberating themselves from the amal- gamated iron handed rulers, o r dictators; who had shielded the

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~e~cr-e ts of n a t u r s as shown h t h e signs of the Zodiac and estab- lished a doctrine of mysterr and religious superstition by force. As a result the following amalgamated generation of Moorish fathers and blond mothers grew up in ignorance of t h e scjence of the twelve signs of t h e Zodiac and the applied principles of I s lam; which in t u r n resulted in the corruption of the Society of Islam, under the influcnce of Islamism of variable unreason- able procedures of religious worship, strenuous mysterious pray-

'\ ! I ers and the restriction of .literary education to the c o m o n 'masses.

Thc\ coi-rupt process of the selfish, jeslbus amalgamated rulers of t h e Moslem world converted the Society of Islam into 1.egirnentatioi1, human caste, slavery, economic and social degra- 4 1 dation, crimo, bloodsher1 a n d hllman destruction: from which \vas born the A r m y of thc Mvstic nanncr of t h e Cross,--+led bv m i l i t a n t " ~ v l i i l r , w o m c ~ i , " o r Pntagonian blonds, supported by m a n y wise Moslem women and sons, struggling, f o r freedrom; ~vh ich res l~l ted in some ,764 years of intermittent conflict f rom 7cr.u to Alaska-and across the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, in rlle Not-thrl-n TIcmisphere. A prcat battle between two dif- Ct.rcnt tpycs of religious supcrstilions; namely: Islamism, and Crossism, rcfcrred to a s t h e grea t battle between the "Crescent and tho Cross" or "h lo l~ammed and Christ,"-the period of rrucifixion-lyrlching, burning and murderihg ohe another over 'ideas of in~pract ica l isms a n d mystery of variety; which has domina!erl the world f o r some f o u r hundred years and has mani- fcstod with the racial a n d color scheme of corruption.

The bIoslemu with the i r strenuous ism of mystic religious worship ahd superstition are n o t guilty of t h e establishment of the race and color scheme. They are guilty of t h e caste system rind segregation, according t o claw a n d rank and method of hlystic or s u p e ~ ~ t i t i o u s religious worship in the institution called

Mosque) from which was born the institution of worship call- e d (Church) and t h e race and color scheme with its marriage license l a u s established b y the Patagoninn blond women of South America. This system prohibib t h e Sssunnce of a mami- age license t o Moorish men or women, who desire to marry "*.vhiten women or men in North America--especially in t h e t'nited States. U p o q th is is founded the myth of "black and white" pe.ople's blood which was born out of t h e church system; *~iamely: the Catholics. Protestants. Baptists and the (Jury) or *Jewish Temple. of the United States, in North America.

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(The Code of The Klans.)

In the year 1854, the "white women" often referred to as the (Daughters of the Revolution) endorsed the artistic painting of themselves and sons, called "Christ and Mary" and establish- eld the new doctrine of the onIy begotten "Son of God and its Mother Mary," by force, intrigue, ignorance, cruelty, seduction, bloodshed and destruction. Here, the foundation of the Order of "Christ" was wc.11 laid in the Union of 1866. This was follow- cd by well trained Mivionary workers carrying the banner of the image "Son" and its "Mother" d o c t i n e across the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, supported by military force, of the Order crf Home. Thereby the false doctrine of the wh3e "Son Christ" was established in the four angles of the Earth. This enabled the "white" Daughters of the Revolution to remain neutral ; while t h e "white" men seduced the helpless (Maorish o r Asiatic) women at home, and abroad, so as to perpetuate the "lily white" Nations of Rome during the past 93 years.

Tho picture of the "White Son" image andl its "Mother" equal the power of ten thousand words in the name of the evil tradition of white superiority-when placed beifore the blond children (ranging between 6 and 9 years of age) gave them a fnlm conception of white supremacy, before they have been trrught to read which grows up in them.

Tfie 93 years old act of the Daughters of the Revolution has disqualified the English speaking "white women" a t home and.

w World Order which

ruddy pale skin. - 1 4 -

- -

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Today, it is the white aornen's desire to tdl the truth and al ter the Roman system of mgregation but 99.76 of the Asiatic masses of humanity will not believe in them; owing to the long trend of economic and social suffering. This p a d of the s to ry is referred to as "A view of the promise land, but cannot enter."


Nine out. of every ten of the so-called "white people" of the world today have either black o r brown eyos, or black hair, jvhich represent the stamp of the (Moorish or Asiatic Mothers). T h e people rofcrred t o as Japanese (Latin) Mexican, Chinese, Italian, Spanish, Turk, Indian, Arabian, Syrian, Russiah, Es- kimo and all other similar island people are the generations of kinky-haired (Moorish or Asiatic) fathers and Patagonian blond mothers, during thc early iise of the Order of Islam, 1367 years :\go.


lished thr, superstitious religious system contrary to the universal economic and social science as shown in the twelve signs of the Zodiac and Mathematics, there would have been no supersti- 'lious religious order of "Christ: and Mary." Therefore. the de- linite fac t is that both, namaly: the Moslems and the Christians ( o r Asiatics and.Europeans) of the entire earth are equally guil- t y fo r violation of the Law of Nature as shown in tb twelve signs of tho ever-present Zodiac, which has caused them to undergo the grim Law of Retribution.

Tjle Moorish Nation submitted d t-he Roman Cr

the image of thelrise;lves nnd race and color.

Ci1;ilization i5 founded upon practical wisdom and the mo- rals of woman. The (Moorish or Asiatic women).' have under- gone everything which could h a v ~ been imposed upon them; yet they hove retained their morals. You m y empane the a c t

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of the kinky-haired (Moorish o r Asiafic) women of the United States, and abroad, with t he acts of t h e European o r b'lond wo- men of the United States, and abroad; and thereby draw your own concIusion during t h e next seven years of gIobal ecmomic and social revoIution. Thousands of blond women and sons wiIl resort to suicide while undergoing t he seven: years of eco- nomic and social revolution.

The kinky-haired women of the United States anrI abroad zre the ones who will restore civilization and peace tu the world (luring the next seven years. Geometry and the tweIve signs of the Zodiac constitute t h e Prophetic Law; which has never told 2 lie.

The economic suffering of the blond women of Rome, En- gland, France, Germany and Greece, and the mythicaI Pales- tine will fulfill with f i e blond women of the United States. Canada and Australia, during the next seven years.

Nature has a just law. I t is the grim Law of Retribution- JVishful thinking, l ip-senice, hypoc1-itical prayer, wealth, atom- ic bombs. universinl military training and the wooden or stone image "white God" definitely cannoQ offset the grim Law of ICettribution during the next seven years. Economic chaos will make the blond people of the U. S. A., Kate the name such as "white peiople."

After the cycle of retribution had fuIfiIled with t h e Asiatics of the United States, t h e kinky-haired women began to give birth t o children who have become champions of t he world in every important department of human sbcie.ty. (Re- member, champions of t h e world do not have to beg for social recognition.

The Daughetrs of t he Rexolution will end, begging the Asia- tics of the United States f o r social recognition. The Law of Retri- bution cannot be altered, We reap t h a t which has been sown-- in the past.

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The Greek, Hebrew and Latin of the Roman Cross Order clefinitely cannot go beyond the Arabic alphabet. Our Moorish forefathers' code of alphabet and mathematics have proven that t h e "white people" have no culture of their own.

The Moorish Color Code in electronics, which describes the unit of resistance, current and voltage, the magnetic law, atomic energy is as follows:

~olizes-Black ~olizes--Brown 3olizes-Red 3olizes-Orange 3olize+-Yellow 2olizes-Green bolizes-Blue Solizea--Violet bolize&rey bolizes-Light or White.

Our Moorish forefathws had harnessed atomic energy, and employed it for both gaod and ill many centuries be;fme! the (Red Skinned) blonds of Patagonia had ,become educated by


the cultured Moors. Atomic energy is new Co the "whib peo- ple," but not to the moor^, The Christian race and color scheme was founded upon the Moorish color code of electronics,

It is definitely impossible for a nation that is dbminated by various secret orderism to solve i ts economic and social prob- lems in the atomic age. You might auk youmlf this questpon:

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IIow can one help himseIf and other without exposing his sec- re ts?

The code of mathematic (0 9, and 3, 6 .9 . - ".%

and 12) constitutes the ever- of l a w which newer grows old o r ancient. Neither earth, water, a@ and heat--light or electrici1;y-will ever grow old o r ancient. Neither woman, sons and t h e Ietters of the alphabet will ever grow old o r ancient. 'I'l~e whole of which comprise t h e one g rea t body of the ever- present living t ru th which, therefore, is not a mystmy and neith- e r a secret. Do you agree ?

A l l secret orderisms involving religion, syboIism and mys- tic pass-wordism a r o our own ignorance of the realities which dwell d t h i n u s and about us. T h a t which individuals have in their minds unexpressed is a secret. Having expressed to an- other, tha t in mind, then t h e great secret has been exposed to !he outer worltl.

The inner ~ilorld is our universal sub-conscious mind which .dictates t o our reasoning mind. Thus, our sub-conscious mind is the inner world referred to as t h e ''All Seeing Eye." OUT reasoning mind is the outer world r e f e r r e x t o as "The light of the world," all of which derive f rom woman, the creator of al l sons in the course of 9 months, f rom conception t o birth. Thus, (woman) is the Grand Master ~ r c h i t e c t u r e r and Carpenter of t h e human body and mind. which makes all once (Moslcxns) regardless to the shade of skin and color of the eyes. All m8le babies a re sons of nine-9 months f r o m conception to birth. In Christian Mythology, t h e number n ine have many names, most common of which are : Nin, Nim, Nirnrud, Nimrod and "Nunm-- (Catholicism.)



The term (Moslem) implies t h e work8 of nature involving the human body, f rom conception t o birth, on t h e r ight angle motion or square of 90 degrees. The great circle of thk e a r t h comprise 560 degrees, squared by the number 9. 9 goes into 360 dcgrees 40 times. This is t h e number "40" which involves th.e Christian Order o r t h e (Klannish) society of the "lily white" world, which Senator Bilbo of Mississippi, had referred to over the "Meet t h e Press" program in 1946.

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THE K. K. K. OBLIGATION (Clan or IClan) implies t h e people who have agreed by oath,

01- secret obligation, to protcct their society so as to prevent legal marriage 01. socj;tlfzaiion with ~ ,cop lc of heavy olive hue of skin, referrod to a s tlarli-bro~vn. Should any of the women and j:t.own sons violate Ihe (Iclannish) code, they are subject to be- come a social outcast of the Klan society; especially if the vio- Iiitioll involves marriage to any of the women and sons of dat-k- t~i.ou.11 ?]<in. This is :r m a j o r violation of the Klannish society of !hi> "lily white' ' worId; although the grown sons of tha Klan >80ciet:r a r e a t l iberty to slip arourld with the Asiatic women of t h e unit&! Stales d u e to t h e fnet t h a t there is usually seproduc- l ion ol' the Klannish t y p e ; t~amely : rucldy pale, skin. The story is somewhat different urith t h e "white women" and the Asiatic s:.rrb, a1;c.l their rcpt.otiuction of 9 months sons and daughters. 7'h1:: part of the story has caused the people of white socielties of I I l c Unit(-d States to l i \ c u n d e ~ . such s:renuous influence of f ea r , that apparent ly they have lost a11 powers of common sense.



MATHEMATTCS AND THE ZODIAC R e Earth's nsis to its orbit, evolves about the Sun at the

rote of one degree per day, and thirty dcgrees a month. Itcom- &&tes its annual revolution of 360 degrees every year on March 20, in thcl twelfth sign Pisces. the sun pass '

through twelve different regio called signs in the course of a year', calculated from the sign Aries to the sign Piaces.


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chiId and the, sec'rets of the number 9 is insportant a s t h e Ietters of the alphabet which qualify them t o r ead and write.


Oonception aIways occurs while t h e rays of the Sun is in a certain sign of the Zodiac and the child is born: 9 months l a t e r ivhile the rays of the, Sun is irl another sign of the Zodiac. For

c samp le :

If conception occurs while the raysqof the Sun is in t he sign Aries. Iictwecn March 21 and April I f ) , t h e child is bonil when Lllc, 1.aj.s of t,he Sun enter the sign Sagit tar ius (between Ypvem- ber 22 and December 20.)

If conception occLirs while the Sun is in the sign T ~ I I ~ I I S , be- tween April 20 and May 20, the child is born when t h e Sun en- ters t h r sign Cal~ricorn (between December 21, and J a n u a r y I S ) .

Tf concention occurs while the Sun is in the sign Gemini, he- tween May 21 and June 21, the child is born when the Sun en- ters the sign Aquarius (be i~veen J a n u a r y 19 and February 1 9 ) .

If conception occras ~ v h i l c the Sun is in the sign Cancer , be- tween June 22 and Ju ly 22, the child is born when thel Sun em- tclrs the sign Pisces (between February 20 and March 2 0 ) .

If conceptioll occurs while t h e Sun is in the sign Leo,; b'e- twecn .July 23 and Augilst 23. the child is horn when t h e Sun en- t.ers thc sign Aries (between March 21 and April 1 9 ) .

If concept.ion occurs while the Sun is in the sign Virgo, bc- tween August 24 and September 23, the child is born when t,hc Sun enters t h e sign Taurus (between April 20 a n d May 2 0 ) .

If conception occurs while the, Sum is in the sign Libra, be- tween September 24 and Ocbober 22, t h e chiId is borri when t h e Sun enters t h e sign Genlini (between May 21 and J u n e 21 ) .

. If conceptibn occurs whiIe the Sun is in t h o sign Scorpio, 1,etuYcen October 23 a n d November 21, t h e child is born when the SUJI enters the sign Cancer (between J u n e 22 and Ju ly 2 2 ) .

If conception occurs while the Sun is in t h e sign Sagit tar ius between November 22 a n d Decomber 20, t h e child is born w h e n the Sun enters the sign Leo (between JuIy 23 and Augus t 23) .

If conception occurs while, t he Sun is in the sign Capricorn, between December 21 a n d J a n u a r y 18, t h e child is born when the Sun enters t h e sign Virgo (between August 24 and Septenl- ber 23) .


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If conception occurs while the Sun is in the sign Aquarius, between January 19 a n d February 19, the child is born when the Sun enters t h e sign Libra (between September 24 and October 22nd.)

If conception occurs while t h e Sun is in t h e sign Pisces, be- tween February 20 and &larch 20, the child is born when the Sun ti i ters t h e sign Srol-pio (between October 23 and November 21.)

This concludes in brief the applied key of the 12 s i p s of the Zodiac invoIving woman, child and the number 9-9 months from conception to birth. This process of simple scientific uni- ~ i e m a l fac ts has proven tha t eve1-y child is born while the Sun is passing th rour~h one of t he 1 2 signs of t he Zodiac, and t h a t t h e sign under ~irllich children are born governs their l ives from the cradle to the grave. Tha t which cannot be proven by mathe- n ~ a t i c s ; reasoning is definitely dangerous to human pirogress.

During t h e 9 rnorltJls from conception to birth, t h e child in i t3 creator's womb ; namely: ( m o t h e r ) , has passed through the 9 cosmic regions or- signs of the ear th , i r i harmony with t h e Sun, from which it molds i ts physical form, mifld, rnernory and ~1131-acteristics, qualified f o r cultivation as it slowly grows up d u r i n ~ life.

If women on national scales possesse~d t h e applied know- ledge of the secrets of t h e number 9. t hey wouId be supremely clualificd to educate their children to the, pract ical s ide of life dur ing its 9 rnoriths maturity f r o m conceptiol~ t o binh.. Then, the re would be no need f o r the institutions of rkligious mystery worsh ip , itlo1 01- image God. Jail houses, prisons and insane insti- tutions ~ v o ~ r l d not bc needed f o r the re would b e no racial hatred or crime.

The secre ts of the nurnber 9 and t h e 12 signs of the Zodiac involving woman and child, f rom conception t o bixth, is refer- rt:d to in t h e Book of John, Revelations, acu--the o p e ~ ~ i n g of thc "Seven Seals9'-from which has rnnrked t h e very end of Chris- t ixn Theology and the rise of women, with civilizat.ion. narnelly: the (Moorish o r Asiatic) women of the United States w h o have been labeled Negro (colored people) by the sociologivtv ~f the Kornan Cross Order.

I am sorry to asse1.t that the present grown-ups, e s p ~ c i n l ! ~ 95 :'; of both (European a r ~ d Asiatic Amei.icans) will no: turn

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loose the, ~vhi te image "Christ" doctrine and the church, with ifs i.-arious denominations, until the United States of America has a n d q g o n e its blood bath, which is now in the making-the most crucial blood bath that t h e world has ever known.

The, doctrine of t h e white image was born in the United States of or colonial North Anxerica, through blood- shed ; and will vanish af te r bloodshed which cannot he describ- ect in words. This destruction is necessary in q d e r lthat the, on- ccndng generation mighty escape mental boxldage and dead idol, or image worship, which is denfinitely contrcvy to: truth, wisdonl and economic and social progress.

The followirig is the interpretation of t h e Suri in the 12 signs of the Zodiac during t h e Earth's annual sevolution of7 360 de- grees. Yoir are advised to a l w a y s r ead the in terp~eta t ion of t h e Sun in each sign of the Zodiac during t h e 9 months maturity of !,our child and concentrate upon realities, equality, unity and economic and social progress, peace and justice, Them y o u r child will b t born well eclucated, endowed with practical down- to-earth ~nol-als and p~ogress ive wisdom, and will fear no evil.

The interpreta t ion of the Sun in the 12 signs wiIl aIso 'help you ~ v e l l understand yourself and friends, according to the sign u n d e r which you and they were born. This scielitific procevs of the Universal Lam of Nature definitely grants first hand Itnow- ledge of cause and effect.



1.-30 Degrees. The Sun in Aries: G-ives good health, strength, n7i l l power, indopendent of thought . Person born whi le the Sun js in Aries are endowed with leadership. They a r e also rnusicnlly and inteIlectually inclined. The Sun enters Aries every year on March 21, and remains until ApriJ 1 9 th. The Sun is exalted in Aries. (Head) .

2.--60 Degrces. T h e Sun in Taurus : Gives kindlzeartedness, filcrnriess, determination a n d ambition t o rise above com- mon levels. Peasons born while the Sun is in Taurus are very talented and, therefore, will follow more t h a n one occupation. They usually gain in money or property through relatives. T h e Sun enters Taurus evcry year on April 20, and remains until May 20. (Neck).

3.--90 Degrees, The S t~n in Gemini : Gives aj strong flexible

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and the ability to adapt their talents to many lines. T h e y are aIso fond of travel and dealings with the public. Fe- moles born under this sign show two marriages a n d the i birth of twins. The Sun enters Gemini every year on May 21, and remains until June 21. (Lungs.)

9.-121) Degrees. The Sun in Cancerr: Give3 love for home and family, old age security and desire for music and pleasure. Persons born under this sign make qualified lawyem, nur- sos and political leaders. They usually create thei r own difficuIties and disappointments unless impatience and restlessness are over come. The Sun enter Cancer every year on June 22, and remains until July 22. (Breast),

5.--151) Degrees. The Sun in Leo: Gives fondness for authority, generous, sympathetic and ambitious. Persons born under this sign are endowed with many capabilities. They m a k e fino actors, teachers o r instructors. The Sun enters thls sign every year on July 28 and remains until August 23. (Heart) .

(i.-180 Degrees. The Sun in Virgo : Gives many talents and 'love of detail. Persons bonl under this sign are musically a n d artistically inclined and are also fond of money and ma- ti\rial gain. Unless careful they are usually unfornate in love and marriage owing to their critical tendencies. They must have someone to encourage them, constantly. The. Sun enters Virgo every year on August 21 and remains until September 22. (Intestines).

THE TROPIC ,OF CAPRICORN. 7.-210 Degrees; The Sun in Libra: Gives a sociable, romatic

and affectionate nature and a great lover of beauty, art, music. Persons born under this sign are subject to trouble in courtshi and disappointment in m n r r i a g ~ They have a powerfu 7 imagination and a strong attachment f o r parents and relatives. They ma also fond of many short journeys. The Sun enters this sign evAly year on Septem- ber 23, and remains until October 25. (Kidneys),

8.-240 Dagrees. The Sun in Scorpio: Gives pride, A r m mikind and strong character. Persons born under this sign will as- sume many obligations and usually gain money or proper- ty through marriage late in life. They are slightly jealous and also aro very sarcastic a t times. They are fond of mys- terious investigation. Thc, Sun entcrs this s:gn every year an October 24 and remains until November 22. (Sex).

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9.-270 Degrees. The Sun in Sagittarius: Gives a generous, a lert mind a merry disposition. Pervons born under this sign have many problems t o solve; rather impatient a t times. They are fond of travel over land and sea. The Sun enters this sign every year on November 23 and re- mains until December 22. (Hips) .

10.-300 Degrees. The Sun in Capricorn: Gives a serious and determined nature. Practical and qualified to direct others. They are fond of t h e psacttical side ,of life, which makes them very prominent. They are also fond of music, dsn- cing and entertaining. The Sun enters this sigh every yea r on December 23 and ramains until January 19. (Knees).

11 .--330 Degrees. The Snn in Aquarius: Gives broad rninded- I ness, deep sympathies, cautious ,and wisdom in practical affairs of life. They a r e libera1 and gemerous. They are nlways helping relatives or friends. They are fond of uni- versal science such as Astrology and like extensive travel. The Sun enters this sign every yea r on J a n u m 20 and re-mains until February 19. (Ankles).

i2.-360 Degrees. The S u n in Pisces: Gives a restless, change- abIe disposition and a tendency t o go to e.utreme in feel- ings or actions. Parsons born under this sign a re very pyschic to hidden conditions. They are also fond of suc- ce.a and have many responsibilities, but they aIso have much hostility through their Iife. T h e Sun enters this sign every year on February 20 and remains until March 20. (Feet). This concludes t h e 12 gates of Iife.

As the Sun is the giver of life, we a r e born into the w p ~ l d c-ndowed with wisdom ready f o r cultivation as we slowly. ad- vance. Therefore, the interpretation of the Sun in the 12 signs apply to our daiIy activities as well-as at birth. The f ac t remains that the human body wnstifkltes the 12 signs of the Zod'iac-


space and time, Mankind is mind, matter, motion and1 fom, that measur-

ubly perfects from past memory of its many manifestation in 1ifao Note: George Washington Carver (an Asiatic) peanut genius of Tuskegee Institute, Alabama, wals one of thd greates t scientist in the world.

Me.mory o r mind never forgets. Mind is the cause of a'lr things; which, therefore, mnites woman the Law of Cause a n d Effect or Evolution. She is responsible f o r the ach of her child.

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The more kno\vledge, woman possesses of t h e Zodiac, the wiser t h e child to be born will be. Woman is the great creator of both good and evil.



Bear in mind t h a t the interpretation of the Moon, passing through t h e 1 2 signs applies to daily activities as we11 as b i r th . T h e interpretation of the Moon in each sign is also as impar tant to woman as the interpretation of t h e Sun.


I .--.30 Degroes. Moon in Arics :--A Fire Sign : At the tim.e of birth, influence.^ a pc~l-son to be impulsive and extrerncly enthusiastic. ?'hey detest; submitting the~nselves to s u g e - riors. They are susceptible t o fcwer o r head complai~;ts and also trouble which rnay corrie through secret affairs. (The Moor) p a ~ s c ~ through 1 2 signs in the course 05 30 days, remain ing in one sigll f r o r r~ 2 t o 3 days. I t requires seven and one-fourth days f o r the M o o n t o evolve 90 cie- g;l-ecs-3 sig~ls of t h e Zodiac) . Aries is t h e region of steel indus t ry and force of arms.


2.-60 Degrees. Moon in Taurus:-An Earth Sign: At the t ime of birth gives a persbn a quiet disposition; determinat ion, and ambition t o excel in al l undel-t-&kings.. They are, us- ually interested in .music, painting and romance. The Moon is exalted in Taurus. Taunua is the region of agricul- ture , also tho rnonataxy. or banking system, ax* a n d science.

L;UNGS 3.-90 Degreas. Moon in Gemini:-An Air Sign: A . the time

of birth gives n person an inclination for all intellectual things. T h e y are very active mentally skillful with their

hands and lovers of writing, dmiging, journalism, sculp- turing, engraving, salesmanshi y and ts-avel. Gemini is t h e region of social evolution.


4.-120 Dcgrces. Moon in Cancer:-.-A W a t w Sign: A t the t inlc

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of birth gives a person love for home, and a powerfuI imagination, emotional, changable, ~ympathe~tic and proud determination. Usually they are interested in drama and intellectual studies. '


5.-150 Degrees. Moon in Leo :-A Fire Sign: At the time of birth gives a high mind, good managerial ability and great honest in all business transactions. They are sincere 1017-

em, favored with tha opposite sex and loverb of luxury auch as perfumes and fine clothing. They are also capable of assuming authority and responsibility. Leo is the region of atomic power, gold and oil, iron, granite and copper.

VIRGO IS THE REGION O F ORGANIZE LABOR 6.-180 Degrees. Moon in Virgo :-An Earth Sign : At the time

of birth gives a person a p o w 6 1 memory, aidfu19friends and w n y journeys. Th.ey are witty, pemeven'ng and have an inclination towards the, science of metlicinc, auch as herbs..

7.-210 Degrees. Moon in Libra:-An Air Sign: At the time of birth gives a person a talent for music and art;. They are very popular, affectionate, and undergo strong friendship. Libra is the region of the jury and'judges 0% naMons,


8.-240 Degrees. Moon in Scorpio :-A W&er Sign : At the time of birth gives a person, great courage and fondness fo r qaterial things of life. They are hard Oo fnffuence against their own will. They are very out-epoken, and at times very extravagant which causes ditl.icnlty in courtship or marriage. They are also subject to trouble aver legacies. scorpfo it3 the &on of surgery, biology, botsny, ohernis- w, milita?ry and eplfbaling, atso pavigation-sex and crim-e id1 uf nations. . (Mid Fall) The "Swasttika."

H I P S . fl.-270 Degrees. Moon in Sagittarius:-A Fire Sign: At the

time of birth gives a person a tendency fo r quick action and decision, restlmttness. They, are unsettled although kind-hearted. They are faithful workers. They are also

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fond of sport, travel, and have an inclination towards mysticism. Sagittarius is the region of physical mani- festation upon the plane o$lif&number 9,


10.-300 Degrees. Moon in Capricorn:-An Earth Sign: At the time of birth gives a perrson administrative ability, good reasoning powers and they are ideali~t~ic. They usually undergo some difficulty in connection with associates or marriage.


11.-330 Degrees. Moon in Aquarius:-An Aiy Sign: At the time of birth give a parson good imagination and institu- tion and broadmindedneas. They are fond of luxury and t rawl and also interested in national affairs, good com- pany, and have inclination toward the science of As- trology. At times, they usually undergo slight nervous derangements. Aquarius is the region of electronics and uranium, often referred to as "Fourth Dimention"-the Rise of Civilization.

12.-360 Degrees. Moon in Pisces :-A Water Sign : At the timp of birth gives a person a retiring and pleasant dis- position. At times they are easily discouraged, restltss, and impatient; they a re fond of scientific study and ro- mance. They are also endowed with the power to offaet the aim of secrat enemies. Pisces is the region which com- pletes the circle of creation, and shows how the law of unity works universarlly.

You may refer to an up-to-date Almanac in ordeir to And what sign thel Moon is in during'each month lihroughout thel year.


TJUNITIES OF CREATION. Fire, Air, Water and Earth are the four Trinities of Crea-

tion. Air and Fire Signs hamonize ; Water and Earth Sgns harmonize, Always. And out pemons birth sign in order % see

their sign is in harmony with your sign. You are advised to see what sign the Moon is in when con-

ception taken place; then read the interpretation of the Moon while it is in each sign, until the child is barn. Thei influence of the Sun and Moon in the 12 signs molds. the general character of your child. Therefore, your knowledge of t he influence of tbe

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Sun and Moon in tha 12 signs of the Zodiac, from conception to birth, enables you to help your child rnolld greater character through your power of thought^ a d concentration ; often refer- red to as the "power of mind over matter."-wisdom.

KnowIedge of the Zodiac envolving Women, Children, Moon, Sun or kar th might, therefore, be t e r m 4 "Clock of Des- tiny." Thc. great span of ones active life lies between woman and Earth,-from birth to disintegration, reiferred to as: death. All children come into the world! by way of woman and pass out by way of t h e Earth. Do you agree?

THE FNE SONS O F DESTINY 1.--Joseph S td in : Conception occured while the Sun was in

Aries, which resultod in the birth of Stalin when the Sun enter- ed Sagittarius with the Moon in Aries (1879).

2.-BeniCo Musolini: . Conception occured while the Sun was in Sagittarius, which resultred in the birth of Musolini when the Sun entered Leo, with the Moon in Gemini (1883).

3.-Franklin Delano Roosevelt: Conception occured while the Sun was in Gemini. which resulted in the bii-th of Rooskvelt when the Sun entcred Aquarius, with t h e Moon in Cancer. (1882)

4.-Emperor Hirohito: Conception occured while the Sun was in Virgo, which resulted in t # ~ e birth of Hirohi4.a when the Sun entcred Tauru8,-'with the Moon in Virgo (1901).

5.-Adolf Hitler: Conception occured while the Sun was in Virgo, which reeulted in the birth of Hit& when the Sun enter ed Taurus, with the Moon in Capridorn (1889).

The women who created those five Rons possessed scien- tific knowledge of the ' 12 signs of the Zodiac, which enabled them to educate t h d r son3 during their 9 months maturity by studying the science of Astrology; thereby freeing the world of false doctrines, f ea r and hypocracy. The g ~ e a t cycle of nature was closed on all fiction, mythology, theology and hypocracy commonly known as: Democr~y-"Our way of Life," in 1941.

Musolini, Hitler and Hkohito mere born into the world with tne same asslgnmont, T h a t fa the basic rerreon why t hey formed the Axis triangle-the son of the "Roman Axw-the son of the German "Hatchet and Iron Cross"--and the son of the "Sword," Hi*, convwted the Christian m & i c "Iron Cross" Into the rnyiffic "Swatika," and forced t h e CM$tiian nations of the world to derestroy their own economic and social founda- tions through fea r and the lack of knowledge and understanding

Roosevelt and Stalin were endowed with the same as- signmknt, Sltalia re-educated t h e massea of Russia t o the reali-

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:.ation tha t the Earth is a community; and tQlat equal and prac- tical education, production and distribution, food, clothing, shel- ter, human equality, social freedom, malrriage according to ones choice and desire, and recreation are the highest attainment of Ilu~nan existnnce. While the peoyie of the United Stakes of Arneil'crt concentrated upon race, color, class, creed, the myth of "white and black" people blood, and the fear of Russia Redism. Roosevelt took advaatage of bheir ignorance and put us all o n an equal economic basis by issuing Ration Books Nos. 1, 2, 3 a n d 4. During which period every person could practically tell w h a t the other had to eat.

You arc, advJsed to read the interpretation of the Sun a n d 3Ioon in the Birth Sign of each of t he Five Sons, namely: Joseph Stalin, Benito Musolini, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Emperor Ilirohito and Adolf Hitler.

You and I were also born into the world. endowed with :in assignment. I am on duty now. Wha t are you dbing to make t he world a better place in which to live?


Minutes, de.qreeu or Meridians involving global geography as shown in the 12 signs of the Zodiac (from Aries to P i~ces ) which describe the measurement of time,

1. The Earrth's axis to its orbit, rotates a t the rate of 1 de- gree every 4 minutes; which equals a geographical span of 60 niiles. Sixty rninutcl3 (or 1 hour) equals 15 degrees, a geographi- cal span of 900 milres. 120 minutes (or 2 hours) equals 30 de- Frees a geographical span of 1800 miles. Each sign of the Zodiac from Aries to Pisces constitutes 30 degrees each. The Sun re- mains in each sign of t h e Zodiac a duration of 2 h o u ~ s . 12 hours a day equals 180 degrees and 12 hours a n k h t also equals 180 degrees. Thus, a day and night equal 360 degrees. Time changes (:very 15 degrees during the 24 hours of the day andl night- 24 x 16 equals 360. The numb@ 60 is t h e key geagraphy, therefore, you are advised t o always multiply degreeri (.or Meridians) of geography by t h e figure 60, for accuracy.

Example : 16 degretm)

x 60 - ste.

900 miles )

The second motion of the Earth in harmony with the Sun, rising in t h e Northern Hemis

, phere and setting in the Southern, which - 29 -

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marks the months, the four seasons, and years during its annual revolution of 360 degrees.

The Vernal Equinos or the Summer Solstice (March 2 1 and June 21.)

2. The Earth's axis to its orbit evolves about the Sun at the rate of 1 degree per day, 30 degrecs per mon$h, 90 degrees in the course of 3 months, 120 degrees in the crourse of 4 months. I50 degrees in the course of 5 months, and 180 de&ees in the course of 6 months; which governs the Spring and Summer seasons on the Tropic of cancer in the Northern Helmisplhere.

The signs: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo and Virgo, govern the Northern Hemisphere-the top of the world--called the "Crest of AsiaH-180 degrees on the as Oriental (or East) in Islam, the Order of the Asiatic Nation.


The Earth's axis to its orbit in hmmony with the sun , crosses the Equator in the ~ e ~ v e n t h sign Libra, on the Tr'opic of Capri- corn, in the Southern Hemisphere to complete the circle of 360 degrees.

The signs: Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn Aquarius and Pisces govern the Southern Hemis-

phere (called the Trouth of Europa or Occidental the bottom of the world, referred to as (West) in Christianity, the order of the Europoan Nations,

There are only two ends t o a pole. Thus, the North Pole is East, which is always Up, duri5lg t he Earth's annual revolution of 360 degrees, and t h e South Pole is always Down, during the Earth's annual revolution 'of 360 degreea. All of which equal a geog~aphical span of 21,600 miles. 860 degrees, multiplied by 60 equals 21,600 miles. (10,800 milw in t h e Nptthern Hemis- phere, 180 degree$ and 10,800 miles in the Sout$~en? Hkmis- phere, 180 degree&) - (Fod accuracy multiply t h e degrees by 60.)

THE VERNAL EQUINOX On March 21, t h e Sun crossea the Equator into t h e sign of

Aries, on the Tropic of Cancer in the Northern Hemi~phe~re , a t Sumatra, East India. On June 21, the Eax%h's a& h a s its great- est inclination t o t h e Sun at right angle of 90 degrees. The Arst Full Moon af ter March 21, the Christian Nations celebrate Eas- ter, referred to as: the Great Passover. 11 days after June 21, the Sun is in the sign Cancer, which culIIllinates 1 0 1 degrees.

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Here the Christian Order celebrates its Day of Independence, July 4th. 1

On September 23 the Sun crosses the Equator into the I

seventh sign, Libra on the Tropic of Capricorn, in the Southern Hemisphere at a point in Brazil, nearly due North of Obidos on the Amazon River. Thus, on September 26, the Founders of

i the Order of the Cross (or Chri~tianit~y) celebrate their New Year. The,y are called "Jews" and it was they who control'ed world commerce of the Romai Order until 1941.


On November 21, the rays of the Sun have cuqlminated in ihe eighth sign, Scorpio, 240 degrees of the Zodiac. Thus, on Novemher 21st o r 25tlh, the "Eagle" L e g i m a ~ y Caslte-4he head of the Christian Order--celebrate Thajlksgiving. The first ~ Thanksgiving ever held occured on November 26, 1795, after I

Ihe decisivo victory of the Battle of Lake Erie. From which re- s;lted in the fall of the Moorish Navy on the Great Lakes.

On December 20, the Earbh's axis to f s obit, in harmony I

with the Sun, has declined 270 degrees of th'e Zodiac, which culminates in the ninth sign, Sagittarius, the sign which squares the aurface of the Earth. The rays of the Sun enters the, t en th sign, C a p r i c m , on December 21sL at a point on the Tropic of Capricorn, South of Windhock, in Southwest Africa (X). Thus, 011 December 26th, t h e various castes of the Roman Order c e l e Lrate the Birth of the mythical "Chriet" and "Santa Claus."

On March 17, t h e Earth's axis has evolved its 367 degrees in the twelfth sign, Pisces. Thus. on March 17, t h e Arm Guards "Saints" of t he Roman Cr0~1s. Order, celebrates its "Saints" Day. which occulg three days, or degreea before the 9u;n crosses t h e Equator into the aign Aries, on the Tropic of Cancer, in tHe Northern Hemisphers. Thus, on March 20, the Earth has com- pleted its annual revolution of 860 degrees, which culminate in the geographical rogion of the Indian Ocean and Java, Es& India.

The celebrative datee of the Roman Order was estab- lished by the Jury (or Jows) fo r p~l i t ica l and commerical pur- poses. None of the Roman Ckoss caste can sell the "Jewe" any- thing for their New T e a r celebration, on September 26th, sad neither on their Paas-Over celebration and their Christmas.


The measurement of time and geography was shifted f r o m the United State8 t o Greenwich, England in 1884. S tandard

-- 81 - -


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- time is measured from Denver, Colorado, United States of A- merica.

ON THE EQUATOR. And the upper half of the one world which. has caused much bloodshed, destruction and sorrow over since the fuddy skin Patagonian blond peo- ple has dominated the world.

Ri.ver Ncgro, 0 bidos, or , Manaos, in South America ; Belgian Congo; Kenya, Africa; Sumatra and Borneo, East India, lies on the Equator,-"The shortest distance between two pointa is s ,straight line." "t, 15 DEGREES NORTH LATITUDE. , THE LIFE.BELT O F TH'E ASIATIC NATION, WORLD CONFLICT 111.

Guatemala, Central America and the Caribbean Sea: S- negal, Africa ; AngIo ; Egyptian; Makalla, Arabia ; the Arabian Sea ; Danglore, India ; Siam ; Philippine Islands and across the Pacific Ocean to Central America, lie on the circie of 15 degrees, North Latitude.


La pazo, Lower California; Tampico, Mexico; Havana, Clubs (or Isabdla) ; Wadi Haifa, Egypt; Mecca, Arabia ; CaI- cutta, India ; Burma ; Canton, China ; Wake Island ; Hawaii Island and across the Pacific Ocead to the outllek of the Cali- fornia Gulf, lie on the Tropic of Cancer.


Hermosillo, Mexico ; New Orland, Louisiana) Tallahaasw, Filorida; Cairo, Egypt; Delhi, India; Mt. Ever&$; Hanchow, China; Pearl Idland (in the 'Pacific Ocean) and across to Cali- fornia, United Statea, lie on the circle, of 30 degtrees, No* Lati- tude.


THE ROMAN NATIONS OF THE WORWD TODAY. Fresno, California ; Denver, Colorad" ; SpringAeJd, IIIinois ;

Columbus, Ohio ; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Wheeling, West Virginia and acroaJ the Atlantic Ocean to Madrid, Spain; Flens, France; Larissa, Greece; Turkey and Korea; the Sea of Japan and across the PaciAc Ocean to Horth California, United States. lie on the circle of 40 degrees, Nodh Latitude. Thm geographi- cal circle line of 40 degrees North Latitude envolvm World War 111,-the last conflict of the Roman World fro&..yhich will mark the very end of human warfare, and the restomtion of

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civilization. (Islam) or "I AM," the ever present Son of woman. 45 DEGREES NORTH LATITUDE THE BELT OF WORLD CONFLICT I11

Yellow Stone National Park; St. Paul, Minnesota; Ottawa, Canada; Nova Scoria; across the Atlantic Ocean ta Bergemce, France ; Milan, Italy; Jugoslavia; Neuchatel, Austria ; the Black Sea ; the Caspian Sea ; Mongolia ; Harbin ; Manchuria ; Wak- knnai; the Empire of Japan ; and across the Pacific Ocean; t o Portland, Oregon, North America, lie, orq the Circle of 45 de- grees, North Latitude.


Labrador, North Canada; across the Atlantic Ocean to the Eritish Isles; Dnnzig, Germany; ~ o l a n ' d ; U. S. S. R.; Bearing Sea; the Alaskan Gulf; and the Cascade Mountains in North Canada lie on the Circle of 54


THE BELT OF WORLD CONFLICT I11 Greenland; Iceland ; Norway; Finland ; U. S. S. R., ; Alas-

ka and Northern Canada lie on the Circle of 65 degrees, North Latitude.

80 DEGREES NORTH LATITUDE Grantland, North Canada and Greenland lie on the Circle

of 80 degrees, North Latitude, a u n d the Magnet North Pola From the Equator (in South America) to the top of Green-

land equals 80 degrees. This multiplied by 60, equal a geogra- phical span of 4,800 miles.

Fresno, California: Denver, Colorado; Springfield, Illi- nois ; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania lie 16 degrees apart. Time changes every 16 degrees or evejry hour. THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE, BELOW THE EQUATOR

THE BASIN OF WORLD CONFLICT I11 Peru; Bolivia; Brazil; North Rhodessia, South Africa;

Madagasca; Darwin, Australia; the Coral Sea and acroaa the Pacific Ocean to Bolivia, South America lie on thel Circle of 16 degrees, South Latitude.


Oran (Patagonia) o r Argentina ; P u a q u a y ; Rio de Janeiro ; Southwest Africa, F'r., Madagasca; Queenland, Australia; and across the Pacific Ocean, back to Patagonia lie on #e n o p i c of Capricorn, 24 degrees South Latitude.

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Patagonia or Argentina and Melbourne, Australia, lie on the Circle of 40 degrees South Latitude.

45 DEGREES SOUTH LATITUDE New Zealand and Argentina or Patagonia lie on the Circle

45 degrees South Latitude.

THE COLD MOUNTAIN REGION Cape Horn, Patagonia lies on the Circld of 55 d,egt-ees

South Latitude. From the top of Greenland to the bottom of Patagonia, comprise 135 degrees; which covers a geographical span of 8,100 miles. Ramember, always multiply deg'rees in Geography and Astrology by the figure 60, which is your mad- ter key of civilization.

This concludes in brief the geographical locations8 of t h e lower half of tlhe world, which is composed of more water than land. On the contrary, the upper half of the world is cbmposed of more land than water. You now have A n t hand sciehtific knowledge of the direct cause of human warfme, bloodshed and destruction. THE ANCLENT BLUE NILE, AND THE: WHITE N D RIVER

The Pacific Ocean is the ancient "Blue Nile River" refer- red to as the Sea of the "Rising Sun.'-Spring and summer tem- peratures. The Atlantic Ocean is the ancient "White Nile River" referred to as the Sea of the, "Setking! Sun,"-Fall and Winter temperatures. ' Th'e Gulf of Mexicd is the fountain of air and water current supply or circulation. Thus, the knowledge of the 12 signs of the Zodiac is often ref erred W as the ''3'0untain of Youth," because such knowledge preveata one from growing old in d n d , or ensIaved to impradical traditions involving emo- tional religious fear and superstition, refierred to as drunk off "winec'VVhe symbolizes f aIse doctrine and water m b o l i z e s humanity.

The science of the 12 signs of the Zodiac has proven .that the sun shines eqnany upoa the earth fn the c o m e of 12 monthb, which deajgnatea one world, one race--the human far~lily is equa??y dependent upbn the other for exkstance, p~ogr8ss and the pursuit of happinem. Thus, the earth is a great community for the human family from which is derived the. terknt (Com- munist) . . . . . . . . the oldest phrase of creadon. "Let US com- mune together."

The science of the 12 signs of the Zoaac have also pmven that the philosophy of Christ and the place ed ld "l?algat.ina"

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are together the greatest and most detrimental fallacy tha t the world has ever known.


The t e r n "Egypt" implies productive soil in the Northern Hemisphere, especially United States of America and Canada--- Upper and Lower Egypt. The "white" sons and daughters went to Egypt by the stroke of the pen.


The red "Fez" with the symbol of the S ta r and Crescent, or Moon, without t he symbol of the sword, i,s the head-dress of the Moors in this hemisphere. The Moorish "Fez" represent! the supreme height of wisdom and practical knowledge of t he science of the 12 signs of the, Zodiac--the Universal Law and Constitution upon which civilization is founded.

Today, the red "Fez" of the cultured Moors is worn by the "white sons" wizards of the Order of Christ, namely : the Protes- tants, Methodist, Baptists and the "Jury" or Jewish, of t h e United States of America. The red "Fea" worn by', these sons have the S ta r and Crescent, with the symbol of a sword on top, which represents the subjugation of the Moorish women. The Christian Bible is the book of the "deadM--dead image worship

The term "Mason" implies master, (messen) or mesenger, which simply means one who possesses scientific knowledge of t h e works of nature a s shown in the 12 signs of t he Zodiac. Such knowledge makes one conscious of the f ac t t h a t his universal mind makes him f ree to propagate truth contrary to s?crets, falsehood and impe~rialism.

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The above Cut constitutes the real book,-the "Holy Koran" adso the real picture of Mohammed. The Mosfaans have never painted the picture of Mohammed in the likeness of a son of a woman. S ~ c h painting fg of the. Chrftlan zrtists of deception.

Having read the complete geography of the 12 signs of the Zodiac, the above symbols of the eaath, revolving about the Sun g i v e s you a tangfable ilfuartrstjorm of LstSade North ahd South of the Equator.

The curved I b n ~ as shown leading from the North Pole to the Sonth Pols describe the honrIy rotation of the Earth which measures the 24 h o w of thedgg, and are referred to a8 "Longi- tude"-Ea& and Wed or Sp&g and Fan.

The circled lines aa shown connecting with rsys of the'sun, describe the m o n t h and seasons of the year and are referred to as "Latitude Nosth an$ ]Latitude South*'umrntw and Winter or North and South.


In Christian religious mythology, the Earth is referr& to a~ the "Appl&'*

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1st slice constitutes the Spring Season, March 21 to June 21-90 degrees. The 2nd slice constitutes the summer season, June 22 to September 22-180 degrees. The 3rd slice constitutes the Fall Season, September 23 t o December 20-270 degrees. The 4th slice constitutes the Winter Season, December 21 to March 20-360 degrees.

The myth of "Adam and Eve" and the "Tree of Forbidden Fruit" is also founded upon the Earth's annual revolution of 360 degrees. The circling Earth, crossing the Equator, into t h e Northern Hemisphere on the Tropic of Cancer, on March 21, and recrossing the Equated, into the Southern Hemisphere on the Tropic of Capricorn on September 23, is referred to in Christian mythology as "Snake or Serpent." And in science as "Sorpen- tine." Be wise as the Serpent." The above digram speaks one ~miversal language, also equals the power of ton thousand words i l l terms of concrete facts. Where do we go from here?

The preceding diagram has proven tha t the: Earth is all there is in life for the human family. It is both Moon and Sun ; and because of this fact , contains all the elements of na.ture. Thereforo, it is the great atomic power house and cannot be des- troyed by atomic bombs. ,

The atomic bomb has already done i ts constructive work by destroying the mysthical doctrine of the Christian Nations of the world, involving the "whito" son "Christ" upon the cross. I t is not the atomic bomb which the Christians fear ; but the scien- tific truth. Tktus, t ha t which the Christians of the United States of America havs dreaded the most, has a t last come upon them.

You might ask yourself this question: Where do the Chris- tains go from here? Remdmber, the dead "white" son idol is t h e last political God weapon of the "lily white" world.

Scientific facts, o r truth, is sharper than a two-edged sword: so give back to the Christians, that which belongs to them; namely: the Bible, the Church, the "Christ and Mary" idol, and names such as Negro, colored, black, -can, Indian, Yellow and Red race, or people, and accept Pour own culture 6 s shown in this book. You will then go down in global hh tory as winning t h e greate& victory over t h o evil tradition of white supremacy that the world has ever known.

I t is t rue that the, Christians control commerce, the atomic bomb, industry, production, distribution; munition plants, labor unions and a powerful military force; a11 of which cannot com- pete with tha t great Body of Truth as shown in the illustrated 12 signs of the Z o d i a w h a r p e r than a two-edged sword. Let

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us win the victory of peace, justice and human equality, without firing a gun.. Remember, we a re "Asiatics," the majority of t h e human family; and the "white people" are "E~opeans"-the minority of the human family, who have urrfortunately dkclined to an a11 time low, mentally, morally and physicaIly. This h a s made' them blind tx~ truth, and are murdem, criminals, otheir- wise, by trade. Sixty percent of their cdlture over the radio in- volves crime and murder. The other forty percent irs shown in actual reality, involving color, racial prejudice, dkkrirnhation, segregation and human injustice.

Therefore, they badly need our help and the onIy way t h a t we can help them is to denouce t h a t which thev have, t aught us to believe, and accept o u ~ own cult;ure, (Science). We! gebt out of life as good as we create. Whdn we rely upon others to study the smlteb of nature, and think and act fo r us, then w e have created in life for ourseIves thaQ which is termed "hell." So study science, and support your constructive thoughts by posi- tive action. Thereby solve your own economic prbblems. As it ,stands today the Asiatics of t he U. S. A,, are begging and aely- ing upon the "white people" to solve their economic problems- Remember, beggers have no choice. So, "let the dead bury the ticad ." Thereby realize t he fact tha t you me one among the liv- ing Asiatic Nation-the fathcra of civilization-Warn.

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T h e foundation of the Dollar System, of the[ U. S. A., was handed down by the Moorish Nation. That is the basic reason why the U. S. Dollar has ranked superior over all other m,oney uf the Christian nations of the world today. The picture of the. Satagonian blond woman on U. S Money, automatically made the "white woman" the head "God" of the Christian dorld of corruption and crime. "In God We Trust" on the U. S. Money is tangiable evidence. T~arte Blanche" (French) which defines in English as: Full Permission, "En Masse" (French) which is defined in Engll~h as : One Body-'CE-pluribus-'~num,~ oppbse to 'truth, human justice and moral prlnciples,-Chriatianity.

The above cut constitntes the scientific symbol of the, 12 signs of the Zodiac. Thy are often &erred tu as the 'Tools o! 'the Ma8t-e~ 'Builders" of civilization: which simply implies Y'w~mem and aonsW-you and me, Islam or "I Am" the 'eve? Dresent Law of oral principle and perfection.

The inalterable fact is thalt all relfgioua supemtition and secret order superstition of the entire hum= family of the world

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of today is founded upon the above scientific sym4ols. The uni- versal truth has been crucifie,d by falsehood. Iq other words secret ordor and religious superstition, (Christianity) or isms.


Symbol No. 1, represents the square-an angle of 90 de- gress--or the 4th part of a circle. The Levell and! Plbmb are symbols of the three basic principles of our being. They (enter) into everything of a phy~ical nature, and a*: namely: (Spirit or Life). (Mind or wotion) and (Substance, Form or Matter). (Life, Mind and Form) symbolizes the great Mangle. The num- ber 9 represents the law of fulfillment, also universal physical manifestation on the plane of life. 3 h t o 9 equals 3 times. This division of 9 envolves the 3rd and the 33rd de.grees, all of which boils down to the (THREE) or 3 degrees of (Life, Mind apd Form.;) Here is Wow the 33rd degrees are built:, (3x3). We omit the time sign, which results in f33) , all there is (3x3 equals 9). This process h'as cleares up th'a mystery, of the Christian 33rd degrees


Symbol No. 2 represents t h a Level or Negative. Symbol No. 3 represents the, Line or Positive.

As we are Negative whem sleeping on the Level, and are Positive when awake and standing erect, it is important we un- derstand these principles of our being, and what our thoughts are doing for us when we go from the, Level t o the perpendicular or the Negative to the Positive.

They have made u s what we are now, manifesting in the age of universal truth-the atomic age.


Symbol No. 4 represents the great triangle,-the .supreme height of our universal mind and wisdom, perfection and moral principles. often referred to in our rdllgion of Islarn mystery a s "Mecca;" and in tlhe European, or "white people" religion of Christian mystery as "Vblcan, Calvary-Mount Golgotha-thel place of the skull or pyramid, The preced'mg triangular symbol is on the reverse aide of a United State One Dollar Bill of 1928.

The following is the Arabic language of the kinky-haired Moorish wornan who founded the ordeq of Islam upon mathe- matics, the Square, an Angle, the Level and the Plumb and the Great Triangle, thirteen hundred and sixty-seven years ago.

ARABIC ."Jaal Haqqu Wu Zshaqal"--translation: "The Truth has

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Come." "Aria'] Haqq" : translation :-"I Am the Truth." "Inni AnalIahu La Iliaha I11a Ana"-translation: "Truly I Am "God" .&sides h.le There is no Other." Yes, the kinky-haired Asiatic woman is the GOD of humanity. The following is the great phrase on the Dollar of the Moorish woman prior to the rise of t l?e order of Rome. Allah Tau Ka1t"-translation :-"1n God 'Have I Trusted" hamely : self with moral principle.


DARKNESS COMES LIGHT." 1. One into 360 degrees equals 360 times. This division makes

the penny tho master of the Dollar System, universally.

2. Two into 360 degreos equals 180 times, This division repre- sent t h n scales of weight in the category of commerce and distribution.

2. Three into 360 degrees equals 120 times. This division re- present the great triangle,--the height of economic and

social progress.

2. Four into 360 degrees equals 90 times. This division regre- sent tho square ah angle of 90 degrees or the fourth par t of the Earth, and the Dollar--the wheel of progress.

6. Six into 360 degrees equals 60 times. This division represent the G O minutes of the hour, also organized labor.

7. Swen into 360 degrees equals 5 1 times and 3 over. This divi- sion represent the brain trust of organized labor-the na- tion, ''w om rtzl ."

F. Eight into 360 degrees equals 45 tjmes. This division repre- scat the 8 b u r s per day envolving labor unions, also the angle of events envolving economics and military procedure --the sobs of war death and destruction, Christanity,

8. Nine into 360 degrees equals 40 times. This division repre- sent the mamlifetrtation tof the higher mind on, the, physical and mental plane of being-the highest Law of Islam, which simply means "I Am'' the Univepal Moral' Law,'namely: You and Me-the sons of the Asiatic woman, the great God of tho humah family, who declared some thirteen hundred and sixtyseven years ago: ''Inhi Anallahw Lru Illaha Illa Ana"-Truly I Am God-Allah, Be~idels Me There is no

Other. The Asiatic woman is definitely not a secret nor mystery. She i s a reality,-the living God of humanity,

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12. Twelve info 860 d e a e e s equaIs 30 times. This division re- present the 12 divisions of the year, referred to as: months. Twelve completes the circle of creation on' this planet, namely: Earth, aqd shows. how t h e Law of Agreement o r anity worlra UNIVERSALLY. The number twelve reduces t o thrae as: (1) and (2) equals (3). Three into nine equals three times. And three into twelve equals four times. Thus three represcats the three months of each season. And four represents the four seasons of t h e y e a r d p r i n g , Summer, Fall and Winter-all these is. Having obeerved the diagram of the Earth's axis to its orbit, reflecting 12 diffwent Cres- cen t or Moon shape Iight and, darkness during its annual re.volutlon of 360 degreea. You shouId by reason become awaken t o this fact: You youl-self are the so-caIIed great secret, and "Pass-word," and mystery. The daughters and sons of the "lily white" nations of the Roman Order+ h a s been obligated to die beifo~o they awaken the\ Asiatics of the U. S. A., to the scientific rudiments of t h e for'egone Islamic Law. The writer as an Asiath'c in harmony with his Law.

The preceding division of nine and' 12 by the figure three represcant the (Circle Seven) of the science of ISLAM. (3) and ( 4 ) equals (7). Thus the great mystery of the world has past away to never return. (IsIam or I Am). When we ernpIoy the phrase "I Am," we have expressed the highest phrase' of crea- tion, n a m e I ~ : OurseIves which symbolizes t he letter one (1) o r (.I). L& us face facts as follows:


0 1 2 8 6 6 7 8 9 0 A B C D E F G H I .

If you should attempt t o eatablhh an argument against this ab- ~ o l u t e code of mathematical and alphabetica1 facts, then you might be considered as the Iiving dead, t h a t is mentally dead, o r insane. Welf, dne to religious mystery 95% of t h e popuIation of the U. S. A., wit1 attempt to establish an argument against the preceding absolute facts. The powcr of religious auperatition has unfortunately made the U. S. A., an insane institution. High- fy educated holding utles of degrees such as: A. B., A. M., PHD., LLD., S. B. & S. M. But unfortunataly lo& f o r lack of common sense o r rational reaspning. Have you ever stop to: think t h a t common sense is the very height of science?

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COSXIC YARD STPICK 10. PTcbxi into 360 degrees equals 36 times. This d'ivisioa repyy-

sent the 36 incho-3 of the yard of the' measurement of m a L terial and geographical sj:lace. Threle times 12 equa!s 3 6 . which reduces t;o the n n r ~ ~ h e ~ nine as : (3) and ( 6 ) eqtaii!; (9). The rlurnber ten ritprccent t h e rna~~ifi?~;ta.tion of ti;<: Negative and the Posi-Live forces of nature . No ten';E~~ a::..) orlp or enr: t;oa?th, 01.1~ f rom ten eqr~als nine. HOW TO S01,VE ?'MI!: RIT'>DI,E O F 'n"l:EF.l 'I_JI?'X'lrEl"lSE;:. : Fo? inutanco i f yo11 wrtre to -paper t h e ceiling of a .rfic)ri? (::?

your house, and hvish t o I ;nov~ t11.e cor-rect m~:a.sitr.en~cnt of pa:>:ir- n e e d e d ; all you h a v e t o do is 1ne;'isure the f l o o ~ on ~ I i i c h ' :yvc;l: atand, So also, if you vvish to know thd cc~.~,ri:tct rr~easurerr!.:r:k: c ~ f the cn t i ye u n i v e r s ~ , the whcilo of cr;cntio.n-.-.-.s~!ncc >.nd tin-i?:-

q' b. (:, All you I I ~ V C ? to do is mc:lsur-0 the E a ~ t h on M"!! i ; : ! ~ Y O U IIvc. .

'number ten represent the letter ( X ) : the 1et:c-r (X) r?pl.-esefit the Earth's axis to its orbit cjurilag its annua.1 ~-e\:olut,ion of 3 6 ? r l cgrees--.--the "Level and t h e Plusijb," !'CVkile the stipcrstit io:i;<- 'hloalen~ generations w ero fighting and dcstrouilsg one arzolhe: ct\:er superst;itious r e l i ~ i o u : ~ title& oje ~[aiomhip. The r u d d y yn.1;. sk in daughters slid sol is resorted t,o science- -.the posi.ti\:e r:ui..i.:..,

be'r (10)--(X) and rose to wor41d!-r: as a ~ e s u l t of tlr::: r,-,\ 'Moslems ignorance of their owxi Sciel~tific Univel-ual IJ~~'i. L r.13

positive (10) or (X) symbolizes the "@ro~s"-.,--the Earth's axis 'kt) .its orbit all there is-,-.positive - - - plus.


A n a l g a r n a t i o n is the orlly cure f o r the "white peoples" disease. Had not t'he:Daught;ers of the Revolution esJcablisl.lci2. the Romah Code of isolatior~ f iom the Moorish, o r Asiatic so : ! : ; , the di.stnscs such 3s: lepi-c:jiiy, tuhct~culrruiu :ind syphilis wc, Favo been cIestx*oyed th.roug).1 amalga.xrtation. Today, there arci not enough hospital$, I n ~ t i t u ~ i r ~ ~ s or* p r i sor~~ t o XCCOYYI:KLIC:.. d a t e the "lily w11it;e" people. Ncitlrer h ~ g n~edical science dis- covered a cure for the three diseases. here fore, the (D. A. Ft. 'Codo) has cn-used thc "lily whitcl" people of the world t o decline to an all t ime low ment,ally, muril.lly and pI.~y~ic:illy, (CRT?vf 12) .

l.,cprosy is ref orred t o as "'Lasn:r*uu" in the Christian Bible, TITE DISEASES SUCH AS I,EPROSY, T. B., A N D SYPHIl.,TS


P~.iol. to Ehi: creation of tho r u d d y skin blond hairy boi!iiz.c.! bons, The disc:iscs ~ ~ m ~ l y ' : l c p ~ o s y , T. B., R I I ~ syp11'ili~ wc~:~. . unknowu to the khky-:h-nircd laoxivy olivp hue or darli.-i.xilr::,; s l r l n Asiatic ~~qt!:oal,

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KnowIedge of bioIogy, anatomy, organic chemistry, Pig- mentation, B o h n ~ and Electronics,-the Magnet Law of op- pcsite attraction e;n~*oIving steel and iron elements. Influenced the Asiatic Scientist: bearing the name. of (YAQUB KUSH OR CLjSH) to creato the ruddy skin .sons through animalistic ex- perimentation so as to manifest the great human (Boquct) through a measurable process of global amalgamation uvi h the Asiatic nation.

Yaqub's creative human and animalistic experimentation had its beginning in t h e geographical mountian regions of Yenezula, Yucatan and Hunduras of Central America, em- bracdng the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean Sea and the: Pacific Ocean. Which resulted in the fall of civilizakion to rise again through ignorance, superstition, human hatred, amalgamation, medical science, human.warfare, bloodshed, destruction, starva- tion and sorrow. Such is the great price humanity has paid f o r the human (Boquet). .


The Asiatic women scientists agreed to amalgamate with Yaqub's first m a t i o n of ruddy skin sons, from which resulted in t h s reproduction of both ruddy blond sons and fetninie, .which proved to be good and very good, in harmony with Yaqub's dream. Althoughait required a long pdocess of medical care and surgery to develop the physical form and mind of t h e blond sons and feminine.

Yaqub and staff acientista discovered t h a t amalgamation between the Asiatic sons, and blond feminie was the p e a t e s t weapon to comb* the new distlases, namely: Leprosy, T. B., Syphilis, due to mass reproduction of Asiatic children. And as a result id was. necessary f o r the blond sons to become socia! isolates on the islands of the high s e b in order to pbven t the ayread of the new diseases.

During which period the blond women had lost their iden- tity as t he results of lodg prucessl of amalgamation. The dis- eases also had disappeared with .the ruddy &ade of skin on global scalea All of which resulted in t he light olive hue skin Asiatics with straight and cwlly black hair, and black eyes, endowed with cunning wisdom, This group resorted Ea amal- gamation with the (out caste blohd sons) of the ielands, which

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resuIteld in mass reproduction of blond children who paved t h e way for the greqt rise of the (out-caste sons of leprosy) through the powerful intriguing influence of the ruddy skin blond daugh- ters, referred to as: the "Red Queen Tribal Rulers" with their Red Son Chieftians of vandalism in the Northern Hemisphere, -"The Indian Trail." The white people ade the Indians.

h q u b AS .referrgd,-to _in,-. the, the sons and their daughters y caught up with civilization

on August 6, 1945,-the era of the Atomic Bomb.

NAMES O F DECEPTION AND CONFUSION I Yaqub's sons and d a u g h t e ~ s have given themselves many

names most common of which are "Afcan" or African, Indian, Spanish, Negro, Egyptians, Ethiopian, "Graco" or Greek, Red men, Jew and the last of which is "China" or "white people"- t h e myth of white supremacy referred to as the "Walls of Chi- na"-the world of make-belief.

When conversing with the so-called white people. If t he subject of race, blood, color and nationality should animate from their lips. All you have to do is ask them this question: Have you read the history of Yaqub? And as a result the sub- ject of blood, color and race will come to an abrupt close with- out and argument of confusion. The question envolves the his- tory which the white people has thought you would never know.


Above all, do not emotionally resort to hatred against the children of (Yaqub) . Otherwise you will U P of hatred against yourself, due to the, long global amalgamation. The an family have a s1igX.t percentage of the new drea namely: Leprosy, T. B., .

S~phi l is . After world conflict 111, there will not be enough. t he forementioned dis-

t o face t h e long evaded mation with thef Asiatic

sons from which will destroy the cherished "white" skin p e ~ l j i ~ and their disease in t h e coutrse of 90 years-three generations of



1685 Christian calendar year, equivdent to 1006 Moorish calendar-the era which resulted in the destruction of the

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Moorish (Fleet and Fort) in the Gulf of Mexico and the land of t ~ l o w e r s " known -.. to ---- day as.Floridg!., and the Island of "IsabelJg" $nown today as Cub. . l_(i4_6_a-risti,an calendar year, equiv-aknt (to 1066 Moorish calendar y e a d The era of the onward rush of L - - vandalism,-that is burning Moorish cities and destroying everything else in the category of Moorish culture and design. Tlle Chr.stian educators have taught t ha t those, forementioned events oceured in @gland --.- xL1-uu...i acroJs *-.I- - thee-" -&- Oc - ving the destruction of the _Sp-asish__Aramadad - Well, dur ing $+hat d a ; the Island of Albine had no t . -bgwamed-Eng land Therefore, there could-not have been an English nation-an M) Island, namely: A-lbine.. -That Island was under the Q e Moslems, not only tha t Island, but the whole land known today as Europe.

It has already been stated else where in this book that t h e Latin phrase namely: "Anglice" is the, phrase from which t h e phrase English was coined in t h e geographical regions of Va., and New Jersey-the region of England of the "lily whjte" world---covering from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and f r Equator t o Alaska and Greenland, referred t o as "Royal of England,'-dominating over t h e land of the ~oors,*:the head of the Moroccan Empire of the Moalem world, Islam.

.-- After the formation of the United Republic of Rome in The statue of t he .&~ne God f8Christ ' was ereckedin

e ~ t i a q )-in-the calendar year.

t of the Andes," the stbne God of the Roman nations of the world-(Dead Culture). "Dry bones in the valley," of ig- nuance in the Christian world.

so as to perpetuate the reproduction

false education in

Page 46: Clock of Destiny Part 1 & 2

dead culturel. Let us r pillow of the K .K. K. its nine months matu she might remain the woman's scientific s months maturity is r ones,"-the code of tian died on the cross of ignorance, violence and human warfare. The foregone conclusion has fully explained the "white son" image-the "CHRIST of the ANDES," also t he God of Love and Wisdom, and the God of hatred and destruction.


Through scientific knowledge of the Universal Law of Nature as shown in the 1 2 signs of the Zodiac, and the square angle of 90 degrees. The mpnetary or Dollar System was found- ed by the cult.urend Moors. Money has not and never will up lift falling humanity or nations. I t requires a national and inter- national mass education of the Universal Law of Nature, as show in the 12 signs of the Zodiac to egtablish peace and up lift humanity. Moral principles generates from the science of the 12 signs of t h e Zodiac, as shown by tha..four quarters o f n i n t y degrees each which represent th.e four quqrtew of, the Ee,rth~i. also the four quarters of the ~ o l l a r , as a m e d i u m . o f ~ x & h a ~ g e . on global scales. In order for the common masses on global scales to understand the applied moral principle3 of the Dollar System, i t is necessary t o temperary destroy the Dollar System until the science of the 12 siygns of the Zodiac has been taught on global scales. Then the Dollar System can immediately be re-established with moral principle, equality, justice, peace and progreas minus the slave institutions known as "Mosque" "Church" and "~emple." The Mooraof the U. S. A. are t h e only on& qualified t o teach the science and principles of the 12 eigns of the Zodiac.

C. M. Bey.



Page 47: Clock of Destiny Part 1 & 2



Especially for Jnitiatcd Masons, and Easlcr.n Stars - 3rd) 32nd

and 33r.d Dcgrccs


I f You Are Afraid of the TRUTH, Beware of This Rook!

Page 48: Clock of Destiny Part 1 & 2

. . . . . . . . ri. 1 / ( - I ! \ . :I;c i7n : , .~ o f t h c \ \ ' ( l o t 'I'l\cir N:\{rrcs. T"ni:c 42

Page 49: Clock of Destiny Part 1 & 2

Copyrighlcd 1947 BY

C: B f . BE)'. A l l r.irrhtr t ~ r w v e d

Let There B e Light-Knowledge Is Power.......

Valuable Stones Come I n Small Packages.. . . . . A n o t h e r Va luab le Look Of Interest Ey C.14. Bey,


rlc L

Page 50: Clock of Destiny Part 1 & 2

Nsnasses i s t h e l a s t trlbe of isg&:g&, !Phl,e lss.4; tribo ~ ~ m p t i s e Bbe lish *e&@%vj t h o white people of the U.S.A. -4 ilwtralia, t i l o Frc!lch t~nd the so oa l led p l u s t h e " ~ o g r o ' of the U.S.A. Koslema and Muslims.

.#I of t h i s d i v i d o d people are iaolatry God w o r s h i p p e r s of Mystioism and 24ythology. They oppose the K ~ a b l t e and Mooriah Scienue o f t h e Twelve (12) signs o f the Zodiao as a r e s u l t of t h i e r b e l l e f s In Mythology, I s m and


The t r u t h needs no apology so fear ye not. . . .

If y o u a r e not ready for Truth, o lose t h i s book and don't read any further,, . , . , , , , , , , , The A u t h o r

O.M. ~ e y - ~ h , D,,L.L.D,@ 3rd 33rd, 360 Degree M a s t e r m Free Moorish Master Astrologer And Moorish O o n s t i t u t i o n Law Giver,

A 1 1 R i g h t s Reserved Copyrighted 1947 Revised 1951 - 1973

Page 51: Clock of Destiny Part 1 & 2

C o M . Bey Ph. D., L.L.D. 3rd 33rd 360 Degree Master Mason, Pree Moorish MBeter A s t r o l o g e r a d Moorish Oonst i t u t ion Law Giver.

Imnimi # - .

Page 52: Clock of Destiny Part 1 & 2

INTRODUCTlON Trt l th Cannot Nc Alte red , and T h e r c f o r c Ncetl No Apology

A I I ~ Neither Doctr ine , So Fear Not. E p l u r i l ) ~ ~ ~ m u m , Latin, meaning o n c nation of many races.

" \ Y h i ~ e hfen" Moors : CYlief Tal l h t an Dan, Chief Black 'l'hunrler Chief T w o Gutls M hite Calf w e r e (Eric ' s ) the Red Skinned

"1 rish, G e r r t ~ a n, Dutch, Scotts, and English, and Frnnch," ( m e ) of the A t ~ ~ a z o n Valley. Chief T1r.o Guns \ l ' l .~itc Calf, on the I)ut- f a l o rlickle wore the hloor ish Star and Crescent and t h e Circle of thc Zodiac \\-it11 the h l o o r i ~ h .$\I-nstikn. The s w ; \ ~ t i k a rel)teserits the square of a n ntlglc o i 30 dcji~,ccs--E;l.zt, \I'cs~. North an:1 Sou th . T h c narllcs 31rcll a.; : .IlOT? 3IC)S. hlOl-f . l X l .\I !?I2 and h l 0 - I-IAlVK, u3c rc cieri\.crl frc:rn the tiarnc (AJOOH.) I*lie Afitoriqh n n t i o r ~ and tlic :im:rzt n r t t l skitrncri "u.hite" peoples has bee11 ~ v e l l blendctl, iln\.ot-ccl n t l c t I )cn~rt i f ic~l tn ~)crf 'ec~ion th rough a Inny: f r ee process I ,i c.r.cqqct > . r . s \ r ; ~ l rcl :~ t iorl. 'I t ~ e r c ( o r c , r he 150.090,T)(10 irlh:jl,ir;i11ts o t t l ~ c I . . 5 . .4. c t rns t l t~ l t c t l \c 5looricti nntirwl o i t h c

to crl;lct :i la \ \ . I I J force its t 1[< ! ( I sccog,vr~ixc and equally r t - spec t the loyal dark ant1 I)ro\\,n > L I I ; I I C ( I lnahscs of h t~n ian i ty ;\s etlu;~I hultian I~ei1ig.s lrke t h c r n ~ e l ~ c > , t1lc11 t he cit izens of that go\,- c r n ~ n c r ~ t suciety a r e t l c ~ i ~ ~ r t e l y 11ot cr\.~lizctl. Itacts callnot l)e a l - teretl a l~ t l r h c ~ c i t ) s c rtcetl 111) upolog).. \ i rhcn 111c etlucators of the said go\.el rlmclltal r~rlion socic iy a l e ; ~ f r n ~ ( l 1 0 t e a tn tile Iiccessar.>. t r t ~ t l i , then t l ~ c educnturs n r ~ d citizcns a r e tleiit~itely economic anti socia1 slaves, and t l lcreforc calintrt he F r c e h l a s t e r >lasons a~rcl I<:~stern S ta r s .

'I'hercl'ure, i t i s my moral tlilty as a F r e e (hlOOR1Sl-I Amcr- ic-nn--Al:isrer .\lason t o clcnrly e s l ) l a~n t h e necessary t r u th in o:.- dc r tha t the unior t r lnate slaves oi this g r e a t hloorish nation, mrght Ix set f rec ai~cl rhlrs 1)ccolne i l l reali ty F r e e h l a s t e r hlasons ant1 Eas te rn S [ ; ~ r s .

I>v j.uu k n o \ v oi :any 1)citig that is s ~ ~ p e r i o r t ( ~ you atld your mot h e r ? M'cll. !,ou nlight ncqu:lii~t i \ .o~lrhclf wit11 the (33.1). 3 1 1 1 t o 0 goes .3 tlliiCs, \\liic.h eq11:~ls tlic ~ r t l nnrl 33rd clegrecs, rllearl- in;; !, ~ ~ ~ o t l t l l s irtrni c-onception t n l ) i r th , .3 t intes J eclunls 0 , ( t he th rcc t l~ r ce s . ) 'l'lic l e t t c r I ctrrrcsl)or~cls \ + . i ~ h thc golden numl)cy 9 \\*hicll rilnkcs J O I I and rne rhc gr-eat I . first sill)relnc Ian\\ a1111 3rd .3.3r(l a11rl ,360 t lcgrre> 1:recI)orn h las te r . \ t a \ o ~ i \ and I l a s t e ~ : ~ S ta r5 a11(1 thcre io rc c-ont~ot J)e n~:ldc c r aga in .

"IS1 S", ccl11;11< ( \ \ .oman. m(J(Jl1 ; L I I ( I c;tr[h)--tlic grcir I trinngic ( 3 i r l one-l)r,\vcrs) of i r~ i in i t c c rea t ion oi children, wa t e r ;tiid platit l i f c - foo~l~ tuf i - l i f c ;inrl e s i s ~ c r i c e . 'The t lou l~ l r heatlctl c ;~gIe rcp- r ~ ~ e ~ l l s the ( SUII ) 011 tlic ecl1t;itc r , 29 t legreei in thc 6 sign VII'\C,C) (ti tllr Zotlinc ; i r i t l I , o t lcgrre3 ill I he 7 Sign 1.1 l l ]:A. 0 1 1 Sept . 2.Zr.l ;~n t l 21th \ ~ l ~ i c - l i c ~ - c ~ ~ r s evc ry year in Brazil. Sou th America, 180 . . (Ic*,nrc.r. I<:isl I ( I I ~ I I ~ ~ ( l c ; 4 1 1 ( 1 xcro. I hrii , tlic '. S. ,4., ( ' ; i ~ i : \ i l : ~ ;11i1l 1


Page 53: Clock of Destiny Part 1 & 2

' I l~ilics lie ill t l ~ c (I:Al( li;\S'i') ;~cr.l,r(li~lg 10 lltc Z~nliilc 11111- \.crsal tllall o f tllc hfoorisli t~atioil-the mcnst r rcn~cr~t of tnnn'? [lrt tgrc-s,

'I'l11is, illstcad of t ~ s cspcctilrg the \Vise hletl c , f llic ~iticl I;;lr E I ~ I al)ro;rcl t o come llerc to Iil~crate or rcdectn tllc n.orltl, it i.< ~ I I r C ; ~ l i t v rhc l)c.ol,les ill t l ~ c U.S.A.-~IIC Far East, wlln shall re- (lrrm o i r t thernaelvcr 1 tlic 12 Signs qf the Zodiac. They tllelr \\.oulil l iberate tlic rest ()I' Iiutnnnity ol)road l)y i t rat l \cr than I)!. !lie force o f arms, tn:ll;s, ntc)lnic I)ornl,s, jet platlcs and tltc ~nissiolla ry ( I t ~ c t rille of religion \\.hicll has alrcatly servctl its ptrr- J J ~ I S C i t r ~ c i zcrrr. I:orc.c o f a r m s : ~ n t l the American religion sj)cll ~ 0 r : l I (lc(c:lt.


I A h l A N I NFI=QJ'<I\J UK, l ' l l l< 'I'HU'T1.f IVI Id1, RNAlZJ,)S 'rJ 11; l<iC:\I)l~I< TO J<E1'01<31 I i I h l S I ~ l ~ F

' 1 7 3 ~ cyclc of ,?l : ir~ ;111(1 J u ~ ~ i t c r , the ~3s-13011 ( l i i t r ~ ~ o ~ l ( f C I L * I I I C I I / S : i r ~ t l rlrc oltfc..: ; i ~ ~ ( l t l ~ c hn~-(lest .4to11cs of creation. . . I llc / '\r~l;tzoi\ I<ctl Skii i~~ccl "~vllite" ( h l o c ~ s ) 1)rogrcss \ \ , ; i i

b::li(lccl 1)). tlic c!.tlc O i 111c t)Ia~let -1r1l)itcr ant1 rile pl;tnct hlars . f ram 1780 to 193,3. A I) of 13-4 !.ears. hf nrs passes through t l lc 12 Siglls tri tl:e Zo(li;ic 72 tirnc5 in the course c ~ f 144 !.cars. .111tl .)l~l)itcar 1 1 n q t ~ k t111r1t1~:h the 12 h i g n s 12 timcs i t1 rlro courac or 1-14 ).cal.:;. ~'IIL~.., { 1780 to 10.31, sjxlIc(1 the rise ;rnd fall c ~ f l iornc 011 ;I 1111i\.cr\;rl sc;\le---(17omance.) F. D. R. \\.as a\vare, of Ili, l )c i~lg t h e l a a t j~rc.;iclc.~lt o f the 134 !-ear progrcssivc c~.c le of t llc l<omari Cr~iversa l ir; flr~crlcc. \\'hell hc estaldishcd t hc X c \ v Or tlcr o r Sc\\- I lea l itlcn ai~cl I)rt k e t he Roman ortlcr recorrl I ) ? ru!iilg 13 !.cnrs-the rnc,:rx~rrcrnent o i rnan. 1, the \\.ritcr, \\.as o n I r t I I i l i e 0 r h 6 7 T h c ern t l ~ c victor), ;ige.

l ! r r ~ l i ~ i x t l l i q Jittlc 1)ook \ \ .as rn!, Ijir-th a s s i g ~ ~ r i ~ c r ~ t i r r 111is life ~\.llir.h I collld ~ i o t e\*n(le. So fear not ;111(l rca(1 t l ~ i s I)oc?k to t11c ellti :incl (huz 1,ccon;c a Frcc Ylaster hlasorl anrl T:;~.;tern S t a r , ~ t ~ i ( ? c c l 11!. ~)~.nct icnl \\.iqtlorn of thc r~ l~i \ -crsa l la\\* of the T \ I ( ~ ~ r i s l l 11atin11 ~i;cmel!-, t h e Zotli;\c.

3l;irr ~O\.C1111\ t h e ic1rc.c o f ;~ctioil i t~ld e\loJtltior~ a11t1 Jupitcr p-~\.c.r.ri~ thr 11ciyJit oi hirrn;~rl progres.: cverl\. 1-44 !-ears, s~ i lq ,or tc~l I , \ JI;\rs tlic ),lanet o f :iCtitrn, Ijut t l r i i l ~ h c l ~ . n o t for war ; ~ t i l o l ~ g c - i \ ilizcrl nlnq.;cs of I~rlrllnnit!- as yo11 lia\.e I,cen t a ~ r g h t to Iwlie\.c. l ' ~ l c . i \ ~ i l i ~ ~ ~ l ni:l*cc\ n f I l ~ r n ~ n r i i t ~ - 11ar.c tc, fight and ciestrn!. O I ~ C 211-

other. Stc f ; r i c t h e i;lc.t : t r ~ ( l ; ~ s k voursrlf this ilrlcst ion : lie\\. c*;i!l

n 11:1tio11 j)r~, tcct tlic ircccloln anti ci \ .~l iz;~t i t r l~ ~\.liic.h i t ]ins r;c\.cr 11:1(J ?

IlOOT: 151 1 R 1:D 1:1+:%

' 1 ' 1 1 ~ l : c h t l J-cz I ,i >roori\li nal i l ~ n rc1)rcscrlt .: . j t l ;~~- - l l i e Ir1111i:rll Ilr;1(1 ;111,1 t b . l l 111. Tlle tn.;.;el o i the I:cz rcprc.crlt\ lllc c.crller I I ~ tllc t~rii\cr.c. ~!aincl! t l ~ c Ilr~rnn~r hentl ; \r l t i tlrc iorc-c oi cr;r\it!. nlliclt ;rt trnrt. ; i l l ol)icrts ~ I I ~ I rlr;l\\. thcnl 1 0 rlre centcl. of I 1 t i I I c i J Jerc !-ou arc rcfcrrc(1 to the sirr11 \.irco. : I I I , ~ I l i t* . i K l l l 1 i , t . c - . i l l t I I C tIi;~gr:rn~ t,i t I I C ZtttIia(, O I I I ) ; I ~ O .\.j

Page 54: Clock of Destiny Part 1 & 2

\Yl~ilc rcnf l ing lllis t m o k , you are nrlviaetl to enrlenvl~r to be 1 guided by coinnlon sound reasot~it~g rather than by enlotions as thc rcsult of yorlr t r a d i t i o n ~ l helicf in the doctrine of religion. 1

X nrn a\vare of the fact that the il lnstmtion af the science of t lrc 12 signs of t h e Zoriiac, and the history of the MOARlTE na- I t icln, the MOOR IS13 na tion and the 1-ANCISCAN ANGLO- SAXON na t inn , :ire confusing to the reader owing to limited edu-

I i 3a rion of t hc majori ty of the masses-since the FRANCISCAN I

Iltlion S I , I ~ U S of Nor th A n ~ ~ e r j c a in 186.3. The true history is thus: I

t !rc. hlix')j:l5iJ 11;!tiii11 rose out of corrtlptinn of the hf0ABITE ).; , t i011 illis l ie~i~i \ j l t tcrc artc thousant1 th rcc hur~t l rcd and scvetl-

1 y ~ 1 1 c 1 c.t.15 ngo ; the 1:RANCISCAN natiotis rose out of corrup- tion o i t he hIOORlS1-I nation of this llemisphere in 1863, the era f I r . '1"he only t rue his tory dur ing the past one thousnntl three I i r ~ r ~ t f r c d !.cars. is tllnt of tlic hlOORISN nation. 1


Thc hictory of t h c 3100RISH nation of this hemisphere has Gccn hidden o r s u ~ , p r c s s c d ever since thc union. And now the ap- \ p r O ; \ c h i ~ l ~ Wor l i i \17ar ' I I r . 2nd w i t h thc atomic I,ornh on both sides of the c.:{rth, tlic tin;e is ripe for thc rel 'elation of MOORISH his- tn rp . 111 all of m y wri t ings, i t has shown t o I>e very clear that I arn n o t a heatheti by condemrling a11 religions i l~cluding my ow11 r c l i ~ i o n of fslnnlisn. J3ccn11se I aljvays have something construc- t i \ f e t o o f f e r in place of m y universal condemnation ahsolutc science of tllc la\\' of na tu re as shown in t t he Zodiac. I a m not interested in religi has eve r scen. 1 a m interested only i nnmic pro1,lcrn and helping orhers to so 111051 rca~.nnnl,le a ~ i t l i t ~ t c l l i g c ~ t t manner, i ~ i order ti1111c t o solye n1y 1)rol>lc1n eco~iomicnlly. I n ot

clnl!. intercstc<l in qcli ; t l i t l l iumallity l)e 1)c1~15 trpori clnc a r ~ o t h c r fnr cxiqtence. I cr i tc . I l n w can trne love "GOD" I \ - l~om t h e v have never sccn, atltl 1r ; l t c h~ imnn llcings like ~ I ~ C ~ T I S ~ r ~ c r i . ; j - In its higlic\t f o r n i . . to f i r s t 1)ernrne scli ensln\.rrl C : I I I i i i ( l o c ~ r i ~ ~ : ~ ~ e otl>crc.

Page 55: Clock of Destiny Part 1 & 2

t l ~ e Segroes had a 150 year old artificial culturc from which prc- vcrltcd them from being qualified to dcmnnd rcspcct and equality from rhc U'hite people of the Unitcd States of North Amcr ic~ . I fully agrce with Talmadgc's assertion, but Talrnadge appeared to bc ignorant of thc fact that he was a member of the Unitcd States. A nation wbish unfortunately became self enslaved to the said artificial cultuscr bcfure they could force the defeated hlOORISH nation's dcscentl;ii~ts rcferred to as Negroes to accept thc doctrine of the i t t~ngc of the Whitc woman and the White man, referred to as hlAKY and CI-IRIST.

t h c cr-a which rrrultcd in.the faH of the MOORISH ~y_*n~~,t.~ * " - ,* *r -L r *rl l ruir lnr . ,,." -e-*--'=-*--.r* - -

Gr.c:!t L.qf;c.$' * T ~ L I S , th,c ~IQOBXSI~: & s t ~ ~ ~ j ~ x ~ ~ l ~ ~ t ~ ~ i t ~ . k & ~ ~

At1 w%.J a * v < - N a t i o r ~ i ~ a ; r ~ I h f c i ~ < ~ ~ ~ d i i I= _ A*_ -me

t h c I ~ R X ;~;CTSC~'N-A NG LO. d* * , + + + <. . 3 ", s-b-* .2 " **" -'* M."<6*-*m , -- - union a of 1854 i r l PhiIadclp11

*.* ,* ,\,, rra -* i*ni"i -.'* '"*"'."""'.I +"=

of tFhe pol211fation *,-" .* 2 *-v-a-- - of * e -". t he -, U. rnslavcd -I. - , ~)cop!c - -". !la,\.thp~,s~y,e,rLde s c ~ o u s *c-nsl:.vcn-icnt of this gr-cat nat ion, the U. S. A., has rnadc Joe Stalin's proccss look like "Ned" in the First Reader. If you a rc douhtf111 of the history and scier~ce of the Moorish nation your forefathers, as s l ~ o w n in this book, you might ask some edu- t a t e d "\.Vhitel' person or school .teacher this $64.00 question: " \Yhat was the correct name of the peoples of North America prior to the Revolution and the Union of 1845.3, before they were named 'Indian,' 'African' and 'Negro?"' Thc correct answer is: hiOOR.

Page 56: Clock of Destiny Part 1 & 2



this l i t t l c Imnk. CT-OCK OF DESTINY.


Page 57: Clock of Destiny Part 1 & 2


F.idd& I * %%. ,+p-Xzw%* 0.f tls.jS,-sig&s,,iag ciitii~rls. Tllis rt ;~uIjs in con d c >-< '""-7 * -

;i e s an2 f i l i bus t e r i~g . over ,*p5 p* ,mwS,t*.*.** < b dd* e 2 . WW,**%

~ v r o n & iw a c c ~ q & g ~ t . o ' #8a4~-,. state R ' . +S*#l,y ,

$J;P!!S~ ctb~~~&ia+x~f trx +esLB STON. R house divided against itself cannot stand.

'I'welvc is a. ucliversal' standard of measurement and h u m a n moral . principle'. s tandsld 'of law,-of living, minus customs and

Light means KNOWLEDGE. Knowledge is power, i t spells FIIEEDOM. FREEDOM IS EVERYBODY'S JOB, on a univer- sal scale. t

'4 ' I'

For ins tance , i f a card shark was cheating you in a game of cards, it would be unintelligent to resort to force'against him. Your rnost intelligent act is to s,cek one who teaches the ar t of card cheating. Have l ~ i r n to teach'.you all angles of card cheat- ing. IIerc you arc \vclI equipped with the necessary kno~vledge by which it will enable you to protect your lnoncy while engaged in a game of cards with cardslra~~ks. . And as soon as they dis- cover that you a rc wise t o al l of . the i r tricks, the card sharks will automntically respect you as .their equal thereafter. And as the result-the old garne of cards,bctwecn you and thetri will be play- ed on the square minus violence .or lhatred or fear. Ignorance

Page 58: Clock of Destiny Part 1 & 2

crca tcs violcncc, brrltc I(trcc and dcsiruction. I3ut wisdom, corm rect krlowledge and understanding creates unity, peace of mind, freccicrm, progress and the pursuit of happiness. FREEDOM IS EVERYBODY'S JOB. The contents of this book will free you fro111 the name "Negro" slave.

The follo~ving arc thc five symbols of the twelve signs of the Zodiac which represent the universal law and CONSTITUTION U ~ K ' I I \\ 'hich CIV1I,IZArI'IQN is founded.

Vulvsr@aI llymbolr Or Tho t2 3 1 t u a O f Thb ZoPlro Tho S n l r z c r O f rhr ~ o o r f r h h t l o n Cf 4 t e Order O f I a l a - Rortb Oat*.


1t)gers srdc nf thc I a ~ v .

Thcsc scic~lt if ic \ ~ ~ i i \ . c r q s l synl1)ols of tllc \sarbspf natttr+$, arc -C r , & ~

t l c f i ~ ~ i t c l ~ not i(lol Gocl \\.orshil,. 0 1 1 1 ~ . tllc s tn t l l res of tlcad wol!~c,?,~k : I I I ( I I I I C I I rcferrcd ~2 S:l i l~ts a n d p r o p l ~ c t s , a r c idol God yor: ,

sliij)--tlcnd cult lire.

Page 59: Clock of Destiny Part 1 & 2

I lousc) D. C. And Ben Bey i a refer red tb in Oisnde U: S. A. histary books as "Denjatnin Bannicar,"

"S .

XYou jrc what yr-~u know, not w I . nurvr by b e i ~ i g told 01- ' p ~ G ; L ~ S I ~ , ~ .

alypliyd'u[i ~ i c < v l e d ~ - .A hi I r ~ L J L D , \ V s r i i )llr ascs, signs and r r =*4 - * , A -<&

crct c lan~srn %--a%"

,+*' @

\\'e, the pcopIe o f N o r t h America h4ve the Univctsal Consti- t u t i o n which definitcly e c ~ i t ~ l l y reprcscnts each individual of the* c'ntire hurltan family, some two billion onc hundred and sixty mil- liorl upoil th is ball of m u d terrilcd earth. Thus in order for each i~ id iv idua l of t h e U. S. A. to urlderstaricl the f ive great principles o f (31ir U I I ~ V C ~ S B I Constittttion, i t is necessary t h a t they be t augh t ' every degree of the science of Astrology, the 12 signs of t he Zo- diac, the complete circle of 360 degrecs which represent the \vhole of Creation--space and time and the MASTER KEY OaFb CIVI1,TZATION. Yes, the Universal constitution has, and al- ways will, rernain in Nor th America, referred t o as the Nor th Gate or the HUB df the 'Universe-180 degrees east longitude, rind therefore definitely cannot be destroyed by foreign powers, a n d nei tlier us. @ Freedom is everybody's business.

T h c majority of t h e peoples of the U. S. A. have a n education superior t o that of the majority o f the masses of humanity in fo re ign lands. \Ire ]lave mastered every category of science. Now ive have tlle I n s t category of science t o m a s t e r ; namely-the science of Astro1og-y-the 12 signs of t h e Zodiac which is the f a the r of sciences. Owing t o the education of the majority o f the rr~asscs of the U. S. A . ; they, o n a nationaI scale, could coin- pletc the necessary course of Astrology in six months. It has a!-

Page 60: Clock of Destiny Part 1 & 2

one n.ho p ~ ~ s s c s s e s knowleclae of Aatroloav, the ZODIAL

o--kr~otv and !,rove that w h i c h you know in a oractit

gress. B U T

s n l pcrf'cctiol~ of tlle science of geometry. Geomctry has never tul(l 3 l i e . 93 is not 3 Inyslery ancl neither a theory. 12 is not

a t n ~ ~ s t e ~ ~ y and tleitl-ier opinion, belief or theory. These two figi?res s l j c n k OTIC \111i\rcrs;11 I n ~ ~ { : \ ~ n g c i n terms of facts.

Ycs , t h c 11un1l)c'rs 9 or !XI and 12 :Lre tlcfinitely riot tlctat,tiblc. The sc icncc of the Zodiac \ \ i l l a ~ i t ~ ~ m a t i c a l l y expose every u4dcr- covcr a c t of rnnnkill(1 ul~iversally. inc l t~d ing the so-called minral t l o c t r i r l c o f ory:nrli;.r(l cIictatc~rshi]> over the h ~ ~ r n n n niinds 1~;:rl I - C ; L S ~ I I ~ I I ~ .

fcrrct l to as thc hlnsons. Yes, w e m u s t increase our liberty by sc,l\,ir~g t l l c ~iatiori's crrlcial p r o l , l c i by t l ~ c sqt~arc-an angle of 90 ctcf;rccs.

l ' hc t c n c l ~ i n g o f tlic s r i c r~cc of thc 12 signs. of t!ic Zo(linc is rapidly sprcncli~lg in t h c A S I A T I C ~ ~ o r l d , to fulf i l l wit11 the ma- jority of the co rn lnon masses in thc course of titne.

(krcryl)(uly'.: joh. The pop~tlat inn of tile U. S. A. ar,

Page 61: Clock of Destiny Part 1 & 2

I . . I I I. I I I I I I I


: I I 1 I I


t inuc to rctcl against the sciencc of the 12 signs of the Zodiac -... :--" d l . - : * t -1:. f . 4 9 1 8 . , * * ,* .

conc1usion by reason.

Knowledge is Ijower. Frcedorn is everybody's job,

'i'I:c %citli;~c i s a n u ~ l c l ~ a n g c d rrliip of .tlic universe which com- - j ~ r i s e 360 dcgrecs. +-........-- tl'hc Zodii ic . ,,----.., is ......... cyl~ally .%-- ........... divit1e.d -..--, ...,...... into ir,F.. ............. four xi,....s atlglcs . - -..,,

s \ \ .hici~ rcyrcscttt East , West, North a n d ~ i ......... ~ . ~ ~ c , , , , . , ~ w m *-- me..,".qw. ..*, 4 -* .................. .r-**v*---T-*.- ,**.,s.*,, "-;s-*rw#

alr a n d ea r th ; and spring, summer fall I, . . ....... ..._ ....*..< .... '".&".". .*.% -". .*... ........ "_ ....... ..A ....,.... ...... LS&"'~.L!.~J,,S-.~XE lvr, ..-%:'os!~"~"G.~ isah2 ..;

i r l to twelve zorles of . . . . . . . . . . thir ty .- ........ degrees ...... ~ t ~ c l ! , wb.i~.h .,

.................... a year ..... I . . . and t he 12 ~ i ~ n s . . . . b ~ m . . . ) ch ---.- rcvcals -- --- h u m a n charayter, - - tajent, action a n d .reactjgn- a~irJ+;

Qhe great la \v of cause and effect i l n i v e r s a l ~ . LI - - b-

l l ' l ~ a t is Astrology ?

Revelation :

The t e rm ~ e v e l n t i o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e a n s to r e v e a l p r to ,make known to 3 ~ 1 1 i c h has bcen suppresse$or ghielded by selfish l>cople OL

q r g a n k e d dictatorial na tu red Well, in the book o T ~ o h n , Revela-, Ition. ttic Zodiac is referrr-ion~. the 12 Gates, w c v e n se:r?sgthe foiir s g u a r c s 9 n d the hensurement of m a g

The t e rm , ~ I ~ N E ~ H , means the ~ 0 . m -. [IS, the Zodiac of 3C10 dcgrccs is squared by the nurnl)cr 9. Thus,>L~s RfiatSqn n=s the \ y y e d of the dartrlnf of w y , rn&oIogy,*and - organized , t l~eological d i c t a t o r s h i b a n d the r ise of humanity with c-n; n a m T y l 'the science of Astrology--the 12 s igns of the Zodiac. H c r e the en t i re e a r t h will I>ecome t11nt grcnt City,

Page 62: Clock of Destiny Part 1 & 2

The evil act of the AlOORS and the AMAZON FRANC1 CANS of South America, contrary to the Zodiac, automatically converted tkc entire world--the minds of humanity, in that whic I

is termed a Jivirlg "hcll" during the past rlOO years. I

The Fathers of Civilization and Offsprings: 11 I

'i 1. Thc dark skinned, kinky-haired, thick-lippctl MOABITE

:lation are the fathers of civilization--North, Central and South America.

'l'llc r\~citb, or red-skinned "lYhitc" , Ahl AZON PRAN- %-----* * - -" Y

CISC.AN n a t i o G , areathe erp?r/rnentat~on descendant; -, -A - _ _ ..I7 of t l 1 ; - ~ 1 0 6 ~ 1 1 ~ ~ 1 . 1 ? ~ t j ~ n .

*P__.D, -, - <

( 4 2. "' dark-ski~ined,'~ink~-l~aired hIOORIS,H nation are

the*clirect dekcendants, of the MOABlTE nation.' The

T:-PI.-URIRIJS UNUhi is I-atin n ~ c a n i n g , o~e,=_o,u t , - -~ f_ - -.,-.....--, _,_ _ -, .- - - j l n a n v r l c c s caste , color ,and._s,u!?, ,"r!a.!,i-or~.s~,: Tile great; - 'u--. .& ..-. *.*.! ...,,. l-- - ...-.. . . -

S c a l on a U. S. O I I ~ dollar h i l l is that of the Moorish -.."* k, ,&

1 I

n:!t ion. , f

1 - t e r m DlOOR means n n v i ~ s t o r of the SEII ~ s , guided ! ."13, 4- V W * -=?- 1 1 ) ~ tlie N ~ I G&---p& a 3 hfoorish natlorl

c - )rial- to the Ite\?c~l~rtiori r:nd the IJnion of 1@'I in Nlm!th 1, - -

A-icn, is ~-rcd $ a&: ~ ~ m n i 3 . - - I 1 ',


i'; I t i s ct-~ntrnry f o r a victorious n a t i o n to p11t on its cilrrellcy it

!: the liead of the defeated nat ion. \!'elll the head with the featbe* ' i

LO" a U. S. early penny refxrred i o as lndran, IS h a t ot the I:.$ $1

"White" AhlAZON woman.. &I the head with t h e feather 03 j

IT h e t h c a l ~ nickel is tha t o j a ?hi$" AMAZON pan. , . F

The (featlier) and the (eagle) s ~ ~ E b o l i z e the helght -- +- an3T;tic R-I Crown a t t e top of ti;e \~dl

* The term ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l ~ ~ ~ . ? ' * m e : ~ n r , ' f r c e m c n o: FRENCHMAN,


Page 63: Clock of Destiny Part 1 & 2

to 360 degrcrs 40 times. Thus, thc nunlber 9 represents the nine 1 judgcs of the suyrernc court--fecieral gov't. Masonry or (ls- 1nrn.)----I A h l , the witlnw son of 9, the first law. I



S"1'ATES OF NORTH A M T<RICi4--11(63 IVas i s t i t t cn by Francis Scott Key (scott free) d u r i n g the

tlccicivc w;rr t,cewectl the FI-;trlcisenns and the fa l l ing ~ ~ O C ~ R S , in r l ~ )*car iF14, v;lticti is ccltlivaIent to the y e a r 1,234 Aioorish (*:,Icr~(t:ir J'cnr. For tnany y e a r s thc IJs~isn Scatcs of 1Xd 1a;k.ltI lie oi f i r la1 X;c ; r t t : t * 1 1 ,4r1thtrm, I:irinl!y i t ~ v a s ndc);;f c d ns tlrc Nn- t i ( ' l ) < ~ l ; I ) ~ I T I J I .

!'\':ls (li:;i~.rietl l,y r),:trt holcli, n r ~ t l prcscnted by the ( F r n t \ c l ~ i s c ) i ~ r 1'i.c~: pc,c.,l:]c o f tllc Union States it1 the year 1881 in honor of t h c \- icrr>iior\s cC;iughters of t he Arncl-ican Rc\~olu t ion who over- tllr.c\v t he h!oorit-h Socicty of Islnrn. 'The s t a t u t e \.;;is c o ~ r ~ p l e t e d i n IFtfl6. On Ellis Iclnr.rd all " \ l r l ~ i t c " forcigrrcrs a r e t a l l g h t t o \rl-~l;old t11c L:rlion S tn tcs r igh t ~ n y t h of whi te S U ~ ) S C I ~ I ~ C ~ 1;cfore I ! I ~ C : ~ I I c j \ ~ : l l i f > . f ( j ~ . citizcl?.ship i n p ~ d old U. S. A.

\\'as crcc tcc l in tile y e a r 15Q2 in Ilonur of t he Frcc (ITrnncis- c a n ) s o n s of the Union Arlny of thc Xor th America RepuLlic of 1,%3 \ v h o clcfcntcd t l ~ c last of t h e I.'alling h l o o ~ i s h Nation from rul ,n to t he I s l ands of IIav,.aii ancl the I'hillipincs Letwecn 1863, a n d 1838. 7 7 1 e fal l ing 3loorisl1 nat ion a r c I-efcr-I-cd to in U. S. A. I,rktfiry 11oc;L: ; I < : SPANJ.C;T-.I.

Page 64: Clock of Destiny Part 1 & 2

hood.'Thus, t-aah O'BEYS. Islam mearlr ( I Ahl) - - the great., (I A M ) you G d ~ e - w o m a n apd - -

of Yfodern ha~nsnity, (lifftrcnt shades of skin or colors.> C -


Tllc 17r.a.ncisr:nn union st;:tcs right society of IR-23 North Arncr-ica a n d :il~rc-jad i s guidcd Ily the MAGNA CIJAHTER, ant1

, . 110t t l ~ c (:~~istitrltion. I hc fc>llo\i.irlg rcveals llow the Lal-bariar~s of Nortll Arnerica, the t r ibe of the (AX) ancl the tribc of the (SPEhli) allied togcther and became the ruler of the \\lorltl ant1 t h c seven s t a s , be t \vecn 18.28 ~ r l c t 1898. '

re te rms: Anglia rneans S f ~ c a r , and Sakai means Ax-Latirl. - c?. .. ..*.., . .. -. * . . .. .- . . .- . . . Th~, .&k~l l~ E L I - ~ ~ s l?, a r?d. :k n g-1.0 \v 5 %- f-r /w-

Q t $ r i n _I Saxon I .- was * fraincd ---.-* - . .-w4."+- from Ax. about t h e ~lrliio-~Salrul3s_jn North a;ld

language war framed in -**'t"WXCYllrB:UIY.

tf;;'t,iith-Zihe new wor I ? R A N C I S C ~ N tribcs were a e a k -

- -+ ,. , , - c << %&.*%<-~&.swza*- 5 a+?.

l a n g ~ m g e of the MOORISI-I n q hus, the Anglia or English language is the rna~lifeslatio~l

- -wm-" -a*--- u -y? l&iti6-%~l~ts wl~icl l mgkes ii tfie timplifierl u n i v q l a n g u a g e for the one race-tllc human race. d

- - ^ _ _ - - r:-- _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - ,- -

The 11istory of thc 12 signs oi the Zodiac reveals that human- i ty o n a global scale has t e e n totally cut off from t r l ~ t h for fouq huilrlred years.

skinned, kinky-haired, thick-lipped hlOABITE or hlOORISH

Page 65: Clock of Destiny Part 1 & 2

" Irtlor-ancc of ilic scientific t r u t h of t h e worf is of trature envol- '**. .'z

ving t h e iri,irr 11:lt111c, and nt:tioli and r ~ a c t i o r ~ of h \ ~ n ~ R n bcirlgs a s _&* "I --

:++&~y,~, in t f ~ c 1% siL1ls of t h e %orliar, r-csults in 9 c o ~ i f ~ ~ s c d st:~tr: of t ; ~ i r l ( i and 11-,e171;il i l f ~ d c c i ~ l l o n ~ i c ;\rl(i sc)cir?l suffcrjtng--referred to, *. , -.. * -, -*- j_ , " * \. .


'1'1117 R13,II . 1113/\VJ<N, FRIIJ<J->Oh1 / I N D I'r3.4CE (SAT.AAhl) Kno\\,lctlb:c of t h c 7,otlinc g ivcs onc n pc'rfci-t s t a t e of nlirrd

nnt l r tnsor l I I ~ O I ~ t ha t r~;lniclj, , t11c iorccs of n a t u r e ~ v l ~ i c h d\\qcll zvithin tl-1crnsc1i.c~ ant1 nl)o~i t t h c m a11 of \ \~hich is r c fc r rcd to A S

" I 1 I<A\'I3N" n r ~ d 1 1 : 1 l ) p i n c ~ ~ , n r ~ t l p c n c c of rnind \ \* i t 11 orles self:

9 "1Vc h;,\.e r l o t ) l i l ~ g t o fcnr e s c c p l f ea r itself." So scek ~ c i e r ~ t i f i c k n o ~ v l e d g e of t h e 12 signs of 111c Zodiac. T h e n you will be s e t f r c c of ;~r t i f ic ia l c u l t t ~ r c a n d fcnr . (S.4T.ArZRI) means pcncc i n

, i

t h e XIOORJS13 I n n g ~ r n g e o f 1.ntilr. a i t



[email protected] DOCTRINE

N e g r o c s , :\re tllc n.orldls g rea tes t slaves. T h e y Iiave becrl edy- cilted t o I)cl ic\~c t h a t t l ~ c "White" people b r o u g h t the i r fo re fn t l~c l - s f r o m Afr ica a s S c ~ ; r o s laves , 2nd t h a t A b r a h a m Lincoln s e t t l ~ c r n f r c e in lE4.3. : I11 ol whicll is t h e g r e a t e s t inl lncy t h a t t h c ~ v o s l d

Page 66: Clock of Destiny Part 1 & 2

' 'TI 1 e Ha 111s: , ~ y ~ l ! 3-s- -&f,ri5;3J$gy1~jJ re&""- nr11n1cd and Ethiopia are

.. : , w - * * * a . "> , . *- % " - - ui_ - - .li----.. l. -

h ? c l s c a n D u t c h Pries t r , pirate masters of the iron cross .I-l~&s- burg legions of BI-axi l , Soutl~ ~ m c r i c n , between the Franfisci~n -- . . ,.

@evolution -- -..r.+- of 1789 and the union of 186.3, North America,, Thc hloorish nation, namely, the kinky-haired, dirk-&inned, thick- lipl>etl pcople h a d rto hiohnmmed ns their propltct, and neither Gorl tlor religion. 'The ki~~J<)p-llairetl h ioor i sh nation's l a w i s gcomr t 1.y and the 12 s igns of tlle %odiac--liEAIaI1'lES, of \vl~ich is dcs-

, cribecl irt t h i s tmok, CI.OCK OF I))I:S~'INY--T~IC secrets of tltc Great ,C;

~'Jc{;I-o, -,* n I IOI I ; I~~~I I I~ : ( I ;~ I I , 111cli:i11 : ~ I I ( I A f r i c ; ~ ~ ~ :IS t1111>>:\1\ l)ci~~j.;s, 10- j

* ~ : I C T is i r ~ l y t i ~ , of t l k l ~ l ~ i l p u q l ' ~ c r s o f [ h e 1 7 r : i ~ ~ c i h $ a ~ ~ 1'1-ic2t- hood-'"~~f ille Ticvolution rid thc u n i c n , 2nd . the~ .e forc , haac " hi:= *<.a,% *-4*** ,

h hi story$ ~aw--Tw--mmw* \Vhctlcvcr tllc so-called i ~ ~ t c l l c c ~ t ~ n l s , p n l i t i c i : ~ ~ ~ ~ , I n \ v ~ c r s

;lrld r c l ~ r c . s c r ~ ~ a ~ i ~ ~ c ~ - . - - " N ~ ~ r o " s l ; ~ v c > , yc lc l )~* ; i~c "h'cgt-o" Iri\tot'y week , a n d I)onst of I x i n g - proud of I ) c i l ~ g a N e g r o , the "M'l~ite" peoi)lcs ~i the u n i o n e ~ ~ j o j . a h a u g h t y I : ~ u g l ~ u p thei r slecvc, 1 ~ - cause tl~c!, k ~ l o \ v t h ; ~ t thc so-called K c g r o s lave Icndcrs rcprcscll t

he n ~ n t h r m n t i c t r ip ~ ~ ( J U I I ~ t h e ~ ~ f o r l d by \yay of the 12 signs of the Zotli;rc ;ire rcfcrreci t o in l l a son ~ n y t t ~ o l o g y as "I a m t rave l - ing Enst."

Page 67: Clock of Destiny Part 1 & 2

ANTI 'I'IIT; RISE A N D FAI,I., O F NATIONS, 171t0hi 1 0 5 TO 1965.

l:K,\H, 13 J,0(31)SIl liZD A N D DITSTRUCTION

. , - a

~ ! I I I S , G I I .)!.!;!L. i ? ! : t , [ I > c I . ;() .% o i [ I I C st111 : i r C i l l tI\e f i r s t ( ! C ~ I . C C

c , l tlic .si;;ri Cl;!;ictr. 1-lerc t1:e c a r . r h is a t right arrglc c : f 93 d c g r c c s ---tiic i ~ ; ; g c s t c l 2 j ~ ci tile )-car . 'I'l~is C A I degree a1.1glc of tlie cart11 tct tlic sun oi(:tirs n t I1.,,';ikc l s l r r r~d i r l tlie. Pacific Ocean, and is the ]::is', C;:IIC o f t l ; ~ %i.jdiac, ~ . c f c r r c c l to as tlie thrcc in tllc ]F=kist, ~;:c.:~r>irig tllc 114~i.c siyris (.I[ ! Ilc %odi:ic----"I J i g 1 1 noon.''

Page 68: Clock of Destiny Part 1 & 2

sign 1-CO, and tncfs ( $ 1 1 r \ u g u s t 22nd on the line of h'ew Orlenna; St. Louis, hio.; Chicago, lltinoia and North West Canada, Thus, all of the land from Alaska to Mexico, and fnrm Calilornin to St. I.orris, hlo., lies in the region or the sign 1-m.

I imc is rncnstircd f ro~~,~.D~u~cx;~.~olorario i - _-.-,*._ 1e---. , I I measurement of 2 ..*%$>>. ".

cci froa.j.he'LJ, S. X. ' tomilie -_ . TsErid" . -I*1 I-,d

6 --* -" - A

: 1 _.__ i s h l._l_ Isle or ~ n ~ i a n d , + . : I ( , a * Greenwich. l'htii; on August 23nl,, t,!hc -. * * - " , "&, .. . X ' C .-I %

rays of !he sun c l ~ t c r s the sixth'sigr~, Virgo, and endson Septenl- a - ,,. "A** ..l"." ,,- : ( I~er 23rd at the A rcli of (;recnlantI, the d e e p waters q f I)O?{J)JI, B ~ ~ ~ , n n c ~ . t l l e Eas i e rn roast *of:t7orids. Oh Sipternber 21rd, the': -"**"--.a- > . .- *** *.*

sun is in its lasf dcgr re of Virgo, the last SIGN of the Nu'R%'Gii?c '"'--.a . ,,a- & , - , &i' a *"*f ." -,

--thc srxth sign of " tee Zi$iac-Li*f@ degrees: -HGc'you are rcfer- "* ,++F.- 1-cd'to*iliC di.igra11-i r j f tlic iodiac. f h u s , on September 24th, ille - c ea r th ttarr~s Trvtil t1,z 51111 i t t {lie Nclrth to the stln in t2ic sot~thcrll 1ie111i::phcre i r l t l ~ t . sijyr~r, 1 .it)~.rl,a t OY{IDOS, Eraicil, South i lmr ricn, a

a r ~ d us1i t . r~ in tlrr fall :.c:lt.on i t ] t he h'orthtrrl Wcnnispl~erc, a n d the r i g s I 1 I ~ i . I fe re ; t l ~ c d;cj ,q ~ I I A tiigllt s ;\re \tni\.crsnil!, ccltlal - - ( l~e f:iII F:F;:OI_IJNOX.

'rl-? I? TCl3 I N 'T'I.1 E LY EST

SIGNS 01' '1'1-jl: ZODIAC

Page 69: Clock of Destiny Part 1 & 2

sigll, Capricortl, the 10th rnotlth n. ark t he be ginn ! ~ g . f . ~ f i h _ e ~ ! ~ f


%here, ar~tl the be s---- =--- - -

I-icre the j)eople enjoy summer in the South-South America, Africa and Australia and New Zealand, while the people in the Northern Hcmisphcre undergo icy winter. h d in July-the peo- pic in thc Southerrl Hemisphere undergo winter, while thc people in the Northern enjoy surl~rncr. Thus, on January 19th the rays of the surr enter the sign Aquarius-the 11th inonth and 8ig-n of thc Zodiac-mid-winter. Thus, on February 20th, the rays of thc surl enter Pisces----the 12th rnonth and thc 12th sfgn and last sign of the year and the end of ttae winter season.

mers. I t rcciulres 84 vears for the la net Uranus to Dass through

crossed the Equator i n t o the sign, Aries, the first sign of the ~ a s t Gate of t h e Nor thern IJernisphere, and remained in Aries until 1935. T h a t position of U r a t l ~ ~ s influenced thc masses of Asia a n d ~ n o d ~ r n Europe to revolu t i ~ n a r y action to frcc thcmsclves from undcr t h e i n f l ~ t e n c c of the iron-hnntled rtilers of the Franciscan prics thc)od.

."b* CJri 1935, the planct Uranus crltcr"c(I .-*... t lie -.- tlic Northern

TIIC sign

Page 70: Clock of Destiny Part 1 & 2

Wake Island in 1949.

age, of corruption v,-hich was born out o brcecls h toor is l~~ society of ESI-AhlISM,


All of the atomic bombs and the military forces of the U. S. A. and abroad, dciinitely cannot check the positive Revolutionary forces of the planct, Urartus, in the North Gate of the Zodiac-the Htlb of the Universe---North America. Thus, in 1956, the planet Urarlus will enter the sign I,eo, t o remain in Leo unti l 1963. Leo governs the western half of Canada, U. S A., and all of hlexico. This urcstern half of thcNorth American continent governs our e c o ~ ~ o m i c systcrn--the bread basket, and oil, iron, silver and gold, a n d atomic elements Uranus. influerlce in

Page 71: Clock of Destiny Part 1 & 2

the culture of the Zodiac-the universal constitution, to keomc the grc:ltcst cco~lomic and social and moral potvcr on Earth, minus

b atotnic bombs, and nlilitary forces of corruption.

T h e g r c a t p lanet Sztur-n, is t he sc!,aal n~aster of the ttnircrst 1 I

( c a r t h ) , Thtrs, S a t u r n govctns tlie products oi the earth, eco- nornics, restrictions, sorrow, and the destiny of mankind and thc rise a n d fall of nations. I t re uires 30 ears for Saturn to pass t h r o u g h the 12 signs of the Zo 3 iac, and 433 years to colnplett his r i~njor revolutions of ( h e great walls of the Zodiac Thus, 3QO y e a r s o f S a t u r n major revolutions of t h e g rea t walls of ,the Zodiac -suLrracted from 1965 equals 1605, the era which began with

I hlOc3)iJS13 astrologers \vho predicted the rise and fall of. nation, w h i c h had its h e g i n n i n g wi th the Dutch pirate Priests of the Kaps- b u r g legions Iron Cross Society of Brazil, South America.

a t u r n will pass through the three signs of the IYest Gate during t h e nex t s e v e n years from 1950 to 1957.

planets passing t h r c u g h the 12 has llcvcr told a lie.

Page 72: Clock of Destiny Part 1 & 2

TIic 11anlc uf tllc Ilcacl scientists of the 3IOOHISIi nation t l t~r-

i l~g t l l ; j t era is J'ahul), which means in English, Jacob. Were was the Iwginni t~g of thc 22 tribes of Itun~anity and global trmalgama- tion t o rr1a:rifest the tiifTtsent roiors or shades of the human skin, , I ~ , d tlie c o ~ ~ v c t s i o n of t i ~ e inasses of huxnanity'into caste systems *

:ci as to t ~ l j r ~ i f e s t 3s (Iiffert:'l:t jt~oples from each group of the c;i: t cs . A group of people w i t h the sarne shade of skin and hair 11:1t i r l to a c n s t c so 3s to preve~lt them from contlucting sexti;~l r r l n t i onsh ip 15,ith a n o t h e r caste s l i ~ h t l y different.

Page 73: Clock of Destiny Part 1 & 2

this took is I n r d lor tbe reader to. tu~dcrrtad otvir~g to tbcir Jt- sire to endcavor to protect the false dktrine which the^^^^&^^; ral~gllt to.believe, but by the time the pt&kt ~ r ~ n u s . p a u ~ C@U the signs Car~ccr and Leo, during the next 14 yare, 01 thtkw$hlr Gate, U. S. A., every living person in the U S A, will tiam.lwrc t h a t which they have heen taught to tkl ieve and protect, Thcn, tire co~l tents of this book will LC just right for them to ttndcrstand orrd clrcrish and to endeavor to apply the law of nature.

?-Ilc great planet Satrrrn is still the school master of the uni- verse, ~ c . t ~ o has never failed to tnuke one understand thc differ- cncc b ~ * t t v r e ~ l right a r ~ d &on or the real and the unreal--or fic- B : i c , r l id facts. Yes, t ! ~ e ind \lenses of the great planet, Saturn, ::rrcI t he rtvolutionary or radical plnnct, Uranus, will makc the in- ~ c l l c ~ . ~ t ~ ; l l mr-i:rsscs of the i J . S. A. forget all about thel ficticious Iircriiturc rtr. h i s tory' involving the rrtythisal or ficticious races and rl;itic,ns 51tch a s A f ~ i c a r ~ , Ind ian , Negro, Egyptian, and the ficti- c ious s tory of 5fnscs ant! tl lc' plight of t h e Jews, and the myth of ~Jcruza lcm, arid ttrc m y t h of the hirth sf Christ by I-Ioly Virgin ? And t11ercl)y face the fact of the history of the MOABITE 1 1 n i o n arid the h1001iISI.I nation and thc Amazon Vnllcy, South Alnericnn Franciscan I)lond nation, of the union of name in 1863 PJorth America. 'I'1:c "wliite" red-skinned people are only one t h o ~ ~ s a n d years old. 1,000 years suhtractecl from hfoorish 1371 c q t i n l s ,371 !*cars--3Toorish Calentlar Year. .

Yes, thc inflticr~ces of t h c great planet Saturn and the radical planct L'ratlus, definitely ,do not debate and neither ar tnasscs of I lurr~ani ty w*ho are relying upon falsehood f ance rather than facts of life-existence and realities. These two forces of n a t u r e , namely, Saturn and Uranus, makes humanity yield to (realities-life and existence right) or destroy themselves

the I:I\v of cause 3 ~ , . . . , , ~ m ~ ~ ~ -

Page 74: Clock of Destiny Part 1 & 2

sade (Dutch-German priests) mathematicians adiled 580 mythical years to the correct Moorish calcndar y e a r of 1025. 580 added t o 11% equals 1776. 580 years atlrlcrl to JZ'3 Xfoorish calendar ?car equals 1W.

Thl~s, the I ~ c a d ~f thc livirli: hI0C)RISI.I n a t i r ) ~ ~ , fiibclctl as Nc- &roes arc referred to as "Dry ljoncs in the Vallcy," meaning they arc r ~ ~ e n t s l l y (Itad f c r lack cf Icnorvltrdge of t ru th . And the "white" c r l ~ ~ c a o r s a r c a f ra id to tcncll t l i ~ r 1 1 t h c trrtth. Arld i f the "whitc" people would a t te rn ) t to reveal to the ~ n c n t a l l y clcad MOORS tlic t ruth of t l ~ e i r h i 0 b RISIi history, they would rebel against ac- ceping i t because thcy believe t h e "white" people have taught them the t ru th a n d as thc r e s u l t t h e rncntally cleat1 h100RS from the preachers on down to their followers will conccive the thougllt o r idea tha t the "white" people a re endeavor-ing t o trick them.

S o this t e n t l e r ~ c ~ * have the "\\.hileu educators on a "NO-WAY OUT" spot. Therefore, the positions o f the g r c a t planet Sa turn and the radical planet, Uranus, ruling the Nor th , West , and the South Gates of the walls of t l ~ c Zodiac-the universe, (luring t11c next seven years will arise them from the i r menta l death of ig- norance to a living conscious beings-the head of the MOORISII nation. The influer~ces of S a t u r n and Urarlus will raisc tile pco- plc from their mental death whether I rnysclf wr-itc it o r not, be- cause it has a lready been written in the universal I~ook o f nature nnrncly, the % o111)- cspressing i t on paper in or(ler that those 1\-1iu h u s Lecon~c retlecrnctl fronl thci r n1c11- tal tieath of igrlorancc and thc rc ly rise \ \ , i t l ~ i r ~ t c l l i g c ~ ~ c c , t~n i ty , wisdom, kno\vletlgc and undcrsar~ding in ordcr tha t the grcat cco- nomic and social c l la~ige in the U. S. A. tlie Nor th Ga te migilt IJC brought about more rapidly and pcaccfully, cont rary to the ap- proaching blood bath owing to ignorance----nan~cly, rcligiolrs, ra- cial, color ; I I I ( ~ s t a t e tr;\(litinn i ~ n ~ r a r l ~ c .

Page 75: Clock of Destiny Part 1 & 2

. .

tiorla1 scale. \Veil, the uea: planet, Saturn, ia bound by a great circle which rcprcscnts "NO-WAY-OUT." .Even if I did not write i t , the 171-eat ring around the planet, Saturn shall bring about I

this relatioil regardless of cost. The greaf planet, Saturn, recog- I

nixes only two tliiierent ~jcople in the wt~ole of creation, namely, fcn.!;llc iI:?ci r ~ i a l e , or \rc!rnan z i l l t l man. Yes, Saturn is the school rliaurcr clf the utlivcx-se. 0 1 1 e race, the human race, and one ail11

1 arid o r~e dcs t ins---psogrcss amid pence, I

i i i


Page 76: Clock of Destiny Part 1 & 2


T11e in fluencc of the g m ~ t planet, Saturn, on the weather con- (litions irt t he Northern Hemisphere from 1950 until 1965. P0.r

Nov, 21st in 1950, and will remain ~011th until 1965. This position of S a t u r n r e s t~ l t s in frillir~g weather, cold wintera, floods, and cl-,illb- springs 2nd stirl.lmcrs in the Northern Hcrnisphert u.nti1 1955. 'I"l~crc ~ v i l I also t c rlumcrous earthquakes,

r . , .i i irl ccit i l c c if t,etrc,Togy, the 12 signs of the Zodiac, is' every-

l,c:c!)~'s lair for. I!:C t r ~ tc:, cuoperatc wi th the works of nature, and

t I ic) , have to e~np loy the myst ic Gad names such as ALLAH, GOD, Cl l i ? lS'T, arid h lo l~nrnrncd a s their prophet. .The term, nature, is !lot c ~ . , n f l ~ ~ % i r ~ g . Onc docs n o t h a v e to bow in prayer to th~c.supremc ] a \ v (if ~ ~ ; i l i ~ i . c to g a i n benefit. The only way for one to gain sup- rc lnc bcneFil in l ife is s t u d y t h e works of nature as shown in tllc 12 signs of t h e Zodiac. The sign, Virgo, governs our industri

Page 77: Clock of Destiny Part 1 & 2

This tlingrnni t l f the s).mtoI of the earth revolving around tlic bun h a s proven that the 12 signs of the Zotliac, and.the na- tural philosophy of Astrology involving human character,, intelli- gcncc, and action and reaction and human destiny, is definite 1 1 o t ? myth, a superstition as the Christian reli Icaders, itlcluciing .those refcrred t o as Mason have taught the uqiortunate rnasses to believe You are advised to hegin rrvith the sign nf Aries, and count the lines of the ear th in harmony \v i t l~ the rays oi the ' S L I ~ , and en P i s c e s . J-Iere t,y reason you \vill agree that the Zod versa1 ' law sand consti~ution upon \vhich civi Kn3~\vlctlgc of the science of t h e 12 signs of th the g r e a t l,ass\vort! and signs qualification. Your belief in the tloctriAe of priesthood religious ni~. thology \vill defir~itely not 5 ta11d up' againif the' illustrat.ed above diagram of the earth anti r i l l \ , c lec t r i cn l l~~ roi~nected ~ n d reflecting !noon slmped light and

Page 78: Clock of Destiny Part 1 & 2

;(&$ediaJ.. i s *&A,& .=Ciiada.,raJ- North: > . Coriadn, is the z ->-rdL origin~l k--ru, % S ~ g ~ l a f r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d & ~ - 2nd the Sii~ts,,;nd "the Anglia,.and t h c . . & ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . $ & ~ R ~ ! & ~ ~ ~

~4s~cill-i sri RIGHT KI.ANISMH'

S[J,&s bS:,s, t i c pI~ra,sds rx~~pLuy~ad~ t n t e g r L3,,idts LS,) , ~ L , ~ i i , c ~ YYni~n .of 1

~ ~ ~ ~ C ~ ~ p l 1 5 ~ ~ x ~ ~ ~ ~ 6 i ~ ~ r a e h s wl.tVa;CIVIj9w3 n ce of iil t i sa l !,ay a ; ~ $ ~ ~ , q ~ ~ n , ~ t ~ t u t t o n of t h e is blindfoldcti sc

" thc ,rny?*tic o r d c

c , m 1 1

I!t~o~q~lly o \s in i 'it$ itieir:ljlin c a l l e ~ ~ s c c r ~ t ~ , * ' : " I l e 1,lind

-,T *z,*-r.

disgrace. agairist the perfect signs of the Zodiac. Our bays are paying the price on the battle- fields, today.

possess ur~iversal knowledge of thezodiac.

Thc ( J a p a n e s e or Spanish) are the product of the undefeated 4 1IOOI< ISJ I . \ I ; L I . ~ ~ I c 1:orc-c i l l the year 1273 Moorish Calendar Year,

\r-hich is rq~r i r . a l cn t t o 181.3 (Cr~t.snrle-Croix) or Cl~ristinn Calendar

Page 79: Clock of Destiny Part 1 & 2

1. "I<illg Solurnon" is t l ~ c ea r th \vhic.h cotltiri~is al l of thc eleoiet~ts , we:tltl~ and the forces of nature. Thus, the earth is the s tore house o r all of the wealth of creation which makes it the \visest "man" 01- planet. So, also, the l~urraan body contains all of t hc clcr:~c.rlt.s of ttlc c ~ r th .

2. " l J i r - ; ~ r ~ A!>if" is tlic SunJ \vh ic t i nrarks tlic tr~ot~th.s, sea- sons, sigrls a n d t l ~ c me;isurerr>cnt o f tirnc arid spacc during t l ~ c earth's n1111ual rcvnlution of 3E4l dcgrees . The "Grand hlaster" is the Fall Season, Oct., Nov. and Dec. The Fata l Blow is .Det. 21st o r J a n . l s t , \vhcn the Sun cntcrs the sign, Capricorn, a r ~ d ~ l s l ~ c r s i n the winter ssnsotl ir. the Northcrrr Jlc~nisj)hcre. I-fcrc tllc cold \\.c;ltlier strike3 its fatal I~ low t o plant life. And in mid-Fcb- r t ~ ; ~ r y the earth evolving o r arising from the slumber o f the win- c r scason to\vnrd the Spring season for reviving o r risercction of \v;krm \\*eatllcr ;111(1 pli~llt life. Thus , the apl)rorrc.l~irlg grip o f t h c s j u i ~ l g season against the winter season is referred to as "the s t rong g r ip of the Idion's Paw," meaning the spring season has raised plant life f rom its death bed of frozen ea r th to a living per.

(a) The Vcrnnl Eq~linnx.


Page 80: Clock of Destiny Part 1 & 2


The fern1 hlnson ing tvo'nan . and snn. ppsitivc, tpca~~ji~g 111% ~,i,iblc Tor the crcat;cm I ~ : ; L E C V S \ Y O I I C I> $ \ ~ r i l i tlit tfi'l~tei- Cr

i* - V L k . I % ' 6 . w i I* . EI i " Y U i"" ., _ f r a t s jl .unforn~cd r n a t f e f . pL2 n t q a ,,t2tra sed. t c ~ p ~ k i g n; spells %[ 5Zfaa~b < > L N h ~ 1- l+%".*§,!. 1 @&*SJ: phrased \\.it h ( s o n ) w cllild rcprocfriction corrrprise t h e grea vcr.sal supreme cr e a t i - s e ~ t b e r . husbwnd,.,f,or- all rllalc , s i x

' k . o r ~ ~ c $ ~ f ~ ~ r n , no one> knoy:s, ,TlGs,* w n

T h c CROSS is in Rcalitj- the Positivc N ~ ~ n t b c r

Tllus, the I.e\.el, ~ l e g a t i \ . e , a n d the I'lumb, positive, represent the rlcgntive arid the positive forces of nature, namcly, female a ~ ~ d male, upon hvhicll the 11.or1d took fnrm.

Page 81: Clock of Destiny Part 1 & 2
Page 82: Clock of Destiny Part 1 & 2

thcr*efore, h ~ i d to pay the penalty through war, b lmdsh~d and fall

fi1.c-l)oin[ctl s t a r ~ v i t h thci r fcct f a r a p a r t . Their hcntl No. ( I ) , tllcir r ight a r m No. .(2), tllcir l e f t arni No. (3), their r i ~ h t foot

Page 83: Clock of Destiny Part 1 & 2

' I . , }I(: 1 . ; , ; : < I ) ~ ~ ~ ~ ! ~ l : i . t :;ii$j\\,il j i \ ; < < i ~ . ! ; ; i ( ;

Page 84: Clock of Destiny Part 1 & 2

crirnc, war, I~loodshed a91d hunia~l and property Jestrlrction. As tllc result of negnt~ve , culture, contrary to unity, peace, justice, truth and economic and social progress. The tcachcrr and follow- ers b f all' religions are referred to in Bible mystery as the children of "Abcl" and Seth, meaning Priesthood St11 tanate dictatorship- Kings and Queens--at the Royal Family.


' T h e women a n ~ l sons w5o rel)cllctl against ,the negativc sys- t e m of Cachotlism I,ct\vcen 1789 rind 186.3 Nortli Atnerica, arc rc- {erred to as tllc children of "Cain",.or the sons and daughters of light, meaning scisrlt ific kno~vtctlge of the u r r i v c ~ a l l a y of the hloorisil r1;ttintl a s sho~vr r in the 12 signs of the Zrdinc.

"-Gw-Cldl""l+, rl%,Ylllr

,, J ~ J O S R Aixi;lz~s~ "\vhitslj :{qs sq!;bml-il d ' i r~ljc~ica, &r+c rcfc i rcc l tu as t he rnysti

* k ~ l i ~ l l r s " o r "Cnin" \\,fro S I C I I . ''AI,cI'' ant1 "nvent to the fancl of ' * Lm-* h-a-a < -,+ ,,a*r- %.,A* $*" - -'-*----*--h.m .*..-= *~r - -e ' -&w*~-%

Tad." - -.*OM, - 13q:ilrt * k jijs--?-i6(e 1 1 ~ j c i~ncI~~nf\;~~g,a.p_n.yct t <, -

~~3-b~~g~d.g,a.qhp , o t l ~ c r $ i V ~ e ~ ~ , . < ~ a i n ' ~ ~ ~ ~ i , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s & ~ s t l ic Zodiac, I I J C l i a l f ~ v x y sign o f the stomach - " . . L

t + (lc_grccs .* .C;LSS l u ~ 1 g i . t ~ ~ d ~ ~ ~ t . i 1 c , , - ~ a r t 1 ~ i,j&!,q., t lcep w a t e r s of Uostrm, hlnss., U. S. A. Anode of Nod. (G) Geornctry has lJc\lcr told a lie the square ant1 angle oi (5'0 d c g r c c s o r tile s c l ~ ~ n r - e nrld cornl)ass, which is the univtrs;~ l la \ \ . o f t h e 11(1or is11 , ~ ; ~ t i o r . i . rcfcrrerl tn as Negroes.

l < l C Y O F i ~ l ~ ~ J l ~ l Z A ~ ~ l O N Gc! ,met r ~ . is 11ic ~ : ~ ) i v ~ r s * l l 1a\v t r f ~ )er iect i trn-t l~c science of

t11c c~llturctl .IIoors, wllich h a s , arltl nl\vays will, be in the 1i;lntJs of t h e kinky-hairccl hloors of Yorth America. Thus, the hloorish ;lation oi Sc)rth A1ncric:i. refcrred to as Negroes cannot I)e dcs- tro>.cn. The cycle of g1ol)nl war gctieratetl by Cat l~c~ lc Priest- hood dicta t o r s ~ l / ~ 11chi1,d r lored ~ l w r s will redeem the _hicori:h. nnr ion of North America, c11lr-ing glol)al w a r 111. Thc s o

Page 85: Clock of Destiny Part 1 & 2

1 c . r ~ o f Unirl I I ; \YC licl(l ~ h c i r o\\.11 tn\\-nr(l r;,zfc 611 I A.q for t h i s act, ( h e sons and daughters i l l ullit). \vil11 the 3lnclrish nation to never fall again. "TUBAL ~' t \ iS"--I f@ (lcgrces-tllc I Ahl , the ~ r e o t I AM-the ~vidorvs ~011s of !).---North America.

J-at in o r A r;~I)ic 1 2 s Esprcssc(I Names of in Symbols of the in Ar:rl)ic E~~glish

A l ~ ~ l ~ ; i l ~ e t

. . 1 l ~ c r t : is ]lo nll) l~: t)et t h a t car1 go 1)eyond the almve a1l)hnl)eti- cnl sj*rnl)ols of the Moabite and tlie h?loorish nation-The fathers o i ci\filizntion.

The iol lowi~ig is t l ~ c l loo r i sh color code of electronics \\-llic-h - clcsciiLes the linit of r-csis~:~nce, currellt and voltage:

0-syrnbolizcs Black 5--s).n1l)olizcs Green ' I--sy rnl>olizes Bro1l.n ,,

G-syml)olizes Hlue --symbolizes Rcd 7-sy ml>olizes Violet 3-syml)olizc~ 0r ; lnge 8--syml)olizcs Gray 4--syrnI)olizes Ycllnw 9-svm1,olizes W h i t e or 1-igh t

'I'his i s t hc fo\~~l(Iat iori oi c rea t ion of the worltl a11tl the 1 1 1 1 i -

\,;~l crodc wtiicl~ c~inLIes \ \ - o m n n , the \\*icio\v ; ~ n d sons to harness t h e invisil)le iorces o f na t t i r c n n r ~ ~ c l j . , electricity, a tomic energy, rirtlio ; \ ~ l t l tclcvision. tlci!. tllc la\\.s of grn\~iration 1)y floating i l l ~ l ) ; ~ c c ;lnct ;~lt ;o c.onclt:er the clcl)tl~s ~ ) f t he high seas, ilnd all o f the. c lcmc~i ts of t h c e;\rrh, 11l;int, n l~ im;~ l . itisect, fish, fo~\.I, rcptile

Page 86: Clock of Destiny Part 1 & 2

nrld the human body. z4erg s y ~ ~ l m i i z c s ~ t l~c A u~~i~ccsql tnind *of woman w h ~ . and tinw or

, 7-w %*a<. fi

father tinlc.


Frcsno, L'n liforni;i ; L l c ~ ~ v c r , G~ltn-adu ; Springfield, Illinois ; CoIurnL~us, Ohic:, ; Philatlclphis, I 'ct~!lsyivatl in; M'iiccling, West Vir- ginia; and across tlre At lant ic Ocean to hlncIrid, Spain; Flers,

of J;\l)an,

l i j.011 \ \ , i > l ~ * ; ~ '-01)y of ( I I C 19-47 l ) ~ ~ l ) l i c ; ~ t i o ~ ~ l ~ I ) I I ~ i ~ i ~ l ~ t 111:iiI :\

rnullcy ortler for $.3.a) t o 263.3 Jl. 51s; St., Clcvclat~tl 4, Ohio, C. 31. Bey.

Page 87: Clock of Destiny Part 1 & 2
Page 88: Clock of Destiny Part 1 & 2

a t ~ ( l l ~ r o \ , i ( l c . ) '1'11;11 i~ t o s;I!-, l ) c g~~i,lc-f realit?. a n d s h ; ~ r c i t \\,irh tlrc ~ ~ n i o r t t ~ ~ l ; ~ 1,hcorne clu;llifiecl t o lil,cr;ttc themsclves

The dc\.il i s rcligiolis ~n! .~l l r~ln


Page 89: Clock of Destiny Part 1 & 2

The Graat Pyrabnid Xe The Emblem O f Tbs Muori~jh Nation

( ~ h o Great ~ e n a )

It Requi res Only A Small Book To Explain The Necessary T r u t h Of Scienoe and History, On The Oontrary, It Requires A Very Large Book To Cover Up The Tru th Of Science And History By Way Of Mytholbgy, Theology, Isms, Gods, Races And Nations - F i c t i o n .

< Copyrighted 1947

Cleveland, Ohio Revised

All R i g h t s Reserved