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Click to beginChp. 11 TechnologyJEOPARDY!

Mr. ThomasChapter 11

Sorry!Fill-In The Blank For 50 PointsYou Lost 50 Points.Back to GameTry AgainMost businesses use only one type of computer software.True & False For 10 PointsFalseTrueBack to GameSorry!True & False For 20 PointsYou Lost 20 Points.Back to GameTry AgainCDs, DVDs, and magnetic tapes are all examples of primary storage.True & False FOR 20 PointsFalseTrueBack to GameThe term e-commerce refers to conducting business transactions using the Internet or other technology.True & False For 30 PointsFalseTrueCongratulations!CONCEPTS FOR 50 PointsYou Win 50 Points!Back to GameComputers have become a key homework tool for large numbers of students.True & False For 50 PointsFalseTrueBack to GameThe physical elements of a computer system are called theMultiple Choice For 10 units.Back to GameAn organizations reports, letters, and memos are usually created withMultiple Choice For 10 Pointsword processing software.spreadsheet software.database software.Back to GameThe central ____________________ unit is the control center or brain of a computer system.Back to GameFill-In The Blank For 10 PointsexpertassistedApplicationliteracymanagementoutputprocessingRoboticsThe largest and best-known computer network in the world isMultiple Choice For 20 Pointsthe Internet.the World Wide Web.the intranet.the hypernet.Back to GameCompanies typically use desktop publishing software to produceMultiple Choice For 20 Pointsfinancial calculations.newsletters, brochures, and booklets.alphabetized customer lists.all of the aboveBack to GameThe use of technology to create product styles and designs is calledMultiple Choice For 20 Pointscomputer-aided design.artificial instruction.robotics.Back to Game____________________ software refers to programs that perform specific tasks such as word processing or accounting.Back to GameFill-In The Blank For 20 PointsexpertassistedApplicationliteracymanagementoutputprocessingRoboticsWhich of the following is NOT an input device on a computer system?Multiple Choice For 30 Pointsmousejoystickthe CPUkeyboardBack to GameThe most commonly used operating system software isMultiple Choice For 40 PointsPhotoshop.Windows.Quark XPress.Microsoft Word.Back to GameA computer ____ is a system of letters, words, numbers, and symbols used to communicate with a computer.Multiple Choice For 50 PointsprogramnetworklanguagesystemBack to GameWhich of the following represents the LARGEST computer memory capacity?Multiple Choice For 30 PointsterabytekilobytegigabytemegabyteBack to GameA computer ____ is program code hidden in a system that can later do damage to software or stored data.Multiple Choice For 30 PointsspampirategeekvirusBack to GameA(n) ____________________ information system is an ordered system of processing and reporting information in an organization.Back to GameFill-In The Blank For 30 PointsexpertassistedApplicationliteracymanagementoutputprocessingRoboticsGathering, analyzing, and storing data are some of the main components of a(n)Multiple Choice For 40 PointsRAM.CPU.MIS.LAN.Back to GameBack to GameDAILY DOUBLE!DAILY DOUBLE!Computer-____________________ instruction is the use of computers to help people learn or improve skills at their own pace.Back to GameFill-In The Blank For 40 PointsexpertassistedApplicationliteracymanagementoutputprocessingRoboticsThe online company eBay is an example of which e-commerce model?Multiple Choice For 50 PointsC2BB2BB2CC2CBack to GameAn input device, processing unit, memory and storage, and a(n) ____________________ device are the four basic components of a computer system.Fill-In The Blank For 50 PointsexpertassistedApplicationliteracyBack to GamemanagementoutputprocessingRobotics____________________ involves mechanical devices programmed to do routine tasks, especially in factories.Back to GameFill-In The Blank For 50 PointsexpertassistedApplicationliteracymanagementoutputprocessingRoboticsWhich of the following workers would probably be LEAST likely to telecommute?Multiple Choice For 10 Pointsa sales representativea writera web site designeran auto mechanicBack to Game