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Cleveland-Autumn Conference Position Papers for: The General Assembly 1 st Committee Disarmament & International Security

Cleveland-Autumn Conference - · governed by Bujar Nishani. Albania spreads across the Balkan Peninsula owning 28,748 square Albania spreads across the Balkan Peninsula owning

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Page 1: Cleveland-Autumn Conference - · governed by Bujar Nishani. Albania spreads across the Balkan Peninsula owning 28,748 square Albania spreads across the Balkan Peninsula owning

Cleveland-Autumn Conference

Position Papers for:

The General Assembly 1st Committee

Disarmament & International Security

Page 2: Cleveland-Autumn Conference - · governed by Bujar Nishani. Albania spreads across the Balkan Peninsula owning 28,748 square Albania spreads across the Balkan Peninsula owning

Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


Committee: General Assembly

Delegation: Albania

Position Paper for the General Assembly, 1st Committee

The issues before the General Assembly, 1st Committee are: addressing the risk of

nuclear proliferation in the Middle East and the role of commodities and natural resources in

fueling conflict. Albania is highly aware of the importance of these issues to the international

community and is determined to reach diplomatic solutions.

I: Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East

Albania officially known as the republic of Albania, on Balkans peninsula, is a small country

with a population of 2.774 million people (as of 2013. The capital is Tirana, and the country is

governed by Bujar Nishani. Albania spreads across the Balkan Peninsula owning 28,748 square

kilometers of land. Albania possess a stockpile weapons of mass destruction, and also accessed

the Treaty of Nuclear Non proliferation treaty. The Albanian Government remains constantly

committed to contribute as an active member of the international coalition against terrorism. A

priority of Albania’s foreign policy is its commitment to disarmament and non-proliferation in

the world, and to meeting all of its obligations under the relevant international treaties to that

effect. Great importance is taken in the implementation of all union resolutions adopted and

decisions made, especially those that ensure an effective and efficient international safeguard


The Republic of Albania does not produce, stockpile or transfer biological or nuclear

weapons. Its stockpile of chemical weapons was declared in 2003, and has since been destroyed.

Albania is a party to the Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), as well as

the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention

(BTWC), the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and the Proliferation Security

Initiative (PSI).

Albania is fully committed to successfully establishing a nuclear weapon free zone in the Middle

East and other regions. Through its active participation with the International Atomic Energy

Agency (IAEA), and participation in its Illicit Trafficking Database, Albania has made

tremendous progress during recent years in combating organized crime and illicit trafficking in

its country. Integrated border management and control is of highest quality, and is very efficient

at every border checkpoint. Due attention is given to the close and continued cooperation with

relevant international agencies in the field of nuclear security and the fight against terrorism.

The Republic of Albania considers the establishment of a nuclear weapon free zone in the

Middle East as a positive step towards achieving global nuclear disarmament. Albania believes

the upcoming NPT Review Conference of 2012 is a good opportunity towards achieving a

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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


comprehensive and long-term peace in its region. Albania is fully committed to global

disarmament and non-proliferation. However, in order to successfully establish a nuclear weapon

free zone in the Middle East, all parties in the region must come together voluntarily.

II. The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict

Conflict commodities are a source of grief and turmoil that have caused numerous issues

throughout the world; more specifically in nations such as Angola, Sierra Leone, and Liberia.

Although the wars in the countries have exhausted, rebels still hold some regions of the countries

today. These regions are abundant sources of diamonds, and the rebel forces enslave the people

to mine them so that they can fuel their army, and by doing so fueling armed conflict that may

lead to the overthrowing of legitimate governments. That is where the two major conflicts occur:

firstly, the mining of diamonds is an encroachment of Human rights, and secondly, it is fueling

rebel groups that have intentions of overthrowing governments, which would lead to many more

major issues.

Albania thinks that in order to stop these events from occurring, we must first work out

peaceful negotiations between both sides of the civil wars. If we stop the wars, then there will be

no need for rebel groups to force people to mine diamonds in order to finance them. A good way

that this can be accomplished would be to set up peace meetings, mediated by world powers,

such as the United States and other countries that share the same view. Another problem that has

arisen because of the conflict commodities in Africa, are refugees. People have fled the region in

fear of the rebel groups, and in a greater fear that they will be enslaved to the diamond mines.

Albania believes that these refugees need support, and we would support anything that would

give them aid and relief. Albania thinks that these problems are only going to be solved if we

come together to help stop this problem. With the help of the UN, we can solve these problems

and help to prevent conflict commodities from occurring in the future.

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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


Delegation from: Algeria Represented by: Strongsville High School

Position Paper for the United Nations General Assembly The issues being brought to the attention of the United Nations General Assembly are: Addressing the Risk of

Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East; and The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling

Conflict. Algeria has worked hard to create peaceful relations with other nations. Although they focus to protect

their people and their values above all, they try to keep any tensions at a minimum.

I: Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East Nuclear proliferation in the Middle East is a major current problem. All the different interests and goals, along with

the secrets some countries supposedly have create conflicts. Algeria does not possess nuclear, chemical, or

biological weapons. It is not suspected of possessing such capabilities, but Algeria does have a small civil nuclear

research program, and several small regional nuclear research centers. They operate two research reactors under the

supervision of the Commissariat à l'énergie atomique (Atomic Energy Commission), and both reactors are under

IAEA safeguards. Algeria was a French colony during the time of Imperialism, but when the time came they fought

and won their revolution. After independence in 1962, Algeria was a leader of the Non-Aligned Movement, and

became active in both the Arab world and Africa. This participation in in both worlds would lead them to inherit the

problems and conflicts that both have today. Working to establish peace with the Arab world and Africa, Algeria has joined multiple peace agreements. One of

them is the Treaty of Pelindaba, which established the African continent as a nuclear-weapon-free zone. This will

eliminate most nearby threats, and show the loyalty they have towards their continent. Due to the fact that Algeria

does not have nuclear weapons, they ratified the Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) as a

non-nuclear weapon state in 1995. The NPT is an organization many Middle Eastern countries are a part of, and

although Algeria is not in the direct area of current Nuclear Proliferation conflicts, they have neighbors who are and

also an internally large Arabic population. Algiers, the capital and largest city in Algeria, is a strong advocate for

Article VI of the NPT. Under Article VI of the NPT, all Parties are committed to pursue good-faith negotiations on

effective measures aimed to end the nuclear arms race, and to aid general and complete disarmament. There is a

Conference on Disarmament, but not much progress is being made and Algeria believes that standstill does nothing.

The Algerian delegation supports complete and total disarmament, and hopes great progress will soon be made so

Middle Eastern nuclear related conflicts can soon find their solution. Currently, Algeria seeks to develop its nuclear

energy sector with the help of experienced foreign partners. The country signed nuclear cooperation agreements

with Russia; the United States; France; Argentina; and South Africa. But all the nuclear related activities they will

be working on are for research purposes only, they hope to make beneficial scientific advances for the better.

Algeria wants to keep and promote the peace, and will take the necessary measures to do so. Algeria supports what treaties have been made, but would like to see more done. The current agreements have

limited the conflicts, but they are still deeply rooted in the Middle Eastern and African societies. The countries

breaking the agreements pose the largest threat, and it just leads to greater conflict. If they truly have nothing to hide

than there should be no reason the other countries cannot go see the nuclear activities being performed. That may be

one solution to solve the accusations. Geopolitical tensions also must be taken care of. If the groups fighting can

come to some kind of compromise than relationships of the whole group will be lightened. Although there may be

collateral, the countries need to look at the overall picture and aim to reach the good for humankind. But this is

keeping in mind that everyone will protect their country and its people as first priority. Any kind of treason against

the group should be looked upon more seriously and punished. There needs to be order enforced so people do not

just do as they please. For anything to be done there must be cooperation between all groups, and that is something

that is possible, but will just take some work to achieve.

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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


II: The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict Along with every country in the world, economics has led Algeria to have both internal and external conflicts.

Hydrocarbons, also known as oil and gas, are by far most Algeria’s biggest export. They have the world’s 10th-

largest reserves of natural gas, the 16th largest oil reserves, and are the world’s sixth-largest gas exporter. Algeria

has several pipelines supplying natural gas to Europe, and is expanding exploration to meet the high demand. High

global energy prices over the past decade have boosted monetary reserves and economic growth, fueled a

construction boom, and allowed Algeria to reduce its foreign debt to 2% of Gross Domestic Product, which is an

extremely low figure by global standards. However, long-term social-economic problems have risen, such as high

unemployment, particularly among college graduates; inadequate housing, health services, and infrastructure;

inequality; and corruption. These conditions have sparked protests, and continually motivate illegal Algerian immigration to Europe. Many

have traveled to France due to the fact that it was once Algeria’s leading country, during the time of imperialism.

Today, the French believe Algerian emigration to France is an issue, in which many are against. French policies

toward Algerian immigrants have been inconsistent, and French popular sentiment has generally been unfavorable

toward its Arab population. They have made policies known as "codevelopment," involving extensive social

networks for emigrant Algerian laborers, and support of strict regulations, random searches for legal papers, and

deportation without appeal in the event of irregularities. North African communities in France remain relatively

isolated, and problems Algerians fled to France to avoid, are coming right back. A number of racially motivated

incidents occur each year between North African emigrants and French police and citizens. Relations with Morocco

are also tense, it is mainly over the issue of power over the Western Sahara. The Western Sahara is a disputed

territory claimed and mainly administered by Morocco. Algeria also hosts and supports the Liberation of Saqiat al

Hamra and Rio de Oro (Polisario) and its self-declared government-in exile, the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic.

Tens of thousands of Sahrawi, live in refugee camps in southwest Algeria, which receive aid from the U.N. High

Commissioner for Refugees, but are administered by the POLISARIO. Algeria considers the Western Sahara issue

to be a result of decolonization requiring resolution by the U.N., and claims that it is not a party to the conflict. Talks

between Morocco and the POLISARIO are ongoing under U.N.sponsorship, but no significant progress has

emerged. Algeria has not reopened its border with Morocco since closing it in 1994, after Morocco imposed visa

restrictions on Algerian nationals and blamed Algeria for a terrorist attack. Furthermore with terrorism, Algeria and

the African Union have started calls for a ban on the payment of ransoms, kidnapping. and sharing of ransoms paid

for foreign kidnapping victims. Cigarette smuggling, is also a lucrative source of funds, and accounts for 18% of the

Algerian cigarette market. Algeria has an association agreement with the European Union and has participated in the

Europe-Mediterranean Partnership. Trade negotiations with the EU have been slow due to Algiers’ reluctance to

dismantle certain tariffs, but are trying to work a solution. Algeria would like to solve its conflicts with other groups, but will always look out for its own needs and people

first. There are many internal problems, but with the possible redistribution of funds, those may be able to be fixed.

The smuggling also needs to be stopped, the most beneficial way would be to enforce the laws with stronger

penalties. Also finding more oil and gas deposits would create more jobs, boosting the economy. With Morocco,

Algeria is not looking to fight, only find a way to claim the land that should be theirs, at least partially. They could

work to find a compromise, or even just make some kind of resource or other land trade. Algeria could make an

agreement with France that they would send France workers for lesser jobs if they allowed higher, or middle class

Algerians to enter France without racism. It would take stricter laws on France’s part, but give them workers they

need and supply the Algerians with jobs.

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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


Nolan Corcoran St. Edward High School Committee: General Assembly, First Committee: Disarmament and International Security Country: Angola Topic: Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East The possession of nuclear weapons can be a scary thing for countries. Countries do not want others to be

in possession of nuclear weapons because they could become a big threat and may cause political unrest.

There have been efforts to eliminate the possession of chemical weapons. Treaties and agreements have

been signed to ensure that countries are not in possession of these dangerous weapons. Nuclear weapons

can cause many conflicts in the world, and it is important that all of the countries are on the same page.

Angola has signed the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty along with 188 other countries. Angola recognizes

that nuclear weapons are extremely dangerous, especially if untrustworthy and threatening countries gets

a hold of the weapons. It is imperative that these weapons may be eliminated in order to ensure the safety

of every single nation. Angola has never been officially confirmed to be in the possession of nuclear

weapons. Angola ensures other countries that the nation will never be in possession of nuclear weapons.

Angola would like to uphold the safety and the protection of its people.

Angola realizes that nuclear weapons are a threat to every country. Angola warns others that nuclear

weapons can create extreme havoc and can create major problems. Angola would like to work together

with other countries to find a way to completely eliminate nuclear weapons to ensure that they will never

fall into the wrong hands. Angola would like to propose the assembly of a committee that would send

investigators into countries in order to make sure that nuclear weapons are not in the possession of

countries. Additionally, Angola is open to working with other countries to rid of nuclear weapons.

Nuclear weapons are extremely dangerous, and it would be a catastrophe if the weapons fell into the

wrong hands.

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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


Delegation from: Argentina

Represented by: Mentor High School

Position Paper for the United Nations General Assembly, First Committee: Disarmament and

International Security

The issues before the General Assembly are: addressing the risk of nuclear proliferation in the

Middle East; and The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict.

Argentina advocates for the reduction of these threats to alleviate pressure on surrounding

communities and strongly urges that countries work together to create lasting solutions that will

remove these problems once and for all.

I. Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East

Nuclear energy is a major part of a growing world. About 10.9 percent of the world’s energy

consumption came from nuclear energy in 2012, according to the Nuclear Energy Institute.

However, a major concern that exists in all governments across the globe is that of the use of

nuclear energy to create weapons of mass destruction, with most of these worries finding their

sources in the Middle East.

The Gulf nations have the most tension out of most other countries, seemingly due to the threat

of nuclear weapons in the area. With each country suspecting that the other has more arms than

themselves, conflict arises, bringing more pressure on the surrounding communities and the

outside world. The General Assembly of the United Nations has made multiple moves to reduce

friction between groups through treaties, such as the Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear

Weapons (NPT), which has been ratified by all Middle Eastern nations except Israel, who is an

observer, according to the Old Dominion University Model United Nations Society.

Additionally, the General Assembly has designated safe zones from nuclear weapons, which has

increased trust in the respective countries on which the regions are placed. However, each of

these solutions have had their shortcomings, as no country is sure that the other is following the

rules of the treaties and terms, further dissolving the meager amount of trust that exists.

Argentina, the first South American country to have a nuclear power program, is a strong

supporter of the universal disarmament of nuclear weapons. After dismantling its own missile

programs, Argentina ratified the NPT, and has since then collaborated with Brazil to ensure

accountability in each of their nuclear programs, according to the Nuclear Threat Initiative. This

has been extremely effective, as each country has been able to use their nuclear programs solely

for energy.

Argentina calls for more cooperation between each country to successfully reduce the amount of

nuclear arms that each country possesses. Increasing accountability of each country through

clearer treaties and resolutions that outline the implications may affect the arms that nations

produce. Argentina realizes that current conflicts may come in the way of negotiation, but urges

that cooperation continues to make the world safer for the next generation.

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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


II. The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict

Throughout the ages, the source of conflict between parties has consisted in a shared desire for

something. Most of the time, this object is in the form of goods and natural resources. These

conflicts have turned lethal, as according to the United States Institute of Peace, Paul Collier, an

expert on the economics of civil war, approximates that “close to fifty armed conflicts active in

2001 had a strong link to natural resource exploitation, in which either licit or illicit exploitation

helped to trigger, intensify, or sustain violence.” This figure could only become worse, as issues

based on oil and land have only intensified over the past decade.

Many countries lack certain necessary materials for a person’s well-being, such as drinkable

water. Others have valuable resources that can bring in massive revenue, such as diamonds and

oil. When these materials are at stake, conflict can arise, even more so with a corrupt or

ineffective government, as is many a case in such areas. Outside parties have a major impact on

the outcome of the event. Many governments of other countries, seeking a certain result, will

finance the party that favors them. This can lead to the overpowerment over the opposing group,

that is not ideal for a settlement to ensue. With such conflict that occurs, one can only imagine

the effects it has on the people who need these materials.

Argentina is a strong advocate for peace everywhere, and desires that a solution be created

speedily to reduce tension in these areas. However, Argentina stresses that the United Nations

has a strong impact on shaping these conflicts, and should shape them to minimize problems for

the people, but should be done without interjecting too much as to violating its power. Through

establishing safe zones in areas around resources, employing peace-keeping forces, and

managing trade on these materials, the United Nations can effectively reduce conflict and

improve the lives of the people affected.

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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


Bangladesh Committee: General Assembly, First Committee: Disarmament and International Security (GA1) Topic A: Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East Topic B: The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict

I: Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East

Addressing the risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East is a very important issue

to the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, as we have a strong record of nuclear nonproliferation and have signed several treaties in support of nonproliferation. However, our alliances with countries like Syria, Iraq, and Iran bar us from getting too involved in this pressing issue.

The issue of nuclear proliferation is not new to the Middle East; following numerous wars and coups in the region, the issue of nuclear capabilities is seldom left behind. Given the instability of the region, we firmly believe in nuclear disarmament, nonproliferation, and peaceful uses of nuclear energy. As such, we have backed myriad treaties aimed at reducing the spread of nuclear weapons, such as the controversial Iran Nuclear Deal last year.

We are further concerned with the existing nuclear weapons across the globe today. Reductions in deployment and production of said weapons cannot make up for the deep and irreversible effects of destruction through the intentional or unintentional deployment of these weapons. We urge the current nuclear carrying states to fulfill their obligations under Article VI of the Nuclear Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and the complete disarmament of nuclear weapons across the world.

The People’s Republic of Bangladesh believes that in order to rid the world of these destructive weapons, especially in the Middle East, is to halt all sharing of nuclear capabilities between countries with the hope of eventually ending the use of them completely. The stability in the Middle East is often called into question, and any risk of nuclear weapons being given to these powers would be a great problem for the international community.

Bangladesh is devoted to this effort, and believes a world free of nuclear weapons is the only solution to this issue. Although we do understand the concern among states like Russia and the United States that believe that nuclear capabilities are a necessary evil to keep the world a safer place, we reject the notion that the world powers must have these weapons in order to maintain peace and stability on the world stage. According to the New Age Newspaper, any use of nuclear weapons would constitute international crimes, including crimes against humanity, crimes against peace, war crimes and genocide, with catastrophic global elects. We do not want to rid the world of nuclear power, as it has many uses, but rather, wish to see the elimination of nuclear weapons everywhere. II. The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict

Of equal importance to the People’s Republic of Bangladesh is the role of natural resources in fueling conflicts across the world. Seen in many regions, such as in Cote d’Ivoire with blood diamonds, commodities and natural resources play an enormous role in the creation of armies, governments, and terrorist organizations throughout the international community.

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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


As such, Bangladesh supports any and all efforts by the United Nations to pass further treaties and regulations to deal with the issue of conflict natural resources and commodities. Recently, Bangladesh has backed numerous UN resolutions to fix the issue of conflicts due to the illegal distribution of conflict commodities. These include the resolution to halt the illegal trade of blood diamonds out of Sierra Leone, an issue Bangladesh has long been concerned about. As such, the Kimberley Process is of great importance to our nation. It works in a way that enables countries to find out where the diamonds came from, allowing the buyer to understand if their diamond is a conflict or blood diamond. Such processes have been put into place to safeguard the trading and selling or natural resources throughout the global community, and have had backing from Bangladesh several times. Another issue of importance is oil. Recently, we have seen ISIL, an Islamic Terrorist group, gain money and power through the illegal use and sale of oil in the Middle East. Such operations must be halted, and we support any efforts that will help this effort. The People’s Republic of Bangladesh proposes harsher restrictions on the trading of these resources, in hopes of reducing the number of organizations that gain power and money through this medium.

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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


Delegation from: Belgium

Represented by: Rocky River High School

Position Paper for Disarmament and International Security

I. Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East

Nuclear weapons are clearly a major problem in our world today. These weapons of mass

destruction have the ability to take out millions of people and destroy entire countries. The

country of Belgium strongly supports the disarmament of countries with these deadly weapons.

We as a country always are always looking for ways to keep our citizens safe, but we also are

concerned with the safety of all of the other countries as well. We believe that nuclear warfare is

never the answer to issues, and only causes more problems and kills innocent lives. The country

of Belgium sincerely looks forward to working with other countries in hopes of getting rid of

nuclear weapons once and for all for the safety of people worldwide.

The country of Belgium has signed on to the Non-Proliferation Treaty which has three

objectives: the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, the ultimate elimination of all nuclear

weapons and the international cooperation in the peaceful use of nuclear energy. Belgium is not

always very vocal about their methods of disarmament, but is active in trying to achieve this.

They have made disarmament agreements with several nuclear weapons states in the Middle

East. Belgium has appealed to both Russia and the United States about downsizing their nuclear

arsenals in several countries. Also, they have looked for changes to the Comprehensive Test Ban

Treaty and has pushed for a treaty that would ban the production of fissile material. Belgium has

been concerned about the accidental launch of nuclear weapons and has pushed for extra

measures to make sure that none of these deadly weapons are launched on accident.

The country of Belgium is looking forward to meeting with other countries from both the Middle

East and from all around the world in hopes of making sure that nuclear proliferation does not

occur in the Middle East. While Belgium would like to work with other countries that are not

nuclear weapon states, we are also open to working with countries that are nuclear weapons

states in order to make things work globally. The solution to this problem is one that all countries

need to be on board for. If we can not get rid of nuclear weapons completely, we are at least

looking for more safety measures and downsizing for those countries that do possess nuclear

weapons. Our main goal is to make sure that more nuclear weapons are not being created, and

that these weapons are not set off for any reason as they have the ability to harm many innocent

people and leave countries in shambles. Belgium firmly believes that nuclear warfare is not nor

will ever be the answer to problems in our world.

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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


I. The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict

Certain commodities such as oil, drugs, weapons, and gold are the main cause in assisting

conflict in many areas, especially in the Middle East. The money that these countries are getting

from the trade, whether legal or illegal, is funding weapons and armies and therefore prolonging

many wars. Countries that are rich in rare natural resources are using this in a negative way to

promote warfare. The country of Belgium does not produce many of its own natural resources

and therefore depends heavily on other countries for trade in order to get the natural resources

that their citizens need in order to live properly. Belgium has seen this issue go on for many

years, and is looking to stop it once and for all. Natural resources and commodities should be

used for the good of all countries around the world, and not used to create and prolong wars.

Belgium relies on countries in Africa like Sudan and Egypt for their water supply, yet this often

times becomes disrupted as conflict has broken out between these countries over the water

supply that they share. These conflicts not only are horrible because innocent people are being

killed, but they also disrupt trade and cause people to not be able to get the valuable resources

that they need, such as water. Oil has also been a popular natural resource that has caused

conflict. Countries like Kuwait, Iraq, and Sudan are main producers of oil, a natural resource that

people all over the world need. Many countries do not have access to the oil themselves, and

therefore they depend on these countries for their oil supply. Because oil is such a highly needed

commodity, these countries fight with each other and often go to war over the control of the oil

industry. The drug industry has caused major issues in countries such as Afghanistan. Secret

drug trade between Afghanistan and other countries has allowed Afghanistan to receive

enormous amounts of money which is often spent on weapons such as machine guns, bombs, and

tanks for the Taliban, a terrorist organization. Giving more power to a terrorist organization is

something that is detrimental to countries all over the world. Trade is valuable to the economy of

many countries, yet it is being used to fund negative things and also cause wars to go on for

longer than necessary. Belgium has actively been working with other countries in hopes to use

the trade of natural resources and commodities for good things and not bad.

The country of Belgium is looking forward to working with many countries in order to solve this

conflict that is causing unnecessary deaths and unnecessary wars throughout countries, leaving

them in shambles. Belgium is looking to sign a treaty with many of the countries that are

participating in these, and to look for better alternatives for all. These natural resources are

causing issues not only in the countries that possess them, but it is also harming the countries that

depend on these natural resources in order to go about their day to day routines normally. We

hope that there will be a consensus between the countries in the Middle East, and countries all

over the world.

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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


Delegation from: Brazil

Represented by: Lake Ridge Academy

Position Paper for the Disarmament and International Security Committee The issues presented to the Disarmament and International Security Committee of the

United Nations are: Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East; and the

Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict. Brazil hopes to contribute to

these conflicts in a manner that reflects what is best for not only the nation, but in the name of

international betterment. Let it be known that Brazil hopes for, and expects, international

cooperation to come to a final conclusion on the previously stated issues.

I. Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East Many countries in the Middle East has been increasingly interested in developing nuclear

weapon programs with the main international focus being on Iran and Israel. In the past, Iran was

on its way to developing a sufficient amount of uranium to build a viable nuclear weapon. As a

result, the Obama Administration along with the EU-3 (France, Germany, and the United

Kingdom) have come together and put in place the Iran nuclear deal, which has placed

restrictions on Iran from obtaining enough uranium from time periods ranging from 10 to 25

years, with some being permanent. Iran can now only manufacture nuclear substances under

strict regulations. The neighboring states of Iran have become increasingly concerned about

Iran’s increasing nuclear capacity as it would make Iran much more powerful with the next

closest state being several years away from sufficient nuclear development. Israel has also been a

rising problem in dealing with nuclear proliferation. Israel has yet to state whether it possesses or

does not possess a sufficient nuclear weapons development program, though it is widely

accepted that Israel does have a nuclear weapon.. Although neighboring states have serious

concerns about Israel possessing nuclear weapons, there is no sufficient proof and Israel has not

announced whether it does or does not have nuclear weapons in its possession. Since Israel is not

a pronounced nuclear state, it does not have to follow the laws and regulations placed on

announced nuclear states, and can continue manufacturing nuclear weapons without any

restrictions which makes Israel difficult to make an agreement with.

Brazil currently does not have any nuclear weapons nor does it have plans to create a

nuclear weapons manufacturing program. For the most part this is true because Brazil has signed

the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean (Treaty

of Tlatelolco). In fact, in a bilateral agreement with Argentina, both Brazil and Argentina have

agreed to keep the other in check and make sure that nuclear material is used for peaceful

purposes only through the Brazilian-Argentine Agency for Accounting and Control of Nuclear

Materials (ABACC). Although Brazil does not rely on nuclear material for making weapons, 3%

of Brazil’s electricity comes from two nuclear power plants: Angra I and Angra II. Brazil

currently has plans to build a third power plant, Angra III, and plans to be entirely self-sufficient

in nuclear energy manufacturing by the year 2030. Brazil currently sits on one of the world’s

largest uranium reserves and, in theory, could enrich its own uranium to supply all of its needs

for nuclear energy, but it chooses not to.

Brazil fully supports the Iran nuclear deal and hopes to place more restrictions on nuclear

materials so they can only be used for peaceful purposes. Additionally, Brazil hopes that other

countries would follow by its example and refuse to sign any extensions to the NPT until other

states possessing nuclear arms have further progressed towards a state of disarmament. Brazil

will continue to export potentially sensitive nuclear material, however, it will remain in a state of

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disarmament in regards to nuclear weapons. With the aid of the EU-3 plus three, Brazil hopes to

diplomatically determine whether or not Israel possesses nuclear arms, with hopes of placing

restrictions on the country to ensure the safety of the surrounding states

II. The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict Currently there are 20 million people that rely on the Amazon river for their water

supply. People not only need the Amazon for drinking water, but for transportation and a source

of food as well. As humans continue to pollute the waters due to the heavy operation of machines

near the Amazon river, the ecological health dwindles. With resources in the Amazon river

continuing to become scarce, people will continue to fight over the possession of these

increasingly limited commodities. Along with pollution, water from the Amazon is also

decreasing due to water being illegally taken and trucked to countries in the Middle-East and

Europe in a process known as hydro-piracy. Tankers can return back to their countries carrying

upwards of five million gallons of water that has been illegaly obtained from the Amazon river.

Activities such as these could lead to major conflicts over freshwater as around 20% of the

world's freshwater comes from the Amazon river. Soy is also a major natural resource in Brazil.

Soy products have contributed to the deforestation of the Amazon rainforest, since farmers have

needed larger areas to grow the crop in. This issue has for the most part been resolved since

soybean traders have signed the SoyM contract, which is and agreement between traders not to

purchase soybeans grown on land that was previously rainforest.

Brazil gets 75% of its freshwater from the Amazon river alone. The Amazon river is a

significant source of freshwater for the entire world, which makes it an excellent resource to use

strategically for future economic development. If Brazil were to place a higher export-tax on

freshwater, it could benefit the economy and aid in departments where it is needed most. Brazil

has enough water to supply its people but there must be stricter regulations and security to

prevent people from exporting the water illegally.

Brazil proposes a plan to place better regulations on the Amazon river making it a cleaner

river, while at the same time making it harder to be shipped to countries to be illegally bottled

up. These regulations will be put both on the industrial plants surrounding the river and on

exports from the river. The SoyM is also an important agreement since it prevents deforestation

of the Amazon rainforest and preserves the natural resources located there. Brazil would like to

keep abiding by the SoyM agreement in hopes to preserve the natural resources of the Amazon


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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


Delegation from: the Kingdom of Cambodia Represented by: Rocky River High School

Position Paper for the General Assembly, 1st Committee

The positions that have been placed in front of the General Assembly, 1st Committee are the following: Addressing

the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East; and The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in

Fueling Conflict. The Kingdom of Cambodia has been a prominent participant in addressing global nuclear

proliferation and the exploitation of natural resources in conflict and is committed to reducing tensions globally by

re-examining these issues in the 1st Committee of the UN General Assembly.

I. Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East The Kingdom of Cambodia highly supports the work of the United Nations to address the risk of nuclear

proliferation around the globe. Since the beginning of the atomic age, nuclear proliferation has been a major threat

to global stability that has been addressed by the international community. However, with the political situation in

the Middle East not getting any better and with increasing talk of the possible development of WMDs in the region,

redoubling our efforts to ensure nuclear proliferation will not occur must be a priority of the UN. As a main

contributor to the Southeast Asian Nuclear-Weapon-Free-Zone Treaty (SEANWFZ), designed to declare the region

in which all signatories reside a nuclear weapon free zone, Cambodia’s interests align with the members of this

committee to ensure that political tensions in the Middle East do not worsen because of nuclear proliferation. With

that being said, the Kingdom of Cambodia highly encourages this committee to draft resolutions to adequately

address the risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East. The Cambodian government and its citizens understand the dangerous risk that nuclear proliferation poses in the

modern world. In order to confront this new kind of threat, certain regions, especially those in turmoil, have to be

addressed for they have a higher chance of its radical groups obtaining nuclear weapons. That is why containing the

number of factions who have access to these WMDs is a high priority that the Cambodian people urge its

government to address. In response to this urging, the government of Cambodia has signed the Partial Nuclear Test

Ban Treaty (PTBT), the Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), the Comprehensive Nuclear-

Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT), and the Southeast Asian Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Treaty (SEANWFZ): all of which

are designated to promote nuclear disarmament and to ensure that the security and stability of the world will not be

altered by rogue factions, possessing the most dangerous weapons on Earth. Back in 2012, the Cambodian

government also sent letters to the five major nuclear powers urging them to sign the protocol to the treaty. As

encouraging as the amount of treaties our government and many others have managed to agree upon, one of the

world's most vitally important and utterly unstable regions, the Middle East, is one of the few who have not been

given special attention by the international community in promoting mutual security through eradicating any chance

of nuclear proliferation. What the Kingdom of Cambodia would like to see come out of this conference is a resolution or a series of

resolutions addressing the risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East on multiple fronts. One such front is the

possibility of a regional treaty in the Middle East to address the issue of nuclear proliferation. Our government urges

the UN to encourage the nations of the Middle East to create a similar treaty to SEANWFZ, where all signatories are

obligated not to develop, manufacture or otherwise acquire, possess or have control over nuclear weapons, or station

nuclear weapons anywhere inside or outside the treaty zone. Another front our government would like to see

addressed is ways for the world to counter any secret development of nuclear weapons by exhorting an intelligence

sharing of nations. Countries residing in both the Middle East and elsewhere would have a sharing of intelligence to

solely ensure that no plot to acquire or develop nuclear weapons is manifesting in the region. Our final major front

that the government of Cambodia would like to see addressed would be to ensure the safe and secure development

of atomic energy in the Middle East by encouraging more stringent security around facilities that handle nuclear

material, sites where nuclear material is housed or extracted, and where electricity is produced through nuclear

means; developing safer ways to transport nuclear material. The government of Cambodia stands firm about its

beliefs in nuclear proliferation and ways the international community should confront it. The Kingdom of Cambodia

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and its people are optimistic about what this committee can accomplish and are hopeful that we lay the foundation

for a more secure and cooperative world. II. Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict

The Kingdom of Cambodia knows that it is imperative for the United Nations to address the role of commodities

and natural resources in fueling conflict around the world. Conflicts in the Democratic Republic of the Congo,

Afghanistan, and many others across the globe are currently being funded by various levels of exploitation of the

environment. Whether if it's using slave labor to extract diamonds or illegally logging sanctioned parts of

rainforests, whoever controls the natural resource in a conflict gets to control its revenue stream, which in turn

promotes, intensifies, and/or ignites conflict in the region. Cambodia has had long periods of civil war prolonged by

illegal logging operations conducted by several rebel groups, including the genocidal Khmer Rouge. With this tragic

yet experience-bringing past, the Kingdom of Cambodia encourages this committee to draft resolutions that will

adequately address the role of commodities and natural resources in fueling conflict. Cambodia has had a long painful history with the role of commodities and natural resources in fuelling conflict.

After the communist rebel group, the Khmer Rouge, seized power in the country in 1975, the new government

started exploiting the people of Cambodia as slave workers. The Khmer Rouge did so by forcing the people to

produce vast quantities of rice to sell to China so the war effort against the Vietnamese can be continued. This

straining policy lead to famine at an unprecedented scale, which led to millions starving to death. After the

Vietnamese overran the Khmer Rouge and pushed them to the Thai-Cambodian border, the group started using

gorilla warfare tactics against the newly installed Vietnamese-backed Cambodian government with funds allocated

from logging. Eventually other factions, including the Cambodian government, started using the same process to

gain revenue to fund their military campaigns against one another. This prolonged the violence between the various

factions within the country until the UN intervention in 1995, which finally brought stability to the war-torn nation.

With this regrettable past hanging over the shoulders of the Cambodian people and its new government, the

Kingdom of Cambodia has been committed in encouraging the United Nations to take decisive action in any conflict

fueled, intensified, and/or sparked by the exploitation of natural resources and commodities. Our government has

done so by giving its support to various United Nations resolutions such as S/RES/1689, S/RES/1647, S/RES/1343,

and S/RES/1521, all of which were proven to have been effective in reducing the revenue rebel groups received in

Liberia from extracting diamonds to fund their military campaigns. During this conference, the Kingdom of Cambodia would like to see this First Committee of the General Assembly

to pass one or a series of resolutions that will denounce the exploitation of commodities and natural resources that

fuel conflict; including a series of steps the UN could use that would address any current or future issue related to

this topic. The first step in the procedure that our government recommends would be to classify the resource in

question as whether or not it fits the Global Policy Forum definition of conflict resources. That definition follows as

“natural resources whose systematic exploitation and trade in a context of conflict contribute to, benefit from or

result in the commission of serious violations of human rights, violations of international humanitarian law or

violations amounting to crimes under international law.” To define what the resource in question is, is the first step

to formulate any proper response. That is why this first step is necessary if the UN is going to adequately address

cases that involve the exploitation of commodities and natural resources to fuel conflict. The second step our

government recommends would apply to the resource in question if it was defined as a conflict resource. This

second step would be to impose sanctions on the faction exploiting the said resource that is being used to spark, fuel,

and/or intensify a conflict. With these imposed sanctions on the faction at fault, the revenue the faction originally

earned from the conflict resource will shrink. With a smaller revenue coming in for the sanctioned faction, the next

appropriate step would be the third in our recommended procedure. This would be to pressure the competing

factions in the conflict to begin peace talks supervised by the UN. Since the various factions of the conflict have a

decreased flow of revenue than they did before, they are more likely to come to the negotiating table. During the

civil war in Cambodia against the Khmer Rouge rebels, the international community forced the group to open up to

negotiations, because one of its main revenue sources, illegal logging, was virtually put to a halt by a complete

shutdown of the Thai-Cambodian border. Because of this swift crackdown on their sources of revenue, a peace deal

was eventually reached due to the multiple factions were forced to cooperate under circumstance. One of the main

goals of the United Nations is to ensure lasting peace, and by adequately addressing the issue of commodities and

natural resources in fueling conflict in this procedure, the First Committee of the UN General Assembly is set to

make a difference in resource-driven conflicts around the world.

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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


Delegation of Canada

Represented by Cleveland Heights High School

General Assembly, First Committee: Disarmament and International Security

I: Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East

The spread of nuclear weapons into politically unstable nations is a threat to virtually

every nation on the globe. The destructive properties of nuclear bombs were demonstrated in the

Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, and in nuclear tests dating back to the 1940s.

While nuclear energy technology is recognized by the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty as a

valuable resource for developing nations, the border between energy and weaponry often

becomes blurred in countries lacking financial and government stability, especially in the Middle

East. Despite the concerted efforts of the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs

(UNODA) and the Security Council, as many as 22,000 nuclear weapons remain operational

today. If a nuclear volley were to be launched by any nation, particularly one not allied with the

United States, this nation would see immediate and devastating retaliation.

The complicated issue of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East has been addressed by

the United Nations many times since the advent of nuclear bombs. Despite widespread action

and advocation on the part of Canada and its allies for the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty,

(NPT) the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, (CTBT) and the Fissile Material Cut-off

Treaty. (FMCT) While these efforts have shown success in the majority of nations, they fail to

produce total compliance in all nations. The NPT state parties also agreed to a 13-step plan to

reach global nuclear disarmament at the 2000 NPT Review Conference. The nation of Canada is

compliant with every step of the plan possible at this moment in time. Our actions towards the

enforcement of the CTBT, including hosting seismic and radionuclide stations, help to provide

valuable information to NPT headquarters and party states. But the actions of a single nation

cannot stop nuclear proliferation in the Middle East.

Canada remains supportive of the existing efforts to reduce nuclear proliferation in the

Middle East, with emphasis on the NPT, CTBT, and FMCT. This necessitates action on the part

of party states with large nuclear arsenals. While the nations in the Middle East feel threatened

by the nuclear capability of the United States, Russia, Pakistan, and Israel, among others, they

will continue their efforts to accrue nuclear missiles. Canada believes one way to prevent this is

to increase accessibility of alternate energy sources to nations in the Middle East, reducing the

need for nuclear power. It is in the best interest of nations with large nuclear programs to fund

wind, solar, or geothermal energy programs in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and Turkey,

preventing the need for nuclear programs, for energy or weaponization. This is a necessary

measure to ensure nuclear proliferation in the Middle East does not increase, and cannot lead to

global catastrophe.

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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


II: The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict

Conflicts over natural resources are historically some of the most common instigators of

war. Those resources found only in specific regions can cause both civil and international

struggle. Among some of these resources are diamonds, metals, narcotics, water, and perhaps

most critically, oil. Ongoing conflicts in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Sierra Leone,

Angola, and Liberia indicate the pressing nature of this topic. Mining for minerals is the source

of countless deaths and human rights violations, and can be disastrous for the environment.

Conflict over water can also be disastrous, as rivers shared within two or more nations can lead

directly to armed conflict. Diamonds, perhaps the most well known and lucrative example of

conflict goods, have provided arms to war criminals and rebels in several African nations, and

their collection and trade is often fraught with human rights crimes of the worst order. It falls to

the General Assembly’s First Committee to discuss the safe management and distribution of

natural resources, and their role in global conflict.

Canada remains supportive of actions taken to reduce trade-based conflict. One such

effort is the Kimberley Process, of which Canada was chair in 2004. We were the first vice-chair

of the organization, and it has been largely successful in reducing the conflict diamond trade in

western and southern Africa. Partnership Africa Canada, (PAC) a non-governmental

organization focused on resource governance in conflict regions, has made significant strides in

anti-supply-chain action, using due diligence and offering support to those harmed by the

conflict mineral industry. In conjunction with the Security Council, we have also aided in the

institution of multiple resolutions on commodity conflicts. We feel it is critical to maintain this

history of action.

The Canadian North-South Institute held a conference in May of 2013, determining that

when properly managed, the natural resources of African nations can contribute positively to

their economic development. This proper management, it was decided, should be executed by

global powers in cooperation with the national government, and not by for-profit corporations.

Another important task in reducing the viability of the trade of conflict goods is their

identification and seizure, as is exemplified in the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme.

While we recognize that the United Nations does not have jurisdiction over national policies, we

reiterate that programs like this cannot succeed without international compliance. It is with

global cooperation that we will see a decline in commodity conflicts both civil and international.

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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


Delegation from: China

Mentor High School

Position Paper for the General Assembly

The issues before the General Assembly are: the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East

and the Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict. China has taken notice

of the risk of nuclear activity in the Middle East. China has also taken notice on the conflict

between commodities and natural resources.

I. The Risk Factor of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East

China does not support the use of nuclear weapons in the Middle East. China also has taken

notice the the rising number of nuclear weapons in this area. The risk of destruction is extremely

high and china thinks this should be contained. In order to do so it is thought that new

regulations should be but in place and that china will not take part in this activity. The data of

nuclear weapons have drasticly risen since the Cold War

Recognizing the importance of the safety of citizens, China believes that new regulations must

be put in place in order to protect the people, and that places in the Middle East such as North

Korea and Russia should stop the production of nuclear weapons, and other produce when


China understands the threat that these rising numbers cause and will take action if needed.

China also realizes that trillions of dollars have gone into the production of nuclear weapons, but

does not advise taking action and using these weapons.


China realizes the rising conflict that our natural resources has caused, by will not

stop producing or using them to our advantage. We refuse to take action to stop. We

realize the US is upset that we have made islands to secure our resources.

As of now, China as successfully bought and obtained islands to keep our natural


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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


Delegation from: The Republic of Columbia

Represented by: Rocky River High School

Position Paper for the General Assembly

The issues to be resolved by the General Assembly are: Addressing the Risk of Nuclear

Proliferation in the Middle East. Columbia’s primary international priority is to preserve peace

and sustains human rights correspondingly for every individual worldwide. Columbia seeks to

maintain this high-level priority through vibrant communication and cooperation for the backing

of world peace and human rights with other countries and institutions.

I. Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East

As more nations in the Middle East continue to stockpile nuclear weapons, The Republic of

Columbia is concerned with an eminent global nuclear war. First and foremost, Columbia

advocates the Colombian Policy on Disarmament and International Security. Columbia also

advocates negotiations between countries in dissent over the disarmament of nuclear weapons

like Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United States. Columbia seeks to maintain a global peace and

equally address the human rights of all suffering people worldwide. Nuclear proliferation is a

show of force and as it is not an immediate threat to the citizens of the world, it is highly

dangerous the world peace and good standing international affairs and good relations within the

United Nations.

In the Colombian Policy on Disarmament and International Security, it states that Columbia

promotes the complete disarmament of all foreign countries and itself of all nuclear weapons

hostile to life. Columbia does not advocate nuclear proliferation in any way, as it is a means of

inciting warfare between countries. Columbia has also signed the Treaty non-Proliferation of

Nuclear Weapons (NPT) and is on the ratification process of the Comprehensive Nuclear-test-

ban Treaty (CTBT).

Nuclear proliferation is seen in the Middle East in countries like Iran. Iran claims to have nuclear

weapons that can obliterate countries like the United States. Columbia urges countries like Iran

to proceed with disarmament of their supposed nuclear weapons stockpile. Columbia also urges

the United States and all other members of the UN and world to disarm their nuclear weapons.

This is all part of the Columbia's international peace initiative. Columbia also asks Saudi Arabia

to disarm their nuclear weapons. If international defense against terrorism or warring nations is

an issue to countries like Saudi Arabia and Iran, then Columbia asks the assembly to permit non-

nuclear weapons for these affairs. The Republic of Columbia calls the Columbian Policy of

Disarmament and International Security to the assembly as a general model and solution for the

increasing risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East. If the General Assembly sees the risk

as low, then they should be reminded that the Middle East is a very volatile region in the world

and threats of nuclear proliferation are always communicated between countries like Iran and the

United States. Columbia also asks that more countries that are not part of the NPT like Israel to

join the NPT. The Republic of Columbia wishes that the assembly will share the same ideal of

world peace and equal human rights to all individuals. The Republic of Columbia firmly believes

that nuclear proliferation is not the means to a peaceful future.

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II. The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict

International conflicts over natural recourses violate many international humanitarian laws.

They also violate many international human rights laws and are a threat to the wellbeing of the

citizens that reside in these dissenting nations. In the past 20 years, about one out of three

United Nations peacekeeping missions were dedicated to alleviating feuds over natural

resources. The worst of these cases is nonrenewable natural resources such as coal and natural

oils. The Republic of Columbia seeks to promote world peace and end these quarrels as

effectively as possible.

The Republic of Columbia is the third largest exporter of oil in South America. Columbia has

effectively streamlined petroleum and oil exportation in the past and wants to share their conflict

free methods with the assembly. The Republic of Columbia is focused on maintaining human

rights regarding the exportation of oil and petroleum and sees to it that the citizens of these

nations have their human rights comprehensively coordinated between export country and the

recipient country of the resource. Columbia wishes to give a voice to peoples oppressed in

countries where they are unjustly exploited for their natural resources. This is very prevalent in

the history of Africa as England exploited many countries like Nigeria, Sierra Leonne, and South


The Republic of Columbia asks the assembly to use many UN resolutions such as S/RES/1689,

S/RES/1647, S/RES/1343, and S/RES/1521 which limits illegal exportation of diamonds from

Liberia; S/RES/1295; S/RES/1643 which imposes restrictions on the import of diamonds from

Côte d’Ivoire; S/RES/1306 and S/RES/1171 which levied embargoes on Sierra Leone; and

S/RES/1173 which forbid import of diamonds from Angola not authorized by the Angolan

government. The Republic of Columbia asks the assembly to use these resolutions to formulate

new methods of alleviating feuding countries in conflicts over commodities and natural

resources. The Republic of Columbia also asks of the Assembly to brief the Kimberly Process

which is an industry and civil society initiative that halts the flow of conflict diamonds and rough

diamonds used by rebel movements to finance wars against recognized and legitimate

governments. Through these methods, the Republic of Columbia hopes to achieve a lasting peace

for all nations in conflict over natural resources and justice and maintenance of the human

rights of the people in these dissenting countries.

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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


Committee: General Assembly, First Committee

Topic A: Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East

Topic B: The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict

Country: The Republic of Congo

Position Paper for the General Assembly, First Committee

The topics presented to the council are: Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East; and The

Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict. The Republic of Congo, among many other

nations, has concerns pertaining to the Nuclear Arms Race occurring in the Middle East, and its inevitably drastic

effect on the world. Furthermore, Congo wishes to advocate a solution to the ongoing conflict caused by natural


I. Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East

Nuclear proliferation is defined as being “the spread of nuclear weapons, fissionable material, and weapons-

applicable to nuclear technology and information to nations not recognized as ‘Nuclear Weapons States’”. Nuclear

weapons became a pivotal and destabilizing factor of life in 1945 when the first atomic bomb was dropped on

Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the United States, resulting in the deaths of over 129,000 soldiers and innocent civilians.

Furthermore, this bombing changed the basis of how countries resolved their conflicts, and gave rise to a new,

devastating form of war. Since 1945, numerous treaties and resolutions have been passed and ratified to stem the

illegal dispersion, testing, and violent use of nuclear weaponry and technology worldwide. The “Treaty on the Non-

Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons”(NPT), “ Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapon Tests in the Atmosphere, in Outer

Space and Underwater” (PTBT), “Comprehensive Nuclear-Test Ban Treaty”(CTBT), were each designed to

promote the cessation of the nuclear arms race among nations. However, they have once again become a major issue

as nuclear weapons have begun to spread in unsanctioned portions of the Middle East. The recent event of Iran

requesting to obtain an atomic bomb has led to a Nuclear Arms Race in the Middle East, as countries are perceiving

Iran’s drive to obtain a nuclear bomb as a threat, and are eager to procure the resources necessary to protect their

countries. As of May 2016, the countries that have been participating in the most recent nuclear arms race are as

follows: Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia, Turkey, Syria, Kuwait,

Qatar, and Oman. And, as can be imagined, the development of that amount of nuclear technology in one sector of

the earth would pose an incredibly dangerous threat to life as a whole.

In regards to the aforementioned topic, The Republic of Congo (Congo) feels strongly that the acquisition of nuclear

weapons by non-nuclear weapon states would be detrimental to society and lead to the endangerment of millions of

people. Congo put these sentiments into action when it became a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty

in October of 1978. This treaty, ratified in 1968, sought to ensure the peaceful use of nuclear technology and prevent

the illegal acquisition and use. Since 1968, the UN has taken numerous measures to resolve the ever-important issue

of nuclear weapons. One of these measures was the Pelindaba Treaty that opened for signature in April of 1996, and

declared the continent of Africa to be a Nuclear-Weapons-Free-Zone. A second example of these measures was the

Comprehensive Nuclear-Test Ban Treaty that “bans all nuclear explosions, for both civilian and military purposes,

in all environments.” Congo has continually proven their dedication to the non-proliferation cause by signing the

Pelindaba Treaty on Jan 27, 1997 and the CTBT on Feb 11, 1997.

The burgeoning Nuclear Arms Race in the Middle East is putting the entire human race in eminent danger. If this

race is not terminated expeditiously, then it could lead to irreparable damage to the climate, environment, and

millions of deaths of innocent people. Accordingly, The Republic of Congo proposes that the first step that the

United Nations take in solving this monumental issue be to evaluate each country’s current nuclear capability. An

environment of secrecy and mistrust in the Middle East has lead to uncertainty regarding each country’s true

capabilities and intentions where nuclear technology is concerned. Middle Eastern countries threatened by a nuclear

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capable Iran, continue to prepare like-nuclear weapons, in spite of the Iran Deal, brokered by the United States. The

Iran Deal is viewed by many as a temporary solution to an everlasting predicament. Congo proposes that the UN as

a whole take a more proactive role to build upon the gains made in the Iran Deal. Furthermore, Congo suggests that

the United Nations examine the benefits that a treaty, much like the Pelindaba Treaty, would have on the nuclear

arms race in the Middle East. The development of a treaty that declared the Middle East a nuclear-weapons-free-

zone, would contribute heavily to the prompt cessation of the nuclear arms race. Having its intended effect, this

treaty would serve as a temporary, but adequate solution to the nuclear weapons conflict, until a

more permanent arrangement can be devised.

II. The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict

Over the course of history, resources and commodities have continually been a cause of innumerable wars, border

crises, terrorist attacks, etc. Some of the bloodiest battles in the world have been fought over and fueled by

resources, or lack thereof. Some of the most publicized of these conflicts include the American Civil War, the

Finnish-Soviet War, Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait, and the Pearl Harbor strike. Cotton, nickel, oil, food, and metal were

the prime causes of each of these conflicts, respectively. If countries did not value/were not as dependent upon said

resources, it is likely that the conflicts in question could have been avoided, or at the very least, resolved in a more

peaceful manner. Conflict resources are defined as “natural resources that are extracted in a conflict zone and sold to

perpetuate the fighting”. “Blood” diamonds, oil, drugs, water, and minerals (cassiterite, wolframite, coltan, and gold

ore) are all examples of commodities that have caused major strife in the past. In recent years, a harrowing

escalation of violence surrounds high-demand conflict resources including kidnappings, bombings, murders and

rebel group invasions. The rebel groups that commit the crimes necessary to procure these resources approach the

issue in an incredibly deliberate and organized fashion, relying heavily on the obtaining and exploitation of these

resources to finance their efforts.

The Republic of Congo is a country that, along with many others, is incredibly susceptible to conflict derived from

natural resources and commodities. That is because its economy relies heavily upon their exports of conflict

resources such as petroleum, cocoa, and diamonds. However, several countries within the continent of Africa,

including the Democratic Republic of Congo, Nigeria, and South Sudan have been suffering from more extreme

versions of resource-related conflict. They have succumbed to the rebel groups that terrorize civilians violently in

the name of greed and money. Battles, riots, and protests fueled by said rebel groups have plagued the continent of

Africa for over two decades. Over 4,000 deaths in 2014 alone ensued as a result of rebel groups killing and bombing

innocent civilians in attempts to possess certain commodities. Although the United Nations has taken numerous

effective measures against these prolonged conflicts (i.e. S/RES/1689, S/RES/1647, S/RES/1343, and S/RES/1521),

no permanent solutions have been discovered.

The Republic of Congo would like to recognize that, in recent years, conflict tied to natural resources and high-

valued commodities has escalated greatly. In the country of Nigeria alone, from the years of 1997-2014, over 300

resource-related conflicts have occurred. Congo proposes that the United Nations take a prominent role in educating

consumers about the role that purchasing certain products or materials has had in contributing to resource-related

conflict. Companies that profit from the use of conflict resources and commodities are perpetuating violence.

Creating an atmosphere that no longer tolerates corporate profits from conflict resources is a solid way to reduce

demand for these resources; and it can lead to a reduction in money available to finance further violence. In addition

to education, the UN should promote consumer demand for “conflict-free” products and materials. Natural resources

with a “conflict-free” designation are those that are mined in areas not plagued by warfare. The Congo believes that

as demand for “conflict-free” products increases, many of the rebel groups will become unstable with no way to pay

for weapons and soldiers. Support to expand conflict-free zones will result in the successful reduction of resource-

related conflicts within regions previously accustomed to experiencing violence related to the acquisition of natural

resources and high-demand commodities.

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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


Committee: General assembly

Topic: risk of nuclear proliferation

Country: Costa Rica

School:Lincoln West

The issue being discussed is the risk of nuclear proliferation. Costa Rica is a part of the non-

proliferation treaty and believe in nuclear disarmament for the sake of human security,

democracy, and international law. A past action of the committee was in fact the NPT in 1970.

The issues costa rica will be discussing are the increasing rise of proliferation of nukes and the

disarmament of nukes. In 1997 costa rica submitted a treaty known as the model nuclear

weapons convention, which prohibited development, testing, production, stockpiling, transfer,

use, and threat of use of nuclear weapons.

Costa Rica does not personally possess nuclear weapons and signed the NPT in 1970. We

are recognized as a non-nuclear weapon state and believe that nuclear weapons should not be

used in worldwide conflicts. We are also a part of the Latin American and Caribbean nuclear-

weapon-free-zone treaty also known as the treaty of tlatelolco. Costa Rica feels like the best

solution for nuclear proliferation is to ban nuclear weapons from all conflict and which ever

country uses them should be tried for treason under international law. Too many innocent

civilians are at risk when nuclear weapons are used in worldwide conflicts. We as human beings

should really consider the amount of damage nuclear weapons have on our survival as human


In conclusion nuclear proliferation is a giant issue and should be addressed as such. Costa

Rica feels that a resolution should involve the immediate termination of nukes and nuclear

weapons. Also any country participating in the use of such weapons be tried for treason against

humanity. Nuclear weapons have no real use besides destruction and chaos.

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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


Delegation from: Côte d’Ivoire

Represented by: Cleveland Heights High School

Position Paper for General Assembly, First Committee The issues before the General Assembly are: Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East, and

The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict. The nation of Côte d’Ivoire is devoted to the

safety of all people and addressing national conflicts in peaceful ways, and hopes to continue to see the advancement

of advocacy for all issues currently facing countries from all around the globe.

Topic I: Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East

Nuclear proliferation has been an issue of increasing relevance for over 70 years, since the first nuclear full-scale

test of an implosion type atomic fission bomb in 1945, by the United States. Not three weeks after the first test, the

United States dropped an atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. The effects were devastating; nearly

130,000 people were either killed or wounded. Then, three days later, a second bomb was dropped on Nagasaki,

another Japanese city. This time, over 74,000 were killed, and an additional 75,000 were injured (of the 286,000

people living in that area at the time, this killed or wounded over 47% of the population). These horrific bombings

are just one of many examples of times where the advancement of nuclear weapons has proven to have devastating

outcomes. As of today, there are nine countries that are generally recognized to have nuclear weapons. These

countries are (in order of largest to smallest nuclear arsenal) Russia, the United States, France, China, the United

Kingdom, Pakistan, India, Israel, and North Korea. It should be noted that the five members of the Security Council

(Russia, the United States, France, China and the United Kingdom) were the first developers of nuclear weapons,

and are currently posses the five largest stockpiles of said weapons. And while these nine countries are the only ones

generally recognized as owning nuclear weapons, that doesn’t mean they’re the only ones that possess these

weapons. Countries such as Belgium, Germany, Italy, Turkey and the Netherlands, deploy and store American

nuclear weapons as part of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) agreements, and other countries such as

South Korea, Canada and Greece have previously had similar agreements with the United States. Middle Eastern

countries, such as Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey, Syria, Oman, and most notably the Islamic Republic of Iran have

been under scrutiny in recent years due to uncertainty surrounding their nuclear programs. However, on July 14,

2015, the United States entered a historic nuclear deal with Iran, which lifted some sanctions from Iran, however

there are still sanctions in place. Prior to this deal, Iran had taken numerous steps to decrease their nuclear programs,

dismantling and removing two-thirds of its centrifuges, shipping 25,000 pounds of enriched uranium out of the

country, and provided unprecedented access to its nuclear facilities and supply chain. The Iran Deal blocks the four

pathways to a nuclear weapon. Furthermore, under the new nuclear deal, Iran has committed to extraordinary and

robust monitoring, verification, and inspection by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

In 1961, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) first adapted a resolution, which called upon member states

to consider and respect Africa as a nuclear free zone. In 1964, the Organization of African Unity (OAU) issued the

Declaration on the Denuclearization of Africa, which was then endorsed by the UNGA. Côte d’Ivoire ratified the

treaty in 1999, along with the countries of Botswana and Mali. In total, the treaty has 39 members, is of a permanent

nature, and thus shall remain in force indefinitely. Furthermore, Côte d’Ivoire has formally endorsed the ICAN

Humanitarian Pledge, which, “[Pledges]... to follow the imperative of human security for all and to promote the

protection of civilians against risks stemming from nuclear weapons,” ("Humanitarian Pledge." ICAN. N.p., n.d.

Web. 25 Sept. 2016.) and further calls upon all nuclear weapons possessors to take concrete preventative measures

against the risk of nuclear weapon detonations, including reducing the operational status of nuclear weapons and

moving nuclear weapons away from deployment into storage, diminishing the role of nuclear weapons in military

doctrines and rapid reductions of all types of nuclear weapons. This pledge has been looked upon favorably by many

prominent figures, one of whom is in fact Ban Ki-moon, the UN chief, saying, “I salute ICAN for working with such

commitment and creativity.”

Côte d’Ivoire would like to extend a hand and work in conjunction with other countries around the world to decrease

the global risk of nuclear proliferation, and believes that the gradual denuclearization of all nations is the best

approach. Realistically, all of the nuclear warheads cannot and will not be removed, especially considering the quite

substantial nuclear stockpiles held by some countries, so the objective would instead focus more on simply

decreasing said stockpiles. Furthermore, it is of the utmost importance that all countries have complete transparency

regarding their nuclear programs, as dubiety and uncertainty can only lead to (possibly deadly) mishaps. Côte

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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


d’Ivoire would also like to see more countries follow the steps Iran has taken in recent years to decrease their

nuclear presence, and believes that Iran has set an example for its neighbors in the Middle East.

Topic II: The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict

Natural resources have always been a source of political tension, from the diamond conflicts in seven African

countries in the last two decades (Sierra Leone, Liberia, Angola, the Republic of Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, the Central

African Republic, and the Democratic Republic of Congo), to the conflict between Iraq and Kuwait over control of

Kuwait’s oil reserves. Natural resources are defined as, “materials or substances such as minerals, forests, water, and

fertile land that occur in nature and can be used for economic gain.” ("The Definition of Natural Resource." N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Oct. 2016.) Arguably one of the most precious natural resources is water, not

only due to its necessity for survival, but also, the resource is essential for producing food, clothing, and computers,

keeping the environment healthy, etc. Water use has grown at more than twice the rate of population increase in the

last century. By 2025, an estimated 1.8 billion people will live in areas plagued by water scarcity, with two-thirds of

the world's population living in water-stressed regions as a result of use, growth, and climate change. Furthermore,

water can fuel conflict not only through the competition for water sources, but also by using water as a weapon or

military tool. For example, starting mid-June of 2015, Syrian rebel groups in Ain Al-Fijah cut off water supply

completely to the Syrian capital, Damascus, in order to force the government to implement a truce.

In 2004, Cote d’Ivoire was a divided nation, in the midst of a violent civil war that had reached a temporary

stalemate: the rebels controlled the diamond-rich north, while the government controlled the south. In an attempt to

prevent diamonds from playing too much a role in funding the conflict, the United Nations placed a ban on the

export of diamonds from Cote d’Ivoire. Conflict has since been resolved, and in 2014 the ban on diamond export

was lifted, but not after more than 3,000 people were killed and irreversible atrocities were committed by both sides.

Instances like this are not uncommon around the world throughout history, especially in underdeveloped and

developing countries. Water is often used during times of conflict as a military tool. The aforementioned case of

Syrian rebel groups in Ain Al-Fijah cutting off water supply completely to the Syrian capital, Damascus, in order to

force the government to implement a truce, is one of many cases of its type, and while these instances can be highly

effective measures when it comes to reaching a goal during times of conflict, this may not always be the best way to

go about things. Globally, almost 780 million people live without access to clean water (an estimated 2.5 billion

people lack access to improved sanitation), and a majority of those people live in underdeveloped and developing

countries, such as many countries located in Africa. Exploiting the fact that many people already do not have

enough access to clean water as a military tool is unacceptable.

Cote d’Ivoire would like to work in conjunction with other countries to face together the very prominent issue of

conflict fueled by natural resources. Cote d’Ivoire is open to many suggestions, but would especially like to see a

resolution wherein countries agree to certain specific guidelines regarding the consumption of natural resources that

are from high conflict areas where natural resources may play a significant role in further fueling said conflict. It is

of the utmost importance that countries set clear guidelines and have true transparency, as confusion can only lead to

conflict. In Cote d’Ivoire, the ban that was placed on blood diamond export during the civil war proved to be a very

affective measure, and Cote d’Ivoire would fully support the implementation of the same method on other countries

that may face the same issue that we went through in 2004. Furthermore, we believe that countries should show

clear disapproval towards using natural resources as military tools during times of conflict, especially in cases such

as cutting off someone’s water source. While Cote d’Ivoire recognizes that this may be a very affective measure, we

feel that it is not in everyone’s best interest, as it can have a very severe impact on people in a majorly negative


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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


Delegation from: The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

Represented by: Mentor High School

Position Paper for the General Assembly

The topics being presented before the General Assembly are: Addressing the Risk of Nuclear

Proliferation in the Middle East; and the Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling

Conflict. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, also known as North Korea, seeks to find

peace through nuclear proliferation and the end of conflicts involving commodities.

I. Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East

From the birth of nuclear weapons, only the superpowers of the world have had the luxury of

having them. These nuclear weapons, first created in the United States, are now a part of several

countries’ military; Russia, the United Kingdom, France, and China, along with a new countries

that never signed the Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons, or NPT, including

Israel, Pakistan, and India. Since the signing of this treaty, North Korea has withdrawn, and has

since developed their own nuclear ability. Now, countries are discussing nuclear weapons in the

Middle East, mainly Iran, but the possibility always exists in the surrounding countries. North

Korea supports the spread of nuclear weapons to other countries.

After North Korea withdrew support from the NPT and developed their own nuclear weapons

program, they have created a safer environment. Although the surrounding countries may fear

what North Korea may do with these weapons, officials have repeatedly stated that nuclear

weapons are only to be used if attacked first. They know that if they strike first, then they would

be annihilated. This idea of mutually assured destruction from the Cold War is what has kept any

nuclear warheads from being launched. This is why North Korea supports the spreading of

nuclear weapons. If every country has nuclear weapons, then the idea of mutually assured

destruction would prevent any one country from using them.

For the Supreme Leader’s dream of nuclear proliferation to be achieved, the United Nations

needs to stay out of a country’s business in developing weapons of mass destruction. Any efforts

the United Nations has made to stop North Korea has been unsuccessful. The sanctions they have

placed have been detrimental to the economy and the people in particular, but have not halted the

development and production of nuclear weapons. The Resolutions of 1718, 1874, 2087,2094,

and 2270 all placed sanctions, limiting imports and exports, did more harm than good, punishing

the people more then the government, meanwhile, nuclear weapons continued to be developed. If

the United Nations does not support the spread of nuclear weapons, then North Korea serves an

example of how sanctions are not the answer to their problems. Unless the UN is going to use

force, nuclear weapons can and will be developed. However, war is long and expensive, and not

worth the lives of the soldiers that would die. North Korea hopes that the United Nations allows

the spread of nuclear weapons, and if not, to implore that neither war nor sanctions are the

answer, as the people will be hurt more that the nuclear programs.

II. The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict

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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


From the onset of the Industrial Revolution, the need for natural resources to fuel economic

machines has vastly increased. One of the ways to supply this demand was through colonies,

established by the powerful countries, Spain, England, Portugal, and others. These countries

would have all out wars over taking these colonies, and eventually, the biggest war of all broke

out, World War I, which soon led to World War II. During the Second World War, Japan

conquered the Korean peninsula for the resources it produced. At the conclusion of the war,

Korea was granted independence, and after a bloody civil war, North Korea and South Korea

were formed. However, this division was not done smoothly, and many tensions over lands and

surrounding seas remained, such as conflicts over fishing and drilling rights in the easterns seas

of the Korean Peninsula. North Korea can personally attest that conflicts over natural resources

need to end.

With the conflict with South Korea over border disputes, the Supreme Leader is trying to fix the

issue without further conflict. North Korea has and will always try to pursue the peaceful option

first. Just like with the development of nuclear weapons, North Korea does not intend to use

them unless provoked. Additionally, due to the extreme sanctions that have been placed on the

nation due to nuclear weapons, getting as many natural resources as possible would be

beneficial; hopefully, without any conflict.

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea desire for the talks with the United Nations to be

fulfilled peacefully. The hopes are that any current sanctions that have been placed to be

removed. Doing this removes any need for conflict over the natural resources in the conflicted

areas. Additionally, any resolutions passed helping the economy of North Korea, and will ensure

the beloved Supreme Leader Kim Jong-Un continues his leadership without incident. If there is a

prosperous economy, the people will be prosperous, the people will be happy, the nation will be

secure, and Kim Jong-Un will have an everlasting reign over its citizens.

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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


Delegation from: The Democratic Republic of the Congo

Represented by: Lake Ridge Academy

Position Paper for the General Assembly

The issues before the General Assembly are: Addressing the risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the

Middle East; and The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict. The DR

Congo has both an economic and diplomatic history with countries on opposite sides of the

nuclear debate. The DRC hopes to move towards a peaceful resolution to these rising tensions

and bring to the assembly’s attention the role of resources in conflict.

I. Addressing the risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East.

In the midst of rising tensions in the Middle East, the Democratic Republic of the Congo wishes

to maintain neutrality and work towards global nuclear disarmament and the global proliferation

of constructive uses of nuclear power. The DRC is recognized as a Non-Nuclear Weapons State

(NNWS) and strives to keep that title amid years of raging resource wars. The DRC’s

government wishes to convince the rest of the world to follow suit into a pacifistic resolution to

Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East, while allowing all countries and nations access to

nuclear technology with the purpose of energy production.

The use of nuclear weapons in the past has only ever resulted in hundreds of lives lost. Currently,

the DR Congo is engaged in a resource war that has cost nearly six million lives without the use

of nuclear technology on both sides. If nuclear weapons had been used, the lives lost as an effect

of its use would be in the millions, possibly even billions. Consequently, the government of the

Democratic Republic of Congo stiffly believes that the use of nuclear power with the purpose of

destroying life, whether used by state or non-state actors, is not acceptable. However, it is agreed

that all countries should have access to the means to harness nuclear power in a safe,

constructive manner.

Although the Democratic Republic of Congo is not capable of producing their own nuclear

weapons, the DRC’s government attempted to provide a positive example for other countries that

do have those capabilities by signing and ratifying a variety of peaceful treaties. We did so in

August of 1970 by becoming a state party to the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT), by

joining the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), The Convention for the Suppression of the

Financing of Terrorism (TFC), the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), the Biological and

Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC), the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear

Material (CPPNM), and the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear

Terrorism (NTC). The obvious problem with non-nuclear organizations we have now is that they

cannot control the actions of non-state actors. Terrorist organizations with the means to acquire

nuclear weapons have a relatively easy time doing so, which recently was almost the case in

Turkey, and are then able to cause death and destruction way past what should be possible or

allowed for the development of a modern world. For these reasons, the DRC government urges

the United Nations to develop a program that calls for transparency in nuclear possession and

dealings, and the regulation of non-state actors getting hold of nuclear weapons capable of

causing widespread death.

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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


II. The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict.

As a country that has been involved in a resource war since 1996, the Democratic Republic of

the Congo knows firsthand how natural resources can fuel conflict, and we believe that this topic

should be in the forefront of the minds of the UN council. Conflict resources are a popular form

of profit for rebellious, non-state organizations such as the Taliban and warlords within the DRC.

The DRC delegation knows that natural resources have played a major role in conflicts around

the world in the past and present, and aims to help restrict the import and export of non-state

regulated rough diamonds among other conflict resources.

Mining makes up 28% of the GDP and produces around 70% of the DRC’s main exports,

including copper, cobalt, and diamonds. Rwanda, Namibia, Angola, Chad, Sudan, Libya and

Zimbabwe have been engaged in a war since 1996 over these and more natural resources. If non-

state rebels were to use mining this abundance of resources as a source of profit to buy arms in

May of 2011, they could very possibly have performed a successful coup. The DRC joined the

Kimberley Process shortly after its foundation in 2003 and supported the resolution S/RES/1459

among others that aim to control the role of conflict resources to keep from funding terrorist and

rebel organizations.

The DRC wishes to limit the production and selling of conflict resources as much as possible to

subtract a major portion of the possible profit that militias can earn to fund the arming and

functions of their armies. The DRC delegation urges the United Nations Council to do so by

creating programs that certify the legitimacy of resources being imported and exported. This

work has already started with a set of resolutions that the DRC supports such as S/RES/1689,

S/RES/1647, S/RES/1343, and S/RES/1521; S/RES/1643; S/RES/1306 and S/RES/1171;

S/RES/1295 and S/RES/1173; among many others. The aim of these resolutions, however, is to

restrict the buying and selling of conflict diamonds in particular, as well as only applying to

specific Southern African countries. One problem is that these resolutions only apply to

diamonds, whereas there are a plethora of other options for income through the exploitation of

conflict resources. Many other resources can be utilized in this way; tantalum, tungsten, tin, or

gold mined from ore all are popular for buying and selling for the funding of war. Resolutions

such as S/RES/1625 and S/RES/1653 show that the UN Council has recognized the problem and

aim to solve it. The DRC delegation believes that the UN Council should resolve to restrict the

buying and selling of conflict resources all over the world, and through this and following

courses of action, countries will no longer have to fear being plunged into deadly, bloody civil

wars against verifiable miniature superpowers.

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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


Delegation from: Denmark

Represented by: Orange High School

Position Paper for the United Nations General Assembly

The issues before the United Nations General Assembly are: Preventing Nuclear Proliferation

and Scarcity of Natural Commodities. Denmark is devoted to the prevention of nuclear

proliferation and lack of natural resources and therefore supports the resolution of these issues in

conjunction with the cooperation of other delegations.

I: Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East

As of 2013, Denmark’s population reached 5.614 million citizens and consists of 16,639

square miles. Its gross domestic product reached a total of 335.9 billion in 2013. In the 1900s,

Denmark had a reputation of talking conflicts over rather than even discussing war. Over time,

this changed when conflict arose in the Middle East. Denmark’s nuclear weaponry consisted at a

minute level up until the 1980s.

Denmark has been associated with the fight to sustain nuclear corruption in the Middle

East. Denmark became a part of the Western coalition against Islamic State containing over 60

countries. Denmark has been extremely cautious about how to act during these complicated

nuclear situations. Denmark has been one of the most occupying sources of powers in Iraq from

2003 to 2007. The Libyan war resulted in Denmark holding one of top positions of intensive

bombers in 2011. Speaking with a strong voice in affairs and politics internationally, Danish

fighters were extremely efficient. Denmark has had the ability to have many interactions with the

Middle East. Also, the United States and Denmark have had a close relationship and have

influenced each other with ideas concerning nuclear activity worldwide. Denmark’s focus on

peaceful societies have declined rapidly, and the Danish didn’t seem to be affected by actions of

military in Iraq. Denmark is greatly in favor of the IAEA’s work on nuclear security, in this

context Denmark has been able to contribute to the IAEA’s Nuclear Security Fund. Denmark is

open to adopt different ideas and plans concerning nuclear security from adjacently allied

nations. Although Denmark does not agree to peaceful use of nuclear technology for energy,

Denmark is willing to work out a different solution. Denmark doesn’t believe in the usage of

nuclear technology for its own benefit, but respects other nations for doing so.

In order to resolve the conflicts associated with nuclear activity in the Middle East,

Denmark has contributed multiple possible solutions to reach a stable society containing nuclear

weaponry. The future of peace among European countries and the Middle East depends on

actions made by the nation's containing extreme power in the nuclear category. Denmark

proposes the possibility of a treaty to be developed to sustain the possible tragedy. Another

possible resolution is the confinement of nuclear weaponry with the agreement of all nations.

Finally, Denmark suggests that the use of more technological weaponry as opposed to nuclear

weaponry could oppress violence and nuclear proliferations in the Middle East.

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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


II. The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict

The territory of Denmark includes multiple ideal natural resources for life. Natural gas,

oil, and limestone, and salt are some of the numerous resources in Denmark. Denmark obtains

these resources in the North Sea in Danish waters and underground their land. Relying highly on

foreign trade, the necessity for these resources is major. Denmark unfortunately does not have

any exploitable metallic mineral reserves. However, known as the primary producer of moler for

insulation bricks, Denmark flourishes from this resource. Natural gas and petroleum are the most

profitable mineral commodities in the country.

Natural Commodities throughout the world have led to multiple serious conflicts. The

scarcity of necessary resources has the potential to lead nations into disaster. However, the greed

for certain resources result in possible further conflict. Denmark has been in constant trade with

numerous nations worldwide distribution of resources. Each nation's location results in different

available resources. Countries have been benefiting off of each other for centuries, but the

decline of certain sources have aroused conflicts. Oil has experienced an extreme decline over

the past twenty years. Only certain locations in the world have the ability to produce oil. Multiple

purposes are accompanied from the product oil. Mainly used automobiles, oil affects

transportation across the entire world. The decrease have resulted in many worries,

complications, and need for new inventions. The cautious usage of natural resources has been

majorly affected. Multiple different resources have been experiencing the same issue. Around

40% of Civil Wars have been caused by the leading issue of the decline of natural resources.

Gold has been another major resource that has faced a major decrease in excavation. Gold is

used in wiring, jewelry, sculptures, computers, and many more. The need for gold is a major

necessity for continuing every day life and for the future. There are numerous declining

resources in the world that can lead to major conflicts to arise.

Denmark’s focuses for the future to become more profitable are to promote exploration,

mainly in the petroleum and natural gas sector. High production levels are key to future success.

Denmark believes in the increase in trade. Furthermore, an increase in exploration of new

materials to replace previous. Another resolution is to develop new inventions that disregard

declining resources. Nations need to focus on developing new ways to grow the production of

trade, technology, and new materials. Denmark is working on the increase in exploration of the

North Sea to benefit the future.

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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


Delegation From: Egypt

Represented By: Strongsville High School

Position Paper for the General Assembly First Committee

The issues presented by the General Assembly are: Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation

in the Middle East; and The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict.

Egypt has devoted themselves to the not pursuing nuclear weapons and aims to help lead a

movement towards a nuclear weapons free zone in the Middle East. Egypt hopes that Middle

Eastern nations advocate and cooperate for similar interests in a nuclear weapons free zone.

I. Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East

Egypt highly supports the act of disengaging the development of nuclear weapons in the Middle

East as well as advocating for a movement towards a nuclear weapons free zone within the

Middle East. Egypt has not pursued the development of nuclear weapons, but has focused other

means of warfare in order to remain modernized. Egypt signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation

Treaty (NPT) in 1968. Egypt has previously called upon all countries within the region to join

the NPT develop the Middle East into a nuclear weapons free zone. Egypt has set a new idea of

peace within the Middle East and has set this idea for other nation follow and grasp.

The issue of nuclear proliferation is global and any effective response by any nation must also be

multilateral. There is a need for substantial reduction of nuclear arms, if not total nuclear

disarmament in order to truly satisfy the the security and rights of the people within each nation.

Egypt recognizes the importance of nuclear weapons, but this type of warfare can lead to mass

destruction and unending war between nations. Nuclear weapons proliferation, whether by state

or nonstate actors, poses one of the greatest threats to international security today. Egypt believes

that this warfare is unnecessary and that these nation must protect and secure the people within

each nation. The people and their rights must be protect as nuclear warfare can lead to the death

of millions.

Egypt has consistently advocated for treaties and solutions including the reduction of

development of nuclear armaments such as the NPT and the Geneva Protocol. In reference to

Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, all people have a right to the recourses

necessary for an adequate standard of living and wellbeing. Egypt has supported many treaties

that help control the use of nuclear weapons. Due to the nature of modern conflict, Egypt has

overseen many possible uses and strorages for nuclear arms. With support from the Nuclear

Threat Initiative, Egypt aims to resolve the developing of weapons of mass destruction. The

Geneva Protocol prohibits the use in war of asphyxiating, poisonous, or other gases, and of

bacteriological methods of warfare. Egypts wants to call the attention of nations and the

international community to the NPT/CONF.2005/WP.27. This document states to uphold the

NPT and the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. Egypt urges the international community

to accelerate their efforts towards achieving nuclear disarmament. Egypt also wants to call

attention to A/RES/61/73, which further acknowledges the views on the importance and future

direction of disarmament and non-proliferation education. These documents have been

bellwethers in the advancement and recognition of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East.

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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


Egypt intervenes in this issue as a priority of national security. Egypt mainly aims to create a

movement towards creating the Middle East into a zone free of weapons of mass destruction.

Egypt, along with support from other nations, seeks to resolve this issue. Egypt aim to promote

lasting peace and prosperity among Middle Eastern nations and is willing to assist the

international community to end nuclear development and provide efforts towards nuclear

disarmament among Middle Eastern nations.

II. The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict

Egypt believes that the role of commodities and natural resources in global conflict is of high

importance, yet the use of these resources must be controlled and maintained. Egypt understands

that natural resources are essential to the development and advancement of human life. Natural

resources within continents such as Africa can lead to conflicts involving need for wealth

between nations. The use of natural resources is key component in the development of societies

in reference to the Millenium Development Assessment conducted by the United Nations. Egypt

believes that access to natural resources for all nations is necessary, but the uses of these

resources must be controlled and maintained.

Conflict in the developing and modern world frequently affects the poor of each nation as these

people rely on such natural resources for their living and survival. In the Millennium

Development Assessment, the United Nations (UN) highlighted the human reliance on

“provisioning” ecosystem services such as water, food, nutrients, energy, construction materials

in within one nation. Many under-developed or developing countries heavily rely on natural

resources for their money and revenue. The Fragile States Index displays the level of stability

within each nation, globally, from natural resources. There is a need for the development of a

higher level of sustainable security.

Many conflicts for natural resources involve multiple local and regional belligerents as shown by

the Democratic Republic of Congo, Yemen, and Sudan that require to gain weaponry. This can

often lead to a group taking direct control of a natural resources within a certain region within a

nation. The conflict that needed to calm is the competition between powerful nations for

resources as biodiversity is threatened. Egypt aims to create a method to allow developing

nations to gain access to commodities and natural resources by using first-world countries as

“providers” towards third-world countries.

It is clear that natural resources are a necessity for the economy of a nation, but uneven

distribution of certain natural resources can possibly lead to unnecessary conflicts between

nation. Understanding that aa nation cannot be forced to provide resources referring to national

sovereignty, Egypt supports that resource-rich nation join together to help under-developed

nation with the provision of natural resources as it is essential towards human life and


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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


Committee: General Assembly, First Committee: Disarmament and International Security


Topic A: Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East

Topic B: The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict

Estonia is a proud signatory of several nuclear disarmament treaties, including Treaty on the

Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons and the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. Estonia

is also in the process of de-commissioning several Soviet era nuclear waste depositories. We are

fully compliant in all European Union regulations regarding nuclear protocol and are grateful for

the aid and oversight other countries have provided. We do not have or plan to acquire any

ballistic missiles, and are compliant with the Hauge Code of Conduct Against Ballistic Missile


Estonia believes that nuclear proliferation should be avoided at all costs, especially in the Middle

East. The Iran Nuclear deal is a model that should be followed when making future deals with

countries in the Middle East. Estonia will support any resolution that supports furthering

proliferation in the region.

Natural resource control has been at the center of many conflict in recent years, especially

relating to oil and precious metals. Estonia has a vested interest in keeping its own oil resources

and expects other countries to respect its authority as such.

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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


General Assembly ( DISEC)

Topic A: Addressing the Risk of Nuclear proliferation in the Middle East


The Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, or NPT is a treaty designed to end nuclear

proliferation, along with creating disarmament globally. However, this treaty does not 100% cease

countries from testing out, or building other nuclear weapons. Today, there are some countries that

shows unclear signs on whether or not one country has a significant amount of nuclear weapons.

Especially in the Middle East, where many middle eastern countries share similar “political and

governmental stability,” that can be a contribution or an influence to proliferation of nuclear

weapons.There are many reasons why many countries in the middle east are known to having a risk of

of nuclear proliferation. One reason is the indirect tension among Middle Eastern countries. For

example, Iran a country known be suspected to develop nuclear weapons, is believed to develop

different types of uranium. It’s known to cumulatively have around 178 kg of uranium with production

rate Iran enriching about 19.75%.Where the NIE or National Intelligence Estimate states that Iran has an

“industrial capacity” to produce tremendous amounts of uranium. This will make Iran’s neighboring

country, Saudi Arabia worry and this too can lead to Saudi Arabia have the ability to produce a type of

bomb, or seek for nuclear weapons. Another reason why middle eastern countries have a high chance of

producing nuclear weapons is because is the difficulty of maintaining a stable relationship among

countries. In this case, Egypt plays a two way role between Israel and The United States. After the

iranian crisis Egypt too wanted to produce nuclear weapons. But Egypt can only do so by asking Israel of

what they think it’s right. In Israel's response is ambiguous but Israel have many alliances with countries

that doesn’t favor nuclear weapons. Egypt wants to have a pursuit of nuclear weapons, but does not

want to create hostile with Israel

Just like the Cold War the Middle Eastern countries are facing a similar situation where they

want to be the best in their region. Therefore, by producing nuclear weapons or arsenal can be an

answer to receiving power. United States plays a big role when it comes to dealing with Middle Eastern

countries. Where Ethiopia is also part of the NPT since 1970, being one of the members of the

conference on disarmament. Although Ethiopia was once known for using Chemical weapons, Ethiopia is

the Horn of Africa, and can solve problems around the middle eastern countries. Also, Ethiopia has a low

energy consumption per capita, ( 380 kg) compared to other countries that are accused of having

nuclear weapons.

Ethiopia would like to propose a treaty to Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Iran that allows the country to

produce nuclear weapons only if the other two neighboring countries are okay with the idea of either

Egypt and Saudi Arabia or Iran producing nuclear weapons.

Ethiopia would like to ask The United States and NATO to to revise the NPT every four years, along with

having to meet the the following requirements in order to be part of the NPT. All warfare arsenal must

be regulated by the DISEC, No suspicious content or materials, and no major nuclear bomb threats.

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General Assembly (DISEC)

Topic B: The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling conflicts


Most of our non renewable resources are gradually decreasing such as diamonds, oil, minerals

and water. Each specific resources are either claimed by a group of people, or is used by the

government. Where some resources are used as a bad influence creating crimes and other conflicts.One

major resources that’s been often used for the wrong purpose are diamonds. Many African countries

such as Angola and the Democratic Republic of Congo, cote d’Ivoire and Liberia use diamonds as their

supplement of war supplies, instead of using diamonds for x-rays instruments and other significant

usage of diamonds. Other sources like oil is used by countries trying to excess power, and opium usage

is abused by the Talibans, creating a narcotics trade in Afghanistan.

For Ethiopia, the most biggest concerning resources is water. Water is valuable throughout

everywhere. Countries such as Brazil, India, and Indonesia undergo poor water sanitation. Ethiopia is

part of one of the world’s poor water sanitation. This is due to Ethiopia’s soil ground after the chemical

attacks by Italy. Ethiopia is full of soil erosions and it consists of five different types of soil layers, with

most of the soil layers are filled with clay, yermo solos, and aerosols which is nowhere near suitable for

a place for agriculture.All of these factors including poor water sanitation, droughts and poor soil

grounds lead to a famine in Ethiopia. Around 10 million people need food assistance in Ethiopia. Where

the malnutrition rate skyrocketed, along with around 435,000 children that malnourished and more

than 5.8 million ethiopians who are desperate in need of water and sanitation.In recent years, the

droughts in Ethiopia decreased the Blue Nile flooding in late July. The Blue Nile is a river attached to the

main Nile river, with an elevation of 1,000 meters. To fix both problems, Ethiopia designed a

hydroelectric dam known as the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam that allows Ethiopia to receive water

benefits and allowing for the dam to control the flow of Nile RIver.

Therefore, Ethiopia asks Egypt to have the permission use the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam during

the month of January to May. January is driest month and May is the hottest month in Ethiopia. Through

the usage of this dam, Ethiopia can support the people and the environment without hurting water

shortages in Egypt.Ethiopia will accept Egypt’s denial due to the fact that Ethiopia had already signed a


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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


Delegation from: France

Represented by: Mentor High School

Position Paper for the General Assembly

The issues concerning the General Assembly are as follows; addressing the risk of nuclear

proliferation in the Middle East and the role of commodities and natural resources in fueling


I: Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East

France understands the dangers of nuclear proliferation and wants to work together to build and

efficient response to proliferation. France has been recognized as a nuclear-weapon state, and is a

party of the Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons. France is willing to use nuclear

weapons against any attacker or terrorist, but France does not have any current enemies. Global

safety and peace cannot be ensured while the threat of nuclear proliferation is still apparent.

II. The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict

France has a limited quantity of natural resources available. Partially due to the first oil crisis of

1973, France has a major nuclear power program. Our primary source of energy comes from

nuclear power. 74.6% of the nation's energy is provided by nuclear power. In 2003, France

accounted for 22% of the European Union’s electricity.

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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


Delegation From: Germany

Represented by: Mentor High School

Position Paper of General Assembly, First Committee: Disarmament and

International Security (GA1)

The topics being addressed by the GA1 are: Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the

Middle East and The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict. The

Federal Republic of Germany is always looking to work toward a safer and more secure world

and is looking forward to getting to work with other nations to help resolve these issues.

I. Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East

The Federal Republic of Germany believes that the risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle

East is a risk needed to be brought down. Because of the instability in the Middle East,

possessing nuclear weapons would be a risky situation. The damage of life from nuclear

weapons can have effects for decades, so Germany finds all and any nuclear weapons as a

barricade to world peace and security.

As a sign to our countenance against nuclear proliferation in the Middle East, Germany and

many other countries signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) in May 2, 1975. This

treaty is an effort to stop any production and the disarmament of nuclear weapons anywhere in

the world. The NPT is a strong sign to any nation in the Middle East thinking about nuclear

proliferation. Germany has also supported Obama’s thoughts of a nuclear free world as it is a

large obstacle to a peaceful world. These two examples had lead Germany to recently work to

employ the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action to shut down Iran’s nuclear weapons program.

As stated above, Germany is highly against any nuclear weapons in the Middle East. Germany

understands that the Middle East is unstable and filled with conflict. In the instability, Germany

cannot risk any chance of the weapons falling into the wrong hands and the deaths that the

weapons can create. Because of the devastating effects from the nuclear weapons, Germany is

wanting to push for anti-nuclear bills and treaties. The first would be wanting to further employ

the NPT to more nations for less weapons and the disarmament of the weapons in the region.

Another bill Germany would also like to have more nations sign is the new Hague Code of

Conduct against Ballistic Missile Proliferation (HCOC). With all others in mind, any more

resolutions like Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action in Iran, could also bring the risk of

proliferation down. Germany would like from the council to bring the concerns of the nations

trying to possess nuclear weapons in the Middle East to the international community so the

countries of the UN can help them before they even bring nuclear weapon research to the table.

States with nuclear capabilities also deserve support for disarmament and destruction of the

nuclear weapons. Germany believes that if the the council goes for these developments, the

Middle East and the rest of the world would have no risk of the consequences of nuclear


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II. The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict

The Federal Republic of Germany believes that the role of commodities and natural resources in

fueling conflict is a roadblock in the way of peace in unstable parts of the world. This issue

mostly takes place in Africa. The most common commodities and resources that start conflicts

are gems and minerals like diamonds, lumber, agricultural products, and oil. Germany believes

that these commodities and resources are the main reason for the many wars to start and continue

and instability in the regions stated.

The Federal Republic of Germany has done multiple efforts, especially in the unstable regions in

Africa. Beginning in 2008, Germany created “From Barriers to Bridges” Border Programme.

This program was designed and carried out to help countries in Africa to have defined borders so

border disputes will not take place, as these fuel the instability which lead to the commodities

and natural resources to later come into play. Another example is the Police Programme Africa.

The program was designed to create order by training Africans to become officially trained

police officers to combat extortion, which runs rampant with these resources. With all that in

mind, Germany and the EU have also signed and are still using the Kimberley Process

Certification System. This system has greatly helped these resources from trading into the

economic stream in Europe and other regions.

From all these examples, Germany is trying to stop the fuel from starting another fire. Germany

is requesting to increase the number of countries to adopt the Kimberley Process Certification

System. Germany believes in the system and would like other countries to join them in helping

the resources from entering the legal trade and not having conflicts to go on. With the Kimberley

Process, Germany would like have the process improved. The Kimberley Process only really

addresses rough diamonds. However, rough diamonds are not the only resource that is fueling

conflicts. Other resources such as other gems like sapphire and topaz, and timber are highly

extorted and exploited in the legal economy. With these other resources, the process doesn’t fully

stop the illegal resources from being bought and sold in the legal economy. As stated above,

Germany supported the African Police Forces. These police forces have cracked down multiple

times against slave labor and extortion to extract the resources. Germany is hoping that other

countries will follow and create their own programs to help support the front line combatants

against the fueling of conflicts. Alongside with the border program Germany had created, the

African states are putting aside differences because of the stability some of the program has

brought. Germany would like if other countries can help the other African states, so this can lead

for more stability and the countries can begin fighting the resources themselves, without the help

of the international community. Germany believes stability and conflicts from the commodities

and natural resources will come to an end with these developments.

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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


Delegation from: Republic of Ghana

Represented by: Strongsville High School

Position Paper for the General Assembly Disarmament Council The issues before the General Assembly Disarmament and International Security are: Addressing the

Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East; and The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in

Fueling Conflict. The Republic of Ghana is extremely concerned about nuclear proliferation in the middle

east and the effect on neighboring countries as well as natural resources, such as oil being a potential

spark to starting conflict. The Republic of Ghana would like to express their hope for a peaceful and

lasting solution to each problem that creates conflict.

I. Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East

Nuclear weapons have been a major concern since their first appearance in World War II. Many

countries quickly began to work on creating their own nuclear weapons that could rival the US’s

atomic bomb. Shortly after different countries began to fight against the creation of nuclear

weapons as well as the possession of them. Egypt began calling for a Middle East nuclear

weapon free zone in the 1960s that lead to the United Nations Resolution paper creating the

Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty(NPT). Currently there are four countries that have nuclear

weapons that are not supported by the NPT. The four countries are Israel, Pakistan, India, and

North Korea. Egypt especially has been pressuring Israel to sign the NPT and give up their

nuclear weapons. The coup attempted at The Incirlik AirBase, in southeast Turkey, which holds

Nato’s largest nuclear weapons storage facility brings to question the possibility of nuclear

weapons being released in the Middle East.

The Republic of Ghana has been very open to treaties that ban items used in nuclear and

chemical warfare and has signed many treaties going as far back as the 1925 Geneva Protocol in

1967, as well as the Treaty on the Non-Prolifieration of Nuclear Weapons. The Republic of

Ghana has also become a part of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons

(ICAN). The Republic of Ghana feels very strongly that a peaceful solution is the only way to

help the problems in the Middle East.

The Republic of Ghana is open to other possibilities of nuclear prevention in the Middle East,

including a Middle East nuclear weapon free zone. The risk of the hydrogen bombs in Turkey is

very real as well and the Republic of Ghana would support a potential move of the base at least

until conflict in the Middle East can be peacefully solved.

II. The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict

Recent research suggest that over the past sixty years at least forty percent of intrastate conflict

has been fueled by high valued resources, such as water, timber, diamonds, oil, etc.. While these

resources may not be the sole reason for most conflicts, they help to fuel and support the conflict.

Since 1990 eighteen different conflicts have arisen fueled by exploitation of natural resources.

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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


Civil wars in Liberia, Angola, and the Democratic Republic of Congo have been fueled by such

exploitation of resources.

The United Nations has recently started to get involved with peacekeeping in such situations.

The UN Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) and the UN Organization Stabilization Mission in the

Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO) are examples of the UN beginning to get

involved. Every November sixth, the UN celebrates the International Day for Preventing the

Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict. The Republic of Ghana recognizes

its luck in having so many natural resources at its disposal, including gold and diamonds. The

Republic of Ghana wishes to express its concerns about continuing conflict due to natural

resources and the outcomes of such conflict.

The Republic of Ghana looks forward to documents and suggested policies to help allocate

resources properly and peacefully. Ghana supports the continuation of the International day on

November sixth and more missions to help solve political and social conflict fueled by natural


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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


Country: Greece School: Beachwood High Committee: General Assembly 1

Position Paper for the First General Assembly

The issues before General Assembly 1 are: Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East; and The

Role of Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict. Greece resolutely wishes to uphold security of all people, to preserve

international peace, and to strive to do so via diplomatic collaboration with other nations, in order to legitimately

utilize and protect nuclear energy and other natural resources.

I. Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East

Nuclear weapons pose a powerful and dangerous threat to international security and peace, with additional

reciprocations on infrastructure, environment, and health.¹ Global concern over the proliferation, or spread, of these

weapons, fissionable substances, and related technology and information has increased since the Cold War, and

recently this has been especially prevalent in the Middle East. Almost all countries in this region are parties that

have signed the Treaty of the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (commonly known as the Nuclear

Nonproliferation Treaty or NPT). Though it is true that no Middle Eastern countries have been proven to possess

nuclear weapons, several countries have been suspected to possess them. Turkey is a NATO nuclear weapons

sharing nation; Pakistan and Saudi Arabia are suspected to share weapons; Iran poses threats of proliferation; and

Syria’s chemical arsenal is in a perilously vulnerable state. The previous use of weapons of mass destruction

(WMD) in the geographic states of the Middle East contributes to volatile regional security. Further, it is widely

believed that Iran and Israel are developing nuclear arms. Because of these issues, the neighboring non-nuclear

Greece desires stricter international procedures to curb nuclear proliferation and promote nuclear disarmament and

lawful transparency in order to achieve regional and worldwide safety.

Greece resolutely supports the globalization of treaties regarding the prohibition of WMD, the official stance of the

European Union. As a neighbor to the nuclear-threatened region of the Middle East, Greece recognizes the risk

posed by the spread of nuclear weapons. Greece has ratified all international agreements on non-proliferation,

including the NPT and Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT). In addition, Greece serves as a member of all

related regulation regimes, such as the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) and the Missiles Technology Control

Regime (MTCR).² Greece also complied with Resolutions 1540 (2004) and 1887 (2009) adopted by the United

Nations Security Council strove to reduce arms, heighten the safeguarding of dangerous material, hinder non-state

actors from acquiring weapons, and hold states accountable for support of non-state actors. The United States stored

nuclear warheads in the 1960s in Greece, and the decision to withdraw these weapons in 2001 reflects our

recognition of the threat that nuclear proliferation in any region may impose on national sovereignty.3

Greece desires international cooperation for the peaceful harnessing of nuclear energy (an important renewable

energy resource), as this will contribute to overall global nonviolence and wellbeing. Greece wishes to universalize

the NPT, prohibit nuclear tests, restrict the production of fissile materials,4 and oversee stricter regulation of such

potentially-threatening weapons in general. We support the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Additional

Protocol to further regulate the transfer of nuclear equipment to combat nuclear terrorism. We also hope to negotiate

the Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty (FMCT) to better control the production and testing of nuclear arms. To

accelerate nuclear non-proliferation, Greece proposes harsh economic sanctions on nations that harbor nuclear

terrorists and advocates for the formation of a specialized United Nations committee to promote the formation of a

Weapons of Mass Destruction Free Zone in the Middle East to enhance nuclear disarmament in this neighbor


Greece’s is strategically situated near Europe and many Islamic Middle Eastern nations. Additionally, there

is an Orthodox religious and cultural connection between Greece and the nuclear superpower Russia (that has

supplied nuclear weapons to Iran). In aiding nuclear non-proliferation in this region, Greece believes that regional

and international tensions can be eased as well. We look forward to collaboration with the rest of the committee on

this issue.

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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


II. The Role of Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict

Natural resources, naturally-occurring materials that are of some substantial use to humans, contribute a crucial role

in various affairs of all nations, including health, energy, environment, and also, the initiation and prolongation of

conflict. A nation’s wealth, status, and wellbeing relative to the rest of the world often depends upon the natural

resources it contains and has access to. These resources can encompass a range of strategic raw materials, energy

sources, water and food, land, agricultural products, and wildlife. Two main theories regarding the relation of natural

resources to conflict have been proposed; the Neo-Malthusian view attributes internal disputes to the dearth of

resources and unequal access to them; contrarily, the “resource curse” accredits such conflicts to unjust resource

exploitation. The emergence of protests, rebellions, and wars internationally have been linked to a myriad of

“conflict resources” which comprise of “blood diamonds,” “conflict minerals,” drugs, oil, and water. This issue is

present in unstable regions such as Africa, Southeast Asia, South America, and the Middle East. The Mediterranean

nation of Greece has a variety of natural resources in agriculture (crops, grasses, grains, and fruits) and mineral

deposits (marble, clay, nickel, and coal), as well as some reserves of petroleum.6 The Hellenic Republic serves as a

major EU exporter of cotton, tobacco, olives, wine, packaged medicines, and aluminum plating.6 Due to the

existence of such a correlation between unregulated access to natural resources and conflict, Greece duly believes in

governmental action to impose stricter licensing protocols on resource industries to protect valuable natural

resources and to prevent unnecessary violent and potentially deadly conflict.

Nations have utilized numerous methods to prevent the exploitation of natural resources from continuing conflict.

These include peace operations to manage resources, commodity-specific economic sanctions and embargoes on

war activity, trade regulations, aid to resource management programs, and execution of Corporate Social

Responsibility to hold businesses accountable for their legal practices.7 Past United Nations actions to counter this

issue include many measures: arms embargos and sanctions for transparency, nonviolent zones to surround disputed

regions, and checks of legality of international business transactions. Greece supported the unanimously-adopted

UN Resolution 1625 in 2005 that bolstered the role of the Security Council in fighting the illegal exploitation and

smuggling of natural resources in areas where they exacerbate conflict.8 Since the Cold War, Greece has recognized

this strife over natural resources; there have been disputes between Greece and Turkey over oil reserves on the

island of Cyprus as well as islands in the Aegean Sea, and notes the need to prevent further harmful conflict.9

Based on our previous commitments, Greece believes that the only means of ensuring harmonious international and

domestic security in relation to natural resources is to effectively and transparently protect, manage, and regulate

their possession in every nation. We hope to encourage stricter licensing protocols in control of natural resources, as

well as expand governmental accountability and financial transparency in terms of the use of these resources. It is

noted that rebels and protesters often use profit from illegal trafficking of resources to purchase weapons and

mobilize their forces, which can result in dire and threatening conflict to civilians and governments alike. Greece

hopes that the international community will impose stricter economic sanctions with substantial pressures on

countries that allow non-state groups to exploit natural resources to fuel hostilities, as well as enlarge peace

operations and security reform to protect natural resources. In this manner, Greece views that each nation could

improve the safeguarding and use of resources under their own respected national sovereignty, but still manage to

collaboratively uphold a stable regional and international peace.

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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


Delegation from: The Republic of India

Represented by: Saint Vincent-Saint Mary High School

Position Paper for the General Assembly, First Committee: Disarmament and International


The issues before the General Assembly, First Committee: Disarmament and International

Security are: Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East; and The Role of

Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict. India is firmly in support of the

prevention of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East and also preventing conflict throughout

the world theatre and expresses its hope to make progress in preventing conflict worldwide.

I. Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East

The Republic of India strongly supports efforts to work towards nuclear non-proliferation in the

Middle East. Given the fact that India borders and is in an ongoing conflict with Pakistan, one of

the few Middle Eastern nations which has not ratified the Nuclear Non-Proliferation

Treaty(NPT), India wishes to work towards a peaceful solution to the issue of preventing the

nuclear proliferation within Pakistan and throughout the Middle East. In doing this, India

believes that tensions which find their base in nuclear weapons will be alleviated, and therefore

allow nations to work towards peace within the Middle East.

Despite the fact that India wishes for nuclear proliferation within the Middle East, India has not

ratified the NPT due to the treaty not identifying the Republic of India as a nuclear weapon state,

and therefore does not allow the possession of nuclear weapons by India. This facet of the NPT

has forced India to refuse to ratify the treaty within its borders, similar to the status of Pakistan,

who also refuses to ratify due to its state as a non-nuclear weapon state. Due to this, there is little

to no chance that Pakistan and India will support this treaty until both are identified as nuclear-

weapon states. India does not wish to surrender its nuclear weapons, and does not support any

treaties introduced which propose non-proliferation within India. Given this, India believes the

only path towards progress within the Middle East begins with its identification as a nuclear-

weapon state.

Given the aforementioned information, India wishes for the General Assembly to first identify

India as a nuclear-weapon state in order to allow progress within the committee. Within the

committee, India wishes to work towards ensuring peace within the Middle East as a byproduct

of establishing nuclear non-proliferation, and also to ensure the safety of all nuclear weapons

within the Middle East. In the event of conflict within Middle Eastern nations, India wishes to

ensure that nuclear weapons do not fall into the hands of radical groups such as terrorists or

rebels. While imperfect in its current form, India believes that, by editing the NPT, more

efficient manners of supporting non-proliferation can be established, therefore allowing progress

within the Middle East to be made.

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II. The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict

The Republic of India strongly supports efforts to end conflicts between groups fighting over any

type of resource. While India recognizes the value of different types of resources, India also

realizes that resources are all too often the source of major conflicts, many of which disrupt the

culture and government of the nation in which they find themselves. Not only are some resources

the source of conflict within nations, they also provide funding to dangerous organizations such

as Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria/the Levant (ISIS/ISIL). Given all of this,

India wishes to work towards ending current conflicts, and also preventing future resource


Currently, the Republic of India is in a conflict with Pakistan and China over resources within

the region between the nations known as Kashmir. This conflict began in 1947, and there have

been an estimated 70,000 dead and 8,000 missing since 1989, when there was a resurgence in

conflict. Given its own background in conflicts involving resources, India wishes for all conflicts

over resources to be resolved peacefully, for the benefit of all parties involved. Despite this fact,

India believes that conflicts involving the exportation of resources by radical organizations, such

as terrorist groups or rebel insurgencies, should be put to an end immediately, in order to

diminish funding for such destructive and dangerous groups, whether or not this course of action

involves violence. Therefore, when addressing these issues, India believes the best path towards

peace should begin with ending ongoing conflicts and negotiating on the claims to resources that

nations propose, and preventing radical groups from benefiting from the control and sale of

varying resources.

India believes that the General Assembly should address current resource conflicts as it has in

the past. By modeling new actions after effective measures such as the Kimberley Process

Certification Scheme, which, along with United Nations Security Council (UNSC) sanctions, has

helped to effectively stem the flow of “blood diamonds” from several nations. While not all

situations are the same, India believes that past actions provide the perfect template for adapting

plans of action to properly address current resource conflicts, and therefore promote peace and

stability in areas affected by these conflicts. In doing this, current conflicts which find their base

in the pursuit of valuable resources will have a chance of being resolved peacefully, and

therefore reintroduce stability to various conflict-riddled regions.

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Delegation from: Iran

Represented by: Mayfield High School

Position Paper for the 1st General Assembly

The issues before the security council include the risk of nuclear proliferation in the

Middle East as well as the role of commodities and natural resources in the fueling conflict. The

Middle East is a region rich with the required materials to construct and test nuclear weapons and

parts, and the situation remains unsteady. Iran lies in the heart of it all, with strong ties in treaties

and pacts made with alliances and groups to help bring about peace not only to the Middle East,

but to the rest of the world as well.

I. Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East The Middle East is currently facing international scrutiny for having alleged possession of

nuclear weapons. And as a Middle Eastern Nation, Iran feels that is it incredibly urgent and

pressing for nations for nations that Iran has always been a strong country full of scientific

advancements and elite weaponry. However, Iran has no intention of using these weapons

against any nations, only for protection against rising threats within its region. Technology, as

well as nuclear weaponry, has been advancing as time passes, especially in the Middle East.

Many suspect that Iran has been developing nuclear weapons, with the supplying of nuclear

technology coming from Pakistan. Iran also has the oldest history involving nuclear weaponry in

the Middle East, with the exception of Israel. Iran is much more advanced in the art of nuclear

weapons. Iran signed non-proliferation treaty the 1969 and 1970, along with the Comprehensive

Test-Ban Treaty in 1996. We have also concluded a deal with Germany, P5, and the European

union that will delay further advancements in nuclear weaponry. Iran, like any other country, has

the right to nuclear energy. Any imposition upon these rights may be seen as a challenge to a

nation’s national sovereignty. The Iran Nuclear Regulatory Authority (INRA) is responsible for

regulation and safety, as well as monitoring, legal compliance and radioactive waste

management. It is under the AEOI and helps maintain and watch over all production involving

nuclear weapons in Iranian facilities.

Since early 2012, however, Iran has continued to deny the IAEA’s requests for access to an

explosive testing site related to nuclear weaponization experiments at Parchin. In November of

2013, we signed a Joint Statement on a Framework for Cooperation with the IAEA, which will

lead to cooperation between both Iran as well as the IAEA. A later agreement to slow Iran’s

evident progress towards nuclear weapons capability was struck in November 2013 between

Iran and the foreign ministers of China, France, Germany, Russia, UK, and USA, and it bears an

extremely close tie to the Joint Statement on a Framework for Cooperation. Iran is a nation built

on progress, and these treaties can prove we are striving for peace in our country and our region.

During committee, we hope to work with other nations to develop trust between nations through

comprehensive resolutions that will preserve international peace in the face of nuclear threats.

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II. The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict

Key restrictions on enriched uranium- and plutonium-production enacted by expire after 10 and

15 years, permitting Iran to expand its nuclear capacities and greatly reduce the time it would

need to produce nuclear weapons. However, Resolution 1540 requires states to refrain from

providing non-state actors with weapons or aiding in the development of nuclear weapons and to

be accountable for nuclear materials and supplies that could be used in the production of nuclear

weapons within their territory. This resolution aims to prevent the trading and sharing of the

supplies that can lead to later development of strong nuclear weapons.

Iran recognizes that we do hold nuclear weapons and the resources to make them. However, we

have allowed the international community to impose regulations on our nation in return to secure

their trust- what we ultimately want to do above anything else. Six additional United Nations

resolutions have been passed to prevent Iran from enriching uranium. Uranium enrichment will

not be permitted at Fordo for fifteen years. This way, Iran’s nuclear development will be

impossible, and nations will need not see Iran as threat to international safety. In addition to the

discontinued construction of nuclear weapons, Natanz will be the only location where research

and development of any nuclear science will take place. The 1,044 centrifuges at the site will

produce radioisotopes for use in medicine, agriculture, industry and science instead for

weaponry- which will benefit the entire nation in science. Iran has also agreed to redesign the

reactor at Arak so it cannot produce any weapons-grade plutonium. Inspectors from the IAEA

will keep a close watch on Iran, and we have also agreed to the IAEA Safeguards agreement,

which allows inspectors to access sites. Iran has also agreed to the continuation of the UN arms

embargo on the country for up to five years, although it could end earlier if the IAEA is satisfied

that its nuclear programme is entirely peaceful. A UN ban on the import of ballistic missile

technology will also remain in place for up to eight years. Keeping an enrichment capability is

important to Iran as a source of national pride. These resources provide productivity as well as

many important jobs to our country. Last December, we gave a massive stockpile of our uranium

to Russia, leaving us with too little uranium to develop a nuclear bomb. This was a peaceful

withdrawal of this source out of our country.

Iran has been hit by multiple sanctions and restrictions, but continue to disable a plutonium

reactor as well. We truly believe that we are leaders in the Middle East in the movement to

secure international peace by eliminating the role of commodities and nuclear resources to end

conflict in the international community. Our recent actions as well as deals with other nations

have produced nothing but highly peaceful and progressive results, and we hope that nations in

committee will also follow our lead.

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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


Delegation From: State of Israel Represented By: Rocky River High School

Position Papers for the General Assembly, 1st Committee

The issues before the General Assembly are: Addressing the Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East; and The role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict. Israel is devoted to protect its right to have nuclear weapons, and will not negotiate until there is peace in the Middle East. Israel also believes it has a right to its national resources and wants to protect that right. Israel looks forward to debating and coming to resolution involving the two topics.

I. Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East In 2006, the United Nations General Assembly gathered to discus Nuclear Proliferation specifically in the Middle East. The assembly approved 12 draft texts aimed at strengthening regional disarmament measures and reducing the global threat of the use of nuclear and other mass destruction weapons. The Assembly would reaffirm the importance of Israel’s accession to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. One draft also wanted Israel not to develop, produce, test or otherwise acquire nuclear weapons, renounce possession of nuclear weapons, and place all its unsafeguarded nuclear facilities under full-scope IAEA safeguards. Another draft aimed at nuclear disarmament calls upon the nuclear weapon States to agree to not use or threaten to use nuclear misses on non-nuclear states. It also aims at total nuclear disarmament and strict enforcement of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty. The conference also presented drafts that would focus on opposing chemical weapons and any other weapons against the Geneva Convention. This conferee is not the only steps that the United Nations has taken to prevent proliferation of nuclear weapons in the Middle East. A treaty on the nonproliferation of nuclear weapons (NPT) has been updated and signed by 191 countries and has been in effect since 1970. The NPT is a multilateral treaty aimed at limiting the spread of nuclear weapons including three elements: (1) non-proliferation, (2) disarmament, and (3) peaceful use of nuclear energy. As more countries in the Middle East announce that they will explore nuclear weapons, the United Nations has urged that the Middle East become a nuclear free zone. This agreement would strengthen the NPT. The current focus is on stopping Iran from developing nuclear weapons, and preventing terrorist from gaining nuclear weapons. Israel has a long and complicated History in the Middle East. Backed by the United States, Israel is enemies with most Middle East states. Israel has not signed the NPT yet has never officially declared that they have nuclear weapons. Like the United States, Israel as against or abstained from all drafts passed in the 2006 United Nations General Assembly conference. Israel is a nuclear state and has not, and will not, sign any treaty or agreements in which prohibit the Middle East from obtaining nuclear weapons. Israel feels the need to protect its county and people from any dangers.

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Israel urges the General Assembly to respect its national sovereignty and allow its nation to protect itself. We respect the NPT but will not sign any drafts that have similar beliefs. Israel asserts that states in the Middle East must establish peaceful relations before negotiations on a Middle East Nuclear Weapons Free Zone can begin. Israel expressed its support for the CTBT. Israel also strongly opposes a Fissile Material Cutoff Treaty (FMCT- Treaty currently under discussion in the Conference on Disarmament (CD) to end the production of weapons-usable fissile material (highly enriched uranium and plutonium) for nuclear weapons.) on the basis that a FMCT would undermine its policy of "nuclear opacity" and that it would not safeguard against regional nuclear proliferation. Israel hopes that this conference will prove beneficial to having the Middle East become more peaceful in order to begin talks of nuclear disarmament.

II. The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict

Natural resources are an integral part of society, as sources of income, and industry. Historically, struggle over territory has been the most prevalent form of conflict. And access to natural resources often is the reason behind those territorial struggles. Natural resource is not only the cause of conflicts, but they also fuel them. Some natural resources play a central role in the well being of the local community and some are used for trade purposes. Natural resources, both renewable and nonrenewable, that are controlled by the state are used as exports by the government to attain profit and power. Developed countries have established an industrial infrastructure that relies heavily on imports of natural resources. Many of these resources have great value in the global market, which allows the developing countries in possession of the resources to be active participants in the international economic system. And countries with little or no resources have a hard time becoming a developed, powerful nation. This cause many nations to protect a fight over the little resources that have. Israel’s main resource they have conflict over is land. Since the United Nations carved out a section in the Middle East for Jewish people after WWII there have been many conflict over land with surrounding countries. Israel believes that there needs to be a peace obtained in the Middle East so that itself and neighboring countries can leave in harmony. The Un has been unsuccessful in negotiating the land disputes between Palestine and Israel. Israel wants policy outcomes that allows Israel to keep sits land and resources. Israel believes that land and natural resource disputes are a main root of global conflict and need to have a committee in place to handle such disputes. Conflict within a single country can lead to a global conflict and therefore will have to be addressed. Israel looks forward to working together as a global community to reach resolutions on land and natural resource disputes.

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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


Delegation from: Italy

Represented by: Mayfield High School

Position Paper for General Assembly First Committee

The matters being discussed by the General Assembly First Committee are: Addressing the Risk

of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East and The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources

in Fueling Conflict. The Delegation of Italy is a strong believer of stopping nuclear proliferation

in the Middle East. In addition, The Delegation of Italy also believes that the role of commodities

and natural resources play a strong role in the fueling conflict.

I: Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East

This policy discusses the risk of nuclear growth in the Middle East. Ever since the increase of

nuclear weapons by the US and other countries, conversations about whether nuclear weapons

and energy should be banned or built have risen greatly. By addressing this, many countries’

main goals were to live a nuclear weapon-free world, and to end the drastic effects of nuclear

proliferation. Many tensions and rivalries associated with the increased desire to acquire nuclear

weapons include tensions between countries like India and Pakistan, and likewise between the

US, China, and Russia. Countries may be able to be transparent about their use of nuclear energy

by perhaps changing the way nuclear weapons should be built, or even not using nuclear

weapons to attack one another, or as a weapon.

This relates to Italy in multiple ways. Italy contains two air bases, where they share their nuclear

weapons with neighboring countries. In March 2011, after a nuclear disaster in Fukushima, Italy

voted to keep their country non-nuclear. As of 2016, Italy is one of many countries that have no

nuclear power stations and remain opposed to nuclear power. Italy is also the only country that

has closed all of its functioning nuclear plants. They have also restricted new plant constructions.

In recent years, Italy has been an importer of nuclear- generated electricity. In October 2005,

there was a seminar sponsored by the government about the possibility of reviving Italian nuclear

power, except a referendum held in June 2011 stopped any new upcoming projects.

As the committee that creates most policy making and a strong representative of the UN, the

Delegation of Italy would like the General Assembly to consider these possible resolutions to the

increase of nuclear growth and destruction in the Middle East. Like Italy, countries could stop

nuclear growth and nuclear power, stopping future upcoming projects. This could be a solution

by stopping the demand of nuclear power, therefore reducing the supply. The amount of risks

would decrease, and people would be able to live a nuclear free life, much like the goal of many

individuals. In certain situations, if a country would like to continue nuclear growth, the

Delegation of Italy would also suggest that an agreement between those countries be made. The

agreement would consist of laws and regulations that must be followed in order to continue

creating nuclear powers. It is possible that many countries will not participate in nuclear power

because of the large amounts of money and space necessary. To ensure that countries developing

nuclear weapons are following their promise, an easy compromise would be to create a type of

nuclear tool that only works with certain under a certain location. If countries that would like to

continue their nuclear usage have a special place that the UN decides they should test nucleic

materials, other countries cannot build such locations, and therefore this can ensure the nuclear

usage in the world.

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II. The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict

Natural resources have always been a huge problem between countries. Many humans depend on

the environment and natural resources for their survival. In many areas around the world, access

to natural resources cannot be taken for granted. The problem gets worse when natural resources

and commodities are used to fuel a conflict. Many countries, like the Middle East, have disputes

over oil fields and these disputes can very often lead to war. Oil is one of the world most

important energy resources. It is also a fossil fuel which means that it is natural, and is from the

remains of living organisms. In the 21st century, Oil is just about used for any type of energy,

from driving a car to cooking. Factory’s would not be able to run properly, and airplanes

wouldn’t be able to fly. Many countries like Qatar, Kuwait, Libya, Iran and Iraq are large

exporters of oil. Other countries that have low supply of oil, often depend on the countries that

have a large amount of oil. The dependence on those countries are often what create conflict.

Compared to many other countries, Italy has very few natural resources. Another major natural

resource is water. Countries are going industrially and agriculturally, which makes the demands

increase. Websites state that while we aren’t actually running out of fresh water, there is no more

to go around. Climate change already plays a very impactful difference, with some countries

dealing with a drought, while other with a flood. In extreme weather events, fresh water is used

up in large amounts and very fast, and becomes impossible to use after. Most of our water

resources are used for agriculture, which provides us with food and nutrients to survive. offers insight into what some of Italy’s resources are. These include the mineral

resources of natural gas, petroleum, mercury, and sulfur. Some other resources are feldspar,

pumice, marble and potash. Italy's terrain is mostly mountainous; its land is not suitable for

farming. The main industries in Italy are tourism, clothing, machinery, chemical compounds and

food processing. Natural resources that often create conflict are drinking water, bodies of water,

land, timber, oil and gas.

Italy supported the Environmental Cooperation for Peacebuilding (ECP) program, which is a part

of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). Italy created a guide for mediation

practitioner, which was a collaborative research project with UNEP. The guide collects and

summarizes good practices on the successful mediation of resources conflicts. The guide also

builds on the conflict prevention research undertaken by the European and UN Partnership. The

guide has received support from many organizations and from Columbia University. Alongside

Italy’s support, Finland and the European Union also contributed to the project.

As a member of the General Assembly, the Delegation of Italy would like the General Assembly

to consider these possible resolutions to helping solve the growing conflict when discussed about

natural resources and commodities. More countries could accommodate other countries and

make a system to their natural resources. They could share their oil supplies for other resources

and vice versa. This is the easiest solution and could be easily achievable. The Delegation of

Italy would also like to recommend other countries to join the United Nations Environment

Program, and help support and contribute to project and ideas that they create.

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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


Delegation From: Japan

Represented From: Mayfield High School

Position Paper for the General Assembly, First Committee

The problems addressed to the General Assembly, First Committee by Japan are as follows: The Risk of

Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East; and The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling

Conflict. Japan is ready to support all resolutions regarding the cease of nuclear proliferation, and

decreasing the number of conflicts instigated by commodities and natural resources.

I. The Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East

The existence of nuclear weaponry has been and is an issue that nations are facing. It arises conflicts and

creates distrust amongst them. Effects such as thermal radiation, radioactive fallout, and immediate

destruction planted seeds of fear within the hearts of general population. Also, with the emergence of

terrorist groups, the danger of nuclear attack only increases. The proliferation is a danger for the whole

world, and Japan is concerned and fears that this conflict must be resolved in a prompt manner in order to

maintain peace.

In 1945, Japan experienced approximately 200,000 casualties due to nuclear attack. Being the one and

only country to undergo the aftermath of the attack, Japan created the three non-nuclear principles, a basic

policy of Japanese government that states that Japan would not produce, possess, or allow nuclear

weapons on its soil. Furthermore, after Japan received a full membership in UN in 1956, they ratified the

Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), in 1976, in hopes to lessen the tension in Middle East. The

tension, however, only escalated due to the emergence of the third party in form of the terrorist groups

and Israel that never signed the treaty to begin with. Thus, during the 2006 UN meeting, Japan voted in

favor of Annex VI (Document A/C.1/61.L/45) which provides arrangement to assure the non-nuclear-

weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons. Meaning that Japan had agreed to not

turn to nuclear weapon even in case of a nuclear attack.

Japan has and will support any further initiatives get closer to elimination of nuclear weapons across the

world. Japan sadly notes that their geographical location doesn’t give them too much advantage in the

Middle East. Due to this weakness, Japan is ready to both promote the elimination of nuclear danger

through financial support and new international policy work in committee. With an understanding that

this simply isn’t enough, it further calls upon all the states that either acceded or ratified the Nuclear Non-

Proliferation Treaty to help to combat the rapid spread and secret contracts regarding the nuclear weapons

in the Middle East as well as ensure the citizens of their protection. Japan also wants to encourage

countries to uphold the authority of 1925 Geneva Protocol which prohibits the use of chemical or

biological weapons in international armed conflicts. Talk more about potential solutions to prevent

nuclear proliferation- discuss what policies are currently in place and what new measures must be

imposed to strengthen existing policies...also mention what new ways we can address the issue

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II. The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict

Natural resources and commodities is a continuous battle; many wars have been and still are in place

because of them not only damaging the areas they originated from, but entire communities as well.

Mostly, the dispute is caused by the revenue from these resources, social status in the world (political,

economical, etc), and control over the territories. One of the nations that experienced the dispute due to

the desire to existence of natural resources, such as oil and gas, is Japan whose Senkaku Islands belong to

China, according to them.

For the past 60 years, at least 40% of the civil war were due to commodities and natural resources. Most

common resources that are fought over include diamonds, minerals (gold, tin, etc), water, and oil. Japan

has mainly helped to solve the diamond dispute by signing the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme

(KPCS) which specifically addresses diamonds and ensures that the revenue obtained won’t go to

financing the rebel groups and their allies. KPCS allows the countries that have “conflict diamonds” to

not be in the “rough diamonds” mainstream addressed in United Nations General Assembly Resolution

55/56. In addition to KPCS, Japan also helped through monetary means such as funding United Nations

peacekeeping operations which includes UNAMSIL, 2007 UNMIL, MONUC 05/06. Those operations

are meant to assist the peace-creation meaning it was there to ensure peaceful disarmament

demobilization and eventually to well-being of a country. Additionally, Japan was able to provide

humanitarian aid through NGOs and Peacebuilding Commission. Various NGOs focus on providing basic

needs such as blankets, food, towels, etc. While Peacebuilding Commission unites the nations together to

facilitate post-conflict peace building, it brings together all the countries thus involving multiple financial

institutions, troops contributors, international donors, etc.

Japan has been and will provide all the necessities needed to reduce amount of civil wars caused by

commodities and natural resources. Japan has been one of the greatest monetary suppliers to the UN and

is hoping that in doing so they will help seeing the success of missions such as UNAMSIL. Also, these

disputes cause lives and distorts lives of other people be it within the country or neighboring country.

Therefore, Japan will also keep dispatching personnel to PKO and International Relief Operations as well

as send the supplies such as blankets, canned food, etc.Japan also calls upon other nations that have not

joined the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights, and collaboratively fight with them.

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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


Delegation from: the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

Represented by: Rocky River High School

Position Paper for the General Assembly

The General Assembly is addressing the issues of the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle

East and The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict. The Hashemite

Kingdom of Jordan is dedicating to maintaining peace and security and is willing to take part in

the essential process of doing so, in a collaboration with state and nonstate actors.

I. Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East

The country of Jordan advocates for the Weapons of Mass Destruction - Free Zone in The

Middle East. Jordan has expressed its stance on nuclear weapons and showed that the country

does not support Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) through their support of nonproliferation

treaties and the country’s participation in the efforts of the Proliferation Security Initiative, led

by the United States. The country of Jordan wishes for peace and security not only for their own

county but for others as well, as shown in their actions to reduce these deadly weapons in the

Middle East.

Many movements against nuclear weapons have occurred, and also treaties have been signed in

order to prevent countries from arming themselves with nuclear weapons. One of the most well

known treatises against the mass collection of nuclear weapons is the Treaty on the

Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons or by its more common term the Non-Proliferation Treaty

(NPT). This international treaty's purpose is to prevent the accumulation and mass spread of

dangerous nuclear weaponry. The long term goal of this particular treaty is to attain the complete

disarmament of Weapons of Mass Destruction and nuclear weaponry. The treaty has now

become an indefinite one and now hold the signatories of 189 countries. These 189 signatories

include Jordan. So Jordan supports the future goal of the disarmament of all countries to create a

safer world for all of its inhabitants.

The non-nuclear weapon state of Jordan has recognized the importance of regulations in cases of

nuclear weapons. The country proved this by being the first Middle Eastern country that assumed

the Additional Protocol in the Safeguard Agreement which granted the International Atomic

Energy Agency the right to inspect a country’s work in the field nuclear science. This gave a

sense of security by providing information of declared and possibly some undeclared activities a

country may be performing. So the country of Jordan does think these inspections and

regulations of nuclear activity and potential Weapons of Mass Destruction, which are dangerous

to the people of not only Jordan and the Middle East but everyone.

Although Jordan acts out against allowing Middle Eastern countries to indulge in the risk of

nuclear proliferation, the country has expressed interest in nuclear power through research and

the movements taken by the government to attempt to rely on nuclear generated power. They are

not the only countries in the Middle Eastern as the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait,

Yemen, Israel, and Syria have also begun emerging and evolving into nuclear energy countries.

However this is not as much of a risk in cases of nuclear proliferation as allowing a country to

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build WMDs and nuclear weapons. The fear is that countries who are conducting research in this

field can more easily obtain the materials necessary to create WMD and potentially can conceal

the building of these dangerous weapons. And because of this it is important to have regulations

and the International Atomic Energy Agency that can monitor country's nuclear activities.

The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan believes in disarming the countries not only in the

surrounding Middle East Region but worldwide. However they do support the conduct of nuclear

research and energy as most countries and nation in the hope of protecting the security and

peaceful future of the world. ow they themselves are engaging in it as many countries are. And

the country of Jordan has and will continue to adopt and sign these treaties against nuclear


II. The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict

The kingdom of Jordan has itself participated in many wars over natural resources. It is evident

that the country does not believe that war is a good thing or will help a country grow but in some

cases for Jordan it is a necessary evil. Jordan severely lacks may necessary resources. The

country of Jordan depends on oil, and because it wishes to protect their economy, state, and their

people and at times this can even make the country go to war. In Jordan the need for oil because

of its immense influence over their economy sometimes their dependance on oil forces them into


In order to ensure Jordan’s national and economic security in 1994 the Treaty of Peace Between

the State of Israel and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan was signed by Jordan. The treaty

guaranteed the right for both countries to trade freely and protected the sovereignty of both Israel

and Jordan. An equally important principle of the treaty also states water rights in which the

countries could create other water reservoirs and came to a conclusion that they would help each

other through a severe drought. In 1965, the Bilateral Economic Agreement between Jordan and

Iraq, states in Article 1, “-the importation of agricultural, animal and industrial products as well

as the natural resources from the two Countries.” Article 9 of the bilateral agreement certifies, “-

the use of the Jordanian ports to import and export Iraqi commodities and goods.”

Wars to maintain their economy are what Jordan would consider necessary to keep the country

and the people afloat as all countries do depend on their economic. However Jordan has declared

war for more than just the need for resources as the country is surrounded by countries crumbling

with conflict it is impossible to stay out. Recently the king of Jordan Abdullah II stated that the

war on ISIS was their war as well. The people and the country of Jordan have like almost all

countries been forced into war because of their location and because of resources they are

dependent on for survival.

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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


Delegation from: The Republic of Kazakhstan

Represented: North Olmsted High School

Position Paper for the General Assembly First Committee: DISEC

The issues in the First Committee deal with the risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East

and the NPT- the treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons. This committee is also to

discuss tougher sanctions by the UN to ensure that a nuclear war is avoided. We are also

discussing how to limit and sanction natural resources and weapons to make sure that war

doesn’t occur. Kazakhstan stand with the idea of continuing to have restrictions on nuclear

weapons as it’s a member of the NPT. Kazakhstan also stands with the idea that it’s necessary to

place sanctions on natural resources as it’s one of the largest oil countries in the world.

I. Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East.

The Republic of Kazakhstan stands behind the idea that nuclear proliferation needs to be

addressed in order to prevent a nuclear war from occurring. Kazakhstan is a member of the NPT

since it’s independence from the Soviet Union. The President of the country has continued to

make statements about having Asia establish international institutions regarding security.

Kazakhstan was the first country to voluntarily decide to not have nuclear weapons. This country

has also formed treaties with other Asian countries and the United States of America against

weapons proliferation and terrorism. Kazakhstan has taken many actions to clearly show it is

opposed to nuclear weapons and wants to help end it across the world.

When Kazakhstan became independent from the Soviet Union, they handed over all of their

nuclear weapons to Russia, and became a member of the Non-Proliferation Nuclear Treaty.

Kazakhstan is a NNWS a non-nuclear-weapon state, which means that they agree to not create or

acquire nuclear weapons, but they are allowed to observe and see the development of nuclear

powers for positive purposes. Kazakhstan also has presidential democracy, and the current

president, Nazabayev at the tenth anniversary of its independence, talked about the country’s

successes. He also emphasized the need for Asia to diplomatically create institutions about

security between Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus. Nazabeyev met with officials from

China, who is a fellow member of the NPT as a NWS, nuclear-weapon states to restore friendly

relations in 2003.


The Republic of Kazakhstan has consistently supported ideas and been apart of treaties about

nuclear proliferation, terrorism and many other world issues. For example Kazakhstan used to

support of the war in Iraq, but now they don’t and instead are in favor of a stronger presence of

the UN in that conflict. Kazakhstan is also a member of the Shanghai Cooperation

Organization(SCO), which includes China, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan, to

fight “terrorism, separatism, and extremism.” This organization has allowed an alliance of

central Asia to be formed to combat nuclear weapons. Unfortunately it has allowed China and

Russia to take back control of the region. Kazakhstan is also one of five parties in the Strategic

Arms Treaty. In 1993, the United States-Kazakhstan Cooperative Threat Reduction Agreement

was created and further shows that Kazakhstan continues to try to prevent illicit weapon trade.

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The Republic of Kazakhstan ask the UN to call upon making a stronger alliance of countries in

Asia to prevent nuclear proliferation as well as harsher sanctions on making sure their isn’t

unlawful transfers of nuclear technology. Kazakhstan wants to work with other nations in the

NPT, including Russia, the USA and Great Britain in order to make a resolution or national law

tightening the regulations on nuclear weapons and creating a new organization to watch to make

sure countries don’t develop these weapons.

II. The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict

The Republic of Kazakhstan believes that it’s vital to consider the protection of natural resources

because they understand how it can lead to conflict. Kazakhstan believes that countries need to

positively share natural resources and should pay the country with whom the resource is located.

The delegation of Kazakhstan truly thinks that a discussion about natural resources needs to

occur, especially between countries in the same region with similar borders that might have these


Kazakhstan is one of the fastest developing nations in Central Asia, due to it’s large oil fields.

Kazakhstan's Economy and Budget Planning Minister predicts that Kazakhstan could become

one of the world’s top oil producers, which is due to foreign investment and international trade.

The United States alone has invested over $10 billion in the country for oil and gas exploration.

As Nazarbayev, realized the potential and expanse of the country's oil wells, the country decided

that they would have a more positive attitude toward foreign investors. This process makes it

harder and more intimidating to seek settlement in the country, but it makes it easier for the

Kazakh government to nationalize the private property. This hasn’t stopped the U.S. from

meeting with delegates and two other countries, who entered in a partnership with Kazakhstan to

create energy resources in the Caspian Sea region.

The Republic of Kazakhstan has enough oil for itself, but it still has to rely on other countries in

the region for energy. This means that there is no need for Kazakhstan to be involved in the

Middle East conflict of oil struggles. The only way Kazakhstan could get involved would be if

another country attacked and tried to get ahold of it’s oil. Doing this act, would go against

S/RES/1625 and Kazakhstan would not let this happen. Kazakhstan has a new international

presence that allows it to peacefully transit oil to Russia, China and the Mediterranean for

money, which helps the country economically. This trading of oil to this countries though has

lowered and created tension with the United States of America since they aren’t relying on them

as much.

The Republic of Kazakhstan firmly stand behind the principle that the UN needs to create

sanctions and more laws to enforce and make sure there is no conflict over natural resources.

The UN should act on this issue soon as natural resources are used and needed every day, and

some countries don’t have natural resources so it’s vital to figure this out now. Without creating

sanctions and international laws about how to protect countries rights of natural resources,

Kazakhstan would go bankrupt and become unstable as oil is one of it’s main areas of revenue.

The UN can address this idea by being the gateway or creating an organization to regulate trade

and natural resources with smaller groups too in clusters.

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Delegation from: The Lebanese Republic

Represented by: Lake Ridge Academy

Position Paper for General Assembly

The problems that will be addressed in General Assembly of the United Nations are risk of nuclear

proliferation in the Middle East, and the role of commodities and natural resources in fueling conflict.

Lebanese Republic is fully aware of the imminence of these issues and is strongly supportive of the joint effort

made by countries and non-governmental organization to enhance international security and to regulate

resource exploitation.

I. Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East In World War II, atomic bomb “Little Boy” and “Fat Man”, detonated by the the United States in

Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, caused great damage and directly led to the surrender of Japan. After the war,

as more advancements of nuclear technology were made, nuclear power has developed rapidly. Seven

countries, including the United States, Russia, the United Kingdom, France, China, India, Pakistan and North

Korea, claimed to possess nuclear weapon and have several successful testings. Considering of the devastating

damage that nuclear weapons could potentially make, 150 countries have signed the Treaty on the

Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapon, known as the TNP, starting from 1968 to prevent spread of nuclear

power and to achieve nuclear disarmament. Unfortunately, nuclear power is still causing international

disturbance and unrest today. In 2006, North Korea, withdrawing from a party of the TNP, claimed to have

possessed nuclear power and have gone through successful testing. At the same time, monopoly on nuclear

power of Iran triggered nuclear ambition of other Middle-eastern nations, which is a huge menace to peace of

world greatly. Control over increasing nuclear proliferation is highly critical; however, it is difficult for the

United Nations and International Atomic Agency to restrict and regulate the possession and use of nuclear

weapon of every country. Also, abolishment of all nuclear power is unfair and arbitrary because nuclear

technology plays a vital role in agriculture, medicine and other peaceful aspect. In resolution A/RES/49/78,

adopted early on November 1, 1995, the United Nations General Assembly emphasized the serious threat

posed by nuclear proliferation in the Middle East region on international peace and security and called upon all

the Middle-eastern nations to place their nuclear plans under the safeguard of International Atomic Energy

Agency. In August 18, 2007, the Generally assembly adopted resolution A/RES/62/56, which stressing the

importance of confidence-building measures to restrict nuclear weapon in the Middle East and to consolidate

non-proliferation regime in the world. Over decades of years, resolutions have been passed in order to promote

an international atmosphere free of threat brought by nuclear power, while minimizing impact on industries

that benefit from healthy and peaceful use of nuclear technology.

As a Middle-Eastern nation, The Lebanese Republic is fully cognizant of the impact of proliferating

nuclear weapon. In 2007, a military conflict occurred between Lebanon and Israel and caused more than 100

deaths of Lebanon citizens. The fact that Israel has not yet been a party of the NPT poses an imminent threat to

Lebanon’s domestic security and international relationship. Furthermore, Arabian nations adjacent to Lebanon,

such as Saudi Arabia and Syria who are in competition with Iran, have demonstrated large ambition and

announced deliberate plans to develop nuclear power, which also cast a potential menace on peace of Lebanon.

Having signed the Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapon early in 1970, Lebanon has always been

strongly opposed to abuse of nuclear weapon and been very pleased to see international cooperation in solving

this problem. As a party of Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Lebanon forcefully denounces the use of

weapons which are excessively injurious or have indiscriminate effect and urges all nations to place their

nuclear power under the supervision of International Atomic Energy Agency, recalling to resolution

A/RES/49/78 and A/RES/62/56. Meanwhile, Lebanon consents to the potential contribution that peaceful

nuclear technology could make on development. In 2010, Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah was considering

for Lebanon, in short of energy, to build a nuclear electricity generation plant. He saw peaceful use of nuclear

not only harmless, but also highly efficient and very friendly to the environment. In 2012, prime minister Najib

Mikati also urged the project of nuclear plant to be realized, after consulting with the International Atomic

Energy Agency and getting fully permission to do so.

Delegate of Lebanese control of nuclear power a determinant factor for international security. Lebanon is

firmly against the uncontrolled nuclear proliferation and supports a strong regulation system of nuclear power.

Lebanon encourages more nations to join the NPT and is looking forward to seeing Middle-East as another

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nuclear freeze region. Meanwhile, developing healthy nuclear industry, as a new and efficient method to deal

with energy crisis, should be encouraged. Lebanon is willing to cooperate with other countries through the

United Nations to develop peaceful nuclear technology and obtain highly efficient use of energy.

II. The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict Exploitation and redistribution of natural resources are one of the main causes of international unrest.

Due to the skewed geographical distribution of resources, regional conflicts have happened frequently over the

past decades of years. These conflicts are potentially able to cause dramatic price change of industrial material

in the international trade market, giving way to serious economic crisis. As one of the most critical industrial

material, crude oil is the heart of conflicts in the Middle East Region; therefore, the long-lasting conflicts over

crude oil have been a big threat on international economic stability. Organization of the Petroleum Exporting

Countries, known as the OPEC, was established by Middle Eastern nations who had a monopoly on oil supply.

In 1973, responding to America’s involvement in Yom Kippur War, the OPEC declared an oil embargo, which

immediately elevated the price of oil from 3 dollars per barrel to 12 dollars per barrel and directly caused the

first energy crisis. This embargo further led to economic recession of western countries; for example, gross

domestic product(GDP) of the United States, Europe and Japan all decrease by about 5 percent. Six years later

in 1979, second energy crisis happened because of a sharp decrease on production of oil, as a result of Iran-

Iraq War and Iranian Revolution. Price of oil in the international market was almost tripled, which again drag

developed countries into the abyss of energy shortage and economic crisis. For most developing countries and

landlocked nations who are very dependent on importing oil, volatility of oil price has a devastating impact on

their economy; therefore, it is highly critical to ensure energy security for the whole world. Also, in dealing

with existing energy crisis, discovery of new clean energy and establishment of cooperation between nations

play a vital role to minimize damage brought by the crisis. In document E/ESCAP/SB/LDC(8)/1 reported by

the secretariat on August 2, 2017, necessity of exploiting renewable energy and strategizing for sustainable

energy utilization is highlighted. It stressed the importance of confidence-building mechanism as basis of

regional cooperation, and encouraged nations to share their experience on energy supply, demand and


As a Middle-Eastern nation, Lebanon realized the turbulence and unrest caused by fueling conflicts with

great caution. Early in 2000, Lebanon requested the United Nations of marking a maritime boundary between

Lebanon and Israel to protect the Lebanon’s unexploited natural resources in the ocean. Nevertheless, the

United Nations declined Lebanon’s kind request due to lack of mutual trust between Israel and Lebanon. In

2009 and 2010, an Israel oil company, with aid from the US Noble Energy company, discovered two massive

offshore oil field and claimed to own this two sites, which were actually within Lebanon’s maritime economic

zone. Immediately Lebanon Army made a response about this issue and emphasized Lebanon’s integrity of

territory sovereignty. However, instead of turning the two sites back to Lebanon, Israel officials threatened to

launch retaliation. Lebanon firmly denounce behavior or attempts of any nation to steal natural resources that

located outside its territory. “We will not allow anyone to lay his land on our wealth which our children and

grandchildren deserve”, President Michel Sleiman said in his speech on August 4, 2011, warning Israel of its

explicit attempt to take land and natural resources from Lebanon. Without aid of the United Nations, boundary

of Lebanon and Israel has triggered numerous conflicts and caused great damage of Lebanon’s domestic

wealth. It will potentially lead to more serious consequences if this issue cannot be solved. Therefore, the

delegate of Lebanon urges the United Nations to seriously address this problem and find an appropriate

solution to mitigate the conflicts. Also, in order to avoid conflicts caused by energy shortage, Lebanese

Republic made great effort to manage domestic energy. Lebanon Energy Advisory Committee was established

to increase energy efficiency and exploring potential of renewable energy. Lebanon is also attempting to

develop large-scale utility of solar, wind and hydrogen energy. Delegate of Lebanese fully understand the energy and fueling, as a core of Middle Eastern situation, has posed

a huge threat on international security. Lebanon is strongly opposed to some countries’ response to political issue by

causing worldwide and energy shortage and jeopardizing economic security. Lebanon is looking forward to actions

taken by the United Nations to appease energy conflicts between Lebanon and Israel. Lebanon welcome

international cooperation cheerfully to develop clean and efficient energy and to look for long-term solutions to

energy crisis. Last but not least, delegate of Lebanon is confident about the prospect of the issues addressed above

and firmly believe that international security and peace could be achieved by joint effort of all nations.

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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


Delegation from: Federation of Malaysia

Represented by: North Olmsted High School

Position Paper for the General Assembly, First Committee: Disarmament and

International Security (GA1)

The Problems that lay before the General Assembly are the risk of nuclear proliferation in the

Middle East, and the role of commodities and natural resources in fueling conflicts. Malaysia is a

strong proponent of peace by any means necessary. We hope to work with other governments to

make resolutions that maintain peace.

I. Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East.

The Federation of Malaysia is a firm proponent of non-proliferation in the Middle East. As a

member of non-nuclear-weapon States Parties, such as the International Atomic Energy Agency,

we have taken up nonproliferation provisions of the NPT(Non-Proliferation Treaty) and continue

to hold up our part of the bargain. We have made much progress regarding the the 23 items in the

2010 NPT Review Conference Action Plan. We find that the standards that Non-Nuclear-

Weapon-States Parties are held to are inconsistent, as they are being held to increasingly higher

standards of non-proliferation by the Nuclear-Weapon-State Parties, both inside and outside of

treaties. This sort of action is completely unnecessary and a waste of resources and time as well

as a danger to civilians.

We acknowledge the the magnitude of importance that is preventing the Nuclear Proliferation of

the Middle East. Malaysia is supporting several non-proliferation initiatives which go beyond the

NPT Treaty’s framework. We adhere strictly to the treaties guidelines such as the nuclear

safeguards and verification regime, with the help of the IAEA. We welcome regular inspections

by the IAEA on our research reactor facility, the TRIGA MARK II PUSPATI.Malaysia also

supports non-proliferation regionally, as seen through our various regional initiatives meant to

strengthen non-proliferation framework in the Asia-Pacific region.

Malaysia holds firmly that the Middle East should be established as a nuclear-weapons-free-zone

and that the NPT regime continues to be of utmost importance, and is strengthened by NPT

states reaffirming the three pillars of the treaty. Disarmament is the only way to completely

eliminate the risk of nuclear proliferation, and we believe that the disarmament Pillar of the NPT

treaty should be pursued with increased urgency, especially by the Nuclear-Weapon-States.

Nuclear deterrence only serves as a means to encourage encourage proliferation. We believe that

through mutual cooperation between states, we can bring this risk to an end.

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II. The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflicts

The Government and people of Malaysia believes that the correlation between conflicts and

natural resources is not a myth, and is a real threat. Some countries are able to protect and

flourish with their natural resources, but others are plagued with them, as other countries see

them as strategic commodities. We have always been critical of conflicts that are caused by

resources. Malaysia believes that the best way to combat this issue is through good governance

and management of resources. If Governments regulate their own resources, they can determine

the distribution of wealth from resources that generate growth of the country. While this

approach faces many challenges, they can be overcome with a well managed system. For

example, the national oil company of Malaysia, PETRONAS, is successful due to the laws that

control it, and is operating as a commercial organization. This ensures the orderly and

sustainable development of the nation's petroleum industry. PETRONAS has, and continues to,

accommodate developments in local and international laws.

Malaysia believes in international efforts to regulate the flow of resources to decrease the

likelihood of conflicts. For example, we support the regulation of the african diamond trade that

fuels many of their conflicts through the Kimberley Process, which we have supported since the

14th of October, 2003. Malaysia has also implemented many standards in accordance with the

international trade scheme.We believe that international voluntary initiatives by extractive

industries, such as the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) and the Organisation

for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECP) are very beneficial to developing

countries trade. They provide due diligence guidance for responsible supply chains of minerals

from conflict affected areas.

Malaysia believes that maintaining national sovereignty is of utmost importance. Ww therefore

think that the best solution to this problem of resource conflicts is to provide advice to countries

in need. There are already many plans in place that would help countries in need, as previously

mentioned. The UN needs to bolster its support for these programs and help countries in need

obtain easy access to them.

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Delegation from: Mexico

Represented by: Rocky River High School

Position Paper for General Assembly

Mexico has been a part of a long standing committee against nuclear weapons and their

proliferation throughout the world. Mexico understands that this committee is focused on the

nuclear weapons in the Middle East and wants to work with other delegations to find a solution

to stop the rapidly growing weaponry. Mexico has a plethora of natural resources, but thankfully

no one has gone to war over these resources. However, the country of Mexico wants to help the

world solve these fights over resources and discover an agreement that is fit for all.

I: Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East

For those who believe nuclear weapons are a thing of the past, they are oblivious to the current

state of the world today. An alarming estimation of 67,500 missiles have been created steadily

from the United States since 1951 and other countries are right behind them. With the power to

take out the entire globe with a push of a button, we are challenged to stop the grotesque growth

of the nuclear weapons from the nuclear states stationed all around the world. Out of fear and

distrust these weapons have been made and to detonate these weapons could take years but is it

important for the safety of the world to have world leaders start conversing about these

dangerous weapons. These weapons are being created by 1st, 2nd, and 3rd world countries, and

some of these leaders have been named reigning dictators who are dangerous. Through this

meeting, Mexico hopes to help put an end to this dangerous, powerful war tactic.

Mexico has always been a country that has shied away from nuclear weapons from an ethical and

political standpoint. In 1967 Mexico signed the Treaty of Tlatelolco with other Latin American

countries in agreement to not build or manufacture nuclear weapons. Following that, in 2000,

they were a part of a declaration named "Towards a Nuclear Weapon Free World: The Need for

a New Agenda" in order to bring attention to the rapid growth of nuclear proliferation throughout

the world. It is obvious that Mexico has tried to do their part to bring down nuclear proliferation

in the past 20 years, but more needs to be done.

Mexico has recently made great strides by joining the Nuclear Suppliers Group solely as an

observer in efforts to gain a better understanding of the new nuclear weapons being built in bulk.

Although Mexico does not have a large background with nuclear weapons, we hope to bring in a

fresh perspective to help ease this sensitive topic for most nuclear states. Mexico proposes the

idea of a treaty, or agreement, to try to slowly have all countries reduce their number of arms and

agree on this until eventually all nuclear weapons disappear. We are aware that this would be

difficult because most countries feel the need to have an upper hand on others, but we believe

even decreasing the number of nuclear weapons in the world would be a step in the right

direction. We can also reduce and monitor the ingredients that are made in nuclear weapons.

This way, countries will have a difficult time making this weapons. This idea is more aggressive,

but it might be necessary for more difficult countries. Mexico believes that as countries of the

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United Nations, we can come together to eliminate the growing power of nuclear weapons in the

world today.

II. The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict

Natural Resources are the root of many wars for their plethora of uses and rarity. Usually fought

over in the Middle East, these resources help run a country and are important for economic and

social growth. Most recently, natural resources have sparked wars civically by adding to a

preexisting problem.

Mexico has an abundance of natural resources that helps build the identity of this country. The

most popular natural resource, hydrocarbon, has been successfully sold to other countries to

benefit both sides. We believe that an equal and fair trade can take place with natural resources

and that fighting over these is a waste of economic and social growth. However, larger countries

need to also aid the smaller, less developed, countries’ people as well when they are taking away

a resource. Because the resource is being sold from government to government, often times the

citizens are the people who are losing out. If the opposite country offered to help the people as

well as paying the government, then the people would be guaranteed something for losing a

piece of their national identity.

However, all around the world countries are fighting over natural resources because they are

worth a lot of money. Wars, such as the Gulf War, have been created over this greed for wealth

and more money. We, as the country of Mexico, believe that there is a way to stop the greed and

war over these natural resources.

A potential solution to stop the constant war and fights over natural resources is to create a treaty

that only allows a sole country to have control over their land and the resources on it. I know it

seems obvious, but too often countries fight over resources that are not even their own. Together,

the United Nations can come together to solve this growing problem.

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Delegation from: the Kingdom of Morocco

Represented by: Mayfield High School

Position Paper for the General Assembly 1st Committee

The issues presented before the General Assembly are of upmost importance. Nuclear weapons

cannot fall in the wrong hands while natural resources cannot lead to prolonged conflict in an

already unstable world. The Kingdom of Morocco is determined to find solutions to these vast

and complex problems.

I. Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East

Ever since the nuclear attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the world has constantly been

threatened by nuclear weapons. The cold war brought brinkmanship to a whole new world and

led to the creation of thousands of nuclear weapons. Then in the 1970’s and 1990’s, two new

countries gained access to nuclear weapons sparking new fears that it could lead to a new age of

nuclear proliferation and arms race. So far that has been avoided but it remains a possibility.

South Africa too had nuclear weapons but under the wise leadership of Nelson Mandela, he

committed South Africa to nuclear non-proliferation. The Kingdom of Morocco strongly

supports nuclear non-proliferation and wishes to stop the spread of nuclear weaponry both to

states and non-state factors.

The Kingdom of Morocco recognizes the Non-Proliferation Treaty and upholds it. However, the

issue in the Middle East is that other nations have hidden agendas and security goals that adds

suspicion in an already tumultuous region. The only way to stop the spread of nuclear weapons is

to have nations sign the NPT treaty and be honest about their intentions.

The United Nations must have strict rules against the spread of nuclear technology to any nation

that isn’t in an existing nuclear deal such as NATO nuclear weapons. At the same time, all

efforts must be taken to end conflict in the Middle east. Any tension or conflict in the Middle

east can lead to a doomsday scenario when a terrorist group acquires nuclear material or

technology. On the other hand, nations such as Israel, Iran, and Saudi Arabia must be completely

honest and transparent about their nuclear ambitions. The committee must address the

transparency of nations and implement throughout the world. At the same time, the general

assembly must pacify already existing tensions, like the hatred between Israel and Iran. The

Kingdom of Morocco is devoted to solving this issue.

II. The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict

Natural resource tension has going on for a long time. The reason the Japanese attacked the

United States is due to the US restricting oil that the Japanese war machine required to keep

going. So, Japan attacked. Similarly, issues like blood diamonds, oil, and most notably water has

been affecting poorer nations across the world. Currently, there’ water tension in the Indian

subcontinent due to the restriction of water from the Himalayan rivers for the use of

hydroelectric power. This has caused some tension. The Kingdom of Morocco remains

determined to solving this issue for the sake of humanity.

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The Kingdom of Morocco recognizes the real issues that have arisen from natural resource wars.

This delegation would like not to repeat Saddam Hussein’s attack on Kuwait elsewhere in the

world. The only way to end these conflicts is to work with countries to solve their disputes and

have a good police and security force to end illegal resource operations.

The General Assembly must face these complex problems. To solve the transparency issues,

member nations must reveal their intentions. More action needs to be taken to solve tension in

the Middle east so that non-state agents do not get their hands on nukes. In relation to the natural

resource issues, African nations must join together to solve problems peacefully and global

coalition must be formed to combat illegal resource operations such as blood diamonds or opium


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Committee: General Assembly 1

Topic: Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East

Country: Nepal

Nepal is choosing to be anti-mass nuclear development. As part of the Non-Proliferation

Treaty (NPT) and as a peaceful country, Nepal chooses to opt out of mass nuclear production,

and encourages other Middle Eastern countries to do the same.

Committee: General Assembly 1

Topic: Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict

Country: Nepal

Nepal believes that all resources should be available to all cultures and regions, but

believes there should be regulations to this. Monopolies over such resources as oil or fuel should

be resolved, and territorial holds over such premises should be wealthy but not corrupt.

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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


Delegation from: Kingdom of Netherlands

Represented by: Rocky River High School

Position Paper for the General Assembly

The issues presented to the General Assembly are: Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation

in the Middle East and The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict.

Netherlands hopes to not only maintain, but to decrease the limited amount of dangers due to the

possible nuclear proliferation or scare natural resources in combined efforts with other states.

I. Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation

The Kingdom of Netherlands is immensely in favor of the establishment of a nuclear weapon

free zone in the Middle East. Recognizing the intense conflicts between the states from the

Middle East and radical terrorist organizations, Netherlands strives to continue the disarmament

of nuclear capable states from that region for the sake of safety. Therefore, the Netherlands has

endlessly worked on continuing and enforcing the legislation passed by the United Nations.

Primarily, Netherlands has focused on three aspects when it comes down to its role in this

process: promoting the international legal order; preventing nuclear terrorism; promoting

compliance international legislation. First of all, Netherlands is in full support of the 1970 Non-

Proliferation Treaty that has been relatively successful, and stands as the nucleus of the Dutch

nuclear policy. Therefore, it hopes and expects the remaining states, especially Israel, to sign the

Non-Proliferation Treaty, which would significantly increase its effectiveness. Furthermore,

Netherlands would like to shed light on the loopholes that are present in the NPT calling that

treaties like the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) and Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty

(FMCT) to be taken into consideration. Finally, Netherlands has been part of the

Nonproliferation and Disarmament Initiative (NPDI), who help propose and work cohesively in

the reduction of nuclear weapons. Netherlands hopes with a collective effort of all the states, the

United Nations is able to steer any countries in the Middle East away from creating any nuclear


However, there also poses the issue of non-state actors, such as terrorist groups, trying to gain

nuclear strength. Netherlands still stands by the UNSC Resolution 1540, and realizes that a

committee is working to promote implementation of the resolution. Therefore, Netherlands is

willing to help any other countries that encounter problems in maintaining the resolution.

Finally, Netherlands promotes the expansion of funding toward certain committees dedicated to

finding unknown nuclear arsenals, such as the International Atomic Energy Agency. Netherland

soundly stands by maintaining the present legislation and fixing its effectiveness to combat the

risk of nuclear proliferation.

II. The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict

The Kingdom of Netherlands stands behind the actions of the international organizations who

hope to reduce the number of conflicts in countries due to the competition of natural resources.

As an active participant of NATO and the United Nations, Netherland has participated in

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conflicts that have been based off of natural resource troubles.The United Nations has many

forces in conflict ridden countries that are constantly using aggressive techniques to maintain the

fragile alliances that keep those countries stable.. However, the Kingdom of Netherlands, tends

to take a much more diplomatic approach in solving these resource oriented issues. Therefore,

they hope with the coordination of other states, they will be able to peacefully support the

economy and the citizens of those who live in these tumultuous regions. By doing this,

Netherland hopes that they can propose can set up a more realistic and long term solution that

other states can replicate and follow.

Supporting the sanctions proposed by the United Nations, such as S/RES/1689, S/RES/1647,

S/RES/1343, and S/RES/1521, Netherlands hope will forcefully limit the incidents between rival

businesses or states. However, Netherlands also believes to create a permanent and lasting

solution for these countries, the economies of the high-conflict countries need to be supported in

order for them to not be completely reliant on one scarce good. For instance, Netherlands has

donated significant funding toward World Bank’s Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund and

the UNDP’s Law and Order Trust Fund. Furthermore, the delegate would like to bring up the

Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI), a program that attempts that revenues from

extractive industries contribute to sustainable growth and development as a possible solution that

has yet to be supported by many major countries. Even though, it does not have Netherlands as a

partaker in its organization, it is has a significant portion of Africa, one of the high-conflict areas,

signed and cooperating with the program’s mission. These are the organizations that have

potential to truly manage all the issues of that region given enough funding and support.

Moreover, Netherlands also supports other peaceful solutions, such as the exclusive economic

zones (EEZ). This permits for zones of protected resources to be regulated and monitored by

international organizations to insure a peaceful and harmless use of the natural resources. To

truly create meaningful countries that thrive on their own, the United Nations has to be able to

allow these countries to use their resources because those resources have the potential to lift

many third world countries out of the conflicts.

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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


Delegation of: New Zealand

Represented by: North Olmsted High School

Position Paper for the General Assembly (1st Committee)

The issues before the General Assembly are: Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the

Middle East; and The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict. New

Zealand believes that Nuclear Proliferation needs to be stopped and/or controlled and hopes that

commodities can be moderated in countries with fueling conflict.

I. Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East

New Zealand firmly believes in the disbandment of nuclear activity all throughout the world.

Seeing that this is a very unlikely outcome, they would like to have strict controls on countries

with nuclear weapons in order to keep the rest of the world at ease. This problem has been

around for many years because the Middle East claims to be uninvolved with nuclear weapons or

chooses not to respond when asked about their involvement, such as Saudi Arabia or Israel. New

Zealand hopes for the General Assembly to pass resolutions to solve the problem of a weapon

increase in these countries.

In the past, New Zealand has attempted handling the issue of Nuclear weapons with the Middle

East by speaking at the General Assembly. Prime Minister of New Zealand, Mr. John Key, had

previously spoken about the peace and security challenges of small island developing states. This

was his way of saying that New Zealand, along with other small countries, weren’t playing as big

of a role in the United Nations as the five superpowers. This causes problems because if nuclear

warfare is ever a problem, the small countries won’t be able to defend themselves as much as

these larger countries and superpowers. The prime Minister also states that, “Part of the problem

is that these powers pre-negotiate problems, leaving out the rest of the smaller countries.” This

means that all the smaller countries won’t receive what they deem necessary, such as security

and aid. This causes many issues because the smaller countries are not well-represented or heard.

New Zealand has had laws to prevent nuclear proliferation, but these laws solely prevent the

country itself from trading with any country that has nuclear weapons, or seems to have nuclear

weapons. This law in New Zealand is very similar to the United Nation’s Nuclear

Nonproliferation Treaty. This treaty keeps countries from trading weapons to non-nuclear states

and prevents non-nuclear states from creating or receiving weapons. This shows that NEw

Zealand would be a proud supporter of almost any resolution that attempts to prevent or lessen

nuclear proliferation.

New Zealand hopes for the General Assembly to create a resolution in which they find able to

take part in. This resolution should consist of different ways in which the United Nations could

halt creation of nuclear weapons as well the transportation of nuclear weapons, but the resolution

can not infringe on the rights and freedom of the country in question. The resolutions should

focus on Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and Israel because those are believed to be the major threats by

New Zealand.

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II. The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict

Commodities and natural resources are beginning to cause problems between countries

throughout the world. Most conflicts and potential wars are over resources that some country

wants, but another country won’t give up. Recently the fueling conflict is said to be the most

controversial between countries and needs to be addressed by the United Nation in order to stop

the conflicts before they arise.

In order to keep other countries in check, New Zealand has set up several export trade guidelines

which could be beneficial if other countries chose to put in place as well. These guidelines are

essential to New Zealand’s position in nonproliferation as well as being a responsible exporter of

goods. New Zealand hopes to prevent trade of weapons along with materials to make weapons

(such as fuel) and establish a resolution that will keep other countries from trading these items as

well. As a member of the four international exports control regimes and the Arms Trade Treaty,

New Zealand is a part of resolutions such as the Wassenaar Arrangement, the Missile

Technology Control Regime, the Australia Group, the Nuclear Suppliers Group, and the Arms

Trade Treaty. These control the trades of conventional weapons, dual-use technologies, missile-

related technologies, chemical and biological weapon materials, nuclear material (such as fuel),

and other natural resources that could cause conflict within countries. The penalties of New

Zealand for individuals and/or companies that import/export these goods are heavy fine or

imprisonment. New Zealand is very serious about trade laws and does not wish to be involved in

weapon trade or the fueling conflict as a whole.

New Zealand hopes that the General Assembly can create resolutions that will be used to

regulate fuel trade, as well as the trades of other natural resources. This is believed to decrease

the conflict in many countries that could possibly arise from disputes over trade of these

commodities. The General Assembly needs to create a resolution that will give each country a

certain restriction or trade policy, one that the country can come up with themselves, that would

not infringe on basic rights and freedoms of other countries as well as their commodities.

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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


Committee: General Assembly 1

Topic: Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East

Country: Nigeria

The nation of Nigeria thinks of itself as a nation of peace and a nation that will always

fight for continued peace in this world through any means excluding violence. With the rise of

new nations being able to acquire nuclear weapons in the Middle East, our nation has seen a

threat to the stability of the the region. This is especially so in nations such as Israel and Pakistan

and until recently Iran. Nuclear proliferation in the Middle East is a pressing matter especially to

nations who would prefer to maintain peace in the region as it is an area that has the ability for

great potential. With this being said, the Nigerian nation's stance on the issue is one in which all

nations of the Middle East signing on to a treaty pledging not to create, store, research, or do

anything in terms of weaponizing nuclear power.

Committee: General Assembly 1

Topic: The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict

Country: Nigeria

The nation of Nigeria is one that is a rising power in its region and is a great producer of

oil and natural gas as well. Conflict over natural resources especially natural gas is an extremely

pressing matter especially as we as humans use more and more energy as nations develop and

advance. So as to prevent wars over oil and other natural resources in the future, the nation of

Nigeria believes that the best way to combat the threat is to start an International Oil Exploration

Committee in the United Nations whose primary goal would be to explore new areas that have

the potential to produce oil. Also, Nigeria would also like to establish a long term pivot to

renewable energy sources such as hydroelectric, geothermal, wind, and solar within the next

hundred years so technology can be allowed to advance so as to make these forms of energy

more efficient to use and so as not to destroy the economies of the world in a rapid transition

from nonrenewable to renewable energy.

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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


Delegation from: The Islamic Republic of Pakistan Represented by: Lake Ridge Academy

Position Paper for the General Assembly, First Committee The issues before the First Committee of the United Nations General Assembly are: the Risk of Nuclear

Proliferation in the Middle East, and the Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict. Pakistan

is firmly committed to resolving the spread of global conflict through the utilization of diplomatic and sustainable

solutions and expresses its hope for coordination between nations, with respect to the principles of national

sovereignty, in working to resolve the aforementioned geopolitical conflicts.

I. Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East.

The highly volatile status of the Middle East not only serves as a not only a source of regional conflict, but

also creates a significant global impact. Currently, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Jordan,

Morocco, Tunisia, Turkey, Syria, Iran, Kuwait, Qatar, and Oman have all announced plans to explore the uses of

nuclear technology, creating the potential for a large scale introduction of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs)

and threatening the possibility of a nuclear race in the Middle East. Furthermore, the high concentration of terrorist

networks in the Middle East increases the risk of a seizure of nuclear weapons. In order to prevent nuclear

proliferation, or the spread of nuclear weapons, diplomatic negotiations have taken place between nations, such as

the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) between Iran and the P5+1 world powers. Furthermore,

independent international organizations such as the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the Missile

Technology Control Regime (MTCR), and the Australia Group serve as highly prominent actors in the prevention of

nuclear proliferation, through actively moderating their spread. The United Nations has also taken significant efforts

to further global disarmament, or the elimination of nuclear weapons, most notably through the Nuclear Non-

Proliferation Treaty (NPT). In 2001, The United Nations Security Council adopted S/RES/1373 which addressed the

connection between international terrorism and the illegal transportation of nuclear materials, emphasizing the need

for responses on national, regional, and international levels, and obliging all nations to condemn assistance for

terrorist activities. In 2004, the Security Council adopted S/RES/1540, which requests all nations to enforce laws

prohibiting the possession, production, transport, and use of nuclear weapons for non-state actors. The United

Nations continues to implement resolutions on nuclear disarmament and continually works to find solutions without

gravely impacting the national security interests of states. The Islamic Republic of Pakistan views nuclear weapons as integral to the protection of its national

security due to a myriad of external pressures facing the nation. These pressures include, most notably, conflict with

India over the Line of Control which divides the highly disputed territory of Kashmir, and continued cross border

attacks deriving from non-state actors in Afghanistan. In response to Cold Start, a continually developing military

strategy designed by India to periodically attack Islamabad, Pakistan has spurred the development of its nuclear

weapons program. Furthermore, the decreased military presence of the United States’ in Afghanistan has increased

the scale of cross-border attacks deriving from Islamic militants located in the area, necessitating the need for

nuclear weapons in order to preserve Pakistan’s national security interests. Currently, Pakistan harbors

approximately 110-130 nuclear warheads. In addition, Islamabad continues to further the development of its nuclear

stockpile through the production of fissile materials, several delivery systems, plutonium reactors, and uranium

facilities. However, despite its rapidly developing nuclear weapons program, Pakistan remains actively committed

to the spread of nuclear safety and non-proliferation. Pakistan has supported treaties which advocate nuclear non-

proliferation such as the 2005 Amendment to the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material

(CPPNM). Pakistan is also a member of the UN Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation

(UNSCEAR) and has collaborated with the Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism (GICNT), including

adopting the organization’s guidelines for nuclear security and safety. The Government of Pakistan is fully

committed to strengthening nuclear safety and security and has prepared a series rigorous regulations, which are

periodically updated in order to address and effectively prevent nuclear proliferation. Such regulations, monitored

by the United States National Command Authority (NCA), are implemented through a comprehensive framework

known as the Nuclear Emergency Management System (NEMS). The NEMS regulates all matters relating to nuclear

safety and security, including the physical protection of materials and facilities, material control and accounting,

transport security, prevention of illicit trafficking, and border control. The Prime Minister of Pakistan, Nawaz Sharif

acknowledges the international responsibility of Pakistan in eliminating the spread of nuclear proliferation, stating

that “as a responsible nuclear weapon state, Pakistan will continue to support the objectives of nuclear disarmament

and non-proliferation.”

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The Islamic Republic of Pakistan, firmly supports nuclear non-proliferation and has already implemented

multiple strategies to address the issue on a federal level. As part of its efforts to increase nuclear security and

reduce the potential for proliferation, Pakistan has established a Center of Excellence on Nuclear Security (PCENS)

which works in conjunction with the National Institute of Safety and Security (NISAS), the Pakistan Institute of

Engineering and Applied Sciences (PIEAS), and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to further monitor

the development of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons program. Through these exhaustive security measures, Pakistan’s

export control now matches the standards followed by the Nuclear Suppliers’ Group (NSG), the Missile Technology

Control Regime (MTCR), and the Australia Group. The Islamic Republic of Pakistan calls upon the international

community, more specifically those which are nuclear capable, to implement similar three tier strategies focusing on

nuclear programs regulated by the nation, a third party observer, and the scientific community in order to reduce the

potential for nuclear proliferation.

II. The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict.

In a world where the availability of natural resources is becoming increasingly scant, and all the more

valuable, conflicts over the aforementioned commodities have escalated. These commodities, labeled as conflict

resources, are extracted through conflict often implying the abuse of human rights and international law. Such

resources include water, minerals including diamonds, oil, and drugs. With 1.1 billion people lacking access to an

adequate supply of drinking water, water scarcity has served as the source of significant conflict, particularly in the

Shandong and Guangdong provinces of China, Ethiopia, India, Kenya, Yemen, and the Darfur region of Sudan.

Similarly, the value of non-renewable commodities such as diamonds and oil has significantly increased in

conjunction with its dwindling supply, leading to increased conflict. The Institute for the Analysis of Global

Security (IAGS) projects that by 2020, two-thirds of the world’s petroleum reserves will be consumed. This has led

to increased violence, particularly in Africa. In Sierra Leone, conflict over “blood diamonds” serves as the source of

continuous dissension, both in the war-torn state of Sierra Leone and in Liberia, whose war is funded by profits

accrued from Sierra Leone’s diamond trade. Furthermore, during the spread of insurgency in Angola, the

government of Angola supplies itself through offshore oil fields, and the rebel movement UNITA in Angola sustains

their war efforts through illegal diamond mining. The United Nations has taken significant efforts to end commodity

based conflict, particularly through S/RES/1459, aligned with the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme, which

prevents illegal diamond and mineral trade and obliges participating countries to penalize those who violate the

terms of the agreement. The United Nations Security Council has also instituted a multitude of resolutions including

S/RES/1295, S/RES/1306, and S/RES/1689, all of which impose sanctions on diamond trade. The United Nations

continues to implement resolutions on commodity based conflict and continually works to find solutions to

ameliorate disputes in conflict zones around the world. The Islamic Republic of Pakistan recognizes the importance of natural resources in a world where supply is

constantly dwindling. One of the most highly sought after commodities in Pakistan is water. Currently, over 16

million Pakistani inhabitants lack access to safe drinking water, nearly 40% of the country’s population. This

already scarce supply has been further restricted through India’s construction of two hydroelectric dams on the Indus

River. The Indus river serves as Pakistan’s primary source of freshwater, on which 90% of its agricultural sector is

dependent. Concerns over the potential diversion of the flow of the Indus river have incited violent protests

throughout Pakistan. Furthermore, Pakistan also suffers an extreme shortage of gas and electricity. The gas shortage

has reached nearly 40% of the total demand, with companies unable to close the gap between supply and demand.

Electricity production has fallen to only 11,500 megawatts per day, nearly 4,000 megawatts below Pakistan’s

required target. Both of these shortages have resulted in increased domestic protests along with frustration over the

lack of action on the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline agreement. Pakistan has supported resolutions such as S/RES/2171,

which promotes a system wide approach to conflict prevention, and S/RES/1643, preventing the importation of

conflict diamonds in the Côte d’Ivoire. Additionally, Pakistan firmly supports the Reform of the Extractive

Industries Transparency Initiative, the African Mining Vision, and the Reform of the Extractive Industries

Transparency Initiative. The Islamic Republic of Pakistan supports the elimination of commodity based conflict throughout the

world in order reduce human rights abuses, and also promotes the preservation of dwindling natural resources.

Pakistan currently supports the close moderation of conflict zones at both the international and regional level, and

the introduction of resolutions similar to S/RES/1643, to address both water shortage and the forced blockage of

natural water sources. Furthermore, Pakistan calls upon non-governmental organizations to provide assistance in

developing, and potentially funding research-based programs targeted towards developing alternatives to natural

resources in impoverished countries with scarce resources.

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Nuclear Proliferation is widely seen as the most pressing threat to international security due to the

damage that just one bomb can cause. Historically, the threat of nuclear war came in large part from the

conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold war. The first nuclear non-

proliferation treaty was the Limited Test Ban Treaty of 1963, implemented to limit potential nuclear

militarized states. It was believed by the U.S. and the Soviet Union that by limiting nuclear weapons

technology, they could better control the risks of nuclear conflict. The test Ban Treaty was followed by

the Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), which was opened for signature in 1968.

On April 10, 2010, U.S. president Barack Obama and Russian president Dmitry Medvedev signed the

Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty. Under the terms of the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty the U.S. and

the Russian Federation will reduce the number of their strategic nuclear missile launchers by half and

begin new inspection and verification operations. Today, unease is brought on upon the world as nuclear

conflict in the Middle East is starting to flare. It is reported that nine nations, including the two Middle

Eastern countries, Israel and Pakistan, possess a nuclear arsenal. Iran has also come under speculation for

its nuclear program, which it insists is for peaceful purposes. In July of 2015, a major international

agreement was made regarding Iran’s nuclear program. The agreement established a new level of

cooperation between Iran and world powers including the UN Security Council and the European Union.

The possession of nuclear weaponry by any country is a threat to any nation in the world,

including Peru. So that’s why Peru, in accordance to its pacifist tradition, has adhered to all the

international documents on nuclear nonproliferation and disarmament. Some of these documents include

the Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) and the Limited Test Ban Treaty of 1963.

In November 2000, Peru was the host of the “Regional Workshop on International Cooperation of the

Organization of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty and National Processes of

Implementation/Ratification of the Treaty”. This event gathered thirty three representatives and experts

from twenty Latin American and Caribbean countries as well as experts from Canada, Spain, and the

United States. During the 69th session, 8th meeting of the General Assembly/First Committee on October

15, 2014, Ana Pena Doig of Peru stated that “Regarding disarmament generally, confidence-building was

important, and would also help to tackle issues of poverty, inequity and social exclusion, since more

resources could be allocated to social development.”

In a recent document titled “WORKING PAPER ON DISARMAMENT AND NON-

PROLIFERATION EDUCATION”, published by Egypt, Hungary, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru,

Poland and Sweden, Peru along with these other countries called for the committee to “recognize the

feasibility of the implementation by states of the recommendations included in the United Nations study,

regardless of any specific position states may take, and encourage states, groups and individuals to begin

implementing measures as appropriate and feasible.” They wanted to encourage each government to take

concrete steps, no matter how small, toward implementing policies from the report, thereby gathering

momentum for disarmament and non-proliferation. They also wanted to recognize that a large sum of

disarmament and non-proliferation material already exists and is expanding, and reassure the necessity for

arranging and making accessible available resources to disperse them to as wide an audience as possible.

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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


Delegation from: the Republic of Portugal

Represented by: Strongsville High School

Position Paper for the General Assembly, First Committee: Disarmament and International


The issues before the General Assembly, First Committee: Disarmament and International

Security are: Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East; and the Role of

Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict. Portugal advocates for disarmament in

the Middle East as well as dividing and managing these resources with respect to human needs,

while avoiding conflict as much as possible.

I. Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East

From the late 20th-century, the Middle East has been a tense area home to radical governments,

ideologies, and conflicts. The complicated task of making peace in the region extends far beyond

keeping nuclear weapons out of the hands of these governments, and will require years of

strategic military peacekeeping and diplomatic reasoning between the states. As an advocator of

peace and disarmament, having no nuclear weapons program in the country, Portugal hopes to

find sensible methods to keep track of these weapons and store them in UN-friendly areas,

untouched by individual countries.

Portugal has taken an active role in the disarmament of the Middle East as its delegate will be

serving as secretary-general of GA1. A former Prime Minister, the delegate had made various

attempts to disarm the Middle East as well as a fair amount of European countries. However

Portugal has recognized that it is becoming rather difficult to completely get rid of nuclear

weapons. Thus, Portugal wishes to create a method where these weapons can be stored and

monitored under the supervision of the United Nations, when of course these weapons are stored

or located in either a non-party member or a conflicted country.

Portugal looks forward to a multitude of solutions in which the committee could bring together a

sect of the committee dedicated to creating a force to oversee UN-designated bases for the

stockpiling of nuclear weapons. So as to not contrast with national sovereignty, Portugal seeks

the help and cooperation of this committee to discover methods and ways to work around forcing

a nation where to stockpile its nuclear weapons. However, this will only prove beneficial and

necessary to cases of countries who are signed up to be free of weapons, yet store a multitude

that may belong to other countries. Portugal believes that a disarmament and removal of all

weapons is most necessary but understands the sovereign right to hold onto Nuclear weapons

wherever it is a nation needs them. Lastly, it hopes to gather coherent enforcement of task forces

that can investigate any non-aligned party members who are gathering and hold onto nuclear


II. The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict

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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


The Republic of Portugal understands that conflict is only ever over resources. Even though it

may seem on the very front that it is over land or ideology, but these very struggles to prove

points or topple governments require resources and those are obtained only through the

acquisition of land. Portugal feels that as a mercantile trading country, that trade should be more

encouraged to allow a constant flow of goods, so that no one country is found ripe with


Portugal has taken a value in understanding the flow of resources through wars. It understands

that the resources don’t seem to enhance militaries but are only reaped as they are hoarded.

Scavenging the land bare. It does not have much illicit transport of goods over its borders, and

does not see any conflict rise within its own country. It is rather apparent, in places such as

central Africa, that diamond mines and precious stones are the cause of much violence and

hostile takeovers.

Portugal asks that the UN create a mandate for a nation’s military to garner protection over its

producers of goods during wartime in lieu of placing all forces on the offensive. Countries at war

are slowly destroying what is left of its country and it is this committee’s job to bring about

attention and protection to every nation’s resource. There should be a crime against poisoning or

harming the environment during wartime so as not to disturb the resources home to that area.

Portugal asks this committee to put its priorities on not just the political borders but the physical

ones as well, and that this Earth be looked after, especially during wartime.

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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


Country: Republic of Korea (South Korea)

Committee: GA1 (DISEC)

School: Beachwood High School

Topic 1- Nuclear proliferation in the middle east

A day that will forever be marked in history is august 6th 1945. That day will be known as the day

when the nuclear age began. From that point on in time a new fear began to rise which resulted in the

cold war and this inevitable panic that hit its peak in the 80’s but is still alive and well today. While the

greatest weapon known to man was on the rise, the most unstable region (The middle east) in the world

was gaining more knowledge, means and money directed to the subject of Nuclear warfare. Soon

legislation was passed to attempt to stop the nukes from rising in particular unstable areas of the middle

east. The main concerns South Korea has is with the Iran Deal made from the United States and the

general attitude of the world to the nuclear arms the middle east is gaining whether it's Iran or Israel

nuclear proliferation is a must according to South Korea who gave up their own missile plans even though

North Korea has a more advanced program.

In both 2000 and 1984 suspicions against South Korea came about because of skeptical activity

regarding labs that South Korea had set up as a result of the fear of North Korea's nuclear program.

Following Seoul's disclosure of the above incidents, the IAEA launched a full investigation into South

Korea's nuclear activities. In a report issued on November 11, 2004, the IAEA described the South

Korean government's failure to report its nuclear activities a matter of "serious concern", but accepted that

these experiments never produced any missiles of dangerous proportion. The Board of Governors decided

to not make a formal finding of noncompliance, and the matter was not referred to the Security Council.

While South Korea may have the history of attempting to get a nuclear program, after the events in 2000

the Republic of Korea have created new reform and with the new reform came a new attitude to the

nuclear capabilities of the world and specifically the middle east.

What the Republic of Korea wants for this committee is for nuclear arms to be taken seriously and for the

United Nations to get a hold on the military capabilities that Iran (and other countries like it) has. By

economically sanctioning Iran the United Nations establishes a precedent for how nuclear arms are

viewed by the UN and we effectively cut off their supplies and resources. The Iran Deal has the exact

opposite implication of what we believe needs to be done to support the proliferation of nuclear arms.

Sanctioning Iran is the first step because it stops one of the biggest regimes of nuclear arms and poses the

biggest threats to us as a world and to our allies in the middle east. Hopefully together we can all come to

a resolution that will benefit not just the world but also to the stabilization of the middle east.

Topic 2- The role of commodities and natural resources in fueling conflict

Since the dawn of time man has fought over resources. Whether its land oil or gold resources have been

one of the driving factors in civilization forever. But how did a lot of the fights and crises we have today

over resources come to be? Regarding oil, OPEC has forwarded tensions regarding anyone who supports

something they disagree with. For example during the 6 day war with Israel which America supported

OPEC boycotted America for supporting the Israelis. What a lot of people don’t know is that the African

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blood diamonds have caused tension among surrounding African nations and that the Boko Haram regiem

has taken over a large portion of the mining and other materials that Africa imports which causes tension

in northern Africa. By creating a more globalized economy we can solve the tensions between the

countries and the people within the countries by making a free market in the trade world while also

promoting alternate energy which will take away the oil issue.

South Korea has not been majorly affected by any sort of the conflict except for their solution to oil

prices which was to make most commodities that required oil electric. This brought a new age to South

Korea of electricity as a resource which has caused a higher GDP since the rise of electric cars and soon

electric cars will be the regular in South Korea.

South Korea is one of the biggest leaders in petroleum and if they can start the switch to electric then so

can other countries. With financial aid available and electricity becoming one of the biggest (if not the

biggest) driver of first world countries economies than why not help revolutionize the world and make

tensions lowered. Another way the United Nations can address the issues at hand is by creating a more

connected economy in the global sense. By downplaying exports and creating a master economy we

reduce the tensions and disagreements of trade and we help create a better and safer world.

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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


Delegation from: Russia

Represented by: St. Vincent-St. Mary High School

Position Paper for the General Assembly, First Committee

The matter in question in front of the General Assembly are: addressing the risk of nuclear

proliferation in the Middle East, and the role of commodities and natural resources fueling

conflict. The council of Russia is dedicated to help the issue of nuclear proliferation as well as

find ways to help reduce issues with natural resources in our own country and globally.

I. Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East

Nuclear proliferation in the Middle East, however, has become a strong issue throughout the

world. Nuclear proliferation means the spread of nuclear weapons, fissionable material, and

weapons-applicable nuclear technology and information to nations not recognized as "Nuclear

Weapon States" by the Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons. These “Nuclear

Weapon States” include the Power 5; China, United States, Russia, United Kingdom, and France

as well as 164 other countries. Russia asks all countries to work together to keep nuclear

weapons and technology out of the hands of those who will abuse it.

Russia recognizes the risk of WMD proliferation and that they are the main threat to national

security. Along with the other Power 5, Russia signed in favor for the Treaty on the

Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), along with 164 other countries. This Treaty is

meant to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons throughout the world and to create a universal

cooperation of peaceful use of nuclear energy. Because of this treaty, Russia has reduced its

nuclear arsenal from 10,000 to 1,600 and banned the use of fissile material for nuclear weapons.

Russia has established an International Uranium Enrichment Center with Kazakhstan at the

Russian Angarsk plant. While Russia has signed treaties who are not in the NPT, it stands on the

position to search for a compromise and have a peaceful, diplomatic solution to the Iranian issue.

To solve this problem, the Russian Federation believes that the GA1 should reinforce the NPT

and create consequences for those countries who do not adhere to this treaty or who have signed

but break the treaty protocol as well as educating countries and their citizens about the abuse of

nuclear technologies and how to stop this issue. This can alleviate many “back room” trading of

nuclear technology. Another way Russia proposes to reduce the risk of nuclear proliferation is to

establish international centers, under the IAEA, International Atomic Energy Agency, to control

and provide nuclear fuel services which is allowed to be used by all NPT countries. Other

countries, who are not a part of the NPT, cannot be allowed to use these centers unless under

NPT supervision. Finally, Russia believes that peaceful negotiations should be made to help

countries, like Iran and other Middle Eastern countries, create a compromise about nuclear

technologies. Russia believes that, if these ideas are followed, the risk of nuclear proliferation in

the Middle East and around the world will drop and eventually vanish.

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II. The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources Fueling Conflict

In a world of dwindling commodities and natural resources, conflict is created. These conflicts

from wars, both civil and international, and the plunging economies of different nations. In

regards to wars which find their base in conflict over resources, the Russian Federation strongly

supports ending wars and conflict involving resources, and wishes to pursue an effective route to

resolve any and all ongoing conflicts.

Russia, like many countries, suffers from the conflicts caused by natural resources. For one,

Russia is involved in ongoing negotiations with many other Eastern countries to build pipelines

in the Caspian Sea region. These pipelines take Russian petroleum through the Caspian Sea area

to go to other Eastern countries, such as Kazakhstan. These countries believe that since this

pipeline goes through their country, they should be able to get a portion of the profits. Another

conflict caused by natural resources is the dispute over the Kuril Islands, a chain of many islands

between one Russian island and one Japanese island, between Japan and Russia which has

caused both countries to not sign a peace treaty to end World War II. This has damaged both

countries political and trade relations. Russia has signed the Environmental Protection Treaty

with the United States in 1994 to help protect the ecological systems of these two countries to

help produce more natural resources. The Russian Federation is going through many other

negotiations at this time as well.

Russia implores all able bodied countries to begin peaceful negotiations to stop wars over

resources and to find equal solutions. Russia has been meeting with many countries around the

world to help aid in finding resources dso these other countries do not wage war, civil and

international. While this world is stricken with a severe lack in commodities and natural

resources, Russia is willing to help in anyway it can.

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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


Delegation from: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Represented by: North Olmsted High School's Séamus Kean

Position Paper for the General Assembly

The issues before the General Assembly are: Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East and The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, necessitating for a collaboration with other countries, believes strengthening previous UN resolutions will help maintain a Nuclear-Free-Weapon-Zone in the Middle East. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is also seeking to come to an agreement in regards to natural resources and end the conflicts between countries, their citizens, and terrorist groups.

I. Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East

Since the Cold War, nuclear weapons have been increasingly common for a country to have and for a country to build-up. Over the years, the UN has for-fronted the call for nuclear disarmament but ultimately cannot eliminate nuclear weapons. Nuclear Nonproliferation is by far, the most pressing issue in the Middle East. Tension is constantly high between countries and could reach a tipping point at any moment. The most important questions to look at is; why are countries not willing to give up their nuclear weapons and what is the desire for countries in the Middle East to acquire nuclear weapons. In 1970, the UN created The Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) to try and combat the spread of nuclear weapons and weapons technology. Another goal of the NPT was to promote cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, and to further the goal of achieving complete nuclear disarmament. There are only five countries who are nuclear weapon states; China, France, Great Britain, Russia, and the United States. Three of the five nuclear-weapon states (NWS) as recognized by the NPT, are NATO members. NATO’s nuclear policy is based on the concept of nuclear sharing, which involves basing nuclear weapons on the territories of non-nuclear weapon states (NNWS). This allows other countries to host nuclear weapons on their territory. Does NATO's nuclear sharing policy countervail the NPT? NATO argues that its nuclear policies are compatible with NPT obligations and that nuclear sharing does not involve any transfer of nuclear weapons or control over them unless and until a decision were made to go to war, at which time the treaty would no longer be controlling. This means that in war time the NPT would lose its legally binding status, and the use of nuclear weapons by a NNWS, would be legitimized. This allows countries under the NPT to host nuclear weapons in their country. Nearly every country in the Middle East has signed the NPT except for India, Israel, Pakistan, and South Sudan which leads the UN and neighboring countries to believe that these countries posses nuclear weapons. This suspicion creates tension between countries and causes a domino effect for the build-up of a nuclear arsenal. In recent years Saudi Arabia has expressed interest in an ambitious agenda to expand its civil nuclear power program. This is due to Iran’s controversial nuclear program. Saudi Arabia and Pakistan have an understanding in which Pakistan would supply the kingdom with warheads if security in the Persian Gulf was threatened. Any threats to Saudi Arabia is also a threat to Pakistan. King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia warned that if Iran acquired nuclear weapons, we will get nuclear weapons. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia strongly believes that there needs to be more intense sanctions on countries who have not signed the NPT and the NWS should set an example by depleting their nuclear arsenal.

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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


II. The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict

Not only does oil fuel vehicles and the economy, oil fuels conflict in the Middle East. Tensions between Iran and Saudi Arabia arose after the United States withdrew its military forces from the region that prompted an arms race. The governments of both emerging superpowers began to simultaneously increase the size of their militaries; this included the development and testing of ballistic missile systems on both sides. Furthermore, Iran and Saudi Arabia took advantage of Iraq, which had descended into a civil war between its ethnic Sunni and Shiite population after the Iraqi government collapsed. Saudi Arabia moved into southern Iraq to protect the Sunni Muslim refugees in the provinces, while Iran protected the Shiites, allied itself with the Kurds, and openly supported the formation of a Kurdish state, bringing the latter into direct conflict with Turkey, another close ally of the West. This essentially set the path to war between Saudi Arabia and Iran, and their respective allies. After declaring an alliance with southern Iraq, and a coalition with Syria, Jordan, Egypt and Turkey, all predominantly Sunni Muslim countries, Saudi Arabia strove to stabilize and guide the shaky nation of Iraq with American support. This, however, led to Iran calling the coalition an unacceptable Saudi intervention and accused Saudi Arabia of attempting to turn Iraq into a satellite state. Boosting oil exports and revenues in exchange for controls on its nuclear activities was the centerpiece of the deal between Iran and the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council aggravated Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia has consistently opposed the nuclear deal fearing that it will strengthen Iran economically and allow it to increase funding for proxy conflicts in Iraq. For decades, the kingdom has insisted it does not wield oil as a diplomatic weapon, but it did just that as part of an intensifying conflict with Iran. Saudi Arabia's decision to scupper negotiations on a coordinated

oil output freeze is a significant shift in the kingdom's oil policy. Saudi Arabia would rather have a lower oil price and lower revenues for all producers, including itself, rather than reach a production agreement that would deliver increased income to its arch-rival across the Gulf. Saudi Arabia’s Sunni allies in the Arabian Peninsula largely followed suit by downgrading diplomatic ties with Iran. However, recognizing the dire implications of a major conflict in the region, most of Saudi Arabia’s Gulf State allies did not go as far as to entirely sever diplomatic relations, as Saudi Arabia did. Many of them are concerned about a descent to further instability. Nations like Kuwait and Qatar have trade links with Iran, plus Shiite populations of their own. Crucially, Qatar also shares a maritime border with Iran as well as access to massive natural gas reserves in the Persian Gulf. The Saudis are on the phone lobbying countries very hard to break off ties with Iran but most Gulf states are trying to find some common ground but, the problem is, common ground between everyone in this region is shrinking. A full on direct military confrontation would be something entirely different, however. It would have catastrophic consequences for oil markets, even when taking into account the current supply overhang. A war between the two countries could lead to supply disruptions, with predictable impacts on prices. If there was a war oil could overnight go from $100 to $250. If they attack each other’s loading facilities, then we could see oil spike to over $500 and stay around there for some time depending on the extent of the damage. Saudi Arabia is a member of the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). As the world's leading exporter of petroleum, Saudi Arabia has a special interest in preserving a stable and long-term market for its vast oil resources by allying itself with healthy Western economies which can protect the value of Saudi financial assets. It generally has acted to stabilize the world oil market and tried to moderate sharp price movements. Saudi Arabia is calling for the UN to step in and protect Saudi Arabia against Iran because it is crucial for the world's economy, especially the Western Nations.

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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


Delegation from: Senegal

Represented by: Cleveland Heights High School

Position Paper for the General Assembly, First Committee: Disarmament and International Security

The issues before the General Assembly, First Committee are: Addressing the Risk of Nuclear

Proliferation in the Middle East and the Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict.

Senegal has been and will remain dedicated to devising diplomatic solutions to the issues at hand, with

hopes that such discussions will result in productive resolutions forged via international partnership. We

aim to fulfill the Committee’s role in disarmament and international security and secure the best interests

of all member nations in attendance.

I. Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East.

The Republic of Senegal is both alarmed and highly concerned at the threat of nuclear proliferation in the

Middle East. Our nation has been consistently critical of those nations choosing not to partake in their

roles to help decrease such risks. As such, our commitment to the security of this area is reflected in our

desire to see the hazards of the region addressed.

In September of this year, the Security Council voted 14 in favour and none against with one abstention

to pass a resolution reaffirming the importance of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, of which

Senegal has been a signatory of since 1999. Foreign Minister Mankeur Ndiaye said the final goal was not

only non-proliferation, but also nuclear disarmament. In 2014, he also noted at the Conference on

Disarmament that Senegal “urged states that have not yet done so, to amplify the momentum of the vast

movement that is shaping up so that eventually … nuclear weapons are totally banned.”

Due to our strong stance regarding denuclearization, the nation of Senegal recommends the

implementation of a treaty calling for reduced - and over time, redacted - nuclear weapons use and

experimentation. We further recommend that stronger consequences be established for those found in

defiance of such terms, as the safety and stability of not only the Middle East, but the international

community as a whole remain at risk. Senegal feels that our past actions have demonstrated our desire to

eliminate the threat of nuclear proliferation in favor of a safer and more cooperative, transparent region.

As a signatory of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, as well as a signatory and

ardent member of the African Nuclear-Weapon-Free-Zone, Senegal remains dedicated to the

extinguishing of all nuclear weapons, particularly in such volatile times. We are more than willing to

contribute whatever is necessary to achieve a world without nuclear weapons. Additionally, we encourage

that the region of the South China Sea be used freely for international trade. We remain deeply

disappointed by any nation that has shown resistance or outright opposition to the aims of the United

Nations in its goal to eliminate the threat of nuclear proliferation, reminding these countries that it is in

their own best interests to ensure the stability of the region’s and the world’s international community.

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II. The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict.

Since independence, the Republic of Senegal has consistently been concerned with the state of

international affairs in regards to the conflict-fueled climate. With such war-torn and conflict-ridden

regions on our continent, it is not only within our own best interests to decrease the militarization arising

from war over natural resources, but within the best interests of the international community as a whole;

in particular, the brightest young minds of our generation who seek to grow up in a world of lessened

conflict and increased peace.

As Côte d'Ivoire is a major export partner of Senegal, the role of commodities and natural resources in

fueling conflict is particularly relevant to us. Through our strong diplomatic relations with the United

States, France, and other developed nations, the Republic of Senegal strongly supports financial aid to

countries involved in such disapproved-of methods of trade. We believe that the transition to more

democratic systems of government would allow for a more centralized and effective process in each state

to establish their own resolutions, with the help of the United Nations. Senegal would also recommend

the implementation of a committee to oversee such activities, and proposes that a small region

languishing from commodities-influenced conflict receive a small-scale trial of a UN-sponsored

resolution drawing from the successes of the Kimberley Process and other such efforts to eliminate the

dangers and conflicts arising from battles for natural resources.

The Republic of Senegal has a history of supporting peaceful resolutions of conflicts in the international

population, and affirms that such stances are applicable to the elimination of conflict resulting from the

fight for natural resources and commodities. We reiterate our faith in the effectiveness of such diplomatic

resolutions. We recommend these ideals be implemented in the intervention of the conflict at hand.

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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


Delegation From: Slovenia

Represented By: Orange High School

Position Paper for General Assembly, First Committee: Disarmament and International


The issues to be decided by the General Assembly are: Addressing the Risk of Nuclear

Proliferation in the Middle East and The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling


I. Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East

The issue of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East is a prominent one. It is extremely complex

and concerns many different relations and topics. Most countries in the Middle East are involved

in a treaty to end the proliferation of nuclear weapons in the Middle East called the Nuclear

Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT). Countries not involved in the NPT include Iraq, Libya, Iran, and

Syria. Despite the fact that most countries agree to this treaty, the issue of nuclear weapons is

still present. A country’s view on nuclear weapons has to do with its governmental stability. As a

country located fairly close to the Middle East, the issue of nuclear proliferation is of great

importance to Slovenia.

Slovenia has consistently advocated for the nonproliferation of nuclear weapons. The

Comprehensive Nuclear-Test Ban Treaty and the Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear

Weapons have been important to Slovenia. The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test Ban Treaty bans

all nuclear weapons, for civilian and military purposes, regardless of the environment. This

provides security for all, and bans nuclear weapons, no matter the reason. Multiple countries

have agreed to The Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons, and none possess

nuclear weapons. The Treaty requires that there is no transfer of nuclear weapons from nuclear

states to non-nuclear states, and that non-nuclear states remain non-nuclear states. The entire

world could be devastated by the proliferation of nuclear weapons, so it is essential that we bind

together against the spread of nuclear weapons. These treaties need to be taken seriously and

enforced to stop the proliferation of nuclear weapons.

These treaties against the proliferation of nuclear weapons only work with the help of each

country. With one country having access to nuclear weapons, means multiple countries have

potential access to nuclear weapons. For example, if one country is a non-nuclear state, but its

bordering country is, it is likely that the nuclear state will supply the non-nuclear state with

weapons, continuing the proliferation. It is important that each country agree to the Treaty on the

Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons. This topic is a serious one. The potential consequences of

not signing the treaty, and continuing nuclear proliferation are great. Although nuclear weapons

may seem great in times of havoc, terrorist control over nuclear weapons could be lethal. This is

a prominent issue, one that could be resolved quite easily. Slovenia requests that each country

agree to to the Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons, and therefore takes a stand

against the proliferation of nuclear weapons.

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II. The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict

Natural resources and commodities can be extremely beneficial to a country. They can provide

immense amounts of revenue to a government. This makes natural resources and commodities a

source of conflict for control over revenue streams. In the past 60 years, 40% of of civil wars can

be tied back to natural resources. From diamonds to opium, a fight for control over revenue still

exists. To stop the flow of conflict diamonds, diamonds used to finance wars against

governments, The Kimberley Process Certification Scheme was established. This binded

governments and industries together against conflict diamonds. Conflict diamonds are not the

only cause for concern, there are conflict minerals as well as oil and water.

Slovenia is rich with natural resources like lignite, lead, zinc, building stone, hydropower, and

forests. All of these resources are of commercial importance and could bring in a flow of

revenue. For that reason, Slovenia has not signed off on the Kimberley Process, Extractive

Industries Transparency Initiative or any other resolution that may inhibit the flow of natural

resources and commodities. Slovenia has had a border dispute with Croatia and Italy over each

of the country’s ecological and fishery zones. To resolve this, an exclusive economic zone (EEZ)

was established between the countries so each one had a right to the resources in specified areas.

Slovenia is a country abundant with water related resources, so in order to control this water is

heavily allocated. There are strict instructions in Slovenia on who can abstract water. Slovenia

acknowledges the conflicts associated with natural resources and commodities, but as a country

rich with them, does not want to pass anything that may limit them. Slovenia is not one of the

countries associated with conflicts dealing with resources and commodities. So as a resource rich

country, Slovenia wants the revenue without the conflict.

Slovenia has not been involved in conflicts, and therefore does not see the benefit of passing any

resolution to prevent them. All natural resources and commodities have done for Slovenia has

been of benefit, so anything to limit them is not in the best interests of Slovenia. This issue

should be looked at as an important one for those countries involved in these conflicts, like those

that dispute over oil and diamonds, but Slovenia is not one of them. Slovenia will not pass

anything that limits our resources, as we allocate things within our own country, and see no need

for them. This conflict is serious, but not to Slovenia. For these reasons, we request that no

resolution be passed to limit our influx of natural resources, all of which have caused us no

problems or conflicts with other countries.

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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


Committee: General Assembly 1

Topic: Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East

Country: Somalia

The country of Somalia thinks of itself as a peaceful nation and it will continue to support

peace in the world through non violent efforts. Our nation sees the new threats of nuclear

weapons in the Middle East as a threat to the stability of the region. Especially Israel, Pakistan

and Iran. Nuclear Proliferation is a very important issue for those who would look to keep

stability in that region with much potential. With the facts being presented, the nation of Somalia

would like to push a treaty not to create, store, buy, research, or anything to do with nuclear


Committee: General Assembly 1

Topic: The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict

Country: Somalia

The country of Somalia is a great producer of oil in its region. The matter of natural

resources is very important due to the ever increasing demand for every nation. The nation of

Somalia will like to continue to drill for oil but be able to sell it internationally. Our nation will

also like to use other renewable resources that will help advance our country. The oil that comes

from Somali lands will help toward these reforms. We would like to have more contracts with oil

companies like before our civil war to help our economy. The nation of Somalia would also like

help from U.N. to form a committee to help protect our lands from threats toward our oil. This

committee will explore and protect the oil filled lands of Somalia and other oil bearing nations

near it. This will help with securing profit from the oil and going on track towards a more energy

efficient country.

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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


Representative of South Africa in the General Assembly

In the latter half of the twentieth century, humanity developed a way to annihilate itself.

And on more than one occasion it almost has. This way is the use of nuclear weapons and they

have been a scourge to the human race since their conception.

Nuclear power itself is no vice. Nuclear power provides a source of energy that has a

relatively low impact on global warming and generate a lot of energy. This is undeniable.

However, using nuclear power for weapons poses a grave threat to humanity.

Therefore, it is the position of the Republic of South Africa, that the member nations of

the United Nations work towards strongly limiting the possession of nuclear weapons and

prevent new nations from developing them. We also strongly encourage all nations (who have

not already to accede to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.

For the benefit of all of humanity, the United Nations must work towards the terminus of

all nuclear weapons.

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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


Delegation from: Spain

Represented by: Mayfield High School

Position Paper for the 1st General Assembly

I. Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East

The Middle East has had much involvement with the use of nuclear weapons. There has been many

rumors surrounding the deal between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. Through this deal, these two counties

have agreed to share nuclear weapons. Both counties have denied this deal, but there has been speculation

surrounding their claim.

Spain has agreed to the nonproliferation of nuclear weapons and wants to see a balance between nuclear

weapons and peace. They were one of the first European countries to sign the Chemical Weapons

Convention (CWC), which wants to terminate the production of chemical weapons and destroy all

existing weapons. Also, this country has signed The Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI). This document

has wanted to end the illegal trading of nuclear weapons among different countries. The main idea of this

is to end the trading of weapons that could cause mass destruction. The United states accidently dropped 4

nuclear bombs on Spain which caused a portion of their land to be contaminated with radioactivity, so

Spain has very strong feelings about this topic because they have been directly affected.

The desired outcome is to have a balance between the use of nuclear weapons and peace. Though Spain

does not want to end the use of nuclear weapons completely, they do want to ban all unnecessary testing.

Spain has agreed to the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT). By signing this, Spain agrees

that the testing of nuclear explosions should be banned. Though this treaty has not been put into effect,

Spain has already agreed to the banning of nuclear weapons.

II. The Role of Commodities and Natural resources in Fuelling Conflict

Spain produces many products, some of which include cereal grains, vegetables, olives, citrus fruits, and

vegetables. Recently they have been experiencing a water shortage which has caused many conflicts to

arise. Farmers are consuming millions of gallons of water a day to water their crops while spain only has

a limited supply to give to its people.

This issue has caused the United Nations to estimate that 135 million people will have to leave the land

because an estimated one third of the land will turn into desert. Spain has cut back on the amount of water

the citizens are allowed to use but illegal wells are still being built. Also, public fountains have consumed

a huge portion of the water supply. Conflicts arise among people because while some of the population

has been cutting back on water, others have no idea this issue exists. Farmers have been using a huge

amount of this water to irrigate their crops and the government has given them water sources because

their crops have not been so successful. But many people speculate that they are not only using the water

source for irrigation purposes, they have been using the water source to do other activities such as using it

to fill swimming pools.

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One major thing Spain has done was turn off all the big fountains in BArcelona. Fountains in BArcelona

have consumed a majority of the country’s water supply, so turning off the fountain has slightly helped.

Another thing the country has done is import fresh water from other countries. This is a very expensive

process and it only gives a fraction of what's needed, but this solution is the only thing they can do for

now. They are currently looking for other solutions to save the water crisis.

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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


Delegation from: Sweden

Represented by: Orange High School

Position Paper for the General Assembly

The General Assembly will be discussing: The risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East

and the role of commodities and natural resources in fueling conflict. Sweden would like to make

an effort to encourage the use of nuclear technology peacefully and promote trade amongst

nations to lesser the risk of conflict.

Ⅰ. The Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East

Sweden is located in Northern Europe, sharing borders with Norway and Finland. Sweden has

not officially declared that it possesses any nuclear warheads, like many other European nations.

However, Sweden recognizes the importance of this issue. The delegation of Sweden feels that

nuclear weapons and technology pose a major threat to global safety and it needs to be taken care


Many Middle Eastern claim to use nuclear technology peacefully, however this isn’t always the

case. The Middle East is the world’s deadliest region in the world and proliferation of nuclear

technology makes it even more of a threat. The emergence of ISIS combined with fighting rebel

groups makes the Middle East an unstable area and the availability of nuclear weapons to these

groups could be detrimental to the modern world as we know it. One reason why nuclear

technology is becoming more and more prevalent in the Middle East is it has the ability to be

very beneficial to the economy. It gives jobs and promotes business, especially with other

countries, such as Russia, therefore stimulating the global economy. On the other hand, nuclear

warheads pose a big threat; in turn, the United Nations has called for a global reduction of

Nuclear warheads.

Sweden would like to create a program that encourages the use of Nuclear technology, for

peaceful uses only. Nuclear technology, such as nuclear energy, space bombs, and other

innovative devices, can be used to better the future of the world. Sweden wants to establish a list

of standards that determine eligibility for this opportunity. One way to achieve these goals would

be creating a resolution paper that recommends that countries in the UN implement a program

set up by the General Assembly. Such a program would lower the risk of nuclear energy being

harnessed for harmful purposes.

Ⅱ. The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources Fueling Conflict

Commodities and natural resources certainly play a major role in society because access to these

things creates many economic opportunities for both small, underdeveloped countries wishing to

expand and larger countries wishing to maintain their economic growth. Oil is sought after all

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over the world and it has become a pressing issue because much of oil is found in the Middle

East, which is unstable due to the Syrian civil war, rebel groups, and emergence of ISIS. Far too

often it can be seen that these resources cause global conflict, such as the Gulf War, and 40% of

civil wars can be attributed to a conflict of natural resources. Another example of this conflict is

the corrupt blood diamond market in Africa. It is clear the world still suffers over splitting up

resources because each country wants economic stability and eventually, growth.

Sweden knows that encouraging global trade is very difficult, however it creates good relations

amongst nations. Sweden believes that the easiest way to achieve this global trading platform

would be to have a free market for trade, with a committee that reviews trades to ensure they are

reasonable. Sweden plans to implement this through a multi pronged plan proposed in a

resolution paper. This plan would include aspects on free trade which would inevitably promote

future trade without taxes or tariffs.

Sweden is fully able and ready to work with many different countries to find a solution to this

pressing issue. It is clear that there are many perspectives from each country and each needs to

be evaluated and weighed in order to find an overall solution. As stated earlier, one of the ways

to combat this issue is to promote trade amongst nations, specifically free trade which does not

restrict what is being traded or promote taxes and tariffs. Sweden is willing to work with all of

those considering free trade as well.

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Committee: General Assembly

Country: Switzerland

School: Orange High School I. Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East

The sovereignty, political stability, and neutrality has been respected by various nations across the European powers and beyond. Switzerland's political and economic factors are largely entwined and dependent on neighboring nations. Switzerland plays an important role in UN and international organizations and relations which have strengthened Switzerland's ties with various nations over time. Switzerland remains active in international affairs while maintaining a strong commitment to neutrality. In the ever changing state of crisis, especially in the middle east, Switzerland has been able to stay neutral while also aiding in terms of humanitarian aid. When it comes to Nuclear Proliferation in the middle east, Switzerland has long been a strong advocate for addressing the issues as a top priority, especially picking up pace after the Cold War. Swiss diplomats have pushed projects and international initiatives for years in efforts to keep the debate on nuclear disarmament running.

Switzerland has long worked towards the elimination of nuclear weapons with great efforts from Swiss leaders. Although achieving these goals is not possible overnight, an initial urgent step towards the progressive reduction of nuclear-related risks should be taken by all nations. Many powerful swiss leaders advocated for disarmament, urging involvement. Didier Burkhalter, a member of the Swiss Federal council, stated that “global power shifts, geopolitical tensions, and regional instabilities… should not be an excuse for inaction.” 34 countries take Switzerland's stance on the humanitarian dimension of nuclear disarmament and call for the abolition of nuclear weapons.. These countries draw attention to the horrific consequences of these weapons while stressing the role of civil society in raising awareness.In ares such as Syria, Switzerland is pursuing the policy of peace and security, while in Iran it is focusing on protecting the Power mandate between Iran and the US while in Iran, Switzerland pursues a far more humanitarian mission. Switzerland is also pursuing the facilitation of negotiation for a just and lasting peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians. Switzerland plays a key role in diplomatic relations between the tension filled nations, it provides good offices and promotes international law. Recently it has even lifted sanctions on Iran for far more political and economic relationship to develop.

Although there are challenges with relationships in the middle east growing far more intense and situations becoming far more dire, Switzerland finds absolutely important for international cooperation to be present. In order to minimize the risk of nuclear weapon proliferation nations should implement a stronger nuclear weapons controls or nuclear disarmament. In managing future threats of nuclear weaponization cooperation is the key component. Nations must adapt to the new global security situation, take the international humanitarian law into account, consider the implementation of nuclear transparency.

II. The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict

Located in central Europe, east of France, north of Italy, Switzerland is a honored neutral member of the European community with strong ties in various part of the world. With 8,179,294 inhabitants and a strong federal republic, Switzerland has a prosperous and modern market economy with a per capita GDP among the highest in the world. However, Switzerland’s well being is highly influenced by neighboring countries. Natural resources and commodities are often factors that feed into international conflict, influencing political ties, the economic market, and indirectly various nations. Resources such as bodies of water, land, oil and gas, and minerals have often been the

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battleground. Natural resources give some nations an advantage in the economic market, and often become the reason for conflict.

Switzerland’s national resources include hydropower potential, timber and salt with it’s exports commodities being machinery, chemicals, metals, watches, agricultural products and imports being machinery, chemicals, vehicles, metals; agricultural products, textiles. In history a pattern can be seen with natural resources or commodities being motifs for conflict between nations. In South Africa blood diamonds was a major issues, in the middle east oil reserves are fought over, seaports are also grounds for battle. Many nations depend of natural resources and commodities for economic growth and form of income. Switzerland control over 30 per cent of the market trade in petroleum and a far larger portion of its economy depends on commodity trading with resource rich countries. In various nations where political and economic instability is already a problem, natural resources and commodities often contribute to the increase of competition. In the middle east, conflict has resulted in competitive strive for taking control of oil reserves. In south Africa, need for diamonds have increased humanitarian concerns for child labor. Environmental consequences also arise feeding the conflicts present even more.

In order to combat the increase in conflict due to natural resources and commodities several actions should be taken. International trade plays an important role in potentially minimizing the issues present as well as international industries and corporations. Companies in Switzerland are expected follow statutory provisions which take into account human rights due diligence obligations, while refraining from contributing to conflict. In order to address the increasing conflicts capacity on taxation policies and better regulate extractive industries could be developed. Another strategy would be to narrow in on eliminating opportunities for tax avoidance and advocating for better deals and contracts of multinational companies. Transparency provision in laws and regulation to combat illicit capital flows, bribery and tax evasion may be one way to minimize the issue at hand. It is also crucial to notify and educate the global community, which may prevent armed conflict over resources.

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Delegation from: the Syrian Arab Republic

Represented by: Mayfield High School

General Assembly 1st Committee

The First General Assembly will be addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle

East and the Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict. The Syrian Arab

Republic wishes to cooperate with other delegations but will in no way allow its national

sovereignty to be infringed upon.

I. Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East The nuclear age started with the famous Manhattan project of the 1940’s. Then the Cold War

began and nuclear proliferation was completely unrestricted to the point that the United States

and the Soviet Union had thousands of nukes ready to bring this world to an end. Humanity

could have come to an end at any second and the current global order has tried hard to prevent

this fear from coming back. With that in mind, the Syrian Arab Republic is deeply troubled by

the existence of nuclear weapons in the Middle East. These weapons are a threat to Syria’s

already fragile society and the nation is already highly unstable due terrorists who constantly

attack the Syrian Republic.

Only certain nations can have nuclear weaponry and to an extent, peaceful nuclear technology as

well. The Syrian Arab Republic fully supports the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and urges

every nation to sign this important treaty. Syria is in a delicate situation with both possibly

nuclear armed Iran and Israel threatening the current Assad regime. Nuclear ambiguity in the

Middle east is a threat to Syria and is a threat to all if these hidden nukes are suddenly taken by

extremist groups.

The two nations that claim ambiguity when it comes to their nuclear weaponry is the Syrian Arab

Republic’s main concern. This ambiguity must be addressed in this committee’s resolutions

because it poses a far greater threat to global peace and security. The threat of nuclear war is far

too great to be ignored and thus must be addressed. Syria will build a resolution based around the

removal of nuclear weapons from the Middle East. and the prevention of nuclear weaponry

falling into the wrong hands.

II: The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict

In early human history, natural resources like food and water were the only reasons for conflict

but as we have progressed as a species, our longing for goods of all kinds gives way for more

opportunity for strife. Goods in question being diamonds, oil and many rare elements and the

processes in which those resources are collected combine to represent most industry in many

African and Middle Eastern countries. With that in mind, the material that is most pressing to the

Syrian Arab Republic is oil. Considering all its allies and enemies are in strict contention over its

distribution and its supply in ISIL directly affecting the stability of Syria, it will be the point

during committee that will be most important to this delegation.

Since most of the accessible oil deposits around the world are in the Middle East, it tends to have

the most impact in Syria’s internal and foreign affairs. The Russian Federation, a close and

precious ally of Syria is a large exporter of oil to countries around the world and how that

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impacts other Middle Eastern ally producers like Saudi Arabia in prices and competition affects

the aid they receive from Russia to battle ISIL.

ISIL being Syria's ultimate concern, it is also important to mention that any loose plans that may

allow more oil in the hands of ISIL is one that Syria could not support. The Syrian Arab

Republic looks to find and build a resolution that will consider Syria’s concerns and the concerns

of similar-minded delegations while maintaining national sovereignty.

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Delegation from: The Republic of Turkey

Represented by: Strongsville High School

Position Paper for General Assembly First Committee

The issues before the General Assembly are: Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the

Middle East and the Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict. The

Republic of Turkey is dedicated to fairly solving the problems facing all states involved in these

disputes. The Republic of Turkey would also like to express its hope for the cooperation between

all state and non-state actors that will participate in solving these problems.

I. Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East.

While the Republic of Turkey does not possess any nuclear weapons of its own, it is a host the

largest storage of NATO nuclear weapons, and is very dedicated to the protection of the Middle

East from these weapons. While the storage of these weapons is under tight security, Turkey did

recently face an attempted coup that did threaten the security of the weapons. The Republic is

dedicated to safely storing these weapons and controlling the spread of nuclear weapons

throughout the world.

Recognizing the devastating affects nuclear proliferation could bring on the world, the Republic

of Turkey has supported many resolutions passed to deal with controlling the spread of nuclear

weapons. Not only does the Republic of Turkey support the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of

Nuclear Weapons within the UN, but it is also in compliance with a separate NATO policy,

NATO’s Nuclear Deterrence Policy and Forces.

The Republic of Turkey has followed the guidelines presented in Treaty on the Nonproliferation

of Nuclear Weapons and has been an acting member in preventing the spread of nuclear

weapons. The Republic of Turkey believes that it should continue to house and store NATO

weapons. The Republic of Turkey recognizes the type of domino effect that could be caused if

other Middle Eastern countries were to get control of nuclear weapons, and believes more

protection from other NATO allies is required to safely store the multitude of weapons currently

held within the country. The Republic of Turkey would like to bring the assistance of UN peace

keeping forces to make sure the security of nuclear weapons remains stable. Also, the Republic

of Turkey calls upon international forces to police countries in the Middle East to make sure no

weapons are being illegally held.

II. The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict

The Earth is abundant with natural resources, however, due to increasing industrialization these

resources are slowly dwindling. The lack of natural resources is a major part of many conflicts

throughout the world. The Republic of turkey is willing to work with other countries in order to

help equally distribute natural resources in order to promote world cooperation in the future.

Recognizing the devastating effects of our dwindling natural resources, the Republic of Turkey is

looking for more global solutions to help spread the wealth of resources provided by the Earth.

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While the Republic of Turkey is not extremely involved in issues within resource-rich African

countries, it does possess many helpful natural resources including coals and iron ore which does

put it at an advantage to other countries.

The Republic of Turkey is dedicated to helping solve these problems and is willing to take steps

to help fix this problem. Recognizing solution S/RES/1625 and its effectiveness in controlling

the illegal exploitation of natural resources, the Republic of Turkey would be willing to do more

to help control the illegal trade and exploitation of natural resources. Starting, the Republic of

Turkey would like to increase penalties for countries found misusing natural resources. The

penalties could include, but are not limited to, increasing sanctions against trade with countries

or an increase in taxes or fines against countries. Other ideas include more oversight in the

distribution of resources and better patrolling of international trading.

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Delegation from: Uganda

Represented by: Strongsville High School

Position Paper for the General Assembly

The issues at hand in the General Assembly are: assessing the risk of nuclear proliferation in the

Middle East; and the role of commodities and natural resources in fueling conflict such as civil

wars and wars across the planet. The Ugandan Government is designated to investigating the

claim of increased nuclear proliferation in the Middle East. And ha the utmost interest in

discovering the involvement of natural resources in fuelling conflicts around the world.

I. Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East

The Ugandan Government has the utmost interest in the risk of nuclear weapons in the Middle

East. The region of the Middle East is in turmoil and having nations such as Iran and Egypt

building such weapons is dangerous to the rest of the world. A lot of sunni powers in the region

has also signed onto creating nuclear weapons. Egypt gave the rest of the middle east the idea to

hire out of country to build a nuclear reactor. Egypt has hired a the russians and every other

sunni power has announced similar plans as well. This is a dangerous move for the Russians to

make. If this nuclear reactor falls in the wrong hands such as the terrorist groups in the area it can

be devastating for the country in which the reactor is built in. Also the reactor could be studied

and made into weapons if wanted. The Israeli arsenal of Nuclear weapons should be dismantled

and turned over to the international community. The Israeli arsenal is only encouraging the other

less stable nations in the region to follow in its lead. Though it would be to the benefit of the

countries to build nuclear reactors to power their electrical programs it could be dangerous to

those countries that have terrorist organizations.

Uganda, being a country that does not have a nuclear program, has no interest in starting such a

program due to the backlash from the international community. Uganda is a poor country in a

jungle setting. Uganda's interests are to use renewable resources to protect the ecosystem that is

around our country. If these Middle East countries get ahold of these nuclear weapons it could

lead to a nuclear war in the Middle East. This would not only affect the Middle East but could

plunge the planet into a nuclear winter. The nuclear arms race in the Middle East is a dangerous

race that can lead to a nuclear war in the Middle East. Iran being the closest country to obtain

nuclear weapons have accepted a deal with the U.S. to stop their nuclear program. This is the

steps that we have to take to make sure that the other nations in the Middle East to cease the

creation of nuclear weapons. If the international community could come together and form a deal

with these countries it could save millions of lives in the Middle East. The Middle East is a

dangerous place right now and if the Middle East’s countries start stockpiling weapons of mass

destruction then it could lead to mass destruction and leave the world to suffer the consequences.

II. The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict

The Ugandan government recognizes the need of natural resources in conflicts from around the

world. Recent studies have shown that natural resources and conflicts are highly correlated. The

more resource that are obtained by a civil war movement the deadlier the war. So if the war gets

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more resources from the country such as through looting or actually extracting resources the

conflict has the means to have the war and will have a deadlier war because of it. If the war is a

gradual build and takes a long time to start the war then there is more time to build up resources

which will make the conflict deadlier. There is also a potential of a civil war when resources are

taken from the citizens. If the country takes the resources from the citizens it will anger them and

cause there to even be deaths before the conflict starts as the citizens fight to keep their goods. If

the state depends on natural resources for revenue and the state weakens this could call a civil

war. These conflicts are caused by resources and the economic hardships the citizens of the

country will revolt for better lives.

If lives are improved and resources are provided there are less chances for conflicts to start. If

more jobs are created the economies on these war torn countries the peoples of the countries will

be less likely to revolt. If the civilians items are not taken from them there will be less need for

war. The basics needs of a human are meet such as water, food, shelter, clothing, and a ability to

work and get money there will be less need for civil war or change. There is no need for conflict

if resources are provided.

There is also a chance of conflict if the resource wealth is not described slightly equally. If the

higher class has its holding on all the resources so the lower class can't have good items then

there is a higher chance of a war. This would breed looting which would in turn cause the higher

class to attack the lower class to retain the resources which sparks the civil war.

Uganda understands the hardships of conflicts due to the multiple conflicts around Africa and

abroad. Uganda believes that if the basic needs of the people are provided then conflicts will be

less likely to start. If there was a way to balance the resource wealth of a country it will slow the

conflict. People need jobs to be able to feed themselves and their families. Conflicts are fought

over the need to meet basic needs so if that is provided of is helped in providing it then there is a

chance to stop a conflict before it starts. The conflicts that are happening around the world are

due to the fact that there is no resources to be had or that there is too many resources that are

under control of the wrong people. If the international community could step in and help these

war torn countries with their conflicts there would be less individuals dying for senseless causes.

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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


Delegation from: the Republic of Ukraine

Represented by: Lake Ridge Academy

Position Paper for General Assembly, First Committee: Disarmament and International

Security (GA1)

The issues before the General Assembly are: Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the

Middle East and The Role of Commodities; and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict. Ukraine

is dedicated to help create the best solutions possible along with all concerned state and non-state

parties in order to decrease conflict and increase cooperation.

1. Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East

In recent years, the race for nuclear power has sped up significantly in the Middle East, affecting

international relations across the globe. A total of twelve countries have all shown their initiative

to develop nuclear technology programs through signing cooperation agreements with other

nations, finding locations for their development, and actively building new power plants and

various research centers. However, every country has stated their desire to use the information

and resources they are developing for purely peaceful purposes. The UNODA (United Nations

Office for Disarmament Affairs) has received letters from twenty-four Middle Eastern countries

that confirms their support toward a weapon of mass destruction, including nuclear, free region.

The threat comes from the possibilities that arise when developing technology in a field that has

the potential to cause mass destruction. Many attempts have been made to establish the Middle

East as a nuclear-free zone because of this risk, since resolution 3263 (XXIX) in 1974 to

resolution A/68/781 in 2012, but none have come to fruition.

When the Soviet Union was disbanded in 1991, Ukraine held one third of their nuclear weapons,

making it the third largest country in the world in terms of nuclear power. However, once it

gained independence in 1994, the new government decided to destroy all the weapons and sign

the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons as a non-nuclear weapons state.

Recently, in 2014 during the Vienna Conference on the Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear

Weapons, Ukraine further recognized the importance of action concerning nuclear threat and

supported the Austrian led Humanitarian Initiative. This calls all countries involved in the

original treaty to renew their commitment to a nuclear-free world and to take additional measures

against potential detonations. Ukraine is determined to do whatever it takes in order to promote

the destruction of nuclear weapons and supports all efforts against the increase of nuclear

proliferation in the Middle East.

Since 1996 when the Ukraine transferred its last nuclear warhead to Russia and the president

“[called] on other nations to follow [Ukraine’s] path and to do everything to wipe nuclear

weapons from the face of the earth as soon as possible," this country has been committed to this

ideal. Ukraine’s involvement in the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and all

Humanitarian Initiatives indicates the commitment this country has toward decreasing nuclear

power across the globe. Ukraine encourages other countries to become involved within these

groups and cooperate with each other in order to promote a more peaceful future.

II: The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict

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A large challenge in the modern world is how countries adapt to natural disasters, exploitation,

and other instances in which natural resources are starting to be in jeopardy. Oil, water, and

many commodities are becoming more and more of a scarcity. Civil wars have occurred in

countries across the globe due to this competition for resources, resulting in destruction and

harm. From 1965 to 1990, seventy-three civil wars occurred that resulted in over a thousand

people dying each year. In addition, wars between countries have multiplied in an effort to obtain

as much as possible as fast as possible. For example, nations are competing for the gas reserves

in the Arctic, the East and South China Seas, around the Falkland Islands in order to secure that

resource for their country. The United Nations has partnered together with the European Union

to form a partnership that works hard to prevent, manage, and resolve these detrimental conflicts

through new guidelines on natural resource management. Other than this, a major effort remains

to be created that unites countries together to discourage fighting over resources and instead

sharing them.

Ukraine is a major victim in the depletion of necessary natural resources due to its dependency

on natural gas from Russia. Ukraine has reported that between sixty to seventy percent of all its

natural gas comes directly from Russia in order to provide for its country. This allows Russia to

have the upper hand in all economic affairs between the two nations by raising the prices for the

resources whenever they choose to do so or even turning it completely off. In December of 2013,

he former Ukraine president, Viktor Yanukovych formed a contract with the Russian president,

Vladimir Putin, in order to receive cheaper gas from Russia. However, this lasted less than a year

after protests increased in Ukraine, and the price increased up to 400 dollars per 1,000 cubic

metres compared to the standard $270.Due to the lack of stable funds within Ukraine, these

regulations majorly hurt the country. The debt was continuously increasing toward nearly two

billion dollars with no clear solution in sight. Eventually, the European Union stepped in to settle

Russia’s gas power over countries. In 2014, Ukraine started purchasing and exporting their gas

from Europe through the same Russian company, Gazprom. Gazprom tried to prevent the resale

of their product to no avail; Europe only blocked them with steep fines and regulations.

However, Ukraine is not completely stable yet. The country has to continue to distance

themselves from Russia’s grip on six-percent of its natural gas.

Ukraine calls upon other countries for help to stabilize their economy and continue to create a

secure environment for the exportation of natural gas. Gazprom claims Ukraine owes them over

4.5 billion dollars in debt. Russia still has some standing as a “natural gas” superpower through

Gazprom and, as a result, leaves Europe and Ukraine cautious about the potential damage they

could cause. The United Nations needs to work together with Ukraine, Europe, and other

countries in order to form a coalition capable of stabilizing natural gas exportation.

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Delegation from: The United Kingdom

Represented by: Mentor High School

Position Paper for the: General Assembly

The issues placed in front the General Assembly include: Addressing the Risk of Nuclear

Proliferation in the Middle East and The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling

Conflict. The United Kingdom firmly believes that all nations must work together to ensure that

peace and security is kept in the Middle East.

Topic I. Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East

The United Kingdom avidly supports all effort in keeping nuclear weapons out of the

hands of terrorist organizations and Middle Eastern nations that intend to develop such weapons.

The risk of nuclear proliferation is a very real threat, as Israel has possession of 200-300 nuclear

weapons and with the threat of Daesh or other groups obtaining such horrific weapons. The

United Kingdom has signed the Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons, which

promotes the use of peaceful nuclear technology to be shared with signers of the treaty. The

United Kingdom will work in full cooperation with other delegations who seek to keep harmony

in the Middle East.

Nuclear proliferation in the Middle East would spell disaster for not only the Middle

Eastern region, but the world as a whole. The United Kingdom has in the past, and presently,

supports nuclear non-proliferation treaties and policies such as the NPT treaty, the fact the the

United Kingdom is not currently producing nuclear weapons, and the recent Iran Nuclear Deal

that was signed between Iran and other major nations. The United Kingdom played a big role in

the Iranian Nuclear along with five other major world powers(signed November 24th, 2013). The

government of the United Kingdom has also enacted a policy of limiting our own nuclear arsenal

to no more than 180 warheads.

The United Kingdom has supported many treaties in the past including the NPT and

Iranian Nuclear Deal. Also including a United Kingdom government policy, updated on May 8th

2015, that will limit the United Kingdom’s own nuclear arsenal. The UK, and her citizens, would

like a cooperative agreement between all notions involved in said deal. Most importantly,

cooperation from Middle Eastern nations. The United Kingdom delegation would also like to add

that while an embargo on the region would might prove somewhat efficient, it should be

avoided. The United Kingdom is willing to work with any nation that seeks a peaceful and

cooperative resolutions.

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Topic II. The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict

Throughout history, natural resources have played a key role in conflicts between nations.

Such as the start of the Persian Gulf War when Hussein invaded Kuwait in order to obtain

control over the petroleum resources in Kuwait. Also including the increasing tensions in the

South China Sea, and any other regions with escalating tensions over resources or commodities.

The General Assembly and its delegations must work together to create a solution to avoid any

future conflicts involving commodities and or resources.

The United Kingdom has in the past supported resolution A/RES/55/2 which

undoubtedly shows the United Kingdom’s support for the fair distribution of resources. Conflicts

in Africa have arose as a direct cause of resources such as diamonds. The United Kingdom

supported resolution A/RES/56/263, which addressed the issue of diamonds, a natural resource,

playing a key role in conflicts in Africa. More specifically the Sierra Leone Civil War. The

United Kingdom has also supported many other treaties and resolutions that help avoid conflicts

starting from natural resources and commodities.

While the United Kingdom seeks the best outcome for avoiding conflicts due to resources

and commodities, there are obstacles to overcome. The General Assembly must respect a nation's

sovereignty and the General Assembly must recognize the effort it will take in avoiding such

conflicts that may arise. The United Kingdom would like to bring to the table that, perhaps, a

resolution to be put in place that would share resources in a disputed region that would otherwise

be at risk for an outbreak of a war. There’s also the obstacle of nations being unfairly treated in

such a situation that a region's resources would need to be distributed. Which could lead to

conflict just by the thought of resources being shared when one nation's feels as if they have full

rights over said resources. The General Assembly must take these obstacles on so that such

conflicts can be void. The United Kingdom delegation urges the General Assembly, and its

delegations, to create a resolution that will be most effective in avoiding any future conflicts over


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Delegation from The United States

Represented by Mentor High School

Position paper for the General Assembly

I. Topic A: Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East

Since the bombing Hiroshima the question of Nuclear Proliferation has been a major

concern. All of the world there are problems with this subject, we see it repeatedly with

North Korea but in the most current events involving this subject we shift our attention to

the middle east. Many countries in the Middle East either have or have tried nuclear

weapons but in recent events, (Especially for America), the primary focus has been

Iran. Iran is a theocratic Government following the Muslim Shia sect and they have

made point in the past that they do not like Israel one of America's key allies in the

middle east. Iran has recently been researching more and more into Nuclear weapons

until they signed an agreement with the U.S and several other leading world powers,

(Great Britain, China, Russia, and France). This agreement allows UN officials to see

how much Uranium Iran is using and what for but it also gives Iran some sanctions

back. Seeing that all of the five permanent security council members can agree on this

as a solid course of action it can be seen as a common sense proposal. Seeing that it

was also made by the U.S counting to combat Nuclear Proliferation in manners like this

seems only natural. It is more or less a square peaceful deal that though it can be

expanded provides a good groundwork to lay out plans preventing the attainment of

nuclear weapons. Some places where it could be expanded upon, such as for other

countries who already have nuclear weapons to the eventual disarming of them.

Otherwise overall I think the sanctions for stopping nuclear productions is the probably

the best deal all around.

II. Topic B The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict

Many countries around the world are facing problems with the amount of natural

resources they have. For example Oil shortages in many countries.Though for the

most part the solution has been typically just to allow countries to trade with whoever

this has been found to not be the most effective way. What the U.S currently suggests

that perhaps the most fair to delegate what nation gets the valuable natural resources

that they need is to get rid of corruption in the merchants who make these transactions.

There should be a a better regulated international attempt to stop smuggling and corrupt

deals that do not help these countries. The United States believes that this is helpful

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due to the fact that if the resources are mismanaged there is nothing they can do. That

is why the U.S is aso proposing that foreign experts will teach other nations how to use

their resources more efficiently. A effective blend of these ideas will improve the

situation. Another solution could possibly the introduction of more green energy in other

countries, possibly funded by GMOs, such as wind turbines and solar panels. By giving

other countries these tools they can manage their resources better. Also by introducing

these tools to other nations they can build their own industry off them eventually

becoming independent of foreign aid.

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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


Delegation from: Oriental Republic of Uruguay

Represented by: North Olmsted High School

Position paper for Disarmament and International Security

The issues for the Disarmament and International Security are: Addressing the Risks or Nuclear

proliferation in the Middle East; and The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in

Fuelling conflict. Uruguay strongly supports the idea of solving issues peacefully

I. Addressing The the Risks of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East

The Oriental Republic of Uruguay rejects the use of force when it comes to settling issues, they

would prefer to settle things peacefully Uruguay is part to the principal international conventions

In the area of the environment and sustainable development

Uruguay thinks that there are a lot of risks involving nuclear weapons in the middle east.

Especially with the rise of terrorist attacks and the rise of fear throughout the middle east is a

problem that needs to be solved preferably peacefully.We have decidedly furthered all measures

aimed at the elimination of nuclear arms and other weapons of mass destruction. We have also

advocated the control and reduction of conventional weapons.

Uruguay has contributed to strengthening both the regional Tlatelolco Regime and the Nuclear

Non Proliferation Treaty.Without a healthy environment a state cannot hope to function properly.

Nuclear weapons are becoming easier and easier to obtain if anyone in any country can get them

that puts everyone at risk. If these terrorist organizations in the middle east can get these

weapons they would be able to fire these weapons off at whoever they wanted to.Uruguay hopes

that we can solve these issues peacefully

There are a lot of risks with anything Nuclear there are many things that you need to be careful

about for example the risk of Nuclear radiation, if any of that radiation leaks into a populated

area the population could potentially get cancer and many other nuclear radiation related effects.

There is also the risk of a nuclear plant breaking down the whole world knows what happens

when nuclear power plants have a melt down from the tsunami and earthquake that hit Japan in

2011. If countries start implementing nuclear power plants and have easier access to nuclear

weapons they are going to need to make certain precautions so that it is as safe as it can be. No

one can completely get rid of risk but we need to do what we can to make it as safe as we can.

What if one of these terrorist groups were to get their hands on one of these nuclear weapons and

use it on innocent civilians? The effects would be catastrophic, millions of people would be in a

state of emergency there would be counties sending in medics, planes dropping off care packages

And not to mention the fear and paranoia that would be going around, fear of another attack, the

Government would be trying it’s hardest to find out who did it.

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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


II. The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict

Uruguay’s main natural resources are all agricultural, consisting of livestock, grains, rice, wheat,

corn, barley, and oats. Uruguay depends on imports for getting many of the things they need

mainly raw materials. There are other industries in the field of electronics in Uruguay they also

have some mineral resources that include marble, stone, granite, and bauxite. Uruguay's beaches

Really help it’s economic status by bringing in tourists every year. Uruguay was the only country

in the Americas to not go through a recession between the years of 2007 and 2009

I don’t really see any of these natural resources causing conflict maybe granite could cause some

Trouble. Uruguay does rely on imports, some of Uruguay's top imports are Crude Petroleum,

Refined Petroleum, cars, Electric Generating Sets, and broadcasting equipment. Uruguay has the

93rd largest export economy in the world. In 2014 Uruguay spent 11.6 billion dollars on imports

in year they bought more than they sold and were in debt 2.36 billion dollars. In 2010 Uruguay

and Saudi Arabia were trying to form a food security partnership, the president of Uruguay was

planning to host the Saudi delegation as a national strategy to help diversify farm markets in

Uruguay. Uruguay’s natural resources are mainly agricultural and ones that I don’t see causing

any conflicts at all.

Page 110: Cleveland-Autumn Conference - · governed by Bujar Nishani. Albania spreads across the Balkan Peninsula owning 28,748 square Albania spreads across the Balkan Peninsula owning

Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


Delegation from: The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Represented by: Lake Ridge Academy

Position Paper for the General Assembly

The issues before the General Assembly of the United Nations are: Addressing the Risk

of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East; and the Role of Commodities and Natural Resources

in Fueling Conflict. The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is firmly committed to working with

its allies to make the world a safer place.

I. Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East

Nuclear proliferation in the Middle East is a massive issue facing the world today. It has

been an issue for many years and many people are afraid of the possibility of countries in the

Middle East obtaining nuclear weapons. One of the countries that people are most scared of

getting a nuclear weapon is Iran. The most recent step taken to solve this was the Iran Nuclear

Deal. This deal has set Iran’s nuclear progress back far enough that, if uninterrupted, it would

take them 12 months or more to build a nuclear weapon, whereas before it would have taken

only 2-3 months. Iran has had to get rid of much of their nuclear material and disable their

centrifuges and they have allowed lots of access to their nuclear facilities and supply chains.

This deal ensures the safety from a nuclear strike from Iran for many countries around the world.

The risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East is a threat to all countries around the

world, including Venezuela. Venezuela is a very close ally of Iran and is opposed to the

sanctions leveled against Iran. However, Venezuela is happy that Iran will be able to continue

their nuclear programs for peaceful purposes. After the Iran nuclear deal, Iran looked to expand

its relations with Latin American countries, including Venezuela. A 60-person Iranian

delegation traveled to parts of Latin America the week of August 21, and the trip ended with a

stop in Venezuela. They were looking to expand political and economic relations with these

Latin American countries. Iran’s deputy foreign minister Majid Takht-Ravanchi said that Iran

views Venezuela as an ally and friend. He also said that the relations between Iran and Latin

America would be strictly economic and political, with no military aspects. Iran is looking to

contact Latin American countries because of the doors opened up by some of the sanctions that

were lifted because of the Iran nuclear deal.

Venezuela’s desired policy outcomes include their close ally Iran being able to continue

producing nuclear material. This is because Venezuela was opposed to the restrictions placed on

Iran by the nuclear deal. Venezuela does not have many desired outcomes for their own nuclear

program, because they only have one nuclear power plant and rely mostly on their oil for power.

Venezuela does not have a nuclear program because they do not need nuclear energy to power

the country because of the abundance of oil.

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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


II. The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict.

Commodities and natural resources have always played a major role in fueling conflict.

The most recent examples are countries in the Middle East being invaded because of their oil

supply. Oil is a very necessary resource and there are a few countries that have a natural

abundance of oil and they are sometimes invaded for that very reason. Because of the role that

commodities and natural resources play in conflict, countries must protect their natural resources

from other countries, and this fuels conflict even more. There are many debates all over the

world about whether countries should be able to take resources, specifically oil, from other

countries during conflicts. This is a large issue in the Middle East because oil is a major

resource that many Middle Eastern countries produce.

Venezuela’s main natural resource is oil. They are the fifth largest oil-producer in the

world and they have the largest reserves of conventional oil in the western hemisphere and the

largest reserves of non-conventional oil in the world. Despite the fact that Venezuela is such a

large oil-producing country, it has partly reduced conflict and promoted democracy in

Venezuela. This makes Venezuela different from other large oil-producers. However, oil has

also caused some violence in Venezuela. Oil has caused some conflict in Venezuela because of

the fact that a large part of the earnings from oil go to the wealthy. However, because of the

nationalization of the oil industry in Venezuela in the 1970s, as well as other events before that,

Venezuela has been able to stay relatively peaceful, especially compared to other oil producing

countries. This makes it an outlier among the major oil-producers of the world, because oil tends

to cause lots of conflict especially in the Middle East.

Hugo Chavez wanted to reform the oil industry when he took power in 1998. He wanted

to do this to prevent possible conflict in Venezuela as a result of the oil industry. One of the

things he wanted to do was strengthen the Organization of the Petroleum-Exporting Countries

(OPEC), because OPEC being weak resulted in the price of oil falling, which in turn caused a

rise in oil-production in non-OPEC countries, specifically Russia and Mexico. He was

concerned that this could lead to conflict and that OPEC needed to be strengthened quickly. He

hosted multiple OPEC summits and traveled to many OPEC countries to restore relations. He

also made Venezuela more credible in OPEC, which also gave them better relations with Middle

Eastern countries such as Iran. He was able to avoid any conflict by restoring relations within

OPEC and making OPEC strong so that there were fewer oil-related issues in the world.

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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


Delegation from: The Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Represented by: Strongsville High School

Position Paper for the General Assembly, First Committee

The issues before the First Committee are twofold; the first addressing the Risk of Nuclear

Proliferation in the Middle East and the second being the Role of Commodities and Natural

Resources in Fueling Conflict. Vietnam seeks to establish peace within the Middle East by

preventing the spread of nuclear weapons in hopes of keeping these devices out of the possession

of terrorist groups, as well as preventing international nuclear warfare.

I: Addressing the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East

The Socialist Republic of Vietnam is strongly against nuclear proliferation in the Middle East.

Vietnam is both a member and an advocate of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, otherwise

known as the NPT. In 2007, as interests in nuclear production began to surface, Vietnam issued

an Additional Protocol Treaty with the International Atomic Energy Agency to confirm that the

nation would remain peaceful in its interests. One year later, in 2008, Vietnam banned all

production of nuclear weapons and nuclear proliferation. Vietnam is also a member of a nuclear

weapon-free zone, ensuring that it has no intentions on starting nuclear warfare with its

bordering nations, as well as all other nations. In addition to refusing to produce and use nuclear

weapons, Vietnam also supports placing a ban upon all associated noncompliant testing. The

Socialist Republic of Vietnam does not present an interest in nuclear production as a result of the

lack of interest that its bordering nations possess. There is no current threat posed that would

drive Vietnam to produce such weapons. In fact, Vietnam is only entitled to purchase nuclear

fuel from other nations, and is forbidden to produce this commodity internally. While Vietnam

recognizes that nuclear proliferation has its benefits, such as serving as a defense against terrorist

groups and possible nuclear production in Iran, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam stands strongly

against nuclear proliferation in the Middle East. Vietnam suspects a violation of the NPT by the

trading of nuclear weapons between Middle Eastern countries, specifically Saudi Arabia and

Pakistan. In addition, Israel remains separate from the NPT, and therefore is not entitled to obey

its laws. For these reasons, Vietnam recognizes nuclear proliferation in the Middle East to serve

as a detriment to the First Committee’s attempts in building a state of peace.

II. The Role of Commodities and Natural Resources in Fueling Conflict

The Socialist Republic of Vietnam has presented itself to be relatively abundant in natural

resources. With an adequate supply of oil, petroleum, minerals, and as of recent years, coal,

Vietnam does not possess a dire need to import many natural resources. Gold and fish, however,

are very rare in Vietnam.

While Vietnam is relatively independent in producing its own materials, it has contributed to

conflicts over the trade of natural resources in the past, specifically with China. In 2014, after

decades of conflict with China over land and water territories, China set up an oil rig within

disputed waters. While China claimed this area of the South China Sea was part of its territory,

Vietnam reacted with complaints and protests. Not only is there a history of conflict with other

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Position Papers, General Assembly, First Committee, Cleveland-Autumn Conference 2016


nations concerning natural resources, but there is also an illegal rhino horn poaching system

within the country.

The Socialist Republic of Vietnam strongly supports a resolution to be made concerning the

trade of natural resources in order to prevent conflict between countries, as well as illegal

trafficking of products. Vietnam believes a trading system should be established to distribute

natural resources to each nation based upon that country’s population. As far as illegal

trafficking is concerned, Vietnam supports government involvement in private businesses in

order to prevent illegal trade.