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ClassTakes Brecksville One Step Beyond by Hollie Mondok For years, the Western Reserve has pro- vided for those who seek to explore nature and wildlife, but what about those who wish to explore things out of that realm, or even out of this dimension? It is lucky for those Brecksvillians that Lorraine Scott is coming to town. The accomplished medium will teach the class "Exploring the Paranormal" at the Brecksville Human Services Cen- ter Thursday mornings from April 17 through May 8. Scott said she will use visual, audio and hands-on techniques to coverthe psychol- ogy of earthbound spirits, including what We'll pay' you when your lncome stops. ~.i't ur plan is designed to provide you money ~ when your income stops, if you are disabled from sickness or accident. With disability income protection from Auto*Owners Life Insurance, you're protected anywhere in the world, 24 hours a day, on or off the job. For more details, contact our agency today! vluto-Owners Insurance Life. Home Car Business 7k"!ob fk6&m'fe()p!~/' ~ INSURANCE AGENCY INC 3505 E. Royalton Rd. -Broadview Heights, Oh 44147 . (440) 526-5700 ghosts are and reasons why they are here; spiritual energy patterns, including orbs, ectoplasms, vor- tices, poltergeists and apparitions; ghost hunting equipment and Lorraine Scott. Photo usage; ins truc- by D. ]ansik dons, standards and protocols in conducting a successfulparanormal inves- tigation; field investigation sites such as cemeteries, houses and battle fields; ghost photography techniques and equipment; ghost photograph analysistechniques used to recognize valid paranormal anomalies from the non-paranormal photographic flaws; and recording and analyzing elec- tronic voice phenomena. "I actually take my students out in the field to do a paranormal investigation in the teaching of this class," Part of the Road Scholar Program, this class is offered in partnership with Cuyahoga Community College for $40 per student. Scott grew up in Maple Heights where her parents and grandparents owned a business. She graduated from Maple Heights High School in 1965 and went on to earn a bachelor's degree in business administration from Dyke College in Cleveland. Scott said she is a natural-born medium and healer. "I've been seeing ghosts or iTAEKWONDO FAMILY CLASSES ARE :oufi SPECIALTY

ClassTakesBrecksvilleOneStepBeyond - Farnam … by Hollie Mondok For years, the Western Reservehas

Apr 22, 2018



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Page 1: ClassTakesBrecksvilleOneStepBeyond - Farnam … by Hollie Mondok For years, the Western Reservehas

Class Takes Brecksville One Step Beyond

by Hollie MondokFor years, the Western Reserve has pro-

vided for those who seek to explore natureand wildlife, but what about those whowish to explore things out of that realm,or even out of this dimension?

It is lucky for those Brecksvilliansthat Lorraine Scott is coming to town.

The accomplished medium will teachthe class "Exploring the Paranormal" atthe Brecksville Human Services Cen-ter Thursday mornings from April 17through May 8.

Scott said she will use visual, audio andhands-on techniques to cover the psychol-ogy of earthbound spirits, including what

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ghosts are andreasons why theyare here; spiritualenergy patterns,including orbs,ectoplasms, vor-tices, poltergeistsand apparitions;ghost huntingequipment and Lorraine Scott. Photousage; ins truc- by D. ]ansikdons, standardsand protocols inconducting a successfulparanormal inves-tigation; field investigation sites such ascemeteries, houses and battle fields;ghostphotography techniques and equipment;ghost photograph analysistechniques usedto recognize valid paranormal anomaliesfrom the non-paranormal photographicflaws; and recording and analyzing elec-tronic voice phenomena.

"I actually take my students out in thefield to do a paranormal investigation inthe teaching of this class,"

Part of the Road Scholar Program,this class is offered in partnership withCuyahoga Community College for $40per student.

Scott grew up in Maple Heights whereher parents and grandparents owneda business. She graduated from MapleHeights High School in 1965 and wenton to earn a bachelor's degree in businessadministration from Dyke College inCleveland.

Scott said she is a natural-born mediumand healer. "I've been seeing ghosts or



Page 2: ClassTakesBrecksvilleOneStepBeyond - Farnam … by Hollie Mondok For years, the Western Reservehas

spirits since I was around three years old.[ have one son who has the exaCtgifts thatI do. He supports what I do, but currentlydoes not use his gifts in any way."

She added that her mother was alsobornwith the same abiliti~s.

''Amedium provides evidenceof survivalof the human personality or the physicalStatewe call death," Scbtt explained. "Hehr she i~the link between the two worlds,communicating with people who havedied, through mind-to-mind contact.Mediums are not fortunetellers but arecommunicators with those who havepassed on.'~She said she possessesall threemental mediumships: clairvoyance;seeingspirits; clairaudience, hearing spirits; andclairsentience, sensing the presence andthoughts of spirits.

A former retail business owner, Scottchanged careers when she emailedCuyahoga Community College aboutteaching a ghost-hunting course for their

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ENCORE program."I sent an e-mail to Tri-C explaining

about my gifts and talents and told themwhat I wanted to teach," she said. "To mysurprise, they called me back in less thana minute after I sent the e-mail to tell methey were interested. At first I wasn't surehow the course would be accepted bythe community. However, the first classI taught consisted of 28 students. I havepeen teaching it now on three campuses

ofTri-C for the last two years."If Scott's local paranormal experiences

are any indication, the class may provepopular in Brecksville as well.

"In Brecksville, I have had tremendousamounts of paranormal experiences inthe old Robert Breck House, which cur-rently houses Merrill Lynch and AllTravelAgency," Scott said. "Three [members] ofthe Breck family died in that house and,

continued on ·nextpage

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Page 3: ClassTakesBrecksvilleOneStepBeyond - Farnam … by Hollie Mondok For years, the Western Reservehas

Class continuedto this day, in a paranormal way, residethere. Plus the house was used at one timeas a morgue. The bodies from 40 victimsof the 1918 flu epidemic were stored inthe basement during the winter monthsuntil they could be buried. This housewas alsQ used as a doctor's office in theearly 1900s."

She said she has also had paranormalexperiences in other private residences inBrecksville, and more than 300. others allover the world. She plans to write a bookabout some in the future.

Brecksville resident Joan Antrobusregularly attends Scott's lectures. "I enjoygoing to her classes,"she said. "She is goodat what she does and she is dedicated."

Antrobus, who has joined Scott onghost hunts, said her interest in the para-normal was spurred by her own psychicabilities. .

"I go to her classesbecause of the thingsI've experienced," she said.

These events included knowing a seem-ingly healthy man she just met would die~oQii.He died 10 days later. She also saidshe knew she was about to be involved inana\=cident from the moment she steppedonto a bus, and it soon occurred., ':It was awful," she said of her premo-nition abilities. "I didn't like it at all. Itried to get rid of it; I just kept telling itto bugger off."

Odginally from England, Antrobus sawher first ghost there - a little girl in a partydress who caused her neighbor significantdistress when ,sheappeared sitting on thewinclow ledge.

After moving to Brecksville, Antrobusadmitted to having experienced unex-

plainable phenomenon in her house,including the appearance of unexplainedlayers of smoke that had no odor in herbedroom and the smell of smoking to-bacco in the hallway.

"Lorraine came over and said there wasa man who had taken up residence in myhome and said it was his house," Antrobussaid. "Nothing more has happened sinceLorraine came here."

Although Scott said everything shehas experienced has been. amazing, oneparticularly unique encounter was withQueen Elizabeth I while visiting Englandwith Antrobus.

"I met Queen Elizabeth I in a churchwhere I saw her with my own eyes float-ing just above the kneeling cushions thatwere located at the alter," Scott explained,"She asked me where her children were,and since I didn't know at the time whoI was talking to, I told her I didn't know.I then asked her what her Christian namewas and recorded on my tape player youhear her say, 'Elizabeth Ann.'

''As she was standing right in front ofme I started to describe to my friend Joanwhat the woman looked liked and whatshe was wearing. She had on a crown. Inoted her beautiful dress and how whiteher skin was. Later on I found out that thepowder she used to make her face whitewas what actually killed her. It wasn'tknown at the time, but that type of pow-der contained arsenic. Arsenic poisoningis what she is said to have died from."

Scott said she has also met a bevy ofother celebrity spirits, including GeorgeHarrison; Jesse and Frank James; Theo-dore Roosevelt; Abraham Lincoln; Ru-therford B. Hayes; William McKinley;

Lorraine Scott visited Chaco Canyon inNew Mexico, a 2,OOO-year-oldspiritualplace for the Native Americans. Thefirsttime Scott went there she felt welcomedby the spirits. The last time she was thereshe went into one of the little rooms justtofeel the energy and to see ifshe and hercompanion could record some voices ona tape recorder (EVP or Electronic VtJicePhenomena). She reported thatthree ghostshamans worked with her to provide ahealing on her companion who was notfeeling well that day.

James A. Garfield; Jim Morrison; DaveyCrockett; Daniel Boone and Black Bart.

The Seven Hills resident is listed onmore than a dozen Who's Who lists,including Who's Who in America andWhos Who Among American 'WOmen.Hercareer takes her across the country andthroughout Europe.


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Page 4: ClassTakesBrecksvilleOneStepBeyond - Farnam … by Hollie Mondok For years, the Western Reservehas

\s a healer, Scott practices the follow-~:past life regression,using deep breath-~ to work through negative situations;Jirthing therapy using breath work toen the chakras to clear negative block-~energy; progression therapy enablinge to experience the future; hands-onaling, which can be performed long;tance to correct energy imbalances;~dium communication to heal on bothles, resolving issues and helping the.eving; and shamanism, journeying toIer worlds to connect with power ani-tls and teachers who aid in the retriev3lone's soul parts.I've noticed that people are becoming)re and more receptive to what I do asnedium," she said. "Mostly, everyone1tell you either a personal ghost experi-:e or that of a friend or relative. A lotpeople don't understand that we do liveafter we have left this world. We just~in a different energy form."Jthough she does not advertise, it didt take long for people in metaphysicalcles to know the name of Lorraine)tt.

Word of mouth is my best advertising:l that is how I get my clients," she>lained.: is her natural abilities, though, thatke Scott known in the spirit world. "Ire 'a powerful gift which gives me thelity to call in any spirit at any time Int to and they can contact me at anyle they want," Scott said.he said a spirit encounter can last just)lit second or up to 90 minutes. "Theyltrol how long they want to communi-~,"she said. "I alwayshave an entourage.owing me around; however, I do notlsider this a bad thing as I always have[leone to talk too," she laughed. "The~thing in my life that it does disruptny sleep. They usually bother me thest while I am sleeping. They feel this is)od time for them to have my complete~ntion. Some nights I only get about>to three hours of sleep.":ott explained that ghost hunting con-s of going on site to a house, buildingand, or contacting a loved one.: take with me at least one or more,pIe to help me document the inves-~tion," she said. "I personally do thending of the voices. I also use mydium skills as I'm conducting the~stigation. I personally attract ghostsne because of my high vibration ofBrecksvilleMagazine, March 2008

energy. My friends call me the GhostMagnet."

Scott is an avid golfer and has acted as

an executive director for 27 years for theNational Fraternity of Phi Gamma Nu anational professional business fraternity.

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