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Class VI Holiday Homework 2020 English A limerick is a humorous poem consisting of five lines (single stanza) with an AABBA rhyme scheme. They are often funny or nonsensical. Limericks were made famous by Edward Lear, a famous author who wrote the "Book of Nonsense" in the 1800's. This was an entire book of silly limericks. Given below are two examples of limericks. 1) A wonderful bird is the pelican, His bill holds more than his belican. He can take in his beak, Enough food for a week, But I'm damned if I see how the helican. 2) There was a young lady of Lynn, Who was so uncommonly thin That when she essayed To drink lemonade She slipped through the straw and fell in. Write a limerick on your own with the ‘Lockdown’ as your subject, in your notebook. Draw a picture related to your limerick. Assignment - To be done in the notebook. Q1. Identify the types of sentences given below as Declarative, Interrogative, Imperative, Exclamatory. A. What was the name of the first civilization on Earth? _________________ B. That giant rubber ball is red. _________________ C. Please turn down that music! _________________ D. Audrey had trouble picking which dragon egg she wanted. _________________ E. Did I say anything to make you angry? ________________ F. Fetch me a glass of water. ________________ G. She writes with her left hand. ________________ H. What a tragedy! ________________ Q2. Identify the highlighted nouns in the given sentences as proper, common, abstract or collective. A. Always speak the truth. B. He gave me a bunch of grapes. C. King Solomon was famous for his wisdom. D. Winston Churchill was one of the greatest Prime Ministers of England. E. A committee of five was appointed. F. London is on the river Thames.

Class VI Holiday Homework 2020 English - · Holiday Homework 2020 English A limerick is a humorous poem consisting of five lines (single stanza) with an AABBA rhyme

Aug 20, 2020



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  • Class VI

    Holiday Homework 2020


    A limerick is a humorous poem consisting of five lines (single stanza) with an AABBA rhyme scheme.

    They are often funny or nonsensical. Limericks were made famous by Edward Lear, a famous author

    who wrote the "Book of Nonsense" in the 1800's. This was an entire book of silly limericks.

    Given below are two examples of limericks.

    1) A wonderful bird is the pelican,

    His bill holds more than his belican.

    He can take in his beak,

    Enough food for a week,

    But I'm damned if I see how the helican.

    2) There was a young lady of Lynn,

    Who was so uncommonly thin

    That when she essayed

    To drink lemonade

    She slipped through the straw and fell in.

    Write a limerick on your own with the ‘Lockdown’ as your subject, in your notebook. Draw a picture

    related to your limerick.

    Assignment - To be done in the notebook.

    Q1. Identify the types of sentences given below as Declarative, Interrogative, Imperative, Exclamatory.

    A. What was the name of the first civilization on Earth? _________________

    B. That giant rubber ball is red. _________________

    C. Please turn down that music! _________________

    D. Audrey had trouble picking which dragon egg she wanted. _________________

    E. Did I say anything to make you angry? ________________

    F. Fetch me a glass of water. ________________

    G. She writes with her left hand. ________________

    H. What a tragedy! ________________

    Q2. Identify the highlighted nouns in the given sentences as proper, common, abstract or collective.

    A. Always speak the truth.

    B. He gave me a bunch of grapes.

    C. King Solomon was famous for his wisdom.

    D. Winston Churchill was one of the greatest Prime Ministers of England.

    E. A committee of five was appointed.

    F. London is on the river Thames.

  • Q3. Describe the character of Prithviraj in your own words. Give reasons for your choice of adjectives.

    Q4. Write 5 sentences using proper, common, collective and abstract nouns each.

    Q5. Write two sentences each for Declarative, Interrogative, Imperative, and Exclamatory types of sen-


    ह िंदी ग्रीष्मावकाश गृ कार्य

    (सभी कार्य ह िंदी की कार्य पुस्तिका में करें I)

    1. हकसी ऐसे टापू के बारे में जानकारी एकहित करें ज ााँ आप अपना पूरा जीवन व्यतीत करना चा ते ैं I

    2. लगातार आधुहनकता की ओर बढ़ते समाज को कोरोना ( को-हवड 19) ने हकस तर रोक हदर्ा और इसका

    प्रकृहत तथा पशु-पहिर्ोिं पर क्या प्रभाव पड़ा अपने स्वतिंि हवचार प्रिुत करें I

    3. बच्ोिं ! आप लूडो तो खेलते ी ैं I र् ााँ आपके हलए सिंज्ञा लूडो बनाई ै I आपको खेलने के हलए लूडो के पासे

    और गोहटर्ोिं की ज़रुरत ै I लूडो की तर इसे खेलें I बारी-बारी से पासा ह लाकर हगराएाँ और हजतने अिंक आएाँ

    हगनकर अपनी-अपनी गोटी आगे बढ़ाते जाएाँ I आपकी गोटी हजस शब्द पर आएगी आपको उतने ी अिंक हमलेंगे

    I शब्द का स ी प चान करके उसे सिंज्ञा के भेदोिं के नीचे हलखें साथ ी अिंक जोड़ते जाएाँ I

    मातृत्व 100

    ररद्वार 99

    खेत 98

    पढाई 97

    सैहनक 96

    पवयत 95

    घर 94

    गिंगा 93

    रहववार 92

    हपतृत्व 91

    बचपन 81

    ह मालर् 82

    हततली 83

    सूरज 84

    अच्छाई 85

    पक्षी 86

    सच्चाई 87

    जापान 88

    दर्ा 89

    पुस्तक 90

    सुदामा 80

    बचे्च 79

    वीरता 78

    हमत्र 77

    हमठास 76

    नदी 75

    राघव 74

    अह िंसा 73

    सत्य 72

    लालहकला 71

    हमत्रता 61

    खखलाडी 62

    हशष्य 63

    ताजम ल 64

    बुराई 65

    बुढापा 66

    भारत 67

    नगर 68

    सवयस्व 69

    मह मा 70

    लखनऊ 60

    इिंसान 59

    शतु्रता 58

    खटास 57

    स्त्री 56

    रेशमा 55

    ऊँचाई 54

    गाँव 53

    एकता 52

    मिंहदर 51

    अमरीका 41

    हशक्षक 42

    लिंबाई 43

    राम 44

    गमी 45

    पशु 46

    जिंगल 47

    अहिकता 48

    त्यो ार 49

    दीपावली 50

    स ार्ता 40

    देश 39

    इिंगलैंड 38

    कश्मीर 37

    सजावट 36

    फूल 35

    मेला 34

    हनकटता 33

    रो न 32

    प ाड 31

    कुशलता 21

    हवद्यालर् 22

    सो न 23

    ररर्ाली 24

    केरल 25

    अपनापन 26

    तारे 27

    श्रीलिंका 28

    शीघ्रता 29

    सेवक 30

    श र 20

    कानपुर 19

    अ िंकार 18

    कहपल 17

    नैनीताल 16

    व्यखित्व 15

    बाजार 14

    सफलता 13

    हकसान 12

    थकावट 11

    गोलू 1

    आलस्य 2

    पेड 3

    कटाई 4

    रीना 5

    दौड 6

    बगीचा 7

    मैदान 8

    खेल 9

    उडीसा 10

  • 4. आरिंभ स्थान

    5.हदए गए हवशेषण शब्ोिं को शब्कोश देखकर क्रम से लगाएँ:-

    लम्बा, छोटा, नटखट, सा सी, दर्ालु, फुतीला, समझदार, बातूनी,

    चालाक, आलसी, हनडर, आज्ञाकारी, सुिंदर, वीर, ब ादुर, अच्छा



    1. Where do you use the following topics in real life? Paste pictures/ draw and write 4 -5 lines

    about them in your notebook . You may paste / draw at least five pictures.

    (Roll no 1-13)

    a. Integers

    b. Knowing Our Numbers

    2. Students are required to explain the properties of Whole Numbers by using innovative ideas. (Roll

    no 14 -26)

    (craft work, waste material ,thumb painting ).


    1. Calculate using suitable rearrangements:

    (i) 31 + 32 + 33 + 34 + 35 + 65 + 66 + 67 + 68 + 69

    (ii)1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 996 + 997 + 998 + 999

    2. What is the difference between the largest number of 5 digits and the smallest 6 digits?

    3. The digits of 6 and 9 of the number 36490 are interchanged. Find the difference between the origi-

    nal number and the new number.

    4. Determine the products by suitable rearrangement

    (i) 8 x 125 x 40 x 25 (ii) 250 x 60 x 50 x 8 (iii) 37256 x 25 x 9 x 40

    5. A dealer purchased 120 LCD television sets. If the cost of each set is Rs. 20000, determine the cost

    of all sets together.

    व्यस्तिवाचक सिंज्ञा (2) अिंक जाहतवाचक सिंज्ञा (3) अिंक भाववाचक सिंज्ञा (4)अिंक

  • 6. Find the value of each of the following using properties:

    (i) 493 x 9 + 493 x 2 (ii) 24579 x 93 + 7 x 24579

    (ii) 1568 x 184 – 1568 x 84 (iv) 5625 x 1625 – 5625 x 625

    7. Fill in the blanks :

    (a) The smallest 4 digit number is _________

    (b) The greatest 5 digit number is ___________

    (c) The successor of 89999 is ____________

    (d) The predecessor of 50000 is ____________

    (e) The number Seventy thousand eight can be written in figures as __________

    8. Write in expanded form : (a) 74836 (b) 574021 (c) 8907010

    9. Find the value of 49 − (−40)– (−3) + 69

    10. Sum of two integers is -80. If one of the integers is -90, then find the other.

    11. Write five integers which are less than -100 but greater than -150.

    12. Write two integers whose sum is 6 and difference is also 6.

    13. Subtract -5308 from the sum [(−2100) + (−2001)]

    14. Find the multiple of 7 which are greater than 21 but less than 8.

    15. Write all prime numbers between 20 and 35.

    16. Compute each of the following

    a. 30 + (−65) + (−20)

    b. (−40) + (−5)

    c. 90 − (−20) − (−30)

    d. −50 + (−60) + 50

    17. A tank holds 1000 l of water. If the capacity of a bucket is 12 l 600 ml, find the maximum number

    of buckets that can be filled by the water tank.

    18. Fill in the blanks:

    a) Smallest whole number is ____________

    b) Sum of two even numbers is _____________

    c) Predecessor of natural number 1 is ____________

  • Science

    A) To increase your awareness about the ill effects of COVID -19, do the following research work us-

    ing the e- newspaper, internet, magazines considering the following points:

    1. Why is COVID -19 called as pandemic?

    2. The name of the virus responsible for this disease.

    3. What can you do to have a good mental and physical health during this tough time?

    Record your research work in your notebook and share it with other family members too

    B) Since time immemorial, natural fibres have been used for apparel and home fashion. Today,many

    man-made fibres have been developed into beautiful fabrics that are being used by major designers.

    Collect 6 different pieces and scraps of fabrics. Gather information under the following heads:

    (i) Name of the Fabric and its source (Plant/ animal/ man-made)

    (ii) Fabric and relevance of the region where it is used within India (cold and hot climate)

    (iii) Fabric and relevance to the use (its purpose – like for making bags, clothes, mats,etc)

    (iv) Properties of the fabric like strength, durability, absorption of water, etc.

    Fabric assemblage /Collage –Now present your collected fabrics as a collage.


    1. Why do organisms require food? Give two reasons.

    2. Mention the part of plant that the following belong to:

    a. Radish

    b. Ginger

    c. Cabbage

    d. Potato

    e. Spinach

    3. Fill in the blanks with suitable word.

    a. We get sugar from_____________.

    b. Scavengers feed on other _____________.


    c. Horse eats only plant products and so, is called____________.

    d. Milk is an____________product.

    4. What is the importance of spices for us?

    5. What would happen if there were no plants on the earth?

    6.Write the name of food following organisms eat:

    a. Cow

  • b. Snake

    c. Lion

    d. Honey bee.

    7. The neck of a person appears to be swollen. Name the deficiency disease he/she is suffering from.

    What is the cause of this disease?

    8. Give two cooking practices that lead to the loss of nutrients in food materials.

    9. Which disease is caused due to the lack of proteins in children?

    10. Why do doctors advise elderly people to have calcium tablets?

    11. If a boy consumes only rice and potato in his daily diet, how will it affect him?

    12. Is the excess intake of fats healthy? Why?

    13.Decide which of these gives more nutrients? Why.

    a. Dalia or noodles

    b. Fruit juice or cold drink

    c. Vegetables and fruits with peels or without peels

    d. Chapattis of wheat or maida.

    14. In kitchen, what types of cloth should be used?

    15. Are sugar and salt soluble in milk? Which property is depicted here.

    16.Select the odd one out from the following and give reasons also.

    a. Table, chair, baby, bed, cupboard

    b. Rose, lotus, boat, jasmine

    c. Iron, copper, silver, sand

    d. Sugar, salt, copper sulphate, stone.

    17.Name two gases that are soluble in water. Give one use of each.

    18.Why is a tumbler not made with a piece of cloth?

    Social Science

    Project Work:

    India is a unique nation which presents endless varieties of physical features and cultural pat-

    terns. It is the land of many languages and it is only in India, people profess all the major reli-

    gions of the world.

    In an effort to foster the spirit of national integration and make ‘Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat’

    programme a prime campaign; the state of Sikkim has been paired with Delhi;

    The splendour and diversity of Sikkim’s art, literature, rituals, culture and dances, with its lyri-

    cal appeal and richness are incomparable. Sikkim’s ethnic communities and sub- communities

    have their own language and distinctive folk traditions as varied and beautiful as the people


    *Search the internet/ Google

    * Make an exhaustive report of Sikkim including the following points:

    i) Geography of the region

  • ii) Language of the region

    iii) Cuisine/ Food habits of the people

    iv) Folk dance and music

    v) Places of interest

    vi) Art and Culture

    vii) Famous personalities

    Draw / Paint or make a poster of the traditional dress of Sikkim.

    Entire work has to be done in the Social Science notebook.



    Q.1) Write the meaning of the following terms:

    i) Inscriptions ii) Manuscript iii) Archaeology iv) Decipherment

    Q.2) Mention some archaeological sources of history.

    Q.3) What do you mean by Paleolithic period?

    Q.4) Name three purposes for which the hunter-gatherers used fire. Would you use fire for any of these

    purposes today?


    Q.5) “The Earth is a unique planet”. Explain the statement.

    Q.6) What are the celestial bodies?

    Q.7) Name any two satellites of India.


    Q.8) Make a list of the languages that are mentioned in the eighth schedule of our Constitution.

    Q.9) Make list of three ways in which the different geographical location of Kerala and Ladakh would

    influence the following:

    (i) Food of the people

    (ii) Clothes of the people

    (iii) Works of the people

    Q.10) Explain Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s first experience of caste-based discrimination.

  • French

    Les Nombres (0-20)Â

    Jouer la scène avec votre ami(e).

    You have to write the cardinal numbers in French (0-20.

    Imagine a conversation with your friend using salutations , enact the scene and write it .Â

    Note: Activity will be done on an A4 size sheet separately. Use your creativity to make it presentable .