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Class Relationships Part 1: Composition and Association CS 21a: Introduction to Computing I First Semester, 2013-2014

Class Relationships Part 1: Composition and Association CS 21a: Introduction to Computing I First Semester, 2013-2014.

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Tyler Kinyon
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Page 1: Class Relationships Part 1: Composition and Association CS 21a: Introduction to Computing I First Semester, 2013-2014.

Class Relationships Part

1: Composition and Association

CS 21a: Introduction to Computing I

First Semester, 2013-2014

Page 2: Class Relationships Part 1: Composition and Association CS 21a: Introduction to Computing I First Semester, 2013-2014.

Class Relationships

►More complex programs require multiple classes

► It is typical for objects to have fields that refer to other objects

► In class A, there may be a field whose type is class B► There is a class relationship between A and

B►Examples of class relationships

► Composition or Aggregation► Association

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Object Composition

►Objects can be composed of other objects

►Have references to "parts" of the class as fields of the class

►Objects can create instances of other objects

►Also called aggregation

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►The idea of "hiding" implementation details

►What’s more important is the interface

►Users don’t need to know how a method works, just that it’s there and it works

►Objects know how to handle themselves …►users don’t need to know

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►Data should be hidden with the object that it belongs to

►Changes to data should be done via methods of object that contains the data

►Again … objects should know how to handle the data

►Allows the object’s programmer to change data representation

►This is why we make fields private

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Bank Example► A Bank encapsulates a set of BankAccount

objects►What’s important is the external interface►Users don’t need to know what goes on

inside the Bank, and Bank doesn’t need to know what goes on inside BankAccount

getBalance( "marsha")

withdraw( "john", 200 )

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Bank and BankAccount

BankAccount balance


BankAccount balance


BankBankAccount john

BankAccount marsha

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Object Composition in Javapublic class Bank {

private BankAccount john;

private BankAccount marsha;

public Bank() {

john = new BankAccount( 1000 );

marsha = new BankAccount( 2000 );


public void deposit(String name, double amt) {

if ( name.equals( "john" ) )

john.deposit( amt );


} ...


There are BankAccount fields in Bank

The fields are instantiated in Bank’s constructor

Bank has its own deposit method that calls BankAccount’s deposit method on the appropriate object

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Using a Bank Object

Bank b = new Bank();

b.deposit( "john", 200 );

b.withdraw( "marsha", 100 );

System.out.println( b.getBalance( "john" ) );

System.out.println( b.getBalance( "marsha" ) ); Prints:


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Object Interaction

BankAccount balance


BankAccount balance


BankBankAccount john

BankAccount marsha

deposit( "john", 200 )

deposit( 200 )

Calling deposit on the Bank object causesdeposit to be called on a BankAccount object

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The whole manages its parts

►In effect, Bank is a manager of BankAccounts

►Transactions are carried out through the Bank object but ultimately uses/affects a BankAccount object

►The one calling Bank’s methods does not even need to know about the BankAccount class this is exactly what encapsulation is about!

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Composition with Array(List)s

►An object can be composed of a fixed number of other objects

►A fixed number of fields can implement that composition

►But in general, an object may be composed of an arbitrary number of instances of another object

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Composition with Array(List)s

public class Bank


private ArrayList<BankAccount> accounts;

public Bank()


accounts = new ArrayList<BankAccount>();


public void openAccount( String name,

double init )


accounts.add( new BankAccount(name, init) );



There is an ArrayList of BankAccount objects in Bank

The ArrayList is instantiated in Bank’s constructor

The actual BankAccounts are instantiated when they are needed.

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Composition with Array(List)s


public void deposit( String name, double amt )


BankAccount acct = find( name );

if( acct != null )

acct.deposit( amt );




Deposit now requires a search for the correct BankAccount instance (done with a loop instead of hard-coded if-else)

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Object Association

►Association: a weaker kind of relationship

►Examples:► Borrower and Book in a library system► Student, Class, Teacher in a university

system► WaterTank and Faucet

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WaterTank-Faucet Example

►A WaterTank object has methods that cause it to be filled up with water or to dispense water

►A Faucet object is connected to a WaterTank and has methods to dispense or drain water

►Faucet needs a way to connect/associate to a WaterTank object► Note: we can connect several faucets to a

single water tank

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WaterTank-Faucet Association

►Option 1: create WaterTank object, create Faucet object(s), and call a method on Faucet:

w = new WaterTank();f1 = new Faucet();f2 = new Faucet();f1.connect( w ); f2.connect( w );

►Option 2: Faucet’s constructor has a WaterTank parameter

w = new WaterTank();f1 = new Faucet( w ); f2 = new Faucet( w );

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WaterTank and Faucet

f1: Faucet

WaterTank tank

f2: Faucet

WaterTank tank


double waterLeft100.0

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Object Association in Javapublic class Faucet


private WaterTank tank;

public Faucet( WaterTank w )


tank = w;



public void connect( WaterTank w )


tank = w;

} ...


The association is represented by a WaterTank field

The field can be set in the constructor…

…or in a method

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Object Interaction

f1: Faucet

WaterTank tank

f2: Faucet

WaterTank tank


double waterLeft100.0

dispense( 20.0 )


dispense( 20.0 )

dispense( 80.0 )

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Object Interactionpublic class Faucet{ private WaterTank tank; public Faucet( WaterTank w ) { tank = w; } … public void dispense( double

amt ) { tank.dispense( amt ); } public void flush() { tank.dispense(

tank.getWaterLeft() ); }}

public class WaterTank


private double waterLeft = 0;


public void fillTank() ...

public void dispense( double amt )


waterLeft = waterLeft - amt;


public double getWaterLeft()


return waterLeft;



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Using Faucet andWaterTank Objects

WaterTank w = new WaterTank();WaterTank x = new WaterTank();w.fillTank(); // fills tank to capacity, say 100 gallonsx.fillTank(); // fills tank to capacity, say 100 gallonsFaucet f1 = new Faucet( w );Faucet f2 = new Faucet( w );f1.dispense( 20 );f2.flush();f1.connect( x );f1.dispense( 50 );System.out.println( w.getWaterLeft() );System.out.println( x.getWaterLeft() );


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Composition versus Association

►In both cases, there appears to be a one-to-many relationship►One Bank, many BankAccounts►One WaterTank, many Faucets

►Why is it not correct to say that the WaterTank is composed of Faucets?

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Composition versus Association

►Composition: The one manages the many► Implies whole-part relationship► The body is composed of cells, but the

cells do not need to be aware of the body

►Association: The many use the one► Does not imply a whole-part relationship► Many parasites can feed off a host, but

the host does not need to be aware of the parasites

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Composition versus Association

►Composition: the whole is dependent on the parts

►Association: there is no such dependency

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► It doesn’t make sense to have Banks if there is no concept of BankAccount (the class)► Although it’s perfectly okay to start a

Bank without any BankAccounts (the instances) yet

► In other words, if BankAccount is removed from the system, it no longer makes sense to retain Bank.

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►It still makes sense to have a WaterTank even if Faucets were never invented

►Faucets don’t need to be connected to WaterTanks. They can be connected to pipes, for example.

►In other words, if Faucet is removed from the system, it’s perfectly fine to retain WaterTank, and vice versa.

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An Integrated Example

►Grocery environment►Products are stocked and sold in the

grocery►Cashiers are front-end objects that carry

out a sale through a back-end price-and-stock Manager object► Multiple cashiers are associated to the

Manager object►The Manager object aggregates Product

objects (where prices and stock levels are stored)

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Grocery Example

c1: Cashier

c2: Cashier


product apples

product oranges

product pomelos




Transactions are carried out through the Cashier objects

Product objects may be updated as a result

Prices are checked and purchase requests are made thru the Manager object

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►Can you identify the class relationships present in the Project 1 solution?