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Class Handbook-Payne.doc

May 30, 2018



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  • 8/14/2019 Class Handbook-Payne.doc


    Tully Elementary Magnet School

    4th/5th Grade Handbook

    Ms. Payne

    Ms. Paynes Contact Information:

    School Phone Number: (520) 225-3400Email Address:[email protected]

    Class Motto

    Smart is not something you are. Smart is something you get -with confidence & effective effort.

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    Dear Students and Families,

    Welcome to the Fourth and Fifth Grade! I am excited to have you in my class this year.This is going to be a great year! Our goal as a class is to gain knowledge and skills in manyareas and also to develop lasting friendships by respecting each other. Fourth and Fifth gradeare giant stepping-stones for students. The curriculum is harder and more demanding. Be

    prepared to help and encourage your child through this transition. I believe that a good parent-teacher relationship is necessary for maximum school success. Throughout the year I willcommunicate with you through notes, telephone calls, weekly newsletters and progress reports,and parent-teacher conferences. I encourage you to contact me if you have any questions orconcerns at any time.Sincerely,Ms. Blanca Payne

    Classroom Mission Statement

    Our class mission is to foster social, emotional, and academic growth along with a love oflearning. As a teacher, I will help my students identify how they each learn as individuals so

    students can take control of their own learning.

    Classroom Rules

    We will work together as a class and create a list of classroom behavior expectations based onthe school rules.

    Classroom Procedures

    Students will be taught procedures for various tasks in the classroom. Examples of theseprocedures include:

    1. Leaving the classroom to use the bathroom2. Getting a drink of water3. Obtaining classroom supplies4. Walking in the halls

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    Classroom Discipline Plan

    I firmly believe that discipline is about guidance-not punishment. The discipline plan inRoom 19 is based on a system that teaches students how to accept responsibility for theirbehavior.

    The Responsibility System is made up of four levels that go from a high level (four) to alow level (one) Students are taught what each level means and what behaviors on each levellooks like.

    Students will be reinforced to behave according to levels three and four through positivesupport from me, through the allowance of choice in the classroom, and through daily reflectionon their behavior.

    Should students choose to behave according to levels three or four, then they aredemonstrating they are responsible second graders and will be allowed extra privileges in theclassroom.

    Should students choose to behave according to levels one or two, several steps are takento guide them back to levels three or four. Students may just need reminders on how to behave

    or they may need to accept the logical consequences of their actions.For example, if a student chooses to run in the hall, he or she may be asked to turn

    around and begin again by walking. If the misbehavior continues, the student may be asked tocomplete a time out sheet that has them draw or write about their behavior and what they needto do to improve.

    If students engage in any repetitive, dangerous, and/or violent behaviors, I willimmediately contact the parents and let them know what is going on with their child.

    The overall system will be supported through positivity, empowering students with theknowledge that they choose their responses to situations, and guided reflection of what it feelslike to behave according to the different levels.

    The goal of the program is for students to learn to take responsibility for their behavior

    and learn that being responsible can be a rewarding experience. The following rubric is postedin the classroom for student reference:

    Classroom Consequences

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    I have added another component to make the system more concrete for anyone thatwalks into the classroom. This component also makes the system more concrete for the studentsas well. The Responsibility System will still be posted as well and we still discuss our level ofbehavior on a regular basis

    The added component consists of behavior cards, posted classroom expectations, postedpositive consequences, and posted negative consequences. The behavior cards consist of fivecolors, with each color representing ongoing offenses. The posted classroom expectations aredeveloped during the first week of school and students will be expected to follow them.

    The positive consequences consist of the following:

    Class Points

    Table Points

    Positive Phone Call or Note Home

    5 days on Green = Chose Reward!

    Preferred Activity Time

    The negative consequences represent each color of card in the following order:

    Green = No Offenses Yellow = 1st offense, student receives a verbal warning or logical consequence

    Orange = 2nd offense, Think Time sheet, logical consequences are imposed.

    Red = 3rd Offense, logical consequences are imposed, Phone Call/Note is sent home

    Blue = 4th Offense, logical consequences are imposed, and the student will meet withthe teacher during recess or free time to set up a behavior action plan. If thebehavior occurs after an action plan has been established between teacher andstudent, I will contact the family and set up a time to discuss, with you, what wecould do to help the student redirect the behavior in a more positive way in theclassroom and at school.

    If problem behaviors exist beyond the conference, then principal intervention will be

    necessary. *The principal will deal with safety infractions immediately.*

    Think Time: Students will complete a think sheet in another classroom. This think-time is aclassroom procedure that allows the student to reflect on the misbehavior and plan for theappropriate behavior in the future. I will call home if the student has three think-times in a week.

    Logical Consequences: Students will have a logical consequence. For example, a studentwho is drawing on desktops will clean the desks during free time.

    Classroom Rewards

    I believe positive reinforcement is an effective way of managing a class and actively look forstudents who are making good choices. Students who follow classroom rules and procedureswill be rewarded in many ways. The following are just some of the positive rewards studentscan earn:

    1. Verbal Praise!2. Notes/Calls Home

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    3. Student of the Month Nomination4. Student of the Week5. Class Celebrations

    Mystery Prizes/Group Prizes: The Mystery and Group prize system rewards the whole classwhen everyone is on-task and following classroom rules. When this happens, I give points to theclass as a whole or to assigned groups. When a group reaches 25 points, they may choose a prizefrom the prize box. When the class receives 25 points they vote to open one of four envelopesthat contain a mystery prize for the entire class.

    Secret On-Task Seat: Every day, I secretly choose a student in our class to be the "Secret On-Task Seat." At the end of the day, if the student has been on-task and following all classroomrules, I announce the Secret on-task seat and reward him/her with $20 in Tully Tender.

    Student of the Week: One student a week will be named the Student of the Week. This is anaward given to students who follow the classroom rules, put forth their best effort in theirschoolwork, help out their classmates, and have a great attitude -- students who display thequalities that make one successful in school andin life. Recipients of the award receiveclassroom bulletin board space to display a self-made poster about themselves, as well as $50 inTully Tender.

    Student of the Month: Once a month, a student will be named Student of the month and will berecognized at a school luncheon. Parents are invited to attend and teachers and parents will havethe opportunity to speak about the students positive qualities. Students of the month are chosenfrom the group of students who received student of the week nominations for one given month.

    iPod: Student FoldersiPod is an acronym for: Im Prepared & Organized Daily

    Your child is required to take this binder home every afternoon and is also responsiblefor bringing it back to school in the mornings. I will check the contents of the binder eachmorning. Here is how it is organized: Three ring binder: The students binder which holds important information for both you

    and your child. Keeping this organized will help your child be successful during the 5thgrade school year.

    Front Pocket: This pocket is for any notes or papers that need to be brought to school andturned in.

    Pencil pouch

    Student Planner: Your child will write his/her assignments in the planner each day.Please initial it daily. This is also where students record their nightly reading minutes!

    Student Notebook & Parent / Teacher Notes: Here you will find paper for us tocorrespond with each other. Please check here daily for any personal notes from me. Youcan write any notes you need to send here also. I do ask that you date each note and thatyou leave all correspondence in this section so that we can look back and remember anycommunications we may have had. This will help me remember what we've discussedand when we discussed it. Please have your child tell me if you have a note for me to

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    read in this section and I will reply to your comments/questions. If your child does nottell me, I may not know that you have something for me to read.

    Homework Folder: The left pocket is for homework, the right is for paper & notes thatneed to go home. Plastic pouch: This is where students can keep their class Tully Tender, deposit receipts

    and pay check stubs. Information Section for Parents & Students:

    1. Fifth Grade Information Packet2. School Policies & Procedures

    The iPod binder is great way to keep us both organized and encourage communication. It willalso encourage responsibility in the students.


    Progress Report scores are reported using numbers. Each number represents a differentlevel of accomplishment. A 4 shows work beyond what is expected. Students must show a

    thorough knowledge and be able to apply it in unique ways. A grade of 3 means the child hasmastered the content this quarter. He/she understands all necessary information. A 2 showsthat a student has mastered some of the skills, but has not learned others. This child should beencouraged to keep trying. A 1 shows great difficulty in learning. An X means the area wasnot covered during the quarter. It will be covered later.

    Standards-based grades are not the same as traditional A, B, and Cs. Percentages are notused to average grades. Students do assignments to prove they understand concepts. If theylearn the concepts, they receive a passing grade. Even if they do not understand right away, theycan still pass if they understand it later. This allows students the time they need to learn. Muchof our class work and homework will be graded using our "general grading rubric." For classessays and projects, the specific rubrics will be sent home for review when the assignment is

    given.Ms. Paynes General Grading Rubric

    4 Directions are followed exactly. Work demonstrates quality at Mastery level--student understandsthe concept being taught completely and learning is evident in the work. Precision is evidentthroughout.

    3 Directions are followed closely. Work demonstrates significant growth in the concept being taughtfrom a previous assessmentstudent is at the Improving level of performance. Persistence and aconcern for Accuracy are evident throughout.

    2 Directions are partially followed. Work demonstrates that student is grappling with the conceptbeing taught. Student is at the Discovery level of understanding. Evidence of Persistence is presentthroughout.

    1 Directions are not followed. Work demonstrates a static or unchanging level of understanding ofthe concept being taught. Student does not show concern for Accuracy or Persistence is not



    Students are responsible for recording their homework assignments in their studentplanner daily. Homework is usually assigned four times per week. Time spent on homeworkwill vary according to the student. I expect that students in fourth and fifth grade will spend

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    approximately 30 minutes per night on homework. In addition to this time, students should readfor 20 minutes.The types of homework your child will be completing include:

    Assignments not completed during class time

    Practice assignments which reinforce skills/concepts taught in class

    Preparation for upcoming lessons and study time to prepare or enhance skills for tests

    Individual assignments based on student's needs Independent reading to build fluency and knowledge

    I check to make sure homework has been turned in daily and thatstudents have had their planners initialed by an adult. I ask thatyou would sign your childs planner only after looking at theassignments that were completed. Parents are encouraged todiscuss homework assignments with their children, as this will

    foster a deeper understanding of the material. However, a students mistakes alert me thatyour child may need further instruction in that area.If a student does not have his or her homework in class, on the due date, I will write a

    note in the Teacher Comments section in the student planner to be initialed by the parents. The

    work must be returned the next day or the student will be required to spend free time completingthe work.

    Homework Suggestions

    Homework has a great deal of value for developing responsibility and good study habitsthat are so necessary for your child's success in the years ahead. This year your child will behaving homework on a regular basis. All assignments are due the next school morning unlessotherwise stated in class.

    Mastery Club

    This is a club for students who are interested in achieving "above and beyond" thenormal classroom expectations. There is a Mastery Club folder in the classroom withchallenge questions for each subject. Interested students will learn all about the topic, and thencome tell Ms. St. Cyr the answers during recess/lunch break, or before or after school. Studentscan become a 1 star member, all the way up to an 84 star member! Students who earn 20 ormore stars will earn a place on the Mastery Club Hall of Fame until I retire! Learning neverends - thank goodness!


    When students are absent, they are responsible for making up the work. Our classsecretary will record assignments. Students will have an Absent Folder on their desk whenthey return. Students have the same number of days to complete the work as were missed. Forexample, if John misses 2 days of school, he would have 2 days after he returned to school tomake up the work. Much of our classroom activities cannot be done at home (e.g., group work,experiments, in-class games, buddy class activities), so regular attendance is encouraged.Regular attendance is necessary for students to succeed at school and feel part of the class

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    community. A parent must call the office at 225-3200 to excuse the students absence. Pleasegive me a call to alert me of any upcoming or current absences as well so I can prepare makeupmaterial for your child.

    TardinessIn 4th/5th grade, students are expected to begin learning when the bell rings at 8:21. We

    set the stage for the days learning by going over our objectives for the day at this time.Excessive tardiness is not only a disruption to the other students learning but is uncomfortablefor the child coming in late. Please call me at if you need help getting your child to school ontime! I may have suggestions, or even be able to arrange carpooling so all the students can starttheir day out ready to learn!

    What Will I Learn in 4th/5th Grade?

    Reading Literacy Centers: We will participate in Literacy Centers using the district adopted

    literacy series Harcourt Trophies curriculum. We will read a story a week for 31 weekswith small groups of students participating in guided, independent, and buddy readingalong with reading comprehension & vocabulary centers.

    Literacy Circles: We will also participate in Literacy Circles throughout the year.

    Literature Circles is an exciting reading program that allows students to take control oftheir own learning. In this program, the class is divided into reading groups, with eachgroup consisting of four or five students. Each group then has the opportunity to selectits own book to read, as well as the pace at which it wishes to read it (all under teachersupervision, of course). During the reading of their selected literature, students complete

    various "jobs" emphasizing skills such as high-level questioning, vocabularydevelopment, and writing. Similar to a book club, students then get together for anopportunity to share their jobs and discuss the books they are reading. Literacy Circlesmeet every Friday.

    Pacing Calendars: We will follow the pacing calendar and will be tested at the end of

    each benchmark period.

    What Will I Learn in 4th/5th Grade?

    Math Scott Foresman: In math we will be using Scott Foresman. The focus of instruction is

    on mathematical thinking and reasoning. Students using the complete curriculumdevelop an understanding of:

    o Number

    o Geometry

    o Measurement

    o Data analysis and probability

    o Patterns and the math of change, which provide foundations for algebra

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    Pacing Calendars: We will follow the pacing calendar and will be tested at the end of

    each benchmark period.

    What Will I Learn in 4th/5th Grade?

    Writing1. In writing we will study the five steps of the writing process:






    2. We will focus on the 6 traits of good writing:

    Ideas & Content: Writing is clear and focused, holding the readers attention

    throughout. Main ideas stand out and are developed by strong support and rich

    details. Purpose is accomplished Organization: Organization addresses the structure of the writing and integrates

    the central meaning and patterns that hold the piece together

    Conventions: Conventions addresses the mechanics of writing, including

    capitalization, punctuation, spelling, grammar and usage, and paragraph breaks

    Word Choice: Word choice reflects the writers use of specific words and

    phrases to convey the intended message and employs a variety of words that arefunctional and appropriate to the audience and purpose

    Voice: Voice will vary according to the type of writing, but should be

    appropriately formal or casual, distant or personal, depending on the audienceand purpose

    Sentence Fluency: Fluency addresses the rhythm and flow of language.

    Sentences are strong and varied in structure and length3. We will study and use different writing styles:

    Expressive Writing: Expressive writing includes personal narratives, stories,

    poetry, songs, and dramatic pieces. Writing may be based on real or imaginedevents

    Expository Writing: Expository writing includes nonfiction writing that

    describes, explains, informs, or summarizes ideas and content

    Functional Writing: Functional writing provides specific directions or

    information related to real-world tasks

    Persuasive Writing: Persuasive writing is used for the purpose of influencingthe reader

    4. Writers Notebooks: Students will write daily in their writing notebooks on a variety oftopics

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    What Will I Learn in 4th/5th Grade?


    In science we will be formulating predictions, questions, or hypotheses based onobservations, locating appropriate resources, designing & conducting controlled investigations,

    analyzing and interpreting data to explain correlations and results while formulating newquestions, and communicating the results of the investigations. We will be participating in fourmajor investigations.

    What Will I Learn in 4th/5th Grade?


    The City of Los Tigres: A Classroom Economy

    Beginning the second to third week of school, we begin a yearlong unit on Economy toteach the students how to understand personal finance, supply and demand, and other conceptsimportant to the United States economic system. Many studies have shown that children learn alot by simulating real-life situations therefore this seemed like a great way to show childrenAmerica in action. Students will have an opportunity to earn classroom money that I designedcalled Tully Tender. There are many different ways students earn Tully Tender (credit).

    Classroom Jobs: Students each receive a classroom newspaper with a Help Wanted sectionlisting jobs. Students decide which jobs they are interested in interviewing for and fill out aclassroom application noting their first 3 choices. I set-up an interview with each student duringtheir recess and lunch, students write down their interview time in their agenda. On the day of

    their interview, students are expected to arrive early and be ready to answer a variety of typicalinterview questions. Prior to the interview, we discuss as a class the Dos and Donts ofinterviewing. Upon completion of all interviews, I decide on the candidate whom I feel woulddo best in each job. Students will than receive an Offer Letter stating their job and salary,along with any benefits they get. For fun, I list things such as their lunch hour and any paid sickdays I'll give. After a set amount of sick days, I begin to dock their pay. Each job is paid adifferent amount and we discuss how peoples pay is a private affair. I pay the students everytwo weeks minus taxes.

    Government: Just as our country is led by a government, so to will the class. Each semester,students will have a chance to elect a candidate for the president, vice president, secretary, and

    representative positions. Students who wish to be elected for these positions must campaign.

    Bonuses: Students and I determine a number of different ways that students can earn bonuses.I do not pay students for completing their homework. I feel that this is part of their job as astudent.

    Landlord: Each student pays a set amount for rent which is payable to the teacher on the 1st ofeach month. Rent pays for the students use of their desk and chair (this is not optional).Students do have an opportunity to buy their property when and if they save enough money.

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    If students buy their property they are given a Property Ownership Certificate and are no longerrequired to pay me rent. Students also have the opportunity to buy their classmates desks,therefore becoming that students landlord. Now instead of paying me rent monthly, the leaserneeds to pay their new landlord.

    Utilities and Taxes: Students will be charged monthly utilities on the first of the month.

    Taxes: Just as adults have to pay taxes on income earned, so will the students. On April 15thstudents will complete the appropriate tax forms and pay taxes.

    Lifes Surprises: Each week two students are picked to pull a card from Lifes Surprises.Some may win a beauty pageant and collect $25 while others may win the lottery and roll in$2,000. You never know what hand life will deal you.

    Class Swap Shop: Students can earn even more money buy selling old and gently used toys,books and whatever else the class swap shop is looking for. I bargain and haggle with thestudents until a fair price is reached.

    What do they do with their money? (Debit)

    Class Auction: At the end of each quarter, we hold our classroom auction. I auction off itemsthat were sold to me in the class swap shop along with any other items that I have including FreeHomework Passes, Computer Passes and Pencil Box surprises. They may also choose to savetheir money to for certain items that I dont auction off until the end of the year.

    Rent: The 1st of each month students need to pay rent for their desk. This will help studentslearn how to save money each month for rent as well as budget to possibly by their desk. Ifstudents own their desk, they can also save money to purchase other peoples desks and becomea landlord.

    Fines: Students and I determine a number of different ways that may be fined for behavior,non-homework completion and other issues.

    Lifes Unexpected (and Unpleasant) Surprises: Each week two students are picked to pull acard from Lifes Unpleasant Surprises. Just like in real life you may need to get a filling in yourtooth and pay $150 or perhaps your house floods and you owe $700. Whatever it is, studentssoon realize that sometimes life throws us a curveball. This starts to get kids thinking aboutinsurance, which will also be sold.

    Student Businesses: Towards the end of the year, students have a chance to becomeentrepreneurs. They get to think of and open their own business. However, opening a businessrequires start-up fees and supplies, which the students pay to the City Los Tigres. Each week,students try to earn their start-up costs back by selling to their classmates. Examples of pastbusinesses have been: Check Designing, Candy Store, Bakeries, Math Tutoring and OfficeSupplies. All the students have a great time shopping at their fellow classmates businesses.

    Banking: To really help the students get a clear understanding of earning and handling money;we have opened a classroom bank. To make this even more realistic, students have access totheir account online at I have set-up accounts for each student, and the

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    bankers that I hire input all transactions that are made. In addition to having banking accounts,students also learn how to fill out checks and balance their checkbooks. Many students havelearned the hard way that just because you have checks doesnt mean you have money!

    What Will I Learn in 4th/5th Grade?


    In technology we will learn basic vocabulary, type a minimum 25 words per minute,retrieve and save information, use the Internet legally & ethically, use troubleshooting strategiesto solve technology problems, and describe the impact of technology on the home & workplace.Students will:

    Create & edit a word processing document with graphical elements

    Create and use a spreadsheet to analyze data

    Create a database with multiple fields to manipulate data in a variety of ways

    Design, create & publish a multimedia presentation or Web page using multiple digital

    sources Communicate electronically to collaborate with experts, peers and others to analyze data

    and/or develop an academic product

    Locate information & evaluate the accuracy, relevance, appropriateness,

    comprehensiveness and bias of electronic information sources

    Technology Goal: My goal for this class is to have the students run the class website and

    Daily Blog.

    What Will I Learn in 4




    Grade?Social Skills

    Behavior you pay attention to is behavior worth repeating!

    Skill Builder Cards: Social skills will be taught along with academic skills. We will focus onone skill per week using skill builder cards.

    1. The students will create the cards listing the expected behaviors, practice the skill inclass, and take it home to share with parents and get a parent signature

    2. The student will get caught performing the expected behavior and collect 6 adultsignatures on the back of the card

    3. We will celebrate getting our 6 signatures and learning a new skill as a class at the end of

    the week4. We will review each skill throughout the year

    Social Skill Builders

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    How to Respond to Teasing

    1. Project confidence2. Ignore when possible3. Use calm voice tone4. Say the persons name & ask them

    to stop5. Change the subject

    6. Talk, walk, get help

    How to Calm Down

    1. Listen to your body2. Inhale slowly through nose3. Exhale slowly through mouth4. Think of better choices

    5. Talk, walk, get help

    How to Respond to Rumors

    1. Pause, stay calm2. Consider the source & severity

    3. Ask, Do you believe it?4. If no say good & drop it5. If yes say You can believe it if

    you want, but its not true6. Let it go

    How to Report Peer Behavior

    1. Ask, Why am I telling?2. Use good body basics3. Ask to speak in private4. Describe the behavior5. Explain why the report is

    important6. Thank the adult for listening

    How to Respond to Deal with Bullies

    STAMP Out Bullies1. Stay away from bullies

    2. Tell someone you trust3. Avoid bad situations4. Make friends5. Project confidence6. Talk, walk, get help

    How to Apologize

    1. Use good body basics2. Say, I am sorry because

    3. Say, From now on Ill4. Say, Will you forgive me?5. Say, Can we be friends?6. Shake hands

    How to Refuse Peer Pressure

    1. Listen to your heart2. Ask questions3. Name the trouble4. Identify the consequences5. Suggest an alternative6. Move it, sell it, leave the door


    How to Forgive

    1. Use good body basics2. Listen carefully3. Say, When you, it made me

    feel4. Say, I forgive you.5. Shake hands

    6. Let it goHow to Accept No

    1. Use good body basics2. Say, Okay.3. No arguing, pouting, or whining4. Ask questions later for

    clarification5. Discuss the whys at a later time

    How to be a Good Friend

    1. Respect differences2. Be yourself3. Dont gossip4. Give him/her space to be friends

    with other people5. Be honest6. Respect feelings, say, I noticed

    you are sad/angry/crying etc. Doyou want to talk about it?

    7. If yes be a good listener

    8. If no say, Okay, but I am hereif you need a friend

    9. Have fun!

    Life skills taught to 4th/5th Grade Students are:

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    Effort to do your best.

    Pride satisfaction from doing your personal best.

    Courage to act according to ones belief.

    Responsibility to respond when appropriate; to be accountable for your actions.

    Sense of Humor to laugh and be playful without harming others.

    Caring to feel and show concern for others.

    Cooperation to work together for a common goal or purpose.

    Patience to wait calmly for someone or something.

    Integrity to act according to a sense of whats right and wrong.

    Flexibility to be willing to alter plans when necessary.

    Perseverance to keep at it.

    Organization to plan, arrange, and implement in an orderly, readily useable way.

    Curiosity a desire to investigate and seek understanding of ones world.

    Initiative to do something because it needs to be done.

    Common Sense to use good judgment.

    Problem-solving to create solutions to difficult situations and everyday problems.

    I am looking forward to a

    successful 2009-2010 school


    -Ms. Payne

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    Please sign this page as soon as possible, and place the Classroom Student Handbook in the

    document protector in the back of the iPod Binder for easy reference.

    Student Name ____________________________________________

    My child and I have read over the provided information. We understand that these classroom

    procedures and guidelines are put in place to promote an environment that celebrates and

    embraces learning. If at anytime we have questions or concerns, we know that Ms. St. Cyr can

    be reached by phone or email at the above contact information.

    Student Signature Date

    Parent Signature Date

    Please provide a frequently used email address for school communication and reminders.

    Email Address_________________________________________________________________

    Comments and Questions: