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NEW BRUNSWICK, ^. J t . MOlfOAY EVENING, JULY 28. 1873. mints •*«>. qo , PBAts nasET. a(Mut loa* to Lreaa') Watchmaker WAirvrAOTVTH ol* frmn, Cuxuu, Sic. OajfajaaavBD Hi made Jo ardar. Plain Gold Kings mada at one hoar's notice, any carat, weight or sis.. Fin. Watches andf ranch Cloaks, warranted to kasp eerrect lime. Amarlean aad BsglUa Wafcsaaa always on hand. Muaical Boxes rapaifed.. All nuw Jawflrv an. Wawt.e mad. by me war- ranted ; If broken allkia a year repaired with, out coal i r.pairiag aaaflr aad. strongly dona. Daailoas of pirating aU who aaaT fstor oa with their paUoaafa, a Iwarij support (rout tha aoauauntty. Very resnaotfallr yours, jaaeT—ly-d JOHN nUUWEIUEB ~ Wlae and Lag«r Beer WINE AND IJAOEKBKBH at WHOLl^ BAJJE AND IlKTAIL. PICNICS AND BALLS SUPPLIED AT SHORT NOTtOE. Agency ol the Newark Brewing Company. PAUL KLEIN, mylS-ly aoo BmneuUreet UfATdlDN *•>!> JliWEl.KV. Una Timepieces a HpecieltT. A toners! assortment ol CHAINS, RIHdS, SPKCTACI.E8, etc. All kinds of REI'AIRINS promptly eiecnted. L. P. TARBOI, 28 Dennis Btreet, formerly at Marab'a. All watoljes lelt lor repair insured against hsabynre. au8»-lf fi ! TT lJltttllKtlBlTMM at XUNOHBH Practioal trpholstarara A Osbicstmskars, 17 Albany street, New Braaswisk, If. J. Furniture Re-Covered, Repaired aod Var. nisoed. Curtains and Hhades HUOR. Osrpets Laid. Loose Covers Cut and made in the latest style. Mattresses Made and Re-made. Furni- ture packed. jobbing promptly attended to. pe2S-ly Marsh's American Billiard Hall AND RESTAURANT Ho. SOAlbany street. New Brunswick. Where can bo found Ties, Puddings and KefreshmeDta of all kinds. my6-ly_ TTE.NKV ZIMMERMAN, (TRU&CO. House and Sign Painter, NO. 12 GCTLDKN STREET, Rooms Fr.sooed in Oil or Water Colors, lor $36 and upwards. a\l*o; KalfovMalna/ asd Paper Hanging. Araiatag done al short netiee, or the a*» procen, eostiair 26 per cent, less than by tlie old metnod. jelrf-ly MMUSMMl CAMS. [TEBMAII^Z * HALL, Civil Engineers **a SOa\V«T0BJ, 153 VhOKQE SlRKi.1 VIL pNa^lNEEKMCI, ETC. i n lieersje <l Haw Iruitwltk, Chj lots and farms surrryedandrlotttd: reu'lUt .Uc oostosla uf all farms of aurtaoH ud lolUa; lands UK out, airload>D a*d awthlaMi .«. Oallino >D d lop-Hph*S apa. Plane Airalahed tortoyingout iaaorn*. i.nfrng ground.,'etc. JOHN HILI.H0U8E 1TATEHMAHI a* HATFIKLD. ARCHITECTS. Meihinlesl Baalneor. 'ffloe—UI George Btreet, QroTar 1 ! Baildiaga. T OU/UUTON, Tailor and Kxcelalor Clollic. Ctesmer and Kepalrer. Assortment of Hecond-hand Clothing. Wwk-lie., Collars, Etc., Etc. a 4. jOennla Btrei't, Oae Door frum corner ot Hiram atreet. J. T. HUNTER & SON, Real Estate Agents, 30 Bayard Street. OU-SES, l.OTrt, .FARMS FOR SALE, RENT, LEASE OH BXCllANOE :. ON BABY "FEIHO. p VURKV, Merchant Tailor, AJ(D DIAL1K IN Ready-Made Clothing AITD GENTS' F0KWBUINO O0OD8, No. 30 Alb By Straat, Kaw Braniiaick, Op]ioaite State Bank. 'Also, . aenaral assortment of Clolhs, Cai meres, VealuigB, otc, wbiob he la prepared to sell by the yard, or make to order In the latest style at the lowest prices. Repairing, Gleaning and Pressing neatly done, attueahorteBtnotu Steam Oyer aad Scourer. No. 93 Cbircli itreet, New Brunswick^., now prepared to do er«ry description of buHinean in hii line, in the bait ni.oa«r Had Uroaeuui' 1 - 1 * rates, i l l orders promptly attended to *t abort TOII\ SCHWAB, 17 rHAOD BTHDBT, C"riTou-AlxDK BOOT* ASD OAITBHB Haad-mrad, alwayi an band. Alto, t. IlKPAJIilNO uoti« *ad intii* beat rtt f WORK Ranges and Furnaces. The Best in the World. The Magee Elevated Ranees, AMD TBS Magoo Furnaces are the most surprising and sucoeaalut com binattons ot scientific features erer brosgbt to- •etner. It Is only nscetnary to se. tb*n> to b< conrinced that nothing better can be purchased. ALSO FORBALE, TH1 Phenix Furnace urn The Walker Furnace both aiaellent artioloe and hljhly approyed. » W Call at the PlnmWn, and Haatln| BitakUahmani no DBNN18 8TBBKT. ' P. FMNAN. R1HE1 FIRE I! FHUE.n FIQHTINO FIRE fiRKAT REDUCTIONS IX THE rBICM or ,N. DOIH.UTT, J. C.WEaVTOR, Civil Engineeis AMD ARCHITECTS. d9-ly lit Qeorge Straat, JAN CAM HEN TAVI.WH, ARCHITISOT, 780 Broad Street, Nonark, N J. I Dank HaiUing. juS-ly DENTIST, 309 Burnt gtreet, New Brun.wlsk. iya»-iy •J"EA8 AND QOFFEE8 Stigars, Flour, Raisins, C urrants. We invite apeoial attention to our recent invoices ot Wines, Liquors and Champagnes. OUR CHAMPAGNE CIDKR warranted to keep tweet all tbe year round, and will be sold at a very w price. We have made arraugemcnU for a regular auppl; ol IHOICE ORANGE COUNTY BUTTER, |or TabU use, dire«t from the New York Dairioe, U VEKY LOW '1UCKS, by tbe pound ot iu larger quantities. - You can MA VJi /torn 20 to 30 iw oent. by purchasing of The Great China and Japan Tea Co., 209 BURNET STREET. PIANO Order! lelt at Messrs Scbneeweiss's, George treet; Trol. tiarland's Musio Htore. Albaur twtj Ch-.lUek.rrsBmg.«tot»,l>t,rna(.troet, B. promptly attended to. Beaidsnce, M». tl Ulram atreet. seS-W FINE GROCERIES our BE PuacaujgD AT. OOBMIS Or NBILMX AMD tOXVataMAJt »TM»TB, at aa LowBates as any-plao. l> tbs efry. THE BEST TAMELY FLOUR M 75 per 100 pounds. Ut. Ternos Branded Hans at la ata. par lbi LI. OTH»m OO0DS AT EQUALLY 1OW FRIOBS 'P 8 - 1 ^ Jatha m. DaHan. REJUViENATION! A, II. RIIEINELANDER'S Cleaning, Scouring, Repairing INDIANAPOLIS, Bluomington & Western Railway. Seven Per Cunt ConvertWe GOLD BONDS. 8ECURKDJBYA st Mortgage on its Extension. The line of thus road, including the JSxten- on, is4'i0miitt>, and IS (JOUFLKTKO.^xoepi he ehort dstance of 86 miles between H D (be IllinoiH Hirer, »nd the h l 802W , » seiuippi. A part of the line (802W miles), fromIn- ianapoiia to Fekin, aaa oeeo in successlul partition over two jeara, snd ie recogoiied tvs me of the most imporUat roads coming into he city of lt.dt«p«poii>. l U n i t earnings arc iiore than sufficient to pa/ interest on ALL liooda Uiued by the Company, and Urn re- ceipts lor 1W7* were more tlinn UA.OOO ffrvHter than In (lie l These Bonds possess unusual strength, and we recommend them for the following reasons 1. Hhe Koarf ii already eHv-tog luoto. Itaa flrafeing citteatH and t^terMt. il The imtiBulmd portion of the ho* will be «6iitv>eted within a fewmonth's, *ui Ihc entire oad hsi an immense, buiiness immediatelr .ributary to It KARNINJS FOR THE LAsit I HftEK MONTHS UK 16TSWBHK AT• TWB* UT£ 09 «r,S47 F£S Ml US per annum indmust rmtoii * 10,000 ptrmile within t,ift I'.rs. and continue progrmsire. 5. Tbe effect ot soeta rWennenpon the mar- et value of the capital atcok of the Koad, rell at upon ltft«OBT*nibl« bond* ia obvious 4. ThedKCUIlITi' 1H COMPLETK. 6. The managemant of the Hoad is aoknowl ydKed tobe OUfBRlOiL and then oaa bo no pouibilitj of any iefeult in inttrMt tmymmti. The bonds are iflren per cent., gold, $1,000 each, convtrtdbie at OVUUQ of tba lioliier, and may bfl fagiMeted Wtlbout^ cliuge. 1*2IIO&« 9 0 an-l aoorued iatareat in currency.. Cuupont, "an. aud July 1, (roe of lax. All negotiable securities recivei, in ui change at best market r» vs. Further infjrmaUoafurnUbed 0h i^plioation TURNER BROTHERS P BANKEBS, KO. 14NASSAU ST. ELIAS RUNYON, Aac«nt<ie6 BnrnetStreet. Maw Brunswick, N. J. A. P. PROVOST, AUCTIONEER Real Estate and Stock Broker, OFFICE AND SALESROOM, Odd Fallows' Hall, Nallaoa- Slraat All ilndioronods noslred tobe told at Frl- T.I. Sal. ori>«>iio.Ao«'o.. Baal Estaia sod Slook bought and aold. Moa»r Lo.nuT Ml fcuaao^sbli Icrma, tin niuliiaallliiii damaaa-sd unUI sals* are oonsoMoaWd. ' A'aailonBaln attradsd to la oltr or coontrj X.'a<a'drail>'sola 14all pam it8 WANTED. Propriet.ra Lota l,#e« and 1.6SJ7 K. R. herdcnliuri! Kdwtrd Mullen obnvM. - .'*.'.'.,' .... '.'.'.','.' . ...... I.IK A\ KNIT. it No. 1,7<)4 rah T.lluian ... Hal. J. Dunham RttMeKN AVISNUK. M. MssUrson 1'liebe Mesaerolo ' TllltUOl 1 ASfc.NU K. ). Montgomery 11. Van bitumen Elldo Vim Outrami...'...'..'.'..."..'..'.. Michael O'e/ ....... , ."" ...... J.JeHolliud : HKAHAN bTUKKT. mes Crongrove Wm.Hulsa Mary Heffuer bul Scbuidt* Wenjle Luke Wclah Sarah Mark. Qeorge lleadriokaon Ueorge While ID lisiiderai Tailoring Establisbment, NO. ALBANY STREET. OcnUcnwn'a Suits ICepaircd and thoroughly Cleaned, and the original color xtoral. my2I-ly F. A. WISEMAN, Watchmaker and Jeweler, 1ST0. 7 CHURCH STKEET, Would respectfully call tlie atteDtion of hia friends to hii cxtenflre itock, la. <1j replenished by ew aud rare patteros of Rich Jewelrv, Watches. Clocks, SILVER AND PLATED WAliE, HAIR JEWELSY, 8PEOTAOLE3, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AMD TBIMIUNOS. Uf Repairing dooe well, and warraatad. IVe-vv Urunsvf/iclc Time Store. NEW AND FASHIONABLE STYLE OF HATS AND GAPS FOB SPRING WEAR INOW HEADY AJT J. S. & E. STEWARTS, NO. 4 BCIIVO BLOCIT, Also %Largo ^Bsortmeut oi Gent's Furnishing Goods, Umbrellas,Canes, Gloves. Alao, Agent*fortho world renowned Singer Improved Sewing Machine, AT J. S. tfc E. STEWART'S. ICE CQLO FOUNTAIN ROOT BEER The Jiiggett antl Jlest Drink in the City for Five Cents, or 12c. per Quart. This U Dot a rile, {>nct drink, but ths real old-faahloDtd Root Beer such as wal used b; onrfttrentMra'forgunerationa. In fact, the manufacture o4 Rj»t Beer ia no •ocrct. Nearly eyeri " driok. Some can.N., secret of tbeif owi, li Roots >nd Uerba,'l agreeable tMts wblok J I b Mil tea yo*r» I b»TO Mil age, tbtt obuld DO I tbo ezperlsaoi) of a oftl BlciDi j j j that we know of canmake a plaasant and agreeable 'than others, ior the very reaaoa that they bare a 1 experience In compounding together the different Mich a proportion of each as gites thatfineflirorand find in all Root Beer when properij made. For the last Very receipt lot making this delicious temperance berer- , until I hare »o«r orer fifty different receipts, or rather ritoag together; the different Roots and Barks ol orer fifty \ ajgjinSctarerti.Qf Hoot. Beer fqr yean; asd out of all I made one 1 -which) it>1tinfast Ore yean h u had through its own U>ITI iLOHB. It com- only SaiTbest.adapted for parifyintf ths lM beeu proDOnnced by medical professors to lnfe MpMsi* and ajftrflswr dersngcaMett prodB4iiiil«lft«linT»<ioe's^d'BonnaloondiU6nol l thit th th til I _ p i l f t « T ^ tbe antwa, asd more fullj; qienchlng thirst than any other article In naa. Tha tWt ud Old Ori|lBaHTrf|fi'J)»a»t.d F*a*at Uaad, ftar. KaOat. A Blraai Times* NOTICE. Wbtreu, tbe Commoii Ooaictl of tbe City pJ •w BruQ»*ick h»Tf dmlj. by r«Mlutioa, or •redtkod (tirwUd tfa* Cotltwtor toflollawttht >ll« mtueumwnit rMpcctiTcly Hmuotoy upud UJJOO tLe luub ksd nal MUta iiMiud •r optuiD^ HvAmtw StrMt, toil tbe Mid Col ctur did Kcordioajty, u patManM ot l»w, rep»re nod eater % tramcript of fid UXM>*t:lively, and duly cfttued notice to be pub ..i..j .... .^jjp^p^,, pnntad u d pub eitwo(*)ue_ itvbed iu thai)..} •! tad and pub ick, th*t uo ku >ai vatai uaaj sj| fiVW Ja>ruia*wis>aat luai UN* MS a-*cfa sss.a«iii«rts aMotioaad 1B aoob uotioe ahnuld bt paid «l this olu witbln Iwrntj 4ais rterthe first pubtira-.ioo Imi aard Duties, b. rould proowd UcoMeet tbe aaaie bj {Id^llc ale t< cording to law. *«w, therefore, public notice is hereby given >»l tb. aaid Collector will, on Ttiunda;, .ugun 71b, i«73, at throe o'clock in the slur. loou, at th. (11; Hall, In ta« Citj ot H»w Iruoawick, m parauaaea of th. power mai au. Ibonlj Tested in him bj th. charter uf aaid v.aelliii i-ublic auetiun tbe lollowiog laads d real estate on whicb atipsid asine*dtnent. apecnvtly bavebeen imposed, ur are a lien, schedule n lierewith annelnj) lur Ih. looaat in of Teara <not eiceeding btty jwriij ler hit-tr mir periwn will tak. tbe same renpec- elv, und jiay 1lie amount of such unpaid aa- ^MII.-IIIH, wtfli interest tliereoa reijiectiTflj, *1111 l,n»lul ^oati., leeB,cti%rj(es and cjipenaea, iKBH uucii aweaamenta liure been preriouijlv id KOBKBTO. MILLER, Colin-tor. -Vw bruntwivk. June Hdth, WS. SEAMAN HTKKET. Mra. Kunbeth Htokeu, b»l. $85 o srson Jane White £4 Wm. Ottiif 6a 'rank Porter , 68 Jhris, Hiron „ ufi •jtiAfajer "H TOE DAILY TIMES. NOTICE. Wbu.o.s, th«Common Council of Hie City of UN Hrui.awick hire duly, try resolution, or- ere<l and directed tlm Collector to colleci tlm jilo- mi; avseesBmenti rwpectiTtly retniinmt iDpu.d . on the laaida and real iutaie tvuitHiaed lor upvuuif Morris atrwet, *nO tbe naid CollecU nr An avecordihulj ID pureuaucc of liw prepure in 1 enter ft tr»D»crij)t of »id taxes rtispeo- .ivtlv aud duly cmat»at notict; to bupat>Ushed in :wo (*> ottrspttperv, printed ind pubHthud in ibeUitjol New Br>ns»rick,-41*34-uitau ruich uafleiament*, meutlorjed in such notice, should be (Iaid at tliia office within twenlj' days niiur he flrst jmblicatlon of raid notice, lie would [iroceed to collect tbe tame by public lalu ac- cording to Uw. No*, therefor*, public nottct is hereby given that tbe said t'olleotor will, on Thartduj, August 7th, 1873, at three o'clock in the after- on, at the City Uall, in the City of Ntitr Brunswick, Inpunutnee of the power anduu- Uiority veatetj inhim by the charter ot siid city, sell at public auction the loilowiog lands aud wal iiUlt oa which unpaid awe«ai..*»ntB p u l r hare bmu inipoAUar, or are a lien, schedule ia herBwitU anntrnd) tar the low«it >rm oi. jeara (not exceeding Ulty juars; lor bieh aar person will Uk« tba umt rcspec- rtjljt, and pay tbe amount of »ucb unpaid HI- umenti with interest therein respeot.Tely and nil lawful costit, fees, cbargea.itnd ezpeosei, nn- tei8 anch aasesniienti hare beun preriomly R. O. MILLER, Collector. Nwir Brunswick, June srtih, 1B73. HORItM STTiriET. Kennedij |19 John I'attoo 15 Uavptiat Cemetery i'.< Van Duersen & Opiu , . 8i> K. K. Outcalt Ill Wiu. Wright 66 I'tftcr Sujdain OEOiUiE STKEET. Hapllit Cemetcrv 47 John Vt.n liiiet-sitta la Wm. 8. Van l>oru IU Urn, Cm-dime i. Ikmt » 5>.IL801f STKKKT. Wm. Parker ** JatsDief Onflavn...,..,... 11> JOUN STREET. IIMC Vtam 22 LIVINGSTON AVKNL'H. Quttavui Fi»rjber NOTICE. Whereas, *h« Common Council of .be City of Hew Brunswick .lure duhr, by resolution, or- dered and directed the Collector to cvlli-ct the following SBjeaamentB rtnptieX\rt\j remBiniDg unpaid upon the lands ncd real estate assessed lor opening Uuildea Street, and tbe said Col-, lector dtd-«eeordisglj. in puriatncaotlaw, pr#> pare and eater a trtmcrijit of nalct tazei r«- xpeclively, andduty ciiuaed notice to be put)- luiiod in two (2) ue••papers, printed and pub- lirtbed in the City of New BrUnimrck, that un- sucti attiesaiuaota mentioned in tuch notice should be paid at this within twwtjr daja alMr tilt fir.H publication ol Bai4 nokaot, be would pme««<l to collect the name by public sal* aeoordteg to law. Now, therefore, public nottca is herebj given that tha aaii Oolleotor will, on Thunday, Au- gujt 1th, 1873, at ihret o'clock in the afternoon, at the City Matt, in tt,a Cit^ cf .New BruoHwicL in pursuance of the power and authority veate^ in him by tha cfaarUr ot aaid city, aell at pnb- lio auotion ih* foliowlng laoda and real tatate on which unpaid aasewmeati reapictiret; hare be«n impoaed. or are a lien, (a schedule is here- with annexed) far the lowait Una »f yean (not exceeding fifty yeaVa) for which any person will take the evno reapeotirelj. and pay th* am ODDt of Mob vnpaid t.rittnrr'"". with intar- eit thereon rafpeotitely, aod all lawful costa, fees, charge* and expeaaea, unless aach IIBIH. meoti bare been preriousfy paid. liOUKHTU. iiU.LBfl, Collector. New Brunswick. June 26th, 1$73. GUILDKM STKEKT. CharlMWeller 19 60 Philip A. Bmith Mra. Robt Adrain, Mrs. John Woodi... Joliall«MMna,bal. Bridpt Web!? b!?. m. Uudaoo. ridp •Jgha.lia.lsoa. Wm. Ud Wm. Wltahor JohnBnaUar.. IS BS en 88 U H Bl It lit oo 89 00 13 00 00 »9 OO . 19 H> 106 W 19 00 It 60 ia oo into AVENUE. mrtrik Toala Ohaa.W, John ftiLAFIELD 8TRKKT. ,.„,.,.,.,,-.,...,..,. a AaatR. A sSesaairksiM* »•«!. Oift of tlit) licrceit eoconrrters that our («nk place on the "fieldof bou- rn ' ^:.uii' i/U at Mt ilieiui' J^odge, In- dian 1 ^rntory, not l^ng aince. Tlit parties Iu Uif altray were llugb An deraon of 'IVxax aud Arthur MuaJliu- key ot Kan^Bf. The quarrel originat- ed in aome, alight mUunderetaridiDg, hut wan aggravated by intemperate language until Uiu parlu-8 couccived au lmplauable halv lur uacb utiier. We (lopeiiii upon a World corretipoudeut |iartic:u!aio ol the duel : McCluhLey wan th« first to fire, wheeling UH lie di<l ao t though the «nioke liiiil i>i'»ii'i'ly curled up troru hin iiistol before the report of A ruler- MIIIIV weapon lollowcd. Amomentary pa jsc entuud, each ol Ihu antagoniftta cloHely scf;""in(j; the other to note the pfleet of the nhot«. AcroBa Ander- BCIII'8 chuck a deep furrow, from which the hlood slowly began to trickle down told .the work ol hia antagonist, while McClunkey remained utaud'ng in hiHoriginal pos- ture, to all ajipearanoii uuharmud. liut HUH wax nut the fact. Those imaivai t«j himfaucjcJ they «awa sud- den 8pa»m of pain, pans through his frame, and his face blanched to a death-like pallor, hut just where the ball had taken effect they could not tell. At the secund fire McCluskey again anticipated his opponent, ana, taking a more deliberate aim, suc- ceeded in breaking his left arm. An- derson uttered a sharp cry and sunk on one knee, but quickly recovering he re- turned the fire, this time, with horrible eilect. The ball passing through Me- Clusley'H mouth, carried away with it several of the clenched teeth aud a portion of the tongue, finally lodging in the base uf tl.e^nkull. McCluskey staggered forward wildlv a few steps, ana made desperate efforts to save himself. The blood poured in torrents from the wound, and st» : ed his hunt- ing shirt and dripped fio nthe rruzzle of his pistol ; bin with heroic courage he continued to«, spitting out mouthfiils of blood and teeth at every step. During the interval thus gained Anderson, wbo iu hin crippled state bad e.try reason to Bhru a hand-to baud encounter* had uut been idle, but fired a, well aimed shot, which broke McC'luskcy's ihoulder. As if tins waH not enough, he sent atiolher ball alter it, which, striking him in the pit of the stomach, cansed him to fall forward heavily on h»s face. Mc- Cliiskey was now mortally wounded, and momentarily growrng weaker from loss of blc >d. Tearing open his shirt in his agony a crimson spot in his luftBide indicated tl u plr-ra where Anderson's liral shot hsd taken tiled. He still, however, retained his grasp of his pis- tol, and by au ellort superhuman in its coolness and deliberation, fired at his antagonist a third shot. The lat- ter had beeu closely watching for this anil endeavored to save himsell by •udilenly dropping to the ground. Too lato, however, McCluskey's fin- ger was already on the trigger, and his eyes along the sights, and when bin adversary's body reached the earth it was heavier by a Oolt'a pistol ball. A scream ol pain followed, and the spectators saw the figure of a man clutcliiiig wildly with his baud* at the grass, and writhing aud twisting in horrible contortions. The bullet had struck him full iu the abdomen and, like his antagonist, Anderson wan now a fast dying man. At this junctu.-e it neemed aa it the crowd would interfere, but Harding'sternly bade them keep back and leave the men to Hettle the matter in their own way. As none cared todispute with the gigantic hunter, the 'mandate was beyed, though a universal expression of horror ran through the spectators, a number of whom were the engineers and attaches of our own party. bull, horrible as was tho scene, no one thought of leaving the spot. An irresistible, fascination to see it oat bound one nod all alike to the bloo'. stained locality, liut the final'. va at hand--I.I10 eurtain almost ready ti drop. McCluskey, Biimmoning bya su- preme effort his remaining strength, drew his knife and began to craw! feebly in tho direction of his antago- nist. The latter, who had raised to a sitting posture, saw the move- ment and prepared tomeet it. Both had dropped their revolvers, leaving to the cold hteel tho completion ol the work. Now it bad grown quite dark, and to distinguish the movements of the combatants required the closest attention. Anderson was clearly un- able to move any portion of his body save his right arm. With this he raised hia knife aloft, and as McClus key crawled up within reaofrflealtiSim a terrible blow in ttiv neck, cutting muscles and tendons and veins, ana half serveriiiK the head from the body. But the effort was too mnoh for him, and leaving the weapon sticking in the wound, he pitched heavily for- ward on his iaoe. Every one «np posed that this blow would have in stantly killed McClu8kej,b,\it strange to saj it did not, lor so great was hi* vitality that before falling he twioe plunged his own knite into tha body of Anderson. Thetala is soontow. McClitakey ,lived a minute longer than his antagonist. The deadbod. ies, firmly looked in eswh other's em- brace, were' taken tb UH>fcotufe 0 ) Harding and laid out tide by side "on lb« KMtOag ta^le, A erimaoo ,tttul marked tj*> pwh of Ihou who oar. ned them iD-door^jmd pools oi bWot) indicated tbe •oenejoiUlu law »on- flwsfc •. . i ,. .' i, .... ' Eropirf ( M i n ? Store. Jos. LivijigstOtt, CLOTHIER aU» Merchant Tailor. FraaasaaUin * Riob^'a H.w BaiUiaf, »O.S PKAOE BTMXXT vr&TS tuiTa on b*nd a l*fg" UMrttDeot of Imported Clotbi, Camiioere* and VeetiDgi tor Owtom work. I guurintMftperfect fl.tnd twtiaTtutioD all. Mj ttlook gf GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Trial!, Value, ant Satchels, It rery desirable, aDd I swlicit jaurimpwti KKW 1 sin now prepared b> off. r ao.w anu cotxi .leu toti ut Humm.r Clulhin«, dmiaWlj Wl.r than any iu the city. 1 hare also alarg.aleak al Via. < k.rl>t Swlu, . . . tie !• lit Flata Black Prork Caata. llOUIIt Vk»a Black Salt., . . . . fleKXHS •arise * ••••«•«are«>ta, > 1«tall t Via. Ulk mixa* Stiila,. . . »14««»ai) <klUrea'e Salts tjtollt Bor*'.a4 V.BIk.'Suli., . jil.lli Voaths', Bor»' tni ChlMrcB's Clothiig, cbl offer at Luwer Prtoas thsn asy otaar ant, baaaaaaioa da!* Uoarn Iba aata arasa- iasa; tad yos, tka aaid lln.aats VaaT.yla.J Aalrew F T«o Tnjl, karkaabaaw. atw'laads dafeuaaata, basaaae. f<mktU a aaaMsjas* aaat tae aaid pramlacIMp aTT^taa—thareof etaiiB to bare some Intaraat tfaarain. CUAKLH T. OOWINIMVaW, Solieiior af 43aaulaiaanC No. 145 Qsorge Bt, Wew BmnnrUk, 1.1. Ju y «U>. 1«I». In Chaaaeerr of New r KOUWlitl, U, CIHtaCli MsMsM VAN TU VI, and AAUbVKW VMM XUXI. ar husband : Rolfe& Son STEAM SAW UTD PLANING MILL, AND LUMBEE YARD, 143 BURNET STREET, Foot «1 New atreet. New BruBinlck, Offer to the trade, and pvt>lic in gmtertl, tin6 Lirge Stuckol Pine Hemlock &Oak Timber tor Building 1'urpones, and all kiadj ol Draaaed and UndrM»d I.ninbwt at greatly reduced prices. Purchasers^ will consult ther interest by calling and eiamining their ilock and get pntea, b«fox» purchai elawwherw. Satisfactory Inducements to caah Caitomera LtTMBCR AND TXMB3t3R BHIPPBD to anr point of tbe Line of Railroad, knj *n» Timber cut to order on tbort uttioe. 143^Burnet Street Spectacles ^ yon aie defendants; fom mn required to appesr and ulaad, danu 1 or aaawar to ihe complaiaant's bill on or bfefore the fit TEBNTH d»r or BBPTtMRIft a*mt. «r ta* aaid bill will betaken Mcoafaaa«d agaeut you. The aaid hill ia filed toforedote a mortgage, dated JWM 18, 1»#7. made aad KIT** tn oVnt q, Krokaw aod £iii*b«tli, hu wii*. to i'eUr A. Uacoman on lands io tbe city of New Bruoi wteft, Mlddleiei Coaaty, Kew Jeraey. Aod roa. tb.« MU4 ftMV4ll U. PUree, bra made da- rendaat, because you claim to own the said premiaea: aud you, Elizabeth Van Tayl and Andrew P. Van Tuyt, her bnabaod are made defendants, because you hold a mortgas* upon iht aaid prewina and by virtue tbenoT olaiiu to have aome ialerast therein. CUABJ*ES T. C0WENH0VEN, Solicitor of Complainant, No. 146 Oeorg* Bt., N«w Braaiwici, N. J. Dated July 15th. .S7t. jyatt-Gtlaw CLARENDON HOTEL, Brancli > V. for the »fs»o» on June Int. The bca«h snd batbiag facilities are tbt moat approvad aad aasurpasaei by any at tbe Branch. SAM'L K. SPENCER, Prop'r. N. B.-TLu Hotel ia opened aU tha year •ouai jalV-ittl The Continental Life Imm Oa of New York. Assets, tT.OOO.tMO. JOSEPH L. TOPHAM, d«t«-wlT Oaneral A»«nt lor Haw Jerwr nioWEKSI FL0WEE8I FLOWEU8 ( T HIRTY to ooe bandred per ceot. beliw tbe regabr oaUlogne ratea. Taa taonaand aawanai I'U.fTB ia pen, and ab»u» <aa Ibau- aaod more in the open eroand. Bedding 1'lants, Hardy Herbaceous Pant., aad Flower- mi Saniba, all xrowiag an Ik* jpoaata aad .11 in the best possible condition far planting out now. For sale at the Cnmmeroiai Vnratry and Uraenfaansa, Cssnmercial atanaa, ^>alaTaa and Ssntord atroets. 4. MOBLLBB, Proprietor. M. SCHAWfe Ootlola\n antl i M . BRDMBWJgaC H. J, ^m Tuesd»y. Stift, 2, to Friday^ MrSBIBCttt Hiving nsed EyMJlawes and Spee- 'tscles suppUed by M. 8cnw*B,anfl manuiictnred by him, we would oor- dially reoommend him to aU vho need any aids to sight aa a moat skilfnl Optician, and an obliging and rohablaman. H«T. Dr. W. H. Causi^kell, PnaUant al Bartfera OaUaaa, law Brsjia- wiak, K. J. Prot C«*rfe H, CJooh, al Rnl«%r. Codaa*, Ba» Brenniaa, «. J Hr. Hair Bramnriat, V. J. Lewis Baw»aawii Oaaapaaj. * * . FaWtt fraaatrU,«. i. r TO, BOOS OAaTAMUB. A M E W W A Y ^ IWICi Tba<s.aad» ar* aaid. axrptl Ft ttihW, ranaMtaa' IU PabBaliaV O a ! " » hft ••"•• Notice. nan is« m SI aktaJUraaea. By rirtueof ttn order of ibeCoarto. Gtimomff \f New Jaraey, made oa the d«v of tk*dsl* •eof, in a ciiiM wherein Barab H&genao ii I liar 30 Teara of trial ka. t A. tk» kast ls«alla« aiaut Bsktst aa* lag Liadaawt trn tka WarVI. ^Bf 'n la raoomanM *l» TmboTOo*! laainin iln Hlc«M.otcMl>. BralaM, Jaunt B|Hiaa», Baaoaia. lU BUM, rbllW«lna, StUtaaaa tt t t . aat tu aw atar a« a y wr.Brnlaalaf a m o t u maai ousaaa> aagooifhsna. Batmk wagiiWw Money will v be nftffiPJn J «jf a- v-i'n-sii i<«a)~ii!!sfai'iiB'*iin|

Civil Engineeis Wines, Liquors and Champagnes. r · NEW BRUNSWICK, ^. Jt.MOlfOAY EVENING, JULY 28. 1873. mints •*«>. qo , PBAts nasET. a(Mut loa* to Lreaa') Watchmaker WAirvr AOTVTH

Sep 23, 2020



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Page 1: Civil Engineeis Wines, Liquors and Champagnes. r · NEW BRUNSWICK, ^. Jt.MOlfOAY EVENING, JULY 28. 1873. mints •*«>. qo , PBAts nasET. a(Mut loa* to Lreaa') Watchmaker WAirvr AOTVTH


mints •*«>.qo , PBAts nasET.

a(Mut loa* to Lreaa')

WatchmakerWAirvr AOTVTH ol* f r m n ,

Cuxuu, Sic. OajfajaaavBD Himade Jo ardar. Plain Gold Kings mada at onehoar's notice, any carat, weight or sis.. Fin.Watches and f ranch Cloaks, warranted to kaspeerrect lime. Amarlean aad BsglUa Wafcsaaaalways on hand. Muaical Boxes rapaifed.. Allnuw Jawflrv an. Wawt.e mad. by me war-ranted ; If broken allkia a year repaired with,out coal i r.pairiag aaaflr aad. strongly dona.

Daailoas of pirating aU who aaaT fstor oawith their paUoaafa, 1 a Iwarij support(rout tha aoauauntty.

Very resnaotfallr yours,jaaeT—ly-d JOHN nUUWEIUEB

~ Wlae and Lag«r BeerWINE AND I J A O E K B K B H at WHOLl^


SHORT NOTtOE.Agency ol the Newark Brewing Company.

PAUL KLEIN,mylS-ly aoo BmneuUreet

U f A T d l D N *•>!> J l i W E l . K V .Una Timepieces a HpecieltT.A toners! assortment ol CHAINS, RIHdS,

SPKCTACI.E8, etc.All kinds of REI'AIRINS promptly eiecnted.

L. P. TARBOI,28 Dennis Btreet, formerly at Marab'a.

All watoljes lelt lor repair insured againsthsabynre. au8»-lf

fi ! TTlJltttllKtlBlTMM at XUNOHBHPractioal trpholstarara A Osbicstmskars,

17 Albany street, New Braaswisk, If. J.Furniture Re-Covered, Repaired aod Var.

nisoed. Curtains and Hhades HUOR. OsrpetsLaid. Loose Covers Cut and made in the lateststyle. Mattresses Made and Re-made. Furni-ture packed.

jobbing promptly attended to. pe2S-ly


American Billiard HallAND RESTAURANT

Ho. SO Albany street. New Brunswick.

Where can bo foundTies, Puddings and KefreshmeDta of all

kinds. my6-ly_T T E . N K V Z I M M E R M A N ,

( T R U & C O .

House and Sign Painter,NO. 12 GCTLDKN STREET,

Rooms Fr.sooed in Oil or Water Colors, lor$36 and upwards.

a\l*o; KalfovMalna/ asd Paper Hanging.

Araiatag done al short netiee, or the a*»procen, eostiair 26 per cent, less than by tlieold metnod. • jelrf-ly



Civil Engineers**a

SOa\V«T0BJ,153 VhOKQE SlRKi.1

VIL pNa^lNEEKMCI, ETC.i n lieersje <l Haw I r u i t w l t k ,

Chj lots and farms surrryedandrlotttd: l.bdreu'lUt .Uc oostosla uf all farms of

aurtaoH ud lolUa; lands UK out, airload >Da*d awthlaMi .«. Oallino >Dd lop-Hph*S

apa. Plane Airalahed tor toying out iaaorn*.i.nfrng ground.,'etc.




Meihinlesl Baalneor.'ffloe—UI George Btreet, QroTar1! Baildiaga.

T OU/UUTON,Tailor and Kxcelalor Clollic.

Ctesmer and Kepalrer.Assortment of Hecond-hand Clothing.Wwk-lie., Collars, Etc., Etc.

a 4. jOennla Btrei't,Oae Door frum corner ot Hiram atreet.


Real Estate Agents,30 Bayard Street.





Merchant Tailor,AJ(D DIAL1K IN

Ready-Made ClothingAITD GENTS' F0KWBUINO O0OD8,

No. 30 Alb By Straat, Kaw Braniiaick,Op]ioaite State Bank.

'Also, . aenaral assortment of Clolhs, Caimeres, VealuigB, otc, wbiob he la prepared tosell by the yard, or make to order In the lateststyle at the lowest prices. Repairing, Gleaningand Pressing neatly done, attueahorteBtnotu

Steam Oyer aad Scourer.No. 93 Cbircli itreet, New Brunswick^., nowprepared to do er«ry description of buHinean inhii line, in the bait ni.oa«r Had Uroaeuui'1-1*rates,

i l l orders promptly attended to *t abort

T O I I \ S C H W A B ,



Haad-mrad, alwayi an band.

Alto, t.

I l K P A J I i l N Ouoti« *ad in tii* beatrtt f


Ranges and Furnaces.

The Best in the World.

The Magee Elevated Ranees,AMD TBS

Magoo Furnacesare the most surprising and sucoeaalut combinattons ot scientific features erer brosgbt to-•etner. It Is only nscetnary to se . tb*n> to b<conrinced that nothing better can be purchased.


Phenix Furnaceurn

The Walker Furnaceboth aiaellent artioloe and hljhly approyed.

»W Call at thePlnmWn, and Haatln| BitakUahmani

n o DBNN18 8TBBKT. •' P. FMNAN.





Civil EngineeisAMD


d9-lylit Qeorge Straat,


ARCHITISOT, •780 Broad Street, Nonark, N J.

I Dank HaiUing.



309 Burnt gtreet, New Brun.wlsk.iya»-iy


Stigars, Flour, Raisins, C urrants.

We invite apeoial attention to our recent invoices ot

Wines, Liquors and Champagnes.OUR CHAMPAGNE CIDKR

warranted to keep tweet all tbe year round, and will be sold at a veryw price.

We have made arraugemcnU for a regular auppl; ol

IHOICE ORANGE COUNTY BUTTER,|or TabU use, dire«t from the New York Dairioe, U VEKY LOW'1UCKS, by tbe pound ot iu larger quantities. -

You can MA VJi /torn 20 to 30 iw oent. by purchasing of

The Great China and Japan Tea Co.,


Order! lelt at Messrs Scbneeweiss's, Georgetreet; Trol. tiarland's Musio Htore. Albaurtwtj Ch-.lUek.rrsBmg.«tot»,l>t,rna(.troet,

B. promptly attended to.Beaidsnce, M». t l Ulram atreet. seS-W



at aa Low Bates as any-plao. l> tbs efry.

THE BEST TAMELY FLOURM 75 per 100 pounds. Ut. Ternos Branded Hans at la ata. par lbi

LI. O T H » m O O 0 D S AT E Q U A L L Y 1 O W F R I O B S

'P8-1^ Jatha m. D a H a n .


Cleaning, Scouring, Repairing

INDIANAPOLIS,Bluomington & Western

Railway.Seven Per Cunt ConvertWe


st Mortgage on its Extension.The line of thus road, including the JSxten-on, is4'i0miitt>, and IS (JOUFLKTKO.^xoepi

he ehort d stance of 86 miles between HD (be IllinoiH Hirer, »nd the

h l 802W, » seiuippi.

A part of the line (802W miles), from In-ianapoiia to Fekin, aaa oeeo in successlulpartition over two jeara, snd ie recogoiied tvs

me of the most imporUat roads coming intohe city of lt.dt«p«poii>. l U n i t earnings arciiore than sufficient to pa/ interest on ALLliooda Uiued by the Company, a n d Urn r e -ceipts lor 1W7* were more tlinn

UA.OOO ffrvHter than In (liel

These Bonds possess unusual strength, andwe recommend them for the following reasons

1. Hhe Koarf ii already eHv-tog luoto. Itaaflrafeing citteatH and t^ The imtiBulmd portion of the ho* will be

«6iitv>eted within a few month's, *ui Ihc entireoad hsi an immense, buiiness immediatelr

.ributary to It KARNINJS FOR THE LAsitI HftEK MONTHS UK 16TS WBHK AT• TWB*U T £ 09 « r , S 4 7 F £ S Ml US per annumindmust rmtoii * 10,000 ptr mile within t,iftI'.rs. and continue progrmsire.5. Tbe effect ot soeta rWennenpon the mar-

et value of the capital atcok of the Koad,rell at upon ltft«OBT*nibl« bond* ia obvious

4. ThedKCUIlITi' 1H COMPLETK.6. The managemant of the Hoad is aoknowl

ydKed to be OUfBRlOiL and then oaa bo nopouibilitj of any iefeult in inttrMt tmymmti.

The bonds are iflren per cent., gold, $1,000each, convtrtdbie at OVUUQ of tba lioliier, andmay bfl fagiMeted Wtlbout^ cliuge. 1*2IIO&«9 0 an-l aoorued iatareat in currency.. Cuupont,"an. aud July 1, (roe of lax.

All negotiable securities recivei, in ui changeat best market r» vs.

Further infjrmaUoafurnUbed 0h i^plioation



ELIAS RUNYON,Aac«nt<ie6 BnrnetStreet.

Maw Brunswick, N. J.


Real Estate and Stock Broker,OFFICE AND SALESROOM,

Odd Fallows' Hall, Nallaoa- Slraat

All ilndioronods noslred to be told at Frl-T . I . Sal. ori>«>iio.Ao«'o..

Baal Estaia sod Slook bought and aold.

Moa»r Lo.nuT Ml fcuaao^sbli Icrma,

tin niuliiaallliiii damaaa-sd unUI sals* areoonsoMoaWd.

' A'aailonBaln attradsd to la oltr or coontrj

X.'a<a'drail>'sola 14 all pam



Lota l,#e« and 1.6SJ7K. R. herdcnliuri!Kdwtrd Mullen

obnvM. - .'*.'.'.,'....'.'.'.','.'. . . . . . .I.IK A\ KNIT.

it No. 1,7<)4rah T.lluian . . .

Hal. J. DunhamRttMeKN AVISNUK.

M. MssUrson1'liebe Mesaerolo '

TllltUOl1 ASfc.NU K.) . Montgomery

11. Van bitumenElldo Vim Outrami.. . ' . . . ' . . ' . ' . . .". . ' . . ' . .

Michael O ' e / . . . . . . . , . " " . . . . . .J . JeHol l iud :

HKAHAN bTUKKT.mes Crongrove

Wm.HulsaMary Heffuer bulS c b u i d t * WenjleLuke WclahSarah Mark.Qeorge lleadriokaonUeorge While

ID lisiiderai

Tailoring Establisbment,NO. ALBANY STREET.

OcnUcnwn'a Suits ICepaircd and thoroughly Cleaned, and the original colorxtoral. my2I-ly

F. A. W I S E M A N ,Watchmaker and Jeweler,

1ST0. 7 CHURCH STKEET,Would respectfully call tlie atteDtion of hia friends to hii cxtenflre itock, la. <1 j replenished byew aud rare patteros of

Rich Jewelrv, Watches. Clocks,SILVER AND PLATED WAliE, HAIR JEWELSY,

8PEOTAOLE3, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AMD TBIMIUNOS.Uf Repairing dooe well, and warraatad.

IVe-vv Urunsvf/iclc Time Store.




Also % Largo ^Bsortmeut oi

Gent's Furnishing Goods, Umbrellas,Canes, Gloves.„ Alao, Agent* for tho world renowned

Singer Improved Sewing Machine,AT

J. S. tfc E. STEWART'S.

ICE CQLO FOUNTAIN ROOT BEERThe Jiiggett antl Jlest Drink in the City for Five Cents, or 12c. per Quart.

This U Dot a rile, {>nct drink, but ths real old-faahloDtd Root Beer such as walused b; onr fttrentMra'for gunerationa. In fact, the manufacture o4 Rj»t Beer ia no•ocrct. Nearly eyeri "driok. Some can.N.,secret of tbeif owi, liRoots >nd Uerba,'lagreeable tMts wblok J

I b Miltea yo*r» I b»TO Milage, tbtt obuld DO Itbo ezperlsaoi) of a


j j j that we know of can make a plaasant and agreeable'than others, ior the very reaaoa that they bare a1 experience In compounding together the different

Mich a proportion of each as gites that fine fliror andfind in all Root Beer when properij made. For the last

Very receipt lot making this delicious temperance berer-, until I hare »o«r orer fifty different receipts, or ratherritoag together; the different Roots and Barks ol orer fifty\ ajgjinSctarerti.Qf Hoot. Beer fqr yean; asd out of all

I made one1 -which) it>1 tin fast Ore yean hu hadthrough its own U > I T I iLOHB. It i« com-

only a» SaiTbest.adapted for parifyintf thslM beeu proDOnnced by medical professors tolnfe MpMsi* and ajftrflswr dersngcaMett

prodB4iiiil«lft«linT»<ioe's^d'BonnaloondiU6noll t h i t th th t i l I

_ p i l f t « T ^tbe antwa, asd more fullj; qienchlng thirst than any other article In naa.Tha t W t u d Old Ori|lBaHTrf|fi'J)»a»t.d F*a*at Uaad, ftar. KaOat. A Blraai


NOTICE.Wbtreu, tbe Commoii Ooaictl of tbe City pJ•w BruQ»*ick h»Tf dmlj. by r«Mlutioa, or•redtkod (tirwUd tfa* Cotltwtor to flollawt tht>ll« mtueumwnit rMpcctiTcly Hmuotoyupud UJJOO tLe luub ksd nal MUta i iMiud•r optuiD^ HvAmtw StrMt, toil tbe Mid Colctur did Kcordioajty, u patManM ot l»w,rep»re nod eater % tramcript of fid U X M r«>*t:lively, and duly cfttued notice to be pub..i..j .... .^jjp^p^,, pnntad u d pube i t w o ( * ) u e _

itvbed iu thai)..} • !tad and pubick, th*t uoku >ai vatai uaaj s j | fiVW Ja>ruia*wis>aat l u a i UN*

MS a-*cfa sss.a«iii«rts aMotioaad 1B aoob uotioeahnuld bt paid «l this o l u witbln Iwrntj 4 a i srterthe first pubtira-.ioo Imi aard Duties, b .rould proowd U coMeet tbe aaaie bj {Id llcale t< cording to law.*«w, therefore, public notice is hereby given

>»l tb . aaid Collector will, on Ttiunda;,.ugun 71b, i«73, at throe o'clock in the slur.loou, at th . (11; Hall, In ta« Citj ot H»wIruoawick, m parauaaea of th. power mai au.

Ibonlj Tested in him b j th . charter uf aaidv.aelliii i-ublic auetiun tbe lollowiog laadsd real estate on whicb atipsid asine*dtnent.apecnvtly bavebeen imposed, ur are a lien,schedule n lierewith annelnj) lur Ih. looaatin of Teara < not eiceeding btty jwriij ler

hit-tr mir periwn will tak. tbe same renpec-elv, und jiay 1 lie amount of such unpaid aa-

^MII.-IIIH, wtfli interest tliereoa reijiectiTflj,*1111 l,n»lul ^oati., leeB,cti%rj(es and cjipenaea,iKBH uucii aweaamenta liure been preriouijlvid

• KOBKBTO. MILLER, Colin-tor.-Vw bruntwivk. June Hdth, WS.

SEAMAN HTKKET.Mra. Kunbeth Htokeu, b»l. $85 o


Jane White £4Wm. Ottiif 6a'rank Porter , 68

Jhris, Hiron „ ufi•jtiAfajer "H



Wbu.o.s, th« Common Council of Hie City ofUN Hrui.awick hire duly, try resolution, or-ere<l and directed tlm Collector to colleci tlmjilo- mi; avseesBmenti rwpectiTtly retniinmtiDpu.d . on the laaida and real iutaie tvuitHiaedlor upvuuif Morris atrwet, *nO tbe naid CollecUnr An avecordihulj ID pureuaucc of liw prepurein 1 enter ft tr»D»crij)t of » id taxes rtispeo-.ivtlv aud duly cmat»at notict; to bu pat>Ushed in:wo (*> ottrspttperv, printed ind pubHthud inibeUitjol New Br>ns»rick,-41*34-uitau ruichuafleiament*, meutlorjed in such notice, shouldbe (Iaid at tliia office within twenlj' days niiurhe flrst jmblicatlon of raid notice, lie would

[iroceed to collect tbe tame by public lalu ac-cording to Uw.

No*, therefor*, public nottct is hereby giventhat tbe said t'olleotor will, on Thartduj,August 7th, 1873, at three o'clock in the after-

on, at the City Uall, in the City of NtitrBrunswick, In punutnee of the power and uu-Uiority veatetj in him by the charter ot siidcity, sell at public auction the loilowiog landsaud wal i i U l t oa which unpaid awe«ai..*»ntB

p u l r hare bmu inipoAUar, or are a lien,schedule ia herBwitU anntrnd) tar the low«it

>rm oi. jeara (not exceeding Ulty juars; lorbieh aar person will Uk« tba u m t rcspec-rtjljt, and pay tbe amount of »ucb unpaid HI-umenti with interest therein respeot.Tely and

nil lawful costit, fees, cbargea.itnd ezpeosei, nn-tei8 anch aasesniienti hare beun preriomly

R. O. MILLER, Collector.Nwir Brunswick, June srtih, 1B73.

HORItM STTiriET.Kennedij |19John I'attoo 15Uavptiat Cemetery i'.<V a n D u e r s e n & Opiu , . 8i>K. K. Outca l t IllWiu . W r i g h t 66I'tftcr S u j d a i n 1«

OEOiUiE STKEET.Hapllit Cemetcrv 47John Vt.n liiiet-sitta laWm. 8 . Van l>oru IUUrn, Cm-dime i. Ikmt »

5>.IL801f STKKKT.Wm. Parker **JatsDief O n f l a v n . . . , . . , . . . 11>


LIVINGSTON AVKNL'H.Quttavui Fi»rjber


Whereas, *h« Common Council of .be City ofHew Brunswick .lure duhr, by resolution, or-dered and directed the Collector to cvlli-ct thefollowing SBjeaamentB rtnptieX\rt\j remBiniDgunpaid upon the lands ncd real estate assessedlor opening Uuildea Street, and tbe said Col-,lector dtd-«eeordisglj. in puriatncaotlaw, pr#>pare and eater a trtmcrijit of nalct tazei r«-xpeclively, and duty ciiuaed notice to be put)-luiiod in two (2) ue••papers, printed and pub-lirtbed in the City of New BrUnimrck, that un-

sucti attiesaiuaota mentioned in tuch noticeshould be paid at this within twwtjr dajaalMr tilt fir.H publication ol Bai4 nokaot, bewould pme««<l to collect the name by publicsal* aeoordteg to law.

Now, therefore, public nottca is herebj giventhat tha aaii Oolleotor will, on Thunday, Au-gujt 1th, 1873, at ihret o'clock in the afternoon,at the City Matt, in tt,a Cit^ cf .New BruoHwicLin pursuance of the power and authority veate^in him by tha cfaarUr ot aaid city, aell at pnb-lio auotion ih* foliowlng laoda and real tatateon which unpaid aasewmeati reapictiret; harebe«n impoaed. or are a lien, (a schedule is here-with annexed) far the lowait Una »f yean(not exceeding fifty yeaVa) for which any personwill take the evno reapeotirelj. and pay th*am ODD t of Mob vnpaid t.rittnrr'"". with intar-eit thereon rafpeotitely, aod all lawful costa,fees, charge* and expeaaea, unless aach IIBIH.meoti bare been preriousfy paid.

liOUKHTU. iiU.LBfl, Collector.New Brunswick. June 26th, 1$73.

GUILDKM STKEKT.CharlMWeller 19 60Philip A. BmithMra. Robt Adrain,

Mrs. John Woodi...

Joliall«MMna,bal.Bridpt Web!?b!?. Uudaoo.

ridp•Jgha.lia.lsoa.Wm. U d

Wm. WltahorJohnBnaUar..


en 88U HBl Itlit oo89 0013 001» 00»9 OO

. 19 H>106 W

19 00I t 60ia oointo




,.„,.,.,.,,-.,...,..,. a


A sSesaairksiM* » • « ! .Oift of tlit) licrceit eoconrrters that

our («nk place on the " field of bou-rn ' ^ :.uii' i/U at Mt ilieiui' J^odge, In-dian 1 rntory, not l^ng aince. Tlitparties Iu Uif altray were llugb Anderaon of 'IVxax aud Arthur MuaJliu-key ot Kan^Bf. The quarrel originat-ed in aome, alight mUunderetaridiDg,hut wan aggravated by intemperatelanguage until Uiu parlu-8 couccivedau lmplauable halv lur uacb utiier. We(lopeiiii upon a World |iartic:u!aio ol the duel :

McCluhLey wan th« first to fire,wheeling UH lie di<l aot though the«nioke liiiil i>i'»ii'i'ly curled up troruhin iiistol before the report of A ruler-MIIIIV weapon lollowcd. A momentarypa jsc entuud, each ol Ihu antagonifttacloHely scf;""in(j; the other to note thepfleet of the nhot«. AcroBa Ander-BCIII'8 chuck a deep furrow, fromwhich the hlood slowly beganto trickle down told .the workol hia antagonist, while McClunkeyremained utaud'ng in hiH original pos-ture, to all ajipearanoii uuharmud.liut HUH wax nut the fact. Thoseimaivai t«j himfaucjcJ they «aw a sud-den 8pa»m of pain, pans through hisframe, and his face blanched to adeath-like pallor, hut just where theball had taken effect they could nottell. At the secund fire McCluskeyagain anticipated his opponent, ana,taking a more deliberate aim, suc-ceeded in breaking his left arm. An-derson uttered a sharp cry and sunk onone knee, but quickly recovering he re-turned the fire, this time, with horribleeilect. The ball passing through Me-Clusley'H mouth, carried away withit several of the clenched teeth aud aportion of the tongue, finally lodgingin the base uf tl.e^nkull. McCluskeystaggered forward wildlv a few steps,ana made desperate efforts to savehimself. The blood poured in torrentsfrom the wound, and st»: ed his hunt-ing shirt and dripped fio n the rruzzleof his pistol ; bin with heroic couragehe continued to«, spitting outmouthfiils of blood and teeth at everystep.

During the interval thus gainedAnderson, wbo iu hin crippled statebad e.try reason to Bhru a hand-tobaud encounter* had uut been idle,but fired a, well aimed shot, whichbroke McC'luskcy's ihoulder. As iftins waH not enough, he sent atiolherball alter it, which, striking him inthe pit of the stomach, cansed him tofall forward heavily on h»s face. Mc-Cliiskey was now mortally wounded,and momentarily growrng weaker fromloss of blc >d. Tearing open his shirt inhis agony a crimson spot in his luftBideindicated tl u plr-ra where Anderson'sliral shot hsd taken tiled. He still,however, retained his grasp of his pis-tol, and by au ellort superhuman inits coolness and deliberation, fired athis antagonist a third shot. The lat-ter had beeu closely watching for thisanil endeavored to save himsell by•udilenly dropping to the ground.Too lato, however, McCluskey's fin-ger was already on the trigger, andhis eyes along the sights, and whenbin adversary's body reached the earthit was heavier by a Oolt'a pistol ball.A scream ol pain followed, and thespectators saw the figure of a manclutcliiiig wildly with his baud* atthe grass, and writhing aud twistingin horrible contortions. The bullethad struck him full iu the abdomenand, like his antagonist, Andersonwan now a fast dying man. At thisjunctu.-e it neemed aa it the crowdwould interfere, but Harding'sternlybade them keep back and leave themen to Hettle the matter in their ownway. A s none cared to dispute withthe gigantic hunter, the 'mandate was

beyed, though a universal expressionof horror ran through the spectators,a number of whom were the engineersand attaches of our own party.

bull, horrible as was tho scene, noone thought of leaving the spot. Anirresistible, fascination to see i t oatbound one nod all alike to the bloo'.stained locality, liut the final'. v aat hand--I.I10 eurtain almost ready tidrop.

McCluskey, Biimmoning by a su-preme effort his remaining strength,drew his knife and began to craw!feebly in tho direction of his antago-nist. The latter, who had raisedto a sitting posture, saw the move-ment and prepared to meet it. Bothhad dropped their revolvers, leavingto the cold hteel tho completion olthe work.

Now it bad grown quite dark,and to distinguish the movements ofthe combatants required the closestattention. Anderson was clearly un-able to move any portion of his bodysave his right arm. With this heraised hia knife aloft, and as McCluskey crawled up within reaofrflealtiSima terrible blow in ttiv neck, cuttingmuscles and tendons and veins, anahalf serveriiiK the head from the body.But the effort was too mnoh for him,and leaving the weapon sticking inthe wound, he pitched heavily for-ward on his iaoe. Every one «npposed that this blow would have instantly killed McClu8kej,b,\it strangeto saj it did not, lor so great was hi*vitality that before falling he twioeplunged his own knite into tha bodyof Anderson. Thetala is soon tow.McClitakey ,lived a minute longerthan his antagonist. The dead bod.ies, firmly looked in eswh other's em-brace, were' taken tb UH> fcotufe 0)Harding and laid out tide by side "onlb« KMtOag ta^le, A erimaoo ,tttulmarked tj*> pwh of Ihou who oar.ned them iD-door^jmd pools oi bWot)indicated tbe •oenejoiUlu law »on-flwsfc •. . i ,. .' i,....'

Eropirf ( M i n ? Store.Jos. LivijigstOtt,


Merchant Tailor.FraaasaaUin * Riob^'a H.w BaiUiaf,


vr&TS tuiTa on b*nd a l*fg" UMrttDeotof Imported Clotbi, Camiioere* and VeetiDgitor Owtom work. I guurintM ft perfect fl.tndtwtiaTtutioD t« all. Mj ttlook gf


Trial!, Value, ant Satchels,It rery desirable, aDd I swlicit jaurimpwti


1 sin now prepared b> off. r a o.w anu cotxi.leu toti ut Humm.r Clulhin«, dmiaWlj Wl.r

than any iu the city. 1 hare also a larg.aleak al

V i a . < k.rl>t Swlu, . . . t i e ! • l i tFlata Black Prork Caata. l l O U I I tVk»a Black Salt . , . . . . f l eKXHS• a r i s e * • • • • « • « a r e « > t a , > 1« ta l l tV i a . Ulk mixa* Stiila,. . . »14««»ai)<klUrea'e Salts tjtolltBor*'.a4 V.BIk.'Suli., . j i l . l l i

Voaths', Bor»' tni ChlMrcB's

Clothiig,cbl offer at Luwer Prtoas thsn asy otaar

ant, baaaaaaioa da !* U oarn Iba aata arasa-iasa; tad yos, tka aaid l ln .aa t s VaaT.yla.JAalrew F T«o Tnjl, karkaabaaw. atw'laadsdafeuaaata, basaaae. f<m ktU a aaaMsjas* aaattae aaid pramlacIMp aTT^taa—thareof etaiiBto bare some Intaraat tfaarain.

CUAKLH T. OOWINIMVaW,Solieiior af 43aaulaiaanC

No. 145 Qsorge Bt , Wew BmnnrUk, 1.1.Ju y «U>. 1«I».

In Chaaaeerr of Newr KOUWlitl, U, CIHtaCli M s M s MVAN TU VI, and AAUbVKW VMM XUXI.

ar husband :





Foot «1 New atreet. New BruBinlck,

Offer to the trade, and pvt>lic in gmtertl, tin6Lirge Stuck ol

Pine Hemlock & Oak Timbertor Building 1'urpones, and all kiadj ol

Draaaed and UndrM»d I.ninbwt

at greatly reduced prices. Purchasers^ willconsult ther interest by calling and eiaminingtheir ilock and get pntea, b«fox» purchaielawwherw.

Satisfactory Inducementsto caah Caitomera


to anr point of tbe Line of Railroad, knj *n»Timber cut to order on tbort uttioe.

143^Burnet Street


^ yon aie defendants; fom mnrequired to appesr and ulaad, danu1 or aaawarto ihe complaiaant's bill on or bfefore the fitTEBNTH d»r or BBPTtMRIft a*mt. «r ta*aaid bill will be taken M coafaaa«d agaeut you.

The aaid hill ia filed to foredote a mortgage,dated JWM 18, 1»#7. made aad KIT** tn o V n tq, Krokaw aod £iii*b«tli, hu wii*. to i'eUr A.Uacoman on lands io tbe city of New Bruoiwteft, Mlddleiei Coaaty, Kew Jeraey. Aodroa. tb.« MU4 ftMV4ll U. PUree, bra made da-rendaat, because you claim to own the saidpremiaea: aud you, Elizabeth Van Tayl andAndrew P. Van Tuyt, her bnabaod are madedefendants, because you hold a mortgas* uponiht aaid prewina and by virtue tbenoT olaiiuto have aome ialerast therein.

CUABJ*ES T. C0WENH0VEN,Solicitor of Complainant,

No. 146 Oeorg* Bt., N«w Braaiwici, N. J.Dated July 15th. .S7t. jyatt-Gtlaw


for the »fs»o» on June Int.

The bca«h snd batbiag facilities are tbt moatapprovad aad aasurpasaei by any at tbeBranch.

SAM'L K. SPENCER, Prop'r.N. B.-TLu Hotel ia opened aU tha year

•ouai jalV-ittl

The Continental

Life Imm Oa of New York.Assets, tT.OOO.tMO.

JOSEPH L. TOPHAM,d«t«-wlT Oaneral A»«nt lor Haw Jerwr


THIRTY to ooe bandred per ceot. beliw tberegabr oaUlogne ratea. Taa taonaand

aawanai I'U.fTB ia pen, and ab»u» <aa Ibau-aaod more in the open eroand. Bedding1'lants, Hardy Herbaceous Pant., aad Flower-mi Saniba, all xrowiag an Ik* jpoaata aad.11 in the best possible condition far plantingout now. For sale at the Cnmmeroiai Vnratryand Uraenfaansa, Cssnmercial atanaa, >alaTaaand Ssntord atroets.

4 . MOBLLBB, Proprietor.

M. SCHAWfeO o t l o l a \ n a n t l i

M . BRDMBWJgaC H. J,^ m Tuesd»y. Stift, 2, to Friday

MrSBIBCtttHiving nsed EyMJlawes and Spee-

'tscles suppUed by M. 8cnw*B,anflmanuiictnred by him, we would oor-dially reoommend him to aU vhoneed any aids to sight aa a moatskilfnl Optician, and an obliging androhablaman.

H«T. Dr. W. H. Causi^kell,PnaUant al Bartfera OaUaaa, law Brsjia-

wiak, K. J.Prot C«*rfe H, CJooh,

al Rnl«%r. Codaa*, Ba» Brenniaa, «. J

Hr.Hair Bramnriat, V. J.


Oaaapaaj.* * . FaWtt

fraaatrU,«. i .r



^ IWICiTba<s.aad» ar* aaid.axrptl FtttihW,


IU PabBaliaV O a ! " » h f t

••"•• Notice.

nan is« m SIaktaJUraaea.

By rirtueof ttn order of ibeCoarto. Gtimomff\f New Jaraey, made oa the d«v of tk* dsl*

•eof, in a ciiiM wherein Barab H&genao ii

I liar 30 Teara of trial k a . tA. tk» kast ls«alla« aiaut Bsktst aa*l ag L iadaawt trn t k a WarVI. B f

' n la r a o o m a n M * l » TmboTOo*! laainin i l nHlc«M.otcMl>. BralaM, Jaunt B|Hiaa», Baaoaia.

lU BUM, rbllW«lna, StUtaaaatt t t

. a a t t u awatar a« a y wr.Brnlaalaf am o t u maai ousaaa>

aagooifhsna. BatmkwagiiW w

Money will vbe


J «jfa- v-i'n-sii i<«a)~ii!!sfai'iiB'*iin|

Page 2: Civil Engineeis Wines, Liquors and Champagnes. r · NEW BRUNSWICK, ^. Jt.MOlfOAY EVENING, JULY 28. 1873. mints •*«>. qo , PBAts nasET. a(Mut loa* to Lreaa') Watchmaker WAirvr AOTVTH

A. • . «•i - - -^T

B & U KftWtlGM

cr. juir

•>•. M.

« ,



1.1 .



i W i f u u to fe*r that German;laTtrfved la Mrioua tiifflculty

bectuuie of tbe inlerferenijj of . some of it«a w l uWti— im1 me« In8paateh comi»|i<-a-tiara, ft vBI be remembered Uiat quite rePCB-tfy ••ftrnniH war ve*wel porauud ami c&|u n 4 * OafliBt «bip wiiicb tuui juM set mfrom aSpunlHt port. Eu good wwou ii « ubrought back, the crew lieing virtually heldhi pouMiera uf war !>y tlte lienmuw. TlCarlists rej»*uted this ami threatened tretaliate and wreak sum.nary vt'iiguuiciupon German subjects within their p«The Gcrnum ehi\m ia Cartagena wen- abouto be seized by the Carlistti in arn>nlaii<with thfe policy aitd it watt fi-an-U Uiat Lii<German Consul at the same plare, tog** tbewith his family, wouUIbealiot. The Germainbecame intimidated hy the serious turn w»ffa.r» twA, .ruteaaed the crew uf the VigHaute and secured a ]>osfiM>npn,rnt "t U'threatened capture »d ihe hlii]*, while in Uimeantime tbx-ir commanders lmvc telegraphed to Berlin for iiihtruftiuus. Tinmatters now stand, and the most ra^iobserver will pem-ive that (w-rnmny nmhere flat* RB rxr-fUvQl excuse for takingdirect inti'ri'ht and [mit in the Spani^lf iibrogljo. True, the tierinan vun*n'l invmlitin1 clear principles of iuterimtiuiiul lnv\ bitH interfermcc with the Vigilant.!, hut thenin rc&mm to belime ttiat tlie (ifrnmn tunrnandcr had instruct iotu* to be not on*r putitular in avo*<liug ground** for hostUitionfor, knowing as wt; do what wonderful dteripllue the Genuaim nut only upou land, IHIHO upon water, arc under, it in quite pluiit-ible to prenume that wither tlie Rppnblicaiuor the Carliak would have been touched otheir concerns interfered with hadn<> hiiat a contrary court*1 been j^iven. Thento perbape no Herman captain but kuowagood share uf international Jaw, and ocourue he would not make so njien a breaeof its first principles without ootue warrim'fur doing so. Whethttr Germany will Uk<advantage of this Carlist resent or insulfj pnot, y\iat Mow be foreseen, and indeedwill be delerniiaed by future routs. Thedesire to build up a grand and comfrieuEjnplre, one" 'worthy a Charlemagne ordiaries VM would necessitate tlve iueorpora-.ion of some of the Latin, countries; andGermany may lay claim to the crownSpain by rirtue of the vfTvr made to tinHolwiwollern Prince in 1870. This Prioritarefarted fe \he royal family of Prugftiwhiab indflB* hadita ortgb in. the muuirtaicaatfe^ Hc*s»Ak-r»taa*MWdle . _NapvfcxAlH. made tbta offer of the crow ito&jQbtemo.lera Punce the chk'I caiiao f p v ^ a r which pfoved so disastrousihe Bonapartes, and aWinu^ the throoeSpain was ia pom*4m of another whenbecaiuc jxarihle ftr tiwti* toplac«-Hii<w•cion M|| tan's choice upon % y * hi \k wof tlMgpnnt cfaat* toBfla^ ; 5 iM«a«*ereis ab J j t y uaudt which Qgtmmjv

tCT^^^Swyhefiapuaed tbt « e Its liiflieoct-hi'%tthU of the OabeaztOflBM Prfnc<Tru^ so vTpen a atop would precipitate tliwar yM to take place between Oormaay anFrance, bm U ia very e^kteat'tlMI Oero:wouldj^refer to have that war o*cr an HOOas pouUAi; If U n&V.y is to be flight, an<it iB.litewke evident that Germany's i>rowem i» more furmidable QOff thau it will Ixtwo, thr«e or four yoara Uecc , evt'uU taking tWb* natural coarse In the meantimGermany will probably not bother serious!with Spain until tbit larlibU ihall ha<nearly or qnite succeeded, and its war wouktie against them, when it can claim that.having derided in favor of a crown an <throne, the first choice of, Spain should t>rttfardtfd. WUh a iiolK>nzo.len on tu<throne ^paia would be virtually a part ~ticrminy.

' RoHdxox or THE J*A&*Thegoidolddty*of tbektak)<co| a1

certainly not to be wished for apla. $Aweter #ijrlj(|fele from an ibethetlcTitf# lS^^f Ibe eceeat. s .ieskrt ^fi|eWr. pleaaant tteonce to be found at tbe " Maekia*taOranby" and iW Itlnflrefl hostel ries, the tic

, cetiity of rapid transit is a law unto foelfand tint railroad must be ita bewt exponent,atlea«tuflUl tUe . Graphic and. ProjowcWine shaBBherwus *ometWng ptactical ittiw wfy of ba!!oonfl; ThetrfivHer whois being whirled along at the rate W thirtyor fort/ tnHes an hour i s generally apt V>flod ntattef for wtf-gnrtTi'rstory rncDpartodnbetween hie own portion and that of hiprogenitors of,fortjj fjfty or sUty * —

todVh*n,.*T«noilthehidBi'traVIlM highW«JB of England, every stage was acoonipanied hy • guard aimed to ihe teeth, awl,

,-:';. vM <4nn*hed, as lo its Interior, with anarray of ftiMrm* whlctwajght put a

Qthway aaftbetB and anMLjnreH "train

Bat the


i {H—my 6rmm44^t * l«M»ita«»«

r [Wytul ibou imongthe tk* I**rUt.

Brnw^rou, Jnlj l6-l0.t»A.

R U T L ! ! ^ ^ ^ iiiVV.V.'IMS w...ll7IBM 117W

e n o r d i s i y , but the w o r t of a momentC&ttebaggttge cmi, wui tuaU: oS with

W e tpiut, of puune, iaiue&t Lliat u«r

ie iu O e setting HUU/' hav« gut tbestart of i» in this matter. But tht exiuu -

« > iufediotu toT f c day will BOUII tome when

he free aod independent American citizen

)<>tu bis morning shot at tbe fogrVhiizes by ou b k iron horw.1. 'I'Barnegat be-vcuubiUerf4 a frauds

the Afllrotidacks , \ \>yail amateur ipurtuueu. Agriculture will

a voted a bore, and all tht fannerbill go into » I M I H M ax malef a.

>n. In particular lUotn> 'n\*mv\wYu•»,how "dfinnition g r i n d " ha.i IHOL \m-n

jt'tn csfvitiii . .ruttemierali-d tuiuoyitin c, nmve utili^rd ami juade to afford tt ct'itaiu mul•guiar income to the jK-ople uluiig tli<'JUU'. I'oivt UivaluabW UtUc book t>r t w

<ir Kvcry M:in liiMjwn Art i l ler is t ." " i l l tin.Ia ra^i'l will :uii'.!i^ tljj* P a t r u i u . of Hu>

mby ; ami cvt-ry Orange miKbt HH wt*lln tt<ratline Lrun, in rase of riomecontu-

i«-c ».f Hi.' riflr. Thru «i l ! l«- m i l i / r dUie WViUtm |M«tf- IIIVMU u( Arvadiau siiH-|>li(; y. wb.-n' All olglA, «[< :Ui« swcvt M|io miir' u 1,

V'ou hrnr ihe no ft Hole ol" the fiiBi A,Witti the pleas ID t "skresk ' ol the TIL-IILTI,

IIO'B been »httl. |irrhfc[i!t,,i!t hla gULatd1''

TMK Newark ttnjiatrr nunifs Ctiurl'H A.

Mtn -nnvd iMr i r t of New York. Jt rvfcrwIr- »l>ti' ti^ht iu dfii'ui-f uf tlie Ulrt-nil

iunl De.uc, ,M11C taiuiiilalc* in tUo rtt:(iitliilt'iitiiil rU'ftion a?- the uuii/mmi tipux

which calif* tor re<i^alt ion i m l i f v,uy iudi-•iilfil. Wbilc we a^rcc with tin1 Huji.sti-fn in .vMiu£ Mr. Dana the fullest iWBsi!)l(jhanks l<>r his -fj-vires diifhi^ (Jir r e t u i tnunir«igu awl *\\u% w<- yvt TeotuTe to sayL h a t U f s r a t h c t too diniouU t<» lotnte him

xiliticallv. N i t ' \M>nl hits he <vrr said

n favor of the J.Mnocratii; jmrty uni t -^ liei-signeil t.> sutjwrve th. if hy MHIK- i-nd tend-ii ratlu'r to strcnptht'ii hi.- (ihaiuilin upimrant ami hia MUp[».irt»rs thiin to IM-IH'IH theh'tn-CTatic pur ty . ^Xr. Dnna'n autngaufeni»fJrant \> fur innp* tlcrisivc than it is to theLmUtyil jxtrty, but lus atlnckfl w^uU1 t n -rtHinij and impoHik* airniiwt t h e one unless

.Ley alcto included tin; other, ftlr. 1)Jlight pt'rtiaps IK1 relied iipmi to wrvc will:di-lity aa u l ibera l Hr.publicaii, but h

.urcly would not ins ta te , t o do what HUB:hicf be could to Hie IVmocmti ' - par ty by^Hwiyin^ li> start n new one ujH'ii il^ ill)-ociatul element;*. We shall favor Um sin.testiou of the ltt(fUt>r whenever it is mad<*viilt-lit tlmt Dt'imienils may rely upon it.jomincr , thouflih wcjvrt1 luwnred tliat thedujti which it m;iy be ili-ui' is hy no mciui!- lie

a t ham?.

T H K height of inijiutlcQcc in reached hyreoent decision of the Ti<-ldmrnc ckuiiru:

,1 \m friends. W . II . Whulh-y, M. Vwin) probably \\\m liad his eredulity in:posed uj>on, or wlm otherwise IB a ditLnave, intend* to visit the Tinted State?, futJie iturposr" of colli-ctiug funds to carry oilitigation in the interest of the claimant,h i s applicat ions are confined l o o s e nI>efipl«' lie will not realize enough to pay hiwsxpttUja's. The so-enlletl claimant is a.nmspiirent clipnt ami pcrjuriT ami lie d«serves no fiympuliiy «ha tever , but ratbu.UUc * urn of the public that he haa d e M v

[FrotD aS»«cial GwrwfonHwil of T a i T » H ]:'Hicot-nitK, R I V B K SAQDBJIAT. Ju ly £6 .It i i lntnoMgible t o d6t40 the inifwatifrtu

<rQf (»peMenoee u be e o t e n the nar row,•Ulf-bouad caanuel uf t l * Sagueuay afteri d i u n from Quebec on the grant St. Law-rence. E*ptx;i*llj is it dUUcult, if in addi-tion to the natural ^runOcur uf the Bcene, ablack thunder cloud, wi th it* dar t ing lightning aud ita descending torrent*, overhangsthe entrance, making a midnight darknwhich only the weird t h u n d e r b o l t light* u pwith He ^cl t l fu , iiiHtantaoeouH leajje. Butuot l o call it the extraordinary, the tSague-uay iu, umlw auy circuinutaucut, a utostwonderful river. F rom Tadousac at theriver's mouth , U> ChkouUmt-, tin1 head ofnavigation, a distance of TO mi leu, t h e n inno <•etwatiou of norel urenw of f^raudtjur andbeauty. The river bed apiteftnt as thtmeli

Saw . .117K

1M8I Q ^ C ^ ^

Coup.. . . l i lSTOCKS , eporwd bjr id win EJtxmoD A CoSTOCKS reporw j

Cburch alnvtar Clwwag

l\ge choieta liaf* un iu its appearance/Sweden.

Then1 wns a fearful hurricane in ('liiin tl >• 'i'al inr. .

Tbe priyjnera in Lu.'il Gordon case tiiiibeen rtfQB^tliaiL

'Inj^paiifsb Curtra faron Out abollti'•i capital puimin.M ut.

E(jjypt cuatains 11U ixavigalilc cfinulr- HIT5t) .smaller out* for ptirixweti ijff irrigiitiui

The CarliatB an1 on tbe eve of surrender,ug Vale jc'a, and Seville proposes to re,to its allegiance.

Tbe republicans and the Carlkt* *re cun•sentraUtag their forcea ft»,', as is bclievttl,leapt', ate struggle..

Spanish liberals in Bi.irritz, Franc*, amiberal leaders in Madrid, have offered the

fm]i|Hirt to Senor S^luna?)ii,

Tbe trial of mowing anil reaping machinrs on exhibition at Vicnm rrsitltprl incomplete failure owing to the mismanage-lent of the authoritim.

The Spanish GoTermoeat, having growbolder on account of itH late victories, nfuses to treat with the insurgents and dt

n * imcnndUlonal surrender.

Heveral important decisions have reccmtlbeen reinlejced hy judges in this country irelatloflrto thr rij^ita and duties of miliviU

ttioee having cliarge of railroadtrains. Justice SharBWood, o f the Huprema Conrt of thi« State, not long agelaid dow.1 a priori pie o f law wbicli•very ]K*r8ipu who has ocoaaion to rrow-, railnjad ultoukl uadcntUuid. He said' There never was a more important prin:iple Mettled, than thatfhciV't o f t l i e failnnto stop imnediatel;? before eroding a lailroad track, b not i»arcly ovidence of nrgticeooefoi- th« jary, but negligence per *eIt is important, not u much to railroadcompanies u to tbe traveling [labile. Collllions of this character have-often resulted inhe loss o i kuoilrvOf of valuable HvcV-rof

on trains—and they will do fioa^ai.i, Iftravelcra CKJHaing nuJrvaiU-*n' nott m g W tfeclr fltrnple fluty, not to themeelvea

' ', Jjut y? .others. " T h e Supfeaie GtAt

,ianifest where an ajipt-oarhRig train cannotbe wen or fl«ardk thitti-frliBni tVpan," Thif*is now'Uie l e w ua'PeijiDsjiviuiia, and tltcsewho have to crow rattroatii are itutraotedt o tlmir duty, uot O'ly io *\bemBe'.Va, butother*. Not long ago a boy Tell i j-oin the froi tplatform of a street railway u*r in Detroit andwa«bftdlyiiijUr*l^lJ(Bflweptaof tlie lad suedthe company For damages and allegetf theaoddant wai ooca«lod*d by the negligence ofthe ootnpany1? agent In perrhftUng the childto rtrtetipon tlid front platform, and tha Courtso if Id. The U>url said tlte agents ot tbeconipan/ were " boond to kqow gpy were

" ^bepiaialiff in an expend placesuitable protection, and their He-


jit bail iieen fitrmed bv a violent action ufuahire, by whieh tbe ninuutalns wore clefta»umler lung'itudiiiallv ; fur, nn each siiU1 f»ftliu liver, cliffs exteud from utuuth t "w^iree, vaiviug tu h t i gh t fruiu one to twoUiuij^aiiit tet-t UIM! iunniuK H eoiHplete bar-rier h> v iri< 'U. 1IH« «|»]f*tiriumr uf the*.1

(IirtH, a« llieir rough, wild siuuiiiit^ tower:il>-iv*' ttie Ixiat that ])luui;h>. Uie uluiotit un-fatb"ina,.le depth nf water nl their feet, isthat of the sultlini'^-t p-audeur and the moetthrilliiiL' iwKiity. N<» opening iu this .«!••rier where A lH>at may go to dock occurs fortin miles, or nutll H H Ha liny ib reached.There tlie flrsL slop w made, and Ohicim-liin.' ib ouly a few miles almve. The sig-riifiraiief (if thw j iame, Ha H» Bay, can l«'5t!)«• |«'.rc(iived by contracting it with another,Kteinity liny ^ a n d then1 is all the differ-eiicL' in rtie world be tween the t w o lm\>.Ktcriiily Hay eiiteib tbruugli a narrow pa&^tfiian led 1 >y t wo bouibre cliff H, Kler-nity anil Trini ty CajM*. Withiu if> tboprofotnxlept gloom HIHI the most dis-mal of (iayliglit darkneissCK. In a word, it isjuft tbe place to make anyone se-riouH and reverent. As for 11a Ilti Hay, itsnanie was naturally suggested by the con-trast which its br ight shining basin presentedto the H>leinn river's course, w b o w influencewas ijiiitc contrary to merr iment . The re-turn tu_Qm IKJO iti over the sauic cuujree as thettdvauic und ia eijually interesting. Thereare many visitors here tliw Beaton, and eachdaily ttoat b*ium out ita htuiiU'etl and tweuty-tive to enjoy tbe Sagueuay Heenery. M<*tof these touriate have cuine down from Ni-

i across Lake Ontario, and through theTlioiisand Islands, aud over the Itapida. A tMontreal tin- (jiiebtv boat \H a lways waiting,

in itH turn cunneets wi th Hie St . Law-rence and Sagueuay line. IleVidrs the finalobject of the voyag** tbe touriBt ha» an op-portuni ty to see thi' l>eautierf of the lower•U. Lawrence , and really there can be noth-ing mure lovely than its chaste cleaulUicj*a n i l Hows past the nunieroiut villages that

be mounta in fides, and as its broad e.\-i ripples v. ith the gay breezes and glit-

ters in the SUU'H ruys. l"Youi (Quebec a greatm a n y take the Grand Trunk to Nurtiiunilier-land, or the liostnn, Concord and Mon-treal and White Mountain Hail way, wi th thejmri>ow' of visiting Mount *Wanbington andthe m a n y scenes of interfst In the vicinity.

OkOlOB, tCumtMrlsod. „W«#t»VT» UotUilQolckiilr«rHftripow

r% PrwftrredBoiton V k U r PowuW. F. 4 Co. ' • ExprwiA n c r i c u Mercbsut ' i Univn. . .idWDI1

Cn.Udm.Ve.Pfcciflc LftilNew Yoik ("eulralEn*


Uke3horeoil Cent nil ,

PittsburnNorth Weit ' . . ,

" Preferred..,BockltUndMil. »n(J8t. P»ul.. . . .

" *' 1'reterred.-Toledo tad W»ba*h,,,.,,,, ,Ft. W.jneODIO Kod MisiiaaippiCmdAlloi*

" Pre'trredKuw Jersey Ceatri.1

TU*re wpre Uvee deaUin from cholera rejx-rted fiv>n. Indianapolis.

• xtfDBive fortst flrefl are rugiug alongthe Long; Island ltailroad.

The great tire in Baltimore is estimaUtlto hare caused a loss of $t,ooo,<H>n.

Work has b^en resiimed on the Kanaai*(Mty, Memphis and Mobile Hailwuv.

The lh*w by on Saturday'^ !ln* in I'ort-land, Me., in pstiqialed at #150,(H>(*,

One thou«ainl iron-rollers of tbe Mil-waukee him Mills are now on strik

Then1 was another large fire on Saturdayin Norfolk, Va. LOBS, about $3,000,

Frve perwms are under arrest for tlieurdrjr vf I>elia Corcoran, in Clouter, >'. J.A tub raee took place in the Delaware at

Treutim tjimday for a prize of a silver cup.Tin* Hwimmiug matches no the Hast Itiver

on Saturday were won by Wolfe and Win-ters.

Ann Eliza-Webb Dee Young, Kith wifeof Briguum Youug has left UU iM'd anilboard.

In the races (it Saratoga ou Saturday tbewinners were Minnie \V., Crockford" andLauty Lawler.

And now the Republicans of San Fran-cisco have adopted an anti-hubsidy and antiC.'b:nese platform.

Macon City, Mo., was vmltcd by a severewinil-storni on Friday. Much damage wimdone lo pruperty.

Casper Schuler niunlercd hit* wife onSaturday night in front of u Iiivingtmistreet teneineuL-bonBe.

Tbe pacing at Cambridge City, Iml., unSaturday was won by Hooeier Tom, aud thethree-minutes trot by Giddon.

The New York Athletic Club siugle-sculhandicap race on the Harlem Ilivcr nu Saturday wan won by "Waldo Spraguc.

The propcrfwd prize-figut between Chambers and Swldon near Hockaway. I*. I., Wasprevented by Uie arn-Ht of S'^doun.

The population of New York city hasincreased stomp where in the neighborhood(tUtS,OIKI BOIIU during (lie pant year.

The members of tlie Seven ty-tirst Kcgimeut, K. Q. S. N. Y., retumed fron theirsumnmr excursion on Saturday morning.

K»to B<uulflrf tlie worst of the bad wo-men of ihe murdering Bender family, inbeliermi to have Itten arrested at Provo.

Forest flres near Patchogue, L. I., werehoming Ruodiiy. Three children have pcr-

ti in tbe flames, and Lakeland and Kden-Yale have been destroyed.

Henry D. Hendrlckaon, while iVggmg onlift fartn. Bfar liolmdel, a few dayg ointw,Lo act astarkpole, came ujxiu tho uknlotonif a man, wiarcely three feet from the nur-

Fredcrick Curtncr threw liiniaelf upon6 HackcnB&ck ltailroad track near Uie

Hackcnongh Hirer on Saturday as a trainwtw •ppitMU-hing, but the train was stoppedand his purpose fnutnUed.

A tornado which iwtipt crrer Maine .artSaturday carriod away two spans of abridge 80O,fv«t long. The bridge was onthe European and North Arueikan Railmad between Hilfnnl and '

Uuion 1 flvt steady.



Lml, on Julj Ud. • ! tlieHlaaiuboU Lloek, ti0PEIU (.I.A.iS. Tlie nbote i c . r J will bpeid tjv luarioti tue e»iue at No. 801 HurBtl• reet. ;. jyS8-l


Stock,Far mine UtensilsFurniture, Etc.,


Wi I be sold i t th« rexid«ice of the undirfO«ii OD the Nvw BrusNwiok mill Crtubury«rt.[>ikf, -.bout 1 W inileHlrom N»w Brunswickpu.iit the Puor Farm, un

W E D X K S D A V , JULY Mtli, 1M7:1.

Commencing «t 10 o'clock ». m , hii entinstock ot F»roiiDtr rtoQiilt., Huintr-holU andKitclieti Furniture also two Hornee,Cowl, two r i g s mid l«t ot Poultry.

The Furniture is til firtt-cliH and n»ar'y new.Fine pallor set, «Uo ft conplste net of l)inmgRoom PuiBtture, cons'Btinj/ l o p u t of one ltufleiKitenfion Tablu, Chttire, i c .

Together with « Ur^a w- urtment of EogliibCutlery, Ulur>iwtre, ( 'mcker r .T . bteLineD; alsoBed Kpo* neU couipleti-, together with U«daBedding, I lair Muitmiue*, Linen eihMli, Look

lg-glftisus, Ac

Tltis ii ooe of the best opportunities erer girento huv firat-clws furniture i t auction pricmt, astheMle will bs

The Farm, consiitinjr of 14 acres of ] .ml, anddweltioR boaM, barn, 4 c , will be '.»a*ed 'timt-c'Mi tenant, nt a mjderat« rent.

Condition made known OD tha day of saleA. M. WAY, AuctiunMr.

0. II. YOBHTON.July 86,


Old Man Barrett.jrti* -81

To Coutraclora.SEALSO Praptna 1 ! will ba rcoeiredbr tne un

dariiarned, a committee appointed bybo*rdt of (?hoiea Freeholdcri oi SomersetMiddles)i Uount in , State of Me*-J«rMT, fo:material and cjnatruat.oa of a

STONE-ARCHED BRIDGE,or#r tbe Mil *-Ha a Brook, ob BanioD arenu«,Uew-Bruniwick, Naw-Jeraey, at ihe ofiioe ofUfiHfiAJD£Z A BALL, K>3 Oeorge-stre«t,New Brunswick. New-Jersey, until 3 (/clock P.L, Thnrsday, Aug. 7ih, 1878.Plana and apecitTcalioDs O*D be seen at tbe of-

fice of Ueroandei A Hall, and specific ilioncan be had of th« members of ibe oommitiee.

The CoDtrdctor will he required t* ive bondin the utitn of 15000, forth* fattlirul p<r[ormancofthe contract.

The Committfa reserrethe rijtht to reject anyor »U bids, if in their judgment it is in the infur-at uf tbe counties to lo do.

K. B. CHOWTLC.UBXJ. LlHGBTAri-,I. A. WlLUaVMOfl.J, K. DalloTT. of Middlesex.

J. Vr. Vavw Nuf ,« f Bomeriet,Building Oommutee.

July '24, 1 378—dAwtaagT

GET INSURED!AH tin)*.! who are uoiasurcd would do well t

tiiku out a policy of insurance, itnineiliilel},

On Stock, Store or Dwelling. L'ffccti il in all limt-c Usacu i paniel

John T. Jenkins & SonNO. 150 GEOnUE STREET. "

i.vra «

otftmlmd twolioure before midnight, when tbe negatiTBfforcMarttn operatkio, to t h e r m which

MtmptMAm ibe t y « e m , glvmir bright-new to tbe eye and a glow to the cileek.

la.^b* appcvaoDe ot a per-lal l j t j»UCMatl0o ?<4Mk«Ml

uti up until 19 la quite

tbe complexion, the cleamen and

•BealSFat "by tak

• BT. • a . *

reat I wo hours br-aocuring tbe

Thenk a



Where you will find a Urge assortment ot

L a d l e s ' , Miaacs' and C h l l d r e a a '

BOOTS, SBOES AND WAITERS,Which will be ottered at




NEW SPRING GOOD?.BIOO I * O M , Colored Yaku, IIwnburg Edgings,

Insertions, «m.Pauementer ie t , Now aid UeMfaibU, at AttrM-

MILLER & OR A NT,879 Broadway. Samples sent roy mall.


3ITY BloodfHint*

The Model Troupe!Era, ything rreih and

AKMM8I0I , U M sod W ctnta. fteaerreda.u kt Miner's tiouk store.

F. U. u"lSl), Agent.


JESSE HOYT,\Vedne«doy,Leaving New Brunswick at half-put seren iitli>.' muming, preciuuljr, cuuoecting with the

SEA-SHOKt; UA1LU0AD.Uj special train, arriving at the Branch at leiia tb« t©r< ' "

the pithe Branch at4.Su aad arriviuR at Netr Biun•ick at abuat 7.80 in the uveniug.

R E F R E S H M E N T S I N THE BOATwill be luraiahed b j the Steward of th* boatbut [iosmvelj' uu lii(U< ra uold.

TlCKKTH (includinK railroad tare to andfrom the Branch). $1.6U: Children, 76 cruU.FAT sake ut, fit* a t Van O o r W t , WillianoMn *lHn.ith'a, JuhnlT. Coroell'a, Win. Kent 's, 1. LMartin'.*, L. 1). Jarrard & CO.'B, and at tb<boat ou ihe morning of tb* ~

Tbia is the oalj Kxaursion tbe ssbHcribcr wllhave time lo at 'eaa LI« this year, and no cxpenior pains will ho spared to nuke it the Excursionol tUatwiMM*.. 3#oux« vow iiokajti fa.rl>, vther will potjiurelj-fce limited, Tbe BHfcsjfnb«i;I I M chartered • b r g * and mote p o n * i * l i o Uboat, to alto(iccomrnodat* all wn*maTwtshto go with li'm. Htages at the cars ana boat,morning actl evi-uing, to convej (lasMngers toand fro.

P. S —The train will be run on a side tracl»0 as to allow the Eirursiooidls plentjr of timilo get off'and on the tram. The Kicunioni i"will have the vse ot tbe Arlington HornGrounds, tbou t fiUeaa M M B , (n* o? OIMKM, Ithat psra«t Tithing oao take tbe i rowi iwva lments, and promenade b j and lor iheangetVeBthey wish to. The subscriber will leate nothingundone to make this, an tn tbe paat, tha Kicur-ion of Ihe season. J. W KEUCK.julM-td


Relief Council No. 40,0.U. A. M

EfmParV& RockawaThursday, Aug. 7,

On tbe P u t , Hligsot, OomniodiousftiidFtToriHt

JESSE^tOTT.The CooimittM lot«ad;niakMKthui .he grtn

est and in»at pleasant eicurgion ol Ifce ticaieoArrangeaicDts h a t e already been made to banthe Jeaa* Hoyt at the St*«inboai Dock on tbtrening of the Uih, w h e n she will r t raaia oveinight and b» ia r tadi iwst to stati at t b * tim<adrcrtiaed (6.80 a. m. on the 7tb).

This is to be T H I Excursion ot all Eicuraioui

Darrow'i Oom*t and Ootflllou BaadiAre engaged.

Refreshments nerved by first CUBS catereionly. No liquors allowed on t in boat and ordwill be [ireaurred. Bagfage tnkeo and caretTor by polite aod reipuitiible porters, mthoa)extra charge.

TlCHETd— Gents, 11. Ladies, 60 cvptuChiidran under 13 j e a n of ag«, 2i> cents, Ui h<had ol the following Comiftilee: Isaac H. VaArsdale, Chairman; John C. Smith, Treas,S. O. DeHart, Sec'y ; W. H. Brown, OmsawelVoorhee*, L. J. Laughton. W. W. V»n AredalWm. H u l i e . l t e o r M / I ' j a t t . I). A. Hmltb, JmC. Voorhees, Jacob Hardy, R. D. Titua.

Boat leaves mt 0 . 3 0 a. m. (sharp), stoppfnst Perth AmboT each war.



A GOOD CO A OH MANWell Koqui.inted wlib liii bnsiaesi. BatlsfaitDr/ roferencvtt ro<]ulred. Apply to

A. P. PROVOST...y-'l 51 Ho. UlUeilran S l r» t

To Charter.r-ida Wherl Saloon

Steamboat Argo,For Sunday-school*. Picnic aod pr t ra tapar t i i

Applr <o WM. 11. UA2ARD, Jr . ;JT'M 1 EII K2 llarri-on street, N. V.

Mrs. Frances Walling53 VHUJICB STREET,

tirto Agent lo tbU eountj Tor tbe

DomesticPAPER PATTERNSlorI.dtei. Mtttt «id Cblldrm, equal ID erejjnepcol to toy imjMr patters now m (be matt


Kaayi ooaitaatl; o . li»d a (eatral ataoriaiMl


Just Received,Direct from tlie~ mciiufuclurern In Franca, on*

>r Hale ut a uiiiull adrauce above cost ol imporiation.

J-'rcnch China Decorated

Dinner and Tea Bets,MiiV I'ATTKRKJ. •

White firemh China Dinner £»*, IB

English Qolil Hand Tea Sets, 44 pieces,$8.80 . •

French Hold Sand Tea Sett, 44 pleoes,•10.

trench (Jolil Band Tea Set*, 50 pieces,$11.SO.

Tbe abote goods' ate oflertd belbw IbriUoe, sod ii yio m t ebeap Cbiui now h

(as tune to iiBcur. it.

SilYcr-plated Ware,

. And?*(icy Qoo^i M p«p«]»r pnjiw.



«tl, IkrUaMt—hol

NadU u CketB uTU b' 9$H at ttt« Nilli

Real Eatote e\ Stock

Te read tallTJIdlf "aome aol %ij fb.foofc.

M tOmmmm* » to 12Oawt* a Tard,

Seaside Cambric StridesID all tbe new it j let, cheaper than calico.

Solid weighty aod well made UO3E, or halHose, three pairs lor 26 cent*. These ar« farliattartlwji aoj thing we b»Tt bad a t tha pnee.

Ladies' ExcursionPionio

12.50 .nil $1,


Yes and lets than 70a would bare th« couragito ofler fur iheML "" ~

hu B R O i . a%e an apology to those ofunt whujpn not at once waited upon in th<

a r e a ruahes which ebbraoterue their house.We wAuldmdrlM all who arc disappointed ithis wBy td^ome e i r l ^ i u tbe day, wh«u woan better attend 1<rtbeir want«.

WART) BROS19 Church Street.


Ore atExUraordinary Burgalni!


I n and S w Dry Good:JAS. MoMAHON S

Erwt Dry Gaois Empoiiam,1C7 B 0 R N B T BTRBET.

(Under Qreer's U»ll.)

Dress Goodsall the fashionable styles, at 35 per cent. Itm

than maxket pric*.


At lets than importcra' prices.

The Sacrifice is Fearful!

STRIPKD GRENADINES at hall usual priceAlso a large and attractive atock ofPRINTED LAWN3, PIQUETS, CAMBRICS

C R E T 0 N N U 8 , PRiMTS, ETC.Ruitakle for Bummer Haits, whicb we are ofle<nzet prioai beyond competition.

-Wt ai-d 'Also aoUlng, at h n lhati manufacturerit' pricea, our entire large and well aelectestock of

NEW PARASOLS._. jypn'tfqil togivt va a calU

Oar iadr frieoda would «*o well to a»yvisit to this reliable firm, for. they may rest asured that in all dealings they will get whthey bargained for.

Best $1.25 KUT Glove in Tow

James McMahon'si



W.H. FISHERMerohant Tailor


ROBERT LEECustom Outt«r.

No- I Paterson BlockBRUNHW1CK

Drain Pipe.Tha uadarsigaed in prepared to furnish every

s ylo of

TEBKACOTTAPIPE/ o r Bewen ami Uraioftge, with alt the newu r j ooaneeMtras.


Vases and StatusrvAt tbe rjry lowest market rates.

Tbeae RO«4S are nanufkotured by the Bowmaa Terra Ootia Works a t Trenton, wboaugoodi are acknowledged to be of a tupcrioiquality.

Plcaat oalt-aad examine before purchasing olother h»aayactnrOr».

. ..s \ '. "•

; lirael Johnson.Yd" 49 8OMEBSET 8TSEIS2{Abore Catbolio Church), New Brunswick.ju7-8mdaw ^



. 19eV

(VUm 04a NI»aV M r j

Ktw gguNawici, w: J.

F*r Bale.

r*r Sale."F ran want to buj or tall a oltj restdeace ol. bnlldlntahoeallw A. P. PH0T03T.

F TOO waat w boj or atU etoek or a t t t rnoarMw «aU . . A. P. y .OTOBf .

F jo««

7 * •jo« wait V loan or borrol**-mon.r eaUbOm»noa

A. P. ewy« * * « a »ratU K l a d i .Xf j«» want to bo/ ar seU («««• el aar e>-X sorlpUoo sail at tk* snolloa feoaat

a. P. PgoVOST.a*aua«atf« T i c k e t s .

F rou want to purchaie pa4M(e ticket, c• jrafat II ea / . p. PB0V98T.

d i l l Eaiterprla*.; • • waal a ttsaat ia Wilwa/« IMH Bute

l_prise eall on A. P. PROVOST.

Aaicttofceerlfcar.[F you want Uia atrrieat ot an AuctioneerL in oitr or county on reasonable terms orn ' A. P. PROVOST

Uaileni el all Hlada.F r o e « > • a n ; kind of k n i i a e u do io oi

bU enn i call ODA. V. PEOVOclT,


Drain Pipe.2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 8, 10 and 12 inch


\Vilh .11 neceaiar; Fittiogi, iucb >•, Beude, Elbowi, Ta, Ta, a t e ,

Are coDstautlr OD hend ftud for uie at tbe


These Ptpw are a very superior article, beinjaule of the rery beat quality of clay and tho

oug-hly Titrifled.

I win deliver Pipe ID any part,'of t b t city, alabort jBOliee, tree of charge.

A. J. BUTTLER.ju 5-8m daw " '


G.Conover33 Church Street. 33


ha. a full line o



Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods

The Custom Seoartmen'will alwayi eootain a choice lelectian of tbe

filost Seasonable 'Goodswhich will b* made up to order in Uie moet a]pro red Htyle.




ot tbe public at large ia Inrlttd^to

A. Wolfson's

Crystal Clothing Store,a«a ooKMswia aacAaii.

where ia to b« fband tha lar^oat and finea'itook aad the leteet itj)«e of



Ready-made I Mads to Order•aHabfc for M n , Tottba' and Bo/a1, at priw.Ibat defj oompetitioa.

wbieh ia faahlonablj oat by the moat

Artistic Cutter•ad wofl omit. Also a splandid aasortaant oQentlemen's Furnlshlnir Ooods of all kinds.

Special attention ii eallad to the

Hosiery DeDtutment,Manufactured by the New Bnanrlok and

Norfolk Botlojr isTlUyoe to oall aad eaaauae mr a e *

od flan ttoea before parebasiag efaMwaere, . a . wi

ttbe P o b l l s , M i t o u ' w m beretofonold relUble


243 OoBunenx


-.••Matt r U^^,mJ?2J*lZiin* at a lo* Dgore. Ota sad va-an

All Una . ol Meat «>ld at Ihe l o . . . l m .rketBpMlaltj, all a m d i H

H IT '


»r.t«. •.* «aaiT^"a^ii^1l«2a

JFor isto.

AM Old TeUbll lb.d BAO(? u l r)>oa Store.BuleadM-loeatioa u d M i l a *aa baet-

B e a w i for lelling, ilMawlSa ol the pro>r. .. fDqalre ofprietoi

marU A. M. WAT.


'OVSS and Two Lots on Jeraer areoue.M-m. HOI IM ia good condltlaa. Wall flalahao.Oood writ va i e r . Fruit t ram. Stabl t i« war .

marl I A. U. WAY.

ForHOUSKsndtwoLoUon Hoydim stroet,«e>r

Railroad avenue. House contains Diuerooms and good cellar. Will sell together or

jM' L_.J '__ _ A. M. WAY __For Halo

HOUHK and Lot 47 Sol urensn alreat, be-low Qeorge street. Lot DOllCO, House

food oondit^on, 111 rooms, good cellar, etc.: " ° ' A. U. WAY.

HFor Male;

OUHE and Lot on Seaman street, a e . rRailroad »ienue. Lotl6H0U. U o u e . l t i U .S _ _ _ A . M. WAT.

For aw»le,

H0U8K and Lot on Baldwin street, between .Railroad and Oodwise; arenue. llduie

aesrlr new, Oan be bought on Terr essrterns. 'j . l J A H . WAY.

For Salef

TU l T ' D e . i r . b l . UWKLLIKO BUUHE andDock property on W.toratreel , .djoiniug

tb» M.ohioe Hhop ol Mnnn ACo., lately occu-pied b j 0. H. Honker, deceM«L Lot is 84 lent11 inohee front by to feet ia*;depth, wiib i%story brick .uilding onnUining t i rooms; b u tgood w. te r front . n d well aalculated lor .aiannractofy. ^eraiB oasr. ' I

j»18 A. M. WAV.

For Sulc.THAT deeirsble Pr i ra te Residence corner ol

Keilson u i d l l o rn s stre«ta. Uuuse bn iall the modern Improvements sod oao bebought cheap sad on easr terms.

|iT8 ^ A. M. WAV.

For Sale.r OT No. 1*87. l'arcel 2> Sujdanj Hap olJ First Ward, on Remeea STeaue.Lot SJxftO on (ieorge .treut, between Bohure-

mao and New streets.i Lota corner ot Lee avenue and Suydam st.Desirable Lot on Oollege avenue, 100x106 It.4 ^ Acres of Land ou Codwlse .venue.Citj PropertT to T r a d , lor Bm.l] F.rrn.l«18 A. M. WAY.

ChancefYlO buy . fine Building Bit. on LivingatorX .venue. Seven Lots an Ihe high grounds,

the finest on the avenue. C»o be boaohl or« » y Mrms. A. M WAY,j .14 JU«IE»Ute »gent snd AuoUoneer.


Every year increases the popu-larity of this valuable Hair Prep-aration, which is due to meritalone. We oan assure our oldpatrons that it is kept fully up toits high standard; and it is tue on-ly reliable and perfected prepara-tion for restorine GBAY OE FADEDHAIR to its youthful oolor, makingit noft, lustrous, and silken. ThoBcalp, by its use, becomes white anilclean. It rcmovrs eruptions anddandrufi and, by its tome proper-ties, prevents the hair from fallingout, as it stimulates and nourishesthe hair-glands. By its use, thohair grows thicker and stronger.In baldness, it restores the capillaryglands to their normal vigor, andwill create a new growth, except inextreme old age. It is tho mosteconomical HAIR-DRESSING everused, as it requires fewer applica-tions, and gij-es the hair a splendid,flossy appearance. A. A. Hayes,.M.I)., State Assayer of Massachu-setts, says, " The constituents arepure, and carefully selected for ex-cellent quality; and I consider ittho BEST PREPARATION for itsintended purposes."SoU 6» oil DrutsUU and nmltrt In Uedidna.

• I ^ O Dollar.

Buckingham's Dye.FOE THB WHISKERS.

Aa our Renewer in many easesrequires too long a time, and toomuch care, to restore gray or fadedWhiskers, we have prepared thisdye, in one preparation, which willquickly and effectually accomplishthis result. It is easily applied,and iproducga, a color which willneither rub nor wash off. Sold byall Druggists. Price Fifty Cent's.Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO.,


J Above are a few of our patterns >• of Mouldings. Our assortment \I etalnbed io<io designs. A i o l r * *

Saltsroomt can be found in Mack. 6

f , ^ i*

Page 3: Civil Engineeis Wines, Liquors and Champagnes. r · NEW BRUNSWICK, ^. Jt.MOlfOAY EVENING, JULY 28. 1873. mints •*«>. qo , PBAts nasET. a(Mut loa* to Lreaa') Watchmaker WAirvr AOTVTH

ftllatMt, O W t e a , an« i t .•aa Valat* Oara tbroafb, wit bo

4hib .ru , Oreetllne, Ion Wad l i i U

(.11 P. af l»«>liili«m ( i p m , dalljr, tor HarrTin. F.H-^^, and m. Swta-Wert, . i U

i-alfawa P*IMW Ganlkroaf a. witaeat ohaafe,WPUtstoft, Oataabai sad OiMimuli.

» .« P. K. Faotte liereee, dell?, to BaniskanLftllt OWtelead, an« it.. West; wttk faff

O t b b , wit boot ebaaa*, u4hib .ru , Oreetllne, Ion WajM, OaMaftsad lniiaaapoUs.

for Baltimore, Wuhlnrton and the Pontk, rla" PeLtiiylvaDia l i r LiDC," at ».6I A. M.dailr, eicept Sunday, with naar PullmanParlor Can, 4 118 P. k wtth »ew PullmanParlor and Bleepies, < are, and 10 »4 JT. M.duly with Mw Psilnian Pal oe Bleeping r . r . ;

id viarfhilestlpbia, Wilmington mi Balti-oro-BdUroad at 11 IT A. H. dell', except

wit* Cbair and Ooakfaruiwt Cand, 1 41 P. *• with Compartment Care,

end » . U. dell* with Oliah and BleepingCarl attached.

Fef *r»»rk and New Tork, «.«B. «.*>, MO,7.48 8.82, ».66, 11.56 A. M.; I end 0.16 P. M.etaulaj trains, J.8Ja>Ul» MA. j k - ..

for Elisabeth, ».»5, (OS, 6.25, 6.S0, 1.10, 7 46,B.IS, > 58, •.II, ».66. 10.85, 11.(5 A. U.I lii 66».87, 8,1.U, 4 4B, 5,«u 6.65, 8, «nd 8.64 P. II.Sunday train! 8.8.1, SOB, 6.SI, ».18, t.66, A. M ,8.17, oaOeoeJSHr1, M.

For Bahway, 8.*), 7.10, 7.46, 8.84, 9.51, 10 85ll .M A. M. ; 8, 6.56, 8, 8.54 P. M.; Bulldar Mini, 9.U A. «.; tiS4.l'. M.

.^Philadelphia, l.W,t.H,10.1f ,10.61 A.,, 60S, 8.12, ».46, and 10 24 P II., viaWett Philadelphia; ».16A. «. and 7.11 P. U.,rla Kensington. Sunday, 8.12, ».4«,

' and 10.94 P. U.For Kilt Millstone, «,4»A. M.; 1.80, 6.81,0.4,',Por Lambertrille and Hemingtou, 10.17 A. M

andT).21 P. M.For PhiUipapur| and Belridere, 1.21 >nd 5.11

For Bardentown, Hurlinffton and Camden, 8.26and 10.62 A. M.; 1.47, S.21, 5.11, e.«8 aad8.12 P.M.

For Freehold, 1.16 A. M.; 8.31 and 6.11 P. M.Leave New York for New Bruniwim, 7 and 8.10

A. M.J 12 noon, », «, 4.10, 6 20, 6.10, 8.W, IIP. M., and 1« nifht. Hunday, 6.10, 8.80 and 9P.M.For further information aee time tables, which

oan b« had at the*Ticltet Office.A. J. CA88ATT, D. M. BOYi), Jr.,

Omni Monogtr. Om. flut. Agml.F. W. JACKBOK,

M l 8*pt. V. A R. ofN. J. Hit.July SI, 1878-daw

made In tnUtf of « • wfpanMoa of tiw

rrU ««r)oyed »r D» p»op*«o«» «h««of or of theBoaflJ of OtMW* »M*oli«»» of tblt county.Then wan pra^at Dambai of ttw oataben oftheBoard-ol FrwtoiMm and penom tnter-estad ui tlw matter. Of the Gounael preaentHon. i M t L aMaatt appearad for the bridfeproprietor* * d Hon. Q. B. Adnio, andJacMt H. Ten Cleef, Eaq , tbe Board1!SoUcitor, appeared for the Board of Frae-hoWon. Martin A. Howell, Eeq., Preri-dent of bridge Company, and James Bea-aett, Eaq., Streltor of the board, were alsopraeat looking after tbe iniareata of Uioeewhom they repranotsd. Hon. John M.

oard, who made the application for theippointment of the commuBluucru, was also


Orrica Booaa—Fao« T A. M. to I P. IIBoKOitl riol 7 to 8 P. M.

CloalBB a"a Ue l l rrry o f Mal l s .TIHI Or OLO8INS.

Hew York, Vorth, Kan and Wait, 9.60 A. M.,1.10 and 5.1*P. H.

Philadelphia, Baltimore, Waehlngton aiffl the8outh7a.(0, °.o0 A. H. and 4.60 P. M.

Mlddleboih Aid Hlllitoge, 8.46 A.M.South River, 11.46 P. H.Priaeatoa, Tranton, Bordentown, .Barlington

u d Oamden. 8.00 A. M. aff 4.60 P. U.FrankUa Park, 8 A. M.

• Foreign Hall, t.l« and 6.16 P. M.TIHI or naLiraar.

New York, North, Ban and Walt, 9.00, 11.00A. II. and 1.00 and 7.00 P. It.

Jane; Oitj, Newark, IHiabath and Bahway,New Jaraey Way, 1.00 A. M. aad P. H.

PhHaialphia, BalUmora, W.ihington andthe Hiy.\9.Otk.U. i MUmil 7.W-P. K.

Philadelphia and the Wait and Oamden and,»boT Way, 11.00 A. II. and 7.00 P. M.

Mlddlebaih and Hillatone, 5 00 P. 11.Bouth Birar, 10.15 A. U.FraakUn Park, 11.00 A. H.KUtowi, 10.00 A. H.Foreign Mail, 9.00 A.M. and 7.00 P. M.Monmouth Junction. Kingiton, Bocky Hill,

BarUngan and Blawenburg, 11.00 A.M. and 7.00



Judge Fo i man stated that the object of* Cuauniwionen ID meeting to-day wan

to get some light about the matter in chargeand they would be pleased to bear fritomrttx.partler

Mr. Hmitii asked how they proposed, toiroceed with their inveitigaUons.omultatiou the Commissioners decided toiroceed !Q the following order: The pro-prietors were to open, the Board were to•eply. audathcn the proprietora were to ilo^e.[f tho Board had any matter that couldihed more light oil the subject, of course.tary votild not be shut off. This matterbeing settled, Mr. Bmlth brought up another

»r adjustment. The present Oommlssionerepere appointed under the supplement of873 that conferred the same powers as theoriginal bill. Tho act of 1872, iu sectionwo, conferred two specific powers, one tocontract with the proprietora for the pur-bane of the bridge aud the other, in thevent of a failure to purchase, to determine

<he price themselves for tbe bridge and theixcluslve franchisee. 'Mr. Braith asked underflitch of these classes tbe Commissionersroposed to act.

Judge Formaii, In answer, stated that theyvere working under neither. They wereifter light in order the better to determinevhat they were about. As they had made

offort to purchase of tUo proprietors ofsuree the present hearing was rather in*

tnal, and they were seeking Informationt would lead them to form some idea

'hat the structure was worth.Martin A. Howell, Esq., President of the

[ridge Company, wade a statement fromrhich we gather the following: l ie con-ratulated Judge Scudder upon the appoint-tent of such men for Commiiaiouers an

those present. They were busineaa men,and. would no doubt look at the matter in

business point of view. He waa per-t ly satisfied with the Commissioners


Those of our readers who purpose leav-ing the city to pass the Mummer elsewhere,and proprietors of hotels who wish the pa-per for the accommodation of their guest*,can have the DAILY TIMBS by mail at 00

cents per month.

'I't till!Minor Matters.

—The Board of Aldermen wievening.

—The trial of allegations \A set down forto-morrow.

—" Brokaw's How," it Is Baid, demandsthe attention of the Health Officers.

—Showers came down yetrterday, render-ing the atmosphere cool and pleasant,

The jury in the McWilliams and Doylecase have returned a verdict of "notguiity." bee another column for particu-lars.

—Flurry Bloodgood'a n.iuBtrcl troupe wilappear in Greer's Hall to-morrow evening.They promise to give an excellent perform-ance.

—Mrs. Charles Frank, for having a tooliberal supply of bad rum aboard, was ar-rested over on Remsen avenue, on Saturdayafternoon, by Officer Holtnaii. Jail tw<days.

—Last night Charles Morris waa foundlying on on© of tho streets in the ThirdWard, and bejng too drunk to walk he wasconveyed to jail in u wagon by OfficerBoudinot,

—On August 6th the Jesse lloyt willmake a trip to Long Branch. Tbe excur-sion will be under the management of Mr.J. W. He tick, a gentleman who knowshdw to do auch things. Go with him fora pleasant time Is guaranted.

—The attendance at our city churchesyesterday was very small, and that for tworeuoQB—the storm, continuing all day. andthe fact that there ia so great an exodus ofour citizens to the country and to tbe watering-places. Tt must have discouraged thedomines somewhat to look at empty pewB.Tbe 'services were unusually short, but nocomplaints were heard on that account.

—The public may rest assured that ar-rangements will bo made by tbe committeeof Relief Cpuncll, No. 40, O. U. A. M., tohave sufficient room for all who wish to goon their excursion on August 7th. Theyguarantee not to have tholr boat so closelypacked aa was tho cose last year. Theywilt have faculties at hand to ensurepleasant trip' for every one. Let all whewUh. to pjiiUclpate procure tkkats fo.

\ Alt fa Zot*.During,the itUine* and tbe Egyptian

darkness of last night, the attention of tbeofficers 0JB.du>yU. the Second DUtr|ct WMatt^UKi l^ » Oflniia^ woman nturklng,"He'll drown WowellV1" tpeyhInto the nutter and Utrold that j



Thelimpid stream

iQoaaUlmself !



keen to vMUaftton, S . S , and iturning from that Tillage with a bone thatcould travel a lively gait if permitted so todo. The+tripasfarastsjehatelofS.jalajTice was attended without any accident of

w e of l i e :iln4 W * » W 04 Dafstarted off at i high rate of speed for Sono-mon's Hill. Just before this summit wasreached, one of the young men endaaroredto pull the bone against the bank and tohis sorprise the line parted. The hone beIng free from all reetralnl wg«x ao tmt thatTom Bowling .would h»ye;^lifnej| wtttahame. Down the bill the horse ran withthe wagon rattling behind him. The occupasta thoigia sow or never was the tbseto leave and.they scrambled over the seat tothe tail board. One bit the dust, while .theother clung to the rear, bin short legs barely touching tbe ground. This remindedhim that bis legs were moving too slow ortbe horse wan going too fast. He let goand for ten feist lie made a record in runrung that has seldom been equaled. Thehorse continued on, leaving the wagonhitched to a {lost at tlie foot of Burnet 8t.and finally walked to bis itali in tbe stable.

Struck by Lightning. -There watt some confusion yesterday af•

ternouu »t the beautiful residence of L. LHyatt, Eso,., In East New Brunswick. At2.81) o'clock Mr. Hyatt and his son Edwinwen standing in the conservatory, talking,when a blinding flash of lightning came,followed instantly by a terrific clap of thun-der. The gentlemen were stunned andblinded for the initant by the bright flashA uumlier of paues of glass in the conserva-tory were broken and fell to the walk. Thelightning had descended the rod untilbroken place allowed it to go through theconservatory. It then left this place for achimney, down which it went to the kitchenand thence into the ground. Tbe servan1

in the kitchen was knocked down an<stunned. She was picked up and placed inbod. Her condition Is not alarming andBbe will undoubtedly recover. A little girl,daughter of Mr. Hyatt's gardener, wafl sitting in the Bummer bouse on tbe rear lawnwheu the flash came, and she was knocked

ff a chair, considerably frightened, but nothurt.

_ . . -, .__„- thrwwoatrtoto (he afr, a « b e f o r e « Court!enforce order both defendants'had been car-ried through the door and Into tbe street bythe excited crowd.

The veriict rendered was expected bythe friends of the accused, though ChiefMcWUiams and Detective Doyle seemed

ctendj aaxioua awarding toe ran*.ery few wuo were familiar with tbe cam

thought a convtotion poarlble, and the gen-eral Impression was that tbe jury would beoat for a. long time, and that tje result<nmH be Trtter and hopeless disagreementor a final acquittal. It was not believedthat the result would be reached Sunday,and a longer absence waa anticipated. Onleaving*t|e Oefjrt-houae Doyle returned tohis borne, while Chief McWilliains dinedwith a number of friends at Taylor's Hotelin the evening, and received tke coogratu-latloiiK uf bis friends.

€IT1[KaEi'KRri IN LrcK, AOAIN, if they

call at the Ward Brother!!, No. 12 Churchstreet, where will be opened, to-munow(29th luBt. ), an immense quantity of Dom-estlo Dry Goods aUghtly. damaged at a re-rent fire. By order of Rotbkof, Sullivan& O'Neill, lusurange Agents. It

For Lou el Appetite, Dvipepna, lodiieatioo,uevreaaloa el Hpirfte aad General DebilUj. iatheir varioui forma, Ferro-Phoiporated Elixirel UaUaava made br Caawell, Haierd * Co.,New fork, and eold bj all drugguta, Ii tbe beattoaie. Ai a aiiaialaat teoie lor patieate re-

— 'thai noreveoti

&~ had so exprcseed bimselC toi Honor. l ie had known the bridgequestion for OS yearn. At that time he

was a dark In a store and knew the Dridgeperfectly well. The farmers in Piscatawayused to come to the east end of tho bridge,and,.tying their linrmfli, they walked across

ittvo the tolls. He had a little wheel-barrow in which he convoyed their purchasc»icross tbe bridge and put them iu tlivagons. The present bridge was built iu790 for »8(i,696.40. It was then that

nechanics cost but from 10 Ui 12 shillingsper day and they worked until sundown.Jan the bridge be built for any less to-day ?'he approaches to tbe bridge then cost little>r notb'ug. What would they cost to-day ?Che approach on tills side runs from thenter of Water street to the abutment andIn 100 feet in width. On tho east, side

;he approach itt 100 feet iu width and cx-imls for 2,000 feet to the forks of the

roiuls—the Middlesex and EBBUX turnpikeMid 1'erth Amboy and Woodbrldga turn-

ike. The location of the bridge and its,pproachcs aro worth $50,000. The as good aa they were 40 years ago.

The bridge stands on 11 piers and two abut-. The piers were built inside coffer

dams aud all know what expensive opera-tions these are. The value of the piers heivould let competent cmrineen estimate,

he location of the bridge is most excellent,for where could Buch approaches be bad rLocated at the foot of tho principal street

tth.HIP piors, abutments, etc., it would»t $150,000. The superstructure could

not be built for less than $23,000. TbeHow truss is as good as it was 10 years ago,and'would last for 80 yearn yet. Thebridge Eas been standing from 70 to 80rears, and In all that time no serious acci-lent has occurred, which speaka well forit. The lUrilan is an ugly stream to con-trol, yet the bridge has stood, notwith-standing tho floods, tbe ice, the windsand the tornado and these facts are greatrecommendations for it. The proprietorsiave not sought a purchaser. Mr. Howellhen gave a resume of the history of theindeavors to purchase tbe bridge, which

facts have been given in detail by tho TIMESon several occasions. Tbe bridge pay» the

" A. Hair of the Hound," Etc.This morning a German woman went to

the Recorder's aad complained that her son,a jouth uf 16, had bean badly btUea in tbeleg by a neighbor's dog, and she wanted tlipolice to shoot the cur. Dr. Van Marterhad attended to the lacerated wound madeby tlie. dog's teeth. That woman must rivebeen aware of the laying that " A hair of

hound' cures the wound," forcomplained most bitterly of thi

owner for not giving her "zwel" hairs otlie dog. His Honor 1nf ormod her that becould do nothing for her. He endeavoredto show hcrthe fallacy of such a belief ashair curing her son, but it waB of uo use,she wanted "only" zwel little hairs.]

Personal.Kx-Mayor Stout, accompanied by bis

wife and mother-in-law, has left his EastNew Urunswick residence for a three weekstrip through the Western States.

Mr. C. A. Speer lias so far recovered

For a Quarter of OeotuiyibWi Fever and Agoe Pills ban been the

ofailing ipeoinci for Malarial and Periodicra lad Ohllla. They eever fail to cure.

Ther are poirerfull bat aartnleei, aud containntiiMrcalonul, artenic, orquiuim. lloD. Bchuy-ler Coltax and maor emioert pbriiolam ootu-mead them. No remedy ever made ao manyfrieidi, beeauae noue ever acootupliabed itepurpose ao laorovibly. Prepared by f razer sLee; New York City.

NaUani* Grjltal Dtaooverj will reiiore tbeloler to faded aDd gray hair, remure diDdrufi"

ead stop lie falling. Tbe onlj article ID uneeotirelj hennleea—no Lead, n« Silver, DO Sul-paar, ne Hteina, DO Sedimeat, no HhakiDg upA do. A. Nattane, iDveotor and hropneter,

Wwbingtoa, I>. C.

EIC1TIHINT AT DRUG BTOREH.There has been a seneral rush tbe laat month

al tbe Drag Stores « Wm. Rut k Bom, andObaa. O. Welle, lor Dr. A. Boaohee'i OermenSjrop. It hae lately been introduced in thiisouatrr Irom Oermany, and lor aiy iieraoninferiajr with a aevert coogb, heavy cold let.Jed on the breait. eonsamptiao or enr eiseeae

tbe tbroat end [nngi, it haa no equal in to tbeorld. Oar regular Mia bottlee an 16 otnta.

'wo doiee will relieve anj oaae. Try it. Sam-•la b«Ulea tree el akeiae. O. O. Uree^ pro-ri.tor, Woodb.rj, N. J. ).H diwfj


T U E S T A T E .

tockholders cent on $100,000, or

Gov. Parker and Btaff will review thefifth Maryland Regiment at Cap* May oaUM coming IVadneaday.

Tha uteamcr Flymouth Rock of the HewJersey' Southern lUilroad line, made anocean excursion on Saturday.

An unknown man undertook to removerail from the Peunsylvanla lUilroad tracon Saturday, but waa detected. He escaped

The Ladies' Seminary at Bordentown hasintroduced the novel degree of " M. E. L.signifying " mistress of English literature,

A. Ii. Wood, a resident of New Gormantown, Somerset county, and the father olsin children, has eloped with tbe wife 01Kicbard Tenisou. Both men were blacksmiths.

Lead and silver bars, valued at 11,000have lately been stolen from tbe refiningworks of Buifmil & Son on River BtrectNewark.

A blind son of Garret White fell, intomarl-pit at Shark liiver one day last week,and- waa drowned before assistance cou](]reach him.

The " Sons of Sam I'atcb " is an organ-ization of Idiots at Patcrson, who aro prac-ticing Ifspina; fron the,Midland bridge, iaorder lo p.aparc tliemaelvw for the luWdal•ft of painting from the rocky bluC at the

The Court of Pardons, at its July session,has exercised IU clemency only In the case ojthree convicts at the State prison. 0-ne othem, named Noose, was (routed pardoionly on condition of immediately leavinthe country. Ho was escorted to NeYork on Saturday and took.pfssagc on onof tU.u outward bound steamers.

seven per cent on |85,00O. This Is thenet amount of tbe earnings. It is incVoas-Ing yearly. Tbe bridge over the Passaiccould be built for $40,000, yet In tbe saletho proprietora were given $75,000 on ac-count . of the valuable franchises. ITneearnings of the Albany street bridge areabout $8,000 yearly. One thousand dollarsof this comes from corntnutors who cross atone-quarter the legal toll). Four thousanddollars comes from half tolls; that Is, asingle horse aud buggy costs forty cents tocross and return, yet twenty cents an onlycharged. Three, thousand dollars Is one-quarter tolls; that la, for a two-bone wag-on 100 tickets are sold for $7, BO. The legaltoll would be $80.

To questions put by Mr. Adrian, Mr.Howell answered that tbe bridge bad. beenbuilt about 1800. It was rebuilt In 1859.Every few yean from $50 to $100 wen•pent in repointing tbe piers. .Th's was

z im the

M C W H I I B M M d O o r l c A c -d a l l i e d .

Tho trial of ei-Chief of Police McWilHaniB and Doyle was concluded on Sunday,the jury, after an absence of 29 hours, returning a verdict of not guilty. 'Thewas given to the jury shortly sfter noon OESaturday, and hi the evening It was understood that tbcre)w«re 11 for acquittal a»cone tor conviction. This Is generallybelieved to have been tbe standingafter the first three hours' deliberation anduntil tbe agreement. At 16 minutes afternlneo'clc ' " •-•-•••••— ^ — •der,whotook his place on the bench. Borne dehqwaa canted, by the absence of Chief McWll

U who graduated to:

ed a> alan of theI <B>S eirnUUMd it

when the jury waa brought la. On beingpolled they answered through their foremanthat they had been unable to agree. JudgeScuddaiVldlhalhe thought Tt would beunjuit to the people and the defendants todischarge them. The case was an Impor-tsnt one, and l» waa not likely that anotherjury would fiavo an equally good opportu-

both acted tnanch a way ai not to renderthe emu i ' tat toU! ow. The Court ^done IU beH alao to dear tbe <

« trthat as,Mbreakfast, anasked If U iM d d fntbe.1

—A-, • * *

rartiee wishini KelreaDBuala, ets., aaa i i i lta same ate mumble Igmrejkr applying al

aha Beelanrwl udernee.0 the*"-lv , JOB" HVrt.^


Carriage Factory.MoCBJEUS BROS..

peeverinf Irom lever or other rickneu, it has noquel. if isken during the teason it prevent

»od ague and other intermittent fcveri.Sw

Komeriet atreet. Bear

lave juat llai»hed e large and cummodiouialaUding lor tbe manulaeture_and eihibition ol

Oarriagefl of STOTW** Deecriptlon*

Taef now have hi Ineir Keposttorv an•eortnent of Vebiclee made byUemeelvea,

whioh tbe; will sell at rery low priees, and war.nat tae aame to be 41 the beat material aad

Vehicle ol all kiadi node lo erfer e>t ikonnotice. l'eiotinK or Uarriagea, etc., a apecieltjaaa dune in tne beet uaaau at reaaenaUeralee.

blackamillimg ot Tahoua deicriutloni, endRepairing ol .V chiclet with nuatneu and dia-peiob.

Tbe public are ree|,eetfully reqoeited to calland nod out our pricee and qualitj of goods,aa we are determined to give eatiafaotion andaol to oe undernold bj partiei at home orabroad.


ab l i d.»»r

Cozzens & Housell,? Ornamental Painters

I . I K o t L e l a e r sEtemainlag. la New Broaewiek Poet Oflee lorweek ending July 2l!( 187S. I'eraone calliDg[oradvertiaedlettera will pleaie lay "Adror*tiled."

LADIES.intler, Mrs. Rebeoka Ktlley, Ellejrerly Maggie Uyera, Sallieion. Roiannah Runjoe, Mrs. Ellen,inch, lllla Hkilhun, Vary

Oilta, Birab L., KatieKent, Hri. Catherine Tethon, Ura. Kate

OENTLIUEM..bbot, M H. Martin, lehn (col.)leUwl, Jacob Merrill, Ue.vld U.

^oBart, Rev. Wm. H. Holan, ffobiterloodi, Rev. Mr O'Beroe, Johu

Ullburt, Joieph L. B. Qmy, JohnHoward, Hmry Huy, Benjamin F.Bolt, Wai. F. Bmrkei, Uanl 8.McElwIe, William Barnnel,!." I'TO2, W. 81. i.on, Joiepb

JKEPE.F. rigBKR, P. M.


Foot of gcbiire'man.

Oildlng, Qnining and KiUomlnlng. A com.plete aisortment ot Paints, Oili (Jim, Puttyend Bruahei comteotly on band et the loweetpricet. All order! promptly attended to.Gliding on Olegi e apecially. feSO-lv

Central Coal Yard,

Ellas Runvon 6c Son1«5 BTJHNBT BTHBBT,

have received a freeb supply

Newly-Mined Coal

I also keep oomtantly on hand a largeatock ol

Hay, Straw, Flour,

Feed, Grain, Coane and Flee Bait, OnBeeds, Fertilileri, etc.


Ueneral Employment and

City Iiitellipce Office for SeryantsDRT A FA1VOT GOODS STORE,

100 B D B I t B T STBKET.J, p J L U S T htvi opeood the aboTS and

will UM thf tatt of hit endaftrora to -applyM i u tnd aentlemon, r»rniera, wsrehouneueti,itonkeeptn u d the trades with help, and te-wan Booa pUoti lor thoia i«ekiag •mpbrinfftt


Ayer's Cathartic Pills,~ For the rellpf

and cure ui' allderangements intbe stomach, liv-er, and bowuk.They are a mildaperient, and aa

.excellent purga-itivo. IfeinR pure-ly vegetable, theycontain no mer-cury or mineral

J whatever. Much•erlotu a.clmesg and •offering is prevented brtheir timely use; and every family sbonldnave them on b u d for their protection andTOW, when reqaired. Long experience haaproreO' taem to be the lafe-t, mrest, andbeat of all the FUU with which the marketabound*. By their occasional use, the blow)1B purified, the corruption! of the •ysteni ex-pelled, obstructions removed, and the wholemachinery of life restored Mta healthy activ-«y. fntertiAl organs which become clorscdand flluggUh are cleaoscd by .4vor'. 1'ltl,,and itimulatad Into action. Tfiui iaripientdiieaso ta changed Into health, the value orwhich change, when reckoned on the vastmultitude! who enjoy it, can hardly bo com-puted. Their sugar-coatiNg makes themplMwnt to. fek*. Md pnierrea^thilt

length taf ikiAand n—*—*'- -

thev are ft Bel, an* op«»vKetothsc«HlSui,on or

«r oacup4trOD.Full dlrecuent are given on the wrapper to

each box, bow to me them ai a Family Ry*ic,and for the following complaint*, willed these•" " - ~ pldljr cart: - t

• • w e — , t u n t r , and \Cmm »t A •»•»«.t i to . Iher ahould be taken moderately tolUmuUto ttw stomaeh, and restore IU healthymuUtsltls Motone u d action.



enaplalat and ita vlrloni— i l •ack

S i k_ _, 1 Coll« and B l l l » « a F « -

v a n , they should be Judiciously taken fureach ease, to correct th« dUetued action, orremove the obstruction* which cause it.

For D/MBtf ir j or IMttrrktBa. but onemUd doae Ii generally required.

For RlMMe-iSAM, « • « « , « n i T « l ,VsU»l«a.U*a • r n i « H e a r t . P M I « I -«h* M « , S a c k , u d L » I M , they shouldbe oontinuoualy taken, as required, to chanirothe diseased action of the system. With »uthchange thow complaints duappear.

For 9 I - > M T and DroMlf la l • w n l i -••sjVatheysnouMl l-o taken in larg* asd fre-quent 4d*M to produce the effect of a drutiopurge.

For tammslsa, a larredoss should hetaken, aa It produces the drslred effect by

AilaJMMMr SHU, Uke o u or two Pilla topromote O^M-tiea.awrreUflv* the stomach.

An o«ea*Aoaal doM •tht.ulataa the stomach,and bowels, restorta the appetite, and In vigor-attw the aystom. Heneelfls olVen advaTtU-Kwms where no serlons derangement exisHa.One wao IWU tolerably well, often finds that

of fh«M MHM W a i him hel deoid-w u uoMvr, Hum m w eleanemg and reno>rating effect on the dlfeetivi apparaMa.\ " * nmmm BT» . J.«. ArtB * OA; •tiMfatl Oamtota,I ZOWMJLL, MAtt., jr. a. A.WM u u ar AU. saVMHtn iTUrniaa,

, ! • CAuuioeit of Hew

•.•if mt«rH7 »•*r tttm 4+j»mit*4*Mm

ol J.VME.. HoCCLLOVOa,jv-S-V Ch«r«ji *tnt*.


A Good Teiait for a tUiscOontaudng nine rooma,«a weat aUe of C«U*|eAvenue, tilth bonae below Mine Street. Ap-ply 10 preeeul < cuupant or t« the •waar.

jullS !w ME. J. U THC


Te rent until longer

A Comfortable House,well leoated, within three or lour1 bloeki of theOoart Houie. Apply to

KDTdEM HAttDKNUEKUU, Oecrge St.l l H w


OD Brcwi Mrect; hfti 18 to SO ROOMS, .aolad-ing BatLroom, and all modern UnproTeawnta;about »»• •lOutes' walk from 4*pot, Will berented lontbei- or in auttw ot roopiL

A ttuble abd G*rria|t UOBM also on thipremisea. K D U I T I ot EDWABD ENOCH,Brown street, setjkad door Irom French.Jr.1*.!' _ ^

To Rent.ROOMS at "lo. II Peace itreelj auiuble lor

OSlcei or Club-reomi-recently ocoupted by theCalholio Sooial Club, l'oiieiaion given Kay 1.Apply to

JTRAKkKNSTErN k 8ICHEL,Jel2 ly Hoa. t) aud 11 Peace itreet

BOARDAt $4 .50 Per Week

CHT ef «•« Mnm*iA....$ .Mrs. Qaliec H«l» r«1. I- J.mmaT.', I N Nl.u. 4 KvttlW . 1MMa. K. H«W 9i mW. C. • » • • • « * . „ . M 7*A.J sfottltr - I* I*P«M1« BalMel tUfO


' Enquire ol

sM ly.WM. ovxsa.

No. 87 George atreeLV

For Sale.The property now owned and occupied by

MICHAEL HAYB8,Hitaated on the corner of Taroop avenae andRedmond street.

Enquire on the premissi.

H. W. Abbott.Real Estate Agent

JfO. 50 ALBANY 81R&E1,

The State Insnrance Go

epl lyto and Irom New Tork.


| v radical y y atchmaker,

Psaoe, foot oi Church BtrMt,

New Brunswick.

The subscriber would inform hii friends andthe public that he has engaged tbe services ofUr. A. O. Voorliees, who ia fully competent U>repair and put in thorough order Watches ol•very class.

Work more promptly and thoroughly dunethan heretofore.




SarsaparillaIs widely knownas one ot tlu! mostefi'uctual rt'int'-difs ever dixcov-ered lor clenns-inji tho s) stemand [iiirifviiig iheWood. 'It liass(oi«l the tisl ol'j-enrc, with aeoii-

l i

reputation, lww:<l on ita intriiL-ic vi. Uicp,anil Miiitailu'd liv its rcmarkahlo cureii.So mild,us to foe 5nft' and beneficial u>tliildren, nnil y d so .soartliin^ ns tocirectually pup-y out tlie giX'Ht eorruj>-tior^ of "thi; blooil, such ns, tin1 si-rrtf-ulous ami syphilitic eoiiUiniiuuinn.InipuritieB or li'neuses that have linkedin tin) 9}'3TL';II fjr jcari .win yield tothin |»wurfiil antulote. mid dinap|>ear.Ilenee ilH wonderful cure*, m.-.nv (ifwhieh nrc pulil'li-lv known, of St'l'Onilit,ami all Krofltlons diMM-e«. L'lcers,E r u p t l o m , mid cruptno di^oiiieif ofthe <kin, Tumors, IiloU'livs ltoiln,Plinitles, Pustules, Soros, St.Aiitftoiiy's Fire, Itiiso or 1'r.v-nipelas. Tetter, Salt Itlirtmi,Seald Head, Itlturworin. and in-ternal Vlcerationg of tlie Uterus,Stonfnen, ami Liver. It slw eoreiother cowpVairita, to which it would notworn oapcnialW adapted, iueh ai l>rup-«r< DyWepBte, Fits. Ncurnlffla,Heart DIMWMJ, Fera»lo Wonk-noaa, Deb i l i ty , and ti?ueorrliaia,whe» tji«jr'jra manifestation! of thotcroiutoua. pitaoos.

It, is M'Siteillenl rMtmtt of health, apdWMIiBi'jtethBSpring. ByrtWew-:4arlh*i«Meth*anU rigor of ffie tiff

tln-ptfAfH dlasrpabis the rftpreiilonami laWaajLlajagoor of UM soaaoa.

' Ernt wVin no disorder appears, pejrmlo

a l - ifeiaBh^aal e V a L ^ . ^e&j. k^ ^kA aeBaA^k

t H M O i L - .<ilsB iritBili HWTM OD WHOrerton«4 yjjor and a new lewe of lift. •

Edwin Elbereon & Co.,



AW Brunt%cUit, N. J.

Five per Cent, loterest per Aflamn

Allowed on Deposits, subject to Check

at Sight.

Seven per Cent. Interest per Annum

Allowed on all Deposits running

Thirty Days.


Banking BusinessBuy aid Sell on C011M.1

Bonds. Stocks, Gold

lad'a l l Seountise quoted Jet the Hew TorkStock Kiohange.

We are prepared to earrr Qold land Btoeklon tbe uiuil " Margui."

139 George IStreet

.yi.mll, Mm.,

— Quotations direct from ihe New YortStock Exchange every ten minute*.

Investment orders for tnut'atuX otherfunds promptly executed.

We tell Drafts on all the prinoipmcities of Europe.

Loans Negotiatedin


pjLstuQjt Tiaan FOB SALS.


-. BojUaB. a J. HeKeaf1. a. rernaoiJ.E.gtoe".Q. H. Adrrnu.J.R »erj.a«aC.I'. BlueJ.UiiruMrs. C. C. Utham8tout 4 McLaublln•Wa>4 UeannetPref.nscher \W. Q.ParioaaK.O. VaaPelt.L P PorterO. MoU.oald.• . BockelewW. BtokeeR. HaifeabergaW. O.^anau.J.rtawTTr...J.Yan l w . U > rJ. H. BadeabariG. J. JaaewarCur of New BruaswleiJ. Tan SickelJ>. CornellH. C. BellardJ.gylerJ. a,. Stout.8tout, MeLoufhUa 4 Herbert.J . I . StoutP.O'Brtea.D.r.MaaonO. W. KomboldO. W.Slelle.O. K. BtroafH. K. BowA. L>. Alkloeon

DM MK»aj1)7 M417 M

m u>0S asW8 atiw nl«0 88IM M

I,M» 144.1M IS


in to•0 70

Ml 0)1H (0

, 58» 7187 U

IU 11f K 44

. til it104 M(00 UtM 81108 «8417 toMS 41111 »6*JS IS» « 61»08 i,S108 U417 >6

XC8 18417 (SMS U

4,004 W

I U i l l SO


Commissioners.New Bruaiwick, Julr II, 1871. «t

A v

HOD8I aad LOT oa Batttaa4 Irsaae.

John A. Vigus,Utc wltk Ellat Baker.

MTIC/al \ \ / iTCHHAKH


_W Country ordsrsaad •rdlra toptae tradepromptlr exaeultd.

Jewelry aaally repaired. Hair Work audeto trder.

A Dae auoitmaat ol Watebaa aad OloeklJmt received direet troat tbe Importers j





UIIThis Company Insures Buildings,

Furniture, Merchandise andother InturabU Property at

reasonable rates of prem-ium, and for a term of

years when desired.





Ueairee to y»lonn his' maaj Meads aad patrau el New Bniuwiak aad vlolnlly tkatbe baa lately seearad tke tfcrvioat of a j

Jean Halhard,D. 8. Oreforj,Andrew Obrk,Chartae B. O. Nell!,Ckarles Perreil,John Tan Vont,

Laaalu Zabrlakto;HofkHoEay, ,HofkaToEay, ,Cbaa. O. liaeoof. EetUer,tt. Wataos,

oi, Joba Oallia,Blakely WiUoe, B. I. Coi,_ H. D. Terlsr.






Baker A OrnamenterJ»« Hew Terk dt7 , aad U >«w yraaavai «ohraiab WaMUp aad otbat partiea eraa a«U*rtbaalonnerlj7navia(also|uinibaasd,ata|nateipoaae, a aufnitaeat set ol

"LOAN WARE,"•oniletlDf of Silver and deeoraUdChhia. ;

Crofessed Cooks and Waiters uppllad.

Firtuular atttaUon givaa to Onasawtiaf

Bride's Cake,GkarMtt de Boaaa aad Wlae Jalaea.• i f t lUaoaraai aad «aaaa S i t Cat*

Prramids made to order.


Confectionay, Ska [Biscuit, iuc.baaraloa aad Piomle Parties uppUed'

Parlor Carpets oovand aieelj wiu Daal

Hew Braniwlck, » . J^ April t-d


73. 8PRINC, 73.



'• an man* k> anl tke ..l a a t e a n k r taa •ftiaf,aad tan Bade»» e g i h n w r t wtta aare, aaang wkiokwgr I* fcaai a Mil Iw «f

wrt wtta aaa Mil Iw «f

OilCloths,aUTS, HATTTjre


oownois. BTJUB ou wm, «tt8B,uom. i u w onwunxnr, ran, mm,txti ODUBTU nowfe.

wooon, wnxow, tnr, MUOV «jn>FUtTID WAU, PpouitOOnUT, aUURp

•Mae* I M M m*MemkUafs.

(Mr U M * rdwi*Msaad as kMNatatttaa.

W. H. Armstrqig


Is aow ojtriai a

Fine Stock of FurnitureAt


BU aaeortment, whioa la la brge as' aaj laHew Brunriek. I eail parttomlar aaemttoa t«


Paiitei, ChMtMt, Walut u4Ishffsaf SiltM,

Wkh* I a*> MlHa* al a TBDT I*W MUfflt

I aan saaatsaUr « kaad


PASLOB SOm&rOt lay own auto,

T.taeaMd la ta* beat auaaar aadvarruMaa

tkaslMk al farml.

Page 4: Civil Engineeis Wines, Liquors and Champagnes. r · NEW BRUNSWICK, ^. Jt.MOlfOAY EVENING, JULY 28. 1873. mints •*«>. qo , PBAts nasET. a(Mut loa* to Lreaa') Watchmaker WAirvr AOTVTH



r iIt I U alt rigtlf$%CrS* Vut the cmnluc-

tor'WM ot It AHterent opinion, Ai'utar-

jag^lital. it w u oKitrary Ui tTie infra

of t»ip road.

tiqiei .ualltd *'oromodprv.

jr do' about a* I plenne."

I don't UnWrn* «o 1 a i t who

yonmn, itr, ftflittmi; I iiitein^l..obej VifJ TrjPia/T' JlTJSir'^ere If) liuns

a Commodtire 1 <£>i)^ J^1 permit you

to 8ivo|ie bertf, jjfo'd.j/ou must gu 4f-

where Id fltriaa your oigar. fc ,

T1H toydlty'to ditty dwyUyM {liy

ttre B8nrfmst6r pleased TSe" sncietn

i f l Wcct 9 U U * l

U Mi.l t»

; * Yrju art the rii»ht V h

a ruau for your place You don't re

np*ct |iurm>m 1 tbiuk oi buyi

road, and if I do you can ntay

as loni» aa you likt."

ailialr/tBcto i l i s w Jt*i0t sani—i.*! ai m i n iTbe Isvor It has repotted, aud Oie popukrilj it ha.

d. Il s^m»«tis l i< ISIII till lilllill II to-tbeOK>TSlvidi>ui>TToCla»lUa>, i d .itful dressing. It rndlnriifn daudraff. It

. I the Hair tram turning graj It >*«• tbeSxs. and ( l i e . tna haUaVteh. soft, gloa.; ap-

— BudQCAljrT

er of tba (hptow'Coortcountf, the tnfiiorlfiw willol L W Bp»D«tr, «t OM B


^ * •


d |4»ce ol

LARGE STOCK•t 3 o'clock, p. >., it t«.

" i **8TstatTSD BT TOtW, "".


O DIDK OD thai

Uld bridge'• Mill.

(>oiiiie, to close the estate.


^g n ihe lovnship of Houtfc Br«u*iok,oooly ol Middleaci, bonndod t i foliowi; Be-


• ^ • a d wt mil sbowjw. WU* mr

U UruflgiaU HAMBtn Ittanm U vnl y



ning witb \ieorg* 8cU«sck'i lion auulb ttltjr-ttv* one i)U»rl«r degrte*. «vil Iweutj-ejgbl

i b d tw*hoki m * »l*k« ia fb i l iaeo lQ A i » b \ f lUilrawl, Ibeote witti

IAe •orth ttnt^ Aigmi , *Mt tmtmly(u • putt, ' IhiiniM KMili HveotT-fo«r

»tt() three-qou^cr dt-grets, we»l ivrMi'CtiBiDI»nd elevi n nuhs to the curo'r of Rlocum and

ands, th«ne« mrth 1uxijr-niD6 degre^H,hmiH unit titty itiretainkt to % niapU

l i

T»vl<url t

i tlii lo

thy r

fnnr Imutlrtdl

g thi»

oa il

aV ^hnductor; Ife 4re

(juently remarked that the mini cowlJ

b^ trusted; that he watt oerer liiia-

taken in "juug'iK of character; and

that he kntiw lrom the tir»t that the

C<H>du«Jtor waa sound.

Tlu; routluetor stayed on the road

lor live years, and in that Unit1, as thv

irtftry gf><**, stole himself htto a pecu-

niary independence.

So tnnch tor Vai.derbilt's kpowl-

t dge of character. Kvuiwnt.7 the

coinlurtor knew \ anderbilt tnttii

Ihan \ anderbilt knew tlitj cuiidui:t«r.

An cfcKa«ge'rt;furte» to'publish the

poum commencing :" I bretuhts on ihe face of a maiden,"

until the editor known wliat il» uutlmr


<Au oi<l edition ot

iib tl.c imi*i skillful ^

In (,'liancerNewJtjrt.y IfetweeQ TI1U L'liK

H A N K AT NKW UKl'N.^Wli K, 1/..UJ|>II» u*ul,UAM .UHKlt Mala . , UMeDdauia. FI Fa.,

ire, •ikUilJu&e lit, m i .

yf<iDd cure« ul (h »e» i « E^wiuo, etc Utta uuw tikd thirty jwara' ur«cLn;&

U« fe»ls o«iii|M-teittp »»T to t U [ > * Xtlmt 1M » ftn curt- llit- IIKIMI dioicull <ii*t)ft«tM IDHurkL-fleBb; Bufli »« KjiizoulK, I'ola-«rU, Kmg-b«i» , H^nutfhuli, Kouinidr, hpLim«, Hveenr ,Shoulder,, i ^ l l - u f ^ l LU-IH, t^rmiclum,L>i»t*mp«r, Wenkiit-1-. ui JutotH, BliuliMML CUDI-iitd ttpoa t o l l * or H«r«<M.(»ui*Kt bjr vtrftini, bo-M i u k l l the (i tlVreut Ji*«MlW "iU) whicb Cftttlenr« vrflioitud. KmtucilutfoQ ui Horde*, Muloe•uitt buIfcclB. •

^ ^«D«ru brtforlnttnt f>T m e d i c i n e constantlyon iiai.d^ "lucli * l ! ' I"1 t»'«d*l low price*.

Th .attj i .vahu hi- ncTvion am rfi«L'»leii lonil ul Itis reaul-ii^-.

at 1 »V-|(M-t p U . »

W ASHINGTON, itivjiit, X. J.



Ay, ami 'J,"tf)O fnliabitantB/al

witli liit'ir g;iblc (.'lids to the

H. B. ZIMMERMAN,Imi>ortvr bml M.iuufaicturtr of

1UMAN 1IA1K, AND HAli; (iDUDS. TOI-'.LKi' ARTICLED, * l \ ,

M Chmdi Street, New Hmauwtck.Wh^ltitale and Kniuil.

h* only irtanofaclnrtr ol Ijtiman llaii

T AIM EH and gentlemen of tbis city ant!I i ricinit? are invited to call and n4e t t e- • " • r »ad t * n l-au-nt Wranj Or,;now niatmttte.tirfK. ro Uiis conntry, and 'lor

.bi'Ut [irici.', at tho MUBIC Slor«, So.

" Papa, can't I-gy to theg


y ,

my'sou, but don'tr get your trowsers

torrj. titrangp, my dear, what taste

tfrat boy tia« 2 o t l o r natural history.

No longer than yesterday he had

eight pair oi lorn calu U&ugtug by lUuir

tails to the clqUat* fan* liits** bis

little heart, come U>4us-mother."

An old Montana prospector cawic

East to ootiBtmfrrmt* a' matrimoniill

of tuwr or Uv« vffrt*

Qt the yoimg lady,, late in the

evening, van invited to stay all night,

and shown iato ail elegantly furuialied

bed-room up Bt airs. But our- bunch-

grass hero wm$ notJ at^ufttomed to

clomj ro^ina, while BhecU, aud Uowuy

fcalfiere, aud could not uleej); so, dis-

covering a scuttle-hole in the ceilnig

hu'nicmntod to the roof, and, after .11

anxiuuti-He^rch by the youpg-latlv

ue4& lllofi!U)i£ W&8 ltaiAj£sN,i(j3ipt' '*'

thV^toj** IMHI ijiiiTt and in a profound

Hlumtwr OD tbestiiugiba. Wtwn

fevciqilain hit* strange conduct, he in-

formed his Charity .fane that lit

" nfcver CDoItl:sleep- iu- nufch'* • nu*

H'arm be<i as that—he waau't used u

it." "Then yon jntt* git! TVye

tluuk I'm a goia* to climb up heiv

wrth TOT. every night?"

inquired Charity Jaur. " Oil.

replied tbe penitent, " you needn't

getjrtiftl 'libnt .t>-you i-.-injiWt nail

up 41» h(>l»5 in w€ ro4f alter w<.; j ol

married ! " It. w.aJks alone nuw, a,nd

its name is Charity Jaue, Jr.

Hqrac* isriio cull lltfiii'ho will jirud

to itv one else,

PIANOSrifr to what I um selling, tliat will wear n.B

will Hand in tan* ut well, or lhailnd jiu

U.ul^ aul time

selling them

I autlt ul L. S. F»j te, 1 lieuce aouiba ball deyrtiM, east tro* chain »oJtmka la a a'tae on tbe notih side oi

tbecce acutli fertT-bTe degraw, eiwt' thirty-1 >ur li'uktlo Ihe place ol

or land. W'b#u attiM.dan *i jisiitiioQi liiadv kuoavij bs



N OhfcXnt'T of New J«rj|i. Ifutaitl Lile InauraiTct Ubm'p*0? otiitk, (.'uuipla.iraQli, uid Frances M. iiubbtind, 1 ite'dtDta Fi. fu,. <kc , uu i<uitmure, tfalvd • pnl W. H7I.llie tale uud. r .ho abovw stated writ HUU

TLiCtilAV, August IK, 18TS,

o'clock P M.,atthe Court House iu il.ut .Nun liruusnii-k, Nev J«ra*qjr.

JOHN D. BUClvfiLEW, Sheriff.LtitA A Ksassv, Haliclon of OomplataaLt:

T V *)1VlN'-d

le ot lli« »b»vei

t Uin Coort Uouau IJerioy,f*crtbi*d jur. fl of- iu HJO ttrnl «ar<lt l j 1 -I Ut*i'es,'i

lb« cil

Un<l>t iheu.l M»l


Died lu llio tlfrk'H •luf Hit-11 nn r promtsUlii'tu. Malmrby F~i< .lalcii tf7t.Ii of JuiIHI'. UiUUiy t'tvrtt'i

y, tilcb i

-IBcaorilie BUIJ Cotimy,licrctoforo cui-fytu inU.M'.Uutfin tnil v i / c , ltyHtjfi, Mini r.-c"r.t»d In Mi I-


mi t i tu la r Uicu'iiU and H]iimr

i({btB. l

I' -li!XLS,T>.By w n u e a Iwill t.\in)-i« to cek; t t pul>I

TTK<DAY, Al'CT,1 l*n i/diK:k. i» Hwaftorru11 iL. « ity of New Uriniiwi;crtaiu lui or laud tnd jjri'iinug to (he oily «*i New Bi

. HALK. — i-<;EO!M.I. W rfiiJ]. A c ,

I D I W I f k , (

].-r «1 u I ' l l i>f liiD<i l i u - l v Ln. ' loii({it) |{ ti) A i j . - a h n :

'ri)TO8. and bf bun < oBvajod lo one Win. Leghe SUMic bti:ig ttio unrili-euHl.Tly cum«r ot kb<turt-Lf ui.wiid>'<I 10 b« oOuvsj.'U, aoil *rt>pi tl'uuntiig aoulln-rly uloufi aaid i.og{fc.t'a lianlUinlri'il ami Ui,«e feet mum ur lc«a i» ibv IIDO of ttn


JOHN U. BUCKKI.EW, K, A't'.rncy. '


.—Uy virtnelry te ftt Kiart K»cl« lo m» uinwlti of Ilia NKW Jhll^KY SUfKKUb COL'HT,

isa to ulu M imbllc fnuaue ou

MONDAY. AUGUST 16, 1973,

Halt tbe Naw Vork Prioee.Uy l'iaao» we m»du by ^i*

OtJeit and H o t t Skilled IMaksra,

and with preni ouf*. *tid that in eitomjTi cf ust'lllu jirovt; liipir iju^(inonl,j'. To t»ur4i»'-» wish-inu to iniko their flelectiuna in New Vork ilwill bt; {.rflerrHl, ant* will SBTO eilra liamllii^,i*.nd tlif ]itano will be bunghl lor ilicm, mid jmtUJI Crec «t f!iary;f uX Uie a int- low juices. J


.it i Uia. nn'dHaiti, 11 thf village ofMi MiMti i » u « l r , Naw J * i « y , «J1 tbAi;.U,"H KuNuVUl'Snjjbt, litle »ud iut«rlu mil ib t fulluwiujj iWscnbeil l>roi»crtj, viz.

All Hie lul owtug J«w:rll>etl lbr«u i*rcHami ijrrinisei, climlo, lying ftuil biiug inBI,HJU( Souib liruLswicK, iu HieCouDiy ot

1 1 ( t l

iJiiu.4.lUr treo , tt

iddle ol ill* ru, iwouty-llveu Hit) baid |i»ri-muf denrraly-nhio linkswo itnd oui1 luTlj-Uiiee lin


t'KOM * ^ 5 U| ' TO U'ov KOU Ti lH IUiriT;

unari<HUB ot ibe

^ ppssible to (arnisi iuparior ta-These I'

juulity m 1boM WIKI ruBioiml" men ftli^ th- N na«k |1,*VI Tor. AJI i'l.u;runtt'd to t>P t;i|ai*l i! nutin N"W York uri-liMswher

• VnV. iiiuutilacuirerd>s »uld Ity uie ar« war-stil]'prior to any Diudi'

to Renti l d o u l n s l t i l m # B ( 8 . D o n ' t l o r g t - t t i w j . l u t

No 9 Hir*om Str^f^.

K. V . A I V I M S

UD I in k«, about HVB I < II kit wi . . . . __ .*iu»|i,uw,. • ( Ja»pa fu JfB'i n i a i lov lot4 fain liaW •outta (i^hl/-tbrci» d*tr««i in*IIUIAUU.I i i i i r Ltn-f Juka; tliLiice uortl« n t'uttl, twu < liiiiiih ami lldy-we ui iJn> L>rmik , tlieucc u|i lii

part it

links I

,LI V, UlO lib.11 tti* tllvislou liuc, 1 11 tl foi

thu sail

Lite litKuiid t r a i t . k n u

I'u lit-ti"iiorib-aialtrly

.WL-iity-lliroe I'liau ftttd I'ullrb'H 1tt.euceai.Hig t.




II 1

0/Ljvi Matt** ; lUe«c««

t i l • Mil

.-> 1 f i l l

, , | , . . ( u

f. oust, iwptti 'rti1,11,. u | [|,0 ruin!

, \ -OIH ' 11111I t Ur fi'and bi-vei'lj s ix.:rili .K-iiifw r ai) 1 III' lill^lilu 111' 1

nin, Hi11 lu

H i ,


an Hi

dUtl kand

Hue 1

|O0fs anditjurclUil.^ka , I[ 1UI'

c 8 : oml tinilbmy-





it Jinkbbi|Kdftii



i - \


»rt. Uoglr in .lun.•••a i J i ' gn. IIIILH KI1 l lHir jn y Jcijri

iaortb ek-\e

itliiuu tilt:

l-JU 1I1

%*cn l i .u italuo tierwi-ul, II

Ih luurULet litlll 1UP Ibo «b

will dinpose of NKW PIANOS, UELOUEOSSanj 0Kl)A>H, ol i u i a U U M makers, mclud-mg Watem'a, ai tery low prices for cash, orpart casb, aad balance ID email monthly' in-stallminu. ' N ( « 7 « U ' l tTitc l t i i l'lANOH.modern improvements, for $S75 cash. Nowready a CONCtSRTO PARLOB. OBOAJi, tie

GUANACO(Ue sure see trade mark insiile.)



MAXorACTt:BiBsor OKRRILLASAPARASOLI,<«.•; » n o . ( 7 j M J I . jr. r .

30 Sheets of Chtkft Music, $1 00,Why throw away money

Music wtun YOU CIUI (elect l

ies m a d on l pboeffpellers.a^ia eiB b« ojitevtd through afcysiteakf. .lJend,aiif«*«4Wlogae. I


Hap eodSm-W. BTTOBOOOk, Psi . ,

iSH Third Arenae, Wiw York:


ataum tmtwen Sew York/QneenMtnni & Uvenoool.The 8lean?itlps HanhatUi b

Irooi He» York «Tery Wepaaaage | M gold : rtwrage p

able To eorrHM»- **—* <Uunburg, BoUanUm and Ah t V

lMinneaota, Cbl

v *»»IDfrom K»wiiii


Jlona.Emi.Ut. Al|e|at«.ud4a<l-_ Th. whole u preaerfeA In . aii(*'-<»n*

CUtjOf rpirHfrnm tlo III OAR CASK k>Uem 111 s»r ollmate, which makea the

TIERS'ontca anil CnfhitP-

Tli»y are Intended rtriaijr oa a

JD« of ihal l oa In Uw world.

SALE.—In OhftDceryJtirifj, botoevo iji* HOl'UlL Lit IOOUPAHV,uril<« V«rk,Oonpkltiauii(*HJliHKtB aud- MAMYANli VouKiJEK-

kuJauia. JI'I. JTa, on Iwrceluwua, iu>i-ill"ai.of the abore stale*! wrtl to mi dliet:'.-iTcd, I will ciiKJie to a*le at public vtu

I U<M«l. Jatu. .

Fine Parlor and Bed Room Furniture226 BXIKBT^T STREET.

WANTED.AA uttra AgMi ! • thti wctlom for lh«

HW ' V i m * 1 UWWO MACHINE.

Of Our


,1 •: o'ciuttk 1'. 11., at the Jai1 rt!, MiJi.'si'j>ex Lou lit > , ho*, V^KTE/ .A il iliu « fi ur iravU >>r parcele or iaod aoU tin inI'B BllUat*. 'ylUg rilid bt!L|{ 111 MutirutJ TyWLMlil|'

II.1I1I.IH-X L uuty, Vu« JiT»ey, v n :, Lract, l>t)gluu IIK iu ttiv wu tm u/ Jbc ro»tl leadrum Jaiucatiur^ Lu Ptrr, lu a l lnu Iwlwt'^uVuurtiet-B* autl I ' trrlut 'a land, autl Irutu HitincibK, u Uie uredle ui>w |xnuU DO tb «* daf re. •inulei. w m,l£ huki tu «&nl K-rriut'ti uoribwe*!er ; itiiucH Li) ilouai M I i Yuorlittx' liiu| vuatagrt*a S« miuutai <m**\, bfl ctiaoa U ltulu tu«a:<tiut'n eouihirett curuDf ; tlieace (3) « W g BUMluu, ' liue buutli '.It ilenreta and 46 wiiill u* a u t ,Uii and W liuki to tbo cuiitr* wf (Us afertialu7 tti»n».»-t*>-tt«tit tt . t"t-«rtfv trt -tfav-nftie

Ii G lU-^rri'i i>,i(*l, UC ilialUfl t>8 links tu till) begiii-

l r*ct , ln't;ian:ing » l Um uurtliwuat cor HIT ul' tti«;r nbs^utnJ vo fc*r»b Wbetber*!!, ft.u^w'of Uou,uTtiil deciMnKli aD<l I TOID tlkouo^ runuiu ' al^uBi i iuc ' iu tti« neeale ooialod ID l»iu, u*uili i*

ii>:r.t'i wcil, sHcbaloa 36 lijlkt to a UIIUL'; Uu-ucti. liurila »UQ6i,rat.« w«att,aoaal*u to a slake ; thuueesiuitii lu degieea watt, l ^o tuUu tu a lut uaaiguedLIIU inue iloreaald to Jo&a Wuliurtit j ibt-uce («.•tit; ins laud DurliTO dtyrtaa weat, i t chains 60kH m tbttnoftbwral corner of au&ull Jot ur wuo<li4 as igut-J tu M«/y Ann WMUICI-UII (UUW Vuorheei);i Leo (fa> Mloug ihe aaiii* numb 1 iH'(r*xn amilluLl'B VY'Wt, 13>'llimH 10 tilt1 B011ttlW<'Nt (OrUOfId io t ; ibeiice (^)MUili "0 da^ruos t a n 1 ubauXH ID tho DOUIIII»(1 corner ul u i d lui uml U> a 11

ui Jobn Wo.tienH'H laud ; iL.ucr (7j .hmg hi« 11ii 7'fc ilcgrwa «fai,'>3 chairl tin linka ii, Jubti•!•'• lAOil i U»iuc«i(bJ aluui lii» IILO uurlli 80 d c

gre*» V mlnutoe w n t , 9 uliaini and 'J7 ln.U loluoiljo'Mt corner ol the whole tract or [arm j tbV) along lbe westerly Hue or tbe name worth Y 't<ruc«BaaL,60 cliatoi ana B7 links tu tut- niloui* vlir anbury mad , ttiuace (IU) aluntt lbe »«no aoulh Tllejrmw 40 luitiutcti sau.1, V ctiuiua Tf Iluka tu a tthciict.' ( H i mirili ^1 UCKreus etui, b rniltiH U'£riong >!)>- n«il lu Jittiii.t) Btck'-ajew M 10Hi, ieMUttk TS\)« Q«g»««*.8i,B(;fcalDa atongJOki

atrfl IK) M a gntu ita. ; llimee (18) kgiuk-,W*m4, 3 ctaalMi 8t HBLM, still ubfig hi* i t f

iUtLoe (14J47 (iL-groM 2< luiliules east, 1 cliillnkf ; theute (IS; louth M.1* dugreeti eunl, 40 liDkato the bagiuuiuu , eonlainiDflty *nd 20- IOOUIM utrei.

Brd Tr*ci, bugtaulu^ hi tv aVttua tsUuilieg lu tho1D« or laiiil of laid BriHuu MuuDt aod 8anli Well-irlll and Trup ilicnc* ruuuliif, ai tiia uoetjla nowH'lnM. (^) W» t h PJtf dtjyeaa tiaal, 19 oaaio« MM! 74iitkn to a iuko ituudlut; iu ttie mlddlu of a dilch and:ori)t-Tof Samuel DAVIBUU'* lot; ttieuoe ('.!) Uoug tb«amo, aa lit . ueadla) poiuMU m 144T, BUUUI I licgrvc.y nuijutei eait, 14 cluioi 23 hnkB m i itnko mid «:uruer ol' a atuull lot , Uieuco (3) nloiig tliu smut: nurtblj mid J4 dttrees wcsl, 11 cb*iua il Ii uka lg a lmo ojlaudlvrmerljr the |>roi>rriy of John I' """coa«.'»l ; ttiouc«(4) amug tlie tutuu m^ruesSi6Hl,16 clialua auJ Wl linkn to tlicmidaio o(

(fi) alontf (he Dii«^l»<rfHt« Miucf north « de^rbea Muiiuutua « u t , ml ctiainfl JO linkB lo a Unu ol luudiformerly theproi'arly ul lioor^a Welbcrill, Jr . , them(0) aloag tlioaiiua and Barali Wttlienll'i »uulii tuefreee V minute* etst, 41 cbalna »DU ti tluka lo tlbegiuuirg; i-unUluiBg b* ti-lWXhs u r e l .

TLi' *Ui Tract, beginuiiii; at Hit.- uurLliwostcornertlie first Iruct; tticnc« uorih 70 dt'greii wmt, & Itviui alutiif toooad i^a^t j iticuuo uoutb 7d'-grn» wel l , in Lliultw admig «ajcond tract; llniK

.Ii 7U dcgri'i-B call, 1 cbatu h liuku along tticui:l lo A n . tract ; Lhotii-e along 11 JU of lirut trjcl.herly lu beginLHIIK ; oouUtii ,Ljj 1 ;ti-10jLh

being llic ptL'salst» ilertjillitwl ,u i\iu iuurigavg.4, Iruueicr Vuurli.'tb m d Mary Ana Vuuibeu4. 1m wilu, IUo Mutu il Uie Juiurame Cuii,>>.iiy of NtW Yuilme daloti S.-|iU-mbnr -J7, lhO'J, ikml r«cordcil in IHIi>riy ul m< r g4(oa,l>a»« uuu, Iliu ulbsr dalud A;tisl T, lH71,auil ruuor.Is<i ia book iurtj-ajvouuurtgBKe.,')agB i>ut> buudred auil twulvt'.

Together willi nil »uii Hingular ibti rlghu, tlbcrlic

IIILO bulouuiueurlL aiiywUii apiwrtaluiug.JOHN i). ktvvn.kLh.w.auoTia

STEIN WAY'S PIANOS.The Gabler, Emerson and Gordon Pianos,

Prisaa Ivan »tt5 to MM.




Pianos, Organs and Melodeons to RentOR SOU) OH M0NTHIY IN8TAI/MKNTB.


nollns, Aecoreeoss, Qnitars, CoorerUna^ Fliles, Uanaralesiie, Piccolos, Tunborinesiiceoleti, Bones, Banjos, Drains, fifes, Trlaszlee, Filch Pipes, Tun!n| Ktrka, Jew'a Harpslaic Boies, Violin rltriDfl, Gal tat Siring., Binjo B'ringl.

HHBIT—tbe largest collection erer xsv* l B Ulis oity.Bonej'i Cheap Musical Publications. Litcif's Gbeap Ulaeeual Music,

aid Uall Dime Musie.


, U ii 1 PitXtaled Uay , 1S7U. )u.3-5tw

CLHERIFF^B SALR-r-In qiaiwer\J <A New ^crafly. Botwu-n JKAS WAK1A M

l K CJinpliiuaiit, aud ANN WAI.-JII «l u.\-,i. Fi. F*.% ou luii:ciuk>urt:, Dutod May

li) -i

HEHIFF'S SAI^K.—In Chancerof ••w Jrrai>«. B.lwrcn THE MflUAl, LU1

:!ock P. M.,«l the C

Odksfi aud al*lo of Hew Jarm-y, iu nai'1 bill d .«nHxt • • tfc* llnai tract, aud daaenbed *s lollowi :Itafllnaiiaf'altaif toutli-wcrt cortKf Of laird ofown uu the mirlli-wi/iUrld Amtiojr Turnpike n.nd,ul UniMD'a line north U.iy JfKrces aud itiiri^luulus wci-1. tfD cliHiiiB and i-iiu t > H ie liuki iu •

aliil altty'iutfcs tu* atfun ; tan** by tm-iditoiil .-livurn norLli liilj-nlno dvtjriTB west,LiiiiiH uud tiilei;» liuLa lo lieorijt.1* rouJ ;tuuili iwdiilj-llve dt-Krei'B »t»i , etVUDLituimi iblrty-«lgtj> Hiiks »lvu; aai.l G.orgo'a rotdili ldtoa Uit frmcolnQ K.jaJ t tbouca aj a ;dle or WKl'l'riui «iuu lluad

L ' . J/U)g aovi !Kruuiwtok, io ttMi.'«utiiy of

y, in aawtl bill dti ignaied M

c or tho abnte itatcd writ to me directed,n d 1 wuUx.rusetuaalvial public ?CLUUC,UL

, AUGUST 6, 187%

ck I'. t b t Court Uuuau iu tbe Uty oiSt-w HruuBwicIa, ?<t'W Jortify,

) Hint reriaio rollowlug discrIbed laud iuante*,, utaal*. la the to*u*tiijj of NuriL Brun. ,ci uuly ofUiddleiFZ aud Slot.' of New Jcrac-)ie 1st lui hignmiug at a tlnXt and Bluuci, II lil lm boulbcai. comer of tlta Idt burn by cunvuyiii »l»o u citrncrof Pt'ler Ajrrf»' lami, and ru[ along west 13 dialui and 19 Uuka to auothit-r oi wld \jtn' loiand alao a ooraor of •*

Jamui AoUrinau'* land t •iiaotM aMwC u l d Ackc.'«line uurUt 2degru*» aud 4& IHISUUM tjaot, f.

ctiaiui anil t!> link* to a cornor of saiil A^kcruui.luud ; tlum o along luu aaid line uorlb 89 degrciamiuutun wti»i, IT cbaitiB auil it* iluka lo lbe him ullot of laud roritKTiT twl«igio|t to TtMiDaa li>i\>UK-IICU alitug lbe hue of thu I»dor lot and laodirV'liiictieaul noutli'J degrees, fiisl, 30 chains iU<lliuks to llie UDP of 1'uier Ayorb' laud ; tbeticc at.lib, litib Durtli MdegrwrteuBi, 4 chain* nxl 70 huiibence B0rUi<IidtJCta*a2 mtuutt* tutl+lb ctmiualinks to lite ,iluce of MtJjilmiiag , cuululuiug o1

ucri'B i>! luud.H14M »ot,aiJjot:ilag ttrn-hn toiaD(ioa#<l If l .b

Snrt Invtbt) Hriattiti uf the mad h-MiOfc (lun lu Ibti UudR iu Jamut Ailt-rniau'i linn amialonn James Ac It rr man'I lior, nuutb & degree! eait

SO llQkti lo k cedar Btpllng ; '«»«*•ou I ti HO III\"IHM « « I . , ID ciialnalu liukn lu ttie mldlu of laid ruaftiorU) 39 dogrcoa e*«i, 2i CIIHIUH

tbe plaoo olbc^jiuuiug , coiiiaiuluM about Islaod.

Hot, beginning at Uie third ooroeror titlODtxl lut la tb* middle of fturfcid/oad, a

IAS tbcuoe atom tbe linu uf tiia last umbttuneo |>rlh H6 d«grue» eait, 1» cbimi autl 20 links to iureuid MfltDg , tDciicu aoutb a dtgrtxi tsjii,laiiih and S> I mm tu it •mull wbtle oak »aplliig c.

nef tu IVter Ayer'o Uuil , tboi.o« suuth G9 decreesituuttw WL*I tUang Jdiob BiliwaUtul'* hae, laicbulimj links in u corner lo Bali #Bileln^al*, Ui>rlh :9<+ degnea ftt^r, 21 cbalna andiT llakj i<.tddto ut .alii UM i ; tataK-e Mou( said yp>d uorili 40cj{i<wt c-iU, T.t.aim «nu WJ links tu Uie btgtmunwUiniuB &u tH>-luabsacrvB.Togciborwitu allHudilugalw Uia ritkla, l|b*rli

rtTilegei.tittru'liiamiiati, and ifiinrmiannK U>e

JutlN 0. U O O K U A W , SborlOA. J K0(>KKS,Solicitor.

Dutwl Juue a, 1 (*(*), JtiUl-,Mw

iirufr lo I,icr too fxtntta >1ev(U| degrsci aud aglit chain* kuil tiinoty-iureo hnki ti

xi<! In I lie middle « lli« nuxl leadluj Imm I he l'iVITU W iuLei»itl ihu ro».l iotvllnj fri>in LrnobtlwCiMxiiimilattUNicc wktii kb« Mia ram4 wiuib;bty-'Jii(* and a liali denroe* eait, thirty-two chalnail fliily.ttTtf l loki lo i t U k t ; Ibenca atlll with Utu

•al>l riwd uortti B U I J one degreei und tlireixjuarlndial ui aud UHJ-UVB liuki tu anulli

ilukR ID Mnl kitti 1 ; III«DC« Dortli OIIO degree auil,ir eaat,i'tio cbalD and lart-tiiy-tbrocllulu lo a* tou t ;CDCI* eaitt "iia cluuu n> a curuer nl Cbarlea Dyt'mad i Ibcuue witb hli line north Ibiny ontL lhlttf**0ivM afaatu >«J forty Cuo*- Uaka

.{A£«kMW«Vbf»o)r;'t4t'OctF verih Mrrtildrgr oa and twenty-two mluuln vuat lnirt>-l*Dcbaiu »nd lorty-cifbl linka to tlio pbco or bejlDuIng ;

mtalQlng iiue bundre*la«<l klxij acrea and olghty.iven buudredthiur an acru ut land, be tb« wi


(Jp«n tbe applicatioDof JOIIDT. Martin, Admluliaiorof CaUierlae Uartln, latu oi lUo u i a iwuut

if Ulddle<r'x,dr>c«nied,I, WI1.UAK HUUfY. Jr , SurropU ol tbe aal

Guilty of Middlesex, do bereby order tad directLbe laid Admin litralor to five public not let

the eredlMra or tU« u l d deceiacd totheir debt), dctoanda and claim*, uod*)i

. ifllnnaUon «galnil lbe aaid oat»iu withip DIDCmoDtba from tbe date of tbli order, by icltiug icopy of llii order within twudly Jayi »fUr the <hereof, m Ova of lbe moat public pl»cci iacouDly for tbfl iptvce of two months, and tlao by ad-Tertliing tboiamtfor the like apace of time in "'1 IIITIM-SB," « e (/ UM Dewiptperi. |.cmW | B mta SlaMAnd ir afljr creditor abali neglccl to extiiblt bla orh«r d«bl, dcmiod tr claim, within aaid par!•ine noaUw after public &otto« ( U . a M aforiucbcr«dltorau)aU om fwevtr barred ol ata or heriction a^alnil tbe laid Admialatraloi

Qlreo latler n y band Utli iiitb d»y of Maj, 1ST3


Upon tbetppllcalloti of SUHD SUniier, William AtlBBar, P. Maanloi gklnotr aji4Aiidro** J. Diflbrow

LxecHton of Phlneaa) M. Bkiniwr, Uia of to* u !Coantr of MiddWai. daoeajed,

1, wittuiM RllLn,JB,,8tirrDffa(« of ibe-said.•uatr ol MWdlwtx, do l)«r«by ardw aud direc

tbe said Executtra to glTS pabllo notlco to thitreditan of aald deoavsed, to brloj la tbalr aebu, dt*maudB »Dd olalma, andtr.oatb or afllnnmttoB a n lollUto aald oitaU wllbla nine moaiha liom tbe dmU>tbla order, by MMLlz up * oopy of tbe ordar wltbU

enty 4an aJte» i f i daW tbereof, ID fir* «t bifpaUloplMMwiaHOQumf to-ti

two tt a U b d t l U

'124 Albany Street.fOPfOBlTK HTATS MA-NH).

Stud lor otrculw.VICTOR • % M. OO , M KM* T u i b « l , N. T.

NEVER•rGSLBOT A 00W3H. KMblOK li more ear

«sjas* la; Ib.loun4.uus lor fuUiee e»U .on-

WELtS CARBOLICare a sore cure for all di

TABLETSot the lUspfr*

to rj Orlans, Sore Throat, Colds, Orotrfl, Wpk-therts/.tUinsJiJMarr*. s U J W I J , ,biSf.°M»ol the Throat, WinllMpe, er Bronchial Tabe^, p«,Md all Diseases of t ie irangs.

U ll f 4d ld b r Uken,ABET* shoud b p p ? d (reel;Tbaj equalise the oirculauoa or the

i t t b rit f tb t t k nd

It 4a«tr«fi aU bad aJers tad poisonoui « . -snallims i W l 7 « u frmnl»e», and tbsreb;

ratOntsasMttflra Hti slsaasi; OMe * W W r aaW It sJwsn «Mpolio. , be* It always Mts..

ta.AaTsn.aato TikTw * 00., to, »coasadir Uofrahwas

used,. T b j equalse t e' ' .oil, mitigate lbe sereritj of tbe attack, and

1, in a very abort time, restore healthy actionto tbe afleoied orEaaa.

Wells' Carbolic Tablets an pat «* onl; Inblue boxes. Take no substitutes. If ihejcaa** be fouadat jrour dnlgkrlit'i, saad at once

tb A t in tfto Y il f dto the Ageat io lfew Yurk, who wilt forwardthem b; return mail.

Don't be daosirad bj ImiUlloaagold bt diMigiats. Prioe » cu. a boi.J.un Q. ReflSgn, K Platt street, New%ork.

Sol. Auact lor the D. 8. Band tor elroo-lar._ J :O4W

Tlivinpiun'a JBualneu College,3 0 Fourth AvantW, N.»r f o r k Oi ly .

Bookkeeping, Writing, English Branches, aooLanguages. In'strtleiion daj and erenlne;tecaaa luw) Ia4ie^ department aepsrate : tele-grapliy Uujilit to men. women, boys and girlspraotlcallr. Terms reduced 10 t l i . A greatdemand lor operators jylO-Ua

MWasan* * , aMajaind h sapwisUyr medioal and genanl bstasaJkoii ni&osee

rhere disuifeojinn sad dMidarluiuw 1» celledar."—XtktbtUon 0/ Ufa.

Prepared only by TILDE* A CO ,Sold by all druggists. New York.

The Ckupeat tad Beat.

Cares muti #r«Teats

|all DIaaaa«aIsa«M«alio

T b e H o r s e d FooC.



BATIOXAL HOBSE-SIIOEIKUith platef, illastralirig how to peirorm opera-

tioos and cure foot troubles. Kent by mall on.receipt of one- dollar. Keud stamp for circular toOOOtlENOUun BUR81i.8UUE,4l Dey streel,». Y. jyat-Hw

AGENTS WANTED" Blessed are the Pure In Heart."just rettfy, from an origtntt pslntiog by iu*W U Q H Tbii picture is greatly ftflaiired bj all

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Ifjou waot to keep clear of Cold B and Rheuma-tism. Nothintr washea better. Always keep**>fu WUxSoTfcOiJtUNK. Aak JOUI s(w«-

y, fro gWAUQH. Tbii picture is greatly ftflairedwho see it, and ia sure to become hi*bW popu-lar. Though executed in tbe highest style of (heart, in order to reach the maseei and lecurclarge^aleg, the price is made much lower lhauthat at which any Chn>m> of like (jualiir haaever been aold. TtrmB extremely liberal. Exclu-•ire tarritor/. Hold onlj by aubicriptiou.Apply >t ODCB to secure choice oi territory.Ciroularf, Ac, free. UKU. MACLEAN, 1'ub-liiber. 1U KiLsom St., 1'hiladelphia, Pa.


Uitobcoek's Dims

M DUO 6 o o u of ertur description, for flutiday, Public abd PrlnU SobtoU.PianoB, Organ• and UBlodtoiu !»••>• b/ vi vjipenaoowl Toner Iron Mtfr \'prt.

Garland's General fcusio Store,

M ALBAMT n U M , 1CBW BR9MIWT0K, N.lab3Hla«'T . i

ibibeases of the Kidneysl'sinful elections of the bladder and uiinaiy

orfaus, Bravelly deposits,.irritation of Uie neckol'he bladder, irith difficulty of holding tbeurine, in stricture, seminal weakness, aed in allconditions of the parts accompanied[hy debility, found a n>.et eUioasuiua remedv. Sendlor circulars (o 8. KEITH i CO., 41 Libertystreel, N. T Hold by Druggists. 11 p " bot* i * J i l j l " « w

4tX^»0U Kpro til on Byraot'? "Library of Puetrr »n<Jrtoog;" 970 ID one week on '• Tbe Sew Ho--e-keeper's Mtnaal," by Miu Beecher aid Mrs.Httwe. Any active man or woman can have aa•genor. J. fi- FORD A CO., New York, Dunton, Cbicugo and Han Francisco. j»24 4w

companyith St

Writs for Large Ulustratad l'riee List. Address





(Be*rlv Oppoilto tht State Bank.)

u d A l B P H O X l I N l l n cuTry it. Hold by all drnggf


An exaniination of T>ur Specimens and Prioee is Solicited.

THE N. B. DAILY TIMES,» ' • * '

Published Every favening,


A large Aisorlment ol Diaries .11 the jeirromd. Uooke of any pattern made to order alth hortast eUa 4«nnt-4a»«°'

FOR T H E HAHVTbU 'dettih'tH .baoluteli pure, P.Haeld Ol

(a M »aUjy H * > r t kwt

Breech-toadlM Bbol O ™ , (49 to IBOO.ouble Sbot Ouns. te t» HW. Single Uuns,»to ItO. Hlfiee, t» to »75. Retolrere, |6 tot. 1'ialols, t l to tS. tioa tiaUtials, Fishing

jl I P U t t D l C l b'acjtle.Lrmr ODDS,r. Ooods

s, t

DS, Rer. Ooods Mt by «xa.|odbelorepii<i;er.

l to tS. tioa i , gPUcpuot to Dealers ox Clubs.rolVere, etd.. bODght or tradedt by «xpress U. (J, 1>. lo be ei-

i ; r jylOJ-jjlO-S.

AUKST.S WA_N1KI> to introduot 87 NiwNov»LTita—Booki, EofiraTiDgs, Ac. No

l ii Add, fg,

larger couimisfliooa,l i t d t l

company p y s a g c o ,with Stamp furprice li»t> and catalogue 8, Ai c o N

imp furpne. ,pv.tTT Co., 302 Broadway, N. Y.

A Work ol Intcoso Interest uodTatrinsic Value

OCEAN'S STORY:By tU giftvi tonofUtifarnout" PE1EB PA ft-,LEY." 'ihe result of grtat historical rtnanh:An Authentic HI8TO.SU ur NAVIOATIOM and iisMiNiroLD Discoveries since the Fio&d. Aboundswitb BTARTUMJ IncidmU, F l 4 t r u L J>i*a4er*,LkWLtw Jfyadvi, BLOODT Battltt, and OLOIIIUHAchiermsntt; also deBriribes Diving* leUgrapti-ing, Ocean JrithiriM, U, OVKB J ^ O SpiritedOt ShjH N / > / ' L AOEN'ISOuts. jWANTKD. UDBBAUD B

K J^O SLow. AO,* Low. AOENIS

BROg., Tub's, 72*' iygj 4wSatnom Hl.a rbirs , J%_

AITTaiV - Wkolaaaia ~ _ _AgeaU lor tte B1RTK1M 8KW1N(I

MACHINE, nMei tUxr iurr , CV Th. Lsfetland Beak The Ktillest Faatest and Basie«tLook Blltcli, Htralght Needle Machine in tliom^rkot. Better termgthan aty comptinT. Ad-

JOHM A. D0UGE.Gen'I Agmi, Dapbur;,J)enn.


Is the most powerful ol«*nt*r, itr«gt)ieTierit remoier of fllaodolir Obatructioaa knownM<lt«ria Africa.

It u apodal IT adapted to conitltutioni " wornwn" and debilitated, by tiia warm weather ofring and Hammer, When the blood ii *ot IDti ciroulallon, ^onae^uapUy gaiberiug fm-

f l i b * a o d imperteot acti, py g g

ritiea from iluKgisbnas*aod imperteot actionh retive organs and ia maQifested by

E t i n s B

ieathe iecr

as*aod imperteot actionand ia maQifested byt h B i l F t t a

I the iecretive organs, and ia maQifes'uniora, Eruptions, Blotch**, Boils, FIcrofula, Ac, A"0-

Wheo trettry an<5 languid from orerwork, andlulinosa, drowsittus and mertta Uk* th« placel energy and Tigor. tbe •yateua o«ads a Tonic

btillaii up (md help the Vital Forces to re-;atri tbatr r«oupe*atiVe power.

ID tbe heat ot Bummer, frequently the Licerd Spletn do oot properly perform their funo-

ODB; tbe Uterine and Urinary Orftaos are in-D< ire, producing weakness of th& stomach aoditeBtmet and a predUponftion to bilious do-


KXTKACT, OF JUIiUBKBAa prepared directly from the South Americanflf nt, Mid is peculiarly suited to all these difii-:altie»: it will dwaBe .the Vitiated Blood,

renglhen the Life-giring Powers, and RemoT*11 Obstraotloni from Impkir«d and Bnfbebled

It should be freely tiken, as Juruboba is proo»oced by tpedic&l wriUn the most efficient'urifier, Ionic and Ueofastruent known in itn-hole ranfre ot medicinal plants.JOHN Q. KELLOGG, IS Pl*tt street, N. Y,,

ole Agent for the Unittd Slt.t«s. Price On*lU per Bottle. Bwt^or circular, j

t o r t , 4 k . i i t m i t i l l i n r i M •(.ra umic-r tUl vin:uiu>l«uua#'

PSVCUOMANCV, or SOUL CIIARHINO.How either sex may fascinate and gain tho

lore and aSectioofl ot nuy p«r«oa they chooneiistaotly. Thin simple mental acquirement allcan possenf, free, by mail, for V5c., togetherwith a marriage Ruidc, Egyptian Oravle,Dreams, IIiota toLadiau, Wedding-Night Shirt,Ac. A queer book. AddreasT. WILLIAM k Co.Publishers, Fh1la6>lptiiu. ju26-4w

THIS 18 NOIty sending 3 9 cents with age, hoight, color ul

eves Bad hair, rou will receive aeorreetpictureof your tuture 1msband or wile, with nauio anilJ t e ol marriage.

W. fOX, f. 0. Drawer 21, FultonTille, X. V.j 2 4

'rop'r. New York.

cures every pi in. Ac.fsts. Reuben Hoyt,




amphlet tree. Address, York, Fa. j)rM-»w


Cast Ad rift !Cast!Ad rift!A companioa to the (amooa " Three T«arn ir

a Man-Trap" and " Ten Night* in a Bar-KpoDi,"by T. S.AaTfliiR. Tlie latuat and gaeatest bookof thin celebrated author—*plenJi(fiy illuatrated,

' '^unily bound, uud will sell at Bight by thou-j.ds. If* highly indor&ed by tbe most promi-

oeul people it paper* of the country. A sturrof crime A outrage in opr midst wbi«h will appaltlie stoutest heart. Will do more for the cauasof temperance A morality than lbe law. Agent*mho have sold " Man-Trap" cannot fail to telldouble tbe number of this book. A. Lllj of thuAuthor, will, steel portrait, presented to ererysubscriber. D#eortptire circular! and tenfis Hutr « on applioaUon to J. M. BTUDDABT k CO.,'ubUiberi, TS8 PapBom Bt.. Fhila., Fa. jultMw


>rizinaled Ihe use ot Laughing GastorpttinleisIxtMctioa ot taeth ia 18C3, and hare gireo it to>rer ©7,ffO* p M t l c n t . * without a failure oriccldent. Do not judge us by the failure o*ither*. Come tb Uead-Qaarters, 19 Cooperotitotc, New York. mya.M3w

sp«ctabU»mp.oym»3flt«iism»f.i*ay w«T«»!»*(;no capital reqaired ; full inswDatiODBatid ralun-ble iiMkaJ(fljit goodi ttftitiurljnth lent (r«« bymail, Addrew, with six cent retorn suunp, M.Young & Co,, 175 Greenwich street, New York.

}n12 4w

Canrasring Books aont free for

Prof. Fowler's Great WorkOt) Manhood. Womanhood and their MutusInter-relations; Lore: Its Laws, Powst, elo.

A<eaM are selling from 20 to 30 copies ot thiswork a day, and we send a unuvassiug bookI roe to aoy areot. Address, statin? experience.National fubliehiug Company, Pliiladulphia," J l 2 4




Bedding, &c,At the large Wholesale and lUtail

Carpet S, FuiDiture Warerdons500 TO 616 8th ATENUF,

(Corner !5tli and SBtb Bis.)

N E W Y O R K .


01VR US A CALL BSFOBB Btrtt^O.j j ' i . <<•

O B S I N O O3LAB«,MALE. $60 a .wenk guaranteed, tte-U»mpoym»3flt«iism»i*ay w«T«»!»*(

86tb TBODS«ND IK l 'aiw. BALB IMOMASITIO.2,000 more I.IVK AUINTS WiNTKU Tor our

LIVINOSTONE as j ' n in AFRICA.OT«tiWp»He»j eoly |S 60. J-noomjjIeto andioferior works are offered, took oat for them.—Band tot oireular* aBd ««e PBOOV of the QBMTISTBDCOBU of U.B iBt*0B. hooket Gotuptutonworth $10 mailed free. RUBBARD BROS.,Pub's, TiS BMBODI tit, Pbtla. ' '


LEACH'S.Tho Ope Price Stationer,

To bur all kinds ol Writing Paper,opes, AMonnt and Utmoraadan. Bookl

r, E.TOIkl, ohwp.

B« tTuaaa (trtat, 3 doon ticm t'idtoh it

3 doon (ram BtroUy