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Civic Survey

Jun 01, 2018



Shane Rodriguez
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  • 8/9/2019 Civic Survey



    1. INTRODUCTION:There are variety of survey & a!!i"# te$h"i%ues to e 'ear"e( y a $ivi' e"#i"eer.Thou#h) so e of these survey a"( a!!i"# te$h"i%ues are a'rea(y *"o+" to a $ivi'e"#i"eer. ,o+ever it is "e$essary to u"(ersta"( ho+ (iffere"t authors e-!'ai"e( thesete$h"i%ues e$ause the survey & a!!i"# te$h"i%ues are a'+ays su /e$t to refi"e e"t(uri"# the $ourse of (eve'o! e"t & !'a""i"#. Therefore 'et us 'oo* at (iffere"t authorsho+ they !er$eive( the issue of survey & a!!i"#.

    0. DESCRIPTION O SURVEYS 2Y 3O,N R4TCLI E:4t first 'et us (is$uss +hat 5r. 3oh" RatC'iffe (efi"e( a out survey !re!aratio" &te$h"i%ues of a"a'ysis i" his oo* 64" I"tro(u$tio" to To+" & $ou"try !'a""i"#7. ,e

    says that) 6I" or(er u"(ersta"( the so$iety for +hi$h !'a""i"# is to e (o"e to i(e"tifythe "e-us of "ee(s & !ro 'e s to have $o !rehe"sive u"(ersta"(i"# of $ity e'e e"ts &their effe$t u!o" ea$h other to for u'ate !o'i$ies & $hoose et+ee" the or a(/ust thei" !ra$ti$e) a to+" !'a""er ust e e%ui!!e( +ith variety of too's & te$h"i%ues. 2e$ausethe !'a""i"# is ase( u!o" *"o+'e(#e) the *"o+'e(#e (e!e"(s u!o" i"for atio" &i"for atio" (e!e"(s u!o" survey. No+ the survey of a"y $o !o"e"ts fro the ui'ta"( "atura' e"viro" e"t is the ai" $o"$er" i" this res!e$t7. ,ere the i# %uestio" isthat +hat are those a"y $o !o"e"ts for +hi$h the survey is re%uire(8 4$$or(i"# to 5r.RatC'iffe) at first +e survey a out !hysi$a' $hara$teristi$s the" uti'ities the" !o!u'atio"the" e !'oy e"t the" housi"# the" sho!!i"# the" e(u$atio" the" 'eisure & re$reatio"the" ove e"t & a"a#e e"t & fi"a''y for eva'uatio". I" this +ay he (efi"e( e'eve"

    ty!es of surveys. No+ the i# %uestio" is that +hat are the avai'a 'e sour$es ofi"for atio" to $arry out these surveys8 I(ea''y the first ha"( i"for atio" shou'( e$o''e$te( y s!e$ifi$a''y (esi#"e( survey for s re'ate( to s!e$ifi$ !ro 'e s i" a !re$iseti e. ,o+ever (ue to ever e-isti"# $o"strai"ts of ti e & o"ey this is "ot a'+ays

    !ossi 'e.

    So +hat (o +e (o i" su$h situatio"8I" that $ase the resear$hers the stu(e"t $o"$er"e( +ith thesis or !ro/e$t +or* are usua''y$o !e''e( to (e!e"( o" e-isti"# sour$es of i"for atio". The e-isti"# sour$es ofi"for atio" are ost'y !u 'ishe( statisti$s y the #over" e"t i"stitutio"s. There are a'soother i"for atio" (ata ase su$h as i"(ivi(ua' resear$hes & surveys $arrie( out y so e"o" #over" e"ta' i"stitutio"s. No+ the i"for atio" sour$es are various su$h as ea$hstate (e!art e"t & i"istry has the fa$ts & fi#ures. The" there is $e"sus of !o!u'atio"housi"# statisti$s. The (e!art e"t of tra(e & i"(ustry +i'' have $e"sus of (istri utio" &$e"sus of !ro(u$tio".

    The" there are (iffere"t 'i rary sour$es $urre"t'y there is i"ter"et. The" there are !rofessio"a' /our"a's & resear$hes usi"ess & e$o"o i$ revie+s. The" there are(iffere"t resour$e $e"ters avai'a 'e su$h as Ur a" Resour$e Ce"ter 9URC i" ;ara$hi.

  • 8/9/2019 Civic Survey


    i"a''y there are so e i"ter"atio"a' i"stitutio"s +hi$h *ee! the re$or(s a"( statisti$s ofa/or $ou"tries a"( their ur a" $e"ters. These i"$'u(e U"ite( Natio"s Deve'o! e"t

    Pro#ra e 9UNDP e( o(e's of surveys +hi$h have e"ha"$e( the u"(ersta"(i"#of !'a""ers +ith a$$urate i"for atio" of the site. ,o+ever there are $ertai" #rou"(rea'ities +hi$h $a" o"'y e u"(erstoo( throu#h !erso"a' site visit y the !'a""ers. This

    survey of site efore !'a""i"# is a'so *"o+" as 6(ia#"osis efore the treat e"t7 or(ia#"osis a!!roa$h of !'a""ers that 'ea( the to a*e $orre$t (e$isio"s a out the $ity.

    Ty!es of Survey:5r. =. ;. ,iras*ar a'so $'assifie( surveys i" four roa( ty!es.i To+"er $ity surveyii Re#io"a' surveyiii Natio"a' surveyiv Civi$ survey

    To+" Surveys:These surveys are $o"(u$te( to !re!are a ase a! for the To+" !'a""i"# s$he e.2asi$a''y these surveys are of three ty!es) i.e.i Physi$a' surveyii So$ia' survey a"(iii E$o"o i$ survey

    Physi$a' survey:These are $o"(u$te( i" t+o +ays i.e. throu#h 'a"( survey a"( aeria' survey. I" !hysi$a'survey four ty!es of i"for atio" or (ata are $o''e$te(.i Natura' eatures survey i.e. 'o$atio" i" res!e$t to e-isti"# to+"s & re#io" to!o#ra!hy& soi' $o"(itio"s $'i ato'o#y et$.ii La"( Use survey i.e. use of 'a"( for resi(e"tia' $o er$ia' or so$ia' !ur!oses !u 'i$& se i !u 'i$ s!a$es o!e" s!a$es tra"s!ortatio" "et+or*s a#ri$u'ture +ater e'e e"tsva$a"t 'a"(s & other uses.iii 2ui'(i"# Co"(itio"s survey i.e. ui'(i"#s are i" very #oo( #oo( !oor or i" a($o"(itio"8iv Co u"i$atio"s survey i.e. hi#h+ays roa(s a"( its "et+or* & rai'+ay /u"$tio"s a"(its "et+or* avai'a i'ity of !ar*i"# fa$i'ities i" the $ity ori#i" & (esti"atio" 9O&Dsurvey a$$i(e"ts survey) a"( future tre"(s of traffi$ surveys et$.

  • 8/9/2019 Civic Survey


    So$ia' survey:These are of three *i"(s i.e. I Po!u'atio" II ,ousi"# a"( III Co u"ity a$i'itiesi Po!u'atio": Tre"(s i" !o!u'atio" #ro+th for 'ast ?@ years !rese"t !o!u'atio"$hara$teristi$s future !o!u'atio" #ro+th y $o"si(eri"# surviva' ur a" 5i#ratio" &

    (eve'o! e"t of "e+ i"(ustries. De o#ra!hi$ survey i.e. $'assifi$atio" of !o!u'atio" &to+" (e"sity.ii ,ousi"#: ,ousi"# sto$* !er a""u "ee( $urre"t housi"# $o"(itio"s a$$o o(atio"(e"sity ui'(i"# hei#ht ateria' use & te"a"$y status re"te( or o+"e(.iii Co u"ity fa$i'ities: E(u$atio" hea'th & re$reatio"

    E$o"o i$ survey:O$$u!atio"a' $o"(itio"s survey of i"(ustries survey of $o er$e fi"a"$ia' !ositio" of'o$a' authorities uti'ity servi$es.

    Re#io"a' survey:

    The 'ar#er s$a'e surveys $arrie( out i" (iffere"t to+" & vi''a#es to o tai" #e"era'i"for atio" a out their !hysi$a' e$o"o i$ & so$ia' $o"(itio"s is ter e( as re#io"a'survey. These re#io"a' i"vesti#atio"s are $arrie( out to (eve'o! +ho'e re#io" i" a$ohere"t a""er. These i"$'u(e re#io"a' tra"s!ort hi#h+ays & re#io"a' +ater su!!'ysyste .

    Natio"a' survey:This survey is $o"(u$te( at "atio"a' 'eve' +hi$h i"$'u(es (iffere"t re#io"s. This survey is$o"(u$te( to o tai" i"for atio" a out "atura' resour$es !ote"tia' for 'o$ati"# i"(ustriesfi-i"# rai'+ays a'i#" e"t hy(roe'e$tri$ +or*s et$.

    Civi$ survey or So$ioAE$o"o i$ survey:This is 'o$a' 'eve' s a'' s$a'e survey $o"(u$te( for re(eve'o! e"t s$he e s'ui !rove e"t s$he e a"( aster !'a" (eve'o! e"t. The so$ioAe$o"o i$ survey is thefou"(atio" sto"e of !'a""i"# stru$ture. 2e$ause it is the (etai'e( house to house survey+hi$h he'!s a to+" !'a""er to (ia#"ose the $ore !ro 'e s & issues to (eve'o! itsre e(ies throu#h !'a""i"#. There are e'eve" ty!es of as!e$t $overe( i" so$ioAe$o"o i$survey.i Physi$a' eatures:ii Co u"i$atio":iii Traffi$ Pro 'e s:iv O!e" S!a$es:v I"(ustria' Survey:vi ,ousi"# Survey:vii Po!u'atio":viii ,ea'th Co"(itio"s:i- La"(s$a!e Survey:- La"(A$u'tivatio":-i Pu 'i$ Servi$es:

  • 8/9/2019 Civic Survey


    The so$ioe$o"o i$ survey is the *ey survey a"( fou"(atio" sto"e of To+" P'a""i"# i"+hi$h a To+" is (ivi(e( i"to u"io" $ou"$i's or +ar(s & 'o$*s a"( the" ea$h 'o$*further su (ivi(e( i"to streets a"( ea$h street has "u er of houses. This survey is$o"(u$te( throu#h a survey Perfor a or %uestio""aire. The sa !'e Perfor a forso$ioe$o"o i$ survey is as fo''o+s:


    i SurveyorBs "a e: ii Su!ervisorBs "a e: iii

  • 8/9/2019 Civic Survey


    iii E$o"o i$ $hara$teristi$s:Tota' "u er of Ear"i"# 5e ers O$$u!atio"s 5o"th'y I"$o e E-!e"(iture

    Savi"#s 5o(e of Tra"s!ort

    iv Co u"ity a$i'ities: Nurseries Pri ary S$hoo's Se$o"(ary S$hoo's Co''e#e Sho!!i"# Ce"ter Par* a"( O!e" S!a$e C'u Theaters

    Re'i#ious 2ui'(i"# Post Offi$e Po'i$e Statio" Dis!e"sary C'i"i$ ,os!ita' 4"y Other 9I" ea$h $ate#ory fi"( out the Dista"$e fro Resi(e"$e

    v Uti'ity Servi$es:

  • 8/9/2019 Civic Survey


    De!art e"t of 4r$hite$ture a"( P'a""i"# NED U"iversity of E"#i"eeri"# a"( Te$h"o'o#y;ara$hi

    LECTURE NO. 1@


    I"tro(u$tio":I" or(er to $o !rehe"( the 'e#a' a"( a( i"istrative !ro 'e s i" to+" !'a""i"# at first itis i !orta"t to u"(ersta"( the ter s FLe#a'B a"( F4( i"istrativeB. The ter 'e#a' ea"6esta 'ishe( y or fou"(e( u!o" 'a+ or offi$ia' or a$$e!te( ru'es7G1H. Thus) 'e#a'

    !ro 'e s i" to+" !'a""i"# ust e either re'ate( to 'a+ or offi$ia' a$$e!te( ru'es of to+" !'a""i"#. ,ere the %uestio" arises that i" +hat $o"te-t the 'e#a' !ro 'e s ay ea((resse(8 2e$ause 'e#a' !ro 'e s i" to+" !'a""i"#) ay vary i" ea$h $o"te-t a"( ur a"setti"#. Si i'ar'y the ter a( i"istrative ea" 6of or re'ati"# to or res!o"si 'e fora( i"istratio"7G0H. Therefore) a( i"istrative !ro 'e s i" to+" !'a""i"# ust e re'ate(

    to a( i"istratio" of a to+". No+) i" or(er to u"(ersta"( the 'e#a' a"( a( i"istrative !ro 'e s i" to+" !'a""i"# o"e ust have a thorou#h u"(ersta"(i"# a out the La+ a"(4( i"istratio" of a to+". O" the other ha"( the *"o+'e(#e a out ur a" !ro 'e s aya'so e the +ay to 'ear" 'e#a' a"( a( i"istrative !ro 'e s i" a" ur a" $o"te-t.

  • 8/9/2019 Civic Survey


    4( i"istratio" $a" e (efi"e( as the u"iversa' !ro$ess of or#a"i>i"# !eo!'e a"(resour$es effi$ie"t'y so as to (ire$t a$tivities to+ar( $o o" #oa's a"( o /e$tives.G?H

  • 8/9/2019 Civic Survey


    "u er of "e+ $o ers is to have the share the ur(e" of 'ea(ershi! y ta*i"# !art i" !rovi(i"# servi$es.

    U"ite( States:4'thou#h +or'(+i(e ur a" vio'e"$e $ri e !erso"a' safety is "ot ra"*e( hi#h a o"# the

    survey s 1J $ate#ories of !ro 'e s $ri e is ra"*e( severe y ayors i" the U"ite(States. They say Our i##est $ha''e"#e is fi#hti"# the $ri e that has ee" $ause( as aresu't of i''e#a' (ru# traffi$*i"#. Our efforts to stre"#the" the !o'i$e (e!art e"t a"(i"vo've "ei#h orhoo(s a"( $iti>e"s i" a((ressi"# their 'o$a' !ro 'e s have he'!e( a*ea rea' (iffere"$e i" safety 'eve's a"( (e$isio"A a*i"# !ro$esses. Su$$ess i" a((ressi"#

    /o s ta- ase #ro+th a"( roa( i !rove e"t a"( !art"ershi!s has he'!e( to i !rove thee$o"o i$ future of $o u"ity a"( the %ua'ity of 'ife of ea$h resi(e"t. O" the otherha"( Ca"a(a s 5ayer $o"si(ers u"e !'oy e"t a"( air !o''utio" as his $ity s severe

    !ro 'e s a"( (es$ri es Ur a" su$$ess i" the "e+ i''e""iu +i'' hi"#e o" !rovi(i"#$ities +ith the 'e#is'ative a"( fis$a' $a!a$ity to (ea' +ith the $ha''e"#es they are fa$i"#.Cities "ee( to for#e "e+ !art"ershi!s +ith se"ior #over" e"ts to a((ress !o!u'atio"

    #ro+th a"( e !'oy e"t the !rovisio" of har( i"frastru$ture a"( so$ia' servi$es a"(a!!ro!riate #over"a"$e stru$tures. The (iversity of a/or !ro 'e s i(e"tifie( a o"# North 4 eri$a" $ities is further i''ustrate( y the ayors of 5e-i$o +ho rates traffi$$o"#estio" a"( i"a(e%uate housi"# as his $ity s ost severe !ro 'e s attri uta 'e torura'AtoAur a" i#ratio" +hereas i"suffi$ie"t so'i( +aste (is!osa' as that $ity s ostsevere !ro 'e .

    Lati" 4 eri$aI''ustrative of the !ro i"e"$e of u"e !'oy e"t as a severe !ro 'e i" Lati" 4 eri$a isthe res!o"se of the ayor of Leo" Ni$ara#ua. 4$$or(i"# to Leo" s ayor Curre"t'y the

    u"i$i!a'ity is fa$i"# a tru'y e$o"o i$ $risis +here ore tha" 0 of the !o!u'atio" ise-!erie"$i"# e-tre e !overty a"( ore tha" @ of the e$o"o i$a''y a$tive !o!u'atio"is u"e !'oye( AA i !'yi"# a $'ear te"(e"$y for the (eterioratio" of hea'th a"( e(u$atio"as +e'' as a" i"$rease i" i''itera$y. Si i'ar'y u"e !'oy e"t is re!orte( to e the ostsevere !ro 'e of 4r#e"ti"a s a"( E$ua(or s $ities. 2esi(es u"e !'oy e"t the ostserious !ro 'e s re!orte( for Cor(o a 4r#e"ti"a are traffi$ $o"#estio" a"( air !o''utio".

    Euro!e4 fe+ Euro!ea" ayors $o"si(er u"e !'oy e"t a severe !ro 'e . Traffi$ $o"#estio" isa'so $ite( as a serious !ro 'e . e+ Euro!ea" $ities ar* ur a" !overty as a !ro 'e .,o+ever Euro!e s $ities a!!ear to e e-!erie"$i"# !ro 'e s re'ate( to o(er"i>atio"a"( te$h"o'o#y. They +rite:

  • 8/9/2019 Civic Survey


    4fri$a5a"y 4fri$a" ayors "ote the i"terre'ate("ess of u"e !'oy e"t a"( !overty rura'AtoAur a" i#ratio" a"( the $o"se%ue"t "e#ative i !a$t o" servi$es. The ost serious

    !ro 'e s i" our $ity are i"terre'ate() ur a" u"e !'oy e"t $auses !overty a"( e$ause of

    su$h !overty !eo!'e are "ot $a!a 'e of !ayi"# for servi$es su$h as hea'th a"( e(u$atio".Si i'ar'y 5ayor of U#a"(a $ites the $o''a!se of i"(ustries as $ausi"# ur a" !overtyarisi"# fro u"e !'oy e"t. 4'so the ayor of Qi a +e 'a e"ts the 'o+ 'eve's ofi"(ustria' (eve'o! e"t 'ea(i"# to u"e !'oy e"t a"( !overty. 5ayor of Nairo i ;e"ya$o e"ts: Due to !o!u'atio" i"f'u- i"to the $ity a(e%uate !rovisio" of servi$es AA su$has housi"# s$hoo's e(i$a' +ater se+era#e roa(s et$. AA is a "i#ht are. So e4fri$a" ayorsB 'i"* u"e !'oy e"t to !ro 'e s re'ate( to i('e youth. Thus 5ayor of2o oADiou'asso +rites: 2o oADiou'asso +as a $'ea"er to+" i" the !ast. You"# e" of2o oADiou'asso s!e"( ost of their ti e (ri"*i"# tea. They (o" t +a"t to +or*. 5ayorof 2a"/u* =a ia a((s: Pro 'e s of (ru# use a"( rura'Aur a" i#ratio" a o"# ouryouth have i"$rease( $o"si(era 'y as a resu't of the !ersiste"t (rou#ht a"(

    u"e !'oy e"t $o"se%ue"t'y $ausi"# e"or ous strai" o" the a'rea(y stret$he( resour$esof the $ity. The $ity of Da*ar Se"e#a' is u"(erta*i"# a !ro#ra to e !'oy youth toi !rove the $ity. Thus 5ayor $'ai s: I" the fa$e of the (istressi"# si#ht +hi$h isso eti es fou"( i" the $ity O!eratio" 2e $'ea" a"( a*e $'ea" has e"a 'e( the

    u"i$i!a'ity to !ut to +or* a'' the you"# !eo!'e #rou!e( i" asso$iatio" to $'ea" u! the$ity of Da*ar. Other tha" the $reatio" of e !'oy e"t this e-!erie"$e has the e"efit of:(eve'o!i"# a se"se of $iti>e"shi! e"a 'i"# !arti$i!atio" i" the a"a#e e"t of the $itya"( fi#hti"# a#ai"st e-$'usio" a"( !overty.

    Easter" 5e(iterra"ea" a"( 5i(('e EastThe ayors of oth Da as$us Syria a"( Ni$osia Cy!rus ra"* i"a(e%uate !u 'i$tra"s!ortatio" as their ost serious !ro 'e . Da as$us 5ayor $ites a'' *i"(s of

    !o''utio" as a a/or !ro 'e . Ni$osia s ayor a((s that Ni$osia re ai"s the o"'y(ivi(e( $ity i" the +or'(. The ayor of Tur*ey s fifth 'ar#est $ity 2ursa $o e"ts thatits ost serious !ro 'e s 9housi"# i"frastru$ture e !'oy e"t et$. (erive froi i#ratio" fro easter" 4"ato'ia 2u'#aria for er Yu#os'avia a"( 4' a"ia. The

    ayors of oth Rafah a"( =a>a i" Pa'esti"e $'ai that the 'a$* of i"frastru$ture is theirost serious !ro 'e es!e$ia''y i"a(e%uate +ater sa"itatio" fa$i'ities a"( se+a#e

    syste s. =a>a s ayor a'so e !hasi>es i"a(e%uate housi"# +hereas Rafah s ayore !hasi>es "ot e"ou#h !ave( roa(s as other serious !ro 'e s.

    4sia a"( Pa$ifi$The $ity of

  • 8/9/2019 Civic Survey


    ust $o"$e"trate o" ui'(i"# fa$i'ities !rovi(i"# $are for the e'(er'y a"( fi"( sour$es of+or*ers. Li*e+ise Na#oya s 5ayor Lists as City s "u er o"e !ro 'e as Pre!aratio"of a $are syste for a ra!i('y a#i"# so$iety. 5ayor of Pusa" ;orea $'ai s that traffi$$o"#estio" a"( $'ea" +ater are his $ity s ost serious !ro 'e s. The ayor of;ath a"(u Ne!a' a'so $ite +ater su!!'y as their ost serious !ro 'e s a"( e-!'ai"s:

    The (e a"( for (ri"*i"# +ater has ee" i"$reasi"# (ue to the i"$rease( !o!u'atio" a"(ra!i( ur a" #ro+th. 4t !rese"t the tota' +ater su!!'y !er (ay fro #rou"( a"( surfa$esyste s i" the va''ey is 'i ite( to K@ i''io" 'itres !er (ay +hereas the (e a"( is 11J

    i''io" 'itres !er (ay.

    ;4R4C,IGMHThe ;ara$hi Deve'o! e"t 4uthority has $ate#ori>e( the $riti$a' !ro 'e s of ;ara$hi as:Poor e"viro" e"ta' $o"(itio"s i" s'u s a"( ;at$hi 4 a(is)4" a "or a' i"$rease i" !o!u'atio" 'ea(i"# to %ui$* ur a"i>atio"),ea'th ha>ar(s o+i"# to 'a$* of !ro!er +ater su!!'y se+era#e a"( stor +ater(rai"a#e)

    Po''utio" o+i"# to i"(ustria' +astes)4 (efe$tive tra"s!ort syste a"( $o"se%ue"t vehi$'eA$reate( air !o''utio")The (estru$tio" of histori$a' herita#e a"( #ree" areas)4 ha!ha>ar( 'o$atio" of so e i"(ustries)4 (is!arity i" (e"sities of (iffere"t areas i" the $ity)Co"#estio" of roa(s a"( the (o+"to+" area $ausi"# "oise a"( !o''utio")4 (efe$tive refuse $o''e$tio" a"( (is!osa' syste )Po''utio" i" $oasta' +aters $ausi"# har to ari"e 'ife) a"(Po''utio" $ause( y 'i#ht a"( e'e$tro"i$s.Other issues ay a'so e a((e( su$h as a (isre#ar( for ar$hite$tura' herita#e fa$e'ess

    'o$*s of $o er$ia' a"( resi(e"tia' ui'(i"#s a"( the $o"versio" of a e"ity !'ots i"tos!e$u'ative housi"#. Ur a" !'a""i"# a"( (eve'o! e"t i" ;ara$hi suffer fro a"y

    !ro 'e s so e of +hi$h are 'iste( e'o+.4 'a$* of eva'uatio" of !revious !'a""i"# atte !ts P'a""i"# i"itiatives ofte" start a"e++ithout a(e%uate'y eva'uati"# !ossi 'e erits of !ast !'a"s.The i"$a!a i'ity of the !'a""i"# authorities to e-e$ute the !'a" P'a""i"# i" ;ara$hi has

    ee" u"(er the aus!i$es of ;ara$hi Deve'o! e"t 4uthority 9;D4 +hi$h (oes "ot !ossess a"y 'e#a' or a( i"istrative $o"tro' o" the "i"etee" other 'a"( (eve'o! e"ta#e"$ies of the $ity. Thus the $a!a$ity of ;ara$hi Deve'o! e"t 4uthority to e-e$ute the

    !'a"s has ee" $o"strai"e(.The a se"$e of !o'iti$a' a"(ate for the !'a""i"# !ro$ess P'a""i"# !ro$esses haveusua''y ee" u"(er the (ire$tio" of the (o"ors or UN a#e"$ies +ithout e"/oyi"# the

    !o'iti$a' a"(ate "e$essary for *ee!i"# o!e" the !ossi i'ity of a( ho$ a(/ust e"ts.Te$h"i$a' short$o i"#s i" the !'a""i"# !ro$ess 4ssu !tio"s use( i" !'a""i"# haveofte" ee" (ra+" fro i"a(e%uate sa !'e surveys a"( o so'ete !hysi$a' (ata. Eve"to(ay ;ara$hi (oes "ot have a $o !rehe"sive a!!i"# ase usua''y re%uire( for a''*i"(s of !'a""i"# a"( (eve'o! e"t e-er$ises. 4((i"# to the 'a$* of i"for atio" is thefa$t that (ata #athere( y the Defe"se i"stitutio"s are "ot a$$essi 'e y the !u 'i$.

  • 8/9/2019 Civic Survey


    The !'a""i"# authority is usua''y "ot the fi"a"$i"# a#e"$y of the e-er$ise this fa$t hasa(e it "ear'y i !ossi 'e for !'a""i"# a#e"$ies to e-e$ute the various $o !o"e"ts

    a$$or(i"# to the out'i"e( fra e+or*.Co"$'usio":;ara$hi is i" $haos ut it is i"ha ite( "ot o"'y y the !ro!hets of (oo a"( the

    er$ha"ts of #'oo . There are those +ho $are +ho have eve" if o"'y i" their o+"s a'' +ay a$hieve( resu'ts that "ee( a!!raisa' eva'uatio" a"( eve" !ro!a#atio". ,o!efor the future 'ies i" these i"for a' efforts. I" this $ity #'o a''y *"o+" for $o"ti"ue( strifea"( tur oi' the i"for a' se$tor has i"(ee( a"a#e( to *ee! it a'ive a"( thrivi"#. Eve"+ith its everAi"$reasi"# !o!u'atio" a"( hetero#e"eous i- the $ity has sho+" #reatresi'ie"$e a"( stre"#th to "ot o"'y survive ut to a$tua''y evo've its o+" a'ter"ate $u'ture.

  • 8/9/2019 Civic Survey


    e$o"o i$s fa$tors of !ro(u$tio" 9or !ro(u$tive i"!uts are the resour$es e !'oye( to !ro(u$e #oo(s a"( servi$es.G0H They are #e"era''y 'a"( 'a or a"( $a!ita') the three#rou!s of resour$es that are use( to a*e a'' #oo(s a"( servi$es.G H

    The (efi"itio" of e$o"o i$ resour$es as e"tio"e( a ove $'ear'y s!e'' out that the the ee$o"o i$ resour$es is (ire$t'y re'ate( to !ro(u$tio" of #oo(s a"( servi$es. I" re'atio" to !ro(u$tio" three %uestio"s are very i !orta"t. atio"s (es$ri e the $o i"atio" oftra(itio"a''y a( i"istrative !erso""e' fu"$tio"s +ith !erfor a"$e E !'oyee Re'atio"sa"( resour$e !'a""i"#.G?H It is the $o''e$tive $a!a i'ities e-!erie"$es !ote"tia' a"($o it e"t of the or#a"i>atio"Bs oar( a"a#e e"t tea staff a"( vo'u"teers.GKH Theo /e$tive of hu a" resour$es is to a-i i>e the retur" o" i"vest e"t fro theor#a"i>atio" s hu a" $a!ita' a"( i"i i>e fi"a"$ia' ris*. Ca!ita' resour$es are the thi"#s

    !ro(u$e( a"( use( to !ro(u$e other #oo(s a"( servi$es.G H

    =oo(s a"( Servi$es:I" e$o"o i$s e$o"o i$ out!ut is (ivi(e( i"to !hysi$a' #oo(s a"( i"ta"#i 'e servi$es.Co"su !tio" of #oo(s a"( servi$es is assu e( to !ro(u$e uti'ity.

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    !ossi 'e !ri$e !er u"it. It +eaves these to#ether to (es$ri e ho+ the ar*et ay rea$he%ui'i riu as to !ri$e a"( %ua"tity or res!o"( to ar*et $ha"#es over ti e. This is

    roa('y ter e( (e a"(Aa"(Asu!!'y a"a'ysis. I" i$roe$o"o i$s !ro(u$tio" is the$o"versio" of i"!uts i"to out!uts. It is a" e$o"o i$ !ro$ess that uses resour$es to $reate a$o o(ity that is suita 'e for e-$ha"#e. So e e$o"o ists (efi"e !ro(u$tio" roa('y as

    a'' e$o"o i$ a$tivity other tha" $o"su !tio". Pu 'i$ fi"a"$e is the fie'( of e$o"o i$sthat (ea's +ith u(#eti"# the reve"ues a"( e-!e"(itures of a !u 'i$ se$tor e"tity usua''y#over" e"t.G1@H Thus) the fie'( of e$o"o i$s ai"'y (eter i"es every !o'i$y that a#over" e"t a*es for (eve'o! e"t or to+" !'a""i"#.

    e( +ithi" either a" ur a" or re#io"a' e$o"o i$s fra e+or* as so e e$o"o i$ !he"o e"a !ri ari'y affe$t 'o$a'i>e( ur a" areas +hi'e others are fe'tover u$h 'ar#er re#io"a' areas.G1?H

    Ur a" e$o"o i$s is (ivi(e( i"to si- re'ate( the es:

    5ar*et for$es i" the (eve'o! e"t of $itiesLa"( use +ithi" $itiesUr a" tra"s!ortatio"Ur a" !ro 'e s a"( !u 'i$ !o'i$y,ousi"# a"( !u 'i$ !o'i$y a"(Lo$a' #over" e"t e-!e"(itures a"( ta-es.G1KH5ar*et or$es i" the Deve'o! e"t of Cities5ar*et for$es i" the (eve'o! e"t of $ities re'ates to ho+ the 'o$atio" (e$isio" of fir sa"( househo'(s $auses the (eve'o! e"t of $ities. The "ature a"( ehavior of ar*ets(e!e"(s so e+hat o" their 'o$atio"s therefore ar*et !erfor a"$e !art'y (e!e"(s o"#eo#ra!hy.G1 H If a fir 'o$ates i" a #eo#ra!hi$a''y iso'ate( re#io" their ar*et

    !erfor a"$e +i'' e (iffere"t tha" a fir 'o$ate( i" a $o"$e"trate( re#io". The 'o$atio"(e$isio"s of oth fir s a"( househo'(s $reate $ities that (iffer i" si>e a"( e$o"o i$stru$ture.

  • 8/9/2019 Civic Survey


    of fir s a"( househo'(s the ur a" e$o"o ist is a 'e to a((ress +hy $ities (eve'o! +herethey (o +hy so e $ities are 'ar#e a"( others s a'' +hat $auses e$o"o i$ #ro+th a"((e$'i"e a"( ho+ 'o$a' #over" e"ts affe$t ur a" #ro+th.G1MH 2e$ause ur a" e$o"o i$s is$o"$er"e( +ith as*i"# %uestio"s a out the "ature a"( +or*i"#s of the e$o"o y of a $ity

    o(e's a"( te$h"i%ues (eve'o!e( +ithi" the fie'( are !ri ari'y (esi#"e( to a"a'y>e

    !he"o e"a that are $o"fi"e( +ithi" the 'i its of a si"#'e $ity.G1 H

    La"( Use +ithi" 5etro!o'ita" 4reasLoo*i"# at 'a"( use +ithi" etro!o'ita" areas the ur a" e$o"o ist see*s to a"a'y>e thes!atia' or#a"i>atio" of a$tivities +ithi" $ities. I" atte !ts to e-!'ai" o serve( !atter"s of'a"( use the ur a" e$o"o ist e-a i"es the i"traA$ity 'o$atio" $hoi$es of fir s a"(househo'(s. Co"si(eri"# the s!atia' or#a"i>atio" of a$tivities +ithi" $ities ur a"e$o"o i$s a((resses %uestio"s i" ter s of +hat (eter i"es the !ri$e of 'a"( a"( +hythose !ri$es vary a$ross s!a$e the e$o"o i$ for$es that $ause( the s!rea( of e !'oy e"tfro the $e"tra' $ore of $ities out+ar( i(e"tifyi"# 'a"(Ause $o"tro's su$h as >o"i"# a"(

    i"ter!reti"# ho+ su$h $o"tro's affe$t the ur a" e$o"o y.G0@H

    E$o"o i$ Po'i$y i" Ur a" 4reasE$o"o i$ !o'i$y is ofte" i !'e e"te( at the ur a" 'eve' thus e$o"o i$ !o'i$y is ofte"tie( to ur a" !o'i$y.G01H Ur a" !ro 'e s a"( !u 'i$ !o'i$y tie i"to ur a" e$o"o i$s asthe the e re'ates ur a" !ro 'e s su$h as !overty or $ri e to e$o"o i$s y see*i"# toa"s+er %uestio"s +ith e$o"o i$ #ui(a"$e. or e-a !'e (oes the te"(e"$y for the !oorto 'ive $'ose to o"e a"other a*e the eve" !oorer8G00H

    Ur a" Tra"s!ortatio" a"( Ur a" E$o"o i$sUr a" tra"s!ortatio" is a the e of ur a" e$o"o i$s e$ause it affe$ts 'a"(Ause !atter"s astra"s!ortatio" affe$ts the re'ative a$$essi i'ity of (iffere"t sites. Issues that tie ur a"tra"s!ortatio" to ur a" e$o"o i$s i"$'u(e the (efi$it that ost tra"sit authorities havea"( effi$ie"$y %uestio"s a out !ro!ose( tra"s!ortatio" (eve'o! e"ts su$h as 'i#htArai'.G0 H

    ,ousi"# a"( Pu 'i$ Po'i$y,ousi"# a"( !u 'i$ !o'i$y re'ate to ur a" e$o"o i$s as housi"# is a u"i%ue ty!e of$o o(ity. 2e$ause housi"# is i o i'e +he" a househo'( $hooses a (+e''i"# it isa'so $hoosi"# a 'o$atio". Ur a" e$o"o ists a"a'y>e the 'o$atio" $hoi$es of househo'(s i"$o"/u"$tio" +ith the ar*et effe$ts of housi"# !o'i$ies.G0JH

    =over" e"t E-!e"(itures a"( Ta-es i" Ur a" E$o"o i$sThe fi"a' the e of 'o$a' #over" e"t e-!e"(itures a"( ta-es re'ates to ur a" e$o"o i$sas it a"a'y>es the effi$ie"$y of the fra# e"te( 'o$a' #over" e"ts !resi(i"# i"

    etro!o'ita" areas.G0?H

  • 8/9/2019 Civic Survey


    Co"$'usio":Co"$'usive'y for a"y to+" !'a""i"# three %uestio"s as e"tio"s a ove are veryi !orta"t.

  • 8/9/2019 Civic Survey


    G1MH O Su''iva" 4rthur 90@@ FUr a" E$o"o i$sB 2osto" 5ass: 5$=ra+A,i'' Ir+i".IS2N @A@ A0JM MJAJG1 H 5$Ca"" Phi'i! 90@@1 FUr a" a"( Re#io"a' E$o"o i$sB O-for( U"iversity PressG0@H O Su''iva" 4rthur 90@@ FUr a" E$o"o i$sB 2osto" 5ass: 5$=ra+A,i'' Ir+i".IS2N @A@ A0JM MJAJ

    G01H 5$Ca"" Phi'i! 90@@1 FUr a" a"( Re#io"a' E$o"o i$sB O-for( U"iversity PressG00H O Su''iva" 4rthur 90@@ FUr a" E$o"o i$sB 2osto" 5ass: 5$=ra+A,i'' Ir+i".IS2N @A@ A0JM MJAJG0 H I i(G0JH I i(G0?H I i(POSTED 2Y TO

  • 8/9/2019 Civic Survey


    The assi#" e"t 5y Street 5y Nei#h ourhoo( is very si !'e +here a stu(e"t +i''(o$u e"t the !hysi$a' so$ia' a"( e$o"o i$ $o"(itio"s of his o+" "ei#h ourhoo(. The

    etho(o'o#y of this assi#" e"t is very easy for a"yo"e +ho $a" (ra+ a !'a" i.e. a asea! a"( a*e its over'ays sho+i"# !hysi$a' so$ia' a"( e$o"o i$ a$tivities i" his street

    a"( "ei#h ourhoo( throu#h !hoto#ra!hs a"( $o e"ts.

    Ste! X 1: 4t first o"e has to 'o$ate his her "ei#h ourhoo( throu#h free o"'i"e avai'a 'e=oo#'e earth a! a"( the" save its !i$ture a"( i(e"tify the ou"(ary of his her"ei#h ourhoo(.

    Ste! X 0: Dra+ or tra$e a ase a! of your "ei#h ourhoo( sho+i"# a'' four streetsarou"( your house or a!!art e"t as +e'' as other ui'(i"#s surrou"(i"# your house.5ar* or hi#h'i#ht your house a!!art e"t i" Re( a"( a'' other ui'(i"#s i" 'i#ht ro+"$o'our.

    Ste! X : Visit a'' the four streets a"( ta*e !i$tures of your "ei#h ourhoo( sho+i"# the

    streets a"( ui'(i"#s fro a"y $or"er so as a-i u vie+ $a" e esta 'ishe(. The !i$tures ay a'so e ta*e" to sho+ the !hysi$a' $o"(itio"s of streets a"( !ro 'e s i" itsu$h as +ater a"( se+era#e overf'o+ #ar a#e (is!osa' e'e$tri$ity te'e!ho"e a"( $a 'e+ires et$ Si i'ar'y (o$u e"t so$ia' a"( e$o"o i$ $o"(itio"s su$h as !eo!'e sitti"# a"(i"tera$ti"# i" your street or the $o er$ia' e"ter!rises sho!s i" the "ei#h ourhoo( ruita"( Ve#eta 'e $arts e##ars eu"u$hs et$ Thus) a +ho'e (ay a$tivity ay e


    Ste! X J: 5a*e a!s over'ays i.e. first a ase a! sho+i"# the ou"(ary of the"ei#h ourhoo( a"( your house a!!art e"t i" re( hi#h'i#ht +ith "a e of streets a"("ei#h ourhoo(. Se$o"( a! over'ay sho+i"# the !hysi$a' $o"(itio"s a"( your o serve(

    !ro 'e s +ith hi#h'i#hti"# their 'o$atio" +ith (iffere"t $o'ours a"( 'e#e"(s. Thir( a!over'ay sho+i"# the so$ia' a$tivities i" your street +ith their i(e"tifie( s!a$e 'o$atio"hi#h'i#hte( +ith (iffere"t $o'ours a"( 'e#e"(s. ourth a! over'ay sho+i"# thee$o"o i$ a$tivities i" your street +ith their i(e"tifie( s!a$e 'o$atio" hi#h'i#hte( +ith(iffere"t $o'ours a"( 'e#e"(s. 5a! over'ay sho+i"# the 5aster P'a" of !ro!ose(i !rove e"ts i" your "ei#h ourhoo(.

    Ste! X ?: 5a*e re!ort +riti"# a out a" I"tro(u$tio" of your "ei#h ourhoo() itBs Lo$atio"+ith a! o serve( Pro 'e s a"( i(e"tifie( issues +ith !i$tures o" 4AJ si>e !a!erReaso"s for those !ro 'e s as o serve( or (is$usse( +ith a"y e'(er of the"ei#h ourhoo( a"( !ro!ose( Re$o e"(atio"s for I !rove e"ts +ith a 5aster P'a".Co !'ete the re!ort +ith a Tit'e !a#e o" 4AJ Si>e !a!er a"( 5a!s a-i u o" 4A Si>e

    !a!er. Ri"# i"( the re!ort a"( su it.

    ?. Su issio" a"( Dea('i"es:

    The (ea('i"es for ea$h ste! are as fo''o+s:

    Ste! 1: 0 th e ruary 0@1@

  • 8/9/2019 Civic Survey


    Ste! 0: Kth 5ar$h 0@1@Ste! : 0@th 5ar$h 0@1@Ste! J: 1 th 4!ri' 0@1@Ste! ?: 1st 5ay 0@1@POSTED 2Y TO

  • 8/9/2019 Civic Survey


    64 ateria' sour$e of +ea'th su$h as ti er fresh +ater or a i"era' (e!osit that o$$ursi" a "atura' state a"( has e$o"o i$ va'ue.GJH65ateria's fou"( i" the "atura' state su$h as +ater soi' su"shi"e i"era's that are use(

    y hu a"s.7G?H64"y !art of the e"viro" e"t that s!e$ies (e!e"( o" for their surviva' $a" e ter e( as

    "atura' resour$es.7GKH


    Natura' resour$es are ofte" $'assifie( i"to re"e+a 'e a"( "o"Are"e+a 'e resour$es. There"e+a 'e resour$es ay e further $ate#ori>e( as u"$o"(itio"a''y re"e+a 'e 9e.#. so'arti(a' or +i"( e"er#y a"( $o"(itio"a''y re"e+a 'e 9e.#. fish forest !ro(u$ts .Co"(itio"a''y re"e+a 'e resour$es +i'' 'ast i"(efi"ite'y if "ot overAe-!'oite( e$ause that

    !art of the resour$e that is use( $a" e re!'a$e( throu#h "atura' !ro$esses.G H

    urther ore) re"e+a 'e resour$es are #e"era''y 'ivi"# resour$es su$h as fish $offee a"(

    forests et$. +hi$h $a" resto$* 9re"e+ the se'ves if they are "ot over harveste(.Re"e+a 'e resour$es $a" e use( i"(efi"ite'y if they are use( sustai"a 'y or if "ot overharveste(. O"$e re"e+a 'e resour$es are $o"su e( at a rate that e-$ee(s their "atura'rate of re!'a$e e"t the sta"(i"# sto$* +i'' (i i"ish a"( eve"tua''y ru" out. The rate ofsustai"a 'e use of a re"e+a 'e resour$e is (eter i"e( y the re!'a$e e"t rate a"(a ou"t of sta"(i"# sto$* of that !arti$u'ar resour$e. No"A'ivi"# re"e+a 'e "atura'resour$es i"$'u(e soi' as +e'' as +ater +i"( ti(es a"( so'ar ra(iatio".7GMH


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    (rai"s $oasta' e't et$. This $ha"#e a"( tra"sfor atio" ay e $arefu''y a"a'y>e(throu#h I"itia' E"viro" e"ta' E-a i"atio" 9IEE E"viro" e"ta' I !a$t 4ssess e"t9EI4 So$ia' I !a$t 4ssess e"t 9SI4 Visua' I !a$t 4ssess e"t 9VI4 ) La"(s$a!e a"(Visua' I !a$t 4ssess e"t 9LVSI4 et$. So as the to+" !'a""i"# ay e sustai"a 'e.

    I"itia' E"viro" e"ta' E-a i"atio" 9IEE :IEE is a !re'i i"ary atte !t to eva'uate e"viro" e"ta' i !a$ts i" or(er to (eter i"e+hether a fu''As$a'e e"viro" e"ta' i !a$t assess e"t is "ee(e(. It is a'so $a''e( as I"itia'E"viro" e"ta' I"vesti#atio" 9IEI !artia' EI4 or Pre'i i"ary EI4 .G H

    E"viro" e"ta' I !a$t 4ssess e"t 9EI4 :4 !ro$ess y +hi$h the $o"se%ue"$es of !'a""e( (eve'o! e"t !ro/e$ts are eva'uate( asa" i"te#ra' !art of !'a""i"# the !ro/e$t. The EI4 $a" e (efi"e( as the a"a'ysis of

    io'o#i$a' !hysi$a' so$ia' a"( e$o"o i$ fa$tors to (eter i"e the e"viro" e"ta' a"(so$ia' $o"se%ue"$es of a !ro!ose( (eve'o! e"t a$tio". The #oa' of the EI4 is to !rovi(e

    !o'i$y a*ers +ith the est avai'a 'e i"for atio" i" or(er to i"i i>e e$o"o i$ $osts

    a"( a-i i>e e"efits asso$iate( +ith a !ro!ose( (eve'o! e"t.G1@HSo$ia' I !a$t 4ssess e"t 9SI4 :It is the $o !o"e"t of EI4 $o"$er"e( +ith $ha"#es i" the stru$ture a"( fu"$tio"i"# ofso$ia' or(eri"#s. I" !arti$u'ar the $ha"#es that a (eve'o! e"t +ou'( $reate i": so$ia're'atio"shi!s) $o u"ity 9!o!u'atio" stru$ture sta i'ity et$ ) !eo!'eBs %ua'ity a"( +ayof 'ife) 'a"#ua#e) ritua') !o'iti$a' e$o"o i$ !ro$esses) attitu(es va'ue. Ca" so eti esi"$'u(e hea'th i !a$ts.G11H So$ia' i !a$t assess e"t i"$'u(es the !ro$esses ofa"a'ysi"# o"itori"# a"( a"a#i"# the i"te"(e( a"( u"i"te"(e( so$ia' $o"se%ue"$es

    oth !ositive a"( "e#ative of !'a""e( i"terve"tio"s 9!o'i$ies !ro#ra s !'a"s !ro/e$tsa"( a"y so$ia' $ha"#e !ro$esses i"vo*e( y those i"terve"tio"s. Its !ri ary !ur!ose is to

    ri"# a out a ore sustai"a 'e a"( e%uita 'e io!hysi$a' a"( hu a" e"viro" e"t. G10H6This te$h"i%ue is a for of (ire$t i !a$t a"a'ysis use( to assess ho+ the $osts a"(

    e"efits of refor s are (istri ute( a o"# (iffere"t sta*eho'(ers a"( over ti e. SI4 is ase( o" sta*eho'(er a"a'ysis a"( is !arti$u'ar'y usefu' for (isa##re#ati"# (ata o" assets9!hysi$a' fi"a"$ia' a"( $a!a i'ities 9hu a" or#a"i>atio"a' i"to ea"i"#fu' so$ia'$ate#ories.

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    La"(s$a!e a"( visua' i !a$ts are t+o se!arate ut $'ose'y re'ate( e'e e"ts. FLa"(s$a!eBrefers to the a!!eara"$e of the 'a"( i"$'u(i"# its sha!e te-ture a"( $o'ours. It a'soref'e$ts the +ay these $o !o"e"ts $o i"e to $reate s!e$ifi$ !atter"s a"( !i$tures thatare (isti"$tive to $ertai" areas. La"(s$a!e is "ot /ust a visua' !he"o e"o" it re'ies o" a"u er of other features i"f'ue"$es that +i'' have sha!e( its $hara$ter. or e-a !'e

    to!o#ra!hy #eo'o#y e$o'o#y 'a"( a"a#e e"t a"( ar$hite$ture a'' !'ay a !art i" thefor atio" of a 'a"(s$a!e.


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    Restri$tio" of Ri o" Deve'o! e"t 4$t 1 ? +hi$h +as (esi#"e( to !reve"t the s!ra+'of to+"s a"( $ities a$ross the $ou"trysi(e. Ri o" (eve'o! e"t is 'i"ear (eve'o! e"t of 'o"# ro+s of ui'(i"#s ui't a'o"# ai" roa(s 'ea(i"# out of to+"s

    To+" a"( $ou"try !'a""i"# $o es of a#e:

    The e"( of the Se$o"(

  • 8/9/2019 Civic Survey


    G H htt!: +++.o$ea"sat'as.or# u"at'as uses u"e!te-ts!h i"fo!h #s#' 'GMH htt!: +++.$heathouse.$o essay essay vie+.!h!8! essay i( ??KG H htt!: +++.fao.or# (o$re! VM ?@E vM ?@[email protected]@H htt!: +++.o$ea"sat'as.or# u"at'as uses u"e!te-ts!h i"fo!h #s#' 'G11H htt!: eia.u"u.e(u $ourse 8!a#e i( 1

    G10H htt!: e".+i*i!e(ia.or# +i*i So$ia' i !a$t assess e"tG1 Hhtt!: +e .+or'( a"*.or#

  • 8/9/2019 Civic Survey


    $reate a a'a"$e( a"( rea(a 'e re!rese"tatio" that is $a!a 'e of $o u"i$ati"#i"for atio" effe$tive'y a"( %ui$*'y.

    ,istory of 5a! 5a*i"#:G H

    The ear'iest *"o+" a! is a atter of so e (e ate oth e$ause the (efi"itio" of a!is "ot shar! a"( e$ause so e artifa$ts s!e$u'ate( to e a!s i#ht a$tua''y eso ethi"# e'se. 4 +a'' !ai"ti"# +hi$h ay (e!i$t the a"$ie"t 4"ato'ia" $ity of

    ata'hZy[* 9!revious'y *"o+" as Cata' ,uyu* or ata' ,[y[* has ee" (ate( to the 'ateth i''e""iu 2CE.GJH G?H The a"$ie"t =ree*s a"( Ro a"s $reate( a!s e#i""i"# at

    'atest i" the Kth $e"tury 2C. 4s ear'y as the @@s 4ra s$ho'ars +ere tra"s'ati"# the+or*s of the =ree* #eo#ra!hers i"to 4ra i$. I" a"$ie"t Chi"a #eo#ra!hi$a' 'iteratures!a"s a$* to the ?th $e"tury 2C. The o'(est e-ta"t Chi"ese a!s $o e fro the State of

    i" (ate( a$* to the Jth $e"tury 2C (uri"# the

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    I" u"(ersta"(i"# asi$ a!s the fie'( of $arto#ra!hy $a" e (ivi(e( i"to t+o #e"era'$ate#ories: #e"era' $arto#ra!hy a"( the ati$ $arto#ra!hy. =e"era' $arto#ra!hy i"vo'vesthose a!s that are $o"stru$te( for a #e"era' au(ie"$e a"( thus $o"tai" a variety offeatures. The ati$ $arto#ra!hy i"vo'ves a!s of s!e$ifi$ #eo#ra!hi$ the es orie"te(

    to+ar( s!e$ifi$ au(ie"$es. 4s the vo'u e of #eo#ra!hi$ (ata has e-!'o(e( over the 'ast$e"tury the ati$ $arto#ra!hy has e$o e i"$reasi"#'y usefu' a"( "e$essary to i"ter!rets!atia' $u'tura' a"( so$ia' (ata. 4" orie"teeri"# a! $o i"es oth #e"era' a"( the ati$$arto#ra!hy (esi#"e( for a very s!e$ifi$ user $o u"ity. 4 to!o#ra!hi$ a! is !ri ari'y$o"$er"e( +ith the to!o#ra!hi$ (es$ri!tio" of a !'a$e i"$'u(i"# the use of $o"tour 'i"essho+i"# e'evatio" Terrai" or re'ief. 4 to!o'o#i$a' a! is a very #e"era' ty!e of a!. Itofte" (isre#ar(s s$a'e a"( (etai' i" the i"terest of $'arity of $o u"i$ati"# s!e$ifi$ routeor re'atio"a' i"for atio". 64 to!o#ra!hi$ a! is a (etai'e( a"( a$$urate #ra!hi$re!rese"tatio" of $u'tura' a"( "atura' features o" the #rou"(. To!o#ra!hi$ a!s have

    u'ti!'e uses i" the !rese"t (ay: a"y ty!e of #eo#ra!hi$ !'a""i"# or 'ar#eAs$a'ear$hite$ture) earth s$ie"$es a"( a"y other #eo#ra!hi$ (is$i!'i"es +hi$h use hi#h'y

    (etai'e( a!s i" its sta"(ar( re%uire e"ts.75a!s for !'a""i"# a"( (eve'o! e"t of ur a" areas:

    To+" P'a""i"# a"( a''ie( !rofessio"s have a'+ays ee" (e a"(i"# suita 'e ase a!s asa !rere%uisite to a"y !'a""i"#.G1@H 5a!s are "ot "e+ to to+" !'a""ers a"( e"#i"eers.,o+ever !re!aratio" a"( use of 'ar#eAs$a'e a!s es!e$ia''y for ur a" areas is "ot as#oo( as i" (eve'o!e( a"( other (eve'o!i"# $ou"tries.

    5a!s are re%uire( y every De!art e"t a#e"$y of the Provi"$ia' a"( e(era'=over" e"ts havi"# sta*e i" (eve'o! e"t of ur a" area. Lo$a' authorities !u 'i$u"(erta*i"#s servi$e or#a"i>atio"s re%uire a!s. ,o+ever the re%uire e"t of a!s i"ter s of $o"te"ts %ua'ity a"( a$$ura$y vary fro or#a"i>atio" to or#a"i>atio". 4'soso e or#a"i>atio"s use a!s every (ay +hi'e so e use a!s o$$asio"a''y yet so eothers use a!s o"$e i" a +ay. It is i !orta"t to "ote that a'' the a#e"$ies afore e"tio"e(a"( others (o "ot "ee( $o !rehe"sive a! i.e. a'' the i"for atio" i" a!. I" the yria(of a#e"$ies i"vo've( i" !'a""i"# a"( (eve'o! e"t of to+"s a"( $ities it is the a#e"$iesres!o"si 'e for !'a""i"# for !hysi$a' (eve'o! e"t +hi$h "ee( a!s ost. 5u"i$i!a'authorities ra"* se$o"( i" use of a!s A $o !rehe"sive a!s are re%uire( for !'a""i"#a"( e-e$utio" of +or*s y e"#i"eeri"# (e!art e"t a!s of ui'(i"#s !'ots for ta-atio"a"( e'e$tio" !ur!oses.

    The i"stitutio"s 'i*e ur a" (eve'o! e"t authorities Lo$a' authorities A E"#i"eeri"# a"(,ea'th De!art e"ts Po+er Tra"s issio" a"( (istri utio" a#e"$ies 4#e"$ies for Ur a"

  • 8/9/2019 Civic Survey


    are re%uire( for (iffere"t !ur!oses. u'' to!o#ra!hi$ a!s at (iffere"t s$a'es are re%uire( y Ur a" Deve'o! e"t 4uthorities for !re!aratio" revisio" of Co !rehe"siveDeve'o! e"t P'a"s Qo"a' P'a"s 9Se$tora' P'a"s Nei#h ourhoo( P'a"s Su A(ivisio"P'a"s To+" P'a""i"# S$he es et$. i" the 'o$a' !'a""i"# area.G11H

    The S$a'e of 5a!s:G10H

    The s$a'e of a a! is the ratio of a si"#'e u"it of (ista"$e o" the a! to the e%uiva'e"t(ista"$e o" the #rou"(.G1 H 5a!s are so eti es referre( to y re'ative (es$ri!tio"s of'ar#e s$a'e or s a'' s$a'e. 4 'ar#e s$a'e a! (is!'ays o /e$ts so they a!!ear re'ative'y'ar#e. or e-a !'e a" is'a"( (is!'aye( o" a 1:1@ @@@ a! +i'' a!!ear 'ar#er tha" if(is!'aye( o" a 1:1@@ @@@ a!. Thus the for er is 'ar#e s$a'e. 5a!s +ith a ratio of1:?@ @@@ or 'ar#er 9for e-a !'e 1:0? @@@ +ou'( e 'ar#er are $o"si(ere( 'ar#e s$a'e.5a!s +ith a ratio of 1:?@ @@@ to 1:0?@ @@@ are $o"si(ere( e(iu s$a'e. 4"y a!s +itha s a''er s$a'e 9for e-a !'e 1:?@@ @@@ are $o"si(ere( s a'' s$a'e.G1JH

    The s$a'e of a! to e use( for a !arti$u'ar !ur!ose i" a !ro/e$t is (eter i"e( as to +hatto!o#ra!hi$a' features a"( +hat !'a" e'e e"ts 9(etai's are re%uire( to e sho+" +ith a$ertai" (e#ree of $'arity o" o"e or ore sheets. Thus to sho+ a $o"$e!t for $ir$u'atio"syste a"( 'ayout of !'ots i" a su A(ivisio" !'a" 9'ayout i" a"y ur a" area a 1:0 @@@s$a'e a! ay e a(e%uate. 2ut if (etai's o" !'ot "u ers e"tra"$e to !'ots !'ot(i e"sio"s $e"tre 'i"e of roa(s $ha fers as!ha't a'i#" e"t of servi$es 'i*e +atere'e$tri$ity a"( te'e!ho"e !'a"ti"# of trees et$. are to e sho+" a!s at s$a'e 1:1 @@@+ou'( e "ee(e(. If the +i(th of !'ot a"( roa(s is 'ess tha" 1@ the" a 1:?@@ s$a'e a!+ou'( e re%uire( to sho+ a'' the afore $ite( (etai's.Pro$ess i" !'a""i"# A 2est Pra$ti$e:

    Re%uire e"t of a!s i" ter s of $o"te"t a$$ura$y s$a'e et$. i" !'a""i"# a"((eve'o! e"t of ur a" areas $a" e a!!re$iate( +e'' +he" the !ro$ess i"vo've( i"

    !'a""i"# for !hysi$a' (eve'o! e"t a"( i !'e e"tatio" is *"o+". P'a""i"# ur a" areases!e$ia''y etro!o'ita" areas a"( $ities ay have three sta#es a'thou#h they $a" vary:Out'i"e Deve'o! e"t P'a" 9ODP "o+ reA$hriste"e( as Pers!e$tive P'a" at a$ro9$ity to+" 'eve')Co !rehe"sive Deve'o! e"t P'a" 9CDP a'so at a$ro 'eve'. This $a" a'so e $a''e(5aster P'a")Qo"a' P'a"s for !art of $ity to+" to e'a orate the (etai's) a"(To+" P'a""i"# S$he es at i$ro 9'o$a' 'eve' to i !'e e"t the !'a".These 'eve's are asi$a''y to !er$eive $o"$e!tua'i>e a"( see (etai's fro $ity to+" 'eve'to !art of $ity to+" a"( 'o$a' 'eve'. These 'eve's "atura''y re%uire a!s at (iffere"t s$a'es+ith (iffere"t $o"te"t +ith o"e or fe+er a!s to see the area u"(er $o"si(eratio".

    or i"sta"$e for !'a""i"# a etro rai' syste or a y!ass for rai' or roa( e"tireetro!o'ita" area or $ity as the $ase ay e has to e o" o"'y o"e or t+o sheets for a'' to

    see the a'i#" e"t at etro!o'ita" or $ity 'eve'. To fi"e tu"e the a'i#" e"t to avoi(i"sur ou"ta 'e o sta$'es ore a"( ore (etai's +i'' e "ee(e( for +hi$h a!s have to

  • 8/9/2019 Civic Survey


    e at 'ar#er a"( 'ar#er s$a'es. O"'y i !orta"t features are sho+" o" a!s at s a'' s$a'e.4'' the features +ou'( e re%uire( at (etai' !'a""i"#.

  • 8/9/2019 Civic Survey


    fu"$tio" "ee( to e a(e a"( resu'ts sho+" o" s a'' s$a'e a!s: 1:? @@@ 1:1@ @@@ a"(1:0@ @@@. 4fter the 'a"( re%uire e"t for future #ro+th is esta 'ishe( 'a"( avai'a i'ity hasto e a"a'y>e( for suita i'ity for (eve'o! e"t. To sho+ the resu'ts of the a"a'ysis asthe ati$ a!s a'so s a''er s$a'e a!s say 1:? @@@ 1:1@ @@@ a"( 1:0@ @@@ areare%uire(. Resu't of ea$h of the stu(y o" se!arate a!s 9tra"s!are"$ies at s a''er s$a'e

    9a'' at sa e s$a'e +i'' e $o !are( +ith o"e a ove the other 9sou"(s 'i*e =IS i" !'a$e\to sy"thesis the stu(ies a"( (ra+ i"fere"$e. The a!s sho+i"# the resu'ts of !'a""i"#stu(ies at s a'' s$a'es o" o"e or t+o sheets are the asis o" +hi$h a'ter"ative !'a"s at

    a$ro 'eve' are $o"$e!tua'i>e(.

    Co"$e!t !'a"s:

    Co"$e!t !'a"s are free ha"( s*et$hes o" the ase of a$$urate a!s at s a''er s$a'e91:1@ @@@ or 1:0@ @@@ (e!e"(i"# o" the !'a""i"# area o" o"e or t+o sheets to sho+ the

    ou"(aries of 'a"( areas for (iffere"t uses arteria' a"( 'o+er or(er roa( syste rai'+aysyste (e"sity of !o!u'atio" house ho'(s et$. ,o+ever ou"(aries of !ro!ose( 'a"(

    uses a"( roa( syste +i'' "ot have a"y (efi"ite #eo etry.5aster P'a":

    4fter a $o"$e!t or $o i"atio" of t+o or three is a$$e!te( 5aster P'a" 9CDP is !re!are( o" a$$urate a! at 'ar#er s$a'es say 1:0@ @@@ or 1:1@ @@@ 9for 5etros a"( 'ar#e$ities a"( 1:? @@@ for others.

    or at of a!s for 5aster P'a" P'a""i"# Dra+i"#s:G1?H

    To+" !'a""ers 4r$hite$ts a"( E"#i"eers $o"vert to!o#ra!hi$a' a!s i" to +or*i"#(ra+i"#s to +or* o". They use the ISO 4 Series sheet for ats for their (ra+i"#s.4 o"ia !ri"ts of (ra+i"#s o" 4@ to 4 have to e fo'(e( to 4J si>e to have tit'e 'o$*o" to! to #o i"to fi'es stora#e use( i" fie'( a"( se"t a$ross y ai'. P'a""i"# (ra+i"#s

    ust e i" La"(s$a!e for at. P'a""i"# (ra+i"#s at a"y s$a'e for a"y $overa#e usta'+ays e o" ase of s$ie"tifi$a''y !re!are( to!o#ra!hi$a' a!. P'a""i"# (ra+i"#s +i''have 'e#e"( a"( tit'e 'o$* $o'u " at the ri#ht ha"( si(e of sheet fro to! to otto .Co'u " +i(th $a" e 1@@ to 1 ? . Tit'e 'o$* ust e at otto Ari#ht $or"er.

    The (ra+i"#s of 5aster P'a" a!!rove( y =over" e"t are statutory a"( "ee( to e !reserve( for 'o"# ti e. 4' u for is est to the !ur!ose. urther (ra+i"#s ust e$o !a$t a"( ha"(y to #o i" to a' u +ithout fo'(i"#. or this !ur!ose 41 si>e 9MJ1 -? J is est oth i" a' u a"( ha"('i"# o" (es* a"( i" fie'(. 4'' the (ra+i"#s i" the5aster P'a" ay e to 41 si>e i" o(u'ar for . To!o#ra!hi$a' a!s at s$a'e 1:? @@@+ith a" M@@ - J@@ for at $overi"# J - 0 * 9M s% * fits +ithi" 41si>e +ithsuffi$ie"t ar#i" at otto for fu'' 'e"#th for 'e#e"( a"( tit'e 'o$* a"( fit i" a ha"(ya' u .

    Pre!aratio" of Qo"a' P'a"s:

  • 8/9/2019 Civic Survey


    The !hase of Qo"a' P'a" is et+ee" 5aster P'a" a"( (etai' !'a". Qo"a' !'a"s aree"'ar#e e"t of 5aster P'a" for !art of $ity or to+" or for a !arti$u'ar 'a"( use >o"e.Qo"a' P'a" i"$'u(e !'a" (o$u e"t to su!!'e e"t the !'a" 9(ra+i"# . Qo"a' !'a"s aysho+ eve" the i"or roa(s ut ay "ot sho+ i"(ivi(ua' !ro!erties +hi$h are very s a''.5a!s for Qo"a' P'a" ust e at 1:0 @@@ to sho+ a'' the (etai's) ut "either (i e"sio"s

    "or a'' !ro!erties. To+" !'a""ersB ro'e (oes "ot e"( o" !re!aratio" a"( a!!rova' of5aster P'a" a"( Qo"a' P'a" at s a'' s$a'e to re ai" as +a'' a!s for a(oratio". ,is ro'ei"$'u(es tra"s'ati"# 5aster P'a" Qo"a' P'a" i" to 4$tio" 4rea P'a"s.

    Pre!aratio" of 4rea P'a":

    4rea !'a"s are a$tio" !'a"s to i !'e e"t the !ro!osa's i" 5aster P'a". It ay e fore-te"sio" of $ity to+" or re/uve"atio" or re(eve'o! e"t of o'( a"( 'i#hte( areas. 5aster P'a" is the asis for 4rea P'a""i"#. 5a!s for 4rea P'a" start at the s$a'e of 5aster P'a"91:? @@@ to (e'i"eate the area for !'a""i"#. Site !'a" at s$a'e 1:1 @@@ +i'' e re%uire(+ith a((itio"a' survey (ata A $a(astra' ou"(ary a"( to!o#ra!hy a"( servi$e $a(astre.

    5a!s ay e i" o(u'ar for . 2ut to see the $o"$e!t 95aster P'a" $o"te"t for the+ho'e area o" o"e sheet site !'a" has to e at s a''er s$a'e. The 5aster P'a" ay e fi"etu"e( o" the a$$urate site !'a".

    Draft (etai's !'a" *ee!i"# the 5aster P'a" $o"$e!t as it is or +ith o(ifi$atio"s is !re!are( o" a 'ar#e s$a'e say 1:0 @@@ to sho+ a'' the (etai's i" the !'a" A !'ots +ith"u ers roa(s roa( e'e e"ts 'i*e $arria#e +ay $e"tre 'i"e /u"$tio" (etai's !'ot(i e"sio"s eve" e"tra"$e to !'ots et$. Detai's !'a"s ay e i" o(u'ar for . 4fter theDraft P'a" is a!!rove( (etai'e( !'a" is fi"a'i>e( o" a!s at s$a'e 1:1 @@@ to sho+ a''(etai's a"( (i e"sio"s. Di e"sio"s are a'so i"(i$ate( to he'! setti"#Aout a"( to !re!aree"#i"eeri"# (esi#"s. 2ut P'a" is "ot fit for a''ot e"t of !'ots a"( for (eve'o! e"t.Physi$a' !'a""erBs res!o"si i'ities (o "ot e"( after !re!aratio" of 5aster P'a" at s a''s$a'e. Physi$a' !'a""er ust $oAor(i"ate (eve'o! e"t as +e'' "ot o"'y or#a"i>i"# a"(overseei"# setti"#Aout of his !'a" o" #rou"( ut a'so there after.


    i"a''y it is %uite $'ear'y s!e''e( out that the u"(ersta"(i"# a out a!s is very si#"ifi$a"ta"( a !rere%uisite for the !erso" i"vo've( i" a"y to+" !'a""i"# e-er$ise.


    G1H htt!: e".+i*i!e(ia.or# +i*i 5a!sG0H htt!: e".+i*i!e(ia.or# +i*i 5a! a*i"#G H htt!: e".+i*i!e(ia.or# +i*i 5a!sGJH Ro ert ;u">i# 91 . 4 Ta'e of t+o o sesse( ar$heo'o#ists o"e a"$ie"t $ity a"("a##i"# (ou ts a out +hether s$ie"$e $a" ever ho!e to revea' the !ast Dis$over5a#a>i"e 5ay 1 . ro htt!: e".+i*i!e(ia.or# +i*i 5a!s

  • 8/9/2019 Civic Survey


    G?H Ste!ha"ie 5ee$e 90@@K . 4 ir(Bs eye vie+ A of a 'eo!ar(Bs s!ots The ata'hZy[*F a!B a"( the (eve'o! e"t of $arto#ra!hi$ re!rese"tatio" i" !rehistory 4"ato'ia"Stu(ies ?K:1A1K ro htt!: e".+i*i!e(ia.or# +i*i 5a!sGKH S. P. S$ott 91 @J ,istory of the 5oorish E !ire !!. JK1A0 rohtt!: e".+i*i!e(ia.or# +i*i 5a!s

    G H htt!: +++.'o$.#ov rr #eo# a! #ui(e # i''#t .ht 'GMH htt!: +++.$o''e$tio"s$a"a(a.#$.$a for#ery @@0@ ?A '8P,PSESSID e' (@v!(M$to@a s%%%?*a/00G H htt!: e".+i*i!e(ia.or# +i*i To!o#ra!hi$ a!G1@H Pra ha*ar 5isra 90@@1 6The Cha"#i"# ra e of To+" P'a""i"# 6 rohtt!: +++.#is(eve'o! e"t."et a#a>i"e #is(ev 0@@1 a!r !ers!e$tive.sht 'G11H L. R. Ru(raiah 90@@ 65a!s for !'a""i"# a"( (eve'o! e"t of ur a" areas7

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