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CITY on New YORK. Arrears of Taxes Borough of Manhattan..... Gllon Borough of The Bronx.....: Borough of Brooklyn.......'' .. Borough of Queen.......... 11 Borough of Richmond......i ................. $59,486 57 1 ........... ......~ 9,676 32 ............... ..' 34, 870 Os ................. r3,rrz eS ..... ...........; 2 , 0 43 2 4 -19•'89 46 Interest on T.ixes : Ft rough of Manhattan.,... Gdon .................. S3,t'i oe Borough of The L'ro ox..... .. ................ 541 41 I;orough of Brooklyn....... ............... r,g8z <, Borough of Queens...,.....1 •• ................ 75t u, Boruugli of Richmond...... 1 I rt6 90 Street Improvement Fund-After January 1, r898: Borough of Manhattan..... Gilon ..................I Sr,4s1 t9 Borough of The Bronx...... .. .................I r,u6q 95 Borough of Brooklyn....... 1 ` " ................ 067 58 Borough of Queens ......... " ................. I, 87 32 Interest on Assessments-Street Improvement Fund-After Junu try r, .398: Borough of Minhlttan ...... Gilou ............. ...'. $5 oS 13orou_h of The Bronx....,' " ................ 3 73 R y .. ................' t3 97 Bornu h of l;ruukl n.......~,, Fund for Street and Park Openings, Bor- ough of 'rite Bronx ........... ..... (Jilon .................. ... Intere-t on Assessments-Fund for Street and Park Openin;; s.. .. .' Interest on Twenty-sixth Ward Bonds, B,rough of Brooklyn ............. " ..................... Default and Interest oil Twenty-sixth) Ward Bonds, Borough of Brooklyn.. " ..................... Sewer Installments, Twenty-ninth Ward, Borough of Brooklyn ............... .. ............. ........ Opening and Grading Assessments,, Thirty-first Ward, Borough of Brook- lyn .... ............... ., ..................... interest on Assessments ................. ..................... Arrears of Water Rents, i898................................... ..................... I nterest ou Water Rents, 1898........... ...... ............... Water Kenis, Long Isla„d City Interest on Water Roots, Long Island City. .............................. .. ..................... ExciseTaxes,City of New York Hilliard ............... $6,724 76 Dlich in 1,507 13 " Dowling .......... .:: ; Nichol... .............. 5u~ no 791 to Arrears of'l'axes, t8OS, etc., Boroughs ofl Alanhattan and The Bronx.......... Gil on ...................... Interest on Taaes, 1898, etc., Biroughs of Manhattan :atd'the Bronx.......... ................... Street Inrprovem_nt Fund-1 une t5, 2886. " ..................... Interest on Ass,~ssments-Street Improve. ment Fund-June r5, 1886.......... " Fund for Street and Park Openings m ................... Iuteroct on Assessments-Fund for Street and Park Openings .................. •, ..................... Charges on Arrears of Assessments...., " ..................... L:mds Purchased, Twenty-third and 'Twenty-fourth Wards .............. .. ............ ...... I nterest on Lands Purchased ............. ............'... .:, W .MI. Fund, No.2 ...................... ........... Interest on Setting Meters.............. " ...... ............Towns of Westchester- Taxes.......... .................... Towns of Westchester-Interest on Taxes and Assessments ...... Towns of Westchester-Fees, etc.... ... One Hundred and Fifty-Iif h Street Via- duct .............. .. Additional Water Fund ................. Comptroller ............... Arrears of Taxe+and Assessments, Towns of Eastchester and Pelham.......... " ..... ...... .... Department of Education-Special High School Fund ........................ Rurcy .................... Croton Water Rents-Refund........... CommissionersSiukingFuud' State Agricultural Law-Fines........... Public School Teacher; Retirement Fund. I ntestate Estate; ........................ Hues...................... Commi=_sions-Public Administrator..... : ......... ............ Forfeited Recognizances ................ Gardner......... .... ...... Restoring and Repaving, Borough of Manhattan ......................... Keating .................. Restoring and Repaving. Borough of The Bronx.......... ., .............. ..... ................. Street In cumbrance Fund............... 1 Nagle ..................... Theatrical and Concert Licenses.......... H ess ...................... 'lappingPipe ................. . .... .......... .... UnclaimeiSalartesand Wages.....,.... 'T T im m s ............... .•.• Zoological Garden Fund ................1 Holly ............. ........ Sundry Licenses........................Roche.................... Department of Public Charities-Salaries, 1899................................I Refund.................... $z,o56,6z 17 6,8,9 of 3,-53 -1 zz 75 40,714 42 IS 37 85 25 146.) 2 5 53 01 46 3 28 1,49 , 64 85 75 187 23 11 03I 9, 123 0 9 2t,8o6 z5 4,686 z6 4o,C6(, 15 4, 887 95 1,333 ur 939 50 103 25 71 75 27 75 9 37 3 6 4 57 1 55 71 1 255 705 74 342 uu 5t 51 1,16,) 05 -,177 5(1 725 oo 5,7 03 68 32 01 333 6 4 1,5]5 ua 1 ,995 -5 205 II 315 90 49,70) oo 66 00 494° 1 173 2 5 565 00 8r THE CITY RECORD. OFFICIAL JOURNAL. __ Vol- XXVIII, NEW YORK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 25, 1900. NUMBER 8,301. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. Abstract of the transactions of the Bureau of the City Chamberlain for the week ending July 31, 1900. OFFICE OF THE CIT'Y CIIAJMEHRLAIN, NEW YORK, August lo, [goo. Han. Polietrr A. VAN \VYCK, 111ayor Sip.-ln lutr,nance of saction 196, chapter 378 of the Laws of 1897, I have the h )nor tr, present herewith a report to July - ;1, 1900, of all moneys received by Inc and the amount of all warrants paid by me since July 21, 1900, and the amount remaining to the credit of the City on July 31, 1900. Very respectfully, PATRICK KEENAN, City Chamberlain. THE CITY OF NEW YORK, in adcou,,1 with PATRICK KEENAN, Chainberlaic, during time week ending 7uIy 31, 1900. 19n0. To Additional Water Fund ................. ......... ................ $26,289 03 Juty xt By balance ...... ...... ............... .... ........... ..... ...... .. .. Additinn;.l \Va to Fund, City of New York ........................... 568 41 Addu Tonal Public Park Fund ............ ............................ r,34o 38 Anti-toxiue lurid ................................................... 302 41 Armory Fund ........................................................ 275 00 Borough of Brooklyn ................................................. 27,665 23 Borough of Qucens ................................................... 651 45 Borou;;h of 1. ichmond ................................................ 30,562 68 Bridge Over 1•:ast River, between Boroughs of Monhattan and Brooklyn 9,544 95 ltridge Over East River, between Boroughs of Manhattan and Queens. 1,519 31 I1ridCe Doer Hark nt River at First Avenue ........................... 6 37 33 Bridge Over Harlenr River at One Flundied and Forty-fifth to One Hundred and Forty-ninth Street .................................. 548 66 Bridge Over New York and Harlem Railroad ............... ....... 6n os Change of Grade Damage Commission, 'Twenty-third and 'Twenty. fourth Wards .................................................... r,262 83 Con<truction of Private Sewers, Borough of Brooklyn .................. . .. .no 14 Construction and Maintenance of Public Parkways .................... 24 ao Croton Water Rent Refunding Account ............................... 4 00 Croton Water Fwtd .......................................... ....... 2 ,9 21 98 llepartment of Correction-Building Fund ............................. 6,207 20 llepartmcnt of Fd.tcation-Maintenance of Training Schools........... 1,234 29 Department of Education-Special High School Fund ................. 5x 34 Dopartment of Street Cleanin;-New Stock ............ ... ... ..... 750 00 I)eo, runent of Street Cle;min„ Borough of Brooklyn-New Stock, etc. 4,176 50 Department of Water Supply, Borough of Brooklyn... ................ 36,441 f3 Ih,ck load .............................................. ............ 63,133 48 F.;utern Parkway and Buffalo Avenue, Borough of Brooklyn, etc...... 398 06 Eleventh Ward Park Fund .... ...................................... 2,081 6o Excise Taxes ........................................................ 18,038 82 Excise lanes, Kings County .......................................... 5,384 97 Excise 'roses, Queens Count) , ........................ ................ 3 6 9 99 Extension of Broadway or King bridge Road, etc ...................... 125 0) Extension of Riverside Drive to Boulevard Lafayette .................. 527 50 Fire Department Fund-Sites, etc ..................................... 737 03 Fi c Hydrant Fund .................................................. 774 00 Fund for Street and 19trk Openings ........................... ........ 168 ,7-13 2 5 High School Fund ................ ...... .......... .... ..... 08 ,59 1 co Improvement of i'arks, Parkways and .)rives, Chapter 194, Laws of 1896. 6o 00 I ntestate Estates ..................................................... 157 86 J efferson Park, Improvement of ...................................... 14 01 Metropolitan Museum of Art ......................................... 4,olo 00 New Fast Rrv.~r Bridge Fund ........................................ 210 ,34. 93 New Llall of Record,-Building Fund ................................. 36 o~ New Park Fund ...................................................... loo 00 New York and Brooklyn Bridge ...................................... 8,137 81 New York Public Library Fund ...................................... r4 0) New York Zoological Garden Fund ................................... 9,8;8 23 P ublic Driveway, Construction of ..................... ... ....... 275 8t Public School Library Fund, Boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx... 2,075 ao Public School Library Fund, Borough of Brooklyn .................... t,3r5 62 Public School Library Fund, Borough of Queens...................... 300 00 Public School Library Fund, Borough of Richmond.................... Zoo 00 Public chool1eaher~ Retireweul Fund ............................. 13,742 52 1(apulTransit Fund, No. 2....................... .... .............. 12,347 r8 Refunding Assessments Paid in Error, Borough of Brooklyn........... 116 88 Refunding '.'axes Paid in Error, Borough of Manhattan-.............. z,oto 38 Refundoug Taxes Paid in Error, Borough of Brooklyn ................. x3 89 Refunding 'taxes Paid in Error, Borough ofQueen;....... ............. rz8 82 Repaving-Chapter 87, Laws of 1897.................................. rata 36 Repaving Streets, Borough of Manhattan ............................. x03 00 Rep:wiuC Streets, Borough of Brooklyn ............................... 415 72 Repaving )toads, Streets and Avenues, Twenty-third and Twenty- fourth Wards .................................................... So: 81 Restoring and Repaving-Special Fund-Borough of _Manhattan....... r,z71 70 Restoring and Repaving-Special Fund-Borough of Pte Bronx........ z8o 41 Rest ring and Repaving-Special Fund-Borough of Brooklyn......... 23 to Revenue Bond Fund-Compilation of Arrears of Taxes and Assess- merits. etc ..... ................................................. x,2 99 95 Rev, ate Bond Fund-Claims ......................................... 4,311 49 Revenue Bond Fund-Board of Health-Necessary Expenses, etc...... 744 00 Revenue Bond Fund-County Clerk's Office .......................... 866 66 Revenue Bond Fund-Expenses of Charter Revision Committee......, ro 75 Revenue Bond Fud-Judgments ..................................... x6.800 66 Revenue Bond Fund -Payment of Debts and Liabilities, Hommopathic Hospital ......................................................... 5r,690 o3 Revenue Build Fund-Salaries of County Detectives, Kings County.... zo8 33 Revenue Bond Fund-Increased Salaries of Interpreters, King; County. 150 00 Revenue Bond Fund-Payment of Salary of Public Administrator, Q ueens County .................................................. 1 77 42 Riverside .'ark and Drive-Conrpletion of Construction ............... 2,zo. oo S•_hool Building Fund, Boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx......... 518,390 56 School Buildm g Fund, Borough of Brooklyn .......................... 465,561 54 School Cudding Fund, Borough of Queens ............................ 63,305 6o School Beilding Fund, Borough of Richmond ........................ -8,48, 55 School-house Fund, No. 2 ............................................ 1-9,575 28 Street Improvement Fund ............................................ 66,988 37 UucL.imcd Salaries and Wages .............................. ........ 752 38 Viaduct at Melrose Avenue, Over New York and Harlem Railroad.,... 416 55 Water-main Fund, No.2 .............................................. 71 5 33 \Vater-mam Fond, Borough of Brooklyn.............................. 908 66 Water Revenue, Borough of Brooklyn................................ 2 ,457 43 Department of Bridges ................................. .............. $txo 60 Department of Correction ........................................... 89 2) Department of Education............................................ 1 4,944 20 Department of Highways.. ......................................... .1,523 88 Department of Parks ............ ........ ... ................... xo8 91 L)epartutent of Public Buildings, Lighting and Supplies .............. 3o4 77 Department of Public Charities .................................... 4, 837 8; Ilcparlmcut of Sewers ...................... ......................... 2 , 1 54 54 Department of Street Cleaning ........... ............................ 4,70 0 13 Department of Water Supply .................... I.................. z,ozs w District Attorney, Richmond County ................................. 2 Iz DR. ZOOS. Judy 3r CR. `tg294,368 23
12 · CITY on New YORK. Arrears of Taxes Borough of Manhattan..... Gllon Borough of The Bronx.....:

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Page 1: · CITY on New YORK. Arrears of Taxes Borough of Manhattan..... Gllon Borough of The Bronx.....:

CITY on New YORK. Arrears of Taxes

Borough of Manhattan..... Gllon Borough of The Bronx.....: Borough of Brooklyn.......'' .. Borough of Queen.......... 11 Borough of Richmond......i

................. $59,486 57 1 ........... ......~ 9,676 32 ............... ..' 34,870 Os ................. r3,rrz eS ..... ...........; 2,043 24

-19•'89 46

Interest on T.ixes : Ft rough of Manhattan.,... Gdon .................. S3,t'i oe Borough of The L'ro ox..... .. ................ 541 41 I;orough of Brooklyn....... ............... r,g8z <, Borough of Queens...,.....1 •• ................ 75t u, Boruugli of Richmond...... 1 I rt6 90

Street Improvement Fund-After January 1, r898: Borough of Manhattan..... Gilon ..................I Sr,4s1 t9 Borough of The Bronx...... .. .................I r,u6q 95 Borough of Brooklyn....... 1̀ " ................ 067 58 Borough of Queens......... " ................. I, 87 32

Interest on Assessments-Street Improvement Fund-After Junu try r, .398:

Borough of Minhlttan ...... Gilou ............. ...'. $5 oS 13orou_h of The Bronx....,' " ................ 3 73

R y .. ................' t3 97 Bornu h of l;ruukl n.......~,,

Fund for Street and Park Openings, Bor- ough of 'rite Bronx ........... ..... (Jilon .................. ...

Intere-t on Assessments-Fund for Street and Park Openin;; s.. .. .'

Interest on Twenty-sixth Ward Bonds, • B,rough of Brooklyn ............. " .....................

Default and Interest oil Twenty-sixth) Ward Bonds, Borough of Brooklyn.. " .....................

Sewer Installments, Twenty-ninth Ward, Borough of Brooklyn ............... .. ............. ........

Opening and Grading Assessments,, Thirty-first Ward, Borough of Brook- lyn .... ............... ., .....................

interest on Assessments ................. ..................... Arrears of Water Rents, i898................................... ..................... Interest ou Water Rents, 1898........... ...... ............... Water Kenis, Long Isla„d City Interest on Water Roots, Long Island

City. .............................. .. .....................

ExciseTaxes,City of New York Hilliard ............... $6,724 76 Dlichin 1,507 13 " „ Dowling ..........

.:: ; Nichol...

.............. 5u~ no 791 to

Arrears of'l'axes, t8OS, etc., Boroughs ofl Alanhattan and The Bronx.......... Gil on ......................

Interest on Taaes, 1898, etc., Biroughs of

Manhattan :atd'the Bronx.......... ...................

Street Inrprovem_nt Fund-1 une t5, 2886. " ..................... Interest on Ass,~ssments-Street Improve.

ment Fund-June r5, 1886.......... " Fund for Street and Park Openings m ................... Iuteroct on Assessments-Fund for Street

and Park Openings .................. •, .....................

Charges on Arrears of Assessments...., " ..................... L:mds Purchased, Twenty-third and

'Twenty-fourth Wards .............. .. ............ ......

Interest on Lands Purchased .............

............'... .:,

W.MI. Fund, No.2 ...................... ...........

Interest on Setting Meters.............. " ...... ............•

Towns of Westchester- Taxes.......... .................... Towns of Westchester-Interest on Taxes

and Assessments ...... Towns of Westchester-Fees, etc.... ... One Hundred and Fifty-Iif h Street Via-

duct .............. .. Additional Water Fund ................. Comptroller ............... Arrears of Taxe+and Assessments, Towns

of Eastchester and Pelham.......... " ..... ...... .... Department of Education-Special High

School Fund ........................ Rurcy .................... Croton Water Rents-Refund........... CommissionersSiukingFuud' State Agricultural Law-Fines........... Public School Teacher; Retirement Fund.

I ntestate Estate; ........................ Hues......................

Commi=_sions-Public Administrator..... : ......... ............ Forfeited Recognizances ................ Gardner......... .... ...... Restoring and Repaving, Borough of

Manhattan ......................... Keating .................. Restoring and Repaving. Borough of The

Bronx.......... .,

.............. ..... ................. Street In cumbrance Fund............... 1 Nagle ..................... Theatrical and Concert Licenses.......... H ess ......................

'lappingPipe ................. . .... .......... ....

UnclaimeiSalartesand Wages.....,.... 'TTim

ms ...............


Zoological Garden Fund ................1 Holly ..................... Sundry Licenses........................Roche.................... Department of Public Charities-Salaries,

1899................................I Refund....................

$z,o56,6z 17

6,8,9 of

3,-53 -1

zz 75

40,714 42

IS 37

85 25


25 53

01 46 3 28

1,49, 64 85 75

187 23

11 03I

9,123 09

2t,8o6 z5

4,686 z6 4o,C6(, 15

4,887 95 1,333 ur

939 50 103 25

71 75

27 75 9 37

364 57

155 71 1 255

705 74 342 uu

5t 51

1,16,) 05 -,177 5(1 725 oo

5,703 68 32 01 333 64

1,5]5 ua

1,995 -5

205 II 315 90

49,70) oo 66 00 494° 1

173 25 565 00





Abstract of the transactions of the Bureau of the City Chamberlain for the week ending July 31, 1900.


Han. Polietrr A. VAN \VYCK, 111ayor Sip.-ln lutr,nance of saction 196, chapter 378 of the Laws of 1897, I have the h )nor tr, present herewith a report to July -;1, 1900, of all moneys received by Inc and the amount of all warrants

paid by me since July 21, 1900, and the amount remaining to the credit of the City on July 31, 1900. Very respectfully,

PATRICK KEENAN, City Chamberlain.

THE CITY OF NEW YORK, in adcou,,1 with PATRICK KEENAN, Chainberlaic, during time week ending 7uIy 31, 1900.


To Additional Water Fund ................. ......... ................ $26,289 03 Juty xt By balance ...... ...... ............... .... ........... ..... ...... .. ..

Additinn;.l \Va to Fund, City of New York ........................... 568 41

Addu Tonal Public Park Fund ............ ............................ r,34o 38

Anti-toxiue lurid ................................................... 302 41

Armory Fund ........................................................ 275 00

Borough of Brooklyn ................................................. 27,665 23

Borough of Qucens ................................................... 651 45

Borou;;h of 1. ichmond ................................................ 30,562 68

Bridge Over 1•:ast River, between Boroughs of Monhattan and Brooklyn 9,544 95

ltridge Over East River, between Boroughs of Manhattan and Queens. 1,519 31

I1ridCe Doer Hark nt River at First Avenue ........................... 637 33 Bridge Over Harlenr River at One Flundied and Forty-fifth to One

Hundred and Forty-ninth Street .................................. 548 66 Bridge Over New York and Harlem Railroad ............... ....... 6n os Change of Grade Damage Commission, 'Twenty-third and 'Twenty.

fourth Wards .................................................... r,262 83 Con<truction of Private Sewers, Borough of Brooklyn .................. 14

Construction and Maintenance of Public Parkways .................... 24 ao

Croton Water Rent Refunding Account ............................... 4 00

Croton Water Fwtd .......................................... ....... 2,921 98

llepartment of Correction-Building Fund ............................. 6,207 20

llepartmcnt of Fd.tcation-Maintenance of Training Schools........... 1,234 29

Department of Education-Special High School Fund ................. 5x 34

Dopartment of Street Cleanin;-New Stock ............ ... ... ..... 750 00

I)eo, runent of Street Cle;min„ Borough of Brooklyn-New Stock, etc. 4,176 50

Department of Water Supply, Borough of Brooklyn... ................ 36,441 f3

Ih,ck load .............................................. ............ 63,133 48

F.;utern Parkway and Buffalo Avenue, Borough of Brooklyn, etc...... 398 06

Eleventh Ward Park Fund .... ...................................... 2,081 6o

Excise Taxes ........................................................ 18,038 82

Excise lanes, Kings County .......................................... 5,384 97

Excise 'roses, Queens Count),........................ ................ 369 99

Extension of Broadway or King bridge Road, etc ...................... 125 0)

Extension of Riverside Drive to Boulevard Lafayette .................. 527 50

Fire Department Fund-Sites, etc ..................................... 737 03

Fi c Hydrant Fund .................................................. 774 00

Fund for Street and 19trk Openings ........................... ........ 168,7-13 25 High School Fund ................ ...... .......... .... ..... 08,591 co

Improvement of i'arks, Parkways and .)rives, Chapter 194, Laws of 1896. 6o 00

Intestate Estates ..................................................... 157 86

Jefferson Park, Improvement of ...................................... 14 01

Metropolitan Museum of Art ......................................... 4,olo 00

New Fast Rrv.~r Bridge Fund ........................................ 210,34. 93

New Llall of Record,-Building Fund ................................. 36 o~

New Park Fund ...................................................... loo 00

New York and Brooklyn Bridge ...................................... 8,137 81

New York Public Library Fund ...................................... r4 0)

New York Zoological Garden Fund ................................... 9,8;8 23 Public Driveway, Construction of ..................... ... ....... 275 8t

Public School Library Fund, Boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx... 2,075 ao

Public School Library Fund, Borough of Brooklyn .................... t,3r5 62

Public School Library Fund, Borough of Queens...................... 300 00

Public School Library Fund, Borough of Richmond.................... Zoo 00

Public chool1eaher~ Retireweul Fund ............................. 13,742 52 1(apulTransit Fund, No. 2....................... .... .............. 12,347 r8

Refunding Assessments Paid in Error, Borough of Brooklyn........... 116 88

Refunding '.'axes Paid in Error, Borough of Manhattan-.............. z,oto 38

Refundoug Taxes Paid in Error, Borough of Brooklyn ................. x3 89

Refunding 'taxes Paid in Error, Borough ofQueen;....... ............. rz8 82

Repaving-Chapter 87, Laws of 1897.................................. rata 36

Repaving Streets, Borough of Manhattan ............................. x03 00

Rep:wiuC Streets, Borough of Brooklyn ............................... 415 72 Repaving )toads, Streets and Avenues, Twenty-third and Twenty-

fourth Wards .................................................... So: 81

Restoring and Repaving-Special Fund-Borough of _Manhattan....... r,z71 70

Restoring and Repaving-Special Fund-Borough of Pte Bronx........ z8o 41

Rest ring and Repaving-Special Fund-Borough of Brooklyn......... 23 to Revenue Bond Fund-Compilation of Arrears of Taxes and Assess-

merits. etc ..... ................................................. x,299 95

Rev, ate Bond Fund-Claims ......................................... 4,311 49

Revenue Bond Fund-Board of Health-Necessary Expenses, etc...... 744 00

Revenue Bond Fund-County Clerk's Office .......................... 866 66

Revenue Bond Fund-Expenses of Charter Revision Committee......, ro 75

Revenue Bond Fud-Judgments ..................................... x6.800 66 Revenue Bond Fund -Payment of Debts and Liabilities, Hommopathic

Hospital ......................................................... 5r,690 o3

Revenue Build Fund-Salaries of County Detectives, Kings County.... zo8 33

Revenue Bond Fund-Increased Salaries of Interpreters, King; County. 150 00

Revenue Bond Fund-Payment of Salary of Public Administrator,

Queens County .................................................. 177 42

Riverside .'ark and Drive-Conrpletion of Construction ............... 2,zo. oo

S•_hool Building Fund, Boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx......... 518,390 56

School Buildm g Fund, Borough of Brooklyn .......................... 465,561 54

School Cudding Fund, Borough of Queens ............................ 63,305 6o

School Beilding Fund, Borough of Richmond ........................ -8,48, 55 School-house Fund, No. 2 ............................................ 1-9,575 28

Street Improvement Fund ............................................ 66,988 37

UucL.imcd Salaries and Wages .............................. ........ 752 38

Viaduct at Melrose Avenue, Over New York and Harlem Railroad.,... 416 55

Water-main Fund, No.2 .............................................. 715 33

\Vater-mam Fond, Borough of Brooklyn.............................. 908 66

Water Revenue, Borough of Brooklyn................................ 2,457 43

Department of Bridges ................................. .............. $txo 60 Department of Correction ........................................... 89 2)

Department of Education............................................ 14,944 20 Department of Highways........................................... .1,523 88 Department of Parks ............ ........ ... ................... xo8 91 L)epartutent of Public Buildings, Lighting and Supplies .............. 3o4 77 Department of Public Charities .................................... 4,837 8;

Ilcparlmcut of Sewers ...................... ......................... 2,154 54

Department of Street Cleaning ........... ............................ 4,700 13 Department of Water Supply .................... I.................. z,ozs w

District Attorney, Richmond County ................................. 2 Iz


ZOOS. Judy 3r


`tg294,368 23

Page 2: · CITY on New YORK. Arrears of Taxes Borough of Manhattan..... Gllon Borough of The Bronx.....:

( Kane . ............... $442 Si Conxience ............ 100 co Comptroller,,..,,,.... r oo \1'haleu ............... tr 70

fly i. icier.,) Fun, I, Boroughs of 11:11ton ................ 398 00 Manhattut and 'I' he j Keating ................ 36 23 13r011x ..................

I I, .s.................. 277 50 N agle ................ 1 3.5oa ao O'Brien ............. . 120 oo Holly............ 3.834 74 Surrogates ............. 38t 05

General Fund, hurl tilt of Kane .................. t ,,-67 18

llrooklyn Nagle..,,.,............ ,.8 o0 .............. Gray ................... 1l,889 o'

IGeneral Fund, Borough (,I Queen. ............... . Kane............._... 160 oo

General Fund, Borough ofI )'Brien ................ 8 co R m lchend ............. Kane .................

~ 19 00

i;orouch of 13ro~klyn- ' New York and Brooklyn Bridge....... Shea ......................

Water Rents ......................... 'L'ate .....................I Sundry Licenses ...................... J„rda....................... Water Revenue

i6....................... late ......................

Restoring and Rcpavirr, .............. Keating ... ................ G.,mmon land Fund, loon of G rises -


eud-H Ouse Rents .................. ........................... Ar rear, of Taxes ...................... Gilon...................... Interest en ')'axes ..................... '. ................... lutt rest on 7\venty. sixth Ward Bonds. '' „ ................... I Pc fault and Interest on 7\ven;y-sixth 11

\1':mrd ponds ........................ '' ...................... Eighth W,urd Improvement Fund...... •̀ ..................... lower I nstal Intents, T" en 13'- sixth \1'and ............................... .. ............... ......

1'l tginiz his Assessments, Thirtieth Ward ..................... ..

Twenty-sixth \Vard-Streul Lnprove- iii, lit Fund ......................... '' .....................

Sewerage Fund........ Assessm_nt Fund ..................... ..................... Assessntaut Fumi, I.. se'. of 0186....... " ..................... Openingg, and Grading Assesmcm s,

•b Improvements, 'kin' n of Ncty I ,ots .... .....~ .............

'Thirtieth Ward ......................

Int('re.e on :\..csments ... ............ " .....,.....,...,....,I 1p ling and R'idening -streets........ '' .......... I........,. A(lecrn-ing "111L. ..................... .....................~ R„demptaI Fund ..................... '' .... ................. A rre.lrs of \Pater Rents, 1897......... I ii IC re>t on \Pater Ron to .............. '' ,...................

I iorough of Queens- Sundry I., censcs ......................i1 e,nt,,Ut ................. Efatet Ron's ......................... Grosser.................... kasl0*Bog and Repaci ng ..............1, I(c:u in;y ....................

Lon_ Ishmd City: 'lase. .............................. Gilo...................... I lu,rre.t tilt 'Taxes ................. .. I. \V;I:er k,• Its ........................ .. .......... ............ Interest on Water Rents............

Newtown: 'I'o\t'il 'floes ........................ '' ......... I........ ...

School' 1'a.ces ....................... '' .................,...I Ln!ht faze. ........................ ..................... Luton'. t on Taxes. .................. .....................

F lusItin0: '1'rrnen '1':I.xc. . ........................ I I..., ................ . I it 10 rest on Taxes ................... •' .....................'

Froli race l'axo. ..................... ..................... lrlcrest on Village 'list s ........... 1

Jant.lica ' 'I'utcn 1 ace. ........................ ,, ...... .............. Si. boo) Iaxts ....................... ' Water 'roses ....................... ..

luterest on '1 axes.............. .' ....................

Rlclmon(1 Hill: Village C:,xes . ...................... .. ..................... Interest in Village 'faxes ........... '' ...............

Rockatvay Beach : T-o...... I ......................... " .......... ........... 1ptere.t on 'I axes ... ........ ....„ .' ..................... i

\\ hitestnne I S.,csflints for Local Improvcnl'. tits •' Intet est un Assessments............ .....................

hcatpstead : School 'i'axcs ...................... 0' ..................... Interest III School T., xes ............ '•

liorou,th of Richmond- li 5.undry I.icenses ...................... McCabe ...................1 \Vatcr Rcn is .........................5 )altos ... ... .

State, 3'0411 :tttd County ')'axes: ..-.I

N orthficld .....................' ( ilon ......................

fiol'l ..........................


'' \1''-tlield ......................... . .. „ -,,............... 1tIiddletow n ........................ . .....................i Critict,i n ...........................~ .r .....................I

Village Taxes : Fdgewater .........................II .,......,,,,........:

Port Richmond... ...... "

Lamp faxes, Village of Edzewater.... " ..................... \Vater I axe>, V1th;ute of I'dgewater.... " ..................... ~ School 'lose,, 29 u ............... ...... Interest on 'laxes..tstncts .- --. • •.-,-.

•• •• A'sessracnts for Local 1mprov0ments,i • Village of New Brighton..........., .' .....................

Assessment , for Luca) Lntptuveaicnts, Village of Port Rich lnond ........... 0' .....................

Interest on Assessmaus ....... ...... " .....................'.

3 per cent hoods (Revenue ii rid Fund-' L'a).nrent of Debts, etc., Homer Hon. Ill, L'or,ugh of Bro ,klyn) ......... Cornnti,sioner' Sinking Fund

3% per cent. Revenue bonds, 1900 .......Fat on, Leach & C......,.... 3a ..

Huh Huh ...... ............... 38 " '• ... Morgan & Bartlett........

$67o 18 9 75

49 20

2.951 55 I 7,0 z 5-

75 , CO

3,315 24 550 65

4.515 70 1,766 64 1

62,1 56 3S') 17 135 85 55 8

9.756 3' 13, Ooh 45 5,724 13 t.317 R9 1.86) 27 1,3-.0 38

o0 r2,0.4 33

6 25

85o 59 s,S79 99 t, 17 2 55

13,026 92 9.849 )5 t,,as a; 1.(124 84

.,8.e -,S 64 1,145 Si

-7 36.;60 94 10,210 49 20,9- oa

zi•'.So~ an 144,030 co

32.400 CO I 1 3,775 CO 33,.62 ;8

776 20 13,527 0)

r5, 56 .z6 44

23,(195 45 05,5oo 99 21,754 .17 1 4,610 91 5, 21 49

34,753 59 S.Sez of 9,5(4 77

126.785 32

2),070 79

1. 209 61

460{', 27,917 40

6,789 '4 1 79

9,265 56 3,':6o 91 I

Ic,8zo 75 1,r3S 25

+77' too.=r „ 6; 33,44 8 53

414 59 .7.8«, t:: ,l,14 27 I 7, 553 05 1

453 33 i 77 2-

z9, eS zoo 37

1 17.445 73 4-7 50 844 8i 402 8('

6,483 00 7 853 6o 2.::54 0

,s5 14 _S,677 64

138 so 315 61 1•,001

23,555 65 f17 El

21,38) 1,162 73

c V8 3,024 34 1,163 42

42 8'~ 917 50 933 3'-

6,540 31 1,250 46

19'337 51 I 1,041 00

2,583 30 5,49, 64

48.115 66 4,266 64

33 15 316 66 99 65

t,roo 00 2 .950 57

49 21, r,f93 Fo

fi4r9 re 5,24'• 57 t,'5t En 200 00

41 40

7,431 4 8 2,824 y6 750 co

7.899 8 11 116 (2

5^0 00 2.,760 76 j

422 32

6,102 Oo 1,884 35 1,[72 88

1,677 6z 925«

tr,6f9 o9 9,317 54 1,237 38 7,572 33 .~

54.9 00 73 I2,4t6 50

.,271 a3 28 o8

2,737 26 8,308 28

125 00 too co j

6,533 46 387 79

1.501 35 I 1,124 99

380 41) 12,773 87 4,499 93 1,449 95


July ; 1

Q2z,674 9J

11,701 En

291,419 74 6r.3 00 48' 74 99' 95

22 Or, 22,865 6a 3,:68 5t

2 ,.7

70 1 ,852 97

2,023 12

64 39

650 47 501 9) 570 90 8 70

19,695 81 114 21

3,430 91 ,)u 98

r;z 55 1.474 73

016 3n

I03 (O

2.909 54 141 45

4,1.8 8, 4)0 74 381 3' 26 4t,

253 G7 128 9;

IS 43 z.f =J Ili

7 32 38

to 09 2 za


5 84 1 O]

2t, 30

53 St 2 59

8 r6 34

28 75 5 2 5

4 39 26

141 25

19 71

152 co 58

34 72 z 86 31 03

414 05 2 25

76 05

222 6, 6 96 S6 48 !,

r,9o8 70

31 53

77 fo 32 98

7(',030 55 ' 50,000 00 2,500 00

500,000 00 61,336,323 St

5214 T H E C I T Y" R E C; O R 1D. SA,'uRDAY, AUGUST 25, 1900.

I qO3.

J uly 31 ' To Fire 1)eparnnc'nt ..................................................... btc, and )'Tits nl .1 urors, Richmond County ...................... I,aw Dopartment .................................................... 'Treasurer of Kiu' Ci ouuty ....................................


;\uver!"lug ......................................................... Aguilar Fr('c I.i:,tary to,drty ......................................... a.vlum c4 m. \' scent tie Paul ........................................ 1303rd of Assc:sur,................................................... B .Ind of Estimate and Apportionment, F: vpensys of................... Board of Public Impr(.velnents ........................................I fur I,au I.' Itcense ...................................................I of \luni,i, al titztistio. .......................................I

IYuoklvn lll«iplinar,, 'I'rainin School ................................ I'r. ,eklyn Nursery .uld Infant.' Igo,pital ............................... l'hildren's.Aid tiociety ............................................. . City Court of N etc York .............................................. Cite tla0istratec t ,urts, F t I)icis: t ...... ............. Civil Service of The C.ty 1\ 1 orb F,Icn>es of. . ... ........... . Ci.r Rr u,en .................................................. .....'. (A1e9c „t the City ,t New York ....................................... Colored H(,mc and Ho,p.taL ............. .. ......... ................ Colored .\i- luw and Association, etc , City of Nvw ]'irk..... Ionmli,sir,ncr, of Accnlu,t. .... ...................................... Cut tnualepers nt the tiiukin_ Fiord, ExPcnst. „I ...................... lbntir.Ltencit --lomptrollcrs

Office ..................................

Cotn2 „t Si'. viol Se>aou>, First hicisi„n ............................. Court of Special Sessions, Sccon(I I)icisum ............................ Ctty \L, i-natec' l„'.In s,Seu'nil Di,i,ion ...................... ..... Pcpartmeut of Bri(I.zes, It.rou h of \lauh itt.ln ........................ llcpartmont of I:ridgc-, Borough of [lie Bronx ........................ l)rpartmrnt of I;rt,luv s, l;or,+ugh of Ilrn„klt n ......... 1). parnnc nt of 11ui Idinq<, Ilnrnughs of VI;ulhattan and'1'he 13 ~nnx ...... 1)cpu tnlcnt of liuilcii n_., 6orou_h of h r•oi,lyn ........................ I)epartnts'ct of liuildina, Boroughs of Queen, and Richmond ........ I)epartment nI C rrertlon, Iiorou.:h of \lanhatcan ..................... I ). partmcnt of Correction. I3nrotr;h of Brooklyn ...................... I(cpa, anent of E 1111-anon-Sl,rr cal tieh i.e l Fund, lIoard of I':du, Iti n... Department of E_location-S1 crinl School Egad, itorou hn. f VIunhuttan

and The Bronx ...................... ........................... Departtnrnt rf Education-SI,rcla: School Fund, fir..ugh of L'ro klyn. llep.irtii alt IS School Fund, 1S rough of ()ueens....' I t partment I f i:.uaat in fl- '.p(cial School Fun, l, I;orough of Richmond. arm mvat Id He.tlth, B. r .ugh of 1lanhattnt ......................... I, irtmelit of Health, Borough „f The 13ronx ....................... . 1)epar tment of Health, Borough of lirooklytt .......................... Ilcp.u- tulent (f Ht:dth. I; ~tuuh of l Queens ............................ D, partment of He.11th, 11, rough A Ricln.ond ......................... Dcparuneut of Ili_htc.tin, I" on,li of ALmhatlan ...................... Dei.oit cent , f llr_htc:us, 13 touch of hhc unit,. ...................... Iep,rrtmetI of High lc iv., II'roagh of Broukl v n ....................... L)ep., rtmcnl of Hi_h,(ay~. liot ou:h of Queens. ....................... I l partmetu of Hi51\xays, Ii trough of Richmond ...................... Lie ,art neat of Park-, Ror,u;hs of \l anhattan an(I kic hmoud.......... ll,: p.lrtment , f' Ya-,s. 1$ ,1 -ugh . f Toe Pmnx .......................... I let .o tntcut of ,'ark.. liar nu z . of L'ruokiva and ( uten- ........ Dupartnicia I f Public I:uildic gs, Lighting and 'upplo's, itornueh. nt

1Lmtlatt.l1 and Thy: Bronx ........................................ I)epartmenl f Public Boa dinp•. Lighting aml Sapplie., pcn'u. h of

lronkl\'it ....................................................... Dcpartmcnt of Public hluildi:r... l.i_ttur g and Su9plh-, thimo_h of

Qtr lis ...................... . ...... .......................... Department of Pubttc Pttildin4s, I-iphting iii Supplies, 11orou-h 14

Iitcllm< od ................. ...... .. ........ .. ..... ... Dol'artmen: of i'ublic CSaritir, , Boron ll.. (f V:mhatt In and I he Bronx Tl! par tmont nl Pub'i., 1.;nanti(., lhorouchs oof B:ookkn and (oven......

1 , ofPu' tic I..harincs, g't . ugh of tiJun„nd ................. I)t J arts:e::t of sew. rs, Rr, . u4h ,"f \I auh:ntan ....... . ......... ..... Llep.,ruuent of Sete, rs, li'. , rnu ;h of The Rruuz ......................... It*p4rtnte1t of cciicrs. B'n,u_h of Hr. oklt'u ......................... r 'ep.trtm, nt rf Setters, Llorough .t Qua,ms ............................ 1)e art flit II ,.-.t ucw Cr. . L'orouch of 1<ittnm,nd ......................... LJe paruucnt c Street Cleanicg, R,,rou4hs of Uauha:tan and the Bronx. I)e{ artmcct , t ttrcc t Cl-amng, ,torn :rh of lit,, Lire .................. I tep..rtmrct of sires t Cleanin:;. Loroc,h ,.f ti•.l eeu. .................... I 10.,.irtnten nt ccreel Cleaniu_, 1;oto,ti.h of Rid,mond ................I Drp-i'tmntt I,,1 'lasts ;old Asse,S I a -ta ................................ Department t! VPater Supple, 13'uou.h, nI A I:mhauan and The Firnnx. Itepart nlent.~f 't .u, r'plc, f,vnu0h of Ft c i ly. 1 ............... ... Leparune! t of 1V'ester S Tills, B, ire I_ It of Queen. ..................... Lepar[ net of \Cater Sui,ple, iiorouch of Rt__hm , ud ................... 1.I„(Hon Expcn.c......... ............................................ F:s i nlinin; ti, ,:I rd of hh3aJlcrs . ...................................... F ire l 'epartmeut. l:)nu,h< of ]L,nhattan .,u l I l he Rn'nx ............. I irc I)rpartnient, B. ii ush.s ut Ilruoklrn :md Queens. ................. Fltrhin:, t r. ii I.iIrory........... ..................................... uerman and I):spensary ..................................... t ;entmn (1-.I cl I elloa.' Urph an Asylu nt .......................... ...... Hebrew Shclterine Garrdian rr'ciety ................................. Intere.t on the (:ity I debt ............................................ Inspectors .e' I Sealers of Vi ri0hts and Mea•urc........................ In titutlon of \Icrct' ................................... Late L( partment .................................... ................ Lebanon FL spiral ............. ............................... ....... Lou ,,land (- try P..l tic L.brare ....................................... \lissionarc Sistert. 7hir,i 1 )rdt'r of St, I r:,ncis ........................ 11cui(ipal Assenthl% acid City Clerk ................................ Motiithpal (: ourto. l.;ity of Ncic Y„rk .................................. Netc \ rrk Lath lie I'r, teetory ....................................... -Net,' York F. unal:nr Hush¢al ........................................ \eo York Post-Gnidoat. V LeJic0l x, I.•ol and Hospital ................ Normal I. elie.ze ...................................................... Nursery anc Chit .- Ho-p,tal ........................................ I irphan A<y hut, So..icty, City of L'roilyn ............................. r )tt:tie l )rpnan Home .............................. . . . ............... I'ohce Station-houses-kents ....................................... Pre''idcn I, Rorou4h of \t au d: at tan . ................................... l'rtnBnls, ttatiuncry and Blank t;or,k.... .............................. P.Iblic I-tbrars. Bor, ugh of 13ro. klyn ................ I................ kedempu,n 11 the (. ity f'cut ......................................... Rcnt. .................... .......................................... ua:arse--Chamb'-rlain'• I I, lice ....................................... Salari c, and C'.,ntmcencie,-\favor's office ........................... &alarics-Dr_partme nt of F:nancc ..................................... telaric- and Expenses of G.ni3er, hot ouch of \lanb.ttan ............. Salaarie' and Expcnies i f C goners. Borough of I lie hr, no ............. Salarie- and Expenses of C' tuner,. 1;orou;h of Brooklyn .............. .Salaries and hxpen.cs of Coroners, Borough of t queen. ................ Salane--Get.erol Interpret_r>. Coroudh .,t Bio(,kly n .................. St. A _atha'; H me for Children ....................................... .r. Chritopher's Hr,-pi[al fit !:abis .................................. St. I rsncis' Flusp:tol ................................................. tit. Icse UL'< Hecpital, New York City .............................. ..t. MAI, Iu s H it..................................................... ``t. %'il, ceet's li , ',pitai, City of New 1-ork ....................... V. uu, \Ica', licusvol. lit .k ,ration Libra* y ......................... \1 I. I i., moLurgh Ho.pilaf ..............................................

_\e:v 1 ark Cntrrtty. Armorie,. and Drill-room,-Wages,.-tc ............................... C• ,mmi sioner of Jurors. ......................................... County Contiugcnt Fund ................. .......... ................. CountyClerk .................................................. C,,urt of General e.sions ............................................ Disbursement, and Fees............................................. Jlt,trict Attorney........... I ..................... .... ......... Fees of Clerk, Court of General Ses.i"ns ............................. Fees and Expenses of Jar. r, ........................................ Public Administrator................................................. P.e,ervali',n of Public krcord,, ('ounty Clerk's (OTi.. .................. Preservation at Public Records, Register', IJffice ...................... L r resrry *•lira of Public Records, Surrogate's 018ce ........ . ............ ket:ister .............................................................' Sheriff.............................................................. Special Cr,m missi'mcr ofJuror. ................................... .... St. Ji,seph's Institution Iur the- Improved Instruction of Deaf Mute,.... Supreme Court, First Department ................................... Surrogates' Courts ...................................................

Kings Caxxt3'. Commissioner of Jurors.... ,.. Commissioner of Records-, ahrie, and Expenses ..................... County Cleric ................................................... CountyCourt ........................................................ 1 County D_ tectivc .................................................. C. aft) Interpreter .................................................. Ili ,rrict Attorney..................................................... Ie•:, and Expense., of Jurors .......................................... ll.titter. .. ....... ................................... "PC' al Commissioner of Jurors. ...................................... ter ,8,rapher to Grand Jury .........................................

supreme Court, Second Department ..................................1 o.Irro:a,e's Court ..................................................... I' nasur.r ....................... ...........

Page 3: · CITY on New YORK. Arrears of Taxes Borough of Manhattan..... Gllon Borough of The Bronx.....:


r„oa. Vu .ens Crll„I,y- rg Jnly 31 It, Cmmniis'.iimcr„t Jurors .................. ........................... t,t z, July 3

County Cootitocnt Fnnd ............................................. 3r 20 Ilistrict Att orncy's OOice ............................................ t68 73

l,'rc%marl County. Co my Clcrk ........................................................ 133 33 Counly Conrl and Surro ate's Court.................................. 1,149 98 I lh,tru:t :\It„rney .... ............................................... 4(6 66 In,tuliti nu or Improved Iiistiv1bQu of I)eaf Mites ................... 85 97 Sh,•n If ..............................................................'. zt9 xu

-- ----- I .', 119,113 r6

121,175,645 33 'to Balance .._.................... ... ... ......... ....... . ............ 7,453,ot6 II

12n,630,C9r 44 '$11,63x,,691 44

July 3, 1900. By I,alince ................................... ............................... 127,455,046 II E. & 0. E., P. W. MIITIf, Bookkeeper. l'.Vl'RICK KJ'E:NAX, City Cliamluerlain.

THE (211 t tISSIONERS OF TILE SINKING I'UNGS of TILE CITY OF NEW YORK, in aCCOtettt with PATRICK KEENAN, ('l&vnberlattt, far tttltl rinri,t l/t:' 2o,'r/.' .11,1N2' 71tlt' 31, 1900.

SINKING FUND FOIL '11111 PAV UENT uF Ivrr: rt tier

ory 11112 Crry I)ntrr.

llR. CR.

............ fts,•)4~,963 03

...... ...... 378,045 (-7

$1,902 56

3,5(9,106 16 .... ...

13,33zr,o_ 8 72 $3,30t,004 7'

............ 53,319,105 r6

Siselnt: FUND FOR 1110. It t•:ur:atrrtort u,: 'Ill Ii

City UenT.

I I ( lt, Illy 13:Joocc as per Iasi ac-

Count current .......... ....................... ............ ............ Aacssment Fund........ Gilon .................. 1263 16 Street Improvement 'unit ................. 14 to Third A vt'nuo, etc., I)pen- ing and Improvcutcut Fund ................... " ........ 5411 71

Snnd ry Licenses, Borough of M_ulhatt:ut.......... Rorke...... 32,69: 5t

Sundry Licenses, 1,'orough of Brooklyn............ 749 25

Sundry Licenses, Borough of llucens .............. Flanagan... 52 co

Sundry Licenses, Borough ut l:ichmond.....,..... 4lcCabc.... .37 5o

- 3,521 z5 Market Ronk atoll Fees,

Borough of hattan. O'linen .... $7,32 7 74 Market Rents and Fees,' Borough of 13n,oklyn.. .... 978 5o

_ 8,3 ;', ,4 Street V.,ults, Boron ,,h of

S1,11h1tg,.............. 1 plating.... 122 4(2 5 Short Vaults, 1; r tt Iu of

iirooklyn .............. .... 379' ____ 2,45`' 40

llu k and Slip 14 sts, I,' ,r rn,,h of 5i ,npMtttn.,... \Lirphy.... 627,80r co

IJnck :mil Slip Rent=, 13or- ungh of l;rosktyn....... .... 758 12

-- - o8,579 72 Cmnmis=ioncrsof Jurors-

Frnes .... ............. Wchlc ................ ro 00

Arrears on Croton Water Rents, City of No%v York .................. (;ilon ................. 5',834 94

I Unrest out Cotton 9( Rent., City

A rrea rs Cr,..,, INntr

........- 16, ro

.. ......-'

Reot',, :897, and pri„r. . '' ................. 2,781 38 Interest nn Cm Inn 1Vatcr

Ren s, 1397, and prior.. .. ................. 972 89 Crolon Water Rents and

Puiiuuobe. ............... Byrne .................. 364,91t 16 II toss Rents, Borough cut

9lauh:it;an ......... .. O'Brien,... $z. 946 rq House Rents, h'orough of

Brooklyn .... 278 77 3,225 76

(;r, told Rents............ O'Uric, ............... 75 ou Frrry Rents ............. Murphy............... I,o:o 44 Court Ices and Fuji's,

I%,rou lu of \l anhat nun . Fulls r ...... $2,270 00 Court Fees :,0.d Fines, I Kerrigan.... 340 oe

Pnruuel: of Brooklyn. I (%.,rduer.... 4:6 oo Court been and Fines,

1,'orough of Richmond.. Scatou...... 35 00 - -_- 3,06, 00

Sinking Fuoi-City of -__ -_-__ . ............

Rn~oklyn : Pruspe, t ['ark Improve- ment .................. G,Ion ................... 32,9(6 34

Intere,t on Prospect Park I mprovemcut .......... " ................ x67 58

Interest u0. Bond and \lox tgugu - E st Side lark Lands...........- •• ............... .. 178 51

To '"kin;; Find - Redemp- tine . ..... ........ ... ...................... ...... ..... c5,io; (8

Sinking Fund-1 nterest .. .......................~ ............ ............ :,inking Fund - Red,:mp-

tionNo. 2 .............. .................... ... ............ .......... 13ul.mces ................ ........................ ............ x.098,586 23

$x,691,289 92

JnlY 31, 190o. fly Bali ices. ........................... ...... ............ ...........

E. & O. E., F. W. Sstou, Bookkeeper.

Slsetec Fruu, Rr•.nr:stericN No, 2. i SIcI:INu: list,, I:R, :,I:1.v\.

lhe. Cu. hIs. ' CI,.

............ . -) 6,8„3 50 ............ u,.,-,874 77



.......... ............


...... ....

4,312 75

$7'.1•°3o 55 856,772 95 I .......... 9i ,x87 55 ............

1926,8o3 52 $4z(,fo3 51 972x,187.5 1 .. $701,187 55

$856,77' (r5 ... ..... .7c r x97 55


Sivtiise, Ft cu, Crry nit Note Vine,



$112,9r9 46

$nz.9'9 46

i, (:ity Chain

Ju9Dn. ly at

., 31 $1,650,41)4 zl

4',793 70

$,,694,'-89 91

12x,688,586 23

Blis,g19 46

$112,919 46

81x2,9rq 46


C Ii.

$57,360 75

557,3'.O 75

I)R. TIlE CITY OF NEW YORK, in account with PATRICK KEENAN, Chamberlain, during Noe week end/n, 7ttll' 31, 1900.

,q.o xqo~

J uly 3r I'o Inter st 1 e3istered ............. ............._.. ...... $4,373 5) Jtdy _r By Balance............................................... I,alaitce ........................... .............................................. 52,987 x6

557,360 75

July 3x, 2900. I7y Balance...... ...,.I...... I ............... .......... 't5',9`1 x6

I'.. & 0. F., F. W. SMITH, flookkeeper. PA'T'RICK KJ';P.N AN, City Clminberlam.

Ii)R. Tim CITY OF NEW 'lc'ORK, in aCCc?unl With PATRICK KEENAN, Chamberlain, dtu'ii, 1/IC week eiid/itg .7114" 3I, 1900. C If.

goo. r~ or.

July 3x To Witness Fees ......................................... ,-........-............ ....,. 11260 98 Ju y z By Balance.,....-,,......................................--............. ............, $ .443 87

, - .I r 8

Balance ............................................................................. r,18z 9,

$1,443 87

$1,443 87

--- -

July 31, 1900. By Balarce ......................... .............. ...... .............. $r,a gr i

E. S. 0. L., F. W. SMITIH, I ookl:ceper. I 1 A•yI:ILK KI?L\:\N, City Chamberlain,

DR. THE CITY OF NEW YORK, CN account with PATRICK KEENAN, gkanlbcrlain, during the week C/Llilt 7111)' 31, 1900. CR.

1900 xgoo. 8 co

July 31 '1'o Jury Fees.,....,.... ............................................................ .. it,g62 pc, July a Ely P.alaI............................--.... ......--.......... ............ ....... 5

0o x Jury Fees.. .... ................................. ..............., ...... .too o0 r{

~3a~ol~ee ............................................... .......... .... ............... x8,825 3 J Y ...... ..... 6

920,387 00 1220,387 to

J uly 31, too. By Balance .............. ................................................ $18,825 00

E. & 0. E., F. W. SMITH, Bookkeeper. PATRICK KEENAN, City Chamlterl:tin.

Page 4: · CITY on New YORK. Arrears of Taxes Borough of Manhattan..... Gllon Borough of The Bronx.....:

6137,079 6o

4128.80c 6o I .....

$1,0'10 00

200 00

7,000 00

7,770 0°

17,500 00

224 00

2t,750 co

4,260 oo

r,o8e oo

1,350 00

1.950 00

1,000 CO

424 O°

86o 00

33,680 00

2,c40 00

9,5x0 cc

t,<Oa Os

8,000 00

3,831 Cu

6,2o, 00

2,100 00

Coo 00

330 00

I,Boi CO


400 00

30 oU

TOO o ,

zoo oc

500 co

1,290 co

d122.caO fo

$3,coo oc

200 O:

7,000 0-

8,250 or

15,75° oc

672 oc

17,400 cc

2,84o cc

360 cc

54, cc

1,'00 CO

1,000 00

424 ou

1,290 Co

34,1[5 00

1,904 0)

7.344 no

f,20J 00

6,400 CO

3,831 6o

`,200 to

2,520 00

720 00

220 00

t; B; O'

zoo cc

75 °°

coo 00

goo 00

300 CO

774 00

5119.160 60

$4,8.00 00

2,CoO 00

6,750 00

6,05o on

27,125 00

306 88

28,710 co

3.905 00

1,47:) 00

1,890 00

t,Pgo 00

r,ts. co

477 °°

1,0i0 50

38,tr5 on

2,244 00

10,2-0 00

1, Ion 00

6,tco oo

4,^c2 40

9,920 00

5,355 Co

t.53„ 00

440 CO

a,t('o on

Soo no

225 00

75 O°

1,400 00

1,250 00

r,-go o)

6157,779 78

$I on



7 50



2 Oa

2 00

10 00

to Co

2 Oo

5 00

2 00

3 CO


14 03

5; 00

301 00

3 to



I 00


50 00

25 °o

2 25

t 8o

$I co I

52e0 00

6 00 2,400 00

30 00 8,700 co

.... $li,300 00

S. co $20000

4 50 r,8:o co

11 50 3,335 00

... .. SS.utc 00

..... 1 4,70,733 78

~I CO 300 00

13 no 5,200 00

45 °° 73,°i0 00

..... $18,530 00

F° 40


5° °o

$216,273 80

$90 no

3,000 00

14,000 00

41 co



7 00

10 00


2 50

3 00

3a O°

25 00

3 co

5 on

2 00

2 co


t5 oo

70 00

250 00

2,000 OJ

3 Io

I 00

1 00

15O 15O

12 00

100 03


loo 00


3 a'

l,,2co oo I $t (O

I,Ork) oo IO

7,50' oo 6 75

9,90, r. , 5 50

61,250 no 75 50

448001 137

o8,075 oo 330

5,575 °° 2 75

1,441 oo i 41 00

I,6zo oo I 35 00

I,820 no 2 to

1,330 °° 5 90

43000 U 205

,,Ir8 oo - 5

422,35-, o0 -4

2,322 uo 15 5o

13,600 CO 75 00

2,050 00 330 00

9,200 00 ,,60 'to

4/9.5 8o 3 40 i

7-750 00 t (a

8,4co oo 2 55

2,400 00 1 255

39600 c eo

1.00 O) ISO

.... .... ''05

Soon U 200 00

37500 I 7500

5000 7500

20000 3 50

500 00 ........

1,720 0o o

5197,705 ui

$0 40


7 50

q CO

35 00

2 00

3 25

3 75

40 00

3° O°

2 8o

6 75

2 50

2 60


17 CO

10, Ol

500 00

2,30° 0)

380 cw

1 25

4 °°

4 0°

I to

I 00


150 O''

ray °O

50 00

4 co

$150 CO

1,t00 00

4,200 on

10,00° CO

4,500 00

7,500 00

1,500 00

1,040 co

875 00

I,COO 00


8,900 0'

8.700 03

43,905 w

$o OI $150 CO

I co 1,500 co

7 00 4,200 00

13 50 13,500 00

2 no I 3,000 00

ID rta 1,500 00

4 00 1,200 00

150 1 390 00

r zo 840 oa

i 2oo 96000

Ic 1 50001

15,9co 00

7,700 00

........ ~ $5o.890 no

$750 03

600 co

4,500 00

27,000 00

4,200 co

1,275 00

1,]Oo 00

195 00

2,800 00

3,2Co 00

ado 50

8,430 o°

9,865 00

$64,265 00

$r,5oo 00

3,750 00

4,050 00

15,500 00

4,125 00

Bz5 00

8z5 00

312 00

2,785 00

2,040 00

100 00

10,750 00

12,250 00

$57,812 00



7 00


3 co


5 co

4 00

1 25



Co 05


7 50



B 5o

4 00


4 00

4 00



2 50

6 75

15 50

2 75

5 50

275 I


2 55 U

2 55


$700 00

2,975 °°

17,000 00

${2o,675 00

$r co $700 00

4 50 I,912 50

6,250 co 12,500 00

..... i $15,112 50

5040 ! $28000

8 co 3,400 oo

7,013 oo 14,033 00

........ $17,718 00

$r 50 $1,050 CO

10 00 4,35000

8,Sn6 co 17,012 CO

........ 822,310 00

$I no

7 co

8,5OO 00




l'resent--Commissioners Clausen (President), Mlochus, Brower.

A representative of the Coin ittnller being p1t•sent and the nieeting open to the public, the estimate-box was ripened and all the eat imales or proposal,s which haul been received l nirsitah

to a duly published advertisement, were opened and read, as follows :

For Faovishixc .11a1,' -rals ml I'<if rmin, the 1VIrk of h'rdnitr, rr Viaduct at Riverside Drive, oz',•r A'in lt'-si.rtli Street, Pewit Aiii'y• f,t/b Io Ninrtl-s<r,ir!h, Street; r'.e, Jo Paviliriris, Our 7oolJmmy;, On l'ltblic Coin/or? t11'ttiit ; also C+ntfl "tioll r if Walks 1zr1rt !Westerly Wall; also Ste/s aua ll olks (7x.1.411 Dreina;re, Grads,, , Cw burv, G'rrt!eri,r{' atr.1 Jo/u, sV c ssar1', ctr., B,r,'ucdt of Marul, rttan.

THOMAS 1)WYER. A. C. GILDEMBLlEys A. C. CHRNOw1:riT. Jint\ 'I- tliAIDm's



Price. Amount. Price. I Amount. j Price. I Amount. Prire. Amount.

A.- I1 luc,' Por'lon, from .\7nt -fifth to wf,rety-see'en'ir .c&eel.

I Foundation excavation ......................................................

..•.. ,.

r 3,oco cubic yards.

z Borrowed embankment and tilling, exclusive of Item No. i .......................... 20,000

Foundation cc-ocrctc, etc ................ .............. I,o^,o

4 Rubble masonry, etc ............................................................... ,,coo ,.

Anchor walls, etc ................................................................... 1,750

6 Pcde-tcil pier-caps ................................................................. 224 cubic feet.

7 Grar.ire sidewalk portal ............................................................ 8,7°° <a

8 1 Granite rail-caps and bases ............................................... ........ 1,420 <,

9 Square granite b.Juste:s ...........................................................

Io Round granite balusters ........................................................... 54.

v j Granite steps and checks ........................................................... 650 cubic feet.

12 Granite anchor wall coping ........................................................ 200 linear feet.

is Bluestone tail-call coping .............................. ssssss.. .... .... .... .... .... ztz

14 Granite east retainmg.scah coping .................................................. 430

1; . In and stc-el column bases, cants, bolts, beams, etc ................................ 847,000 pounds.

if l lrn.imental railing and cast-ire' cornice (a ......................................... 136 linear feet.

tt t )rnanrental rallinz, it of bronze, and cast-iron cornice (b ........................... 136

17 I )rnamcntal latrp-posts, cast iron, and .globes ....................................... 4.

r7a Ornament it Ianip-posts of bronze, and globes ....................................... 4.

18 Asphalt pavement, ever plates ..................................................... 1 ,236 square yards.

to Graveled 'utfaced telford park roadway ............................................ 6,2co

Asphalt sidewalk along drive .. .................................................... 2,Ice <.

.c. ( Asphalt sidewalk 96 feet tinder drive ............................................... 600 <'

zt Curbing, of feet tinder drive ....................................................... 22C linear feet.

cc \ 914 curbing on drive\say .......................................................... ,,2on

ca T:,kin_ up and relaying old curb, and nc.v curb if required ..............................................

a; Catch-basins. complete, and connections ........................................... 4'

3 4 Catch-basins removed ard rebuilt, with connections ................................. 3.

2, Manhole removed and rebuilt ...................................................... t.

26 to-irch vitrified drain-pipe ......................................................... 400 linear fe,t.

27 Electric lighting, crmplete, for viaduct .............................................. .....................

28 Gao- plpc railing ................................................................... 41o_linear feet.

Totals with iron, Items Nos. t6 and 17 ........................... ....................

Totals rich bronze in place of iron, Items Nos, rya and r7a ....... .....................

R.-Stour Balustrade Bc/m en l 7aduct and !'arvIrons.

29 Fc1m.iatioo excavation .............................................................. 2co cubic yards.

30 Foundation walls, rubble and concrete .............................................. 400

31 Granite balustrade, including rail and base ......................................... 25o linear fee'.


C.-.Shelt<•rs on 11 esi Si<i- DrN'tcrsy, (j4/os1te .1 inety-fifth rnl,Nisnety-seveuf/ Streets..,'

~2 Foundation excavation ................................. .... .... .... .... .... ........ 1 700 cubic yards.

35 Foundation walls, rubble and concrete .............................................. 425

34 Pavilions, complete, frith steps, etc., above foundation walls ......................... I 2.


Tota's ..........................................................' .................. ....

k.-1! alts on :1"rnet3-rixflr Street, with Rrturu It all Along Kai/road, with Park !?fling, As iiiz1t Ii a/ks, .S'/, is, Tool-/ions,' and Public Comfort House.

35 Borrowed park filling .............................................................. 15,000 cubic yards.

36 Foundation excavation for walls ....................................................' I, Soo "

37 Foundation concrete ............................................................... i


38 Walls on Ninety-sixth street below coping ........................................... I,000

39 Granite coping and capstones ....................................................... 1,500 cubic feet.

40 j Wall work below coping, return wall along railroad .......... ........ ............ ....' t5o cubic yards.

4t Granite coping for wall along railroad .............................................. 300 linear feet.

42 Bluestone steps and cheeks ........................................................0

Asphalt walks on Ninety- sxth street, between drive and railroad .................... 700 square yard'. 43' alt walks in Park ....................................... .... ........ ........ .. Soy

41 Curb reset along Ninety-sizt3 street ................................................ coo .n,ar feet.


Tool-house, x, tomPlete above foundations, including electric c ligbus ................ ...... '•

46 Fublic Comfort House, complete above foundations, including fixtures, plumbing, ( I hating, drainage and electric lights .......................................... .

Totals......................................................... .......................

* Per linear foot.

Page 5: · CITY on New YORK. Arrears of Taxes Borough of Manhattan..... Gllon Borough of The Bronx.....:

$o 40


7 00

4 75

9 78

a co

5 00

2 50

a9 rS

r4 75

1 49

5 59

r 20

1 s5


r6 50

48 93


1.750 ce

3 23

I 57

3 53

5 s1

1 44

I 35


rot, 00

75 00

80 00 3o


Bo 40

7 00

es 17

$1,200 00

6,000 00

7,000 00

5,225 00

17,115 00

448 00

17,400 00

3,550 OS

1,049 40

796 So

968 50

1,058 co

254 40

2,397 50

35,915 Bo

2,244 00

6,654 48

1,400 00

7,000 co

1,992 28

9,734 00

6,783 00

1,938 cc

3x6 Bo

1,6x0 so

400 00

ess 00

So co

Ito 00

1,500 00

1,823 to

$0 50



6 So

:o 00

2 00

3 co

3 oD

20 00

15 00

3 00

6 oa

I 50

a 50


05 50

54 00

325 00

1,575 oa

3 00

t 50

a 50

2 So

s 00

I 50

*1 00

150 00

ISO 00

So 00

e oe

s 00

$1,500 00

9r 93

1,000 00


6,coo no

6 o.

7,150 00

II 00

27,500 00

30 00

448 00

2 00

s6,roo 00

4 00

4,260 00

3 50

720 00 42 00

8ro no

35 00

1,950 00

3 00

1,100 00

6 So

318 00

I 00

1,075 00


40,656 00 05

a,ro8 00

IS 00

7,344 00

54 03

1,300 00 340 co

6,300 00 r,68o 00

3,708 co

3 25

9,300 oD

r 50

5,250 00

r 25

0,500 00

r at

440 00

a 50

r,Boo 00

I 50


leo o0

75 00

450 00

50 00

50 00

too 00

Boo 0t,


65o co

E6o os 4 00

8,39,503 00

$149 739 00 I • -

5300001 $225

1,500 00 6 00

rolls. 00 to oo

6-31,521 38 ........

$147,532 86 ........

$8o 00 5, 00

s,Bco no 5 50

6,439 30 35 00

$9,309 30 1 ........ 1 $35,550 00

D.-Walls on Ninety-sixth Street, with Return )fall Along Railroad, with Park Filling, Asphalt Walks, Steps, Tool-house and Public Comfort House.

35 Borrowed park filling .............................................................. 25,000 cubic yards.

36 Foundation excavation for walls .................................................... r,5oo

37 Foundation concrete ................................................................ Soo ..

38 Walls on Ninety-sixth street, below coping.......................................... 1,000

39 Granite coping and capstones ......... ............................................ ,,Soo cubic fact.

40 Wall work below coping, return wall along railroad ................................. =5O cubic yards.

41 Granite coping for wall along railroad .............................................. 300 linear feet.

45 Bluestone steps and cheeks ......................................................... 260

Asphalt walks on Ninety-sixth street, between drive and railroad .................... 700 square yards. 43~ Asphalt walks in Park ............................................................. Boo „

44 Curb reset along Ninety-sixth street ................................................ Soo linear feet.

45 Tool-house, complete above foundations, including electric lights ..................... r, 46 Public Comfort House, complete above foundations, including fixtures, plumbing,

heating, drainage and electric lights ............................................ I r'

Totals .......................................................... .......................

10 30


7 00

9 06

2 07


3 01

r 55

3 53

3 23



For Furnishing Materials and Performing the Work of Building a Viadu€l at Riverside Drive, over Ninely-sixth Street, from Ninety-ft/l✓t to Ninety-rrtrenlk Sheet; also Two Pavilions, One, One Public Coin/or! Houtt; alit, Completion of Walks and Westerly Wail; also .Step: and Balks and all Drainage, Gradin{ , Curbing, Guttering and Paving Necertary, etc., Borough of Manhattan-Continued.



Price. I Amount. I Price. Amount. Price. I Amount. Price. Amount.

A.-Viaduct Portion, from Ninety-,61th to Ninety-seventh Street.

I Foundation excavation ............................................................ 3,000 cubic yards.

s Borrowed embankment and filling, exclusive of Item No. r ........................... 00,000 "

3 Foundation concrete, etc........................................................... 1,0•0 "

4 Rubble masonry, etc ............................................................... 1,100

e Anchor walls, etc .................................................................. 1,750

6 Pedestal pier caps ...................................I........................I..... s24 cubic feet.

7 Granite sidewalk portals ........................................................... B,7eo

8 Granite rail-caps and bases ......................................................... 1,410

qSquare granite balusters ........................................................... 36.

to Round granite balusters ........................................................... 54-

11 Granite steps and cheeks ....................................................... I... 65o cubic feet.

is Granite anchor wall coping......................................................... moo linear feet.

13 Bluestone tail wall coping .......................................................... sza

14 Granite east retaining-wall coping .. ............................................... 430

r3 Iron and steel column bases, cants, bolts, beams, etc ................................ 847,000 pounds.

16 Ornamental railing and cast-iron cornice (al......................................... 136 linear feet.

z6a Ornamental railing, if of bronze, and cast-iron cornice (b :. ............................ 136

r7 Ornamental lampposts, cast iron, and globes ........................................ 4.

:7a Ornamental lamp-posts of bronze, and globes ....................................... 4.

rs Asphalt pavement, over plates ................................. I.................... 1,536 square yards.

19 Graveled surfaced telford park roadway ............................................ 6,200

Asphalt Sidewalk along drive .................................. .................... 1,100 So

A sphalt sidewalk 96 feet under drive................................................ 600

sr Curbing, 96 feet under drive....................................................... too linear feet.

is New curbing on driveway .......................................................... 1,200

sea Taking up and relaying old curb and new curb, if required ..........................

s3 Catch-basins, complete, and connections ............................................ 4•

E4 Catch-basins removed and rebuilt, with connections................................. 3.

15 Manhole removed and rebuilt....................................................... I,

if is-inch vitrified drain-pipe ......................................................... 400 linear feet.

27 Electric lighting, complete, for viaduct..............................................

18 Gas-pipe railing ........................................................... ....... 430 linear feet.

Totals with iron, Items Nor. t6 and 17 ...........................

Totals with bronze in place of iron, Items Nos. r6a and r7a ........ .,.....I ...............

B.-Stow Balustrade Between Viaduct and Pavilions.

foundation excavation ............................................................. I too cubit yards.

Foundation walls, rubble and concrete ...............................................~ 4no i

Granite balustrade, including rail and base .......................................... 1 ago linear feet,

Totals......................... ................................I .......................

„-Shelters on YW'est Side Driveway, Opposite Ninety,6flh and Ninety-seventh Streets.

Foundation excavation ......................................................... 700 cubic yards.

Foundation walls, rubble and concrete...............................................- 415

Pavilions complete, with steps, etc., above foundation walls . ......................... a,

Totals ..........................................................1 ..................

$3,750 CO 40 75 5e,55o no

3,000 co 25 5.000 co

6,000 en 7 co 7,000 eO

13,500 co 5 00 5,500 00

52,500 00 so 00 35,000 00

448 CO COO 44800

34,800 00 r 85 s6,og5 no

I 4 970 00 e oo

i 2,840 00

1,512 oo 30 00 1,080 so

r,8go 00 36 00 1,944 00

1,950 00 2 00 1,300 ce

1,300 00 a 50 500 00

vzs co I 90 405 80

0,290 00 a 50 1,075 00

4 3.350 00 03 25,410 00

4,448 00 rg 50 o,65s ott

7,344 00 59 00 8,024 00

1,36o 00 155 00 500 00

6,7s0 00 450 00 ,,Soo oa

4,017 co a 50 3,090 00

9,300 00 r 50 9,300 00

a,6a5 00 2 50 5,050 00

750 00 2 50 1,500 et,

550 DO t 00 040 00

r,800 00 8o 960 co

......... *35 ..........

300 co r6o 00 640 et,

=SO 00 i 155 no 375 a

too et, So 00 So 00

a8o no r 5o 6co 00

ISO 00 ........ 5,000 00

1,720 oo a 50 1,075 ce

8194,821 oo ......., 8134,056 80

$205,078 00 ......,. 8140,728 8o

a5o 00 On 75 ISo 00

2,40. co 5 00 5,000 00

17,400 00 43 00 15,470 oe

8ao,o5o 00 ........ $14,620 00

8875 00 ?0 75 $525 co

2,550 00 5 00 1.115 00

40,000 00 5,000 00 10,000 00

$43,425 00 ........ $x5,650 00

6o 40

BsBo no yr no 5700 0t, xr 25

7 00

2.975 00 5 So 2,337 So 6 no

4,650 00 9,300 00 7,000 03 14,000 00 20,000 00

sT 1s,5S5 00 I ,,...... ~ $17,037 50







$4.500 00 $0 of $150 00 to 15 $2,250 00 8o 15 3,75000

Boo oo r oo r,5co oo r s3 r, 875 no 90 1,350 on

4,200 00 6 oo 3,600 co 6 no 3,600 on 5 50 3.300 00

9,050 no rS no rS,000 on r8 no r8,000 oo 9 oo 9,000 00

3,105 00 2 50 3,750 00 3 00 4.500 00 '. 2 So 3,750 00

1,100 00 9 oo 1,350 00 12 00 r,800 0t, 8 go 1,335 00

903 00 6 75 1 2,025 00 6 no x,800 no 2 5o 730 00

355 00 2 00 Sao 00 2 00 520 00 s 55 585 00

2,261 oo s 50 1,750 00 t 25 875 00 s So 1,750 00

2,584 00 2 50 2,000 on I as 1,000 00 a 50 5,000 00

too 00 50 250 00 50 250 00 ro 50 00

3,890 00 ........ 10,300 00 ........ 10,000 00 ........ 6,000 no

6,roo 00 ........ 13,890 0t, rO,OCD 00 ~ 3,coo 00

$38,818 co I ........ $56,o85 no ........ 955,47o Co ........ :36,6.0 on

e Per linear foot

Page 6: · CITY on New YORK. Arrears of Taxes Borough of Manhattan..... Gllon Borough of The Bronx.....:

911,300 co 820,675 00 945,965 00

11,300 00 20,675 00 43,965 00

5,335 00 35,112 50 50,890 03

5,335 00 15,112 50 53,890 03

17,780 00 17,718 00 64,265 00

17.780 00 17,718 00 64,265 00

18,550 oo 22,312 00 57,8,2 00

18,550 00 22,512 00 57,312 co

9,309 32 12,555 00 38,828 00

9.303 30. 12,555 co 38,828 00

12,552 co 17,037 50 56,085 00

22,:50 00 27,037 50 ! 56,085 00

20,050 00 43,425 00 56,470 co

70,050 co j 43,425 co 56,470 co

14,620 co ,2,6o co 36,620 00

24,620 00 12,650 co 36,620 00

8198,539 ro

313,019 ( o

189,503 to

200,143 to

297,488 80

315,976 80

256,450 74

269,406 78

192,223 68

202,224 t6

225,175 5'"

235,472 50

314,767 co

325,023 cw

197,946 8o

204,618 8o

6133,899 6o

48,379 60.

122,5aa Sc,

134,140 6o

zt„go5 So

233,093 8o

176,326 78

.89,282 78

040,830 68

152,84! t6

152,053 co

163,289 00

214,872 oa

229,138 00

148,676 80

155,348 8o

$154,574 6o

169,054 60

138,613 10

149,253 10

233,223 8o

251,711: 8o

298,658 78

221,594 78

053,395 68

263,396 t6

169,092 50

179,326 50

258,297 00

268,553 00

161,326 80

x67,998 8o



IttonBR. Divist,,t A. flit suns 8. I)IVtstov C. Divistot D, GRAND TOTAI. I)1 13N Dtvtstous


11'ith iron ................ $u2, u 60 59. Thomas Dwyer........................

( With bronze .............! 137,079 6o

( With iron ................. [x8,[65 6o A. C. Gildersleeve,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

( With bronze .............. rn8,8o5 6o

\t'ith iron ................. 197,725 80 A. C. Chenoweth ......................

With bronze .............. 2x6,zx3 8o

\\t11. iron ................ 157,77^ 78 John 1, Brady ......................... j

With bronze ............. 170,732 78

Withiron ................ x72,521 38 Ryan & Parker .........................

With bronze ............. x41,531 86

With iron ................. 139,503 00 McMullen & McBeau .................. 7

With bronze............. 149,739 00

The Cnite I Engineerin and Contracting 1 With iron ....... I........ 1'~ 194,S22 00 Company .............................

With bronze....... ..... 205,078 00

With iron ................ 134„56 8a Joseph P. O'Donnell.,,,,,,. ............ - -

With bronco. ............. 140,728 S.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved On motion, at 12 o'clock 3I„ the Board adjourned.

WILLIS HOLLY, Secretary.


I're,,ent-Commissioner- Clausen (President) and Blower. A representative of the Comptroller beint, present, and the meeting open to the public, the estimate-box was opened and all the estimates or proposa 1, received, in pursuance of duly publisl'ed

adverti,enlents, us crc ol ene,l an,l real, as fella%,:

1i» the (' rs.;r.-rr t t,. II Pr 01 h'roul<rtrrr, Gra,/i,l, and the E)'O'Ihn of a .S,,r-awl/ and Iron Ji'iilin,,r a/ntg the F_rrslerlj` Front of the Extension of East River Park, f,'oae Eih/r 7 :of 1, Iii, En,! of Nrn' S,a-u'al1 x,'a,' 1/,,' , lb,'/j' Line of Eighi ,-,rinllr Street, Borarr,h of .lZa,thallarr, Gil)` of _lc;u }ork,


I'revs. I,UINnnec. (I InCorpora1e'.' 1. )71 I.i \ v.

-- -- - ---- - --- Price. Amount. I Price. Amount. ! Price. Amount. Price. Amount. I Price. Amount. Price. Amount,

I Earth ex'zatv.uinn, esc-'pt from [tall trench ...................... 4tc cubic yards. So 52 $205 co zz 00 $820 00 ao 75 3307 So $o 30 5103 co ao 35 ~ $+43 So $o 25 Stoz 50

2 Ro.l: excas anon, except from tc.11l lien .. ........ ..... ... .... to " z oo .o 00 3 00 30 0) I oo ro 00 x 25 12 50 1 oo xo 00 25 2 50 3 ' Fill

oinfd i


..........a....... ..

..o.u.r.c.e.s. .


r. .

t.o. .

h.e. .


te. jr


01 i 6o ,,00 00 6 1,500 eo :o z-o 00 ...... ........

4 Excavation of all kinds 6. r tren_h fir sea-w all .................1 ,733 I CO 1,700 00 xo 35 [7,5)5 co 4 00 (

9 90 16,830 00 1 oo 1,700 00

°° 5 \.'all mzs,nn .................... .................

7 o 12,90 co

3~ o o on 7

00 14,000 00 22 90 25,800 00

6 Couerete in touncat:.m ............. (o0

t; 22,000


02 13,000 00

8 0o t

3,oeo 16 oo 2,030 x6 0n oo

0o 8 co 4,800 00 02 90 7,740 00

7 Granite copin_ to tarnish and set. ..... ...... .................. SSo linear feet. 6 00 3,320 00 4 co 2,200 02 3 25 1,787 50 4 oc 2,200 00 2 50 !,375 00 6 oo 3,300 00

S Granite pies :,bone Coping to furnish and set ................... 6 5o no ' 300 00 150 w 900 co 50 00 300 00 150 00 ' 900 00 x6o on 960 00 250 00 1,500 03

9 Galvanized-iron riling to tarnish and crept ..................... S;o lincur feet. 2 so 2,075 00 t 50 1,245 00 3 5) 2,905 00 2 0., i,66o co t 20 ' 996 00 x 5o 1,245 00

1 :ta1 ............... ... .... .. ...... ........ .. .... .. .... ........ ...... .... ...... .32,999 03 ...... .... .. S36,345 oo 5 -o- oo ...... c -o ...... 539,36; co ...... 941,190 00

~4" 43„ 0 49,39- ~

The minutes of the precious meeting were read and approved. bidder ; that his propo,al be sent to the Comptroller for approval of sureties, and, when so The folios[ ing communications tt ere receivve . approved, that a contract be entered into by the Department for doing the work. From the Clerk of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment-Forwarding copies of resole- \\'hich etas adopted by the following vote

tions, a.s follutvs : Aces-Commissioners Clausen, Brower-2. I. Authorizing an issue of bonds to the amount of $91,GIO.6S to provide funds for constructing

viadui: 72tcn \inety-sixth street, on Riserside drite. Commissioner Clausen offered the following 2. .Authorizing the expenditure of $6,o00, previously provided f 'r repairs to building on the Resolterl, That the proposal of the lowest formal bidder this day received fur the cmn lotion 1

Harlem Riter drivetta}, for constructing and repairing [talks in Central Park. of the East lacer ,ethere , .and h of Manhattan, be forwarded to the Comptroller for his uaik 3. Autlwrizin~ the i~suc ui bon,ls to the amount of Szoo,000 to provide for the improvement approval of the sureties thereon, and when so approved, that a contract for doing the work be

and development of the \etc York Eotanical Gardens, etc., in Bronx 1'ark. entered into by the I tepartment, provide.! sufficient funds are available for the purpose. 4. Authorizing an issue of bonds to the amount of ~15,000 for the improvement of Hudson Which was adopted by the following vote

Park. A :.yes-Commissioners Clausen, Brower-2,

5. Authorizing an issue of bonds to the amount of $130,000 for the completion and equipment Commissioner Clausen offered the following of the I.,uildings of the American 'luseum of Natural History, under chapter ISM, Law's of 1900. Resolved, That section 3 of the Ordinances applicable to the ordinary uses of Central Park,

I•iled. adopted Marcie 31, 5873, by the Board of Commissioners of the llepartment of l'ublic Parks, From Carrere & Ifastings. architects, reporting favorably upon an application of Eugene and by the .'ark Board September t3, 1 89S, be and hereby is amended so as to read as follows : Lentilhon for a further extension of time on his contract for the removal of the Forty- econd 3. No t1uadruled> except those placed in the Park by the Commi55ioners, and except dogs street reservoir, etc. when controlled by a line of suitable strength, not more than six feet in length, and horses and

Comuti;sioner Clausen offered the following : Resolved, That the time for lotion

others used for pleasure travel, shall be driven or conducted into the Park or allowed to remain the cono of the work under contract with Eugene in it. No clogs shall be allowed at large. Stray dogs shall be captured, when cap:ure is po0sible,

Lcntilh n for the removal of the Forty-second street reservoir, etc., be and the same hereby is and turned over to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, but vicious extende i to December 15, Igoo, as recommen,:cd I the Architect,. or stray dogs, dangerous to persons or property, may be shot or othewise destroyed, as the

- hich \\ssa adopted by the following vole : Commissioners may determine and direct. This ordinance shall also apply to cats. Ayes-Commissioner; Clausen, !!rower-2. Which wa. adopted by the following vote : Cotnmi;.ioner Clausen offered the f ilotwing: .''es -Cm,nhlnlissioiiinr, Clausen, Brower-2. I:e-ovecl. 1 hat the contract fear co rrm' tit:g a viaduct carrying R kerside drive over AV-e.t ()it utution, tt II.40 o'clock, the Board adjourned.

Ninety-si>,th zt,ect. etc., 1;e and the .a:c 'iercLc i antar lc 1 to A. C. Gildersleeve, the 1r [vest WILLIS HOLLY, Secretary.

DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC CHARITIES. August 20. _ Communication received from Acting Mayor Guggenlreimer revoking designation of July


The following is the report for the week ending August 21, Ipoo : Dependent children committed ............ ........................................ 4 Dependent child discharged ........................................................ I REPORT OF TRA'.xSACTIONS I-OR \\-ERR E`ntING AUtO ST 2I, 1900. Order for abandonment warrant .........................


NE'.v YORK, August 22, Igoo. Report of Superintendent of Almshouse, labor, census, Hospital, etc., and report of Superin-

tendent of Out-door Poor, approved and placed on file. Approved weekly requisitions for Almshouse.

August 15.

Approved the following bills and transmitted same to Comptroller For burial of Veteran ....................................... ................ $15 0 For the relief of Poor Adult Blind ............................................750 750 00

lu5ust 16.

Approved the following bill and transmitted same to Comptroller Donation to Veteran, Post Shaw' \o. I 52, G. A. R .............................. 915 po

August 17.

Approve,] the following bills and transmitted same to Comptroller The New 's" 7kCatholic Protectors' ............................................ $65 39 Supplies fur Alnishouse .......................................... 779 45

Discharged from Almshouse ........................................................ Burialpermits .......... ......................................................... 2 Dead wagon calls .... ............................................ .. ............ 2 Dead bodies received at morgue .................................................... 2 Unidentified and interred in Potter's Field .......................................... I

- - - JAMES FEENY, Commissioner.



OFFICE OF CHIEF EXAMINER, NEW YORK, August 23, 1900. Supervisor of the City Record.

DEAR Six--In accordance with the requirements of section 284 of the Charter, I herewith ransmit to you for publication in the CITY RECORD of August 25 a list of applications received incc August i6 for appointment to the position of Patrolman.

Respectfully yours, LEE PHILLIPS. Secretary.

Page 7: · CITY on New YORK. Arrears of Taxes Borough of Manhattan..... Gllon Borough of The Bronx.....:


Borough of Richmond.

(:Ruuon Cuosnvel.l., President. )Rceof the President, First National Yank Building,

New Brighton ; 9 A. St. to 4 r, +t.; Saturdays, 9 A. SI, to 1a St.

PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR, KINGS COUNTY No. tSg Montague street, Brooklyn, 9 A, M. to 5 r, nt.,

except Saturdays in June, July and August, 9 A. H. to 1 r. St.

Wot. If. DAVes 'ruins , Public Administrator.

AQUEDUCT' COMMISSIONERS. Room uoy Stewart lfuiliiug, Sill floor, 9 A. Al. to 4 V.M.

JOHN J, RYAN, MAC RICe J. I', oven, WI LLI A It H. 'I' no EvcK, JOHN, 1'. Wlsnul.rn and 'lute MAYOR anti Cu at r'rruLI.ES, Commissioners; HARRY W. WALKEIR, Secretary ; WILLIAM R. HILL, Chief Engineer

PUBLIC ADMINISl'RATOR. No. it9 Nassau street, 9 A. M. to 4 P. }t.

WILLIAM Al. HOES, Public Administrator.

PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR, QUEENS COUNTY. Nu. ,03 'Third street, Long Island City. CHARLES A. WADLEY, Public Administrator.

DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. Stewart Building, Chambers street and Broadway, 9

A. lit. tO 4 r. It. Barn S. CnLES, Comptroller. MICE AEL T. DALY, EDGAR J. LEVEY, Deputy Comp-

troller,. Auditing Bureau.

Jute F. GouLDsuuRY, Auditor of Accounts. P'. L. W', SCHAFFNER, Auditor of Accounts, F. J. BRElrarAs, Auditor of Accounts. 1[usas OPPENHEIMER, Auditor of Accounts. WtLLtAat McKtrcsv, Auditor of Accounts. DANIEL. B. PIi1LLI S, Auditor of Accounts. EutcAicn J. C INNELL, Auditor of Accounts. FI<A:vas R. CLAiR, Auditor of Accounts. WALTER FL HIL1", Au,litor of Accounts, WILLIAM J Lvui., Auditor of Accounts. JAMES F, lScKlxsey, Auditor of Accounts. PHILIP J. McEvov, Auditor of Accounts. JLRE.NH II 'I'. Maui,xuv, Auditor of Accounts.

Bureau fir the Collection of dsseso.reexts and .-lrrearo.

EDWAleu GILON, Collector of Assessments and Arrears.

EDWARD A. SLA'I-rERY, Deputy Collector of Assess-ments and Arrears, Borough of Manhattan.

JAor; E. SiA_seouD, Deputy Collector of Assess-ments and Arrears, Borough of file Bronx.

MICH:AEL O'KEEvtE, Deputy Collector of Assess-mennts and Arrears, Borough of Brooklyn.

JOHHN F. Rueeus, Deputy Collector of Assessments and Arrears, Borough of Queen'.

(ic':cE \BRAND, Deputy Collector of Assessments and Arrears, Borough of Richmond.

A rn'c•aI, fur the ('oiler liorn of Taxes.

DAVID F. Acs-res, Receiver of Taxes. JOHN J. Mcl)oeuvun, Deputy Receiver of V'axes,

Borough of Manhattan. JOHN I3. UNDERHILL, Deputy Receiver of 'laces,

borough of 'lire Bronx. JAMES It. Bucac, Deputy Receiver of Taxes, I3or-

uugh of Brooklyn. VkFuEMac W. BLECKsESN, Deputy Receiver of

'V'axes, Borough of Queens. IIA"1"rHEw S. TULLY, Deputy Receiver of 'Faxes,

Borough of Richmond.

Gueeare Jar Ike Call ctiwr of City Revenue and of .ilarkets.

DAVID O'L'IaEs, Collector of City Revenue and Superintendent of Markets.

AT-Ex.-tsCiEli ME,ucm, Clerk of Markets.

Br it, •air of the City CYtaurbcrlain.

PAL R,Ie(e KEEN.vx, City Chamberlain. JOHN 1-L (A\tl'BELL, Deputy Clnaunberlaiu.

OgFce rf fk, (i/i I'ayrrraster.

No. 53 Chambers street and No. 65 Evade street. JOHN I1, '11sisIExtl-~n, City paymaster.

BOARD OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMEN'1'S. Nos. 13 to in Park Row, t8th flour, 9 A. Si. to 4 P. M.

Satu dny's, 9 A.:1. to no St. MAui,ncn F. HUL:a11AN, President. JiH.." H. ?luu>Es", Secretary.

Drfarmreni of H/ghxrayo. Nos, 13 to 21 Park Row, 9 A. at. to 4 P. AI,

J:totES 1'. KEAIIiG, Commissioner of Higltways. WILLIAM N. SHANNON, Deputy for Manhattan. TiiottAS R. F-srtseLI-, Deputy for Brooklyn. JAMES H. MALONEY, Deputy- for Iiruux. JOHN P. 91IDDes, Dcputy 1„r Quecns. HEs KY P. >I, n: tic its. Depnt);and Chief Engtncer for

Richmond. Oliicc,'' Riclnntond l;ui ldi mg,'' corucr Rich-mond Terrace and York avenue, New Brighton, S. 1.

I ),f,: rfnrruI of .S..v.•s.

O^ '. .k Ross', t. I. to I Nos, r to _r l.0 hot o t. J t )Les Katie, Commissioner of Sewers. ?IA1rn eo" F. Dusuut' c, Deputy for \Ian(rattan. Tttutlas J. By lescs, Deputy for Brons. Office, Third I

avenue and One Hundred and Seventy-sevcntlr street. WILLIAM BRL.NIA\, Deputy for Brooklyn, Office,

Municipal Building, Room 40. \Iarrueo' J. GOLDNeri, Deputy Commissioner of

Sewers, borougir of Queens, Office, Hackett Building, Long Island City,

HESI<r 1'. 'Mosetsox, Deputy Commissioner and Chief Engineer of Sewers, Borough of Richmond. Office, ,, Richmond Building," corner Richmond Terrace and York avenue, New Brighton, S. I.

Dcjartnnrext of Bridges.

Nos. 13 to at Park Row, 9 A. at. to 4 1'. at. ; Satur- days, 9 A. M. to in Si.

Jons. L. SHE.4, Commissioner. THOMAS H. VoRK, Deputy. SAMUEL R. PrunAscu, Chief Engineer. I\IATTUEw H. MMooac, Deputy for Bronx. HARRs' 13e..v, Deputy for Brooklyn. Jorto E, IBACKUS, Deputy for Queens.

Lgbtrtmenl rj 11'ator Srrfr/+ly.

Nos. 13 to at Park Row. Office hours, 9 A. at. to 4

WILLL5SI DaLTOs, Commissioner of Water Supply. JASIES H. HASLIs, Deputy Commissioner, Borough

of Manhattan. GEORGE W. BIRDSAI.t.. Chief Engineer, W. G. Bv1:NE, Water Registrar. JasrEs MOFFE1-r, Deputy Commissioner, Borough of

Brooklyn, Municipal Building, Brooklyn. LasREScE GressEC, Deputy Commissioner, Borough

of Queens, Long Island City. 'PHoonAS J. \IuLI.tuaN, Deputy Commissioner,

Borough of 'file Bronx, Crotona Park Building. HENRY P. MORnlsoo, Deputy Commissioner, Borough

of Richmond. Office, " Richmond Building," corner Richmond Terrace and York avenue, New Brighton, S.I.

De,n4arf,irn! <j .0 u i,'1 Cle—axg.

Nos. 13 to at Park Row, 9 A. St, to 4 P. St. PERCIVAL E. NAGLE, Commissioner. F. Al. Glnsos, Deputy Commissioner for Borough of

Manhattan. PATRICK H. QUINN, Deputy Commissioner for

Borough of Brooklyn, Room 37, Municipal Building.


3OR6P11 I.11EInER'll, Deputy Commissioner Inr Borough of'1he Itronx, Nu. 6t5 I:ust One Hundred and Fifty-second street,

JASIIIS F. O'IlutKs, De luty Commissioner for Bor- uuKh of Queen%, Nu. 48 Jackson uvenue, Long Island City.

/)e/artrnint of I1rnhn!i,rgs, Lighting' aud.1rr/p(ri•t.

Nos. t 3 to at park Row, 9 A. H. to 4 P. St. IIeser S. KEARNY, Commissioner of Public Build-

ings, fighting and Su ,plies. PETER J. DuiLlxc, I)cputy Commissioner for Man-

hattan, GRU, E. lies-n, Deputy Cnmmissioncr for 1'he Bronx. JASIE5 J. KD<wtx, Deputy Commissioner for lirook-

lyn, JuEL FwUR, e Commissioner Comissi uL D oner for Queens. EDWARD 1. MILLER, Deputy Commissioner for Rich-



Office of Corforatiou Counsel.

Staats-Zeitung Building, 3d and 4th floors, 9 A. St. to 5 r. nt,; Saturdays, 9 A. St. to no AI.

J,nls WHALEN, Corporation Counsel. THEODORE COnrxoLv, W. W. LADD, Jr., CHARLES

BLAS.DV, GEORGE HILL, Assistants. WILLIAM J. CARR, Assistant Corporation Counsel

for Brooklyn.

Bureau for Collection of Arrears of I ersonal 'faxes.

Stewart Building, Broadway and Chambers street, 9 A. xt. to 4 I'. \t.

JASIES C. SPENCER, Assistant Corporation Counsel,

Bureau for the Recovery of Penalties.

Nos, tt9 and mom Nassau street. ADRIAN T. Kunesnn, Assistant Corporation Counsel.

Bureau o/ Str,:et t/L•u/n.,'s.

Nos, yo and ga West Broadway, Jolts 1'. DUSN Assistant to Corporation Counsel.


C'e,rtra/ (/rr. NO 300 Mulberry street, g A. St. t9 4 r.:1.

GEwwrco J. 1',o:l<, Presi donut of the Board; JOHN B. Semmm.;,Jacce HESS, HENRY E. ABELL. Commissioners,

her eau of E/,rfio.Is.

9 A. it. to 4 I'. MI.; Saturday's, 9 A. .1. to is St. General Bureau of Election., Borough of Manhattan

—No. goo Mulberry street. 1. F, RIDES II. U rat , Super- iutendeut : WILLIAM Yut.u.Et". Chief Clerk.

Branch Bureau, Borough of Iirooklvu—Nu. r6 Smith street, GEt,t<GE RUSSELL, Chief ; Jinx K. NEAL, Chief Clerk.

Branch iiureau, Borough of The P,runx—One Hun-dred and Thirty-eighth street and -\Tuft avcuue. Con. NELICS A. I31<rss ER, Jr., Chief.

Branch Bureau, Borough of Queens—Pohcc Station, Astoria. JAsr CS R. R-)oSn.t t, Chief.

Branch Bureau, Borough Of Richmond—Staten Island Savings Bank Building, Stapleton, S. I. CH:v<LE, A. JoNE,, Chief.


Foot of East Twenty-sistir street. 9 .c. in to 4 P. Sr. Jule VV. KELLER, 1'resideut ui' the board ; Commis-

sioner for Manhattan and llruux. 'I HuoLts S,, Deputy Curnmissioner. ADULii{ H. GoFTTING, Comnlissioner for Lrooklyn

and Queens.N us, I-6 and la8 l.ivingstun street, brook-lyn.

EDtc.sRU Grist. its, Deputy Commissioner. J.tties ["cross, Commissioner for Richmond. flans and Spcci lications, Contacts, l'ropusals and

Estimates for Work and Material, for building, Re- pairs and Suppli cc, Bills and Accounts. y A. s.1. to 4 P. St. ; Saturdays, to %1.

Out-door Poor Department. Office Incurs. 3.,o A. M. to 4.3o I•. M.

Department for Care of Destitute Children, No. 66 Third avenue, S, o A, It, to 4.30 r. 'L


No. m?. East "I'wcutieth street. Office Irours from 9 A. M. to 4 r. MI.: Saturdays to 12 N1,

Fn.Ascl. J. I,As'r01. Commissioner. N. (1, I tss I elut'Cummis - 'n'r. I y stet - . ours .1 .I I.. } De)n[- Cunlmissione J 1 > r for

Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens.

FIRE llET'ART3fENY. Oliicc hours for all, except where otherwise noted,

from 9 a. SI. to 4 U. al.: Saturcla} s. no t.I,

Nos. 157 and r_9 East SLCty-suvunth sticet. JOHN J. SC.t.NELL, F ire Comnnssioner. Jams II. 'l't'LL1, Deputy Contnti»iuner, Boroughs

of Brooklyn and Queens. Acct-c"ito'I'.'lluc nv:rS. Secretary. EDWARD F. Caolcmr.. Cinch or Department and in

Charge of Firc.alarm "Lelceraph. _'sin', DALE, Deputy Chief, in Charge of Boroughs

of Brooklyn ;cod Querns. GEORGE E, 31 r.iuAs, Inspector of Combustibles. PE'rcir SEE;', Fire Marshal, Boroughs of Manhattan,

The Bronx and Itichmond. ALUszu Blav+iEC, Fire -Marshal, Boroughs of Brook-

lyn and Queens. Cenu;tl Office open at all hours. Cummtttee to exantiue persons who handle explosives

meets 'Thursday of each tt'eek, at z o'clock r. ti.


J. SERGEANTCR:uI, Yresident ; CHAHLes F. MU'RPHY, Treasurer: PETER 1'. MEYER, Commissioners, WILLIAM H, Bt' RI:E, Secretary.

Office hours, 9 A. vt. to 4 V. SI.; Saturdays, an }L

DEPAR'TMEN'T OF IiEALTH. Southwest corner of Fifty-fifth street and Sixth ave-

nue, 9 A. St, to 4 P. M. Burial Ycrmit and Contagious Disease Offices always

open. MICHAEL C. MMhen'Hv. President, and WILLIAM IT.

JEsK1so, Al. D., JoHS 13. Cosuv, 91. 1)., 'rHE PRESt-DENT OF THE POLICE BOARD, e-r-icio, and the HEALTH OFFuCeni (n' -In E POR'r, c'-F-c,hlSi tt', Comnmissionlers. CASPAR ('OLDER>IAN, Secretary pro tem.

CHARLES F. RoaEla'rs, M. D., Sanitary Supermten-det[t.

FREDERIcre H. DILLINGDA n, H, D•, Assistant Sani-tary Superintendent, Borough of -Manhattan,

El'GLNE 7rIu>-:~n As, M. D., Assistant Sanitary Superintendent, Borough of The Bronx.

Ronatrr A. BLACK, H. 1)., Assistant Sanitary Super-intendent, Borough of Brooklyn.

OnEU L. Lrsre, M. D., Assistant Sanitary Superin. tendeht, Borough of Qaeens.

Joux L. FEE'.0, M. D., Assistant Sanitary Superin-tendent, Borough of Richmond.


missioner in Manhattan and Richmond. WILLIS HOLLY, Secretary, Park Board. Offices, Arsenal, Central Park. GEORGE V. BROWER, Commissioner in Brooklyn and

Queens. Offices, City Hall, Brooklyn, and Litchfield Mansion,

Prospect Park.


l atrolmHan.


1 James S. Flaherty ........ 586'1'cuth street, Bruuklyn ............................ Plumber.

Augustus H.Kr se....... 7r Thirty-eighth street, Brooklyn,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Wood turner.

John J. Griffin...,,..,.,.. ua West street, Manhattan ............................. F.Icv,nor oper.ttor.

Charles Klein ............. 227 Fast Seventieth street, Manhatlun............,.... I Bartender.

John Thomas Eagleton ... 3 Si. Luke's place, Manhattan .......................... Real estate.

William Edelmann........ +;97 Avenue A, Manhattan ........................... Painter.

John Paynter ............. 164 Leonard street, Lrooklyn.......................... Driver.

Alexander 13istrom......~ 312 East One Hundred and Eighteenth s'.reet, Man- Electrician. hattan ............................................

Frank Jaeger ............. 525 East Eighty-eighth street, Manhattan .............. Coachman.

\VilliimJ. Currin......... 449 West Forty-eighth street, Manhattan ............... I Collector.

John J. McLaughlin..... 665 East One Hundred and Thirty-sixth street, The (. Silversmith. ]ironx ...........................................f

Charles Goering..,....... 722 1'enth avenue, Manhattan ..................... Storekeeper.

Francis Shell i y... Warren street, Brook('n ......................... . . • 494 Brooklyn Plumber.

Thomas \Varren. ....... ., zt6 East Eighty-ninth street, Manhattan........... Driver.

Thomao Byrne........... 35t West Forty-fourth street, Manhattan ..... ........I Waiter.

Alu'stus L. Nutt......... 1 509 Broome street, Ma;th.utan .......................... Stained glass.

John S. McGlynn......... 595 Driggs avenue, Brooklyn ......................... Fetter.

Michael Joseph Toomey.. 5(2 Brook avenue, The Bronx......................... ll otorman.

Harry \V. Leavy ... ....,.I 406 \Vest Forty.cighth street, Manhattan .............. i Clerk.

Elwin J, Duke............ 183 Thirteenth street, Brooklyn .......................... Jeweler.

George I''raecis Vasenry„ 4 Scoed street, Brooklyn ............................. Clerk.

James J Power;......... tsz East Twenty-cigluh street, Manhattan ............. Cutter.

Walter J. Best............' 161 Berg.'n street, lirooklyu ........................... Agent.

Joseph M. Kit n.......... to7 Kapla's street, Jamaica, Queens ..................... Engineer.

Michael Duffy............ 181 East Seventy-third street, MaAh:itcm .............. Horseshoer.

Edward J. Colgan......... 4"n West Ihirty.f.urth street, Manhattan .............. Shlvrsmia.

Gust ,v B. \Veihas,,....... ;r Sutton place, fllauhattan ........................... \Vhcelwrkt,t.

John A. Henney.......... 141 West Sixtieth street, Manh ....... ............ Milk Dealrr.

309 \\ est One Hundred and Forty-2ightir street, M:m- t Fireman. John McDermott........ f hattan ................................. I... .....1

Frederick Ho,lderlin....... 47 Bartlett street, Brooklyn ............................. Printer.

John I1. Lyn h........... a5o 'Tenth avenue, Manhattan ..........................'. Porter,

1ViLltam F. Wendorff...... 5o4 last Elglrty-sixth street, Manha'tue ................. Conducto".

Dlichael llrosnan .......... 1747 Lexington accuue, Manh rtenn ..................... Grocer.

Francs D. Foy............ 148, Third avenue, Ma shat'an ......................... Manager.

Francis J. Flynn.......... . 3(2 Hl,. on st ret, Brooklyn ............................ Ti nsmith.

Patrick ,ticau!:m ........... .:4 Hull street, ilrookh•u.............................. Con iuct',, r.


and Bureau of Priutruff, Stationery and B/.rxk Books OFrICo PREsioE\T OF THE BoR(,cci of .MI.ANIt ATT.SN,)

Now 'Sonic, August f -r, ryoo. No. _ City Hall, 9 A. AI. to 4 r. it. ; Saturday, 9 A. nt.


W'H.LIAat A. Bc'rLER, Supervisor ; Su LOS BER RIC I:, :Ince I ith section 400 Of the Charter of 'I'lte City Deputy" Supervisor ; 'THO.NI ss C. COWEELL, Deputy

of Ne,v York, that a communication from the Depart- Supervisor and Accountant. merit of Highways, in reference to the fallowing

Condition of sidewalk south side of Ninety-first street, West ofCcntral Park, \Vest. COMMISSIONERS OF '1'HE SINKING FUND.

Flag and reflag sidewalk, and build a cement rubble masonry retaining wall on south side of Ninety-first The MAYOR, Chutrnum ; BIRD S. Cot.El<, Comp: street arid L cntr,t! Park, \Vc st. troller PA2RIc. hEFC.tA

H Clirimhcrlrtin, RANDOLPH

1la;rr ing sidewalks south side of East Fourth street, GrcGE] EtalEa, President of die Council, RuttO .l. from \u. 372 to 382 ; I Mott, Chairman, Finance Committee, Board of Alder-

Fcncing vacant lots on south side of East Fourth men, Members. Eu.AR J. LEVEY, Secretary. street, from No. 372 to 382: Office of Secretary, Room No. 11, Stewart Building,

Flagging and reflagging sidewrdks northwest corner of Avenue A and Tenth stree t : P,03Rll OF' ES1131 A'i'E A V ll Al FOR1'IO\ \I ENT

Flaggin siewalks on south side of \Vest FiRy- g d seventh street; '1'uo.stos The \IAVUR, Chairman: L. Lots-n Eli IFresl-

Repairing, flaggiug and reflagging sidewalk on the dent, Department of Taxes and Assessments), Secre- sourJl side of East Ninety-second street, from No. 310 tart' ; tire Cusu•'r ROLLER. PRFsIDc)Nr nr "r11F COUNCIL,

to ,34. and the CiRrorA'rtus Cocoset., Members : CunRLes Repairing, flagging and rellagging sidewalk on the V. ADEE, Clerk.

north side of West one Hundred and Fifteenth street, 'Faxes Office of Clerk, Department of and Assess- from No. 241 to 227, excepting No. 0 5. meats, Room R, Stewart Building, 9 A. +t. to 4 P. sr.;

Repairing, laggingaull tetlaggi,ig sidewalks on south Saturdays, in St. side of A'Cvt One Hundredth street, from the Now

YoReprk F

a ree Circulating Library to Bru r do

' hl .s outl BOARD OF ARMORY CO>IMISSION ERS. iring, flagging and refl side st agging

side of \Vest Ninety-eighth street, from Broadway to '(ire MAYOR,, Roma r A. VAS R'} ce, Chairman ; THE line Of NO. 254; 'I', I PREIIDnc I' OF 'r on horse I510,1 OF XEs AND

h - Of Vest Repairing, flagging and reflagging soul sale -, u:u Fr sits, Secretary; T' ~~F_. ~\IE\1'ti '1'tI J. L. .11 HE i A. Ninety-seventh street, from Broadway to West End COMMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC Bl\lEDlxaF, LLUHTr,G AND

avenue ; SUPPLIES, HENRY S. KE:toxv ; Brigadier-Geucral Repairing, flagging and reflagging si dewalk south JAMES McLeeR and Brigadier-General McCosr try

side erf VVest One Hundred and Fiftieth street, from Burr. Commissioners. Bradlmrst avenue to west line of No. 3o0 West One Address THOMAS L. FnrrooR, Secretary, Stewart Hundred all Fiftieth street ; Building. —has been filed in this office and is now ready for pub Office hours, 9 A. At. to 4 P. on. ; Saturdays, 9 A St. lic inspection, and that a meeting of the local Board of to to st. the respective districts for Local Improvements will be held in the Borough Office, City hall, on the 4th day MUNICIPAL ASSEMBLY. of September, Igoo, at lz si., at which meeting said cons-

'Fite CocaL. munication will be submitted to the Board. JAMES J. COOGAN, RANDOLPH GuoGEsuenIER, President of the Council.

President. P. J SCULLY, City Clerk. I. E. RIDER, Clerk's office open from no A. St. to 4 P. nl, ; Satur-

Secretary. days, to A. St. to 12 At.



SlA1'E"IEN'I' OF THE HOURS DURING which the Public Offices in the City are open for

business, and at which the Courts regularly open and adjourn, as well as of the places where such offices are kept and such Courts are held ; together with the heads of Departments and Courts:


No. 6 City Hall, 9 A. ➢L to 4 P. M. ; Saturdays, 9 A. St. to 10 Si.

ROBERT A. VAN WYCK, Mayor. .. ALFRED M. DOWSES, Private Secretary.

Bureau of Licenses.

9 A. nt. to 4 r. H. ; Saturdays, 9 A. St, to is H.

DAVID J. ROCHE, Chief of Bureau. Principal Office, Room r, City Hall. GEORGE W.

BRowa, Jr., Deputy Chief in Boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx.

Branch Office, Room on, Borough Hall, Brooklyn; WILLIAM H. JORDAN, Deputy Chief its Borough of Brooklyn.

Branch Office, "Richmond Building," New Brighton, S. I. ; WILLIAM H. McC.4aE, Deputy Chief in Borough of Richmond.

Branch Office, "Hackett Building," Long Island City ; PETER FLANAGAN, Deputy Chief in Borough of Queens.

COMMISSIONERS OF ACCOUNTS. Rooms 114 and rc5 Stewart Building, 9 A. xl, to 4 P. At. JOHN C. HERTLE and EDWARD Owes, Commissioners.

BOROUGH PRESIDENTS. Borough of Manhattan.

Office of the President of the Borough of Bfanhattan, Nos. to, an and to City Hall. 9 A. St. to 4 P. sm.; Satur- days, 9 A. St. to to St.

JAatES J. COOGAN, President. Ir..A EDGAR RIDER, Secretary.

Borough of The Bronx. Office of the President of the Borough of The Bronx,

corner Third avenue and One Hundred and Seventy. seventh street. 9 A. nt. to 4 P. AL; Saturdays, 9 A. St. to 12 St.

Louis F. HAFFEN, President.

Borough of Brooklyn. President's Office, No. at Borough Hall, 9 A. St. to

P. St.; Saturdays, 9 A. Si. to to St. EDWARD Al. GROUT, President.

Borough of Queens. FREDERICK BOWLEY, President. Office, Long Island City, 9 A.M. until 4 P. St.; Satur-

days, from 9 A Si. until to at.

Page 8: · CITY on New YORK. Arrears of Taxes Borough of Manhattan..... Gllon Borough of The Bronx.....:


AL , l \1„Rnt . , ('vuHi„ioncr in U,.,rough of I'bc Bronx,

()fficc<, Zbrowski ylnnsion, Claremont Park. Office hours, q A. M. to 4 V. M, ; Saturday's, i. M.

.1 ,-t C1'nmissiourrs,

SA.1UFL 1'. AVER', D.tstEt C. FENcH, Contmis-sioncrs.

DEI'ARTMEX'l' t BUILDINGS. Main ORice, No. zzo Fourth avenue, 1)urough it

Manhattan. t )Rice hours, g A. .l. to 4 P. sL : Saturdays. y A. 1l. to t'_ Si.

'I'HU,:A' I. IieAUy, President of the Board of Build-ings and Commissioner for the Boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx,

JOHN, Gu'ILFUv LE. Commissioner for the Borough of Brooklyn.

DANIEL C.t>n'BELL, Commissioner for the Boroughs of Queens and Richmond.

A. J. joir s lx. Secretary. Office of the Department for the Boroughs of Man.

hattun and The Bronx, No. 220 Fourth avenue, Borough of Manhattan.

Office of the Department for the Borough of Brook-lyn. Hall, Borough of Brooklyn.

Office of the Department for the Boroughs of Queens and Richmond, Richmond Hall, New Brighton, Staten Island. Borough of Richmond. Branch office: Room I, second floor, Town Hall, Jamaica, Long Island, Borough of Queens.

DEPARTMENT OF TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS Stewart Building, g A. st. to 4 r. V.: Saturdays, to St. TH, ••I.Rs I., FErt'xER, President of the Board : ED-


BUREAU OF Ml.'NICIPAL SFA1'ISTICS. Nos. r3 to =t Park Row, Room to t. Office hours

from y A. M. to 4 V. %I.: Saturdays, from ; A. V. to r2 M. Tu'HN T. NAGLE, M. D.. Chief of Bureau. Municipal Statistical Commtsston: FREDERICK W.

GRL'I;F, L.L. D., .'xTONIII R.-PINES, RICHARD T. WIL-c N, Jr., ERNEST HARvtER, J. EDwi'.aeu TE I'TER, T uontas GlLLER-lx,

MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION. No. 346 Broadway. o A..1I. to 4 P. M. CHARLES H. Kxax. President, ALEXANDER T. \L\sox

and WILLIAM N. DI'sstas, Commissioners. LEE PHILLIPS. Secretary..

BOARD OF ASSESSORS. Office. No. 3'I, Broadway. as s1. to 4 t. St. EDtcatm McCUE (President), EDWARD CAHILL.

'rHomAs A. \WILSON. PATRtcc M. HAVERTv and JOHN B. MEVENroRC. Board of Assessors. A'ILLLR\t H. JASPER. Secretary. THOMAS J. SHELLEY. Chief Clerk,


Park avenue and Fifty-ninth street, Borough of Man-hattan. q A. V. to ; P. sL: Saturdays. o A. NI. to to M.

MILES M. O'Bctcs. President ; A. EMERSON PALStER, Secretary.

School Boord fee tie B,'r,^rghs ,f V anitatian and The Grnn-r.

Park avenue and Fifty-ninth street. Borough of Man-hattan.

MILES M. O'BRIEN, President; William J. ELLIS, Secretary.

au ltrn1 Board f ,r the l3r1oeyh of Grutu'kdiiu. No. rl Livingston street, Brooklyn. Office hours,

4A. M. to St \L; Saturdays. 9.5. Si. to rust. CHARLES E. RoaERTSON, President; GEORGE G.

BROWN. Secretary.

S.hool board it' the boy, ugh if (owns. Flushing, Long Island.

PATRICK J. WHITE. President; JusEtH H. FITZ rATRICK, Secretary.

Scha, I Braid f'r the Hma(oS / of Rickumnd, Savings Bank Building. Stapleton. Staten Island.

WILLIAM J. COLE, President; Fe.,StcLIS C. VITT, Secretary.

SHERIFF'S OFFICE. Stewart Building. 9 A. M. to 4 r. V.

WILLl,S F. GRELL. Sheriff; HENRY P. JIcLPASV. Under Sheriff.

SHERIFF'S OFFICE, KINGS COUNTY. County Court-house. Brooklyn. WILLIAM \V.\LTON. Sheriff; JAMES DU'NNE. Under

Sheriff. q A. v. to 4 t'. M.; Saturdays. tz Ni.

SHERIFF'S OFFICE. QUEENS COUNTY. County Court-house, Lung Island City, 9 A,st- to 41st.

%\'ILClASt CAs BAKER. Sheriff; WILLIAM? METH\'EN, Under Sheriff.

SHERIFF'S OFFICE, RICHMOND COUNTY. County Court-house. Richmond. S. L. q.'u.nt. to 4 P,+L AL:GU-STcs CKER, Sheriff.

REGISTER'S OFFICE. East side City Hall Park. Office hours from q A. it,

tO 4 1', to.; Saturdays, 9 A. M. to 12 M. During the months of July and August the hours are from q A. Nl. to a 1'. \l,

Isaac FROaule. Register; JOHN Vux GLAHN, Deputy Register,

REGISTER, KINGS COUNTY, Hall of Records. Office hours, 9 A. tiI- to 4 r, to.,

excepting months of July and August. then from gA,M. to - r. to. provided for by statute,

JAMEC R. Howe. Register. WARREN C. TREDWELL, Deputy Register.

COMMISSIONER OF JURORS. Room 127 Stewart Building, Chambers street and

Broadway. 9 _A. Si. to 4 P. at. CHARLES \\ ELDE, Commissioner; JAMES E. CONNER,

Deputy Commissioner.

SPECIAL COMMISSIONER OF JURORS. No. tit Fifth avenue. 9 A. to. to 4 P. M. H. \V. GRAY, Commissioner. FREDERICK P. 5utpsox, Assistant Commissioner.



No. 375 Fulton street. EDWARD J. DOOLEY, Commissioner.


Office hours, to A. s1. to 4 P. M. : Saturdays, in A. St. to 12 .1I.

EDWARD J. KNAU ER, Commissioner. H. HOMIER MouRE, Assistant Commissioner.


CHARLES J. Kn1.LniAN, Commissioner. 1Y 1.1.IAH J. Doty tout;, I )eputy Commissioner. S)tlice open from y A. ra. until 4 r, st. ; Saturdays,

Iron, .i A. Si. to 10 Nt,

NEW YORK COUNTY JAIL. NO 7, Ludlow' street, 6 A. Ni. to to r, %I,, dally \VII t.tA+l F. Gtuio.1., Sheriff. P%iRiCK H, l'IcKErr, \Warden.

KINGS COUNTY JAIL Raymond street, between Willoughby street and

DeKalb avenue, Brooklyn, New York. WILLIAM WALTON, Sheriff; RICHARD BERGIN,


COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE, Nos, S. g, to and it New County Court-house, 9

A. \I, to 4 V. %l, WILLIA?I SuHSIER, County Clerk. GEORGE H. FAHREACH, Deputy.

KINGS COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE. Hall of Records. Brooklyn, g a. M. to 4 P, Si. PETER P. Heneniv. County Clerk,

QUEENS COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE. Jamaica. N. Y., Fourth \yard. Borough of Queens. Office hours. April t to October t, 8 A. 1I. to 5 P. SI,

October I to April r, q A. St. to 5 P. M. ; Saturdays, to 12\I.

County and Supreme Court held at the Queens County Court-house, Long Island City. Court opens 9.30 A. Si., to adjourn g I'. Ni.

JOHN H. SUTPHIN, County Clerk. CHARLES DOWNING, Deputy County Clerk,

RICHMOND COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE. County Office Building, Richmond, S. L, q A. St. to .t

P. Nt. EDWARD 11. 31L LLER, County Clerk. CROWELL M. CONNER, Deputy County Clerk.

NEW EAST RIVER BRIDGE COMMISSION. Commissioners' Office, No. 258 Broadway, Borough

of Manhattan, New York, g A. M. to 4 P. M. LEUvre Nix,'x, President; JAMES W. BoyLe, Vice-

President ; J.aMes D. BELL, Secretary; JULIAN D. FAIRCHILD, Treasurer; JOHN W. \WEBER, SMITH E. LANE and The MAN c n, Commissioners.

Chief Engineers Office, No, 84 Broadlvay, Brooklyn. E. D.. a A. ,L to 5 r. rat,

DISTRICT ATTORNEY. New Criminal Court Building, Centre street, q A. St.

to 4 P. Si. ASA BIRD GARDINER, District Attorney ; WILLIAM J.

McKENN.A. Chief Law Clerk.

KINGS COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Office, County Court-house, Borough of Brooklyn.

Hours, qA. Si, to 5 P- 'it. ToPIN F. CL\RKE, District Attorney.

QUEENS COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY, Office. Queens County Court-house, Long Island

City, q A. ?I, to 4 P. M. JOHN 13. MERRILL, District Attorney. CLARENCE A. DREw, Chief Clerk.

CORONERS. Borough of Manhattan.

Office, New Criminal Court Building. Open at all times of day and night.


Borough of The Bronx. No, 761 East One Hundred and Sixty-sixth street.

Open from 8 A. It. to ta, midnight. ANTHONY MCOwEN, THOMAS A. LYNCH,

Borough of Brooklyn.

Office, Room r7, Borough Hall. Open all times of day and night, except bctwecn the hours of 12 nl. and

P. m., on Sundays and holidays. ANTHONY J, BCRGER, GEORGE W. DEL4P.

Borough of Queens,

Office, Borough Hall, Fulton street, Jamaica, L, I. PHILIP T, CP iNIN, LEUxARD ROI,'FF, Jr., and SANIt'EL

S. Liu v, Jr. CHARLES T. SCHNELLER, Clerk.

Borough of Richmond. No, 64 New York avenue, Rosebank. Open for the transaction of business all hours of the



SURROGATES' COURT. New County Court-house, Court open from q A. sL

to 4 r. u., except Saturdays, sullen it closes at t2 at. FRANK T. FITZGERALD, ACNER C. THOMAS, Surro-

gates : WILLIAM V. LEARN, Chief Clerk,


FOURTH WARDS. Room 5B, Schermprhorn Building, No, q6 Broadway. Meetings. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at



CITY MAGISTRATES' COURTS. Courts open from g A, st, until 4 P. M. City - IlaA'tit' titu'S—HENRY A. BeANN, ROBERT C.


PHILIP 13LoeH, Secretary, First District—Criminal Court Building. Second District Jefferson Market. Third District—No. 6g Essex street, Fourth District—Fifty-seventh street, near Lexing-

ton avenue. Fifth District—One Hundred and Twenty-first

street, southeastern comer of Sylvan lace. Sixth District—One Hundred and Fifty-eighth street

and Third avenue, Seventh District—Fifty-fourth street, west of Eighth

avenue, SECOND DivIStc N,

Borough of Brooklyn. First District—No. 3t8 Adams street, JACOB BREN-

NER, Magistrate. Second District—Court and Butler streets. HENRY

BRISTOW, Magistrate. Third District—Myrtle and Vanderbilt avenues,

CHARLES E, TEALE, Magistrate. Fourth District—Nos, 6 and 8 Lee avenue. WILLIAat

KRAMER, Magistrate, Fifth District—Ewen and Powers streets, ANDREW

LEao.N, Magistrate.

Sixth Disrruct—dates and Reid avenues, Lew'IS R. 1Vukin, Magistrate.

Seventh District—No, qt Grant street, Flatbush. At.nknn E. StEERs, Magistrate.

Eighth I )istrlet—Colley Island. ALBERT VAN Ibm's-c VOORHEES, Jr., Magistrate.

Borough of Queens. First District—Nuts, zt and 23 Jackson avenue,

Long Island City. 1tAl-1REn J. SMITH, Magistrate. Second District—Fhtshing, Long Island. LUKE J.

CuNNoITON, Magistrate. Third Distract—Far Rockaway, Long Island. ED-

MnND J. HEALY, Magistrate.

Borough of Richmond,

First District—New Brighton, Staten Island. JOHN- CROAK, Magistrate.

Second District—Stapleton, Staten Island, NATHAN-IEI. M.sssH, Magistrate.

Secretary to the Board, JARED J. CHA\ICERS, Myrtle and Vanderbilt avenues, Borough of Brooklyn.


Room I, Hall of Records. Office hours, 9 A. M. to 4 r, +1,

GEORGE E, WALDO, Commissioner. FRANK M. TtuORBt'RN, Deputy Commissioner. 'I'Hnatas D. Mosscaou, Superintendent. JosErtt H. GRENELLE, Secretary.

KINGS COUNTY SURROGATE'S COURT Hall of Records, Brooklyn. GEiIR,GE 13. AIi,T, Surrogate. :1IICFLteL F. McGotD ici, Chief Clerk, Court opens to A. Ni. Office hours, q A. SI. to 4 r, at,

COUNTY JUDGE AND SURROGATE. County Office Building, Richmond, S. I. STEPHEN D. STEVENS, County Judge.

KINGS COUNTY TREASURER. Court-house, Room t4, JOHN W. KIMBALL, Treasurer; T' F, FARRELL,

Deputy Treasurer,

EXAMINING BOARD OF PLUMBERS. Rooms, 14, 15 and t6, Nos. t49 to 15t Church street, President, JOHN RENEHAN ; Secretary, JAMES E.

\IcGnt'EI::: ; Treasurer, EDWARD HALEY, HORACE Loomis, P. T. ANDttetcs, er-o(/ii rut.

Office open during business hours every day in the 'ear, except legal holidays. Examinations are held on Monday, Wednesday and Friday after r r. at.

SUPREME COURT. County Court-house, 10,30 A. SI, to 4 P. 11. Special "Perm, Part I„ Room No. t6. Clerk's office, fart L, Room No. I;. Special Term, Part II., Room No. r,. Clerk's O15ce, Part II., Room No. Iz. Special Term, Part III., Room No. IS Clerk's Office, fart Ill., Room No, rq. Special Term, Part IV., Room No. zo. Special Term, Part V., Room No, 33. Special Term, Part VI„ Room No, 31. Special Term, Part VII., Room No- 39. Trial Term, Part II., Room No. 34, Clerk's Office, Room No, 23. Trial Terni. Part III., Room No, co. Trial Term, Part IV., Room No. a. Trial Term. Part V., Room No. 24. Trial Term, Part VI., Room No. 35, 'Trial Term, Part VII„ Room No, ;6. 'Trial Term, Part VIII., Room No. 27 Trial Term, Part IX., Room No. zg. Trial 'Term, Part X., Room No, aS. Trial "Term, Part XI., Room No, 37. Trial Term. Part XH., Room No, z6, Appellate Term, Room No, 29. Clerk's Office, Appellate Term, Room No, 30, Naturalization I3ureau, Room No, 38, Assignment Bureau, Room No. 3z, ,7tuslfcee—GEORGE C. Bau;REP-T, ACRA HA!,1 R.


CRIMINAL DIVISION, SUPREME COURT. New' Criminal Court Building, Centre street. Court

opens at 10.30 o'clock A, M. EDWARD R. CARROLL, Clerk. Hours from to A, it. to

4 P, 1L

APPELLATE DIVISION, SUPREME COURT. Court-house, Madison avenue, corner Twenty-fifth

street. Court opens at r P. M. CHARLES H, i AN Bkux'r, Presiding Justice; CHESTER


COUNTY COURT, KINGS COUNTY. County Court-house, Brooklyn, Rooms to, zz, z3 and

27. Court opens to A. %L.daily, and sits until business is completed, Part I-, Room No, 23, Part II„ Room No. to, Court-house, Clerk's Office, Rooms sa and 27, open daily from 9 A, M. to 4 P. Ni. ; Saturdays, rz M.

JOSEPH ASPINALL AND \\~11. B. Hu'RD, Jr., County Judges.


QUEENS COUNTY COURT. County Court-house, Long Island City. County Court opens at 9130 A. H. ; adjourns at 5 r. 1t. County Judge's office always open at Flushing, N.Y. HARRISON S. MOORE, County Judge,

CITY COURT OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. No, 32 Chambers street, Brown-stone Building, City

Hall Park, from to A. M. to 4 V. N1, General Term, Trial Term, Part I. Part I1. Part III. Part IV. Special Term Chambers will be held to A. :I- to 4

P. St. Clerk's Office, from 9 A. Ni. to 4 I', Si. JAMES M. FITZsI+toNS, Chief Justice ; JOHN H,


COURT OF GENERAL SESSIONS. Held in the building for Criminal Courts, Centre,

Elm, White and Franklin streets, Court opens at half-past to o'clock,

RL'FL's B. COWING, City Judge; JOHN W. GOFF, Re-corder; JOSEPH E.N E5CBUBGEIS, MARTIN T. MCMAHON and WARREN W. FOSTER, judges of the Court of Gen-eral Sessions. EDWARD R. CARROLL, Clerk,

Clerk's office open from q A, rat. to 4 P. rat,

COURT OF SPECIAL SESSIONS. Building for Criminal Courts, Centre street, between

Franklin and White streets, Borough of Manhattan. Court opens at to A. Si,

/nsti,r.t—First Division — ELIZI'Iu B. IIINSDALE, \VVIL1-IAM 'I'H,l\' 1tRS JR1uist E, EI'II HAI\I A. JAC, HI, JOHN IS. 1IcKR.N, WILLIAM C. HI,l.IuH UtIN, WILLIAM M. FI'I.LEs, Clerk ; Josnrn H. Jost:s, 1leputy Clerk,

Clerk's (office open from q A, ii, to 4 1•. nt.

Second Division—T'rlal clays—Borough Ilall, Brook- 'u, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at to o'clock;

Town Hall, Jamaica, Borough of Queens, Tuesdays, at 1 'clock ; 'lawn Hall, New Brighton, Borough of

Richmond,'Ihursdays, at to o'clock, /usti<,'S JOUN COURTNEY, HOWARD J, FoRREn,


Clerk's office, Borough Hall, Borough of Brooklyn, open from q A. M. to 4 I', lit.

MUNICIPAL COURTS. Borough of Manhattan,

First District—fhlrd, Fifth and Eighth Wards, and all that part of the First Ward lying west of Broadway and Whitehall street, including Governor's Island, Bedloe's Island, Ellis Island and the Oyster Islands, New Court-house, No, to8 Prince street, corner of Wooster street,

DANIEL F. FINN, Justice. FR,SNK L, BACON, Clerk. Clerk's office Open from q A.M. to 4 P. M.

Second District—Second, Fourth, Sixth and Four-teenth Wards, and all that portion of the First Ward lying south and east of Broadway and Whitehall street Court-room, corner of Grand and Centre streets,

HERMAN BOLTS, Justice, FRANCIS M,NGtN, Clerk, Clerk's office open from 9 A. M. to 4 V. M. Court opens daily at to A. nl., and remains open until

daily calendar is disposed of and close of the daily business, except on Sundays and legal holidays,

Third District—Ninth and Fifteenth Wards. Court-room, southwest corner Sixth avenue and \Vest Tenth street- Court opcu daily (Sundays and legal holidays excepted) from q A. DL to 4 P.M.

VNutt, F, MOORE, Justice. DANIEL WILLIAMS, Clerk,

Fourth District—Tetrth and Seventeenth Wards. Court-room, No. 3o First street, corner Second avenue, Court opens g A. Si. daily, and remains open to close of business.

GEORGE F. Ruesci, Justice. JOHN E. LYNCH, Clerk.

Fifth District—Seventh, Eleventh and Thirteenth Wards. Court-room, 1o. 154 Clinton street.

BENJ.vrrN IInFr}l.:\,Justice. THOMAS FINZPAl'Htcic, Clerk,

Sixth District—Eighteenth and Twenty-first Wards, Court-room, northwest corner Twenty-third street and Second avenue. Court opens 9 A, M. daily, and con-tinues open to close of business,


Seventh District—Nineteenth Ward, Court-room, No. t51 East Fifty-seventlt street, Court opens every morning at 9 o'clock (except Sunda 's and legal holi-days), and continues o en to close of business.


Eighth District—Sixteenth and Twentieth Wards. Court-room, northwest corner of Twenty-third street and Eighth avenue. Court opens at to A, et. and con-tinues open to close of business,

Clerk's office open from 9 A. Si, to 4 P. M. each Court day,

Trial days and Return days, each Court day. JOSEPH H. STINER, Justice. THOMAS COSTIGAN,


Ninth District—Twelfth Ward, except that portion thereof which lies West of the centre line of Lenox or Sixth avenue, and of the Harlem river north of the terminus of Lenox avenue. Court-room, No. r7o East One Hundred and TIventy-first street, southeast corner of Sylvan place. Court opens every morning at q o'clock (except Sundays and legal holidays), and con. tinues open to close of business,

JosE'll P. FALLON, Justice. \VILLIADM J, KENNEDY. Clerk.

Clerk's office open daily from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M.

Tenth District—Twenty-second Ward and all that portion of the Twelfth Ward which is bounded on the north by the centre line of One Hundred and Tenth street, oil the south by the centre line of Eighty-sixth street, on the east by the centre line of Sixth avenue, and on the west by the North river, Court-room, No. 314 West Fifty-fourth street, Court opens daily (Sundays and legal holidays excepted) from q A. M. to 4 P. Ni.

THO+tAs E. MURRAV, Justice. HUGH GRANT, Clerk.

Eleventh District—That portion of the Twelfth Ward which lies north of the centre line of West One Hun-dred and Tenth street and west of the centre line of Lenox or Sixth avenue, and of the Harlem river north of the terminus of Lenox or Sixth avenue. Court-room, corner of One Hundred and Twenty-sixth street and Columbus avenue. Court opens daily (Sundays and legal holidays excepted), from to A. Si. to 4 P. Ni.

Fk.4\CIS J. \VURCESTER, Justice. HESIAN- B. WILSON, Clerk.

Borough of The Bronx. First District—All that part of the Twenty-fourth

Ward which was lately annexed to the City and County of New York by chapter 1034 of the Laws of t895, com prising all of the late Town of Westchester and part of the Towns of Eastchester and Pelham, including the Villages ofWakefield and Wllliamsbridge. Court-room, Town Hall, Main street, Westchester Village, Court opens daily (Sundays and legal holidays excepted) from g

A. M. to 4 P. rat. Trial of causes are Tuesday and

Friday of each week. Vt'ILLIAM \V. PENFIELD, Justice. JOHN N. STEWART,


Second District—Twenty-third and Pwenty-fourth Wards, Court-room, corner of Third avenue and One Hundred and Fifty-eighth street, Office hours from g A. Si, t0 4 P, 11, Court opens at to A. to.


Borough of Brooklyn. First District—Comprising First, Second, Third,

Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Tenth and Twelfth Wards of the Borough of Brooklyn. Court-house, northwest corner State and Court streets.

JOHN J. WALSH, Justice. EDWARD MORAN, Clerk, Clerkrs office open from 9 A, rat. to 4 P. M.

Second District—Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Eleventh, Twentieth, Twenty-first, Twenty-second and Twenty-third Wards. Court-room located at No, 794 Broad-way, Brooklyn.


Clerk's office open from 9 A. M. to 4 P. St.

Third District—Includes the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth, Sixteenth, Seventeenth, Eighteenth and Nineteenth Wards, Court-house, Nos. 6 and 8 Lee avenue, Brookl}'n-

\'ILLIApI J. L1'\CH, Justice. JOHN W. CARPENTER, Clerk,

Clerk's office open from 9 A, rat. until 4 P. St. Court opens at to o'clock,

Fourth District — Twenty-fourth, Twenty-fifth, Twenty-sixth, Twenty-seventh and Twenty-eighth Wards. Court-room, No, 54 Howard avenue.

THOMAS H. WILLIAMS, Justice. HERMAN GOHLING-HORsT, Clerk; JAMES P. Stssorr, Assistant Clerk,

Clerk's office open from q A. St. to 4 P. 51. Fifth District—Twenty-ninth, Thirtieth, Thirty-first

and Thirty-second Wards. Court-room on Bath ave nue and Buy Twenty-second street, Bath Beach.


Clerk's office open from q A. rat. to 4 P. M.

Page 9: · CITY on New YORK. Arrears of Taxes Borough of Manhattan..... Gllon Borough of The Bronx.....:

SATURDAY, Au(;us'r 25, 1900. THE CITY RECORD. 5221

I turuu~~b rd Ilucenr.

Fir,( I ttelricl—First \Paid (all ul Lun;; Island City, tin•mcrly com poxing live Wa d'). Cuu rt-ttntnl, Queens County Conrt-hr,use (located temporarily).

'Fit, A" C. Kant i i, Justice. I'uustAS F. Ken xeuv, Clerk.

Clerk's office open front g A. lit. l0 4 P. nt. each week day. Court held each clay, except Saturday.

Second lhst rict—Seeond and 'Third \V arils, which includes the territory of the late Towns of Ncwtuwn rind flushing. Court-room in Court-house of late T'owu of Newtown, corner of Broadway ;utd Court street, h:lnthurst, New York. 1'. 11, address, Elmhurst, New York.

WILLIAM Igas t1ie, Jr., justice. HENRY Wat.'t tt, Jr„ Clerk.

Clerk's office open from 9 A. et. to 4 P. at. Third 1 )istrict—fa+les F. \IcLAUGHLIN, Justice

(Eue,;a W. I).s ,, , Clerk, Court-house, Town Hall, Jamaica. Clerk's ollicc open from 9 A. A'. to 4. P. ell. Court

held on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at to A. Al.

borough of Riclunond.

First 1)isu-iet—First and Third Words (Downs of Castleton and Northfield). Court-room, former Vil- lage Ilall, Lafayette avenue and Second street, New I irigltirnl.

Jnus J. KENNEY, Justice, FRANcts F. LttNtAS, Clerk. Court office open from 9 A. Al. to 4 V. M. Court held

each day, except Satur lay", front to A. ll.

Second District—Second, Fourth and Fifth Wards (1'uwns of Middletown, Southfield and Westfield). Court-room, former Edgewater Village I-Iall, Staple-ton.

Gtoscc W. S'r,ticu, Justice. TITER. TIERNAN, Clerk. Court office open from 9 A. St. to 4 P. ell. Court held

each day ft-eta to A, Cl., and continues until close of business.


I)LI'.Ali T CIIN I• OF PARK.s, ARie\'L, CE\TI.AL l'.\1)i ,

IIur., tcu nr iMANu1s't se, City uR New ]"ula<, August 24, torn. )


SEALED LilS OR ESTI 2tTA"I'ES, WI'T'H THE title of the work ;ntd the name of the bidder or

bidders indorsed thereon, will be receit oil by the Park board, nt its cite ts, Arsenal Putldirg. Srety-!,•urth street and I itch r,scn us-, Central Park, New Pork City, ant I rt o'ci„c k A. M. of


1.AYINf:, WITH (-IEXAI,l)N'AL AS PlisA1:1' 1'_AVINI; '1lt.D1, uw6eo (AI'-I'ROXl'ilA'17•:1,1') SQUARE i Eh'T' Of. VVALKS, INCLUDING BORDERS, IN REA I-I(4UK ANb) FORT' I REI:NK PARKS,

l;idicrs to name a price per square foot, including borders.

Plans and specifications for the above work may be seen at the Litchfield Mansion, Prospect Park, Borough of I ;ruoklyo.

The ti uu to he allowed for the completion of the tcork is thirty (3a) working days.

'b lie amount e,f security required is Ten Thousand Dollars (Bemoan).

Nu. x. FOR FURNISHING, DELIVERING AND SF:b'1 lNG 65 FE1-:'1' t INCHES OF RLU PUR'CA(a•: OOR SA'tSi)N 01110 SANlt-51'UNl COPING, AND 59 FEET °?( INCITES of Nl)R'1'H RIVER L'I,UG-SfnNii COPING,, AT RRU 110(1K P)eRK, IN''1'HE UORUUf;ll OF I'.RItnF: L,YN, AS l'F:R SPKc'li'lC:\'1 II)Nl 1Nll ('I. \N5 7 u BE SEEN AT '1'il K Ell CH-I'Ih:1.1) JIANSION, PROSPECT PARK, BROOKLYN.

L'irlderc to name a price per foot for the stone. The time allowed for the completion of the work will be thirty wurki ng, days. •

The amount of security required is Five Hundred Dollars.

Iiitiders, or their representatives, must satisfy them-selves, by personal examination, as to the nature and quantity of the tcork and materials required, and shall not at any time after the subrnis'ion of an esti-mate dispute ur complain of such statement, nor assert that there was any miswtdcrstandint; relative to the nature or quantity of the tcurk to be done or materials to be furnished.

Each bid or estimate shall contain and -I ate the name and place Of residence of each of the persons utiaking the same, the names of till pers ns interested with him or them therein, and it no othe, person Ile so iu-terested it shall distinctly state that fart ; that it is made without an)' connection with any other person making au estimate fur the -ame purpose, and is in :dl respects fair and is ithout collusion or fraud, and that no twos-her of the Municipal Assembly, head of a department, chief of a bureau, deputy thereof ur clerk therein, or other officer of the Corporation, is directly or indirectly interested therein, or in the supplies or work to which it relates, or in any portion of the profits thereof,The bid or estimate must be verified by the oath, in writing, of the party or parties making the estimate, that the several matters stated therein are in all respects true. Where more than a le person is interested it is re- quisite that the verification be made and subscribed by all the parties intereste.1.

Each bid or ectitnate shall be accompanied by the consent, in writing, of two householders or freeholders in The City of New York, with their respective places of business ur residence, to the effect that if the con-tract be awarded to the person making the estimate, they will, on its being so awarded, become bound as his sureties for its faithful performance, and that if lie shall otnit,or refuse to execute the same they will pay to the Corporation any difference between the suns to which lie would be entitled on its completion and that which the Corporation may be obliged to pay to the person 'Jr persons to whom the contract may be awarded at any subsequent letting, the amount in tacit case to be calculated upon the estimated amount of the work by which the bids are tested. The consent above mentinued shall he accompan it'd by the oath or affirntatiun, in writing, of oach of the persons signing the same that he is a householder or freeholder in The City of New York, and is worth the amount of the se-curity requited for I he completion of this contract over and above all his debts of every' nature, and over and above all his liabilities as hail, surety or otherwise, and that lie has offered himself as a surety in good faith and with the intention to execute the bond required by time Revised t)rdinances of The City of New York, if the contract sl all I e awarded to the person or persons for whom he consents to become surety. The adequacy and sufficiency of the security offered to be approved by the Comptroller of The City of New York.

No bid or estimate will be received or considered unless accompanied by either a certifiedcheck upon one at the State or National banks of The City of New York, drasn to the order of the G mptroller, or money to the amount of five per centum nt the amount of the security required for the faithful performance of the contract. Such check or money must Nor be in-closed in the scaled envelope containing the estimate, but must be handed to the ofl-icer or clerk of the be-partment who has charge of the estimate box, and no estimate can be deposited in said box until such check or money has been examined by said officer or clerk and found to be correct. All such deposits, ex-cept that of the successful bidder, will be returned to the persons making the same within three days after the contract is awarded, If the succeestul bidder shall rc-fuse or reelect, within five days alter notice that the contract has been awarded to him, to execute the same,

till. ain..unl ,hl Iho d,'pnsit made toy bim : hall be lorin itcd t„ nn,~l rclmned by lime City' uI New 9 ork ac, liquitfetrd lamagel fur such urglcct ur Ielusul ; but it he shall execute the contract within the time aforesaid, the amount of his drposIt will he returned to him.

tV. R.— 7%n• Itrites,tll,S/ be wrvtten in lit,' es/rotate and also 2/,1/id in figures, and all e,lEi,,ta/ ,'s -will be , ausidcrr'rl as i,;/' ,rural :c/uck do not contain bids Jar all items Jar vu/rick bill, arc herein calf,,', or which c.,t,tnira bids for Relay f<,r az,kfch bids Cr,-,' Kell krre7t ,ila call'd for. l'erntission rai!1 not be gi✓aen for thee' ar,itheira:val of any bid or estlnrale. No birl trill be nec.•/ trd from, ar cmttrac is a Oil rdr,1 to, any ,hrrson it/ti, is in arrea3's to t/re Cor-/ura//nu u(.ou debt or contract, or who is a drjtult r, as surety or vtliurrzuise, u/on any olbyattan to tka G»'horaliou.

The Park Board reserves the right to reject all the bills received in response to this advertisement if it should (teem it for the interest of the City so to do.

blank forms of bid or estimate, the proper envelopes in which to inclose same, the specification; and agreement approved as to for by the Curpor-,Ition Counsel, and any further in format un rclatice thereto, call be had at the office of the Park board, Arsenal, 1. entral Park, or at the \L•utsion, Prospect ]'ark, l;rooklyn.


Conttnis-inutr, of Parks uf'I lie City of New York.

ll6 •A ITNILNT aP PARCs ' ARSENAL, (.li\'I'I:At. PART:, Ii taocc;n uF 1lAUUA'l'iA', Crry ue New 1'oRl<, I

August 24, 1900,


SEALED BIDS OR F-SI'1DIAT'ES, WITH THE title of the work until the name of Ca, bidder or

bidders indorsed thereon, will be reel. ivcri by the Park L'uard, at its offices, Arsenal L'uildin,, Sixty-fourt!i street and fifth avenue, Central Park, Acol York City, until it o'clock A. at, of

THURSDAY, SEPTERIBISR. O, 1900, for the fill low iug-eantcl v:ot{<s: No. I. FUR CONS'FRUCI' I NG A IlK 11)O 1:

OVER 'I'HF. Nl'\V V0RK, NI(1V I-1AVI{N AND H'9KIlUR7) R111.RO.11), Ef:AR-LF.Ai RIVER I;RANCH, Al' '1'HL. CR1ISSIXi, OF 'b' Flu" BRONX AND PF:L-HAM 1':1R1c\V-9Y, L'OROUGH (.1G T'i1L; b'RONX.


The plans and spec: beat bus for the above works may be tech at the Lhrowski 'Mansion, Claremont Park, Borough of '1 ho lirunx.

Nn_ 3, FOR CONTRACT' NO. a, NEW YORK PUBLIC LITERARY, AS'I'UR, LENOX AND '1'ILUF:A FUUNIl9'l'lUNS, Al' FURTIl?I'll ANII FI)R' l'\'-liitb)N1) SrREI'lI AND 111 I'll 1V1•.NUE, IN 'I'HL 15R It, 1h I OF %LkNHATTAN, CITY uF NEW l'ORK, Fu11 CuN- 1-'I'lcl,-CTbNG I'OR'L'll•:1'll S'1'iii:i_1' V 1LL1' FOR TILL ];U1LCR AND I:N(.,INK 1U)OMS AND OTHER ROOMS.


Nu, 5. FOR REPAVING 991'1'11 RUCK ASPHALT CER'1'.-1IN AVAl.IS ARUUNI) 'flits ARSL:A'Al, ANir \II':A'A(;fA1Il•: ULiILI)-INt.;S IN '1'lili CENTRAL In \1k CUROUGFI OF MAN IIA'f'1'AN.

No, 6, FOR PUH.UING NF N'S LAV.YI'Olgl S UN 1H1: 11-1RL1:AL RIVER DI21\1:-WAY, Bf RUUGII Ul' ?I:1NIIA'b'rAN.

The plans and specifications for the above works m.ty be seen at the Arsenal Building, Central Park, L'ornu it of \I.tuhattan.

The time to be allowed for the full completion of t.oct, eni,t'1l.t and die amount of the security rcquirehi lhr the far tiltln perfurmauce ul the several works tinsult iunit, l above arc respectfully as follows

- F F.

No. 1, 1 consccu Live workin,r days, No, e, too consecutive working days, 1o. q, eight month.,'. No. 4, 75 consecutive working days. No. 5, zo cousecuti se working days, No. 6, 3o consccutito tcorking , la}'s, Security required will he as follows:

No. t ................................... Nu. a .................................... q,ca c , No, 3 .. . . ................... ............ 40,,x)o uo No. 4 ........................ I........... 10.000 00 No. 5 ...... ..........................

60 co

No. 6 . .. .. .. ... r,5ao 0 Further particulars as to the nature, quantity and

quality of the work required will be found in the printed specifications and contracts for the said works.

772< 72< ,,, uuh acfr urns/ be' bi,ffen- scf+arra/ay. P,Illl>ERS 'MUST NA\iE A PRICE FOR R.1CII


Bidder=, or their representatives, must satisfy them-selves, by personal examination, as to the nature and

utit c he work 111(1 materials rer uired ud shall not :my tmtc after the submission of all cot,. ii, us-dispute or ccnlplain of such statement, nor assert that there wtt5 ;lil)' nti sunderstandiug relative to the nature or quantity of the work to be done or materials to be furnished.

Each bid or estimate shall contain and state the name and place of residence of each of the persons making the same, the names of all persons interested with hi Ill or them therein, and if no other person be so in-teresled it shall distinetl y state that fact ; that it is made without any connection with any other person making an estimate for the same purpose, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud, and that no mem-ber of the Municipal Assembly, head of a department, chief of •t bureau, deputy thereof or clerk therein, or other officer of the Corporation, is directly or indircetly intcrestcul therein, or in the supplies or work to which it relates, or in any portion of the profits thereof. The bid or estimate must be verified by the oath, in tcrinng, of the party or parties making the estimate, that the several matters stated therein are in all respects true. Where more than one person is interested it is re-quisite that the verification be made and subscribed by all the parties interested.

Each bid or estimate shall be accompanied by the consent, in writing, of two householders or freeholders in 'hue City of New York, with their respective place of business or residence, to the effect that if the contract be awarded to the person making the estimate, they will, units being so awrardcd, become bound as hi sureties for its faithful performance, and that if lie shall omit or refuse to execute the same, they wi11 pity to the Corporation any difference between the suns to which lie would be entitled on its completion and that w9tich the Corporation may be obliged to pay to the person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded at any subsequent letting, the amount in each case to be calculated upon the estimated amount

of the w,nk by w'hirIt tips- bids arc test,'-1. 'I'hc cnn sent abnvc ntcul ucd 'hall be accumpauied by the uuth ill' a!firomtiuu, in writing, of each of tlm persous si;;uing the 5:11n han lie is a hot sch( 1, 1, r,r Irecbulrlur to The City of :New" York, aurl is worth the :unnrurt of tlw security required for till- completion of this cuutract over and abucc ;dl hts debts of every nature, and over m;d above rtll hi, liabilities as bail, surety orothcrwise, and that he has offered himself as a surety to good Goth and with the intention to execute the band required by the Revised l )rdinunces ,,1 I ite City of INew fork, it the contract shall be:n,attle l to the person or persons for whom lie consents to bccume surety. The udcquaey and suliiciency of the security olicrcrl to be approved by the Comptroller ,,f'l'ltc City of New York.

No bid or veil mn to gill be received rr considered unless;tceompanicd by ei tiler a eerti lied check upon one of the State or National banks of The City of New' York, drawn to the Order of the Contpt roller, nr money to the arunuut of five per centum of the amount of the security rcyuired tor the faithtbl perform' once of the contract. Such check nr mane}• must su'r be inclosed in the scaled envelope can mining the esti-mate, but must he handed to the of iccr ur clerk of the I)upartmcnt w Ito has charge of the estimatte box, and no estimate can be deposited ill said box until such check or money- has been examined by said officer or clerk and found to be correct. All such deposits, except tl'.at of the successful bidder, will be returned to the persons oinking the same within three (lays after the contract is awarded. If the sacces'ful bidder stall re-bin .e or neglect, within five days after notice that this contract has beenn awarded to hint, tinexecute the saute, th,: vnouut of the deposit made by him shall he forfeited to and retained by '1 ire City of New Ynrk as liquidated damages for such neglect or refur'nl ; but if lie ,hall execute the contract within the time "aforesaid the amount of his deposit will be returned to hint.

,v. G,— t„e prrcco consul, oe tort: t.vs , I t a estr rum/e and alto state”! r~in fi ores, a 'rd al! e,'tiutr, tel rail! be considered as infor„r,al a5kic4 do not ion tain Aids fir all iteurs for ;o,::c/L bids are /nereir Cal/ti?, or lu/rick cou'aitt lids for l:ent.c for ¢alt! U, bids are not herrrith calla Jar. Permission tel/u not be given for //ac :r,i!hrdratoal of any bid or eatfauale. Aro bid it'll be acceQled from, or contract awarded to, any ferson who is in arrears to tk; Car. 1 oration upon it II or contract, or who is It defiaulter, as su"ety or other✓.'ise, ubon any obligation to the Cor4,tra!lon,

T'he Park Poard rQ,crves the right to reject all the bids Icceivud in response to this adctrtiscmcnt it it should deem it for the interest of tine City so to do.

For further particulars as to tlm quantity au -.l qualit}' 01 the supplies or the u2fm-v and extent of ill, work required or of the matcria!e to be furnished, butdcrr. are referred to the pri utcd specifications and tile plat,-,::. Such work and materials must conform in (eery rc'p _u to priutcd sped 'anions and phms, iincldcrs arc Inttu to •rl to examine the specifications fir pnl.,, ui tvh,tt is required bclure m-ticiuq Ilium stanches.

Blank forms of bid or estimate, : t d u 0, the prop, cuvclope, in uvhich to inclose the - mt-, to"cill r a , t' , the hums uf a; rectncnt, inclu,-ling specifications apprrnccd as to form by the Corporation Counsel, awl sho,v n the manner of payment., call be ubt,tutcd Uponn 'tppl c,-it'll therefor at the ollice of the I)epartmcut, Arsenal, Central Park, or ill the c;c:c of No;, i and c at the /.be,,wsl:i Alans:nn, Claremont Paul:, Coratl'h „I '1ltc Earonx, wvhere the i,1 wl tick are made a part of the specifications can be cca.

a1:1110L14 C. cL:\i'SEN, BillRIO" V. II!2UR'F, 12, 'tin I l's l 01111 L5,

Conuuissiou t „f t' Id.. i iIu„ Bits ,ii New Cork,


6t the ALitter of the Application of the Rim ,l of I<du-c t nn tl 1'he Ctty lot Ncw \'ark, l,c the L rl rin„n l t I 'vi, relative to ac,lu itiug title by '1 I t, City nh New York to certain I.tnds situated it the St Ii,

SlIL Ulc SL\'LN'L'1t A\'L` I, f', be-leccn Fourth ana Fifth streets, in tit,. '.1\natty-second Ward of the borough of lireuklyn, (ltd) selected aud chuscu as a site for school purpn.cs by- the School board of tine thorough of lieu, hi }'n and approved by die hoard of I'duralidrlt tmdsr awl ill pursuaneeol the proci siousof chapter m r of B us I ., 'if t600 tin the various statutes lime, nI itnry ticruel and other statutes relating thereto.

17) K, TIlE UNIIF,RSIGNEl, COALMISSION- V V ens of Estimate in the above -cot itled maOcr,

:tppoiutc,l pursuant to the peo instil lls of the statute, r,latiltd thcl-eto, hereby give notice to the owner or owners, lessee or lew.aees, parties or persons respect-t%cly entitled to or interested in the hands, tuaeatm[x, hereditamcnts and premises, title to which i> sr,itght to he acquired in this pnieceling, and to all miters wL,mt it may concern, to wit ;

1' irt—f hat eve Iaac completed uurestimate rut lire loss and dunnage to the rexpccttIe otvncrs, Icssecs, parties and persons tntcrest..'d ill tile Ellis told pt-cmises affecicd by this pruceeltu;;, or h;tt lug ;any interest therein, and have Itied a true report or trmiscript of such exliniuc in the office of the ]bard of Rd ucatnun I f The City of Nety York, fuck avenue and I'ifty- ninth street, in the bo'ntigh of iA1:m1t;tttun, (t t' u New York, for the inspection of wl:onisuever it nut)' concern.

Second—That all parties or persons whose Ii ililts mat}' be affected by the said estimate, and who may object to the same, or ,thy part thereof, ilia}, Within tell days utter the first publication of this notice, Augu=t "c7, I9eto, file their objections to such estimate, in writing, with us at our office, in the office of the Cotporation Counsel of The City of New York, in the l;oroug!t Hall, in the tic,raugm of Iiruulclyn, in coil city., as prosidcd by, s 'itute, and that fee, the s;lirl Conan issioners, tvill hear parties so objecting at our (Alice cn the r7th day of septenober, t:)oo, at 3 O clock in the ahcrn„nu, and upon such subsequent days as, may be Lund necessary.

Third—'That oar report herein will be presented to the Supreme Court of the Su,tc of New 1-ork, at n Special Term thereof for the Rearing of motions, to be held in the Kimis County Court-house, in the liorou}:It of Brooklyn, in Tilt City of New Vol! , un the ^51b dap' of September, Igon, ill the opening of the Court uu that 1. us', and that then and there, ur as soon tlimrca fter as counsel can be heart) thereon, a ntutiult will be made ,lust the said report be confirmedl,

hated the Ili,;, l:rII or 13I,oijtelxN, C['ry or Nate 'told), August z:,, r90,,.

(L'ht)t':F0 W. CHAUNCI_;Y, F RANus 1L\ILLY, Ll)1VARD L. l._ANGFORIj,

Commissioners lhonor 'I'. Rtccs,


In the matter of the application of The Afayor, lder- nten and commonalty of The City of New York, act-ing by and through the Department of Docks, rela-live to nequiriug titie to the Wharfage rights, terns, casements, emoluments and privileges u1mpuclelluru1 to three hundred and three feet ten inches of bulk-head on the 5OU'l'HERLY' Sll)]: OF SUL"1'H STREE;P, and all w hnrlage rights, toots, casements, emoluments and privileges appurtenant tel I'l ER 39 L:.AS1' RIVER, not now uwued by 'the City of New York, necessary to be taken f,r the impruvcoieut of the w'nter front of The City of New Y,n-Ic, on the East river, pursuant to the plan hcretnlore adopted by the said Department of I)ocics and approved by the Commissioners of the Sinking Fuud.

W E, 'PHE L'NI)ERSIGNEI>, CO~L>IlSSlUN-ers of Fsti mat. and Assessment ill the above-

entitled matter, hereby give notice to all persons inter-ested in this proceeding, and to the owner or owners,

,ccupaut ur ucity,aut, of nll hou=cs ;unl I, is and till' proccd and uu im .....ct 1 loud', or tduui pI"pert)', and all per;uns iutcreste l tltcrciu, or iu au)' ri;;I;L , privi- Ic, ill' interests pertainiug ti,crct,,, all, ctu,l thereby, and to all iti,, rs witont it may concern, to InIt I

Fir,t—That ,t c let cc cuntp!etcrl our prcli n,i n:u-y report curl our cstimntc uu' l :, se,,mcnt, anri it at ail per,ons interc=ted in this prncccdin;l, .u" in any of the upluuds, hold=, ]ands under water, prumtsee, bui!Jin);s and w hart property affected tlterch}•, and has- iug nbjcctiuns thcreta, cio jnrescut their -;td oLjccti lute , in writing, tinily certlicd, to us at our Shin' c, Ranms 312 111,1 313, No. 03 firuadw ay, Ncw Yrirk City, uu ,n- before the Ii tin day of 3'eptumbcr, 19,5,; than tic, tie .rim Com-ntis”inners, will li-,arparties =uubjuctingau the rnth day of September, rcoo, and for that pulp„NC will be in at-teudauce at our said office oil =aid clay at t t o'clock A. M.

Secoml—'l'httt the ab,t rout of our cai,l estimate Call asr-cssmeut, together with our d:unage map and also all the afli'ia"iIS, estimates fall utbw- documents used by its in making our report, hand been depoo-itud in the Turcuu of Street f)peuings ill the Law l)cp:umtntent of The City of New York, at the ul1iec. of said btut:tu, at Nus, gm and 92 995,1 Rroatluuy, in the said city-, there to rem;tin until the ttt], ,lay at Si ptcntber, tq„r,.

'I hied—'l hat our report her, ill will be presented to I lie sutircitne Com-t 11 the yuuc of New York, ut it Special Term, 1';u 't 11 I. thercot, to be held in the County Court-h„u-+c, ill The City , 'f New VAirk, on the r3th clay of Uctubcr, 19 'C, at the opening of Court un that day, and that then and Ihm-e, or :c: ',nun tit,: 'taftcr a, coun-set caul he heard thercuu, a motion will lie ma, is that tine said report be cwtfirured, vtd for , uch other and further r 11i 1 as may b_ just and meet.

Dated New YniIC, ,hugest g, typo. I, 1V:12ENCE IIIflK1N, Chairman, 'bf'US, F. LCLAT]NG,

C uunui xri oncre, J, mile J. PI<tecti, Clerk,

DEPARTMENT OF BRIDGES. 1La 1i t r , 1 'lit,,,!

\l, , ri_:,\I 1',hl.1!lns


I'RI)I'Oe:1I'll I tIC ]:10!, t)!: I.51'l3I,ATRS FUR 1'I'toNisiliNt; 1111•. 1 11.1':V('1'\I1:\'1' 1)1' IIR1UGit.S \hl'l'P l'\\_11, ;\ 1112 tL\1NE. Sl'I,LCB, i,L' F(1tc L'rh,r)F'1'lii. N1W V'URK - NL DL000KL1'N il.1lliOL,

SL A1,I:I) 1:5'l'LM MATES 1 OR'1'I -I1:AI',(0VF,\\'(01,K, i 1,(1,.rxd with ti:, aliocc title, also toll, the munc

i the pel'on ,r pw u t t t: no tine come, and 1,5 date 1 ,1I t sc rt tt a, a II Ic t cc 1 at tune 1; , c of the U I , true nt t 13 ,' N .'. r t -t Paul. F, ti, New 1 r.. l-. 1), lint-1 t:• a sic 1 31. ,ud: e, tar,

illlin D,I S' Will BEd''I'N: D113 N: 1i, I11(10, ;,t which pl, ice and hour the bid; I,i hi he publicly opened by the head „f sold I lc ;trtnunt :inil rand, and Ute ill ard (If the contract will be made as soon thcre-, tltcr a, practicable.

The 1,01,1111 or per:=on-: to whorl the contract may be 1fvuold! „:II he let itir"I to ;rtwud at the Ill icc of the s;tid JJCp:ertmcnt, with the sultties uGcrci iiy- hint or than, or.Q ¢,''Cale the conu"act tt'itltiu lire day, after - m 1151 tt nice that tit, sam, has beenn a c u Ili to his t their I tl or cltim,tte, :u/1 11101 the ,u.cuc,- „ITcrcd

i,y him or them have been ❑ pprccul by tile Contp-tr list : rail in cu:;c of failure or nr,,Icct =u to du, lie or ti ' ,c •]I be considurcd ad Imv,a;, uipamIantl it, and as t Lc ,tdt to the Crupa tt'on, and the:ett ttun the work

- II ,c nadt.:rtisul ,m t rclut, and so nu until the cutt-truct ii ' accepted and executed. 'I'hc mirk to cum-,''I''tcc :•.t such time u; the Commissioner of l bridges Ill.'alai n tic.

1 is pate's must 'ui il t tt n in the L:d an l tl st-rtutl -t hcurc and till -. ttm.,tt, trill be cinch c C l ;ts nl('nn: t: hie lit nu • ,ntuuu 1 :t!s d h t t t,c t. for all item: c:dlcll f r ill these s Ins cificttiuns, or whicli amain Lids fur itsnts not calls I for thcrc;n. I'crmis~i,w will not be 'Oil cn fill' the v: ith,lm, yul of any 1 i'i m- c,otate, t ud I'm) right

is cspresvly reserved ,v the Cununis_;iuu cr ul

Rringcs to 15j1ct mu l bi in slwuld he dc cm it to the pul,- lie 111tet st cul to do No estOililie w ill lie m-ctptcd from, or c ntract n tr,l xd to, airy- person who i,< in arrears to the Cotprt:ntcnt upon iLl,t w co n attact,or who is a dill nultcr, as surety or otllcrtt'isc, upon :III)' obli'atiau to the Cutponttiun,

The price is to i„cln,Ic tine furnishing sit null the ucccss;u'y materials and labor, and the perliu-umnce of ih, elude of the work H5'iliOail1 in the :,p cciftcations ;Oinc.ccd.

'l'hc f0il(n' in' .s it si,tiennent nut' the csBImluac of the Jana tits of the materials to be fnn:isbcd, vi::.:

"(51,000 feet, 11. iii, , C;tmtd;, or ?I :r nc sptvcc !.amber, ,l,, inches by rn inches, tG feet 9 hmhes long,

For further particulars ns lu the quantity and quality ill- the supplies or the nattu-e and extent of the work rc,lu:rcd or ut the materials to be furuisLed, Lid,lrrs :u-, referred to the pri1 toil spccfcmious. Such work ,uul utntcrial5 must conform in c-ccry repel.( to printed

`pcci ficutill (is and pans. No estimate will be received or console red unless

accompanied by either It cerutkll check upon one of the State or National banks: of The City of Ncw fork, drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or muncy I,, the amount of fr:r I. 'er r.wRou of the antuuut of file sccuri ty required In 'r the I:tithfIll per-f;nrmnicmcc of the contract. Such check or nun,ey mtlst ,n t' be i,r!iSe,i in tit, scaled encclope l.oinitiiiing tins estimate, bill mast be handed to t he,Aker ur clerk of tie llq':rt~l.nt ,c ho bas cilat;gc of the c-tmmte bus, and Ito estimate can be dcpusitcd in said box until such check or muncy bas beat exant!nc,l by said officer or clerk and fomi,t to be correct. All such deposits, except t!rtt.,f the euecevsfiil hiil,1,'r. um ill be returned to the per-om- mak'i'ng the a Into within three dills a!l::r the contract is at,arded. If the st.cces,ful in dd,r shill'.! nc'lect or refu;c, within Ii,e days after nulide th:u the contract has Lcrn nw:lydc4 lu hitu, to execute the s;unc, the ;mtuunt of tine deposit mole in)' him shall be k'n!citsl to and retuned by The City of Neu nrk:5 liquidated ,htnntccs 1''n such nc_lcct or rclus,tl ; unit if he shall cxcerttc the contract within the uiInc aforesaid the amount of his deposit will be rcnu"ned to lust,

fbniilc,-s are required to state in their estimates, tinder oath, their .,acne, and places of residence, the Karnes of all persons interested (di Ill them then-in, and it no other person be so iuterestcd they shall clistin( I state the lace, also, that such estimate is mud,' :: iIl;out any conncctiou with any other person making a bid or cstitnate for the same purpose, and that it is in all respects fair anti Iv ithout collusion or fraud ,untilil atsu, that no member of the \itan cipiti Assembly, head of a ckpn eltnett, chief of a bureau, deputy therm(, or clerk ii 'c mcia, or other officer of the corporation, is directly or indirectly interested tlurcin, or in the sttpp!ics nr worI: to which it relates, or in any portion of the profits thelYOl.

Each estimate shall be accompanied by the consent, in Writing, of two Itousefwldcrs or freeholders o1 The City of Ncw York, with their mspccii ce places of bu>iness or residence, or of a guaranty nr surer' company duly authorizetl by Ian, to act ns 'urcty, to ilte (fleet that d the contract be awarded to Ilse person makiu;,i the esti-mate, they ol:I], or it I' Phi, on its bcin4 s t awarded, become boun,i as his sur,tics Inc its tat I'IIiii inc rfurnt- Alice ; anti that if lie shall omit or r,lu,e to cxccute the same, they wvill, ur it o: ill, Pt)' to the ('olporutiun any difference between the sum to ul,ir.h Inc mould be entitled on its e,mpletiun :,nil that whk in the Curpora-tiou may be uhlici,I to p'.1)' u, the persuus to whom the contract may be :,a ardrd at any sub.,-qucnl Ili Ling ; the amount in cash case to he CllCuhnl cd uunll the estimated amount of the work by to Io,h the bids are tested, The consent abocc tnentiuucd shall be accom-panied by the oath or affirmation, in writing, of each of

Page 10: · CITY on New YORK. Arrears of Taxes Borough of Manhattan..... Gllon Borough of The Bronx.....:


nc N its sInZnnin thn 5_tHIN that lie is 1 tee Inninici in line City of Nens Volk, and i- worth tin

aniount of the eeetnrntv n-nnnpnnreni sir the Cnntntpietin ln tile contract and stain ni or the p rnjnnsiilS. Inner ;ill, above ;III his debts of every tours and over and abov. all iii. liabilities ;is b_ti!, stiNts or nn Linerwte that it has ilium_i iniinnseitas a surety'in niond t mlii and to will inn intention to execute tine bond required by itw. Tin, ndeniteny and slit ncnetnc of the seentriti nnflercd will In leN rIte men! by tIne Unnnnptl'nniler if 'line City if N cnn York after the ant art is nnttdc:tntni prior to the sinnntnn of mite e,n]ntrntct,

line mi Tit e :I to ci nor tine ennnnnpietn it nni tue in bolt in nk in Ill be tent! and nmclntnlitn: I )ccettnhen mnnnno _\mnnl the niinnnn.t'c, to be paid by the cnnnn mractn'r hr Linel ntis that the contract or innS part thereat titan inc it, Inninnileni titer the time t'xeii hr tine clnmninlctncnnn of the whale nvnrin has expired nit, ht ilo- in thec0nttraCt lined and linlitinlnneni at tnnrtniy dollars per ninny.

The aniount in security ren1nni-ed is Two Thousand linniintl'e

ilinninic I nntnnns nil prOF10-11. tine form of a;reennnennr, nit- Cin:niitne- mini -', crinic_ni innnns_ the proper ravel nnpw_nnn ,,!rich tin innc!n'-e the sttne.nlnpInnn ed is tn.n tnntfli by the tn n;nnnrnmtnnnnt Counsel, and tinnnnvitnC the tnn,tnnnner of nityinn tnt nitil tnnt'tltee nntmntitnnntnonn_ will Inc in rttislneni an

I 'Sri lnnnnitt nd lrici,ien_ liinldersnttt 1 n -

!-din, n__ni In and all the itnivi- jLnIts

n. - 'ni nnnnlcinnni their Cs! n tlnnte. jnnl\ ISI-il- A,

l_'n't'nt:t n--limier 'I lii n


lii, I I In Inn'. i s

in mu ni n , I'll I [IF, In ix

is Inn;- - I -tx in Si nun',, Xciv %nnncnc, August cm, ieee'.


l'id(il'nbelS FOR lIlIns OR l-:siiMlEic 101-i Iumi1MhitRl \1" AM) i\i'ntN llQtiRl-in Volk THE l-Rl1IhniN _-\Nln tnnmll'iFli,nN I It- A NI-II (;AS HOLDER in ni-i I II F (I hi" mu milK,' i n mt'\l i:ln niX k,hNlnhli'x lnL,-hNl)

IDS OR F,liM hill- n, lnH-1 THE Al'Enh'E- £__ tmnntntinnnncd nnn'tk in i 'n,In'rIn!ji\' w-ith the s1ieciti-

C, ktn''n - nn Slit I - , c -.ncnicllti:s mn liin'!nicln,hniiinn!,_lnt liis h,n,,tnlF_i-n I'- i'n-.n stIlstreet,

nnujl,_nnin iNni\•-t-i__iinntIl ii

iI('I,%D1 . SEPTEMBER -I. 11100.

I I - ------ - '- n niinnknn,_ iii' I':nl n r n si ni_lie shut n n:.--:n-n' _ -in _n nmnle I ciincinnpn, n nil-n.e I "Bid -n- ' - mm_n' n, c'r nine- 1, Lmd Lab,rilijUirL11

tar ill' I_i'mnlj,_Ii IiI tn-tinjnle tin-i i of ni Xe- sn- (;;IS fir Vie (;:I, Work, located mu R,nninhn'li's I-i,mnil' with his 'mn their name or names and the of 'lie nit irese hit,mtinnl, to the head of said InIInntrttinctnm ,_ at the Said office, on or before time day and hour rtl'enve iia,nnnnil, at to hich time and place the lends or estimate, recmnn cci in ill be pmtlninciv n-pencil by the Presnnicnt of said 1 neinamntnmncnnt or his duty authorized agent, and

'inc ii''snIn'IF PI iiLtC CHARITIES t,EicEtiVEnl 114E m, in, ni I Ill e C I Ci, F ALL m'ntiii Ilk rirteis] us IF DEEMED nn_I tie li -mu lIII' P1 tIC Xl EiiECl,

-No bid or nntnnnna tnisin Ii be accepted front, or contract awarded tim any persenl mviii is in arrears to the Cor-poration

upon debt or contract. or 0 Inn i- a iiclnnul tim as

"Cml S or - tlici'wmns, upon any ehiitbcthns'nI to the Corinn_ rat! ti.

I liii :mntzmrd nnItIne contract in ill be made as soon a-p act ncaini n titer the oretniing of the bids,

hIS' bidder for this contract must be known Ni be LniaOeil Ili and nn n, 11 p rmjnarenl lot- the bu,nes. and must ma scnatnn IaCte'r) ted i mmiii cii S to that n, flinch, and the person mrrem'' 'ins to It moon the contract may be am amid " d

I be rennmii me I t, gi n 5 security for till pnirtnirm amic-e el the contract by his or I lick m bond, , wiIin men -u tiicienim sureties, each in the amount of lice Thousand i:,,c'ee' I iuih,mrs,

bi it or estimate sliaii sexual it and state the name and place of residence of cacti of the persons making thin S!miiin. tim natile" ink all persons interested with iinm or them ti,ememtn, and it no other person be So mlnneresnçnl it Shall distiiiettt state that fact ; also that it in made with-out tilt al!) C,.,nitiectit'mi with an) Ut hi cm person nnahcinng an estimate for the saline pur inn_se and is in all rNpe em fair aiid in iml,'nn.t CinlitiSie in or Ira''ad, and that no member of the Municipal A'-emmibis, head of a dep,nrtinienim, eiiiel of a bureau, deputy thereon in n-I-erIc tlncreint, orcnihicroziiccr if tine ctnrporatnnnn, is directly or titninrecily interested thinit,nn, or inn tires upplies Sr work to which mtmciate-n, or Illi'n S portion of the pmn'Int'- tlisreef, The hid or n-ti-iil,Ini_- must I',, xurifiLd by the math, in n, ruling, of the 1!triy or parties mi,akn; the estimate that the several Amt tern stated therein are in all respects true. Rhea more than one permit is inntnmc"tcni, it is requisite that time ,'Et,tFtrsI i, mx be made and subscribed by all the parties interested.

Each bid nit' estimate shall be acniompatiind by tIne con-senit, in writing, of two hot—holder, or Freeholders in lit City of Nyu' York, it till their respective place, of business or mn,'-nnience, to tine effect tinat iftheeonntract be at, amid to the person making the estimate tiny seth, cnn its being sc,a,varded, becnninehcnulmd as Ili, sur,tiesmerits faithful p,rtirmatiCs, and that it he nitii I Limit Sr refuse to execute the same I lies m ill pay to the Corpnirat mont

sins liP, mm.,, be Ewe em! the sum to

hich lie would be enntntieni upon its C' ililhiktjoil and that which the Corpo-ration may be obliged to pay to the person or persons to nnI,Otfl the contract may be awarded at any subsequent lettini ni , the amount in cacti case to be calculated upon the estimated amount of the work by which tire bids arc mnntenl. 'rue Coinslctnt above mentioned shall he aeconu. mnannmcd by the oaIh or -anfirnicitioni , in ss ri tiing. of cacti of the personssigning the caIne that lie is a 1?iiieh(iider Sr freeholder in 'I he City of -New h'ork, and is worth the annioUltt njf the securi te' required for the completion of this contract 05 Cr and above all his debts of every nature, aunt nicer and cttm(nnt his liabilities as bail, numefl' or rntliemn, we, and that Inc has offered ininieiI usa sumnmy in good Inn I in and v i lii tint intention to execute the bond re I ti reil by tint Revised I)rdi tnamncec if tins comm tract sinaI I be assay lest to the person or rner,enus for st-item he ecu' scutS to become surety. 'The 'ud irnties may cent-­t if responsible gurIinmH umpanmes. I'iie adequacy nit,,1 -cnut'i':lttic) of the security offered to Inc approved by the Comptroller of 'I Inc City of New York.

No II , -r estimate "ill be considered unless accom-itillindit by ether a certified check upon one mb the -National or 'state banks of The City of New York, mimanen to the order i of the Comptroller, or money to the

,amount of per esnmmim of the annual of the security required for the faithful performance of the contract. Such elicit -, r mentmcy must NOT be inclosed in the sealed envelope containing the esti-mate. but must be handed to the officer or clerk of the I nepartmetit sm-ho has charge of the esmi. mame hun, and no estimate can lie deposited in said boxumitni such check or money has been esam. miNi! by said officer or clerk and fnjtnind to be correct. All such IcnpcnniN, except that of the successful bidder, it ill be returned to the persons making the saint within three dntnn after the contract is - miis n,rnicd,II the suc-ceeeiui bidder -ninail rtfuee or negiect, within five days alter nonce that the contract has been awarded to him, tn ecennte the same, the amount of the deposit made x

i him "hall lee fnnrfn,tvnl round retained by The City New \'nmric as liquidated damages for such neglect

I -r nc lit-na! ; but if he Shull execute the contract within tine time aforesaid, the amount of his deposit will be returned to ttim.

Should the person or persons to whom the contract truly lit -ann arlenl mingled or refuse to accept the contract to ithin five days after written notice that the same has been anvardcnl to his or their bid for proposal, or if lie or they accept but din not execute the contract and give the priperseeurtty, he or they shall lie considered as has lug abandoned it and as in default to the corporation, and

ii nennm 1mm act w iii be renn,ls n rinsed and i'cict, Is pros lIen l's law.

I------1nntni,enmlars as to Inc nnnnr nmnt' and quality of tit titmims inn Is, or the itInt tic and extent of the i vor Ii me iii—d. biders are referred to the specifications.

1:?,/ mi ,emmin' , lint/inflnci mi i'm. mn/in nil' i/in' n,im' ,:,I nn/nn'in ,/i-n_ lot.. ti,'in'nt iien 5' the 'tn'n', iii, i/ ,, t'n',,nni/Im', f /,jot

11 I1.;, i'ni/nneimi,-,c, nmmnn/ ­T tui/nnitn'n/ nmg,mmmin i-nicE-, fine' /nn it ti_I' u/m'nejm'cnmt/n/ne,' Elnit' Man iimmii' Jul ito/li? /t the I n,1.n m -i' mum') if n' Flnninn :1nn' tun'i'enmnI'nn tins,

5/in-i' //Cu Cn'/ln'in'iti Al'n't'im,i'eI'i ntt,'ne, immnn/ -in// elu)nn'm,t c, 1' 'it u !iin'iin f/_ni! n/

the I t,/'n:, Euiiciemn' f/n t fi in / mis/i,5' in/mu n inntn'me. -

I iiilnit-rs illi I sm- tit, out tire atnnninnnmt of their n,'simttmatcn in addition muinserting the snimlie in 6gutes,

lIi).tit t.tit 5i ill be manic in3''.t requisition on the CIimmtin. trol ler, innnlcemnI'm lnmtnec to i n im the terms of the ctimttrhict,

l'hic tmt'c'nnlic nit inn s may Inc'seen at the apices of Ifn'n'gimn 5 'minnitcry. .:i ciittccts, No. t Madison aecnnmn, iii'nin miIn

tit )Inn,nlittumn,

UI nimi Ii forms of bids or estimates, till- proper eli-n ci Olin's m 1mm imicim to ihiel 5nne tine same, tine S 1mi_'c,iic nlitsnmms and aemniemeim tiilnlmi'nnst, I as to tmim'tii ii- ill, Corporation tniimiisei, and any further information nie-nim-eni, can be ni)ilnnittniI nit time Omlict sit mime I le1n.tninmntmmt Iii lhi lln I m v i_hem-itics. and bnmInlct's are catitioncd mcm—ainnlmu cacti and all of its plcl5 isinilis carefully. as time Dci',itml of Public t_hinim'itmes Sn it nm-n-ni upon its absolute ttminirc c untIl ill LI ens hIm icmninIr

JOHN W. Kl-;Ll.ER, I'residenmt, ,hln()li'll li,f,bnl-mu'l'INt;, Comntnlni-nsienmnm,m',

JAMES I- El-NY, Ceimitmninsisntmtr, I hepminthittltt of Public Chat i ties,

Lnnnn in, t -'tn's c imp Prnnm.ic Cmtsnmt 'mrs iii i, nin,itn,i' I-i tc ii SI dii. D, STATEN ISLAND,

Nun \mniuic, August Ct, 1900.

Ihi0in()S.ULS FOR Gli()CERiFS, MEATS, FISH. HARDWARE. PAIN IS, i)l iSn Ci hAL, Wi_li_ILl. LEATHER, 1-EEl!, I.L ili!ER, ETC.

IhmnnnsntGnS of, Rtciilniix 0 STATEN IsL,neln,

SF \I,ED 111135 oi,iI-:m-nrlMA'l'Es FOR Ft'll-mi i sIn nmig the abns-e.innenun mmmcmi Supplies, i ti Cciii'

'nh htm,till samplesnod "i itcilic- mmmii'., will be mc' i-din cii at the Ccimtrnni I lUicn of this I Ie1nnnrinmoint, limit in! dnet 1i'eIit'.sixtli street mmmi me o'clock ticnenmm,

T1IEDt''1 SEPTE1I1ER 4, 1900. hi! -,''mn I- to lie ill sinnhhnmncnnl" nit


stud hu ngt a, in n ititiinremiuriig the year I 9cc, free s! tspcmlst.

-No empty packages are to be m'niimnn'nncni to I,i,hmiems or Ciii, I I',Icttnr', and none will be fluid fur by tire Depart-

I Inc person or persons nmakinmg any bid or estimate -mhiaii furnish time same in a c:nlemh ttis'tlmmpe, imm n hmnm'sc I -' Lid nit E,tinoatc for (ins'rci'iss, ihlcIit", I n-li, Flnim'ml-ninlee, Paints, I his, Coal, 'I) sin,, i, l.cnnthmcm', F cnn!, I,nmtit-hem', etc .," w'itln his or their imnnnmmc i r mtnntntn,s and the dam ol p ruse nitnitmnnni, to the head cml sa ml Lntpirnitnnnnit, at i lie 5 miii office, mimi' r i'citnnc the day nitini unit' nlltmns e llnmuln_-mi, It w hich tunic null place the bids or -i 'mates receivedi

w ill be publicly opened by the president of s;kid l)e' pcintmentt , or his dull Inn tI mmii zen! nngenit , and reani. '1111- 14 ,11u) iIf , l'i'i tic Cmn,ninii ice ecsn-nin en xliv

iiiiU!t Ti, K F T ECr ,SLI. ilD-n mini Esiiim,SImls IF ueciii-ii n - nm n e t-niim rnle 'CoLic a' m Enmesh'.

-N o b md or estimate m il l be nuecclmtcml frotn, or Ccnmntracl itn'ctrded to. any person in who is in arrears to the Cnnnpmu-nannnn upon debt or ci nit tv_met, or into is ci nishtnn I I ri, as snirct)'55 or otherwise, upon any Obligation to the Cnmrjio' r,nt minI,

Ilic ancamni of the contract wil l Inc made as soon as practicable alter the open ing of the bi lls.

Delivery st ill be ren1inircnl to be made from t i me to I i iris' 'tim ii in such n1Unttit!tmts as may he directed by the ,imi ii Lt'Ititiit snielnier,

Any bidder for this contract must be known to be ingni 'c I I li and wel l prepared for the business, and lutist intl I,'n'ntn-nf ,nctiin'm' testimonials to that eltecm, rnnmmi the peE' sOtisi or pei'smnr. S to nmimcmm the contract may lie nmms tries! ,ill be required to give security dir the perlcnnennmtIce of Inn cmnmitrctct be imns ii or their bond, w ith two siitiic!eflt

sureties . each it) the amount of fifty i5'-') per cent. of the bid tSr cach article.

Each liid or estimate shall cents ili amnml slate the name and InlEt of residence of each of the persons making the same. the names of all persons i Interemttii wi t hi mini or them therein . ahu if no other person be so ititvrestemh, it simm11 distmnicti1 St_lie that fact ; also that it is made in i iimnnn t any connectioni sn- jib ;Ili \- other per—ii making Ill estimate for the piit'pn'ie. and is Ili all respects fair and In- I timnnttt collusion or ]mudsnim and that no member il the Mmiicipal Assembly. head I of a department, chief If a bnnrc,t,m, deputy t liertenf or c!erk ]herein , or other 'triccr of the Corporation is directly or indirectly nm Icr-n-ten1 tl,nnciti. tn in the supplies or In orb to sm hich it tIntes . or Ili aim) portion of t he profi ts thereof. The )id or estimate must be semniicni by the Oath, in 5t ruInIng, it the parts or p,nrtic. el,nlihltg the estimate that the evcrrml matters sicmtncd therein are in all respects true. lucre mare than one pemsimmm is interested. i t Fe requisite l int the I Cmii ICA M mx be made and subscribed by all he parties immtcrested. Each bid or estimate shall be rnceomupunmmed by the

-m)tiStnit , Ili w riting, n t' two itoni'ehnoinlers or lt'teinnmi iiers tm The City of N mn's York, with their respecti ye places if business or res idence, to the effect that i f the nntmtrnmnt be ,mm, aniltni to tine pennnont making the .t'niate, tine)' sm'n!l, on its being so inn nrmlni, meeunnnn bound as his sureties for its fnmi tin. ml periornmnulmee. and tllnmt it' lie shall omit t i'm refuse to n semi In the same tile)- shall pay to tine Corporation my difference between the sum to which he would be imhi tied on its completion and that which the Corpora- ion may be obliged to pay to the per_on or persons to thorn the contract may beaim arded at any subsequent ettttmg, the amount in cacti case to be calculatedI upmimn he estimated amount of lint sn n_irk bywhich tine imnmhs are ested. The cn,ni "nit above mentioned hall Inc aedont. caimied by time onstin or nmilinmahtnmnm, I li writing. of n, cli , it he persons signing the same, that he is a householder in freeholder in 'Tire City of- Xcii York, and is worth :he tinnoumit of the security required for the comphet in in xl this contract over and nd alcove all his debts of ever)' immure, and omen :mminl above his t inhhi i ties as bai l , surety

mr otlivrss iie, amimi that he has offered Inimseifcnsa - 'urnty t it good faith and with the Intent ion to execute the nand required by the hiss icd Ordinances if the con-ract Shall be n is,--,mr mu to the person or persons for 'I rum he cmnnisetnts to become numet', 'line adequacy and ufficimntncy of the security offered to be approved cy the Comptroller of 'Tire City of New York.

No bid cnn estimate srill be considered unieseaccom-aniieih inc either a certified check upon one of the

\atiinniah or State banks of the City of N ew hunk, drawn 0 tire orderof the Comptroller. or money to the annn,uttt if Jir't' imtrcelmtum of the amount of the security required in the faithful performance of the cnnmltnaet. Such check

'C money tnnul 5 in m be inclosed in the sealed mis-elope :n)tihntitiilig the estImate, but must be handed to the .officer tn cleric of the Department svino has cimargeof tite Intimate box, and no estimate can be dnprn'mted in said lOX until such check or money Imms has examined by mid officer or clerk and found to be correct. AiI such

tspo'nits, except that of the successful bidder. a ill be 'eturmteni to the persons making the same within three lay -n after the contract is asi-arded. If the succnsslui ,idiler shall refuse or neglect, within five days after mace that the contract has been awarded to mum, to execute the saltme, the amount of the mln p0-nit nude by him shall be forfeited to and retained by lime City of Nesv \ orb as liquidated damages fur such isgic'ct or refusal ; but if he Shall execute the contract

the time aforesaid, the amount of his deposit ti!l be rnI ,nrntcml to him.

Should the person or persons to whom the contract nay be awarded neglect or refuse to accept the contract I mthimmn fins th,i)'', after ssnittttn notice that the same has mdl aim nmrdnd to his or their bid or proposal . or i t lie or hey accept but do not execute the contract and gist, the nropmnr security, lie or they shall becousimiennel as having abandoned it and as in default to the Corporation, and

tincmn''nIl,nn:i mn iii I 'mn,,, Iscmtii-cml mmml relet, as 1nm'nnni, hi ) I ;-mn/ni, mm/i' n/ t' nil iei /,'.m, ,snn/N/n'om ,gninn /0, On',ttn'mitii

mm, m/i /mnm)eni'/en' ,,'ime/ Inn/n/inn-,, n/mel-rn-i 7 tIeJn'm / to

,!,Im'//u, Si!ifll intl n'.In'n//m//,mui, nm,, to the j4l/uu/it' e,i, nm'//n nmn'unn,i.c, lid/n/n ,i'marlin mnnfm'mnlc,n/ I IX limlin hi,' /h' ,nt.m'//n im,'/nnflieJm t /mlt //I nm/mt t'sn:/"mmml he n',, t i'n- , nm/i n /m m'm//inmnrin-e, nin,n/ n_nmnt/,nmt/I'm / nrC'nt/mi,n/ m'mJ'it/l'g Iii mm/li .litnt/J/m'cnnm C/I S I//na /inn", i'm'!in' Naga //nmnn,' J.'nm-n'/e/t,/ fe fire Dr/al /tiin't!t Ante/i mi'/' In i mcm'emmlri'n meliiit'i /i, ijnn,1-/mZ'/,eel' /mIni n/i f/ni, im t'm'tinm ///mi!, mllin/ I'd// /mmm ii mCi' Cinr.'m-me 5/minim- //mitt n/ f/n 1 pin i/len )ui i//i_ -n - I _i fin lines/ma" tm/sin in'nunn'i'i's

I Inil mid rswi ll state the price fInn each 'mm'timile, by sell ici the minis ii nil be tested,

limmlnlers in ill write smut tine nit,ntmmmmnt of their estirmlnnte' in addition to insetting the in tigriles.

In,l)_ mth ehnt mn- ill be made by 1 lenIn! ismtmmnni Iii, the Csnmp-troller, n Itaccordance in i t], tile terms of the contract.

Wants bmit'fl islif bids o re-n timninttes, the proper elis'cistpen in it Imiehi ill inclose the snnmc, the simectiiccmtiimmms and tnZI'emnlmdttt approved its to tinr,m, by the Corporation

t.'n_niinnscl, nnttmi any further iIifmii'lliihiimn1 desired

d esi re, call Ins obtained it the snilce ml tire Csminninsinter

,1mm the

liar ugh of 1< it'hmnntnn,ini, at Stapleton, Staten 1, lnlinmh, and bidders are c'nmtinnnmmeni to examine each and ;ill of its precisionstcar'lifliv, a, time Board of Public Charities will Itt_tI ii!-ti its ,ni,sn'!nnte enforcement in es'ti'-in_nt-I iCiilnti',

_ut ill)' \V. KElLER, i5nesinlettt, ADOLPH 11. I ; () F, I I IN(; , CcnmnFri ssiolner, JAMES I' l' f-N\'. C,ntmnn,iiss,omnen, ,

Department of Public Chmnimn mien.

1 bti i',SiiiIt eXi' or PUBLIC C i I sin n i I it", himmimnnt - n -,mix- iii' 'ml sxii-in -i_x ,\>,lt 'line hiinniXx_

Fourmni Esm 'l'ssmex i\-.sixrmn S-n iii' ,

Ncsv Ynnicu, August e,, 1910.


PR(IP()i--\l.S I-'OR lilinS OR i-di'l'IMk'l'ES I-ilk 'Ilib: MAl'i-:ltlAi.S AND 1.115 1k REQUIRED I`( )k TA I E, l'R 151 iON ill- A \h'A'I'ER l'n b\VEI-i I/X'l']-N'i-nllIN TO THE METRO- P( II i I UN I II tsi'il'\i. ON tII,ACKW'ELL'im il-il UNI).

Bhi ii'! OR 1,511 'I \J'icS FOR THE AIIU\'E. tnte nOn,' cli mine I. iii coliloretit)- 55 ihlt time specifica.

tIn_ins, 55 ill he received at the office of time Department itt i'ini-!'e L !mnmnhmn.s, Imi'nti' I East Ins cmii)' sixth mstm'c cm, in lIme Cnts ''if \cink, until is sm'eh,njn en,.

TUESDAY, SEP'rEI11E1t 4, 11100. The her-non or psm'snnlmi inn,i.imm,' tin) ],ill or estimate

shilll furnish time same ill :m c nici! cmii elope, indorsed " ]!ill or Fstiinnntte for the Iinittri,mls and Labor required for file Erection of a Water Tower l:xtenmsioni to the Metropolitan il, llmnn_lmttai," with his nit- their name or tm,,mtscs mini the date of pr—nizi tion to the inn,nmml of n,nmni I 'e1nlnmtlmlcmit, at the 'tim1 ,nllice, till or before the day and hour above nn,mmnsinmin at which time and piinCc the bids or cstnnmlmtes rnctiseni to ii! be pub-l i cl yopened by the I'rt'emiieltt t i t '<mmii l)np,nnlnleiit, or his duty authorized agent, and read.

'l'tic lhnn.smnD 11F h'n'n,m mc Cnmsnnm I ES iiE-nntis'tii', IIJE iliUm i imi iiEJi'Cl Al l, lulls OR E',imsI,s'Ie'n IF DEE,Itnit To iii! I ON 'IRE i dnmcic lxi EtiESi,

No bill or estimate sm ill he accepted from. or contt'tmct rI in ninnheni to, ntis person it Ito is Ili arrears to the Cur-pOrcnlion upon debt or contract, or 51 ho is nn deiannitcr, Its smuret)' or Otimcrnv neC, upon any obligation to time Corporation.

'The award of the contract will he made as soon nn-prntciicntbe after the opening of time bids.

Ali)- bidder for this contract must be known to lie engaged in and ncr ii prepared for the business, and must haresnnhi-n factor)- testimonials to that ella_I, and the person or Iier-nci,Ie to sshi,in t Ins Cmli mrnint nih)' lie assnmrcheil will be required In, gist security for the peniormnticmn sit the contract by his or their imnnimni, in miii two In niti'meiemtt sureties, etch Ill tile -.mmtnn,nutit of 1 ix'n. 1 imnitisnmtid (s,mmcmo) lheil,nrs,

I .,ncli bid or estimate shall contain and state the name andI place of residence oh' eacim of tIn persons making the snnnmmn. time liitiles vii all 1metsoiis interested with trial mr them therein, and if no other person be so interested it email mhishinncn!)- state that heel; nil-ni that it is made with-cut at)), connection with iii )' other person making nit estimate for time Same 1nul'pnnse, nmmmni is in ail respects tail and without collusion or Fraud, zinc[ tinat tic, member of this tlnitniclim ii .\SSeO)hui)' head of cm department, chief of a bureau , unit) thereof or clerk therein, or lit ncr officer of the Corporation . is directly or indirectly interested therein, or in the supplies minIm, irk to sn-immcii it relnmtt'sor in any Inonti' 'Ii cml tilt 1nr01, ts thereof, 'The bill n or c-nil' mate must he s sri finni by tire Oath, Ili writ ing, of the p.irt)' or parties cx mtmnnkitng the mistnin,mte that the several 1,1,11 mers stated therein are in all respects true. When liners than one person is interested, it is requisite that lie 5 Eii1FIC.S I I iii be made and subscribed by all the

Parties interested. Each bid in ir-mmmiltd 'niiall be accompanied ey tIne con-

nenit , in ii em t I Ii,4, of two houscholders or frectiohders, in I ime City of New \'ork, with thntir respective places of sus: or resimlunce, 1cm tIme effect chat if the ccmlntmact be innamnlnd to tine Pcnsciii tiiki ig line esti nnnite, tine)- svihh, inn Is beitnie sni assardtnl, btcnmmeboiin,tae his surctitsfonits liii Ii I ml perk nrmaucc, and that if he Shall omit snr refimse o txtdin 15 the same, tine, 'will pay to the Corporation lit)' di fference between t lie sum to which tic would en cmi titheni upnnnm its conupieticin attd that 55 Ii mcli t lie Cnnrpo' ratnmnnn may inn smbh mgnd to pay to the person or penn_mrs to I% hour the contras ma',- he airtmrnind at any subscqmnetnt citing ; the annmnmint ii: each case to be calculated upon lie estimated amount of the work by smhich the bids

ire tested. 'lime conneeimt 'jimoyn mehitionnenl shmznli be acconi nn.mmnnnh by the oath or affirmation, in writing, of each 'I time pcns,i n S Signing the same that he is a householder nr fmecInsnh,ien Ili 'Tire City of New York. and is worth the IlinnInu nt of the sccnirn 1)' required for tIme comp Intininl of .his dOii tract over and cmi mine' all his debts of every nature mmmd nicer and al mnns-e his liabilities as bail. surety or mthtersinse ,ttnmn I that lit flax ni (lentil him Sell as a surety iii gneoml faith malni I sniilm tire nit Icnmtnumm to exeCtIte time bond required by the h-tesmntnh I ircimmnanmens if tLe contract ,!mall Ut'awarded to the umsr-a or persons for w I mum lie Cilisclnt', to become sunm.ty. The said oemreties mci)' :0,1-n i St of responsible guaran ty ComptIti id- , The tim1-_s!uacy and sufficiency of the security offered to be sppnoved by the Comptroller ill ']'lie City of New

No bin or estimate will be considered unless cneccnnm-.naiiinnl by clIfton it ncrtniitd check upon one of the National or State banks of The City 'if New York, drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or money to lint? amount of /lt'i per centum of the amoun t of the

security required for the faithful performance of he contract. Such check or money must No-r be imcluseni In the snnmlnd envelope containing the esti' mate, but must his handed to tins officer or clerk Cf the I)npumrmtineimt smhto has charge of the en_ti' Hate box, and no estimate can be deposited in said box until such check or tnmcmniny has been exam-n,mcnI by said officer or clerk nmtmmi found to be correct. All such deposits, except that of the s nmceessfuh bidder, viii be returned to time persons making the Same within three mictys lifter the contract is mitunirdnd, If the sue-:essfui bidder shall refuse or neglect, within five days after notice that the contract has been awarded 10 him, to execute the same, the amount of the .lepnleit made my him shall be forfeited to and retained by 'I_Inn Cmm1- of New York as liquidated dam-.iges for such ncgleet or refusal but if he shall cx-SCIlts time contract within the time aforesaid, the amount of his deposit will be returned to him.

Should the person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded neglect or refuse to accept the c,nmntraet withint five days after written notice that the same has linen awarded to ills - in or their bill or proposal, or if lie or 1 ms'accept but do not execute the e itltiXiCt and give the proper otcunity. he or they shall be considered as having linammdemted it and as in eicfnimmit to the Corporation and the contract wi ll be readvertised and mIst, as provided ins' law.

I'm' bsnlm'him'IiI tn as tin the n1tllt,tiiy and quality of tine mnn.itcl'i.tix.,mII' time nm,n Iiitiilili I extent of the stork m'enluircll bidders are ldbdIl'eml to tire Specifications,

P1,/n/i's ni me u ii ru/unit in e'.rmm mt/l/ne the stem /fn n/jo us

Junr ,Iny/icmnin, e of the !mIil' 1', i/c., require (I /5j1lN

,­/,ink' /h'ii e'tf,iuni/e.m, and 1110 cautioned ntgil/PlSnl

, nJ't'lIi i, III try ii' S/it i Mb I//tillS other f//an Morse J'ur-h'S/mit' i't' Me i),-/ mm r/rnni',z/ .5' Such InJ'n'l'm' mIre a tinti use /I,,- r" /C, f/lid "-inn's mn'JielCmnml they are mm'' if/I'll, II•'i / Ot///

in 1 5' mnr'dl /n Memln /n,mmn niJ' the / iI'/mm,'/ ni-n',mt iJ/nm'm ms in sm_i i,m //i-n, ii/5"fl Ee'ntm/i Cs, Ili mice-, will write out the altmmiiitnt of their estimates

in addition to inmscmlmmng the snnie in figures. P- nymnmemnt will be nnttmln- by i ren1ninsim ininmil ii the Cotmmlm'

t mmml idn, i ll accordance with the terms of time contract. The 5icC1 fleet !tmnmc tnmnny Ile seen at the offices of

Fiinmgnmtn & SinmI tee)' Arm' In heats, No. t .illmnnhisitim mns'etlnme, hiom,ii snghn if 'lImtnhllit mmii

I hitink in,rtmn', of in, mIx or est I mnnatve, the theproperenvelopes to which to iinrinnse th,n sulume, the specificatio ns :told agreement n pine ScsI as to term by the Corporation (_'mnmlinsch , amid any fiiitimni' Information desired call be miintciimneii cIt time office of the I )n1mmmrilmmcml I of Public Chmar. tties, hin([ bidder, arc cautioned to e'nnmmnmm,un each air(] all of its p 'mis simm is cnirn,'inuII3 , rn the Him mini of public Charities , i ll insist upon its absolute emliu,rcctnlenlm Ili -cry mit cmi Inmi'

JOHN W. KEllER, President, ADOLPH ii, l;blidh'l'hN'm;, Commitnmi'msinmiien J .hM I-5 I ' F,F,N\ , t,'ni,mmnmn 'mssim mmcm,

Department mnienmt tnt Public Charities.


SALE, 01' lJNRi!nIilpl i-il INCU iillhif,'hNCES.

DtCl'Amit'mttli'l i iii Si- rune CLEANING, MAIN OFFICE, Scxoicis't m; 1111 tt,DtXtl,

Ni n. mnj PAR K Rom , hi,nmemnc'cctl or M,soen-min-m-i stu.


NOTICE IS HI-i-iI-:llV f;IVF',N 'l'HAI', litIhLliU.

AN mint to section n 45 of the Greater Ness' York i,hn;irtom', and immnmiem' t me nnnmthmn_nmnty of a final order issued mint the 2I"( mid)' of August, ifisen, out uI tIme llnnmntcipah Courtmnf'1' un C t t ' ol New York, fir tIme Sncsntnmi J niniicmm I District, Borough of nl,,mnImntmmmm, by a justice siltilig therein, 1 scill, on

27th DAY OF AUGUST, 19110, at mo,30 A. 't , , on Saud No. I, i ll the Department of Street Cleaning, in 'fins; I' i It1 -Sn si In steed, between i_ !es'emithn and 'Jim ci I ill as cm me-,, Ili the Borough of IlnIli Imai mail, SrI I Truck s, Carts, Wagons, Push-carts, Nixes and other movable mimic tliimugx.

FRANCIS M. GIBSON, I Input)' and Acting Cnnttim,iissinmncr cml Street Cleaning.

PEi-iS(nNS l-1,\VINI ; BULKHEADS '1' 1) 1-11.1,, is mine s mtm,nmty of New York hay, can procure

material for that purpose—ashes. street swcsweeping,, etc., ;ICI as is collected by t he I neparm limit of 'street Clean iiit'—fren of charge, by applying to the Commissioner if Street Cleaning, Nos . 13 to 2 1 Park row , Ilom'mnmmgim of iiImnnhm_tt tat,.

PER CIV,-hl, F. N\b,l,i-, i,'iitin miii Xsuinnier of Strcct 1.1 cain i mg.


ML xii n ii i'm - i, SF­ l, I' Cnmiisi mssi,n'., N , s -j" Il ,imimnnmi, -

Nm,nc h'miiinc, All """t I

PUBLIC No-I- huh-. IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT sn1netl competitive examination, will be held at the

'flees of this Csntnnmm csimnnn , bin, 346 htroamimunmy, New mirk Life Insurance Building, for the following posi-

ions, upon the uh,tte, specified

nl,mlhm!cm)' Ant0, at "7, 'i A. it,, INSPECTORS OF n-,(lul.Yl'hNf;, GRADING AND i1.hh'INiI. Smmh-ects of vxn,ttmmimcmhmoiu : Handwriting, anit!ilnetne, mccli-miNI I kiiimsvlemlge and esunenielmee. No notice en tmmnlinliemmn or this examination will be is-,mincl on :tit), application tied after %Vedusemd,ny, .'hugmn'4 'c, I cci,

l,i'E PHILI,l lb-i, Secretary,


'f FiF; lmtl,hRl', (IF ASSESSORS I II' I HE CITY

mnf Ni'mc York imeneiny gise mmdcc I In it the cost If his flmlimmsmmmg.tnnmmmmeih local inniprn_ms emnncmmt is c m'c'i tem' tlemmi he estimate heretofore made thnercinmr, viz,

fIn nmnnmt'nx ii OF Fl innmonc liii',

Li st (i31'i). Grading mini paving Sutter avenue, from I nnckn,srnmy avenue t, , ,tth,ib,nmnnm ms conic, with asphalt avement ( l55'nlm ty.sixiii Ward). Original cmssc',smmmetmt 35,100 : final ,l"se'e'tlteiit, ti.1i1,609,85. The limits se ithminm sehich it is proposed to lay the

aid ,'isses, Ifletit include all the ses'crcmi houses and lots I ground , s ucaint lots, pieces a tinmh parcels of land situ-led nun- lu_it It 5 I des of Sutter avenue, front Rockaway avenue

_m Alnnlnnnnnnm avenue, and to the extent of half time block t I lie i n tersecting streets and avenues. -aimd that saini I mmml of Assessors has added to the s',e'nsmnntit'm heretofore haul toe said improvement, the aid excess of ihie cost over said estimate emil apportioned lie same upon the several parcels of land according to heir respective proportions of the original assessment, till the said Board of Assessors has prepared nn list shose-lie the amounts of such additions, and time same in cute out file lit the office of said Board of Assessors, No ,no Broadway, New 'i,'onlc, it here time same can be ex

tmsi neil by all persons interested, and that the said marsh mill meet in the said office on the 25th mI_ny of

cptctnimcr, I 7,0, at Ti A . to hear objections (i f any) C the samnie,


'!)HN It. 2 hAFN I R , THOS.


htmnan,h of Asscssm mm's, WILLIAM H. JASPER,

Secrct cry, Nmm, ic liroaihway.

:ijs -. n- Near \ 'ini,m:, Ii mniimmm' c_it of ?nInsit'm"i,sn,, August 21, Igeme, ç -


Icr_sin i etc' i- iii Slims '', l)n'm-mcm!, ,' - tin-, t hniiic Run,

Xliii \'ommic, August 17, Ic/dna.


3 ]]IS OR 115'h'iM,h'l'ES, INCLOSED IN A sails1 tinsti im1ii:, ii mu time title of the work and ire

imImilis 11

tim In,ninlnr innni.,rsnsi thereon, will be re S 5 nil ill this slice until

WL.DNESDAY. AUGUST 99. 1900, t tin o'clock iii,, at it hich hour they will bin publicly penned by the head of ilme Department and read.

For the i,mhim,ms itig work in the

Iloi'ouIt of Mitnitunt tan. Co. I. SEWER IN lll)SIAI)\h'AV, WEST SIDE,

t,teistemi One Hundred and I'm t'teemntii street and summit north of one Hundred and Six -

teetitim street.

Page 11: · CITY on New YORK. Arrears of Taxes Borough of Manhattan..... Gllon Borough of The Bronx.....:


No. z. SEWER IN BROAD)WAY, WEST SIDE, betwccn One Hundred and Fourteenth and Onc Hundred and Fifteenth streets.

No. 3. SISWi.R I N AV IN U I•: R, between Fourteenth and Ii ecnth streets.

No. 4. At;l'F.RA'l'I(7N ANDPlTf'ROVEMEN'I'TO 51•:AVI.R AN I) CON N t•;CPllfNs IN HIJ-]il?ZZI'ti1It F:1 :T, 6ct tvcnn Wcst and lfudson streets.

Horutgh of Brooklyn. No. 5, 4EE'VIR IN SULLIVAN SIRFE'IT,bciweco

Con„rc rune l and Ferris street, AN 1) AN

( )I.J'1'I.I?'I' ShWI•.R IN SULLIVAN S'I'R LI•;1', between Ferris street and the Last river.

No. 6. SEINER IN F:ILII1'V'-SIX!!-! ST'RI?ET, be-tween Fourth av nue nod Fort Hamilton avenue.

Na, 7. SEWER IV NOS'1'R:\NIT AVENUE, between 'Iichvoud street and llalbonc street.

Each bid or estimate shall contain and state the nome and place of rc.idcucc of eaclt of t Iii, persons making the same, tite names of all persons interested with hint therein, and if airouter persul be so interested it shall distinctly state that tact : that it is made without any connection with an}' other person making our estimate for tile rol tie purpo—, and is i❑ all respucls fair mid without collusion or fraud, and that uo member of the Municipal A..cmbly. head of a department, chief of a bureau . deputy thereof, r,r clerk therein, or utbcr officer of the Corporation, is directly or inditcetly interested therein, or In thin supplies lit ut the work to which it relates or ill any portion of the profits thereof.

Each estimate"mist he Seri tied by the oath, in writ-ing, of the p.u-tg making the same, that the several matters therein stated are true, and must be accom-panicd by the muscat, in meriting• of 155n householders ur Ircclroldcrs ill The City of New 4urk, to the effect that if the contract is ;ncarded to the person staking the estimate, they will, upon its buin;,, so awarded, be. Colliebound as his =lurches for its faitbliil perliu-mance, and that if lie shall rcfuoc ur neglect to execute the same they will pay to the Corporation any difference between the stmt to tcbich he would he entitled upon its completion turd that which the Corporation Amy be ubligcd to pay to the pursrnt to wlion, thin contract shall 1tc ;nrarded at air }• >uhacquc it letting, the antnunt In be ralr idated ruin the eslimntud amount of the work by which ills bid are tested.

'1 'he con scut lost above-nicatiuucrl Illust be accom-panicd by the oath or fil,rutation, ill w riting, of each of the perc , ,i,,uin4 the saute that he is a bmmuehrdlcr or lrechuldcr iii 'I lie City of New York, and is worth this nmuuut of the security rcyvircd for the cumplotion of the contract, twee anti chose all ills debts of every nature, and uverand a6occ his habit;tics as hail, surety, or otherwise, and that he has offcrcd bintself as smrut}' in god faith, with this intcutiuu to execttte the Loud rer uircd by laic.

No estimate will be considered unless accompanied by cilbcr it certified chuck ii ic d the State or National hanks of The Cit • o w f Ne fork dr:nru to } the order of the Complrullcr, or moue}' to the ant,.,unt of five per ceutum of the amount of the wears ty re-quired fu,r the faithful perti,rm:utcc of the contrtct. Such check m m, mcy must sill he in a scaled en\chope cuutaiuiny the estimate, but must be lutuded to the uhiicer nr clerk of the IJcpartntcut vvbo has charge of the estim;uc hos and uo est mum an he tie prnitell in sail box until .much check or m•,ucy ha, Lett ex;umIined by said ufficcr or clerk and i mud ti be con-net. All >uch rh.p,sits, except tbat ml the stilt wB!d bidder, tvill be ruturu~d to the persons looking the name Si itiin three days after the c mtract i. ;ncardcd. If the >ticce—tul bidder shall reline or ncylcct, within five der}'+ after notice titat the contract bas been aw:u'ded to bins, to execute site same, time am,nuu of the dcpnsit male by bim shall be I,ufcitrd to and rautiucd by'1'hc City .!t Ness' \ -ork as liquidated dnnut,1cs for ouch negleu t ur -ILI'al ; but it he shall esccute the eoutract within the time alorc-,il the am„umum of thin dcp,''ht will be returned in him.

1']11: (t)\i\H,gIt)NF.R ON SF:\VEiii 1,F. SI(I:AI•.S l III•: IdIGI IT ICI R i-il-I. I ALT. 1?II)S RKC , III\I.H 11' IIE UICF:11g II' tut; '1111': LES1' IN - I"F:REST; Oh- ')F 'i'lIE (TTY.

Ilhud: firms of bids nr c:,timatus, the proper cuvcl- - ill w bicht to inclose the same and au tiu-ther apes t , Y

m litrmatiuu desired, can be obtained, as to the I;,,rough of Alanhattan, ill the office if the Cnmmissiuner of Sewer., Nus. t ; to et Park row, I;,vuugh of \I:tu-hatt:ln, and as to the of Hr,, klva, at time nikcc uf the Deputy Cummistiuuo of Sessers, nbwueptl Building, I ,,rouL h of hr rokl}'u.

JAS. KANE, Commissioner of Semvers.



SE.ALI'D I'Rl)Pl)S\L5 WILL P,E RE('I(IVEI by t,'o Cunmuttce on Supplies of the B'' mush of

Education of The City of New V'ore., at the Holl of the Ii, .•trd, southwest corner of Park avenue and fifty-ninth street, lorougb of >lanhattan, until 4 ri clock I .u., rnt


for furnishing and delicerinz Chemical :utd Pbvsical App:uratus and Supplies fur tiis Schools of The City of New- 1-urk, boroughs of Jlanb;utun, The Broux and urofoklyus,

No empty packages or cases are to he returned to bidders or contractors except as herein specified, and nouc vv ill be paid for by the Department.

No bill or estimate %cull be accepted from, or contract awarded to any person who is in :,,rears to the Cor-poration upon debt or contr.tet, or who is a delitulter, as surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Cor-porttion,

'kite award of the contract will he made as soon as practictbly after life opening of Life bids.

Any bidder for this contract must be known tel be en-gaged In and well prepared for the business, and must have satisfactory test mtanial. to that effect, and the person or persons to whom the contract may he awarded will be required to give security for the performance of the contract by his or their bond, with two sufficient sureties, each in the amount of fifty (,o) per cent. of the bid for each class of supplies, articles or apparatus named in the schedules.

Each bid or estimate shalt contain and state the name and place of residence or place of business of each of the persons making the same, the names of all persons interested with him or them therein, and if no outer person be so interested it shall distinctly state that fact ; also that it is made without any connection with any other person making an estimate for the same purpusc, and is in all respects fair mud without colln-sion or fraud, and that no member of the 'Municipal Assembly, head of a department, chief of a bureau, deputy thereof or clerk therein, or other officer of the Corporation is directly or indirectly interested therein, or in the work to which it relates, or to any portion of tite profits thereof. The bid or estimate must be verified by the oath, in writing, of the party or parties making the estimate, that the several matters stated therein are in all respects true. Where more than one person is interested it is requisite that the vcnt etc :\-'rtns be made and subscribed by all the parties inter-ested.

Each bid or estimate shall be accompanicd by the consent, in writing, of two householders or freeholders, or of a guaranty or surety company duly authorized by law to net ae surety in The City of New York, with their respccti s places of business or residence, to the effect that it the contract be awurded to the person making the estimate, they will, on its bang so awarded, become bound as his sureties for its faithful erformance, and that if lie shall omit or refuse to execute the same, they shall pay to the Cor-

poration any difference between the sum to which he would be entitled on its cnmplctiou aml that which the Corporation may he obliged to put to the per,on or persons to wltum the contract stay lie awarded at any Bttbsequ in, lethmug. The cmpsmt above mcmuticmncd shall be accumpanici by the oath or ufhiwmlitiva, in serhuitg, of cncb of the per-uus signing the saute, That he is :t houschulrlcr or iteclmlder in the City of Ncw York, and is worth the uamnue of the eecnrity reduiremh for the eumpfcduu ut this Contract, over nurl :ti se ill his debts of every nature, and orcr and above Iii, liu-hilitics as bail, ,uruty or adtcrwue, rmd that he has offcrcd 1imscifns a surety in good faith and with the intention to execute the baud rcyuirurl by tie Resist ii I )rdin.utees of The City of New Fork, if the contract shall be ;nvarrlcd to the person or persons for whom he cunsenls to become surety

No hill or cstiurttc will be considerc(l tieless accnimt-hau-mi by either it certified check upon0u e of the National or State Banks of The City of New Volk, drum to the order of the Comptrullcr, or money to the amount of/iv , per cn,t slut of the ;uuowrt of the security rc,luiru 1 for the litithlitl performance of the cunuract. Such check or it must ci,n be iuclnscd to tits sealed cnvulope cotltaluiog the estimtuc, but mint be ltamlcd to time „Direr ur clerk of the Lcpart- meet who hits cicu'c;c of the estimate box, and no estimate call be dup—ited is ,mid box until such check or money has been examined by said uufuicen or clerk and hound to be em•rrect. All socb depn,its, except that of the succe--ii11 bidden-, will be rcturuul to the peismims mnkiug the mm, us is ithut three days alter the c tract is awardul II the su es l I biidcr sir Il r• cc tt a c fuse or neglect within tivc dip ..tfter notice that the eoutrtct has been oo-:u'dcd to lum, to execute the same, the amount of the dcpuxit made by him Shull be for-feited to and retoincd by The City of New York as lid-uidated damugcs for such neglect or refusal ; but if he shall execute the contract w itbiu the bate aforesaid, the amount of his deposit will be returned In hint. Should the persou or persons to whom the contract

may be :n•:arded neglect of refuse to accept the contract within five days after writtell notice that the some has been awarded to his or their bid or proposal, or if lie or they accept but mm not execute the contract and ;;ice the proper security, he ur they will be considered as having abandoned it and a; in default to the Corporation, and the contract will be re;ulcerti sell and islet as provided by ];I,.

14n- /,trtieulrtrs its to t/r qv..... !y rxud yu,nlift''f f/rr suJ/(i,•s nr thr uattrn• nuiI r_r/ ut rf f1 r s✓erk r,yrrirrvl

frurr:Irria/sEm, lejirrrrieGrd, !ir/r/-rertrrr,fv rd f.• f/nr .vrrrrfi,-,Ili .... rr rrd Elm, .,, /u, i/mu!, s r f nrnh•rirt/s, sr/_ Jlir. mill, / uge/,rratrrs to Lr jrt,vrirhr,/. Suit wo,k a I uraterials nrrrst r ,u,/r'rin in me', ml r.a/rr l !ri fhd e m' i- frcatinnr rsrrr! srlterlrrlrs. ]'idrl,"I, -ardiorr, •rf to srruriuI. t/rr .cArrrfcalious fr ,r /an tic "fats r,/ the

aI//u/,,, rte., rr•quirrd /,f,rr rna/irrgr f/rr/r rs1in11,1, 1/mc grrrtlity of 1/rr am I/ lie, svf/1/<•s, ,C't,eds, sorsrrs, rrud nt,ve/raudist urrrst ri»rfernt ill I e'vy Ireful t✓ ru:,l ruemL !•r equal ill qualify, efau..rld, finish runt /.'e/< ii !n tkr ,ra rrr/!:•.e Jim;, s/ /, mm- /o f/rose r/ta' -1/,,! by t!r urrnr,a rf :vr(l 6vro:or, t,'11, rc raid ,nrzrurfrrrtn rrrs. 1,'!,!-10' I',m rtrr• cardianr:( In craurine 1/rr s,6, i/i ml/le ni

rrfirrr r r t n t/r • arfirlrs •t rr, rrir r n r /• "r r pr (t o f 7 r! (, j t trt a .,c f/.,•ir ,'tir,rrr; rs, ill / are rmrtrlfarrrrf ai•rrivat pjirrhug tr, arty e, n it .crrr nJ ,tttriurs n1/err tlt,ur tl , ksr J im ruiL,/c,d by dim' llr/:v/urrn!, .Srrr 1 of v'r ru, s ml ' tam st• fi ,r n•-/irtir<S Girt - ;,'Grrcorr f/rr}' it rr e m'utte ,r, rrrrd sr•i(! At err , nose gmv ,crit the «rtri,rt of fir /1,•Ararfutrrrt „ficrrs in /,a•cciur;- 1114 In hvul. rs. l;irf f •rs I/,,!, thr A'irr a/' r a, /t ;star. 7'Ir i'u,•uslmr.r rurr.1/ Gr rro-edr mul/f olof rr'I, ere r1,- Ii-l., cm' /// L.• r r,/ fru'sn 1Ir >b„t/,{;•:c ,rrnl.r:.•,orrfe rand,'t,u/!m' lout' el ('i f,(rr , :r rrr,k C G,.cc nr .Sckbrk,

.1/! rdintrtfrs un1 r,mrz/,u urhis. to IGcsc r e/Uh,'IlI'vrfs' Hurl' /r ch's."d ,t'ra iufn......1.

Bidders will write out the amount of their estimates in Ii i,lition to inserting the same in figures.

Payment will be nmdc by check by the Treasurer of the board of 1•;ducation, in accordance with the terms If the contract or Brant time to time as the Cmmuttittec ou iupplics may dctcrm i tie.

The ctmuuat of security required shall be not less than lift}' per cent. (50. ) of the amount of the bid or c<timate submitted.

51 nfications and n 1 ,dale, may he een and blank pr , ants ms- Tilt e tvci umuue fur luueiulsimmg ti ,1 same may be ubtaincrl at the office of the Superinicndcut 'ml' Supplies, tint fluor, Hall of the Board of Education, cunlcr of Murk avenue and Fifty-ninth street, Borough of \Fan-hatuall.

1'hu liy-Laws of the Board of Education may be examined at the office of the Secretary.

his ('cntntittee reserves tits ri:tit to reject all bids or estimates submitted if deemed to be for the best interests of the City so to do.

l);LLcd III t., cu ii in Masan n,\5 .-\u;;ua 21, me l. Ttf:AfIUEUS t1l lid bAR'l V. -JrriFa'fi J. KI'll'Ri, 1V:ALlO If. RICHARDSON, PATRICK 1. 11H11'E,

'lull ,ittec r,nn Supplies,


I)Et'ARish :' I' 't 1)„CAti ANTI FL1. I2 I'-, Ptec AA , I'tr t:1,) Li,

1t: \t \"ue, July _•, 19 u.


A-1 A ?,F:F'I'IN(: OF 'I'HH•: POAR11 OF hO('I.S, held this date, Role s8 of the Rules and Regul2-

tions of this Department was amended so as to read as f.110", :

Rule 'P.—Is loading Sr discharging at any wharf, pier or bulkhead, cotton, turpentine, resin, hay, straw, excelsior, hemlr, palm, fibre. sea moss, oil, or other inflammable merchandise, no person shall keep or allow” to remain on any such wharf, pier or bulkhead. ur keep or allow to remain rn any lighter, barge or other craft muured to such wharf, poor or bulkhead, any such material, under penalty of not ex-ceeding lifts' dollars for each day t.r fraction of a day that such cott„n, turpentine, resin, hay, straw, excelsior, hemp, palm, fibre, sea moss, oil, ur other inllantmable nterchaudise shall be permitted to remain as provided in this title ; such penalty to be recncr rccl front the owner, lessee or occupant of any pier, vchart or bulkhead on which such cotton, turpentine, resin, hay. straw, , seelsior. hemp, palm, fibre, sea moss, oil, or other in llam mable merchandise may be left in cou-traventiou of the terms of this regulation, or from the owner. lessee or scetut nutl: of any ms harf, pier or bulk-head to which shall be moored any lighter, harcc hr other craft upon which inflammable nterchand isc shall be left as herein provided.

You are hereby notified that the above rule trill he strictly enforced.

Tours respcetfull}•, \VTiI. H. ItURKE,



Ni) "1'ICE'1'O PRt)i'F:Ri'V'-UAVNI:RS.

IN PURSUANCE OF SECTION tors l)I+'I'HTE Greater New York Charter, the Comptroller of 1 he

::ity of Ncvv York hereby gives public notice to all ,crsous, nw nets of pruperty, affcacd by the hdlotriug issessmcnts for LOCAL 1>ll'R( IV GTI I•:N'I'S in the L'URO1Jt:1I OF't'HE 1JRO NX:

'J'\b'1•:NTrY=fRIRF7 \VARI); SEC'1'l(IN' t',. 1)AWSO N SPREE-IT—SEWEldS, beuceeu Wales

tvenue and Leggett avenue. Area of assessment: Both sides of Dawson street, front Wales avenue to

Leggett avenue ; both sides of Tinton aventte, from I )aw.uu strcct to Oue I lundred;tud Fifty-sixth slrr Cl, and sniuh side of \Vcstche-,tcr aecnne, tram I Int-t,tl street to One I l sul,b'al :md Fifty-"isth strccf.

h:AS'fi ONF; IilJNhIkItU .ANI) SIXTY-'I'HII:U S1RI{1Tl'—titill Fl:, I u-on time es ating scwcr in Jamb' "nn Arutinc lu Furest .ry cnuc. Aria of assesBmcnt: Petit .;rtes if 1•::tst Otic Hundrucl and Stxty-tbiril street, bu Ucccn iertuiaom ;old Purest avenues.

l•isutif(ttiI•T IIUNIORB AN'll SIX'T'Y-SENT•;N'l'II StYltN,F;Ir—SFNVER, from Third :wane In Fulton nwmte. .\ri'a of:uscs. menu: Puth cidus of Otic Iluu-much and sixty-sewwtl street, between I ]Tirol :md Fult„u ;tveuucs.

TRINITY AVENI;F:'l\, nnrtbtccst enrncruf One Hunnccd ;md Sixty-'bird street. Area of assess. nteut: Nurlh side of f One Hutulrcd aurl Sissy-third street, betw'cen '1lrinit)' and Coulrlwell :u•cnucs ; also, west side rf Trinity :wcuuc, h,atvc':u On, Iltuidred and Silty-third 51 mm-, I:J, pinrc.

'1'\Vb.N'I'\"-FI)UR'1'li \\":\k. tib:C'1'1ON tr. II:V.Y AVF:NL'l--tit:A1'Pai, bctae n I(:tst One

l luudred itud Seseuty-ci;;hth }trees (\Tcclmnie struct) nod I' 1st One hundred and i' i;;hty-first street (Punts Si ten t). hr cu of a.,sessmcut: Cutit des of 1J:tly avcnnc, from One Ilwull.,d anti Scscuty-cighth street to One Hundred and highly -first sheet : bulb sidrs ul ( One Huudred ;sod Fi gbtiut urine et, 7rom Iionaywcll avcuuc to I )illy avenue; suttll) side II f t )ne I and Eighty-first street, front iiuuc)",tull acmme to l )sly

venue, and cull side of Hunc}•wcll vcuuc, from ( Inn •I lnudred and F-ighticth to Otte Huudred and I':ighty-fir,t cu'cet.

].IAA'] u\l: HUNI)RI•a) ANI) Si'VEN1'Y-NIN'1'II SIREI•'l'—SiS\VI?R, between Lafuntainc null Arthur avenues; also SEW1!R IN ARTIIU1k AV I•:NU I•., hotwecu East One Ilundrud and Set cut}'- seventh l street ('Tremont aveuuc) and East tlnc Hml-dred and l- gbt)- -first street. Area u( assc..mcut I;otlt sides of I )ue Hundred and tic vcnty-ninth su-cet, liom Hugh'.. aveuuc to Lafontaine avuuue ; both sides off )tic Hundred and Scvcut y'-citiI ill street, front Hughes arcane to :lrthnr ,nu,'ilile ; Huth side, ul .tirthnratcn uc. from Tremant avenue to C hie Huutht'cul rind E:'4htt--iirvt strcut ; a,I side of Ln1:InCtine nrcnuc, from Oue Fimiuu-di'ed ;full l'lg!Itlethl to One Iiuudre,I and EiCllty-tint _street, and both sides of Olin Fi mdrerl and F:ighlictlt sweet, froln Arlbur avenue fit L:dmtaiae avenue.

VA1,EN'1'IN1? _1V'h;NI;E—PASIN, vrest side, about 35 felt north of IluI.... e avcmc. Area ul asse"ItionC West side of Valentine accnuc, bustIlecll i;u n.idc avcnuc and Otic Hundred and Eihticth surest, also north ride of L'urnsidc avenue, bct,cci_II Valenti uc and I:ycr ;tccnuc,. —that the same were confirmed by t lie lloard of:\ sessors on August at, r9oo, and tun tercd uu simile date in the Rccnnl of Titles if Assessments Cuulirmed• kept in the Itursnu fur the Cm,Ileeti, In I If A 'se_o-mcnts and Arrears of Taxed tmd Assessments will of Walcr n:nt-, and mill! 'em I/u' ,rnrr ,:rul!/„r (r,nyi( Ara all p, 'I 1, Ii ,:r . /It, O.'r/)' /ca// A, ,fail ;,''this xi-r/y drt}s a t,r I/, dal,• lit 11 01/ ruhp rjllr asa•.rsnrr•rrf, iut, r, s! at-/!! 1. ei //, _ 1.-,l 11r, rn vr. as pros idud in section 151! 1) of said 1 beater Nesm York Chcutcr. 'paid section provides that I I any such assessment shall remain unpaid h,r the period of sixty days after the date of entry therein in the raid Fternril of 'Titles tit Assessments, it shall be lbc dttly of tb~: I ll iccr ;uuhori,ed to collect and receive the ;tmounl of such assessment, to charge, colleu:t and rccci vc interest thereon ut the note of s vcn per cent, per onroun, In br I-rrlculim/,,!%r .,la lIr (u!,' r'f la'I ruby to file' dirt n/ gr,:rrrr1,,,

The above ,055555 Cleats are payaiil e to the Collcdmr of :\sses=ntents and Arrears at the 13urc:ut for the Cullec-tioll of Asscssmc uts and ,Annear', of 'Yeses and As=css-mcuts and of Water Rent., at Crotuna Park lroi!dinr' rurnur of I )tie Hundred ;md Seventy-seccnth street null Third avenue, I:oncigh of The Bronx, between the hour. Ill 9 A. M. and z r. St.. and mt tintordays front 9 ,v. %I, In rz v., and all lit) mmults made thereon uu or 1)6,rc lctober no 1900, 55 ii be escnrpt front interest as

nbn-re provided, and alter that clue o ill be subject to n charge of interest at the roc of seven per cunt, per ; lnnmll front the dale iii entry tit the Record of Titles of :1.acsstucu L+ ill s;,ill Iitu-cou to the dale Of p.tyntcut.

BIRD 5. f_uuGPiK, G,mptrol ter.

Cnv rn: Naw }', ua:—llEra 1. r>t r•..r or FAN:t>:CE, Coot 1'rRriLLEIt's l )rrIcE, August 22, Itpo,

Nlyl'ICE'1'(1 l'RO1'i:R'l'1'-OWNF:RS,

1'I'ItSC'ANb'L 1)G SICCI'1O F1' ti roIS OHF. I N (;t 'cuter Now York Charter, the Comptroller of 'J'bc City of Nctc 1'urk bench}' gives public unticc to all person, 1t a •r., of prupet tv affect,-rl by the f dlowvr; t _.cs''-m tits for LI)(' 1L I>II'ROVl- IiEN'TS, in the I;uit(IUGH OF 1IRD(lKbV'N.

EIt:FI'111 IVARI). F1F-1'11 .\\'F.NUP:—FL:1I:CIN(:, west side, lie'

ncccn Fortieth and Forty-first .street,. Aneaof asscss-ntcat: lots ituntbcre, 33 to 96, inclusive, and q_ of Pluck ty9.

PIIIKTY-NIN'1'ii S'I'RFF.'1'—PI..\Gf;uNI , .Dulls side, betw-cen Fourth :md Filth avenues, eArca of ns-- 's,mcnt t Lots numbered 22, 32, 36 and n7 of Jllock Nn, 3c. —that the same were confirmed by the Board of Assessors ua Au must iit, 1900, and entered nn same date in the Rccnrd of, Titles of :Asscssmcnts Comm' firmed, kept in this Rmtreluu for the Cul lcction of _hssess-mcnts and :1rrrtrs ul Taxes and Assessments anti of Water Real,, and ur.L:as f/rr anrnaut 'us ,erssrdfi» /' i,yi/ ou a ,;, Jn.11111 or frr./,vdv draft be fetid n;//k/it m/,—/j' r&r)e 'I/Ii r t1,• drrt,' rf .o-r. / cnL y 'y' Ii,, ass,•ssrltr,rts iutnr11 :,v!( !r c",ll ir•u /1i,•r ,ill,, ;ts provided in section ot) of said Greater Now Yore: Charter. Swirl see-

tion provides that. ” 11 ally such assessment shall remain unpaid for the period of sixtyy days after the date of emit ry thereof in the said Record of 'Pities of Avsesstncnts, it shall be the duty of the officer author-ized to collect and receive the amount of such a',ca-rnettt to charge, collect and receive interest thu-e lm tit the roe of seven per cent. per annum, to /,' :lrvr-hrfrd from tkc dale rf cla/m refry to Urt o/retr,J cc '1'

The above assessments are payable to the Collert,tr

of Assessments and Arrears at the office of the Pnrcau for he Collection of Assessments and Arrears ot Collection 7 'loses and Assessments and of Water Rent., in file \lumctpill l:uhdlm;, L'nrough of lit-,, 0k11 u, 6euIcncn the hours of 9 A. Si, and c r. tit., null oil Saturdays from 9 A. M. to 12 _St ., •till[ all payments made thereon on or before October zn, tnoo, vc ill be exempt from Interest, as above pruv ided, and niter that date w ill be subject to :I charge III iutcrasi at the rate of sec on per cunt, peranoum from the elate of entry its the Record nl Tide's of Aesees-tncnt,s in said liurcau to the date of payment.

I11R1) 5, (Tt1LER, Comptroller.

Clry ur Nall Y„nlc—f)rr.vr.'rOEs I ltd Fro.-iscE, f Co',11' ftslLi,Ell's Oft-ten, August 2_, 1goc.


V' PURSUANCE OF SECT o ION tort OF THE I line ater New Yorke Charter, the Comptroilcr of The City of New York hereby gives public notice tel all persons, owners of property, affected by the follow-in- assessments for LOCAL I M PROV E.11 ENTS in the BOROUGH VF 'MANHA'I"l'AN


Duane and Franklin streets. Area of assa.smcut: Roth sides of Washi ti 4tuu street, benceen I)tmne and Franklin streets.

'1'WEI.F'1.1F W:AR l t, SFZCTION y. I'A\VRENCI•: STRl;i:'f — S1-.111•:1:, 6ctweclt

:Amstcrdatn ;Venue and (Inc Ifinidre,l :uul Twcnly-siah sn'r:ct, n-ith EXTENSION IN l)NE HIJN-1)REI) AN1) 'I'W bIN1Y-SIX' fH tii'R El•`1'. Area III asxssnteut: Botts sides o,f I tIllrcuce street, from Columbus avenue to Amsierllaumt acc-sue; both sides of One Hundred and 't'wenty.

scvcnth street, from Convent avenue to T.nsnrncr: street, and west side of Convent avcmvq from Otte F lundred:md 'fluent y-seventh street to Otte Ilundred imll'1'bituy-fir.,t stn:,: I.

NINF;1'l':h:N'l'll WARIL, SECTION 5, "mix i's' NlH1PI ti1'lll'l' l' — SlAVl R, between

Avunuc A zuld I•atcri,,t .<trccL Area of :tssersnn'cul : Both sides of Sixty-uiuth street, hinutcell Avenue A and E.cterion street, —that the sums were confirmed 'ry the Ronrvl if:l., mess. nr: un Aa4e,t at, ,qoo, :mid mLa',i „n the same (late in the Record nl. 'Titles of r'- I'-:-merits Cmun-fit'ined, kept in the I-;nrcau for the Cnllcctiott of Asses :,Ileais :uul Arre,i s of Faris Anil A„cssmcuts and of 1V:ttcr Remits, and tr rl!.cs rite rurtntrnE «s.rr.csrd fi r b,vnjit mill a115 /'rrrnu nr / i5i ,it'rlrall br• /rdr(,ui!/titer sr:riy drt•s ajJrr f/rr Jalr , j .v mud rut, • rj Iii'' rrt.ce-rrrrrlc, Inc ,•rral aril!/• colt rlrrl Nrrrnu, as provided in section jotg of said I:leater New fork Chatter. Said section provides that '• 11 a my such ;t->u,.vnuut sbal rumuiu wt ,aid lilr the eried of ,'.n F p 1 y i;,1 -. after the date of antry tltcruti in the '.aid I: uco,r,i of Titles of A ssc=,rncnt=, it shall he the duty of ill,: nfliccr uuthor-izud to culled nod receive the amotmt of eur.h asscss-umut to circa-:C:c, collect aurl reccis's interest there„n at the rate of seven per clot. per ;tnnum, /n I, c,z/I a laird /rarr tkr drslr rJ Bait ratty to f/rr lal, .f Pay-

'1'he above ussen-zmcnts are pa}ahlc to the Collector of :\e=essments and .L'll- Its at the ice of the Bureau for the t~ull cii n III 1s t-, tilt Ii ltl mt. of 'I_ isIs and \ '-s '.- III, ub ,u el of \\ atcr }tent Num. _8u llroadway, 1 uruu,;h of AIuuhalt ,m, bet—ca the hours of 1) .t. M. and n I•, >L, ;wd cut Saturdays tams ,I A. M. to re >t., and all payments marl, iii, rcuu 'a ur behmre UIt"ber Co, 19,51, 51ill be emcmpt from Ii tent-t, as 'tb,nc p,o'id,d, and hid r titers Into w” ill bL >obtuct to it cbat-cc of iutcrest at the rate of seven our cant. per nnuum, li'um the date of cutry in the 12r:cnd of '1ides of :sscssmcnts ill said lhlil'cmtl o the bile 'II l,oyntcut.

11Ildi S. CUI,J?R. Cnmpl raper.

Curs' or NEW Yens-1 Ir_r.vrm5m E:; r ur its I >.r_);, i Gutitl-neu.Lelc's ( )rrtce, 1lugust its, r "',

i'taIrR F. J[s\Ei;, Am-c Ii ,r r: r:;.


PCPLIC NOTICE IS ifl{REIB}' (;lVIE:N' 'I'HI:1'I' the Commi:;iuncrs of the :',inl:ing I 1111 ul The

I, iLy r,f Nun 1,,rk, by vi nuc ul iii, nutvcr' vc,lcd in them by line, trill idfur Gr ,:de iml public auction, rat

TC EID:1 V, SEP;'EJMdat rd5, 111(111, at r o'clock, a: the 5 ,_w, York L t11 bI,t:tic S:,Ies- luutn, Ni,- trr the lniu;ui,1I,ies,-,i it I rant ,-sate bclongil)g ill the C.,n'poratiuu ill 7'he C :ty'.f N~tv \lurk, viz. :

All that certain ;;urc of 6tm1 'ituitml_, 1) ing :utd 6ein;• in the Two:tit}•-thir,l Will-i of l i, - City ,d' Ncty York, li„nmmthof i'he I.ron.x.6 lull, ,.lcrh nail Ii,:•ctiitc,l a. Gmi. Imc::]it d4 mnine ;It a point in the cuss crlt liucufI'hi nl

cnuv as widened ;old n. laid,r,a n nu titr Purist Maps ut the I'tccuty-third nn,l I mmcuty-fotu-th Wordls, tw-eluIlmil u,chopter Sis ''f the I .atreol t',, ,u,l this vof i„u' nets aultea,lammV Ili, rw't. li st;mt ;;.dn feet n'm "_1ly ii-Ill Ili, a,rncr II'rmcd 1n• the illlsi-el tir,n nl Ii,c n„rlh-ens' Iin,: nI (/nc fitu..irc,l :uul I hirt}-(•rorth -tm--tut with the caslcrly lies ut I hint Ill Its. :ts 11 1Icits i :rn,l rennin;; tbcncc easterly pct:Jici tcitit ( )n,, I hliliirol:mmmi 'hilirt}--f nulh sutct 1"G7 test: thence mulhcrlt im it line :n riclit angles %kith Unc lituld'd I and 'I'birty- hmrth stn-cct t6.r7 hies; tbcn,.- c crated; mm lb l smith Otie hundred and 'Thirty-Furth street -, li:tut : thence n, atbc'lc ut right an;,lc< "fill t )uc I lull ~h-c,l :old 'Thirty-lintrth =trcct :•=, feet; tln_nce trc<terly p:,r:tllcl with (htc hlundrerl amt Thirt}- -t,,urtb street I.::n feet to the easterly line -it''bird avenue 1 i~lcurd : thence southerly alnu~- the ulsterly ]iuc n(7'hint accnuc. : IcuSull}' e=utbli'bcd, +-;.,,g 1,<t to the point '-r place od hlcginuin,Z,it miss smiui Beloit inn 111 n, lIt-tc ir Ics-, the above do-cub -I -arc b,:lu„ that putt un u it I tcmises bctclydorc acquired by lie (-it} ,.I Ncw irk uu \hty ^9, 1897, lie :mummer:lcs to the '1' hire .Avcull, liridge, and a-Licb c,mprrc all tin' -s p;trl, of I„t, ❑umbc fed z5 and z6;md the .iltilhlei'iy iellf al Tim linm-bcrcil at ou the I );umtge )lip of tint pn ,ic,.-.'in, . ,.c[licit are loeatcd cast of the easterly line ut 'I binl .n rums', ;is widcncrl and legally csr:,hli.hcrl b} the I-iu:tl yl:Ips G ,1. the <t rcets, etc., ill Ills 7'tvcuty-[hint ;uul 1\ laity-I,murt6 AA_ard, olfhe City of Now Y, rk, t,m ' i, ml ill chapter .545, Lass's of rigs, au.l this c,uiou' acts :uuen,f- ulory thereof.

To be sold on the fnff ill ing

TEell AND Cnullr I times nF S,ALE. `1'bc highest bidder will he ttyuircd In pay on (I„)

per cent. ut the aml,unt of his bid. t','.etbcr aith the aucl.ilmccr's fees at till time of till sue , and the I'ciiI,uiil' hue ninety (no) per cell, of the purclursc-tnnnc)' lu be p.ud tit lbc lute of ill, dclicery ul the decd, w hicli shall be thirty' dn}"s from the slits-iii the sale.

The Cnmptruller may, at his o niuu, tie-ell the prof, eruy if time :: ucc,,sluI bidder sha11 fail to comply with the terns nl' sale, :Ind time pe t.on failing to comply tbctcw ith w.11 he held l.smiths tier ,toy dclici,.ucp that nt,i}- rc.ult from any such reside.

The right to reject oily bid is rescru- r:d. A map of said real estate may he seen on application

:It the C.umptrul Ill.'s Othee, Stewart I mt ihliug, \a. 2811 ;rtiadtt :ml , 1hirune, of )I:ulirtttan, fly order of the Cemmis-ionu-s of the Sinkiu,ti Fund,

under it resolution adopted tit a meeting of the lhuard held August 8, tyoo.

I:1RU 5, Ct)I,ER, Cuutptndlcr.

(.'rn- ter NEvc Ynnr— nr I'm', vBur,) Coin rru LLra:'s ( 1--rtcE, .AuCu<I r5, tqos. j

NO7TICE, TO I'RO11ER'1'Y-tlA1-NEIts.

IN' PURSUANCE OF Sl'CTION' t i- t 1)1'''I 'IlI-: LLnc tier Xcti 1-ork Charter, the Cnmptr,'Iicr. ,If

l'lue City of Now honk hereby gisec public not ice to all per»us, mcucrs of property, alfccte I Iry the ('ilun _ ing usnsssmnits to, LC)CA i. IAli'I:UVE_1l1:N'I'S in the lTORt7UGH OF sf-Ni11"I'-lA:

FIRST WARD; 51.5 ill IN t, NNE S'l'Rli.}?'1'—SF:\VI:R, buttccan T'ront and

V1-:tter streets. Area of a,sussntcnt: Roth sides of fine street, betwe m Front and Winer streets, also east side of \5'atcr su-cet and west side of F'runt street, he. tuccn Pine street and the sumtuits in each street south of Piuc strcut.

'1'\\-ET.I'L'll \V-hidi); SECTION 7,

WEST (IN1•: IfUVURIi'II AND I I-HRTV-FOI.;R"I - II >1'RF:F:1'—I I,A(a;ING AN] , CJ kil-IN(: (slush ride), from the cast line of _No, t-n, to 1111 feet ca;t. bct lice n I.cuu.e and Seventh acuuucs. Arc;, of assessment: ].as numbered 53 to ,h, inci Ust cc, of Block tg18.

TWELFTH WARD ; SEC'1'll)N 8, AUDUP,(1N AVE NUE—SI•:\1-1{R, between One

Hundred and Sixty-ninth and Otie Ifuudred :std Sevcut}--seeoud streets. Area of mses'ment : Both suit's of Autfwlmll asculie. hetween Otie I hu,''lrcd and Sissy-ninth amt (Inc Nandi-r] curd Seventy-second etrcc Is ands ,nth si it of Ouc Huudred and S5vCnt)''ccou,l strcut bclwccu Amldllbln and F:I,rr vtb avenues.

Ftll"R'I'NI(N'1'II WARD : IECA II)N I. HOWARD i l'ihLI'—BASIN~, un the ❑orthctst

and northtrest enrucrs of Elm tu street. :L-ca of hussy a. ntent: Runt sides of Elul sheet, betwcct H,uii It'll an.l Grand streets : north side of Howlu-d street, between Centre and Crosby streets, and south side of Grand street to the extent of about I 10 feet west of Elm street and about 50 feet cast of Elm street,

Page 12: · CITY on New YORK. Arrears of Taxes Borough of Manhattan..... Gllon Borough of The Bronx.....:

5224 `1` H E C i'.[' ' ' N E C O tK.LU . SATURDAY, Auc.usr 25, 1900.

—that the same %Nero cnnlirnua by the Po.trd of Assess- or-. on \susut 11. 1 +, am1 entered nn the nuns date in the Res ri , d lithe nl .\-...e n _p- C\owirnics. kept in the liurr nt for the Culk cl i, m , :1<.c--. nests and Arrc:tr, nl1a/ics and _lsesswrnt: mnl Iii AA ater Lents. and nnru: ,., "'Ie rrrr:,:is rrt ,rssresr,l l; ,r brr„ dt :.n a,m t,- ewer or ± rr/r s!, II 1+,, At/I s, It hi,, si. rte .In i's ,rj,r 14.' dale r% said r ,try 5/ 14r 11,55:vwn, v; Is, i511!,-rr1 t sriL! , 1/1, 1 ://"Iron, as tens % illu,I in scctiou 15,tc of suit (;rester Nctc York Charter. Sail sects ,, prucisias tbat ,• It any ucb aars.nlcnt. sit: Ill r.:n,aiu unp:ud G,r the period sit +'tc duvs •titer the date of coney Ills/I crf in the said Rcconl of 'Titles ill :1 cses?mcnu, it shill he tilt, ,hay of the olticcr authorized to collect into teechte the :unount of such its'ussnmut toehart;¢. collect and rcccice hits-rent thereon at the rat. of ten per cent. per ¢ileum. !,+r „r1,:rlri,'.1 din):: tlrt s/a/, ,_/

Tire elsie .-. c.vuuis are pn}'nhlc his tin Gollecl,ar of _A..e=.nnn:+ and -A/rears :u thin oliieu of the Purcau tsr tile t_'oIlcalloD of.\_.rSsm<nt, and Au-rears,, I I us, an,l :1 s'n'-mcuts and ,•t \\ utcr Runt,, Nn- _Su Broad-AN a, . Gnrnu,h of Jfuuh:tttnn, het tcccn the hours of A. v ".t 1 c I . it., and tit toot Er- rat is s 1t t , is +L, anal all ,;5\u-rat m,l,le Ilicon o❑ or bclnrt lctubcr t . lb S. will I.c usumpt berate iutcre<t, as

;tbn c p ro,)i r,l, and utter th:u date trill lie subject t., it ehaigc if int list at the r:,te Of sewn per cel t. pet' annum Brunt the datc,d cutrt in the Record tit '1' itlr- of _A=scssnteutn iii said 1)urcnu to the dntc rat ill}utent.

I'll-his ti Clul Uk. G,ntl tt ilcr.

Nt)I R'l- I(1 I'RUl'F:Rf1'-nR'\F:I S.

I _A I+L'!:dI' VA-CIC (I1' iliL'I'tOA' %oiS IlF 1'HE , ;rcucr As Aark C:h:u-[cr. the C )m+,troller of "lie

t" Is f N­ \ r,: herht ibisl5 pub]'/ notice to tsit n<. si's_hers ui pr, 1 t: t fectel by tile f,lloo in. .: n,5ut , forI'ICAL IAil'kOVFMEATS in the

I lt)!a'i_t; H t'F "flit•: 11i't )N X:

'1'\IfI•'!'I't--I(WR'i'll 1i.1RI) : SEc•1'1()Y it.

FA,1' /N1: 11l.'N 11,F 11 -AhsI) it" FNTS-- F:II :t-iIFI i-1"RF.E I'—SF',VICR, iii tttccn 'Phird and I.aG ratInc ,- rn:t_s::,l>,,, ,1-h' ER IN 1.AFtlN- '1'.hiNE,,''Len 1.I't (lee Hundr,ei and

c,cc n''Scvent'.: -tr<ct 1Trcnt"n accn is,-', and E,,.t One H+.mJr.-d ant tai_!i,tict'.l street (''Beet su-tatt. \r , t ot sn'cut /ileilt: P ll 'ides of O;+c Hu.-lrc9 i's I

Sc,cnt} etCl/hi ., trcet,trntlhtrdacenuet,,". i,oth ac. oh La o:,t. ine accnuc. from I In, I Bra t_in.I an b ' , cat}'-itcer:is. to (7n H,:m_lr 1 ',d F.i_ htc-second st roe:. }/''/Ii h,' , f I cr.c us cntt•. (ro;u floc H un,lrcd 'us I Sc,cnt, 'Cl ._Lth to Ono Hundre,l Ind .`+r;cu.c-rain;it <trcct : bath ':dc' of t)ue Hail, L'cd and h-s.ccuIC 51l:!%su'ce1. from \lonter.v :.,<;:uc ti, Ttu,-hes it, lone L-itt ci,he' of t}•tc Hundred :wd F_ic!sdti! sirs_%, IF oat lfmas_Iee it aue n• _Arthur :Demo : h',th s islet of Uuc H sins' lr,. 1 ,tn l F Fiat% lirst street. u'otn lent I",~ nccntu [„ L:d sits'' C ¢% -mile : and bath sides

cif Arthur accnuc. fr 'In Oale Hun, lrcu'. and 9 se t}--c„ti, -Iro,.I to Iln„ IitsndierI Ind Ei a,ty-fi rst~strcct.

s1)k- RNsH)}' .loVENi'F—SF:\1'I':1:. from the ecist- itt, <c ,e

.r n

uIcr,-mc u, n t _lnuulutt :,, crtc :\rea

of use. n ct:

Both -ids rt Iit. r.t•ide ,lc t u . f'I'm Or, Ili I acenuc t, Ail tic duct av,nuc : both 1ides ,.f _\quc-

diuct a. enuc, In+m iiuriiidg n,D1k to One Hun•.irc,l and Parch:v-third street : b,ah sides of Harr'5 /1 ace-nu II'' 11 • 1't t I' 1. Duet One Hu+)dre,l .tad Flits' fir. t ,%teat : 1 1, ides ill t ltcu:d ;, cnuc, ftoro l;urn.dc ccuue t,' t)ne Ift:udre,l and'-tits%-trect : ti stir

s'.,k- ,,: Put rls.,n ., renuc. tr et Iicrnsidie avenue to tine Flun•Irol :url Fi_I,n'-liess_ <trcct: both sicic? of ( Inc 11u:111d and FJ11ttA--fl rst cIrca, it -gym :A l ueduet ❑ccnttc to Lorim_ pl:lcc . t,- th side- of Au iuedutt live.nuc, Ra-t fn to itnc H,indred and Fii-_htinth street to I )tie Fitnaod ns:! ] %eMc_tirst street : booth sides of I1lic Hull Ire .i,)1 E ,.hBe%ti street, from Da,-idson ate-uuc rn aIra.L-cn <asc^tic.

TY\VNSEN 11 .\\'T:N i' E — SENVER. bets,- cen East I file 111111 Ii-- _. I a i d ,,,r_ l5i,ieti, , ll i 1 tst (hie 11uL Ircd :tn I 'l sat, -a: 1 strc t' also, SEW'! II IN 1'A!!,yl IN A\ 1:\C F. bin, ern Tttt Onc 11UnLlu I and he,Nnu,.tl, an -1 Lust (litc Hu•.t- Ire,l and "cvautc-•' 5':td streets. Area , . mcnt: I+nth - of 'l',,cuccnd nn l Valt„n

%clines. tr,m (tile Hundred ao,l Setcnt'etIt to ('lute •Htmlrcd :rid }ucnt c-cxnnd Street : 1,,:'t - i he's rat I lr)e iiun,li-I :lmi i-elcnt} lir,t rtrec1. :iron: 1+xenscu I : ccuue to \) use I+,cc : said snit, s; lc of I Inn Hun-ired and Sesenty-second strect. irons Walton avenue to

'lV'I-N1'1--1'nL!;'1'x VWART); stt'TION tt. i'I:i, ,11<'1RF1:'I'—si:R'EILfr..,mt'.,cc's; ti•,c„cr

in I3'+t, :: s t,, Cc. tot, ;el, II, CI aI '' ,FVVFR IN '.I(I)l;\\ ICK ,1Ch:NCE. fn,:u Porn: crrccr to till summit south. Area of at—ssment: 1'„t !I >id<s of tree t -/ reel. Irs m i. ,tn ti - t lI 7c t 'ck at' roue . cast ,lc of 1t d rat c s_ sit iii - bout ;c,,, feet south of Pen. sired h both .- ides t it s d,rtct 11 enue, Fr -nn trout trect to a 155:111 di -tint ,tbtit 6_c ' t et ucrth of till:_.Lr d,c road. —that the tame ,vcre confirmed by the Eoar l ofAsscsc-nrs tin bl,u-c 14, l v ni,,1 enter I is i i/eiuiie date iii the I. cord cf lttl's..t .A-'c''tnc.m Cnnfir.n d. kept In the Nurcan for the C.,llection .,f Attr=sm=-r,15 511,1 :tree trs , I Taxes and A>set,ments :utd.+f Water Rents. and .rnLastl c ,un,rrra ass n.,•.i (+r 1,-si C7 ill any f.' , car: or pr: 'tint r , :ell f,,' u+,' ,, 1/din a -u Is doers a//r, f1/j, , ,tale sit %S/s! rsi.'rr , tt+.• nscrsrrrrn! ire! r _st s'! 1', ,'IA- -f,-,? . Girrra':,'ts pmelded in section ) or9 of said Firs, u ter Ne,c \',nk Charter. Said :ectiun pro\'idcs that •. I :utr such as--c<;Inent -Iutll rcmaiu uup:u+l for the per I ''5tY ti %, after the late of entry tFc : ,f in the t,u, I kecor.i i f 1 itle, , ' A>:c. >mcnti. it sIs,iI I,c the lute ',f the officer outL•,ri-sed to collect and receive tilt amount of such awes, rent to ehnree, collect and rc_cci t- e terest thereon at tl,e raw of ses:cu per cent, yur annum t•+ lr r, !f, Ia.,d frrne ti ro'd,rtrn/srn/r. i/,_r in 1Gr :iaf, rf /u t '//.•'

'lIst J , t. - met t - Irs p=tcaFlc to the (h ileetr.t of A- .-.'. m,r.t-, .md -Atr, ors at the Ptvcau fir the C=+licc- t hill' Of ,s,.<.mrnt and 1rt car. f l t -c- and \ s..-.'

and of Water ]act t, .lt Ct ,t ,n,t It .ire lb/Ill—lint. cnniur of One HunArcd it-I Si,. cnt}'-/esecuth street arnl Thir, l «t ,- nu. lb )uu,h,d'f'nc Ihrsuls w IsetSinCilti.c h, nn of , .5, .s. ,lu 1 I'. +t.. and , n uurd.t}, lions 9s5. M. to Fe -,I., and all payment= mu'lc t!er~on u,., ur but -c (Ictu,bcr 13, 1 S r:., will be exempt from intcre-t. a, abut-e prueidcd, :md after that date trill he subicct n, it ciwr„c tit interest at the rate of sacen per cei,t, per annum from [tic d:,lc elf cnn'y iii the Rt el'lI of Tiil_. t Assessments in sail Bureau t„ the orate of pas into t.

P,IRI) S, Cl)LF.k, ( nmpt r,•l!ar.

ills', \t t 1 ter, flPra l:l iu -t n' i't's—cc,) Cu „ II .1 Isl.'- (Itrlce, Au;ust is, t,,''. t

I'IStel< F'. AIESEt,, AuC!Io>EEIs.


pCULIC N(71'ICE IS tit-RF.I;Y (;fV'FA 'THAT iii, C,,ntm:'i,. nor, ,'f it b"lukiu': Peal of T],,

I t,- „f \-, t, \', rl<. b:- ,'rnlc •,i %tic f' , -r, ,,-tc,l in I.,' ,n ''} Inv:, wi!I „th,.r : ur ,]c :u pti„ !ic anctiun, III


I..u I. - I II \', ,,I,i t :t' sit \cw 3 ,t, t tl,. : , r_:t tit 7 L (_ il}' of Nc,v

hr iii uI Its tbs.: i+,llmcna-d„scrlhu,l pr,perty: 11 •u portion sit' the (lIII l.l: e must, h,'siii tIm is, .1'

crl}• l,u!I th,.r,nf, czicnlug, Inn, I),gr:ut str,nl to F-:nicrn park we)- and 1}in, in block bettreen New York :url \os %rand a,c, uc.c, mars patrticul sir! y dc. syribcd it I.nt Nu, I _, in Block q6 of the Assessment Map „t the 1 seeuty-fuurtll \Yard, in the Borough of Brooklyn, upon the following

'I'Ekits. :1 ]D C'o'uld ncs OP S:t I.E.

the fill] be ra uircd to ,a 7'hc Lighcnt bidder will I L 1 nmouut of his bid or puich:ue ntoucy :u)d the tither lsI_r's tot' at the time of anlc, tn_/hctltcr with the till Ibis sutra of '75 tttr cspeases of the sale, exuntina-tinns. ciii,,c}'ance. etc.

A yttit-diem decd li,r the above parcel to be delivered AN ithin thirty d:l}'' front the date of sale.

'1'he C',+mptroller Dmm'. ill his optinn, resell the prop-crty struck off to the highest bidder ,Thu shall I;ul to remph}' ,vith the terms of '. tic and the party tebo falls Ill con ply thcrc,t ilit will be held liable lit' ally defi-ei ne}' resultinq front such resale.

The ri ht t„ reject :u,y hill is resert'ed. 'i'bc 111.111 of the plop, I It to be sold may be seen upon

application at the Contplroller's office, Room 5;, No. ..5o Gruudway, I3orouglt of \Luilial tau, City tit Nety Turk,

lly order of the Cumin iss ion crs of the Sinking Pttnd, uuacr rc>ulutiun adopted Jun - ,4, tax/.

III Ill I Is. cOLER, Cilrauptru1lcr.

(_, In „t \rtt lrrl.—Ih'.I .t t.l ~r t5I IYyuLE.l

C' 'II r,, LII-.r', Ot I/cr AilçIu t 4, lgoc. I

Prur P. ,Itcn R, Atrrl,,.cEr..

CtlI:I'(1R.A1'ION SALE (1P REAL L51 A11:.

ti ' t;lVF:N 'I'Ii h'l' PIt]LIC r iiitrllon 7. Ht iRFI'1 the Comm:=~tunct , of the j"nl:ins Puud of 7'I,c

City „f New York, by sutue of t':e p, sV rs iccted in timm be lu,t. ,rill nficr iiur sale at public ;ruction, on

WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER il, 1!100, at I z,icl,ck '.I., ill the Cnmytrnll„r': I1/lice, Nu, cSo Iin,:,dts: n-. '551555 is n( \lanlr.a inn, ('its of Nos hid,,. all the r,CiIt, title and interest ,+t The laity of \cot' \'„rk, in a nd to the'c%el/lb parcels ''I land auto .rent ice, 5'tualte,1 in the I3uruu,_b of llroola yn, and describc+l its fi•llons:

P.sccet- No. t. _111 that eertuiu piece or parcel of land, situate. 1} - ,rag

and hcing in the Nintll Wiled o1'thc I' rough of Fruok-Icn, City of Yes, YYork_ knonn amd Ic.i;;n:ucd tin the :A''camera[ :iLlp of the wild VV:u',I as Lot Nu, to7 Si, ltlock 14, and 6cin•, nn interior !rat, dotusssil) a pint of Iic nortScrly hall of the ,l:! Flatbush'Turnpike.

PnrcEL N,.,. 2. :\ll that certa:n plcce or parcel of land situate,

Icing_ :utd bcinL, in the N_ lrayi Bard of the lv,eILH of IIeoss''.Q}-n. City I t Nc,c 1 oIta, Icnotc it and designated tin tI,e i,'c.u/ient 251ap of tl,c s id \t trot as Lots Nos. 4 ;u td F;, in 1; I.,c1. I, . sail suIt I1 t - to :l ftnn t.tgc of 41 feet, mote of Ic,s, oil the ea/Is_tiv -i dc, of u,euuc, and bciue a portion of the northerly half of tllc old I'latbush "I'urupikc.


All that certain pi, cr,n' p teal of Ltnrl 'Itaatc, 1}- in:_ and bcin0 in tilt Ninth Ward of the lioroueh of 11rn1:-Icn, rind kn.,,, it at,,[ d-i_znatcd nu Lhr :\sscssItucnt 'I::1, ct =trcI \lard as L„t N,,.c, in liinck a, and tthiclt I, zna-a port icul:n'ly dcscribcd Si, t illu,rs a _

},c *trams,C at it I tit sul the• .nuthu t ml;' =ids ,f .Atl:lntie n'” erase. vrh r he ccntrc line it the tuhil Ittonk- 1•:nand Flatbu'h Turnpike roa•I int,r'-ccts the same. AS hicil coins is I '' feet 5 niche” eastcrlc lium tile'outh-cu5tcr'.c ccrncr of AtLtntic md Filth acmes. , :tin: rtm-hint t!icnce soutLci't tl) •tlnnc Ike eo.n h,eeulcrly ,,ids of Atlantic avenue ,q te, t t track to the n,vtit-caStcrlb side of the nl, l Itruohlyn and 11-1 lu-h Itu np,l.e rt id; thence sotttherl} al„tr_ the ,ai.l nurthc:t'tcrly side of the cool lln,okI,n a:td 1'latbu,lt 'Turnpike road 137 test t inch ; thcuce tsc?t_ric a'td at rr lu t an_ es to ,aid road, _4 feet it inches to the acntre line H,cro,f ; tlwucc uorthcrly along the centre line of the said old lirt+.,hiytt and Ulathush ftimpikc road, 1e, felt 6 iluNhs_c u, the point or place „t bc_inDiuC : be tic said several diemIlsIots more ur less.

PudEL Nn. q.

All that certa:u p cc 'r ] at - 1 s of bait,! sit/late in the Ninth \\'ard <,t the 1 u ,i,5'., Of h,ru,,lel}t Cuts' cf Nn,. }-- r!:, b.'ino nu t much t of the nurltmcrti• ac-tsatt nl this t Bnir Ii, ;¢Ifs and Jsin%ouca Turnpike road a, It" u itltin tile pre-drat h,mu lacy liner ill Lot -No. _, , is 1 t 1, s, ill naisl U'ar,I, which tut is more partictiln:!, sicserib da LION,'_:

L,.,t:m,n, at a point tin the southerly side of :ltl,nt'c :lceuuc dct,ult uumty-seven (v7) feet wester!) fr+'n, t, a >„uthscsterly oirucr of Atlantic ;t venue and Ssxth ace-nue; runniu:, thence sonthcrly and parallel with Sixth

antic, rains_%}'-three (it) Ices to the centre line cf the old I:n+ ,'lcn and Itltmtic,t 1'tu nl+i lee Iii' tcf; Ihencc .,,nt'.,,restcrh- ulunc the Nemec fill, of lb s_ said old road I se, lity-lice (=5) Jcct seem I 7 Inches; thence north-crlt'. ¢Cain parallel AN ith Sixth •tvcnuc, ninety. e OZi.t S feet and Lvc ,5l inches i,, t!,e southu'I}' side f \tl ~l t 1'. 51511',. and thence ca-terl}' ,JonmZ Il.c ,+titucrl} - I i • rf Atltultic is enuc tnccuty hoc (,•, 1 Ilet

I' , the point ur t ,l ice of Fe'inu n3, be the s:ud several di'tances and d 5 mcna I : more or he's,

F:acb ..1 the 55/ 51 Ccveral parcels to be sold upon the t'jllsse- ing

I'LI,`1s ANn CIII.DI111 As <u' '4LE,

I'hc ht.,hcsi bidder for elicit parcel v ill be rcquircd to pat}' the full anuuunt of his bid Or purchasee stoney and tl.e auctiuurcr's tee at the tint, of sale, together tctth the furlaer sum cl 575 for expenses C the sale. e\nmin, itinus. c,nveyalttt. etc.

The lust-c!.liun dce•.ls liar the secs/cub parcels t,+ bu delivered within shirt}' days tram the date ut sale.

l'hc Cornptrull, r ina}-, at his ,•ptirnl• resell the pr .I, crtc struck off Is the highest bidder Nbu shall full I comply with the %erne of sale, and the party tc Liu S,,, -(n comply tLctc•.iith will be bold liublu ter and• X1.51 cienc}- rc'altin c from such re-sale.

'his right to reject :wy bid is resew ed. The maps of the ,event parcels of property t. , be

sold may be sccn upon application at the G ills trnl lcr', il fftcc. II. 11111 :c No. =So Broad,, ay, Borough of JIan-Ictnan, Lily , t Nc c l ork.

It} order nl the Commis=trntcrs of tile Sinking Fund, Li' hem a c,ulutions a lupted isle' 7 sued lily 2t, tz,.

I,[!']) S. Ci)1 FR, - I-'umptr•dI.,r.

G:,- r \t tc Yon h I)rr_\ I t.'.I ,1 Is C.n..+L1.EL 5 (II I".t I-, \ .cu t 4. t. ..

Plac,: F. >MENEl ALcrto'ECr,.


P CI:LIC -NO 'l'ICE IS HFItEI]Y GIVEN 'ill V'I' the Con i nl. iuecr, of the Sinkti,c Fund .,t 1 he

City ,+i Aetc York, by virtue of the puv:ers vested in thew L} law, x ill Offer for title at public auction, utt

N'EI)NESD.VY, SEPTEMBER2. 1110(1, ,, 'Cluck 5i., at the Cempu-„Ils_r'~ „thee, Nn.

sic 1;r„,., hcu}', li„rr,u ~h „I M,1:111 %tan. City , I Nee' Pork, all the ri3bt, ti,! : amt intcrt't of The City of \ew York tit 511,1 to tic ivlluwi:,g-dcccribxd premire., by cirtuc of a lcasc tirr is', year: from \\- illiam V. ti, I cwtctt. inperel-or of the former Twin of Gruve>cn,l, to the City of llrookly-n, ,vhich (ease is dated liccember 54, 1S6.

1.'IHs'r PAkCEL.

:Ali that certain It F: not' n as and by the number 6o upon I lie a -se-mcnt roll for tits r,pentn•„ of Net tune at'cnue from Vtc't Sixth Ctrect to the I )ccau park,cay, iii the Lttc lutru of ( irm,'end, now I hire} lirst W:,rd, l;orbq,th rat llruoIIs- n, iii'l'hc City of New York, ,vhicli 5i51".555ld to the C t} 11 l;n.,kl} a at •t sale for •mpaid ,tsscsntcut, held nit the 9t11 day of Auriutt in the year

1• Su.,/'s 5,11 P:v;c EL.

All those curtain Is known as and by the numbers 94 and o5 upon the a-sec-mcnt roll ter the opening of Neptune aveuuc. from West Sixth street to the Ocean

p:u'rway, in the Iatc 1'uwn of Gravesend, now '1'hirty-tit-t Ward, Ilnraupli of IL'ooldV'tt, Ili The City of New Yolk, ii hid, wen sold to the City of Ibtu0l:Iyu at a sole or unpaid as.cssnlcntc held on the 90) day of August in the year uSgq,

Lute Ii oftlie said several parcels to be sold upon the following


The hi,ehcs( bidder for cacti parcel will be required to Ill) the lull amount of his bill or purchase-money and the auctioneer's fee at the time of sale, together with the lit rther still' of i'7; for expenses of the sale, exam-itcuinn.., COniw'ldnCc, etc.

'I Ise Ifni t-CIuint decd, for the su,er;ll parcels to be dclii, rctl %A itllin thirty days from the date of snlc.

The Corn bin roller may, at his option, resell the prop-erty struck uhf to the lu,hest bidder who shall lash to comply with the terms of sale, and the party It ho fails to comply uher,ldth will Ile held liable for any do- fieiencv resulting from such recall'.

'I lie right to reject any hid is reserved. The ramps of the scccral pcuccls of prnperty to he

snld L i lly lie neell upon application tit the Coniptrolict's educe, Es unl Sc, No. =So Ikundway, Borough of \Lm. hat tan, Ctt)' of New VOrk.

Iii' order of tile Cumutiaioners of the Sinking Fund under resolutions adopted Iuh- _'.t, t5nn.

IilNl) S. COT•RR, ('u np(rollur.

(.tn' „r NEu- V, -;r:-1)r:l Ali I '.n:' t nr I : -. I..\CE,~ Co:dl 55,orLi,ctS:> 0tI IMP, -Aecuc%4. I .


Is'I.ICr: Ii, I.5. alt'/—Crnv Ii r NEnv V',ua:, iS)).

OwNF' Its \VAN'l'F:I3 I;\' 'I'll F PRO)E1FR'V (perk of tile 1'ulicu Ikp¢reucm •.,f The City of

N •tc 1"ork, A'o. ;no AIullerry street, Kwon No. q, tor thue hoio.Niig property, lion- ill his custody, without cla!m- •mt.s: Roots, rope, iron, Icad. tmtleand f cnmle clothing. lost , shI c,, ,rice, bl:tukets, diamonds, canned goods. Mul'in-.' etc. ; abu small amount money taken front Al' l-uIie and li,wt, I I P¢trDlmsu of this fleparuucnt.

:\NI1RE\V J. LALOR, Property Clerk.

Pnl.tcE Thu r.v<IIICyI—(-n'. I'I NEtc Ynrc,) 13, vaorau or ISan„t<L` "_

OR'NERS \VAN TLl) DS' THE DFa'C'1'\ I RUP- crt} (heri, i,l the I' 'lice I)cpar'tmcut of 1 he City

of Nc,, \'crlc—l)Ili,e, hfunicipal Rai ldtng. Borough of

11ruoklyu—Inr the fullut l properly, Dust in his can melt•. gill it claimants I I us, tupc, .,Irm. lead, nmh and female cl,>thlur. hoot.-, slices, Iline, Hankcis. ,li,, mnml=, canned goods, liquors, etc. : also cmull amnnut tnonuN till, it %roan prisoners and found by 1atrO1etni c+f ibis I'y:,rnncut.

CllARLES I), P,La1'CHiU)RiI, Ileput}' Ihn]till


PP1Rnt L I-.\\'i'I(s hill I ti\'ISitl\'5(II'(Ii.\1'

t t 517 of the 1.) st Ii ,, cntitic l " An ;Oct .• I r„Iding fie ascc rt.nraut; and II.) i114 the amount of _- d.)m.lges to lands tmd but I.11tgx su%toed 1,} re/is, it of .. clvmgss of ;ante ni'srusts or as cn ues, trail pur,uant '• to cbaptcr 7_t Ill the Lan -s of u557. pro' iditsl for the '• ci5pretsisAsA of railroad traci.s in tile1',ccnty-third and •• Tamcut}'-luurth \\'ards, ill 'I lie Cit} of Nc,t \'ark. or

other,, ice.” and the acts amcndatury thcrcut and sulhlcmental thcrcto, notice is hu'cby given that public nicNinies of the Cilnimi'ciraucri ¢pp,intud purrn:tut to said acts ,sill be Iselo at Room ,f. 5rh,_mncrho/n Iluilrl-inq, Ys'. c6 Br,a,hc it}, in The City of Net fork. "I- Mend tv AV-cdue•,, I:ty 'm,I T'nday of each t -k, at O'clock t ,I., until further notice.

Date 1 NE%v ]-.a.r., Jan, 'try s fox,. \VlLl I.iT E. S111.l.IN(r,B. Cli.\I%LI.S A JACKtiUN, ttbG•\R S. I:AIIFV,

C'ummi.. iuncr.. 1._i: ,, ?fcl, ':.nrl l':.



T11F,l I'll '1' NF:ctlrlt IS I'UI:LISIIFI) In:AII.Y,

Sundaes and Iccal Itulidays csccptcd, at Ni,, z C'tty Hall,N u-si hick I st}-. -\nuual subscription, S). ,c, L. , rl_St prcpai..1.

VA'ILLI V,1 A. Itk°rLER, .Supers .sc r.


MutN1h(,—"JIIn;NIN5,,lllC'lNN:v..""I eraph."

1•:centrag—''1 ):illy News," ''Contmcrcial Advertiser.” \\'eckly—” \Ccckh' Union.” smi-,vcckl)—'' Harlan Local Reporter."

(;crutau—•: Atureen )„nrnaL"

WILLIAM A. p>ti'l'LL• I:. supervisor, City Record,

A I1-I r,. tln.


,ii I ]III Iii; 'c •

r I' s',.II r t . Ill 1 r,+rt,l, \Ir ,l: Ii .15 l, :n. Cu, 'l .-t I1,1,

IIs t: Iii" 1,::l.n .1: It Sett \l l tit:l'e\'!11 S I'IEE'1' :151) 'f 1551 II AVENUE.

I IlERL11Y GIVF: NO1'ICE THAT PETITIONS time been prc<clucd to me and are on tile in my

,,!thee lilt inspecuun for Hughes avunue, change of grade, between East One

Ilundre:! and Ei ghty-fir,t street and Kingsbridnc road: tmd in Kiu;7shri Il e roar, corner of Hughes accuue, to conform to the n4radcs on %%hicit ttvcnt)'-fn-e buuscs arc built on bot!t tides of Iitrelues accuuc, and I n mouth, =ids of King-brirlee road and Hu;;lles avcutte,

East (ins Hundred :wd Eightieth street, change of grade, between 'Third aeon tie and I.'lfontainc is ens

licwiIt place. rc5ulatm;; and grading, trom Lung-,eood aceuue to I..e'g';tt at time.

\Ripe, avcnuc, acqut ri n t; title, between East One Hundrel and Sssucisl y''.ns'enth street and East ( file Hundred and Eighty-second strcct.

Lust One Hundred amt Secarty-seventh street, sewer construction, bet meet Roston road and Bronx street.

Fast OIle Hundred and Fifty-sixth street, sewer con-,tructinu, hells ccu Br each in enue and Prospect avcuue.

:l urler+tin at'entic, acquiring title, betu-eeu East One li, mdretl and Si sty-fourth street and Marcher avenue.

Laying out x new street along the line of the Old Carmen A,lucduct, from East One Hundred and -Nine- (let h street to Kiug,bridgc road.

Croton:% Park, North, sewer construction, From sum-mit trc,t of Croton¢ a,'atue to summit cast of Prospect rn• lilt tie.

T:afont:tine avemle, sewer c,,n' t rust i tin, from East (hoc hundred awl I' ,i,i,ticth street to Quarry rr .ad.

Anlcudtnq that \l:lps of 'rise City of New York by shmv in;; it s irlcn,ig if the rnndt+ay It the inter,cctiuu ld Authut)y evenuc and Rurn>idc avcnuc opposite hush street by taking a triangular strip of land, dimcusions about as follows: o inches by 70 feet by in feet by 55 feet,

I-Ionic street, sewer, from Whitlock avenue to Iinc street.

I.aluyctte avenue, sewer, from Whittier sweet to Iluut's ]'uint road.

I lalduud place, acquiring title, front Belmont avcuue to Prospect :uCcnue.

Te'+, I un,lred and Third street, regulating and y;rading and paving, li'ont ] iriggs avenue to the Grand I!nu!c,'ard and Concourse.

'1'hc lcti tious for the above will be cilb iu t11ed by me to the 1,ocal Board having jurisdiction thereof on Scp- tcntbcr (I, l ,pi,, rat s V. rat., at (lie u0/cc ,it the ]'resident of the Borough of The Bronx, tlimIcipai Ibuild in,e, Crotoua think (()tic Hundred and Scvculy-scvculh street mull ' sit uccnuc

I ilted .\c 5,1 .r 14, i15 Si .

Lt)U15 F. HAF"FEN, President,


1 tt.r tv t. n 5 u 'r ]iu,tnv •tvs, Cn,nl c:,l, St. r.',' Ot FICE, Nos. 13'n) ,t 1',vuc Row,

Nt:w Ninth, A1tgust t.l, I9oo.


B (1R 1,51]MA'1'ES INCLOSEII IN A L> ccalcd cncelupc, milt the title of the stork :utd the n:unc of the bidder iudutscd thei.rn,, also the number tit the work as in the adrerti semcm, will be rcccieed at Nns. 13 to 21 Park row, in Roost No. 16ut, tiiuil t I o'clock A. II.,

TUESDAY, AUGUST ':8, 191)0. Thu bids will be publicly opened by the build of the

llcpartmcnt, in Room lb-, Nos, t3 to 511 Park row, lit ! be hour above IlidIll tested,

BoImsgh of TIii aeons.

No.,. IY)R RI, GUl.ATINT'., (:RAI)ING ANI) PAYING AATfll ASPHAI:r, (IN CON-CI:FI E I(J NDA'l'IIIN, 'bulb ROAU-\CAY Ill" ONE NI.'\'DRE'1) AN]) SIN'1'Y-F'fI''1'H is I '1EE'1', from Third to ]'ark at'cnue, E:l,t,

No. -. FOR REf I T,A's'INk, GR:1IIIN(l ANIJ PAVING \VI'1'II :\Sf'FL\L'1', IIN Ct IN. CRI:1T 1'( Ii,NI)A'1'1(tN, 'I If I'. Roil). \\'.i\' OF COLLI:GF: AV 1:A CI-., front Unc Htn I - 1 .t,id Forty-sixth to ( )tie Ilun-dted and I s 1 tr-sin-bat, sti'cnt.

\„-;. ItIR RFt,L1.11IN':. ORARING ANI) PaViN(; hi!lii 1's1'11:11.'I', t)N Ct)N-C1,E'IE I-UCN U,1 I I()N, THE ROAU-\V'AY OF M(II'I' AVENUE, from north Si : of Unc Hundred soil Thirty-eighth 'nest to south 55 in s,t Last One Huudred ❑ud Sixl}--first :-tree/.

V•,.4. Fn1, RI;GC'L:11'INcl, l:RAII]NG .1NIt I, s_hINil \1 l"I' If ASPIHAI.Tr, t1N L'ON-kt:I:TF: 11t)CYtl:\TI11N, 'IIiF: Itt)\11. \\'A]- (1F C,' 1'1.1)AA- I:LI.:AA'F.ALE, Ir I I )m, Munsis'cd and b,stf-filet eruct to Co_tun r, gad.

Iiurou;L of Moulutituii.

N. ;. II IL Fl RNitilblNG hNII i1EI.1VI'lhl1'1i CC CIC Y_\lt1IS (Ii" CLEAN,

~ I I .~V li l' S:1 N I I.

norotigh of flroolcl y- u. Nn.:. hill: 1,1'.t:L'h hi"IV'l:, t;lh,A1}IN(1 .+ANI)

PAVING V1'1'fll :A.I'II.1I.1, ON CI1Y-Clhl'.i: 1'(11,NISA1'I(IN, 'I III-, k(I:AI). R'AA uPSf:Ct)A11_AVF:A'LF:,Irutu'I'hirt)-uintll t,i lilt -c ~'.ah sired.

IToroigIt of It1'Itcttoind.

\', . f'UE RE(;UI:\Tit\lt, t,R.\1)IN(; :hNI) I'AV IYt', 1\11'If hli \C: \1) 191 I'A\'1•:- billiN'l' l ill: Nf)AItbi-.i1- OP tdriai) _1V1 N1'1: ANI) [1C.CIlIt'N'I •11ri'aNGl:, IN "1'HI•: SLC(1N1) AV'ARID, 11,1111 Cobra avenue In ()ricut avenue.

Each bid or estimate shall contain and state the ]),Line and place of resdenee of each of the per-I.nns makingthe same, the names of all persons iutcrested tcitb I situ therein, au(] if no oilier per-'ou be so intereslull it shall distinctly state that tact : L'lta it is made AN ilhou( any connection with any other person making all e=ti slate lily the same purpose, and Is ,u all respects fair and sritltnut t_s_,llirs oil or Iraud, and that no menthcr of the Municipal Assembly, head of a departntcnt, chief rat it bureau, deputy therels!, or clerk therein, ur Other oEcer , t the Curpurtttion, is directly or indirectly interested thsrcin, or in the supphts,sr in the work to which it relates, or in any portion of the profits thereof,

Each estimate must be verified by the oath, in writ-Ing, of the party staking the same, that the several matters therein stated arc true, and must be accunlpa-uicd by the convent, in tc-riti ug, of two bnuscholders or frcehul Burs in 'I lie ( ity of New York to this effect

u the persist that it the contract is 'ncardcd t p making the estimate they trill, upon its Ile- ing so a,t'arded, becumc bound as his sureties Inr its faithful perfornuulce, and that it' he shall refuse cur neglect to execute the same they ,till pay to the Cur-p<,rtt,nu any difference between the sum t o which lie would be entitled upon its completion and t!ntt which the Corporation may he obliged to pay to (lie pr rsu•, to u9rom the contract shall be a,, arded at any subsequent letting, the amount to he

cal upon the estimated

amount of the work by which the bids are tested. The can>cnt last above mentioned must be aecont-

panied by the oath or atlirmation, in sritiny;, of caeb tit the persons sign ill 4 the saute that lie is a househuldcr ur freeholder in The City of Nell York, m)d is worth tile amount of the securi t} retlutred for the completion of tltc contract er and ,,buve all sus debts of ci-cry 11atnre, iu,d tuitrailsi aboce hi-, li nbili ties a+ bail, surety,

~ssurc t s offered htmscll .t or othcnt't ~c, and that he ha y iii good f.iith, ,unit the iutentiuu to execute the baud required by law.

No cxtim:lte will be considered unless uccom-puuted by either at certified chuck upon one of the State or National banks of The City ot New York, drlwn to the order of the Comp%roller, or mnncy to the amount of five per centum of the amount of the security required for the faithful performance of the contract. Such check or money must cu 'I lie inclosed in Si scaled cueclupe containing the csli male, but mu,t he handed to the oficer or clerk of the 1)epart-meat w•bu has charge of the estimate-box, and nn esti-nctte can be deposited in said box until such chuck or mousy has been cxatnined by said officer or clerk and hound to be correct. All such deposits, except that of the successful bidder, will be returned to the persnns making the sane within hires 115155 after the contract is awarded. If the sucecssful bidder shall refuse or neg-lect, within five days after notice that the contract has been awarded to him, to execute the same, the amount of the deposit made by him shall lie forfeited to and retained by The City of New York as liquidated datn-:tges for such neglect or refusal : but il" lie shall execute the contract t,' i this n the time aforesaid the amount of the dcpo'-it will be rctunnd to bim.


Blank hi Due, if I 1 Ir eel inmte, the proper envelopes All 5th ich to lnclu:c the s:unc, Iltc specifications and agrcemcnts, and any further information desired, can be ubtaincu in Room No. 1636, Nos. 13 to Si Park row,

JAMES P. KEA'1'ING, Commissioner of Highways.