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r I I f r AT < I af t COYLES YOU PAY LESSOR GET MORE I l- J L 1yTHE NEWEST IN DRESS GOODS WAIST SILKS SCARFS KID GLOVES GOLF GLOVES MUFFLERS AND BELTS i soooooooolotlo 4 ololelcloleloleiolaleNlololI Berca and Vicinity 0 o o GATHERED FROM A VARIETY OF SOURCES o wolololoeololioofofoiooololoooooaolosooo 0 tDR BEST I DENTISTCITY OFFICE OVER POST OFFICE I eft N TIME TABLE NORTH BOUND Knoxvllle 630 L m 1100 jf m BEREA 129 p m 400 L m Cincinnati 610 p In 765 a m SOUTH BOUNDLocal Cincinnati 630 L m 825 p m BEREA 1112 L m 1225 p m Knoxville 700 p m 660 L m EXPRESS TRAINS Stop to let oft or take on passengers from beyond Cincinnati SOUTH BOUND Cincinnati 816 L m BEREA 1202 p m NORTH BOUND BEREA 436 p m Cincinnati 835 p m TO LOAN Money on good security Apply this office Mss Dora Ely was with homo folks over Saturday and Sunday from Red Houre whore she la teaching For the beat and whitest flow in Berea go to R J Eagle Mr and Mrs A P Golden returned last Thursday from n visit to their daughter Mrs Charles Coylo at Mlt chell Ind A REWARD will bo paid UTthe per son returning to this offlco an alli ¬ gator card caaer Mlsa Stella Adams was at homo at tho last of tho week for a short time I FOR BALE Small Soda Fountain in good condition Apply to J J Grecnleaf Asoltmee Richmond Ky Mica Sarah Ely la spending a week or two In Boron before returning to i0 her work at Richmond Mr J M Early Is homo for a visit with his family FOR SALE Houso and lot on Jef ¬ ferson Street Now five room dwell- Ing ¬ Mrs Sallie Fowler Mr and Mrs Will Haley are the I proud parents of a little son born to thorn last Thursday Will Lowen left Monday for Okla homa whero he expects to work this winter < Mrs Nettle Mann was called from her home In Cleveland 0 last week on account of the illness of her sls ¬ ter Mrs Carl Hunt who underwent n serious operation Saturday Is doing i very nicely now FOR SALE Three lots at tho t and of Elder Ave Bores Ky Will be sold separately or as a whole It will pay you to write for prices at > r once Address James M Racer 9601 Macon Ave Cleveland Ohio t Mrs Walker mother of Miss Myrna has been 111 In the hospital but is recovering z By using ZARINGS PATENT ft FLOUR you save half the work and all the worry It makes the bes- ts Cokes Pies and Biscuit Tell your > merchant you want ZARINGS PAT ENT FLOUR Miss Mabel Brackcr of Hlllsdale 111 Is vlsltng her brother E M D Brack or at Boono Tavern Mr J H Arnold of tho U S De partments of Agriculture Is hero study Ing agricultural conditions TO LOANMoney on good security Apply this office Mr H L Howell of Gadsden Ala was tho guest of Mr and Mrs W H Porter soverai days of last week Mrs Jno Calfccs father and moths are visiting her Dr Charles Gould who has been visiting here for several weeks loft for the North Wednesday night HU wife and children will remain hers for some time Mr R G Ramsey who has beer visiting here for the last six weeks will return to his home at Flat River Mo on Thursday and be accompanies by his son Charley Ramsey and fam ily who will mako their home there The Matrons Meeting In Ladles hat Parlor will be held on Saturday Nov 13 at 2 p m All mothers and other matrons having charge of student girls are cordially invited by the Council of the Dean of Women Mrs T J Osborne Secy Tho Rev R L Brandenburg who for tho last year and a halt has most successfully filled the pastorate of tho Baptist Church has resigned to accept a very flattering call to tho First flap test Church at Wauchula Fla This Is a splendid church and a field of great promise The many friends whom the Brandenburgs have made hero will greatly miss them when they leave which will be near Christmas and the Citizen joins In wishing them the best of success In their now home and hoping that the church may find an rlhor as able and beloved When tho dust Is on the counter And the cobwebs on tho shelf and theres no one in the store but your own disheartened Bolt nnd your stock Is getting shelfworn and everything looks stale and bills enough are com ¬ ling in to make a banker pale Oh tho time a fellow Is feel la kind o blue and Is puzzled with tho thought I of tho proper thing to do In such a situation but one remedy applies If you want to get the customers youve got to advertise WANTED 1000 Salesmen to travel Wo Insure 75 per month It instruc ¬ tions are followed We want honorable mea from21 to CO years of age who are able to furnlch their own rig good territory for the right men We moan business For further information call on or address J Reid Corncllson Waco Kentucky COMBINATION SALE On Saturday Oct 30th at 2 p m wo will at the corner of Main and Center Streets Berea soil to tho highest bidder any stock or other pro- perty which any bno may wish to dispose ofW P Prowltt Auctioneer How Indeed Without big words how could many eopla say small thlngsSmlth S Beautiful Chinaware Golden Iridescent ware Lovely Gold banded 4 and genuine needle etched glass ¬ ware and anything under the sun in 5 and 10cent goods at MRS EARLY S TIfY mtT oeoe acaC8 o n e College Items o 0 e HERE AND THERE i- orolooloioooooiotlo o 0 Carl Kirk Is In town Prof J W Rains was in Louisville last Friday and Saturday Ralph Patln was In Cincinnati last week on business II M Washburn was in town a few days last week on business The Student Volunter Band will hold aa open meeting Sunday morning at 830 oclock In tho East Room at Ladles Hall to discuss tho Volunteer Conference to be held at Rochester N Y tho first of the Now Year All persons interested are cordially invit ¬ ed to bo present Dr Payne of Eastern Kentucky Nor mal School at Richmond gave a short talk In chapel Monday morning tell ¬ ing us how much Berea is appreciat ¬ ed outside of the state At the close of tho chapel exercises Norman Imrle led the student body in a number of I college yellsI Misses Eastman and Barker friends of Mist Corwin of Cleveland Ohio are taklg a short vacation in Berea I George Lampo was called to his home In Cincinnati last week by the Illness of his brother It Is feared that ho will not bo able to return Pros and Mrs Frost returned Tues- day ¬ noon from the East where ho has I been for some months and she recent ly went on business Pres Frost is Bcmowhat better but is attending only I to the most pressing duties and is preparing for a prolonged absence H will bo here about two weeks A con- vocation ¬ meeting was held Tuesday nlgnt I FOR SALEHouse and lot in Berea Ky east end of Jackson St i House Is two stories has five rooms four large closets and in good condi ¬ tlon There Is about an acre of ground a good well 60 feet dbep a new cistern trees and outbuildings This is cheap at 1600 cash Write to II M Shouse Marksburg Ky FOR SALEI am leaving Kentucky and will sell 74 acres good land on Wallaceton Pike good house and barn with water near the house and three I good orchards Ellhu Blcknell I 13t Paint Lick Ky FIRES All fires are either caused by acci- dent ¬ or design and by calling the at ¬ tention of the public to the most pre ¬ valent causes of accidental fires we may perhaps decrease their number and thereby lessen the fire waste Carelessness in some form Is the cause of nearly all accidental fires and one of the worst forms Is care ¬ lessness with matches Many tires can bo traced directly to matches being dropped around stables or other build- Ings or left in clothes which have been hung away in some closet I Matches dropped around stables are likely to be Ignited by stock stepping on them or by rots and mlco carrying them to their nests A large num ¬ ber of barn fires originate In this way Many fires are caused by English sparrowa carrying these matches to their nests whero they Ignite The the ¬ ory that rats and mice carry matches to their nocta and Ignite them has ceased to be a subject of debate much lew ridicule More fires are caused by the careleec use of matches than any other form of carelessness and In thesQ days when every one seems to carry them and when the loss of property has reached such Immense proportion special attcntloln should b called to the matter and the substl tutlon of cafoty matches should be en- couraged these matches can only be ignited by striking on the box and are comparatively sate The carelessness of smokers of to ¬ bacco in throwing away cigar stubs and emptying pipes set fire to about 2000 buildings every year in the Unit- e States Smoker fire a still great ¬ er number of buildings by their care loacnesa with matches They become thoughtless In the details of their habits striking a match and twirling It burning stick away unconsciouslyII More than halt of dwelling houses start in the kitchen of from sparks from the kitchen flue The cook stove gets no summer vaca ¬ tion It is always fed too much and the wood of the floor and wall near It In runny houses Is not protected from Its heat A kitchen stove stan din three feet from a bare wooden wall or partition may set it afire If the wall Is covered with a sheet of tin zinc or iron it Is sate to place the stove v thln a foot of It but not nearer The chcet of metal Is useless It tack ¬ ed against the wall It must be held away halt an Inch so air behind It can carry away the heat Another cauoo of fire loss is thei Dont Worry If you arc sick dont worry but begin at once to make yourself well To do this wo but repeat the words of thousands of other sufferers from womanly ills when we say I TAKE CARD UiJ It Will Help You For 50 years this wonderful female remedy has been benefiting sick women Mrs Jennie Merrick of Cambridge City Ind says I suffered greatly with female trouble and the doctors did no good They wanted to operate but I took Cardui and it made me feel like a new woman I am still using this wonderful medicine with increasing relief AT ALL DRUG STORES t C K r N Save On Your Hejatijig BY USING THE BEST OF t VX 5J STOVES HEATERS AND RANGES t Properly built stoves use a quarter less fuel than poo made ones We have the more JIt and cheap Full Line of First Class Hardware t PARKIE SCOTT PHONE 192 BEREA KENTUCKY HOLLIDAY CBS CO r DEALERSINy High Grade Domestic Coal Ice and Feed It BEST COALLOWEST PRICESPROMPT DELIVERY i Phone 169 Day Phone 71 Night careless handling of gas and oil stove and lamps and the leaving of grease I oli and so forth In such a condition I tint spontaneous combustion may re suit Many fires start In closets from rabags greasy overalls and from cloths used In oiling the floor hand with which to put out a start lag fire that would make ashes ol household treasures and of the home as well Every home should have In It the Inexpensive kinds of fire- fighting apparatus A ladder Is otter needed to get water to a fire start ed In the roof or attic by sparks 01 to save the lives of persons In the upper stories for a fire In a dwelling soon I fills the stairway with smoke and flame making It impassable A ladder can be made In a day 01 bought ready made for a few dollars In a farm house kitchen there should be a bucket kept full of wa ter ready for use to stay a starting fire The bucket used for water foi cooking and drinking is full less that half the time and may be empty til the wrong time The most effective piece of apparatus for putting out II starting fire is one of the metal tanks known as carbonic acid gas extin guishers which are seen on nearlj every tire department wagon They hold two buckets of water and have a diameter one third their height al the top of the tank Is a piece of hose a yard long When the tank Is inverted ready for use sulphuric acid is spilled from a bottle in its top In- to ¬ a cup full of baking soda When they get together sodawater izi form ¬ ed which makes a pressure that will throw tile water and gas in the tank forty feeet or into places enclosed which could not bo reached with a water bucket Relentless Misfortune- I used to walk the floor worrying about how I was going to pay my landlord said Mr Tufluck I hope yqu have quit all that re plied the optimist I had to The landlord said that If I didnt stop wearing out the floor hed raise the rent Patient Doing Well How is your patient coming on Very encouragingly 1vo been working entirely on his conscience you know and yesterday he said ho guessed hed have to pay me some- thing on account Cleveland Plain DealerI BOYS CLE FREE Greatest offer out Get your friends tr subscribe to our mag rnc and we will make you a pre- sent of a4000 Columbia Bicycle the best made Ask for particulars free iutflt and circular telling How to start Address The Bicycle Man 931 Eant 22d Street Now York City N YWANTEDsuccess Magazine wants to energetic and responsible man or woman in Berea to collect for re- newals and solicit new subscriptions luring full or spare time Experience unnecessary Anyone can start among friends and acquaintances and build up a paying and permanent business without capital Complete iutflt and Instructions free Address VON Success Magazine Room 103 Success Magazine Building New York City N Y Not Indispensable Now and then the adventurous press agent sends out a story worth print- Ing Dont you think American wom- en are beautifully dressed Mrs Humphrey Ward was asked during her visit hero Yes but I wish they would stop thinking that no woman ia complete without a divorce suit Boston Herald WJT TO umsJ FOR Fresh Groceries I buy all kinds of Produce North Cor Main St Berea Kentucky J Very SeriousI- t is a very serious matter to ukt for one medicine and have t wrong one given you For this reason we urge you in buying to be careful to get the genuine BLACK DRAUGHTL- iver Medicine The reputation of this old rellaI r ble constipation in¬ I N digestion and liver trouble is ly established It does not firmJ other medicines It is better than r others or it would not be the fa¬ l vorite liver powder with a larger j sale 1SOLD I n Steel Web Picket Fence Cheaper Than Wood Thea lowest priced substantial lawn and gari den fence built Write for catalog of lawn field hog t and poultry fencing l DEKALB FENCE CO DeKalb III Kansas City Mo PhotocrnDliy Inttmti ctrrybodr AMBRICAN A rilOTOGRArilVltaclitttlBcuurulpkturMmrotlf ly prli coottttt pet I crllUUm AuettloA s seed Sample frt If you mention thlt paper Amsrlcan Ph3tognphy S Octet Sl EUCTKICIANMil MrCHANIC k ll a miguliit occjrkodr Lttra about clecuklty tin t k comlneictencttndhowta I UM bolt SlropU rte tlal full IplcturM Sam p < coq eell you rum Ibis rarer 100 a yeir Sampson Pub Co I Btacou St Delicti aha rYOUR wool il HIDESMOFURS Feathers Tallow Beeswax Ginseng Golden Seal Yellow Root etc We are Dealers and can do better for than agents or commiuioa merthnla- Rdereote any Bank in Louurille Write for weekly rice list and ship PIDi tap Wefurnahwoolbagslree f- IN SABEL SONS t TftUH >B IM tISI I 229 E Mart St LOUISVILLE KY a- t of t If V

Citizen (Berea, Ky.). (Berea, KY) 1909-10-28 [p ] winter < Mrs Nettle Mann was called from her home In Cleveland 0 last week on account

Sep 17, 2020



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Page 1: Citizen (Berea, Ky.). (Berea, KY) 1909-10-28 [p ] winter < Mrs Nettle Mann was called from her home In Cleveland 0 last week on account




f r








isoooooooolotlo 4ololelcloleloleiolaleNlololI

Berca and Vicinity0


wolololoeololioofofoiooololoooooaolosooo 0





Knoxvllle 630 L m 1100 jf mBEREA 129 p m 400 L m

Cincinnati 610 p In 765 a mSOUTH BOUNDLocal

Cincinnati 630 L m 825 p mBEREA 1112 L m 1225 p mKnoxville 700 p m 660 L m

EXPRESS TRAINS Stop to let oftor take on passengers from beyond


Cincinnati 816 L m


BEREA 436 p mCincinnati 835 p m

TO LOAN Money on good securityApply this office

Mss Dora Ely was with homo folks

over Saturday and Sunday from Red

Houre whore she la teaching

For the beat and whitest flow in

Berea go to R J EagleMr and Mrs A P Golden returned

last Thursday from n visit to theirdaughter Mrs Charles Coylo at Mlt

chell IndA REWARD will bo paid UTthe per

son returning to this offlco an alli ¬

gator card caaerMlsa Stella Adams was at homo at

tho last of tho week for a shorttime

I FOR BALE Small Soda Fountainin good condition Apply to J JGrecnleaf Asoltmee Richmond Ky

Mica Sarah Ely la spending a week

or two In Boron before returning to

i0 her work at RichmondMr J M Early Is homo for a visit

with his familyFOR SALE Houso and lot on Jef ¬

ferson Street Now five room dwell-


Mrs Sallie FowlerMr and Mrs Will Haley are the

I proud parents of a little son bornto thorn last Thursday

Will Lowen left Monday for Okla

homa whero he expects to work

this winter< Mrs Nettle Mann was called from

her home In Cleveland 0 last weekon account of the illness of her sls ¬

ter Mrs Carl Hunt who underwent nserious operation Saturday Is doing

i very nicely nowFOR SALE Three lots at tho

t and of Elder Ave Bores Ky Willbe sold separately or as a whole Itwill pay you to write for prices at

> r onceAddress James M Racer 9601 MaconAve Cleveland Ohio

t Mrs Walker mother of Miss Myrna

has been 111 In the hospital but isrecovering

z By using ZARINGS PATENTft FLOUR you save half the work and

all the worry It makes the bes-ts Cokes Pies and Biscuit Tell your> merchant you want ZARINGS PAT


Miss Mabel Brackcr of Hlllsdale 111

Is vlsltng her brother E M D Brackor at Boono Tavern

Mr J H Arnold of tho U S Departments of Agriculture Is hero studyIng agricultural conditions

TO LOANMoney on good securityApply this office

Mr H L Howell of Gadsden Alawas tho guest of Mr and Mrs W H

Porter soverai days of last week

Mrs Jno Calfccs father and mothsare visiting her

Dr Charles Gould who has been

visiting here for several weeks loftfor the North Wednesday night HUwife and children will remain hersfor some time

Mr R G Ramsey who has beervisiting here for the last six weekswill return to his home at Flat RiverMo on Thursday and be accompaniesby his son Charley Ramsey and family who will mako their home there

The Matrons Meeting In Ladles hatParlor will be held on Saturday Nov13 at 2 p m All mothers and othermatrons having charge of studentgirls are cordially invited by theCouncil of the Dean of Women

Mrs T J Osborne Secy

Tho Rev R L Brandenburg whofor tho last year and a halt has mostsuccessfully filled the pastorate of thoBaptist Church has resigned to accepta very flattering call to tho First flaptest Church at Wauchula Fla This Is

a splendid church and a field of greatpromise The many friends whom theBrandenburgs have made hero willgreatly miss them when they leavewhich will be near Christmas and theCitizen joins In wishing them the bestof success In their now home andhoping that the church may find anrlhor as able and beloved

When tho dust Is on the counterAnd the cobwebs on tho shelf andtheres no one in the store but yourown disheartened Bolt nnd your stockIs getting shelfworn and everythinglooks stale and bills enough are com¬

ling in to make a banker pale Ohtho time a fellow Is feel la kind

o blue and Is puzzled with tho thoughtI of tho proper thing to do In sucha situation but one remedy appliesIf you want to get the customersyouve got to advertise

WANTED 1000 Salesmen to travelWo Insure 75 per month It instruc ¬

tions are followed We want honorablemea from21 to CO years of age whoare able to furnlch their own rig goodterritory for the right men We moanbusiness For further information callon or address J Reid Corncllson

Waco Kentucky


On Saturday Oct 30th at 2 p mwo will at the corner of Main andCenter Streets Berea soil to thohighest bidder any stock or other pro-perty which any bno may wish todispose

ofWP Prowltt Auctioneer

How IndeedWithout big words how could many

eopla say small thlngsSmlth


Beautiful Chinaware GoldenIridescent ware Lovely Gold banded

4 and genuine needle etched glass¬

ware and anything under the sun in5 and 10cent goods at


TIfY mtT

oeoe acaC8o n

eCollege Items


orolooloioooooiotloo 0

Carl Kirk Is In town

Prof J W Rains was in Louisvillelast Friday and Saturday

Ralph Patln was In Cincinnati lastweek on business

II M Washburn was in town a few

days last week on business

The Student Volunter Band willhold aa open meeting Sunday morningat 830 oclock In tho East Room atLadles Hall to discuss tho VolunteerConference to be held at RochesterN Y tho first of the Now Year Allpersons interested are cordially invit¬

ed to bo present

Dr Payne of Eastern Kentucky Normal School at Richmond gave a shorttalk In chapel Monday morning tell ¬

ing us how much Berea is appreciat ¬

ed outside of the state At the closeof tho chapel exercises Norman Imrleled the student body in a number of

I college yellsIMisses Eastman and Barker friendsof Mist Corwin of Cleveland Ohioare taklg a short vacation in Berea

I George Lampo was called to hishome In Cincinnati last week by theIllness of his brother It Is fearedthat ho will not bo able to return

Pros and Mrs Frost returned Tues-day


noon from the East where ho hasI been for some months and she recently went on business Pres Frost isBcmowhat better but is attending only

I to the most pressing duties and ispreparing for a prolonged absence Hwill bo here about two weeks A con-



meeting was held Tuesdaynlgnt

I FOR SALEHouse and lot inBerea Ky east end of Jackson St

i House Is two stories has five roomsfour large closets and in good condi ¬

tlon There Is about an acre ofground a good well 60 feet dbep anew cistern trees and outbuildingsThis is cheap at 1600 cash Writeto II M Shouse Marksburg Ky

FOR SALEI am leaving Kentuckyand will sell 74 acres good land onWallaceton Pike good house and barnwith water near the house and three

I good orchardsEllhu Blcknell

I 13t Paint Lick Ky


All fires are either caused by acci-


or design and by calling the at ¬

tention of the public to the most pre ¬

valent causes of accidental fires wemay perhaps decrease their numberand thereby lessen the fire waste

Carelessness in some form Is thecause of nearly all accidental firesand one of the worst forms Is care ¬

lessness with matches Many tires canbo traced directly to matches beingdropped around stables or other build-Ings or left in clothes which havebeen hung away in some closet

I Matches dropped around stables arelikely to be Ignited by stock steppingon them or by rots and mlco carryingthem to their nests A large num ¬

ber of barn fires originate In this wayMany fires are caused by English

sparrowa carrying these matches totheir nests whero they Ignite The the¬

ory that rats and mice carry matchesto their nocta and Ignite them hasceased to be a subject of debate muchlew ridicule More fires are causedby the careleec use of matches thanany other form of carelessness andIn thesQ days when every one seemsto carry them and when the loss ofproperty has reached such Immenseproportion special attcntloln shouldb called to the matter and the substltutlon of cafoty matches should be en-

couraged these matches can only beignited by striking on the box andare comparatively sate

The carelessness of smokers of to ¬

bacco in throwing away cigar stubsand emptying pipes set fire to about2000 buildings every year in the Unit-e States Smoker fire a still great ¬

er number of buildings by their careloacnesa with matches They becomethoughtless In the details of theirhabits striking a match and twirlingIt burning stick away unconsciouslyII

More than halt ofdwelling houses start in the kitchenof from sparks from the kitchen flueThe cook stove gets no summer vaca ¬

tion It is always fed too much andthe wood of the floor and wall nearIt In runny houses Is not protectedfrom Its heat A kitchen stove stan dinthree feet from a bare wooden wall orpartition may set it afire If the wallIs covered with a sheet of tin zincor iron it Is sate to place the stovev thln a foot of It but not nearerThe chcet of metal Is useless It tack¬

ed against the wall It must be heldaway halt an Inch so air behindIt can carry away the heat

Another cauoo of fire loss is thei

Dont WorryIf you arc sick dont worry but begin at once

to make yourself well To do this wo but repeatthe words of thousands of other sufferers fromwomanly ills when we say

I TAKE CARD UiJIt Will Help You

For 50 years this wonderful female remedy hasbeen benefiting sick women Mrs Jennie Merrickof Cambridge City Ind says I suffered greatlywith female trouble and the doctors did no goodThey wanted to operate but I took Cardui and itmade me feel like a new woman I am still usingthis wonderful medicine with increasing relief


C K r



Properly built stoves use a quarter less fuel than poomade ones We have themoreJItand cheap

Full Line of First Class Hardware t



DEALERSINyHigh Grade Domestic Coal

Ice and FeedIt


Phone 169 Day Phone 71 Night

careless handling of gas and oil stoveand lamps and the leaving of grease I

oli and so forth In such a conditionI

tint spontaneous combustion may resuit Many fires start In closets fromrabags greasy overalls and fromcloths used In oiling the floorhand with which to put out a startlag fire that would make ashes olhousehold treasures and of the home

as well Every home should haveIn It the Inexpensive kinds of fire-

fighting apparatus A ladder Is otterneeded to get water to a fire started In the roof or attic by sparks 01to save the lives of persons In theupper stories for a fire In a dwellingsoon I fills the stairway with smoke

and flame making It impassable Aladder can be made In a day 01

bought ready made for a few dollarsIn a farm house kitchen there

should be a bucket kept full of water ready for use to stay a startingfire The bucket used for water foicooking and drinking is full less thathalf the time and may be empty til

the wrong time The most effectivepiece of apparatus for putting out II

starting fire is one of the metal tanksknown as carbonic acid gas extinguishers which are seen on nearljevery tire department wagon Theyhold two buckets of water and havea diameter one third their height althe top of the tank Is a piece of hosea yard long When the tank Is

inverted ready for use sulphuric acid

is spilled from a bottle in its top In-



a cup full of baking soda Whenthey get together sodawater izi form ¬

ed which makes a pressure that will

throw tile water and gas in the tankforty feeet or into places enclosedwhich could not bo reached with awater bucket

Relentless Misfortune-I used to walk the floor worrying

about how I was going to pay mylandlord said Mr Tufluck

I hope yqu have quit all that replied the optimist

I had to The landlord said thatIf I didnt stop wearing out the floor

hed raise the rent

Patient Doing WellHow is your patient coming onVery encouragingly 1vo been

working entirely on his conscienceyou know and yesterday he said hoguessed hed have to pay me some-thing on account Cleveland Plain

DealerIBOYSCLE FREE Greatest offer out Getyour friends tr subscribe to our magrnc and we will make you a pre-

sent of a4000 Columbia Bicycle thebest made Ask for particulars freeiutflt and circular telling How tostart Address The Bicycle Man931 Eant 22d Street Now York CityN

YWANTEDsuccessMagazine wants

to energetic and responsible man orwoman in Berea to collect for re-newals and solicit new subscriptionsluring full or spare time Experienceunnecessary Anyone can startamong friends and acquaintances andbuild up a paying and permanentbusiness without capital Completeiutflt and Instructions free Address

VON Success Magazine Room 103

Success Magazine Building New YorkCity N Y

Not IndispensableNow and then the adventurous press

agent sends out a story worth print-Ing Dont you think American wom-

en are beautifully dressed MrsHumphrey Ward was asked duringher visit hero Yes but I wish theywould stop thinking that no woman iacomplete without a divorce suitBoston Herald



Fresh GroceriesI buy all kinds of Produce

North Cor Main StBerea Kentucky


Very SeriousI-t is a very serious matter touktfor one medicine and have t

wrong one given you For thisreason we urge you in buyingto be careful to get the genuine

BLACK DRAUGHTL-iver Medicine

The reputation of this old rellaI rble constipation in¬ I N

digestion and liver trouble isly established It does not firmJother medicines It is better than rothers or it would not be the fa¬ lvorite liver powder with a larger jsale 1SOLD I


Steel Web Picket FenceCheaper Than Wood

Thealowest pricedsubstantial lawn and gariden fence built Write forcatalog of lawn field hog tand poultry fencing l


PhotocrnDliy Inttmtictrrybodr AMBRICAN A


ly prli coottttt pet IcrllUUm AuettloA sseed Sample frtIf you mention thlt paperAmsrlcan Ph3tognphyS Octet Sl

EUCTKICIANMil MrCHANICk ll a miguliit occjrkodr

Lttra about clecuklty tint k comlneictencttndhowtaI UM bolt SlropU rtetlal full IplcturM Sam

p < coq eell you rumIbis rarer 100 a yeir

Sampson Pub CoI Btacou St Delicti aha


Feathers Tallow Beeswax GinsengGolden Seal Yellow Root etc Weare Dealers and can do better forthan agents or commiuioa merthnla-Rdereote any Bank in LouurilleWrite for weekly rice list and ship

PIDi tap Wefurnahwoolbagslree f-




t If V