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CISC105 – General Computer Science Class 2 – 6/7/2006

CISC105 – General Computer Science

Jan 11, 2016



CISC105 – General Computer Science. Class 2 – 6/7/2006. User-Defined Identifiers (Variables). Syntax Rules: An identifier can consist of only letters, digits and underscores An identifier cannot begin with a digit A C reserved word cannot be used as an identifier - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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CISC105 – General Computer Science

Class 2 – 6/7/2006

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User-Defined Identifiers (Variables)

Syntax Rules:1. An identifier can consist of only letters,

digits and underscores2. An identifier cannot begin with a digit3. A C reserved word cannot be used as an

identifier4. An identifier defined in a C standard

library should not be redefined (Advice – not a rule)

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User-Defined Identifiers

• User-Defined Identifiers are case sensitive – Hello != hello != HELLO

• Accepted rule:– Constants use uppercase KMS_PER_MILE– Other identifiers in lowercase miles, kms– Separate words by using an underscore


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Data Types

• int : whole numbers in the range -32767 to 32767 – Why is this limited?

• double : contains and integral and fractional part – Larger values use Scientific Notation– 1.25E5 = 1.25e5 = 1.25 x 105

– Still have size limitation – all real numbers cannot be represented!

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Data Types

• char : Represents an individual character – a letter, a digit or symbol– Represented by single quotes ‘1’, ‘a’, ‘A’, ‘ ‘– Do not enter a char as ‘z’ at a prompt– char first_initial = ‘m’;– You can compare and add char data types

but use with care! • char letter = ‘A’ + 32; Will return ‘a’;

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Executable Statements - scanf

• scanf is an input function call that usually follows a printf prompt

• scanf(“%lf”, &miles)• & is the C address-of operator and tells scanf to where to

find the variable to store the information into• Using scanf for multiple input? Write scanf to input Bob?

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Executable Statements – return(0)

• The return(0) statement returns control from the program back to the OS. The return value of 0 indicates an error free execution.

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General Form of a C program

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Program Style

• Do not write more than one command per line.

• Be consistent in use of spaces– /*This is a comment*/– /* This is a comment */

• Use program documentation to enhance the readability of your program

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Program Style

• Every program should start with comments telling the reader:– The programmers name – Class and assignment info if appilicable– Date of the current version– Brief description of what the program does

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Arithmetic Expressions

• + addition operator

• - subtraction operator

• * multiplication operator

• / division operator

• % remainder operator (modulus)

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Arithmetic Expressions

• Mixed-type expressions: int + double = double

• Type cast – convert an expression to a different type by writing the desired type in paranthesis

• Unary operator (+, -) – requires one operand

• Binary operator – requires 2 operands

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Arithmetic Expressions

• Rules for evaluating expressions• Parentheses• Operator precedence

– Unary– *,/,%– +,-

• Associativity – Unary – right to left (right associativity)– Binary – left to right (left associativity)

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Arithmetic Expressions

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Arithmetic Expressions

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Writing Formulas in C

• Multiplication can be implied in a formula by writing the 2 items together (a=bc)– C requires the use of * operator a = b * c;

• Writing a formula for division we usually write the numerator and denominator on a separate line– C requires numerator and denominator on the same

line m = (y – b) / (x – a); Note: use parentheses to clarify the numerator and denominator.



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Formatting Numbers in Output

• Formatting int is easy! Just add the number of characters you wish to display before the ‘d’ – printf(“The value is: %3d.\n”, this_value);

• Displays this_value with a minimum of 3 characters if this_value is larger than 3 characters it will print the entire value.

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Formatting Numbers in Output

• Formatting a double variable in output is done by indicating the total field width and the number of decimal places desired in the format (n can be zero)– printf(“The value is : %6.2f\n”, this_value);– If this_value was 120.567 the output would be

120.57 (rounding the decimal)

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Interactive Mode vs. Batch Mode

• Interactive Mode – a mode of execution where the user responds to prompts by entering data

• Batch Mode – a mode of execution where the program scans data from a previously prepared data file– Input Redirection is achived in Unix / MS-DOS

by placing <filename at the end of the command line

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A matter of Style

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Output Redirection

• You can redirect output to file by using >filename

• You can use input and output redirection on the same command line:– myprog <mydata >myoutput

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Program Controlled – I/O Files

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Common Programming Errors

• Syntax Errors: Violation of C grammar rules – detected by compiler as it attempts to translate your program

• Run-Time Errors: Detected and displayed by computer during execution of program

• Undetected Errors: An execution error that does not prevent successful run but can lead to incorrect results.

• Logic Errors: Program follows a faulty algorithm

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Syntax Error

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Run-Time Error

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Undetected Error

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Error due to omission

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We have already seen some functions

• From stdio.h – printf and scanf

• From math.h – sqrt and others (see table 3.1)

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Why use functions?• Need to do a computation several times in a

program• Way to modularize a program

– Big problem -> smaller problems– Top-down Design

• Code Reuse– Use previous program to solve a bigger/slightly

different problem– Why reinvent the wheel – sqrt would be difficult to

write every time you need it – just use the math.h library!

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• Procedural Abstractions: main program only contains a list of sub-functions

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Aspects of a Function

• Declarations – tells the name of the function– what inputs are required – the type of output to expect

Note: Declarations are usually put in a .h file, but .h files are more advanced so we will have the declaration in same file as the main program.

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Aspects of a Function

• Definition– Defines what the function does– Contains the actual code for whatever task

the function needs to program

• Use– When a function is used in another place in a

program– The same function can be used several times

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House and Stick FigureWhat functions to write?

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Structure Chart of Functions

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Function Declaration and Main Program

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Function Definitions

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Function Use and Control Flow

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Functions with Arguments

• Input Arguments: arguments used to pass information into a function program

Actual Argument = 135.68

Formal Parameter is rnum

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Functions with Arguements

• Output Argument: arguments used to return results to the calling function

What would be returned by the following?double result = scale(25.0, 4);

Answer: 250,000

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Function Notes

• Variables are local– Variables are not shared between functions– Variable names can be reused in functions

• Do not point to same memory space• Should only be used when referencing the same information

– Necessary variables must be passed a arguments

• Constant Variables are Global• Values of constants are unique and can be

accessed from all functions in the program

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Function Notes

• Make sure you comment preconditions and postconditions– Precondition: condition assumed to be true

prior to a function call• N and m are defined, math.h is included

– Postcondition: condition assumed to be true after a function call

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Function Notes

• Number of arguments in a function call must be equal to the formal parameters in the function definition!

• Order of Arguments in the function call must correspond to the order required in the formal parameters in the function definition

• Each argument in the function call must be of the same data type as the formal parameter in the function definition