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Circulatory system “Bloodstream” redirects here. For the song by Ed Sheeran, see Bloodstream (song). This article is about the animal circulatory system. For plants, see Vascular tissue. The circulatory system, also called the cardiovascu- lar system, is an organ system that permits blood to circulate and transport nutrients (such as amino acids and electrolytes), oxygen, carbon dioxide, hormones, and blood cells to and from the cells in the body to provide nourishment and help in fighting diseases, stabilize tem- perature and pH, and maintain homeostasis. The study of the blood flow is called hemodynamics. The study of the properties of the blood flow is called hemorheology. The circulatory system is often seen to comprise both the cardiovascular system, which distributes blood, and the lymphatic system, which circulates lymph. [1] These are two separate systems. The passage of lymph for exam- ple takes a lot longer than that of blood. [2] Blood is a fluid consisting of plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets that is circulated by the heart through the vertebrate vascular system, carrying oxygen and nu- trients to and waste materials away from all body tissues. Lymph is essentially recycled excess blood plasma after it has been filtered from the interstitial fluid (between cells) and returned to the lymphatic system. The cardiovascu- lar (from Latin words meaning 'heart' and 'vessel') sys- tem comprises the blood, heart, and blood vessels. [3] The lymph, lymph nodes, and lymph vessels form the lym- phatic system, which returns filtered blood plasma from the interstitial fluid (between cells) as lymph. While humans, as well as other vertebrates, have a closed cardiovascular system (meaning that the blood never leaves the network of arteries, veins and capillaries), some invertebrate groups have an open cardiovascular system. The lymphatic system, on the other hand, is an open sys- tem providing an accessory route for excess interstitial fluid to be returned to the blood. [4] The more primitive, diploblastic animal phyla lack circulatory systems. 1 Structure 1.1 Cardiovascular system Depiction of the heart, major veins and arteries con- structed from body scans. Cross section of a human artery The essential components of the human cardiovascular system are the heart, blood and blood vessels. [5] It in- cludes the pulmonary circulation, a “loop” through the lungs where blood is oxygenated; and the systemic cir- culation, a “loop” through the rest of the body to provide oxygenated blood. The systemic circulation can also be seen to function in two parts–a macrocirculation and a microcirculation. An average adult contains five to six quarts (roughly 4.7 to 5.7 liters) of blood, accounting for approximately 7% of their total body weight. [6] Blood consists of plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Also, the digestive system works with the cir- culatory system to provide the nutrients the system needs to keep the heart pumping. [7] The cardiovascular systems of humans are closed, mean- 1
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Circulatory systemBloodstream redirects here. For thesongbyEdSheeran, see Bloodstream (song).This article is about the animal circulatory system. Forplants, see Vascular tissue.Thecirculatorysystem,also called thecardiovascu-larsystem, is an organ system that permits blood tocirculate and transport nutrients (such as amino acidsand electrolytes), oxygen, carbon dioxide, hormones, andblood cells to and from the cells in the body to providenourishment and help in ghting diseases, stabilize tem-perature and pH, and maintain homeostasis. The study ofthe blood ow is called hemodynamics. The study of theproperties of the blood ow is called hemorheology.The circulatory system is often seen to comprise both thecardiovascular system, which distributes blood, and thelymphatic system, which circulates lymph.[1] These aretwo separate systems. The passage of lymph for exam-ple takes a lot longer than that of blood.[2] Blood is auid consisting of plasma, red blood cells, white bloodcells, and platelets that is circulated by the heart throughthe vertebrate vascular system, carrying oxygen and nu-trients to and waste materials away from all body tissues.Lymph is essentially recycled excess blood plasma after ithas been ltered from the interstitial uid (between cells)and returned to the lymphatic system.The cardiovascu-lar (from Latin words meaning 'heart' and 'vessel') sys-tem comprises the blood, heart, and blood vessels.[3] Thelymph, lymph nodes, and lymph vessels form the lym-phatic system, which returns ltered blood plasma fromthe interstitial uid (between cells) as lymph.While humans, as well as other vertebrates, have a closedcardiovascular system(meaningthat thebloodneverleaves the network of arteries, veins and capillaries), someinvertebrate groups have an open cardiovascular system.The lymphatic system, on the other hand, is an open sys-tem providing an accessory route for excess interstitialuid to be returned to the blood.[4] The more primitive,diploblastic animal phyla lack circulatory systems.1 Structure1.1 Cardiovascular systemDepiction of the heart, major veins and arteries con-structed from body scans.Cross section of a human arteryThe essential components of the human cardiovascularsystem are the heart, blood and blood vessels.[5] It in-cludes the pulmonary circulation, a loop through thelungs where blood is oxygenated; and the systemic cir-culation, a loop through the rest of the body to provideoxygenated blood. The systemic circulation can also beseen to function in two partsa macrocirculation and amicrocirculation. An average adult contains ve to sixquarts (roughly 4.7 to 5.7 liters) of blood, accounting forapproximately 7% of their total body weight.[6] Bloodconsists of plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, andplatelets. Also, the digestive system works with the cir-culatory system to provide the nutrients the system needsto keep the heart pumping.[7]The cardiovascular systems of humans are closed, mean-12 1 STRUCTUREing that the blood never leaves the network of blood ves-sels. In contrast, oxygen and nutrients diuse across theblood vessel layers and enter interstitial uid, which car-ries oxygen and nutrients to the target cells, and carbondioxide and wastes in the opposite direction. The othercomponent of the circulatory system, the lymphatic sys-tem, is open.1.1.1 ArteriesSee also: Arterial treeOxygenated blood enters the systemic circulation whenleaving the left ventricle,through the aortic semilunarvalve. The rst part of the systemic circulation is theaorta, a massive and thick-walled artery. The aorta archesand branches into major arteries to the upper body beforepassing through the diaphragm, where it branches furtherinto arteries which supply the lower parts of the body.1.1.2 CapillariesArteries branch into small passages called arterioles andthen into the capillaries.[8] The capillaries merge to bringblood into the venous system.[9]1.1.3 VeinsAfter their passage throughbodytissues, capillariesmerge once again into venules, which continue to mergeintoveins. Thevenoussystemnallycoalescesintotwo major veins: the superior vena cava (roughly speak-ing draining the areas above the heart) and the inferiorvena cava (roughly speaking from areas below the heart).These two great vessels empty into the right atrium of theheart.1.1.4 Coronary vesselsMain article: Coronary circulationThe heart itself is supplied with oxygen and nutrientsthrough a small loop of the systemic circulation.1.1.5 Portal veinsThe general rule is that arteries from the heart branch outinto capillaries, which collect into veins leading back tothe heart. Portal veins are a slight exception to this.Inhumans the only signicant example is the hepatic por-tal vein which combines from capillaries around the gutwhere the blood absorbs the various products of diges-tion; rather than leading directly back to the heart, thehepatic portal vein branches into a second capillary sys-tem in the liver.1.1.6 HeartMain article: HeartThe heart pumps oxygenated blood to the body andSuperior Vena Cava Aorta Pulmonary Artery Pulmonary Vein Right Ventricle Left Ventricle Right Atrium Left Atrium Inferior Vena Cava Mitral Valve Aortic Valve Tricuspid Valve Pulmonary Valve View from the frontdeoxygenated blood to the lungs. In the human heartthere is one atrium and one ventricle for each circula-tion, and with both a systemic and a pulmonary circula-tion there are four chambers in total: left atrium, left ven-tricle, right atrium and right ventricle. The right atriumis the upper chamber of the right side of the heart.Theblood that is returned to the right atrium is deoxygenated(poor in oxygen) and passed into the right ventricle tobe pumped through the pulmonary artery to the lungs forre-oxygenation and removal of carbon dioxide. The leftatrium receives newly oxygenated blood from the lungsas well as the pulmonary vein which is passed into thestrong left ventricle to be pumped through the aorta tothe dierent organs of the body.The coronary circulation system provides a blood supplyto the heart muscle itself. The coronary circulation be-gins near the origin of the aorta by two arteries: the rightcoronary artery and the left coronary artery. After nour-ishing the heart muscle, blood returns through the coro-nary veins into the coronary sinus and from this one intothe right atrium. Back ow of blood through its openingduring atrial systole is prevented by the Thebesian valve.The smallest cardiac veins drain directly into the heartchambers.[7]1.1.7 Pulmonary circulationMain article: Pulmonary circulationThe circulatory system of the lungs is the portion of thecardiovascular system in which oxygen-depleted blood is1.2 Lymphatic system 3The pulmonary circulation as it passes from the heart.Showingboth the pulmonary artery and bronchial arteries.pumped away from the heart, via the pulmonary artery,to the lungs and returned, oxygenated, to the heart via thepulmonary vein.Oxygen deprived blood from the superior and inferiorvena cava enters the right atrium of the heart and owsthrough the tricuspid valve (right atrioventricular valve)into the right ventricle, from which it is then pumpedthroughthepulmonarysemilunar valveintothepul-monary artery to the lungs. Gas exchange occurs in thelungs, whereby CO2 is released from the blood, and oxy-gen is absorbed. The pulmonary vein returns the nowoxygen-rich blood to the left atrium.[7]Aseparate systemknown as the bronchial circulation sup-plies blood to the tissue of the larger airways of the lung.1.1.8 Systemic circulationThe systemic circulation is the circulation of the blood toall parts of the body except the lungs. Systemic circu-lation is the portion of the cardiovascular system whichtransports oxygenated blood away from the heart throughthe aorta from the left ventricle where the blood has beenpreviously deposited from pulmonary circulation, to therest of the body, and returns oxygen-depleted blood backto the heart.[7]1.1.9 BrainMain article: Cerebral circulationThe brain has a dual blood supply that comes from ar-teries at its front and back. These are called the ante-rior and posterior circulation respectively. The ante-rior circulation arises from the internal carotid arteriesand supplies the front of the brain. The posterior circu-lation arises from the vertebral arteries, and supplies theback of the brain and brainstem. The circulation fromthe front and the back join together (anastomise) at theCircle of Willis.1.1.10 KidneysThe renal circulation receives around 20% of the cardiacoutput. It branches from the abdominal aorta and returnsblood to the ascending vena cava. It is the blood supply tothe kidneys, and contains many specialized blood vessels.1.2 Lymphatic systemThe lymphatic system is part of the circulatory system. Itis a network of lymphatic vessels and lymph capillaries,lymph nodes and organs, and lymphatic tissues and circu-lating lymph. One of its major functions is to carry thelymph, draining and returning interstitial uid back to-wards the heart for return to the cardiovascular system, byemptying into the lymphatic ducts.Its other main func-tion is in the immune system.1.3 PhysiologyAn animation of a typical human red blood cell cycle in the circu-latory system. This animation occurs at real time (20 seconds ofcycle) and shows the red blood cell deformas it enters capillaries,as well as changing color as it alternates in states of oxygenationalong the circulatory system.Main article: Blood Oxygen transportAbout 98.5% of the oxygen in a sample of arterial bloodin a healthy human, breathing air at sea-level pressure, ischemically combined with hemoglobin molecules. About1.5%is physically dissolved in the other blood liquids andnot connected to hemoglobin. The hemoglobin moleculeis the primary transporter of oxygen in mammals andmany other species.2 DevelopmentMain article: Fetal circulation4 3 CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCEThe development of the circulatory system starts withvasculogenesis in the embryo. The human arterial andvenous systems develop from dierent areas in the em-bryo. The arterial system develops mainly from the aorticarches, six pairs of arches which develop on the upperpart of the embryo. The venous system arises from threebilateral veins during weeks 4 8 of embryogenesis. Fetalcirculation begins within the 8th week of development.Fetal circulation does not include the lungs, which are by-passed via the truncus arteriosus. Before birth the fetusobtains oxygen (and nutrients) from the mother throughthe placenta and the umbilical cord.[10]2.1 Arterial developmentMain article: Aortic archesThehumanarterial systemoriginatesfromtheaorticarches and from the dorsal aortae starting from week 4 ofembryonic life. The rst and second aortic arches regressand forms only the maxillary arteries and stapedial arter-ies respectively. The arterial systemitself arises fromaor-tic arches 3, 4 and 6 (aortic arch 5 completely regresses).The dorsal aortae, present on the dorsal side of the em-bryo, are initially present on both sides of the embryo.They later fuse to form the basis for the aorta itself. Ap-proximately thirty smaller arteries branch from this at theback and sides. These branches formthe intercostal arter-ies, arteries of the arms and legs, lumbar arteries and thelateral sacral arteries.Branches to the sides of the aortawill form the denitive renal, suprarenal and gonadal ar-teries. Finally, branches at the front of the aorta consist ofthe vitelline arteries and umbilical arteries. The vitellinearteries form the celiac, superior and inferior mesentericarteries of the gastrointestinal tract. After birth, the um-bilical arteries will form the internal iliac arteries.2.2 Venous developmentThehumanvenoussystemdevelopsmainlyfromthevitelline veins, the umbilical veins and the cardinal veins,all of which empty into the sinus venosus.3 Clinical signicanceMany diseases aect the circulatory system. This in-cludes cardiovascular disease, aecting the cardiovascu-lar system, and lymphatic disease aecting the lymphaticsystem. Cardiologists are medical professionals whichspecialise in the heart, and cardiothoracic surgeons spe-cialise in operating on the heart and its surrounding areas.Vascular surgeons focus on other parts of the circulatorysystem.3.1 Cardiovascular diseaseMain article: Cardiovascular diseaseDiseases aecting the cardiovascular system are calledcardiovascular disease.Many of these diseases are called "lifestyle diseases" be-cause they develop over time and are related to a per-sons exercise habits, diet, whether they smoke, and otherlifestyle choices a person makes. Atherosclerosis is theprecursor to many of these diseases. It is where smallatheromatous plaques build up in the walls of mediumandlarge arteries. This may eventually grow or rupture to oc-clude the arteries. It is also a risk factor for acute coronarysyndromes, which are diseases which are characterised bya sudden decit of oxygenated blood to the heart tissue.Atherosclerosis is also associated with problems such asaneurysm formation or splitting (dissection) of arteries.Another major cardiovascular disease involves the cre-ation of a clot, called a thrombus. These can origi-nate in veins or arteries. Deep venous thrombosis, whichmostly occurs in the legs, is one cause of clots in the veinsof the legs, particularly when a person has been stationaryfor a long time. These clots may embolise, meaning travelto another location in the body. The results of this mayinclude pulmonary embolus, transient ischaemic attacks,or stroke.Cardiovascular diseases may also be congenital in nature,such as heart defects or persistent fetal circulation, wherethe circulatory changes that are supposed to happen afterbirth do not. Not all congenital changes to the circulatorysystem are associated with diseases, a large number areanatomical variations.3.2 Measurement techniquesMagnetic resonance angiography of aberrant subclavian artery5The function and health of the circulatory system andits parts are measured in a variety of manual and auto-mated ways. These include simple methods such as thosethat are part of the cardiovascular examination, includingthe taking of a persons pulse as an indicator of a per-sons heart rate, the taking of blood pressure through asphygmomanometer or the use of a stethoscope to listento the heart for murmurs which may indicate problemswith the hearts valves. An electrocardiogram can also beused to evaluate the way in which electricity is conductedthrough the heart.Other more invasive means can also be used. A cannulaor catheter inserted into an artery may be used to measurepulse pressure or pulmonary wedge pressures. Angiogra-phy, which involves injecting a dye into an artery to visu-alise an arterial tree, can be used in the heart (coronaryangiography) or brain. At the same time as the arteries arevisualised, blockages or narrowings may be xed throughthe insertion of stents, and active bleeds may be managedby the insertion of coils. An MRI may be used to imagearteries, called an MRI angiogram. For evaluation of theblood supply to the lungs a CT pulmonary angiogrammaybe used.Ultrasound can also be used, particularly to identify thehealth of blood vessels, and a Doppler ultrasound of thecarotid arteries or Doppler ultrasound of the lower limbscan be used to evaluate for narrowing of the carotid ar-teries or thrombus formation in the legs, respectively.3.3 SurgeryThere are a number of surgical procedures performed onthe circulatory system:Coronary artery bypass surgeryCoronary stent used in angioplastyVascular surgeryVein strippingCosmetic proceduresCardiovascular procedures are more likely to performedin the inpatient setting than in an ambulatory care setting;in the United States, only 28%of cardiovascular surgerieswere performed in the ambulatory care setting.[11]4 Society and cultureA number of alternative medical systems such as Chinesemedicine view the circulatory system in dierent ways.5 Other animals5.1 Other vertebratesTwo-chambered heart of a shThecirculatorysystemsofall vertebrates, aswell asof annelids (for example, earthworms) and cephalopods(squids, octopuses and relatives) are closed, just as in hu-mans. Still, the systems of sh, amphibians, reptiles, andbirds show various stages of the evolution of the circula-tory system.In sh, the system has only one circuit, with the bloodbeing pumped through the capillaries of the gills and onto the capillaries of the body tissues. This is known assingle cycle circulation. The heart of sh is, therefore,only a single pump (consisting of two chambers).In amphibians and most reptiles, a double circulatorysystem is used, but the heart is not always completelyseparated into two pumps. Amphibians have a three-chambered heart.In reptiles, the ventricular septum of the heart is in-complete and the pulmonary artery is equipped with asphincter muscle. This allows a second possible routeof blood ow. Instead of blood owing through the pul-monary artery to the lungs, the sphincter may be con-tracted to divert this blood ow through the incompleteventricular septum into the left ventricle and out throughthe aorta. This means the blood ows from the capillar-ies to the heart and back to the capillaries instead of tothe lungs. This process is useful to ectothermic (cold-blooded) animals in the regulation of their body temper-ature.Birds and mammals show complete separation of theheart into two pumps, for a total of four heart chambers; itis thought that the four-chambered heart of birds evolvedindependently from that of mammals.5.2 Open circulatory systemSee also: HemolymphThe open circulatory system is a system in which a uidin a cavity called the hemocoel bathes the organs di-rectly with oxygen and nutrients and there is no distinc-6 6 HISTORYtion between blood and interstitial uid; this combineduid is called hemolymph or haemolymph.[12] Muscularmovements by the animal during locomotion can facili-tate hemolymph movement, but diverting ow from onearea to another is limited. When the heart relaxes, bloodis drawn back toward the heart through open-ended pores(ostia).Hemolymph lls all of the interior hemocoel of the bodyand surrounds allcells. Hemolymph is composed ofwater, inorganic salts (mostly Na+, Cl, K+, Mg2+, andCa2+), and organic compounds (mostly carbohydrates,proteins,and lipids). The primary oxygen transportermolecule is hemocyanin.There are free-oating cells, the hemocytes, within thehemolymph. They play a role in the arthropod immunesystem.Flatworms, such as this Pseudoceros bifurcus, lack specializedcirculatory organsAbove is a diagram of an open circulatory system. An open cir-culatory system is made up of a heart, vessels, and hemolymph.This diagramshows howthe hemolymph, uid present in most in-vertebrates that is equivalent to blood, is circulated throughout thebody of a grasshopper. The hymolymph is rst pumped throughthe heart, into the aorta, dispersed into the head and throughoutthe hemocoel, then back through the ostium that are located inthe heart, where the process is repeated.5.3 Absence of circulatory systemCirculatory systems are absent in some animals, includ-ing atworms (phylumPlatyhelminthes). Their body cav-ity has no lining or enclosed uid. Instead a muscularpharynx leads to an extensively branched digestive sys-temthat facilitates direct diusion of nutrients to all cells.The atworms dorso-ventrally attened body shape alsorestricts the distance of any cell from the digestive systemor the exterior of the organism. Oxygen can diuse fromthe surrounding water into the cells, and carbon dioxidecan diuse out. Consequently every cell is able to obtainnutrients, water and oxygen without the need of a trans-port system.Someanimals, suchasjellysh, havemoreextensivebranching from their gastrovascular cavity (which func-tions as both a place of digestion and a form of circula-tion), this branching allows for bodily uids to reach theouter layers, since the digestion begins in the inner layers.6 HistoryHuman anatomical chart of blood vessels, with heart, lungs, liverand kidneys included. Other organs are numbered and arrangedaround it. Before cutting out the gures on this page, Vesaliussuggeststhat readersgluethepageontoparchment andgivesinstructions on how to assemble the pieces and paste the multi-layered gure onto a base muscle man illustration.Epitome,fol.14a. HMD Collection, WZ 240 V575dhZ 1543.7The earliest known writings on the circulatory systemare found in the Ebers Papyrus (16th century BCE), anancient Egyptian medical papyrus containing over 700prescriptions and remedies, both physical and spiritual.In the papyrus,it acknowledges the connection of theheart to the arteries.The Egyptians thought air came inthrough the mouth and into the lungs and heart. Fromthe heart, the air travelled to every member through thearteries. Although this concept of the circulatory systemis only partially correct, it represents one of the earliestaccounts of scientic thought.In the 6th century BCE, the knowledge of circulation ofvital uids through the body was known to the Ayurvedicphysician Sushruta in ancient India.[13]He also seemsto have possessed knowledge of the arteries, describedas'channels byDwivedi &Dwivedi (2007).[13]Thevalves of the heart were discovered by a physician of theHippocratean school around the 4th century BCE. How-ever their function was not properly understood then. Be-cause blood pools in the veins after death, arteries lookempty. Ancient anatomists assumed they were lled withair and that they were for transport of air.TheGreekphysician, Herophilus, distinguishedveinsfrom arteries but thought that the pulse was a propertyof arteries themselves. Greek anatomist Erasistratus ob-served that arteries that were cut during life bleed. He as-cribed the fact to the phenomenon that air escaping froman artery is replaced with blood that entered by very smallvessels between veins and arteries. Thus he apparentlypostulated capillaries but with reversed ow of blood.[14]In 2nd century AD Rome, the Greek physician Galenknew that blood vessels carried blood and identied ve-nous (dark red) and arterial (brighter and thinner) blood,each with distinct and separate functions. Growth andenergy were derived from venous blood created in theliver from chyle, while arterial blood gave vitality by con-taining pneuma (air) and originated in the heart. Bloodowed from both creating organs to all parts of the bodywhere it was consumed and there was no return of bloodto the heart or liver. The heart did not pump bloodaround, the hearts motion sucked blood in during dias-tole and the blood moved by the pulsation of the arteriesthemselves.Galen believed that the arterial blood was created by ve-nous blood passing from the left ventricle to the right bypassing through 'pores in the interventricular septum, airpassed from the lungs via the pulmonary artery to the leftside of the heart. As the arterial blood was created 'sooty'vapors were created and passed to the lungs also via thepulmonary artery to be exhaled.In 1025, The Canon of Medicine by the Persian physi-cian, Avicenna, erroneously accepted the Greek notionregarding the existence of a hole in the ventricular sep-tum by which the blood traveled between the ventricles.Despite this, Avicenna correctly wrote on the cardiac cy-cles and valvular function, and had a vision of bloodcirculation in hisTreatiseonPulse.[15] While also re-ning Galens erroneous theory of the pulse, Avicennaprovided the rst correct explanation of pulsation:Ev-ery beat of the pulse comprises two movements and twopauses. Thus, expansion : pause : contraction : pause.[...] The pulse is a movement in the heart and arter-ies ... which takes the form of alternate expansion andcontraction.[16]In 1242, the Arabian physician, Ibn al-Nas, becametherst persontoaccuratelydescribetheprocessofpulmonary circulation, for which he is sometimes con-sidered the father of circulatory physiology.[17] Ibn al-Nas stated in his Commentary on Anatomy in AvicennasCanon:"...thebloodfromtheright chamberofthe heart must arrive at the left chamber butthere is no direct pathway between them. Thethick septum of the heart is not perforated anddoes not have visible pores as some peoplethought or invisible pores as Galen thought.The blood from the right chamber must owthrough the vena arteriosa (pulmonary artery)to the lungs, spread through its substances, bemingled there with air, pass through the arte-ria venosa (pulmonary vein) to reach the leftchamber of the heart and there form the vitalspirit...In addition, Ibn al-Nas had an insight into what wouldbecome a larger theory of the capillary circulation. Hestated that there must be small communications or pores(manadh in Arabic) between the pulmonary artery andvein, a prediction that preceded the discovery of the cap-illary systemby more than 400 years.[18] Ibn al-Nas the-ory, however, was conned to blood transit in the lungsand did not extend to the entire body.Michael Servetus was the rst European to describe thefunction of pulmonary circulation, although his achieve-ment was not widely recognized at the time, for a fewreasons. He rstly described it in the Manuscript ofParis[19][20] (near 1546), but this work was never pub-lished. And later he published this description, but in atheological treatise, Christianismi Restitutio, not in a bookon medicine. Only three copies of the book survived, therest were burned shortly after its publication in 1553 be-cause of persecution of Servetus by religious authorities.Better known was its discovery by Vesalius's successor atPadua, Realdo Colombo, in 1559.Finally, WilliamHarvey, a pupil of Hieronymus Fabricius(who had earlier described the valves of the veins withoutrecognizing their function), performed a sequence of ex-periments, and published Exercitatio Anatomica de MotuCordis et Sanguinis in Animalibus in 1628, which demon-strated that there had to be a direct connection betweenthe venous and arterial systems throughout the body, andnot just the lungs.Most importantly, he argued that the8 8 REFERENCESImage of veins fromWilliamHarvey's Exercitatio Anatomica deMotu Cordis et Sanguinis in Animalibusbeat of the heart produced a continuous circulation ofblood through minute connections at the extremities ofthe body. This is a conceptual leap that was quite dif-ferent from Ibn al-Nas renement of the anatomy andbloodow in the heart and lungs.[21] This work, with itsessentially correct exposition, slowly convinced the med-ical world. However, Harvey was not able to identify thecapillary systemconnecting arteries and veins; these werelater discovered by Marcello Malpighi in 1661.In 1956, Andr Frdric Cournand, Werner ForssmannandDickinsonW. RichardswereawardedtheNobelPrize in Medicine for their discoveries concerning heartcatheterization and pathological changes in the circula-tory system.[22]7 See alsoCardiologyVital heatCardiac muscleMajor systems of the human bodyAmato Lusitano8 References[1] "circulatory system" at Dorlands Medical Dictionary[2][3] "cardiovascular system" at Dorlands Medical Dictionary[4] Sherwood, Lauralee (2011). HumanPhysiology: FromCells to Systems. Cengage Learning. pp. 401. ISBN978-1-133-10893-1.[5] CardiovascularSystemat theUSNational LibraryofMedicine Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)[6] Pratt, Rebecca. Cardiovascular System: Blood. Anato-myOne. Amirsys, Inc.[7] Guyton, Arthur and Hall, John (2000). Guyton Textbookof Medical Physiology (10 ed.). ISBN 072168677X.[8] National InstitutesofHealth. What Are the Lungs?"[9] State University of New York (February 3, 2014). TheCirculatory System.[10] Whitaker,Kent (2001). Fetal Circulation. Compre-hensive Perinatal and Pediatric Respiratory Care. DelmarThomson Learning. pp. 1820. ISBN 978-0-7668-1373-1.[11] Wier LM, Steiner CA, Owens PL(April 17, 2015).Surgeries in Hospital-Owned Outpatient Facilities,2012. HCUPStatistical Brief#188. Rockville, MD:Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.[12] Bailey, Regina. Circulatory System.[13] Dwivedi, Girish & Dwivedi, Shridhar (2007). Historyof Medicine: Sushruta the Clinician Teacher par Ex-cellence, Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci Vol.49 pp.243-4,National Informatics Centre (Government of India).[14] Anatomy History of anatomy. 2013-09-15.[15] Shoja, M. M.; Tubbs, R. S.; Loukas, M.; Khalili, M.;Alakbarli, F.; Cohen-Gadol, A. A. (2009). Vaso-vagal syncope inthe Canonof Avicenna: The rstmention of carotid artery hypersensitivity. Inter-national Journal of Cardiology 134 (3): 297301.doi:10.1016/j.ijcard.2009.02.035. PMID 19332359.[16] Hajar, Rachel (1999). The Greco-Islamic Pulse. HeartViews 1 (4): 136140 [138].[17] Reections, Chairmans (2004). Traditional MedicineAmong Gulf Arabs, Part II: Blood-letting. Heart Views5 (2): 7485 [80].[18] West, J. B. (2008). Ibn al-Nas, the pulmonarycirculation, and the Islamic Golden Age. Jour-nal of Applied Physiology 105 (6): 18771880.doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.91171.2008. PMC2612469.PMID 18845773.[19] Gonzalez Etxeberria, Patxi (2011) Amor a la verdad, el vida y obra de Miguel servet [The love for truth. Life andwork of Michael Servetus]. Navarro y Navarro, Zaragoza,collaboration with the Government of Navarra, Depart-ment of Institutional Relations and Education of the Gov-ernment of Navarra. ISBN 8423532666 pp. 215228 &62nd illustration (XLVII)[20] Michael Servetus Research Study with graphical proof onthe Manuscript of Paris and many other manuscripts andnew works by Servetus[21] Pormann, PeterE. andSmith, E. Savage(2007) Me-dieval Islamic medicine Georgetown University, Washing-ton DC, p. 48, ISBN 1589011619.[22] The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1956. No-bel Foundation. Retrieved 2007-07-28.99 External links Circulatory SystemReiber C. L. & McGaw I. J. (2009). A Reviewof the Open and Closed Circulatory Systems:New Terminology for Complex Invertebrate Cir-culatorySystemsinLight ofCurrent Findings.International Journal ofZoology2009: 8 pages.doi:10.1155/2009/301284.PatwardhanK. Thehistoryof thediscoveryofbloodcirculation: unrecognizedcontributionsofAyurveda masters. AdvPhysiol Educ. 2012Jun;36(2):7782.Michael Servetus Research Study on the Manuscriptof Paris by Servetus (1546 description of the Pul-monary Circulation)10 10 TEXT AND IMAGE SOURCES, CONTRIBUTORS, AND LICENSES10 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses10.1 Text Circulatory system Source: Contributors:AxelBoldt, Kpjas, BryanDerksen, Alex.tan, Xaonon, William Avery, Heron, Someone else, Lir, Patrick, Menchi, Ixfd64, Ellywa, Ahoerstemeier, Darkwind, Glenn,Bogdangiusca, Michael Shields, Nikai, Netsnipe, Ilyanep, DJ Clayworth, Saltine, Topbanana, Cvaneg, Nufy8, Robbot, Cdang, Fredrik,Chris 73, WormRunner, Nurg, Mayooranathan, Postdlf, Academic Challenger, Hadal, Mushroom, Lupo, Diberri, Jholman, Fabiform,Giftlite, DocWatson42, Inter, Tom harrison, Ferkelparade, SoCal, Everyking, Bkonrad, Elinnea, Michael Devore, Bensaccount, Jfdwol,Slyguy, Erich gasboy, Utcursch, Andycjp, Alexf, Knutux, Sonjaaa, Pdefer, Antandrus, JoJan, Ot, Rdsmith4, Oneiros, PFHLai, Ktvoelker,Ukexpat, Clemwang, Mike Rosoft, Dceck, Pyrop, Discospinster, ElTyrant, Solitude, Rich Farmbrough, Rhobite, Vsmith, HCA, Noti-nasnaid, Xezbeth, H00kwurm, Andrew Maiman, Shermozle, MDCore, Bender235, ZeroOne, Kbh3rd, Swid, Brian0918, El C, Tirdun,NickGorton~enwiki, Shanes, Bobo192, W8TVI, Smalljim, Chessphoon, Brim, Arcadian, Giraedata, Vanished user 19794758563875,Sam Korn, Haham hanuka, Nsaa, Luckyluke, Jumbuck, Marekbrz, Alansohn, JamesTseng, Mo0, Arthena, Mu5ti, Lokicarbis, Atlant,Lord Pistachio, Wouterstomp, Axl, Ekko, Lightdarkness, Ncd, Cdc, Mysdaao, Bantman, Idont Havaname, Bart133, Snowolf, Wtmitchell,Velella, Cburnett, Stephan Leeds, EAi, Christopher^, RainbowOfLight, Sciurin, Mikeo, Dominic, Metju~enwiki, Aryeh~enwiki, Brookie,Jerey O. 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