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中正中学(义顺)华人新年庆祝会纪实 2015 2 18 王书涵 3E 2 18 日上午,中正中学(义顺)的全体 师生都聚集在冷气礼堂,大家兴致勃勃地在装饰 得花团锦簇的礼堂里等待观赏每年一度的新春联 欢会。今年新年的庆祝会邀请了彩虹特殊教育中 心的师生一同参与。 在舞台的背景布幕上,“三阳开泰贺新年” 七个金光闪闪的大字最引人注目。这预示了新的 一年,我们有一个金色的开始,而接下来的日子 会越来越美好。 学校每年的新春联欢会都有丰富多彩的节目, 今年也不例外。 学校醒狮队为联欢会拉开了序幕。踩着“咚 咚咚咚,锵锵,锵锵锵……”的鼓点,一组表演 的学生熟练地驾驭起巨大的狮身狮头,配合默契 地展示了各种高难度的动作,使狮子看起来精神 抖擞,威风凛凛。他们的表演赢得了一片喝彩。 观众们随着喧天的锣鼓和精彩的表演精神倍增。 第二项表演项目是华族舞蹈和国际舞蹈,舞 蹈员们在台上都婀娜多姿,尽全力为学生家长们 呈现两段精彩夺目的舞蹈。 紧接着是本校最令人期待的节令鼓表演,今 年鼓队带来的鼓谱是“蜕变”,展现了蝴蝶蜕茧 成蝶的过程,预示着学生们在成长过程中必经的 艰辛历程。 在振奋人心的“教室装饰比赛”和“欢乐书 法活动”的颁奖典礼上,华文老师准备了两段精 彩的视频,向大家展示了每班各富创意的新春装 饰和中一学生写书法的现场气氛,学生们聚精会 神地看着视频,满怀期待地希望自己的班级会得 奖。最后得奖的班级学生都乐得眉开眼笑,而其 他没有获奖的学生也不气馁,决定明年再接再厉。 新春联欢会在欢乐的气氛中走向尾声,司仪 们邀请全校老师上台和合唱团一起唱响新年歌曲。 校长和老师们一边鼓掌一边演唱,礼堂里顿时欢 声雷动,学长们拉响了花炮,把五彩的丝线洒向 礼堂的中央,欢乐的气氛顿时达到了最高点。在 叶天泉校长的新春祝福下,我们走向充满希望的 2015 年。 Newsletter Issue 1, June 2015 Chung Cheng High School (Yishun) 1

Chung Cheng High School (Yishun)

Oct 29, 2021



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中正中学(义顺)华人新年庆祝会纪实 2015年 2月 18 日

王书涵 3E

2 月 18 日上午,中正中学(义顺)的全体师生都聚集在冷气礼堂,大家兴致勃勃地在装饰得花团锦簇的礼堂里等待观赏每年一度的新春联欢会。今年新年的庆祝会邀请了彩虹特殊教育中心的师生一同参与。









Newsletter Issue 1, June 2015

Chung Cheng High School (Yishun)


Page 2: Chung Cheng High School (Yishun)

Chinese New Year Celebration cum Total Defence Day Commemoration 18 February 2015

This year’s Chinese New Year celebration, held in conjunction with Total Defence Day, brought forth a unique and optimistic theme – “Stronger Nation in a Prosperous New Year”. It aims to spur Chung Cheng students to welcome the Chinese New Year with a spirited vision of contributing towards a stronger Singapore. Exciting and meaningful class activities such as a class decoration competition, Total Defence Day Commemoration, and festive performances ushered in the year of the Goat which, in the Chinese tradition, symbolises Abundance. The classroom decoration competition this year was definitely not an easy feat – students had to decorate their classrooms in accordance to two themes – Chinese New Year and Total Defence Day. Yet, our students’ creativity was evident from the coherent and striking designs.

The “Best Classroom Decoration” award was clinched by Secondary 3H. In class, students watched a short film about the Japanese occupation of Singapore during World War Two. Students then learnt a lesson of empathy when they were tasked to write a diary entry in the perspective of people who suffered during the war. More importantly, students were reminded of how fortunate they are in present times and how readiness was imperative in building a stronger nation. Indeed, this year’s observance of the Chinese New Year celebration together with the Total Defence Day was a good opportunity for us to reflect and learn from the costly mistakes of the past, while aiming for prosperous future ahead.

Angie Oh Ler Chee & Cheong Ke Xuan, 3H

Mr Yap and the winners of the Class Decoration Competition from 3H


Page 3: Chung Cheng High School (Yishun)

中一迎新营活动 2015年 1月 8-9日


2015 年 1 月 8 日和 9 日,280 多名中一新生参加了中一迎新营活动。




虽然今年因为下雨而没有燃起真正的营火,但晚会现场的气氛却依然热烈无比。两天的活动最终随着欢声笑语圆满结束,新生们对即将开始的 4 年学习生活有了更加深入的了解,也满怀期待。



Page 4: Chung Cheng High School (Yishun)

课程辅助活动嘉年华(2015年 1月 9日)

叶宁萱 2D

2015 年 1 月 9 日,在新学年开学七天以后,学校举办了一场盛大的课程辅助活动嘉年华会。中一学生必须选一个课程辅助活动(Co-curricular Activity),这是他们未来四年学习生活的一部分。

12 时 45 分,招募活动正式开始。负责参与活动的高年级学长们一窝蜂地离开了教室,到集合地点进行筹备工作。这项活动的主要目的是为了让家长和新生们能了解我校的校园文化和学校各课程辅助活动团体。


紧接着,本校 17 个课外活动团体一一展现风采。制服团体(学生空军、学生警察、童军团和圣约翰救伤队)表演了步操和方阵列队行走;艺术比赛团体(华乐团、华文戏剧学会、合唱团、华族及国际舞蹈、舞狮、节令鼓和铜乐交响乐团)则一一表演了欢快逗趣的节目;体育团体(羽毛球、武术、西洋剑术、篮球队和排球队)的队员们拉开架势,互相展开激烈的对阵。当时,学校的各处人头攒动,人声鼎沸,热闹非凡。




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学生书法乐 2015年 1月 29日

应紫漪 4B






老师书法乐 2015 年 2月 10日





















正中学(义顺) 能在新的一年更上一层楼。


Page 6: Chung Cheng High School (Yishun)

弟子规开课典礼 2015年 1月 9日

王书涵 3E

《弟子规》课程,是本校特别为中一学生创设的第一堂品德教育必修课,1 月 9 日这一天傍晚 5











1 月 14 日下午 3 时,中正义顺中一《弟子规》进行开课典礼,这是校方特意设计,让家长和学生









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Sec 1 Cohort Days Activities 5 March – 6 March 2015 The Secondary One students had an enjoyable time participating in a day of games and activities organized by our year heads and teachers. It was held over a period of three days after our common tests. On the first day, we played Captain Frisbee, Captain’s Ball and Tele-match. Each class was divided into groups to compete with the other classes. Our class did unexpectedly well for Captain’s Frisbee. We were surprised as this was our first time playing the game and we only had one practice before the competition. Our success was probably due to the camaraderie amongst the team members. Without teamwork, perseverance and a determination to win, we wouldn’t have succeeded. On the second day, we participated in a cartoon-drawing demonstration by a renowned local cartoonist. He was a charismatic speaker who was both entertaining and humorous. Not only did we pick up some tips on cartoon-drawing, we also enjoyed the live demonstration of cartoon-drawing. Samantha Agustin, 1F


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Sec 2 Cohort Day: Gardens by the Bay 6 March 2015 It was an exciting day for Secondary Two students on 6 March 2015. The Chung Cheng Alumni Youth Wing (AYW) and some of our Form Teachers organised an ‘Amazing Race’ at ‘Gardens by the Bay’. Each class were divided into two groups and each group was required to complete 16 stations within three hours. As all the stations were located outdoors, we were very thankful that it did not rain. In fact, we were drenched in perspiration because of the strong noon sun. At the 16 stations, there were interesting and challenging tasks that we had to complete. Some stations required us to do yoga poses, go around a certain garden to look for clues, take pictures with the iPads and complete quizzes just to name a few. We learnt about different cultures in Singapore and the medicinal value of certain spices and plants through these activities. Some stations were located further than expected, so we had to walk faster to beat the time. Throughout the race, it was frustrating at times as we lost our bearings and missed the stations, but the negative experiences brought out the best in our classmates as we completed the race as a team. All in all, the ‘Amazing Race’ was definitely a memorable experience as we not only enjoyed ourselves, but also learnt more about ‘Gardens by the Bay’.

Siti Syahinda & Amanda Ng, 2F



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Memories to Last a Lifetime: Sec 3 Adventure and Leadership Camp

5 March 2015

This year’s Secondary Three Adventure and Leadership Camp was held in Dairy Farm Outdoor Adventure Learning Centre campsite, located at Bukit Timah. The campsite was fully-equipped with various facilities to hold a wide range of interesting and enjoyable activities for the students. The most exhilarating activity was the high rope element aimed at developing self-confidence in students. Low element and team-building activities helped build team work and bonding. Important life skills, such as outdoor cooking, were taught to encourage students to think critically in solving problems. As there was a full moon during the night hike, students enjoyed the stunning view of the night sky. Those who were fortunate enough had a rare and unique opportunity to enjoy the beautiful fireflies glowing in the dark. The finale of the camp was a campfire where enthusiastic and ecstatic students performed as a class in front of the whole cohort. Our talented performers put up dances, acappella and hilarious skits that made everyone burst out in laughter.

Indeed, the Secondary Three Adventure and Leadership camp helped students to forge meaningful and strong bonds with their classmates and cohort mates. New friendships were developed, new skills were learnt, and at the same time both students and teachers enjoyed the natural beauty of Bukit Timah at its finest. The memories from this camp will definitely be imprinted in their hearts and minds for a lifetime.

Nicolette Foong, 3H



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Sec 4 ‘We Care, We Recycle @ Northwest’ 5 February 2015 On Thursday 5 February, teenagers clad in almost all white gathered at Nee Soon Central at 1.30pm. These enthusiastic students were part of the ‘We Care, We Recycle @ Northwest’ event. The event was a collaborative effort between the school and North West Community Development Council (NWCDC) to reduce waste and promote recycling. For our Secondary Four and Five students, the event provided a golden opportunity for them to contribute meaningfully to the community as socially responsible citizens. They fervently collected old clothes, newspaper and other recyclable items from selected blocks of flats in Nee Soon South and Nee Soon Central in their efforts to promote environmental awareness amongst the residents. Weeks leading up to the ‘We Care, We Recycle @ Northwest’, the school invited National Environment

Agency (NEA) representatives to share with our students the importance of the 3Rs - Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Flyers with information on the collection dates were distributed residents of Nee Soon Central and Nee Soon South to facilitate the collection of the items by our students. The preparatory phase was vital to the success of the event. Students successfully completed the project with a great sense of accomplishment and pride.

Mr Muhamed Shadiq



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Sec 2 Values-in-Action Project 7 March 2015

On 7 March 2015, Secondary 2 students visited blocks of flats at the Nee Soon Central neighbourhood to assist in the distribution of flyers to the residents, offering tips on saving water and electricity, and creating awareness of energy conservation. This Reduce@Northwest project was in collaboration with Northwest CDC. All eight classes were assigned a cluster of blocks to visit and we were instructed to visit the residents’ homes in smaller groups. Last year, our seniors were around to guide us, but this time round, we embarked on this project ourselves. We mustered the courage to engage the residents though we were not comfortable with conversing in dialects or Malay or Tamil. Personally, I found myself more confident conversing in English and could only promote the energy and water saving cause to the English-speaking residents. At times, we felt tired and discouraged because some residents did not wish to be disturbed, but with the support and encouragement garnered from our group members, we managed to get a good number of residents to sign up for the programme. I feel that Reduce@NorthWest is a meaningful programme. While sharing with the residents about the importance and benefits of saving water and electricity, we also picked up valuable tips on how to conserve our environment by simple daily acts in our own homes. Global warming is a worldwide concern and we should be responsible for our planet’s well-being as responsible inhabitants. My friends and I are definitely going to do our part for our Earth, are you? Arthur Jon Gil, 2F


Page 12: Chung Cheng High School (Yishun)

Sec 2 & 3s’ Enriching Experience @ Rainbow Centre 2013 - 2014

During the year-end school holidays in 2013 and 2014, a group secondary two and three students, volunteered at Rainbow Centre Yishun Park School (RCYPS). We went on learning journeys, celebrated Deepavali, participated in rehearsals for a talent show, did gymnastics, roller blading, swimming and lots of other activities with the RCYPS children. It was a wonderful and rewarding experience. In that short one month, we forged very strong bonds with the children, who were all very bright and talented. During this year’s fund raising carnival, we met some of them and we were thrilled that they could still remember us and our names! The teachers and activity trainers were all very patient. They treated the RCYPS students like their very own children. The principal was exceptionally nice and we admired her dedication and love for the students. She would come to the hall and sing songs with the children before morning assembly. During the morning exercise, she would also exercise together with them. She is definitely a kind and friendly principal who puts in immense effort to build a strong rapport with her students. She doesn’t sit in her office all day long, but often spends her time walking around the school, communicating with her students and volunteers like us. We were touched by her warmth. One of the many things we learnt was a technique of handling special needs students called the ‘turtle method’. It is used to calm the kids when they are emotionally agitated. Using this technique, children are asked to put their hands in a crossed position which has the effect of calming them down. We also completed two projects with them - a talent show in 2014 and a gardening project in 2013. For the gardening project, the secondary two volunteers spent days painting the planters under the hot sun. RCYPS teachers bought us drinks and offered us hats. For the talent show, the volunteers used spray paints to colour the props. Although we ended up with colourful shirts smelling of paint, we knew we did something meaningful for the children and RCYPS. On the last day of our volunteering stint, we organised class parties with our various RCYPS classes before sending them off in their school buses and bidding goodbyes. It had indeed being a meaningful and memorable experience. If we had the chance to volunteer again, we would definitely do so. We wish to thank all the teachers and school leaders from RCYPS for their support and for giving us a chance to learn important values and lifeskills. We must also not forget to thank Ms Naomi Tan and Ms Isma for their support.


Belynn Sim Leng Leng, 4G

Page 13: Chung Cheng High School (Yishun)

Student Leaders Investiture and Appreciation Ceremony 2 April 2015

2 April 2015 was a significant day for all student leaders as a new generation of Student Councilors, Peer Support Leaders and CCA Leaders assumed new leadership roles and positions. This ceremony was also an opportunity for the school to express their gratitude and give recognition to the outgoing batch of Secondary 4 Student Leaders for all their hard work and dedication.

Lim Ying Ran, 4H

International Friendship Day Celebration

16 April 2015

International Friendship Day was celebrated on the 16th April 2015 with the theme ‘Deepening International Friendships’. Prior to the day of the celebration, a photo-taking booth was set up by the Peer Support Leaders (PSLs) in the canteen for students and staff to take pictures of themselves dressed in the ethnic costumes of the different cultural groups of ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nation) countries. This was to spark the students’ interest in the upcoming International Friendship Day celebration. On the day of the celebration, a skit was performed by students from Class 2C and 2F during assembly. The skit was a narrative about three international students from different countries – Philippines, Thailand and Indonesia - who came to study in Singapore and stayed in a flat owned by a Singaporean landlady. They met and greeted each other in their native languages and also exchanged information about their respective countries and different cultural backgrounds. When a typhoon struck the Philippines and resulted in widespread destruction, the Singaporean landlady and two other students worked together to raise funds and essential supplies to help those affected by the typhoon. The objectives of the skit were to help students to understand the importance of maintaining good relations with our regional neighbours and also of how the integration of new immigrants and foreigners working and living in Singapore was crucial for building a gracious and cohesive society for all. The celebration then ended with a video clip showing interesting facts about the various ASEAN countries. In all, the International Friendship Day celebration was educational and entertaining for the students. Ms Aderine Hee


Page 14: Chung Cheng High School (Yishun)

River Hongbao Extravaganza 27 February 2015 On 27 February, the Chung Cheng High School (Yishun) [CCHY] Chinese Dance students were invited by the Singapore Association of Chinese Clan Associations to perform at River Hongbao (春到河畔), an annual event held during the Lunar Chinese New Year which showcased Chinese cultural performances from all over the world. It was a brand new experience for our Dance members and we were honoured to be able to perform for the public at the floating platform at Marina Bay. As Singapore celebrates her 50th year of independence this year and to show a mark of respect for our pioneer generation, we performed a dance entitled “The Story of Samsui Woman”. This dance piece was about a Samsui woman who dedicated her life to building Singapore during the early developmental years of Singapore. Through this dance, we hope that the current generation can learn about the sacrifices our predecessors made to bring Singapore to where she is today. Our hard work paid off when we heard the tremendous applause from the audience at the end of our performance. We look forward to participating in more events like these in the future.

Tan Jia Yin, 4F & Lim Shi Min, 4G


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GCE ‘O’ and ‘N’ Level Results 2014 The GCE ‘O’ Level results were released in January this year. Congratulations to our students who did well in the 2014 GCE ‘O’ and ‘N’ Level Examinations.

4 Express [%] 5 Normal (Academic) [%]

5 or more subject passes 98.6 61.5

Qualify for Junior College 87.0 19.2

Qualify for Millennia Institute 98.1 46.2

Qualify for Polytechnics 100 75.0

Qualify for ITE 100 98.1

Percentage of Secondary 4 Normal (Academic) students promoted to Secondary 5 Normal (Academic) stream:


Secondary 4 Normal (Academic) subjects which performed better than National Average (in terms of passes):

• English Language • Combined Humanities • Mathematics • Mother Tongue • Science

Secondary 4 Normal (Technical) subjects which performed better than National Average (in terms of passes):

• Basic Mother Tongue • Computer Applications • English Language • Elements of Business Skills • Mathematics • Science



Page 16: Chung Cheng High School (Yishun)

Singapore Youth Festival (SYF) Achievements April 2015

In April, our school’s Performing Arts Groups took part in the SYF Celebration 2015 and achieved commendable results. Our Chinese Dance and International Dance Groups will participate in the SG50 Youth Celebrate! and continue to receive the same certification awarded in the SYF Arts Presentations 2013.

Performing Arts Groups Results

Chinese Dance Certificate of Distinction

International Dance Certificate of Distinction

Chinese Orchestra Certificate of Distinction

Choir Certificate of Distinction

Guzheng Ensemble Certificate of Distinction

Symphonic Band Certificate of Accomplishment

Chinese Drama Certificate of Accomplishment

Mr Yeong Kong Chan, Head of Department (Mother Tongue) I used to teach at Yishun Junior College between 2002 and 2007. My first acquaintance with Chung Cheng High School (Yishun) was back in 2006, when I came here for a N2 Cluster Chinese Language event. My first day in the school as a permanent staff in 2014 was a pleasant one, I found that the school facilities are very well-maintained, students polite and cooperative and the staff are friendly. I hope to be able to work hand-in-hand with my colleagues and students to achieve better results. I am not out to re-invent the wheel, but I do believe that there are always better ways to accomplish the same task, for example, strategies used for teaching and learning. With regards to my hobby, I love kung-fu movies by Bruce Lee and Donnie Yen.

Mr Victor Tan, Head of Department (PE & CCA) I have been teaching Physical Education (PE) and Project Work (PW) in Nanyang Junior College (NYJC) since 2004. I was impressed with the strong Chinese culture that the school possesses, and I love the school environment, especially the 'koi' pond that NYJC does not have. It was a smooth transition for me with the help of warm and supportive colleagues, and a great team of PE staff. Being accustomed to teaching youths aged 16 to 18 years old, I find it really enjoyable to teach Secondary 1 students now. Additionally, it helps me to relive my passion in teaching. I look forward to introducing new recreational games to the school's PE curriculum such as 'Speed-minton' and ‘Tchoukball’. I hope to work with the school in ensuring our students do well in their co-curricular programmes (LEAPS 2.0). I will also be working closely to ensure the smooth addition of the new Indoor Sports Hall. This new facility will definitely enhance the effectiveness of our PE and CCA programmes.




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Mdm Tay Hui Cheng, Teacher (Science/Math) I had been teaching in North View Secondary School for the past 15 years before I was posted to Chung Cheng High School (Yishun). Teaching at CCHY has been a pleasant and enriching experience thus far with friendly and helpful colleagues, as well as interesting students. I hope to be able to contribute to the holistic development of our students and see them blossom into fine, young adults.

Ms Sri Durga, Teacher (English Language/Literature)

Previously from Peirce Secondary School, I am new to the Chung Cheng High School (Yishun) Family as an English Language and English Literature Teacher. The serene surroundings in the school have been as welcoming as the staff and the students here. About to receive my second child sometime in July, I find myself already missing my energetic 1B, 1D, 1E and 3F classes and their antics. Once I am back from my maternity leave next year, I hope to work more closely with teachers in my department, committee and CCA to see my students through an entire year of study and play.

Mr Pang Boon Yang, Teacher (English Language) Prior to coming to Chung Cheng High School (Yishun), I was teaching at St. Gabriel’s Secondary School. Having taught in an all-boys school for more than 10 years, it was a big change to find myself in a co-ed school. The students here are very different compared to those in my previous school and it has taken me some time to get acquainted with them. I am the form teacher of 3C and I’m very glad to say my class is a wonderful group of young people.

There are many nice and friendly colleagues in the school, and they have been very generous with their time and efforts to help me settle down. The school leaders have been kind and supportive and I am very grateful for that. It will take time to develop rapport with my students. I hope that in time, I will be able to influence my students in a positive way, not just in terms of helping them improve their academic performance, but in terms of their attitude and character as well.


2013年从南洋理工大学中文系毕业后,被派到中正中学(义顺)当一位合约老师。第一次踏入校园就被绿意盎然、人文气息浓厚的环境给吸引。合约教学 4个月后又回到国立教育学院受训,一年后,很荣幸又回到中正中学(义顺)教学,这应该就是缘分吧。再次回到了郁郁葱葱、湖水碧绿的校园,看着身穿白色校服的莘莘学子,还有风趣幽默的同事,心情非常愉悦。非常荣幸能加入中正这个大家庭,期待未来的日子里陪伴同学们一同学习、成长。

Editorial Team : Mr Yap Thiam Chuan (Principal), Mrs Jane Chong Lai Peng (Vice-Principal), Mr Chia Keng Hwee (Vice-Principal) Mdm Tan Loo Peng (Chairperson), Mdm Dingman ( Newsletter Teacher i/c – Chinese articles), Ms Felica Lee Qiu Xuan (Newsletter Teacher i/c – English articles), Mr Pang Boon Young, Ms Ashreena Begum, Mr Muhamed Shadiq Bmohamed Tahir, Mr Mohamad Zulqarnain, Ms Lyana Khairunnisa Photography Team : Mdm Lai Seng Fong, Mr Liu Liming, Ms Ng Peck Teng

CHUNG CHENG HIGH SCHOOL (YISHUN) Tel: 6758 3912 Fax:6758 7397 Email: Website: