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ChristchurchXP Parish Profile

Apr 01, 2016



Mark Wilkerson

ChristchurchXP is an Anglican parish in Montgomery, Alabama. This Parish Profile was prepared in conjunction with the search for the successor to our Rector, John-Michael van Dyke, who is scheduled to retire in 2015.
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Parish Profile


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Table of Contents

3 ...................................... History 5 ..................... Member Covenant 6 ................... Mission Statement 7 ......................................Worship 9 ................ Christian Education10 ........ Ministries and Outreach14 ................................ Our Flock15 ........................ Our Sheepfold16 ........................ Rector Profile18 ..................... Financial Profile20 ................................... Appendix


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First Sunday in our New Sanctuary July 11, 2010

Christchurch is a founding member of the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) located in the capital city of Montgomery, Alabama. We are a parish of approximately 650 members, committed to upholding “the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints.” We embody a passion for sharing the Good News of Christ as Savior and Lord. Through the power of the Holy Spirit we are privileged to be His witnesses wherever we are.


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Our Beginning, as stated in our Charter: “Oh God, You have called us to follow You. Give us the Mind of Christ to discern our next step, the power of the Spirit to take it, and the faith to leave our destination in Your hands.”

Christchurch was founded in April of 2005 when our Rector, Fr. John-Michael van Dyke+ resigned his position in his former parish, accompanied by his Assistant, Fr. Rusty DeMoss+, various staff and Vestry members and 401 parishioners, answering the call of God, to begin a new church anchored in Biblical principles and orthodox theology. Initially, we were brought under the apostolic oversight of the Anglican Province of Uganda and The Archbishop of Uganda, the Most Reverend Henry Luke Orombi. We remained under the jurisdiction of the Anglican province of Uganda until the ACNA’s founding in June 2009. At that point, Christchurch became a member of the Diocese of the Holy Spirit, but transferred to the Gulf Atlantic Diocese as ACNA churches were organized into more geographically contiguous dioceses.

Our first service was held in the afternoon of April 17, 2005 in the sanctuary of Trinity Presbyterian Church (PCA). After three weeks, we moved to a multi-purpose room at a local private school. It became evident to all during those first months that the church is not a building; rather, it is the people gathered in Jesus’ name. During this time, a choir was formed, memorials and gifts were given by members of the congregation, the St. Clare’s Needlepoint Guild was formed, a Daughters of the King chapter was started, a church-wide study of Rick Warren’s The Purpose Driven Church was undertaken, and Covenant Groups (small groups) were formed.


Ground BreakingMay 11, 2008

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In late 2005, we leased the former Dexter Avenue United Methodist Church building in downtown Montgomery. Over the next four years, we initiated additional activities, including a Wednesday evening prayer and praise service, small home Bible studies, and went on mission trips to Uganda and other locations. We added a youth minister and instituted the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd to educate children on the classical traditions and liturgy of the church. Chi Rho Kids, a pre-k program for underprivileged community children, was also established. A Women’s Enrichment Ministry for the ladies in our church was started along with a Working Women’s Bible Study Luncheon geared for the professional women in our downtown setting.

While still at Dexter Avenue, a capital campaign was initiated to fund construction of a new Anglican church building to be constructed on a 15-acre site in a fast growing section of east Montgomery. A dedication ceremony for the new property was held on May 11, 2008 with Archbishop Orombi officiating. Construction began in early 2009 and was completed in June 2010. On September 12, 2010, the sanctuary was consecrated by Archbishop Robert Duncan, primate of the ACNA, Archbishop Orombi, and Bishop John Guernsey.

Dedication SundaySeptember 12, 2010


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All adult members are given the opportunity to sign the personal Christchurch Covenant statement as part of their faith-commitment:

Member Covenant

“I believe the Old and New Testaments to contain all things

necessary for salvation and I hereby commit before God and His

people at Christchurch: to love the Lord with all my heart and soul

and mind; to seek God’s purpose for my life and

my gifts; to witness to Jesus Christ as my Savior and the Savior

for all others; to discipline my life under His Lordship; to be a faithful worshiper,

worker and participant; to serve in a ministry

for the spread of Christ’s kingdom; to be a regular, committed giver and partner in prayer.

In the power of the Holy Spirit, I pledge my life and my membership,

so help me God.”


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Jesus said, I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6

Mission Statement

• The Way - The Great Commission: We will embody a passion for the salvation of souls, to bring every unbeliever in each generation to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, making disciples who make disciples of all nations.

• The Truth - The Good News: We will uphold the uniqueness of Christ crucified and risen, the historic faith delivered “once for all to the saints,” and the authority of Holy Scripture, the rule and ultimate standard of the faith.

• The Life - The Power of the Spirit: We will purpose our life and movement in prayer and dependence upon the Holy Spirit, seeking the mind of Christ, to be His witnesses to the ends of the earth, in effect, “To turn to Christ and take Him to others.”

“ I truly get the feeling when I walk through these doors that the Holy Spirit is here. When I leave and go back out those doors, I have been fed spiritually and I have been challenged - basically to go out past the walls of this church to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ. That’s important to me!” ~ Eric Leisy

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Many are drawn by the inspiration, beauty and reverence of worship. We use the Book of Common Prayer, most frequently Rite II for the Sunday liturgy of the Eucharist.

Under the direction of Margaret Cauthen, our 23 member Chancel Choir sings traditional hymns during the processional, recessional and at other points during the service. Although our worship style tends to the more formal, we have a praise team that provides a more contemporary worship experience during communion. A 2012 parish survey revealed this to be an appealing music mix for our congregation.

Sunday Worship

“The Lord is in His holy temple. Let all the earth keep silence before Him” Habakkuk 2:20

In addition to a grand piano, the Chancel Choir is often accompanied by flute, trumpet or other stringed instruments. Seasonal services are held during the course of the liturgical year, such as Evensong and an annual Candlelight Harpsichord Concert. On some special occasions we invite guest musicians from the Montgomery Symphony to join us, and an ensemble of adult Christchurch musicians was recently formed to play at a local nursing home and community center.

The children’s Celebration Choir, made up of kindergarten through 4th grade, also performs periodically, most often during the offertory and at community events.

Our music ministry extends beyond the walls of the sanctuary. Members of our praise team led worship for our mission church,

“Praise the Lord! Praise God in his sanctuary. Praise him with trumpet sound; praise him with lute and harp! Praise him with timbrel and dance; praise him with strings and pipe! Let everything that breathes praise the Lord!

Psalms 150: 1-6

Candlelight ConcertNovember 30, 2011


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“I love the contemporary music played dur-ing Holy Communion. When my family goes down to partake, I’d be lying to you if I didn’t tell you I’m weak at my knees on occasion. I’m just really touched by that period of our worship.” ~ Bryan Craven

the Church of the Good Shepherd in Auburn, during its early services and often serve during Paseo renewal weekends as well as various outreach events around the Montgomery area.

Our 470 seat sanctuary has allowed us thus far to accommodate growth without the need to add a second Sunday morning service. The sanctuary was constructed to accommodate a large pipe organ, which remains a long-range goal. To date, approximately $35,704 has been raised and set aside in a special account for this purpose.


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(K-3rd) & Junior worship (4th-6th)

“Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it” Proverbs 22:6

Children follow a cross-bearing acolyte behind the processional to their own areas for age appropriate Bible teaching and worship. For younger children, this includes a gospel presentation by our award winning puppet team. The children return to the sanctuary to share communion with their families.

“What feeds me as a Christian would have to be worship. I abso-lutely love worship, it makes me feel so free and alive, it just makes me want to keep going further after God.”

~ James Chambers 8th grader

Children’s Church

Christian Education

“And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. I will be found by you says the Lord” Jeremiah 29:13

Adult Sunday School - On Sunday mornings we offer a variety of adult classes. A large forum-style Sunday School class is held in Canterbury Hall. Several smaller special-interest studies, including a systematic Bible study and topical programs for men, women and young adults are offered for members seeking a more interactive or intimate study.

Children’s Sunday School - The two and three year olds remain in the nursery, but are taught about Jesus as the Good Shepherd using the curriculum “Jesus Loves Me.” The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is offered in two levels, one for ages 3½ through kindergarten, and one for 1st through 3rd grades. It is based on the teaching methods of Maria Montessori in which the classroom, called the atrium, is a place of worship while children grow in the knowledge of God’s love and are prepared for involvement in the larger worshipping community.

Youth Sunday School - Teenagers gather in the Youth Cafe for a coffee-house style study which encourages them to interact, ask questions and explore their relationship with Christ. A variety of Bible study curriculum relevant to the challenges they face is used.


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“And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.” Acts 2:42

An adult class is offered, adult choir, children’s choir and the puppet team have practice while the younger children are involved in “Wild and Wacky Wednesdays,” where an Old or New Testament movie is shown with popcorn, followed by games, crafts, or puzzles. A home cooked, family style dinner is served at 6:30.

Wednesday Night

Adult Ministries

“For the equipping of the saints” Ephesians 4:12

Men’s Ministry - “As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend” Proverbs 27:17

Our current Rector, Fr. John-Michael van Dyke, leads a men’s Bible study and breakfast at a local hospital, arguably the longest continuing study open to men in the city, having been started over 40 years ago. A wide variety of topics have been offered over the years, from studies of Biblical books to relevant Christian lessons in the lives of Heisman Trophy winners.

Women’s Ministry - “Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away. For your voice is sweet and your face is lovely” Song of Solomon 2:13-14

Weekly Bible studies for women in our church and community are offered on Monday evenings and Thursday mornings. Both are designed to lead women to a deeper relationship with the Lord through worship, Bible study, prayer and fellowship. We periodically invite special guests and sponsor women’s retreats.

“Our Women’s Enrichment ministry draws people from all different churches in the city. It’s an opportunity for us to grow spiritually and to minister to those women in a way I don’t think they’ve been ministered to before.”

~ Amie Brown


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Covenant Groups - “Two are better than one… For if they fall, one will lift up his companion and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.” Ecclesiastes 4:9,10,12

Our small group program consists of Covenant Groups of 12 to 15 members, which typically meet twice a month and follow selected seasonal topics of study usually recommended by the clergy. Approximately one half of the congregation is actively involved in a covenant group.

Daughters of the Holy Cross - “…Holy Father, give thy daughters wisdom to perceive Thee…”

Established in 2009, the women of this order meet once a month for prayer, study, service and evangelism.

St. Clare Needlepoint Guild - “Let us kneel before the Lord our maker” Psalm 95:6

Since its formation in 2006, the members of the St. Clare Guild have stitched 275 needlepoint kneelers for the sanctuary, with many more underway.


“And breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart.” Acts 2:46

Holy Chow - All members are invited to attend monthly covered dish suppers hosted at parishioners’ homes. Special efforts are made to include newcomers.

Fisherfolk - Those 50 and older are invited to attend monthly get-togethers centered around fellowship and entertainment. Outings include going to restaurants, attending open-air concerts of the Montgomery Symphony and baseball games of the city’s minor league franchise.

Young Adults Ministry - Inspired by all the fun the Fisherfolk were having, this ministry organizes dinners and other social gatherings throughout the year for adults under 50.


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“It’s not just the children in our Chi Rho Kids program that are being touched, it’s their brothers and sisters, it’s their parents and grandparents - they are all being brought to Christ through our Pre-k program.”

~ George Mardre

Local Outreach12.

“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven” Matthew 5:15

Chi Rho Kids -Christchurch sponsors Chi Rho Kids, a Christian pre-k program on our church campus for underprivileged children that focuses on academic, spiritual, and emotional growth. As part of the program, parents are required to attend a monthly workshop to reinforce good parenting skills and encourage spiritual growth.

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Paseo - We are a founding member church of the Paseo (Spanish for “the walk”) movement, similar to the Roman Catholic and Episcopal Cursillo program. The Paseo weekend is a three-day spiritual renewal retreat offered twice per year. Many of our members have participated in the Paseo (or predecessor Cursillo) program, and regularly serve as lay rectors and support staff for Paseo weekends.

Church of the Good Shepherd - We supply Priests, music leaders and administrative support for our mission church, Church of the Good Shepherd, located about 45 miles away in Auburn, Alabama.

Community Outreach - We support an inner city ministry, Common Ground of Montgomery, by providing volunteers and financial support to enable families to purchase school uniforms, Thanksgiving food, children’s Christmas gifts and basic necessities. Our GiG outreach ministry provides meals, construction volunteers and worship opportunities to the homeless and poor through the independent ministries of House to House and Reality and Truth.

Pastoral Care - Our pastoral care program includes TLC (The Love of Christ) ministry, the Angel Food ministry for assistance to the homebound or ill, the Healing Prayer Ministry offered by appointment and every Sunday during communion, and delivering Holy Communion to the home bound by our lay Eucharistic ministers.

International Outreach

“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” Mark 16:15

Uganda, Africa - Our vision is to strengthen five communities in the eastern region of Uganda. Working directly with the diocesan Bishop in Uganda, we have committed to support over 150 orphans yearly, raised funds to drill 5 wells and repair 14 damaged ones, support seminarians each year, and we have sent several mission teams abroad, including a dental team.

Uganda MissionJune 2005


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Our Flock

“And we are the people of His pasture, and the sheep of His hand” Psalm 95:7

As of May 2014, our congregation consisted of 650 adults and youth, an increase of 143 members since 2012. Approximately two-thirds of our adult members identify themselves as former Episcopalians. However, the percentage of former Episcopalians diminishes sharply with the younger age groups, and constitutes less than half of the members under 50.

Among adult members, approximately 90% are married, and 88% possess an undergraduate degree or higher, with about 50% of those having an advanced degree. On the whole, the membership of the church tends to be well-educated and well-informed, and mostly active in church activities.


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Our Sheepfold15.

“Jesus said to them, I am the door of the sheep…If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.” John 10:7,9

The first phase of the Christchurch campus, completed in 2010, consists of three connected structures on 15 acres at 8800 Vaughn Road, a busy east-west thoroughfare in a growing residential and commercial section of east Montgomery.

The central structure is the church sanctuary, which is of a traditional design with steeply-pitched roof lines, Romanesque and Gothic features, and a mortar-washed brick finish. The sanctuary is in the cruciform shape, with nave, transepts, and raised chancel. To the east of the sanctuary is the education, youth, nursery, and kitchen/dining facilities wing, with the most prominent part being Canterbury Hall, a large meeting and multi-purpose room. There are multiple education rooms of varying sizes, a youth area with separate kitchen and A/V equipment, nursery, choir room, and kitchen.

A columbarium occupies the exterior south side of the central hall and can also be accessed from the garden courtyard, which is located in an enclave between the sanctuary and Canterbury Hall.

The church offices are housed in what was formerly a house that has been remodeled for office use. This structure is on the west side of the sanctuary and connected by a short covered walk. The church also utilizes two “cottages” (portable units) that are used for overflow education space and storage space just south of the office wing. A children’s playground was completed in 2013. A long-term campus plan provides for the construction of a new church wing to replace the house and portables.

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“Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord” Psalm 118:26

We are searching for the one who has been uniquely gifted, prepared and anointed to lead us in fulfilling our destiny in Christ. We envision him to be an experienced, multi-disciplinary priest who exhibits both spiritual and organizational leadership qualities. As successor to our founding Rector, he will need to recognize and value our history, while leading us in God’s plan for the future of Christchurch.

Our strengths include a sizable, well-educated, and mostly active congregation, a history of strong preaching and teaching, a well-developed children’s ministry, a varied music program with stable leadership, a committed and knowledgeable clergy and support staff, and an exceptional church facility in a growing area.

As with any church, we face challenges. These include the need to attract and assimilate new members while preserving our traditions and character, stimulate spiritual growth, promote annual budgets that are fiscally sound and provide for a balanced array of ministries, reduce and eliminate, over time, the building construction debt, and formulate a vision for the church’s future.

We envision that our new Rector will possess the following leadership and style attributes:

• An inspiring and stimulating preaching style.

• A strong personal faith, and the ability to lead by example.

• A clear and effective communicator, committed to transparency where appropriate, with strong interpersonal and listening skills.

• An approachable, sincere, and welcoming personality.

• An ability to show flexibility and give consideration to other opinions, but able to make necessary decisions and communicate those decisions accurately, timely and clearly.

• An ability to accept responsibility in management, and to hold himself and others accountable for assigned duties.

• An appropriate balance in personal and spiritual life.

• An appropriate regard for transparency with the parish, vestry and staff.

• A commitment to both corporate and personal fiscal responsibility.

• An ability to work with and lead a congregation varied by age, background, personality, and level of spiritual knowledge and maturity.

Rector Profile16.

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The experiential background of the new Rector would include:

• Perspective and characteristics to relate well to all demographic groups in the parish.

• Prior experience in a leadership or senior role in a similar size church.

•An ability to deliver clear, focused, biblically-based sermons in a style suitable for most listeners.

• A history of incorporating new members into the life of the parish.

• Familiarity with renewal ministries, e.g., Cursillo/Paseo.

• A knowledge and support of the Anglican Church in North America.

• Experience in encouraging Christian stewardship.

• Experience in the oversight of parish ministries such as children/teens, adult Christian education, small groups, etc.

Our new Rector will be responsible for articulating

the Gospel in the framework of a theologically

orthodox Christian perspective. He should be a priest

in the Anglican Holy Orders, from an ACNA diocese,

or willing to request transfer to the ACNA and the

Gulf Atlantic Diocese, preferably a graduate of a

recognized Anglican or similar seminary or divinity

school and exhibit A working knowledge of Anglican

canons and traditions. He will be responsible for

planning and conducting our worship services,

engaging in pastoral counseling as required and

overseeing a caring ministry that serves the church

and community, performing baptisms, weddings, and

funerals, serving as chairman of the vestry and

church meetings where appropriate, representing

the parish in the diocese, ACNA, and ecumenical

relationships, and serving as chief executive officer

of the parish, clergy, and support staff.


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Christchurch had completed eight full years in existence by the end of 2013. Looking back, we were blessed to start with a significant membership and financial base. During the eight years of operation, we have undertaken ambitious financial projects, the largest and most obvious being the construction of the new church facility, which was completed in 2010, midway through our fifth year.

Our membership and revenue have been somewhat volatile, based on the dynamic nature of the church’s membership, the economic challenges during that period, and the facility construction and related financial obligations. However, despite peaks and valleys, membership and revenue showed growth from 2006 to 2013.

The following is a summary of the main financial components and their trends, where applicable:

• Membership began at 448 in 2006, declined over the following three years to 358 in 2009, then rose steadily from 2010-2013, ending with 525 in 2013.

• The number of pledging units has ranged from a low of 129 in 2009 to a high of 189 in 2012. There were 181 pledging units in 2013.

• Total revenue for 2006 was $1,340,239, declined to $1,133,424 in 2009, then resumed a mostly upward trajectory to $1,448,559 in 2013.

• Pledge offerings were $1,062,930 in 2006 (79% of total revenue), increased for 2007 and 2008, declined in 2009, then resumed a mostly upward trajectory to $1,286,838 in 2013 (89% of total revenue). Pledge offerings increased significantly from 2009 to 2010 and from 2010 to 2011, concurrent with construction and occupancy of the new church facility.

• Unpledged offerings were quite large in the first four years, then declined gradually, roughly concurrent with the increases in pledge offerings from 2010-2013.

• During the eight years of operation, the church has experienced four years of operating deficits, ranging from ($3,440) in 2008 to ($45,049) in 2009. The church also had operating deficits in 2011 and 2012, of ($40,023) and ($37,862) respectively, due primarily to the construction debt service.

Financial Profile18.

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• The church has also experienced four years of operating surpluses, with the largest, projected at $160,000 (net of the prior year’s deficit), occurring in 2013, as the construction debt service began to be absorbed by higher membership numbers and revenue.

• In 2013, the average annual pledge of the 181 pledging units was $7,521.

• The 2014 budget anticipates total revenue of $1,410,043, consisting of pledged offerings of $1,339,143 and unpledged offerings and other revenue of $60,900, against expenses of $1,390,590, with 183 or more pledging units.

Our primary financial challenge is managing the construction debt service, and ultimately retiring the principal amount of the debt. As of the end of 2013, the construction debt stood at $4,136,987. The original principal balance of the debt was $4,219,479. The construction debt was refinanced in 2013 on favorable terms, and the current monthly debt service payment is $22,580.


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i ................ Our Clergy and Staffiv ................................ Our Vestryv ......................... Our Community

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Rector (retiring 2015) – The Rev. John-Michael van Dyke.

John-Michael is Christchurch’s founding Rector. He holds graduate degrees from Yale University and Berkeley Divinity School at Yale. Prior to Christchurch, he was Rector at the Episcopal Church of the Ascension in Montgomery from 1990-2005, and previously served parishes in West Haven, Connecticut, Hilton Head, South Carolina and Delaplane, Virginia. Fr. van Dyke was also the campus chaplain at Ole Miss in Oxford, Mississippi. He presided as Dean of the Western Deanery in the Gulf Atlantic Diocese (ACNA) from 2011 to 2013. He and his wife, Leslie Young van Dyke, have

two daughters and two grandchildren.

Associate Rector – The Rev. Robert L. “Rusty” DeMoss, II.

Rusty has been Associate Rector since April 2005. He has a BS degree from Southern Methodist University, a JD degree from Harvard University, and a Master of Divinity degree from Nashotah House. Prior to his service at Christchurch, Fr. DeMoss was Associate Rector at the Episcopal Church of the Ascension in Montgomery from 1998-2005, and a clergy assistant at churches in Florida, Texas, and Massachusetts from 1984-1998. Fr. DeMoss’s responsibilities at Christchurch include worship, teaching, preaching, healing prayer, small groups, international missions, pastoral care, newcomers,

renewal, young families’ ministry, and adult Christian education. He is active in the Paseo movement, Diocese of the Gulf Atlantic (and predecessor Diocese of the Holy Spirit), and in ACNA. He is married to Alice Stone DeMoss, and they have two sons.

Our Clergy and Staff


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Assistant to the Rector & Student Minister – The Rev. Travis King.

Travis joined Christchurch as a non-ordained director of student ministry in 2006, after holding a similar position in Christ Church, Plano, Texas. He has a BS degree from DePauw University. Subsequent to joining Christchurch, Travis decided to pursue a future in the priesthood and began seminary training at Beeson Divinity School. He received his Master of Divinity degree from Beeson in 2010, was ordained as a deacon in the Anglican Province of Uganda in July 2011, and was ordained as a priest in the Diocese of the

Gulf Atlantic by Bishop Neil Lebhar in January 2013. His responsibilities at Christchurch include youth ministry, the GiG outreach, worship and preaching. Fr. King serves as the lead priest for the church plant, Church of the Good Shepherd in Auburn, Alabama, where he provides pastoral care, leads Bible study, conducts worship and preaches twice a month. He is married to Kelly Talbot King.

Program Staff

Director of Music Ministries – Mrs. Margaret Cauthen.

Margaret possesses a Bachelor of Music degree, and has 35 years experience as a church musician. She also received a Master Class recognition and tutelage from Beveredge Webster of the Juilliard Music School in New York, and in 2008 completed a summer choral workshop under Judith McClure at the Juilliard School. Mrs. Cauthen has been director of music ministries at Christchurch for the past eight years.

Director of Children’s Ministry – Mrs. Cindy McLaughlin.

Cindy joined the staff as the Children’s Ministry assistant in December 2011 and became the Director of Children’s Ministry in May of 2013. She oversees Christian education for nursery-aged children through 6th grade, teaches in the Level II Atrium, helps with puppet team and coordinates events such as Vacation Bible School, Gift of Hope, Harvest Fest, The Giving Tree, and the annual Christmas pageant.

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Administrative Staff

Executive Assistant & Financial Secretary – Ms. Marty Nanfeldt.

Marty joined our staff in May of 2010, having previously served in a similar capacity at the Church of the Ascension. Her responsibilities include all church related financial matters, activity scheduling, church mailings, supervision of custodial staff and other duties assigned by the Rector.

Parish Secretary and Publicist – Mrs. Ginger Richardson.

Ginger is the parish secretary for Christchurch as well as the parish publicist and fills in wherever she is needed. She previously served as a receptionist at the Church of the Ascension in Montgomery.

Facilities Staff

Greg McDonald- Parish Sexton

Edna Hood- Parish Housekeeper

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IV.Our Vestry

Our vestry consists of 12 members selected by lot from among qualified nominees to serve a term of three years. Four vestry members are selected in January of each year, so there are three classes of members in any given year. The vestry is led each year by a Senior Warden and a Junior Warden, who progresses to senior warden the following year. The current vestry consists of the following:

Class of 2014 Bob HillAlice Rainer Craig VinsonJerry Weisenfeld (Senior Warden)

Class of 2015Jane Albritton Sheila Edmondson Eric LeisyEloise Wilkerson

Class of 2016Cheney Haugabook (Junior Warden)Kristy HawkinsHope MardreTrey Starke

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Montgomery, Alabama, a city of approximately 375,000 people, lays claim to a rich history. The state capital since 1846, Montgomery served briefly as the capital of the Confederacy during the Civil War, and played a major role in the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960’s. The State Archives Building houses many historic

treasures, and the city has preserved such historic buildings as Jefferson Davis’ Little White House of the Confederacy and Martin Luther King’s former church, Dexter Avenue Baptist. Downtown Montgomery is more than only government and history, however. It’s about revitalization. Over the last ten years, the construction of an entertainment district has brought new life and invited Montgomery’s citizens to play. Attractions include scores of upscale restaurants and entertainment venues; a new Convention Center; and Riverwalk Stadium, the home of Montgomery’s AA baseball team, the Biscuits. Little wonder that Montgomery has just been voted Best Historic City of 2014 in a recent USA Today “Best Top Ten Contest,” winning over such cities as Boston, Philadelphia, and New Orleans.

In addition to housing many government agencies, Montgomery has a large military presence due to Maxwell Air Force Base and Gunter Air Force Base. The high-tech Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Company employs more than a thousand workers in its state-of-the-art facility south of the city. Public and private universities located here provide opportunities for continuing education. These institutions of higher learning include Alabama State University, Troy University (Montgomery campus), Auburn University at Montgomery, Faulkner University, and Huntingdon College. These agencies and institutions give Montgomery a stable economic base.

Christchurch is located in the fast-growing eastern edge of the city, with residential neighborhoods, excellent shopping, and churches. Many of our members live in this eastern section. A mile farther east of Christchurch is the fledgling residential town of Pike Road. More information about Pike Road can be found at (

Our Community

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Recreation and Arts

Attractions such as the Montgomery Zoo, the Alabama Shakespeare Festival, the Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts, the Montgomery Symphony, and other thriving community theatre and art-related programs enrich our lives.

The Wynton M. Blount Cultural Park in east Montgomery is home to the Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts. The Museum’s permanent collections include American art and sculpture, Southern art, master prints from European masters, and collections of porcelain and glass works. The Society of Arts and Crafts operates a co-op gallery for local artists. Blount Park is also home to the Alabama Shakespeare Festival’s Carolyn Blount Theatre. The Shakespeare Festival presents year-round performances of both classic plays and productions of local interest.

Another popular venue is the historic Davis Theatre for the Performing Arts, located on the campus of Troy University. Built in 1930, this 1,200 seat theatre was renovated in 1983 and houses the Montgomery Symphony Orchestra, Alabama Dance Theatre and Montgomery Ballet, as well as other theatrical productions. A newer, larger facility is the Montgomery Performing Arts Center, located in the Renaissance Hotel. With a seating capacity of 1,800, the MPAC has offered Broadway shows, nationally-recognized musicians, and actors. Finally, the Cloverdale Playhouse, now in its third season, has become a very popular, small community theater.

Montgomery’s climate, with short mild winters, warm autumns and springs, and hot humid summers, provides extra months for outdoor recreation.

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A number of Christchurch members enjoy spending time at Lake Martin, which is about 45 minutes away. The Alabama and Florida beaches along the Gulf of Mexico are about 3 hours to the south, while the mountains of North Carolina and Tennessee are about 5 hours to the northeast.

Close to the city is one of the premier golfing venues, the Robert Trent Jones Trail. Two other courses on the Trail are within an hour’s drive of Montgomery.

In the fall, college football is a big event in Alabama. With the University of Alabama 2 hours away, and Auburn University just 45 minutes away, many Saturdays in the fall are spent enjoying college football games.


The Montgomery Public School System ( is comprised of numerous standard curriculum schools, twelve magnet schools that provide advanced training in academics, arts, and other areas, as well as three schools designed to educate physically and/or mentally challenged children. It is governed by a seven-member, publicly-elected board.

There are numerous area private schools, each with its own proclaimed strengths and vision. The three largest private schools in the area, in no particular order, are Saint James School (www., The Montgomery Academy ( and Trinity Presbyterian School ( Eastwood Christian School (, which is smaller in size, offers a classical educational curriculum.

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Educational options will broaden for residents of the Town of Pike Road in August of 2015 when its new school system begins offering classes for kindergarten through the eighth grade, with a higher grade added in each of the next four years. Construction of a state of the art school campus is underway. The plans and progression of the Pike Road School System can be viewed online at (

The 2013 Christchurch Parish Survey revealed that our students attend six different private and public schools, with the largest number attending Trinity Presbyterian School.

Health Care

Montgomery has two highly ranked hospitals, Baptist Medical Center with two locations (including one approximately 10 minutes from the church) and Jackson Hospital, along with numerous smaller medical facilities. Montgomery also has a Veterans Administration health care facility. Christchurch’s membership includes doctors, dentists, nurses and other health care professionals.

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8800 Vaughn Rd | Montgomery, AL 36117334.387.0566 |