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What kind of media might distribute your media product and why? Today I am going to awnser the question of what kind of media might distribute your media product and why?

Chris greig as evaluation preentation for his film (please do not delete!, thanks!).

Apr 16, 2017


Social Media

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Page 1: Chris greig as evaluation preentation for his film (please do not delete!, thanks!).

What kind of media might distribute your media product and why?

Today I am going to awnser the question of what kind of media might distribute

your media product and why?

Page 2: Chris greig as evaluation preentation for his film (please do not delete!, thanks!).

What is distribution?

One example of a company who would distribute my media product would be Metrodome. As I have said our movie is quite low budget and a gritty urban UK teen thriller which are the sort of film that an independent company such as Metrodome distribute for. This company helped with the distribution of a film called Shifty ( this was a low budget UK drama). The company helped with the distribution of it onto DVD and helped them promote the film which increased the popularity of the film because it was avalible for the public to see. This would be the sort of company which we would approach to help distribute the film straight onto DVD instead of a web release and this will make our film more know to the public and give it a better chance of generating profit.

Distribution is when a distributor will make the product someone has made avalible to the audience. This is usually done though a theatrical releace. The distributor will represent the film at festivals and try to expose the film to the public. There are a number of ways which a movie like ours is distributed it can euither be done through a small theatrical releace because it is a low budget movie however because our movie is so low budget it would more likely be released via the internet and social media. The cheapest, most effective way to release a movie is to put it onto the internet and see the response that you get. People will file share, they will find the movie and if they like it send a link to their friends or post it on their Twitter and Facebook account for others to see. Another way to share it is though email, people will email it to their friends to will then send it on. If the movie gets a good response on the internet a UK DVD release would be possible due to the popularity for the film. Like I said because of the low budget of the movie a DVD release straight away would be to expensive and would be a big risk for the distributor just encase the movie dose not sell well. The reason why the internet would be used to originally promote the movie is because the internet is just a big place where everyone goes on the number of people who are able o view the film would be massive.

Page 3: Chris greig as evaluation preentation for his film (please do not delete!, thanks!).

What audience is your film going to appeal to? Will it just be a UK audience?

The target audience for our film is people in their mid to late teens and adults on their 20s to 30s. The reasoning behind this being our target audience is because the film is a thriller in a college staring teenagers so the youth of today is going to fell connected with the film just because it stars young people in the same environment they grow up in everyday. Our movie is not support to only appeal to the UK audience, I would say our movie appeals globally to lots of people but mainly a global teenage audience. The movie which we have made touches some big issues people face on a daily basis, from bullying to laughing with your friends, our film touches on all aspects of of growing up in todays society but with a blood hungry killer on the loose. I think that lots of audience will relate to the feelings on the main character because he represents what lots of people feel nowadays. The main character represents the loneliness that lots of people feel growing up, that alongside the feeling of not fitting in and trying to fly below the radar and just get on with life.

Even though our target audience is teenagers and people in their 20s to 30s I think that some of the things which we touch on in the film would appeal to anyone. Everyone knows what is it like to grow up and feel like they are an outsider at one point or another and that is what our film expresses to our audience, this will make them connect and therefore appeal to lots of different types of people all around the world.

Page 4: Chris greig as evaluation preentation for his film (please do not delete!, thanks!).

How would you advertise your film? There are a number of marketing and release strategies that I could use to advertise my film and let people know about it. One way in which I could market my film is if I put up online advertising, I could put the trailer for my film online and to be played before a similar film trailer so people who like that film trailer and see mine might want to watch my film. Another way in which I could market my film is though social media I could post it on Facebook and Twitter sending it to people and see what feedback I receive. In addition to this is could try and put it onto a DVD release and advertise it though TV adverts but because of the size of the film it would possibility not make very good DVD sales without a third party (a distributor) helping me.

Another way in which I could release my film is straight to a TV or cable company, many films in the past have put their low budget movie straight to TV to see what the response was like and then if they get success they later put it onto DVD and in extreme cases put it into the cinema for limited time.

One occasion when this has occurred is for a movie called Sharknado, Sharknado was originally released onto the Syfi channel and after a great deal of popularity it was released onto DVD and then was given a limited theater release.

This is just one example of where a small budget film has been released onto TV and then given a cinema release months after being aired. This is usually on extreme circumstances however it could happen if the film is popular with the audience and it connects with them.

Page 5: Chris greig as evaluation preentation for his film (please do not delete!, thanks!).

What is self-distribution Distribution is something which lots of film makers face when tying to get their film out their. It is hard for them to distribute their film in the cinema or DVD due to the financial implications. There are a few ways in which a film maker can distribute their film for a low cost (or even free) and try and make a little money off of it. Without the help of a independent film company then there are a few websites which help small time film makers.

A web site called has been set up to help film makers distribute your film on their site and let you pick how much you want to charge to watch the film and you still keep your rights to your film. In addition to this is dosnt cost anything to become a member, its free. The company just takes a small portion of the profits your movie makes on their site and in exchange they wil help promote your movie online and show it on their site, aswell as that they will let you keep all the rights to your movie. This is one of the best ways someone can self-distriute their film to the public when they dont have much financial backing.

Aswell as you can also distribute your film onto sites like YouTube or have the first ten minuites of your film on YouTube with a link to the full film in the description. These are a few ways a small time fiml maker could self-distribute their film to an audience without much money.

Page 6: Chris greig as evaluation preentation for his film (please do not delete!, thanks!).