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River City Introducti 1 Using Emerging Technologies to Improve Student Achievement: The Potential of Virtual Performance Assessments Chris Dede Harvard University [email protected]

Chris Dede Harvard University Chris_Dede@harvard gse.harvard/~dedech

Feb 23, 2016




Using Emerging Technologies to Improve Student Achievement: The Potential of Virtual Performance Assessments. Chris Dede Harvard University [email protected] Flawed Assessments Undercut Student (and Teacher) Achievement. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Page 1: Chris Dede Harvard University Chris_Dede@harvard gse.harvard/~dedech/

River City Introduction1

Using Emerging Technologies to Improve Student

Achievement:The Potential of Virtual

Performance AssessmentsChris DedeHarvard University

[email protected]/~dedech/

Page 2: Chris Dede Harvard University Chris_Dede@harvard gse.harvard/~dedech/

Flawed Assessments Undercut Student (and Teacher) Achievement

“Drive-by” high stakes tests frighten many students into suboptimal performance,which cumulatively leads to disengagement,low self-efficacy, and alienation

Students are rightly wary of investingin knowledge that tacitly is not valuedbecause it is not measured or rewarded.

Teachers are forced to emphasizetest performance rather than domain mastery

Page 3: Chris Dede Harvard University Chris_Dede@harvard gse.harvard/~dedech/

Current Summative Tests Undercut Achievement and Motivation

Paper-and-pencil item-based tests are inexpensive, reliable, and practical – but not valid for higher order thinking skills, such as scientific inquiry, or 21st century skills, such as mediated collaboration.

Physical performance assessments are more valid for sophisticated skills, but unreliable, impractical, expensive, and limited in typesand number of tasks possible

Page 4: Chris Dede Harvard University Chris_Dede@harvard gse.harvard/~dedech/
Page 5: Chris Dede Harvard University Chris_Dede@harvard gse.harvard/~dedech/

The Assessment Triangle

Cognition model of how

students represent knowledge & develop competence in the domain

Observations tasks or situations

that allow one to observe students’ performance

Interpretation methods for making

sense of the data




Reasoning from Evidence

Page 6: Chris Dede Harvard University Chris_Dede@harvard gse.harvard/~dedech/

Mediated Performancesare an Untapped Resource

Cognition is distributed across human minds, tools/media, groups of people, and space/ time; dispersed physically, socially, and symbolically

Event-logs of performances and communications provide insights

Distributed learning: collaborative, mediated, scaffolded, and data-generating

Page 7: Chris Dede Harvard University Chris_Dede@harvard gse.harvard/~dedech/

Types of Rich Datastreams

Multi-User Virtual Environments:Immersion in virtual contexts withdigital artifacts and avatar-based identities

Wikis and other forms of Web 2.0 media

Asynchronous Discussions Intelligent Tutoring Systems Games Augmented Realities

Page 8: Chris Dede Harvard University Chris_Dede@harvard gse.harvard/~dedech/

What is a MUVE?

An “Alice in Wonderland” experience where users enter a virtual space that has been configured for learning

Learners represent themselves through graphical avatars to communicate with others’ avatars and computer-based agents, as well as to interact with digital artifacts and virtual contexts

Page 9: Chris Dede Harvard University Chris_Dede@harvard gse.harvard/~dedech/

River City

Figure 1: Lab Equipment inside the University

Figure 2: River Water Sampling

Page 10: Chris Dede Harvard University Chris_Dede@harvard gse.harvard/~dedech/

Evidence of Student Work

Assessment data: Pre-post content Pre-post affective Embedded assessments

(formative) Performance assessment

(summative) Contextual Data:

Attendance records Demographic data School data Observations Interviews

Active Data: Team chat Notebook entries Tracking of in-world

activities: Data gathering

strategies Pathways Inquiry processes

Page 11: Chris Dede Harvard University Chris_Dede@harvard gse.harvard/~dedech/

Event Logs as Observational Data

Indicates with Timestamps Where students went With whom they communicated

and what they said What artifacts they activated What databases they viewed What data they gathered

using virtual scientific instruments What screenshots and notations they placed in

team-based virtual notebooks

unobtrusive observational data

Page 12: Chris Dede Harvard University Chris_Dede@harvard gse.harvard/~dedech/

Student’s Role in theRiver City MUVE

Travel back in time 6 times between 1878-79 Bring 21st century skills and technology

to address 19th century problems Help town understand and solve part of

the puzzle of why so many residentsare becoming ill Work as a research team Keep track of clues that hint at causes of illnesses Form and test hypotheses in a controlled

experiment Make recommendations based on experimental


Page 13: Chris Dede Harvard University Chris_Dede@harvard gse.harvard/~dedech/

Capturing Data onChange over Time

Fall, 1878 Winter, 1879 Spring, 1879 Summer, 1879

Students visit the same places and see how things changeover time. They spend an entire class period in an individual season, gathering data.

Visit 1 Visit 2 Visit 3 Visit 4

Page 14: Chris Dede Harvard University Chris_Dede@harvard gse.harvard/~dedech/

“Evidence Gathering”

An important, generic inquiry process amount (how much evidence per time

spent) range (coverage/balance among all the

types of evidence) saliency (importance of the evidence in

understanding causality in the situation) clustering (grouping of evidence based on

its causal affiliation)

Page 15: Chris Dede Harvard University Chris_Dede@harvard gse.harvard/~dedech/

“Evidence Gathering”

Foundational for other inquiry processes hypothesis formation, experimental

design,and argumentation

Related to student attributes self-efficacy, metacognition, engagement,

and content knowledge

Page 16: Chris Dede Harvard University Chris_Dede@harvard gse.harvard/~dedech/

Virtual Performance Assessments

Funded by Institute of Educational Sciences

Three year grant Design three virtual performance

assessments to assess middle grade(6th and 7th) students' science inquiry learning in a standardized testing setting

Page 17: Chris Dede Harvard University Chris_Dede@harvard gse.harvard/~dedech/

NSES Model of Inquiry Identify questions that can be answered through

scientific investigation (not independent of knowledge)

Design and conduct a scientific investigation Use appropriate tools and techniques to gather,

analyze, and interpret data Develop prescriptions, explanations, predictions, and

models using evidence Think critically and logically to make the

relationships between evidence and explanations Recognize and analyze alternative explanations and

predictions Communicate scientific procedures and explanations Use mathematics in all aspects of scientific inquiry

Page 18: Chris Dede Harvard University Chris_Dede@harvard gse.harvard/~dedech/

Authentic Environments

A Challenge on which Every Student has Roughly Equal Familiarity

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Assessment Platform 3-D Immersive Environment for Science Experimentation

Based on Authentic Setting

Highly Secure, Cross Platform Application Builtin the Unity Framework

Realistic Complex Causal Model For Science Experimentation

Page 20: Chris Dede Harvard University Chris_Dede@harvard gse.harvard/~dedech/

Back End Architecture Real-Time Analysis of Student Paths

All Interactions are Logged for Future Research

Ensure Data Integrity by Encrypting Data Along the Way

Complex Student Work Product is Recorded as XML, which can be tokenized

Page 21: Chris Dede Harvard University Chris_Dede@harvard gse.harvard/~dedech/


Formative, diagnostic assessment provides more leverage for improvement than summative measures

Formative, diagnostic assessment is richerand more accurate than summative measures

Potentially, formative, diagnostic assessment could substitute for summative measures.

Page 22: Chris Dede Harvard University Chris_Dede@harvard gse.harvard/~dedech/

Module 1: Pond EcosystemModeled after Black’s Nook Pond in

Cambridge, MA

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“Submarine” Tool

Page 24: Chris Dede Harvard University Chris_Dede@harvard gse.harvard/~dedech/

Instruction and Assessment based on Learning Trajectories

Table 1: Forces as Interactions facet cluster (Krauss & Minstrell, 2002)

00 All forces are the result of interactions between two objects. Each object in the pair interacts with the other object in the pair. Each influences the other.

01 All interactions involve equal magnitude and oppositely directed action and reaction forces that are on the two separate interacting bodies.

40 Equal force pairs are identified as action and reaction but are on the same object. For the example of a book at rest on a table, the gravitational force on the book and the force by the table on the book are identified as an action-reaction pair.

50 Effects (such as damage or resulting motion) dictate relative magnitudes of forces during interaction.

51 At rest, therefore interaction forces balance. 52 "Moves", therefore interacting forces unbalanced. 53 Objects accelerate, therefore interacting forces unbalanced.

60 Force pairs are not identified as having equal magnitude because the objects are somehow different.

61 The “stronger” object exerts a greater force. 62 The moving object or the one moving faster exerts a greater force. 63 More active/energetic exerts more force. 64 Bigger/heavier exerts more force.

90 Inanimate objects cannot exert a force.

Page 25: Chris Dede Harvard University Chris_Dede@harvard gse.harvard/~dedech/

Types of Rich Datastreams

Multi-User Virtual Environments:Immersion in virtual contexts withdigital artifacts and avatar-based identities

Wikis and other forms of Web 2.0 media

Asynchronous Discussions Intelligent Tutoring Systems Games Augmented Realities

Page 26: Chris Dede Harvard University Chris_Dede@harvard gse.harvard/~dedech/

Related Initiatives Cisco-Intel-Microsoft global initiative on

assessing 21st century skills Advances in European measures, such as

PISA Evolution of US tests, such as NAEP Numerous other scholars working on

games and simulations for learning and assessmentA Breakthrough in the Next Few Years-

But Don’t Wait!

Page 27: Chris Dede Harvard University Chris_Dede@harvard gse.harvard/~dedech/

“Disruptive” Assessment

Rewarding Achievement Useful in Real World

Students see academic learning as relevant

Quality is measured in sophisticated ways along multiple dimensions

Rote teaching and learning are exposedas tragically inadequate

Learning and formative assessment arerichly interwoven in engaging ways

Page 28: Chris Dede Harvard University Chris_Dede@harvard gse.harvard/~dedech/
Page 29: Chris Dede Harvard University Chris_Dede@harvard gse.harvard/~dedech/

Call for New Measuresof Inquiry

Paper-and-pencil tests, such as the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), Third International Math and Science Study (TIMSS), and New Standards Science Reference Exams (NSSRE), don’t measuring inquiry well and aren’t aligned with the NSES standards

NAEP published their framework for establishing a new science assessment in 2009 that calls for multiple modes of assessment, including interactive computer assessments

Page 30: Chris Dede Harvard University Chris_Dede@harvard gse.harvard/~dedech/

“Immersive” Interfaces for Learning

Virtual RealityFull sensory immersion via head-mounted displays or CAVES

Multi-User Virtual EnvironmentsImmersion in virtual contexts withdigital artifacts and avatar-based identities

Ubiquitous ComputingWearable wireless devices coupled tosmart objects for “augmented reality”

Page 31: Chris Dede Harvard University Chris_Dede@harvard gse.harvard/~dedech/

Affordances ofImmersive Interfaces

The types of behaviorsimmersive interfaces can enable Complex situations with tacit clues Simulated scientific instruments Virtual experimentation Simulated collaboration in a team Adaptive responses to student choices

Documented in Event-logs and Chat-logs

Page 32: Chris Dede Harvard University Chris_Dede@harvard gse.harvard/~dedech/

Traditional Evaluation of Quality

Inferential methods:On average, students in the River City treatment

scored .2 points higher on the post self-efficacy in general science inquiry section of the affective measure (t=2.22, p<.05).

On average, students in this sample who saw higher gains in self efficacy in general science inquiry scored higher on the post test. These gains were higher for students in the River City project (n=358).

Yet these results tell us nothing about patterns, behaviors,and processes that lead to inquiry. We are also limitedby # of variables we can build into our inferential models.

Page 33: Chris Dede Harvard University Chris_Dede@harvard gse.harvard/~dedech/

Goals of IES VPA Project

Proof of Concept for Immersive Virtual Performance Assessments (IVPAs) thatMeasure Sophisticated Intellectual/Social Skills Establish higher validity than physical

performance assessments (PPAs) No challenges of physical materials Virtual worlds enable performances impossible in

classrooms Establish higher reliability and usability than

PPAs,as well as lower cost

Detailed tracking of participant behaviors Respectable psychometrics compared to

paper-and-pencil item-based tests Establish that student engagement leads

to every participant working hard to succeed The importance of shifts in identity

Page 34: Chris Dede Harvard University Chris_Dede@harvard gse.harvard/~dedech/

Research Questions Can we construct a virtual

assessment that measures scientific inquiry, as defined by the National Science Education Standards (NSES)?

What is the evidence that our assessments are designedto test NSES inquiry abilities?

Are these assessments reliable?

Page 35: Chris Dede Harvard University Chris_Dede@harvard gse.harvard/~dedech/

Research Methods

Alignment studies Cognitive analysis studies

(think-alouds with students) Generalizability study across

three instances of the same assessment

Page 36: Chris Dede Harvard University Chris_Dede@harvard gse.harvard/~dedech/

Assessment Framework

Evidence Centered Design I. Domain Analysis II. Domain Modeling III. Conceptual Assessment

Framework IV. Assessment Implementation V. Assessment Delivery VI. Refinement

Page 37: Chris Dede Harvard University Chris_Dede@harvard gse.harvard/~dedech/

Design Process is Not Linear

Domain Analysis

Domain Modeling

Conceptual AssessmentFramework

Assessment Implementatio


Page 38: Chris Dede Harvard University Chris_Dede@harvard gse.harvard/~dedech/

Domain AnalysisWe analyzed different models for

science inquiry: NSES Standards (National Research Council,

1996) Inquiry Cycle (White & Frederiksen, 1998) Novice-expert models

(Chi, Feltovich, & Glaser, 1981) Scientific Discovery as Dual Search (SDDS)

(Klahr, 2000) Epistemological & Strategic (Kuhn & Pease,

2008) NAEP Framework (NAEP, 2008)

Page 39: Chris Dede Harvard University Chris_Dede@harvard gse.harvard/~dedech/

Inquiry Models

“The whole of science is nothing more than a refinement of everyday thinking.”

-- Einstein, 1936 (quoted in Klahr, 2000)Inquiry is the way we think. Some people do it better.

Experts are doing something cognitively different in their head.

Page 40: Chris Dede Harvard University Chris_Dede@harvard gse.harvard/~dedech/

Enhanced Assessment Platform

Use Performance Palettes to Collect Student Work

Minimize the Prediction of Language Art Skillsvia use of Audio Instruction and Visual Cues

Enable Realistic Use of Tools Anywhere in the World

Page 41: Chris Dede Harvard University Chris_Dede@harvard gse.harvard/~dedech/

Map of the Context

Can vary the casualmodel, so the assessment can differ from one studentor class to another –as long as each model has an equivalent amount of evidence collectable withequivalent time and effort

Page 42: Chris Dede Harvard University Chris_Dede@harvard gse.harvard/~dedech/

Back End Architecture