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Chp 2 Richard's Story

Apr 03, 2018



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  • 7/29/2019 Chp 2 Richard's Story


    Step By Wicked StepBy Anne FineChapter 2 : Richards Story

    Our Members :Muhammad Akmal Izzat

    Muhammad TarmizieZahirah AdilahNoorazila Binti YazizNurul Hidayah

  • 7/29/2019 Chp 2 Richard's Story



    Pixie and Claudia creep back into the boys room when Miss ODell and Mr.Plumley dissappear.

    Ralph takes out the diary from under his pillow.

    Pixie volunteer to read the diary to all of them since she good reader.

    Rchardsdiary entry describe his fathers death due to a fever and how he hasto be The Man Of The House.

    However, his mother, Lilith marries Reverend Coldstone life changes drasticallyfor Richard.

    Unlike Charlotte, his sister. He cannot get along with his stepfather. He thinkhis house like a tomb.

    His stepfather decides to send him to Mordanger School, a boarding school.

    Richard hates Mordanger School.

    He tries to persuade Charlotte to hate Mr. Coldstone but fails. Richard makes an important decision to leave home.

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    He takes it to the sea being a cabin boy and later rises to captain.

    He never visits his home eventhough his ship comes home twice in all that time. Richard finally return home when he receives a note from solicitars, Riddle &


    His discovers that his mother has died of heartbreak, his stepfather of fury andCharlotte of childbirth.

    He regrets leaving his family and now he has to decide whether to stay or leave.

    Richards story prompts the five children to share their personal stories oneafter the other.

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    SettingPlaces mentioned : Old Harwick Hall

    Richard lived with his family. Later, his stepfather lived there too after

    he married with Lily Harwick...

    Mordanger School

    Mr. Coldstone sent Richard to Mordanger School which is the school

    that teach how to starve, freeze, bullied and beaten...

    Various ports of call during his time at sea

  • 7/29/2019 Chp 2 Richard's Story


    Character Richard (Dickie) Clayton Harwick

    -He impulsively ran away rather than face the problems causedby his stepfather.

    Mr. Coldstone-Richards stepfather-Cold and cruel to Richard but loving and caring to Charlotte.

    -Bullied his wife of his anger towards Richard and eventually

    died. Lilith (Lily) Harwick/Coldstone

    -Richards mother-Weak woman who could not stand up for their stepfather

    -She died of a broken heart

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    Charlotte Harwick/Devere-Richards sister.

    -Accepted her stepfather easily more than her brother did.-Loved her brother and married Charles Devere because he waswealthy and promised to search for her brother.-She died of fever at childbirth.


    -A housemaid.-Soft-hearted person who felt sorry for Richard and was kind tohim.-She was afraid of ghosts and was easily frightened.

    George Digby

    -A gardener.-Friendly and kind to Richard.-Taught Richard how to whittle wooden animal.-He was hopeful that Richard would return.

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    Themes Making decision

    -Richard had a difficult time adjusting to his stepfather and so hedecided to run away. This impulsive decision caused the heartbreakof the entire family. Richard did not think carefully before makingdecision and this led to serious consequences.

    Lack of responsibility-Lily harwick was a weak woman. After the death of her husband,she relinquished to her new husband the responsibility of lookingafter her children. She also did not protect her son from his

    stepfather.-Richard promised his father that he would look after his motherand sister. However, he ran away and did not return until aftertheir deaths

  • 7/29/2019 Chp 2 Richard's Story


    Moral Values We have to think carefully before making decision.

    -Richard had to think carefully before he ran away. His actioncaused the heartbreak of the whole family

    We have to responsible towards our family.

    -Lily Harwick had to be responsible towards her children. Butafter she married with Mr. Coldstone , she relinquished theresponsibility to her new husband

    -Richard had responsible to his mother and sister after hisfather died. He promised his father that he would look after hismother and sister

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    THE ENDThank You For Lending Your


  • 7/29/2019 Chp 2 Richard's Story


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