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Chore Coordinator Training Packet

Apr 08, 2018



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  • 8/6/2019 Chore Coordinator Training Packet


  • 8/6/2019 Chore Coordinator Training Packet



  • 8/6/2019 Chore Coordinator Training Packet


    O xfo rd House.Inc,C H O R E C O O R DIN AT O REach House shall have its ow n duly-elected Chore Coord in ato r. The Chore Coordinatormust be a resident oHhe particular house and shall serv e a term not to exceed sixmon ths. A resident may not serve as; Chore. Coord in ator for two consecutive terms, butmay be elected to Chore Coordinator again six months after the completion of one term.Chore Coordinator's Duties: The Chore Coordinator w il l assign chores in order to keep the hcusecleenandorderly, Chores wit! be Clssigned to house members ins fair manner on a weeklybasis prior to each weekly busin ess meeting. T .he Chore Coordin ato r w ill report to th e. h.OU.S~at the weekly business meeting thestatus of chores completed or netaoequatelylcempletea. The Chore Coord inator IS auth orized to bring ~o any member'satten tion th eir failureto appropria tely clean up afte r th emselves. The Chore Coord inator w in be resPQnsib le f O * . ' th egensral. safety of th e house,includ ing regularly te..sting smoke-detectors, .ond..uctin safety checks, and firedrills , and discussing house sa fety issues wit the house members at the weeklybusin ess meeting.

    The Ch.ore C.o.ordinator w ill be .. .espons. ib l.9. for thegene.f. al UPkeeP. O f . theho. use .'brin g ing to th e atte n tion of th e house any maIn tenance issues and en list in g th esupport ota lt house members in completing any projects undertaken by th e houseas th e re sult of a house decis ion. ... The Chore Coordina tor win be responsible for keeping th e .ho use p ro pe rly stockedw ith house supplies th at the house provides(s,g.dean in g supplies, toilet paper,coffee, ete.). The Chore Coord inato r w il l conduct periodic cursory visual check s of a ll members'rooms in ord er to make sure th ey are keeping th eirrooms clean.

  • 8/6/2019 Chore Coordinator Training Packet



    A sa lgn W ork Oetaiia T o K ee p Common A rOBSClaan. Il..lst members a ss ig nm en ts a nd r ota te j ob a so t ha t e ve ry on e e qu al ly n ha re s W O r K to be d o(\() .}

    ACTIVITY1, liv in g R o om

    Week N o. 1NAME WeekNQ.2N A M E


    Week NO.3N A M E We 'GkNo.4NAME rWeek NO .5NAME

    2. Kitchen3 . Lau :f'ldr y Roomt .Hi.lIISlalrs 1 1--1 --I--J f I I I 1 Itt Bathroom N o, 1 -----1--....------\-\--------1-1---e , Ba th ro omN o. 2 1 , ! H l 1 - 1 H--~-""-I-''r--"---~l--' , ~1;1'0; ,~~ I I--+- I ~ -1---10 . Yard -F ro nt o f H o use

    Cho re'll should be done on a da lly .basis, B e fo re e ac h r egular house meeting: CoordInator should sco re e ach c ho re In the box n ext t o t he ass ignedmember 's name a s fo llows: vto Indicate: "'compTot1ldIn a $$llsraetory manner;" X to I nd ic at e: "n ot c omple te d I na ea { isfacto!) , menner.'If a c ho re Is not c ompla te d I nn s at is fa cto ry m an ner , th e C oo rdina to r shoul d f G p < l rt t o th $ f ull membe rs hip at th e h ous e mee ting and the group m ay d ecide toaaaet is a (il~ or penatty. A U f\{\es Ofp.90a\Uesm\1~tbe 6ppfO' led b y a 'Joteo f \ he g r oup.

    I 11.Y~rd-R e_~r~ofHouse12 .SAFETY {Work in g smoke alarm s, ~-.--. -".--!~+ ---i-i

    ext loQulahars ! Ii.e xl l doo rs:}

    CoorolnB!or"a S!gnnlu ro Data

    (Q2 00 3 O xford Hous e World S e r v i c e s , 1 01 0 WaynaAvenue. Su ite 4 00, S il ve r Spring , MD 2 091 0Telephone 1.f:lOQ>66 9-6411

  • 8/6/2019 Chore Coordinator Training Packet


    KITCHENWeekb:L WipecaoinctS.2, Clean stove top. range and inside burners, clean hood ..3. Clean oven ,4. Cleanremgetator, wipe out drawers, and bottom and ipedownshelves.5. Clean coffee po t, can opener and toaster.6 . V acuum ea rpe r and Sppte!ean w ith R eso lv e .7. Clean sinks an d f ixtUres .8. Clean window- replace light bulbs. Vacuum floor.

    DINING R OOMWeeklxI . C le an m icx :owav ean d tOa$ter oven tho rough .l'! ,2. C le an refrigerator - d e f ro s t when n eed ed .3. Dust divider and wipe 00 1 knick-knacks.4. Vae :uum and spot dean ca rpe t ,S.Wipe down telephone with Lysol (disinfect).6 , Wip e o ff t e l epnonec ap l :ne t - re p la ce l i gh t bu lbs .DaHl' - K~.a ." ea l".e2! in c lud in g f!'.kro.2Ve)!M ~er oven.

  • 8/6/2019 Chore Coordinator Training Packet


    L A IJN DR YROOr v llBATHROOM #2Weekh;

    I. \V ip e d ow n w a sh e r an d dryer. sh e lv e s ..2. C le a n saowe : r s ! sH and door w iilib.a ti -t Ioom cieene,3 . C lea n . s in .1c .. cO un r e r,c a bin e t, to il e t in s id e and ou ts id e .4. Mop fleer,5. Du s t w a il s ; w ipe tow e l ba rs ; to il e t ho ld e r , c le anw in d ow .6. Check lim filter.

    DaHy- Checksink, co unter s , toilet - keep dean.BATHROOM#/Weeklv.

    1. Clean inside toilet and base with comer,2. Clean tub and tile w ith ba th ro om c le a n se r .3. Clean s ink , c o un te rs , f ix tu re s a n d c o n ta in e rs .4. Clean mirror.5. W ip e d ow n :cab ine t sJw ip~ w a lls .6. Toilet paper holder. wipe OU!.7.Mop floors.& . Rep l a c e li g h t bu lbs if n eed ed .9. Dus t d ow n c o bw e b s.lO..Cleanw in d ow aadsill,

    D aily ~ Check sink, COU nters, toilet. ~k e ep dean.

  • 8/6/2019 Chore Coordinator Training Packet


    LIV ING ROOM\V eek ly,I. Dus t Furnitu re .2 . Sw eepJl co r /v a cuum /sn ep en try an d h ard w oo d.3. Clean tables (glass) Windex/wood-polisb ..4. Dust lamps, wipe knick-kaacks.S. Vacuum couches.6,Clea.n fireplace - dust m an .te l7. Dust picture frames, windowsill.S. Clean TV screen withWindex.9. Wipe 40v .'O cobwebs.10. Replace llghtbulbs w hen n eed .j 1. Spo t c lean carpet v 4th R e sQ lv e.Daily - Dust imoptllX n 'S, du s t and v ac uum at le a s t m iq ,.w eek.

  • 8/6/2019 Chore Coordinator Training Packet


    Outside of HauseWeekly:

    1 . Mow Grass (as n ee de d s ea so nally)2. R ake L eaves (as needed seasonallv)3 , Sw eep necks , F ro n t S to o p s, Porches, Walkw ay s a n d Dr iv ew a y s4. Use Weed Eater when necessaryS. Trim Hedges6. Make sure indoor furniture is not being used outdoors7. Outdoor lights.are in good working order.8. All debris picked up from yard.

  • 8/6/2019 Chore Coordinator Training Packet


    Hall & stairsWeekly:L Vacuum halls & stairs

    '? M ... ._. r opentry3. Dust railings & divider4~'Vlipe down door, walls, switch plates5. Vacuum ceiling &wall vents6. Remove cobwebs & replace light bulbs

    LaundryWeekly:1. Pick up bath mats) rugs}'and house towels, wash, and return2. Wipe down washer. dryer, hot water heater) including pipes & . lines

    3. Straighten &wipe off shelves4. Clean 'W ind ow , dust blinds &window sills5. Swee& mop floors, and vacuum rug6. Remove cobwebs &teplacelightbulbs

    Mid-week:Do accumulated house laundry

  • 8/6/2019 Chore Coordinator Training Packet


    W e e kly.

    i. W i! 7 l : : !D 'N S (l! v )n g ro om an d dining ro om ) c lea n w in d ow s a n d s il fs ,2 . Ho u s e Ja tt .< id rv~ kit chen tow els, ba th r ug s , to w e ls .\YeekJy .

    Garbag~ -Wednesd ay n igh t1. Em pty an tr a sh c o n ta in e r s in house .2. T ake ou t re cyc le to c u rb-s id e -pu r aw av a f t e l ' p i ckun3 . T ake fa r g e c a n s ro cUl'b-s id e - $ IU !awa.vatlt f l idm n

  • 8/6/2019 Chore Coordinator Training Packet




  • 8/6/2019 Chore Coordinator Training Packet


    VAOxfcrd HousesSaktv Ch~UrtHouse Name: Datet _

    Fe rfCJ1 Com plel;nl. /n; pecriom _' -- -- --- -- -'-'------ ....

    ~ ~.CunenIn Sood ~ order.~!n goo4 ~r. Cl~M6fdm1s~front of Hoore de.a.rof d~s. Any~ k3j)proPriatt' ~lideT/3$h'CMl a.~art andwella lned .lnsid~Howe is gen~U'l dea....oo~~ Wi lls~Qtirxf" ar .Q ,el1i~ nn s free Iofdw:~t:fut..aed~ f u e o e .ofdl.ltter. ~ andw c lt m .a in ta ll'l '1 l'd~N o wale;' l e a k s .. i n o r arotm:dbathroo.'TlS - I

    ~Qblncts.mold ernwall~or ,ejGngs.'lkin good order. rai ung s ~;

    Ate:~A~ ~ptanp1.t!!eratlOl'i'Al!nottbooks2oo ~ in goodorder.

    ,~in good.~~ngordC1",,~box'fcr d -~.. J

  • 8/6/2019 Chore Coordinator Training Packet


    O-.toTd HOUsef ;r18111tWPrevention

    These rips have. been compiled jt()fIt se veral nstJiJI'cl!S an det iited t specifically address issu,es commOlf If}(bfO rd H cuS S. FormoTi!fire st:Jjery'ftj' your lo cal fire de~trLR ec en tl y y e t anoth e r O xfo rd .Heu se w a s d am ag ed by f ire . fo rt un a te ly th is tim e n o o n e w a s in ju red , We(:3Jl'( ev er aff o rd to relax o ur vig i la n c e toward fi:rI: $afety in OUt houses .So m e of th e m o st c otn m on cau se s o fs tn ie tu re fire s a re e1ec :tr ic ity . hea tin g , an d sm oking* Oxfo rd Housesa r e e sp ec ia lly v u ln e ra b le to f~c a u se d by th e se sourees , We usu ally lWiea larger nwnbet o f peo p le liY~in aresiclent?elh an thebuild ing W l lS d~i~ed flltand a hi 'g h e t We

  • 8/6/2019 Chore Coordinator Training Packet


    " Don't5iore ~jngQtI(Opo.fth; Sloye.' Itagre:ase fire O

  • 8/6/2019 Chore Coordinator Training Packet


    enough tb a tth ey c an be use d to es ca pe a fire . Ho e ve f, m a n y OXford HOl)Sesa te o ld er h ou se s w ith~ windows notup to~entcod(!$.This is som eth ing to oonside t- w he n d ec id in g w be the r a : pa r t i cu l a r stnICtUK is s u ita ble a s an Orlord 'Hou se ;It m ay no.t be ', fo r a il w in dow s r o be uPlQ cOd t;bu t it~s essen ti a I th a t there be som e w ay Olll o f aba .sem .en to th er tfw:l on e set . o f s ta irS . Swrwe l ls a c t a s dUtMeys duri ng a ' fu 'e ,an d ca n becom e im pa ssa blewithlna few minl l teS,'lf th e fu e exit is a~e or basememwindow. make SW'C' it can be opened. qqick\yan d e as il y from th e in s id e . Kee p th e a rea fre e f rom obst ru c tio n s so ' it ca n be re ac h ed in a hUl1):.familiari:.te-newme~ w ith yourfue escape p la n . in c lu de children -an d any o th er r eg ula r o v er nig htg ue sts . S om e ho uses h o ld fire d rills . If yo u d o n ' 1. a t le a s t m ak,e sur e e -, . e ty m em be r kn ow s ho w to ge t Qu t o fth e ir ro o n ra nd a t lea st tw o w ay s o ff 'the ir fl oo r. Am lng e a p lac e out Side t o meet SQ , tfun a bea d OOtm t (W(O cc onduc t ed. Fire f i~ te ts \\'ill nee d to .know if a nyone may be tr appd in sid e th e bu ild in g .[nan OxfordHouse, the nouse,officer uSually~ponsible.for mostaspectsofsaf~ and d i sa .. t e rpi'ep~ is 1Mchore c o om ina to r:. He Qrsh.ewill be th e on e ,mo s t likelytoflQtice situations th a t m ay befi re h azim :l sl ik e lin t iaa dtyror spattered grease QI1 a s to v e .DUl 'in g c lur eks to se e that c lr o rt S' ba v ebee ndo n e . keep a n ey e out for other poten tia l rue~ as w~ILT he c l lOre c oc rt ti inato r should a ls o be:the m ember res po l1$ ible fo r 9t ea ting !h e escape pla n and fa m ilia ri zingnew m em bers w ith it. He o r she r . oou tdbe respons ible fo r testing tbe fue ext inguishers aD d smoke a la rm s .E ith er th ec no re c: oordf .na!o ro r som eone e l se spe cUiea1ly deleg a ted n eed s 'to be respoll$ible fbl' cal l in g th eM ~ent roma safe 1000000oon the eVentrifa, ti r e : .Ir. fire occurs. only try 10 put it ou~with anextinguisherifyod.'re sbsolntel)';sun r oucaD de sesafety. Iryou seeo smfllsmoke or Osmes. ar .if.: $tI10ke deteet4l' goes oft get out of tbehouseimmediately __nd e:aUthe lite depa:rtment.Onte o,tlt,d,on't re-enter tb~ buUdwg Wlti lyou know it'ssaft. Firespresds quickly and, can engUlf a house within minutes. Possessions can be rep lt.tced. lnztpeqplecan't!Sherry BW7'.ow~O:cjr;rrd J i t J V . $ e W (J rlt lC ()t ln b ilAug 29 , 20()4

  • 8/6/2019 Chore Coordinator Training Packet




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  • 8/6/2019 Chore Coordinator Training Packet


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    + 8 1 ' 1 41ddOJdl~qlliawasnojja S n o H p J O p c O

  • 8/6/2019 Chore Coordinator Training Packet


    Chore Coordinator Chore Assignments

    o Discussion of coordinator's chore assignment formo Need to customize form to houseo Establishment of chore categorieso Suggested as many chores as there are bedso Chores change on aweekly basis throughout entire houseo When operating at less than full capacity, must assign double chores fairlyo Coordinator's responsibility to check on chore completion and confront

    residents that have not completed to satisfaction so they have a chance torectify prior to chore deadline

    o If houses have a once a week system, coordinator should check board everyday to see which residents have completed their chore assignments. Checkboard based on chore system in house.

    o Important to enforce rule regarding dating or checking immediately uponcompletion so coordinator may do adequate checkup

    o Coordinator cannot approve their own choreo Oxford Houses are held to a high standard of cleanliness, so be a chore Nazi

    Supplieso Coordinator's responsibility to keep all house supplies stocked, failure to doso results in fine

    o House supply purchasing should be done out of pocket, submit receipttoward rent

    o Important to find house member to check in supplies against receipto Review house shopping list - customize to houseo Coordinator is not authorized to make non supply purchases without

    discussion and approval by house Safetyo Review safety literature in packet

    o Coordinator is in charge of house safety, e.g. smoke detectors, fireextinguisher, fire escape plans Maintenance

    a Coordinator should include any weekly report any existing maintenanceconcerns in house

    a Recommended there be a consistent contact for landlorda Discuss grievance process with landlord - importance of writing all

    correspondence, including written summaries of phone conversations, sendcertified with return receipt requested

    o Ifproblems persist over time, contact outreacha DONOTwithhold rent for maintenance concerns

    Room Checkso Coordinator should conduct cursory visual inspection of rooms, no need toenter

    ~ W~ D I l 'f..--.------