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Choosing the right yardstick What research tools to use when in the digital development process @katiprice

Choosing the right yardstick - what research tools to use when in the digital development process?

Feb 22, 2017


Data & Analytics

Kati Price
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Choosing the right yardstickWhat research tools to use when in the digital development process


I feel something of an imposter speaking at the Scottish Network on Digital Cultural Resources Evaluation Symposium #EDCR2016 Im neither an academic, nor a researcher. Nor Scottish.

But I do work with cultural content, and research is part of the daily workings of the V&As digital team. So, Ill be reflecting on a handful of projects, to explored the different yardsticks the research tools, methods and processes weve used to measure and evaluate our work, at different points within the digital development process.

What are you measuring?

When in the process?

Why - to what end? Talking to Ants, photograph, Stephen Gill, 2009-13, UK. E.643-2014 Victoria and Albert Museum

We find that what research tools you use to measure and evaluate depends on three key things:What are you measuring?When in the process?Why to what end?That last one is fundamental. And the answer should not just be because a funder or sponsor needs me to.

A traditional Waterfall project management approach can mean evaluation happens at the end of a process that might well take many months if not years to complete. Thats known as summative evaluation. It is valuable, but shouldnt replace the need for ongoing evaluation and measurement (whats known as formative evaluation).

With an Agile approach, measurement and evaluation takes place within each release cycle and often within each sprint. This has several benefits. It means you get data quickly, and are therefore able to derive insights much earlier in the process. This ongoing, formative evaluation also means you will soon know if your idea is going to fly with real people, I mean. And if not, you can kill off the idea (or at least take a pause) before it becomes a bloated unnecessary product that doesnt actually answer peoples needs and wants.

Summative evaluation might still take place several releases down the line, but each one of those releases will be based on deep and broad user research and insight. That summative evaluation is therefore more likely to reveal the product is fit for purpose, loved by users and achieving its goals. Which is what a funder wants to hear, right? Sbastien von Roth

To get funding and backing for projects, we often need to specify the digital thing were going to build, sometimes years ahead of launching it. But how do we know what were building before weve started the discovery phase of product development?

This is where launching with a minimum viable product (MVP) has a distinct advantage over the grand launch at the end of the Waterfall project. The benefit of launching early with something small an MVP is creating something thats more likely to answer peoples needs, sooner, and in a form that can be iterated and improved. Sbastien von Roth

We museum folk need to get out of the habit of specifying big complicated digital things as the end product rather than defining the problem or opportunity to tackle. And we need those who fund and support digital projects to understand that its better to specify a vehicle that gets people from A to B than a fancy car. Too often we end up promising an over-specced Rolls Royce instead of a simple skateboard.

What people say is different from what they do

Coronation of King George VI, London, photograph, Henri Cartier-Bresson 1937, UK, PH.612-1978 Victoria and Albert Museum

We all know this. And we all know that we need to involved people in the design and development process. But how do we know if and when to act on what they say?

Christian Rohrer

Christian Rohrer, VP of Design, Research and Enterprise Services at Capital One (part of the Nielsen Norman Group) devised a useful way to understand what tools to use to answer different research questions. The diagram shows a simple matrix that looks at quantitative vs qualitative data and behavioural vs attitudinal data.

BehaviouralEyetracking Remote usability Heatmaps, Clickmaps and screen recordingsClickstream analysisA/B testing (problem elements)AttitudinalConcept testing Guerilla testingDiary studiesParticipatory design Intercept survey (visitor intent)InterviewsFocus groupsEmail surveysEthnographic field studies (attitudinal and behavioural)

Some yardsticks

Rohrers matrix is a good starting point for working out what questions you want to answer, and therefore what tools can help find those answers. Tools like clickmaps and A/B testing will give you a good insight into behaviour and generate some useful quantitative data. Eye-tracking gives you other behavioural insights but also some qualitative data. Tools like concept and guerrilla testing can help generate more attitudinal, qualitative as well as quantitative data.

Whatever the tool, youll want to identify your research goal. Is it exploration (typically during the Discovery phase), evaluation & validation of particular features and their usability (during Design and Development phases), or measurement (during the Test phase)?

So here are some examples of the different types of yardsticks weve used at different stages in the product development cycle.

1. Audience analysis: The V&As Audience Behaviour Matrix [Discovery phase]

In developing the new V&A website with product innovation consultancy Made by Many, we conducted some analysis of our audience data of online behaviour (primarily from Google Analytics) and from market research with our visitors by Morris Hargreaves McIntyre.

We devised a matrix of audience behaviour that revealed some of the behaviours and motivations of our online visitors. Ive written about our audience matrix before, so I wont dwell on the detail here. But this was a useful example of the type of research that takes place in the discovery phase right at the start of digital product development.

This matrix helped focus on general visitors as the key audience behaviour to address in our website rethink and therefore to prioritise features that best serve their needs. Better still, this matrix has become a really useful tool in helping shape and create digital content, giving us a better understanding of what content people might value at different points in their interaction with the V&A online.

2. Remote usability testing: Whats on search [Design phase]

Early next year well be launching our new Whats on, with a much improved user experience, helping our visitors find out about events and buy tickets. Our key goal is to improve discoverability of our events content. Weve focussed on designing a browsing experience that helps visitors find what theyre actively looking for as well as discover events theyre not.

Whats on

Remote usability testing

The first iteration of the design focussed purely on discoverability but there was evidence to suggest that search was being used in the existing Whats on. However, it wasnt immediately clear if this was because of poor user experience (i.e. events just werent very discoverable), or whether search would still be a valuable feature in the new design. We were aware of a use case scenario where those who had already heard about an event arrive on the website with the intention of purchasing a ticket, yet arent immediately able find it. The design challenge was therefore how we could integrate a feature into an existing design that had already performed well in user testing wed previously conducted.

Is the search functionality working?

So we developed a clickable prototype with a simple search feature that appeared part way down the page so as not to interrupt the scannability of the landing page. We conducted some scripted user testing with five remote users which simulated a real scenario of having to find an event that wasnt visible on the Whats on landing page. This test aimed to determine a) if people found the search feature, b) if they did, whether they could use it and c) find the item they were looking for.

Four of the five users found the event by using the search box. While this test involved a small sample and was therefore not conclusive, it did provide some useful insights that confirmed the search box was sufficiently visible yet didnt interrupt the browsing experience. In fact, five is an optimal number that Nielsen advocate for this type of quick testing when designing new features. Its an efficient and good value method to verify if a feature is worth bothering with in the first place. Later on, well run more tests at volume.

Whats on mobile view

The feature well launch with is definitely the skateboard of search which will evolve as we glean more data on how its used and why.

3. Concept testing and guerrilla testing for the Europe audio guide [development stage]The evolution of the Europe guide deserves a dedicated post, but in the meantime

Audio Guide forEurope 1600-1815 Galleries

Concept testingGuerilla testing

Europe 1600-1815 Galleries Victoria and Albert Museum

Concept testingWe got Frankly, Green and Webb on board for some formative evaluation of the prototype multi-media guide for our new Europe 1600-1815 Galleries that opened at the end of last year. Their research involved concept testing of the guide and revealed that visitors wanted a heads up experience: they would only get out their mobile phones to discover content they genuinely valued. And that content was audio.

The temptation with this sort of digital product a mobile in-gallery experience is to chuck in lots of content that doesnt fit on the walls. In this case, videos, audio, lots of text, a map Frankly, Green and Webbs research reminded us that any mobile product needs to be baked into the broader gallery experience. It needs to be a visible part of the offer, be functional and provide value to the visitor.

Concept testing

In fact, these factors can be visualised as part of a series of hurdles that need to be overcome before a visitor decides to use that product as part of the visitor experience. Even if it gets past the first five hurdles, unless the product provides value (and, ideally, delight), the visitor wont bother.

Guerrilla testing in the furniture galleryI felt in control of the guide, not like I was being forced around the gallery as some of the others feel It is like having a tour guide with you at your own pace.

Guerilla testing The concept testing led us to drastically revise and redevelop the product into a mobile audio guide, which we then tested further. Working in a museum we have the luxury of having thousands of visitors to test with, just outside our office doors. We ran some guerrilla testing a rapid, low cost method to quickly capture user feedback.

Using this image in the gallery makes it like a treasure hunt Im using that wardrobe as a guide.Guerrilla testing in the furniture gallery

Visitors described the guide as like a treasure hunt, and enjoying the fact that it was like having a tour guide with you, going at your own pace. (This is something Alyson Webb also spoke about at EDCR2016 recounting her work on the Van Gogh Museums multi-media guide which consequently sells itself on helping visitors go at their own pace.) We were surprised by some of the visitor behaviour, observing an older couple using the guide out loud, listening to it together, and not feeling isolated in the way they did with other guides.

As couple, you can use the guide together rather than having to use individual devices and feeling isolated.Guerrilla testing in the furniture gallery

The search didnt really hold up to spelling mistakesGuerrilla testing in the furniture gallery

The show a photo of object in gallery worked well once the visitors spotted it and understood what it did.Guerrilla testing in the furniture gallery

Some people pressed the play button too early, and were frustrated by the lack of rewind.Guerrilla testing in the furniture gallery

Audio Guide

Release 1

We used these visitor insights to improve interactive features like search, and how visitors accessed and played the audio.

Monitoring & perfomanceContinual insightAgile processCulture changePhotograph, Eadweard Muybridge, 1887, PH.669-1889 Victoria and Albert Museum

Too often evaluation is an end point, rather than an essential part of the development process. That learning and insight isnt fed back into ongoing digital development. Waterfall projects have an end date. But Agile never stops. With Agile youre more likely to feed that research back into ongoing development cycles.

Agile involves people working fast in a deeply collaborative way. That doesnt always come naturally in the museum environment. It can be at odds with the organisational culture. We dont always have the processes in place to adapt to the level of ambiguity inherent in any digital project. We must actively manage, better still embrace this ambiguity and all that it unearths.

I bet weve all been involved in some digital projects that just shouldnt see the light of day. Some call this putting lipstick on a pig. We need to be braver about killing or sun-setting those projects that research reveals are not working or have outlived their purpose. We dont need to add to all that digital landfill. We need to use research to discover those pigs, not wait until summative evaluation to have our worst suspicions confirmed.

So dont wait for that moment. Use the right yardsticks and build research into your everyday work.

Thank you@katiprice

Thanks to Chris Unitt (One Further) for helping tease out some of the whys and wherefores that went into writing up these thoughts. And to Chris Pearson on my team for the brilliant visuals.