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Chiune Sugihara & Calculated Goodness

Jul 04, 2015



Alvin Reyes

Sermon series on Heroes
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Chiune Sugihara& Calculated GoodnessGoodness

Alvin L. Reyes MD

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Matthew 6: 1-4 (GWV)

"Be careful not to do your good works in public in order to attract attention. If you do, your Father in heaven will not reward you....When you give to the reward you....When you give to the poor, don't let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. Give your contributions privately. Your Father sees what you do in private. He will reward you.

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In the course of human existence, many people are tested. Only a few

soar as eagles and achieve greatness by simple acts of kindness, by simple acts of kindness,

thoughtfulness and humanity.

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This is the story of a man and his wife who, when confronted with evil,

obeyed the kindness of their hearts and conscience in defiance of the and conscience in defiance of the

orders of an indifferent government. Eric Saul

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The Way of the Warrior

Bushido, is a set of Japanese Samurai values stressing honor and loyalty to authority of both country and family.

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Warriors were to fight to the death in battle to preserve the honor of their family or overlord, and in the face of imminent failure or disgrace, suicide (seppuku).

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Bushido required warriors to exhibit a strict sense of honor and self-control at all times. They were to be benevolent yet detached towards life; caring for the earth and people without developing passions that without developing passions that could cloud their judgment.

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Chiune Sugihara born in Yaotsu, Japan (1900)

The second of six children, Chiune is born on January 1 to Yoshimizu and Yatsu Sugihara in the Gifu prefecture on Japan's main island. on Japan's main island.

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His mother hails from a long line of Samurai. And Chiune is reared in the way of Bushido.

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The Sugiharas moves to Korea (1910)

Sugihara's father, Yoshimizu, leaves Japan for business in Japanese-occupied Korea. The family follows him. him.

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Sugihara enters Waseda University (1918)

Excelling in languages, foreign cultures, and with a strong will, Chiune enters Tokyo's progressive Waseda University to study English. Waseda University to study English.

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Defying his father's wishes that he become a doctor, Sugihara works odd jobs to pay his own way.

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Sugihara begins his diplomatic training (1919)

Sugihara passes a Foreign Service exam & studies Russian at Japan's diplomatic school in Harbin, Manchuria. Manchuria. The spirit of the school is expressed in its founder's moral creed: "Do much for others, and expect little in return."

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In Harbin Gakuin University

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Sugihara at the Japanese Embassy in Harbin (1924)

Sugihara works as a clerk at the Japanese Embassy in Harbin, Manchuria. During these years he witnesses firsthand the cruelties of witnesses firsthand the cruelties of the Japanese occupation in Manchuria.

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Sugihara as deputy consul (1932)

Japan establishes an independent state in Machuria called Manchukuo, and installs a puppet regime. The Japanese-controlled government in Japanese-controlled government in Manchukuo appoints Sugihara deputy consul.

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Sugihara resigns his diplomatic post (1934)

Anguished by Japan's brutal treatment of the Chinese, Sugihara resigns.

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He says, "I resigned from my post in the Foreign Ministry because the Japanese dealt with the Chinese cruelly. They didn't consider them human. I couldn't bear that.“human. I couldn't bear that.“

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Sugihara returns to Tokyo (1935)

Sugihara returns to Tokyo and trains for reassignment to foreign service in Europe, where persecution of the Jews continues to escalate. Jews continues to escalate.

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Chiune meets Yukiko

While in Japan Sugihara marries Yukiko Kikuchi, a beautiful woman impressed by Sugihara's sophistication and his "very kind eyes." eyes."

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Yukiko Kikuchi

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They have a son, Hiroki, the following year. At some point, Yukiko and Hiroki also convert to Christianity.

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Soviet Union rebuffs Sugihara (1936)

Sugihara is assigned as a diplomat to Moscow. However, the Russians do not allow him into the country.

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Sugihara is posted to Helsinki (1937)

Sugihara, a Russian expert, is posted with his family to the Japanese Embassy in Helsinki, Finland, to help observe Russian movements in the observe Russian movements in the region.

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Nanjing Massacre (Dec 1937- Mar 1938)

Japan invades China's eastern ports, including Shanghai. Chinese civilians and POWS are brutally killed Tens of thousands of Chinese women Tens of thousands of Chinese women are raped by occupying Japanese in what becomes known as the Nanjing Massacre.

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World War II begins (1939)

Austria & Czechoslovakia falls to the Nazis. England and France declare war on Germany when Hitler invades Poland on September 1. Later Russia Poland on September 1. Later Russia attacks from the east, trapping Polish Jews. More than 15,000 flee over the border to Lithuania.

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Europe in World War 2

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Sugihara is appointed Japanese consul to Lithuania

In the fall, Sugihara opens a one-man consulate in Kaunas, with his family. His is to report on Nazi and Russian troop movements.troop movements.

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Germany tightens grip; Russia annexes Lithuania (June 1940)

The Soviet Union annexes Lithuania and orders all foreign consulates closed. The invasion of Lithuania becomes imminent.becomes imminent.Jews wishing to leave must obtain entry, transit and exit visas.

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Europe in World War 2

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Sugihara issues visas to Jewish refugees (Summer 1940)

Sugihara prepares to close his consulate in Kaunas. On July 27 he wakes to find hundreds of Jewish refugees massing at the gates. refugees massing at the gates.

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Visas for Life

Many have managed to obtain entry visas to the Caribbean island of Curaçao, but now need transit visas through Japan. through Japan. As the crowds build, Sugihara spends days agonizing over his decision, seeking authorization from his foreign ministry, to no avail.

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Finally, despite the dangers, Sugihara decides to act on his own to help the refugees; he works obsessively throughout August, writing countless visas each day. visas each day.

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Within a month he has issued at least 2,139 visas, though in many cases entire families manage to escape on a single visa.

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When we started there were about a hundred people waiting for visas. Later there were hundreds. We knew that down the road it would mean saving thousands mean saving thousands of lives. We issued the visas even though in doing so it meant that we would be risking our careers and our lives.

--Yukiko Sugihara

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By September, the Soviets insist that Sugihara close the consulate. Exhausted, he moves his family to Berlin for reassignment.

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By spring 1941, the refugees that Sugihara helped will have arrived in Japan; the Jews who do not manage to escape Lithuania are later murdered by the thousands.

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Sugihara moves throughout Nazi-occupied Europe (1941)

From Berlin, Sugihara is assigned to the consulate in Prague. He is ordered by the Japanese government to submit a report of the more than to submit a report of the more than 2,000 visas he issued in Kaunas.

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The War Nears Its End

Through the war's conclusion in 1945, Sugihara serves as Japanese consul-general in several European embassies, including Konigsberg, embassies, including Konigsberg, Germany and Bucharest, Romania.

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World War II Ends

In June, overrunning Lithuania and the Baltics, Germany launches "Operation Barbarosa,"

invading the Soviet Union with 3 million troops.On December 7, Japan attacks the U.S. at Pearl

Harbor and U.S. enters the warThe United States allies with England, Russia and 23 other countries in declaring war against

the Axis of Germany, Italy, and Japan. 1945 World War II ends

Following three more years of intense fighting, Germany surrenders to the Allies on May 7, ending the war in Europe. On August 6 and 9,

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Sugihara and family are interned

Still in Romania, Sugihara and his family are detained and imprisoned in a Soviet internment camp for over a year in austere conditions. year in austere conditions.

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The Sugiharas return to Japan(1946)

The Soviets release the Sugiharas and they set out across Siberia for home. The family is detained again for months in Vladivostok, before for months in Vladivostok, before arriving in Japan in spring 1947. They settle outside Tokyo.

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Sugihara resigns from the foreign service (1947)

Sugihara reports to the foreign ministry and is told to await reassignment. Three months later, he is asked to resign. The true reason is is asked to resign. The true reason is reprisal for the visas.Months later, his youngest son Haruki dies, only 7 years old.

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Sugihara works odd jobs in obscurity 1948

Deeply dispirited, lacking a career and in financial straits, Sugihara supports his family with menial jobs.Making use of his Russian, he works Making use of his Russian, he works with a trading company in Moscow, living there for 16 years under the alias Sempo Sugiwara, while his family remains in Japan.

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1. Should we do good because of the promised reward?

2. What is wrong with expecting returns?returns?

3. If you were the Sugihara’s would you help?

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Sugihara is "found" by a survivor (1968)

For over 25 years he never knew if his visas helped the refugees, One visa recipient, Joshua Nishri, now an Israeli diplomat, finally now an Israeli diplomat, finally succeeds in finding him. The next year, at the government's invitation, Sugihara visits Israel with his son Nobuki, but in subsequent years resists accolades repeatedly.

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Israel (Chiune at 74 years old)

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Israel honors Sugihara (1985)

Israel's Holocaust Memorial, Yad Vashem, declares Chiune Sugihara "Righteous Among Nations," and a tree is planted in his name.tree is planted in his name.Now 85, Sugihara is not well enough to travel; Yukiko and their oldest son Hiroki go to Israel to accept the award in Sugihara's behalf.

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Chiune Sugihara dies (1986)

Sugihara dies at the age of 86, having proved beyond doubt that one person can make a difference. More than

40,000 people alive today have him to 40,000 people alive today have him to thank for their very existence.

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Yukiko Sugihara, 1995

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Lessons we can learn

1. Special privileges are to be used for good and for God.2. We are not to expect rewards. Or seek accolade and accolade and praise.3. Life is not always fair. No rewards always in this life (John the Baptist).4. The majority is not always right.

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Privilege of Position

I urge upon you as the reason why you should show a forbearing, courteous, Christlike spirit at all times and under all circumstances. Your and under all circumstances. Your words, your spirit, your deportment, even the manner in which you treat your brethren are sowing seeds for good or evil. EGW Christian Leadership 30.1

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Calculated Goodness

We are not to think of reward, but of service; yet kindness shown in this spirit will not fail of its recompense. "Thy Father which seeth in secret "Thy Father which seeth in secret Himself shall reward thee openly.“

EGWhite MB 81.2

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Not in this life…

No act of kindness shown in His name will fail to be recognized and rewarded.

– Ellen G White: Conflict & Courage 207.3– Ellen G White: Conflict & Courage 207.3

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Final Words from Sugihara"I may have disobeyed my

government, but if I didn't I would be disobeying God."

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"In life, do what's right because it's right, and leave it alone

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Arigato Gusaimas