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Chinese Vision Headaches

Aug 07, 2018



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  • 8/20/2019 Chinese Vision Headaches



    By: Avi Jeddah, June 2002Headache is one of the usual symptoms that encounter clinical

    practice. There are few people who have never experienced a headache from

    the time or way or another in their lives.

    Headache is a symptom of a disease manifested by an unpleasant feeling atthe top of all or part of it. Is rarely an isolated symptom headache. Usually

    accompanied by headache all disease is expressed in other signs, too, or is

    related to the patient's lifestyle. After a cough and cold, headaches are the

    most common complaints doctor listens. ost headaches do not indicate theexistence of a serious illness ! headache also not necessarily indicative of the

    reality that "brain tumor# or circulatory disorder. $n the contrary, these

    diseases constitute only a small part of the reason for headache.

    a%or studies revealed that only one patient from & to ()) patients whocomplained of headaches were referred to the family doctor.


    *tatistical surveys show that four out of five people suffer from occasional

    headaches, but only a minority "about ()+# see the need to evacuate due tothe doctor. The rest apparently complete with the father, or at least try

    sachchma with drugs such as Actosal or aspirin "drugs containing acid

    Acttilsaliciliat.# Annual consumption of such drugs in the developed countries

    comes to -) million tablets per million inhabitants.Etiology  "see more detailed classification in clinic#

    (. No specific headache - the vast ma%ority of headaches are caused by

    conditions li/e fatigue, stress, fever and dehydration. These situations

    headache varies in its intensity, 0uality "ade0uate or continuous#,positioned at the top and pull between different people.

    -. ig!aine - this is the exact cause of headache is un/nown and has

    special characteristics. igraine is usually between the ages of -)!1)and often disappears after age ). This disease, family history and itappears more often in girls. 2omen and the disease associated with

    conditions such as pregnancy and influenced by circulation. The pain

    itself was caused by contraction and relaxation of the arteries at the

    base of the s/ull. It is not /nown what causes these changes in thearteries. igarnoti headache sei3ures appears. 4re0uency of sei3ures

    varies from patient to patient ranging from a few sei3ures a wee/ and

    the sei3ure every few months. *ei3ure duration varies from two to

    three days."ymptoms: usually starts early for some reason. The pain of migraine

    usually starts low intensity increasing until the reduction in function, or

    to stop the day's activities. Increases during physical activity. The painis usually unilateral, throbbing, usually in reaction temple can spreadto the head. The pain can occur each time a different side of the

    head. igraine, other headaches contrast, involves additional systems5

    nausea accompanied by vomiting, sensitivity to light and noise,

    sweating, pallor, *hlshlulim, much has changed, the feeling ofdiscomfort "a /noc/ing at the top#. Untreated migraine attac/ lasts 6

    to &- hours. Attac/ fre0uency changed from person to person, the

  • 8/20/2019 Chinese Vision Headaches


    duration of a single number to -!7 sei3ures per wee/8

    Ea!ly signs: *ome migraine sufferers experience headache before theappearance of neurological signs, such as bright lights, gla3ing lines

    before the eyes, blindness of the half field of view to full blindness,

    speech disorders, paralysis of half his body and more. These

    phenomena, which are called aura , (!- days to appear shortlybefore a migraine attac/, and when they disappear is a headache.

    7. Cluste! Headache - This is a headache for an un/nown reason

    appears more than men. The pain is difficult and not appropriate, one!

    side located behind the eye and chee/. The tears are painful, red,runny nose and paralysis of the eyelid. The attac/ lasted between -)

    minutes to an hour and returns several times a day.

    6. Headache seconda!y to chemical su#stances - alcohol, lead and

    various drugs such as morphine cause headache. *ometimes lab orchemical plants wor/ers are suffering from a headache due to

    exposure to substances at wor/.

    . Headache seconda!y hype!tension - high blood pressure causes

    headache is important to deny this reason a patient suffering from aheadache.

    1. "econda!y headache p!o#lems in the eye, ea!, teeth and

    cosines - different eye conditions such as unsuitable reflect

    intraocular pressure causes headache. The ear infection, tooth andsinus headache causes.

    &. $n c!anial p!essu!e - there are serious medical conditions that

    increase the pressure inside the s/ull causes a headache. 9rain tumor

    causes a headache and nausea that appear especially wa/ing up fromsleep. *evere headache accompanied by nausea, vomiting and :lite

    Heat suspicious infection in my s/ull. Hemorrhage raises the pressure

    in my s/ull, causing a bad headache demands and other signs such asa decrease in consciousness.Clinic:

    The headaches tend to be divided into two main groups. The first group

    includes the five most common types of recurrent headaches. The second

    group includes ten varieties, emergence and recurrence rare.Common headaches:

    (. Headaches resulting from blood vessel disorders "headaches

    $s/olareim /ind of salute "migraine# are repeated sei3ures differ from

    each other in their intensity, instead continuing. The pain usuallyattac/s one side of the head and accompanied by nausea and

    vomiting. *ometimes a slight disorder is associated with the nervous

    system . *uch headaches are often a family phenomenon. in thisgroup can be seen in various forms differ in signs accompanying pain.such as ;imoa long, flushing, hyperhidrosis, and more.

    -. Tension headache from the rest of the nec/ muscles or muscles of the



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    . Headache from mental disorder at the end, for example in awe illness


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    ig!aine t!eatment

    The main treatment of migraine is divided into two ! prophylaxis andtreatment during the sei3ure. After the treatment course is not apparent that

    the migraine headache from another source. Crophylaxis to people who suffer

    often, in order to reduce the fre0uency. The treatment is mainly driven by

    lower pressure medicines ! blood. Creventive treatment course should beta/en into account the accelerating factors "Trigger# and avoid as much as

    possible to be exposed to them, /now with certainty when a particular

    matter, a certain food, certain situations may accelerate the appearance of


    ocating factors help to prevent headache. ?utrition, drin/ing water, avoiding

    over!smo/ing, lifestyle changes ! reducing stress, lowering high blood

    pressure medication.$n Chinese diagnosis and t!eatment:

    (lo) channels Chi

    The head is anatomically the most energetic. aximum potential energy in

    the flow of

  • 8/20/2019 Chinese Vision Headaches


    6. Headaches and t!auma are always targeted the same area of the head,

    due to stagnation of blood. The pain can occur after a period since theevent. *ometimes the person does not remember a purple stain on the tip of

    the tongue can indicate that.

    . ultiple #i!ths and abortions decreasing E, blood deficiency causing

    headaches of liver yang rising.1. Ete!nal facto!s ! wind and humidity are the most common. 2ind

    will cause acute headaches which may be accompanied by cold, affects

    the nec/, causing stuffiness. Humidity attac/s usually in the lower

    body but disturbing iang open the doors at the top ! felt heavy.iffe!ential diagnosis

    The diagnosis is made in two perspectives5 the type of pain and factors

    improve F worsen it, meridians and F or organs involved. ocation of pain.

    iagnosis #ased on pain location:Cain in top of the head ! common among pain. I= meridian related, not

    enough blood reaches the area. ;ull pain lying down. In the case of liver

    yang rising, sharp pain.

    *ides of the head ! flow area of D9, Bang pain belonging to the heavyflow. *harp pain and throbbing.

    $ne side of the head ! as above on both sides. *ome say that pain on the left

    is due to a lac/, right side against the change.

    y temples ! li/e the sides of the head.9ehind the eyes ! very typical of migraines. Anemia associated with liver as a

    dull pain. *harp pain ! the rise of Boung.

    4orehead ! related to *T, humidity and mucus that prevent openings Boung

    head up bloc/ers. 4eeling of heaviness, blurring and confusion, when mucuswill also have spots in vision di33iness.

    Auxipot ! related to E, the lac/ of expressed 9 meridian ! a chronic

    condition. Acute ! exposure to wind, typically cold.All head ! a chronic condition associated with deficiency on E, there is noinput to the brain, gives a sense of empty, dull ache. Acute ! or exposure to

    hot and cold wind. *trong pain.

    Headaches often appear in different parts of the head, when there are

    different causes of pain and one affects the other. 2hen the pain varies everytime it points to the heavy wind or phlegm ! different signs from one to


    iagnosis #y &ype of pain:

    ;ull pain related to missing, pain related to change. *udden pain related toan external factor, pain that costs related to the internal situation gradually.

    issing situations that cause headaches5 no chi and F or blood, no blood in

    I=, E.'s no extra conditions5 liver yang rising, the heavy burst of gunfire,heavy wind, phlegm, stagnation of blood, fever what ! *T .4eeling of heaviness5 characteristic moist, phlegm and prevent it attac/ing

    the head of Bang Gi and prevent a drop of wine

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    wind whole head hurts. 4rom the liver ! on one side or two.

    *tiff ! usually tied in a cold wind Auxipot.

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    pressure. >eference conventional tests ! eye examinations, blood tests,



    The most common cause of headache in children and adults. This disease

    4riodit "period#, when the next sei3ure free patient complaints. 9outs of pain

    are headaches, but involved different systems especially sympathetic

    nervous system. The spectrum varies from mild disease and limit difficult.


    granah is a common disease. (@+ of women and 1+ of men suffer frommigraine. Chenomenon exists in 7.+ of the children. Around age & it comes

    almost to three percent, then it is more common in boys than in


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    called *tatus granu3uc, but per definition in adults is between 6!&-


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    granah Ab3ilratit ! ;yplupia "double vision#, Ataxia and confusion.

    atifa migraine or Acwiulntiat

    The most common is the

  • 8/20/2019 Chinese Vision Headaches


    ?ot entirely clear and there are arguments whether the initial cause isneurological or vascular. 2hat is clear is that aura is ?eweroganit that

    explains Ahst/otoama but does not explain well enough the

    positive. =a3odilitecia of blood vessels "expansion# leads to pain and

    throbbing.=a3o/onstric/cia "contraction# causes pallor and sense of calm inthe periphery.

    Trigger, or a *timolcia begin the process of :dpolari3cia ?ewerogani

    neuron. This is done mainly by calcium channels. Crocess forward and itspreads bac/ aura. 2hile this process has the release of peptides, ions, acid

    Aarchidonit Ah/elcetonen garden!related peptides. They excite the facial

    nerve fifth. *sansitei3cia Trig's nerve!stimulation Ahstimolcia

  • 8/20/2019 Chinese Vision Headaches


    in the mouth but is absorbed much more easily#.

    Crophylactic treatment

    Usually do not need prophylactic treatment. :xample of situations that often

    once a month.Treatment includes follow!up with a diary of headaches and trying to find the

    trigger and get it. *ome commonly recommended things li/e good sleep,

    sports, etc..

    4re0uently interferes with normal life!long prophylactic treatment may beconsidered. $ne of the other drug therapy ! alternative medicine.

    There are not many formal %obs are the only medication proven to effectively

    fifty percent. Adults begin 9dralin K Cervfraneolol he beta bloc/er. *he has

    many side effects.*econd group is a group of antidepressants, especially Abameteripttilin

    proven less migraines and regular headaches.

    Anti Aplipttiut ! ;epalet. ;ose is given as epilepsy, but can harm the liver

    and cause obesity.Tegretol proved effective.

    >ecent studies Tofamx she tal/ing about anti!epileptic drug, currently only

    for adults.

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    2hat people tend to use analgesic and treatment difficult and respondwell. Users Abameteripttilin and complementary methods.

    $rganic headaches

    Against the tumor, Cseudotumor cerebri or Ahidocplus.Copulation not suitable


  • 8/20/2019 Chinese Vision Headaches


    Migraines machines in Chinese: 

    • One"sided headache " pian tou tong

    • #ind sides of the head " pian tou feng

    • Headaches - tou tong


    • %onstitution &structure' of the body &health and parents at the time of

    conception and pregnancy' 

    • (epressed emotions such as anger, tension, an)iety, frustration  

    • Hard work without rest 

    • Much se)ual activity &weakens the kidneys' 

    • *atty diet, acute, alcohol consumption, dairy products, eating while


    • $)ternal factors like wind and humidity 

    • Trauma &in+ury' at the top 

    • Many births &weakens the blood and the kidneys in woman'  

    •  ge &adolescence or beyond' 

    Mechanisms of disease-  ll mechanisms of migraines involve the liver.

    $motional stress depressed liver stagnation of /i

    /i &yang' 0iv &yin'

    1ang /i of the channel will 0iv eyes 2orte).

    %hannel 3B or sides of the head blocks the vascular channels.

  • 8/20/2019 Chinese Vision Headaches


    • Horizontal heavy suppression effect 4T nausea and vomiting.

    • Heat the heavy oppression heat bother breaking up the openings&pain in the eyes, ringing ears, ..'

    Heat makes fire hot wind flows over radicalization of e)pression ofthe heat. 

    Because the head is a bo) of bones of these pathogens is almost nooption to go outside, so

    They get stuck in the head and block are cumulative free flow of /i andblood and it causes pain.

    5n many cases, Liv Qi flow towards the woman up and attributed to the cycle. 

    • 5n the middle of the yin cycle comes to trucks and makes a fire kidneyyang becomes redundant worsening repression created heavybrown

    • 6re"regulators in the heart blood was sent down to the uterus. 5f there is

    no blood input and moisture of the blood vessels in the muscles of theupper body and liver liver suppression %reated pathogenic heatheat flow towards the top.

    • 7uring menstruation, followed by a sea of blood depleted anemic ! yin

    heavy repression worsened 0iv yang rising. 

    • depressed liver invades 0ma, gastrointestinal &4p ! 4t' damaged and

    weakened spleen &spleen also may weaken too much importance,concerns or unrest' can not produce enough blood.

    •  fter menopause, blood and liver 1in 8id e)hausted higher probability

    of these processes occur9 /i 0iv down, 0iv yang rising, 0iv fire, 0iv wind.

    • 6oor nutrition and ! or 4p def phlegm production blocks the flow of/i heater means pure yang : yin can get murky heater can not get

    lower cost humidity mucus blocking the channels and blood vessels. process like this could happen more likely in situations of fire or wind

    internal or chi goes up. 

    • 5f the free flow of ;i and blood are blocked for a long time or repeated

    times over a long period Bld stasis worsening of pain &stuck blood,causing blood vessels into a sharp pain

  • 8/20/2019 Chinese Vision Headaches


    7ifferential diagnosis 

    %hinese medicine syndromes of migraine is divided into several


    • 1ang rise

    •  nemic• Missing #ine

    • Mucus blocks

    • 4tagnzia of %hi liver 

    • 4tomach heat

    • Missing yin and yang

    • 4tazs of blood

    Headaches can be diagnosed by9 pain location, type of pain, factorsimprove or worsen the


    7iagnosis based on pain location9 

    • Top of head pain " related to meridian 052, not enough blood reaches the

    area. 7ull pain lying down. 5n the case of liver yang rising, sharp pain.

    • 4ides of the head " flow area of 3B, 1ang pain belonging to the heavyflow. 4harp pain and throbbing.

    • One side of the head " as above on both sides. 4ome say that pain on the

    left is due to a lack, right side against the change.

    • My temples " like the sides of the head.

    • Behind the eyes " very typical of migraines.  nemia associated with liveras a dull pain. 4harp pain " the rise of 1oung.

    • *orehead " related to 4T, humidity and mucus that prevent openings

    1oung head up blockers. *eeling of heaviness, blurring and confusion, asa mucus will also have dizzy.

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    •  u)ipot " related to 8, the lack of e)pressed B0 meridian " a chronic

    condition.  cute " e)posure to wind, typically cold.

    •  ll head " a chronic condition associated with deficiency on 8, there is no

    input to the brain, gives a sense of empty, dull ache.  cute " e)posure tocold wind or hot. 4trong pain. 

     ccording to type of pain diagnosis

    • 4pirit " This severe oksipeteali, with e)pressions of induration

    • #ind " Heat9 severe, swollen, each head

    • 4pirit " Humidity9 sense of heaviness, as if wrapped head  0iver 1ang, 0iver *ire9 pompous

    • Heavy wind9 nervous

    • 4tazs of blood9 stabbing, piercing, penetrating ! ream

    • Topic9 feeling of heaviness, as if wrapped head

    • 0ack of chi, blood9 dull

    • 0ack of kidney yin9 a sense of emptiness 

    5mprove diagnosis based on factors " strict 

    • %hronic headache, which worsened on the day - the lack of %hi ! 1ang ore)cess moisture.

    • Mohammed evening - no blood, wine &which causes the rise 1ang'.

    • Mohammed in pain - no chi or blood.

    • 4low e)ercises should hurt - the rise of liver yang or phlegm.

    • Better pain at rest lying down - moisture and phlegm.

    • #eather  - heat pain Mohammed - e)tra modes from the liver.

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    • Mohammed in the cold - the lack of 1oung. Mohammad increasedhumidity pain - e)cess moisture and phlegm course.

    • $motions - anger, e)citement and sudden, sharp decline in power  - to dowith respect.

    • 4e) - when pain occurs with an orgasm - the lack of K. 5f gettingbetter after se) - linked to respect

  • 8/20/2019 Chinese Vision Headaches


    0iv"=, 3Sp-6 TaiYang TW-5

    Lu-7 + "-6S#-3 + $B-6! G%-

    16, !

    removal of fire andreducing wind

    3B"= ,34 L#-4 "-6Liv-3 Shao Yang

    S#-3 TaiYang TW5

    + GB34 PC-6

    7ownloading thewind entering thewine

    0iver 1ang rising ccompanyingwind 5nternal

    Liv-34 GB-3 + L#-4St-36

    TaiYang YinTang

    Liv-14PC-6 Ht-7 G%-

    !4GB-41 + St-5

    (ela)ing the liver,the opening ofstagnation,(ela)ing the mindandHun

    4tagnation %hi liver 

    ST-36 C%-4, 6 $B-17, 18,! Yu YaoSp-6 Liv-3, 8, G%-

    ! $B-15

    $ntering the blood,strengthening andincreasing %hi

    Missing %hi or anemic

    Liv-3 + L#-4 Sp-6,

    1 $B-18L#-11 $B-! TaiYang


    Moving blood,opening doors

    Blood stagnation

    St-8, 4 Sp-4 Sp +Sp-6-&-1! C%-! +


    L#-4 YinTang Lu-7

    G%-!, !3,!4

    (emoval ofmoisture, stimulatingthe rise of 1oung6ure, strengtheningthe stomach andspleen

    Mucus moist

    St-44, 45 Liv-! GB-

    !, !1,38,43,44

    L#-11 Sp-6 ShaoYang

    (ela)ing the liver,liver cleansing fire

    4tomach heat

    $B-!3 "-3, 4 Lu-7

    + "-6

    4trengthening thekidneys, bonemarrow *eed

    Missing kidney

    L#-4, 11 3B"= TaiYang B">,1G%-8, 14, 16,!Lu-

    7 T#"?, 16

    $)ternalrelease, heattreatment ! disposal4pirit %old, openblockMr  "

    #ind heat !cold outside

  • 8/20/2019 Chinese Vision Headaches


    Chinese vision headaches

    Headaches is one of the most common disorders in adults and children. This

    article is one of the most thorough %ob in the field. atiology addition, various

    approaches to diagnosis and treatment method and details, branches out tocorresponding article each year dealing with the typical headaches

    =snderomim aspect of acupuncture or A/ofrsura, nutrition and medicinal

    plants. Cathology close reference to clinical diagnosis, tongue and pulse

    diagnosis. This is an article for every /ey aspect of headaches.Article detailing the headaches and the 2estern view

  • 8/20/2019 Chinese Vision Headaches


    due to the rise of liver yang, in which one character would be pain. There are

    also other factors in this headache, not related to a missing liver meridian 0iand blood can not reach the top, heart and blood. *hould not be confused

    with a headache that only top of the head and the pain that affects the top

    but starting from the base Hao/sipot ! This type of headache is due to

    bladder meridian.

    *ides of the head5 This section is suitable for gall bladder meridian, headache

    is often due to the rise of liver yang, fire and heavy heavy wind. Headache

    sharp throbbing nature.

    $nly one side5 this region is also associated with gall bladder pain is also

    head here due to the rise of liver yang or iver fire.

  • 8/20/2019 Chinese Vision Headaches


    "wind ! cold F wind ! heat#, a sharp and severe in nature, sometimes

    accompanied by a sense of Culling.

    ;espite this change of cloth, about

  • 8/20/2019 Chinese Vision Headaches


    This headache can also be due to wind ! external heat, which in this case will

    affect the whole head, while in the case of liver yang or fire in the liver,probably affect one side or both sides at the top.

    Hard5 Hardness considerable Hao/sipot canvas' indicates an approximately

    spirit ! an external source.

  • 8/20/2019 Chinese Vision Headaches


    4ood5 :xcept in ay extensive tolerance to certain foods, headaches

    *hmuahmarym after eating indicate moisture, phlegm, blasts food, or heat inthe stomach.

    9eneficiaries headaches suggest eating no chi or blood.

    Headaches *hmuahmarym pic/led foods consumption "li/e orange,

    grapefruit, vinegar, etc.# are due to liver yang risingCosition5 If the headache is better lying down by >oger ac/, if lying down is

    ohammed "preferably sitting# is due to change. 4or example, severe

    headaches due to liver yang rising cloth, about getting better at the meeting,

    and the patient would not li/e to lie.enstruation5 any types of headaches are affected by approximately chi

    menstrual function.

    Headaches ahead of the start of menstruation, they are cloth, some due to

    liver yang rising. If they uahmarym for menstrual They can be due to theheavy fire or *ta3s of blood. If they happen towards the end of menstrual

    They point to lac/ of blood.

    Cressure5 If the patient does not li/e to clic/ on the area where the headache

    occurs, it indicates a state of excess, however if the pain is better to touch itpoints to a situation of missing.

    ;iagnosis and treatment52hen diagnosed patterns to treat headaches that ma/e it the first distinction

    between internal and external headache.

    @ Crinciples of external headaches are a type of change, and the headaches it

    is important to distinguish between internal lac/ of change.

    Deneral treatment principles5The 0uestion of whether to treat the root or the expression is particularlyimportant in the case of headaches.

    There are three possible courses of action5

    (. >oot treatment simultaneous expression

    This is the most common approach. In most cases, possible and necessary totreat the root of the problem expression simultaneously. 4or example, if the

    headache due to liver yang rising, resulting wine!deficient /idneys, the most

    obvious course of action is to reinforce the /idneys, you've got heavy fire

    simultaneously.9ut even if the root term care at the same time, it is often necessary to put

    emphasis on one than the other. If the headache is very severe with fre0uent

    sei3ures will need to concentrate more on treatment than the rootexpression. In the example above, if the headache caused by liver yangrising, and very fre0uent and severe, it will be important first to deal with the

    expression, that is to subdue the yang of the liver. $n the other hand if the

    expression does not cause severe headaches, first of all have to deal with the

    root.4or example, if a person suffers from mild headaches due to missing chi, has

    to deal with the root meaning to strengthen Gi.

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    -. 4irst

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  • 8/20/2019 Chinese Vision Headaches


    >x. Angelicae ;ahuricae K 9ai hi

    >x. P >3. ?otopterygii K Giang HuoHerba cum>adice Asari K Mi Min

    Hb. P 4lo. *chi3onepetae K ing ie

    >x. edebouriellae ;ivaricatae K 4ang 4eng

    >x. Dlycyrhi3ae Uralensis K Dan amulus x. Dlycyrrhi3ae Uralensis K hi Dan

  • 8/20/2019 Chinese Vision Headaches


    Action formula5 release of an external source and the cessation of whee3ing.

    *ymptoms5 fever and chills gauge, no sweating, headache, general bodypains, whee3ing, tongue with thin white coating, a thin floating pulse.

    NCage 77O

    "u# Catego!y * - fo!mulas !eleasing an ete!nal sou!ce 

    Cinnamon &)ig ecoction . ui 5hi &ang 

    >amulus 3. ingabiberis $fficinalis >ecens K *heng iang

    4r. i3yphi u%ubae K ;a ao

    Honey 4ried >x. Dlycyrrhi3ae K hi Dan 3. :t >x. igustici K Dao 9en

    Action formula5 releasing muscle layer effect Cathogenicity, regulating 0i

    nourishes shield.

    *ymptoms5 fever and chills gauge, not o0l sweating, headache, aversion tocold, stiff nec/, nasal congestion, dry stro/es, there is a special thirst, tongue

    with a thin coating of white damp, floating pulse, moderate or wea/.

  • 8/20/2019 Chinese Vision Headaches


    >x. igusttici x. P >3. ?otopterygii K Giang Huo

    Herba cum>adice Asari K Mi Min

    Hb. P 4lo. *chi3onepetae K ing ie

    >x. edebouriellae ;ivaricatae K 4ang 4eng>x. Dlycyrhi3ae Uralen*Is K Dan

  • 8/20/2019 Chinese Vision Headaches


    gallbladder involvement. 3. Alismatis $rientalis K e Mie*cl. Coriae 3. Atractylodis acrocephalae K 9ai hu


  • 8/20/2019 Chinese Vision Headaches


    4ol. Cerillae 4rutescentis K i *u Be

    >x. Angelicae ;ahuricae K 9ai hi>3. Cinelliae Ternatae K 9an Mia

    Cc. Arecae 3. Atractylodis acrocephalae K 9ai hu

    *cl. Coriae x. Clatycodi Drandifrlori K ie Deng

    Honey!fried >x. Dlycyrhi3ae Uralensis K hi Dan ecommended5 rice, water chestnuts, rye, potato, fish, herring, carp, alfalfa,s0uash,

  • 8/20/2019 Chinese Vision Headaches


    ental calming fo!mula /Catego!y *; - Calming the spi!it 

    "u# Catego!y < 2 - n4esoat soothing soul 

    $!on (ilings ecoction . "heng &ie 8uo =in 4rusta 4erri K *heng Tie uo

    Culvis Arisaemae cun 4elle 9ovis K ;an an Ming

    9ul. 4ritillaria K 9ei u

    >x. *crophulariae ?ingpoensis K Muan *henTb. Asparagi amulus cun Uncis Uncariae K Dou Teng>x. *alviae iltiorrhi3ae K ;an *hen

    *cl. Coriae

  • 8/20/2019 Chinese Vision Headaches



  • 8/20/2019 Chinese Vision Headaches


    pain, difficulty turning or bending the body, slight fever, chills, and /noc/s

    floating white coverNCage -)7O

    (o!mulas and Clea!ing "pi!it /Catego!y *3 

    "u# Catego!y * - )ind s4in fo!mulas Clea!ing e!idians 

    Eliminate 6ind 'o)de! f!om impe!ial g!as fo!mula!y . 9iao (eng

    "an 4s. *chi3onepetae Tenuifoliae K ing ie Hui

    Hb. enthae Haplocalycis K 9o He

    >x et >H. ?otopterygii K Giang Huo

    >x. edebouriellae ;ivaricatae K 4ang feng>x. igustici

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    ?utrition recommendations5>ecommended5 rice, water chestnuts, rye, potato, fish, herring, carp, alfalfa,


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    Tongue with a thin white coating Culse 4loating moderate.

    NCage 661O

    odification5 headache, nasal congestion, chills and fever measurable due to

    cold wind

    >x. edebouriellae ;ivaricatae K 4ang 4eng4l. Cerillae 4rutescentis K i *u Be

    >3. ingiberis $fficinalis >ecens K *heng iang

    ?utrition recommendations5>ecommended5 onion, /ohlrabi "wind damp#, 9lac/ soybean seeds, Capi,


    Blood stagnation o! stasis

    Cathophysiology5 very chronic. Cerhaps by ;r. trauma.

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    It should be emphasi3ed *sta3s of blood is not independent, but can vary due

    to different conditions li/e *tgancait chi, no blood, blood heat, cold inside,and

  • 8/20/2019 Chinese Vision Headaches


    ?utrition recommendations5>ecommended5 chestnuts, coconut mil/, almond green, cod oil, butter,

    shrimp, lee/s, turnips, tn3ia#, similar in termsof pain, but more powerful. 9ac/ground of tension and anxiety.

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    Action formula5 with pathological *hao Bang 3. >hei K ;a Huang

    >x. Caeoniae actiforae K 9ai *hao

    >3. Cinelliae Ternatae K 9an Mia

    >3. ingiberis $fficinalis >ecens K *heng iang4r. i3yphi u%ubae K ;a ao

    Action formula5 Herman releases the *hao Bang and drain layer internal

    bloc/s :. >. 9rown*ymptoms5 fever and chills off and on, full chest =hipochondrium "with F

    without pain#, bitter taste, nausea, vomiting, prolonged, focused

    Abapigastrium full swelling, diarrhea burns or intestinal immobility,

    depression, Iritabiliut easy, tongue with yellow coating, pulse stringstight. 2estern5 igraine

    NCage (7O

    "u# Catego!y < 2 - fo!mulas 8!moni@cia 8iv-"' 

    1am#ling 'o)de! . 9iao =ao "an >x. 9upleuri K x. Angelicae *Inensis K ;ang Dui

    >x. Caeoniae actiforae K 9ai *hao

    >3. Atractylodis acrocephalae K 9ai hu


  • 8/20/2019 Chinese Vision Headaches


    Cathophysiology5 rare. Headache of ue Bin

    x. >en *hen Dinseng K

    4r. i3iphi u%ubae K ;a ao

    Action formula5 warms and strengthens a heavy stomach, lowers agorgetcia acid, with or without pain Apigaastri.;ry, or spittingwaves of clear li0uid, with a headache 9uortx.=omiting and diarrhea with cold

    limbs, restless desire to die.Cale tongue with slippery white coating, thin and

    slow pulse or thin cords

    NCage --(O

    odification5 severe headaches

    >x. igustici

  • 8/20/2019 Chinese Vision Headaches


    Treatment principle5 calming the liver, liver cleansing fire

    Acupuncture 2a/ofrsura5

    iv- heavy fire

    *C1 entering wineT2 distal. *hao Bang

    D97@ purification iv F D9, a sharp pain around the eye side.. anemicD9( between the temples and eye pain

    'u!ifying fo!mulas B!o)n /Catego!y 2 - Clea! and detoify heat 

    "u# Catego!y ; - Heat pu!ifying fo!mulations toicity clea!ing

    houses Clea! Epidemics %ve!come &oin ecoction . 7ing 6en Bai u =in *hi Dao Dypsum K

    >x. Anemarrhenae Asphodeloidis K hi u

    >x. Dlycyrhi3ae Uralensis K Dan x. >ehmanniae Dlutinosae K *heng ;i

    adicis K u ;an Ci

    >x. Caeoniae >ubrae K x. *crophulariae ?ingpoensis K Muan *hen

    >3. x. *cutellariae K Huang Gin4r. Dardeniae asminoidis K hi i4r. 4orsythiae *uspensae K ian Giao

    >x. Clatycodi Drandiflori K ie Deng

    Action formula5 heat treatment, the removal of toxic, cooling blood, fire anddrainage.

    *ymptoms5 heavy gauge heat, thirst, severe headache stic/s, Iritabiliut

  • 8/20/2019 Chinese Vision Headaches


    extreme, severe cases, the most emotional speech, rash and bleeding from

    the nose. ;ar/ red tongue, lips and dar/, burnt, rapid pulse, sin/ing orfloating, thin and large.

    NCage @(O

    *ub x. Dentianae ongdancao K ong ;an x. *cutellariae K Huang Gin4r. Dardeniae asminoidis K hi i

    x. 9upleuri K x. >ehamanniae Dlutinosae K *heng ;i Huang

    >x. Angelicae *inensis K ;ang Dui

    >x. Dlycyrrhi3e Uralensis K Dan

  • 8/20/2019 Chinese Vision Headaches


    *ymptoms5 severe headache, red chee/s, Tinnitus, hearing loss, Iritabiliut,

    Ansomia, cough with mucus viscous.NCage @O

    ?utrition recommendations5

    >ecommended5 Abtadtat 9ar, avocado, articho/e, sesame oil, fish, mangoes,s0uid, mussels, elissa, broccoli, passion fruit, orange

    ?ot recommended5 chestnut, curly cabbage, por/ liver, chic/en liver

    6ind f!om the live!

    Cathophysiology5 to appear against the heavy fire in the liver or anemic

    . anemic

    D9( between the temples and eye pain

    (o!mulas and Clea!ing "pi!it /Catego!y *3 - Epel 6ind 

    "u# Catego!y 2 - inne! spi!it fo!mulas "edate &he 8ive! And Etinguish 6ind ecoction . 5hen an 9i (eng&ang 

    >x. Achyranthis 9identatae K Huai ?iu Mi

    Haematitum K he *hi

    $s ;raconis K ong Du

  • 8/20/2019 Chinese Vision Headaches


    >x. *crophulariae ?ingpoensis K Muan *hen

    Tb. Asparagi x. Caeoniae actiflorae K 9ai *hao

    Hb. Artemisiae Binchenhao K Bin

  • 8/20/2019 Chinese Vision Headaches


    Liver Yang rising = Liver yang rising

    Cathophysiology5 mixed state of excess and lac/. ost :. >. feelings5 anger,frustration, Tina. epresentation Bang tongue5

    pale, swollen, pulse5 slow ! deep#.

    . anemic

    D9( between the temples and eye pain

    (o!mulas p@!ut "pi!it /Catego!y *3 

  • 8/20/2019 Chinese Vision Headaches


    "u# Catego!y < 2 - $nne! "pi!it li#e!ating fo!mula . inte!nal )ind ast!odia and nca!ia ecoction . &ian a ou &eng =in 

    >3. Dastrodiae :latae K Tian a

    >m. cun Uncis Uncariae K Dou Teng

    x. *cutellariae 9aicalenesis K Huang Gin

    Hb. eonuri Heterophylly K Bi u x.

  • 8/20/2019 Chinese Vision Headaches


    *t6 scattering ! 4ood blasts, the end points on the head impact

    I6 scattering face and head to remove obstructions*t@



  • 8/20/2019 Chinese Vision Headaches


    "u# Catego!y * - fo!mulas clea!ing houses to moisten d!y 

    ul#e!!y 8eaf Ap!icot De!nel ecoction . "ang 9ing &ang 

    4ol. ori Albae K *ang Be

    4r. Dardeniae asminoidis K hi i*m. *o%ae Craeparata K ;an ;ou en

    9ulbus 4ritillariae Thunbergii K he 9ei u

    >x. Adenophorae seu Dlehniae *ha *hen4r. Cyri K i Ci

    Action formula5 dry cleaning and spreads ! 9rown

    *ymptoms5 slight fever, headache, thirst, dry cough with little phlegm, orthic/ and stic/y, red tongue with dry white cover floating and rapid pulse

    mainly on the right

    NCage (O

    "u# Catego!y * - fo!mulas clea!ing houses to moisten d!y 

    Eliminate !yness 1escue the 8ungs ecoction . 7ing 5ao Jiu (ei


    4ol. ori Albae K *ang Be*hi Dao Dypsum K

    Tb. $phiopogonis aponici K ai en ;ong

    Delatinum en

    Honey!fried 4ol. :riobotryae aponicae K i hi Ci Ca Be

    >x. >en *hen Dinseng K>x. Dlycyrhi3ae Uralensis K Dan

  • 8/20/2019 Chinese Vision Headaches


    soft stools, lac/ of breath easy, and /noc/s empty. *hortness of breath and


    Treatment Crinciple5 *trengthening increasing 3. :t >x. igustici K Dao 9en

    ?utrition recommendations5

    >ecommended5 rice, sweet potatoes, millet, wheat, 0uinoa, potato, walnuts,peanut not roasted, sunflower oil, cod, sesame, sesame oil, beef liver,chic/en liver, egg, fish, herring, tuna, fish, ebanon, *ardine , herring,

    pump/in, lettuce, eggplant, beets, lee/s, cucumber, radish, /ohlrabi,


  • 8/20/2019 Chinese Vision Headaches


    Cathophysiology5 the blood does not come bac/ to enter the brain. Anemicliver or heart.

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    *t71 P *C1 strengthen 0i and blood

    D=-) can 9ochsa. Attractive

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    based on the

  • 8/20/2019 Chinese Vision Headaches


    Deneral ;escription5

    Catient carefully groomed, gentle and pleasant conversation. 2eight bordernorm. oo/s a little pale. other of three children, an accountant by


    >eview of systems5;igestion5 a tendency to constipation, aged (1 "possibly earlier#. ;ry ports,

    every day for two days, without gas or side DIT "gastro ! Inatstenaliut# and

    other prominent.

    Head5 pounding headache tendency, unilaterally starting behind the eyes.The pain occurs after the end of the summer period there is some relief.

    Casses the provision of drugs li/e $ptalgin or Imeterx.

    */in5 pale, hot days or after a hot shower may respond particularly mild

    rash, itchy and tender that passes after a while.

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    7 ! no

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    ed ball with no nucleus remain

    Hiapocaromiut "missing red color due to lac/ of iron# $mia/rocetioat

    "relatively small regular si3e# that are not performing well. 9lood ferritin

    levels will be high. This phenomenon is also attributed, fabric, approximately,of /idney problems. >ecall that while the spleen F pancreas mainly

    responsible for the li0uid part of blood, the /idneys are responsible for the

    solid part of blood "hematocrit#, including the structure of a red ball. If moreserious problems to solve from

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    Anemia with high

  • 8/20/2019 Chinese Vision Headaches


    1 ! Imiloptei3s "infiltration into why bone#.

    Anemia due to destruction of red cells

    ( ! bleeding. According to

  • 8/20/2019 Chinese Vision Headaches


    2e see that the headache is immediately after the menstrual period. ;uringthis period the patient is losing blood since blood was missing to begin with,

    all more severe symptoms. *ensitivity to noise, light, blac/ dots that appear

    in her field of vision appropriate to the problem of heavy energy channel

    "which controls the eyes#. :ven the 0uiet nature of the situation and insultedfor lac/ of blood. This problem will be corrected when the phenomenon of

    lac/ of blood disappear.

    Diven that diet has a comprehensive examination and was found valid alsosuspect there is room for absorption and assimilation problems due to

    wea/ness of the spleen F pancreas. Therefore special attention given to

    strengthening the blood through the spleen energy channel F pancreas to

    regulate blood flow in parallel by the liver.

    Anemic treatment focuses primarily on the accompanying anemia completing

    nutrition. >einforcing nutrition guidance functions of the spleen F pancreas

    and allows a better assimilation of food "no matter how much iron in it#. Inthis case, proper nutrition and therefore the patient was ta/en processes that

    enhance the functions of the spleen F pancreas by treatment shiatsu

    "apanese treatment approach#.

    Trained clinical nutritionist recommended a

  • 8/20/2019 Chinese Vision Headaches


    ?utritional therapy effective for complements =rbulogy of migraine difficult

    situations or different states of anemia.