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Aim: How did interactions between the countries of East Asia and between Europe affect the culture and policies of China and Japan?
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Page 1: China, japan, and east asia lesson

Aim: How did interactions between the countries of East

Asia and between Europe affect the culture and policies of China

and Japan?

Page 2: China, japan, and east asia lesson


Ming (1368-1644) -recovery from Yuan dynasty-militarily active and politically dynamic-conquered neighbors and explored lands-cultural power, literary masterpieces-revival of Confucianism-1st European contact-1600s-rapid decline because of gov decentralization, invaders, revolts, and famines-Manchus from Manchuria took Beijing End of Ming and beginning of Qing

Qing (1644-1911)-Manchus (skilled warriors with long braids and shaved foreheads) continued conquests and added to tributary system-full scale trade with Europeans was regulated by state-1750-trade restricted to port of Canton-1724-Christianity banned-Emperors Kangxi and Qianlong-poverty, decline in advancements open to European and American influence


JAPAN-after 1185, shoguns governed Japan-late 1300s-1400s: decentralization, feudalism -Era of Independent Lords (independent states ruled by daimyo)-political weakness allowed foreigners and their beliefs to gain influence-1560-1615:reunification of Japan (Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyosehi, Tokugawa Ieyasu)

Tokugawa Shogunate (1603-1868)-Great Peace/Pax Tokugawa-Ieyasu centraliized country and moved capital to Edo-social stratification increased-women lived under restrictions-late 1500s: Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch traders and missionaries-increase in Christianity-persecution of Christians and restriction of foreign access-only allowed trade at port of Nagasaki (isolation)-oppressive rule resorted and kept peace, economic growth

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Background-After the fall of the Tang dynasty in 906, China was separated until the 1200s when they were conquered by the Mongols.-Genghis Khan and his descendants had captured almost all of western and northern China by 1234.-After his death, his grandsons began to divide the Mongol empire.-Kublai Khan, “the Great Khan of the Mongols”, moved the capital from Mongolia to Beijing and proclaimed the Yuan Empire (1271-1368). He also conquered the rest of China and the rest of the Song state.

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-He and the Mongol leaders adapted themselves to Chinese ways: Buddhism, civil service exams and made Mandarin Chinese the official language UNIFICATION-Kublai Khan made Yuan rich and powerful: successful military campaigns, made neighbors pay tribute, resisted Mongol attacks from other states, rebuilt bureaucracy and economy, repaired roads and canals, built new cities, restored trade with the West and helped the Silk Road emerge again.-After the death of Kublai Khan, China suffered from population loss because of the Bubonic Plague/ Black Death economic decline civil war rebellion decline of the Yuan fall of the Yuan empire in 1368

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Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)-Zhu Yuanzhang established the Ming dynasty and took the name Hongwu (1368-1403) when he became emperor-Hongwu and his son Yongle (1403-1424) recentralized the country and repaired damage from the wars of the 1300s (after Kublai Khan’s death). Population increased and the economy recovered.-to restore imperial legitimacy, Yongle built the Forbidden City in the capital of Beijing- served as imperial residence and seat of gov. (this would later cause problems in the 16th century)-Ming rulers expanded China’s borders and maintained a tributary system where they made other countries make regular monetary payments to avoid punishment. -alliances with kingdoms in Vietnam (Annam and Chamba) and Korea (Yi)-large navy and army intimidation

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-(1405-1433) explorer Zheng He made 7 long voyages to Southeast Asia, India, Middle East and East Africa. He expanded trade, increased outside knowledge, and even forced 50 states and cities to pay tribute.-after Yongle’s death, Ming rulers lost interest in exploration and naval expansion

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Ming Art and Culture-Chinese art, religion, and literature exerted influence on countries such as Korea, Vietnam, and Japan-foot binding (began in late Tang dynasty: 618-906) spread to majority of the population -Confucianism (philosophy) was restored: Buddhism (religion)-classical Chinese literature (Journey to the West), new form of writing-artisans produced exquisite glassware, ceramics, and porcelain -scroll paintings-depicted landscapes on vertical rolls of silk and paper

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First Contact with Europeans-Portuguese traders and captains established commercial ties with the Ming-Spanish and Dutch arrived later-China was too large and powerful for Europeans to conquer, so instead, they established embassies and trading houses there-Catholic (Jesuit) missionaries(Matteo Ricci-early Italian Christian missionary in China)

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Ming China in the late 16th and early 17th Centuries

-sudden influx of precious metal (silver from Spanish and Portuguese) inflation economic breakdown

-1520s-1560s: pirates and smugglers disruption of coastal communities and interior regions, weakened navy

-gov stayed in the Forbidden City in Beijing, weak rulers anger of the people and decentralization of gov

-population grew famine, gov was unable to help

-1644- rebel forces captured capital at Beijing Manchu nomads (Ming allies from the north) helped crush the rebels and recover Beijing, but refused to restore Ming rule displaced the Ming dynasty Qing Dynasty

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Qing Dynasty (1644-1911)-main concern: maintain stability

-promoted Chinese ways, favored Chinese political and cultural traditions (civil service exams)

-ruling elites were schooled in Chinese language and Confucian thought

-to preserve their own identity, they outlawed intermarriage between Manchus and Chinese, forbade Chinese to travel to Manchuria and learn their language, created ethnically based system of social stratification (Chinese had to wear certain clothing, tie hair in long braids and men had to shave the front of their heads)-

“lose your hair or lose your head”

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-empire included Manchuria and northern China; skilled warlords continued conquests and by 1683, they took over southern China and island of Formosa (Taiwan) as well.

-added Mongolia, Tibet, Nepal, Burma, Vietnam and most of Central Asia to tributary system

-North: had contact with Russia

-Kangxi (1661-1722)- Confucian scholar who conquered Taiwan, extended to Mongolia, and Central Asia and Tibet (expanded Chinese influence). He issued the Sacred Edict (rules and laws that would create harmony).

-Qianlong (1736-1795)- made Vietnam, Burma, and Nepal his vassal states, cancelled tax collections and paid less attention to imperial affairs gave responsibilities to eunuchs faced difficulties-(last good leader)

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Population Growth and Economic Development-agricultural society: had to use intensive techniques because only small part of china’s land was suitable for planting

-traditional food crops=rice, wheat, millet

-mid17th century- Spanish introduced American food crops (maize, sweet potatoes, peanuts) increase in food supply increase in population=limited resources labor force at low cost

-global trade prosperity: produced silk, lacquer ware and tea for consumers in Indian ocean basin, Central Asia, and Europe

-imported spices form Maluku, exotic products (birds, animal skins) from tropical regions and woolen textiles from Europe

-exchanged silk and porcelain for American silver in Manila

-commercial ties with Portuguese

-Foreign trade was regulated by the state-only allowed to trade in port of Canton (1750s)-one of the busiest and most cosmopolitan trading centers

-policy of trade protection-more exports than imports to maintain balance of trade

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Christianity in China

-7th century-Nestorian Christians established churches and monasteries in china but didn’t convert many people because of plague

-Jesuit Movement: Matteo Ricci (17th and 18th centuries)-goal: make China a Christian country. He conversed and studied with Confucian scholars success , brought over the mechanical clock that impressed the Chinese.

-missionaries sent from Europe tried to convert the Chinese by saying Christianity was similar to Chinese culture

-arguments between Jesuits and members of Franciscan and Dominican orders end of Roman Catholic missions in China

-Macartney Mission-permanent mission in Beijing to convert Chinese to Christianity, wanted to open trade to China and establish safe living conditions for British in China. Emperor Qianlong objected because he believed it wasn’t necessary, since China was the “center of the world” and Europeans were seen as barbarians mission failed

-suspicion of outside influences banned Christianity in 1724

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Japanese Feudalism (12th-17th century)1. Emperor-figurehead2. Shogun-”temporary” leader-held real power (12th-17th centuries)3. Daimyo-wanted to gain power, had connections to Europeans4. Samurai-loyal to daimyo5. Ronin-unemployed samurai6. Peasants/ Artisans- 90% of population-provided food and supplies7. Merchants-had no skill

*feudalism-a political system developed because of divided geography

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-Japan was governed after 1185 by military rulers-shoguns: preserved order and kept Japan unified in the late 1200s and early 1300s

-1300s -1400s: decentralization became a problem during Ashikaga Shogunate (1336-1573)

-Japan was becoming more feudal: independent sates ruled by daimyo who belonged to samurai elite

-1460s-Era of Independent Lords-shoguns were weak, civil war between daimyos, samurai who lost/left their masters (ronin) became mercenaries or turned to theft

-economy suffered crime increased


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Arrival of the Europeans-1540s- Portuguese, Spanish and Dutch traders and Catholic

missionaries (Jesuit Francis Xavier) arrived in Japan.

-Christianity spread because of the shoguns’ weakness

-Europeans introduced gunpowder weapons

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Reunification of Japan-reunification took more than 50 years (1560-1615)

-Oda Nobunaga-one of the first Japanese generals to use gunpowder weapons, conquered east and central Japan

-Toyotomi Hideyoshi-politician who centralized power from his capital of Osaka and restored order (when he died, civil war broke out again)

-Tokugawa Ieyasu-commander who appointed himself shogun in 1603 and unified all of Japan in 1615 . (tokugawa shoguns would rule Japan for 2 ½ centuries.

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Tokugawa Shogunate (1603-1868)-era of Great Peace (Pax Tokugawa)-Ieyasu centralized country, established new capital at city of Edo

-emperor remained figurehead-increased social stratification-impossible for a person to move from one class to another

-Ieyasu emphasized Confucianism. -ordinary citizens forbidden to own weapons, samurai retained privilege of owning swords-wanted to keep the number of guns in Japan as small as possible

-women lived under increase restrictions-had to obey husbands or face death, little authority, less education (girl children were less valued-sold into prostitution or put to death)

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Japanese Isolationism-Christianity became popular fear of foreign ideas (religious ideas), and uncontrolled importation of gunpowder weaponry

-Nobunaga and Hideyoshi started to restrict foreign access to Japan and even persecuted Christians

-Tokugawa shoguns continued policy of isolationism-Christianity was discouraged

-Closed Country Edict of 1635-acts of exclusion (only allowed to trade in port of Nagasaki)

-Japan isolated until the 1850s

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Japan: Economics, Society, and Culture-population grew rapidly, rice and grain production doubled-became urbanized-shoguns built network of roads and canals-economic growth: produced lacquer ware, pottery, steel, and weapons -1600s-1700s: merchant class became wealthy and powerfulPeace no use for samurai-became ronin (code of Bushido lost importance)Kabuki theater-acrobatics, swordplay, city life scenes-woodblock printing (ukiyo-e painting)

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ESSAY QUESTIONS• Choose TWO of the areas listed below and analyze how each area’s relationship to global trade patterns changed from 1750 to the present. Be sure to describe each area’s involvement in global patterns around 1750 as your starting point.

Latin America

East Asia

Eastern Europe

South and Southeast Asia

Sub-Saharan Africa

The Middle East

North America